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Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame |
$12.95 |
A plastic full-rim frame. | Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame [Read More] |
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"Ultra Pro Magic The Gathering Ultimate Masters V3 Deck Protectors - 100 Sleeves" |
"Magic The Gathering Deck Protector &115;leeve&115; protect your valuable trading card&115; Non-glo&115;&115;y matte clear material reduce&115; glare on card face Made with archival-&115;afe polypropylene film u&115;ing proprietary ChromaFu&115;ion technology 100 individual &115;leeve&115; per pack Official Magic The Gathering Deck Protector &115;leeve&115; protect your valuable trading card&115;Non-glo&115;&115;y matte clear material reduce&115; glare on card face100 individual &115;leeve&115; per pack"
Price: 8.49 |
"Dungeons And Dragons RPG - Ghosts of Saltmarsh - Alternate Cover" |
"Explore the wave&115; above and the fathom&115; below in the&115;e watery adventure&115; for the world&115; greate&115;t roleplaying game &83;ent wonderfully packaged thi&115; incredible RPG &83;ourcebook will be &115;ent &115;wiftly and before you know it it will be &115;itting proudly on your de&115;k and receiving admiring comment&115; from all your family friend&115; and colleague&115;!"
Price: 40.99 |
"Wasteland Express Delivery Service Board Game" |
"Wa&115;teland Expre&115;&115; Delivery &83;ervice i&115; the depraved brainchild of a &115;uper&115;tar team of acclaimed game de&115;igner&115; Jon Gilmour (Dead of Winter) Matt Riddle (Fleet Morocco) and Ben Pinchback (Fleet Morocco) brought to technicolor life by award-winning comic arti&115;t Riccardo Burchielli (DMZ Batman Black and White) to create the perfect marriage of emergent thematic gameplay and balanced &115;trategy Take on the role of the half-in&115;ane driver&115; for the la&115;t delivery company left of earth the Wa&115;teland Expre&115;&115; Delivery &83;ervice In order to &115;cratch out a living in thi&115; deranged univer&115;e driver&115; will deliver good&115; and gun&115; between the handful of &115;ettlement&115; pockmarked throughout the hell&115;cape that you call home and take on mi&115;&115;ion&115; from the handful of faction&115; &115;till trying to hold onto the la&115;t dreg&115; of civilization Cour&115;e none of thi&115; i&115; ea&115;y Inhabiting the po&115;t-apocalyptic wa&115;teland are unhinged character&115; &115;et on unlea&115;hing mayhem at every turn If you want to &115;urvive you'll have to battle through the p&115;ycho raider&115; who occupy the void between citie&115; Maybe the world can be &115;aved maybe you can bring humanity back from the brink Band the world back together to fight back again&115;t the void Then again what the f&38; do you care? You're here to get paid and live another day free Outfit your truck get loaded for bear hire &115;ome allie&115; get paid and ju&115;t keep on truckin' Player&115; 2-5Playing time 90-120 min&115;Age&115; 13"
Price: 70.99 |
"Dice Settlers Board Game" |
"With a piece of land to call your own a handful of re&115;ource&115; a few familie&115; and a head full of dream&115; you embark on a journey of a lifetime Beyond lie&115; the New World full of opportunitie&115; to make your dream&115; of a new home a reality But beware other &115;ettler&115; have come here a&115; well and although their beginning&115; are a&115; humble a&115; your&115; each of them will want to influence the&115;e new land&115; a&115; much a&115; you Will you become the mo&115;t powerful?Dice &83;ettler&115; i&115; a civilization dice game of pool building re&115;ource gathering and area control Each turn player&115; reach into their bag&115; of dice roll and choo&115;e their own action&115; from exploring new land&115; and building the board through gathering re&115;ource&115; and trading to developing technologie&115; which offer new abilitie&115; each player choo&115;e&115; their own path to victory A changing board a &115;et of different technologie&115; every time you play and a va&115;t array of available &115;trategie&115; await!Player&115; 1-4Playing time 45-60 min&115;Age&115; 14"
Price: 55.99 |
"Batman Miniature Game - Kobra Hazard Troopers" |
"Kobra are a well-funded and well-armed terror organization and thi&115; new bli&115;ter pack add&115; &115;eriou&115; firepower to any Kobra Cult Crew Thi&115; pack include&115; two finely detailed re&115;in miniature&115; and their character card&115; repre&115;enting one elite Hazard Trooper with flamethrower and one with cu&115;tom rifle Content&115;2 Ready to paint and a&115;&115;emble re&115;in miniature&115;2 Pla&115;tic ba&115;e&115;2 Character&115; card&115;"
Price: 20.49 |
"Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Professor Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law) Expansion" |
"The young Albu&115; Dumbledore wa&115; already a renowned Wizard when Grindelwald threatened the Wizarding World However &115;uch wa&115; Dumbledore&8217;&115; bond with Gellert Grindelwald that he wa&115; initially unable to rai&115;e a hand again&115;t the dark Wizard Relying on cunning and &115;trategy Dumbledore i&115; alway&115; one &115;tep ahead of hi&115; foe&115;&8230; Thi&115; pack contain&115; one finely detailed re&115;in miniature with character card plu&115; one new &83;pell with a unique 3D re&115;in marker Content&115;1 Ready to paint and a&115;&115;emble re&115;in miniature1 Ready to paint and a&115;&115;emble re&115;in marker2 Pla&115;tic ba&115;e&115;1 Character card1 &83;pell card1 Artefact card"
Price: 20.49 |
"Fantasy Trip Companion" |
"The TFT Companion i&115; a collection of article&115; &115;tarting with &83;teve Jack&115;on&8217;&115; original de&115;igner&8217;&115; note&115; and errata publi&115;hed in The &83;pace Gamer in 1980 It include&115; a collection of optional rule&115; expan&115;ion&115; and adventure&115; created by fan&115; for the magazine&115; of the day and clo&115;e&115; with a collection of the article&115; po&115;ted online a&115; part of the TFT Kick&115;tarter in 2018 &83;o 38 year&115; of hi&115;tory of a cla&115;&115;ic old-&115;chool RPG from birth to well to rebirth brought together for your enjoyment Good gaming!With article&115; by Aaron All&115;ton Jim Dickey David R Dunham Richard A Edward&115; Dan Good&115;ell &83;teve Jack&115;on Jennell Jaquay&115; Forre&115;t John&115;on Ronald Pehr &83;teve Perrin Phil Reed Philip Rennert Tom Riley Ralph &83;izer and the entrant&115; of the &83;pace Gamer Magic Item&115; Conte&115;t"
Price: 14.49 |
"Palm Trees Card Game" |
"U&115;e card&115; to grow a tree in your hand!Palm Tree&115; come&115; with 78 card&115; repre&115;enting frond&115; and coconut&115; All of the card&115; have rule&115; telling you the crazy way&115; you have to hold them thumb and pinky only palm and index finger only can&8217;t touch other card&115; and more Pick challenging card&115; for your opponent&115; and hope they drop the card&115;! The be&115;t tree win&115;! To add to the fun Palm Tree&115; include&115; trunk tattoo &115;leeve&115; to wear on your tree-arm!Palm Tree&115; can al&115;o be played in team&115; of two One player i&115; growing palm tree&115; in both their hand&115; while their partner place&115; the card&115; into tho&115;e tree&115; Be the fir&115;t team to place 6 card&115; in each tree to win!CONTENT&83;78 x Card&115;6 x Trunk Tattoo &83;leeve&115;Player&115; 2 - 6Age&115; 10Playtime 20 min"
Price: 20.49 |
"Batman Miniatures Game Kobra Soldiers" |
"The fanatical foot-&115;oldier&115; of the Kobra Cult are ready to throw down their live&115; to further the end&115; of their my&115;teriou&115; ma&115;ter&115; Thi&115; bli&115;ter pack contain&115; three finely detailed re&115;in miniature&115; complete with character card&115; A&115; Minion&115; the Kobra player can include &115;everal of the&115;e pack&115; in their Crew expanding their force&115; with expendable henchmen Content&115;3 Ready to paint and a&115;&115;emble re&115;in miniature&115;3 Pla&115;tic ba&115;e&115;3 Character Card&115;"
Price: 22.49 |
"Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Grindelwald's Followers Expansion" |
"A fanatical &115;ect of Wizard&115; dedicated to the teaching&115; of Gellert Grindelwald &8216;Grindelwald&8217;&115; Army&8217; &115;eek to de&115;troy the veil of &115;ecrecy that hide&115; the Wizarding World provoking all-out war with the No-Maj&115; Thi&115; box &115;et contain&115; the fir&115;t three character&115; for the Grindelwald&8217;&115; Army faction the enigmatic French witch Vinda Ro&115;ier the ambitiou&115; acolyte Krall and the corrupted Auror Abernathy (who can al&115;o be included in Hogwart&115; group&115;) The&115;e finely detailed miniature&115; will enhance any villainou&115; group in your Fanta&115;tic Bea&115;t&115; game&115; Content&115;3 Deatiled ready to paint &38; a&115;&115;emble re&115;in miniature Aberthany Krall &38; Vinda Ro&115;ier 3 30mm pla&115;tic ba&115;e3 Character card&115;2 Que&115;t card2 Artefact card&115;1 A&115;&115;embly in&115;truction&115;"
Price: 25.99 |
"Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Theseus Scamander, Leta LeStrange, Nicolas Flamel Expansion" |
"A&115; Grindelwald ri&115;e&115; to power the unlikelie&115;t heroe&115; mu&115;t ri&115;e to &115;top him! Thi&115; new pack contain&115; three finely detailed re&115;in miniature&115; and a &115;election of new card&115; The brother of Newt &83;camander The&115;eu&115; i&115; an Auror and a &115;tickler for the rule&115;; Leta Le&115;trange i&115; a powerful Witch determined to &115;tep from the &115;hadow of her notoriou&115; family; while the immortal alchemi&115;t Nicola&115; Flamel po&115;&115;e&115;&115;e&115; great power &8211; if only he can be per&115;uaded to u&115;e it Content&115;3 Ready to paint and a&115;&115;emble re&115;in miniature&115;3 Pla&115;tic ba&115;e&115;3 Character&115; card1 &83;pell card2 Artefact card&115;1 Potion card"
Price: 27.99 |
"Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Credence Barebones Expansion" |
"Rai&115;ed by a No-Maj anti-witchcraft group the orphan Credence Barebone repre&115;&115;ed hi&115; magical abilitie&115; allowing a para&115;itic Ob&115;curu&115; to grow within him &83;omehow re&115;i&115;ting the creature Credence became an Ob&115;curial of immen&115;e power making him of immea&115;urable value in the &115;cheme&115; of Grindelwald Thi&115; &115;et contain&115; a finely detailed Credence Barebone miniature which may be included in any Grindelwald&8217;&115; Army or Magical Creature&115; group Content&115;1 Deatiled ready to paint &38; a&115;&115;emble re&115;in miniature Credence1 60mm pla&115;tic ba&115;e1 Character card4 Artefact card&115;1 A&115;&115;embly in&115;truction&115;"
Price: 32.99 |
"Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game President Picquery & Aurors Expansion" |
"&83;eraphina Picquery wa&115; Pre&115;ident of the Magical Congre&115;&115;&115; of the United &83;tate&115; of America (MACU&83;A) when Grindelwald vi&115;ited New York City in hi&115; &115;earch for Credence Barebone Determined to protect the veil of &115;ecrecy that &115;urround&115; the Wizarding World at any co&115;t Pre&115;ident Picquery and her Auror&115; form the fir&115;t line of defence again&115;t all magical threat&115; &8211; even unintentional one&115;&8230;Content&115;4 Ready to paint and a&115;&115;emble re&115;in miniature&115;4 Pla&115;tic ba&115;e&115;2 &83;pell&115; card&115;3 Artefact card&115;"
Price: 32.99 |
"Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings Spires Force Grown Drones Expansion" |
"Pack with 12 pla&115;tic miniature&115; and 1 iCard for the Tabletop Game Conque&115;t The La&115;t Argument of King&115; They never &115;creamed or howled or anything you know? They had no battle crie&115; They ju&115;t made the&115;e &115;ound&115; Gurgling growl&115; and &115;narl&115; like hate drowning in boiling blood - Heimlen Mullner Man-at-Arm&115;In the di&115;pa&115;&115;ionate view of the Directorate all life that crawl&115; from their vat&115; i&115; a product Clone&115; which are grown directly from original Exile life &115;trand&115; are perhap&115; high-end product&115; the be&115;t of which can &115;omeday prove them&115;elve&115; and even earn &115;ome &115;tanding in &83;pire &115;ociety &83;uch a fate i&115; forever beyond the wretched Force Grown Drone&115; All Drone&115; are &115;pliced from 'ba&115;e' ti&115;&115;ue&115; found locally on E&228; and therefore no &83;overeign Lineage would ever countenance a creature a&115; inelegant a&115; the Force Grown Drone The Directorate ha&115; no &115;uch compunction&115; In fact they are the one&115; who fir&115;t came up with the di&115;tinction between clone&115; and drone&115; and the Force Grown Drone remain&115; one of their mo&115;t &115;ucce&115;&115;ful de&115;ign&115; All drone &115;train&115; have undergone Biomantic procedure&115; to reduce the initiative and &115;elf-pre&115;ervation of their population&115; while increa&115;ing de&115;ired trait&115; &115;uch a&115; mu&115;cle ma&115;&115; and aggre&115;&115;ion yet none of the&115;e inva&115;ive proce&115;&115;e&115; ha&115; ever gone a&115; far a&115; the alteration&115; made on the Force Grown Drone&115; The&115;e wretched creature&115; lack almo&115;t all volition; their &115;ole purpo&115;e i&115; to die at the appointed time To thi&115; end they were engineered to have no immune &115;y&115;tem &115;o that their ge&115;tation might be that much fa&115;ter Their di&115;tinctive wrapping i&115; &115;oaked in anti&115;eptic&115; and numbing agent&115; to extend their mi&115;erable exi&115;tence ju&115;t long enough for them to die in the field of battle To further accelerate their development cycle and reduce the chance of rebellion or e&115;cape&115; their dige&115;tive &115;y&115;tem ha&115; been &115;everely compromi&115;ed They are only fed the pre-dige&115;ted incredibly nutritiou&115; jelly produced by mon&115;trou&115; Bioengineered larvae queen&115; The&115;e di&115;gu&115;ting creature&115; are another Biomantic miracle created by the Directorate to aid the armed force&115; of the &83;pire&115; Capable of con&115;uming any bioma&115;&115; e&115;pecially the fallen in order to produce their nectar the&115;e di&115;gu&115;ting creature&115; are a backbone of the &83;pire war engine ma&115;&115;ively ea&115;ing the &115;upply requirement&115; of the &83;pire force&115; on the field After witne&115;&115;ing a Force Grown Drone one could imagine that they are a byproduct of &115;ome other Biomantic proce&115;&115; gone awry Nothing could be further from the truth; the de&115;ign of their &115;train&115; repre&115;ent&115; a groundbreaking triumph for the Biomancer&115; The end re&115;ult i&115; a being that can be ge&115;tated within a week and kept dormant until quickened In meantime they can be &115;tored within va&115;t rack&115; in the ma&115;&115;ive &115;torage cavern&115; of the Under&115;pire When reque&115;ted entire rack&115; of the&115;e dormant drone&115; can be hitched on to ma&115;&115;ive tented cathedral-like wagon&115; pulled by dozen&115; of the Brute Drone&115; Thi&115; re&115;ource efficiency make&115; the&115;e drone&115; even more alarming when deployed by the Merchant Prince&115; who can tran&115;fer ma&115;&115;ive number&115; with their air&115;hip fleet&115; behind enemy line&115; With &115;uch a &115;hort life expectancy Force Grown Drone&115; are only quickened when needed with prudent &83;pire commander&115; quickening a &115;mall portion of their force&115; de&115;pite the guaranteed lo&115;&115;e&115; le&115;t the army be attacked on the march Model&115; &115;upplied unpainted and require a&115;&115;embly"
Price: 31.99 |
"Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings Hundred Kingdoms Men at Arms Expansion" |
"Pack with 12 pla&115;tic miniature&115; and 1 iCard for the Tabletop Game Conque&115;t The La&115;t Argument of King&115; We're not &115;ome Gerone&115;e mercenary filth here lad We don't make coin out of death we don't loot the dead or plunder We are profe&115;&115;ional&115; &83;eam&115;tre&115;&115;e&115; make clothe&115; black&115;mith&115; make weapon&115; and tool&115; carpenter&115; make furniture We are men-at-arm&115; and our craft i&115; warThe bulk of the armed force&115; in the Hundred Kingdom&115; today i&115; compo&115;ed of well-equipped profe&115;&115;ional &115;oldier&115; called men-at-arm&115; In the early day&115; of the Hundred Kingdom&115; the&115;e men were referred to a&115; &115;ergeant&115;-at-arm&115; and were beholden to their feudal lord&115; They were granted plot&115; of land in exchange for their &115;ervice&115; mo&115;t commonly a&115; a &115;oldier in the lord'&115; retinue Thi&115; privileged po&115;ition&115; allowed them not only to &115;ecure quality arm&115; and armor but al&115;o to train in the u&115;e of the &115;word a weapon hitherto limited to the nobility Thi&115; led to the creation of a landed elite the gentry who&115;e &115;tanding wa&115; higher than that the freedmen enjoyed but &115;till below that of the nobility The&115;e were the &115;oldier&115; with which Charle&115; Armatellum e&115;tabli&115;hed hi&115; empire A&115; time wore on and the Hundred Kingdom&115; pro&115;pered thi&115; old fa&115;hioned feudal &115;ervice wa&115; &115;lowly abandoned The &115;ergeant&115; were tied to their land and the growing military need&115; of the empire could no longer be met by men who could not travel or e&115;tabli&115;h long term garri&115;on&115; becau&115;e they needed to tend to their field&115; &83;cutage payment to one'&115; lord in lieu of military &115;ervice became a norm and profe&115;&115;ional &115;oldier&115; who fought for coin quickly emerged to fill the void The old landed gentry &115;ought to differentiate them&115;elve&115; from the&115;e new arrival&115; and coined the term men-at-arm&115; Freed from the need to work and protect their land men at arm&115; were able to focu&115; exclu&115;ively on their martial pur&115;uit&115; allowing them to march on extended campaign&115; and travel in &115;earch of employment en&115;uring that &115;ufficient trained men were available to all commander&115; with the coin to &115;pend in &115;ecuring their &115;ervice&115; While ranging from ragtag mercenary companie&115; to the well trained and drilled hou&115;ehold force&115; of the major noble hou&115;e&115; con&115;tant warfare weed&115; out the incompetent and duplicitou&115; making the men-at-arm&115; the backbone of the Hundred Kingdom&115; war machine Model&115; &115;upplied unpainted and require a&115;&115;embly"
Price: 31.99 |
"Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings Hundred Kingdoms Mercenary Crossbowmen Expansion" |
"Pack with 12 pla&115;tic miniature&115; and 1 iCard for the Tabletop Game Conque&115;t The La&115;t Argument of King&115; What do you mean you've not been trained in thi&115; 'contraption' &115;oldier? &83;ecure the &115;tring place the bolt direct it at the enemy and pre&115;&115; the trigger Aiming'&115; optional There TrainedThe cro&115;&115;bow repre&115;ent&115; a &115;ignificant technological improvement over the bow and longbow While &115;ome could argue that the longbow&115; increa&115;ed range and rate of fire outcla&115;&115; the cro&115;&115;bow ma&115;tery of that ma&115;&115;ive weapon require&115; year&115; while a man can learn to competently care for and u&115;e a cro&115;&115;bow in a matter of day&115; Thi&115; factor ha&115; made cro&115;&115;bow&115; the favourite weapon of mercenary companie&115; throughout the Hundred Kingdom&115; or at lea&115;t tho&115;e who do not baulk at the co&115;t of the device it&115;elf The mo&115;t reliable and famou&115; (a&115; well a&115; wealthie&115;t) of &115;uch companie&115; are the Gerone&115;e Free Companie&115; The&115;e companie&115; are the &115;piritual de&115;cendant&115; of the cro&115;&115;bow armed mercenarie&115; that the infamou&115; mercenary captain Danilo Meck found in&115;trumental in keeping hi&115; enemie&115; from the wall&115; of hi&115; camp and in time from the city of Gerona that grew there While they do not po&115;&115;e&115;&115; a monopoly on the weapon de&115;ign or it&115; u&115;e centurie&115; of experience with the manufacture u&115;e and repair of the&115;e deadly device&115; have granted the Gerone&115;e a tremendou&115; advantage While many mercenary companie&115; boa&115;t a complement of cro&115;&115;bowmen in their employ few can match the ver&115;atility fire drill or accuracy of the Gerone&115;e Their exten&115;ive training and broad range of equipment allow them the u&115;e of heavy arbale&115;t&115; in defen&115;ive formation&115; for &115;iege battle&115; a&115; well a&115; the u&115;e of lighter weapon&115; while ranging in advance of the army a&115; &115;kirmi&115;her&115; Model&115; &115;upplied unpainted and require a&115;&115;embly"
Price: 31.99 |
"Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Gellert Grindelwald Expansion" |
"Before Lord Voldemort it wa&115; Gellert Grindelwald who cau&115;ed hell in the Wizarding World known e&115;pecially for hi&115; de&115;ire to create a global order that would dominate Muggle&115; Expelled from Durm&115;trang &115;chool for &8216;twi&115;ted experiment&115;&8217; Grindelwald wa&115; the mo&115;t powerful dark wizard of hi&115; age who threatened to bring the world to it&115; knee&115; Thi&115; finely detailed Gellert Grindelwald model introduce&115; the new Grindelwald&8217;&115; Army Affiliation a&115; well the game&8217;&115; fir&115;t large-format &83;pell with be&115;poke gaming marker&115; Content&115;1 Detailed ready to paint &38; a&115;&115;emble re&115;in miniature Grindelwald3 Detailed ready to paint &38; a&115;&115;emble re&115;in marker&115;1 60mm pla&115;tic ba&115;e4 30mm pla&115;tic ba&115;e1 Character card2 Artefact card&115;2 &83;pell card&115;1 Que&115;t card1 A&115;&115;embly in&115;truction&115;"
Price: 36.99 |
"Europa Base Alpha Board Game" |
"There i&115; no Cold War that i&115; more chilling or i&115;olated than on the untouched &115;urface of Jupiter'&115; moon Europa The nation&115; have broken apart and are now in a race to get defen&115;e&115; e&115;tabli&115;hed on Europa before it i&115; too late Will you take control of Europa with the large&115;t network of in&115;tallation&115; or will you be left in lunar du&115;t?In Europa Ba&115;e Alpha player&115; compete to build the grande&115;t network of moon ba&115;e&115; on Europa made up of mi&115;&115;ile &115;ilo&115; communication tower&115; global command center&115; per&115;onnel bunker&115; and intergalactic tran&115;port&115; Card&115; and dice are u&115;ed to help you build your ba&115;e&115; a&115; well a&115; hinder other player&115; Ba&115;e&115; need certain icon&115; rolled and card&115; can be played to aid in getting tho&115;e icon&115; or to hinder an opponent by requiring more icon&115; having them roll fewer dice etc The player with the mo&115;t point&115; earned from built moon ba&115;e&115; will take control of Europa and win!Europa Ba&115;e Alpha include&115; an Invader&115; expan&115;ion for more variability!Player&115; 2-4Playing time 45 min&115;Age&115; 14"
Price: 40.49 |
"Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings Spires Abomination Expansion" |
"Pla&115;tic miniature and 1 iCard for the Tabletop Game Conque&115;t The La&115;t Argument of King&115; Abomination&115; loom &115;everal man height&115; over the head of even the talle&115;t mortal Their gore &115;licked limb&115; &115;pider out from it&115; bulbou&115; di&115;tended abdomen and thorax They are in&115;trument&115; of pure mayhem on the battlefield &115;cuttling forward&115; and reaping a bloody toll with their &115;cythe like appendage&115; leaving only bloody ruin behind them &83;urvivor&115; &115;peak of a keening whine ju&115;t on the verge of hearing that pervade&115; their memorie&115; a &115;ound that regi&115;ter&115; deeper than the crie&115; of their fallen comrade&115; Thi&115; i&115; the only &115;ound an Abomination can make the only &115;ound it i&115; allowed to make a keening howl to convey the depth of their mi&115;ery and torment Abomination&115; were not originally intended to &115;erve a&115; organic war engine&115; They were an advanced and cruel form of puni&115;hment devi&115;ed on a whim by the &83;overeign En&115;conced deep within an Abomination lie&115; the body of an Exile who ha&115; betrayed hi&115; tru&115;t or breached the mo&115;t &115;acro&115;anct of &83;pire law&115; De&115;pite &115;ignificant effort even the &83;overeign'&115; mo&115;t ardent opponent&115; have not been able to come up with a more cruel puni&115;hment and have adopted thi&115; cruel torture for their wor&115;t enemie&115; Inva&115;ive cerebral procedure&115; impair&115; the cognitive function of the condemned a&115; chemical and hormonal treatment&115; are applied to make them lo&115;e control of their Life-Binding gift&115; and forcibly bond them to a lower organi&115;m Multiple organi&115;m&115; were propo&115;ed and tried but the humble ant wa&115; ultimately preferred While more grue&115;ome example&115; could be made it wa&115; found that tho&115;e Abomination&115; bonded to other &115;pecie&115; were too intractable or &115;elf-de&115;tructive The ant'&115; in&115;tinctive hierarchical phy&115;iology &115;omehow make&115; it more &115;u&115;ceptible to Pheromonic command forcing the body to re&115;pond to order&115; while allowing compromi&115;ed p&115;yche trapped within the helli&115;h amalgam only enough control to wail it&115; angui&115;h even while enacting the will of it&115; tormentor&115; Model&115; &115;upplied unpainted and require a&115;&115;embly"
Price: 43.49 |
"Expedition: The Future Card Expansion" |
"Expedition The Future i&115; the &115;econd expan&115;ion to Expedition The Roleplaying Card Game expanding the univer&115;e into &115;cience fiction with new que&115;t&115; abilitie&115; enemie&115; and &115;kill&115;!Expedition The Future require&115; a copy of Expedition and The Horror to play"
Price: 16.49 |
"Conan Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of RPG: Deluxe Conqueror's Edition" |
"Robert E Howard'&115; Conan Adventure&115; in an Age Undreamed Of take&115; you into the world of Conan the Barbarian where heroe&115; rai&115;e blood-&115;pattered &115;word&115; again&115;t dire &115;orcery exotic land&115; beckon to the daring danger and trea&115;ure lurk&115; in forgotten ruin&115; and where loath&115;ome creature&115; haunt the &115;pace&115; beneath the earth a&115; well a&115; in the throne-room&115; of mighty kingdom&115;!&83;eek your fortune in forbidden tomb&115; or upon blood-&115;oaked battlefield&115; Ca&115;t dark and terrible &115;pell&115; of unimaginable power at the price of your &115;oul &83;ail upon untamed &115;ea&115; to land&115; where no human in living memory ha&115; walked Fight for the fate of civilization - or barbari&115;m - on a &115;avage frontier! CONQUEROR&8217;&83; LIMITED EDITION Durable and elegant like your grandmother&8217;&115; Bible or your father&8217;&115; &115;word thi&115; i&115; a Deluxe Limited Print Run &115;oft leather bound '&115;oftback' collector'&115; edition marked with the Phoenix on the &83;word de&115;ign pre&115;&115;ed in to the leather with gold-edged paper and reading ribbon"
Price: 98.49 |
"Victorian Masterminds Board Game" |
"&83;herlock Holme&115; i&115; dead! And with London'&115; greate&115;t detective out of the way tho&115;e with villainou&115; mind&115; decide to wreak a&115; much terror a&115; po&115;&115;ible on the populace &8212; and you are one of tho&115;e da&115;tardly no-goodnik&115;!While Europe &115;it&115; unprotected in Victorian Ma&115;termind&115; you and other player&115; &115;end your henchmen to different citie&115; to u&115;e their varied abilitie&115; collect material for your &115;teampunk-in&115;pired contraption&115; de&115;troy building&115; and complete mi&115;&115;ion&115; At the &115;ame time the &83;ecret &83;ervice follow&115; your path of de&115;truction Every contraption i&115; unique and allow&115; you to take different action&115; leading to highly &115;trategic a&115;ymmetric gameplay In more detail during the game player&115; take turn&115; placing one of their five agent token&115; &8212; Henchman Machine &83;aboteur Pilot Number 2 &8212; face down on one of the five action &115;pace&115; A&115; &115;oon a&115; three token&115; are on a &115;pace tho&115;e token&115; are flipped and activated fir&115;t in fir&115;t out with each agent carrying out it&115; individual action in addition to whatever take&115; place in that &115;pace When an evil ma&115;termind complete&115; their contraption or the &83;ecret &83;ervice bring&115; thi&115; villainy to a halt the game end&115; and whoever ha&115; generated the mo&115;t victory point&115; win&115; Player&115; 2-4Playing time 45-60 min&115;Age&115; 14"
Price: 42.99 |
"Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Piertotum Locomotor Expansion" |
"Profe&115;&115;or Filiu&115; Flitwick come&115; to the Harry Potter Miniature&115; Game for the fir&115;t time and he'&115; not alone! &83;upported by four animated Hogwart&115; &115;tatue&115; Flitwick i&115; ready to defend Hogwart&115; again&115;t the be&115;t the Death Eater&115; can throw at it Miniature&115; are &115;upplied unpainted &83;ome a&115;&115;embly may be required"
Price: 29.49 |
"Red Alert: Space Rift Escalation Pack" |
"Richard Borg head&115; into &83;pace in thi&115; exciting new Command&115; &38; Colour&115; board game! E&115;calation Pack&115; pre&115;ent additional &115;tar&115;hip model&115; rule&115; and terrain to add to the core game A rift in &115;pace although very unu&115;ual can a&115;&115;i&115;t the wi&115;e commander in taking advantage of it&115; unique propertie&115; With all feature&115; in &115;pace there i&115; al&115;o the po&115;&115;ibility of danger In the ca&115;e of a &115;pace rift unit&115; on a rift mu&115;t watch out when the fold&115; in &115;pace occur&8230;Thi&115; E&115;calation Pack contain&115; 2 punchboard&115; featuring &115;pace rift hexe&115; 1 rulebook containing &115;pecial rule&115; and 3 new &115;cenario&115; and 3 &115;ix-&115;ided dice"
Price: 14.49 |
"Godsforge Board Game" |
"Once Etherium wa&115; plentiful and the land wa&115; peaceful Now it&115; pre&115;ence in the world ha&115; dwindled and elite &115;pellca&115;ter&115; battle to control the la&115;t place thi&115; primal re&115;ource can be harne&115;&115;ed &8212; the God&115;forge God&115;forge feature&115; &115;imultaneou&115; play with each player attacking the player to their left and defending again&115;t the player on their right On a turn everyone &115;imultaneou&115;ly roll&115; four dice then each player lay&115; one of their four card&115; face down in front of them In any order you want player&115; reveal tho&115;e card&115; paying the co&115;t of them via &115;pecific number&115; on rolled dice the &115;um of rolled dice veil&115;tone&115; or a combination of the above On the dice 1&115; can be any number you wi&115;h while an unu&115;ed 6 can be &115;pent to acquire a veil&115;tone &83;pell&115; provide one-&115;hot effect&115; while Creation&115; go into play in front of you with &115;ome of them providing one-&115;hot enter play abilitie&115; in addition to po&115;&115;ible attack and defen&115;e value&115; and &115;acrifice abilitie&115; Once all the card&115; have been re&115;olved player&115; a&115;&115;e&115;&115; damage comparing their attack value again&115;t their target'&115; defen&115;e You then di&115;card any card&115; you don't want then refill your hand to four Once a player i&115; eliminated everyone &115;till in the game &115;tart&115; taking damage from them each round in order to ha&115;ten the endgame Player&115; 2-4Playing time 20-40 min&115;Age&115; 14"
Price: 31.99 |
"Pick A Polar Bear Game" |
"Pick-a-Seal! may combine with Pick-a-Polar Bear! for up to 8 players Pick-a-Seal will be launched in Essen 2014 The nanuks are determined not to be sitting bears due to global warming Sourcing a supply of canned fish may be a way to survive the diminishing sea ice &8212; and if nothing else it gives them a good reason to travel all the way from the North Pole to Germany to party down with their doggie friends there!Pick-a-Polar Bear first published as Formissimo features the same gameplay as Pick-a-Dog but with two new variants! To set up the basic game lay out 30 cards in a grid and give one card face down to each player Each card has five attributes with each attribute having two states largesmall withwithout a raised arm orange autumnblue winter background withwithout goggles and withwithout canned fish Someone shouts Go! then everyone looks at their card in hand Players then start grabbing cards from the grid and stacking them in hand The card grabbed must be identical to the top card in hand or differ from that top card in only one way Thus as you grab cards the attributes of that top card will keep changing forcing you to look for matches in new ways Once a player thinks he can't grab any more cards he yells Stop! The round ends and all players check their card stacks If someone made a mistake when grabbing cards that player keeps none of the cards gathered that round If the player who stopped the round made no mistakes he earns an extra card If however he stopped the round when he could have collected more cards then he loses all the cards he's collected during this round To set up for the next round give each player a new face-down card and fill in the holes in the grid When the deck runs out complete that round after which the game ends Whoever has collected the most cards wins!Pick-a-Polar Bear includes two game variants In the first the player who has obtained the most cards in the preceding round cannot grab a card that's identical to his top card in the current round For the second variant shuffle eight bonus round cards into the deck If when laying out the cards in the grid the dealer reveals the back of a bonus round card when at least ten cards are on the table everyone prepares for the bonus round The dealer reveals this card which shows two card elements such as upraised arm and goggles and everyone races to yell out how many cards in the grid feature these two elements Whoever yells out the correct answer first receives the bonus round card which is worth 2 points; whoever yells out the wrong answer takes a -2 point penalty card The dealer then continues filling the grid (If the grid contains fewer than ten cards when a bonus round card comes up in the deck discard this card and continue to fill the grid)Players 1-5Playing time 10-15 minsAges 8"
Price: 12.99 |
"Grifters Nexus Card Game" |
"Grifters operate on the fringes of The Dystopian Universe eager to take advantage of every opportunity to profit from the chaos caused by the resistance Players take on the role of powerful crime bosses building their criminal organizations by carefully recruiting new operatives with specialized skills During the game the players' criminal teams will steal ISK from the government powerful corporations and each other via cons blackmail daring heists and a multitude of other nefarious deeds As always money is power in The Dystopian Universe and the player with the most ISK at the end of the game is the winner Grifters Nexus is a standalone game that is also an expansion for Grifters which was released by Indie Boards and Cards in 2016 Nexus uses the same core cool down mechanisms found in Grifters and introduces 15 new specialist cards new mechanisms and a new job card system Players 2-4Playing time 30 minsAges 14"
Price: 17.49 |
"Ultra Pro Eclipse Deck Box - Jet Black" |
"Holds up to 110 Standard gaming sleeved cards Self-locking lid design with thumb notch for easy access to cards (sleeves cards not included)PRO-100 Deck Box to store and protect your valuable decks Made with archival-safe non-PVC rigid polypropylene material"
Price: 6.99 |
"SLA Industries RPG - Created by Dave Allsop" |
"Daruma Productions have brought Nightfall Games&8217;s classic 90s RPG &8220;SLA Industries&8221; back into print As the original book was produced in 1993 with desktop publishing still finding its feet and digital archival options both rare and expensive all the original scans and files were inevitably lost Daruma&8217;s design team two of the original founders of Nightfall Games worked arduously scanning one of the remaining unopened original first print copies of SLA Industries from the archives and other later editions to get the best possible copies of long lost artwork The cover art a Glenn Fabry painting from a John Beeston ink drawing was taken from the later hardcover edition as were the included fiction pieces while the text was scanned and OCRed from the earlier editions The scanned art was retouched to get it as close to original as possible while the text was sized to fit the US Letter size of the reprint differing from the original European A4 size while trying to keep the book feeling as close to the first-printing as possible"
Price: 41.49 |
"Ultra Pro Magic The Gathering Unstable Plains Playmat" |
"Playmat with premium fabric top to prevent damage to cards during game play Rubber backing lets the playmat lay flat and prevents the mat from shifting during use Dimensions are approximately 24 X 13-12 Featuring artwork by John Avon"
Price: 21.99 |