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"Model-Based Systems Engineering - MBSE" |
"The program teaches the principles and practice of MBSE - Model-Based Systems Engineering, using Object-Process Methodology - OPM. Conceptual modeling of a system's requirements, concept, and architecture is a first, critical stage in a successful process of developing any system. Recognized as ISO 19450, OPM is founded on a simple, universal ontology of objects and processes that transform them. It is a compact graphical and textual modeling language for conceptual modeling of complex systems of all kinds. Since in OPM objects and processes can be modeled as physical or informatical, it is ideal for modeling cyber-physical systems (CPSs), such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0, where the digital twin is prevalent, and fusing hardware and software is imperative. The program’s underlying philosophy and guideline are that systems and software engineering are complementary, and a systems engineer must know the principles of both to thrive in the modern Industry 4.0 environment. OPM is key to achieving this engineering education objective because it is geared to easily and naturally specify software-intensive socio-technical systems, which also involve humans in the loop. Unlike SysML, which has nine kinds of diagrams, OPM has just one. Moreover, OPM represents the model in both graphics and natural language text, catering to the human dual channel processing and facilitating model comprehension. The program blends and balances systems science and engineering theory with practical modeling using OPCloud - OPM Cloud-based modeling environment, which is embedded in edX. The methodology part of OPM entails how to approach the problem of modeling, architecting, and designing new systems, as well as analyzing existing ones. You will learn how to define and model the problem at hand, the function of the system aimed to solve the problem, the stakeholders, the beneficiary group, and the benefit they are expected to gain. Turning to a detailed specification of the solution system, product, or service, things get more complex. During the program, you will learn the process of system design and development using MBSE with OPM. The course content was produced to be informative and entertaining. You will model various real-life systems in OPM – mainly technological, but also social and natural. Learning is made interactive through diverse, engaging exercises and interaction with OPCloud with real-time detailed feedback. The course ""MBSE 102 - Model-based Systems Engineering: Advanced Approaches with OPM"" is a continuation for MBSE 101. Therefore, learners must take MBSE 101 before taking MBSE 102, since it is a prerequisite. The new run for MBSE 101 will start on October 27th, 2019."
Price: 298.00 |
"Circuits and Electronics" |
"Want to learn about circuits and electronics? Wondering how the electronics behind sensors and actuators works, or how to make computers run faster, or your mobile phone battery last longer? This series of circuits and electronics courses taught by edX CEO and MIT Professor Anant Agarwal and colleagues is for you. These online Circuits & Electronics courses are taken by all MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) majors. Topics covered include: circuit abstraction, circuit elements such as resistors and sources, signals, and networks; circuit design and circuit analysis methods; digital abstraction, digital logic, and basic digital design; electronic devices including MOSFETs, digital switches, amplifiers; Energy storage elements like capacitors and inductors; dynamics of first-order and second-order networks and circuit speed; design in the time and frequency domains; op-amps, filters, and analog and digital circuits, signal processing, and applications. Design and lab exercises are also significant components of the XSeries program. Weekly coursework includes interactive video sequences, readings from the textbook, homework, fun online laboratories, and optional tutorials. Each course will also have a final exam. These are self-paced courses, so there are no weekly deadlines. Student Testimonials “Brilliant course! It's definitely the best introduction to electronics in Universe! Interesting material, clean explanations, well prepared quizzes, challenging homeworks and fun labs.” - Ilya “6.002x will be a classic in the field of online learning. It combines Prof. Agarwal's enthusiasm for electronics and education. The online circuit design program works very well. The material is difficult. I took the knowledge from the class and built an electronic cat feeder.” - Stan"
Price: 507.00 |
"Capital Markets" |
"Develop an understanding of the capital markets and their role in the financial services industry, as well as instruments that are used in each. This professional certificate is comprised of the following courses: C01: Money Markets, Foreign Exchange and Time Value of Money C02: Bond and Equity Markets and Financial Regulation C03: Equity Indexes, Valuations, and Investment Vehicles C04: Derivatives, Futures, Swaps, and Options C05: Credit Derivatives and Equity and Bond IPO NOTE: Completing all 5 parts and then taking the Professional Certificate Examination is MANDATORY to achieve both the NYIF Certificate of Mastery and the edX Professional Certificate in Capital Markets. A verified learner must pass all courses in the program with a minimum grade of 70% to earn a Professional Certificate for Credit and Credit Risk Analysis."
Price: 1550.00 |
"Blockchain Fundamentals" |
"Developed by Blockchain at Berkeley and faculty from UC Berkeley's premier Computer Science department, the Blockchain Fundamentals Professional Certificate program is a comprehensive survey of core topics in cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin, and blockchain technology. This program will help you develop the critical skills needed to future-proof your career. The barrier of entry for the blockchain space can oftentimes seem rather high, especially since the concept of blockchain and the benefits it provides is not yet as widely understood as other innovations. In order to overcome this barrier, this program will explore the main ideas, technologies, and ecosystem surrounding blockchain technology from both technical and non-technical standpoints. This program will help you develop the intuition for thinking of blockchain systems. You will learn the key strengths and motivations of distributed ledger technology, and also be exposed to the underlying mechanisms by which they function. Understanding blockchain architecture and the new paradigm of scalable, decentralized applications is imperative for future-proofing your career. Blockchain-related jobs are the second fastest growing in today’s labor market and opportunities are not limited to technical research or development positions; there is a need for project management, community support, law, design, and more. This program is accessible by anyone, with any background. Whether students are planning their next career move as a blockchain developer, crypto trader, data analyst, researcher, or consultant, or are just curious about this field, the Blockchain Fundamentals professional certificate is the best way to get up to speed on blockchain technology. After taking Blockchain Fundamentals, students will have a deepened understanding of blockchain, which they can use to formulate their own informed blockchain mental models, hypotheses, and use cases -- imperative for understanding the industry."
Price: 198.00 |
"Cloud Computing" |
"The exciting field of Cloud Computing has experienced explosive growth. This transformative technology has not only altered the way business operate, but it has also shaken up the traditional structure of the IT department and placed new demands on staff members who are faced with reinventing their own careers. With organizations rapidly moving their infrastructures and services to the cloud, jobs are growing at a breakneck pace, with many positions are left unfilled. Gain an understanding of cloud technologies such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, OpenStack, and vSphere and how to leverage them to increase business productivity and effectiveness. In this Cloud Computing MicroMasters program, you will learn about Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS), Platform As A Service (PaaS), Software As A Service (SaaS), and other ""X as a service"" platforms. You will receive key foundational knowledge about legal and compliance issues, security and risk mitigation and how to follow industry standards and best practices. You will also gain hands-on experience in implementing, configuring and managing cloud technologies. This applied, graduate-level program is designed for learners who want to enter or advance their careers in this exciting and well-paying field. IT professionals not already working with cloud technologies will gain a solid foundation while those with some cloud experience will gain a more in-depth understanding of other cloud technologies and other knowledge such as security, policy, and legal and compliance issues.Students who enroll and verify in this Cloud Computing MicroMasters program can earn up to $675 in AWS promotional credits!"
Price: 1196.00 |
"Veteran Transition: Academic Excellence and Career Readiness" |
"Note: All CVTI courses are free for everyone. The Columbia University Center for Veteran Transition and Integration (CVTI) supports excellence and innovation in transition programming for current and former members of the armed forces. As a service member in transition, you may face barriers reaching your potential in accessing higher education and beginning meaningful careers, despite the many effective programs offered to this population by the Department of Labor, Department of Defense’s Transition Assistance Program, and other programs offered by the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. With this in mind, the CVTI is dedicated to creating free courses that will help to break down those barriers to your successful transition. Currently we are offering three courses to meet these demands, with more courses on the way. While these courses are created for veterans and active duty service members, they are free and available for all. Attaining Higher Education is a course designed to facilitate the successful transition of active duty service members and veterans to postsecondary education, whether at a two- or four-year college for an associate's or bachelor's degree, or even graduate school. University Studies for Student Veterans helps orient veterans to the norms and expectations of the college classroom, along with offering strategies to ease the transition, to help achieve academic goals, and to allow students to optimize their college education. Find Your Calling: Transition Principles for Returning Veterans will focus on the development of interpersonal, intrapersonal, and intellectual character strengths as they relate to making a successful career transition from military service to the civilian workforce. The course content is meant to provide you with a framework for an iterative process of self-reflection and the development of practical skills that enables you to make career choices that better align with your values, ambitions, and continued service. Ultimately, this course helps you answer the question: What should I do next?"
Price: 99.00 |
"Statistics and Data Science" |
"Demand for professionals skilled in data, analytics, and machine learning is exploding. A recent report by IBM and Burning Glass states that there will be 364K new job openings in data-driven professions by 2020 in the US. Data scientists bring value to organizations across industries because they are able to solve complex challenges with data and drive important decision-making processes. 39% of the most rigorous data science positions require a degree higher than a bachelor’s. This MicroMasters program in Statistics and Data Science is comprised of four online courses and a virtually proctored exam that will provide you with the foundational knowledge essential to understanding the methods and tools used in data science, and hands-on training in data analysis and machine learning. You will dive into the fundamentals of probability and statistics, as well as learn, implement, and experiment with data analysis techniques and machine learning algorithms. This program will prepare you to become an informed and effective practitioner of data science who adds value to an organization. The program certificate can be applied, for admitted students, towards a PhD in Social and Engineering Systems (SES) through the MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) or may accelerate your path towards a Master’s degree at other universities around the world. Anyone can enroll in this MicroMasters program. It is designed for learners that want to acquire sophisticated and rigorous training in data science without leaving their day job but without compromising quality. There is no application process but college-level calculus and comfort with mathematical reasoning and Python programming are highly recommended if you want to excel. All the courses are taught by MIT faculty at a similar pace and level of rigor as an on-campus course at MIT. This program brings MIT’s rigorous, high-quality curricula and hands-on learning approach to learners around the world – at scale. For more detail on this program and credit pathways, please visit https://micromasters.mit.edu/ds/"
Price: 1500.00 |
"Nutrition and Disease" |
"Worldwide people are living increasingly longer. According to the World Health Organization, the average life expectancy worldwide is 71.4 years, based on data of 2015. For high-income countries, this is even higher at 80-87 years. The number of people suffering from cancer, heart disease and diabetes is increasing. In this Professional Certificate Program, you will learn about the influence of nutrition on these diseases. We will discuss how our diet determines our health and how the need for healthy nutrition is greater than ever. You will learn what a healthy diet includes and how it affects overall health and disease. Through a multidisciplinary approach, you will also gain insights that allow you to determine the value of scientific research on nutrition and disease and how to make conscious choices. This program is especially valuable for professionals from various fields related to nutrition, cancer, cardiovascular disease and/or diabetes (e.g. nutritionists, epidemiologists, health promoters, medicine students, physicians, health policy makers, nutrition educators, biologists, food scientists). The courses are intended for those who need a refresher in the topic or are considering pursuing research in the field. You will acquire solid academic knowledge that will allow for better communication with patients, the public and other professionals. This program is not intended for patients seeking treatment guidance."
Price: 198.00 |
"Instructional Design and Technology" |
"Engage and inspire students through technology. Learn how to create enhanced learning opportunities using the latest tools and techniques to connect with today’s digital-first students. Our unique approach to instructional design focuses on understanding learning theory, blending traditional instructional design models with rapid prototyping and data analytics to create online courses. You will gain hands-on experience developing and publishing online courses using the edX platform. This Instructional Design and Technology MicroMasters program will provide the knowledge and skills needed to capitalize on one of the fastest growing areas of education – online teaching and learning. This program will prepare you to create engaging and active learning, using digital pedagogy, emerging technologies and data analytics. Through this program you will learn how to design captivating learning experiences for students who want mobile learning opportunities that are collaborative and accessible, while advancing your knowledge of educational theory."
Price: 1196.00 |
"Siembra Directa: agricultura productiva sustentable" |
"En los últimos quince años, gracias a la implementación de la siembra directa y los avances en biotecnología, América Latina ha experimentado un gran crecimiento tanto en su producción como un su área cultivable, generando nuevos récords en la producción esto significó que en áreas que anteriormente no eran arables con la siembra directa se implantaron cultivos en forma exitosa lo que era estrictamente ganaderas pasaron a ser de alta producción de granos, lo que ocurrió fue un desplazamiento de la ganadería (frontera ganadera) disminuyendo la cantidad de superficie pero manteniendo el stock, calidad y eficiencia de la carne. El agricultor actual tiene diferentes opciones para ser sustentable y para ser productivos de forma sustentable. La Siembra Directa: es un sistema de producción sustentable de cultivos, totalmente evolucionados, se fundamenta en: Ausencia de laboreo Cobertura permanente del suelo con residuo Captura de Carbono Economía del agua Reducción de insumos Los cursos en línea que componen este programa MicroMasters se estructuran desde lo general a lo particular, atendiendo en primer lugar a los aspectos más básicos asociados al sistema de cultivo, para luego tratar temas más novedosos y actuales, como Agricultura Certificada y Agricultura por ambientes."
Price: 495.00 |
"Data Science" |
"The demand for skilled data science practitioners in industry, academia, and government is rapidly growing. The HarvardX Data Science program prepares you with the necessary knowledge base and useful skills to tackle real-world data analysis challenges. The program covers concepts such as probability, inference, regression, and machine learning and helps you develop an essential skill set that includes R programming, data wrangling with dplyr, data visualization with ggplot2, file organization with Unix/Linux, version control with git and GitHub, and reproducible document preparation with RStudio. In each course, we use motivating case studies, ask specific questions, and learn by answering these through data analysis. Case studies include: Trends in World Health and Economics, US Crime Rates, The Financial Crisis of 2007-2008, Election Forecasting, Building a Baseball Team (inspired by Moneyball), and Movie Recommendation Systems. Throughout the program, we will be using the R software environment. You will learn R, statistical concepts, and data analysis techniques simultaneously. We believe that you can better retain R knowledge when you learn how to solve a specific problem."
Price: 491.00 |
"Mobile App Development with Swift" |
"In this Professional Certificate program you will learn the tools, techniques and concepts needed to build a basic iOS app, from scratch. Find out how to program in Swift and utilise the iOS Software Development Kit (SDK) and Apple developer tools (Xcode, debugger, analyzer and iOS Simulator) to create mobile apps which can be sold via the App Store. In each course you will work through a range of lessons and projects which will focus on Swift programming and teach you about various aspects of app development. These lessons will provide you with the practical, hands-on skills needed to embark on a career in app development. In addition, a number of app development companies will share their experiences in building and developing apps so you can find out what it really takes to turn your brilliant idea into a functioning product."
Price: 497.00 |
"Financial Decision-Making for Leaders" |
"Literacy in business financials, regardless of your industry, is essential for growing your career in management. Whether you are working within an organization or have your own business, the decisions you make affect the health of the business. You must interpret and forecast the impact of your decisions to ensure you are making the best recommendation for the firm. Through the four pillars of financial decision-making: Accounting, Finance, Data Analysis and Economics, you can become a successful entrepreneur or intrapreneur. This program will cover these four pillars in-depth - with each course devoted to exploring a particular topic and how it can inform the decisions you face in your career. If you’re looking to discover and practice the fundamental skills and methodology used in business today, this Professional Certificate program is for you. Some of the topics you will cover in this program include: funding, valuation, key performance metrics, financial forecasting, data analysis, and models of consumer choice and demand. This program is best suited for professionals who are looking to grow their career into a managerial role where they will need to make financial and analytical decisions."
Price: 846.00 |
"Animal Breeding and Genetics" |
"In this Professional Certificate Program, the focus is on the design, the set-up, execution and optimization of animal breeding programs, genetic improvement and conservation of genetic diversity. Follow this program and learn what the key factors are for improving and increasing productivity and learn what it takes to create and maintain a healthy and strong population. You will learn about the basic principles of population, quantitative and molecular genetics. Biological aspects are integrated in the courses by the many hands-on assignments as well. Professionals working with animals will be able to use the knowledge from these courses to understand the impact of breeding on animal populations and to use genetic principles to make their decisions. Furthermore, following this program will give you an advanced starting point for further studies, such as MSc. level courses in animal breeding. For who Although this course is open to everyone, it is particular useful for breeders of: Cows Poultry/Chicken Horses Pigs/Swine Dogs Sheep Fish Shrimp This program is a great step towards understanding the principles of animal breeding and the sector. Depending upon the animal industry of interest, animal scientists can work in jobs such as cattle breed association representative, dairy industry breeding consultant and/or company representative for Artificial Insemination (AI) companies. Or you can be working for a private breeding company in the case of the swine, poultry and aquaculture industries. In fact, some scientists with experience in animal breeding and genetics go on to work for plant breeding companies. Join this Professional Certificate Program made by top-experts from Wageningen University & Research, ranked #1 for agricultural sciences in the NTU ranking. By joining the program, you become part of the growing community of students that are trained at the Animal Breeding and Genomics Group, which is the centre of excellence for all national and international animal breeding and genomics activities of Wageningen University & Research. The centre is a preferred knowledge and business partner for many national and international clients from both the public and private sector. This includes breeding organisations in commercial and non-commercial livestock, pet animals and horses, the EU and national and foreign governments."
Price: 198.00 |
"Foundations of AI" |
"The world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer science fiction. Instead, it is rapidly permeating across all industries and impacting every aspect of our daily-life. Whether you are an industry professional, an executive, an entrepreneur or a student – developing a foundational understanding of AI and its impact on your organization and our society is of paramount importance and will transform your career. This program is meant for those with little or no background in AI, computer science, or data science and does not require any programming skills. Each course is designed to provide a relevant and applicable comprehension of the basic concepts of AI and its many applications and use cases across various industries. You will also be introduced to terms like machine learning, deep learning, neural networks and natural language processing. As you journey through the series you will also be introduced to IBM Watson AI services that enable any business to easily deploy pre-built AI smarts to across your business. When you are ready you can build up to more complex topics in our full 6-course Applied AI Professional Certificate program where you be able to develop and deploy AI powered applications. Through hands-on interactions with several AI environments and applications you will also learn about creating intelligent virtual assistants and how they can be leveraged in different scenarios in your current job or as a way to jumpstart your next career."
Price: 197.00 |
"Computer Science Fundamentals" |
"This program introduces learners to the basics of computer programming and computer systems, including hardware, operating systems and computer networking. No prior knowledge of programming or computer systems is required. Computer Hardware & Operating Systems outline: Fundamentals of system hardware Introduction to OS concepts OS processes and threads Thread concurrency and deadlocks Memory management Computer Networking outline: Computer networking overview Computer networking architecture: application, transport, network and link layers Network Security overview Basics of Computing & Programming outline: Positional number systems Hello world Numerical data types and arithmetic expressions Branching statements Iterative/Loop statements Strings & Functions Array-based sequences/Lists"
Price: 500.00 |
"U.S. Government" |
"What are the foundations of the U.S. political system? How do leading institutions such as the presidency and Congress operate? Where do public opinion, political parties, groups, and the media fit in? What explains America’s economic, social, and foreign policies? If exploring these questions interests you, then this series is for you. You’ll examine the American political system, including its constitutional foundations and public policies. You’ll learn about U.S. institutions and U.S. political organizations while maintaining a perspective on the ""big picture"". What are the driving forces and persistent tendencies of American politics? Who governs America — how, when and why? Lectures highlight the main features of American politics and case studies will prompt you to think critically about what you have learned. American politics has all the aspects of drama, but it has real meaning for people’s everyday lives. This introduction to the U.S. government will enable you to understand the origin of key narratives in U.S. political discourse and guide you through a complex system so that you can enable change in your communities."
Price: 196.00 |
"Applied Entrepreneurship: Scaling a Business for Success" |
"In this Professional Certificate program, you will learn the skills to assess your business model and plan for growth and sustainability. The biggest breakthroughs in scaling businesses have come from innovations in business models. Is your business ready for the next level? Experienced entrepreneurs will offer you feedback about your plan to improve your business model which could transform your company! In these courses you will learn to solidify the basics and prepare for scaling your existing business. You will answer some of the following questions: Can you tweak your offering to improve your value proposition to your customer? Do you have the right market fit? Which channels will provide the biggest ROI? Have you prepared to add resources or new processes to scale? What innovations can you create or exist to evolve your business model and business? Is there a key area that can be modified, scaled or automated to improve your efficiencies and grow your business? Are you utilizing social media well? Should you be outsourcing any functions/processes in the business? Do you have the right mindset to scale your business? Our course model is set up for your success. You will be challenged to think about where you want to go, what turning points await you, and how to utilize resources to accelerate your plans. Starting a business is not always the hard part - it's sustaining the business with a growth mindset and seeing opportunities to accelerate growth. This program will provide you with the tools to assess your business model, identify opportunities for innovation and evolution, create a plan and put it into action. By earning the Applied Entrepreneurship Professional Certificate, you will have created a viable plan to evolve your business into a thriving venture. Learn from two top professors in the field: Mark Grovic, J.D., B.A. Senior Advisor to University of Maryland Global Campus, Professor and Venture Capitalist in Residence at the R.H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, Co-founder of New Markets Venture Partners, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), University of California, Berkeley; Juris Doctor (J.D.), Georgetown University Law Center; Private Equity and Venture Capital Executive Program, Harvard Business School Michele K. Masterfano, DBA Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland Global Campus, DBA in Marketing from Argosy University Sarasota, M.S. in Management Science from Lehigh University, B.A. in Liberal Arts from Pennsylvania State University. Seminar in Entrepreneurship Education, Babson College."
Price: 298.00 |
"Food, Nutrition and Health" |
"In this Professional Certificate program, taught by prof. Sander Kersten, a leading global expert in the field of nutrition, you will learn how to analyze and interpret the information overload about nutrition and health to help build a healthier lifestyle for you and/or your patients. You will learn about the composition of macro- and micronutrients, their role in the body, and their impact on our health. You will get a sound understanding of energy homeostasis and the regulation of bodyweight. Also, you will learn about health problems related to overnutrition and undernutrition. You will learn strategies to improve nutritional status, and combat overnutrition and undernutrition based on scientific knowledge. The program covers everything from fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water. You will acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and tools to become more critical towards the food and health related messages we’re constantly bombarded with. This program will also help you develop a critical mindset. You will learn how to distinguish misinformation about food as you discover what is complete nonsense, what has a scientific basis and where the truth is somewhere in between. This program is especially useful for health care professionals who are looking to update their knowledge and skills about nutrition and people working in the food industry with a non-nutrition background (such as food technology, legal, marketing, HR and communication staff). Health care professionals will benefit by acquiring a solid academic knowledge base in nutrition that will be helpful in their interactions with patients and clients. Professionals working in the food industry with a non-nutrition background will benefit by gaining a better understanding of foods and nutrients and how they can impact our health, which will useful in the design of new foods and new health claims and will allow for better communication with nutritionists and food scientists within and outside the company. Continuing education and accreditation Health care professionals and health associate professionals often require formal qualifications and updated schooling to practice their profession. For some associations, this program may be used for CEUs. Please check with your local organization if the program qualifies."
Price: 198.00 |
"Leadership in Global Development" |
"Are you working in the development sector and looking to take the next step in your career? International and community development aims to reduce poverty and improve the living standards, health and quality of life for those who need it most. As the challenges we face become more complex we need qualified and skilled professionals to lead across sectors and organizations. Balancing theoretical knowledge with practical abilities, the Leadership in Global Development MicroMasters program provides the strong technical and management skills you need to tackle the most demanding and complex challenges in global development. This program certificate will demonstrate that you have the advanced competencies that international development agencies are increasingly demanding from their leaders and managers. After gaining a verified certificate for each of the four prerequisite courses you will be awarded the MicroMasters program certificate in Leadership in Global Development. Build on this program certificate and apply to one of UQ’s on-campus Postgraduate Programs in Global Development. More information about this program, including the other entry requirements, is available via UQ."
Price: 1500.00 |
"Introduction to Developmental, Social & Clinical Psychology" |
"This psychology XSeries is an introduction to developmental, social, and clinical psychology so you can better understand the human mind and how it drives behavior. You will learn about: Psychological disorders and how they are treated Why we act the way we do in certain settings and situations How our bodies and minds develop from birth until later in life Methods behind psychological research and how to interpret and report research"
Price: 396.00 |
"Business Management" |
"Gain an advantage by learning the key business essentials through this comprehensive online MicroMasters program, covering all core management disciplines. Understanding the managerial context of decision making is critical to being a successful manager. The MicroMasters program in management from the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, aims to provide the learner with the perfect learning pathway to develop core competencies across six management disciplines: Accounting Finance Operations Management People Management Marketing Business Strategy Take advantage of the MicroMasters program certificate to rejuvenate your career or enhance your knowledge and program certificates by stepping into the campus at IIMB to complete an Advanced Management Programme on IIMBx."
Price: 900.00 |
"Liderazgo y trabajo en equipo en grupos de mejora continua" |
"Domina los conocimientos y habilidades necesarios para liderar y participar de forma efectiva en equipos de mejora e innovación continua en entornos 6-sigma y lean manufacturing. El programa MicroMasters en liderazgo y trabajo en equipo para la innovación continua de la UPV es un curso profesional avanzado de postgrado, equivalente a un cuatrimestre de trabajo en el Máster en Lean Manufacturing de la UPV. La credencial del programa MicroMasters te permitirá acreditar que conoces los principales programas de gestión de recursos humanos que fomentan la participación de los empleados en la mejora e innovación continua, que sabes utilizar las principales herramientas de trabajo en grupo para identificar problemas, buscar alternativas y priorizarlas en un plan de acción y que conoces tus competencias como lider y tu capacidad innovadora y has trabajado para desarrollarlas. Y si quieres continuar tu formación en la materia, podrás convalidar la credencial del programa MicroMasters por 4 asignaturas (7 ECTS) del Máster en Lean Manufacturing de la UPV. El Máster presencial es equivalente a 60 créditos ECTS."
Price: 529.00 |
"Big Data" |
"Big data is changing the way businesses operate. Driven by a new scale of data collection that provides massive levels of information, businesses are now able to analyse and gather data insights to make better-informed decisions. Data scientists and business analysts are in high-demand as companies look to use data to improve their business operations. In this Big Data MicroMasters program, you will learn tools and analytical methods to use data for decision-making, collect and organise data at scale, and gain an understanding of how data analysis can help to inform change within organisations. You’ll develop both the technical and computational skills that are in high demand across a range of industries. You’ll develop critical skills in programming for data science, computational thinking, algorithm design, big data fundamentals, and data-driven analysis, with plenty of opportunities to apply and explore your new learnings through a range of case studies. Click here to view the program syllabus, including the start and end dates for all the course releases."
Price: 1596.00 |
"Automated Software Testing" |
"Software testing gets a bad rap for being difficult, time-consuming, redundant, and above all - boring. But in fact, it is a proven way to ensure that your software will work flawlessly and meet release schedules. In this two-course series, we will teach you automated software testing in an inspiring way. We will show you that testing is not as daunting a task as you might think, and how automated testing will make you a better developer who programs excellent software. This program will cover software testing as it is practiced in industry. The first course will cover various techniques, including specification-based testing, boundary testing, test adequacy and code coverage, mock objects, design for testability and test code quality. The second course will cover state-based and web testing, combinatorial testing, mutation testing, static analysis tools, and property-based testing. This is a highly practical program and, while the code examples are in java, it suits software developers, QA engineers and software testers in general."
Price: 198.00 |
"Fundamentals of Neuroscience" |
"Based on the introductory neurobiology courses taught at Harvard College, Fundamentals of Neuroscience is a three-part series that explores the structure and function of the entire nervous system — from the microscopic inner workings of a single nerve cell to the staggering complexity of the brain. You’ll study the electrical properties of individual neurons, examine how neurons pass signals to one another, and how complex dynamics result from just a few neurons. You’ll explore sensation, perception, and the physiology of functional regions of the brain. Through fun animations, documentaries, and interactive virtual labs discover what makes the brain tick and how we perceive the world around us."
Price: 297.00 |
"Innovación y emprendimiento" |
"En un mundo altamente interconectado que se mueve a gran velocidad, los ciclos de negocios e innovación se han ido reduciendo como nunca antes. La duración de las empresas ha disminuido a menos de un tercio en los últimos 30 años. La democratización de la innovación ha abierto posibilidades ilimitadas para mucha gente, empresas y regiones alrededor del mundo. Empresarios y startups, en particular, han aprovechado las oportunidades que ha traído la transformación digital que ocurre actualmente. Este programa MicroMasters compuesto por 6 cursos en línea está dedicado a entender: La estrategia, conceptos clave y herramientas que requieren los emprendedores para crear valor y escalar sus proyectos empresariales; Las metodologías para resolver problemas e innovación que requieren investigación, persistencia y determinación; Los modelos de negocios y cómo comenzar un nuevo proyecto emprendedor o construir una empresa de crecimiento; cómo construir, dirigir y mantener un capital de riesgo corporativo y un mecanismo de emprendimiento corporativo para la innovación; y las herramientas y modelos específicos para crear sinergia en el negocio familiar y desarrollar un espíritu emprendedor transgeneracional. Este programa está enfocado en innovación y emprendimiento para startups, corporaciones y empresas familiares."
Price: 494.00 |
"The Economics of Energy Transition" |
"With the energy transition on the top of the agenda within the energy sector, an efficient and sustainable energy system reliably serving customers is needed more than ever. This program aims to help strategic decision makers, economists, policy advisors and regulators as well as practicing and future engineers to obtain a deeper understanding of energy markets . You will learn how modern energy markets operate, the latest changes they are undergoing and the direction they are aiming towards for the future. In order to realize how one can encourage change and develop an innovative energy policy, an understanding of the economics of energy systems and its current issues is essential. Therefore, in the first course you will get to grips with the fundamentals of the energy markets and what influences their design and regulation. The economic theory is explained and illustrated using the European electricity markets. Using real life examples, we will dive into the complex energy system and understand the economic principles that drive it, the differing energy markets that exist, the important role of the electricity networks and how investment in the electricity sector is incentivized. After the first step, it is time to start speculating about the future. How do we transition from the present market to what the European Union has envisioned for 2050? In the second course you will learn about the economics of different renewable energy sources and other technologies that can aid this transition. You will examine the business cases of renewable energy sources and technologies that can aid energy transition, and government policies currently being used to promote their growth. Find out how the EU intends to decarbonize. Insightful videos will teach you the driving factors behind European energy markets of both today and tomorrow. Interactive assignments will demonstrate how the merit order is chosen for different types of markets, applying the knowledge to many different scenarios. Live practice sessions will take you through the auctions and marketplaces where trading for electricity, carbon credits and government policy and subsidies for renewable energy takes place today, giving you invaluable knowledge on the inner workings of these markets. All this content and more will be the building blocks for your conversations and discussions about the future of electricity markets in Europe. After this course, it will be you in the driving seat, impacting the market to steer us away from the fossil fuel-heavy technologies and encourage movement towards sustainable visions of the future."
Price: 258.00 |
"Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)" |
"Taught by instructors with decades of experience on Wall Street, this Professional Certificate program equips analysts and associates with the skills they need to rise in the M&A field. Directors and managers who have transitioned, or hope to transition, to M&A from other areas, such as equities or fixed income, can also use this program to eliminate skill gaps. Find out if you are destined for a career in M&A with our introduction pricing. Take the first step to a Professional Certificate from the New York Institute of Finance for only $50. You will learn about key concepts and theories in M&A. If you decide to advance through the following modules the price will gradually increase by small increments leading you to the final mastery exam and a full Certificate. The total cost for the Professional Certificate is $1,550. Our introduction pricing allows students a low-risk, low-cost way to consider if M&A is the right career path before deciding to progress. This Professional Certificate program offers an intensive introduction to the complex world of M&A and will provide an invaluable foundation in strategy, regulation, finding a deal, corporate valuation, and more. We’ll dive deep into advanced M&A topics, including financial accounting, financing the deal, and the all-important understanding of the seller’s viewpoint. You will learn exactly how and why different M&A deals come together, and how to determine the ideal capital structure for every deal in which they participate. You will also learn how to use the Free Cash Flow metric to evaluate acquisition opportunities towards the end and how to apply accounting and federal income tax principles to project earnings and cash flows, specifically of the post-combination entity. To drive concepts home, you will work on real world examples and journal entries for common to complex M&A accounting treatments. If your goal is a career on a broker-dealer’s M&A desk, this Professional Certificate program is for you! NOTE: Completing all 5 courses and then taking the Professional Certificate Examination is MANDATORY to achieve both the NYIF Certificate of Mastery and the edX Professional Certificate in Merger and Acquisition. A verified learner must pass all courses in the program to earn a Professional Certificate for Mergers and Acquisitions."
Price: 1550.00 |
"Career Development: Skills for Success" |
"What does it take to succeed in today’s competitive job market? The workplace skills that employers value are changing, and most traditional education paths do not match employers’ evolving needs. Applicants across industries and job types need more than just the standard credentials to get hired and be successful. The four-course Fullbridge Career Development XSeries is designed to help you build in-demand workplace competencies that will ensure you stand out as an applicant and employee. In addition, this self-paced program explores contemporary business fundamentals and helps you create a marketable personal brand. Through innovative and engaging online learning techniques, you will build and enhance the critical hard and soft skills that will help you stand out in your current or future profession. Upon completion of the four courses, the Fullbridge XSeries certificate will enhance your resume and tell the world that you are equipped with the skills to succeed in the modern workplace."
Price: 596.00 |