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Zenni Women's Rectangle Prescription Glasses Purple Plastic Frame |
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Finance |
"The skills and expertise required for a career in finance are in high demand across countless industries. From asset management, to corporations, to official institutions, the career opportunities for qualified finance professionals continue to grow and evolve. For example, demand for financial analysts is predicted to grow at a faster than average rate of 11% through 2026 (Source). And according to Glassdoor, the median salary of a quantitative financial analyst was $106,575. (Source) The MITx MicroMasters® Program in Finance offers recent graduates, early to mid-stage professionals, and other individuals interested in pursuing a career in finance, an opportunity to advance in the finance field or fast-track an MIT Sloan Master of Finance through a rigorous, comprehensive online curriculum, delivered by the world-renowned MIT Sloan School of Management. Drawn from the STEM-based curriculum taught on campus, all five online courses in this program mirror on-campus graduate-level MIT coursework and cover the following topics: modern finance, financial accounting, mathematical methods for quantitative finance, and derivatives markets. Learners who complete and pass each course in this online program may earn a MicroMasters program certificate in finance, and are considered affiliate members of the MIT Alumni Association. Those learners are eligible to apply to the MIT Sloan Master of Finance and upon acceptance, earn credit for the work performed online."
Price: 2250.00 |
"Supply Chain Management" |
"Gain expertise in the growing field of Supply Chain Management through an innovative online program consisting of five courses and a final capstone exam. The MicroMasters Program in Supply Chain from MITx is an advanced, professional, graduate-level foundation in Supply Chain Management. It represents the equivalent of one semester's worth of coursework at MIT. The MicroMasters program certificate will showcase your understanding of supply chain analytics, design, technology, dynamics and end-to-end supply chain management. Build on the program certificate and take advantage of a great opportunity to be accepted into the #1 ranked supply chain management Masters Degree program for a fraction of the cost."
Price: 1694.00 |
"Computer Science for Web Programming" |
"The web is a crucial part of our everyday lives. We rely on websites not just for entertainment and social networking, but for our professions, our finances, our education, and even aspects of our health care. The technologies that run these services are intricate and varied, but there are frameworks and principles that use common languages like HTML and Python that can give you a jump start in building your own web apps. This professional certificate series combines CS50’s legendary Introduction to Computer Science course with a new program that takes a deep dive into the design and implementation of web apps with Python, JavaScript, and SQL using frameworks like Flask, Django, and Bootstrap. Through hands-on projects, you'll learn to write and use APIs, create interactive UIs, and leverage cloud services like GitHub and Heroku. You'll emerge with knowledge and experience in principles, languages, and tools that empower you to design and deploy applications. Join now to program your own web applications and gain critical skills in database design, scalability, security, and user experience."
Price: 90.00 |
"American Sign Language Science" |
"The program integrates the history of American Sign Language (ASL) with research that has been done on the structure, learning, and historical change of ASL and other sign languages. In this program, you will learn how sign languages are structured and how these structures vary. It also looks at how children and adults acquire the ability to understand and use sign language. The program takes a deep dive into recent research on how sign languages have come into existence and how they change as they are used over generations of deaf and hearing users. In addition, this program serves as a resource that helps students process new information, including cutting-edge research. The program is divided into four parts, each exploring different aspects of sign language. The program will introduce students to the science of sign language research and, for the fluent ASL signer, the history and structure of their own language. The content exposes students to an intermediate level in the fields of linguistics and cognitive sciences."
Price: 396.00 |
"History of China: Bronze Age to the Last Dynasties" |
"History of China: Bronze Age to the Last Dynasties explores the development of this great civilization from the Neolithic to the last dynasty. We see the formation of political structures and social practices that have lasted into the present; we learn to appreciate artistic and literary traditions of sophistication and refinement; we inquire into its philosophical and religious legacies and their significance for our own lives; and we trace the creation of the largest economy in world history. Explore the development of Chinese civilization with this comprehensive series on the history, geography, and culture of the country. From the Neolithic to the creation of the largest global economy in world history, this course will help you gain a critical appreciation of China's literary, philosophical, political, and cultural resources. The political and moral ideas of ancient China are an ever more important part of the country’s modern identity. This series will show how China’s civilization developed and how it became the world’s first centralized bureaucratic state governing the largest population in the world. We will learn why the family is so important in Chinese culture, how Buddhism became part of everyday life, and how the high culture of the literati came to include not only the refined arts of calligraphy and classical Chinese poetry but also dramas and novels. All in the context of a constantly shifting political landscape as empires, dynasties, and economies rose and fell. Join us to gain an appreciation for the artistic, literary, philosophical, religious, and political traditions of the people who created the largest economy in world history."
Price: 695.00 |
"Diseño de software para la toma de decisiones organizacionales" |
"Este programa de Certificación Profesional está diseñado para personas interesadas en fortalecer sus competencias en el diseño y programación de sistemas de información gerencial que permitan a las organizaciones ingresar, procesar y consultar información para el control y gestión de procesos. Este programa para la ayuda de toma de decisiones empresariales está compuesto por dos cursos: Diseño de sistemas de información gerencial para intranet con Microsoft Access. Diseño de sistemas de información gerencial para Internet con MySQL/PHP y Joomla. Para ser competitivas en el mundo actual, las organizaciones –sin importar su tamaño y área de trabajo– deben tener la capacidad de gestionar los datos de manera que permita el control y la toma de decisiones rápida e “informada”. Para esto, es necesario tener un registro integral de todos los “datos” de los procesos que se realicen. Pero no sólo basta con tener los datos tabulados en programas como hojas electrónicas de Excel o procesadores de texto, sino que se requiere lo más importante: extraer a partir de esos datos “información” útil, de una manera eficiente y eficaz, para lo cual es indispensable el uso de herramientas más avanzadas, como son los programas de Creación y Gestión de Base de Datos Relacionales (GBDR) y Sistemas de Información, que tienen la capacidad de interrelacionar y combinar múltiples tablas y objetos para obtener informes rápidos, profesionales y precisos con un solo clic, que faciliten el análisis y la toma de decisiones en una empresa. Con el primer curso de este programa de Certificación Profesional aprenderás: Analizar, estructurar y crear una base de datos relacional (BDR), según las necesidades de automatización de diferentes procesos propuestos. A crear la interface de usuario con formularios, consultas, informes y macros, sin necesidad de saber lenguaje de programación. A entender el lenguaje SQL de las consultas de Access para utilizarlo en la segunda parte del programa. En el segundo curso aprenderás: Instalar el servidor de prueba Localhost con WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP). Instalar y gestionar un administrador de contenido en la web con un Sistema de Gestión de Contenido (CMS) Joomla. Tendrás profesores con una experiencia de más de 20 años como programadores y docentes universitarios. Los cursos de este programa de desarrollo de software son esencialmente prácticos y podrás diseñar el mismo sistema de información de nivel básico-intermedio, uno para intranet y el otro para internet, de tal manera que desarrollarás las competencias cognoscitivas e instrumentales que te permitirán aspirar a la certificación profesional ofrecida."
Price: 98.00 |
"Women Have Always Worked" |
"Please note that you have the option to enroll in each individual course either as an auditor (free of charge) or with a verified certificate, by going to the course page and selecting the “Enroll Now” button. A list of the 4 courses in this series is available below. Without women’s history we have only a partial and incomplete knowledge of our past. The Women Have Always Worked four-part series will explore women’s participation in the economy, politics, and social life of the nation, from Colonial America to the present day. We will challenge old truisms about the past and learn to view American history from a new and rich historical perspective. These four MOOCs investigate the practice of women’s history; they explore how and why we write women’s history, and why it is important that we do so. Together we will learn how women began to ask for equality and what the word equality meant and still means for different women. But we'll also ask you to consider a more difficult set of questions that revolve around whether equality for some women might limit the freedom of others. Will women demand benefits for themselves that provide a few with equality with men while fomenting inequality with each other? What about sisterhood? Will some of us move forward while others are left behind? These are questions that haunt us today."
Price: 200.00 |
"Inglés básico para negocios" |
"En la era de la globalización, el Inglés es el idioma oficial de los negocios, de la ciencia y de las relaciones internacionales siendo la lengua materna de más de 375 millones de nativos y el principal vehículo de comunicación de más de 1,500 millones de personas que lo han aprendido como segunda lengua. Para crecer profesionalmente debes ser capaz de comunicarte en inglés con personas de diversas partes del mundo. Aprender inglés, abre por completo tus horizontes y te prepara para más oportunidades laborales, ya sea con un ascenso en la misma empresa o una nueva posición en el lugar al que siempre aspiraste. Diversos estudios han demostrado que aprender inglés contribuye a: Mejores condiciones para hacer negocios. Mejores posibilidades para los trabajadores, a colaborar internacionalmente, a realizar investigación mucho más seria, etcétera. Disfrutar sin preocupaciones tu visita a otro país o poder acceder a un entrenamiento más avanzado. Aplicar conceptos internacionales a tu ámbito laboral. El contenido de los cursos en línea de este Programa de Certificación Profesional, ha sido diseñado de forma estratégica por profesionales en la enseñanza del idioma inglés con más de 30 años de experiencia, presentando la información de manera práctica, creativa y dinámica, con el fin de optimizar tu proceso de aprendizaje y brindarte las herramientas necesarias para desenvolverte con confianza en este idioma y continuar tu autoaprendizaje constante. La metodología es mixta; aplicarás activamente el idioma mediante ejercicios que alientan conexión directa entre significados, relación de objetos, videos, repetición, y situaciones cotidianas. De esta manera, desde el principio te adentras en el idioma, prácticas, experimentas y logras el dominio del idioma de manera intuitiva, como sucede con la lengua materna. Este programa te ayudará a aumentar: Tu comunicación en inglés. Tu vocabulario, comprensión y escritura. El habla del idioma inglés. ¡Atrévete a cambiar tu vida por completo, logra comunicarte correctamente en inglés y acelera tu éxito profesional con estos cursos de inglés! El programa de Certificación Profesional está compuesto por dos cursos de inglés básico, el primer curso en línea se enfoca en inglés conversacional y el segundo en el aspecto de los negocios."
Price: 98.00 |
"Deep Learning" |
"AI is revolutionizing the way we live, work and communicate. At the heart of AI is Deep Learning. Once a domain of researchers and PhDs only, Deep Learning has now gone mainstream thanks to its practical applications and availability in terms of consumable technology and affordable hardware. The demand for Data Scientists and Deep Learning professionals is booming, far exceeding the supply of personnel skilled in this field. The industry is clearly embracing AI, embedding it within its fabric. The demand for Deep Learning skills by employers -- and the job salaries of Deep Learning practitioners -- are only bound to increase over time, as AI becomes more pervasive in society. Deep Learning is a future-proof career. Within this series of courses, you’ll be introduced to concepts and applications in Deep Learning, including various kinds of Neural Networks for supervised and unsupervised learning. You’ll then delve deeper and apply Deep Learning by building models and algorithms using libraries like Keras, PyTorch, and Tensorflow. You’ll also master Deep Learning at scale by leveraging GPU accelerated hardware for image and video processing, as well as object recognition in Computer Vision. Throughout this program you will practice your Deep Learning skills through a series of hands-on labs, assignments, and projects inspired by real world problems and data sets from the industry. You’ll also complete the program by preparing a Deep Learning capstone project that will showcase your applied skills to prospective employers. This program is intended to prepare learners and equip them with skills required to become successful AI practitioners and start a career in applied Deep Learning."
Price: 495.00 |
"Introducción a la programación en C" |
"En este programa de Certificación Profesional tendremos la oportunidad de aprender las bases del lenguaje de programación C. Se trata de un programa introductorio, orientado a todo el público, tanto si tiene experiencia previa en programación como si no. La experiencia de aprendizaje está adaptada para que se haga de forma escalonada, empezando por los conceptos más básicos hasta conocer aspectos más complejos de este lenguaje de programación. El programa se acompaña de numerosos ejemplos y ejercicios para que el aprendizaje resulte práctico y divertido. Este programa de Certificación Proseional está dividido en tres cursos en línea, que te guiarán paso a paso por el proceso de aprendizaje de la programación en C. El lenguaje de programación C se sigue utilizando en muchas universidades y centros de enseñanza para adentrarse en el mundo de la programación. Conocer sus fundamentos te ayudará a mejorar tus habilidades de programación y te facilitará aprender el manejo de otros lenguajes. El programa está impartido por los profesores responsables de las asignaturas de introducción a la programación del Grado en Ingeniería informática y del Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías y Servicios de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Ambos cuentan con años de experiencia en la enseñanza de la programación y en el uso de metodologías novedosas para acercar el aprendizaje de la programación a todos los estudiantes. Tanto si nunca has programado antes, como si ya tienes experiencia con otros lenguajes, este programa de Certificación Profesional te ayudará a conocer los fundamentos de este lenguaje; y sentarás las bases para que puedas seguir profundizando y mejorando tus habilidades en el futuro."
Price: 147.00 |
"Basic Spanish" |
"Learn Spanish language online at your own pace. Whether you are learning Spanish to study or work abroad, this program will help you get started. The learn Spanish program will give you a general understanding of common words and phrases as well as basic grammar, Spanish pronunciation and conversation skills, allowing you to communicate in everyday situations according to the A2 proficiency level (elementary) as described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL, Council of Europe). These Spanish language courses have been developed using an innovative language learning methodology that lets English speakers develop their language skills while they have fun practicing everyday situations."
Price: 140.00 |
"Blockchain for Business" |
"Blockchain is a powerful distributed-ledger technology that is poised to revolutionize the way entire industries do business from supply chain tracking to real-estate transaction processing and everything in between. With that potential there is a lot of hype to contend with. This program will teach business professionals what blockchain is, possible use cases and applications to help them better understand blockchain landscape and how they might leverage this technology in their own industry. Skills in blockchain are being reported as the top job-skill in demand. This program would provide a great first step in verifying candidates have fundamental understanding of blockchain technologies."
Price: 398.00 |
Astrophysics |
"The Astrophysics XSeries Program consists of four foundational courses in astrophysics taught by prestigious leaders in the field, including Nobel Prize winners. You will be taught by Brian Schmidt, who led the team that discovered dark energy – work which won him the 2011 Nobel Prize for Physics, and by prize-winning educator, science communicator and astrophysics researcher Paul Francis, who will take you through an incredible journey where you learn about the unsolved mysteries of the universe, exoplanets, black holes and supernovae, and general cosmology. Astronomy and astrophysics is the study of everything beyond Earth. Astronomers work in universities, at observatories, for various space agencies like NASA, and more. The study of astronomy provides you with a wide range of skills in math, engineering, and computation which are sought after skills across many occupations. This XSeries Program is great for anyone to start their studies in astronomy and astrophysics or individuals simply interested in what lies beyond Earth."
Price: 200.00 |
"Project Management" |
"The Project Management MicroMasters program from RIT is a graduate level series of courses designed to provide you with the in-depth knowledge and skills needed to be a successful project manager in any industry. This online sequence is a semester’s worth of work from RIT's Master's degree and consists of three courses and a final capstone exam. By earning the MicroMasters program certificate you will develop the leadership skills needed to effectively manage a team that will meet the expectations of your customers and business goals. Build on your MicroMasters program certificate by applying to RIT’s School of Individualized Study for a customized master’s degree."
Price: 900.00 |
"Developing Blockchain-Based Identity Applications" |
"Data breaches. Identity theft. We read about these Internet issues all the time. Any identity data available online can be subject to theft. Simply put, the Internet is broken and it needs to be fixed. Traditional identity management approaches are failing. A new approach to identity management is needed to ensure tamper-proof transactions and infrastructures. Enter the world of blockchain-based identity management. Hyperledger Aries, Indy and Ursa provide a foundation for distributed applications built on authentic data using a distributed ledger, purpose-built for decentralized identity. Together, they provide tools, libraries, and reusable components for creating and using independent digital identities rooted on blockchains or other distributed ledgers so that they are interoperable across administrative domains, applications, and any other “silo.” This program is geared towards learners with a technical background interested in developing identity-focused blockchain solutions to enhance user privacy. Learners will start by exploring the possibilities offered by Hyperledger Indy, Aries and Ursa for building applications on a solid digital foundation of trust and examine how these open source technologies can make the Internet safer and increase user privacy by only disclosing specific information as and when needed and authorized. They will then do a deep-dive into Hyperledger Aries, learning to create production-ready applications by developing code for issuing and verifying credentials with their own Aries agent."
Price: 398.00 |
"Artificial Intelligence" |
"Gain expertise in one of the most fascinating and fastest growing areas of computer science through an innovative online program that covers fascinating and compelling topics in the field of Artificial Intelligence and its applications. This MicroMasters program from Columbia University will give you a rigorous, advanced, professional, graduate-level foundation in Artificial Intelligence. The program represents 25% of the coursework toward a Master's degree in Computer Science at Columbia. These courses are instructional-led and each course has 10-12 weeks of lecture plus an additional final exam week. If you are interested in completing the full MicroMasters program on edX, there is no time limit in which you must complete all the courses in the program. Currently, the courses are offered twice a year, in the spring and fall term. For those who are interested in applying for an M.S. degree at Columbia University, you must complete this MicroMasters program within 2 years of the start date of the first course in order to include MicroMasters certificate in your application package. For example, if you aim to apply for 2021 Fall M.S. program, you have to earn the MicroMasters Program certificate by 2021 February admission deadline."
Price: 996.00 |
"Course Creator Plus" |
"Course Creator Series Plus provides edX partners with the training required to build an online course for the edX platform. There are no prerequisites for this series, just access to the edx.org platform and enthusiasm for online learning! While this series is open to the public, it is designed specifically for edX partners to learn how to create courses to be run in the edX environment. These courses cover a wide variety of interests in online learning. In edX101, you will learn the process of building a course on the edX platform. In StudioX you’ll get hands-on instruction and learn how to use the course authoring software. Studio Advanced expands on StudioX with more in-depth course design and building skills. VideoX instructs on media best practices and BlendedX shows you how to design courses that combine classroom-based and online learning instruction. All the courses draw upon real-world examples and pedagogical principles to help ensure you will learn what it takes to develop high-quality online courses."
Price: 495.00 |
"Healthcare Administration" |
"The Healthcare Administration MicroMasters program consists of 7 courses and a capstone exam. After completing, you can also apply to Doane University to complete your MBA online for approximately $10,500 (more details below). The demand for skilled Healthcare Administrators is projected to grow 17 percent between 2016 and 2026, The Healthcare Administration MicroMasters program will introduce learners to management and leadership frameworks, theories and case studies specific to healthcare organizations. It will also prepare students with the skills to manage the complex issues inherent in healthcare systems and lead in the public health sector. Learners will examine a variety of evidence-based methods to advocate for patients, families, and communities, as well as within healthcare organizations. They will also explore financial management techniques used to prepare budgets, develop financial forecasts, assess investment alternatives, and leverage capital structures all within the context of healthcare organizations and explore the healthcare system economic environment by taking on managerial roles."
Price: 1393.00 |
"Corporate Finance and Valuation Methods" |
"Develop an understanding of how the key principles of project analysis, budgeting, and valuation decide a firm's optimal capital structure. This professional certificate is comprised of the following courses: C01: Fundamental of Financial Mathematics and Capital Budgeting C02: Cost of Capital CO3: Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and Other Valuation Methodologies CO4: Option Pricing and Applications in Capital Budgeting and Corporate Finance CO5: Corporate Funding Alternatives and Financing Strategies NOTE: Completing all 5 parts and then taking the Professional Certificate Examination is MANDATORY to achieve both the NYIF Certificate of Mastery and the edX Professional Certificate in Corporate Finance and Valuation Methods. A verified learner must pass all courses in the program with a minimum grade of 70% to earn a Professional Certificate for Corporate Finance and Valuation Methods."
Price: 1549.00 |
"The Civil War and Reconstruction" |
"Civil War and Reconstruction, which introduces students to the most pivotal era in American history. The Civil War transformed the nation by eliminating the threat of secession and destroying the institution of slavery. It raised questions that remain central to our understanding of ourselves as a people and a nation – the balance of power between local and national authority, the boundaries of citizenship, and the meanings of freedom and equality. This XSeries will examine the causes of the war, the road to secession, the conduct of the Civil War, the coming of emancipation, and the struggle after the war to breathe meaning into the promise of freedom for four million emancipated slaves. One theme throughout the series is what might be called the politics of history – how the world in which a historian lives affects his or her view of the past, and how historical interpretations reinforce or challenge the social order of the present."
Price: 150.00 |
"Empresas familiares: emprendimiento y liderazgo para trascender" |
"Sabías que las empresas familiares en el mundo son motores del desarrollo en cada región y país. Sabías también que tienen un mejor desempeño en crecimiento en ventas y retorno de utilidades para los accionistas que las empresas no familiares, y que son más innovadoras y emprendedoras. Pero todo ello es usualmente cierto si logran pasar de una generación a otra. Y ese es su gran reto: ¿Cómo trascender de generación en generación? Este programa de Certificación Profesional enfocado en el emprendimiento y en las empresas familiares le da respuesta a ese y otros interrogantes, al igual que te entregará las herramientas necesarias para hacer que tu negocio trascienda de forma exitosa en el tiempo. Hoy en día es cada vez más usual que las grandes empresas familiares, como la empresa familiar noruega LEGO, busquen un nuevo perfil de CEOs, familiar o no familiar, que no solo dominen conocimientos de finanzas o administración, sino que tengan un perfil robusto en conocimientos, habilidades y experiencia en empresas familiares. Por ello en los cursos de emprendimiento familiar de este programa de certificación profesional obtendrás conocimientos y habilidades para: Liderar y gestionar empresas familiares Desarrollar a la nueva generación de millennials para que sean buenos dueños y jóvenes emprendedores Establecer los órganos de gobierno de la empresa familiar, cómo aplicar modelos de sostenibilidad y sucesión Emprender e innovar dentro y fuera de la empresa familiar El Instituto de Familias Empresarias y la Escuela de Negocios del Tecnológico de Monterrey es la Institución ideal para obtener este conocimiento: El Tecnológico de Monterrey es la número 1 en México y la 6ª mejor en Latinoamérica según Times Higher Education (THE) 2016 Es la número 1 en México y la 3ª en Latinoamérica según The BRICS and Emergings Economics 2017 Es parte del Top 25 en el ranking The Princeton Review: Top Schools for Entrepreneurship Ranking 2017, ubicándose en el lugar 17 de 300 universidades norteamericanas Los profesores del Instituto de Familias Empresarias están altamente calificados y son reconocidos al ser parte del proyecto mundial STEP para el emprendimiento familiar, y la EGADE Business School es la Escuela de Negocios número 1 en América Latina, en su MBA, según el ranking de América Economía. Si obtienes la Certificación Profesional, que este programa de empresa familiar te ofrece contarás con las estrategias, herramientas y modelos para lograr el éxito en tu emprendimiento. El Instituto de Familias Empresarias puede acompañarte en el desarrollo de competencias de tu empresa familiar. Te invitamos a visitar el siguiente sitio http://ifem.tec.mx"
Price: 98.00 |
Entrepreneurship |
"What is a MicroMasters Program? MicroMasters programs are a series of graduate level courses from top universities designed to advance your career. MicroMasters program certificates showcase deep learning and in-demand skills to employers and can help you get started on a path toward completing an advanced degree. How to Earn a MicroMasters Program Certificate To earn the program certificate, learners must complete and successfully earn a verified certificate in all four MicroMasters program courses. From Program Certificate to a Master’s Degree MicroMasters programs are designed to offer learners a pathway to an advanced degree and can count as credit toward completing a Master’s degree program. Learners who successfully earn this MicroMasters program certificate may apply for admission to a Master’s program, and if accepted, the MicroMasters program certificate will count towards the degree. Learners who earn this MicroMasters program certificate will have the opportunity to use IIMB’s 3-month long launchpad facility along with mentoring facilities. If you demonstrate potential for significant growth during this period, you could be considered for incubation at IIMB's Incubation Centre: NSRCEL."
Price: 600.00 |
"Agile Project Management" |
"In this Professional Certificate program, you will learn the mechanics of how to design and facilitate projects using “pure” Agile Scrum and Lean Kanban techniques. You will also learn the trade-offs of using hybrid techniques such as Lean Startup, Scaled Agile For the Enterprise (SAFe), and Disciplined Agile Development. We will then go beyond these frameworks to the science and essential principles you’ll need to ensure you get the greatest benefits of Agile Project Management methods: Speed, Innovation, Leadership, and Kaizen (Change for the Better). After completing this course series, you will be able to clearly explain how Agile techniques address faults in traditional project management techniques, the tradeoffs (benefits and risks) of these approaches, and when it’s best to apply them to maximize value to the organization. Engineers, managers, designers, writers, creators, and executers of all types will benefit from learning these principles of Agile. Whether you’re delivering a small part of a project or portfolios of large multi-million-dollar government works; these principles scale and apply to all industries to achieve delivery success. This is why companies that are embracing these principles continue to set record earnings and stock prices (e.g. AMZN, APPL, TSLA); and those that ignore them find themselves unable to compete. Upon successful completion of this program, learners can earn up to 50 Professional Development Unit (PDU) credits, 10 PDU credits per course, which are recognized by the Project Management Institute (PMI). PDU credits are essential to those looking to maintain certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP)."
Price: 995.00 |
"Risk Management" |
"Taught by instructors with decades of experience on Wall Street, the Risk Management Professional Certificate program is a comprehensive survey of the practice of risk management. In this program, you will learn about the major types of risk, risk management tools and techniques and financial regulations. Instructors will work through the annual risk report of a publicly traded financial institution and analyze a number of case studies to illustrate key principles of risk measurement and management. The Risk Management Professional Certificate is broken down into 5 courses: Introduction to Risk Management Measuring Risk: Equity, Fixed Income, Derivatives and FX Risk Management Tools and Practices Stress Testing and Regulation - Part 1 Stress Testing and Regulation - Part 2 The final course in the program will be the Professional Certification Exam. Those participants who pass the examination will receive a Risk Management Professional Certificate from the New York Institute of Finance (NYIF). A NYIF certificate is a valuable addition to your credentials, proving that you have acquired the work-ready skills that employers value."
Price: 1895.00 |
"Information Technology Career Framework" |
"It is forecasted that the need for IT professionals will continue to rapidly grow as technology continues to evolve at such incredible rates. IT jobs are in high demand particularly within non-tech sectors such as professional services, manufacturing, and financial services industries among others, and IT roles in these sectors are more accessible making them high potential career path entry-points. Advance your information technology (IT) skill set by completing Western Governors University’s MicroBachelors IT Career Framework program certificate. Designed for IT practitioners, educators, and business professionals, this program introduces IT infrastructure concepts and services to support the operation and management of an enterprise environment. Throughout the MicroBachelors program certificate, you will engage in real-world career development opportunities to enhance your understanding of IT as a discipline. You will learn about the many roles and functions of the IT department, fundamentals of networking and security concepts, and programming elements such as variables, data types, flow control, and design concepts. Earning this MicroBachelors program certificate will equip you with knowledge of highly relevant tools and techniques to prepare you for a variety of career options and opportunities in the field of IT. Then, build on this program certificate and continue your professional development by applying to one of Western Governors University’s many undergraduate degree programs in IT."
Price: 1497.00 |
"Sustainable & Inclusive Landscapes" |
"We’re facing a number of complex and interrelated problems such as rising food prices, economic downturn, climate change, and increased competition on the use of natural resources. Integrated landscape approaches have the power to help us solve these problems. They offer new insights and opportunities for sustainable development but demand new skills and knowledge. To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), diverse landscape stakeholders need to find a common ground and learn to understand plural and complex landscape issues, processes and perspectives. Join this programme to understand what changes and skills are needed to make these changes and what your role in this should be. Thinking from a spatial perspective, this programme focuses on the multi-functionality and cross-sector nature of landscapes. In this Professional Certificate Programme you will learn about four major elements in landscape thinking: Integrated Landscape Finance Landscape Governance Landscape Leadership Climate change and climate action The programme consists of online courses in which you will learn that the application of landscape approaches to address complex developmental and environmental challenges requires a shift in mind-set, perspective and skillset. The courses in this programme have been developed to enhance your ability to think beyond the sector and in a more integrated and transformative manner. The courses will equip you with the skills and tools needed to transform your landscapes and teach you how to integrate the necessary climate action. Not only will you be able to analyse, you will learn how to bring knowledge into action in order to promote climate smart landscapes on a local scale and/or across the world. The Sustainable and Inclusive Landscapes programme is developed and delivered by a network of globally active partners under the momentum and umbrella of the Global Landscapes Forum"
Price: 372.00 |
"Engineering Project Management: Project Financing" |
"Are you involved in the development and execution of technical projects and eager to know what it takes to fund a project successfully? Would you like to be more in touch with the latest developments in project finance and able to use these to your advantage? To benefit from a range of novel project contracts and methods of financing, professionals working on infrastructure and industrial projects need to have a good understanding of how project financing works and how project investors and lenders think and assess the risks of a project. This program will provide you with the fundamental knowledge and necessary tools to create the optimum financing structure for your project and enhance its potential to attract funding. To achieve successful project financing, this program will first help you develop the overall project management skills needed to successfully manage engineering and technical projects. With a focus on the early project phases, which are crucial to achieve project success, you will learn about the role of the project manager and the team, the project process and the project context. At the end of this part of the program you will have created your own project execution plan. The second part of the program will deal with the financing aspects of project management in more detail. Using case studies to illustrate the topics, as well as assignments so you can get first-hand experience in what it takes to put together a financeable project."
Price: 298.00 |
"Foundations of Data Science" |
"As the demand for data science skills rises around the world, this Professional Certificate by BerkeleyX will teach you how to combine data with Python programming skills to ask questions and explore problems that you may encounter in a future job, in any field of study, and even in everyday life. This course will give you a new lens to explore the issues and problems that you care about. Among others, Berkeley’s online data science program has been endorsed by Google’s Vice President of Education and Microsoft’s Corporate Vice President of Cloud AI. The program is based on Data 8, UC Berkeley’s fastest-growing class, taken by more than 3300 students each year as they start their data science journey. Data 8 is recognized amongst institutions as the preeminent introductory data science course has helped place UC Berkeley at the forefront of democratizing data science for all. Top-ranked universities from around the world, such as Yale, Cornell, and NYU, have followed Berkeley’s lead by creating their own versions of UC Berkeley’s groundbreaking data science course. Through this professional certificate, students all over the world can now take UC Berkeley’s most popular course. This course is accessible for students who have not previously taken statistics or computer science courses. No prior programming experience is assumed or necessary. Through instructor guided videos and labs, you will learn about topics starting from fundamental data science concepts to machine learning methods. This program will help you become a data scientist by teaching you how to analyze a diverse set of real data sets including economic data, geographic data, and public health data. Typically, the information will be incomplete and there will be some uncertainty involved. You will learn how to conduct inference, which will help you quantify uncertainty and measure the accuracy of your estimates. Finally, you will put all of your knowledge together and learn about prediction using machine learning. We all have to be able to think critically and make decisions based on data. Thus, the program aims to make data science accessible to everyone. The program focuses on a set of core concepts and techniques that have broad applicability. Unlike “bootcamps” for programmers, this program presents data science as a way of thinking, in which interpretation and communication are as important as computation and statistical methods. You don’t have to download any software – a browser is all you need. Open up a window and prepare to have some fun."
Price: 597.00 |
"MBA Core Curriculum" |
"Business knowledge is in high demand in every area of work. From high-tech start-ups to non-profits, organizations are looking to leverage best practices from the business world to achieve their objectives. That’s why the MBA is widely recognized as a career accelerator, regardless of the industry you’re in. With the MicroMasters program in MBA Core Curriculum, you will develop business insights and learn to lead others to achieve strategic goals. You’ll learn the different functional areas of a firm, how each area defines success, and how the functions work together to create success in the marketplace. You will be able to build and lead successful teams, influence others, and deliver high-quality outcomes on time and within budget. The MicroMasters program in MBA Core Curriculum has also been designed to grow your professional and social networks. We will help you find people like yourself, both in your region and around the world, who are looking to advance their careers. In addition to facilitated discussions in your classes, you will be encouraged to interact with colleagues in real time by forming small study groups, holding virtual coffee hours, and discussing current articles and trends in business. Are you ready? Turbocharge your career with the MicroMasters program in MBA Core Curriculum from the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business."
Price: 1500.00 |
"Data Science for Executives" |
"Data science is making us smarter and more innovative in so many ways. How does it all work? In this Data Science and Analytics Professional Certificate program you will gain insight into the latest data science tools and their application in finance, health care, product development, sales and more. With real world examples, we will demonstrate how data science can improve corporate decision-making and performance, personalize medicine and advance your career goals. Taught by a distinguished team of professors at Columbia University’s Data Science Institute, this program is perfect for anyone who wants to understand basic concepts in data science without getting into the weeds of programming. Aimed at organization leaders, business managers, health care professionals and anyone considering a career in data science, this program will steep learners in the fundamentals of statistics, machine learning and algorithms. It will also introduce emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) , or wirelessly connected products, and techniques that allow computers to summarize mountains of text, audio and video. Concrete examples provided throughout the program will ensure that learners fully grasp and master key concepts."
Price: 297.00 |