"Building Node.js APIs using ESM with Express and MongoDB" |
"Learn how to useECMAScript Modules in a Node.js application. We will start from changingNode's module system and step by step you will learnhow to create applications with the Express Framework and MongoDB.You will learn how to do CRUD operations (create, read, update and delete) onMongoDB using Mongoose.You will understand how modelassociations work in MongoDB and you will also learn how to sanitise andvalidate user inputs.We will learn how to authenticate userswhile learning about JSON Web Tokens.We will also cover role-based application end points, like ""admin only"" area that can be used in a plethora of use cases.You will learn how to properly setup your development environment using best practices, covering things like:How a config driven application worksUse Linters (Eslint) and Formatters (Prettier)How to automatically seed your database with thousands of entries while in developmentGet your application ready for deployment Throughout the course you will use only the latest Javascript features shedding off the unnecessary boilerplate from previous versions of Javascript and Node.jsThe course is dividedinto:Coding alongChallengesSandbox (how it works).So enroll now and lets get started."
Price: 19.99 |
"Self Creativity" |
"I consider it of utmost importance, The expansion of consciousness in humanity, this is a work that I have done in this area for more than 30 years.The expansion of consciousness in humanity can only improve the quality of life on earth.Self-Creativity represents a project of life and at the same time, the possibility of sharing techniques and knowledge, which help us on our road of life."
Price: 19.99 |
"Bien dbuter le Mind Mapping" |
"Dans ce cours vous apprendrez FAIRE facilementdes MIND MAP ou cartes heuristiques la main et avec le logiciel gratuit XMIND.Afin que vos cartes heuristiques aient le meilleurimpact, nous verrons :- Les concepts THEORIQUESdu Mind Mapping bass sur le fonctionnement de votre cerveau- Qu'est ce qui fait que le Mind Mapping soit si EFFICACE- Les REGLES respecter pour maximiser l'impact de vos cartesCe qui vous permettra par la suite d'amliorer de faon significativevos comptences dansdivers domaines de votre vie prive comme dansvotre vie professionnelle.Vous serez par exemple capable de :- Mieux grer vos priorits et votre temps- Mieux organiser vos ides et vos projets- Mieux rviser pour russir vos examens, concours ou certifications- Mieux organiservos voyages et dmnagementssans rien oublier- Mieuxpasser vosentretien d'embauche- Mieux prparer et russir vosprises de paroles en public- Mieux organiser et impacter vosrunions professionnellesou rceptions prives- ...En suivant ce cours, votre TRANSFORMATIONvers une meilleure version de vous mmedbutera aussitt ..."
Price: 94.99 |
"Prise en main Oracle et SQL Developper" |
"Vous tes amen utiliser le SGBD Oracle dans le cadre dun projet ou de votre mtier en tant que Dveloppeur, Concepteur, Exploitant, gestionnaire mtier, ou mme futur DBA.Vous navez aucune exprience sur leSGBD Oracle, ce cours en pour vous.Pour vous permettre de dmarrer rapidement et d'tre oprationnel, vous allez installer un environnement de travail Oracle, vritable laboratoire sur votre ordinateur portable.En suivant ce cours vous saurez:- installer le moteur Oracle,- crer une base de donnes Oracle,- vous connecter une base Oracle, etcrer divers objets de base de donnes pour la base de donnes- arrter, dmarrer et contrler l'tat de la base de donnes Oracle- et crire des instructions SQL simples qui accdent aux donnes de la base de donnes."
Price: 59.99 |
"Intro to Estate Planning in Ontario for Financial Planners" |
"Doyou have or are you considering a career that involvesestate planning in Ontario? If so, this course is for you.Never before in history has there been a transfer of wealth like the one that is about to happen. Learnabout the importance of estate planning in light of theimpending transfer ofOne trillion dollars of assets from one generation to the next. This is happening in the next twenty years.The financial planner/advisor will play an even more important role in societyin the years ahead.This course will help you to feelmore knowledgeableinservingclients andhelping them settheir estate planning goals.Estate planning can be a minefield if youdon't have the knowledge.You need to be ableto spot the issues. As they say - you don't know what you don't know.In thiscourse you will learn not only basic knowledge of estate planning but two sessions are dedicated to building yourpower team. Its this powerteam thatwill catapult your business.I have designed this course with very little ""legalese"" so you can learn the material easily and gain confidence before moving onto more difficult concepts.You will learn the basic concepts of estate planning that form the foundation. My hope is that you conclude that the Introduction to Estate Planning Course is interesting, important and a jump start to a lucrative career!Enjoy!Disclaimer: Please note that nothing in this course provides legal advise. Although I am a lawyer, you should not rely on anything in this course as legal advise without further discussion."
Price: 84.99 |
"Macphun's Luminar 2018 (Best Photo Editor)" |
"Luminar 2018 is the most innovative photo editor available for both MAC and PC. It has many powerful tools for making your photos look stunning and everyone speechless. But you need to know how to use it and how to get most out of it.Maybe you are a amateur photographer who has done a little bit of photo editing or maybe you have quite a bit of photo editing experience. Either way, I have made this course to help you tomake your images look Awesome.Believe me! Luminar is the most powerful and efficient editing software when it comes to a quick but perfect editing software. The best part of this course is that, that it is very short,and precise. I tried my level to explain each and every tool with the help of practical examples. From the Day 1, you start to edit your photos, without any hassle.I hope, you enjoy the course. Please contact me anytime for additional questions or any sort ofsupport.So, lets begin the process of making stunning images."
Price: 19.99 |
"Complete Underwater Photography Guide for Beginners - 2018" |
"4 years ago I bought my first compact camera and took itdiving. Today I've got thousands of followers on social media, I have won or placed in a few underwater photo contests and I have been recommended in the world's largest online scuba community as someone to watch.I'm not a professional photographer, I'm just a part-time diver with a regular job who loves to share what I see in the ocean with others. Unlike all the pro's out there my journey is fresh in my mind and I know how frustrating it can be trying to learn from people who are so advanced that they have forgotten what it was like to be a beginner.You can get award-winning footage from a Go Pro or a compact camera - I'll show you how.If you are looking to upgrade to a mirrorless orDSLR setup - I remember how frustrating it was trying to get my head around all the accessories I would need to buy, so I will walk you through it.Let me show you what I wish someone had shown me. I guarantee that your next dive or snorkelling trip will yield you much better results.This course is a journey - our journey. It's content is living and I'll be providing monthly updates with more information as I respond to feedback and I continue to learn and explore."
Price: 64.99 |
"Digital Photography - The Fundamentals For Beginners" |
"IN THIS COURSE YOU WILL LEARNHow to useISOHow to useShutter SpeedHow to useApertureWhat is theExposure TriangleWhat is theHistogram and how to use itWhat isWhite Balance and how to use itThe Different Types OfCamera ModesThe BestMetering Modes For BeginnersWhat is theRule Of ThirdsWhat areLeading LinesWhat isNatural FramingReal Life Examplesand much more!By learning the fundamentals of Digital Photography you will be able to look at each scene you would like to capturewith the right understanding and technical knowledge. The fundamentals are the foundation of photography and can be applied to any style be it Portrait, Food, Wedding, Landscape etc."
Price: 24.99 |
"Waterfall Photography For Beginners" |
"I have developed this course for the Beginner Photographer that is looking to learn more about photography and understand how to create an amazing image and not just take a photo. What to look for andhow to adjust your camera for the right settings.IN THIS COURSE YOU WILL LEARNHow to take amazing waterfall photosWhat gear is required for WaterfallPhotographyWhen to use aPolarising FilterWhen to use anND FilterWhat is theExposure TriangleWhat is the HistogramWhat isWhite Balance and how is it used?Different types ofCompositionsReal Life Examples"
Price: 19.99 |
"Yeni Balayanlar in Szma Testine (Etik Hackleme) Giri" |
"Kariyerine Szma Testi Uzman olarak devam etmek isteyen yada bilgisayar sistemlerinin nasl ele geirildiini merak edenler iin zel olarak hazrlanm bu eitim, piyasadaki dier eitimlerden farkl olarak, sadeletirilmi mfredat ile Szma Testleri tecrbelerinda karlalan gerek hayat senaryolar gz nnde bulundurularak hazrlanmtr.Kurs ierisinde arlkl olarak pratik uygulamalara yer verilmi olup, gerektii kadar da teorik bilgilerden bahsedilmitir.""Yeni Balayanlar in Szma Testine (Etik Hackleme) Giri"" kursu youn olarak operasyonel Szma Testi yetkinlii arttrma amac ile oluturulmutur.Kurs ierisinde anlatlan tm szma uygulamalarnn, katlmclar tarafndan kendi LAB ortamlarnda denenmesi ve uygulanmas beklenmektedir.Sanal LAB ortamn kendi bilgisayarnzda nasl oluturacanz kursun ilk blmnde ayrntl ekilde anlatlmtr.Ayrca kursa devam ederken kafanza taklan sorular hemen sormal ve anlayamadnz noktalar renmeden gememelisiniz.Bu dorultuda sorulacak her sorunun 12 saat iinde cevaplanacan ayrca belirtmek istiyorum.Szma Testi yapabilecek teknik kabiliyetin kazanlmasnn ve ofansif dnce modelinin anlalmasnn dzenli ve srarl bir almann sonucunda baarlabileceinin bilincinde olarak hazrlanm bu kurs ile birlikte,katlmclarn bu uzun yolda doru bir balang yapabilecei bir kurs sizlere sunulmutur.""Yeni Balayanlar in Szma Testine (Etik Hackleme) Giri"" kursunda anlatlan herey tamamen eitim amal olup, bu kurs dahilinde kazanlacak teknik kabiliyetlerin kt amalar iin kullanlmas, TAMAMEN teknik kabiliyetlerini kt amalar iin kullanan kiiyi balar.Trk Ceza Kanununun 243. maddesi,(1) Bir biliim sisteminin btnne veya bir ksmna hukuka aykr olarak giren ve orada kalmaya devam eden kimseye bir yla kadar hapis veya adli para cezas verilir. (2) Fkra-Yukarda ki fkrada tanmlanan fiillerin bedeli karl yararlanlabilen sistemler hakknda ilenmesi halinde, verilecek ceza yar oranna kadar indirilir. (3) Bu fiil nedeniyle sistemin ierdii veriler yok olur veya deiirse alt aydan iki yla kadar hapis cezasna hkmolunur.Trk Ceza Kanununun 244. maddesi,(1) Bir biliim sisteminin ileyiini engelleyen veya bozan kii bir yldan be yla kadar hapis cezas ile cezalandrlr. (2) Bir biliim sistemindeki verileri bozan, yok eden, deitiren veya eriilmez klan, sisteme veri yerletiren var olan verileri baka bir yere gonderen kii alt aydan yla kadar hapis cezas ile cezalandrlr.(3) Bu fiille bir banka veya kredi kurumuna ya da bir kamu kurum veya kuruluun ait biliim sistemi zerinde ilenmesi halinde verilecek ceza yar orannda artrlr."
Price: 129.99 |
"Szma Testi ve Etik Hack Uygulamalar" |
"OK NEML NOT : BU KURS ORTA SEVYE HACKNG METODOLOJSNE HAKM VE BAGINNER DZEYDE ZAFYETL MAKNALAR ELE GEREBLEN KLERE YNELK OLARAK, SADECE DAHA DEK HACKNG YNTEMLER VE BAKI AISI GSTERMEK AMACI LE OLUTURULMUTUR. YUKARDA BETMLENEN DZEYDE BLGYE SAHP DELSENZ KURSA KATILMANIZ NERLMEMEKTEDR! KURS TEORK BLG ERMEZ!! GELEN YORUMLERDA KURSTA YAPILAN LEMLERN AIKLANMADII GB PEK OK GERBLDM OLDUU GZLENDNDEN BU AIKLAMA YAPILMAK ZORUNDA KALINMITIR.Bu kurs, kariyerine Szma Testi Uzman olarak devam etmek isteyen ve bu dorultuda almalar yapan arkadalara ynelik olarak ve katlmclarn""YEN BALAYANLAR N SIZMA TESTNE (HACKING) GR"" kursunu tamamlad varsaylarak hazrlanmtr.Szma Testi ve Etik Hacking Uygulamalar kursu teorik bilgi iermemekte, tamam ile szma testi ve hacking uygulamarn iermektedir.Bu kursun ierisinde bahsi geen konulara aina olmadn dnen katlmclarn ncelikle""YEN BALAYANLAR N SIZMA TESTNE (HACKING) GR"" kursunu tamamlayarak temel Szma Testi ve Hacking kabiliyetlerini gelitirmeleri ve daha sonra bu seviyede bir kursa devam etmeleri nerilir.Szma Testi (hacking) kabiliyetlerinin ve offensive dnce modelinin benimsenmesinin dzenli ve srarl bir alma sonucunda kazanlacannbilincinde olarak hazrlanm bu kurs, sizlere bu uzun yolda doru bir balang olmas amacyla sunulmutur.Dolays ile, kendinizi bu alanda gelitirdiinizde neler yapabileceinizi renmek, ayrcabir Szma Testi Uzmannn nasl altn anlamak iin kursa kayt olabilir ve bir hedef sistemin nasl ele geirildiini teoriler zerinden deil profesyonel bir Szma Testi Uzmanndan renebilirsiniz.""Yeni Balayanlar in Szma Testine (Etik Hackleme) Giri"" kursunda anlatlan herey tamamen eitim amal olup, bu kurs dahilinde kazanlacak teknik kabiliyetlerin kt amalar iin kullanlmas, TAMAMEN teknik kabiliyetlerini kt amalar iin kullanan kiiyi balar.Trk Ceza Kanununun 243. maddesi,(1) Bir biliim sisteminin btnne veya bir ksmna hukuka aykr olarak giren ve orada kalmaya devam eden kimseye bir yla kadar hapis veya adli para cezas verilir. (2) Fkra-Yukarda ki fkrada tanmlanan fiillerin bedeli karl yararlanlabilen sistemler hakknda ilenmesi halinde, verilecek ceza yar oranna kadar indirilir. (3) Bu fiil nedeniyle sistemin ierdii veriler yok olur veya deiirse alt aydan iki yla kadar hapis cezasna hkmolunur.Trk Ceza Kanununun 244. maddesi,(1) Bir biliim sisteminin ileyiini engelleyen veya bozan kii bir yldan be yla kadar hapis cezas ile cezalandrlr. (2) Bir biliim sistemindeki verileri bozan, yok eden, deitiren veya eriilmez klan, sisteme veri yerletiren var olan verileri baka bir yere gonderen kii alt aydan yla kadar hapis cezas ile cezalandrlr.(3) Bu fiille bir banka veya kredi kurumuna ya da bir kamu kurum veya kuruluun ait biliim sistemi zerinde ilenmesi halinde verilecek ceza yar orannda artrlr."
Price: 99.99 |
"Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology" |
"This session is aimed ateducatingstudents in STEMon the various innovations happening in the field of technology and bring awareness of the art of the possible, so that they can genuinely decide, how to apply what they are studying to real-world opportunities. We talk about technologies behind iPhone X, a Hyperloop and Volvorii Timeless Shoes to start with and then introduce you to Gartner Top Technology Trends."
Price: 24.99 |
"C c Adobe Premiere Pro CC" |
", - Adobe Premiere. , , . Premiere . , , , , , color grading, . , , Premiere Pro ."
Price: 29.99 |
"Create WordPress Website 2018 with SEO & HTTPS" |
"Create WordPress website 2018 today, with this step-by-step video. We will build a WordPress website with latest 2018 version of WordPress when this video was created. Google, as the biggest Search Engine at the moment, published the news on February 2018, starting from July 2018, the new release of Chrome 68 browser, that this browser will mark ALL non-HTTPSwebsites as ""Not Secure"" for your visitors. Just type ""A secure web is here to stay"" on Google, and you will be able to find and read that news. Who would want to make your visitors feel unsure visiting your website?That is the reason why I encourage you to build your website to have HTTPS from the beginning rather than building your website on HTTP, and eventually you will want to have the HTTPS version later on. Converting HTTP to HTTPS while the website has been running cost so much time, efforts and complicated for beginners. Why wouldn't we want to save our times, efforts, and headache?Even if you can't code, (Ican't code myself) I will show you detailed steps that you will be CONFIDENTLY create WordPress website 2018 version that features:HTTPS secure badge. Insecure version HTTP WordPress website is yesterday, let's move on to ""Secure"" HTTPS version of websites.Sticky menu header on all devices. Sticky menu header on mobile will increase your visitor's experience.Testimonials and portfolios to attract your potential clients.Schema-optimized business profile.Internal & External SEO steps.Let's get started! I am so excited to help you to create WordPress website 2018 version!."
Price: 199.99 |
"Backup and Restore a WordPress Website with a Real Site Demo" |
"Are you a WordPress beginner user who wants to learn how to manually and automatically backup your WordPress website then restoring it manually? Do you want to learn from the step one until the end,how to understand the process and do this yourself without hiring a developer or without relying yourself to a specific plugin?Do you want to know how you can restore a large database that exceeds your server's maximal database file upload?The common scenario of the world backing up and restoring a WordPress website is that when you have a backup, and save it somewhere, in the future, you want to restore the backup, you have difficulties on how to restore that long-saved backup file to the new environment. In this course, I will guide you through how to properly backup your current WordPress website as is, so that you can restore it anytime, anywhere without headaches.If you have a WordPress website, and plan to maintain it yourself for a long term, then you may want to considering this course."
Price: 199.99 |
"Emotional Wellness with NLP" |
"Through this course, I will teach you in an easy to use, step-by-step method, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques that will help you to change limiting beliefs, change old behaviour, let go of anxiety and forget bad memories. My course will also enable you to resolve internal conflicts and help in anger management. Proven Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques I have used simple language while speaking and describing these proven NLP techniques so that you can focus on bringing the change instead of spending time and energy to understand the technical jargon. Because, these exercises are simple to use, you will benefit immediately once you begin doing them. Lasting change in your lives Many of my clients have used these exercises to bring lasting change in their lives. Therefore I am confident that with some practice, you too will be able to use these easy exercises for your benefit and bring that desired change in your behaviour. Content and Overview This course contains 7 lectures and one hour of content, which are designed to help you change your behavioural patterns. Humans resist change and their brains are not wired to accept change easily. Descriptions in these videos are vivid and use lucid language allowing you to realise how simple changing is actually! If you are a person dealing with anger, this course will guide you to control your anger, easily. If you are dealing with internal conflict, this course will enable you to resolve this easily. Similarly, if you are prone to anxiety, after doing this course you will realise that you are no longer anxious over things that bothered you earlier. In a nut shell, you will emerge as an emotionally stronger and calmer person after finishing this course."
Price: 29.99 |
"Curso de Ingls - Pronncia e Vocabulrio" |
"Nessse curso nos vamos pegar cada letra do alfabeto ingls, analizando todos os vrios sons dela, seja a posiao dessa letra ao inicio, no meio ou ao fim da palavra. Nos vamos a analizar tambn alguns conjuntos para ver como o som de uma letra muda dependendo da letra que o antecede ou daquela que vem na sequncia.O meu metodo e de unir a teoria com a prtica ento em quase todas as aulas eu inclui algumas trava-lnguas para voc exercitar, desenvolver e melhorar a sua pronncia.Curso estruturado para quem quer melhorar ou desenvolvera sua pronncia e enriquecer o seu vocabulrio em ingls."
Price: 39.99 |
"Se tu mejor versin, a travs de un proceso de autocoaching" |
"Tu puedes ser tu propio Coach o tu propio gua a travs de un proceso de AUTOCOACHING o SELFCOACHING. Este es un proceso en el cual tu de manera autnoma e independiente lograras tu desarrollo personal a travs del auto conocimiento y la auto confianza, mejorando as en aspectos como: tu autoestima, tu inteligencia emocional, el manejo de tu estrs, tu liderazgo personal, tu alimentacin, la toma de decisiones, entre otras."
Price: 119.99 |
"Telecom BSS/OSS - A Beginner's Guide" |
"""Well explained. Each component of BSS/OSS is described in a simple manner. I recommend this course for Telecom newbies and professionals as well in order to get the overview of how each components works together with business process."" - Aurelien Nguessi""I've just switched to a telecom company and this helped me a lot to learn new domain"" - Luyn Minh Hng-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PS - Go through the introductory video before enrolling to know what is covered in the course.This course is on telecom BSS/OSS with emphasis ontelecom charging and billing, interconnect and roaming settlementThe course covers the evolution of mobile technology from 1G to 4G andcall/data routing in 2G,3G and 4G network,Wi-Fi and WiMAX. Andthe way the authentication, authorisation and accounting is performed on the customer.The course covers the variousBSS/OSS systems withrespect to prepaid and postpaid customers. and the functionalities of theBSS/OSS systems.At the end of the course student will have in depth knowledge of the systemslike Order handling, Charging, Billing, Mediation, Provisioning.This course is designed for beginners. However a working telecom professional can also enrol for the course in order to gain domainknowledge on BSS/OSS, specifically on charging and billing."
Price: 7680.00 |
"Agile and Scrum - A Beginner's Guide" |
"This is a short and crash course on Agile and Scrum.The course provides details about the agile manifesto and howscrum implements agile manifesto.The course clearly explains, how agile helps develop quality software.The course is dividedinto multiple sections.The course starts with waterfall model and drawbacks of waterfall model with respect to software quality. You will have a clear understanding as to why industry is moving towards Agile. More emphasis is given on howagile helps in developing quality software.The course contains details of scrum roles and events.The course discuss different phases of scrum in details.There is a quiz at the end of each section, to help you validate your knowledge. This is will definitely help all the beginners who wants to start a journey of Agile and Scrum"
Price: 2240.00 |
"Moroccan Cooking World - tajine, couscous and more ..." |
"welcome to our course on moroccancooking . Love moroccan food? Want to make flavorful moroccan tajine , couscous and more? Then join us in 13 exciting episodes from the FOULKI teamaboutmoroccanCulinary World, and we will prove, that it is not hard to cook moroccan food.wewilltake youstep-by-step through the art of moroccan cooking andyou will learn about the top spices and herbs that flavor moroccan food .Not only that , but we also make sure we show you the easiest way to make every dish yourselves This course is the products of cooperated efforts by a groupe of ambitious friends -moroccan natives-willing to share theire heritage ,theire knowledge , their expertisesand culinary culture with the rest of the world . We love our country , and of course our food .So, if you want to join the fun and enjoy discovering delicious Moroccan cuisine, then youre only one click away from this amazing experience.NB:course updated regularly with new content to stay relevant & up-to-date"
Price: 34.99 |
"Yeni Balayanlar iin llstrasyon" |
"ekmi olduumuz videolarda illstrasyon yapm, karakter tasarlama sreci, ocuk kitab illstrasyonlar ve illstrasyon piyasasna dair tyolar ele aldk. Karakter tasarlarken dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlar, eskiz aamalarn, fra ve doku kullanmn, mekan tasarmn, basit photoshop kullanmyla ele aldk. Videolarmz izledikten sonra illstrasyona dair temel bilgileri edinmi olup, iin tekniine, piyasasna ve sanatna dair bilgi sahibi olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99 |
"WordPress & SEO Basics: Gewinne Kunden mit Deiner Homepage!" |
"Deine Homepage ist der Mittelpunkt fr Dein OnlinemarketingDu nimmst Dein Online-Marketing selber in die Hand und mchtest Deine Homepage selber pflegen! Du willst nderungen einfgen, weitere Seiten einbauen und Deinen Blog aktiv betreiben. Du mchtest mit Deinem Online-Business durchstarten, Kurse oder Produkte online verkaufen,Du mchtest sichtbar und auffindbarwerden. Deine Fachkompetenz soll von Kunden und Interessenten gefunden werden ...Herzlich Willkommen! Genau dafr ist der Kurs konzipiert.Du lernst die Basics von Wordpress:neue Wordpress Seiten und Blogbeitrge erstellenBilder effektiv einbauen,warum der Text so wichtig ist, undwie Du Texte richtigaufbaustWP-Plugins fr Effektivitt und Sicherheit einbauenAktualisierungvon WP, Plugins und ThemeUnd Du lernst die Basics der Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO)Google-Hacks fr Deine Sichtbarkeitden Zusammenhang zwischen Text und Suchmaschinenoptimierungwarum ""Soziale Medien"" zur Homepage gehrenUnd Du lernst das Prinzip des Inbound MarketingsKurzum: Du lernst, wie Du mit Deiner Homepage erfolgreich im Netz agierst und damit von Interessenten gefunden wirst.Der Kurs richtet sich an Anfnger und Selbermacher, die mit 20% Wordpress und SEO Wissen, 80% Erfolg erreichen wollen."
Price: 189.99 |
"Homepage pflegen & gestalten mit dem WordPress DIVI Theme" |
"Herzlich Willkommen!ich freuen mich, dass Du Dich fr den Kurs ""Homepage pflegen & gestalten mit dem WordPress DIVI Theme"" interessierst.. Mit geballten 25 Jahre an Erfahrung und Know-how in Sachen Homepage und Online-Marketing, bringe ich Dir (und auch immermeinen Kunden) das ntige Basiswissen in WordPress bei. Denn Onlinemarketing ist Chefsache, und jede Homepagekann nur ""mit Persnlichkeit"" Kunden begeistern und gewinnen. Mit dem Divi-Theme wird es auch fr Laien sehr einfach, die eigene Webseite zu aktualisieren, fllen und pflegen.In dem Kurs ""Homepage pflegen & gestalten mit dem WordPress DIVI Theme"" lernst Du alle Grundlagen kennen. Es ist mir wichtig sicherzustellen, dass Du nicht nur smtliche Fachbegriffe rund um das Thema vermittelt bekommst, sondern auch zu 100% verstehst, worauf eswirklich ankommt. Deshalb sind auch immer wieder Tipps eingebaut, die eigendlich zur Suchmaschinenoptimierung gehren.Online sichtbar und auffindbar werden, das IST DIE ZUKUNFT!- Wo suchst Du, wenn Du Informationen ber ein Thema bentigst? Richtig!Im Internet! Wo sonst? Hchstwahrscheinlich nutzen Sie fr Ihre Recherche Google, wie ber 90% aller Deutschen und sogar aller Europer.Regelmige neue Inhalte sind eines der wichtigsten Rankingfaktoren bei Google.Worauf wartest Du also noch? berhole Deine Konkurrenz schon in den nchsten Wochen! Lets do it!"
Price: 69.99 |
"AWS Solutions Architect Associate 2020 Practice Quiz Test" |
"Must take practice test to pass your AWS certification in 2020. The AWS Certified Solutions Architect 2020 Practice Exams comes with a total of 190 exam questions spread across 4 individual exams. Each exam contains 60 questions and you have 80 minutes in which to complete the exam. The passing score for each exam is 75%. These AWS practice exams will test your knowledge on all core exam topics and enable you to gauge your readiness for the official AWS Certification exams. Test your skills in exam simulations, prepare for AWS Certifications and start learning in minutes.Questions collected from previous AWS exams in 2019 & 2020New Questions will be added every week."
Price: 19.99 |
"AWS Certified Developer Associate 2020 Practice Quiz Test" |
"This is the only course on Udemy that offers hands-on practice tests with a total of 760 hand-selected questions, the current major certification exam and limited time, which will help you prepare for the exam environment. You will get a Good Score in the Official DVA-C01 AWS Certified Developer Associate Test.This exam test is prepared according to the latest 2020 practice tests. Last updated: Updated Jan 2020.Exam InformationExam Title : DVA-C01 AWS Certified Developer Associate TestDuration of Exam : 250 minutes Number of Questions : 188 (Multiple Choice) Passing score : 75% (140 out of 188) Exam Format : Multiple-Choice Why take this course?Must take practice test to pass your AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam in 2019. The AWS Certified Developer Associate 2019 Practice Exams comes with a total of 760 Questions exam questions spread across 6 individual exams. Each exam contains 100+ questions and you have 130 minutes in which to complete the exam. The passing score for each exam is 75%. These AWS practice exams will test your knowledge on all core exam topics and enable you to gauge your readiness for the official AWS Certification exams. Test your skills in exam simulations, prepare for AWS Certifications and start learning in minutes.Questions collected from previous AWS exams in 2020New Questions will be added every week."
Price: 19.99 |
"CompTIA A+ Certification 220-901,902 Practice Questions 2020" |
"Welcome to the CompTIA A+ Certification 901, 902 Exam PreparationThis is the first of a two course series for CompTIA A+ and is designed to prepare you to take and pass the CompTIA A+ 220-901, 902 exam. To become fully A+ certified you will need to pass both the 220-901 and 220-902 exams. This course has over 320 Questions to help you to pass Comptia A+ Certification. The first goal of the course is to make you a good PC Tech and in the process make sure you are ready to pass the CompTIA 901, 902 exam.The course covers all the CompTIA A+ 220-901, 902 Objective Questions:Questions will be added every week. New 2020 Questions added."
Price: 19.99 |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect 2020 Practice Exam [New]" |
"Amazon has revised its exam pattern and modules in 2020 This Practice test is updated according with the latest AWS exam updates. Must take practice test to pass your AWS certification in 2020. The AWS Certified Solutions Architect 2020 Practice Exams comes with over 300 exam questions spread across 4 individual exams. Each exam contains 50 questions and you have 65 minutes in which to complete the exam. The passing score for each exam is 75%. These AWS practice exams will test your knowledge on all core exam topics and enable you to gauge your readiness for the official AWS Certification exams. Test your skills in exam simulations, prepare for AWS Certifications and start learning in minutes.Questions collected from previous AWS exams in 2020 Get life time access for this practice questions now. New Questions will be added every week. "
Price: 19.99 |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect 2020 Practice Questions" |
"We are offering 800+ UNIQUE practice questions for AWS Solution Architect Associate certification exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question.Our mock exam software can be accessed online and 100% accessible to mobile devices.New 300+ questions added after syllabus update from AWS in 2020.100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam.Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course."
Price: 19.99 |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2020 Practice Questions" |
"We are offering 180+ UNIQUE practice questions for AWS Cloud Practitioner certification exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question.Our mock exam software can be accessed online and 100% accessible to mobile devices.100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam.Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course."
Price: 19.99 |