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"Google Ads For Small Business"
"What if Itold you that you can run profitable ads WITHOUT paying for them? You'd probably think I'm crazy right?Well, Imust inform you that this is 100%possible and it's done by offsetting your cost per acquisition.For example, you sell personal training sessions. Before running your ads, you will have to find out how much it costs to acquire a new customer.Let's say you sell your sessions for $100. If your cost per acquisition is $20 then you will want to offer a ""bump offer"" or small end product before your potential customer signs up for a full price session.Without doing this, you'll only end up profiting $80 per initial session. However, as an example you could sell cheap meal plan for $19.99 and it's a 1 time offer. When you generate a lead for your personal training session, you're offering this low cost item first which will offset your cost per acquisition.In simple terms, you're using small end products/services to offset the cost of acquiring a new customer.When you do this with running profitable ads, you will see exactly how much it costs to acquire a customer from your paid ads. This is called Cost Per Conversion.This course dives deep into how to set up a successful Ads account. You'll end this course knowing exactly how to master Google Ads.Some of the best lessons in the course include:Setting up KPI reportsSpying on competitors ad performanceFinding high quality keywordsSetup remarketing adsBreaking down ad performanceSetting up highly profitable ads for your small businessThis course is designed for all small business owners because it was built by a small business owner. When you understand how paid ads work, you have the ability to completely dominate your online marketing. That is what you will learn in this course.Ihope to see you on the inside of this jam packed course."
Price: 19.99

"Aumente suas vendas com o Google Adwords"
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender como criar uma campanha na rede de pesquisas da Google, com isso voc poder conquistar novos clientes que esto em busca do seu produto na internet mas ainda no te conhecem.Aprenda os princpios bsicos para criao de uma campanha de sucesso.Descubra como utilizar as palavras-chavemais relevantes para o seu negcio utilizando os recursos disponveis na ferramenta.Tudo isso de uma maneira simples e direta."
Price: 69.99

"How To Monetize Your Blog"
"Never has there been a greater time in history to make money by clicking some buttons on a screen.The dream of quitting your 9-5 and working on yourown terms, on your own business,isattainable to everyone.One way to achieve this is through the art of blogging.Maybe you already have a blog up and running where you share whatever your heart desires with the rest of the world.Or maybe you have an idea for a blog, but have yet to get started because you want it to be worth your time.Well, there's good news for everyone!In theHow To Monetize Your Blogcourse, I'll take you through the nuts and bolts of creating an income stream from your blog.In this course, you will learn:Strategies for ad placement, pre-selling, and other basic monetization techniquesHow to utilize affiliate networks and linksHow tobuild an email list that convertsHow to design the optimal marketing funnel for what you are sellingAnd much more!Upon completion of this courseyou will know exactly what to doto create wealth from your bloglikeyou've always wanted!"
Price: 24.99

"Cryptocurrency Secrets"
"Bitcoin. Ethereum. Ripple.These cryptocurrencies are giving hope and excitement to people all over the world like never before.Even with the growing news coverage in recent months, cryptocurrency is still quite new to the market and many companies and other official entities are recognizing it asa legitimate and promising tool ofcommerce.This means that cryptocurrency can only go bigger from here...and you can be one of the early players!In theCryptocurrency Secrets course,you will learn theplaybook on how to grow your wealthin the digital currency market.In this course, you will learn:The basics of cryptocurrencies and what types are availableHow to open an account and begin purchasingThe potential risks and rewards of these assetsHow to accumulate more Bitcoin for your personal investment portfolioAnd much more!Learn the basics of cryptocurrency, grow your wealth, and have a leg up on others that may eventually be late to the game!"
Price: 24.99

Price: 24000.00

"Curso de Ingls para negcios, amplie seu conhecimento"
"O Curso de Ingls para Negcios Busy-Ness English, foi desenvolvido para ajudar voc que j tem um conhecimento bsico em ingls, a aprimorar o seu conhecimento em ingls para negcios.Ao longo do curso voc ir praticar e aprimorar as 4 habilidades essenciais para se ganhar fluncia na lngua inglesa, que so: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.Ao trmino do curso e das atividades extras, voc ter aprendido novas palavras do mundo dos negcios, ampliando assimseu vocabulrio e praticando com a aplicao destas palavras em frases e contextos do dia dia domercado de trabalho.Alm dos vdeos, o aluno ter acesso aos udios das aulas e material de apoio, podendo assim praticar e estudar em qualquer hora ou lugar.Destrave seu ingls e comece a participar ativamente das reunies em ingls no seu trabalho e ganhe mais confiana para atender aquela ligao internacional to esperada."
Price: 54.99

"The Basis of Family Nutrition"
"As a parent we tend to do the best we can with the knowledge we have received from our parents, friends, or the latest magazine article. With your children, you are growing an adult from scratch and how you feed them has a direct relationship to their growth and development, immune function, and focus. Adita will guide you through all of the research in an easy and fun manner so that food and nutrition can be easily implemented into your family kitchen on a day to day basis."
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft Power BI-A Complete Data Analysis Training Package"
"***Note -After enrolling into this course you will get full-time personal assistance and support from instructor with additional projectsafter the course***DESCRIPTION: Taking data driven decisions has been very easy with the help of Microsoft Power BI.As per my experience, business intelligence and data analysis companies are searching and preferring those candidates who can work in Power BI. There are tons of jobs available in the market for it. This course is created with all the latest features of Microsoft Power BI (latest updates). So, you will learn to create business reports with all the latest Power BI features. Power BI provides amazing featuresupdates every month So, I will be updating this course every month with all the important features of Power BI. In this course you will become Master of: 1. How to work in Power BI and creating reports right from the scratch. 2. There are 2 projects in this course which are created in such a way that you will cover most of the aspects on how to create a report in Power BI desktop and then publish it to share it with others. You will be analyzing Sales data. As a data analyst, firstly you will learn how to clean and transform data, then you will do various types of analysis like clustering, regression, sentiment analysis etc to gain insights from your sales data in Power BI. You will also perform website performance analysis to analyze how a particular website is performing across various locations. 3. We will learn how to use Query Editor to clean and transform our data as per our need. 4. Power BI provides amazing updates every month. In this course all the tutorial videos are as per latest Power BI updates and I will keep on updating it every month, so you will never lag. 5. These projects will teach you different kinds of businessanalysis and using different visualizations as per your data andrequirement. 6. We will then also learn how to create calculated DAX measures and columns. DAX measures are used to do some advanced calculations as per our requirement. 7. After creating our report in Power BI desktop, we will publish it to Power BI service from where we will create Power BI dashboard and then we will see how we can share it with others. 8. There are quizzes in each section which will help you to check your knowledge in Power BI. After completing the first project only, you will be very proud of yourself as you would have built stunning feature rich Power BI report and you wont be able to stop yourself from creating these addictive Power BI reports. So, this is what the course is offering. If you are new to Power BI or you have some basic understanding to Power BI but want to improve yourself in it and want to stand out from the crowd. Also, if you are looking yourself in data analysis career, then this is the right course for you.Why students consider thisas thebest Power BI course of 2018:""The course content is really engaging and fresh. Projects are very appealing and a lot of analysis could be learned from them. One could easily learn visualization and analysis from Power BI through this course."" - George""So far a good course. Instructor is teaching at a good pace. Happy to enroll in this course"" - Alicia Weber""I was looking for a fresh Power BI course which can help me create reports with all the new updates. This course is amazing for that. I would recommend anyone who is learning data visualization in Power BI to enroll in this course."" - Vijay Hope to see you inside the course, lets begin our journey."
Price: 99.99

"A Complete WordPress Website Development Course"
"If you want to learn to create WordPress website, then you have chosen the right course.What's different in this WordPress Tutorialthan the others:This is astep-by-step WordPresslearning coursewhere you will learn how to create WordPress website, install WordPress Themes, WordPress PluginsFor any learning to happen, it has to be well facilitated. You would want your facilitator to be available for you in case you have any questions. So, we heard your voice. When going through the course,in case you have any doubts, just ask it in the question and answer section and I will response it the soonest possible.At the end of each lesson, there will beKnowledge Check Questionsto check your learning. This will ensure that thatyou get the maximum return on your investmentyou made for this course.This course requires no coding skills, yes you heard it right,no coding skills required, and still, you will be able to create amazing websites.We will be sharingvarious resources with you, which will be helpful in your journey to create a world-class website.This is apractical and effective course. So,we will be sharing assignmentswith you as well so that whatever you learn through this course, you go ahead and practice. And in case you have any questions, I am there for you. You are not walking alone in this learning process.I am there to guide you throughout. Some of the things that you will be learning in this WordPress Tutorial areChoosing your CMSTypes of WordPressSetting up local serverDownloading XAMPPInstalling XAMPP to create local serverCreating database and downloading WordPressInstallWordPressExtracting WordPress files and installing WordPressLogging into WordPress DashboardWordPress DashboardNavigate to the WordPress dashboard; know what everything does and how to use itInstallWordPressThemesUnderstand themes and how to find/install themCustomizing WordPressThemesCustomization of WordPressWidgetsInstalling WordPressPremium ThemeInstalling Wordpress Premium ThemeDemo ContentInstall WordPressPluginsInstalling plugin for SEO on WordPress websiteInstalling plugin forIncreasingSpeed of WordPress websitesSecurityof WordPress websites Contact Form forWordPress websites Setup Contact us page forWordPress websites Creating Post and Basics of One Page Optimization (SEO)Creating PageSettingsDomainChoosing the right domain nameRegistering your domainChoosing your hosting servicesComparing various service providersChoosing your hosting providerPointing your domain to hosting providerSetting up your Web serverInstalling your WordPress to your Web serverTransferring Content to Web serverWho is the right audience for this WordPress Tutorial:This course is designed keeping you in mind. If you have no experience, and you don't even know the ABCD of building website more specifically WordPress blog, WordPress Websites,you don't know anything aboutWordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes, how to use WordPress, WordPress SEO, WordPress dashboard, WordPress Widgets, then don't worry, Iam there for you. You can learn the most from it. Even if you are experienced, you will still get to know certain things that you would not be knowing. This course is not for people trying to learn to code a custom Website. In this course, we'll learn how to use the thousands of themes and plugins already out there to design our own custom websites.I am really excited andcan't wait to help you build your own WordPress website!See you in the course...Happy LearningWith Best Regards,Nidhi"
Price: 199.99

"Google AdWords Certification in 2 Days - 2 courses in 1"
"Google AdWords Certification Course is a2in 1 course, that will help you prepare andgetGoogle AdWords Certification in just 2 days for two examsGoogle Adwords Fundamentals CertificationGoogle Search AdvertisingCertificationSo what will you get in this Google AdWords Certification Course:Everything You Need to prepare for the Google'sOfficial ExamDetailed Exam Overview200 Practice Questions To Ensure Exam SuccessHow to showcase your certificate to the professional world.Success Stories of thisGoogle AdWords Certification Course:""Thanks Nidhi, Icleared the exam with 95% marks, Thank you so much."" - Sonakshi S""Through this course, I am Google AdWords Certificated and that too in the first attempt. Hats off to you Nidhi for this practical course. It would not have been possible without you."" Maria Todorova""This is one a practical course that you should take before appearingfor the Google AdWords Certification. Igot certificationwithin 2 days."" -Martin Lawrence""Awesome, thats the only word that I have for you."" - Susie McAllisterIs the Google Adwords Certification Worth It? Well, I would like to mention that this certification will be a feather in the cap. If you are Google AdWords Certified, your resume carries much more weightage and also you create a very strong impact to your existing employer, during interviews and also to your clients who might be reaching out to you for the advertisement needs.Google AdWords Certification, add a professional weightage to your profile, and people look upon you as a valuable resource. Needless to say, Google Adwords Certification can help you gethigher pay packet.About the Google Adwords Certification ExamGoogle AdWords Certification Exam is an Industry recognized certification that proving your skills in Digital Advertising and Google Adwords. The exam is free to take. There are multiple exams and the duration of each exam is different ranging from 90 min to 120 mins containing only multiple choice questions. We will explaining you the finer details of it during the course."
Price: 199.99

"Google Analytics Certification - Get Certified in Just 1 Day"
"Google Analytics CertificationCourse will help you prepare andgetGoogle Analytics Certification in just 1 day.So what will you get in this Google AnalyticsCertification Course:Everything You Need to prepare for the Google'sOfficial ExamDetailed Exam Overview100 Practice QuestionsTo Ensure Exam SuccessHow to showcase your certificate to the professional world.Success Stories of thisGoogle AnalyticsCertification Course:""Wow I cleared the exam within 1 day. I cant believe I did it. Thank you so much Nidhi for this practical course."" - Cheryl""Its because of you Nidhi that I am Google Analytics Certified. I badly wanted this certification as I was to appear for an interview and this certificate really helped me stand out of the crowd."" - Olivia""If someone wants to get Google Analytics Certified, I will surely recommend this course. Go ahead and register for it.-Andrew""Its truly a one day challenge. I took it and got it. Guys what you are waiting for. Go ahead and take this challenge, I am sure like me you will also succeed.""- EthanIs this Google Analytics Certification worth It?Well, I would like to mention that this certification will be a feather in your cap. If you are Google Analytics Certified, your resume carries much more weight-age and also you create a very strong impact to your existing employer, during interviews ,and also to your clients who might be reaching out to you for the business needs. Google Analytics Certification, adds a professional weightage to your profile, and people look upon you as a valuable resource. Needless to say Google Analytics Certification can help you get higher pay packet.About the Google Analytics Certification ExamGoogle AnalyticsCertification Examis an Industry recognized certification that proving your skills inDigital World. The exam is free to take and the duration of the exam is90 minscontaining only multiple choice questions. We will explaining you the finer details of it during the course."
Price: 199.99

"Lean Six Sigma White Belt Training and Certification Course"
"Lean Six Sigma White Belt Training and Certification Course: Hello and a very warm welcome to this Lean Six Sigma course.This coursewill help you get introduced to the concept of Lean Six Sigma. This Lean Six Sigma White Belt Training is a highly recommended course if you are new in the journey of Lean, Six Sigma or Lean Six Sigma. Learning Objectives -Lean Six Sigma White Belt Training and Certification Course: To enable participants understand History and timelines of Lean History and timelines of Six Sigma Concept of Lean Six Sigma Financial benefits of Six Sigma to the organization Lean Six Sigma Roles and Responsibilities Basics of DMAIC methodology Some lean tools To prepare the participants for advanced courses like Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training and Certification Program Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training and certification Program Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training and Certification Program Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Training and Certification Program Curriculum Outline-Lean Six Sigma White Belt Training and Certification Course: 1. Lean Six Sigma History and Timelines: Understanding Lean and History of Lean Understanding Six Sigma and History of Six Sigma 2. Understanding Lean Six Sigma and its Benefits Understanding Lean Six Sigma Financial Benefits Of Six Sigma To The Organization 3. Fundamentals of Lean Six Sigma Lean Six Sigma Roles and Responsibilities Methodology Selection Overview of DMAIC Methodology DMAICExample 4. Lean Fundamentals Kano ModelKaizen Five-S (5S) and Visual Controls Value and Eight Deadly Muda PokaYoke Course Details of this Lean Six Sigma Course: Duration :1 hourLanguage of Instruction :English Methodology of learning:Self-pacedmodule Eligibility:No specific requirements System Requirement:Laptop / PC (with speakers) and internet connection Success Stories of Lean Six Sigma White Belt Training and Certification Course: ""The course is very easy to understand and quite engaging and the duration was apt. I will surely recommend this to others."" -Anurag Mishra ""Even though I have known and dealt with Six Sigma in my line of work for years thru customers, I have never really gotten in depth with it myself where I presently work as far as full understanding and implementation. Very informative and educational course for the way it is presented."" -Jeff Cola ""Its a very good course and very well designed-Mjuwafaq ""The course is quite engaging, specially the DMAICExample. I really like the way, the concept has been dealt. Ilook forward to join the Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Course also. Thanks Nidhi for bringing this course.""-Michelle"
Price: 99.99

"SEO Made Simple A Complete Step By Step SEO Training 2019"
"Want to Rank your website on the first position of Google, Bing or other Search Engines, then this SEO Made Simple A Complete Step By Step SEO Training, is the solution for all your SEO needs People spend hundreds and thousands of dollars every month to ranktheir website on any of the search engine. There are over 5 billion search requests per day on the internet by over 3.9 billion internet users. So the quantum of organic traffic that you can expect on your website is huge. But for this to happen you need to learn the nuances of SEO so as to tap this humongous traffic.Through theSEO Made Simple A Complete Step By Step SEO Training, you will understand the complete details of how to rank your website on top position of Google and other search engines.Curriculum OutlineIntroductionCourse IntroductionLearning ObjectivesCurriculum OutlineIntroduction to SEOGoals of SEOCategorisation of SEPWebsite Audit and Competitors AnalysisIdentifying CMS of the competitorsIdentifying the plugins used fir a Wordpress websiteSelf and Competitors Analysis ReportsUnderstanding Domain ToolsOn-Page OptimisationWhat are Keywords, its importance and Types of KeywordsTools for Keyword ResearchTags (Title, Meta Description, Alt Text)Content, Interlinking of pages and Anchor TextBonus Lecture - Creating Post and On Page Optimization for SEORobotsBroken Links404 Error PageSitemaps and Submission of website to search enginesWhat is a SitemapCreation of Sitemap for WordpressCreation of sitemaps for other types of websitesSpeeding up the websitePage loading time a major factor for search rankingTools to test website loading speedHow to Decrease Page Load TimePlugins to improve website speed for WordPressChoose your web server wiselyGoogle Analytics and Webmaster ToolsMajor Search EnginesAdding your website to Google WebmasterSubmission of Website to BingAdding your website to Google AnalyticsOff- Page OptimizationBenefits of Internal links and BacklinksSources of BacklinksBlogsExpired LinksGoogle Business RegistrationBusiness Listing DirectoriesNews - Press ReleasesArticle Submission WebsiteSocial BookmarkingVirtual Private Network (VPN)What is a VPN and why do you need itHow to use a VPN and some good options of VPNStrategisation - On line Reputation ManagementBlack Hat SEOWhat is Black Hat SEOGoogle Algorithms and UpdatesMajor Google Algorithms and UpdatesChecking the latest Google and other search engine updatesBonusYou Said It, We Heard It - You will love the Surprise insideFinishing TouchYour voice matters, IamlisteningA quick recap of what we Learnt"
Price: 199.99

"Full Basic Turkish Language course (ALL IN ONE)"
"Our course is a complete course , that will make the studentat the end of it :an advanced Turkish language speaker. The main aim of this course is to teach the Turkish language from the beginning starting fromthe letters and the right pronunciation of it,ending to learning the basic grammar and vocabulary that any student will need to know .This course is for who ?This course is specially for those who want to start or restart learning Turkish from the first basics .Also its for tourists that wants to be more than an ordinary tourists.what does this course contain ?more than 25 grammar (plural-imperative-possessive adjectives...).Theconjugation of the verbs in different tenses( present simple , past simple ...).How to build basic and dailyconversations (introducing- buying a ticket- havinga meal...).the basic daily words , more than +1000 word (colors , Numbers ,times,Foods, Nature ,Weather...).vocabulary lists according to the subject( food-Cloths-animals...)How to buildsentences indifferent tenses in both positive and negative form.Tasks about each grammar .What will i achieveat the end of thisYou will learn the most important Turkish grammar rules.You will be able to express what you want to say inunderstandable right language.You will be able to serve yourself when you are in Turkish Language speaking country.You will be able to use more than 1200 word that you are going to learn from this courseYou will Learn to build right nominal and verbalsentences and having conversations about different topics."
Price: 49.99

"Digital portrait painting from scratch to finish"
"*ALL INCLUDED FILES ARE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE. THIS IS NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE.Lecture1:Portrait creation from scratch to finishComplete demonstration of how to use photoshop default brush to paint a portrait from total start to finished!package includes:-50 mins HD video with vocal walk through-2 brushes as tool presets-multi layer PSD source fileLecture2:Layer by layer shortdemonstrationtutorial for digital painted characterThis tutorial is forintermediateartists who already knew basic object lighting and rendering. There's no real time creation process butmultiplelayersexplanation of how Iachievedthe resultand how to make the image better with some photoshop tips. The best thing of this tutorial is that it doesn't require any special brush and complicated filter adjustment but just default photoshop brush and the basic knowledge. package includes:-24 mins HD video with intense vocal walk through and some demonstration-6 brushes used in the artwork-multi layer PSD source fileLecture3:Portrait creation from scratch to finishA tutorial of how to paint a portrait in photshop. 14 mins video with vocal walk through from scratch to finish. First step lay down a general silhouette in color and apply mid tone value of color with final lighting using different brush and layer modes.package includes:-14 mins HD video with vocal walk through-2 brushes I use in this art as tool preset.-multi layer PSD source fileLecture4:Using photo to apply color for character paintingThere's A LOT of explainationin this tutorial. There's no real time creating process but detailexplanation and nearly fulldemonstrationof how Iarchive the result.package includes:-15 mins HD video with fully vocal walk through-multi layer PSD source fileLecture5: Portrait creation from scratch to finish in watercolor styleComplete demonstration of how to use photoshop default brush to paint a portrait with traditional watercolor feel and explanation of color choice. package includes:-28 mins HD video with vocal walk through-2 brushes as tool presets-multi layer PSD source fileLecture6:How to color a gray scale portrait in photoshop and adding visual effectThere's no real time creating process but explanation and demonstration of how I achieved the result.package includes:-13 mins HD video with vocal walk throughand some demonstration-multi layer PSD source file"
Price: 24.99

"digital illustration from scifi to fantasy with Camille Kuo"
"Painting character in grayscale from scratch-Apeman-20 mins HD video with full vocal walk throughColoring grayscale character-Primitive-24 mins HD video with intense vocal walk through and some demonstration-6 brushes used in the artwork-multi layer PSD source fileColoring grayscale character with advance coloring technique-Kong-20 mins HD video with vocal walk through-2 brushes as tool presets-multi layer PSD source fileUsing true color to paint characters from scratch-Viking-24 mins HD video with intense vocal walk through and some demonstration-8 brushes used in the artwork-multi layer PSD source fileUsing true color from scratch and adding light&color adjustment-Evolution-8mins HD video with vocal walk through and some demonstration-multi layer PSD source fileFinalize illustration with advance visual effect techniques-Silent Threat-10mins HD video withvocal walk through and some demonstration-multi layer PSD source file"
Price: 19.99

"digital painting for environment with Camille Kuo"
"Start from true color painting and fundamental knowledge of choosing colors-11 mins HD video with intense vocal walk through and some demostration-multi layer PSD source fileStart from true color painting and add color adjustment-8 mins HD video with intense vocal walk through and some demonstration-multi layer PSD source fileAdjust brush preset to make your own brushes in photoshop-9 mins HD video with intense vocal walk through and some demonstration-5 brushes used in the artwork-multi layer PSD source fileColor from grayscale painting-20 mins HD video with intense vocal walk through and some demonstration-multi layer PSD source fileUsing photoshop custom shape to create from scratch to finish-27 mins HD video with vocal walk through-2 photoshop custom shapes I made and used in this work-multi layer PSD source file"
Price: 19.99

"Il corso e' dedicato esclusivamentealle scale pentatoniche, ed alla possibilita' di farle suonare in maniera ""non convenzionale"".Lo scopo di queste lezioni e' quello di imparare a creare dei fraseggi vari ed interessanti, uscendo dai limiti sonori che spesso la scala pentatonica presenta.Ho voluto provare a fissare delle idee che permettano di risolvere il problema: ""la scala pentatonica suona sempre uguale""."
Price: 19.99

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Price: 59.99

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Price: 49.99

"Practice Exam 1Z0-883: MySQL 5.6 Database Administrator OCP"
"Passing Oracle 1Z0-0883 exam is required to earn -Oracle Certified Professional, MySQL 5.6 Database Administrator. Important details about the exam:Exam Duration: 150 MinutesNo. of Questions: 100Passing Score: 60%This practice test contains 300 questions for you to practice before exam!MySQL Certification Cost: US$ 245Find below the list of exam topics:MySQL ArchitectureUse MySQL client programs to interface with the MySQL Server interactively and in batchDescribe how MySQL uses disk and memory resourcesList and describe key characteristics of standard MySQL storage engines including InnoDB, NDB, MyISAM, MEMORY, FEDERATEDMySQL Server Installation, Configuration and MaintenanceSelect, deploy, start and stop MySQL using appropriate binary packages for Windows and Linux platformsConfigure MySQL Server deployments using options files, command-line options and server variables.Identify, configure, locate and describe appropriate use cases for MySQL the error, binary, general query and slow query log.MySQL SecurityDescribe appropriate steps to secure a MySQL deployment at the operating system, filesystem and network levels.Create and maintain user accounts with appropriate privileges and configuration.Deploy and configure MySQL Enterprise AuditDiagnostic Data and Metadata Sources in MySQLConfigure and leverage PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA tables to identify and diagnose performance problems.Obtain MySQL metadata from INFORMATION_SCHEMA tablesOptimizing MySQL PerformanceDemonstrate ability to diagnose and optimize poorly-performing queries.Tune MySQL Server configuration for best performance.Apply best practices in optimizing schema objectsDemonstrate understanding of locking concepts as applied to MySQL Server and storage engines.Create and utilize table PARTITIONINGBackups and Recovery in MySQLCreate and restore logical backups using mysqldumpCreate and restore binary backupsUse backups for data recoveryHigh Availability Techniques for MySQLDescribe, configure, deploy and troubleshoot MySQL replicationDescribe and contrast characteristics of common MySQL high availability solutions (MySQL Cluster, DRBD, Windows Failover Clustering, Solaris Cluster, OVM Template for MySQL Enterprise)"
Price: 99.99

"CPA Practice Exam: C++ Certified Associate Programmer"
"CPA: C++ Certification Exam PracticeC++ Certified Associate Programmer (CPA) is a professional certificate that measures your ability to accomplish coding tasks related to the basics of programming in the C++ language and the fundamental notions and techniques used in object-oriented programming.A test candidate should demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the following concepts:The universal concepts of computer programming;The syntax and semantics of the C++ language as well as basic data types offered by the language;The principles of the object-oriented model and its implementation in the C++ language;The means useful in resolving typical implementation problems with the help of standard C++ language libraries.With over 220 C++ certification exam questions to practice and prepare before your actual exam!How do I get C++ certified?You will obtain your certificate in the C or C++ language issued by C++ Institute after you successfully pass a corresponding C or C++ exam in one of over 5,000 Pearson VUE Test Centres around the world.What is a C++ certification?C++ Certified Associate Programmer (CPA) is a professional certificate that measures your ability to accomplish coding tasks related to the basics of programming in the C++ language and the fundamental notions and techniques used in object-oriented programming.How much does it cost to get C++ certified?Full exam fee is $295, no voucher needed. The fee includes a free retake. Exam registration at pearsonvue. Open Enrollment, Self-study: Promotional exam fee for students who have completed our self-enroll CLA course is $147.50 (50% discount voucher)."
Price: 99.99

"CPP Practice Exam: C++ Certified Professional Programmer"
"C++ Certified Professional Programmer (CPP) is a professional certificate that measures your ability to accomplish coding tasks related to the more advanced C++ topics such as templates and the Standard Template Library.A test candidate should demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the following concepts:C++ template mechanism, reading and understanding definitions of template functions and classes;Using property template classes and methods, including third party templates;Creating template functions and classes; C++ STL library including the IO part;Solving common programming problems with STL predefined classes and methods.Practice and prepare for C++ Certified Professional Programmer Certification online with over 240 practice exam questions!A test candidate should demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the C++ template mechanism, reading and understanding definitions of template functions and classes, using property template classes and methods including third party templates, creating template functions and classes, C++ STL library including the IO part, and solving common programming problems with STL predefined classes and methods.How do I get C++ certified?Prepare for your exam. You can sign up for C++ Institute's online courses to get prepared for the CPA, CPP and CLA certification exams delivered at Pearson VUE Test Centers. The courses are free of charge. Completing a given course will entitle you to a discount voucher on your exam.How much does it cost to get C++ certified?Full exam fee is $295, no voucher needed. The fee includes a free retake. Exam registration at pearsonvue. Open Enrollment, Self-study: Promotional exam fee for students who have completed our self-enroll CLA course is $147.50 (50% discount voucher)."
Price: 99.99

"AccessData A30-327: AccessData Certified Examiner exam"
"AccessData Certified ExaminerFor individuals who are proficient with Forensic Toolkit technology and are familiar with Forensics Toolkit (FTK), Password Recovery Toolkit (PRTK), FTK Imager, and Registry Viewer. ACE candidates will benefit from having the AccessData BootCamp and Windows Forensics - XP courses as a foundation.AccessData Certified Examiner MaintenanceACE Credential Maintenance is required two years after the initial ACE certification and every two years thereafter to maintain the ACE credential.ACE Credential Maintenance requires passing the current ACE examination; the examination can be taken online at a time of your choosing.The examination will be based on the most current versions of FTK, FTK Imager, Registry Viewer and PRTK.There is no educational requirement for ACE Credential Maintenance.The ACE certification consists of an online exam with both knowledge-based and practical-based components. There are no prerequisites.You must pass a multiple choice exam which consists of Knowledge Based and Practical Based elements. There is no cost to take the exam, but there is a 90 minute time limit.There are 2 options to taking the ACE exam: you can take an AccessData training course and take the exam at the end of the course, or you can take the exam online without training.One year after you earn the ACE certification, you must pass an online practical exam to maintain your credential. After the first ACE Maintenance session, the period will be every two years to maintain the ACE credential.Retaking the initial ACE certification exam can NOT be substituted for ACE Credential Maintenance. If the ACE certification expires the candidate must wait a period of one year before being permitted to take the initial ACE certification exam."
Price: 99.99

"AND-401 Practice Exam: Android Application Development"
"Whether you are planning to become an Android developer, take your Android development skills to the next, or even become an Android development trainer, Android ATC has build the right path of exams and courses to get in track for Android certifications. The following certification paths chart illustrates which exams you should pass to achieve each certification.Certification Path1: Android Certified Application DeveloperAND 401:Android Application DevelopmentCertification Path 2: Android Certified Application EngineerAND 401:Android Application DevelopmentAND 402: Android Security EssentialsAND 403: Monetize Android ApplicationsWhy Android Certifications?In the last years, smartphones has become the go-to platform for developing all sorts of applications. Business applications for banks, TVs, universities have been migrating from websites to mobile applications. Furthermore, Android devices are dominating the market share of mobile phone. All this has made Android application development among the most required skills in the IT sector and the available IT jobs.AND-401: Android Certified Application Developer ExamTo be an Android certified application developer (and to acquire this certificate and the Android certified application developer ID card), you must pass the Android certified application developer exam. Upon completing this exam with a passing grade, you will receive an email in no later than 10 working days from the exam date, containing a username and password to access the Android ATC students dashboard. You will then be able to download your certificate in PDF format, access your score report, and - if you wish - you may order your hard copy certificate and ID card.Exams Policies and Procedure:The following conditions and description applied for all Android ATC exams:All Android ATC exams are closed book.Exams are available in English and Spanish only.Each exam consists of 45 multiple-choice questions.Exam duration is 90 minutes.The passing grade is 70%.During each exam you can review your previous answers before ending the exam.The examinee will receive a score report with his/her result immediately after he/she finishes and submits the exam.You are not obliged to take the course before you take the exam.If you do not pass an Android ATC exam and you want to retake it, you may do so after 24 hours, but the retake is not for free, you must pay for the exam again.Trainees who have attended the Android ATC courses are expected to pass their corresponding exams easily; however, attending courses is not mandatory to sit for online official exams.Our exams questions cover the theoretical and practical aspects of each course. Some questions might include code snippets to test your technical and programming skills. Kindly check the exam samples on Android ATC web site under the exam tab, and familiarize yourself with the exam questions.The exam price for any Android ATC exam is $150 USD.The validity of Android certificates does not depend on the date they were issued on i.e. they have no expiry date. However, since each exam you take is built for a specific Android version, the certificates are linked to that version and explicitly show it on them. Android version 7 will be added to all Android certificates issued after November 20, 2016.Test Preparation To prepare for the test, you may follow one of the following ways:1 Android ATC Authorized Training CentersGet the proper training on all available courses through our authorized training partners around the globe. Our partners provide the latest curriculum of Android ATC courses and adhere to our high training standards. Preparing for your certifications through our training partners ensures that you get the best combination of theoretical and practical knowledge required for successful IT jobs. Our training curriculum provides hand-on experience through a set of practical labs for each Android topic covered. To locate the nearest authorized training center, visit androidatc website.2 Self-StudyYou may choose to study the course on your own by ordering the self-study guide from the Android ATC Web site. To order the self-study guide, kindly go to androidatc website, select the SELF STUDY tab, and place your order online for the Android Application Development book. The total price for the book available in hard copy format including the shipping price is 65USD. The book is delivered to you in about four working days."
Price: 99.99

"AND-402 Practice Exam: Android Security Essentials"
"Whether you are planning to become an Android developer, take your Android development skills to the next, or even become an Android development trainer, Android ATC has build the right path of exams and courses to get in track for Android certifications. The following certification paths chart illustrates which exams you should pass to achieve each certification.Certification Path1: Android Certified Application DeveloperAND 401:Android Application DevelopmentCertification Path 2: Android Certified Application EngineerAND 401:Android Application DevelopmentAND 402: Android Security EssentialsAND 403: Monetize Android ApplicationsWhy Android Certifications?In the last years, smartphones has become the go-to platform for developing all sorts of applications. Business applications for banks, TVs, universities have been migrating from websites to mobile applications. Furthermore, Android devices are dominating the market share of mobile phone. All this has made Android application development among the most required skills in the IT sector and the available IT jobs.AND-402: Android Certified Security Essentials ExamUpon passing this exam, you will only get a score report. You need to complete the AND-403 Monetize Android Applications exam to get the Android certified Application Engineer certificate.Exams Policies and Procedure:The following conditions and description applied for all Android ATC exams:All Android ATC exams are closed book.Exams are available in English and Spanish only.Each exam consists of 45 multiple-choice questions.Exam duration is 90 minutes.The passing grade is 70%.During each exam you can review your previous answers before ending the exam.The examinee will receive a score report with his/her result immediately after he/she finishes and submits the exam.You are not obliged to take the course before you take the exam.If you do not pass an Android ATC exam and you want to retake it, you may do so after 24 hours, but the retake is not for free, you must pay for the exam again.Trainees who have attended the Android ATC courses are expected to pass their corresponding exams easily; however, attending courses is not mandatory to sit for online official exams.Our exams questions cover the theoretical and practical aspects of each course. Some questions might include code snippets to test your technical and programming skills. Kindly check the exam samples on Android ATC web site under the exam tab, and familiarize yourself with the exam questions.The exam price for any Android ATC exam is $150 USD.The validity of Android certificates does not depend on the date they were issued on i.e. they have no expiry date. However, since each exam you take is built for a specific Android version, the certificates are linked to that version and explicitly show it on them. Android version 7 will be added to all Android certificates issued after November 20, 2016.Test PreparationTo prepare for the test, you may follow one of the following ways:1 Android ATC Authorized Training CentersGet the proper training on all available courses through our authorized training partners around the globe. Our partners provide the latest curriculum of Android ATC courses and adhere to our high training standards. Preparing for your certifications through our training partners ensures that you get the best combination of theoretical and practical knowledge required for successful IT jobs. Our training curriculum provides hand-on experience through a set of practical labs for each Android topic covered. To locate the nearest authorized training center, visit androidatc website.2 Self-StudyYou may choose to study the course on your own by ordering the self-study guide from the Android ATC Web site. To order the self-study guide, kindly go to androidatc website, select the SELF STUDY tab, and place your order online for the Android Application Development book. The total price for the book available in hard copy format including the shipping price is 65USD. The book is delivered to you in about four working days."
Price: 99.99

"AND-403 Practice Exam: Monetize Android Applications"
"Whether you are planning to become an Android developer, take your Android development skills to the next, or even become an Android development trainer, Android ATC has build the right path of exams and courses to get in track for Android certifications. The following certification paths chart illustrates which exams you should pass to achieve each certification.Certification Path1: Android Certified Application DeveloperAND 401:Android Application DevelopmentCertification Path 2: Android Certified Application EngineerAND 401:Android Application DevelopmentAND 402: Android Security EssentialsAND 403: Monetize Android ApplicationsWhy Android Certifications?In the last years, smartphones has become the go-to platform for developing all sorts of applications. Business applications for banks, TVs, universities have been migrating from websites to mobile applications. Furthermore, Android devices are dominating the market share of mobile phone. All this has made Android application development among the most required skills in the IT sector and the available IT jobs.AND-403: Monetize Android Applications ExamWhen you have completed this exam, you will get only a score report, you need to complete AND-402 Android Security Essentials exam to get the Android certified Application Engineer"" certificate.To achieve the Android Certified Application Engineer certificate, you need to pass three exams: AND-401, AND-402 and AND-403, which cover Android application development, Android Security Essentials, and Monetizing Android Application respectively.Exams Policies and Procedure:The following conditions and description applied for all Android ATC exams:All Android ATC exams are closed book.Exams are available in English and Spanish only.Each exam consists of 45 multiple-choice questions.Exam duration is 90 minutes.The passing grade is 70%.During each exam you can review your previous answers before ending the exam.The examinee will receive a score report with his/her result immediately after he/she finishes and submits the exam.You are not obliged to take the course before you take the exam.If you do not pass an Android ATC exam and you want to retake it, you may do so after 24 hours, but the retake is not for free, you must pay for the exam again.Trainees who have attended the Android ATC courses are expected to pass their corresponding exams easily; however, attending courses is not mandatory to sit for online official exams.Our exams questions cover the theoretical and practical aspects of each course. Some questions might include code snippets to test your technical and programming skills. Kindly check the exam samples on Android ATC web site under the exam tab, and familiarize yourself with the exam questions.The exam price for any Android ATC exam is $150 USD.The validity of Android certificates does not depend on the date they were issued on i.e. they have no expiry date. However, since each exam you take is built for a specific Android version, the certificates are linked to that version and explicitly show it on them. Android version 7 will be added to all Android certificates issued after November 20, 2016.Test PreparationTo prepare for the test, you may follow one of the following ways:1 Android ATC Authorized Training CentersGet the proper training on all available courses through our authorized training partners around the globe. Our partners provide the latest curriculum of Android ATC courses and adhere to our high training standards. Preparing for your certifications through our training partners ensures that you get the best combination of theoretical and practical knowledge required for successful IT jobs. Our training curriculum provides hand-on experience through a set of practical labs for each Android topic covered. To locate the nearest authorized training center, visit androidatc website.2 Self-StudyYou may choose to study the course on your own by ordering the self-study guide from the Android ATC Web site. To order the self-study guide, kindly go to androidatc website, select the SELF STUDY tab, and place your order online for the Android Application Development book. The total price for the book available in hard copy format including the shipping price is 65USD. The book is delivered to you in about four working days."
Price: 99.99

"CCSE Practice Exam - Check Point Certified Security Expert"
"The Check Point Certified Security Engineering #156-315.13 exam covers the following topics: The process for backup of a Security Gateway and Management Server using your understanding of the differences between backups, snapshots, and upgrade-exports.The process for upgrade of Management Server using a database migration.How to perform debugs on firewall processes.Building, testing and troubleshooting a ClusterXL Load Sharing deployment on an enterprise network.Building, testing and troubleshooting a ClusterXL High Availability deployment on an enterprise network.Building, testing and troubleshooting a management HA deployment on an enterprise network.Configuring, maintaining and troubleshooting SecureXL and CoreXL acceleration solutions on the corporate network traffic to ensure noted performance enhancement on the firewall.Building, testing and troubleshooting a VRRP deployment on an enterprise network.Using an external user database such as LDAP, to configure User Directory to incorporate user information for authentication services on the network.Managing internal and external user access to resources for Remote Access or across a VPN.Troubleshooting a site-to-site or certificate-based VPN on a corporate gateway using IKEView, VPN log files and command-line debug tools.Optimizing VPN performance and availability using Link Selection and Multiple Entry Point solutions.Managing and testing corporate VPN tunnels to allow for greater monitoring and scalability with multiple tunnels defined in a community including other VPN providers.Creating Events and using existing event definitions to generate reports on specific network traffic using SmartReporter and SmartEvent in order to provide industry compliance information to management.Troubleshoot report generation given command-line tools and debug-file information.Q: How much do the exams cost?Exams vary in price between US $150-$350, but exact pricing is available through Pearson VUE. Practice exams are $50.Q: What is the format of the exams?The exams are composed of multiple choice and scenario questions. All questions are Select the BEST answer type questions. There are no multiple response answers.Q: How long are the exams?The exams are 100 questions to be completed in 90 minutes in all English-speaking countries. Non-English speaking countries receive an additional 15 minutes. Q: What is the difference between Certification and Accreditation?Check Point recognizes those professionals who have passed a rigorous, thorough examination process with a Certification. Certifications are based on proctored exams derived from comprehensive job models and detailed instructional objectives.Accreditations are derived from product specific content exams delivered in a less formal examination setting and recognize an individuals effort to stay current on the latest products.Q: What versions are available?Our Current certifications are based on R77.30 and the R80.10.Q: How long does a certification last?Certification, like security, must be kept current to be truly effective - which is why we strongly encourage you to constantly refresh and keep your certification current. Certifications expire after 24 months.Q: Where can I take a Check Point certification exam?Check Point professional certification exams are proctored through Pearson VUE, a third party testing vendor with over 3.500 locations worldwide. You can register for any Check Point exam and earn your certification by visiting their Website and creating a Web Profile. Additionally, our exams are now available via Pearson VUE Online Proctoring, where exams are delivered by a live proctor to your workstation. To learn more or register, visit pearsonvue website.Q: Do I have to take classes in order to take the exams?No, it is possible to take an exam with only your own experience or self-study using the Check Point courseware, but we highly recommend taking a class instead. Instructor-led training accelerates and focuses your learning, gives you hands-on experience and an opportunity to make mistakes in the lab, and is much more cost-effective than self-study in your spare time.Q: I know that CCSA certification is a prerequisite for CCSE. Can I achieve a CCSE R80 certification with a CCSA R70 or later certification?No. Since R80 is a completely new product version with many new features, only the CCSA R80 certification provides the background necessary to be a prerequisite to CCSE R80 certification. However, if you have a CCSE based on NGX or the Blade technology, you are eligible to take our upgrade exam #156-915.80 to earn your CCSE R80 certification. Q: My R70 certifications have already expired. Do I need to start over with CCSA R80 to update to CCSE R80?Actually, you dont. Even though your certification has expired, the eligibility for updates to the latest version has not. If youever held a CCSE certification, you are eligible for the Update exam.Q: Why is my Check Point Professional ID Number important?It represents your personal identification with Check Point Software Technologies and establishes proof of your certification. You are only allowed one Certified Professional ID number.Q: How do I get my Check Point Professional ID Number?It is assigned to you when you register with VUE for the first time to take an exam. It will be in the form CP00000nnnnn.Q: When do I use my Check Point Professional ID Number?Whenever you contact VUE to register for another exam session, and whenever you contact Check Point regarding anycertification issue.Q: I just passed my exams. When can I expect to receive my certificate?Check Point provides e-Certificates that you can access from your User Center profile. Once we receive your exam results we'll update your User Center account with your new credentials, giving you immediate access to your online benefits like Access to SecureKnowledge and your on-line Certification Profile. Q: Will becoming a Check Point Certified Professional improve my career or employment opportunities?Companies hire certified professionals to ensure maximum security and availability of valuable business assets, and know certified professionals are more efficient, productive, and deliver lower total cost of ownership from Check Point solutions. And as one of over 50,000 Check Point Certified Professionals worldwide, you'll get immediate recognition of your experience, knowledge, and abilities while investing in your professional development and security career."
Price: 99.99

"CCSM Practice Exam: CheckPoint Certified Security Master R77"
"The Check Point Certified Security Master (CCSM) is Check Point's most advanced technical credential, which validates the ability of candidates to use advanced commands to troubleshoot, configure and optimize Check Point Security Systems. IT professionals seeking this credential should be able to troubleshoot ClusterXL and SecureXL, identify encryption failure sources and misconfigured VPNs, and address issues with intrusion prevention system false positives.Exam Name:Check Point Certified Security Master (CCSM) R77.30Exam Code:156-115.77Exam Price: $350 (USD)Duration: 90 minPassing Score: 70%No of questions: 90To earn the CCSM, candidates need to possess the CCSE (R70 or higher, or equivalent knowledge). Check Point recommends that candidates have knowledge of UNIX and have experience with networking, TCP/IP and Windows Server. Candidates also need to pass exam 156-115.77.The Check Point certification program includes four professional certifications:CCSA: Check Point Certified Security AdministratorCCSE: Check Point Certified Security ExpertCCMSE: Check Point Managed Security ExpertCCSM: Check Point Certified Security MasterAll Check Point exams are administered by Pearson VUE. Exams are 90 minutes in length and cost between $150 and $350, depending on the exam. All candidates need to set up a VUE Test Center account and Check Point User Center account to access exams. Training is not required but does come highly recommended as exams draw heavily from course materials along with real-world scenarios.Q: What is the format of the exams?The exams are composed of multiple choice and scenario questions. All questions are Select the BEST answer type questions. There are no multiple response answers.Q: What is the difference between Certification and Accreditation?Check Point recognizes those professionals who have passed a rigorous, thorough examination process with a Certification. Certifications are based on proctored exams derived from comprehensive job models and detailed instructional objectives.Accreditations are derived from product specific content exams delivered in a less formal examination setting and recognize an individuals effort to stay current on the latest products.Q: What versions are available?Our Current certifications are based on R77.30 and the R80.10.Q: How long does a certification last?Certification, like security, must be kept current to be truly effective - which is why we strongly encourage you to constantly refresh and keep your certification current. Certifications expire after 24 months.Q: Where can I take a Check Point certification exam?Check Point professional certification exams are proctored through Pearson VUE, a third party testing vendor with over 3.500 locations worldwide. You can register for any Check Point exam and earn your certification by visiting their Website and creating a Web Profile. Additionally, our exams are now available via Pearson VUE Online Proctoring, where exams are delivered by a live proctor to your workstation. To learn more or register, visit pearsonvue website.Q: Do I have to take classes in order to take the exams?No, it is possible to take an exam with only your own experience or self-study using the Check Point courseware, but we highly recommend taking a class instead. Instructor-led training accelerates and focuses your learning, gives you hands-on experience and an opportunity to make mistakes in the lab, and is much more cost-effective than self-study in your spare time.Q: Why is my Check Point Professional ID Number important?It represents your personal identification with Check Point Software Technologies and establishes proof of your certification. You are only allowed one Certified Professional ID number.Q: How do I get my Check Point Professional ID Number?It is assigned to you when you register with VUE for the first time to take an exam. It will be in the form CP00000nnnnn.Q: When do I use my Check Point Professional ID Number?Whenever you contact VUE to register for another exam session, and whenever you contact Check Point regarding anycertification issue.Q: I just passed my exams. When can I expect to receive my certificate?Check Point provides e-Certificates that you can access from your User Center profile. Once we receive your exam results we'll update your User Center account with your new credentials, giving you immediate access to your online benefits like Access to SecureKnowledge and your on-line Certification Profile."
Price: 99.99

"CCSA Exam: Check Point Certified Security Administrator R77"
"Check Point Certified Security Administrator CCSA is the first step in the Checkpoint certification path.Checkpoint is a software and hardware company that for many years has concentrated on security topics, especially on firewalls. Their main software isCheck Point R7x. The Checkpoint certifications are based also on this software.The CCSA examincludes 115 multiple-choice questions. Candidates are given two hours and fifty-five minutes to complete the exam. Some of the exam questions are included for research purposes only and do not affect the candidate's score. These research questions are not identified, so candidates should answer all questions to the best of their ability. The use of research questions benefits CCSA candidates by allowing The IIA to include only pretested, statistically valid questions in scoring the CCSA exam.Exam Name:Check Point Certified Security Administrator (CCSA) R77.30Exam Code:156-215.77Exam Price: $200 (USD)Duration: 90 minPassing Score: 70%No of questions: 60The topics tested on the CCSA exam are framed in the context of a variety of industry situations. Candidates are not expected to be familiar with industry-specific controls, but should be able to relate to risks and controls that generally apply to business processes in various industries. Exam topics are subject to change."
Price: 99.99