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"The Complete Guide To Making Money With Auto Repair Shops"
"Over 900 students already purchased this product and have seen real-life results from applying the content inside!We have made it a step-by-step, copy/paste type thing you will have no problem doing any of it. We know how hard it is to find something you can really make a decent income doing from home. This course will help the beginner and expert make money as an offline consultant.These are over the shoulder videos to show you exactly how we do it so you can easily do it yourself. You also get templates for emails, forms, and everything you need to start making money right out of the gate. Once you finish reading our course you will not only know how to do everything you will be able to do everything too! You'll become a much sought after offline marketingexpert having skills many would pay a small fortune to acquire.Plus, you'll also have knowledge and the power it brings.Q: Isn't offline marketing complicated?A:Absolutely not. (I hate complicated stuff) It is so simple to outsource and set it and forget it. ANYONE can do this.The beautiful thing is the clients pay you each and every month!Q: Does this take a lot of time?A:Each client takes a few minutes per month to manage once set up.Q: Does this work outside the U.S.?A:The best part is you can have clients all over the world and you will never have to see one of them in person.Q: If It's so Good Why Don't you charge more? A:Simple... I actually make my earnings from Local Clients, not from product launches and you. My last 3 launches, including this one, my customers are telling me I am charging WAY too little.Q: Can I do this all from my computer? (Or do I need to go door-to-door to sign up businesses?)A:This entire business is totally location independent and can be done entirely by email.Now you can test drive our product for 30 days withNO RISK!Udemy offers an unconditional money back guaranteeand will return 100% of your money.No Question Asked!Enroll now and start building your Auto repair shop!- Jim Mack"
Price: 29.99

"English for Beginners: Intensive English Speaking Course"
"Introducing LOGUSYour most powerful and intensive online English language course.It is a must-have English language course for complete beginners in English, who want to reach the intermediate level of spoken English language in the shortest time possible. The killer advantages of English language course LOGUS that blow the competition out of the water: It is not a short basic course of English language. It is a full beginner to intermediate course of spoken English. It is specifically designed to help you build all the necessary skills for the real life day-to-day use. It is a 100% animated and interactive spoken English language course, which makes it very fun to use. You get over 60 hours of intensive spoken English language practice. Each English language lesson lasts about 1 hour. It is 100% communicative intensive spoken English language course. You speak English language all the time and you say over 2000 English words in each lesson. LOGUS doesn't teach you separate English words. You learn everything only in the context. LOGUS is the only online video course obsessed with perfecting your speech fluency. What good is your knowledge of English grammar and words if you can't speak English fluently? Your fluency is our number 1 priority. English grammar is explained in extremely simple and intuitive way, with tons of examples and many hours of listening and speaking practice. What is included in this course: Over 60 hours (!) of intensive English language speaking practice. All lessons are 100% animated and really fun. Downloadable PDFs, and lots of other useful things. Needless to say, all English words and English grammar are translated into your native language. Currently, the following captions for this English language course are available: English, Spanish and Russian. Very soon there will be captions in Portuguese and Hindi. Much more languages will be coming later."
Price: 199.99

"Danesharesgems of wisdom on how we canachievereal and fulfilling happiness by being moreauthentic and loving. With tips on meditation, believing in yourown authority, and having the courageto discover your true self, this course willprovide youwith a new outlook on life anda boost of empowerment."
Price: 19.99

"Isomalt 3D 'Crystal/Glass' Shoe With Stiletto Heel Course"
"In this course, you will learn how to design and create an elegantshoe with stiletto heel made out ofIsomalt - in'crystal' or 'glass' form and effect.Just imagine Cinderella's glass high-heeled shoe becoming a reality!This shoe can be used as a decorative item for your cakes or to supplement other figure toppers or designs for your cakes. There are many video footages in this course with a lot of information packed in. The videos will give you step-by-step instructions in achieving your final product. This course will start with an introduction and materials and equipment you will need. It will then move on to look at how to create the shoe from start to finish. This course is perfect for all cake decorators - for those who want to learn a new skill or for those seeking to improve their skills further. If you would like to learn how to make and create Isomalt designs whilst improving your skills and confidence, then this is definitely the course for you!"
Price: 39.99

"Atualizao da Norma ISO 9001 verso 2015"
"O curso tem o objetivo de ser terico e prtico, proporcionando aos alunos ter umcompleto entendimento da norma NBR ISO 9001:2015. O curso no apenas terico mas tambm prtico, onde ferramentas tais como planilhas eletrnicas em Excel, apostilas e outros materiais disponveis para downloads proporcionam a implementao dos novos requisitos da ISO 9001 em relao verso antiga da norma, contendo: - Planilhas eletrnicas em Excel para Contexto da Organizao; - Planilhas eletrnicas em Excel para Riscos e Oportunidades; - Planilhas eletrnicas em Excel para Mapeamento dos Processos; - Planilhas eletrnicas em Excel paraSatisfao de Clientes;- Planilhas eletrnicas em Excel para Gesto de Mudanas.- Norma NBRISO 9001:2015;- Gesto de Riscos;- GAP entre ISO 9001:2008 e ISO 9001:2015.."
Price: 114.99

"Incerteza de Medio"
"O curso terico e prtico, possuindo o seguinte contedo programtico:Mdulo 1 Metrologia -O que Metrologia -Histrico da Metrologia -Importncia da Metrologia para a Qualidade e Produtividade -Conceitos Bsicos de Metrollogia -Estrutura Metrolgica -Hierarquia do Sistema Metrolgico Rastreabilidade MetrolgicaMdulo 2 Medies - Sistema Internacional de Unidades (SI) -Medies -Regras de arredondamento na numerao decimal -Medio Direta -Medio IndiretaMdulo 3 Estatstica aplicada a Metrologia -Estatstica aplicada Metrologia - Medidas de Centralidade (moda, mdia aritmtica, mediana) - Medidas de Disperso (amplitude, varincia populacional, varincia amostral, desvio padro -Distribuio de probabilidade -Distribuio Normal -Distribuio T-Student -Distribuio Retangular -Distribuio TriangularMdulo 4 Processo de Medio -O que Incerteza de Medio -Fontes de Incerteza de Medio - Incerteza de Medio Tipo A - Incerteza de Medio Tipo B -Estimativa de Incerteza de Medio -Abordagem Prtica Oito Passos para a Determinao daIncertezaMdulo 6 Exerccios de Incerteza de Medio -Clculo da Mdia -Correo -Clculo do Desvio Padro -Calculo de Repetitividade -Clculo de Resoluo -Clculo da Incerteza Padro -Clculo da Deriva -Clculo Incerteza do Padro Combinada - Clculo da Incerteza Padro Expandida -Anlise do Certificado de Calibrao Nota: Acompanha planilha eletrnica para o clculo de incerteza de medio, apostila e outros materiais disponveis para downloads."
Price: 189.99

"NBR ISO 14001:2015"
"Este curso proporcionar um conhecimento completo para entender e implantar um Sistema de Gesto Ambiental tendo como referncia a norma NBR ISO 14001:2015.Contedo Programtico- Requisitos e benefcios do SGA e como a implantao da norma ISO 14001:2015 pode contribuir para a melhoria das organizaes;- Interpretao dos requisitos da Norma ISO 14001:2015 e como implant-los;- Exerccios, e,- Prova para emisso de certificado.Material para download- Norma NBR ISO 14001:2015;- Anexo I;- Anexo SL;- Avaliao do Ciclo de Vida;- Planilha Eletrnica em Excel para Contexto da Organizao;- Planilha Eletrnica em Excel para o Levantamento dos Aspectos e Impactos Ambientais (LAIA);- Plano de Emergncia;- Relatrio de Auditoria."
Price: 144.99

"Teologia para Leigos"
"Teologia para Leigos um curso pensado para as pessoas que desejam aprofundar a sua f crist ou at mesmo para aqueles que desejam ter uma introduo sdisciplinas Teolgicas. O curso procura analisar a histria da Teologia, a partir da fonte da Revelao que a Sagrada Escritura. Valoriza a rica herana de homens e mulheres que assumiram com coragem a Boa Nova e se deixaram transformar. Aprofunda noes fundamentais da Espiritualidade e da F. Investiga a f vivida em comunidade, desde as primeiras at os nossos dias. Estuda a compreenso da Revelao ao longo da histria do cristianismo e da vida eclesial. Por fim, analisa as novidades do Conclio Vaticano II e o seu significado para a Teologia."
Price: 39.99

"Matemtica e Raciocnio Lgico para Concursos - Banca VUNESP"
"O curso se dedica essencialmente resoluo de questesem vdeo-aulasda banca VUNESP, para o cargo de Escrevente Tcnico Judicirio do TJ-SP.Desta forma, tem por finalidade oferecer a voc, aluno que prestar concursos elaborados pela banca VUNESP, conhecimento e experincia, com um nico objetivo:gabaritaras disciplinas de Matemtica e Raciocnio Lgico. Para isso, estarei disponvel na plataforma, para garantir que voc faa sua prova com tranquilidade e confiana.Qualquer dvida, entre em contato pela ferramenta do curso, e bons estudos!"
Price: 69.99

"Mtricas para Produtos Digitais"
"Voc sente que suas decises no trabalho poderiam ser melhores?Voc tem muitos nmeros, mas no sabe quais analisar?Voc trabalha com um produto digital, e o achismo est limitando seu potencial?Se voc respondeu sim, esse curso pra voc.Voc vai entender entender:- O que preciso para iniciar uma cultura de dados;- Em que momento usar mtricas e quais so as principais frmulas;- Como melhorar uma mtrica;Tudo ilustrado com CASES atuais e EXERCCIOS pra voc praticar na sua empresa."
Price: 69.99

"VBA (1) IT"
Price: 199.99

"Este um curso on-line e, por conseguinte, para que o aprendizado tenha efeito, necessria a plena participao do aluno e assim fazer os exerccios propostos; oferecer questionamentos; buscar aprofundar o contedo. O dinamismo do curso decorrente disso de maneira inexorvel. Ademais, o aprendizado depende em boa parte da vontade de quem quer aprender (!).Este curso corresponde ao nvel 1 da estratgia didtica pensada que inclui um segundo curso (Nvel 2) tambm disponvel - ""O Processo Criativo para arquitetos: Aprendendo a projetar"" - promovendo, portanto, a continuidade do tema,  elevando a complexidade do exerccio final, que alcana um nvel  intermedirio.   Toda atividade criativa requer um mtodo de trabalho, alm  do talento. Por deficincias do ensino, nem sempre, os alunos recebem de seus professores de projeto a didtica necessria para o desenvolvimento de um mtodo para projetar capaz de capacit-los a atender qualquer que seja o grau de complexidade do temas. Nesse sentido, cabe chamar a ateno para o fato de que as deficincias no aprendizado levam a incorporao de vcios que no exerccio profissional transformam-se em grande empecilho para o desenvolvimento da capacidade criativa. Os softwares disponveis (2D e 3D) nada mais so do que meios para o desenvolvimento e/ou para apresentao de ideias. A capacidade criativa, portanto, permanece imprescindvel como diferencial do profissional da Arquitetura. Este curso prope, com efeito, o aprendizado do processo criativo e assim, capacitar o aluno para cumprir os protocolos inerentes ao desenvolvimento do projeto arquitetnico. Uma vez apreendido o contedo a partir da prtica do contedo terico, o aluno ser capaz de alcanar maior rendimento na prtica projetual sobretudo na capacidade criativa e, como consequncia, alcanar o maior rendimento possvel nas matrias dedicadas as prticas do projeto durante a graduao.  O contedo do curso foi construdo a partir do entendimento de que o projeto arquitetnico , com efeito, um equacionamento simultneo de fatores intervenientes construdos a partir da anlise do tema do ponto de vista funcional  e da formulao da conceituao. Pensar a  obra arquitetnica, pressupe pensar  aspectos humanos, filosficos, ecolgicos, tecnolgicos, econmicos, histricos e geogrficos. Nesse sentido, o curso d a devida nfase formulao de conceitos, como sendo o diferencial fundamental do bom profissional de Arquitetura, bem como, a primeira etapa a ser cumprida no processo criativo para projetar obras arquitetnicas.  Sendo assim, o aluno levado a pensar a obra arquitetnica como resultado de um conceito fsico (sntese) ou expresso formal capaz de atender as necessidades particulares e imediatas de um indivduo e/ou grupo no que tange tantos os aspectos tcnico-funcionais (quantitativos) como os esttico-formais (qualitativos). No Exerccio Final, em nvel de Estudo Preliminar, o aluno convidado a pensar novas abordagens ou conceitos relativos s demandas do tema proposto e assim, ter a oportunidade de exercitar o cumprimento do passo a passo ensinado, alm de ter a chance de buscar solues originais. So oferecidos exerccios intermedirios anteriores ao Exerccio Final. O tema : Uma casa de pequenas dimenses. Entre os protocolos principais das etapas do processo criativo ensinado esto:  1- A formulao do Conceito;2- A confeco do Programa de Necessidades;3- A construo do Organograma;4- A construo do Fluxograma;5- O lanamento de manchas ( A pr-planta-baixa);6- Execuo de estudo volumtrico.7- O desenvolvimento da ideia O curso tem 17 aulas curtas e objetivas  nas quais oferecida a teoria ilustrada por meio de vdeos e slides, de maneira a tornar o ensino dinmico e prazeroso. Alm das aulas, o aluno poder contar como recurso pedaggico links de vdeos extrados da internet que ajudam a reforar o contedo terico.  Voc ter acesso vitalcio, alm de ter a chance de se comunicar com o instrutor e assim, poder tirar dvidas e/ou aprofundar o contedo oferecido sempre queira. As respostas sero enviadas com a maior celeridade possvel. O aluno tambm poder contar com uma consultoria caso as dvidas sejam de trabalhos realizados nas aulas de projeto em sua escola e que tenham relao com contedo do curso aqui oferecido. Alm do certificado o trabalho final pode ser incorporado ao portflio e assim, proporcionar a qualificao necessria para as oportunidades de trabalho, durante a graduao ou como profissional formado. Vale lembrar que os estudantes de Arquitetura podem participar de concursos de ideias e que o projeto do TCC pode ser selecionado para participar do concurso ""pera Prima"", que tornou-se uma oportunidade tradicional para que novos talentos se apresentem para o mercado de trabalho. Um de meus alunos, Rafael Lamary, foi agraciado com meno honrosa em concurso de ideias e creditou o seu sucesso ao mtodo aqui oferecido e, por certo, ter a partir disso um reconhecimento que o ajudar na carreira desde o perodo da graduao.   Inscreva-se j (!) e comece a praticar o mtodo ensinado em concursos de ideias para estudantes de Arquitetura. So grandes oportunidades de ter o seu nome reconhecido como um talento antes de se graduao, a exemplo do que aconteceu o aluno citado. Acompanhe essas chances pelo site ARCHDAILY  ou pelo PROJETAR.ORG. e mos obra!"
Price: 54.99

"Aprende teoria y practica de base de datos con Firebird"
"Conocers los principios y conceptos que componenuna base de datos.Todo lo aprendido en este curso se podr aplicar a diferentes bases de datos.A continuacin estos son temas a tratar en el curso:Teora de base de datosInstalacin de FirebirdDefinir password y aliasInstalar managerTeora de normalizacinLenguaje de manipulacin de datos(DML)Create tableDrop table e indexinsert y updateAlter tableLenguaje estructurado de consultas(SQL)SQL basicoFunciones internasFunciones standardSentencia whereInner joinOrder byHavingGroup byLenguaje de definicin de Procedimientos y triggers(PSQL)Backup y restauracin de base de datos"
Price: 19.99

"SEO Rank PDF Backlinking"
"Finally, Learn How to Boost Your SEO Rank and Generate Targeted Traffic Using This PDF Backlinking Strategy Starting Today!This 9-part video course is designed to show you how you can quickly and easily get high authority backlinks that search engines absolutely love.Dear Business Owner,One of the dismal realities is that many backlinks no longer work when it comes to SEO. Nowadays, you can't just send a bunch of backlinks in hopes that your website will rank higher.But there is still hope.While many different types of backlinks no longer really give you the search engine ranking that you need, there are still some great backlinking strategies well worth your time.The goal is to create quality content backlinks.How do you do this? Well, one way is by using PDF files.That's right - you can use PDF files to get high authority backlinks, but you can actually do a lot more than that.Don't worry; the specific strategy is not black hat at all. It is completely white hat, so it does take a couple of hours to implement.Now, implementing this particular strategy will not only get you backlinks that you need, but any prospect that reads your PDF will be pre-sold in advance to help you better convert whatever products and services you are selling.Introducing PDF Backlink TrafficVideo #1: Introduction and OverviewBefore we get started, you're going to get a quick overview of this particular video course and how it is laid out so that you can understand how to implement it faster.We will also cover which tools you're going to need. Keep in mind that in order to create PDF files with hyperlinks that actually work, you will have to invest some money. However, with that said, we will be focusing on tools that don't break the bank. Depending on how advanced you want to go, we will cover two different types of tools.Video #2: Choose Your Attack PlanThis backlinking strategy is by no means difficult. In fact, once you get the hang of it you can set everything up within less than a couple of hours. You also want a way to convert the traffic before it reaches your website. However, before you can do that you need to figure out what your attack plan is. There are three different attack plans depending on what you are selling that you will learn so that you can successfully convert and presell your traffic before it even reaches your website or the product that you're promoting.Video #3: Create ContentOnce you have gotten your attack plan angle, it's time to create content that will not only educate, but gain your visitors trust. What we want to do is upon reading the PDF content, and once they click the link to your website or whatever you are trying to promote we want them to be excited about either your product or taking the necessary action. We will also discuss specific word-processing software that you will need to use to create a fully-working PDF document.Video #4: Spice it UpBefore we move on, we want to cover how to turn your bland content into something beautiful and visually appealing. There are specific sites that we have tested out, which work extremely well for this specific step.Video #5: Types of HyperlinksOnce you have your content in hand, it's time to add some hyperlinks so that when people view your PDF file they are able to click the link and be brought straight to your website or the website you were promoting. In the specific video, we will be talking about different hyperlinks.Video #6: Things to GatherBefore we complete this process and convert the content to a PDF file we want to gather a few more things, which we will discuss in this particular video.Video #7: Part 1:Convert to PDF - Basic ConversionAs I stated in the first video, there are two different ways to convert the PDF files. This software can only convert basic hyperlinks such as text hyperlinks.Video #8: Part 2:Convert to PDF - Hotspot HyperlinksIf you want to know how to convert images or hotspots, the truth of the matter is that most software is unable to do this. Research revealed that the very expensive software called Adobe Acrobat Pro can do this, but rather than dishing out $400, I'm going to show you how to do it for much, much cheaper.Video #9: Upload and Generate BacklinksAt this point of the video course itself, you will have a PDF file with hyperlinks that link directly to the website that you want to rank and which drives traffic too. Now, the whole purpose of this video course is not just to drive traffic, but to get high authority backlinks to the site you want to rank. I'll show you several sites with high domain authority that will give your website the boost it needs. Keep in mind that this is a long-term strategy, with absolutely no black hat involved. That is why although this process does take a little bit of time, it is well worth it in the long term.Grab this video course now so you can start getting high quality PDF Backlinks from high authority sites to boost your SEO ranking!Regards,Jader TormenP.S. Get instant access to this training course immediately after payment!No waiting.P.P.S. This training course is designed to show you how you can boost your SEO ranking and convert your prospects into customers at the same time!"
Price: 29.99

"Webinar Master"
"Finally, Discover How to Set Up Your Webinar Funnel While Getting the Highest Conversions... Starting TodayThis 9-part video course is designed to show you exactly how you can quickly and easily get more people to buy your products and services after watching your webinars!Dear Business Owner,We all know that running webinars to sell your products and services is extremely profitable.But once you have your webinar replay in hand, what next?How do you get people excited about buying your products or services?How do you get more people to take action even if theyre busy?You see, one of the biggest mistakes that we see business owners or online marketers make while trying to monetize their webinar replay, is not writing an effective email autoresponder series and not setting their webinar funnel up properly.How would you like to learn how to convert your prospects from a proven webinar blueprint?IntroducingVideo #1 - IntroductionBefore we begin, we need to talk about what you need to have to get started correctly. We'll talk about the right mindset that you need to be in to properly and successfully implement this blueprint. You will also be given a quick overview of the video course as a whole and see how the blueprint is broken down so that you can implement everything at a fast pace.Video #2 - Delivery PlatformsWhile the secret to conversions is really in your autoresponder follow-up email series, delivering your webinar correctly is also very important. In this specific video we will be talking about three different platforms that you can use to ensure you do it right.Video #3 - Email Course FormulaAside from the technology in platforms that you will be using, creating a high converting email course is important to getting your prospects to buy and take action. As such, in this particular video you'll be given an exact breakdown of the formula that we will be using in this particular blueprint.Video #4 - Email Swipe - The ReplaySo, in order to begin with showing you how to properly write out your email series for your product and service, we will start with the very first one, which is the welcome email.Video #5 - Email Swipes - Benefit AnglesThe benefit angles are emails that are in between the welcome email and the closing emails. These are crucial not only for building trust, but also for allowing your prospects to really see why your product or service is so unique and is something that they need to have. To give you some real-life experience and help you to create your own email, you will get to take a look at an email you can swipe and fill in with your own product and service information.Video #6 - Email Swipes - The CloseThe last two emails should be The Countdown and The Final Close. These two emails are crucial to getting as many sales as possible because they use scarcity.Don't worry if you don't know where to start, as we will show you how to write these two emails step by step, by using emails proven to work.Video #7 - The Webinar PageIn this particular video we will discuss how to set up your webinar page, how you can host your videos, and how to set up user-specific countdown timers that will disappear based upon the user that visits the page.Video #8 - Text vs HTML EmailsNow it's time to get the emails you created onto your Autoresponder. Before we discuss how to do this, we will talk about how to set up your plain text and HTML emails.Video #9 Set Up Your Follow-Up Series with GetResponseOnce you have your emails in hand, it's time to get them onto your favorite Autoresponder. It doesn't matter what autoresponder service you use as this will work for all of them, but in this particular video we will be using GetResponse.Grab this video course now so you can start converting more webinar prospects into loyal customers!Regards,Jader TormenP.S. Get instant access to this training course immediately after payment! No waiting.P.P.S. This training course is designed to show you exactly how you can increase your webinar funnel conversions!"
Price: 29.99

"Membership Cash Machine"
"Announcing The Brand New, 9Part, Step By Step Video Course That Shows You...Finally, Discover The Secret Shortcuts To Setting Up A Membership Cash Machine That Sells and Delivers Your Site Content On 100% Autopilot - While Generating The Recurring Income That You So Desire.This step by step video course shows you how to setup, from start to finish, your fixed-term membership site.Simply watch over my shoulder and you can follow click by click.From the Desk of:Jader TormenDear Friend,Its true - Membership Sites are the way to go.Did you know that the easiest and quickest way to create an automated online business that produces consistent and reliable recurring income is to start your ownpaid membership site?A membership site is any site that contains material that can be accessed only by its members.Membership Sites are way better than One Time Fee Sites.Let me give you an example...Would you rather get paid $97 per sale or $17/mo from a customer who may stay for the next 6-12 months?With membership sites, your customer gets well acquainted with who you are and the quality of the information and content you put out.So, as long as you provide great content, then guess who becomes your loyal fan that you can sell more products to?Think about it.You buy a product from Vendor A about a year ago and then Vendor A tries to contact you about an upcoming sale.Most likely youve already forgotten about Vendor A and why you bought their product in the first place.But take this situation - you are part of an ongoing membership site and you hear from Vendor B every week or every month.Your relationship with them is most likely much stronger and youve stayed with them all these weeks, months, or even years.Now imagine yourself as being Vendor B.See how powerful this is, compared the being the vendor whose customers buy one product from you, and thats it?And see how much money youve left on the table by being Vendor A?As Vendor B, because you are consistent with your communication and providing your customer good quality products and content, your customer value shoots through the roof!What about technical setup?Im a newbie, but want to setup a membership site - Im afraid of all this complex stuff!How do I do it?I only have so much time per month - is there another way to setup a membership?I dont have a lot of money to start out with, how can I setup a membership site with the least amount of money?Yes, these are some of the issues with membership sites...With traditional membership sites there is a lot of maintenance, in addition to trying to set everything up.This includes having to constantly update your site.Dont get me wrong = I love traditional membership sites and make a lot of money with them, but fixed-term membership sites make a lot too, with a lot less work!And that, my friend, is your solution.Fixed-term membership sites run in a manner where youve setup X amount of weeks or months of products in advance.Thus, when a customer comes to your site, they buy and the system youve setup delivers everything automatically.In other words theres less technical setup, and less maintenance.How would you like that?The benefits are as follows:With our system, you will need to learn how to setup the system, but there is a lot less technical setup than traditional membership sites.Once they are setup, they are hands free and can run on autopilot.You will need to answer your support emails, but if done correctly you can lower them too.Membership sites produce higher backend valued customersIn the end, you have a higher converting list of customers who, most importantly, trust you.With that said, you can put it all in action and start creating your profit-pulling automated membership machine today, and avoid the mistakes that cost me thousands of dollars and hours of time just by watching this video series.Introducing...9 Part Video CourseHere's a list of the 9Part video series in more detail:* Condition This video series presumes that you have your content, website, and salesletter.From this point it shows you how to do the rest.Video #1:Introduction and Tools You NeedIn this specific video you will be given an overview of how the system works so you know exactly what to expect in detail.By knowing this, implementation will be a lot faster as the pieces of the puzzle come together.Youll also learn what tools you need to get started.We will primarily be sticking with free tools; however you will need to pay for web hosting, a domain name, and an autoresponder service.Other than that we will not be using any expensive or complex tools.Video #2:Planning, Brainstorming, and PreparationPlanning and Brainstorming your sales funnel, or in other words, what your customers will see from the moment they land on your sales page to the actual membership itself, is important.What is your strategy for branding?And how will you deliver your content?When will you deliver your content?Knowing these vital elements are very important to the success of your fixed-term membership site.This is what youll learn in this specific video.Video #3:Gathering and Organizing Your ContentAfter video 2, you now know what your plan looks like.Now its time to take action.At this moment in time, you will want to start gather the content you have, create it, and organize it so you know what comes out when.Now as simple and boring as that may sound, theres an actual strategy behind this to make sure your customers are happy and excited.Video #4:How to create a higher stick rate and customer valueNow is the time you can figure out how to keep your customer stick rate high.This means how long a person will stay a member on your site for.The average stick rate for most memberships are anywhere from 3-6 months, and there are reasons for this.Much of this has to do with the quality of the content, but Ill show you some strategies you can use in your own site.Video #5:How to Create Individual Thank You Download PagesNow that youve done the proper prep work, its time for the real implementation.In this specific video, you will learn how to create individual thank you or download pages for when you deliver your content, whether that be weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.Youll also learn how to edit the thank you pages using a free HTML editor tool.But dont worry, this tool is really not that complicated to use.Youll also learn what most people do when creating their thank you pages that allows thieves to easily infiltrate them, and how you can avoid this.Video #6:How to Create a PayPal Subscription ButtonAndConnect Your Sales Page to your Thank You PageAfter youve setup your main and individual thank you pages, how do you setup a PayPal subscription button to take payments?The way this works is a visitor will land on your sales page, click the PayPal subscription button and, after payment, it will send them to your main thank you page - where they can sign up to your automated membership machine.This video shows you how to connect all of these together.Video #7:How to Upload PagesAndGet URLsIn this specific video, you will learn how make your website live and ready to sell.Youll learn how to use a free FTP program that will allow you to upload pages to your website.Youll need these individual thank you page URLs so that you can add them to your autoresponder for delivery in the next video.Video #8:How to Deliver Your ContentThere are several ways to drip feed your content.You can either use a complex membership script or use an autoresponder.While we will recommend a few scripts that can drip feed deliver your content, we will be primarily using an autoresponder, which is basically a third party email service that allows you to automate your emails.Youll learn how to setup a list, and create a confirmation email and autoresponder sequence to deliver your content.Video #9:TestingAfter you have setup everything, its time to test it to ensure that it works.You dont want to skip this step because what if your system doesnt work?Youll want to find the bugs and smooth everything out before you launch it.In this video, well show you what you need to test and most importantly HOW.Bonus #10 (Article):How to Lower Your Support TicketsBesides having your automated membership machine running, you will want to have an easy way for your customers to get answers and reach you if they have problems.In this section, youll learn how to create support videos that will allow you to eliminate the majority of questions, and well also point you to the easiest helpdesk scripts to make your life easier.So, with that said, grab this video series now and learn how setup a hands-free automated fixed-term membership site... so you can start your profit-pulling machine the right way!Regards,Jader TormenP.S. - Finally, Discover The Secret Shortcuts to Setting Up A Membership Cash Machine That Sells and Delivers Your Site Content on 100% Autopilot - While Generating the Recurring Income That You So Desire.P.P.S. - Gain access to these step by step videos that show you the blue print you need to setup your fixed-term membership site.Simply watch over my shoulder and you can follow click by click."
Price: 29.99

"10k Digital Master (BluePrint)"
"Its About Time For You To learn How To Make $10,000+ Per Month in 90 Days Or Even Less!Most people fail with Internet Marketing because they do not take consistent action. There is a solid and dependable method that has been working for many years and will continue to work in the future. The most important thing is taking action every day. Dear Friend, Many people have a hard time believing that it is possible to make $10,000 per month after only 90 days.They have tried a few different approaches in Internet Marketing and have not made a single dollar, so how are they going to make $10,000 in 3 short months?If you are one of these people, then consider this.There have been people that have followed the method described in this training that have made more than $10,000 by the end of 90 days.There are others that have made $10,000 a month faster than 90 days. Its certainly possible.What is the difference between these people and the majority?They took consistent action and followed the plan precisely.Heres where my advice for you comes in. With My AdviceYou are going to learn how to shape your mindset so that you are motivated to take daily action. You will understand that there are great opportunities to make money online if you use the right methods. You will understand that you need to be prepared to invest your time, your effort and some money to make this work. You are going to find that all you have to do is follow the instructions. You will understand that you can change your life for the better starting right now. To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done... Introducing $10k Digital Master (BluePrint)A Step-By-Step Guide To Earning $10,000+ Per Month in 90 Days or Even Less! No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now. You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the same Heres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside... Shaping Your Mindset Why you must Choose the Passive Income Model List Building and Email Marketing The Math For $10,000 Per Month Developing your List Building Plan Creating the Right Image Setting Up Your Sales Funnel Your Traffic Plan Promoting Offers to your List Leveraging Your List Plus, a whole lot more... This is the easiest way to actually Earn $10,000+ Per Month in 90 Days or Even Less! Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide? If you answer YES to any of the below, you need this You want to stop failing with Internet Marketing.You want to find a method that works. You want to be motivated to take daily action. You want to change your life for the better. You want to Earn $10,000+ per Month.Does This Sound Like Exactly What You Need? But maybe your question is: How Much? If you were going to hire an expert on this, to show you how its done, you could easily find yourself investing hundreds of dollars for this sort of coaching. In fact, many people invest hundreds and thousands of dollars to get into coaching programs or attend workshops... But, you wont have to invest anywhere near that today. Today, you can get INSTANT ACCESS!When You Make The Wise Decision To Grab This Today, Youll Also Get These Fast Action BonusesFast Action Bonus #1 $10k Digital Master(Blueprint) - Cheat Sheet (Valued at $27) This cheat sheet is a handy checklist that makes it easy to get started. It breaks up the entire guide into easy-to-follow steps so that you can make sure you have all the highlights of everything covered inside right at your fingertips. This makes it easy to track your progress and stay focused every step of the way. Fast Action Bonus #2 $10k Digital Master (Blueprint) - Mind Map (Valued at $17) Some people learn better by looking at a mind map. This mind map gives you an overview of everything covered inside the guide. You can also print it out for quick reference anytime you need it! Fast Action Bonus #3 $10k Digital Master (Blueprint) - Resource Guide (Valued at $17) The Resource Guide gives you a quick point of reference to all of the resources mentioned throughout the guide. This makes it easy to plug-in and stick with what you are looking for.Try This Guide On MY DIME Theres No Risk! There are a lot of people that claim to offer a solution on how to Make $10,000+ per Month, so its understandable if youre a little skeptical. I can keep telling you just how great my guide is, but you really need to go through it and see for yourself what its all about to know if its for you Thats why Im going to give you a FULL 30 days to decide if this is for you If for any reason, or no reason at all, youre not 100% satisfied with whats inside, simply send me an email, and Ill refund every penny of your tiny investment No questions asked!Thank you so much for taking the time to take a look at this extremely limited offer that has the potential to help you Earn $10,000+ per Month! Ill see you on the inside! Jader TormenPS Ive compiled some of the most frequently asked questions about the guide that will show you how to plan for success! Frequently Asked Questions Whats this all about? This is a guide that will show you how to Make $10,000+ Per Month in 90 Days or Even Less, turning your dreams into reality. Who is this for? If you answer YES to any of the below, you need this How long until I see results? You can begin seeing results extremely quickly Within days and sometimes even within hours of getting started. The more you make this a part of your daily life, the better the results youll get. Do I need to buy anything other than this guide? Thats the great thing about this All you need to learn about Making $10,000+ Per Month in 90 Days or Even Less, is in this step-by-step guide."
Price: 24.99

"Amazon s3 Hosting For Beginners"
"This video course will take you behind the scenes to help you understand how to host your files via Amazon S3 the time-saving way.Dear friend,As a website owner, you will face many challenges when it comes to hosting your blog, website, and online business presence.This is because you are relying purely on your web hosting company to support you.What happens when you get bigger, in terms of receiving lots of visitors?What happens when you launch a product or service and you get a flood of traffic that will crash your server?What usually happens is that your website slows down, and your user experience becomes painful and visitors just leave.Or worse, your web hosting company decides to terminate your account because youre using too many server resources, or they ask you to pay for a dedicated server which can cost you $150-$300 extra per month.You cannot afford to lose money due to a minor oversight that wouldve taken just a few hours of your time.To prevent this from happening, you typically want to host your files on an external server. However, the problem with this is that those costs will add up fast and youll simply run into the same situation.So, in other words, we recommend that you host your images, large video, audio files, or other files on Amazon S3.Amazon S3 allows you to host very large files and utilize their global reach and super-fast speeds for a very low cost.The problem with this though is that if you read their technical documentation, it is very difficult to understand for someone who is just getting started.So, if you don't have hours to spend wading through the text, we've decided to create a video course that will allow you to understand how to do all of this in less than a couple of hours.Soon you will be on your way to hosting your big files and protecting them.Introducing Amazon s3 Hosting For BeginnersVideo #1: Introduction and Quick OverviewAs always you will be given a quick introduction to how everything works and a quick overview of what's inside this video course.Video #2: Calculating Your CostsEver wanted to know how much it would cost to host these large files on Amazon? The great thing is that you pay as you go, and if you are used to paying hundreds of dollars per month then this is going to be a lot cheaper. But with that said, it's very important to have an idea of how much you are potentially going to pay in the future, and you will learn how to do this.Video #3: What You NeedBefore we jump right in I am going to cover exactly what you need to have in hand before we get started.Video #4: Recommended Software and WhyThere are several pieces of software that you can use to upload your files, both paid and free, and we'll discuss why we have recommended these.Video #5: Connect to S3While there is a range of software that we recommend, we will be focusing on one because it is super easy to use.Video #6: Buckets and FoldersWe'll see how to create Amazon buckets and folders so that you can get ready to upload your files.Video #7: Prevent Unauthorized AccessIf you want to know how to protect your Amazon bucket from unauthorized access, I'll show you how to create an Amazon policy to achieve this. You'll prevent people that aren't supposed to access it from costing you money.Video #8: Transferring Files PC to AmazonWhen youve set everything up, you're going to see how easy it is to upload files from your PC or Mac to your Amazon account.Video #9: Getting URL to Each FileOnce your files have been uploaded it's time to get the direct URL to each file so you can place them on your website for people to download.Grab this video course today and access it immediately after your purchase. No waiting in line, and even if it is 4am in the morning, youll have instant access to this course in no time at all.P.S. Watch this video course immediately after payment - there's absolutely no waiting!P.P.S. Does your business look like a ghost town? Unless you take drastic action right now, nothing is going to change. Dont wait any longer!"
Price: 29.99

"Affiliate Marketing Secrets Beginner 101"
"Finally, Discover & Swipe The Blueprint Behind A Successful Super Affiliate Marketer... Starting Today!This video course will take you behind the scenes to help you understand how to achieve this realistically with the proper strategy.From the desk of:Dear friend,When it comes to making money online, there are two routes. You can either make your own products (being a vendor) or you can sell other peoples products (being an affiliate). Oftentimes you end up doing both as they correlate with each other.However, with that said, selling your own products and services takes more time to set up. In fact, in this case you will usually have 30-50 pieces to move, compared to that of affiliate marketing, which can be 10-20 or less.My point is, getting set up is faster with affiliate marketing and there is less of a learning curve.Getting commission checks from vendors or getting paid immediately upon the sale is a wonderful feeling.The truth is that affiliate marketing has changed rapidly in the last decade.And yes affiliate marketing is becoming harder and harder.I wont lie about it.Its a real business and any real business takes time, money, blood, and sweat.It can be wildly profitable but only for those willing to put in the effort.While everyone else is doing traditional affiliate marketing, well show you how to survive today and beyond.As super affiliate marketers ourselves, youll learn what 90% of the affiliate population is doing wrong and what the other 10% is doing right.Well bring you back to reality while everyone else is in dreamland so you can properly strategize and create a realistic plan of attack.IntroducingVideo #1: Introduction to the Affiliate Marketing Secrets Beginner 101In making this video course, I want to make sure that you have the most realistic view of affiliate marketing without all the hype so that we can ensure that you are in the right mindset before we get started. We will also discuss a quick overview of whats inside this video course so that you know exactly what to expect.Video #2: What Affiliate Marketing Really Looks LikeSo up until now youve probably seen the hype out on the Internet telling you how rich you are going to be with affiliate marketing. The key here is not to put these expectations before reality, or else you wont go anywhere.Video #3: The AdvantagesWhen it comes to affiliate marketing, there are both advantages and disadvantages. However, in this specific video we will start with the advantages, where Ill give you a better view of what to expect.Video #4: DisadvantagesIn this video course, I want to give you a realistic view of affiliate marketing so that you know exactly what steps are ahead in order to fully prepare yourself. Its easy to focus only on the advantages and all the hype. This is not to discourage you, but to make sure that you are aware of the potential problems you could face. This is so you can accurately strategize and find solutions ahead of time.Video #5: Types of Affiliate MarketingThere are many types of affiliate marketing, commission structures, and how things are set up. So, in this particular video I want to share with you the different types of affiliate marketing and what you can expect from each of them. Hopefully this video gives you better idea of whats out there right now and which one stands out to you so that you can go ahead and focus on whichever you want.Video #6: Reviewing the Product Obviously, before you can promote a product, you need to review it. I know this sounds obvious, however 90% of affiliates that we have watched do not do this. Thats fine because at the end of the day, by reviewing the product it will reveal to you how you can better sell it, and how you can better offer certain incentivized bonuses. So, in other words, how to review it in a certain way, making even more money by being honest and ethical at the same time. Even the good guys can win in the end at this.Video #7: Incentivized BonusesWhen it comes to affiliate marketing, the downside is that a really good product will have a lot of affiliates. Oftentimes you will be competing against hundreds or even thousands of affiliates promoting that same product. So how do you compete with these affiliates? How do you stand out amongst them? Thatll be discussed in this particular video.Video #8: Affiliate to Private DealsIn this video, we will be discussing a strategy that you can use to make even more money as a super affiliate marketer. As many of you know, affiliate marketing is a very short-term type business structure. That means you need to move on from product to product to product. But how can you use one product that is doing really well for you and take it to a whole new level and make a ton more money with it? This is a specific strategy that we use personally ourselves and make a lot of money doing it. Also, well discuss more about it in this particular video.Grab this video course today and access it immediately after your purchase. No waiting in line, and even if it is 4am in the morning, youll have instant access to this course in no time at all.P.S. Watch this video course immediately after payment - there's absolutely no waiting!P.P.S. Have you tried other affiliate marketing blueprints and had no success? Unless you take drastic action right now, nothing is going to change. Dont wait any longer!"
Price: 19.99

"Email Marketing GetResponse Beginners"
"Discover How to Set Up Your Email Autoresponder with GetResponse So That You Can Grow an Email List That Gets Clicks and Converts into Sales Starting Today!This video course will take you behind the scenes to help you understand how to build a relationship with your listDear Friend,Youve already heard this over and over again.The money is in the list. Or youre able to print money while you sleep.These are true to an extent and only if you are able to master the process of attracting prospects, building relationships with them online, and getting them to take action in the form of buying your product or service.The reality is that most business owners like you dont have the luxury of making instant connections with people. Relationship building takes time and must be done delicately and consistently.You cant simply assume someone will buy the first time they sign up on your list. Oftentimes it will take 7-12 emails before they even see the value you are offering.That said, you can easily do this online via Email Marketing autoresponders if done properly.In other words, regardless of when someone signs up on your list, you can talk to them based on when they did so.The problem is most people know this is what they need to do, but dont know how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together.IntroducingYou will gain access to in-depth videos on Email Marketing that not only show you how to plan out your email series, but also how to take the series and set them up on GetResponse!You dont have to use GetResponse, its just easier to show you on the platform and if you can master this - you can apply it to other platforms.Here's a breakdown of this 10-part video series in more detail.Video #1 - IntroductionBefore we dive in, it's very important to be in the right mindset. Time and time again we have seen people jump in and try to build a list that converts and fail. This is because they were not in the right mindset nor did they do the proper planning, so I want to do it differently here and make sure that you do not take their path to failure. As such, we will be giving you a quick overview of the video course itself so you know exactly what to expect. We will also talk about what you need to have in hand before you get started.Video #2 - Whats Your End Goal?Before we jump into the technical parts of how to set up your email autoresponder, its very important to understand your end goal. What are you trying to sell? What are you trying to achieve? What do you want people to feel like?Video #3 - Creating a ConnectionBefore you write out your email autoresponder, you really need to understand the problems people face and what the solutions are. Essentially, what keeps them up at night? While you may have heard this over and over again, this is extremely important. You need to jot these solutions down so that people feel connected to you.Video #4 - Backward Email FunnelNow its time to start mapping out your email series.To speed things up, you are going to learn how to set up a backward email funnel based on what you wrote down in Video #3.Video #5 - Quick Overview of GetResponseBefore you jump into using GetResponse, you need to understand what is important on their dashboard and get a feeling of how to navigate around.Video #6 - Creating a ListCreating a list is the first step. Should you do double opt in, or should you stick with single opt in? What are the advantages or disadvantages? What does a list mean? How do you create one? Well explain the details surrounding this feature and why its important to you.Video #7 - Set Up Your AutoresponderOnce you create a list, you need to set up an autoresponder. Understanding how an autoresponder works is more important than understanding the technical parts. When do you email someone? Should you email them every day or every other day? What works better?Video #8 - Setting Up Your EmailsNow that you understand how autoresponders work, its time to set up your emails and connect them to your list. Well make sure you understand everything from start to finish.Video #9 - Setting Up Web FormsNow that you have set up your autoresponder, its time to set up a web form. Nowadays, you usually dont need to do this if youre using a landing page creator like Leadpages, but Ill cover it just in case you need it.Video #10 - List HygieneCleaning your lists is important, because believe it or not, email ISPs like Gmail, AOL and Yahoo do care if you have a list filled with people who are active or not. This can impact your delivery rates. So, in this video, Im going to show you some advanced strategies that are surprisingly rarely discussed, so you can start off on the right foot. Grab this video course today and access it immediately after your purchase. No waiting in line, and even if it is 4am in the morning, youll have instant access to this course in no time at all.RegardsJader TormenP.S. Watch this video course immediately after payment theres absolutely no waiting!P.P.S. Have you tried profiting from an email list and had no success? Unless you take action right now, nothing is going to change. Dont wait any longer!"
Price: 19.99

"Instagram Traffic Fan Base"
"If you want to avoid low-quality fans, continue onDear Friend,It's no secret that Instagram has grown to be an incredibly powerful social media platform.In fact, even Facebook saw the opportunity and bought the company out.This means more opportunity for you as an advertiser and brand.If you have an Instagram profile and would like to learn how to properly grow it...There's a way to do things and there's a way not to do them.Have you tried building a following with this platform before and failed?Heres whyMany people fail to create a successful following simply because they focuson trying to get the biggest following.""I have a list of 100k followers!""You often hear this, but many people have little or no conversions when itcomes to promoting any product or service.What's the point of a massive following when they don't follow you to theend?Exactly my point.How would you like to learn how to do it right?How would you like to learn how to invest your time and money the rightway?Instead of realizing months later that it's all wrong and you've wastedprecious time you can't get back!How do you build a social following that creates an opportunity for you forthe long haul?IntroducingInstagram Traffic Fan BaseVideo 1) IntroductionIn this video, youll be given a quick overview of the course itself, as wellas getting you in the right ""quality"" mindset before we get started, which iscrucial to your success.Video 2) Before You Drive TrafficBefore you can drive traffic, there are a few things you must do. In thisvideo, youll learn exactly what steps you need to take and why they arecrucial to converting as many prospects as possible into high-quality fans.Video 3) Broad Niche & Specific PostsNow that we've discussed what you need to do beforehand, its time to doa little keyword research to ensure you attract the right person. Whatkeywords should you use? More importantly, how do you find ones that arein high demand? How do you use them to rank your Instagram profilehigher within Instagram?Video 4) DemographicsOnce youve done some basic niche and keyword research, its time toverify the exact type of person you are trying to attract. Knowing the typeof person will enable you to know exactly what pictures, content and wordsto use. One of the biggest mistakes people make is forgetting this step andjumping straight into trying to build a massive following.Video 5) Traffic Source #1The first traffic source will allow you to build your Instagram followingfast. And while the majority of fast methods dont work, this one doesand it works really well too. It does cost you, starting at $50 and up, butits a nice shortcut if you dont want to spend months on end trying to buildyour profile up. But again, you must do this right, which is why youll beusing what you learned in the previous videos and applying them to this step.Video 6) Traffic Source #2This second traffic source can also help you build a large following at a fastrate through the use of software. This software will automate a processthat you can do by hand, but just speeds things up a bit. Some softwareapps are free, while others cost a little bit of money, but in the end theywork very fast.Video 7) Traffic Source #3This traffic source is free, and uses a method that is quite popular in theworld of social media. You will use what you learned in Video #3 and applyit here. Also, this specific traffic method allows you to piggyback onexisting traffic that is already out there, and youll learn how to double oreven quadruple your exposure.Video 8) Traffic Source #4The next traffic source is all about optimizing your images. Believe it ornot, even though this method isnt related to an outside traffic source,doing this allows you to rank higher within the Instagram search engine.So, with that said, grab this video series today and learn how to build ahigh-quality Instagram following that will love, consume, and buy yourrecommended products and services.P.S. Learn how to generate a following from Instagram now.P.P.S. This 8-part video series enables you to build a long-term successstrategy and shows you how to avoid failing like everyone else inside theInstagram platform."
Price: 19.99

"Quickbooks Online 2018 en Espaol Con Actualizaciones!"
"Finalmente un entrenamiento completode Quickbooks Online en Espaol, el programa de contabilidad mas usado en los Estados Unidos , enseadopaso a paso. Muchos negocios y pymesestan optando por pasar el manejo de su negocioa ""la nube"".Con Quickbooks Online lasventajas son muchas, la flexibilidad de acceder a la informacion desde cualquier lugar y a traves de distintas plataformas como computadoras, tabletas o telefono moviles. Integracion con infinidad de aplicaciones, no mas pagar updates de programa y cantidad de otras ventajas! Puedes crear estimados, facturas, ordenes de compra, pagar factura a proveedores, recibir pagos, y toda informacion financiera y reportes al instante!. Si eres dueno de negocio sin duda veras la ventaja de automatizar ciertas tareas y lograras gran eficiencia ganando mucho tiempo porla simplicidad de QBO! Si eres empleado o estudiante el conocer el manejo deQuickbooks Online te dara una gran ventaja con tu empleador.Intuit, la compaia creadora deQuickbooks no ha producido guias ni videos en Espaol ni tiene servicio al cliente en Espaol. He creado este curso con el objetivo de que la persona de habla hispana tenga la misma oportunidad a aprender y entrenarse en su propio idioma.Recientemente Quickbooks Online ha lanzado una plataforma internacional para Quickbooks Online en varios paises latinos y de Europa. No esperes mas, haz una diferencia en tu negocio y carrera yaprende Quickbooks Online hoy mismo!"
Price: 119.99

"Blues Guitar Basics and More, Learn Rhythm and Lead Guitar!"
"Blues Guitar Master Class!Learn to play blues guitar like a pro. Course is for beginners all the way to advanced students looking to improve their knowledge of blues guitar.These blues guitar rhythm lessons start with playing a traditional shuffle, but take it to the next level.In addition, you will also learn to develop a foundation for playing blues lead guitar. We start with learning the blues scale, and learn how to improvise solos in every key. This will help improve your guitar playing and give you a better understanding of the notes on the neck.BONUSLearn some of the most popular blues guitar riffs, the real way they are played - not a generic wanna be blues guitar style.Learn to play like BB King and Stevie Ray Vaughan and much more!"
Price: 19.99

"Elementos esenciales para un guion de cine"
"-Clase 1 Historia y ArgumentoDiferenciar los conceptos de historia y accin dramtica, que es lo mismo que argumento y ocurrentes, o el Qu y el Cmo. Explicar la diferencia entre suceso y acontecimiento. Hablar de la lnea de accin de la historia. Hablar de las subtramas.- Clase 2 Estructura Explicar la estructura de los tres actos. Definir el concepto de Situacin. Colocar sobre la estructura: la situacin inicial, el punto de giro uno, el punto de giro dos y la situacin final.- Clase 3 El Conflicto Definir conflicto y las clases de conflicto. Explicar los cuatro elementos esenciales del conflicto: motivacin, objetivo, obstculos y estrategias.- Clase 4 Personaje Trabajar el personaje desde la tridimensionalidad: Lo fsico, los social y lo psicolgico.- Clase 5 Acotaciones y Dilogos Explicar la diferencia entre una acotacin y un dilogo. Comentar las caractersticas del dialogo y la diferencia con una conversacin. Clasificacin de los dilogos. Explicar los conceptos de interaccin y vulnerabilidad."
Price: 19.99

"Management Consulting Productivity Principles"
"We will guide and mentor you to acquire the vital, real-world skills needed to be a management consultant at an elite firm McKinsey.Even if you never actually work at McKinsey, you will understand the core techniques and tool kits needed to succeed in any industry. You will develop better focus for your career, your business and yourself. McKinsey & Company is a worlds leading management consulting firm. It conducts qualitative and quantitative analysis in order to evaluate management decisions. 80% of the world's largest corporations are counseled by McKinsey, which is considered the most prestigious management consultancy in the world. This course reveals the hands-on secrets behind the firms success. The course breaks down into 6 simple sections for you to master. Solving a problem Communication skillsLeadershipManaging time Managing yourself Preparing for a McKinsey interview By mastering these core modules you'll be ready to work like a McKinsey strategy consultant to begin earning a better salary and experiencing greater levels of success in business. Management consulting is a rapidly growing field. Demand for college graduates is so great that top firms are offering salaries of $90,000 or more for first year employees. Experienced consultants can easily earn six figures plus bonus. With the techniques you'll learn in my course, you can write your own ticket. Enroll now. Click the link above to create your own success story."
Price: 199.99

"Desenvolvimento Android: Arquitectura MVP"
"O CursoEste curso focado para pessoas com algum conhecimento bsico em desenvolvimento Android, que queiram elevar seus conhecimentos alm do bsico, para o avanado, pois padres de arquitectura um tema para desenvolvedores de nvel intermdio ou avanado.Model-View-Presenter (MVP)Padro de arquitetura uma parte fundamental da cincia da computao. a nica maneira de manter um projeto limpo, expansvel e testvel. Os padres so solues reconhecidas que foram desenvolvidas ao longo dos anos e so consideradas padres da indstria.O MVP permite uma diviso melhor em camadas mais precisamente, permitir que a camada diretamente relacionada com a interface do usurio somente se comunique (seja dependente) com a camada diretamente abaixo dela.Vou assumir que voc j tem o Android Studioinstalado e pronto para uso. Bora aprenderento?Vejo voc no curso!"
Price: 99.99

"Goal Setting Mastery 2.0"
"In this course, I will teach you howto set and achieve your goals 10x faster. Achieving goals is the pre-requisite of a successful life. Yet many people do not know how to achieve their goals. So the course will solve this problem by conditioning you to be a super-achiever. There are Goal Achievement Mastery Actions at the end of the lecturesto help you assimilate the knowledge as I believe the bestway to learn something is applying the knowledge.My course is designed for leaders, entrepreneurs, innovators and anyone that wants to be more productive and effective in thier lives.If this sounds like you, enroll right now.Personally, I have testedthese strategies from the successful people and formed my own system out of it. So I guarantee this will work for you as well!If not, send me a message and I will make it right.Who is the target audience?This course is designed for leaders, entrepreneurs, innovators and anyone looking to achieve more.This course is not for those seeking a free form or unstructured goal setting approach."
Price: 19.99

"IFRS and ASPE 101"
"GAAP requires a financial reporting framework to be followed. Two of the most common are IFRS or ASPE. The purpose of this course is to introduce the two financial reporting frameworks and provide ahigh level overview of their differences under the main section of the CICAhandbook. Examples of differences that exist between the two frameworks isprovided throughout the course. In addition, the history of IFRSand ASPE is discussed to provide some background on why they were formed and the benefit of using one over the other.This course has an intended audience of CPA's but is also open to accounting students and professionals who are looking to enhance their knowledge of this subject matter for educational purposes and get up to speed on the standards.This courses touches on all significant sections of IFRSand ASPE so that students have an understanding of the sections within these standards.Certificate of completion provided after successful completion of course."
Price: 49.99

"Network Leader"
"Este curso se destina a quem est aprendendo a profisso de Networker, te o passo a passo desde as bases at s estratgias mais avanada de Network Marketing,Envolve Vdeos, apostilas, exerccios e muitas outras reas de estudo, alm de testes de conhecimento. Cada passo foi pensado para ser feito em etapas e ser colocado em prtica, ento siga o passo a passo, coloque em prtica e ao final utilize estas estratgias, ao trmino do curso retorne a faa novamente... Utilize esta ferramenta para ensinar seus downlines"
Price: 144.99

"Amazon FBA Selling Academy: Step-by-Step To Success!"
"The Amazon Selling Academy is for beginners looking to quickly and profitably start an Amazon FBA private labelbusiness. By the end of the course you will have all the tools you need to launch your business and successfully grow it into a passive income machine!This course is step-by-step and easy to follow. I share my computer screen the entire time so you can follow along and learn super quickly!!Let the money making begin!!"
Price: 199.99