"En este curso aprenderas las bases para realizar las 4 operaciones bsicas para el desarrollo de sistemas Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete,usando Entity FrameWork y el patrn Repositorio.Crearemos unproyecto vaco ASP.NET MVC desde Visual Studio que puedes descargar desde el sitio de MicrosoftVamos a usar la base de datos SQL Server de Microsoft en su versin 2017Express edition descargandola desde el sitio de MicrosoftCrearemos un proyecto de libreria de clase para usarlo como Repositorio genrico de datos para las operaciones en el servidor, dicho proyecto podr ser usado por otras aplicaciones sin mayores cambios Veremos el usodeMtodos de Extensinen C#y como estos nos ayudan para un desarrollo mas gil en cada proyecto.Crearemos cada una de las operaciones de ejemplo con y sin AJAX y veremos las diferencias entre cada una.Crearemos informes para imprimir los datos normal, agrupados y agrupados colapsados.Usaremos reporte de grficos para mostrar los datos digitados.Por ltimo y no menos importante publicaremos nuestra aplicacin ennuestra mquina local creando un dominio personalizado."
Price: 19.99 |
"Master Detail ASP.NET MVC" |
"En este curso aprenderemos a desarrollar un sistema de facturacin completodesde cero para poder tener nuestra carta de presentacin para mas clientes,Este curso se enfoca en el uso de ASP.NET MVC 5 con AJAX, JQuery, Select2, DataTable, SweetAlert, JEditable, TableToJson, BootStrap, Animaciones CSS y UIKitCrearemos un repositorio genrico que nos permitir trabajar con cualquier contexto de Entity Framework.Aprederemos a crear un maestro detalles y realizaremos las operaciones CRUD necesarias para los registros.Crearemos una base de datos que nos permita realizar cualquier tipo de orden tales como: Facturas de Venta,Facturas de Compra, Nota de Crdito a Venta,Nota de Crdito a Compra, Orden de Compra, Orden de Venta, Cotizacin, Conduce o cualquier otro tipo de orden que quieras crear. Opcionalmente podrsenviarpor correo electrnicolas ordenes que quierasa supropietario de forma automtica siempre que tengas el correo registrado previamente en el sistema. Las ordenes que crearemos podrn ser en condiciones decontado, a crdito o a consignacin.Nuestra entidad principal Persona quien nos servir para agrupar todos los tipos de personas que necesitemos, tales como:Cliente, Empleado, Suplidor, Socio, Miembro, Vendedoro cualquier otro tipo de que necesitemos crear de forma gil y eficiente.Podremos crear todos los tipos de productos que necesitemos para la venta, cotizacin, orden de compra etc, dichos tipos de productos seran algo como: Partes de Inventario, Servicios, Activo Fijo etc.Al finalizar nuetro sistema lo publicaremos en el dominio que prefieras, en mi caso loharemos en un dominio propio gratis en la computadora local. tu le podrs poner el nombre que quieras.Una vez nuestro sistema de facturacin POS est listo podremos comercializarlo ya que cubrecualquier tipo de negocio que aplique para venta de productos o servicios.Inscribete y disfruta del curso que te llevar a otro nivel en tu carrera y seguro que aprenderas algo nuevo."
Price: 34.99 |
"Dart - Beginners Course" |
"Learn how to create basic Dart programs. This course is aimed at the absolute beginner with no programming experience. Dart is an expressive and powerful language that has a very friendly learning curve. This makes it a great starting language.Dart helps you craft beautiful, high-quality experiences across all screens, with a client-optimized language, rich and powerful frameworks, flexible tooling"
Price: 19.99 |
"Dart - Intermediate Course" |
"Continue to your journey into the Dart language.This course picks up where the beginner course left off. In this course you will learn classes, scope, packages, and how to work with the file system. We will also explore generic programming. All of the code presented in this class is freely available on GitHub."
Price: 19.99 |
"Dart - Advanced Course" |
"This is NOTa beginners course!To take this course you should have at least an intermediate level understanding of the Dart programming language. When in doubt please complete the dart for beginners and dart intermediate courses I have on Udemy.Learn how to work with advanced concepts and code in dart, from working with processes, compression, encryption, sockets and databases."
Price: 19.99 |
"Flutter - Beginners Course" |
"Learn how to create fast and stunning mobile applications using Flutter, a new mobile framework by google. In this course you will quickly learn how to build an application in Flutter with no previous experience. It is HIGHLYrecommended you understand the Dart programming language, see my Dart programming tutorials."
Price: 19.99 |
"Flutter - Intermediate" |
"This is not a beginners course, and you should have a solid grasp of both the Dart language and a beginners understanding of Flutter.This course picks up where my Flutter for beginners course left off. In this course you will learn some of the more complex flutter widgets, along with using charts, navigation and routing, and state management from building your own to using Redux. I highly recommend you take my existing Dart and Flutter courses before attempting this one."
Price: 19.99 |
"Command line for non-techies" |
"Designers, developers, beginners and anyone who wants to learn to use the terminal and command line to be more effective, happier and profitable.Using the terminal can help optimize your workflow and make repetitive tasks easy,which makes for happier and more profitable work.The early modules are aimed at beginners who don't particularly know where to start. By the end of the course, you'll be looking at personalising your terminal, custom aliases, how to grab web content and manipulate it using grep, awk, and muchmore."
Price: 79.99 |
"ZBrush 4R8 ile 3D Karakter Modelleme" |
"Herkese merhaba! ZBrush ile boyutlu karakter modelleme kursuna ho geldiniz. 20 saatlik bu eitim sresince ZBrushn pek ok fonksiyonunu gstererek sfrdan boyutlu bir karakter oluturmanza yardmc olacam. Bu kursu tamamladktan sonra ZBrush arayznde rahata hareket edebilecek; iki boyutlu bir izimi analiz edip minimum ynlendirmeyle boyutlu ortama aktarabilecek; insan anatomisinin temellerini renip organik ve sert yzey modellemesi iin gereken tm teknikleri uygulayabilecek ve nihayetinde ZBrushn usuz bucaksz dnyasna salam bir balang yapm olacaksnz."
Price: 279.99 |
"How to Make a Feature Film with No Money and No Car" |
"In a world ofadvice telling you all the bad mistakes you can make, and that there's only one right way to do things, I'm here to tell you that you can go ahead and make a feature-length film, just because you want to. You don't need to go tofilm school in any traditional sense of theword, though there is always plenty to learn. Nor do you have to define your target audience, raise money, have a festival plan, a distribution plan, a marketing plan or an overall business plan worked out. Those are all great things, don't get me wrong, but they are also the things that tend to scare people away and keep them from reaching for their dream. If you can craft a simple, heartfelt story, and gather a few friends together, you can safely and successfully pull together a feature-length film that you can be proud of, that can go on to play in festivals, win awards, be seen around the world andmake people happy. I know this because I have done it. This course is designed for people who have a basic understanding and experience in making short films or video clips, but who may be looking at feature-lengthfilms - the ""Mount Everest of filmmaking"" - with some completely understandable fear and self-doubt. I'm here to share my experience and insights from having learned filmmaking through hands-on experimentation, self-directed study, trial and error, as well as from many mentors along the way. In midlife, I made a radical career change into acting, and then grew into the role of writer-director. Ihave made many short films as well as the features ""It's About Love"" and ""Fat Punk"" which were both made on shoestring budgets and went on to win multiple awards.This course is built on the premise that if I can do it, then so can you. There are certain things you can do to drive costs, hassles and risks out of your longer film projects, and working alongside this course and your own thinking and planning, you will be able to come up with a formula that will let you walk to set and have fun making a feature-length filmthat you can be proud of for as little money as you care to spend!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Fitness Basics: Creating a Workout Program - Beginner Course" |
"This course is for beginner students looking to take control of their own fitness goals. I will teach you how to write your very own Workout Program.You will learn my definitionof the word ""bodybuilder,"" along with general information regarding weight loss, weight gain, andweight maintenance. Iexplain why calorie management is crucial to weight-loss, and how tracking ones MACRO's can enhance the process (don't worry, I explain what MACRO's are as well). To get you comfortable with weight training, I give you basic weight lifts and explain the muscles involved while doing these movements. By the end of this course you will have your own Workout Program geared towards your personal goals, helping you become your own personal trainer!In the past, these Workout Programs have helped clients of mine lose weight in the form of5-10 lbswhen done strictly! I look forward to joining you on your journey!Want the course for free? Go tobuildyourfitlife dot comand subscribe to our newsletter. You'll receive an email with your free access code! Visit now!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Fitness Basics: How to Lose Weight Training 2 Days A Week" |
"Are you a busy professional, full-time parent, or simply a personunable to find time for the gym? Would you be willing to go if you only needed to show up 2 days out of the week? This Fitness Basics course will teach you all about how toachieve your fitness goals by committing only2 days a week to the gym! You'll learn about full body workouts, how they can benefit you, how to implement them, as well asweekly diet control tips. Along the way we'll explain why it's both difficult and easy to achieve your fitness goals with this 2 day method, and how to avoid common pitfalls. Once you complete this course there will be no more excuses standing in the way between you andthe body you deserve!"
Price: 24.99 |
"CSS Sass (SCSS)" |
"CSS ! Sass (SCSS)Sass(Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) CSS .Sass CSS pre-processor, Sass CSS , CSS , , . CSS !"
Price: 22000.00 |
"21-Days to Ultimate Confidence - Complete System" |
"CREATE CONFIDENCE IN ANY AREA OF YOUR LIFE21-Days to Ultimate Confidenceis a comprehensive course that will teach you to build confidence from the ground up. It is astep-by-stepguide that will empower you to create self-confidence and self-esteem in any area of your life, giving you the drive to take action and live life courageously.You'll learn how to:- Start building confidence in your life immediately- Overcome self-doubt and limiting beliefs that are holding you back- Master your psychology and so you can achieve any goal- Overcome anxiety and fear in social and business situations- Create confidence in any area of your life"
Price: 194.99 |
"Lenguaje Corporal" |
"Alguna vez ha sentido que lo que usted dice no lo entiendela gente como usted quisiera, ha pensado que usted puede proyectar su imagenpersonal y profesional mejor, siente que en ocasiones es rechazado, no sepreocupe, con el curso de lenguaje corporal, usted podr identificar sus debilidadesde comunicacin, verbal, no verbal y paraverbal. Todos, al menos una vez en la vida, hemos escuchado algo sobre el lenguaje corporal. Las seales que enviamos a nuestros interlocutores no siempre tienen que ser verbales, y tampoco en todos los casos van a ser mandados conscientemente. A decir verdad, muy pocas personas se dan cuenta de la fuerza de la expresin que posee el cuerpo humano."
Price: 19.99 |
"Interpretacin del lenguaje corporal de nios y adolescentes" |
"Aqu va a aprender los componentes del lenguaje verbal, noverbal y paraverbal, identificar los errores que comete los nios, nias yadolescentes al dirigirse a las personas, aprender a identificar losprincipales rasgos que identifican su lenguaje no verbal. El nio recin nacidoes slo motricidad, y a medida que el nio va creciendo adquiere la competenciadel lenguaje verbal, pero el lenguaje no verbal y paraverbal sigue presente ynos est comunicando todo el tiempo.Usted aprender cmo se mueve su hijo, qu siente y qupuede comunicar a travs del movimiento. El lenguaje corporal, es la respuestaque tiene su cuerpo ante las emociones, le permite reaccionar y afrontar lasdistintas situaciones de la vida. La expresin de las emociones cumple as consus funciones adaptativa, social y motivacional."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso Virtual Finanzas Personas y Familiares" |
"El equilibrio financiero se logra definiendo objetivos ymetas que estn dirigidos a mejorar la calidad de vida. El curso de FinanzasPersonales est diseado en 8 sesiones y le ensea cmo gastar menos de lo quegana y tener control de sus finanzas familiares y personales No es fcil decirNO en materia de las tentaciones que nos llevan a gastar ms de la cuenta,algunos terminamos llenndonos de bienes que no necesitamos, sin calcular queesos comportamientos nos pueden estar afectando la calidad de vida. Para definir qu es lo que nos conviene, sedeben planear juiciosamente las finanzas porque hacen parte primordial delfuturo personal, laboral y familiar"
Price: 19.99 |
"O Mercado de Bitcoins - O que , como investir e o futuro." |
"CUPONS LIMITADOS:ECHAIA70OFFNo curso O Mercado de Bitcoins - O que , como investir e o futuro, o Prof. Euber Chaia, que consultor em criptomoedas, vai explicar o que so as moedas digitais como o Bitcoin, as vantagens, desvantagens e a histria do surgimento do Bitcoin at tempos atuais. Ser abordado como funciona uma transao Bitcoin, a tecnologia Blockchain e instituies que investem neste conceito, bem como uma comparao com o sistema financeiro mundial. Aprender como se negocia bitcoins e outras criptomoedas e o processo de minerao de bitcoins um dos diferenciais da abordagem sobre outros cursos existentes no mercado. Por ltimo h dicas de livros e filmes para quem pretende entender melhor. A inteno um overview sobre o assunto que se torna indispensvel tanto para os que j possuem contato, como os que nunca ouviram falar sobre o tema!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Tighten & Tone from Home - Quick Workouts!" |
"Each videois less than 15minutes. They are strategecallydesigned to target your entire body. The focus is totighten, tone and strengthen your muscles in the comfort of your home. Get ready for alean, sculpted look that will have you feeling amazing in your own skin. Short on time? This programis perfect for you!"
Price: 19.99 |
"learn web development from scratch introduction course" |
"Imagine being able to create a fully functioning and complete responsive and mobile friendlywebsite, imagine knowing how to code your ownwebsite,imagine being a business person andhaving a better understanding of how websites work and the best practices, how this would help you in your business, having the knowledge to make changes to your own websites and being able to make them on your own in a matter of minutes.No more struggles with web developers who take hours if not weeksto make a simpleupdate you requested Now you can make the updates on your own in seconds.Hello there am Businge Ismail,I have been a freelancer online for quite a while doing work from graphics design andanimation to website design and consultation for over a decade now, on odesk and fiverr, and its one of the top reasons i am making this course.I always get clients who need simple edits on there websites and sometimes because i have a huge work load i recommend someone else but the clients don't like sharing there website login details with someone they don't trust already so they either have to wait or have to figure it out them selves which is unfortunate.I did a few Skype calls teachinghow to make these edits but i was teaching the same things over and over, don't get me wrong i like helping people this way but its not efficient, so i figured instead of Skype calls why not a course, a course that teaches the basics of html, you don't need prior coding knowledge, you don't need to learn a new software and you definitelydon't need any new software, just notepad and a web browser.this is a course for that entrepreneurin you who wants to get things done, for that entrepreneurwho wants to better understand the tools that get things done, for efficiency for effectiveness and for progress.Yes, i know you are that person take this courseits for that person who can't afford hiring a web developer for there website idea, or its for that person who wants to become a web developer so they can get hired by a person with a website idea some day.Yes, i know you are that person take this course"
Price: 19.99 |
"how to create high converting sales pages and landing pages" |
"Who is the target audience?People selling products onlineAny one running email marketing campainsanyone trying to build an email listAuthors selling booksPeople with ecommerce businessesinternet marketersEntrepreneurs selling servicesAmazon sellersEtsy sellersanyone doing a product launch onlineEven beginner Udemy instructorsWHYTHIS COURSE:this course introduces you to basic email marketing techniques and tools that will help you build and grow your email list.we look at the different types of web pages used in internet marketing why use one over the other, and how to optimize each.Each type of page, e.g optin page, sales page or squeeze page, i define what it is, its purpose, when to use such a page and when not to, show you best practices and how to optimize that page to suit your target audience and get the best conversion rates.What are some of the uses of this?Well, lets just say that you wanted to create your own digital informational product. Nothing would make it stand out more than if you were able to create your own custom sales page or product pagefor that product that would wow your visitors when they landed on your page.WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?If your sites lead generationlanding pages are suffering from poor pay-per-click performance, youre not getting customers to click past the first page or you just want the absolute truth on what really works today so that you can start optimizing, testing, tracking and reaping the benefits this is the guide for you.Whether youre a small business owner just getting started or the head of a Fortune 500 corporations marketing team who needs real insights that get results youll love this guide.what you will learnDesign a high converting landing page from scratch without a single line of codeDouble or triple your landing page conversion rates by applying the principles of clarity, simplicity and perceived valueRun A/B tests to guarantee a better conversion rate over time without knowing any statisticsKnow exactly how to design a call to action that will motivate your visitor's to take the actions you want them to takeApply psychological persuasion frameworks to your landing pages and websitesDetermine where in the sales funnel your visitors are and how to design landing pages that cater to each stage in the funnelIdentify the issues that are currently hurting your conversion rate and how to apply good landing page design to fix the problemsYou will sell more by increasing your sales conversion rateSell more within hours or days with the same amount of traffic you have nowLearn major sales tactics professional sales people and large companies useCreate a much more engaging home page that gets more people into your sales funnelEnroll in the course now,see how successful online marketers and large companies sell, and use those very same tactics to boost and grow your business."
Price: 19.99 |
"learn after effects from beginner to intermediate to expert" |
"Hello my name is businge ismail and i have been a graphics designer and visual effects producer for over 10years now,Knowing After Effects is a great skill to have that is in demand and highly marketable. I've landed many jobs with the skills that I teach you in this course.The lessons i teach are meant to show you how to think like a professional animator from the beginning of any projectmotion, it could be 2d animation, 3d animation or color correction.After Effects is a robust tool that is capable of creating almost any video effect out there. You'll learn all of the basics, intermediate, and some advanced techniques, from working with shapes, text, and textures to video effects, transitions, and 3d camera.Learn by example: ( we shall make 4 ads in after effects)hotel 2danimated adan eCommerce apparelshop 2d animated commercialan eCommerce apparelshop 3d animated commercialan eCommerce electronics animated advertHere is a glimpse of what we'll be covering:After Effects program layout + basicsthe different types of layers and how to best use themMasks and mask animationsworking in 3d workspace,3d layers, 3d lights, 3d cameraand animationsusing motion blur andcamera blurTransitions such as: linear & radial wipesExporting with transparencyExporting for YouTubeGreen Screen editing in After Effectsand so much more!"
Price: 19.99 |
"how to make professional animated banner ads in Photoshop" |
"Am sure you have seen those wonderfully animated banners on websites, flashy, animated and attractive banners, if you are eager to learn how you can make your own, then this is the course for you.in this course we begin with a basic Photoshop interface overview, and play around with some tools just to get our hands dirty and remind our selfs how things work.the course is mostly focused on animation but because i know there will be a few of you who mind not remember some of the tools or some who have never used Photoshop before, the first lesson about 25 minutes is dedicated to you.we take sometime here designinga square banner 300x250px ad, that we shall letter animate.this lesson is very important if you have never used Photoshop before, it will be enough to get the basics out of the way and give you a great understanding of how things work.From there we start looking at animation in photoshop using real examples.what you will learnhow to prepare a projectthe standard banner sizes and formatsoptimizing your banners so that they are light enough in size without sacrificing qualityhow to make banners that will give the highest click rate for youthis course though mainly focuses on animated banners, there lots of other cool things we can do in photoshop that we look at, like making lower thirds, popups, animations that you can add to a live stream to make it look more awesome and cool"
Price: 24.99 |
"learn html and css animation and html animated banner ads" |
"so this is a follow up course to my learn photoshop animation by creating animated banner ads, in this course we are designing and animating the same banners in html so not only will you learn how to create css animation you will also learn how to translate your photoshop designs into actual html/css designs with raw html and css no javascript or libraries.since the course is about html/css animation i could just have done lectures about animation, showing you how to animate different elements in html using css but i thought a better way to learn was to create a real banner example that you could find on the internet as an add and thats exactly what we did.in the course:we design banner ads from scratchuse the standard web banner sizes everyone usesadd links that work and make functioning websiteand then we start working on the animation of the banners in cssi will also be updating the course adding more content here and thenso yes if you want to polish you web design skills, learn how to create animation in html and css then this is the course for you"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn basics of Clinical Pharmacology" |
"Clinical pharmacology is a vast area and it covers every medication that we take throughout our lives. A pharmacist is aware of all the pros, cons and mechanisms of all the medicines. A student may find themselves hard to understand the difficult terms associated with the medicines and related categories which are not really difficult. In my course, I will give you theeasiest way to learn, understand and clear the conceptabout every topic."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn everything about illicit / addictive drugs" |
"A clear understanding of illicit drugs or addictive drugs along with their mechanism, effects, abuse and special information. With the help of this course you can check your improvement as I have added multiple questions in it.I am sure that after watching the course you will not need to fiddle the books again. You can learn along with complete understanding of topic."
Price: 19.99 |
"Master your Basic C++ skills by making a voting system" |
"In this series of tutorials you will learn how to implement your basic C++ skills and make something out of it. You will createmany interesting projectsout of your basic skills. You will come to know that you can many interesting projects out of your basic skills. In these tutorials one of those many interesting projects have been explained. This will help you get a grip on your basic skills and of how to implement your skills to make someuseful stuff out of it. You will be able to know how you can implement your knowledge out of anything and move your skills to the next level. This project is just for beginners who have never created any useful stuff out of their knowledge so just get ready to make your very first project in C++."
Price: 74.99 |
"Feminine Chest Massage for Better Sex & Intimacy" |
"This course gives a structured presentation of what the breasts massage can do for the woman receiving as well as how to do it.This course can also help a couple work on a variety of their overall physical intimacy, give a few tools that may improve the sexual self-esteem and bring alternate solutions to disconnected sexual practices. Or bring a potential inspiration for new intimate practices.There is a first section that includes the benefits of the massage (the impact is more than just on leaving a good impression).There is a second section deals with the aspects of anatomy & reflexology that the giver should be aware when giving this delicate and deeply connecting massage.The third section is dedicated to the best attitude to have while giving breasts massage to a woman - something which will help any shy person, or anyone that has received negative feedback from a woman lover. And, last but not least, the fourth section approaches the massage technique itself. Note!Please be aware the massage is not done on an actual human body. Exposure of primary erogenous zones (genitalia, anus, breasts) is not allowed on Udemy. The purpose here is to understand this touch, get useful information, work on your learning new skills in sexuality, working on you self-esteem in intimacy and taking one step further for your sexual growth.Also, there are bonus videos tackling various other topics related to sexual development, as I considered fit for the viewers to also be aware of. You may skip those if you do not resonate, and stick to the main course. I recommend going through all videos (anatomy &reflexology, attitude and the technique). When we open up sexually, we open up in all areas of our lives!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Male Intimate Massage for Better Sex & Intimacy" |
"This erotic journey gives a structured presentation of what the intimate massage can do for the person receiving. This course can also help a couple work on the quality of their intimacy, bring a new depth to the relationship, help with sexual performance anxiety (from either partner's side), give a few tools to improve intimate communication and bring some solutions to disconnected sexual practices.There is a first section for benefits of the massage (the impact is more than just on leaving a good impression).There is a second section deals with the aspects of anatomy & reflexology that the giver should be aware when giving this intense and arousing massage.The third section is dedicated to the best attitude when giving intimate massage to a man - something which will help any shy person, or anyone that has received negative feedback from a man lover. And, last but not least, the fourth section (which is the longest) approaches the massage technique itself. There are bonus videos tackling various other topics related to sexual development, as I considered fit for the viewers to also be aware of.Note!Please be aware the massage is not done on an actual human body. Exposure of primary erogenous zones (genitalia, anus, breasts) is not allowed on Udemy. The purpose here is to understand this touch, get useful information, work on your learning new skills in sexuality, working on you self-esteem in intimacy and taking one step further for your sexual growth.When we open up sexually, we open up in all areas of our lives!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Feminine Intimate Massage for Better Sex & Intimacy" |
"This erotic journey gives a structured presentation of what the intimate massage can do for the person receiving. This course can also help a couple work on the quality of their intimacy, bring a new depth to the relationship, help with sexual performance anxiety (from either partner's side), give a few tools to improve intimate communication and bring some solutions to disconnected sexual practices.There is a first section for benefits of the massage (the impact is more than just on leaving a good impression).There is a second section deals with the aspects of anatomy & reflexology that the giver should be aware when giving this delicate and arousing massage.The third section is dedicated to the best attitude when giving intimate massage to a woman - something which will help any shy person, or anyone that has received negative feedback from a woman lover. And, last but not least, the fourth section (which is the longest) approaches the massage technique itself. There are bonus videos tackling various other topics related to sexual development, as I considered fit for the viewers to also be aware of.Note!Please be aware the massage is not done on an actual human body. Exposure of primary erogenous zones (genitalia, anus, breasts) is not allowed on Udemy. The purpose here is to understand this touch, get useful information, work on your learning new skills in sexuality, working on you self-esteem in intimacy and taking one step further for your sexual growth.When we open up sexually, we open up in all areas of our lives!"
Price: 94.99 |