"Liderana para quem lder pela primeira vez." |
"PARABNS! Agoravoc est no comando.Talvez essa seja a sua primeira vez como lder, talvez voc queira afinar as suas habilidades de liderana. De qualquer maneira, voc comeou um dos mais recompensadores captulos da sua histria como ser humano. Mas, como todo comeo, os primeiros passos podem ser desafiadores. Por sorte, voc no precisa lidar sozinho com o desafio de se tornar um lder inspirador. O cursoLIDERANA PARA QUEM LDER PELA PRIMEIRA VEZtraz conselhos prticos sobre liderana absolutamente REAIS de quem j liderou DE VERDADE centenas de pessoas nos ltimos 25 anos: Ricardo Jordo. Durante o curso voc vai aprender dezenas de ferramentas de liderana que vo assegurar o seu sucesso como lder. O curso imperdvel para todos aqueles que se vem em posio de liderana pela primeira vez na vida.O QUE VOC VAIAPRENDER NO CURSO:O cursoLIDERANA PARA QUEM LDER PELA PRIMEIRA VEZ divido em dois mdulos.Noprimeiro mdulovoc vai aprender a ser um lder que coloca coragem, energia, paixo, entusiasmo e comprometimento nas pessoas.O curso vai fornecer a voc as dicas absolutamente essenciais para transformar voc em um lder que todos que trabalham com voc vo admirar. No final do dia, liderana sobre as conversas francas, frequentes, claras, autnticas, e as vezes, difceis que voc tem que ter com as pessoas todos os dias. Durante o curso voc vai aprender as habilidades para ser bem sucedido em cada uma dessas interaes.Osegundo mdulodo curso sobre as competncias principais que um lder tem que ter para ser bem sucedido, incluindo coaching de pessoas, contratao dos melhores profissionais, criao de metas, como lidar com funcionrios difceis, como transformar situaes negativas em performances positivas e muito mais.Olhe para o cursoLIDERANA PARA QUEM LDER PELA PRIMEIRA VEZcomo uma companhia indispensvel para voc se tornar um lder fantstico - que ir causar uma transformao positiva e duradoura na sua equipe, na sua famlia e na sua carreira.Esse um curso on-line sobre liderana para todos aqueles que se vem em posies de liderana de pessoas pela primeira vez na vida.Se voc est precisando de ajuda para liderar pessoas... esse O curso! Voc vai aprender a inspirar os outros para que eles entreguem o seu MELHOR. Voc vai aprender a criar SIGNIFICADO e espalhar PROPSITO pela sua equipe e empresa.Voc vai pirar com os insights do Jordo sobre liderana quando o assunto desenvolvimento de equipe, ambiente de trabalho, atitudes, relacionamentos e valores morais e ticos.LIDERANA PARA QUEM LDER PELA PRIMEIRA VEZ um curso on-line. Voc assiste os videos das aulas quantas vezes voc quiser a hora que voc quiser de onde voc quiser. So 10 horas de curso.AULA 1 e 2:Agora voc um lder. A jornada comea. A transio de funcionrio para lder. O que voc precisa saber. Os primeiros seis meses. Os primeiros 100 dias. O que nunca fazer/ O que sempre fazer. A importncia crucial da autenticidade. O auto-conhecimento que voc tem que ter.AULA 3 e 4:Como tirar o melhor das pessoas. Como fazer reunies 1-a-1 com as pessoas. Como aceitar o feedback das pessoas. Como fazer as pessoas se sentirem ouvidas, valorizadas e motivadas. 10 Ferramentas de liderana que vo explodir a sua cabea. Como pedir ajuda. Como escutar e responder com empatia. Como manter a aumentar a sua auto-estima e dos outros.AULA 5 e 6:Liderana que traz resultados. Como criar metas. Como cobrar resultados. Como cobrar performance. Os elementos essenciais da execuo. Como identificar as suas prioridades. Como lidar com o tempo que voc tem. Como liderar reunies e como evitar que elas se tornem maantes.AULA 7 e 8:Como contratar e selecionar pessoas. O que o seu chefe espera de voc. Como criar um ambiente que retm e energiza as pessoas. Como fazer coaching nas pessoas. Como lidar com funcionrios complicados. Como delegar e quando delegar. O lder vendedor e Mestre em Criao de Relacionamentos.Todos as aulas esto gravadas em video. Voc pode assistir do computador, tablet ou smartphone.Alm da gravao voc vai ter acesso aosaos slides das apresentaes do Jordo.Voc a mdia das cinco pessoas que voc convive.Que tal conviver com o Jordo como seu mentor de liderana durante 8horas?Voc vai amar!"
Price: 189.99 |
"Jack of All Trades - How to Master Multiple Skills Quickly" |
"You are HERE""reading this"" right now because you want to be able to learn all sorts of things in a short amount of time -whether to further your understanding of the world, master your craftsmanship, or continue your never-ending quest for learning. The knowledge of all things is possible.- Leonardo da VinciIndeed, knowledge is power, but everlasting applied knowledge is omnipotent - as a ""Jack of all trades."" Being a ""Jack of all trades"" is not about being skilled with minimal superficialities, but with multiple specialties across all boards of platform. Now why would you want to opt for ""Jack of all trades""? For the simple reason - never put all your eggs in one basket. ""One"" is a dangerous number. Having only one way of doing things and living life is not what you want to be at the mercy of...if, figuratively, one of your eggs cracks causing a ripple effect that cracks all the other eggs in the same basket...everything you've worked for your entire life then goes up in smoke. You want to diversify and become more well-rounded in your endeavors; however, on the other hand, you only have so manyhours in a day to do things...let alone learn everything under the sun in your lifetime. Contained within ""Jack of All Trades"" - is everything you need to know about improving your learning and mastering your skills quickly, and what it takes and how to be a modern Renaissance person, or in this case ""Jack of all trades."" Experience your great Renaissance awakening, and become the multifaceted modern Renaissance man or woman. The greatest Renaissance is yet to come, made by you.Who am I now? I am the YOU that you are that much closer soon to be. Until we finally conclude our journey, - Mr./Ms. Jack of all Trades"
Price: 49.99 |
"The Complete TOEFL iBT Success Course (NEW VERSION)" |
"The aim of this course is to fully prepare you to the TOEFL iBT test so that you receive a score of 100 points or more. This course will get you ready to all parts of the NEW TOEFL test. By the end of this course you will be able to pass TOEFL for the score sufficient to enroll the most prestigious American universities.Do you like boring lectures? I hate boring lectures. That is why I will do my best to present the material in a fun and engaging way to make it easy and interesting for you to learn. I know, the exam can seem very difficult at the beginning. The reading passages are too long and complicated, the listening is difficult to understand, all these questions are so tricky! The speaking might seem very difficult too what do you say? How do you manage to say it within the time? The writing part ugh! How do you write all of that? How do you structure your essay, how do you come up with ideas? My goal is to teach you everything you need to know to succeed step by step. I will show you how to deal with every single task on the TOEFL exam. I will give you the ready to work keys - tactics and secrets - to succeed on the TOEFL test. This course is very practical. I will show you how to read the text in the Reading section, so that you save time and keep your concentration. We will analyze question types and discuss the test makers favorite traps that you need to watch out for. In the Listening section I will show you what to pay attention to while you listen, what question types to expect and what traps to avoid. In the Speaking section I will give you word-by-word templates that you can use in each of your speaking task you will just need to learn them by heart. I will also give you the ready-made templates for your Writing section, which will make composing your essays super easy. This course is not anyhow overwhelming, but covers everything you need to know for the exam. I will teach you ready made solutions that help pass TOEFL on a perfect score. It is important to remember that the TOEFL exam is not just the test of your English language abilities it is also the test of your knowledge of the TOEFL test structure. Even if you know English perfectly, without knowing what they want from you and what traps they have for you it is very hard to get a high score. In this course we will go through everything you need to know about the exam in order to make you fully prepared to solve all of its tasks easily. "
Price: 199.99 |
"DaVinci Resolve 14+: Complete Guide to Video Editing" |
"DaVinci Resolve is a fully featured cross platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) video editor that comes in the base version for free and studio version. There are no watermarks in your export and the editor is very comparable to other top editors like Adobe Premier or Sony Vegas. In this course, I'll teach you everything you need to know to produce quality videos out of your raw footage.Learn how to add video effects, transitions, and custom titles to your videosManipulate your video's look by making changes to the coloring.In depth coverage of the each tab of the interfaceTarget specific areas of your video with layer masksStabilize your footage in post productionUsage of VST Audio plugins including installation and usage examplesModify the program to fit your needs with Hotkey and setting changesThe program can be broken down into 5 main areas (Fusion Tab upcoming in future resolve versions) including the Media Tab for importing and managing your video, audio, and image assets. The editing tab where you will do the bulk of your work actually placing video clips on the timeline, cutting away unnecessary footage, as well as adding effects and titles to your video. Next, we will jump to the color tab where you can create advanced custom effects changing the visuals of your video with tools like layer masks and power windows. The Fairlight tab allows you to manipulate and improve your audio with VST plugins and record new voice overs inside the program. When all is said and done, you finish up your project by exporting inside of the deliver tab. Of course, we aim to cover all of these extensively enough that you can produce projects ready for sharing online. Let's get to it!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Photoshop CC 2018: Complete Beginner's Guide" |
"The course will take you on a journey through the tools of Photoshop CC 2018. You'll learn how to execute on what is possible inside of Photoshop using many of the functions in the latest version. The series includes a series of tutorials demoing tools and how to apply many of the most often needed effects in your own photos and artwork.The course is targeted at beginners so you're not expected to know anything before getting started here.Here aresome of the key topic areasText DesignGradientsColor Filters and EffectsVideo Thumbnail CreationBackground Removal"
Price: 29.99 |
"Complete Video Production: OBS Studio & DaVinci Resolve" |
"This course is a full overview of two of the top tools for recording, streaming, and editing videos. You will learn to setup OBS to record or stream games, webcams, and screencasts. In DaVinci Resolve, we move over to video editing. There you'll edit raw footage into quality clips and videos, add in special effects, transitions, and titles. Resolve is very powerful though so towards the end we will also cover advancedtopics like changing color selectively in your scenes, creating custom animations through keyframing, andblurring faces out with tracking.The best part about these two apps is that they are free out of the box so learning these apps will save beginners a lot of money without a reduction in quality(though resolve does have extra purchasable, all core functionality is there in the free version).---- Open Broadcaster Software (OBS)for Recording / Streaming---Looking to start recording and streaming your own videos for internet sites like YouTube and Twitch but don't know how to get started? This courses purpose is to teach people like yourself Open Broadcaster Software, a video recording and streaming application for all major operating systems, so that they can do just that. Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is the program I personally use for all my recording and streaming purposes because it's the best app I've found.Be sure to pick the program up for Windows, Mac, or Linux before we get started.--- DaVinci Resolve for Video Editing ---DaVinci Resolve is a fully featured cross platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) video editor that comes in the base version for free and studio version. There are no watermarks in your export and the editor is very comparable to other top editors like Adobe Premier or Sony Vegas. In this course, I'll teach you everything you need to know to produce quality videos out of your raw footage.Learn how to add video effects, transitions, and custom titles to your videosManipulate your video's look by making changes to the coloring.In depth coverage of the each tab of the interfaceTarget specific areas of your video with layer masksStabilize your footage in post productionUsage of VST Audio plugins including installation and usage examplesModify the program to fit your needs with Hotkey and setting changesThe program can be broken down into 5 main areas (Fusion Tab upcoming in future resolve versions) including the Media Tab for importing and managing your video, audio, and image assets. The editing tab where you will do the bulk of your work actually placing video clips on the timeline, cutting away unnecessary footage, as well as adding effects and titles to your video. Next, we will jump to the color tab where you can create advanced custom effects changing the visuals of your video with tools like layer masks and power windows. The Fairlight tab allows you to manipulate and improve your audio with VST plugins and record new voice overs inside the program. When all is said and done, you finish up your project by exporting inside of the deliver tab. Of course, we aim to cover all of these extensively enough that you can produce projects ready for sharing online. Let's get to it!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Complete Guide to DaVinci Resolve 15 Video Editing" |
"DaVinci Resolve is a fully featured cross platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) video editor that comes in the base version for free and studio version. There are no watermarks in your export and the editor is very comparable to other top editors like Adobe Premier or Sony Vegas. In this course, I'll teach you everything you need to know to produce quality videos out of your raw footage.Learn how to add video effects, transitions, and custom titles to your videosManipulate your video's look by making changes to the coloring.In depth coverage of the each tab of the interfaceTarget specific areas of your video with layer masksStabilize your footage in post productionModify the program to fit your needs with Hotkey and setting changesThe program can be broken down into 5 main areas including the Media Tab for importing and managing your video, audio, and image assets. The editing tab where you will do the bulk of your work actually placing video clips on the timeline, cutting away unnecessary footage, as well as adding effects and titles to your video. The fusion tab allows you create and modify powerful 3Deffects creating objects and manipulating lights, color, 3D rotation and position, and more straight from within Resolve. Next, we will jump to the color tab where you can create advanced custom effects changing the visuals of your video with tools like layer masks and power windows. The Fairlight tab allows you to manipulate and improve your audio with VST plugins and record new voice overs inside the program. When all is said and done, you finish up your project by exporting inside of the deliver tab. Of course, we aim to cover all of these extensively enough that you can produce projects ready for sharing online. Let's get to it!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Oracle SQL Performance Tuning Masterclass 2020" |
"Here is the most comprehensive SQL Tuning course that you will not need to take any other courses in anywhere. This course will be continuously getting updated with more lectures, quizzes, assesments to enhance your knowledge on Oracle SQL Tuning.The most common problem of working with SQL is, performance problems. Most of the developers don't know how to write well-performing queries. So in time, this problem grows and becomes a problem for both the developer and the company.This course will teach you how to tune your SQL statements and database step by step for a perfect performance! You will learn how to write fast, reliable and secure queries. Besides, you will learn the database architecture and will be able to optimize the database workloads. Once you complete this course, you will recognize the database terms better and will use the most appropriate one for the performance.Once you complete this course, you will be able to: Find the poorly performing queriesLearn Advanced Query Tuning TechniquesUnderstand the Database Architecture to perform Better Tuning TechniquesLearn Advanced Indexing Techniques to Maximize Database PerformanceLearn how to use various Performance Tuning ToolsCompare BAD vs GOOD Queries with Hands-on Examples.Gather Statistics for the bad SQLsInterpret the Execution Plans with different methodsChoose an appropriate SQL tuning approach Guide the Oracle Optimizer for a better executionUse various tuning techniques like using bind variables, different types of indexes, and much more.Improve the performance of the queries & databaseGain Complete Knowledge on Oracle SQL and Performance Tuning!Briefly, the knowledge of SQL Tuning is a ""must"" for IT Professionals and this course is the magic pill for that you're seeking for Becoming a Performance Expert!If you want to step ahead in your career, ""SQL & Performance Tuning"" should be your next step.See you in the first lecture!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Solidworks Temel Eitim" |
"Solidworks program hakknda hzl bir biimde bilgi almak ve bir an nce uygulamaya gemek iin eitim videolarmzdanyardm alabilirsiniz. Temel izim iin gerekli olan tm detaylar renecek ve detaylarla zaman harcamayacaksnz. Temel eitim sayesinde Solidworks temel yap talarn renecek ve arayz kullanmna hzlca erieceksiniz. rnek uygulamalar ile komutlarn birbirleri birlikte nasl kombinasyon oluturduunu greceksiniz. Eitim setimiz Para tasarm, Montaj ve Teknik resim blmlerinden olumaktadr."
Price: 49.99 |
"AutoCAD rnek Uygulama Eitimi" |
"AutoCAD e yeni balayan yada temel eitimi tamamlam olan renci ve kullanclarn, AutoCAD komutlarn bir uygulama esnasnda dier komutlar ile kombin halde kullanmn grmek zere hazrlanm ekiller ile, alm olduunuz eitimi pekitirme frsat bulaca bir eitimdir. Seilen ekiller, rn olmaktan ziyade bir ok AutoCAD komutunu kullanabileceiniz zelliktedir. Bu eitim ierii ile belirli bir rne ynelik (mimari,mobilya vb) uygulama deil arlkl olarak AutoCAD temelini oluturan Line,Offset,Move,Rotate vb. komutlarnn uygulamas yaplmaktadr.Eitim ieriinde 2 boyutlu ve 3 boyutlu rnek uygulamalar bulunmaktadr.Eitim boyunca tek bir AutoCAD srmnden ziyade birok srm ile yaplm rneklere ulaabileceksiniz. Bu sayede tek bir eitim ile birden fazla AutoCAD srm zerinde ilemlerin nasl yapldn grebilecek, dier AutoCAD srmlerinin arayzn tanma frsat bulabileceksiniz. Eitim ieriinde rnek uygulamalar AutoCAD 2010, 2011,2012,2017,2018 olarak hazrlanmaktadr.mr boyu sahip olacanz bu eitim belirli periyotlarla gncellenmeye devam edecektir."
Price: 49.99 |
"ZWCAD Grsel Eitim" |
"Bilgisayar destekli izim uygulamas olan ZWCAD programnn temel seviye kullanmna ilikin eitim ile, ZWCAD programn rahatlkla kullanabilecek seviyeye gelebileceksiniz.5 saatten fazla bir eitim ieriine sahip bu eitim, sizlere programn temel ayarlarn aktaracak ve kullanm kolayl sunacaktr. Online eitim olmasnn avantaj ile, yeni gelen zellikler ve gncelletirmeler hakknda zaman zaman sizleri bilgilendiriyor olacaz."
Price: 49.99 |
"AutoCAD 2019 Grsel Eitim" |
"KAMPANYALI RNBu eitim setini izledikten sonra aadaki eitim setlerinden birine cretsiz sahip olacaksnz.Solidworks Temel Eitim / Revit Temel Eitim / Fusion 360 Grsel Eitim / Solidworks Sac Modelleme / Autolisp BalangDetayl bilgi iin mesaj atabilirsiniz.Tasarm ve izimlerin bilgisayar ortamnda yaplmasn salayan, Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarm ve izim program AutoCAD yazlmnn, 2019 srmne ait bu Grsel Eitim ile AutoCAD 2019 yazlm ile teknik izimlerinizi yapabilir, oluturduunuz 2D ve 3D modelleri dzenleyebilirsiniz.Bu eitim seti sayesinde AutoCAD ile izim yapmak, daha nce yaplanlar revizyon etmek, tasarmnz geree dntrmeden nce ekranda grmek, istediiniz lekte kt almak, izdiiniz nesnelere renk atayabilmek, farkl izgi tipleri kullanabilmek ve farkl desenlerde taramalar gerekletirebilmek iin gerekli komutlar renebileceksiniz.Bu eitim setini izleyerek, izmi olduunuz izimler zerine koyabileceiniz llendirme komutlarn, izim zerine eklenen Gelimi Yaz formatlarn, AutoCAD ierisine tablo ekleme ve oluturma komutlarn renebileceksiniz. AutoCAD yeniliklerinden biri olan Parametrik likilendirme ile izgilerinizi birbirlerine balayacak ve sabit llerde gelimi fonksiyonlar ekleyebileceksiniz. Bylece resimlerinize revizyon yaparken belirli bir ksm deitirdiinizde dier ksmlarnda otomatik olarak deimesini salayacaksnz.Eitim seti ieriinde; AutoCAD 2019 2 ve 3 Boyut alma alanlar tantlmakta ve komutlarn yerleri gsterilmektedir.Eitim erii; - AutoCADe Giri- izim Yntemleri- Draw (izim) Komutlar- Nesne Dzenleme & Deitirme- Tanmlama ve Bilgilendirme- Detay Komutlar- Genel izim Ayarlar- Dier Draw Komutlar- Parametrik izim Komutlar- Yaynlama Komutlar-3D Modelleme ve Grselletirme Komutlar (Dier versiyonlar)"
Price: 49.99 |
"DraftSight cretsiz CAD Yazlm Eitimi" |
"cretsiz Bilgisayar Destekli izim (CAD) Program DraftSight yazlmnn eitim videosuyla temel seviyede bilgi sahibi olabilir ve teknik resim izimlerinizi gerekletirebilirsiniz.Bu eitim seti sayesinde DraftSightile DWG formatndaizim yapmak, daha nce yaplanlar revizyon etmek, tasarmnz geree dntrmeden nce ekranda grmek, istediiniz lekte kt almak, izdiiniz nesnelere renk atayabilmek, farkl izgi tipleri kullanabilmek ve farkl desenlerde taramalar gerekletirebilmek iin gerekli komutlar renebileceksiniz.Bu eitim setini izleyerek, izmi olduunuz izimler zerine koyabileceiniz llendirme komutlarn, izim zerine eklenen Gelimi Yaz formatlarnrenebileceksiniz.Eitim erii;- DraftSighte Giri- izim Yntemleri- Draw (izim) Komutlar- Nesne Dzenleme & Deitirme- Tanmlama ve Bilgilendirme- Detay Komutlar- Genel izim Ayarlar- Dier Draw Komutlar- Yaynlama Komutlar"
Price: 49.99 |
"Social Media for the (Secretly) Perplexed Entrepreneur" |
"You're an entrepreneur, blogger, freelancer, small business owner or self employed jack of all trades. You know you should be putting yourself out there on social media so that you have credibility, a wider audience of potential clients and customersand establishing yourself as knowledgeable, but it just seemsfrustrating, overwhelming, and just too much to do. This course walks you through the essentials of social media and breaks it down into easily understandable bits of information. Using screen capture video to actually walk you through posting, finding followers and more will make using social media stress free!"
Price: 19.99 |
"SOLIDWORKS: Become a Certified Professional Today (CSWP)" |
"This is a streamlined course to take youfrom knowing the basics aboutSOLIDWORKS to give you all the knowledge and skills needed to become a certified SOLIDWORKS Professional (CSWP). This course willenable you to, with confidence, use SOLIDWORKS to designcomplexinnovations and draft complex models. After this course, you can proudly list your advancedSOLIDWORKS skills in your resume.THIS COURSE IS NOT A SHORTCUT TO GET THE CERTIFICATE. We are following a learn-by-doing approach for you to truly master all the skills needed for the certification test.*The screencastingfor this course was done using SW 2017. However, you can fully follow the course and use the supplementary downloads if you are using SW2015 or newer.NOTE:This course can be considered as an advanced continuation to our previous best selling SOLIDWORKS courses. The previous course takes you from nothing to the Associate Certification level (CSWA) while this course takes from from the Associate Certification level (basic level)to the ProfessionalCertification level (CSWP).==================About this course:With this course, you will get:Full, free lifetime access to 51lectures (increasing over time).All future extra lectures and upgrades will always be free.Unconditional Udemy 30 daysmoney back guarantee- We are sure you would love the course though :)Regular free bonuses additions to increase your knowledge. - lots of fun topics!Today, you can start your journey to becoming a SOLIDWORKS professional starting from basicprior experience!There is nothing extra to buy or pay for with the course. You will only need SOLIDWORKS2015 or a newer version. You will also need Microsoft excel.Why our course?!We have lots of experience teaching SOLIDWORKS, our previous SOLIDWORKScourses are the best selling in Udemy with over 4500 happy students.We are following the learning-by-doing approach which is proven the best for learning software like SOLIDWORKS.We haveenlarged the interfaceicons in our screencasts to make our videos more eye-friendly. We even enlarged the mouse cursor!We use annotations in all our lectures for easier follow-up.We made our videos short and concentrated in one or few conceptsto make them easier for reference. We also designed each lecture to be a stand-alone lecture.You will learn:How to use the advanced features Draft, Shell, Rib, and Features Mirroring.How to use internationally defined standards to create holes and slots.How to create a new Coordinate system and utilize it in Mass properties.How to link dimensions in a part using equations.How to create a part with more than one body (multi-body part)and how to take advantage of this approach.How to specify features application to one body over another.How to utilizeDesign Tables to create multiple configurations of the same model.How to manually create model configurations each with different applied features.How to use the advanced mates Profile Center, Symmetric, Width, Path Mate, Linear/Linear coupler, and Distance & Angle ranges.How to link different dimensions in different parts using in-context features.How to apply Assembly Features and what is the design intent of doing that.How to use collision and interference detection.How to replace parts in an assembly and transfer all active mates.Click the 'Buy Now' button, top right of the window... Every hour you delay is costing you great creations and skills :)Yours in SOLIDWORKSLearning,Tayseer Almattar"
Price: 149.99 |
"Learn WordPress from scratch" |
"This is powerful course where Idemonstrate how to create company WordPress website from scratch!I will demonstrate how create any website using Avada theme on WordPress!Avada has been the #1 selling theme for more than 4 years, making it themost trusted and complete WordPress theme on the marketYou will be able toCustomize Your Entire Site With Ease, No Coding Experience Required!Drag and Drop Page Builder At Its FinestEasily and accurately drag and drop page content to your precise location with incredible speed and performance, making the page building process easier and faster.WordPress is a free software, this means you are free to download, install, use and modify it. You can use it to create any kind of website. It is also open source which means the source code of the software is available for any one to study, modify and play with.WordPress is used by millions of peopleand almost every day new people are joining the WordPress community by creating their first WordPress powered websites. The reason why people quickly adapt to WordPress is because it isfairly easy to use.Updates Added:22/03/2018:How to copy a WordPress site from one domain to another without any skills17/01/2018:Step by step tutorial how to transfer WordPress site to new host"
Price: 19.99 |
"Twitter affiliate marketing or get sales on autopilot" |
"Manage a Twitter account, check status updates, manage followers, reply to mentions and posts, re tweet important posts, tweet blog posts or an RSS feed; Use Twitter bot to Promote Affiliate Products, Affiliate Links.During test My Twitter Bot application generates me in average $61,45/week on auto pilot! Without any single click on mouse! Now I want to setup such bot to promote more affiliate products from ClickBank in order to generate even more profit At moment Im running only 3 twitter marketing auto bot. BUT! I can multiply them! Just imagine 100 bots running same time and generating in average $6145 per week or $24 580/month or $294 960 /year Not Bad!*It's important to remember, however, that this is a projection, not guaranteed incomeThe bot will manage the Twitter account, checking status updates, managing followers, replying to mentions, re-tweetingimportant posts, tweeting your blog posts or RSS feed, and auto tweeting.Stand Above CompetitionBusinesses face tough competition with new products, services new technology and buyers expectations. The greater the competition for a business, the lower profit you get. Outsourced marketing helps businesses improve sales capabilities and stand above competition to drive up the rate of return.As competition among businesses increases, managers look for ways to re-engineer their marketing functions to stand out from other companies.Outsourcing is one strategy businesses consider to improve marketing productivity, expand sales capabilities and reduce costs. So why not to optimize your social media accounts and put them on autopilot?Let's start from Twitter marketing. Create your own twitter marketing machine and increase sales!With outsourced marketing, a business can focus on its core product or service knowledge while letting a marketing company do what it does best.Updates:04/05/2018Search engine optimization tips for TwitterHow to Train your BOT01/05/2018Tracery tutorial added. Write custom script for your automatic tweets.How to use Tracery JSON for Twitter automationCreating content for auto TweetsClickBank feedHow to generate affiliate links for Click Bank twitter auto marketing (In Bulk)Generating hop links for all ClickBank productsClickBank Hop Links generator16/04/2018How to generate all products from ClickBank marketplace feedBest option to withdrawal affiliate earnings from ClickBankHow to select affiliate product from ClickBank and generate hop link20/03/2018Rakuten Marketing Step by Step Guide to Publisher Signup or Registration.How to use Rakuten Marketing Reporting Tool: track commissions, sales, affiliate linktraffic.Rakuten Marketing work with Advertisers, How to select affiliate company and receive deep links for marketing.File with detailed registration process added."
Price: 184.99 |
"Affiliate marketing for beginners: Get traffic and sales" |
"For 99% of people,affiliate marketing and passive income dreamis how they get involved in this business.Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people's or company'sproducts. As an Affiliate marketer(Publisher)you find a product or service you like, promote it to others and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make.I personally tested all this marketing tricks and strategies and what I can sayaffiliate marketing its huge potential of earnings!If you will join this course you will understand whole process: You will learn how to create your niche website. How to select niche and product what you should promote.Today quality content gives better results in you marketing effort so you will get idea how to get fresh quality content without spending to much time for this.In""Affiliate marketing for beginners:Get traffic and sales"" Udemy course I will show you step by step how to create quality website or blog without web development skills.In next part of course you will get fresh ideas how to get targeted web site traffic to your affiliate website as well you will learnpowerful SEO tipswhat will skyrocket your niche website toGoogle page 1.You will also get idea how to automate your marketing efforts andstart getting sales on autopilot. This course is perfect for beginners and for people who already has experience inaffiliate marketing businessbut not getting results.Updates:06/07/2018 -How to install ssl certificate in cpanel for WordPress website. Helps to Secure website and increase Google Ranking.04/06/2018 -How to promote affiliate links on YouTube and rank it fast with Facebook Groups.01/06/2018 -How to get coupon codes and deals for your Affiliate Website.31/05/2018 -Where can i post my affiliate links for free?25/05/2018 -Google AdWords Marketing Strategy. For detailed method please visit my course:Affiliate Marketing with Google Editor.20/05/2018 - How toextract all links from website for marketing purpose.05/05/2018How I promote ClickBank products by using SEO tools.17/04/2018 -Use Quora to promote affiliate links.17/04/2018 - How to build a lot of BackLinks to your affiliate offer and get your affiliate link displayed in Google page 1.16/04/2018 - ClickBank Section added. How to start with ClickBank, How to use Clickbank marketplace feed, how to select product from ClickBank and How to withdrawal money from ClickBank.10/04/2018 - Adding Navigation and Sitemap Link to Niche website - For Google Webmaster Tools.09/04/2018 - How to create affiliate web store without any skills by using Excel and WordPress plugin. (Step by step tutorial)08/04/2018 -How to import all affiliate products to your Niche Website.07/04/2018 -Adding Niche website to Google Webmaster Tools.06/04/2018 - How to use SEO optimize your niche website.06/04/2018 -Creating blog posts for Affiliate Links and adding Categories to rank your post.05/04/2018 -How to Use Google Adwords to promote your Affiliate Links.04/04/2018 -Use Pinterest to build back links and promote your affiliate links."
Price: 199.99 |
"Affiliate Marketing with Google Editor" |
"If you are starting in Digital Marketing and want to promote your affiliate links or own eCommerce services /products then this course is for you!We all want to get targeted trafficwhat will not cost you anything or not cost so much. In this course Iwill share my strategy what will gives you an idea:How to get targeted traffic what will cost you 0.01 USD per click.Setup your first ad campaign in Google adWords (Now Google Ads).Learn how to upload your campaigns in bulk by using Google Editor.Get idea how to promote affiliate links massively.Understand how to make mass modifications to your Google AdWords Campaigns(Now Google Ads).As you can see from my courses it's not hard to rank your website in Google Search. It takes only time to get good position in Goolgle search. All we know time is money and what if I say: ""there is one way how you can still be on a first page of Google Search Results without waiting to much time""? There is still one way how we can do this: Google AdWords and their tool: Google Editor.This Course is my personal strategy what Iwant to share with community. I'm sure by doing this Ican help to grow community of students who are interested in affiliate marketing / digital marketing. After completing this course -this marketing strategy can be used right away! What you need is small balance for AdWords: I recommend to start from $10-$20 and price per click not more then $0.05 after generating your first sale you can start playing with this numbers and see what works best for your product.Take a note: You should select different affiliate programs or services because if all people will start promoting same services... In results competition will grows dramatically and price per click for your offer will be much more then 0.01-0.05 USD. So my recommendation is to get started with many affiliate programs.Select 5-10 programs and follow my Marketing Strategy.Ask questions in course and new videoseries of updates will be published!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Heal Your Life with Past Life Regression Techniques" |
"Have you ever felt that certain emotions you feel are just unexplainable? Do you feel that no matter what you do or what treatments you undergo, your anxiety and panic attacks or your phobias will never go away? Do you feel that you need to get to the root cause of these emotions, but you just dont know how? If so, you may find the solutions to all your problems in your past life, and in order to do this, you will need past life regression.Over the last few years, many people have found past life regression therapy to be a wonderful way to release fears, phobias, and feelings.Regression techniques help you:reach the deepest part of your consciousness through hypnosis.allows youto relive your past life and heal and grow your mind, body, and soul. hehelps you to become a more focused, relaxed person, and it strengthens your relationship with yourself as well as others.While many prefer to go to therapists specializing in past life regression, there are certain techniques you can use yourself in the comfort of your home to heal your past life experiences, pains, and hurts.The aim of this courseis to help you know what past life regression is, what benefits you can expect to achieve with it, what actually happens in a session, and how you can do your own past life regression at home any time you want."
Price: 24.99 |
"Clairvoyant Aura Reading for Beginners" |
"Learn How to Do Clairvoyant Aura Reading andHeal your aura for a healthier and more joyful you!Have you ever been able to witness a glow around another person? Have you ever looked into a mirror and seen a field of energy surrounding your body? If yes, you have already witnessed an aura. In the field of Intuition Medicine, this field of energy is simply called an aura and is believed to shield and protect your subtle non-physical body. The aura appears like a glow around your physical body. It protects your energy system from the harmful effects of the environment. You will notice an aura around every living being. The aura can be perceived clairvoyantly in terms of color, brightness, shape, and density. You can use the tone, sound, music, vibration and frequency as a means to study it clairaudiently. Readers also use temperature changes, pressure, and magnetism to read the aura. The health and well-being of your aura will determine how happy, joyful, and peaceful you feel mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It also affects how healthy or unhealthy your physical body is. If your aura is unhealthy, it will begin to have a negative effect on various aspects of your life. This is why you need to cleanse and heal your aura regularly to keep the energy flowing uninterruptedly and to keep yourself protected. This coursewill help you learn about what an aura is. It will tell you about how you can read the aura and heal it for a healthier and more joyful you.In this course we will cover:What is an aura?The Seven Layers of the AuraHow to See AurasPractices to Further Improve Your Auric VisionAuric Colors and Their MeaningsCleansing the AuraFurther Healing of the AuraThis course will give you real-life applications that you can put into practice right away, so upon completion of these lessons,you will be able to do clairvoyant aura readings and heal your aura successfully!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Start Your Own Food Truck Business - Beginner's Guide" |
"Owning a fd truk business can b one of the mt njbl bun experienc in th wrld. Thnk but t! Fdng hungry l tt, freshly cooked, scrumptious meals at prices you'd pay at th ll gr n. But bfr even gttng nt th bun, u'v gt to d m lnnng and thnkng t figure ut f u'v got what t tk t be successful. As with gttng nt n bun, thr r mn factors tht need t b considered. And the first f all th ndrtn is the utn: ""Ar u ready t b ur own b?""In this course we will cover:HOW TO START A FOOD TRUCK BUSINESSHOW TO GROW AND SUCCEED IN THE MOBILE FOOD BUSINESSFACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN STARTING A SUCCESSFUL FOOD TRUCK BUSINESSREASONS WHY FOOD TRUCKS ARE HOT RIGHT NOWQUALITIES A FOOD TRUCK VENDOR MUST HAVEPLANNING A MENU FOR YOUR FOOD TRUCKFOOD TRUCKS VS. RESTAURANTS ON THE ENVIRONMENTThis course will give you real-life applications that you can put into practice right away, so upon completion of these lessons,you will be able to start and run your food truck business successfully!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Learn About Your Life through Numerology" |
"Learn About Your Life through NumerologyAre you looking for a more psychic and intuitive way to live your life and make important decisions? Does living by numbers sound interesting to you? If so, you should give numerology a try. Numerology is a divinatory art that derives guidance from specific numbers and combinations of numbers. It is based on the belief that your numbers and number combinations are cosmically connected to the events that take place in your life. According to numerology, each number has its own cosmic vibration. Adding the corresponding numbers of the letters in your birth name, or the numbers in your birth date can reveal a lot about your character, aptitude, motivations, and your life purpose. Based on your numbers, you can make major decisions, ranging from your career to your relationships and even to the purpose of your life.This course aims at introducing the power of numbers to you and will help you use it to live a more intuitive and complete life.In this course you will learn:What is numerologyThe Numerology NumbersHow to usethe numerology chartHow to derivethe five main numbersYou will learn the Life Path numbersYou will learn the Master numbersYou will learn how to apply this information to your lifeThis course will give you real-life applications that you can put into practice right away, so upon completion of these lessons,you will be able to learn more about your life throughthe use of numerology and make your relationships and overall life purpose more meaningful andsuccessful!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Essential Oils and Aromatherapy Beginner's Guide" |
"Learn aboutEssential Oils and Aromatherapy to enhance your daily life!Essential oils and aromatherapy are here to stay and that is why ignoring the importance and usefulness of essential oils and aromatherapy in modern medicine is unadvisable.Aromatherapy as a form of alternative medicine is gaining momentum fast. Its range of use is quite wide and diverse. Such application of aromatherapy includes, but is not limited to, pain relief, mood enhancement, and improving the cognitive abilities of the brain.Essential oils have several important uses. They are used in the production of perfumes, cosmetic soaps, and other products. They are also heavily used in the flavoring of food and drinks and as scents in incense and household products.In this course you will learn:the history of essential oils and aromatherapyhow to extract and storeessential oilssafety precautions and best practices that one must follow when handling essential oilswhat are the current market trends for essential oils and aromatherapy as a wholethe importance and uses of essential oils and aromatherapy and how they can help you enhance your daily lifeThis course will give you real-life applications that you can put into practice right away, so upon completion of these lessons,you will be able to learn to use essential oils and aromatherapysuccessfully to enhance yourlife!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Digital Nomad Lifestyle for Beginners" |
"Man has always been a nomad, a restless spirit or a free-spirited species. In very early times, we moved from place to place, from continent to continent, tracking the stars, crossing huge rivers, and following the seasons in our efforts to survive. Before the advent of modern civilization as we know it, it was common for man to travel great swathes of lands and territories. But they didnt remain like that forever, the free-spirited nomadic men; they began to change their orientation. They began to try to find ways to stay in a place longer than usual. They had an urge to own lands, to build a connection to the lands. There was a plea for stability and so any semblance to a regular life, one that does not involve old moving habits, is embraced by us. We continue to bury our nomadic essence deeper into our core.We spend a lot of our time, energy, and money paying for a lot of things in our possession already. The all too popular culture of getting it now and paying later has been a resonant motto for most men. This exemplifies the way we see the world and our current approach to survival. This speaks to the state of our complacency and our inability to remove ourselves from our self-inflicted burdens of excruciating debts and our monotonous 9-5 daily obligations. But not everybody wants to live that way: It is about having a newfound freedom, working with no boundaries or borders. The ability to finally live and work from any workstation in the world. It is called being a digital nomad.In this course you will learn:Why you should become a digital nomadHow to be a digital nomadGetting a job that teaches the needed skills to become a digital nomadTaking your business onlineHow to plan your financesHow to find a destinationHow to set goals to achieve your purposeHow to join a digital nomad communityLearn about successful digital nomad Matt KepnesThis course will give you real-life applications that you can put into practice right away, so upon completion of these lessons,you will be able to enhance your life and change your lifestyle by becoming a digital nomadsuccessfully!"
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Think Positively and Achieve Success" |
"Positive thinking has become a popular concept these days. Everyone is reading or writing about it or trying out techniques to change from a negative to a positive person. Of course, there is good reason for it.Positive thinking helps change your mindset from that of failure to success. It helps you become a happier person who is great to be with. It makes you someone who is not afraid to take calculated risks to achieve what they want to. In general, positive thinking can bring about a massive change in your emotional, physical, mental, and social life.So, what exactly is positive thinking? Can it really help you? How do you become a positive person? How do you know whether your thinking is positive or negative? How can you stop your negative thoughts? What if they come back? How do you replace your negative thoughts with positive ones? How do you ensure that you continue living life on the positive track? What advantages can you get from being positive? Can anyone become positive?Find out the answers to these questions in this course.This course will give you real-life applications that you can put into practice right away, so upon completion of these lessons,you will be able to enhance your life and live life on the positive track and bring about a massive change in your emotional, physical, mental, and social life!!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Achieve Success With Body Language" |
"Achieve Success With Body LanguageAlmost all of us look for nonverbal cues about what the other person is thinking or is about to say or how they are feeling. We often estimate correctly whether the person in front of us is lying or telling the truth. In fact, we often use the other persons gestures and body language to ascertain whether he or she can be trusted or not. This is what body language is all about. Simply put, body language is just the language of the body. People often think that they show emotions only through their face or through their facial expressions. But that is not the truth. While facial expressions do play a huge role, actually our entire body participates in showing or hiding our mental and emotional state. If there is something you would like to hide, you would not just need to control what you say or do, but you would also deal with the bodys own unconscious cues. If you want to make a good first impression and you are nervous, your body could actually let you down. This guide is aimed at helping you understand what body language is and how you can use it to your own advantage. It will teach you that you can learn to read the non-verbal unconscious cues of others and be able to know more about them than what they reveal. You will also learn how you can control your own non-verbal cues to reveal exactly what you want and nothing more than that.This course will teach you:What exactly is body language?The aim of body language and how to best learn itHow the head can reveal a lotWhat the face and eyes can tellWhat do Arm Gestures tell you?Dont miss out on the leg gesturesHow to Use the Body Language of Your Head and Face to Your AdvantageHow to Use the Body Language of Your Torso, Arms, and Hands to Your AdvantageHow to Use the Body Language of Your Legs and Feet to Your AdvantageSome Other Tips to Appear Confident and Make a Good ImpressionThis course will give you real-life applications that you can put into practice right away, so upon completion of these lessons,you will be able to read the non-verbal unconscious cues of others and be able to know more about them successfully!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Communicate with your Animal Telepathically" |
"Many of us who have pets already know - Animals can understand our feelings. They understand what we want. But did you know that you can understand the feelings and desires of your animals as well? Did you know that you too can understand the words they never speak but mean to say? And did you know that you dont have to say anything out loud, because your pets can read your mind?Yes, it is true. Animals are very good at understanding non-verbal behavior. But you shouldnt limit yourself to that. You can learn to go much beyond regular non-verbal communication with your lovely pets. You can interact with them telepathically. You can have a conversation with them.Through telepathy, you can use your natural intuition and psychic abilities to communicate with any species. Animal communication is a very natural thing. We all know how to do it. But since weve never used this skill, we have forgotten just how to talk to our animals.The intention of this crouseis to introduce you to the concept of animal communication. How do you get started? How do you need to prepare? What things do you need to keep in mind? How can communicating telepathically with your animals help you?So, lets get started and lets make our animals our closest friends!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Get Started with Cryptocurrency" |
"Are you familiar with terms such as Bitcoin, ethereum, litecoins, and whatnot? Maybe you have heard these terms, but do you have any idea about what they are? Maybe you know they are related to cryptocurrency, but do you know how to use them and move ahead investing through them?It is also possible that you may have used them to pay for a purchase done online or maybe you want to own some amount of cryptocurrency, but you have no idea what to do. Or maybe your lack of knowledge in this area makes you slightly scared about foraying into it. Dont worry. This guide will help you get started in cryptocurrency. You will learn all about what cryptocurrency is. What blockchain technology is and how it makes your digital money safer than your regular money. What fiat money is and how you can change it to digital money and vice versa. You will learn how to store your cryptocoins and how to trade with them and also get some tips about how to get started and move forward to earn more and more profits in cryptocurrency trading."
Price: 24.99 |
"Get in Touch With Your Spirit Guides" |
"All of us have spirit guides watching over us and waiting for us to ask for their help. These spirit guides are there just for you, they have been especially chosen for you, and their only purpose to be around you is to help you grow spiritually or resolve a crisis situation you are in or help you fulfill your dreams. The only issue is that if you dont ask them, they wont be able to help.While some of these guides stay with you throughout your life, others appear in your life when you are struggling with specific aspects of your life or are trying to achieve certain goals. They may be spirits who have lived a physical life in the past or they may have always remained spirits and never have had acquired a physical form.It is possible that some of them are only there for you. Others may be guiding more than one person. They could also be deceased relatives of yours, but most likely they never had any blood relationship with you. They are neither male nor female, although you may perceive them as having one of the two energies.So, who are these spirit guides? How do they get in touch with you? How can you listen to them or talk to them or ask them for their help? What kinds of problems can they help you with? How can you contact them? Find out the answers to these and many more questions in this course."
Price: 24.99 |