"The Complete Cryptocurrency Fundamentals for Beginners Guide" |
"Welcome to the complete cryptocurrency for beginners masterclass! Would you like to know more about cryptocurrencies but have not yet found a comprehensive honest guide?Then this course is for you!In this course,I will take you from where you are right now and bring you up to speed in the world of cryptocurrencies.So, what exactly are you going to gain from this masterclass?In the beginning of this course, I will introduce you to the blockchain technology, cryptography as well as the major two cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Ethereum. I will show you how and where to trade them and explain how you can buy so called Altcoins, smaller coins with huge growth potential, with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Moneroand US dollars.Afterwards, we will focus on the technical brackground of mining crypto currencies and creating consensus. You will learn what users, nodes and miners are and how they create consensus within a blockchain.You will additionally know what exchanges such as Poloniex or Bittrex andwallet-like platformssuch as Coinbase are, how to secure your private key and much more!While other courses leave you confused and only give you a glimpse on cryptocurrency trading, this is an A-Z guide - the complete beginnerscourse on cryptocurrencies!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.Also, I offer you a 30 day money back guarantee!YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course'button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,LeonChaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 199.99 |
"Passive Income: 25 Ways to Earn Passive Income Online" |
"Would you like to learn how to earn more passive income fast? And do you struggle with the concept passive income in general? Then this course is for you!In this course, we will cover the ins and outs of passive income - You will about 25 strategies that I tested and succeed at myself that will help you to build passive income fast and with ease! If you are ready to have more free time, earn money while you sleep and live the life you always wanted to life, please give me two more minutes of your time.This is what you are going to learn in passive income courseTogether, we will first of all cover investment opportunities, such as ETFs, stocks & other kinds of equity investments.You will learn how to invest in real estate funds online, buy businesses and even Shopify stores.Afterwards and continuously throughout the course, we will cover the bassi of affiliate marketing on Amazon, Shopify, and other platforms. You will learn how to monetise your blog through affiliate links and why it makes sense to sell or rent out ad space.If you are a creator and want to earn passive income through videos - I got you covered. You will learn how to earn passive income through YouTubes CPM, CPC and other forms of monetisation as well as how to join Patreon and let your subscribers pay you a monthly salary. In this regard, we will also cover how to make money with clips via UScreen.If you are a photographer or designer, I got you covered as well. You will learn how to monetise your photos by uploading them to shutter stock and how to earn money as a Wordpress template designer or icon designer.And if you think, I am not a photographer, creator or designer and dont have money to invest in real estates, ETFs and so on - dont worry. We will also cover dozens of strategies that require no up-front investments and that could potentially earn you thousands of dollars every month - like renting out a room in your apartment via Airbnb, putting ads on your car, renting it our, hosting webinars, building a membership site, teaching online and much more!While other courses leave you confused and only give you a glimpse on passive income, this is an A-Z guide - the complete 25 hacks course on passive income!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course'button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,LeonChaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 199.99 |
"How To Design More in Less Time in Adobe Illustrator" |
"When you've finally learned some basics of Adobe Illustrator and start your own way as a vector artist you may wonder: ""How do professional artists manage to create so many outstanding artworks at almost no time?""Five years ago, when I just learned the basics, I faced the same question: ""How to be more productive and meet the deadlines with the tedious process of the vector design?"" It takes around 4 years to learn all the ins and outs of the program. Now I know how to perform the task in a single click, which 5 years ago took around half of the minute. I increase my productivity by the factor of 3 and reduce the stress of using the editor.In this course, I will reveal you what I've learned during these years.By enrolling this course you will learn:How to be a shortcut junkie and create your own shortcuts in Adobe IllustratorHow to master Graphic Styles and apply dozens of effects with a single clickHow to use the full potential of actions and reduce the time of everyday transformationsHow to create grids, shadows, halftones, Golden Section with a single clickHow to be more productive in Adobe Illustrator using symbols. I will explain all Symbol Tools available hereHow to avoid distractions storing your assets inside the Action PanelAs a bonus a will share with you my flat (flat-line) design presets with actions and graphic styles + my premium resources: Isometric Grid Builder to build isometric Grid at seven sizes Halftoner to create halftone patterns from any object with a single click One click Golden Section to size up or size down any object by Golden Mean with a single clicDo you want to be more productive and valuable as a vector artist and deliver your artworks faster? Enroll in this course and find out how to suffer less and do more in industry standard of the vector software."
Price: 49.99 |
"Progressive Guitar Lessons: Master The Pentatonic Scale" |
"The pentatonic scale is an integral part of being a musician, especially a guitarist. Its a must have aspect when playing music from many different cultures, especially our Western Popular, Rock, Blues, Jazz, Funk, and Country styles.This course describes a method for transcending typical guitar scales. Ive taught thousands of guitar lessons in my lifetime and a very common struggle for beginner to intermediate players is memorizing scale shapes. One of the main advantages of the Diagonal Pentatonic Method is the ability to move fluidly between positions and octaves, maintaining similar looking and feeling shapes.Presented here is a simple and expandable method for learning the major and minor pentatonic scales across the entire guitar neck. This complete course features step-by-step instruction, neck diagrams for major and minor pentatonics across the neck, and a music theory primer teaching key concepts for understanding."
Price: 49.99 |
"Sfrdan Web Tasarm:HTML5, CSS3 ve Bootstrap 4 Eitim Seti" |
"Bu kursta,Sfrdan balayarak, HTML'nin temellerini reneceiz, ardndan oluturduumuz HTML etiketlerinden oluan iskelet yaplarn CSS kullanarak grsel adan gelitireceiz. HTML ve CSS'i tamamen uygulama zerine almalar yaparak pekitirdikten sonra, Bootstrap Framework'ne gei yapacaz,Yine Bootstrap Framework'ne sfrdan balayarak, temellerini reneceiz. Ardndan rendiimiz bilgilerikullanarak sfrdan projeler yapacaz.Kurs sonunda, sfrdan bir web sitesi nasl yaplr, varolan bir tasarm nasl gelitirilir renmi olacaz.Kurs hakknda eitim ncesi veya banda merak ettiiniz tm sorular, nerileri Udemy zerinden bana ulatrabilirsiniz.Kurs'da grmek zere!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Tcnicas de Acordeon Profissional" |
"*** PARA CUPONS, ME PROCURE NAS REDES SOCIAIS ***Este curso de acordeon um mtodo detalhadovoltado para:- aprimorar aexecuo de escalas maiores e menores em todas as tonalidades, melhorando a preciso e agilidade no teclado e nos baixos;- domniodaharmonia em todas as tonalidades, masterizando a viso decampo harmnico,tonalidades relativas e improvisao;- adquirir uma rotina saudvel para estar sempre pronto a tocar o acordeon da melhor forma possvel, tanto em destreza e agilidade como em resistncia e leveza dos dedos, melhorando a performance geral do acordeonista e evitando futuras leses por esforo repetitivo (L.E.R., ex: tendinite);- facilitar no entendimento e execuo de qualquer repertrio, em qualquer gnero.Se voc j est tocando acordeon, mas ainda tem dvidas quanto s escalas, tem dificuldade de mudar a tonalidade da msica, no tem noo completa da harmonia, ou j est num nvel mais avanado, mas quer melhorar a sua performance no instrumento, este o curso certo para voc!!Se voc est comeando a estudar o acordeon e quer ter um estudo paralelo, focado na tcnica do instrumento, este curso pode at ser pra voc. Mas isso se voc daqueles que j gosta de ficar estudando tcnica logo no incio.ATENO: SE VOC PROCURA UM CURSO DE ACORDEON PARA APRENDER REPERTRIO DO ZERO, OU AMPLIAR SEU REPERTRIO, ESTE CURSO NO PARA ISSO. ESTE CURSO SOMENTE FOCADO EM ESCALAS, TCNICASE CONHECIMENTO PRTICO DAS TONALIDADES NO ACORDEON."
Price: 489.99 |
"Awakening the Sacred Self" |
"Discoverone of themostpowerful waystoresolve past trauma andawaken your true Self with The Trauma Recovery Solutionsand Divine Immanence flower essences.Trauma deactivates our spiritual potential and limits our ability to be fully engaged and exuberant. Theseseven flower essencessupport youto heal trauma and step into yourunlimited potential and purposemore quickly.Guided by Founder & President Dr. Natalia Rose Schotte, you will explore the spiritual potentials lost through traumatic experiences and receive in-depth guidance on using the flower essences to heal trauma and restore these lost potentials.This 4 Module On-Line On-Demand Course will introduce you to The Trauma Recovery Solutions and Divine Immanence. It is also designed to support youruse of the flower essences.For ongoing support, take the flower essencesfor the duration of the courseand beyond.Course Outline:Module 1is an introduction to the flower essences the six flower essencesinTrauma Recovery Solutionsand the accompanying flower essence Divine Immanence.Module 2features an in-depth activation of the first three essences in the set(Awakening Sensitivity, Being Nurtured, and Developing Empathy) including their affirmations.Module 3features an in-depth activationof the lastthree essences in the set (Finding Liberation, Restoring Trust, and Taking Shelter) including their affirmations.The Bonus Modulefeatures an advanced instruction on how to usethe flower essencesfor additional support in healing specific trauma."
Price: 29.99 |
"CURO Certification XP1" |
"After completing the XP1 Certification, youll be able to:-Understand the layout of Curo -Create Service Requests -Complete Service Requests -Create Service Requests with Checklists -Complete Service Requests that contain a Checklist -Generate a PDF of your Service Request Details -Flag Service Requests -Understand the filtering options in Curo -Communicate the progress of your tasks effectively"
Price: 149.99 |
"CURO Certification XP-Admin" |
"Before taking this course, please take the CUROCertification XP1 class.This course will teach you how to perform all of the Admin capabilities in CURO. At the end of the course you'll be presented with an examination, a score of 85% or higher is required to complete your certification. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the instructor and he will gladly help to answer your questions!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Curso de bajo elctrico. Principiantes 1" |
"En este curso,conocers lahistoria del bajo elctrico, las partes que lo componen,la funcin del bajo en la msica, como afinar el bajo elctrico,la postura y posicin de las manos en el instrumento,ejercicios de calentamiento (calistenia), como afinar el bajo elctrico,(numerar los dedos), las diferentes tcnicas con la mano derecha, las notas sueltas (notas al aire) Numerar las cuerdas, ejercicios cuadrafnicos, escala cromtica en primera posicin,reconocimiento de las notas en primera posicin, Nociones de ritmo, melodia y armonia,cifrado ingls y estilos musicales: (rock,bossa-nova, bolero y balada)"
Price: 645.00 |
"Love Dogs? Make Money as a Pet-sitter" |
"In our course you will learn how to get started as a pet-sitter on the most popular pet-sitting platform in the U.S. I'll walk you through each step and give you tons of advice on how to succeed based on my real experience.*Why do you want to be a pet-sitter?* Create a great first impression with your sitter profile*Learn every tip and lesson I have learned after caring for close to 200 dogs!"
Price: 19.99 |
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Price: 10800.00 |
"Tipografa Creativa con Adobe Ilustrador" |
"Tienes en tus manos el mejor y mas completo curso de habla hispana que se haya realizado en Adobe Ilustrador. Aqu vas a dominar todas las herramientas digitales, ahorrar tiempo en tu proceso de edicin, ser ms creativo y facturar mejor. Puedes aplicarlo en tipografas y tambin en cualquier proyecto grfico. En definitiva obtendrs GRANDES RESULTADOS EN POCOS PASOS.Siente una nueva experiencia al dominar Adobe Ilustrador desde un punto de vista Tcnico y Creativo."
Price: 19.99 |
"Would You Date Your Brand?" |
"What does it take for you to commit? What values and characteristics do you need before going into a relationship?Why do we assume that our clients are not choosing their favourite brands in the same way as we would choose our next serious partner?And if that is howyour customers decide if they will be loyal to your brand, are you giving enough value and treating them with enough respect to make them choose you and commit?Thee are the questions I focused on when designing this course. Because everyone can understand a relationship, right? But how often do we assume that someone our customers make their decisions in a totally different way than us? They don't. How we decide what matters to us and what makes us stay loyal is exactly the same as everyone else.And like all of my courses, this applies to you as well - because if I can help you understand yourself better, or help yousee yourself differently by challenging you a little bit, then great!This course is designed to help you grow your brand with a long term relationship with your customers in mind. Where you invest in your customers to give them a reason to be loyal.At the end of this course you will see your brand in a completely new and dynamic way by allowing yourself to focus on what you can do to make your customers see you as a serious part of their life that they would be stupidnot to be loyal to.We all want connection and to feel like we matter - the brand that already give us that are some of the most important in our lives - there is no reason why you can't be that brand for someone, you just need to make the first move!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Aiming for Failure" |
"We all are told that we want to be winners, so that is what we havelearnt to want to be. Everyone wants to be the best.It is so fundamental to our society that it is almost impossible to imagine a working environment that doesn't strive to be ""leaders in our field"" with the largest market share.Competition drives our economy. But does it make us happy in personal or professional lives?Have we looked at what needing to win does to us?Or put differently:Have we looked at what being unable toacceptfailure as a natural part of learning has done to us?Do we want to live in this binary world where you are either on your way to success or a failure? Because who do you know personally who has reached their peak, a true winner? We are all on our way, hoping it will work out, but what do we lose in the process?How are we failing ourselvesand our potential by believing in the strategy of aiming for success? What are you sacrificing in order to believe that you will one day achieve the success you feel you deserve? What are you giving up today to fuel that ""winning mentality""?Striving for excellence is different from accepting no alternative other than success. There is a huge difference.In this course you will be faced with your understanding of success or winning being challenged.You will be invited to think different about the happiness you have earned and get to experience right now today.You will invited to be more realistic in the way you look at your efforts and sacrifices, and how you are entirely in control of how your expectations make you feel about yourself.If there is anything that makes you take part in this course it is the following:Some of us believe that, until we become winners, that we are failures.So, if you aim for failure, and that becomes OK for you- then surely you arewinning every single day."
Price: 49.99 |
"Own Your Authenticity" |
"Why is it difficult for some of us celebrate and share what makes us unique?Why is it that the internet is making us feel more judged than accepted?How are we supposed to learn how to be ourselves, and live more authentically when so much of our society or community is built to make us choose a side or to fall in step with everybody else?This course is designed for anyone who is ready to act as an individual and wants tobecome more self-aware by sharing what makes you different and beautiful (without the shame or judgement forsimplybeing yourself).Most people if you asked them whether they are authentic would say yes, or take offense if you were to ask them. This is an important lesson to learn:Accepting that authenticity is a life long journey is crucial to your understanding of yourself. The work of getting to know yourself is never complete, and because of this: there are no shortcuts or answers.Think of this course as a structured series of insights and encouragements,guidingyou through the values and characteristics of a life lived authentically.In the process you might be challenged to question parts of yourself that you thought you knew fully. You might realize you are more complex than you ever could have imagined. You might also learn that you have slipped into a pattern of living for others instead of living your own life truthfully.Because that is all that authenticity is: living truthfully. Living fully, by speaking the truth kindly and thoughtfully.This course will guide you through exactly what to think about in taking your first steps into learning about yourself in what could feel like a new way."
Price: 49.99 |
"Learn HTML Canvas, CSS3 and JS module Pattern Building Game" |
"Learn how to use HTML5 Canvas with AngularJS by creating your own Snake-Dot game from Scratch. The HTML canvas element is used to draw graphics, on the fly, via JavaScript. Canvas has several methods for drawing paths, boxes, circles, text, and adding images. In this section, we are going to create our own Snake-Dot Game using HTML5 Canvas from Scratch."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn HTML5, Canvas, CSS3 and JS by Building & Playing Game" |
"Learn HTML5, CSS3, Javascript Module Pattern with Publishing and Subscribing message communication by creating a multiplayer Game on Your Own Browser.Game would beReal-Time, Scalable with Data Stream Network which ispresent and future of app development. Be it adding a real time chat feature or secure device to device communication, the most challenging part is getting access to the infrastructure and time to build.Join usfortheawesome course andlearn Hands-On."
Price: 49.99 |
"Learn Javascript Based Loader For Your Web App in 59 min" |
"Tired of waiting for your heavy app to load? Yes, you can design some great loaders to keep your users occupied. It can be images, animations, games? Oh yes, mini games too. So join us for this Course and learn to create your own awesome loaders.Nowadays most of the web programming is done with Javascript and lot of code comes and sits in client side when the user accesses their Apps. In that case, your user waits for the files to load either from CDN or any other source and it causes slowness. Sometimes these lead time to load can be critical to acquire users or lose them.Loaders provide a solution to these challenges by allowing your user to interact and be engaged in the time all libraries are loading and thus resulting in better user retention and more professional look sometime.Join in this to the point course to learn about loaders and how you can create and put your own loaded on your website."
Price: 29.99 |
"Connect ESP8266 WiFi Module to Cloud with Arduino End-to-End" |
"ESP8266 is among the most integrated Wi-Fi chips in the industry. Measuring just 5mm x 5mm, ESP8266 requires minimal external circuitry and integrates a 32-bit Tensilica microcontroller, standard digital peripheral interfaces, antenna switches, power amplifier, low noise receive amplifier, filters and power management modules - all in one small package. Which makes it perfect for IoT use-case design and development. In many cases, even the production IoT landscape is using ESP8266 due to its capabilities and powerful features. On top of that, it is low cost and available readily. This course will cover all the concepts one needs to master starting from basics, And Connect your Arduino to the internet by adding ESP8266 WiFi Module! The ESP8266 Wifi module is a complete WiFi network where you can easily connect as a serving Wi- Fi adapter, wireless internet access interface to any microcontroller based design on its simple connectivity through Serial Communication or UART interface. Adding this module to your Arduino UNO will open you to more and exciting projects."
Price: 99.99 |
"Connect Your Arduino to Cloud with Ethernet Shield" |
"With the advancement of technology, Internet of Things(IOT)is gaining a lot of popularity. Soon working on both hardware and software would be a major requirement. The complexity involved in working with hardware is a lot as there is very little to no scope of making errors here. In addition to that concepts like Analogand Digital Signal Processingplays a very important role here. While building this IoTcourse, we have kept all these factors in mind and are ready to take you from a basic programmer to professional designer, who will be able to work on industry standards and build POC's for them too.This course is designed to take you through this learning experience one step at a time and every part of the step is hands-on, from blinking of an LED to rotating stepper motor, from designing your own Arduinoon breadboard to designing an autonomous line follower bot. All the lessons are simple to follow and engaging at the same time."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn Twitter Sentiment Analysis with SAP HANA and SAPUI5" |
"As enterprises increase their Social Media footprint, their organizational success is fast being decided by the effectiveness of their social engagement strategies. You have to be spot-on in knowing what your customer's likes, dislikes, wants and needs are. Twitter in that regards is one of the best platforms to know your customer's sentiments. So your decisions are better when it matters. In this regards providing an application to find out twitter sentiment analysis with existing enterprises set up and tools is important.In this course, we will learn in two parts how to do Twitter sentiment analysis with an existing hashtag. We will also learn how to use SAP HANA in-memory database from SAP, SAPUI5 app will be used to create a simple dashboard to give the result of our twitter sentimental analysis. It would be a very fun and hands-on session. We highly recommend to follow along in each step and code along with the course. Most of the code which goes in the twitter sentiment analysis is run inside HANA SQL procedures because HANA is an in-memory database which will make the scripts run on RAM(In-Memory) and can take care of large data processing part of the application and perform in seconds or milliseconds as well."
Price: 49.99 |
"Introduction to Machine Learning With SAP HANA" |
"Machine learning and the world of artificial intelligence (AI) are no longer science fiction. Theyre here!Get started with the new breed of software that is able to learn without being explicitly programmed, machine learning can access, analyze, and find patterns in Big Data in a way that is beyond human capabilities. The business advantages are huge, and the market is expected to be worth $47 billion and more by 2020.In this course, you will implement your own custom algorithm on top of SAP's HANA Database, which is an In-Memory database capable of Performing huge calculation over a large set of Data. We are going to use Native SQL to write the algorithm of Naive Bayes.Naive Bayes is a classical ML algorithm, which is capable of providing a surprising result, it is based out of the probabilistic model and can outperform even complex ML algorithm.In this course we are going to start from the basics and move slowly to the implementation of the ML algorithm. We are not using any third party libraries but will be writing the steps in the Native SQL, so our code can take advantage of HANA DB in-memory capabilities to run faster even when Data Set grows large."
Price: 49.99 |
"Learn How to Get More Result with Affiliate Marketing" |
"Understand how to take your Affiliate Marketing result to next level, we will start with basics for getting more conversion and how to do positioning.Focusing on niche targeted list and prospects is much better than the generic market, we will do the maths behind the inbound effort and understand how to break even and be profitable.We will also understand how reoccurring revenues are far better which most of the experience marketers already knows.We will look into how to categorize Affiliate Marketing types and which type suits you best and WhySo join in this quick and awesome course which will provide you with to the point and inside tips of affiliate marketing and Set you towards an amazing future of result in your effort."
Price: 99.99 |
"Introduction to Learning and Development (HR)" |
"Jump start your career in Learning in Development within HR with the only course on Udemy on the topic. At the end of this course, students will Know what Learning and Development is and how it can support the achievement of organisational objectives Be able to freely discuss the goal and purpose of Learning and Development Identify different roles in Learning and Development , their responsibilities and activities Build a list of skills and knowledge areas required to be a Learning and Development professional Be able to devise a plan to meet your individual learning and development needs. With this course, you will have the opportunity to plan you career in Learning and Development (either as part of Human Resources (HR) or outside of it) by completing a Personal Development Plan. You will also have access to free Learning and Development resources, visual guides and case studies from best practices in L&D.Join a worldwide community of ever-rising Learning and Development professionals by signing up to this course today!UPDATE: the course includes an updated video on the new CIPD Profession Map! ---------------------------------------------STUDENT FEEDBACK:Vita, : ""Very well structured and providing essential Information! Highly recommended!""Shivakrupa, : ""I loved it,It was lively and i was able to apply in my daily tasks.""Federica, : ""I really enjoyed this course! It helped me to reorganize all the information I learnt in the past two years as an HR Intern. Now I have a good knowledge of the L&D world. The teacher was clear and engaging, I appreciated the real life case studies, the PDP (Personal Development Plan) and all the attached resources. I'm looking forward the next course, how to design training actions. Thanks a lot, Ira!""Boby, : ""Proper explanations well done eye contact with camera Which means the teacher really CAREs about you as a student! This is PO!""Luis, : ""The course gave a good overview of the L&D profession and what to expect as one grows in this career. It was brief and just right for what I expected for an introduction.""---------------------------------------------Tags: Learning and Development, L&D, Human Resource Development, Human Capital Development, Instructional Design, Career Development, Personal Development Plan, Learning strategies, Learning technologies, HR, Human Resources, Talent ManagementMusic by Bensound"
Price: 149.99 |
"Instructional Design for Classroom Training" |
"Have you ever been tasked with designing a classroom training only to realise you have no idea how to do it? I have been where you are and I know how you feel. Thats why I put all my experience, knowledge and most of the templates I use to design effective, engaging and fun classroom training sessions that yield long-term result on the overall performance of the company. I will share with you tons of real world examples, alternatives to the classics, practical tools that you can use straight away and a good deal of tips and tricks I have tested throughout the years. In this course I will take you on a wonderful journey through the exotic and sometimes misunderstood world of Instructional Design for classroom training. By the end of the course, you will have designed a great classroom training that will be remembered by your learners for a long time. Join me on a journey of a lifetime! Music by BensoundTags: instructional design, human resources, HR, classroom training, training, adult learning, ADDIE, agile, course development, course design, human resource development, learning and development."
Price: 149.99 |
"How to buy passive income rental property!" |
"This course will walk you through a step by step analysis of the first rental property I ever purchased, and how to overcome the fears associated with taking that first step into the world of real estate investing.We will cover the basics of real estate investing, tax advantages, and the four main wealth building techniques that real estate exploits in order to make you successful for the long term!"
Price: 179.99 |
"Access & Excel VBA App & Usage Monitoring Online with Azure" |
"Excel VBA Application & Usage Monitoring Online with Azure.In this course you will learn how to connect your Excel VBA Workbook,Access VBA Application or any other Microsoft Office product that supports VBAandMicrosoft Azure cloud.Why? Because ...... You created a killing Microsoft Office document,Access VBA Application, Excel VBA Workbook, Word document or PowerPoint slideshow or other that supports VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). You've distributed them around the world to your users. But how do you know if there are any bugs in your, eg. ExcelVBA code, what parts of your document is used the most, which function, routine or part of the Access VBA orExcel VBAcode is executed faster or slower on your user's machines? Or are your Microsoft Office documents used at all? Now you can! With help of VBA Telemetry andAzure Application Insights.All you need is a FreeAzure Account and a Free version of VBA Telemetry client. Insert few lines of VBA code into your Office document (eg. Excel VBA code) and enjoy how your tracking data is flowing into your FREEAzure Account ready to be viewed and analyzed by you. ----------------------------------------------------From the author of the VBA Telemetry client, Davor Geci, with more than 20 years of programming experience, you will learn how to, with just a few lines ofVBA code, connect your Access VBA orExcel VBA orWord orPowerPoint or any other VBA project withAzure cloud. This will give you the unseen opportunities and possibilities for improving and monitoring your VBA projects (eg. Excel VBA projects),no matter where the useris located. And all that in real-time. Feel free to take a look at preview lectures and the course description before making a decision to buy.If you ever get stuck with something in the course, just post a message in the Q&A of this course and I will respond as soon as I can to help you out.And yes, this course is covered with30-day money back guarantee.You don't have anything to lose.So don't wait.Take this course NOW!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Create Excel apps with MySQL & Virtual Forms & Excel VBA" |
"Microsoft Excel & Microsoft Power BI are the most popular and used tools for analyzing and visualizing data.BUT, Microsoft Excel is not created for gathering data, especially in gathering relational data like master-detail structures.One basic, simple Excel example. You want to gather (or track) Orders in Excel and then for this Orders you want to track Order Details and, for example, Order Payments and all that using Excel.Not to mention, to do this in a multi-user environment also in ExcelBoy,.., You will have a tough time to do this with Excel, because Excel is simply not created for challenges like this, to gather master-detail data and also in a multi-user environment within the normal Excel environment.But in this course Create Excel VBA apps using MySQL database & Virtual Forms, You will learn how you can do this by using Excel VBA as a front end and MySQL database as a backend, whether the MySQL database is on your local machine, your local network, or on the web server. We will do this with help of a small tool called Virtual Forms.Hello,Im Davor Geci the CEO and the Lead Developer of WinPIS, the company thats behind a popular tool that brings to Excel what Access developers are having for decades.It is the ability to create CRUD Forms in Excel, forms to create, read, update and delete records that are stored in databases like MySQL, MSSQL, Access (On-premise or on the web) and use the data within Excel VBA and all that in minutes.It is similar to what Access can do, but you could also port this Virtual forms from Excel VBA to Visual Studio 2017 (C# or VB.NET), Python,....You can not do this with Access VBA or natively with Excel VBA !So, you just need to create a database and tell the Designer which fields you want on your form that is opened from Excel VBA code.Once created Virtual Forms can be also used as LookUp forms in Excel VBA with no extra work, just as you would do VLOOKUP an HLOOKUP in Excel functions & formulas.All the controls that are generated on this Virtual forms can be accessed with Excel VBA (or if you use Visual Studio 2017 with C# or VB.NET).Virtual form control also fires events, so it allows us to interact with it, in a similar way normal UserForms in Excel VBA do. But in a more data-centric way.Before you dive in, its probably a good idea to just check out the structure of the course Create Excel VBA apps using MySQL database & Virtual Forms.In this course, You will learn how to quickly create database applications using Microsoft Excel VBA and a MySQL database that is hosted somewhere on the internet or in your building (so-called on-premise) and all that with help of the Excel VBA & a small tool called Virtual Forms.In the first part of this course, You will learn how to create your first database app that will use Excel VBA as a front end, and a MySQL database as the back end. You will also learn how to install a MySQL server on your machine or anywhere in your network and use it as a data source. Also, in the first part of the course, you will learn how to install and use MySQL Workbench that help us to create and maintain MySQL databases.Dont worry, I will go slow!Not only you will learn how to create your Excel Virtual Forms and write a few lines of Excel VBA code to master them,you will also learn how you can make money with your Excel apps by leveraging an affiliate program from a 3rd party web hosting company where you will host MySQL database.And then, you will also learn how to transform your Excel VBA database applications with MySQL database as the datasource to C# or VB.NET with almost no change to the Excel VBA code.We will also create Excel apps with other datasources, like Microsoft Access database and Microsoft Excel Workbook.If you ever get stuck with something in the course, (like Excel VBA code or MySQL databases) just post a message in the Q&A of this course and I will respond as soon as I can to help you out. I do everything I can to make this a 5-star course and I hope you like it too and leave a review.Feel free to take a look at preview lectures and the course description before making a decision to buy.And yes, this course is covered with Udemy 30-day money back guarantee.You dont have anything to lose.So, enroll now, try it out, learn new things in Excel VBA and MySQL, have fun with me and create your Microsoft Excel VBA apps in minutes. Join me inside NOW!Davor"
Price: 199.99 |
"Disea con Photoshop [Curso Bsico desde Cero]" |
"Curso de Photoshop para aprender a manejar las herramientas bsicas de Photoshop y cmo hacer diseos simples para redes sociales, diseos para pginas web y diseos publicitarios para negocios.En este curso veremos el escritorio de Photoshop, veremos dnde encontrar cada cosa y empezaremos a trabajar con algunas de las herramientas y opciones que este magnfico programa de diseo nos ofrece.Es un curso ideal para aprender a manejar Photoshopde forma sencilla y rpida, y as poder crear diseos para mejorar la identidad corporativa y la imagen de marca. El objetivo del curso es que podis empezar a disear vuestros propios diseos sin complicacin y sabiendo en todo momento lo que estis haciendo. Adems, como tareas y deberes disearemos unas plantillas base que os servirn como gua para publicaciones en redes socialesOs apuntis al curso de Photoshop?"
Price: 19.99 |