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"Gestione del colore in fotografia digitale"
"Lagestione del colorenellafotografia digitale un argomento spesso ostico per i fotografi.In questo videocorso vengono affrontati in modo semplice e chiaro tutte le nozioni e i concetti che sono di interesse per gestire in modo professionale il colore in un tipico flusso di lavoro fotografico. Vengono infatti affrontati i problemi dei formatiJpegeRaw, come AdobeLightroome AppleAperturegestiscono il colore e infine come creare un profilo di una fotocamera digitale.Un videocorso che non pu mancare nello studio di un fotografo professionista."
Price: 19.99

"Temel ngilizce Eitimi (Temel ngilizce Zamanlar)"
"MERHABA;Burada renecekleriniz ile gemi,gelecek ya da uandaki zamanlarda cmlelerinizi kurabileceksiniz.Temel cmleleri anlayabilecek,cmle yaplaryla alakal gereken bilgilere sahip olabilceksiniz.Eer zamanlara ainaysanz bile kursumuz pekitirmenizi salayacaktr.Hangi kelimeler nerelerde kullanlyor,fiil yaplar zne,yklem,tmleleri ingilizce cmlelerde nerelerde olur ve olumlu,olumsuz,soru cmleleri nasl kurabiliriz gibi sorularnzn cevaplarn basit halleriyle bulabileceksiniz.Bilgi aktarldka gzeldir,bende emek harcayarak sizlere olan bilgilerimi aktarmaya alacam.ngilizcenin temellerini renirseniz gerisinin ok kolay olduunu anlayacaksnz.Hadi beraber renelim,pekitirelim !"
Price: 49.99

"The Complete Guide to Building Premium WordPress Themes"
"Build A Premium Wordpress Theme : Create Wordpress Themes : How To Create A Premium Wordpress Theme From Scratch For ThemeforestIn this course, you will learn everything you will need to create premium WordPress themes that are guaranteed to get accepted on marketplaces like themeforest.Become a WordPress themes expert and make money online by publishing your themes!Understand WordPress concepts in more depth and learn how things work behind the scenes.Create a secure Wordpress theme that is guaranteed to pass themeforest's security review.Learn how to make your theme translatable.Explore some advanced JavaScript workflows that will help you automate regular tasks like minifying CSS.Understand WordPress's actions and filters.Make your themes modifiable by understanding child themes.Add powerful options to your theme using the powerful WordPress Customizer API.Make your theme compatible with the new WordPress editor 'Gutenberg'Explore web accessibility and get some tips on how to make your theme more accessible.Create WordPress plugins that will supplement your theme.Learn everything about WordPress functionalities like: sidebars, navigation menus, custom fields, shortcodes, post formats, custom post types, custom taxonomies, custom widgets and more.Take your WordPress knowledge to the next levelAre you looking to code premium WordPress themes that will pass the coding standards review on websites like themeforest?Do you have great designs or you work with a designer and you have HTML/CSS/JS/PHP knowledge and you want to convert your designs into great WordPress themes?Do you have some WordPress knowledge and you want to expand your knowledge and get deeper into the word of WordPress and be able to sell themes online?Then this course is for you!This course is the essence of my experience with submitting themes to themeforest. In these lectures, I will share everything Iknow about creating WordPress themes. After completing the course you will be able to create themes coded to match WordPress's and Themeforest's coding and security standards. You should have no problems passing themeforest's code review as longas you have a great design!This is not a Design/CSS/HTML/PHP course!!!If you are looking for that, I am sure you will find a lot of other resources. In this course I will just focus on WordPress functionality. I will load some prewritten basic CSS I did for the theme that we will create, the goal is just to create WordPress functionality and understand WordPress in more depth. I will however teach you how to organize your CSS, compile SASS and minify your files automatically.Also you should have some basic PHP knowledge. I will not teach you PHP from scratch here, so if you are interested in taking this course, I suggest taking a beginners PHP course first!Who is the target audience?Developers who have HTML/CSS/JS/PHP knowledge and wish to create professional WordPress themes from scratch.WordPress developers who want to take their WordPress knowledge to the next level.WordPress developers looking to create premium themes that get approved on websites like themeforest.Anyone interested in learning advanced WordPress and Javascript concepts.#wordpresstheme #createpremiumwordpresstheme #buildwordpressthemes"
Price: 194.99

"Este curso foi desenvolvido para quem deseja ministrar estudos bblicos com segurana e de forma eficiente.Este curso vai ajudar voc a compartilhar a mensagem da Bblia em pequenos grupos, na igreja e entre os amigos.Voc ter uma viso geral das principais partes da Bblia e saber como escolher textos para ministrar.Voc ter dicas de como estudar um texto e como prepar-lo na forma de um estudo bblicos.Voc saber como ministrar estudos bblicos de forma clara e prtica."
Price: 54.99

"Learn how to speak Serbian"
"This course is designed for beginners, it means for those who would like to start learning and speaking Serbo-Croatian language. The course is made up of four sections covering different grammatical and topical areas and with specific reference to culture of the region where this language is spoken. Also each section contains specific grammatical subsections with corresponding exercises. Upon completion of this course students should be able to greet somebody, to present himself/herself and others, express his/her likes and dislikes, to describe someone or something and to report onpast activities. Also they should be able to maintain simple but grammatically correct communication."
Price: 29.99

"Netapp ONTAP Command-line Administration"
"In this training you will learn how to configure and manage Netapp ONTAP clusters, and work from the command-line only. Many day to day administrative tasks will be dealt with, theoretically and practically. There will be no fiddling around. Every module has the same layout: topic discussion,practical example(s), review. Therewill be reference to the exam-topics as well, to help you study for the NCDA-exam.1. Overview - What is a cluster - What is physical storage and what is logical storage - What is an SVM - Which protocols are supported - Which configurations are available 2. lab setup - Setting up a two node cluster in ESXi ( in module 13 there is a vmware workstation/fusion setup)3. shells - cluster shell - node shell - system shell 4. licensing - add licenses - clean up licencses5. physical storage - aggregates and raidgroups6. Logical storage - flexible volumes7. Networking - ports and logical interfaces - interface groups - ipspaces and broadcast domains8. Network Attached Storage - NAS protocols NFS/CIFS9. Storage Area Network - SANprotocols iscsi and fcp10. Storage Efficiency - flexclones - compression - deduplication - compaction11. Dataprotection - Snapmirror - loadshares - DP (dataprotection) - XDP (snapvault)12. Concepts and Architecture - Bootprocess - Replicated databases -Epsilon13. Miscellaneous topics - Quality of service - User administration - Lab setup workstation/fusion - Metro Cluster (overview)"
Price: 79.99

"ANMASYONLU Pratik ngilizce Eitim Seti - POWER ENGLISH"
"NSAN BEYNNDOAL RENME METHODU GRSELDR ,BTN BLGLER RESMLERLE ALGILAR.SZLERE GRSEL ANMASYONLU ,GRAMERSZ NGLZCE OKUYUP YAZMA VE KONUMAYI RETYORUZ.YILLARDIR NGLZCE RENMNDE YANLII DZELTYORUZ .NOT :ETMLERMZ SREKL GNCELLEMELER LE ANMASYONLU KELME EZBER DERSLERMZVECMLE KALIPLARI GELTRLP EKLENECEKTR.KURSUMUZUN,328 SAYFADAN OLUANBASILMI KTAP HALN 14TL KARILIINDA SATIN ALABLRSNZ.SZLERE PRATK CMLE KALIPLARI LE GRAMERDNMEDENNGLZCE CMLE KURMANIZI GARANT ETMEKTEYZ.Birok insan doru cmle kurabilmek iin kelimeler ezberlerve doru ekilde sraya koymaya alr. Baz rencilerin bildii kelime says ok fazladr, ama bir tane bile doru cmlekuramazlar. Bunun sebebi kalp ifadeleri renmemeleridir.ocuklar dil renirken, hem kelimeleri hem de kalp ifadeleribirlikte renirler. Ayn ekilde, siz de kalp ifadeler ile almalsnz ve kalp ifadeleri renmelisiniz.1.000 kelime biliyorsanz, muhtemelen bir doru cmle kuramayabilirsiniz. Ama bir kalp ifade biliyorsanz yzlerce dorucmle kurabilirsiniz. Eer 100 kalp ifade biliyorsanz, ka tanedoru cmle kurabildiinize aracaksnz. Son olarak, eer1.000 kalp ifade biliyorsanz, siz hemen hemen akc ngilizceye sahip birisiniz demektir.Aylarca kurslara gidip ya da ngilizce eitimi aldn dneno kadar ok insan, ok basit olan bir cmleyi syleyemiyor.Mesela BEN TOKUM. ngilizce bilmek, gramer bilmek veyakelime bilmek deil, kalplar renmektir.rnein; (eat), (look), (write), (read),bu kelimeleri biliyorsunuz; Ne yiyorsun? Ne bakyorsun?diyebilir miyiz? Ama WHAT ARE YOU.......NE......-YORSUN ? kalbn rendiimizde bu kalp ile rendiiniz kelimeleri dzgn srasyla kullanabilirsiniz. Grdnz gibi 1 kalp ifadeile ne kadar cmle kurabileceimizi rendik. What are you eating? Ne yiyorsun? What are you looking? Ne bakyorsun? What are you writing? Ne yazyorsun? What are you reading? Ne okuyorsun? What are you listening? Ne dinliyorsun?Power Speaking kalplar blm ile bir kalp ifadeyle sayszcmleler kurulmasnn mkemmel bir rneidir. Kelime renmek iin saatlerce almayn. Onun yerine, bu zamannzkalp ifadeleri renmeye ayrn ve akc ngilizceye daha yakn olun.Neden ngilizce Konuamyoruz?ngilizce eitimini ilkokul yllarndan beri grmekteyiz, fakathl cmle kuramamaktayz ve konuamyoruz. Hi bununsebebini dndnz m? Be yandaki bir ngiliz ocuununngilizceyi konumas ve bizim 10 yldan fazla bir eitimle budili konuamyor olmamz sizce garip deil mi?ncelikle dil reniminde ilk soru udur: BZ NEDEN NGLZCE KONUAMIYORUZ?Cevab ok kolaydr aslnda,Bir ocuun ana dilini nasl rendiine dikkat olarak ocuklarn iyi bir dinleyici olduunu unutmayalm,ocuklar 2-3 yana kadar her eyi dinler ve en ok tekrar edilen kelimeleri renir ANNE-BABA ve sonra ihtiya duyduklar cmleleri renir, her eyi kalplarla dile getirirler.ocuklar dil renirken dilbilgisi (gramer) renmezler, edat,ilge, sfat bilmeden konumaya balar ve yanl yapma kor-kular yoktur. Onlar cmle kurduklarnda yadrganacaklarndnmezler, bizler yanl cmle kurmamak iin ok dnrz ve cmle kuramayz. Oysaki bir yabanc bize Ben gitmekhava alan dediinde hemen tarif ederiz ve cmleyi yanl kurduu iin o kiiyi ayplamayz.Yllardr eitimini aldmz ngilizceyi bu yzden konuamyoruz.imdi size ngilizce soru sorduumuzda hepiniz cevabn verebilirsiniz,WHAT IS YOU NAME?MY NAME IS ... dediinizi duyar gibiyim.Peki, neden MY, neden NAME neden ARE deil de IS geldibu cmlelere? nk sizler bu cmleyi kalp eklinde rendiniz ve cevab verirken bu kelimeleri ard ardna dnmedendirek sylediniz.ngilizceyi renmek istiyorsak iyi bir dinleyici olmalyz,GOOGLE kelimesini Trke okumaya aln, kulanza tuhafgeldiini biliyoruz. En nemli unsur kulak ainaldr.Eitimlerimizde uzun yllar dil renimini aratran uzmanngilizce eitmenlerimizin hazrlam olduu bu derslerimizidzenli bir ekilde uyguladnz takdirde cmle kurabilir,anlayabilir, konuabilir ve eviri yapabilirsiniz."
Price: 409.99

"Curso completo de mesa de frios"
"Voc vai aprender a montar lindas tbuas de frios com vrias dobras diferentes, vai aprender a montar tbuas de queijos, fazer musses e pastas salgadas, e vai conseguir ainda elaborar um cardpio e calcular a quantidade de comida a servir em uma mesa de frios.O curso traz ainda uma seo especial de como montar mesas de frios estilo ""grazing table"".Voc ter acesso a vdeos e a mais de 100 fotos de trabalhos meus para te inspirar! Voc ter acesso a material complementar em texto para baixar e a trs e-books bonus! Um e-book com arranjos fceis com frutas, um e-book ensinando a fazer um ratinho de rabanete muito fofo e um e-book com 16 receitas para mesas de frios."
Price: 279.99

"couscous with tfaya : moroccans recipes"
"have you visited morocco some day?if yes, you're in the mood for some of your recipes, and maybe you've got a taste of a traditional couscous made in a restaurant and it's taste good and her grand mother before her, and it's a way better.if not, this is a real change to try and taste our cuisine, and it will give you the desire to visit our country.couscous with tfaya is not like couscous with seven vegetables, it is a little bit similare on the preparation method, but when it's come to taste it is very different, becouse it combines sweet and salty this course I will teach you the original method on how to prepare the traditional couscous with tfaya.I will show you:-how to prepare couscous-how to combine the ingredients for the meal-how to cook tfayain each section I will assist you and give you the right timehave a good meal."
Price: 19.99

"How To Heal When Grieving"
"Have you wondered how to move forward after a loss when your mind, body and soul feel broken? Emotionally, you may feel like your mind is in a fog. Physically, you may feel completely disassociated from your body or like your heart is broken and battered. Spiritually you may be questioning everything you thought you knew about life.In this course, you willlearn howvarioustechniques, including the Japanese art of Reiki, help youtoheal specifically while youare grieving.The course is broken into four parts. The first part is about the basic concepts associated with both grief and Reiki. The three-subsequent parts focus on the emotional, physical and spiritualgrief components. Each part contains meditations,lessons, handouts, key takeaways,short quiz andanactivityspecifically focused on helping you better navigate your grief."
Price: 49.99

"Grief Reiki Healing Program"
"Every year millions face the effects of dealing with loss and grief. This can be the result of death, divorce, moving, retirement or other life events. Since society hasnt provided effective ways for handling grief, many grievers feel lost and alone.Our first-of-its-kind Grief Reiki Healing Program uses Reiki and other spiritually-based tools to help agrieverheal. In this educational program, students learn how to emotionally, physically, and spiritually guide others who are navigating their grief journeys. Grief Reiki Energy Healers are trained to better understand what a griever experiences, so they can provide support through the ups and downs associated with loss.What You Will LearnHow to use Reiki to help ease the pain of grievingHow to harmonize the three components of griefThe emotional, physical and spiritual benefits of Reiki while grievingPart 1: The BasicsHow to better understand griefWhat a griever might experienceHow the benefits of Reiki apply to a grieverHow to support a griever with your heart and not your headHow to avoid compassion fatiguePart 2: The EmotionalHow grief affects the heartHow the emotional benefits of Reiki apply to a grieverHow to help a griever repair their heartHow to help a griever let go of emotions that keep them stuckThe importance of self-forgiveness and forgiving othersTraditional & non-traditional grief support resourcesPart 3: The PhysicalHow grief affects the bodyHow the physical benefits of Reiki apply to a grieverHow to help a griever with daily practicesWays to improve sleep habitsPart 4: The SpiritualHow grief affects the soulHow the spiritual benefits of Reiki apply to a grieverHow to augment the clair senses tointerpret signs and messagesSpiritual practices and toolsto help with grief (including crystal therapy, etc.)"
Price: 149.99

"Mais do que ser capaz de manipular grandes volumes de dados para apoiar a tomada de deciso e a inteligncia de negcios de uma pequena empresa ou uma multinacional, ser capaz de proteger e cuidar das informaes contidas em bancos de dados. Este curso, te apresentaaulas prticas edireto ao ponto!Quero mostrar para voc dicas emacetes passo passo para que voc saiba usar importantes ferramentas epossa gerenciar bancos de dados SQL Server,direto ao ponto e de forma objetiva!"
Price: 39.99

"Este um curso completo que ir ajudar voc a como se tornar um profissional de testes de software na prtica!Voc ir conhecer as tcnicas utilizadas para testar todas as fases e interfaces ao longo do desenvolvimento de software (desde a sua concepo at o momento da entregar ao cliente). E ainda, este curso vai alm, porque voc vai aprender a como gerenciar todo o clico de vida de desenvolvimento e testes do seu software utilizando as abordagens profissionais de ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) aogerenciar o ciclo de vidas de suas aplicaes e/ou projetos de formaintegradaentre a necessidade de atendero negcio e a engenharia de software. E de quebra, voc tambm vai aprender a trabalhar com a abordagem de DevOps, na qual suasprticas e ferramentas podemaumentar a capacidade de distribuir aplicativos e servios em alta velocidade eotimizar e aperfeioarprodutos em um ritmo mais rpido do que o das empresas que usam processos tradicionais de desenvolvimento de software. Essa velocidade permite que as empresas atendam melhor aos seus clientes e compitam de modo mais eficaz no mercado.Pois bem, este um curso completo e foi produzido utilizando tecnologias de ponta na prtica. Tenho certeza de que voc ir gostar muito e que sua curva de aprendizado ser enorme.O seu futuro profissional depende das escolhas que voc faz hoje. Invista em voc, no seu futuro! (;Bons estudos e sucesso!Prof. Rodrigo Gonalves Santana"
Price: 54.99

"Bootstrap 4 ile ndirimli Sfrdan 2019 Web Tasarm Eitimi"
"2019 En GncelBootstrap 4 Kursuile yeni nesil mobil , tablet , pc , mac , ios , android iletim sistemleri ile uyumlu kendi kendine otomatik ekran znrlklerine gre boyutlanabilir yani responsive web sitesitasarlamann en temel ve pf noktalarn Bootstrap 4 ierisinde yer alan tm snf ve hazr aralar kullanarak reneceiz.Bootstrap 4'n grid yani zgara sistemleri ile ekran blmlere ayrarak web sitesinin temel yerleim dizaynn , hazr ve k CSS 3 classlar ile web sitesine renk ve akclk vermeyi daha da tesinde kendi ierisinde entegreli bulundurduu Bootstrap 4 bileenleri ile hzl , kolay ve estetik tasarmlar yapmay reneceiz.Tm bunlara ilaveten HTML 5 ve CSS 3 dersleri ile daha nceden hibir bilginiz olmasa dahi size bu kavramlar ve kod yazmann temellerinikalc bir ekilde kazandryoruz.Tm yazlm ortamnn kurulumu ;Wamp Server KurulumuSublime Text 3 Kod Yazma Editr KurulumuSublimeText 3 Bootstrap 4 hzl kod yazma eklentisiBootstrap 4'n baarl bir ekilde projeye dahil edilmesiKafanzdaki sorularn birounun cevab bu eitim setinde- Bir web sitesi hangi ksmlardan oluur ?- Responsive ve Adaptive tasarm nedir farklar nelerdir ?- Bootstrap Nedir ve Neden Kullanmalyz ?- CSS 3 , HTML 5 ve CSSFramework Kavramlar Ne Demektir ?- Bootstrap 4 ile Jquery Destekli Hazr Bileen Kullanm"
Price: 149.99

"Yeni Balayanlar iin Kolay ve Hzl Rusa Eitim Seti"
"Bu kursta , giri seviyesi gramer konularn reneceksiniz.- Otel - Okul - Giyim vs gibi alanlarda ki en ok kullanlan terimleri hem kiril alfabesi , hemde latin alfabesi ile okunu yazllarn kavrayacaksnz.Srekli gnlk hayatta kullandmz :- Selamlama - Vedalama - Telefon konumas yapabilme - Ara gerek isimlerigibi en gerekli ve bilinmesi gereken konular reneceksiniz.Gnlk hayatta size ne kadar rusa lazmsa o kadarn ezbere bilmek istiyorsanz hemen rusa kursumuza kayt olun stelik indirim kodu bizden."
Price: 409.99

"How to Nail the Teacher Interview"
"Wouldn't be great if you knew what school administrators were looking for in a new teacher?In this course, Sam Rangel teaches you how to best answer the questions in the teacher interview. As a current school administrator, he shows you how to nail the teacher interview, and get that job that will change your life."
Price: 29.99

"Success In The Classroom - Beyond the Basics"
"Are you a new teacher, and youre realizing that theres more to teaching than what you expected?Maybe youve been teaching for a few years now, and youre looking to have a greater impact on your students. Well, Id like to welcome you to Success in the Classroom Beyond the Basics. My name is Sam Rangel, and Ive been in education for 30 years now, both as a classroom teacher and now as a school administrator, and I have filled this course with some valuable strategies that I have learned over the years in my own experience along with some of the strategies that I have learned from observing some of the amazing teachers that I have known. This course is designed to go beyond the basic lessons of how to be a teacher. This course goes deeper and teaches you the strategies that amazing teachers use to make a difference in the lives of their students, and as a result, find more joy and fulfillment in teaching.I am so grateful that you have chosen to make teaching your lifes work. Its the best job in the world. Its not an easy job by no means, but there are ways to make teaching easier and more fulfilling. This course will teach you what amazing teachers do to avoid burn out, make a greater difference, and have more success in the classroom. I hope you join me in this course.Sam"
Price: 49.99

"Turn Your Story Into a Script, Solo Show, or Stand-Up"
"Students will get tools to transform their own story into a stand-up set, solo show or script from an instructor who has had great success from doing all three of these things. You will receive all the necessary information for you to become a great stand-up artist, every detail will help you improve in this ride! Enroll now."
Price: 29.99

"Ingles Bsico I para hispanohablantes"
"Este curso te ayudar a iniciar en el camino del aprendizaje del idioma ingls. Empezando por las reglas bsicas del presente y pasado del verbo to bey todas las formas de contraccin que se usan en este tiempo. Adems aprenderspresente y pasado continuo, oraciones con singular y plural; y las wh-questions.El curso est orientado al aprendizaje de personas adultas sin ningn conocimiento previo del idioma ingls o con conocimientos muy bsicos.Al finalizar el curso podrs entender las bases sobre la estructura gramatical del idioma ingls, as como entablar conversaciones pequeas y realizar frases con sentido."
Price: 19.99

"Git ...Git Git Git? Git Git Git Git Git Git Git Git GitHub GitHub Git ?"
Price: 2000.00

"Absolute Beginners Guide To Sewing"
"Learn at your own pace in the comfort of your home or studio. Sewing is a great skill to obtain whether just a s hobby or to start a career in fashion or design. You could even start your own small business creating items to sell. Let me help you learn the basics and master the skill."
Price: 24.99

"Cut-out animation in Blender"
"Do you want tocreate spectacular animation out of static picture? Or animation likein Spine 2D? Or maybe you want to createyour own motion-comic?The Cut-outanimation in Blender course will help make your dreams come true!Blender is apowerful software for animation. You can download it absolutely forfree and use without any limitations. As usualits used for creating 3D cartoons, what takes a lot of efforts andtime. But few people know about a greatplug-in CoaTools. The plug-in gives usopportunity to create simple, but impressive 2D-animation from staticpictures with least expenses of efforts and time.Thesame technique was used for creating Pepper & Carrotmotion-comic (You can find it on YouTube),where I took part in. Inthis video course I summarise my experience to help you with creationsuch an animation.Youwill learn:Howto install and configure required applications.Howto prepare your picture for animation.Howto import the picture to Blender correctly.Howto create a character rig.Howto fine tune the skeleton deformation and bonesinfluence on the picture."
Price: 19.99

"2D- Blender"
"? Spine? , , ? ""2D- Blender"".Blender - . . , . , Blender CoaTools. , 2D- . ""Pepper & Carrot"" ( YouTube), . , . : ; ; Blender; ; ."
Price: 19.99

"Legal Liability for the South African Businessman - OHS ACT"
"This Course explains the OHS Act ( Occupational Health and Safety Act )What their legal liabilities entail.What the South African Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHS Act) consists of. The principles of the South African Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHS Act) Where they fit into the Safety, Health and Environmental (SHE) management structure. The content of all sections of the Act. Basic Info regarding OHS ACT"
Price: 300.00

"Photoshop CC - Tratamento Profissional de Fotos"
"Estecurso tem porfinalidade ajudaralunoscom conhecimento emPhotoshop CCa darmais um passo em seus estudos. Com o curso dePhotoshop CC -tratamento profissionaldefotos, o aluno aprender como aplicar umtratamentoprofissionalemfotosfeitas tantoemcmerasquantoemcelulareseat em fotosescaneadascomuma qualidade inferior.Nomercado de trabalho, esse tipo deserviomuito procurado, pois nem sempre uma boafototem a luz certa, excesso desombrasouimperfeiesemgeral, com este curso o aluno aprender a tratar afotoe aindaaplicarefeitosquea deixem com umnvelequalidade profissional.Abaixo a lista do que voc aprender:Como trabalhar com camadasMscarasSeleoMesclagem de camadasLimpeza de imperfeiesAjuste de cores,iluminaoFuso simplesLimpeza de PeleEfeitos de lentesprofissionaisem fotos feitas emcelulares.Todasas aulas possuem exerccio de apoio para voc praticar em casa."
Price: 39.99

"Photoshop CC - Restaurar e Colorir Fotos"
"Este curso tem porfinalidade ajudaralunoscom conhecimento emPhotoshop CCa dar mais um passo em seus estudos.Trata-se de um treinamento avanado de tcnicas e recursos utilizados para restaurao e colorizao de fotos no Photoshop CC ou superior. Este curso tem a finalidade de proporcionar conhecimentos e informaes necessrias para que possa utilizar todas as ferramentas e os principais recursos para restaurar e colorir fotos.Todas as aulas possuem exerccio de apoio para voc praticar em casa."
Price: 39.99

"Healing from a Breakup"
"Is your heart is aching because of a breakup?This course gives youtools to help youheal and start to create a life you can be excited about.The course is set up to guide you through six aspects of the healing process:We start by reviewingthe stages of grief, sonyou can get a map of the terrain you will be traveling as you heal;Reframe the breakup, gaining a sense ofmeaning byplacing it in a larger context;Doa reality check, so you can clearly see what you had and what you didnt;Begin the process offorgiving your ex, so you can let go and move on;Do some work onself-forgiveness and self compassion, which are so essential for healing;And wrap up with a section oncreating a future you can be excited about.Each section is supported by a journaling exercise, an energy psychology tapping exercise, anda meditation.If you are open to Eastern-influenced approaches; are looking forhelp to move through the healing process; and want togain self-knowledge and growthfrom the breakup, then I hope you willcheckout this course.You can get through this breakup, and come out on the other side, happier and more optimistic than you may believe.Many blessings for peace and healing,Sarah"
Price: 24.99

"Chinestesia: Iniciacin Premium al Chino Mandarn desde 0."
"Este curso est inspirado por una gran pasin por la cultura asitica. Conforme aprenda el idioma siempre me he ibapreguntando cmo puedo aprender esto ms rpido? qu es necesario aprender y qu no lo es? cmo puedo traducir esta idea al pensamiento de un hispano hablante? En Chinestesia vuelco todas ests distinciones en un entretenidoviaje diseado para conferirte grandes habilidades en la lengua china."
Price: 29.99

"Chinestesia 2: Chino mandarn efectivo y rpido"
"Este curso est inspirado por una gran pasin por la cultura asitica. Conforme aprenda el idioma siempre me he ibapreguntando cmo puedo aprender esto ms rpido? qu es necesario aprender y qu no lo es? cmo puedo traducir esta idea al pensamiento de un hispano hablante? En Chinestesia vuelco todas ests distinciones en un entretenidoviaje diseado para conferirte grandes habilidades en la lengua china.Al final del curso, vienen analizados todos los caracteres vistos en el primer curso de Chinestesia. Id vindolos sin prisa :)."
Price: 29.99

"Autodesk Inventor 2019 - Grundlagenkurs"
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle interessierten Personen, die den Umgang mit Autodesk Inventor grundlegend erlernen mchten. Die folgenden Themen werden darin behandelt:Programmaufbau und Benutzeroberflche von Autodesk InventorProjekte erstellenBauteile im2D-Skizzenbereich zeichnenBauteile im3D-Modellbereich konstruierenBauteile imBaugruppenbereich zusammenfgen und mit Bewegungsabhngigkeiten versehenNormteile aus dem Inhaltscenter in Baugruppen einfgenBauteile und Baugruppen als Zeichnung ableitenBewegungsanimationen von Baugruppen erzeugen und als Video speichernKomplexe Baugruppenprojekte archivierenDie wichtigsten Befehle werdenerlutertund anhand praktischer bungengefestigt, wobei ein Viertaktmotor als komplexesbungsbeispiel dient."
Price: 49.99