"Les bases de Dynamics CRM 365" |
"Ce cours se veut pratique et vous plonge au cur de l'outil CRM Dynamics pour apprhender le CRM avec aisance.Dtail sur le contenu Cette formation a t cre en se basant sur la dernire version de Microsoft Dynamics CRM soit Microsoft Dynamics 365.Si vous tes un programmeur, business analyst ou que vous voulez devenir Consultant CRM, cette formation fait partie dune suite de 7 modules qui vous permet en moins dun mois davoir une approche pragmatique et efficace pour commencer votre voyage dapprentissage et dmarrer une mission en tant que business analyst junior CRM Flexstart.La solution CRM utilise est MICROSOFT CRM Microsoft Dynamics CRM est une solution business pour la gestion de la relation client, cre par Microsoft.Destin tout type de business, Dynamics CRM peut tre utilis pour lautomatisation de la force de vente, les campagnes marketing et la gestion complte du service client.Combien je gagne en consultant Business analyst FLEXSTART ? Microsoft Dynamics CRM est lune des technologies les plus attrayantes du march. Un consultant CRM gagne entre 75k et 100k dollars brut par an sur le march anglo saxon.Sur le march franais, un consultant gagne entre 40k et 100K en fonction de ses annes dexprience."
Price: 169.99 |
"WordPress Complete Guide for Experts: Security" |
"The security topic is one of the most important in these days when we talk about web applications including WordPress. With the increasing number of vulnerabilities and attempts of attacks by hackers, it's very important to protect your application.I will show to you great practices and how can you implement a series of procedures that can definitely increase the security of your WordPress environments.Why should you take this course?We will cover the most recent topics related to securityLearn the hackers techniques to avoid them to reach your websiteImplement security procedures in your databaseImplement security procedures in your serverProtect the traffic of your informationProtect the directories and files of your websiteImprove your security skillsAnd much more!Let me know if some content is missing I'll be glad add more topics to this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Instagram Marketing" |
"Welcome to the latest and very easy to apply Instagram Ads Training,designed to take you by the hand and walk you through the process of making themost out of Instagram Advertising.Im very excited to have you here, and I know this will be very helpfulfor you.This exclusive training will show you step-by-step, topic by topic, andtool by tool, what you need to know to dominate Instagram Ads, in the easiestway possible, using the most effective tools and in the shortest time ever.This training is comprised of 15 chapters organized into 4 sections.This is exactly what you are going to learn:Section 1: Instagram Ads BasicsIn Chapters 1 through 3, well talk about: What is Instagram and why useit for your business?, What are Instagram Ads All about?, and What Ad Solutionsis actually Instagram Offering?Section 2: Setting things upIn Chapters 4 through 7, well talk about: What you should do rightbefore creating Instagram Ads, Setting up Facebook and Instagram forAdvertising, Image Tips for Instagram Ads, and Video Tips for Instagram AdsSection 3: Creating AdCampaigns Step by StepIn Chapters 8 through 12, well talk about: Boosting your posts,Increasing brand awareness, Increasing your reach, Sending people to adestination on or off Facebook, and Getting installs of your appSection 4: Additional Tips toconsiderIn Chapters 13 through 15, we will talk about: Premium tools andServices to consider, Shocking Case Studies and Frequently Asked Questions"
Price: 19.99 |
"Build an app for the Google Play Store (Android)" |
"Create an app for yourself or someone else easily and quickly. The course is a set of videos showing you exactly how to do everything you need, by doing it right in front of you. Everything from sourcing App ideas to generating images to uploading the App to the play store. Step by step from beginning to the end."
Price: 19.99 |
"Find products to sell on the internet" |
"Source and buy products to sell on the internet or offline. Easy video course going through the process step by step on the screen in front of you. Ideal for eBayers, Amazon, Facebook marketplace and any offline selling platform.Save yourself time and effort by watching a professional source products to sell, safely."
Price: 19.99 |
"Criando uma planilha de controle financeiro empresarial" |
"Com esse curso voc ir aprender passo a passo como criar uma planilha para controle financeiro empresarial, utilizando as Planilhas do Google, que so como o Excel, porm com recursos mais interessantes, e o melhor de tudo que no precisa instalar nada. Voc poder acessar e compartilhar sua planilha em qualquer lugar com acesso a internet.Todas as aulas e mdulos desse curso, foram criadas pensando em voc que no conhece ou tem um conhecimento bsico em planilhas eletrnicas e no dispe de muito tempo para fazer cursos demorados.Criaremos juntosum Dashboard com asinformaes mais importantes do nosso controle financeiro. Um Dashboard muito til para tomada de decises rpidas.Voc vai aprender como criar menus de acesso rpido. Deixando assim sua planilha com um aspecto mais profissional.Vamos criar juntos um fluxo de caixa, onde voc vai conseguir identificar de forma rpida a lucratividade mensal e anual de sua empresa. O total de contas a pagar e a receber do ms e do ano.Com o conhecimento adquirido no decorrer desse curso, voc ir conseguir desenvolver planilhas dos mais diversos tipos.Esta apenas a primeira verso de nossa planilha de controle financeiro empresarial. Iremos aperfeioa-la com novas funcionalidades e informaes de acordo com a sua participao no curso."
Price: 39.99 |
"The Complete Course on Blockchain and Bitcoin for 2020" |
"Welcome to this Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Masterclass that will teach you everything you need to understand Blockchain and cryptocurrency on a technical level and assess their business impact! This course will help you to form your own opinions about the merits of Blockchain technology as well as business use cases. It will enable you to help yourself and your clients to make blockchain-related business decisions. It will also provide an introduction to buying, storing and trading cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.There are a couple of other course options on this topic out there, but this is without a doubt the most effective and comprehensive course on the market. This is why:Comprehensive syllabus, covering Blockchain fundamentals, technical intuitions and practical tips for Blockchain and cryptocurrenciesFocus on business perspective, discussing use cases and providing insights into how blockchains can transform industriesRelevant and current material - the Blockchain world is constantly changing, this course will keep you up to dateConstantly updated with new material and examplesHigh-quality closed captions / subtitles - not the computer-generated gibberish most other courses haveHeinrich was a Senior Associate at McKinsey with extensive work experience in digital technologyJens is an engineer and Senior Manager at a large e-commerce retailer with first hand experience on how Blockchains transform businessesDid you ever wanted to understand Blockchains on a technical level and form an opinion about its business merits? No matter if you are a young consultant, a software engineer, an entrepreneur or a student who wants to learn more about Blockchain, we will teach you the ins and outs about Blockchain and its most relevant applications.These are some of the topics that we will cover:What is money and how do cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum compareHow do Blockchains work on a technical levelWhat are consensus mechanisms like Proof of Work and Proof of StakeUnderstand Blockchain forks, like Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin CashDetailed discussion of relevant Blockchain use cases and business impactPractical guide on how to buy, store and trade cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and EthereumTechnological outlook on scaling challenges and next generation BlockchainsWe are very much looking forward to teaching you these exciting Blockchain and cryptocurrency skills for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Cardano and the like in this course. Welcome on board!"
Price: 199.99 |
"CEO-level Presentation Skills - Slide Writing for Consulting" |
"Welcome to thispresentationcourse that will teach you all presentation skills you need to create top management-levelslide presentations! There are a couple of other course options on this topic out there, but this is without a doubt the most effective and comprehensivecourse on the market. This is why:Teacher is SeniorConsultant at global top 3 strategy consulting firm with 4+ years of experience and 1,000+ created slidesI have slide writing teaching experience within my consulting firm but also teaching students in business schoolRelevant andup to date material -this is what BCG, Bain and the like teach in their onboarding programsSlide templates, including tables, charts, structure pages and much moreComprehensive slide writing skills coveredfrom storyline to structuring detailsConstantly updated with new material and examplesDoes not require any specific presentation program - you choose your tool that best fits your workflowI want you to stay focused, this course covers slide writing concepts and teaches you all the necessary presentation skills to create slide presentations like top management consultants. It will not focus on the specifics of how to use a presentation program.Did you ever wanted to create slide presentations likea top strategyconsultant? No matter if you are a young consultant, an entrepreneuror a business school student who wants to improve hisslide writing skills, I will teach you the ins and outs of creating professional top management presentations.These are some of the topics that we will cover:Create compelling storylines that will win your audienceStructure your presentations in an intuitive wayVisualize data analyses with the right chartsUse consistency as a presentation principleIncrease production speed with slide blueprintsLearn the creation workflow and valuable design tipsI am very much looking forward to teaching you these exciting presentation skills in my course. Welcome on board!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Invertir en Bolsa: Introduccin al Anlisis Tcnico" |
"Bienvenidos aInvertir en Bolsa: Introduccin al Anlisis Tcnico Aprendea utilizar el Anlisis Tcnico como herramienta para operar como un Trader profesional.En el mundo de las inversiones es fundamentaltener unplan preestablecido para que tanto lasemociones(miedo,euforia, ansiedad) comola inexperiencia,no nos jueguen una mala pasada. Es por eso que leensearemos distintas estrategias de trading para que pueda invertir con mayorseguridad y maximizar sus ganancias.Tambin aprenderemos aestablecer objetivos,cuando abrir ycerrar una posicin. Cmoutilizar las figuras correctamente. Y otras herramientas como indicadores, medias mviles, lineas de tendencia, canales, y ms. Nuestro objetivo es que sean capaces de tomar sus propias decisiones de inversin. Sin depender de recomendaciones de otras personas, brokers, bancos o noticias.Porque la mejor inversin, es invertir en uno mismo.Te esperamos!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Acciones, Crypto y Forex: Estrategias fciles y rentables" |
"Bienvenidos al curso Acciones, Crypto y Forex: Estrategias fciles y rentablesEn este curso aprenders distintas estrategias simples, prcticas y altamente efectivas, para invertir en:AccionesCriptomonedasForexOtros activos financierosSin vueltas! Sabemos que el tiempo es dinero, y por ello, en este curso vamos directo al grano en nuestras explicaciones. En el mundo de las inversiones, es fundamental tener un plan preestablecido para que tanto las emociones (miedo, euforia, ansiedad) como la inexperiencia, no nos jueguen una mala pasada. Por este motivo, te ensearemos distintas estrategias para que pueda invertir con mayor seguridad y maximizar sus ganancias. Nuestro objetivo es que seas capaz de tomar tus propias decisiones de inversin. Sin depender de recomendaciones de otras personas, brokers, bancos o noticias. La mejor inversin que puedes hacer, es invertir en ti mismoAdems... Acceso ilimitado al curso de por vida Pregunta todas tus dudas al Instructor 30 das de garanta con devolucin del 100% del dinero[nete a la comunidad #Academy junto a +2,000 alumnos]Listo para comenzar?TE ESPERAMOS!Academy for Traders"
Price: 99.99 |
"Complete Introduction to Astrology" |
"In this course, you will learn all of the essential information needed to be able to understand an astrological birth chart, to give you a much deeper understanding of your own personal nature, your challenges and your gifts, as well as those of your loved ones.Topics covered in the course:*The philosophy behind astrology: what astrology is and how it can describe so accurately a person's life*How to identifythe planets, signs, houses and aspects in a chart*The 4 elements- Fire, Earth, Air and Water*The 3 modes- Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable* TheSun, Moon and all of the planets - what their natures are and what they show about you*The 12 signs of the zodiac*The 12 houses of the chart*The 5 major aspects- Conjunction, Sextile, Trine, Square and Opposition*The Nodes of the Moonand their influence on your life direction*The 12 letter alphabet- a handy way to simplify the wealth of information in a chart"
Price: 199.99 |
"Low Back Pain Relief Secrets" |
"""The exercises are very good."" - Estelle Mack""Great instructions."" - Viktorija Juodeikyte""It is very helpful for me."" - Md. Sheikh FaridGet Rid of Low Back Pain & Sciatica in Only 3 Weeks, without Surgery, Physical Therapy, or Pain PillsWhen back pain strikes, it can ruin your life. Reaching for painkillers or having surgery can be ineffective and even dangerous for your health. Chronic pain affects 100 million people each year, and low back pain is the most common complaint. When the bodys pain signals keep firing in the nervous system, it can have a draining effect on the quality of lifephysically, mentally, and spiritually. In the United States, 8 out of 10 people will experience low back pain at some time in their lives. Low back pain is the second most frequent reason for doctor visits, next to the common cold, and it is the leading cause of job-related disabilities.Your Instructor...Hi, I'm Morgan Sutherland, and for 17 years, I've been massaging clients who are dealing with low back pain. But when the tables were turned, and I was the one who injured my back it wasn't massage that healed my low back pain... instead, it was a series of highly targeted exercises! Inspired by my experience with reversing my severe low back pain, and fueled by a vibrant enthusiasm to share these exercise routines with anyone who has back pain, I began to passionately research how to quickly cure back pain at home. I learned a wealth of information. Who this Low Back Pain Relief Secrets for?This course is for low back pain sufferers who...When they stand up from a seated position, their back stiffens up and goes into spasm. Throw their back put every time they bend over and attempt to tie their shoes. Avoid taking leisurely walks because they have a ""bad back"" and are embarrassed being seen limping around in agony. Have trouble getting a good night's sleep because of their dull, aching pain in your lower back. What You'll LearnIn this 21-Day, Low Back Pain Relief Program you will learn: Nine Worst Back Exercises for Back PainFour Common Reasons for Lower Back Pain A 21-Day, Low Back Pain exercises routine A 15-minute, doctor-recommended back pain relief exercise routine. Six foam-rolling moves to conquer back pain. A 6-minute emergency back pain treatment thats safe for both herniated and bulging discs. Seven exercises to prevent future back spasms and herniated discs. Seven resistance-band exercises for low back pain. Four moves to do before you roll out of bed. If you can make time to do a daily 15- to 30-minute back pain relief exercise routine, youll soon be on your way to feeling good again. Its essential to feel your best to make the most of every day. Let me show you how!I look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Tecniche innovative per colorare i capelli" |
"Quello che puoi guadagnare credo, appunto, nel mostrarti certe cose quella sicurezza iniziale nell'entrare da un parrucchiere e offrirti per lavorare. Entrare in un salone e dire mi porto qualcosa gi da fuori e vengo ad imparare il resto. Per io posso iniziare subito a fare delle cose, pi facile, da pi soddisfazione anche per chi entra da pi sicurezza avere gi delle nozioni; nozioni che sicuramente ti offrono in mille accademie, facendo i corsi si parla di questo. Io credo di poterti dare delle nozioni un pochino pi dirette, un pochino diverse dal solito. Mi sono accorto che i ragazzi pi o meno fanno gli stessi movimenti all'inizio, sono un po' omologati...va bene...Ma nel mio metodo credo che ci sia qualcosa di pi!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn how to create a Booklet in InDesign" |
"This course is developed to help you understand some of the basic principles of layout design and create a simple promotional booklet using InDesign. The course is structured in sevensections with several short videos tutorials. You will learn about the importance of visual hierarchy, what are 'calls to action' and how to decide what fonts to use."
Price: 19.99 |
"Eletroqumica: Desvendando Pilha e Eletrlise" |
"Este um curso de Fundamentos de Eletroqumica, relacionado com Pilha e Eletrlise, composto de aulas curtas, altamente explicativas. O intuito do curso ajudar alunos do ensino mdio, ensino superior ou pessoas que esto se preparando para fazer o ENEM ou vestibular a realmente compreender o assunto de Pilha e Eletrlise. A ampla abordagem do curso permite abranger todos estes interesses. Abordarei problemas relacionados as provas mencionadas acima e disponibilizarei um material para praticar o contedo do curso, assim como meu e-mail para voc tirar dvidas quando precisar. Falando do material que ser disponibilizado, este muito conciso, abordando de maneira completa o contedo ensinado. Alm disso, ser acompanhado de um gabarito comentado, ou seja, as respostas sero discutidas e, detalhespara um aprendizado mais efetivo por parte do aluno.Ao adquirir o curso, ter acesso vitalcio a elee um professor a sua disposio para ajudar nas dvidas relacionado ao curso. Desta forma, no tenho dvida que estar mais preparado para a prova, teste ou exame que esta se preparando. Adquirindo o curso sua chance de sucesso com certeza ser maior."
Price: 54.99 |
"Design Graphique avec Canva pour le Marketing Digital" |
"Vous souhaitez crer vos propres visuels pour vos pages sur les rseaux sociaux mais vous ne savez pas par o commencer?Est-ce que l'externalisation de vos visuels un tiers vous pose un problme, en particulier lorsque vous devez faire des allers-retours pour apporter des modifications avant la fin du projet? Si vous avez rpondu oui, vous tes au bon endroit!Rejoignez-Nous cette formation 100% pratique en Design Graphique avec la plateforme Canva et apprenez crer des visuels pour alimenter votre stratgie Marketing Digital.Nous avons pris l'initiative de crer ce cours pour vous donner les comptences techniques dont vous avez besoin pour crer des dizaines de visuels pour le digital et principalement pour les mdias sociaux.Ce cours traite des cas rels, de projets lancs sur les mdias sociaux.Vers la fin de ce cours vous allez tre capable de crer:FacebookDes Photos de profilPhoto de couverture Des Publications de citationsPublication de contenu ducatifDes Carrousels ProduitsCouverture d'vnement Facebook AdsTwitterEntte TwitterPublication TwitterPublication InstagramLinkedInBannire d'Email Bannire d'Article de BlogMiniature YoutubeGraphique Pinterest et bien plus encore...Rejoignez-nous ce parcours qui va vous transformer ""From Zero to a Hero"" en design Graphique.Nous sommes toujours disponible en cas de besoin, nous serons heureux rpondre vos commentaires et vos question et vous accompagner la russite de votre parcours.Obtenez un certificat d'achvement lorsque vous avez termin le cours!Avec notre garantie satisfait ou rembours de 30 Jours, vous n'avez pas hsiter!!INSCRIVEZ-VOUS MAINTENANT!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Booster son business grce Facebook" |
"Rejoignez-nous la formation certifiante en Facebook Business 100% pratique et booster votre carrire ou votre business. Durant cette formation 100% pratique vous allez apprendre: 1- Facebook Page1.1 - Set Up de la page1.2 - Calendrier ditorial 1.3 - Cration d'album de photos1.4 - Cration de carrousels 1.5 - Contenu engageant1.6 - Contenu inspirant 1.7 - Contenu ducatif2 - Facebook Ads2.1 - Recrutement de fans2.2 - Booster les interactions2.3 - Gnrer du traffic vers le site web2.4 - Gnrer des conversations sur messenger2.5 - Gnrer des conversations sur whatsapp business2.6 - Gnrer des prospects2.7 - Booster les vues des vidos?? FORMATEUR : Directeur d'une agence digitale, certifi Google, Facebook, Email Marketing, Inbound Marketing et Social Media."
Price: 99.99 |
"Email Marketing avec MailChimp" |
"L'mail Marketing ? est le canal digital le plus puissant parmi les autres canaux (SEO, Social Media, Display...). Il gnre le meilleur retour sur investissement: 3700% (pour chaque Dollar investi on reoit 37 $).Lors de cette formation, vous allez apprendre crer vos listes de contacts, la segmenter, crer des templates, crer, lancer et mesurer la campagne mailing..."
Price: 99.99 |
"How to build a Powerful Memory and remember massive numbers" |
"This course has been created for people who want to unlock the power to a greater memory.It doesnt matter if you are a student, professional, retiree or stay at home parent, you will benefit from this memory course. This course will give you the basic building blocks to developing a powerful memory, especially for numbers. The methods I teach in this course helped me to memorise an impossibly long number. I managed to perfectly store and recall Pi to 500 decimal places. Enroll now and watch me recall this number on a white board. No games, jokes or gimmicks. Just pure memory! I achieved this not by memorising the number, but by creating a visual image of the number. This is the secret to building a powerful memory creating photographic images. I will show you the entire process step by step. You can apply this method to any type of information you want to learn. If you can already do this, then you are a memory master already, and you may not gain much from this course. But for the majority of us mortals, developing a powerful memory is extremely hard to do using conventional memory strategies. However, when you learn the secrets to developing a powerful memory taught in this course, you will be able to remember anything you want. I will show you how to learn all kinds of information: mostly numerical but also how to apply this method to facts. Like me, you might be blown away when you discover what you are really capable of memorising."
Price: 99.99 |
"Alzheimer's Disease: Know Your Enemy" |
"Alzheimer s disease is a global killer, affecting more that 50 million people worldwide today. That number is also expected to double in the next 20 years. In developed Countries Alzheimers is now the third biggest killer according to the World Health Organisation. In people who are 85 years or older we find that almost half start showing symptoms of Alzheimers. Researchers have identified many potential causes, and from all the medications developed none has proven effective in curing the disease. Your best hope lies in prevention not a cure. Which means, your future rests in your own hands.This course will give you what you need to know about Alzheimer's disease, so that you can learn aboutone of the worlds biggest killers and start a process of protecting yourself against it by building your own preventative strategy."
Price: 99.99 |
"Cryptocurrency Masterclass: From Beginner to Expert Trader" |
"[Strategies updated for 2018]Interested in learning the exact strategies and methods that a cryptocurrency expertuses to buy and sell on a daily basis.You've come to the right place.This course is going to teach you a few different things:What cryptocurrency (mentioned as 'CC' from here on out)is and how it works (in-case you are brand new to this world)How to setup a 'wallet', which allows you to buy, sell and store your CCHow to actually buy CCfor the lowest price possibleHow to sell your CCfor a profit when the market has peakedHow to properly read live exchanges like a stock market proExclusive apps you can use to help you buy and sell at the best timesMy personal CCrecommendationsThe 2 main strategies that you can implement to make the most money possible with your CCImissed the CChype about 5 years ago and Iwish Ididn't. Can you imagine buying Bitcoin 7 years ago?You'd be a multimillionaire 10 times over right now.Don't make that mistake again. Don't wait any longer.The prices have only beengetting higher. Bitcoin is up over $8,000 this past year. Imagine what it'll be in another year, and now imagine you buy your piece of the CCtoday.Bitcoin went up an additional $50 just while Iwas typing this message. See? Don't wait another minute.I'll see you inside the course!Let's get started...Disclaimer:CC is still a risk. You could lose 100%of your investment at any time. The market could crash and Bitcoin (and others)could become completely worthless. Invest smartly and only invest money you are comfortable with losing."
Price: 199.99 |
"Master Melodyne" |
"Master Melodyne is a comprehensive course designed to equip you with the tools to become an expert at the industry's leading vocal and audio editing software plugin, Melodyne. The most prominent instrument in any given song is the lead vocal, but unfortunately, the vast majority of young producers don't know how to edit their vocals to radio ready standards. That's where this course comes in. If you want to learn how to get radio ready vocals for your tracks, Master Melodyne is for you. All you need is a verision of Melodyne and a basic understanding of a DAW and you'll be ready to gain the skills necessary to master this powerful program."
Price: 24.99 |
"Complete Calculus Mathematics - from Beginner to Advanced" |
"Complete Calculusis a course designed for students wanting to master Calculus the easy way. Using the knowledge of a teacher who has taught for over 38 years with a Pure and Applied Mathematics Degree, you will find learning calculus a breeze.Complete Calculushas tutored lessons which shows you step by step word examples and each section contains quizzes to help cement your learning. Complete Calculusis designed to help you understand Calculus, Integration using Calculus, Applications of Calculus, Differential Calculus and Area and Volume using Calculus.You will have your own maths tutor, when you need it."
Price: 24.99 |
"Complete Algebra I & II - Year 7 and Year 8" |
"CompleteAlgebra is the complete coursefor students wanting to master Year 7and Year 8Algebra the easy way. Itis aligned with the schoolCurriculum and is essential to learning reasoning skills and problem solving.With our INTERNATIONAL content, EASY TO UNDERSTAND, FAST PACED lessons, YOU WILL SOON BE TOP OF THE CLASS and heading in the right direction to achieve your dream of a DYNAMIC CAREER.The longer you delay the further behind you could fall. Its your future that is at stake.Compare us with the competition and you will be sold on our sharp, to the point teaching methods, that have a proven track record of success. Using the knowledge of a teacher who has taught for over 38 years with a Pure and Applied Mathematics Degree, you will find learning Algebra a breeze and know that your education is in the correct hands.... with a qualified Teacher.There is no time to waste, its the easy way to learn Maths.Complete Algebra hastutored lessons which shows step by step worked examples as well aQuiz on each section. We also have a practice test at the end of test your knowledge."
Price: 24.99 |
"Complete Fractions Mathematics - Beginner to Advanced" |
"iTeachers aim to provide easy to understand lessons using new agetechnology, taught the old fashioned way.We have produced an educational application, which will give students a total grounding in fractions.We aim to engage students in their own education, by putting the tools for learning in their own hands. It will give students the power to learn at their own pace.It is not a game, it is for those serious about getting ahead in life.Why our students learn:* Real qualified Teachers* 38 years teaching experience in a School* Classroom Lessons* Step by step illustrations* Quiz set by the teacher* Fractions examples* FormulasWith our International content, easy to understand, fast-paced lessons. You will soon be top of the class.Compare us with the competition and you will be sold on our sharp, to the point teaching methods, that have a proven track record of success. Using the knowledge of a teacher who has taught for over 38 years with a Pure and Applied Mathematics Degree, you will find learning fractions a breeze and know that your education is in the correct hands, with a qualified teacher.You will have your own Maths Tutor when and where you need it."
Price: 24.99 |
"Complete Trigonometry, The Circle & Angles in a Circle Maths" |
"Complete Trigonometry, The Circle and Angles in a Circle is the complete coursefor anyone wanting to master TRIGONOMETRY, THECIRCLEAND ANGLESINACIRCLE.Our courseis geared to High School, College students and University students.iTeachers aim to provide easy to understand lessons using new age technology, taught the old fashioned way.Why our students learn:* Real qualified Teachers* Teachers with 38 years teaching Maths in a School* Classroom Lessons* Step by step illustrations* Quiz questions set by the teacher* Revision questions for advanced learning* Formulas*Quick easy lessonsWith our International content, easy to understand, fast-paced lessons. You will soon be top of the class.Compare us with the competition and you will be sold on our sharp, to the point teaching methods, that have a proven track record of success.Using the knowledge of a teacher who has taught for over 38 years with a Pure and Applied Mathematics Degree, you will find learning maths isa breeze and know that your education is in the correct hands, with a qualified teacher.You will have your own Maths Tutor when and where you need it."
Price: 24.99 |
"Complete Probability - Introduction to Advanced Maths" |
"Probability is a coursefor students wanting to master Probability the easy way. With our International content, sharp,fast paced lessons, you will soon be top of your class.The longer you delay the further behind you could fall, it's your future at stake.Using the knowledge of a teacher who has taught for over 38 years with a Pure and Applied Mathematics Degree, you will find learning Probability a breeze, and know that your education is in the correct hands.... with a qualified Teacher.There is no time to waste, its the easy way to learn Maths.Probability has tutored lessons which shows step by step worked examples.You will have your own Maths Tutor when and where you need it.Probability Made Easy App includes; Lessons, a Quiz and more.This coursecovers the following topics:Introduction to ProbabilityDefinition of ProbabilityThe outcomes of ProbabilityRolling a die, Rolling two DiceThrowing CoinsNot Mutually Exclusive EventsProbabilities which do depend onprevious outcomesProbabilities which do not depend onprevious outcomes"
Price: 24.99 |
"Complete Decimals and Percentages for year 6 and year 7" |
"Complete Decimals and Percentages is a course designed for year 6 and year 7 students wanting to get ahead in maths. This course covers the following topics.Percentages* What are percentages* Percentage conversions.* Calculating percentages..* Finding the total number from a percentage.* Percentage increase.* Finding an increase in a value as a percentage.* Converting fractions, decimals and percentages.* Everyday numbers.Decimals* What is a decimal?* Place value* Adding decimals* Subtracting decimals* Multiplying decimals* Dividing decimals* Dividing a decimal by a decimal* Recurring decimals* Rounding decimals"
Price: 19.99 |
"C# Katmanl Mimari ile Proje Gelitirmek 2020" |
"Kursiyerin profesyonel ihayatndabykkurumsalbirprojeyiveritaban'ndanbalayarak tasarlar vetasarladbuprojesayesindeekipiindeverimlikodyazacaktr.Bu kurs' da;SqlServer ileveritabantasarlayacak,windowsform ile programnznarayznhazrlayacak,ve nesne ynelimli programlama teknikleri ile kurumsal bir proje retecek veC# Dnyasna aitpekokpfnoktas bulacaksnz.Veritabantasarlamak ou zaman iinden klmaz bir labirente dnebilir, birveritabanntek bir bakasylatasarlamakolduka yanltr.Veritabanmztasarlarken ok farkl bak alarndanfaydalanpveritabanmzbu farkl bak alarnagreenidealekilde tasarlayacaz.Bu kursta Nesne ynelimli programlama teknikleriniuygulacaz.rettiiniz yazlm bydke artk iinden klmaz bir hal alyordur, gnler getikefarkettiinizbu program aslnda byle yazlmamal hissiyatna kaplacaksnz ite tam bu noktada yardmnza nesne ynelimli programlama koacaktr.Takmilegelitirilen kurumsalbykprojelerretmek istiyorsanz bukursamutlaka katln."
Price: 49.99 |
"Coding Interview Preparation - The Softer Skills" |
"40-50% of interviewees fail their software engineeringinterviews for non technical reasons. Don't let yourself be one of them!This course will teach you about each step of the process and how to prepare for each of them along with the soft skills needed to impress your interviewer and crush every coding interview.You willLearn to differentiate between different types of interviews and how to approach them (i.e. behavioral, white board/coding questions, take home challenges, refactoring, system design, etc.)Learn how to organize your interview prep material and company communicationLearn what you shouldresearch when preparing for a specific jobComplete a self analysis activity to prepareyourself to answer popular traditional and culture fit interview questionsDevelop stories so you have a response to any type of behavioral questionBe given the steps you should take anytime you get asked a white boarding questionCreate a list of questions to bring to your interviewIf your ready to feel confident going into each and every interview and land you dream job, this course is for you!Here is a review from the first student to complete my course:""WOW. For how relatively short this course is (a few hours), it has everything I was looking for and much more. Katelyn explains everything with clear, concise real-world examples. There are a lot of great pdf's to download with each section of the course that are super useful; checklists, exercises, common questions, etc. Just fantastic. What's even more awesome is there's a whole section of the course devoted to the technical part of the interview. I liked how there were exercises to do along the way that can be used and stored for your own interviews/interview prep. In addition I really liked how there were some hints/examples of things you could say in response to some of the questions in the exercises to help get your creative juices going, extremely helpful. Overall a fantastic and invaluable course I would recommend to anyone."" - Justin H."
Price: 94.99 |