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"Illustrator beginner to intermediate, basics and training"
"Adobe Illustrator softwareAdobe Illustrator is a powerful drawing software offered by Adobe. Anyone who understands this software can use Illustrator to draw shapes and lines, create text or import graphics and images, create logos, and more. You can also use Illustrator to make a page layout for a book. , create a web page, create a brochure design, and of course make drawings on computer.The vector format of IllustratorOne of the most important features of Adobe Illustrator is that the quality of the illustrations created because they are independent of the resolution at which they are displayed. This means that an image created in Illustrator can be enlarged or reduced to change the quality of the image. This is called the vector format. This format uses mathematical relationships using a set of polygons that make up the image, themselves composed of vectors. Each vector goes through a location called a node or control point. In comparison, photographs edited using tools such as Adobe Photoshop depend on the resolution and the quality of the image decreases when an image is enlarged. That's why we use Illustrator to create documents such as business cards, logos and drawings, because with this format they will never lose in quality.The courseYou want to start in Illustrator to create your visuals but you do not know how to do it or you have difficulties to start. This course will allow you to master all the basics of the software. You can then work calmly on your personal projects. It is for everyone who wants to learn the software, professional or private. I will show you how to learn Illustrator from scratch, you will learn how to use the different tools, to know the interface of work, to apply effects, to vectorize an image ... All of these elements, we We will also see them in specific training sessions such as drawing shapes, creating a logo or a business card."
Price: 39.99

"WordPress the complete course for website creation"
"WordPressWordPress is a CMS that allows to create and manage ergonomically a blog or a website. You just have to choose a web host and find a domain name to start a website with WordPress. There is no need to know how to code even if concepts in coding can improve the site. There are hundreds of themes available and many are free to use. So, depending on the type of site you want to create, it is possible to select a suitable theme that will give you satisfaction. The themes are customizable, it is possible to change the colors, background, widgets or the menu. It can be configured very quickly and its ergonomics are particularly intuitive. The management of pages is done in a very fluid and simplified way. You will be able to create your articles, your pages and create the website that you want for a professional or personal.Advantages- A wide choice of theme- A system for creating pages and articles thanks to an ergonomic block management- A huge number of extensions to improve the site and add features- An optimized platform for SEO- Display of the responsive site on all screens- Regular updates- A lower cost investmentCourseIn this training you will learn how to use WordPress to create your own website. You will see all the features that will allow you to create a blog or site according to your expectations. You will see how to start with the hosts and the domain name. You will understand the work interface and the management of the dashboard. You will learn how to create pages and articles by including all the layout blocks. You'll see how to manage a theme, create a menu, categorize articles, add widgets and more. Extensions will also be presented to improve your site and create backups. A training will create a website from the installation of the theme to the publication."
Price: 39.99

"Learn all the basics to create a website with Muse"
"Welcome to Adobe MuseAdobe Muse is a graphical software to create responsive websites without having to code. Indeed the first aspect of Adobe Muse is the design of the pages. This is a great alternative for programming sites intuitively. You can create showcases but also more complex sites on Adobe Muse.In this course, I will teach you all the basics of Adobe Muse, in order that you will be able to hold all the design keys that will then allow you to create your own site. The course is approached in a logical way starting with the basic tools to know, the functioning of the workspace, the modes of conception ... To then train on the creation of page, and thus to understand how to make its responsive page.On the program of this course:Understand the templatesIntegrate shapes and blocksEmbed an image in a blockEffects on blocksInsert textInsert a menuInsert a contact formInsert a slideshowMake your text responsiveCreating a web homepageMake your homepage responsiveExport the site in html formatPublish the site"
Price: 19.99

"Voyage en solo mode d'emploi"
"Le voyage en solo veille la curiosit des personnes au quotidien. Que ce soit dans l'entourage ou que ce soit chez les locaux, beaucoup de questions viennent l'esprit lorsqu'on regarde ces personnes voyager seules. Beaucoup d'interrogations se posent alors, des questions viennent l'esprit pour chercher comprendre les motivations voyager seul. Il n'a jamais t plus facile de voyager qu'aujourd'hui, et beaucoup de personnes peuvent voyager pour des priodes de vacances, en famille ou entre ami. Cependant si vous faites le ratio des personnes qui voyagent ou qui ont pu voyager rgulirement, et le nombre de personnes qui n'ont quasiment jamais voyager, vous verrez que les voyageurs restent de loin une minorit. Et parmi ces voyageurs un petit pourcentage de voyageurs en solo.Le monde ne cesse jamais d'voluer, les mentalits changent, c'est dsormais pour cela qu'il y a un dveloppement croissant de voyageurs en solo. Aujourd'hui, on se pose beaucoup de questions existentielles sur les objectifs de la vie et surtout de l'intrt de suivre un modle de vie que l'on qualifie de cl en main que nous offre la socit moderne. Ce mode de vie cl en main, naturellement recherch, mais pas toujours apprci. Divers raisons peuvent motiver le voyageur en solo de partir l'aventure, et de partir en plus seul. Quoi qu'il en soit il se dgage une envie d'aller chercher ce que l'on aura jamais dans un mode de vie cl en main, et d'aller chercher une libert prcieuse qui se matrialise par un mode de fonctionnement diffrent. Si vous tes ici, c'est que vous avez de relles questions existentielles sur votre mode de vie. Si vous tes ici, c'est que probablement vous ne vous retrouvez pas ou plus dans votre quotidien, et que vous avez envie de changer, ou simplement de vivre une exprience de vie diffrente pendant un moment. Si vous tes ici, c'est que vous voulez avoir des rponses aux interrogations que vous avez sur le voyage en solo, ou que vous dsirez avoir les conseils ncessaires pour dmarrer. Si vous tes ici, c'est peut tre simplement parce que vous tes galement un voyageur, peut tre mme un voyageur en solo et que vous tes curieux par l'change de point de vue et d'information sur le sujet. Je vais vous donner l'quivalent d'un mode d'emploi pour dmarrer un voyage en solo et vivre le voyage en solo. Vous allez dcouvrir pourquoi vous devez tenter ce type d'exprience, vous allez comprendre vos freins pour dmarrer et comment les surmonter, vous allez voir comment bien vous prparer, voyager en scurit, voyager en budget, des astuces, des techniques, comment mettre votre temps profit etc... Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour tre dans de bonnes conditions mentales, physiques et techniques pour voyager en solo. "
Price: 39.99

"InDesign beginner to intermediate, basics and training"
"InDesignInDesign is a desktop publishing software that creates layouts, brochures, magazines, newspapers, and books. It is also possible to create business cards, flyers, photo montages, invitation cards and therefore a wide variety of graphic documents. Projects created with InDesign can be shared in digital and print formats. If you need to create a layout combining text, images and colors, with columns, titles, paragraphs, In Design is the ideal software. Although the software is versatile, it focuses mainly on the layout, ie the quality of your text and your typography, and be able to control the maximum design and content. It is also possible to use markers and grids to position elements accurately and create impeccable layouts. The formatting options are endless and you can also control the content using elements such as spell checking and footnotes.Advantages- Create documents with multiple pages- Edition of optimized typography- Several export files- Wide range of creative possibilities- A reference for professional creationsTrainingIn this training you will learn InDesign from scratch. By a logical approach you will be able at the end of the training to create all of your graphic documents. You will see the basic elements to understand the interface. You will then learn the tools step by step as this is the basis of a successful design. You'll also see color management, adding text, editing typography, adding image. You will also see layouts with the working principle, double pages or adding page. Finally you can apply all the knowledge through various training."
Price: 39.99

"Travel alone user guide"
"The solo trip awakens the curiosity of everyday people. Whether in the neighborhood or at the locals, many questions come to mind when looking at these people traveling alone. Many questions arise then, questions come to mind to try to understand the motivations to travel alone.It has never been easier to travel than today, and many people can travel for holidays, with family or friends. However, if you calculate the ratio of people who travel or have been able to travel regularly, and the number of people who have almost never traveled, you will see that travelers remain by far a minority. And among these travelers a small percentage of solo travelers.The world never stops evolving, mentalities change, it is for that reason that there is a growing development of solo travelers. Today, there are many existential questions about the goals of life and especially the interest of following a model of life that is described as key in hand that offers us modern society. This turnkey lifestyle, naturally sought after, but not always appreciated. Various reasons can motivate the solo traveler to go on an adventure, and leave alone. Be that as it may, there is a desire to look for what we will ever have in a turnkey way of life, and to seek a precious freedom that materializes in a different mode of operation. If you are here, it is because you have real existential questions about your way of life.If you're here, it's probably because you do not end up in your daily life, and want to change, or simply to have a different life experience for a while. If you are here, it means that you want to have answers to the questions you have about the solo trip, or that you want to have the necessary advice to start. If you are here, it may be simply because you are also a traveler, maybe even a solo traveler and you are curious about exchanging point of view and information on the subject.I will give you the equivalent of a user manual to start a solo trip and live the solo trip. You will discover why you must try this type of experience, you will understand your brakes to start and how to overcome them, you will see how to prepare well, travel safely, travel budget, tips, techniques, how to put your time to profit etc ... Everything you need to be in good mental, physical and technical conditions to travel solo."
Price: 39.99

"Work on various project with Photoshop"
"Photoshop is the most powerful graphic software. Photoshop is a bitmap editing software, your project will be an accumulation of pixels on which you will intervene with new pixels. The strength of Photoshop is to be able to generate any image. Although we often think of Photoshop for photo editing and rightly so, this tool will also allow you to create a poster, a website mockup, book covers, to give life to an illustration, to create a resume , a photo montage and much more. Photoshop is not a very intuitive and easy to use tool, that's why it's important to train regularly to be able to incorporate its features.In this course, I will show you the diversity of possibilities to realize projects on Photoshop. You will be able to train and measure the extent of the graphic possibilities of Photoshop.To make the most of this course, you need to know the basics of using Photoshop because we work directly on project creation. . And you will see that it will give you a lot of ideas and allow you to create your own projects.You will train here :Create the design for a web pageCreate a cover magazineCreate a ebook coverIntegrate a 2D ebook cover on 3D MockupCreate a visit cardCreate a professionnal resumeCreate a basic bannerCreate a logoCreate a montageEdit and enhance a face"
Price: 39.99

"Ateliers cratifs avec Photoshop"
"Photoshop est le logiciel de graphisme par excellence. Photoshop c'est un logiciel ddition dimage bitmap, votre projet sera donc une accumulation depixelssur lesquels vous allez intervenir avec de nouveaux pixels. La force de Photoshop est de pouvoir gnrer nimporte quelle image. Bien que l'on pense souvent Photoshop pour la retouche photographique et juste titre, cet outil vous permettra aussi de crer une affiche, une maquette de site web, des couvertures de livres, de donner vie une illustration, de crer un CV, un montage photo et bien plus encore. Photoshopn'est pas un outil trs intuitif et simple dutilisation, c'est pour cela qu'il est important de s'entraner rgulirement pour pouvoir incorporer ses fonctionnalits. Dans ce cours, je vais vous montrer la diversit des possibilits de raliser des projets sur Photoshop. Vous allez pouvoir vous entraner et mesurer l'tendue des possibilits graphiques de Photoshop. Pour exploiter au mieux ce cours, vous devez possder les notions de base dans l'utilisation de Photoshop, car nous travaillons directement sur la cration de projet. . Et vous verrez que cela vous donnera beaucoup d'ides et vous permettra de crer vos propres projets.Vous allez vous entraner ici sur : Crer le design d'une maquette de site webCrer une maquette de mise en page d'une brochureCrer une couverture de magazineCrer une couverture d'ebookIntgrer une couverture d'ebook 2D sur Mockup 3DCrer une carte de visiteCrer un CV professionnelCrer une bannireCrer un logoCrer un montage photoCrer un montage surnaturelRetoucher un visageCrer un post"
Price: 39.99

"Dmarrer un premier business en ligne"
"Dmarrer votre premier business en ligne Crer ds maintenant votre premier business en ligne en partant de rien. Il est possible de gagner de l'argent en ligne en crant son propre business. Le problme est que vous ne savez pas comment vous y prendre. En effet au dbut lorsque l'on pense comment gagner de l'argent sur internet, de multiples ides arrivent, mais ne sont bien souvent pas les meilleures. Gagner de l'argent sur internet n'est pas synonyme de gagner de l'argent facilement, il y a donc un grand travail d'investissement faire.Un travail qui se construit sur du long terme C'est un travail qui se construit sur du long terme. C'est un travail qui se cre partir de fondations solides. Le but est d'avoir des rsultats rapidement mais galement des rsultats qui vont perdurer dans les annes futures. On parle donc de crer un vritable business succs en construisant une activit viable qui fonctionne et qui perdure dans le temps. Vous devez crer votre premier business en ligne rentable pour changer votre faon de gagner de l'argent et pour gagner de l'argent autrement. Crer son business en ligne, c'est gagner des revenus passifs, ces revenus que vous allez engendrer pendant longtemps passivement. Vous pouvez ainsi travailler indpendamment, ne plus travailler pour un patron et donc travailler diffremment. Mais pour ne pas brler les tapes, commencez donc votre premier business en ligne comme complment de revenu, et une fois cette activit dveloppe vous pourrez ensuite voir plus loin.La formationDans cette formation, je vais vous montrer comment crer votre premier business rentable, et surtout comment crer votre premier business rentable en partant de rien, et avec un investissement minimum, donc porte de tous le monde. Aprs vous avoir mis dans les bonnes conditions mentales pour vous lancer grce l'utilisation de certaines techniques, je vais vous montrer comment crer du contenu efficacement, ce contenu qui va vous tre ensuite prcieux pour votre business. A partir de l vous allez voir comment dmarrer votre business par le choix de votre niche. Ensuite il sera important de crer vos premiers produits numriques en partant de rien.A partir de l je vais vous expliquer comment vous pouvez vendre rapidement vos produits numriques, dpendant de votre investissement de dpart, et surtout pour y aller par tape. C'est dire commencer travailler sur des places de march. Je vais ainsi vous montrer comment crer un livre en partant de rien et le publier sur une plateforme. Je vais galement vous montrer comment crer une formation vido et la faire hberger rapidement. Je vais galement vous montrer comment crer un produit pour le vendre en indpendant en vous prsentant les outils les plus adapts. Je vous montrerai les bases de la cration d'un site avec Wordpress. En effet c'est important pour la simple et bonne raison qu'un site est une bonne base pour renforcer un business en ligne et parler de ce que vous faites. Je vous introduirais galement des bases pour crer une audience et diriger du trafic."
Price: 49.99

"Cration de logo avec Illustrator"
"Le logiciel Adobe IllustratorAdobe Illustrator est un puissant logiciel de dessin propos par Adobe. N'importe qui matrisant ce logiciel peut utiliser Illustrator pour dessiner des formes et des lignes, crer du texte ou importer des graphiques et des images, crer des logos etc... Vous pouvez aussi utiliser Illustrator pour faire une mise en page pour un livre, crer une page Web, crer un design de brochure, et bien videmment raliser des dessins sur ordinateur. Le format vectoriel d'IllustratorL'une des caractristiques les plus importantes d'Adobe Illustrator est que la qualit des illustrations cres car elles sont indpendantes de la rsolution laquelle elles sont affiches. Cela signifie qu'une image cre dans Illustrator peut tre agrandie ou rduite changer la qualit de l'image. C'est ce que l'on appelle le format vectoriel. Ce format utilise des relations mathmatiques en utilisant un ensemble de polygones qui composent l'image, eux-mmes composs de vecteurs. Chaque vecteur passe par un emplacement appel nud ou point de contrle. En comparaison, les photographies dites l'aide d'outils tels que Adobe Photoshop dpendent de la rsolution et la qualit de l'image diminue quand une image est agrandie. C'est pour cette raison que l'on utilise Illustrator pour crer des logos, car le logo peut ensuite tre utilis sous diffrentes formes et sur diffrents supports sans jamais perdre en qualit. Il peut tre imprim et agrandi sur diffrents supports, le logo restera le mme. La formation Le cours se spare en deux partie, une partie thorique qui vous donnera les lments cls pour comprendre la dmarche de conception du logo et comment choisir ses plateformes de freelance. L'application des couleurs, le cahier des charges, les rgles respecter... Ensuite viendra la partie pratique avec le logiciel illustrator. Vous apprendrez de manire logique tout les lments permettant de raliser un logo. Dcouverte du logiciel, cration de document, crer des formes, insrer du texte, insrer des couleurs et bien plus encore...Enfin vous pourrez vous entraner sur un certain nombre d'exemple. Vous apprendrez donc toutes les bases du logiciel pour pouvoir l'adapter la cration de logo. "
Price: 39.99

"Concepteur paysagiste, Le cours"
"Vous tes tudiants dans le paysage et vous voulez vous spcialis dans la conception? Vous tes professionnels et vous dsirez apprendre des logiciels de conception graphique pour prsenter un projet? Vous voulez faire une reconversion?Vous tes un particulier curieux et dsireux d'apprendre sur la conception paysagre, les plantes, les rendus..N'hsitez pas participer ce cours. En quelques heures vous allez pour voir de faon acclrer l'ensemble des bases savoir pour la cration d'amnagement paysager, de jardin de particulier. Etape par tape je vous montre comment procder.Des ides de thme sur le jardinvous permettront de connaitre les vgtaux ornementales utiliser suivant le thme choisit (jardin ombrag, jardin parfum, jardin sec, jardin japonais etc...A cela vous verrez galement les connaissances de bases en agronomie.Enfin vous verrez comment utiliser les logiciels CAO conception assiste par ordinateur Sketchup et Photoshop. Adapt pour la prsentation de projet paysager, o vous pourrez voir comment crer un plan de plantation, un amnagement en 3 dimension, la retouche de photo de jardin etc...Vous pouvez galement apprendre au pralable les bases de Sketchup et Photoshop par l'intermdiaire d'autres cours que je propose, pour pouvoir comprendre au mieux ces logiciels pour les adapter au paysage."
Price: 49.99

"Create your first online business"
"Start your first online businessCreate your first online business now from scratch. It is possible to earn money online by creating your own business. The problem is, you don't know how to do it. Indeed at the beginning when one thinks of how to earn money on the internet, multiple ideas arrive, but are often not the best. Earning money on the internet is not synonymous with earning money easily, so there is a lot of investment work to be done.Work that is built over the long termIt is work that is built over the long term. It is a work that is created from solid foundations. The goal is to have results quickly but also results that will last in future years. We are therefore talking about creating a real successful business by building a viable activity that works and lasts over time. You need to start your first profitable online business to change the way you make money and to make money otherwise. Creating your online business means earning passive income, the income that you will generate passively for a long time. You can work independently, no longer work for a boss and therefore work differently. But not to skip the steps, start your first online business as an additional income, and once this activity developed you can then see further.The course In this training, I will show you how to create your first profitable business, and especially how to create your first profitable business from scratch, and with a minimum investment, therefore within everyone's reach. After putting you in the right mental conditions to get started with the use of certain techniques, I will show you how to create content effectively, this content which will then be valuable to your business. From there you will see how to start your business by choosing your niche. Then it will be important to create your first digital products from scratch.From there I will explain how you can quickly sell your digital products, depending on your initial investment, and especially to go there step by step. In other words, start working on market places. I will show you how to create a book from scratch and publish it on a platform. I'm also going to show you how to create a video training and get it hosted quickly. I will also show you how to create a product to sell it independently by showing you the most suitable tools.I will show you the basics of creating a site with Wordpress. Indeed it is important for the simple reason that a site is a good basis for strengthening an online business and talking about what you do. I would also introduce you to the basics of building an audience and directing traffic."
Price: 49.99

"Creation of logo with Illustrator"
"Adobe Illustrator softwareAdobe Illustrator is a powerful drawing software offered by Adobe. Anyone who understands this software can use Illustrator to draw shapes and lines, create text or import graphics and images, create logos, and more. You can also use Illustrator to make a page layout for a book. , create a web page, create a brochure design, and of course make drawings on computer.The vector format of IllustratorOne of the most important features of Adobe Illustrator is that the quality of the illustrations created because they are independent of the resolution at which they are displayed. This means that an image created in Illustrator can be enlarged or reduced to change the quality of the image. This is called the vector format. This format uses mathematical relationships using a set of polygons that make up the image, themselves composed of vectors. Each vector goes through a location called a node or control point. In comparison, photographs edited using tools such as Adobe Photoshop depend on the resolution and the quality of the image decreases when an image is enlarged. It is for this reason that we use Illustrator to create logos, because the logo can then be used in different forms and on different media without ever losing quality. It can be printed and enlarged on different media, the logo will remain the same.The course The course is divided into two parts, a theoretical part that will give you the key elements to understand the design process of the logo and how to choose its freelance platforms. The application of colors, the specifications, the rules to respect ... Then come the practical part with the illustrator software. You will logically learn all the elements to achieve a logo. Discover the software, create documents, create shapes, insert text, insert colors and much more ... Finally you can train on a number of examples. You will learn all the basics of the software to be able to adapt it to the logo creation."
Price: 39.99

"Lightroom CC classic dbutant intermdiaire"
"Lightroom CC ClassicLightroom CC Classic est un logiciel qui permet l'amlioration et le classement de vos photos. C'est un logiciel usage professionnel efficace et intuitive. Avec quelques rglages vous pouvez rapidement embellir vos photos.  Profitez galement de son incroyable support pour trier vos photos et les retrouver par filtre. Mais Lightroom ne s'arrte pas l, vous pouvez crer des livres numriques, des diaporamas, des portfolios pour le web etc..Lightroom CC Classic est diffrencier de Lightroom CC. Lightroom CC Classic se diffre par une interface plus complexe et plus avanc pour la retouche photo. L'une des grandes diffrences se fait galement de la classification des photos. Lightroom CC Classic permet de classer ses photos et de les ranger pour les retrouver par l'intermdiaire de filtre. Il y a galement des fonctions avanc comme la cration d'un livre photo ou d'un diaporama. Pourquoi vous devez utiliser Lightroom CC Classic?- Car c'est le logiciel de retouche photo professionnel- Car il permet de redonner vie toutes les photos- Car il permet de faire les trois quarts du traitement de l'image sans avoir besoin d'utiliser Photoshop- Car il permet de classifier vos photos de faon intelligente- Car il offre des fonctionnalits annexes la retouche photo trs intressanteLe programme de la formationDans ce cours, je vous expliquerais tape par tape tout les lments de Lightroom comprenant l'ensembe des modes : A savoir le mode bibliothque, le mode dveloppement, le mode carte, le mode livre, le mode diaporama, le mode impression et le mode web. Nous allons dvelopper la partie traitement de l'image et retouche photo en dtail pour pouvoir retoucher n'importe quelle photo. A la fin de ce cours vous serez parfaitement capable de travailler sur n'importe quel type de projet avec Lightroom CC Classic, et vous serez capable de profiter de son interface pour toutes vos photos. "
Price: 39.99

"Build your own fabric printing table"
"In this class I'll teach you how to build a fabric printing table for textiles. It's great for doing small projects or printing production as your passion or business grows.This same style of table is used throughout the world for hand and screen printing fabrics.It works wellfor pigments and dyes. I've also used it for printing natural dyes.Important keypoints about the table and class:The instructions are scalable for any size space or budget. I spent about $500 on mine, but it's 24 feet long!Most items can found in your local hardware store and readily available.The class includes an itemized spreadsheet with exactly what materials you need to buy, where to get them and how much they generally cost.I have a Sketch-up 3D model of my table you can have.I also have a printable PDF file with step-by-step instructions so you can follow along with my videos."
Price: 24.99

"The Dao Of Self Healing"
"Learn the fundamentals of self healing through the ancient healing arts of Qi Gong, Dao Yin, Meditation, Cleansing and Esoteric Daoist Chinese Medicine philosophy.The course includes 22 video classes (a combined length of over 9 hours), close to 100 pages of course notes, a workbook for deeper integration of the lessons and also our raw food recipe book.The course is based on our weekend intensive self healing workshops which we usually run while guiding participants through a juice cleanse. As such we've included additional classes for those who wish to take the opportunity to cleanse at the same time as following the course material.By the end of the course you will have a deeper understanding of self healing, gained an understanding of the fundamentals of qi gong, meditation, dao yin & nutritional cleansingand be ready to confidently take your first steps towards a longer, healthier and happier life.We hope you enjoy the course material and that the lessonsbenefit you for manyyears to come.With warmth & gratitude,No Mi & Dawa"
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Ads - Ciblage Laser"
"Ne gchez plus votre argent en Publicit et Ciblez enfin les ACHETEURS !Malgr les changements d'algorithmes et les rcentes restrictions de la plateforme, Facebook reste de loin le moyen le plus efficace et le plus prcis pour cibler les utilisateurs intress par vos produits.Mais autant faut-il savoir les trouver !La majorit des personnes ne comprennent pas pourquoi leur rsultats ne dcollent pas. Pourquoi ils ne font pas de ventes, alors mme qu'ils ont du traffic !Mais cette majorit oublie un principe important: Cibler des Acheteurs, et non les intrts.Dans cette srie de vido, nous allons voir ensemble :Qui sont les acheteurs, quels sont leur profils ?La Mthodologie ultra puissante pour trouver les acheteurs ?Comment cibler ces mmesacheteurs lors d'une campagne de publicit Facebook ?<script>Udemy</script>"
Price: 29.99

"Pinterest Traffic Machine"
"But dela formationApprenez Matriser une des sources de trafic les plus puissantes et les plus sous exploite : Les groupboards Pinterest.Avec cette mthode, vous allez rapidement pouvoir mettre votre contenu devant plusieurs 10nes de milliers de personnes, quotidiennement.Rapidement, vous allez pouvoir rediriger ce trafic vers vos pages pour vendre vos produits ou grossir votre mailing list !Pinterest est un rseau social trs fort potentiel : Aprs avoir grossis aux USA jusqu'en 2016, il fait une perc fulgurante en Europe, et notamment en France ou il tripl son nombre d'utilisateurs entre 2016 et 2018.C'est un rseau social de consommation, 78% des utilisateurs achtent des produits aprs les avoir vu sur la plateforme. 40% des foyers prsents sur la plateformegagnent plus de 100.000$ l'anne. Et il existe une mthode, dvoile dans cette formation pour les atteindre, massivement &gratuitement.Utilisez une mthode qui marche en 2018 :Exploitez rapidement cette source de trafic gratuite et illimite que sont les GroupBoardsPinterest !"
Price: 24.99

"Sophos UTM Mastery Part ""1/4"""
"Sophos UTM v9.x is considered one of the most powerful next generation firewalls, as it has a lot of features supported in addition to its ease of impelementation.Sophos UTM v9.x comes up with multiple new techniques to develop your security control over your network area such as: web URL filtering/ web Category filtering/ Application Control/SSOAuthnetication/ VPNSite To Site/ VPNRemote Site.. etc.Through our course you'll be a Sophos special ninja as we're going to implement +50 practical LABs over GNS3+VMware ESXI environment, so you'll have the ability to do your training without the need to have a physical hardware box, that's awesome!!Don't hesitate, it's a From-Zero level to an Expert level course, you'll have to have only some basic knowledge of network fundamentals to adapt them into our practical LABs.It's our first part of four parts that will cover nearly all Sophos UTM v9.x features."
Price: 49.99

"GNS3 v1.4.4 With VMware Vsphere v6.0 Integration"
"GNS3 is considered to be a powerful network simulator program, and in this course we will be working on master dealing with GNS3 v1.4.4 and integratingit with VMware Vsphere v6.0 VMs.That course doesn't deal only with integrating GNS3 LABs with VMware VMs, but also it introduces the idea behind applying that technology on your customer network as a business."
Price: 59.99

"Emprendiendo con xito"
"Te ensearemos todo lo que debes de saber para poder emprender tu negocio de forma segura. Te ensearemos como puedes evitar problemas futuros que puedan afectar a tu negocio y te daremos tips de como protegerlo. Aprenders a identificar lo necesario en cuestiones de permisos, marcas, franquicias, etc., en cualquier parte de la Repblica Mexicana."
Price: 270.00

"Hack the AIRBNB arbitrage regulations, hints and secrets"
"This is course is not just a theory all things I talk about here are implemented by me in real life. Most of the courses online will not tell you how to sublease an apartment legally. Main difference of this course is that I do it on legal bases as a day-to-day business. And will be available to consult you, answer your questions.  Join our facebook group. And ask me questions any time. Know your rights when apartment prohibits you subleasing.   "
Price: 19.99

"Phrasal Verb Masterclass: Boost Your English Speaking Skills"
"Do You Find English Phrasal Verbs Frustrating?Do you struggle to tell the differences between, look up, look down on, look after, look into and look up to?Phrasal verbs can be difficult to understand and use correctly, even if you are proficient in other areas of English. But because phrasal verbs are such a big and vital part of spoken English, you must study them to understand and enjoy English conversations, TV shows, movies and music.Many students, who learned English from textbooks, are often surprised at just how common phrasal verbs are when they visit an English speaking country or talk with a native speaker. They have trouble understanding what is being said and find it challenging to respond fluently - Because they didn't learn how to use phrasal verbs properly in their textbooks.If you want to be fluent in English and sound more natural and conversational when you speak you must master phrasal verbs.In this innovative and super-efficient course, you'll learn phrasal verbs that are essential for becoming a proficient English speaker.But this course is not just memorising phrasal verbs - Thats boring and not the most efficient way to learn! You'll learn phrasal verbs in context through examples and practice exercises.What's Included?50 Video Tutorials (With Access to All Future Updates andAdditions)50Downloadable Phrasal-Cards That Include Pictures, Synonyms and Example SentencesOver 350 Example Sentences of Phrasal Verbs Used in ContextFormal Equivalents of Each Phrasal Verb to Boost Your English VocabularyInnovative Teaching Methods to Ensure That You Master Each Phrasal Verb10 Writing Assignments(With Corrections and Feedback)(Bonus - Download)The Fast Fluency Formula - A 9 Step Plan to AchieveFluency Fast"
Price: 3600.00

"Redao nota 1000"
"Curso on-line de Redao da Professora Dafne. Vamos nos preparar para as provas das melhores e maiores universidades do pas, assim como a prova mais concorrida de todas, o ENEM.Aprenda a estruturar um texto de redao, com argumentos e contedo que podem auxiliar a melhor o desempenho. As melhores tcnicas dissertativas e argumentativas utilizadas pelos alunos. Com a experiencia de quem testou o ENEM e tirou nota 1000 na redao."
Price: 84.99

"Breaking Down Bitcoin"
"Bitcoin has taken the world by storm - not just because of its use as a currency, but because of the underlying technology of blockchain.Blockchain allows developers to builddecentralizedapplications that share information across a network of computers. This, along with breakthroughs incryptography,has brought about a new way of development -blockchain.In this series, we'll go through the original Bitcoin protocols and implement them from scratch in Node JS. The original source code was written in C++, but Node allows us to understand the concepts easily with less code."
Price: 19.99

"Modelo de Negcio Canvas 2.0"
"Este curso oferece um ferramental para todos aqueles que queiram empreender ou que desejam conhecer mais sobre como elaborar um modelo de negcio de sucesso. Apresentamos o que denominamos ""Canvas 2.0"" ""New Canvas"", uma evoluo do modelo Canvas original, j mundialmente consagrado. No decorrer das aulas, todas as partes do New Canvas so apresentadas em detalhe e acompanhadas de um exemplo ilustrativo. Alm disso, voc ganha uma consultoria gratuita (que custaria R$ 600), em que avaliamos o seu modelo de negcio de forma crtica e construtiva. Basta concluir o curso e nos enviar o material por email dentro de at 30 dias aps o seu trmino!O curso compreende:1 - A importnciado empreendedorismo no mundo atual.2 - A necessidade de ferramentas de gesto para o sucesso no empreendimento.3 - Deteco de oportunidades de negcio focadas nas necessidades de mercado.4 - O New Canvas e a diferena em relao ao Canvas tradicional.5 - A dimenso ""Proposta de Valor"" do New Canvas: o que entregamos e quais necessidades satisfazemos?6 - A dimenso ""Cliente / Mercado"" do New Canvas: quais segmentos de clientes atenderemos, como nos relacionaremos com este segmento, como entregaremos o valor proposto e como geraremos receita.7 - A dimenso ""Operaes"" do New Canvas: quais recursos, atividades e parceiros so vitais para o nosso negcio e como apuraremos os custos.8 - A dimenso ""Concorrncia"" do New Canvas: como identificar quem concorre conosco e de qual grupo estratgico fazemos parte e qual a importncia de se levar em conta a concorrncia para a formulao do modelo de negcio."
Price: 69.99

"Este curso est dirigido para todas aquellas personas que desean aprender a realizar presentaciones originales, estudiantes, profesores, profesionales que deseen impactar en sus presentaciones con vdeos que contengan agradables efectos visuales. Te ensearemos a crear tus propios vdeos, aunque no sepas NADA de edicin. Aprenders a utilizar todas y cada una de las herramientas de videoscribe"
Price: 19.99

"Endlich erfllte Beziehungen aufbauen"
"Wir alle wnschen uns Beziehungen, wo wir vom Partner gesehen, verstanden, fr unseren wahren Kern geschtzt werden und wo wir Untersttzung erfahren. Nur wenige von uns haben vorgelebt bekommen, wie eine harmonische, erfllte Beziehung funktionieren kann. Einige von uns tun ihr Bestes und blicken trotzdem auf eine Reihe gescheiterter Beziehungen zurck. Daraufhin verpassen sie sich selbst das Etikett Beziehungsunfhig. Mit dem richtigen Wissen, etwas bung und Offenheit lsst sich dieses Etikett fr immer entfernen. Dieser Kurs vermittelt Ihnen die notwendigen Werkzeuge um in Zukunft Klar erkennen zu knnen, warum Sie sich in der Vergangheit fr einen bestimmten Typ Partner entschieden haben und wie Sie das Muster durchbrechen knnen Mehr Vertrauen in Ihre eigenen Entscheidungen zu entwickeln um den fr Sierichtigen Partner zu finden Zu lernen, wie Sie schnell erkennen knnen, welche Bedrfnisse Ihren potenziellen wirklich Partner antreiben und wie Sie diese befriedigen knnen Jeden Beziehungskonflikt konstruktiv angehen zu knnen Jeden Tag Prioritt Aktivitten einzurumen, die Ihre Beziehung noch intensiver werden lassen Nach diesem Kurs erleben Sie einen Perspektivwechsel bei der Wahl des fr Sie wirklich passenden Partners und verfgen ber Strategien fr neue, effektivere Verhaltensweisen in Beziehungen."
Price: 94.99

"Learn the Techniques of Improving Your Speech"
"Do you ever wonder how is that two different teachers explaining the same subject are perceived differently by us? In fact many students tend to have one teacher as their favorite because he/she explains really well.And just like every teacher, doctor, chef or plumber are well versed with their own terminology related to their particular field, speaking too has a terminology of its own.For anyone who wants to become an excellent speakerthrough this course they will find the particular terms, definitions, and explanations which are necessary in the field of speech.You will find answers to such questions:-What you must know about your voiceWhat role does your body play in speakingWhat is the importance of articulation and vocabularyWhat are the latest standards of pronunciations you must followSince others judge you by how you sound and you deliver your speech it is important that you should understand the voice production process and techniques by which you can attain vocal competence."
Price: 24.99

"Mastering the modelshoot : The Lightmeter"
"The first video in the Mastering the model shoot video range based on the best selling book.In todays world of Digital Photography, the Light Meter is without doubt one of the most discussed topics. Its also one of the most understated tools that can really speed up your workflow by helping you to achieve accurate and consistent exposuresFAST!In this video, best selling author Frank Doorhof covers everything youll ever need to know about the use of the Light Meter in easy to understand examples and demonstrations.Topics include :Light meter vs the histogram, using the meter to keep detail in whites and shadows, reflective vs incident, calibrating the meter, where to point the meter, using the meter outside, day to night setups in a flash, shooting film and using alternative apps, how to read the meter, how to setup the meter, calculations for black and white, light in light setup, high contrast setups, moving around the model with proper exposure, how to trigger the meter and much much more.Run time well over 70 minutes, filmed in 4K video is 1080P."
Price: 24.99