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"Photoshop Master - Desenho e pintura digital"
"Comece a criar arte digital profissional! Este curso recomendado para iniciantes e tambm profissionais que j usam o Photoshop e querem aprender tcnicas especficas de pintura digital a partir de fotos. Descubra as principais ferramentas, atalhos e processos para voc criar com facilidade artes e desenhos digitais. Neste curso ensino mtodos e configuraes que aprendi ao longo de 27 anos pintando e desenhando digitalmente. Alm disso, vamos ver conceitos de mscaras, criao de pincis, texturas e aplicao correta de filtros e estilos. Voc aprender passo-a-passo a produzir (dez) estilos diferentes de arte digital. Grafite, caneta esferogrfica, lpis de cor, aquarela, nanquim, lpis branco, acrlico, Mang, pixel arte e low poly."
Price: 219.99

"Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate Training Course"
"The training course helps to advancethe skill of using SOLIDWORKSComputer-Aided Design software. After the training, student is able to take the online exam for a professional designation: Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate. The certificate is recognized industry-wide and also demonstrates your expertise with SOLIDWORKS.The training course includes 8 sections (2 hours per section):- 3sections for drawing parts- 2 sectionsfor doing assemblies- 3sections forCSWAexamAll the materials (questions and solutions)are taken from the sample CSWA exams. The objective of the course is ""short time training, big achievement""The training course is prepared following the lecturer's approach. His approach has successfully helped 100+ students to achieve CSWA exam since 2015."
Price: 99.99

"SOLIDWORKS Beginner - Effective learning in few hours"
"The objective of the course is teachinghow to use SOLIDWORKS in short time. The course includes 7 sections:- Section 1: Introduction - Section 2: (Part) how to create a part- Section 3: (Part) Useful tools - Section 4: (Part) More practice- Section 5: Assembly -Section 6: Drawings- Section 7: TestThe teaching approach is designed following the undergraduatecourse EN1030: EngineeringGraphics & Design (Canada). Some parts are modified to enhanceefficient learning as well asto focus on SOLIDWORKS drawing skills.Step-by-step videodemonstrations areprepared with clear instructions to help the beginner completely understand how to use powerful drawing tools."
Price: 19.99

"Comprehensive Home Repair and Improvement"
"Even if you've never picked up a tool, you can most definitely learn to maintain your own home. Join me as I cover a multitude of topics and teach you home repair and improvement, starting with the basics and progressing into the more advanced. I'll walk you through every step with easy to follow instructions, tutorials and sample projects. After completing this course, you may never need to hire a contractor again!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn to Burlesque Feather Fan Dance"
"LESSON 1: Getting to grips with your fansLESSON 2: Working through moves and posesLESSON 3: Transitions for linking posesLESSON 4: Travelling and movement while dancingLESSON 5: Combining all of your moves into a routineLESSON 6: Alternative grips and styles of feather fan dancingBONUS VIDEOS How to repair and care for your feather fans How to dance with peacock feather fans"
Price: 34.99

"Create a Google Form"
"In this course you will learn how to construct,send, and retrieve answers toa Google Form. All tools and question types will be demonstrated, as well as how to make your Form a self-grading quiz. After completingthis course, you will know all the features and options available to make and publish your Form. This course is appropriate for those new to Google Forms, or those with some experience, as all features of this application will be modeled."
Price: 19.99

"Create Interactive Lessons With Nearpod"
"This course will show you step-by-step how to create your own Nearpod lesson, how to download your slideshows and convert them to Nearpod presentations, how to obtain student data, and familiarize you with all the content and activities available for you to construct your Nearpod presentation. Nearpod converts passive slideshows to interactive learning for students of all ages and in all subjects. If you use Powerpoint or Google Slides, Nearpod takes your lessons to the next level."
Price: 19.99

"Data Science: Aprenda R do ZERO: Parte 1/2"
"Nunca programou na vida?J conhece o R mas acredita que pode aprender mais da base?Tem interesse na carreira de cientista de dados, trabalhando com big data?Se voc respondeu sim para uma dessas perguntas, esse curso feito paravoc! Aprenda a essncia deprogramao em R,tudo que voc aprender aqui vai ser utilizado (e muito) para qualquer anlise no software.Irei passar com calma e passo a passo cada tpico, para que possa ser fixado o assunto, visto que acredito ser de extrema importncia para qualquer pessoa que pretenda aprender a linguagem RVoc aprender o bsico para comear a sua carreira de cientista de dados, caso tenha interesse uma das profisses (provadas) com maior perspectiva para o futuro! Passaremos pelo bsico do R e Rstudio, desde operaes matemticas, iremos introduzir as noes de vetores, passando por matrizes, fatores, os famosos dataframes e por ltimo as listas!MAIS OPORTUNIDADES:Alm desse curso, tenho criado diversos outros sobre R e Minitabpara que voc possa dar umaaceleradanas suas habilidades com o programa, d uma conferida nos que j tenho criado em meu perfil!!Aprenda a programar em R do ZEROAprenda o INTERMEDIARIO de RAprendendo estatstica com MINITABAnlise de SERIES TEMPORAIS no R do ZERO (Parte 1 do curso Series Temporais)Modelagem ARIMA com o R (Parte 2 do curso Series Temporais)Machine Learning no R do ZERO em poucas horas!"
Price: 144.99

"Data Science: Aprenda R do ZERO: Parte 2/2"
"Nesse curso abordaremos passo a passopartes de programao em R como loops (for e while), mostrarei a famlia apply e outras principais funes teis para voc programar em R, que podem economizar horas de programao.MAIS OPORTUNIDADES:Alm desse curso, tenho criado diversos outros sobre R e Minitabpara que voc possa dar umaaceleradanas suas habilidades com o programa, d uma conferida nos que j tenho criado em meu perfil!!Aprenda a programar em R do ZEROAprenda o INTERMEDIARIO de RAprendendo estatstica com MINITAB"
Price: 129.99

"Aprendendo estatstica com Minitab"
"Nesse curso irei explicar mais sobre o software estatstico do minitab, explicar tambm sobre os grficos estatsticos principais, quando a gente utiliza eles, quais so melhores utilizados para certas situaes. Voc tambm ver um pouco de controle de qualidade, visto ser o tpico mais utilizado quando falamos de Minitab.MAIS OPORTUNIDADES:Alm desse curso, tenho criado diversos outros sobre R e Minitabpara que voc possa dar umaaceleradanas suas habilidades com o programa, d uma conferida nos que j tenho criado em meu perfil!!Aprenda a programar em R do ZEROAprenda o INTERMEDIARIO de RAprendendo estatstica com MINITABAnlise de SERIES TEMPORAIS no R do ZERO (Parte 1 do curso Series Temporais)Modelagem ARIMA com o R (Parte 2 do curso Series Temporais)Machine Learning no R do ZERO em poucas horas!"
Price: 69.99

"Introduo a Data Science no R com exemplos"
"Curso destinado a entender a estatstica e suas diversas aplicaes. Reunido em um curso salgumas das principais ferramentas que temos para anlise de dados, sendo elas:Interpretao dos dadosAnlise exploratoria e descritivaRegressoEsse curso feito para quem no tem nenhuma noo de programao ou R, que queira apenderestatstica na prtica. Muito dos conceitos passados merecem um curso inteiro sobre eles, mas reuni em um curso s exemplos de aplicaes das ferramentas.Assim poder ver na pratica o que podemos tirar de cada caso."
Price: 114.99

"INSTAGRAM MARKETING: Curso Intensivo de Instagram"
"Soy la nica instructora en Udemy que lidera una comunidad realmente enganchada especializada en Instagram (en Espaol).- Ver ms - Instagram pareciera que es una plataforma fcil de usar, pero cuando ests serio en crecer tu audiencia te das cuenta que no es tan fcil como pensabas.Este curso es super prctico! Vas a aprender a: Lo bsico para tener una cuenta de Instagram exitosa Gua Completa: Tour Funcionalidades & Anatoma de Instagram Crea el Perfil Perfecto Conoce la Psicologa detrs de Instagram Trucos para tomar fotos de alta calidad para Instagram Cmo ser visible a tu pblico objetivo Qu es IGTV y Cmo usarlo Extras Bsicamente, vas a aprender a manejar Instagram de una forma profesional. Significa que al terminar este curso vas: Navegar la plataforma con facilidad Entender la psicologa detrs de Instagram para poder crear estrategias efectivas Descubrir tcnicas para crear contenido de alta calidad Usar trucos para retener la atencin de tu audiencia Destacarte de tu competencia y otros millones de cuentas en Instagram Crear autoridad y ser reconocido como un lder en tu nicho Crecer tu alcance para ser visible a tu pblico objetivo y ganar ms seguidores Crecer audiencia sin ayuda deatajos, bots, ni pods Aumentar tu engagement (interacciones) Usar trucos para sacar fotos de alta calidad, como editarlas y como ponerlas en tu celularAparte de todo lo que vas a aprender dentro del curso, vas a poder ser parte de nuestra querida familia, una comunidad de especializada en Instagram en la cual nos ayudamos el uno al otro. Se pueden hacer todo tipo de preguntas y recibir ayuda casi instantneamente. Te dar el link para poder unirte a nuestro grupo tan pronto te inscribas a este curso.Estoy segura de que vas a aprender un montn de nuevos tips y trucos que te van a impulsar a otro nivel diferente. Este curso te va a encantar tanto como a todos mis estudiantes!Este curso tambin tiene una garanta de devolucin del 100% de tu dinero durante los primeros 30 das, as que si terminas el curso completo, aplicas todos los tips y trucos que te doy y no tienes los resultados que deseas (o si simplemente no te gusta el curso) puedes solicitar una devolucin del 100% de tu dinero en los primeros 30 das."
Price: 199.99

"The Best Sex She's Ever Had"
"It is unfair that women expect you to have it all figured out, make the first move, dominate in bed, be strong, make them be ridiculously satisfied, and meanwhile always have a rock hard erection and be able to last an hour.That's totally not realistic, but that is what a lot of us think should happen. The consequences of these perpetual beliefs on you are anxiety, stress, pressure, ED, and premature ejaculation. And none of us want that.I will teach you how to be incredibly satisfied and relaxed during sex, and leave her totally satisfied from mind-blowing sex._______________________________________________________________________________________________HOW THIS COURSEWORKS7 Days is all you need to increase your pleasure, confidence, enjoyment, and peace of mind during sex.Each section is between 10 and 30 minutes with a short exercise afterwards.You can watch it on any device - your phone, laptop, or tablet!You can watch it anytime, like on your commute or lunch break.In one week, we will get to the root of what worries you when you are having sex and how to have more satisfying and enjoyable sex with your partner._______________________________________________________________________________________________THIS IS FOR YOU IF...- You are worried about pleasing her and have noticed that sometimes that worry gets in the way of having really great sex.- Sometimes you're insecure about your performance during sex.- You want more confidence.- All you want is to relax, enjoy, AND leave her totally satisfied_______________________________________________________________________________________________WHYTHIS COURSEWORKSThe men I have coached using my methodology have found more pleasure, more confidence, and more peace of mind during sex.(i.e. IT WORKS.)You may have noticed, but I'm a woman. I use my experience and my work with other women toteach from the woman's perspective.Once you take your focus off of your performance and into discovering fucking fantastic and satisfying sex, a huge shift occurs for both you and your partner.This isn't just a course that you take, this is a course that gives you the tools to have amazing sex going forward for the rest of your life._______________________________________________________________________________________________THE BENEFITS YOU'LL GET- Better sex- Increased confidence- Peace of mind- A VERY Satisfied partner_______________________________________________________________________________________________TESTIMONIALSSarah is a true professional and extremely dedicated to helping her clients transforming their sex lives...I would refer every guy that is dealing with insecurity or disempowering thoughts about sex to talk with Sarah. She is an expert on the subject and can improve the fulfillment and enjoyment of sex for everyone!"" - Male 31, USA""It is truly wonderful when you can let go of the ""shoulds"" that make up our script for sex. I learned Sex is best when it is in the moment without preconceptions. There is no way sex HAS to be. Powerful!!"" - Male, 48, USA""This course was an awesome experience and has increased the satisfaction of sex for both my wife and me. Thank you Sarah! - Male, 45, USA_______________________________________________________________________________________________I'MGLADYOU'RE INTERESTEDINHAVINGITALLThe fact that you are here reading this let's me know that you are interesting in having more. You are looking for an even better sex life not just for yourself, but for the woman you are with. On behalf of both you and her, thank you for your interest in expanding what's possible and pushing the limits to get there!"
Price: 94.99

"Three Keys to Happiness"
"Are you ready to leave the past behind and reconnect to your sense of wonder at life? Then I invite you tojoin me in this practice-based course that will teach you three incredibly potent tools to awaken your innate source of happiness in every moment. The three powerful keys to happiness and freedom we will explore, which have changed my life and the lives of so many others are: 1) Forgive the past, others, and yourself; 2) Bring an attitude of gratitude to life; 3) Let go. In my experience, these seemingly simple, but very profound practices born of perennial wisdom have the capability to transform life like almost nothing else, to change the heart and the substance of how we live and perceive ourselves and others. Through simple, powerful meditative and heart-opening practices, you will learn how to let go of judgment, expectation, guilt and blame, and to live life in the present moment with more gratitude, openness, freedom, and joy. Uncover your most joyous, authentic self and transform your life through anchoring the life-changing practices of gratitude, forgiveness and letting go in your day to day life. Have you been feeling the desire to leave behind the past, to forgive yourself and others, to let go of all the notions of who you should be, and what life needs to be in order for you to be happy? Are you ready to have more joy in life and more gratitude for the journey-- to re-awaken your innocent trust in life-- to live fully and presently in each moment? Why gratitude, forgiveness and letting go? I have found through my own life experience that these three spiritual keys can unlock the doors of the heart and spirit like nothing else. When practiced, they have an almost magical ability to transform our perception of our lives and create a present-moment joy and sense of abundanceregardless of what life presents us with. We realize that we always have the choice to live in heaven or hell, to see Love or fear, in what is before us. All of the wise human beings and awakened souls who have walked the earth have understood the power of practicing gratitude, and the futility of blame, judgment, resentment and guilt, as well as the illusion of control. In doing so, they have let go of much of the mental suffering that we consider inescapable in life. Through these gifts of the soul, we can recover our eternal freedom and joy in being here. We can experience each moment of life as a supreme gift, an expression of Love we are meant to share freely and fearlessly. A Gift to Yourself Life is too short to wasteIt is time to start truly living in each moment-- to love this life as it is, and be the loving, free, joyous beings we were meant to be. Please join us in this profound and replenishing course that aims to increase your potential for happiness in a lasting way."
Price: 144.99

"How FlexBox and CSS Grid replaces CSS Floats? with Example"
"You can't be a professional web designer/developer without the power of FlexBox and CSSGrid with you. If you already know the basics of HTML and CSS, this course is for you to give insights on how FlexBoxand CSSGrid works in CSS. Both, FlexBox and CSSGrid is used to create layouts and arranging blocks/divisions properly. So if you hate floats, you will love this course for sure.With the power of FlexBox and CSSGrid under your belt, you will be a UI/UX designer on steroidsto design any kind of layout. Further, FlexBox also has support in React Native, if you are Mobile app developer.Covers:Creating layout using FloatCreating layout using FlexBoxCreating layout using CSSGrid"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda zbrush do zero"
"Sou analista de sistema, modelador 3D edesenvolvedor de jogos mobile, acabo de desenvolver esse curso para os iniciantes em modelagem3D e escultura digital no zbrush para os alunosque procuram sempre esta se atualizando no mercado e aprendendo cada vez mais.Este curso aborda desde o bsico a tcnicas avanadas em modelagem, texturizao para jogos mobile.Ao termino o aluno estar apito para fazer seus prprios modelos e com isso montar seu portifolio, e com isso entrar nessemercado de trabalho que to concorrido."
Price: 579.99

"Japanese Lesson - Comprehensive Lv.1 (JLPT N5 level)"
"The Comprehensive Japanese course is aimed for Beginner to Pre-Advanced level students. In this course, students will be able to comprehensively study grammar and vocabulary and they will be able to practice what they have learned.The textbook that the Japanese Specialist teacher, Marina-sensei, put together will also be used in conjunction with this course. The use of both the textbook and this course will provide a new and leading standard to learning.This course will be supplemented with a textbook. The textbook will help you study in a comprehensive manner.Also The course is suitable for people who are looking for comprehensive support.(Comprehensive Japanese)(beginner)(Pre-Advanced)MarinaCurrently holding courses for:-Japanese Beginner Level, (Upper Level)"
Price: 19.99

"Derechos de Autor en Entorno Digitales"
"Aprendamos a licenciar todo el contenido que creamos para la web, y as proteger nuestro derecho de autor. Imgenes, videos, texto, audio... Todas nuestras creaciones son capital intelectual y debe ser protegido y administrado correctamente para sacar el mejor provecho de ello. Cuando se es novato es fcil cometer errores de licenciamiento que luego pueden representar perdidas econmicas importantes. Desde el primer trabajo, el primer diseo, debemos estar consciente de como proteger nuestros derechos de autor sobre el contenido digital que creamos."
Price: 99.99

"New SAT Writing: Fastest Way to Improve"
"I am absolutely thrilled to introduce a revolutionary SAT Writing course. It is important that you study the SAT exam with strategy. Study strategies focused on volume are obsolete and wasteful considering the busy schedules of high school students.Therefore, Ive created an SAT Writing course that focuses on teaching SAT Writing prep with STRATEGY by applying statistical analysis to evaluateyour performance. To identify your weaknesses, incorrect answers are categorized into question types using provided question category charts. Then the inaccuracy frequency of each question category isgraphically represented using pre-formulated excel charts. Furthermore, exams are supplemented with analytical videos that examine and extract relationships among questions of the same category.Like in any field, strategyis key, and the SATtest prep fieldis no different. Start approaching SAT test prep scientifically by applying statistical and collective analyses of incorrect question types to reap the benefits of smarter strategiclearning."
Price: 19.99

"INSTANTLY Improve Your SAT Writing in 8 FULL Exams"
"This FULL course includes a total of 8 full exams of 44 questions each. What separates my course from other courses is that I provide question category charts of the questions you are given. This allows you to statistically identify which question types are your weaknesses. Moreover, I also gather questions of the same types and analyze them collectively to extract valuable relationships that exist among similar question types. With these relationships, I construct systematic and procedural techniques for effectively approaching particular question types."
Price: 19.99

"Learn How to Earn Easy Affiliate Commissions With Youtube"
"Whether youre a newbie or youve been around the block for a while, Im confident youve never seen anything quite like thisAnd dont worry This has nothing to with writing articles, ranking websites, or buying ads on Facebook or Google Its much simpler than that!Its all about getting simple little videos ranked on YouTube and siphoning traffic from those videos to the affiliate offers youre promoting with a bit of a twist"
Price: 19.99

"SuperCandidate Pre-MBA Application Strategy by MBABlueprint"
"This course will teach you how to hack MBA Admissions, think like an Admissions Gatekeeper and enable you to become what top B-School programs worldwide look for in candidates.Whether you are an experienced business leader planning on applying in an upcoming round or a university graduate considering an MBAin the future, thiscourseteachesyoualltheswitchesthatyouneedtoturnONtomakeadmissionscommitteeslightupandsay ""I want this candidate at our school!"" We have all experienced the frustration that comes with stepping into something unprepared, you end up stressed, wasting time and wasting money. Whether you are applying to US Schools likeHarvard orStanford;European Schools likeINSEAD or LBS; orAsian schools like CEIBS and Nanyang; or any of the worlds top 100 global B-Schools,this course was created with you in mind.ThecoreofthisSuperCandidatecourseinvolvesbuilding3 ""Superpowers""Knowing who you want to be, what your passions are and what results you want in your life, short term and long termBecoming a master storyteller, creating and communicating the stories that will rock admissions committees with emotion and convince them of your worthTransforming yourself into the intelligent, impactfulleader that adds value to your peers, community, company, society and future alma materWhat you learn in this course is applicable in many areas of your life and will not only make you a SuperCandidate, but a respected manager and leader as well.What is included in this course70+ HD Video Lectures emphasizing engagement and knowledge absorption15+ Worksheets Brainstorms designed to hold your hand and get you taking actionExceptional Video and Audio QualityMany more supplemental resources, models, articlesThis course guides you through3-5hours of exercises andhomeworkper week and will last approximately5weeks at that pace. Do NOT think of this time investment as separate from your applications. This is time that you are focused on practical strategy building for your target schools. These 5 weeks will save you many months of time if you were to do it alone.You can just read a few peoples testimonials to realize the impact it has had on the time they have SAVED in their applications.This course is not easy, but if you are determined and work hard, you will succeed.*ATTENTION - IMPORTANT* You do NOT need to complete this course in order and can feel free to jump around as you see fit. Here is a breakdown of the sections you will encounter:1. Setup: This is where we give you some background on us and what the course is about2. Building Your Masterplan: This is where you decide how to pace yourself and which application round is best for you3-4. Past Reflection:This section is designed to help you mine your best stories that you will communicate across your application materials. 5-7. Future Vision & Why an MBA: These sections are designed to build confidence and clarity on your Career & MBA Motivations, crucial for your Career Goals Essay8. The Good, The Bad & The Ugly: This section gives you powerful clarity on what B-Schools are looking for in candidates so you can make sure to directly and indirectly communicate the right qualities in your application. 9-13. Gap Sections: These sections help you identify how to strengthen your profile and close your gaps along the key qualities B-Schools assess you against including: Academic Mastery, Career Growth & Momentum, Leadership Maturity, Ability to Contribute and your Overall Story."
Price: 199.99

"Yoga Career Summit - Business Skills Teacher Training"
"Learn from 25 of the worlds most influential yoga teachers & entrepreneurs the 3-step approach to growing a successful yoga career.Our speakers have been featured on Lululemon, Yoga Journal, Yogaglo, Google, and Udaya.Theyll show you how to overcome fear so you can teach authentically, create a passionate following of students who will go out of their way to attend your classes, and earn sustainable income from multiple sources so you can be financially free.This exclusive online course is broken down into 3 easy-to-follow sections to help you succeed faster:STEP 1:Become a Confident, Authentic TeacherOvercome Imposter Syndrome and the fear of failure, speak comfortably to large crowds and on camera, confidently teach beginners without injuring them, find your unique teaching voice, select training to further your yoga practice, live authentically while connecting deeply, create an unforgettable, long-lasting global brandSTEP 2:Grow a Passionate FollowingCreate a beautiful asana photo portfolio on a budget, start a meditation program at work, grow a passionate following using Instagram, learn digital marketing for yoga teachers, grow a YouTube channelSTEP 3:Build Sustainable Sources of IncomeRun amazing retreats around the world, learn the art of private sessions, successfully organize your first yoga festival, get hired as an online yoga teacher, open your own yoga studio, increase your income without burning out, make passive income with online courses"
Price: 99.99

"How to Land an English Teaching Job in Vietnam"
"A step by step guide for finding employment teaching English in Vietnam. Ihave compiled and curated all the research Ioriginally had to do while finding work for myself in Vietnam to help you save time and spare you the headache! As a bonus, you'll also get the master list of English Centers in Vietnam for you to contact directly!"
Price: 19.99

"Programacin con LabVIEW #1"
"Este curso introduce a los conceptos requeridos para desarrollar un sistema basado en la programacin con LabVIEW.Recomendamos que los nuevos usuarios pasen tiempo aprendiendo las herramientas y los conceptosbsicos necesarios para utilizar y navegar en el entorno antes de desarrollar sus primeras aplicaciones.conocer a crear un proyecto y conocer los archivos que se originan. Se comprender el uso de herramientas y botones destacados para la visualizacin de variables operativas. El estudiante podr tener la habilidad de saber utilizar la paleta de funciones con el fin de realizar futuras aplicaciones."
Price: 2970.00

"I want to connect my Xamarin Forms app to REST API"
"Most business and consumermobile apps connects to a backendto store data. As a developer, you need to understand how to implement such a system. HTTP Requests, REST API, JSON, CRUD, DataBinding andHTTPClient are the technology concepts used for the communication between a mobile application and a web service. This course explains these technologies in a simple way by showing their practical side. The objective is that the learner will be able to build his first nativecross platform mobile app (iOS & Android) that communicates with a backend, in less than half a day!As a good preparation for professional development, this course uses the same tools used by professional developers: Visual Studio, Postman, ASP.NET Core, Xamarin Forms and Azure App Service.Program:What we will be developingCreating a REST API using ASP.NET CoreAdding the Todo model and its ControllerTesting the web service using PostmanPublishing the web service to MicrosoftAzureCreating the Xamarin Forms projectImplementing a static ListViewApplying MVVM design pattern to our appAdding DataService to call web servicesImplementing HTTP GET requestImplementing HTTP POST requestCreating a UI for sending Todo itemsAdding a new ViewModelImplementing HTTP PUT requestCreating a UI for updating Todo itemsImplementing HTTPDELETE requestCreating a UI for removingTodo itemsRefreshing TodoListView using a ButtonRefreshing TodoListView with PullToRefreshEnhancing the UI design"
Price: 39.99

"Getting started with DevOps using Azure DevOps & Docker"
"Docker and DevOps tools are becoming essential requirements in today's software development. Developers could feel the urge to learn it and students should be prepared for it from now. If you hear lots of talks about these two technologies and you have a sort of clear idea how should it work theoretically, but you want to see it in action and start experimenting it yourself? Then, this course is for you! It is all practical, no slides, no time wasted. I get you direct to the point, in just 1 hour!Content:1. Install Docker for Linux (or Windows)2. Create a sample ASP.NET Core Web App3. Run Web App on Docker 3.1 Pull Docker images from Docker Hub 3.2 Create Dockerfile 3.3 Build Docker image 3.4 Run Docker image 3.5. Dockerignore file (coming soon)4. Tag the image5. Push image to Docker Hub6. Pull the image from Docker Hub7. Create Web App for Containers on Azure8. CI with VSTS 8.a Publish source code to Github 8.b create a CI pipeline 8.c Add task: Build Image 8.d Add task: Push Image 8.e Enable CI trigger9. CD with VSTS 9.a Configuring the artifacts 9.b Enabling Continuous Deployment trigger 9.c Configuring the environments : Dev, Staging & Prod10 Run the CI & CD pipelines11 Working with docker-compose.yml (coming soon)12 Adding a Database to the project(coming soon)"
Price: 19.99

"how to make kunafeh"
"Kunafa is an Arabic dish, prepared for the month of Ramadan, a period of fasting for those of the Islamic faith. During Ramadan, those who participate do fast throughout the day, and are only allowed to eat during non-daylight hours. The story of Kunafa begins when:it was introduced by a physician who saw how some princes had a hard time fasting because of their appetite. He created the dish and instructed the princes to eat a great amount of it just before dawn, and as a result they were never hungry during the day (Al-Ahram, 2004). Kunafa is a sweet dessert made from spun shredded wheat and topped with raisins, nuts, and cream. In different variations of this dish, the cream is replaced by mozzarella or by cream cheese and at times cinnamon is added. The exact ingredients differ depending on which Arabic region it comes from. This particular Kunafa contains nuts and is from Egypt."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Avaliao de Empresas"
"Quer aprender a avaliar uma empresa de forma objetiva e aplicada, num curso montado por profissionais com ampla experincia de mercado?Nesse curso, voc vai aprender como avaliar uma empresa sob o ponto de vista quantitativo e qualitativo.No quantitativo, cobriremos valuation via DCF (Fluxo de Caixa Descontado) e valuation via mltiplos.No qualitativo, vamos discutir como montar um ""Caso de Investimento"" destacando os pontos fortes e fracos do modelo de negcio e ambiente competitivo ao qual a empresa se insere, os drivers de crescimento da empresa e os riscos associados ao ""Caso de Investimento"".Voc tambm aprender a avaliar uma empresa atravs de vrios mltiplos financeiros.Ao final, voc aprender como montar um modelo de Fluxo de Caixa Descontado no Excel para encontrar o valor justo da empresa.As aulas sero dinmicas e voc ter acesso a uma planilha de Excel para trabalharmos juntos."
Price: 99.99

"Business Chinese for Elementary Level"
"What You Will Get10 practical topics on business situation29video lessons for your self-paced study29 exercises for each video9 articles explaining Chinese business cultureTechnically speaking,We design our courses by these principles:Comprehensible InputAccording to the theory of comprehensible input, developed by Stephen Krashen in 1977, providing a learner withlanguage input just above their current levelis the most effective way to learn a language. So all videos in this courseare presented in Chinese with English subtitles because we want to maximize your language exposure. The instructors speak in Chinese at an appropriate speed so you can follow along.You don't have to catchevery single word but to understandthe main idea and get used to the speech flow of Chinese language.Communicative ApproachOur goal is to make you able to speak Chinese after the class. All the topics and content are practical which based on real world conversations because we want you to learnlanguage in context which willhelpyou remember what you learn. Modular DesignWe've divided each lesson into three parts: vocabulary, conversation and grammar. You could finish the vocabulary and conversation first. The grammar video is optional. You could learn if you need. All videos are in 10~15 minutes so you could finish during a coffee break.Practice makes perfect. That's why we provide you with a set exercises after the video lessons. It takes just 5~10 minutes to finish each set. Besides, cultural expectations are important, especially in business situations. We select 9 topics to help you understand the differences between working in China and other countries."
Price: 99.99