"Neuro Linguistic Programming - Ericksonain Hypnosis" |
"Brought to you by leading NLPMaster TrainerDr. HeidiHeronPsyDfrom theWorldwide Institutes of NLP, this online NLP program fromAnywhere NLPwill offeryou skills gained from modelling Dr. H. Milton Erickson.NLP has many aspects of Conversational Hypnosis strewn throughout it known as Erickonian Hypnosis. In this module you will get a comprehensive lesson of utlising aspects of Erickonian Hypnosis in your ever day life. Additionally, we will be wrapping up all of our conversational tools into the topic of Conversational Change work.InModule 4, 5 lessons in this module:Introducing Erickonian HypnotherapyMetaphorsMilton ModelIndirect SuggestionsConversational Change WorkThere are 4 modules in the full program from Anywhere NLP, availablenow on Udemy:Introduction to NLP&CommunicationBasic NLPTechniquesIntermediate NLPTechniquesEricksonian Hypnosis &Conversational Change WorkPLEASENOTE:This is not an NLPCertification training and there currently is no NLPassociation throughout the world that recognises NLPtraining online. if you are seeking a recognised NLPCertification, please ask us and we can point you in the right direction.Introducing your NLPTrainerDr. Heidi Heron has been training NLP professionally since 2000 and originally trained in NLP in 1997. She runs her own NLP Practice where she uses the skills in a coaching and therapeutic manner with individuals, families, couples, groups and companies. Originally from the USA, Dr. Heidi now resides in Australia. She is the Director of Operations and one of the Principle Trainers with theWorldwide Institutes of NLP. Heidi is one of the few NLP trainers in the world with formal qualifications as a Doctor of Clinical Psychology. Additionally, her Masters Degree is in Adult Education, with anonline learning emphasis so she really knows what she is doing with NLP & in a virtual classroom!In this online program, Dr. Heidi brings in her conversational style, her humour and dynamic presentation skills to not only impart this knowledge but to inspire you to use it. She offers real life examples and clear, concise explanations to make your learning withAnywhere NLPpractical, fun and easy."
Price: 174.99 |
"Creacin de punto de venta web con PHP" |
"En este curso se aprender a crear aplicaciones web con datos dinmicos que ayudaran a cumplir una tarea, no solo paginas web fijas, si no sistemas complejos que almacenas informacin, la analizar, la ordenan, la clasifican y te dan resultados. Sistemas que realmente sirven en la vida real, en el mbito laboral y como freelancer."
Price: 19.99 |
"Turning Setbacks into Mega Comebacks" |
"From Setback to Mega Comeback, The Seminar.A three-partseries for those who want the structure of working through my plan with me. In the three video messages I will show you how to get the most out your comeback. This is for those who need hands-on help in structuring their comeback. It comes with downloadable hand-outs as I take you through the steps to work your comeback."
Price: 39.99 |
"The Ultimate Guide to Self-Publishing" |
"Youve finished writing your childrens book!Awesome!Unsure of what to do next?I know what that's like.When I was first starting out, I looked everywhere for a single source that would tell me everything I needed to know to create and self-publish a professional qualityillustrated children's book.I couldn't find anything to seamlessly guide me through the process.The majority of the sources of information I found online were trying to sell me their printing, layout, design, or distribution services.I worried about being taken advantage of.Therefore, I asked tough questions of the self-publishing companies who made big promises, read the fine print, and conducted extensive research regarding what my editing, printing, and distribution options were.In this course, in under two hours, you can learn information that took me over a year to research, collate, verify, and test.Ive sorted through the mountains of information developed by leading publishing experts, designers, and commercial printers and I've pinpointed exactly what you need to know know to self-publish like a pro.Most self-publishing blogs, books, and courses focus primarily on how to work with only one self-publishing company. In this course, I teach you the foundational knowledge you need to know to work with any printer and book distributor you choose, whether that's Amazon, IngramSpark, BookBaby, Lulu, or somewhere else.By the end of this course, you will know exactly what you need to do to self-publish a professional quality children's book.This course is for you if you want to:Increase the marketability of your book by choosing the right title, book categories and keywords and by writing compelling book descriptions.Speak the language of childrens books designers and printers. I tell you what you need to know about margins, bleeds, digital artwork, scanned in artwork, hue, saturation, PNG, JPG, print ready PDFs, and more.Produce a professional quality book by learning about ISBN numbers, book industry print standards and the Library of Congress PCN program.Save money by understanding your printing options, including the difference between offset printing and digital (POD) printing.Learn how to use Amazon Createspace, KDP, or IngramSpark (or all three in combination!) to widen your books reach and distribution.Learn how the publishing industry works and speak the language. Self-publishing is a rapidly developing market. The printers and distributors that are the industry leaders today, may not be around tomorrow. While I discuss both IngramSpark and Amazon in this course because they are the current industry leaders, I also teach the core foundations of the publishing industry so that you can switch printers and distributors as you see fit to maximize your distribution and profit.In this course, I will teach you how to self-publish your book, but more importantly, I will teach you how to protect your wallet along the way. According to The Independent Publishing Magazine, there are over 80 author services companies vying for your business. Some are great, while others are charge huge fees to handle things you can easily do yourself for free. When you are finished with this course, you will know what is worth paying for and what isnt.Are you in the right place?These classes are NOT for you if you want to create a book for family and friends and you have no intention of selling your books commercially.In these classes, I cover topics like how the self-publishing industry works, book marketing, and how to prepare digital files for commercial printers.If you plan to only create a few books to share with family and friends, I recommend using a company like Shutterfly or Blurb. These companies offer easy drag and drop templates and they handle the details for you. However, if you plan to sell your book commercially, these companies arent very practical because their print costs are so high (the average is $20 per book or more,) so youd have to price your book cost unattractively high to make a profit if you tried to resell these books. However, these companies are a great solution if you only want a few copies made."
Price: 199.99 |
"Conquering Digital Marketing pt. 1" |
"Ready to conquer digital marketing? Learn what exactly encompasses digital marketing and how to gain valuable insight on your customers to effectively grow business. From Google search ads, B2C email marketing, SEO, leveraging influencers, and those remarketing ads that follow you around on the internet; Brittany Whitlock will guide you through the ins and outs to make you a digital marketing champion! Youll walk away having the tools to take your marketing strategy to the next level, with a true understanding of how to approach digital marketing by meeting your customers where they are."
Price: 24.99 |
"Send Automated SMS from Google Sheets" |
"Learn tosend quick and automated SMS messages to your clients using Google Sheets& Google Forms for marketing and alerts.Send preset templates or custom messages directly by filling Google Form. Take your customer service to next level.Quick, simple & cost effective with Simple Google Sheets Interface. Deliver to DND Numbers."
Price: 54.99 |
"Manage Inventory with Google Sheets" |
"With this training you will be able to Manage your Inventoryget advanced functionality like a Dashboard, Dispatch Challans and Dispatch planning for free without buying expensive and complex software. Google sheets allows you to managemultiple locations centrally without the need for expensive server based solutions.With our Pre-Made Template you will be able to Manage all Items using the simple interface of Google Sheets.You will get a Central Dashboard to see which items are Out of Stock, Excess, Stock Out or Ageing etc."
Price: 24.99 |
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Price: 110000.00 |
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Price: 110000.00 |
"Learn to make the best Moroccan Recipes RFISSA & Make Money" |
"Do you have an idea about Morocco Cuisine ? flavors, ingredients ? do you have the chance to taste one of the most popular recipe in Morocco ? have you think how you can prepare it ?But what is the recipe ? Ah , it's the Moroccan traditional Rfissa we also called ""Trid"" or ""Trda"" According to the different region in Morocco,Do you want to learn how to cook a delicious Moroccan Rfissa recipe by the traditional and healthy way ?Now it's your right place.In this course you'll discover Chicken Trid with MssmenWhat is ""Mssmen"" ? It is very tasty and is used by Moroccans most of the time as a breakfast with tea or hot milk will explain all the details in the video""Mssemn"" This is itself a lesson ,I preferred to present it as a gift to you because to Rfissa because The ""Rfissa"" Consists of ""Mssemn""type of Rfissa the way how to combine ingredients making the Mssemn In each section, you will take step by step cooking the Rfissa.Who is the target audience?this course is designed for Mam's looking for a healthy food to their family. it's not suitable for you if you want fast foodthis course is destined for chief who want discover new culture and a different way of cooking.this course is directed for people who love the savor of tajine and don't know how to prepare itthis course is designed for anyone love the traditional Moroccan cuisine."
Price: 19.99 |
"SAP S/4HANA Analytics" |
"SAP S/4HANAintelligent ERP suite designed specifically for in-memory computing, SAP S/4HANA offers a personalized, consumer-grade user experience with SAP Fiori. No matter your industry or business size, SAP S/4HANA can help you drive instant value across all lines of business.Course Goals:Give an overview of the S/4HANA Analytics architecture.SAP Business Suite to SAP S/4HANA DeltaSAP S/4HANA Embedded AnalyticsSAP S/4HANA Embedded Analytics & Modeling BasicsContent TableModule: SAP S/4HANA Analytics OverviewS/4HANA and S/4HANA Analytics IntroductionS/4HANA and S/4HANA Analytics overviewAnalytical Consumption with:Query BrowserMultidimensional ReportsSmart business KPIAnalytical Fiori appsAnalysis for officeLumira DesktopQuery designerKPI Modeling appsDashboard Design: Design StudioQuery Design: ABAP for EclipsSAP Best practice for analytics with SAP S/4HANASAP Business warehouse integration scenariosModule: SAP Business Suite to SAP S/4HANA DeltaSAP S/4HANA User ExperienceSAP HANA Powers SAP S/4HANASAP Activate for SAP S/4HANASAP S/4HANA Enterprise Management, LOB Solution,and Add onsSAP S/4HANA Embedded AnalyticsIntegration Between SAP S/4HANA Core and SAP Cloud SolutionModule:SAPS/4HANA Embedded Analytics & Modeling BasicIntroduction in to VDM and CDSRequired ToolsThe Data ModelIntroduction in to AnnotationThe Basic ViewThe Composite ViewThe Consumption ViewConsume CDS Views in the BI ToolTroubleshooting SAP Fiori and OData"
Price: 199.99 |
"Running Znaczy Bieganie" |
"Kurs przeznaczony jest dla osb ktre chc rozpocz przygod z bieganiem a na swej drodze napotykaj na wtpliwoci. Autorzy w sposb przystpny przybliaj kolejne tajniki przygotowania do udanych treningw, motywacji, systematycznej pracy, planowania i wielu innych czynnikw wpywajcych na kocowy sukces.====================================================================================================================W Grudniu 2018 Autorzy podpisali umow z audioteka dotyczc udostpnienia treci kursu w postaci audiobooka. Dla uczestnikw tego kursu przygotowano niespodziank: audiobook mona pobra w dziale drugim.====================================================================================================================Ten kurs poprowadzi ci do wyznaczonego celu, jakim moze by regularne bieganie. W kolejnych rozdziaach przybliono kolejne stopnie wtajemniczenia w treningu biegowym, poczwszy od pierwszych krokw a po pierwsze zawody.The course is designed for beginners, who want to start the adventure with running and they encounter the doubts..The authors approach the next secrets of preparations to successful workout, motivation, gradual progress, planning and other factors influencing the final success. The course will lead you to the set goal, like regular workout or running."
Price: 69.99 |
"Lataj Pewnie i Bezpiecznie Dronem od DJI" |
"Jeeli wydae spore pienidze na swojego nowego Towarzysza przygody i obawiasz si, e zniszczysz maszyn, zrobisz komu krzywd lub doprowadzisz do wypadku, ten kurs jest wanie dla Ciebie.Autor w sposb przejrzysty wprowadza Ci w tajniki latania, krok po kroku.Ten kurs zawiera szerokie spektrum wiedzy i dowiadcze dotyczcelatania dronami DJI.Moesz miao korzysta z dowiadcze innychzwizanychz kadym etapem wtajemniczenia, od zakupu, poprzez omwienie ustawie, inteligentnych trybw lotu, bezpieczestwa,a po bardziej zaawansowane techniki lotu i filmowania.Kurs systematycznie bdzie si poszerza o biece informacje i nagrane nowe materiay dydaktyczne a take pomoce.Materia zosta przygotowany w taki sposb, aby kady otwarty na rozwj uytkownik mg z niego wynie co dla siebie.W miar jak technologia bdzie si rozwijaa, na bieco kurs zostanie aktualizowany.Zapraszam serdecznie, Rafa Galiski"
Price: 19.99 |
"Warsztaty obejmuj zarwno technik Power Walking jak i prac z grup.Zawieraj omwienie wanych kwestii, zarwno dotyczce pracy z grup, ksztatowania zespou,techniki, spraworganizacyjnych jak i zdrowotnych z praktycznymi wiczeniami. Podano przykady z prawdziwego treningu i warsztatw z zajciamiobejmujcymi struktur treningu: rozgrzewk, cz gwn i rozciganie. Dodatkowo zawarto materiay dydaktyczne i przykady prawidowej techniki."
Price: 19.99 |
"Warsztaty Nordic Walkingobejmuj kompletny program, od podstaw zwizanych z NordicWalking, poprzez wiczenia praktyczne i przykady poprac z grup i organizacj wydarze dla grup..Zawieraj omwienie wanych kwestii, zarwno dotyczce pracy z grup, ksztatowania zespou,techniki, spraworganizacyjnych jak i zdrowotnych z praktycznymi wiczeniami. Podano przykady z prawdziwego treningu i warsztatw z zajciamiobejmujcymi struktur treningu: rozgrzewk, cz gwn i rozciganie. Dodatkowo zawarto materiay dydaktyczne i przykady prawidowej techniki."
Price: 19.99 |
"Practical chemistry" |
"This course is all about salt analysis. It demonstrates the preliminary and confirmatory tests for various anions and cations . This course is based on class 12th chemistry practicals of cisce board( council of indian school certificate examinations) . In our system cations and anions are grouped into various groups.For Anions:1) dilute acid group: CO3--,SO3--,S--, NO2-,CH3COO--2)conc.H2SO4 group: Cl-,NO3-,Br-,I-,C2O4--3)Special group : SO4--For Cations : ( common reagent is written in bracket)Group 0(dil.NaOH) : NH4+Group 1(dil.HCl) : Pb++,Ag+,Hg+Group 2(dil.HCl + H2S) : Pb++,Cu++,Sn++,Sn++++,Group 3(NH4Cl + NH4OH): Al+++,Cr+++,Fe+++Group 4(NH4Cl + NH4OH + H2S) : Zn++,Mn++,Co++,Ni++Group 5(NH4Cl + NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3): Ba++,Sr++,Ca++Group 6: Mg++Each group has a common reagent. except for the special group(anions)andgroup 6(cations).Many videos have been uploaded and many will be uploaded soon."
Price: 19.99 |
"Master Meditation in 7 Simple Steps" |
"In this course, which you can complete in just 7 days, you will be introduced to all the essential elements that make up any meditation practice. Whether you have tried meditation before and struggled with one or more of its components (visualization, stillness, etc.) or you are new to the idea, this course provides you with everything you need!The lectures will give you an overview of the topic before the downloadable video lets you practice that particular component as often as you wish. A writing exercise at the very beginning of the course lets you discover your own presumptions and hesitations about meditation, so that you come prepared for the first lecture that introduces you to the benefits and pitfalls of meditation. You may do the exercise as often as you wish to monitor your change of perception, or use it to explore other topics along the way.This course is a great resource for beginning as well as experienced practitioners who would like to hone in on one or more elements of a successful meditation practice."
Price: 139.99 |
"Carefree Introvert - Feel good at Parties" |
"Do you hate parties? Or do you try to avoid them?...butdeep insidewish you didn't feel like that?I used to feel exactly like that.Big parties. People everywhere. Ididn't like that.I used to tell myself that I am an introvert and I just prefer the solitude. But Iknew I was not honest with myself. I wanted to feel good at parties.Are parties only fun for extroverts?No, in this course I will teach you how to prepare for parties so you feel good at them. Further, if you practice a small set of skills, then you will even learn something new at parties, and feel awesome.It is not even that hard. You just need a desire to feel good at parties. Invest some time before hand. And be open to try some new approach at the parties.This way you will become a carefree introvert.""I think it gives me some good tools to work with when at parties. I am introverted."" - Laika (student)"
Price: 49.99 |
"Introduction to Serverless" |
"Cloud computing is evolving at warp speed, and it's hard to keep track all the new buzzwords. This course gives you everything you need to know about Serverless and Functions as a Service (FaaS). By the end, you'll know enough to get started, and be confident answering all the questions thatget thrown at you - whether the questions areat the coffee machine or in the board room."
Price: 19.99 |
"Ethical Hacking training course - Master hacking" |
"Security is major concern for an individuals and enterprises alike. Gaining ethical skills helps one from protecting himself and his/her organization. The CEH course by ECcouncil is organized structure of course contents and we have addressed almost all contents, technologies and tools. This course shall be updated with the additional course videos as and when available."
Price: 199.99 |
"Big data and Hadoop framework" |
"This course is focusing on Big data and Hadoop technologies, hands on demos,Section 1 - Big data1.1 Big data introduction1.2 Big data history1.3 Big data technologies1.4 Big data characteristics1.5 Big data Applications1.6 Data Lake1.7 Data Science and Data scientistSection 2 - Hadoop 2.1 - Hadoop introduction2.2 - HDFS-Overview2.3 - Hadoop Architecture2.3a - Hadoop Architecture - assumptions and goals 2.4 - Demo-Hadoop install - sw download verify integrity 2.5 - Demo-Hadoop install - Java ssh configure 2.6 - Demo hadoop access by browserSection 3 - Machine Learning3.1 Machine learning introduction3.2 Machine learning algorithms3.3 Machine learning softwaresModule 4 - AWS Machine Learning4.1 AWS and Machine learning introductionBelow will be added soon.4.2 Bigdata and aws4.3 Hadoop on Amazon Elastic Map Reduce (emr)4.4 What is EMR4.5 EMR Architecutre4.6 Demo - launch EMR cluster2.6 - Hadoop single node cluster setup2.7 - Hadoop single node - Pseudo-Distributed Operation2.8 - Hadoop multi node cluster setup2.9 - MapReduce2.10 - Azure HDInsight2.11 - HDFS-Operations2.12 - Apache Spark and Big data analytics2.15 - Hadoop, Hive and Pig"
Price: 19.99 |
"City in Ruins" |
"The tips & tricks of world-building. Rob Loukotka Chicago based designer and illustrator takes a deep dive into one of his massively detailed screen prints: The city of Chicago in ruins from a robot apocalypse.This class jams well over 50 hours of illustration into just one hour, still plenty of time to gain insights into mapping, cartography, creative illustration, texturing, perspective, custom half-toning, and more!You can learn about my work or work with me directly athttp://fantasticfactory.shop"
Price: 19.99 |
"Copy this Profitable Business NO Investment Required" |
"Looking for a Way to Make Money Without Investing?We show you step by step how we take a product we design and have it made in the USA for$7.95We thenSell each for $29.99THATSA$22.04 PROFIT!!!Looking for a Way to Make Money Without Investing?>These Product Sell Like Hotcakes<>Create Your Own Design<>10 Hot Trending Designs ideas Included<>Automatic System, No Need To Process Orders<>You Never Have To Ship These Product<>You Dont Need To Keep Inventory<>No Need To Deal With Customers<Can You Really Do This?Starting an online business can be hard and complicated.We show you how easy it is to Virtually create theseproduct and market them free and how to put them in frontof the right buyers.Once you start getting sales then you can use paid advertisement to sell even more.Someone with no experience can sell 20 of these a day onlinethats a profit of $460!!!We know how frustrating it can be.So many online courses promising to makeyou money fast.The truth is that nobody can guarantee thatyou will be successful.However this guide is simple just like thispage, no need to waste your time over selling this and useless fake hype.We will show you step by step how simple the process is.The photos here of the gold plated pendant are real, I Order one to take photos foradvertising and to see the quality.Customers will not be disappointed.included direct e-mail support to help you in the way."
Price: 189.99 |
"Bitcoin in 1 Hour Send, Receive, Trade & Secure BTC 2020" |
"In just 1 hour you will know enough to confidently take your next steps in to the World of Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology.My goal is to give you enough information and hands-on practice to allow you to confidently use bitcoin. This course covers everything a new comer should know.The curriculum is divided by topic which will help you when coming back later; Whenever you need a refresher, jump right into the relevant topic. The resources that I have provided give you links to further reading, some cheat sheets and some intermediate concepts that will help you continue your journey into Bitcoin technology. The course is sprinkled with a few quizzes which help you understand the subject better and kindle your interest to do some exploring of your own."
Price: 54.99 |
"complete wave tune tutorial course" |
"As a teacher i have seen a lot of students and even sound engineers who don't know by which vocal plugin they can get the best result . i have worked with most of these plugins and every plugin has it's own benefits. but among these i found wave tune more suitable. although it is a little bit complicated but in this course every complicated but in this course everything has been explained very easily and everyone can understand them. beside that where as wave tune can handle every scale from west to east i'm sure you will get the most benefit of that. now i will tell you what I've done in this course.video - 1: introduction to wave tune. Listen to it very carefully .video - 2: in this video i have tried to make you familiar with different parameters in wave tune generally.video - 3: generally speaking on tolerance and edit tools.video - 4: generally speaking on vibration section.video - 5: importing and scanning wave through wave tune generally.video - 6: from this video we enter the world of wave tune with describing the edit tools with precise samples.video - 7: continuing the video 6.video - 8: i will explain the segmentationsection step by stepalong with live samples just to make you understand the subject better.video - 9: in this video i will try to show you how the different parameters can affect on our vocal.video - 10: i will give you a full explanation about edit tools and howthey can affect on the sound.video - 11:continuing the video 10.video - 12: continuing the videos 10 and 11.video - 13: in this video you willget a great knowledgeofvibrationand how they can affect on vocal sound.video - 14: all around the world the people have their own tradition and music scales fortunately wave tune can handle all of them and you will know sori and krone that are very beloved notes and scales among more than 200 million people of the world.video - 15: in this video you will learn how to apply chords even on pre-scanned waves.video - 16 and 17: in these videos you can apply pitch shifts and correct scales.video - 18: this video is important not only for consumption of the cpu of your computer but also for best tuning from wave tune.video - 19: this video i a demo from my next course and shows you what other actions you can do with wave tune. in this video you will only see a tip from wave tune but in next course which will be shortly on the Udemy site you will learn how you can make music with full chords by your mouth with wave tune."
Price: 109.99 |
"Learning English Grammar" |
"Learning English Grammar is an effort to put forward to learners and aspirants a comprehensive work on Grammar covering almost all parts of speech. starting from Noun and its various types till adjectives and gender all the nuts ad bolts of English grammar has been dealt with very elaborately. The best part of this course is that Power Point explanations have also been added in theinitialportion of the course which makes it easier andsimple to understand. After completing this course learners would be able to understand English Grammar better."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Performance Appraisal and its various aspects." |
"This course focuses Peformance Appraisal methods and procedures as well as Organizational Development program as well as Interventions. Performance Appraisal is the comprehensive evaluation and assessment of the performance level of employees and team members as well as its assessment against few predetermined parameters.Organizational Development is the progressive transformation of the working mechanism of any organization."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Human Resource Planning and Theories of Motivation" |
"In this course I have extensively dealt into the various nitty- gritties of Human Resource Planning which is so instrumental in the complex business and even non business environment when it comes to employee management . The best part of all is that Human resource planning course has been aptly supported by another very vibrant study on motivation its various theories and its aspects. Every thing has been in proper perspective by some lucid and timely perfected lectures supported by some practical examples and quotations from few renowned scholars. The course is designed for learners as well as Management professionals as also experts and students who are in to business and management studies."
Price: 24.99 |
"Strategic Management and International Trade Theories" |
"Strategic Management and International Trade is a result of my hardcore effort, diligent research and some well composed lectures. The best part of this course is that it includes various terminologies of strategic Management as also International Trade Theories which gives aclear picture of Foreign Trade aspects. There are altogether 20 lectures which has been well explained by me supported by slides to give a proper understanding to learners. Each lecture has got minimum two slides and altogether it makes more than 50 slides."
Price: 19.99 |
"Xamarin Form Tutorial" |
": Native ? , C# computer basic C# Xamarin.Forms ? , code share xamarin cross Xamarin basics help , lectures - , , Google developer question , . : UI Xamarin Forms . XAML C# UI . Page, Views Layouts . Local operations. WebViews Images . RestFull API course . ?? , Xamarin Forms . , . C# skills - Android, iOS Windows ."
Price: 1280.00 |