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"Study abroad and receive a high-quality education for FREE !"
"You already know that receiving a good education is your first step towards a brilliant future; your first step to make whatever dream you have come true.But because of the greed of some universities, and the increasing of the cost of living all over the world, a lot of students have lost their dream to study in a prestigious university.I believe you're one of those students, and you share them the same dream and the same disappointment, and I hope after this course you find that little push you are looking for to turn that dream into reality.Now, what if I told you that you dont have to be rich in order to be able to receive a high-quality education and study in of the best universities in the world !You'd definitely wonder, how is that possible, right? Well, Lemme tell you that this is still possbile, and luckily some developed European countries still provide FREEeducation for international students, andnotjust any education ,but a high-quality education and YES for FREE. Germany, Norway, France, and Finland.Education in these countries is supported by the government, and they don't charge any tuition fees regardless the level of studies and the nationality of the student.In this course, I will provide you with all the information you need to know about studying in these countries. Im going to be talking about the cons and pros, cost of living and the application process for universities and the visa in each country. We'll appreciate having you as a studentSee you in the course ^^ !"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Tenses in English Grammar"
"COMPLETE TENSES IN ENGLISH GRAMMAR:Present Tense: Simple Present, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous Tense.Past Tense: Simple Past, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous Tense.Future Tense: Simple Future, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous Tense.So, All the Tenses will be covered with super-fine examples, so that students can be able to comprehend it easily."
Price: 179.99

"Aprende Informtica Forense Investigacin Digital"
"Este Curso Parte de la Certificacin como investigador digital forense que ofrece la red latinoamericana de informtica forense REDLIF, te prepara para iniciar tu recorrido como investigador digital dentro del mundo del cmputo forense, aprenders los aspectos importantes de cada paso metodolgico, as como las tcnicas de investigacin ms utilizadas en este mbito.Dentro del curso podrs tener acceso a talleres y ejercicios de anlisis forense totalmente prcticos, con todo el software disponible para descarga, que te permitir llevar adelante tus investigaciones dentro del curso sin ningn inconveniente."
Price: 119.99

"Curso de Segunda Voz"
"Voc sempre sonhou fazer segunda voz mais no sabe por onde comear?Se voc tem um amigo que cante sertanejo e quer cantar com ele a segunda voz, esse o curso certo para voc.Somos a empresa EU-CANTO, h 30 anos trabalhando com msica, integrantes da dupla Caique e Kau, dupla formada a mais de 24 anos e com longa experincia em msica sertaneja, sabendo do desejo que muitos tem em cantar esse estilomusical e principalmente aprender a segunda voz, criamos esse curso para ajuda-los, de uma maneira simples e rpida, sem muitos conceitos tcnicos e sim prticos."
Price: 39.99

"Curso Segunda Voz Modulo 2"
"Cursodirecionado aos amantes da msica,aquelas pessoas que sonha em fazer segunda voz, aqueles que j cantam profissionalmente e ainda no sabem cantar a segunda voz, pra aqueles que sonhamem ganhar dinheiro com a msica, formar um dupla, ou de repente somente mostrar seu talento em reunies familiares."
Price: 39.99

"PMP Exam Prep : 275 Practice Exam Questions"
"One important way to prepare for thePMI PMP examinationsis to simulate the test experience by taking aseries of practice questions. One of the benefits of using the practice questions is familiarizing yourself withthe types of questions encountered in an actualPMIcertification examination.There is no correlationbetween the number of practice questions you answer correctly and your success under actual examinationconditions, but your understanding of typical question formats can make the actual examination less stressful.The practice questions in this courshave been selected to represent the topical distribution of thequestions that you can expect to encounter in the examination.Materials in this coursare based on the PMBOK Guide, Sixth edition, Project Management Institute, Inc.2018"
Price: 19.99

"Jenkins em larga escala via Docker e Kubernetes"
"Problemas em manter diversas instalaes de Jenkins, e suas respectivas configuraes?Quer construir sua plataformade CI em um modelo robusto viaJenkins?Neste curso iremos tratar:Administrao de instncias de Jenkins em escala;Abordagens de configurao as-a-code;Opes de automaes dentro da ferramenta baseados em imagens Docker, Plugins e Cdigos Groovy;Otimizar a utilizao de recursos computacionais;Garantir reprodutibilidade entre instncias de Jenkins;Minimizar trabalhos operacionais;Promover o reaproveitamento de cdigo;Gesto de Configurao;"
Price: 69.99

"ChatOps com ChatBot: Mattermost, Netdata, Jenkins e Gitlab"
"Chatops: com certeza voc j ouviu este termo algumas outras vezes. E na verdade tudo aqui se trata decomunicao:pessoas,ferramentas,processos, muitaautomao etransparncia! Voc ir criar e operar:Mattermost: Nosso 'Ponto Central', o Board de Comunicaes, com webhooks e integraes;Hubot: ir criar um rob, configur-lo cpm plugins e customiz-lo com desenvolvimentos via CoffeeScript;Integraes: conectaremos tambm Jenkins, Gitlab e o Netdata em nosso toolkit;"
Price: 69.99

"SCM e Versionamento de Cdigo efetivo: Git, Gitlab e Gitflow"
"Problemas para versionar seus cdigos fontes?Muitas pessoas alterando o mesmo cdigo?Dificuldade em paralelizar os desenvolvimentos?No sabe como tratar Gesto de Conflitos e Merge?Neste curso direcionaremos uma metodologia efetiva para tratar e minimizar todos estes problemas.E como todo bom curso do Misso DevOps, ele prtico, com muita mo na massa!Apos o curso voc estar apto a propagar estes conhecimentos ao seu time, definir e orquestrar toda estratgia de SCM."
Price: 39.99

"Gitlab CI: Pipelines, Continuous Delivery e Deployment"
"Quer compilar, testar e entregar seus projetos com qualidade e agilidade?O Gitlab CI a plataforma certa para voc!Aprenda passo a passo a arquitetar e desenvolver um pipeline efetivo, baseado em Gitflow, com build, testes e entregas em diversos ambientes.- Jobs, Stages, Scripts,Images, Artifacts, Environments, Caches e muito mais! Ao final do curso voc estar apto a:- Desenvolver pipelines de CI/CD em tempo record;- Arquitetar seu fluxo de desenvolvimento de software baseado em gitflow;- Automatizar sua esteira de deployment;- Dar manuteno em pipelines j existentes;- Ser referncia na ferramenta;Essa ferramenta OpenSource est revolucionando a forma em que podemos construir, testar e entregar nossos softwares.Entenda o porque de ferramentas como o Jenkins comeam a perder fora no mercado.Seja um protagonista, um agente de mudanas, esteja apto a construir o novo!"
Price: 69.99

"Gua completa para ser un profesional del e-mail marketing"
"Tienes estos problemas? -Cansado de manejar tus contactos desde Excel?-Los mails que envias no tienen una buena tasa de apertura? -Sientes que pierdes el tiempo enviando mails?-Quieres conectar tus contactos de Facebook Ads y de diferentes fuente en un mismo lugar? Con esta gua terico/practica te aseguro que mejoraras de 0 a 100 tu estrategia digital de e-mail marketingy como lo hago? Otros cursos solo te ensean a manejar Mail Chimp.Esta es la nica gua que ensea las buenas practicas en el la creacin de e-mails y a manejar MailChimp. Todo en un nico curso."
Price: 24.99

"Training Your Brain For Emotional Wellness and Empowerment"
"Learn how youcan Train Your Brain to help you maintain mental and emotional wellness andempowerment by teaching you how to access your use the latesttechniques of neuroscience andcomplementary medicine that shows you how to access the biochemicals of yourinner pharmacy tofeel good, be focused and develop loving relationships. It is your brain which is your inner pharmacist who directs yourendocrine, nervous,cardiovascular and respiratory systems to send you either feel good and be focused bio-substances orstressed and distractingsubstances that you experience moment to moment. This course uses scientifically-proven methods and strategies to help many lower medication dosages or get rid of the need forever starting them in the first place!This courseis diverse21-Day step-by-step learning systemto allow you to get rid of anynegativeorstressful responses in yourlife in order to enhance your ability to focus and find a calmer and more empoweredexperience.This courseisn't about just finding a sense of peace but leading you to follow your heart and understand what that means. It's rejuvenating and refreshing, a nice way to clear your mind through helpful tips that show various ways to be calm, focused ,happy and confident.Thecourse processes can work for anyone and can be applied to a range of situationsand is a brilliant source for lowering stress and heightening your joy of living."
Price: 199.99

"ISD - Health & Safety Practitioner certificate"
"In this course a health and safety expert will be able to measure where he is amonghis peers in terms of knowledge and capabilities including , performance standards , leadership , management , Statistics and science .Stand alone and away from the crowd , by taking this test you will now where you need to dig deep and know more and you will definitely know your strengths ."
Price: 199.99

"Degree of indeterminacy of structures"
"The concept of degree of indeterminacy is very important and confusing (normally)concept of classifying structures, which gives facility to it's readers to classify the structures into many groups like stable-unstable; determinate-indeterminate both externally and internally, before further investigation of internal forces and moments to get the theoretical idea of deformation characteristics of thatstructure. This topic works as a linking concept between the knowledge of Newtonian Mechanics to Structural Analysis and Strength of Materials. After finishing this course successfully, student will feel more confident to understand the concepts and difficulty level of problems related to structural analysis with ease and confidence for variousplanner and space structures."
Price: 1600.00

"Tcnicas de Desenho Artstico"
"Compreendendo o processo do desenho de observao.Nesse curso sero abordadas questes relativas propores, luz e sombra, volumes utilizando diversos materiais.Voc no precisa ser nenhum virtuoso no desenho para assistir as aulas. Basta gostar de desenhar. Esse curso baseado no contedoadotado no primeiro perodo dos cursos artsticos da Escola de Belas Artes da UFRJ, onde me formei em 1991.Sero apresentadas tcnicas e dicas para tornar o seu desenho mais eficiente. Vamos direcionar o olhar para a questo da estruturaodas formas. O que ajudar a representar os modelos de forma fiel ao que os seus olhos captam, sem perder o prazer e a subjetividadepresentes na manifestao de cada artista. Um bom desenho estar sempre ligado ao prazer do aprendizado e do desenvolvimento pleno do seu talento. E a? Bora desenhar?"
Price: 39.99

"Desenhando a Figura Humana. Modelo Vivo Masculino."
"Acompanhe passo a passo, em tempo real todo o processo do desenho de observao.Nesse curso sero abordadas questes relativas representao do modelo masculino.Voc no precisa ser nenhum virtuoso no desenho para assistir as aulas. Basta gostar de desenhar.Esse contedo baseadono programaadotado no primeiro perodo dos cursos artsticos da Escola de Belas Artes da UFRJ, onde me formei em 1991.Desenho de observao da estrutura da forma no espao com seus atributos de ritmo, volumes, proporo etc. Percepo da linha e do claro-escuro. Estudo de propores - mdulo. Desenho sinttico: simplificao da forma Estudo da cabea. Estudo das mos Estudo dos ps Estudo depose de corpo inteiro Representao domodelode forma fiel ao que os seus olhos captam.Um bom desenho estar sempre ligado ao prazer do aprendizado e do desenvolvimento pleno do seu talento.E a? Bora desenhar?"
Price: 39.99

"Launch Ethereum tokens & crowdsales without coding"
"Token &Crowdsale(ICO)ContractsDealing with bleeding edge technologies such as Ethereum is daunting for many non-developers. In this course, I will be sharing with you how to deploy your own token and crowdsale smart contract on Ethereum, and I will make the process fun and easy for you! By the end of this course, you will understand how token contracts and crowdsale contracts work on the Ethereum network and will be able to deploy your own token on both the test network (Ropsten) as well as the main ethereum network.Look Ma, no code!With the tool I provide for you, you will be able to deploy your own token and crowdsale smart contracts within a few clicks on your browser!ChallengesThere will be some challenges in the course where you can try out what you've learnt in the course. At the end of the course, feel free to drop me a message if you have deployed your own token or crowdsale on the main Ethereum network, I will help you list them on the website where you deploy the contracts from to showcase your token to the world.ResourcesAll tools to deploy your contracts are included in the course, including how to get free ethers for testing.Throughout the course, I will include external resources to help you learn more about the subject."
Price: 49.99

Price: 6000.00

"The Ultimate Hair Course: How to have perfect hair at home"
"Wouldn't it be nice to have a long, strong, shiny and beautiful hair? Maybe you think this is hard to achieve without spending too much money and time and without damaging your hair with heat tools, chemicals dyes, etc... But in fact, you CAN have wonderful hair at home without spending too much money and time. Actually, I personally haven't been in a salon since I learned all that I teach you in this course. You will be able to style your own hair without heat, to dye your own hair with natural dyes, to cut your own hair beautifully and so much more. I am super excited to share with you my top secret hair tips!"
Price: 34.99

"Eletrnica - Curso de Proteus 8.5 bsico"
"Aprenda sobre o ambiente de trabalho do Proteus 8.5, simularo de arduino e desenvolvero layout de circuitos eletrnicos bsicos, tais como uma fonte retificadora de onda completa, voc conseguir fazer tanto o esquema eltrico como o PCB layout do circuito. Tambm conseguir simular o Arduino atravs de uma ferramenta que ser mostrada durante o curso."
Price: 54.99

"CCNA CyberSec Ops - SECFND 210-250 Questions and Answers"
"TheCCNA CyberSec Ops - SECFND 210-250 Questions and Answers course aims to help students master the 210-250 SECFND - Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity Fundamentals Exams which is the first of the two required exams to achieve the CCNA Cyber Ops Certification. The SECFND exam tests candidates understanding of cybersecuritys basic principles, foundational knowledge, and core skills needed to grasp the more advanced associate-level materials in the second required exam, ""Implementing Cisco Cybersecurity Operations (SECOPS)""."
Price: 19.99

"CCNA CyberSec Ops - SECOPS 210-255 Questions and Answers"
"TheCCNA CyberSec Ops - SECOPS 210-255 Questions and Answers course aims to help students master the 210-255 SECOPS - Implementing Cisco Cybersecurity Operations Exams which is the the second of the two required exams to achieve the associate-level CCNA Cyber Ops certification and prepares candidates to begin a career within a Security Operations Center (SOC), working with Cybersecurity Analysts at the associate level. The SECOPS exam tests a candidate's knowledge and skills needed to successfully handle the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of an associate-level Security Analyst working in a Security Operations Center (SOC)."
Price: 19.99

"How To Create Highly Successful Retargeting Campaigns (2020)"
"From an Ex-GooglerA highly effective and up to date course, designed to guide you through implementing Retargeting/Remarketing strategies to gain huge returns on your advertising spend. Ive designed this course to be as time-efficient and practical as possible. The course is designed with the purpose of allowing you to set up effective Retargeting campaigns to take your return on investment to the next level.This course will take you through from developing your Retargeting strategy, implementing campaigns across Display, Video and Search on Google, YouTube and Facebook (And Instagram). We will also discuss measuring the effectiveness of your campaigns and finally GDPR compliance."
Price: 149.99

"Englisch fr Anfnger - English Course for German speakers"
"Ein Kurs von einem deutschen Auswanderer, der im zarten Alter von 18 Jahren nach England gezogen ist und dort sein Englisch perfektioniert hat. Die Methoden in diesem Kurs wurden von dem Autor selbst angewendet und halfen ihm, in wenigen Monaten soviel zu Englisch zu lernen, wie man normalerweise in mehreren Jahren lernt. Dies ist ein Sprachkurs fr Anfnger jeden Alters mit Tipps und Tricks die einem sehr viel Arbeit ersparen knnen und die fr das erfolgreiche Englisch Lernen unverzichtbar sind!"
Price: 34.99

"Labview Core I & Labview Core II"
"Sabias que en la industria est prohibido utilizar estructuras de secuencia dentro de bucles en Labview y que lo mejor es utilizar mquinas de estados por temas de seguridad industrial? Quisieras saber ms?.Aprende esto y mucho mas mediante sesiones tericas y muchas prcticas mediante ejercicios de cdigo que debes completar (incluye test para poner a prueba tus conocimientos y prepararte). Este curso est diseado como una alternativa de formacin a los cursos Labview Core I y II ofrecidos por National Instruments pero lo mejor, todo en un mismo curso y por una pequesima fraccin de lo que costara hacerlos en otros lugares.Aprende con un maestro ingeniero e instructor con mas de una dcada de experiencia trabajando en proyectos industriales y en formacin de futuros profesionales en diversas reas del saber en ingeniera y con Labview.Adicional realiza prcticas con Arduino de adquisicin y generacin de seales, aprende a generar reportes en PDF desde Labview (no mas reportes en html o excel), almacena datos en bases de datos con labview, programa bus de comunicacion I2c con arduino y Labview, aprende a simular con labview sistemas dinmicos y controladores PID como se hace con Simulink de Matlab, ademas aprende a automatizar los damper de un oxydizer regenerativo trmico industrial usando Labview y mquinas de estado, encontraras en este curso un gran aliado para aprender a solucionar tus problemas de ingeniera y la ciencia.Hecha un vistazo al curso y a las calificaciones de los estudiantes, te aseguro que aprenders as ya tengas experiencia programando en Labview.Contenido  Este curso incluye todo en la curva de conocimiento de Labview Core I y Labview Core II como formacin equivalente.Para quien es recomendado este curso:-Personas que quieren desarrollar programas en Labview con los mas altos niveles de calidad basados en buenas prcticas y estndares de desarrollo con Labview y que buscan lograr trabajo o negocios con las mejores compaas de tecnologa de clase mundo de la mano con Labview.Para quien NO es recomendado este curso :-Personas que quieren aprender a conectar bloques en Labview desarrollando programas mediocres y sin tener en cuenta estndares y best practices de clase mundial, si quieres aprender a conectar bloques, de eso encuentras mucho en youtube.- Aqu te enseamos a ""pescar"" muy bien y no te daremos el pescado como dice el proverbio, por tanto el curso no es para personas que buscan ejemplos para copiarlos en sus proyectos, aqu aprenders a resolver tus propios problemas y desafos con las bases practicas y tericas que recibirs y sers tu el encargad@ de ponerle limite a tu imaginacin e ingenio."
Price: 29.99

"Efficient Running - Run smarter with Science"
"Together we will look at all relevant aspects of running.By taking a scientific look you can be sure that I'm not only telling you what I'm in the mood for - everything is clearly structured and well-founded researched.Among other things, we will deal with running styles - which ones are available, when are they suitable. Or perhaps you find the topic of ""training design"" particularly exciting?At what temperature do you run a marathon, how much do you drink during a 10km run? What are minimum shoes and do I need them?You will be able to answer all these questions afterwards."
Price: 74.99

"Personal Finance/Budgeting Basics"
"In this course we will cover the basics on how to create and balance a budget. Save for the future, retire, and adjust your mindset for future financial success. 6 in 10 Americans don't have enough saved to cover an emergency. After this course, you will have the foundation built to keep you from becoming one of them. This course has helped over 1,000 students on Udemy take control of their finances."
Price: 19.99

"How to Write a Professional Business Plan"
"In this course you will learn how to write a business plan. Key points of research will be laid out so that you are able to develop a strategy and clearly lay out a full plan for your business. You will be given an outline to follow for formatting to ensure that you do not miss any important parts of your business plan. Included in this course is also a PDFexample of a business plan for you to reference."
Price: 29.99

"7 Quality Tools for Quality Management and Improvements."
"Welcome to the Complete Crash Course on 7 Basic Quality Tools. Thecourse was designed to equip you with the tools and Techniques that are used to solve 90% of quality management related issues within an organization irrespective of the Industry.The course is easy to follow and equipped with examples which are easy to follow, At the end of every topic the Practical Application and Implementation is demonstrated using MS Excel.Being a Quality Professional for 15 years I have practically used and applied these tools in multiple Quality Projects thereby resulting in Millions of dollars as cost saving or Revenue Enhancement."
Price: 129.99

"Microsoft Excel Dashboard Infographics Masterclass Volume 1"
"Did you know you could create amazing Professional LookingInfographics using Microsoft Excel?Are you Excited to explore the power of Microsoft Excelto create beautiful Visual and dynamic Infographics to make your Dashboards look smarter and be appreciated for your data Visualization Skills?If yes, then youre in the right place - and I amhappy to have you here!If you are in, then we're excited to announce aFAST-PACED, HIGH-VALUE COURSEthat'll help you accomplish these goals!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What are Infographics?Infographics are graphic visual representations of Information, data or Knowledge to present information quickly and clearly.Why should you create them?To Grab Your Target Audience's AttentionPeople are naturally drawn towards graphical elements which includes facts, stats, data and figures. Now, combine graphical elements with motion elements and you have a product which is compelling enough to grab eyeballs from the right audience.Trend and Pattern AnalysisImprove cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual systems ability to see patterns and trends.To Position Yourself As An ExpertAnimated infographics make use of charts, graphs, and other relevant information. This signifies the amount of research and efforts the creator poured in to produce content that is useful and visually appealing. This will not only get the eyeballs rolling with your Presentation Style but will get you the appreciation of your audience establishing you as an Expert."
Price: 29.99