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"have you been looking for a detailed course on how to learn Swahili?yes? This course will teach you not only basic Swahili but an in-depth look to Swahili language. By the end of this course you will have mastered Swahili like a native speaker. the courselooks into basic introduction and conversational skills in Swahili languageNew . learn swahili whatsapp group to take your learning to the next level!!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn swahili in 30 minutes"
"This course is for beginner Swahililearners who want a better understanding of Swahili or planning to visit east Africa soon. you will learn how to introduce yourself in detail including your name ,locations, place of stay ,families and numbers among many othersIn only a 30minutesyou will build a complete understanding of common Swahili conversational skills and be able to defend yourself amongst the native speakers.Make life easier and take this course now!"
Price: 34.99

"Programando Apps de IOS"
"Este cursoayuda a los estudiantes a desarrollar apps de IOS, que te ayudaran a aprender y aplicar las habilidades de codificacin relacionadas con Apple y comenzar un nuevo viaje hacia el xito.Este curso no contiene videos intiles, no desperdicia nada de tu tiempo. Cada clase est diseada para ampliar su conocimiento, y para ser clara y concisa. De esa forma, aprendes rpidamente y comienzas a construir tus propias aplicaciones.Nuestro curso te dar todas las habilidades necesarias desde lo bsico hasta lo mas complejo para crear apps que puedan ser utilizados en el diario vivir."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Arduino programming with concepts step by step guide"
"In this course you will learn about Arduino programming, we will start from basics of Arduino programming and go to advance level Arduino programming C PROGRAMMING FOR ARDUINOA step by step guideIntroduction to course Introduction to Arduino and getting started with ArduinoIntroduction to C Programming for ArduinoData types for C programming for ArduinoDecision making in C programming for ArduinoProgram loops in C programming for ArduinoFunctions in C programming for ArduinoStorage classes and scope in C programming for ArduinoIntroduction to the pointers for C programming for ArduinoHow to use pointer effectively with ArduinoStructures, unions and data storageThe C preprocessor and bitwise operation Arduino librariesI will be updating this course with more lecture on Arduino programming for C like LCD interfacing , Keypad interfacing, sensors interfacing , motors interfacing , OLED display interfacing, I2C communication, serial communication, SPI communication, TFT display interfacing and many other sensors interfacing with Arduino. So keep visiting this course on Arduino programming for more useful videos."
Price: 99.99

"Make Full-Time Money Trading the Forex Market Part-Time"
"This is a SCALPING strategy using the 5-Minute time-frame andtheDynamic Fibonacci Lines.Learn to manage your trades EASILY with ourOne-Click executionMoney Managing Panel.Learn to have thewinning MINDSET to effectively trade the market.Set GOALS, have a trading Journal and control your EMOTIONS to succeed as a trader.This method will provide exactEntry & Exit signals giving you MORE frequent opportunities.Live Trade examples!By the end of the course you will have EVERYTHINGyou NEED to be a SUCCESSFULtrader."
Price: 199.99

"Breath & Heart"
"This beginner's guide to Heart Rhythm Meditation provides simple, clear instruction in this form of meditation in which you synchronize your breath and heartbeat to tune your basic internal rhythms to one another. If you've tried other types of meditation but found the method vague and the practice difficult to stick with, you will appreciate this step-by-step guide to bring yourself to a meditative state. This course breaks down the practice of Heart Rhythm Meditation into seven guided meditations with instruction and benefits. We begin with observing the breath, and take you through the steps to synchronize your breath with your heartbeat, culminating in a meditation that encourages you to feel the depth of that practice and affect your internal state. If you practice Heart Rhythm Meditation, youll find that is both calming and energizing, and with regular practice, its effects will be life-changing."
Price: 49.99

"DIY Financial Planning: Home Purchases"
"The average prospective home buyerspends over 52 hours figuring out the financial detailsfor their home purchase.Do it the right way, in less time than it takes to watch a movie.This course is intended for anyone who is in the market or considering purchasing a home for the next few years:This includes anyone:Looking to get concrete answers on if they can afford a specific home or notFrustrated by time consuming and unreliable do-it-yourself researchLooking for an alternative to hiring a financial planner which would be more expensiveWho is not quite ready to buy a home but wants to figure out how much they need to save for itMortgage Brokers who want to help educate their clientsFollow the techniques, exercises, and spreadsheetsa Certified Financial Planner uses to prepare a client for the purchase of a home instead of relying on online searches and get professional guidance without the professional financial planner price."
Price: 129.99

"Aprende ya el pasado simple en ingls"
"Si ya te iniciaste en el aprendizaje del idioma ingls y sigues teniendo problemas para aprender el pasado simple, no te preocupes, existen tcnicas que con este curso puedes adquirir y que te sern de utilidad para que de una vez por todas ya empieces a usar esta forma verbal."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Critical Thinking"
"How do you tell truth from fiction? How do you get past your own biases and misconceptions to have a clearer-eyed view of things? How do you tell when someone's trying to mislead you intentionally? This course will give you some basic groundwork for skepticism and critical thinking -- how to recognize fallacies in media, how to pick out spurious statistics, how to craft an argument, andhow to know when scientific terms are being misdefined. By the end, you'll be a more savvy reader and listener, and have a better ability to articulate your own views clearly and accurately."
Price: 49.99

"How to Negotiate Your Salary"
"In this course, you'll learn what you need to do before, during and after a salary negotiation to earn more money in your career. Designed to be beautiful, fun and easy to do, this course has the potential to help you increase your salary by thousands of dollars. It will leave you feeling inspired and motivated to negotiate your salary no matter what your circumstances."
Price: 29.99

"O essencial em HTML e CSS - lana o teu site gratuitamente"
"Para que haja inovao preciso ideias e conhecimento. Neste curso vais aprender as tecnologias base da Web. Depois de fazeres este curso tens tudo o que precisas para dar o primeiro cdigo s tuas ideias.Tecnologias ensinadas: HTML, CSS, um pouco de JS e ainda vais ter o primeiro contacto com Node.Vais aprender todas tecnologias necessrias de forma a criar uma Interface para qualquer site que possas imaginar.Durante este curso vais criar um site onde vais colocar em prtica todos os conhecimentos adquiridos. Mas a melhor parte vem depois! Ao saberes estas tecnologias ests mais perto de conseguir criar qualquer coisa que imagines!"
Price: 29.99

"Create an Amazon Alexa Flash Briefing Skill Quickly & Easily"
"Top entrepreneurs like Mark Cuban and Gary Vaynerchuk hail voice-first technology as a revolutionary market shaper. Meanwhile industry estimates show voice will grow by about $1 billion annually for the next six years.But, getting involved in this technology can be hard.Not anymore.This course will help you quickly and easily take advantage of the voice-first market. You will create your own Amazon Alexa flash briefing. You'll then have access to a publishing platform. You'll also formulate and determine the subject of your briefing.Your instructoris Nick Brown.Nick isa professional teacher, Fulbright Scholar, and Co-founder of Effct, a company that makes publishing content on Alexa easy. His co-founder is Moses McCall. Moses is a former NASA software engineer with a passion for innovation and coding.We're excited for you to use this course to take advantage of the voice-first market!"
Price: 34.99

"DOCKER Step by Step for Beginners with Sample Project"
"This course is created for complete beginners.Understand DOCKER in the most easy way with analogies.If you want to understand what really docker is and how it works, this course is for you.Very basic step by step videos to guide you from scratch.In this session we will start from very basics of DOCKERWhat is DOCKERWhy you should use DOCKERHow DOCKER worksBenefits of DOCKERHow to install DOCKERBasic CommandsDocker ImagesDocker ContainersDockerfileDocker ComposeDocker with JenkinsDocker Swarm and much more...Let's Get Started..."
Price: 19.99

"POSTMAN API Testing - Step by Step for Beginners"
"This course is created for complete beginners.Get started with POSTMAN step by step.If you are a complete beginner on Postman, this course is for you.Very basic step by step videos to guide you from scratch.In this session we will learnWhat is POSTMANHow to download and installUnderstand Postman GUICreate Collections, Variables, Environments and TestsData Driven TestingRun from command-line and JenkinsLet's Get Started..."
Price: 19.99

"Mindfulness 1 Course - Introduction to Mindfulness"
"Mindfulness is a powerful tool that has grown in popularity in recent years. With the benefits of meditation becoming clearer with recent research, we are beginning to understand just how useful mindfulness may be. From helping relieve stress to improving sleep, mindfulness practice has helped millions find relief from difficulties. In this course, you will learn the basics of mindfulness meditation and be able to practice with confidence.The course offers video lessons, guided meditations, and review practices to investigate mindfulness for yourself. Together, these offerings will create a full-featured learning experience in which you can both learn the principles and examine them in your own experience. Matthew will lead you through the foundations of mindfulness and how to cultivate awareness, compassion, and balance in your own life. An empowered Buddhist meditation teacher from Spirit Rock Meditation Center, he offers these ancient teachings in a way applicable to modern living."
Price: 29.99

"Flute : Beginners Indian Course LEVEL 1"
"This is a perfect place to learn from starting. learn at your own time schedule and save money. We have specially design videos to learn flute easy , systematically and technically . we are sure you will enjoy with fun learning. "" Perfect practice in playing flute is the key of Success ""Getting started to play a flute a little bit difficult but Step by Step learning through my beginners course Level-I , it is very much easy to learn flute. I have cleared all the doubts at the beginners level, to reduce stress level students join this awesome course. We have made a quality product course only for you. "" Music is the Medicine of Brain ""What will learn after completing this course :-1. Holding the flute properly.2. Produce sound and breathing control.3. Play sa re ga ma and ( C D E F G ) major scaleon flute4.Play and learn different Alankaraas and many lessons.5. practice with Metronome : 3 parts6. learn different raag on kalyan thaat , Bilawal Thaat, Khamaj Thaat and Kafi Thaat.7.indian famous tuneson flute.8. Practice session with tabla9.Understanding 4th , 8th and 16th notes on flute10. How many flutes a beginners should have.11. Rhythm section on tabla for 4 beats pattern and 3 beats patterns.12. No . of Videolesson 35.13 Duration of total videos 4Hours."
Price: 12480.00

"Data Protection: Know your right and Avoid Breach"
"This course teaches the law of data protection by explaining the types of legal systems and explaining the laws that apply in US and EU and their implication for people in every section of society. It identifies the differences in the laws and the extent of rights and responsibilities relating to the protection of data. It also addresses the principles, duties, enforcement, and liabilities of institutions and persons that use data and the right of those whose data are used."
Price: 19.99

"Science and Art of Selling - Structured Selling Framework"
"The role of a salesperson has evolved from traditional product-focused to needs-based selling. Successful salesmen and saleswomen are people who have experience in problem-solving, and follow a structured approach to identify and cater to their customers needs and challenges. Following a needs-based approach will help you develop customized value added solutions for the entire sales process.Course Highlights Whether you are selling a new or an existing product, your selling approach should be to apply the right strategies, tactics and techniques to achieve business objectives, whilst establishing and maintaining a preferred position amongst your customers. This course will cover proven sales practices and strategies to help you plan and prepare for effective and productive sales calls. Key elements include: Understanding the key Sales Fundamentals. Provision of an 8-Step Structured Selling Framework for use in all aspects of sales planning and sales calls. Focus on the Effective Sales Framework (ESF) for use in sales calls."
Price: 99.99

"De la NEGATIVIDAD al OPTIMISMO en 5 pasos"
"A travs de las explicaciones tericas y de sus correspondientes actividades prcticas, el alumno adquierecompetenciaspara gestionar de formaemocionalmente ecolgicay sostenible, sus hbitos negativos.La consigna fundamental para conseguir el 100% de resultados positivos es sencilla:practicarlo a diario. Durante cunto tiempo?: Al menos21 das seguidos, para que se haga un hbito y lo realices de forma automtica, sin tener que pensarlo. (Los 21 das son orientativos). Por lo tanto, el alumno ha de hacer unaalianzaconsigo mismo para comprometerse con el resultado deseado.Este curso est desarrollado a travs de mi experiencia como Life Coach as como con herramientas imprescindibles de la ecologa emocional, y a travs de una exhaustiva recopilacin de datos e informacin de diversos expertos.No es necesaria experiencia ni conocimientos previos, pero si que sernnecesarioscompromiso y voluntadpor tu parte.El contenido de este taller estformado por una parte terica, a la que tienes acceso a travs de12 vdeos de aproximadamente una horade duracin en total, y una serie de actividades prcticas.En clasese explica un paso distinto, pues se trabaja cada paso por separado, y cada uno tiene unebook descargablecon los ejercicios correspondientesTe recomiendo que no te pegues un atracn de informacin seguida, pues los contenidos se integran mejor dndoles tiempo para ser procesados, el entrenamiento de todos los ejercicios has de realizarlos durante21 das seguidos.Puedes hacerlos todos juntos, o puedes hacer los 21 das trabajando un paso a la vez."
Price: 99.99

"Aletsiz Evde Vcut Gelitirme, Fitness Eitimi & Programlar"
"Bu kurs ierisinde, hi bir alet veya ekipman kullanmadan, evde veya istediiniz yerde, vcut arlnz kullanarak, kaslarnz gelitirmeyi, kuvvetinizi arttrmay, ya yakm salamay ve bu antrenman sistemlerini uygun ekilde planlamay reneceksiniz. Vcut Arl AntrenmanlarBu kurs ierisinde greceiniz antrenmanlarn tamam sadece vcut arlnz ile yapacanz egzersizler ile hazrland. Barfiks demiri, dips demiri yada mekik sehpahas gibi ekipmana ihtiyacnz olmayacak.  Bu sayede antrenmanlar evde, parkda, otelde ve heryerde yapabilirsiniz. Tamamen aletsiz 47 en etkili altrd blgeler ve detaylar ile akladm. Ayrca barfiks demiri ve kk ekipman ile uygulayabileceiniz baz egzersizleride ekledim.Core Training (Merkez Blge Antrenmanlar)Bu eitim ierisinde reneceiniz alma sistemleri ve vcut arl egzersizleri ile esnek, gl ve ekillenmi merkez blgeye sahip olacaksnz. Vcut arl egzersizleri, etkin ekilde core blgenizi altrmaktadr.Her Seviyeye Gre AntrenmanlarSpora yeni balayan birisi olabilirsiniz yada daha tecrbeli. Sizin iin oluturduum programlar yeni balayan, orta seviye ve ileri seviye olarak ayrdm. Zaman ierisinde seviyeniz ilerledike daha st programlarda bu kurs ierisinde bulabileceksiniz. Bu sayede uzun sreler boyunca reneceiniz bilgileri kullanabileceksiniz.Aamal Yklenme ve DnemlemeAamal yklenme ve dnemleme yaklam sayesinde, zorluk seviyesi farkl hareketleri, farkl programlarda uygulayabileceksiniz. Dnemleme yaklam, maksimal kuvvet, hipertrofi ve ya yakm gibi ksa dnglerin, yllk programlara amaca gre yerletirilerek kullanlmasdr. Amacnza ynelik yllk planlamalar kurs programnda bulabilecek ve kendi hedefiniz iin almalar yapabileceksiniz. Kurs program ierisinde, maksimal kuvvet, hipertrofi ve ya yakm hakknda btn detaylar bulabilecek ve seviyelere uygun programlar grebileceksiniz.Temel BilgilerFitness uygulamalar iin gerekli olan, snma, souma gibi gerekli bilgileri kurs program ierisinde reneceksiniz. Bu sayede daha verimli antrenmanlar yapabileceksiniz.Tekrar Saylar, Dinlenme Sresi ve Kaslma EvreleriEn byk karmaalardan biri olan, bu hareketi ka tekrar yapaym? Ka sn dinleneyim? Hzl m yapaym yava m? gibi sorularn tamamen ortadan kalkmas iin, her dneme zg olan tekrar saylar, dinlenme sreleri ve kaslma evrelerini en detayl ekilde anlattm. Size sadece uygulamak Boyu Yeterlimr boyu kendinize yetecek spor bilgisine sahip olacaksnz.Vcut arl ile antrenmanda kullanlmas gereken en etkili egzersizleri, detayl ekilde reneceksiniz. Fiziinizin srekli olarak iyiye doru deiimi iin mr boyu kullanabileceiniz programlara sahip olabileceksiniz.Bu Kurs Hakknda Yaplan Yorumlar""Daha kursa balayal ok ksa bir sre oldu fakat ierii ve dzenlenme ekli ok ilgimi ekti. Spor yapmak ve gzel bir vcuda sahip olmak iin spor salonu olgusunu yerle bir eden bir kurs. Kendi banza olduunuz iin terapi niyetinde. Ayrca ok hzl geri dn yapan ve gayet ilgili bir hocaya sahip. lerleyen dnemlerde ok iyi sonular alacam dnyorum."" Uzay Anl Bilgin""6 ayda 15 kilo vermeme fit bir grntye ulamama vesile olan harika bir kurs. Vcut gelitirme ncesi zayflamak amal baladm kurs sayesinde gzle grlr ekilde karn kaslarm bile kt. Teekkrler hocam iyiki sizler varsnz.""mer Ta""Antremanlara baladktan sonra kolaym gibi grnen egzersizlerin ok zor ve bir o kadar da keyif verici olduunu anladm. Vcut arl kullanarak plan dahilinde almak ve hedefine hrsl bir ekilde ulamak isteyenler bu eitimle birlikte beslenme eitimini de almallar.""Fatih TezelSayglarmla.Umut VarolPersonal Fitness Trainer / Tactic Athlete Trainer"
Price: 49.99

"Kadn Fitness: Evde Aletsiz alarak Model Vcuduna Ulan"
"MODEL VCUDUKadnlarn fiziki olarak problem yaadklar blgeler, erkeklerden tamamen farkldr. Model gibi grnmek, vcudunuzu mkemmelletirmek iin, kadn vcudunun detaylarn dnerek ve model vcudunu hedefleyerek bir program yaratmak gerektiini dndm.Eer hedefimiz bykse, o hedefe odaklanm bir plann dndakiler tamamen zaman kayb olacaktr. Bu yzden, tek amaca odaklanm olan bu program ve detaylarn anlattm eitimi oluturdum.TAMAMEN ALETSZModel vcuduna ulamak iin hi bir ekipman veya alet kullanmanza gerek yok. Btn antrenmanlar, tamamen vcut arl kullanlarak yaplacak ekilde hazrladm. Bu sayede, her yerde antrenmanlarnz yapabilecek ve gndelik mazeretlerin karnza kmasna izin vermeyeceksiniz. Srekli baarszlklar ile dolu spor salonlarna git gel dngsnden kurtulacak ve kendiniz iin fazladan zaman yaratacaksnz.MKEMMEL DURUModel gibi bir vcuda sahip olmak, sadece incelmek ve ekillenmek ile salanamaz. Ayrca, mkemmel bir posture (durua) sahip olmak gerekir. ekillenmeniz ve incelmeniz iin zel antrenmanlar hazrladm gibi, duruunuzu mkemmelletirmek ve daha zgvenli grnmeniz iin postur gelitirmeye ynelik bir planda hazrladm ve antrenman dngsnde uygun yere yerletirdim.ETKL EGZERSZLEREvde yapabileceiniz, en etkili ve amaca ynelik egzersizleri detayl ekilde uygulama yaparken anlattm. Kolayca anlayabilecek ve rahata uygulayabileceksiniz.HEDEF NE?Bu eitim ve programlar sayesinde unlara ulaacaksnz :Daha ince ve ekilli bir vcutSellitsiz ve yasz bir vcutzgveni yksek bir duru (model gibi)Kadns kvrmlarn belirginlemesiSalkl, zinde, yenilenmi bir insanUmut VarolPersonal Fitness Trainer / Tactical Athlete Trainer"
Price: 49.99

"Mkemmel Postur: zgveni Yksek Bir Duruunuz Olsun"
"Modern hayatta oturarak alan insanlarn %90nda duru bozukluu oluur, ama kiiler bu durumu fark edemezler. Farkna varmak iin okumaya devam edin.Size vereceim antrenmanlar ile duru bozukluklarnz dzelecek ve mkemmel bir grnme kavuacaksnz. Duruunuz Kiiliinizdir ehir ve i yaamnn bir sonucu olarak, ocukluumuzdan yallmza kadar geen yllar ierisinde, doamza aykr olarak uzun sreler oturuyor ve hareketsiz kalyoruz. Uzun saatler oturarak almak, hareketsiz yaam ve egzersiz yoksunluundan dolay zaman ierisinde vcudumuz deforme oluyor ve postur bozukluklar gelitiriyor. Bu durum enerjimizin dmesine, hem de fiziki grntmzn gze kt gelmesine sebep oluyor. Bu gibi sorunlar tamamen ortadan kaldrmak, daha enerjik olmanz ve daha ekici bir grnme kavumanz iin bu eitimi ve antrenmanlar hazrladm. Bu eitim ve antrenmanlarda, kafanz kartracak bilimsel terimlerden ve uzun konumalardan tamamen uzak durdum. Sade, anlalr ve tamamen hedefe ynelik ekilde hazrladm. Oluan bozukluklarn nedenlerini ve zm yollarn ksaca anlattm. zellikle bilgiden ziyade hzlca sonuca ulamak isteyen kiiler iin, uygulama sresi ksa ve sistematik ekilde vcutta bulunan btn postur bozukluklarn ortadan kaldracak bir antrenman plan hazrladm. Size sadece uygulamas kald. Postur Bozukluklar Nelerdir? Ksaca sralamak gerekirseBan vcut dikey eksenine gre nde olmasYandan bakldnda omuzlarn nde olmasnden bakldnda omuzlarn simetrik olmamasKollarn ie dnk olmasSrtn yuvarlaklamas ve ne eilmesiBel ukurunun fazlalamas (Bel ft sebebi)Karn blgesinin ne doru kmas (Belki de gbeiniz yok, duruunuz bozuk)Dizlerin fazlaca birbirine yakn olmas (X Bacak)Dizlerin fazlaca birbirinden uzak olmas (Parantez)Ayak tabanlarnda oluan bas bozukluklar Postur Bozukluklarnn Sebep Olabilecei Rahatszlklar Vcut enerjisinin azalmasOmurgada normalin dnda erilikKronik rahatszlklar (Ftk, eklem rahatszl, artrit vs.)Kan aknn bozulmasAkcier kapasitesinde azalmaKronik kas arlarGrsel bozukluklarSrekli gergin ve stresli bir haleti ruhiyezgvensiz grnt Postur Bozukluklar Neden Oluur? ocukluk srasnda yanl oturma pozisyonu (okul)Ar anta tamakOturarak almakHareketsizlikYanl egzersiz planYresel alkanlklar (srekli ba ne emek)Telefon ekranna fazlaca bakmakKas zayflklar Peki Bu Kurs Size zm Sunacak M? Evet, sizin iin hazrladm antrenman planna harfiyen uyduunuzda, her hafta duruunuzun daha iyiye doru ilerlediini grecesiniz. 6 hafta ile 12 hafta arasnda grsel bozuklarnz ortadan kalkacak. Yenilenmi, daha enerjik, zgveni yksek ve fizyolojisi daha salkl bir birey haline geleceksiniz. Zamannzn ok kstl olduunu biliyorum, bu yzden gnlk antrenman sreniz 20dky amayacak. Tamamen aletsiz ve kendi evinizde uygulayabileceiniz programlar oluturdum. Sorularnza yant vermekten memnuniyet duyarm.Teekkr ederim."
Price: 49.99

"Tcnicas para Alvio e Controle da Ansiedade"
"Neste curso qualquer pessoa pode aprendertcnicas da Psicologia Cognitiva Comportamentalpara aliviar e controlar os sintomas da ansiedade.O curso fundamentado pela terapia cognitivo comportamental, terapia pela qualo aluno oupacientetem a possibilidade decompreender que seus pensamentos e sentimentos desempenham um papel fundamental em seus comportamentos.A psicoterapia, atravs da abordagem cognitivo comportamental, uma das ferramentas mais eficazes para o tratamento da ansiedade. Ela tem obtidoresultados significativamentepositivos no tratamento dos sintomasansiognicospor meio de atividades que objetivam o aprendizadodehabilidades e comportamentos especficos para a superao das situaes complicadas do dia-a-dia."
Price: 249.99

"The Art of Self Healing Through Self Love"
"As therapists we love to treat you, but at the same time love the idea of giving you this course packed with information and practical tools and techniques to heal yourself. We are still here to support you - which is all we are ever doing anyway; supporting you while you do all of the amazing self-healing.This course contains so many practical tools and techniques, meditations, videos, audios, pdfs, quizzes as well as bonuses to support you on this journey of self discovery and self-healing."
Price: 19.99

"Dcouvrez les clefs pour librer votre crativit"
"Dans ce cours, je vais vous donner une brve introduction lhistoire de lart pour vous aider comprendre limportance de la perception visuelle et comment elle a affect lart au cours du temps.Ce cours va vous aider comprendre comment utiliser, couleurs, contrats et perspective pour donner une illusion d'espace. Il va aussi vous apprendre bouger avec le clbre flash lab, conu  tout spcialement pour crer dynamique et mouvement et vous entraner au processus cratif.La mthode que j'utilise est inspire de celle du clbre professeur Sherman qui a enseign luniversit de Ohio aux tats Unis et qui a form des grands artistes tel que Roy Lichtenstein.              Hoyt L.Sherman a trait l'ducation artistique comme tant dpendante des moyens de perception visuelle. Sa mthode intgre la fois la psychologie et l'ophtalmologie. Dans ce cours, je vous en prsente lessentiel :     Jaborderai en premier la thorie, pour que vous puissiez mieux comprendre o nous en sommes aujourdhui. Nous allons observer les grandes uvres d'art et souligner les qualits qui distinguent les grands matres des artistes comptents. Je passerai en revue les lments cls de la composition pour que vous puissiez mieux comprendre quels sont les outils votre disposition et comment les utiliser.Je vous donnerai mon ressenti sur l'art et la crativit dun point de vue personnel, motionnel et spirituel.    La partie pratique se compose de deux sections.     Tout d'abord, nous excuterons le fameux  Flash lab  o les images seront projetes lcran pendant un dixime de seconde intervalles rguliers. Vous devrez reproduire ce que vous voyez, sans regarder vos mains. Le but de cet exercice est de dvelopper votre gestuelle et vous apprendre encoder et reproduire ce que vous voyez, de manire spontane et dynamique.Dans la deuxime section, je vous propose une srie dexercices o des images seront projetes floues et lenvers. Elles seront progressivement mises au point, puis redresses. Le but de ces exercices est de vous apprendre encoder les formes, les couleurs et contrastes en allant du gnral aux dtails en vous dtachant du mental. Ensuite, je vous invite partager vos dessins et impressions sur le groupe Facebook ""Librez votre crativit"" pour changer les critiques constructives et recevoir des exercices et un suivi supplmentaire. la fin de ce cours, votre confiance va exploser. Vous aurez une comprhension approfondie de la faon d'utiliser les outils tels que les couleurs, la perspective, le model, et vous vous sentirez beaucoup plus l'aise dans vos mouvements.      Allez-y et cliquez sur le bouton d'inscription, on se  retrouve dans la leon 1!  A bientt,  Nash     "
Price: 19.99

"Evaluation de vos connaissances sur WordPress"
"Vous tes un employeur dsirant tester le niveau d'un candidat sur WordPress ?Vous tes un candidat souhaitant valuer son niveau sur WordPress avant un entretien d'embauche ?Vous souhaitez vous prparer un examen sur WordPress ?Vous tes curieux de connatre votre niveau d'expertise sur WordPress ?Alors, ce test en ligne est fait pour vous ! Rpondez aux 120questions et essayez d'obtenir un taux de bonnes rponses suprieur 80%.Un test divis en trois parties afin de mieux cerner vos lacunes techniques et estimer au mieux votre niveau sur WordPress.- Connaissances gnrales :aborde l'histoire de WordPress et des questions faciles sur son fonctionnement.- Niveau normal: une srie de questions diverses et varies sur WordPress.- Niveau expert: des questions techniques surlesystme WordPress.Les plus du test :- Des questions d'actualits et tenues jour rgulirement.- Divis en 3 parties pour des questions de plus en plus difficile.- Un tarif au plus bas pour qu'il soit accessible tout le monde."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Elucidat authoring tool, Elearning software"
"The e-learning Content specialist or a Developer primarily designs or develops digital learning content in all its forms - tutorials, simulations, games, assessments, videos, podcasts, troubleshooting guides and simple reference material. Due to the current shortage of E-learning developer professionals becomes a rewarding career path.Learn to design the high quality, valuable content. Be well versed in web/eLearning standards such as HTML5, CSS, SASS, web accessibility.At the end of the course, you will have made your own Elucidat Authoring Tool based e-Learning course. This course offers you with everything you need to create fascinating e-Learning content with the help of Elucidat Authoring Tool. The instructor will take you through a rapid e-Learning course development process while you create your own e-Learning course. The video lectures will help you quickly learn about the Elucidat Authoring tool right from scratch, you will learn in detail about understanding their highly interactive interface, screen familiarization, understanding sequence and a lot more interesting stuff in this tool."
Price: 1280.00

"Learn iSpring Suite Best Elearning software Authoring tool"
"The e-learning content specialist or a content developer primarily designs or develops digital learning content in all its forms - tutorials, simulations, games, assessments, videos, podcasts, troubleshooting guides and simple reference material. Due to the current shortage of E-learning developer professionals becomes a rewarding career path.iSpring presenter gives you all the beloved features of iSpring Presenter, plus a bunch of new powerful capabilities to build interactive presentations and training content.Delight learners with infinite control over 'look and feel' and the ability to create your own interactions. The instructor will take you through a rapid e-Learning course development process while you create your own e-Learning course. The video lectures will help you quickly learn about the iSpring Presenter right from scratch, you will learn in detail about understanding their highly interactive interface, screen familiarization, understanding sequence and a lot more interesting stuff in this tool."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Raptivity, Collection of 190+ eLearning interactions"
"The e-learning content specialist or a content developer primarily designs or develops digital learning content in all its forms - tutorials, simulations, games, assessments, videos, podcasts, troubleshooting guides and simple reference material. Due to the current shortage of E-learning developer professionals becomes a rewarding career path.Understand various options available to create eLearning interactions in Raptivity. Create compelling eLearning interactions with the help of Raptivity authoring tool. Add quizzes and interactions to make you courses engaging to your audience. Publish your SCORM project to host it on a learning management system. The video lectures will help you quickly learn about the Raptivity Authoring tool right from scratch, you will learn in detail about understanding their highly interactive interface, screen familiarization, understanding sequence and a lot more interesting stuff in this tool."
Price: 19.99

"Startup: Zero to One"
"The first and foremost element in a startup is not the idea but the Founder and his belief system. This starter course helps you decide whether you are on the right track to creating an impact through your business idea or keep working as a white colored labor.Remember, you do not have to be correct all the time, just once would do the trick! Let that one be this time!"
Price: 19.99