"JAVA SE - Sfrdan - leri Seviyeye Kadar Tam Eitim" |
"Bu kursta Java'nn en nemli konularna sistematik bir ekilde deinmekteyim.Java'ya sfrdan balayan biri iin ok verimli ve yararl olacaktr. Eitim sonunca java mlakatlarn baaryla geirebilir ve java ile ilgili bir ok bilgi renmi olacaksnz. Ayn zamanda Nesneye dayal programlamay tamamen renmi olacaksnz. Ekstra olarak birde singleton tasarm deseni sizi beklemekte."
Price: 149.99 |
"Spring + Hibernate + JSP + Maven ile Proje Gelitirme" |
"Bu kurs ile Java'nn en popler teknolojileri olan Spring, Hibernate, Maven ve JSP teknolojilerini ne olduklarn ve nasl kullanldn renebilirsiniz. Bu eitimde gelitirilen proje ile proje yapsn renebilecek ayn zamanda kendinize ait projelerinizi gelitirebileceksiniz. Bu eitimlerle birlikte Java konusunda daha fazla fikir sahibi olabilirsiniz.Bu eitimlerde bahsedilen framework'ler ile nasl uygulama gelitirebileceinizi anlatmaya altm. Bu teknolojiler ile kendinize ait projeler karabilir.Kurumsal firmalarda kendinize yer bulabilirsiniz."
Price: 319.99 |
"Parenting Teens - Learning Difficulties No More!" |
"If you are: a parent, grandparent, guardian, uncle or aunt interested in better academic performance of children in your family concerned about underachievement and poor academic results investigating about better learning strategies and exam preparation methods in urgent need of new and better study techniques to avoid school failure .then this course is for you, because it gives participants: in-depth understanding of style features and how they influence learning access to the secret of individual Learning Style differences increased awareness and understanding of human diversity interpretations of personal Learning Style Analysis (LSA) profiles of participants teenage children management techniques for improving learning in the home environment insights into the unusual style combinations of gifted learners new tools for improving learning outcomes, particularly for underachievers exam preparation strategies based on individual style needsBENEFIT:Every courseparticipant receivesone LSA-Swift assessment for their teenager"
Price: 49.99 |
"Professional Agile Coach - PAC" |
"Este curso trabalha os conhecimentos, habilidades, atitudes e desafios, alm das prticas e ferramentasque um Agile Coach deve dominarpara atuar como agente de mudanas e guiar processos de Transformao gil, criando e desenvolvendo times, fomentando a sinergia entre eles, incentivando a auto-organizao e autogesto, com a finalidade de produzir, de forma colaborativa, os resultados que realmente agregam valor aos clientes, e ainda desenvolvam e sustentem a Cultura gil nas organizaes.Porque participar:Primeira formao on-line e completa disponvel para o mercado brasileiro;Atualmente h grande carncia de bons profissionais Agile Coach no mercado;Agile Coach um dos papis mais requisitados e promissores do mercado de TI e afins;Grade curricular com abordagem diferenciada;Formao completa em Coachingcom foco em agilidade;Utilizao das melhores prticas internacionais alinhadas com a realidade brasileira;Receba a Certificao Acreditada pelo Agile Institute Brasil (necessrioaproveitamento de 80% no teste de conhecimentos);Todas as empresas no mundo, independente do seu tamanho, precisaro de Agile Coachs;Ao final do curso, realizando a prova de avaliao, caso atinja o desempenho necessrio, ou seja, acertar 40 questes de 50 (80% de acertos), dentro do tempo estipulado de 45 minutos, voc receber, sem custos, a Certificao Acreditada peloAgile Institute Brasil, a qual lhe concedeo ttulo dePROFESSIONAL AGILE COACH CERTIFIED - PACC."
Price: 249.99 |
"Professional Agile Leader - PAL" |
"O curso Professional Agile Leader (PAL) uma novidade no mercado brasileiro. Eletem o objetivo de capacitar gestores, lderes e homens de negcio para enfrentar os novos desafios do mundo digital e gil.O novo paradigma de liderana e da gesto empresarial sobre colaborao e confiana, descentralizao, adaptao contnua e flexibilidade, cooperao e trabalho em equipe.Desde a gesto linear e sistmica da era industrial, passamos para a gesto estratgica, nos ltimos 20 anos do sculo passado e, agora, rapidamente para a gesto dinmica, que tenta manter seu ritmo e sincronicidade com o mundo moderno, de constantes mudanas e alta complexidade, o mundo VUCA (Voltil, Incerto, Complexo e Ambguo). Esse novo mundo, precisa criticamente de uma liderana gil, j que qualquer outra coisa, no ser suficientemente flexvel para lidar com os desafios atuais.Este curso destina-se a:Diretores, gerentes, e lderes de empresas;Gerentes de projetos;Consultores de processos e negcios;Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters e Product Owners;Profissionais preocupados com os desafios do mundo digital;Profissionais interessados em conhecer e evoluir seus modelos de liderana e gesto;Aps realizar este curso voc ser capaz de:Ter uma viso geral do que gil;Compreender porque as organizaes precisam de agilidadepara sobreviver e prosperar em um mundo VUCA;Diferenciar e demonstrar os benefcios do gil em relao s metodologias tradicionais;Compreender como a agilidadepromove uma cultura de inovao,melhoria contnua, aprendizado e crescimento;Determinar as diferenas e identificar as empresas geis e tradicionais;Compreender os diferenciais das empresas geis e como adot-los em ambientes tradicionais;Identificar os meios para determinar oportunidades, impactos e benefcios do agile;Compreender a mentalidade gil (agile mindset)Conhecer o Manifesto gil e compreender como aplicar e desenvolver seus valores e princpios;Compreender o que transformao gil e seus desafiosDescobrir uma nova forma para gerir os negcios baseada na auto-organizao com foco nos resultadosDescobrir o perfil, competncias a atitudes de um Lder gil;Compreender como formar, desenvolver e gerir times geis;Conhecer os principais mtodos e Frameworks geis, seus valores, princpios, prticas, aplicaes, vantagens e desvantagens;"
Price: 144.99 |
"Getting Started with Azure Virtual Machines" |
"This is a beginners course to Azure Virtual Machines that covers the following core fundamental topics:Azure OverviewAccess to PowerShell Admin GuideDeploy Workloads on ARM VMsPerform Configuration ManagementDesign and Implement VM StorageMonitor ARM VMsManage ARM VM AvailabilityScale ARM VMsThis course is designed to give you a basic introduction to all the different VM types and specializations in Azure, as well as how to complete a basic deployment. It is meant to be a short course to help you get a feel for Azure and deploying some of the most common IaaS services from the portal.Consider the AZ-100 certification course if you want to continue on to Azure certification."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn how to cook a traditional Morcoccan chicken Tajine" |
"Do you know the Moroccan cuisine? Do you have an idea about the tradiotional dishes in Morocco? do you want to discover new flavors? Do you want to learn?Here is the right place for you.This course will help you learn how to cook and set up one of the most famous Moroccan dishes: the chicken Tajine."
Price: 29.99 |
"Iniciacin a Substance Designer, primer contacto." |
"En este curso aprenderemos a entender el flujo de trabajo para que seamos capaces de crear substancias de forma autnoma, entenderemos cmo empezar a trabajar y sobretodo por qu usamos un nodo y no otro. El audio de los videos (que se escuchaban muy bajo) que se comentan en las reseas ya estn arreglados!Vamos a trabajar con la versin de Substance Designer 2018 principalmente ya que no vale la pena actualizar todo el curso solo por los cambios de interfaz, siempre que haya un cambio importante se actualizar la clase en cuestin con la ltima versin de substance designer.Aprende a razonar y a ver cmo puedes crear tus substancias en vez de seguir solamente un tutorial que te diga ""pon aqu este valor y ya"" Os espero! "
Price: 129.99 |
"Fotografiar texturas para usarlas en nuestros materiales." |
"Un curso completamente dinmico, Saldremosa la calle en busca de la imagen perfecta!!!!Buscaremos nuestras propias texturas en el mundo real para luego tratarlas en varios softwares y conseguir materiales PBR para nuestro trabajo, ya sea en el sector de los videojuegos, el cine y cualquier sitio donde necesitemos el uso de texturas.A qu esperas?Te gusta viajar o caminar sin rumbo? Scale ms provecho a esas caminatas ""cazando"" texturas!! Cualquier sitio puede darte la inspiracin, entrena tu vista y ten una biblioteca propia con tus fotografas y texturas!Te espero en el curso!!ADVERTENCIA:En este curso no se ensea a usar desde cero el software Substance Designer, slo lo necesario para crear las texturas, para aprender este programa os recomiendo mi otro curso:Iniciacin a Substance Designer, primer contacto.Si que se ensea absolutamente todo sobre el software Bitmap 2 material que ser crucial para generar nuestras texturas!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Queenish - The Foundation" |
"What You Will Learn:Get unstuck - Break free when youre feeling stuckImprove your relationships by loving yourself firstExploring Life Beyond The Drama & Annihilating It From Your LifeOverhaul Your Life to Become the Woman You Always Knew You Could BeThis course is for YOU if you would like to learn:How Can I Stop My Anger Issues From Ruining My Relationships?Why You Can't You Find a Healthy Relationship?What to do when you don't know what to do?How to Reboot When You're Feeling Stuck?How to Free Yourself from Your Ego Armor?Boundaries You Must Set in Every RelationshipFor Women in Their 30s and 40s Who Feel Like Life May Have Passed Them ByOBJECTIVEDiscover and claim what you want out of life and break free from self-sabotage and unhealthy relationships. This is for women who feel like life may be passing them by and are ready for a radical change. You will learn how to redefine who you really are. Ive seen amazing results with my clients which include understanding the true meaning of love and breaking barriers of pain in their own lives that released them from feeling stuck."
Price: 54.99 |
"The Power of Love: Back to the Basics" |
"This course is intended to walk you through the steps toward inviting more love in your life. In our world, we see many falling for the opposite of love and getting entangled in that web. It is important for us to go back to the basics starting with love. I believe love heals hearts and minds. When we can love ourselves and transfer that love back into the world, we have made the world a better place to live in. One woman at a time, we will spread the love that our world desperately needs. It is time to take this journey with me toward a life of peace and fulfillment that we can treasure and prosper in that will take us to the next level in our lives! Are you ready?What You Will Learn:How to Love AgainStep by Step Practical Applications That You Can Start Implementing In Your Life NowThe Importance of AccountabilityThe Power of Forgiveness and What You Need to Do to Set Yourself FreeHow to Be More Confident When Choosing A MateHow to Live a Life Filled with Peace & FulfillmentHow to Attract the Right People Into Your LifeHow to Be Grateful and What You Need to Do Daily to Stay in a Place of GratitudeHow to Recover from Your PastHow to Be Wise WomanHow to Give Wise Advice to Your Peers, Friends and FamilyHow to Discover The Purpose for Your Life***BONUSES***Live Q&AStep by Step Actionable Steps You Can Take NowAccess to Private FB group to connect with like-minded life changersPrintable Infographic of actionable steps to take"
Price: 19.99 |
"Queenish - Fix Your Crown" |
"What You Will Learn: Become an emotionally intelligent woman Understand how your inner critic is holding you back Believe in Yourself and Stop Negative Thinking From Taking Over Your Mind Hear Why It Is Time to Let Go of Judgment Restore your faith in yourself and maximize your human experienceThis course is for YOU if you would like to learn:Why Your Mind Defines Your Life? How to Overcome Fear and Break Free from Old Routines? How to Love Yourself Unconditionally? How Positive Thoughts Build Your Skills, Boost Your Health, and Improve Your Work? Life Hacks That Are Life Changing Emotional Fulfillment - Finding Peace of Mind Why You Should Try Meditation to Chill Out Here's How to Get Through Any Relationship Setback Are You Settling In Your Relationships?OBJECTIVEKnow when you've found your purpose in life and how to make small adjustments within your habits to break free from old routines that may be holding you back. Ive seen my clients get clarity on exactly what they want to do with their lives and create an actionable strategy to get there."
Price: 54.99 |
"Queenish - Return to the Throne & RISE!" |
"What You Will Learn:How to improve yourself mentallyWhy Your Mind Defines Your LifeHow to Take Back Control and Achieve Your GoalsHow are you impacting the world?How to Find Your Inner HarmonyThis course is for YOU if you would like to learn:Upgrade your Life with These Small Changes and Live Happier!Reclaim Your Inner PowerStand Out! Align Your Personality With Your PurposeAsking Questions That Could Change Your LifeLive in the MomentCreate an Extraordinary Quality of LifeBe Yourself, Unapologetically.Become 10 times the woman you areOBJECTIVESimplify your life by applying ease and balance, change your habits and know your own power within. Make the necessary changes for a better, more fulfilled YOU! My clients have created a life they love by removing distractions and the things that do not bring them joy which has enhanced their lives richly!"
Price: 54.99 |
"Aprende a grabar las visitas de tu web y definir tus KPI" |
"Poder grabar que hacen en tu web te ensear cmo se comportan tus usuarios y cules son los aspectos a mejorar dentro de tu web.Existen varias herramientas que, una vez configuradas, te permiten visualizar en vdeo cmo se comportan todos y cada uno de los usuarios que navegan dentro de tu pgina web.Visualizar estos vdeos te ayudar a entender muchas cosas de y tambin te sorprender. Algo as como poder tener un constante estudio sociolgico de aquellos que acceden a tu contenido. Ideal para poder decidir tus futuros pasos certeros."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso Prtico de Canto" |
"J pensou em poder estudar canto sem precisar sair de casa e no horrio que for mais confortvel para voc? Com o nosso curso online voc pode, estude canto com o CURSO PRTICO DE CANTO.O curso prtico de canto um curso de canto online desenvolvido pelo projeto Musicclass80 e ministrado pelo professor Eduardo Rodrigues, voc assistir as vdeo aulas e ao final do curso voc ter uma avaliao de todas as aulas para medir se de fato entendeu tudo o que foi passado, ter tambm acesso a materiais adicionais de leitura em todas as aulas para complementar os estudos."
Price: 39.99 |
"Swing Trading: Inversiones en Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York" |
"Diseamos un curso bsico muy detallado para aprender en ainvertir en opciones de la Bolsa de Valores de NY, con el objetivo de que cualquier persona sin ningn conocimiento tcnico pueda entrenarse para conseguir en el futuro un ingreso adicional, invirtiendo sus propios recursos an cuando sean pocos. El trading, como normalmente se conoce, tiene dos formas de operarse, una de ellas es el intrada que son operaciones de segundos o minutos donde se realiza una entrada rpida al mercado y se sale con alguna ganancia. Ese mtodo requiere que el inversionista tenga todos los das disponibilidad de tiempo para operar. Y la segunda forma es Swing, que es la que abordamos en este curso, con el que puedes tener mucho ms tiempo libre y operar con mayor tranquilidad porque son operaciones de horas o das."
Price: 199.99 |
"Create a Resume and Cover Letter That Say ""Look At Me!""" |
"Tired of not getting interviews for the positions youwant? Wondering how you can take the next step to have an attention-grabbing resume and cover? This course will answer those questions and many more. Students will learn the most important aspects of resumes and cover letters along with receiving access to a number of resources including the ""I'm Unique""resume and cover letter plans. These plans and resources will drastically increase the number of interviews for students.Throughout the course, students will learn and utilize resources covering:Researching Resumes to Find What Makes Each StudentUniqueHow to Create Alternate ResumesIncluding the Right Personal Information Goes a Long Way in a ResumeDocumenting The Experience That MattersWhy You Need to Include Professional Learning in Each ResumeWhen You Need to Dig Even DeeperHow to Refine Your Resume DesignThe Important Aspects in a Cover Letter"
Price: 19.99 |
"Essential Japanese for Travel for Beginners" |
"Are you planning to travel to Japan but are worried about the language barrier? Then this is the course for you! In this course, you will learn useful phrases for the airport, hotel, ordering at a restaurant, asking directions and more!Each section consists of the 4 main parts below:Key vocabulary that will help you during your travelsPhrases specific to the topic of each sectionMany phrases will have an example conversation between a native and non-native Japanese speaker so you can see how that phrase might be used in a real world situationA quiz after each lecture so you can test yourself on what you learned As a bonus we have included PDF's that you can print and bring with you on your trip as well as audio files if you want to practice on your own!Your instructors are Ashley and Yuki. Ashley has studied Japanese and Japanese culture for a total of 10 years. She lived in Japan for 3 years with her husband Yuki who is a native Japanese speaker from Japan. Ashley handles the English explanations while Yuki will be pronouncing most of the Japanese vocabulary and phrases so you can hear exactly how a native Japanese speaker would pronounce them!We will be available to answer questions you may have as you go through the course. Please leave your questions in the course Q&A and we will get back to you as soon as we can.Please watch the promo video to learn more about the course and about Ashley and Yuki! We are looking forward to helping you on your Japanese learning journey! 10/19/19 update: We added word search worksheets to each section for extra vocabulary practice! (you will need a printer to print them off)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Django 2 & React: Build a Realtime web app" |
"Welcome to Complete Django 2 & React Bootcamp. In this course you are going to learn how to setup and build a realtime web application like Evernote. We will start off by setting up our models then model serializers for the API and finally giving our application realtime feature. We are going to be using alot awesome django packages such as: Django Rest Framework(For API), Django Channels(For websocket/realtime), Redis and much more..But that's not it. For the frontend we will be using ReactJs to pull the data from our API and connecting to the websocket."
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Start A 6 Figure Amazon Dropshipping Home Business!" |
"This course will go over EVERYTHING you need to know to start an Amazon dropshipping home business TODAY! It is not a teaser course for an upsell. This is ALL the knowledge you will ever need. And i even took an account from 0 dollars in sale to 800 in sales LIVE as i taught the course. This is the last Amazon dropshipping course you will ever need. No HYPE, No Money Flashing, JUSTRESULTS!BE MYSTUDENTTODAY!"
Price: 19.99 |
"GWT as a pure Java to JavaScript transpiler" |
"This course provides an overview of the latest GWT (2.8.x)version features such as JsInterop and also Elemental 2. Ittakes a different look at GWT in the way that it promotes itsusageas ahelper tool that converts Java to JavaScript rather than a full fledged web framework. The course is aimed at you, whether you are new or have already worked with GWT, and has as main objective to simplifyGWT development, and to make your GWT applications maintainableand future proof. The course presents both theory and practice material, and comes withfunquizzes to help you learn better. About myself:I am Full stack developer with over 8 years of experience working on various projects including GWT projects. I have also contributed to GWT documentation. I enjoy working with Java and open source stuff. I blog often about Java and GWT and I am Interested in the transpiling of all JVM languages to JavaScript."
Price: 24.99 |
"APRENDE a crear Podcast de CALIDAD con tu smartphone" |
"Sabias que con solo tu smartphone y tu laptod tienes todo lo que necesitas para hacer un #podcast de calidad?Hoy en da los telfonos inteligentes poseen casi todas las herramientas que necesitamos da a da, incluso vienen equipados con micrfonos de buena calidad (en muchos casos...)entonces.. si mi telfono tiene todo para poder crear un podcast de calidad, por que no aprovecharlo al mximo?Si tienes algn proyecto en mente otienes el SUEO de ser un LOCUTOR y tener tu propio PROGRAMA,no pierdas mas el tiempo yaprovecha al mximo este curso!"
Price: 139.99 |
"PfMP Portfolio Management 150 preguntas en Espaol (2 Sets)" |
"Este curso contiene dos exmenes completos creados en base a ""El estndar para la gestin de Portfolio - Tercera edicin"" publicado en 2013.Este curso utiliza la nueva caracterstica de Udemy de Practice Test para los exmenes de certificacin PfMP. Por cada Set de Prctica, tendr 75 preguntas del examen PfMP que se respondern dentro de las dos horas.La prctica incluye la pregunta del examen PfMP, la respuesta correcta, la aclaracin de la respuesta correcta, la referencia a la pregunta en ""El estndar para la gestin de la cartera - Tercera edicin"", y finalmente el rea de conocimiento de esa pregunta.Las preguntas en estas pruebas cubren los diferentes ejemplos de las preguntas comnmente encontradas en el examen.Este curso es diferente de los otros ya fue creado por un instructor que aprob los exmenes PfMP y PMP en su primer intento. Por lo tanto, el instructor sabe cmo pasar los diferentes exmenes del PMI en el primer intento y est familiarizado con el sentido de las preguntas que enfrentar en el examen PfMP.Este curso de ""PfMP Portfolio Management 2 Sets de 75 preguntas en Espaol"" es una excelente forma para que el candidato a rendir la certificacin PfMP solidifique su conocimiento y vea en qu reas podra ser dbil.Cada Estoy seguro de que no desea ingresar a un examen de prueba PfMP sin la tranquilidad total de que se ha familiarizado con el examen de certificacin real."
Price: 19.99 |
"Improve Your English Grammar: Video Lessons and Practice" |
"Learn how to find and fix common English grammar mistakes with a native-speaking English instructor with 20 years teaching experience!Improve YourEnglish Grammar is a comprehensive online course designed to provide studentswith the English grammar skills necessary for success in professional, academic, and social situations. The courseconsists of 8videolectures with severalprintable grammaractivities to reinforce the concepts discussed in each lecture. This course will take approximately 3-4weeks to complete, but the actual time will vary depending on the individual learner.All chapters provide a brief review of the basic forms of each topic, which is followed by an online practice at the end of each lecture.The supplemental grammar activities are printable andinclude answer keys for reference. Ultimately, this coursewill enable studentsto sound more articulate, well-educated, and overall more professional in their speech and writing."
Price: 24.99 |
"Improve Your English Grammar, Advanced: Videos and Practice" |
"Learn how to find and fix common English grammar mistakes with a native-speaking English instructor with 20 years teaching experience!Improve YourEnglish Grammaris a comprehensive online course designed to provide studentswith the English grammar skills necessary for success in professional, academic, and social situations. The advanced courseconsists of 9more videolectures with severalprintable grammaractivities to reinforce the concepts discussed in each lecture. This course will take approximately 1-2weeks to complete, but the actual time will vary depending on the individual learner.All chapters provide a brief review of the basic forms of each topic, which is followed by an online practice at the end of each lecture.The supplemental grammar activities are printable andinclude answer keys for reference. Ultimately, this coursewill enable studentsto sound more articulate, well-educated, and overall more professional in their speech and writing."
Price: 24.99 |
"Intro to Contemplative Prayer & Meditation" |
"Do you desire more calm amid the busyness of daily, while also cultivating a deeper relationship with God?If so, then this course is for you!Whether you have a desire to learn more about contemplative prayer in the Christian tradition, you are looking for new ways to deepen your relationship with God, or you just want to learn more about contemplative Christianity; whether you are a practicing Christian, a member of another religious or spiritual tradition, a spiritual seeker of any background, or a ""none"" (a person with no commitment to a spiritual tradition), this course will inform you and inspire you.This course will provide you with practical knowledge that can be easily applied to your contemplative practice or prayer life, while also familiarizing you with some of the history and theology of contemplation."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de Ventas para Ejecutivos y Emprendedores." |
"Este curso est especialmente diseado para emprendedores con la finalidad de ayudarles a mejorar sus ventas 1 a 1, es un curso rpido y prctico que te permitir aumentar tus ventas en muy poco tiempo, incluye guas para segmentar tu mercado y establecer una estrategia de ventas de manera fcil.- Aprenders a escoger e identificar a tu cliente ideal. (incluye gua de preguntas para lograrlo)- Conocers temas de comunicacin no verbal que te ayudarn a comunicarte mejor con tu cliente.- Identificars los aspectos bsicos del lenguaje corporal.- Aplicaras conocimientos de neuro economa y PNL.- Formulars una estrategia de ventas paso a paso. (incluye gua de 4 puntos)Tambin abordaremos detalles de cmo funciona el cerebro y como se toman las decisiones.Dirigido a negocios ( pymes ) y emprendedores."
Price: 59.99 |
"Complete guide to English (Reading, Vocabulary and Writing)" |
"Do you want to succeed in reading and writing. Look no further as all the skills, knowledge and tips are all present here. Furthermore, this course can be taken by anyone to improve their Language skills. The trouble is private tuition is expensive! It's not meant for everyone either. It can save both time and money and flexibly accessible at your convenience. Please leave a review for the course, I will really appreciate it. Whatever the reasons, if you're looking for an alternative route to support English skills with your child or yourself, this course can accommodate it. This course is designed to supportself-study for the English and Verbal reasoning element of the 11+ exam. It is suitable for use by parents who wish to support their child in their studies, or for children themselves to follow. The course is broken down into each necessary and advance language skills. 11+ English for parents and children can be studied at any time in any location although for those looking to gain success in the 11+ should start in year 5 of Primary education (or year 4 for confident students). Why you need to take this course; You will have access to multiple worksheets to practise out skills shown in the video. You will have lifetime access to lectures which clearly explain each topic in a way accessible to children as well as adults. These lectures be adapted to your child's . You can pick and choose areas to study. Unlike in a tuition centre where the curriculum is fixed, you can select what units to study, allowing your child to maximise the productivity of their study time. What do past students say about the content of this course? I as a parent learnt so much and I found out that Edulead 11+ goes in great length and detail to break down the fundamental and advance language skills that is necessary for success at 11+ entrance schools. I would highly recommend it. Don't wait to enrol.Start studying now and give your child the first step towards 11+ English and Verbal Reasoning success! Who is the target audience? Parents and children who intend to take 11+ examination. Children who seek a greater challenge in English. Suitable for GCSE Comprehension and Creative Writing Suitable for Adults advancing in the language"
Price: 19.99 |
"Linux Command Line for Beginners" |
"In this course, you shall get an introduction to Linux Command Line. This course is targeted for Beginnersof Linux command line. The users who use Linux extensively or do Bash Shell Scripting should Not enroll in this course as this coursecoverthe basics.Become an effective Linux user and level up your career and productivity!An aside: The major part of thiscourse has been createdon Ubuntu Linux but any Linux distribution can be used by the student to follow the course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Operating the Audio Mixer, A Beginning Sound Engineer Course" |
"This course provides a no-nonsense approach for beginning audio engineers, allowing them to quickly learn to operate a professional audio mixer. The course is great for all beginning band, venue and church sound engineers and it covers all of the basicfeatures of mixing boards and exactly how to implement them. There is no filler in this course. Every minute is packed full of valuable information.This course focuses on using analog mixing consoles in live sound applications. It isbeneficial for a beginning sound engineer to learn to use an analog mixer before applying that knowledge to digital mixer operation because digital mixers are primarily based on the emulation of analog controls. When you complete this course, you will know the basic workings of operating an analog audio mixer. In the future, if you decide to pursue either digital mixer operation or computer recording using programs like Pro Tools and Logic, this knowledge will give you a head start. It will help you learn those platforms much quicker as well.The first three video lectures explain each component of a mixing board (control knobs, faders, buttons, etc.). The next three lectures show you exactly how to use those components. The final lecture shows you how to sound check a band from start to finish.The information in this course is applicable to all manufacturers' mixing boards. Every mixer has a few unique features and the labeling varies a bit by the designer (we cover that). However, all analog mixers primarily work in the same way. Videos segments include:Types of mixersBasic signal flow of a sound systemGain controlEqualizersAuxiliary SendsGroups (or Submixes)Phantom powerOther featuresSetting the gain controlsUsing equalizersUsing groups (or submixes)Setting the stage monitors and/or in-ear monitorsUsing effectsCompressors and limitersConnecting devices using insertsControlling feedbackHow to sound check a band"
Price: 29.99 |