"Google Analytics Made Easy - 2020 Success Guide" |
"** Updated JANUARY 2020 ALL VIDEOS up to date - NEW ANALYTICS INTERFACE & DASHBOARD (more VIDEOS with your QUESTIONS). During the Google Analytics Training, we use an advanced method of analyzing AdWords campaigns, our website, its visitors and their behavior using Googles tool, Google Analytics. Additional tools give us a clear picture of our site as well as the strategy we need to follow.Our goal is for you to be able to analyze and understand which campaigns have a positive ROI, which need to be improved, where specifically are improvements needed (USP, keywords, landing pages or other elements) and which ones you need to stop or re-evaluate your strategy.Google Analytics reveals all the secrets required to succeed on the internet and it also gives us a useful guide to the steps and actions we need to make in order to achieve our goals.This is the only Google Analytics Training created by an instructor who is also a Google PREMIER Partner, which is a title given to only 3% of Google Partners worldwide.The Google Analytics Training is the most effective, straightforward & practical course on the market. Based on your comments, this is a Training that Saves Money, To The Point, Deeply Explained, Fast & Accurate, Well Ordered and On Topic Only.Our goal is for you to learn how to effectively use the Google Analytics platform in combination with Google AdWords and all other Channels (Organic, Social Media, Email Marketing, Referral) so as to aim towards performing campaigns that deliver a high ROI. Thats why we combine a professional Analytics Course with professional personalised Analytics support.NEW: Find new Certification Training - Practice Exams"
Price: 199.99 |
"Tinting your lashes and brows are fantastic ways to enhance your featureswithoutmakeup.Tired of mascara?Panda eyes at the end of the day?Pillow stains?Mascara running from sweat, tears or rain?Tired of spending 5 minutes every morning to colour in your eyebrows to get them ""on fleek"" (whateverthatmeans)?Then lash and brow tinting areexactly what you need!These easy-to-follow 5 steps are individually demonstrated on two models to make sure you learn exactly how to tint with safety and confidence.Wake up lookingbright-eyed and bushy-tailedwithout all the hassle of makeup with this simple short course."
Price: 19.99 |
"Facial cupping has been trending in a big way these last few years, and it's easy to see why!With effects like:Improved blood and lymph circulationDeep cleansingImproved skin tone and textureReduced fine lines and wrinklesBoosted collagen productionImproved skin moisture and hydrationClearly facial cupping is the best way to regain thatyouthful glow!The 12 steps of this sequence are based on the vacuum therapy points used in lymph drainage, helping toreduce puffinessanddark under-eye circles.Come see what all the fuss is about with this detailed and in depth course!"
Price: 59.99 |
"Maitrisez lArt du Networking : Le rseautage de A Z" |
"Matrisez lArt du networking est prsent depuis 2013 auprs de plusieurs tablissements denseignement du Qubec dans diffrents programmes de ventes et de dveloppement des affaires avec comme premier objectif de prsenter le rseautage sous un angle diffrent.Bas sur le livre Dans la jungle du rseautage, ce cours axe sur des pratiques concrtes permettant de dvelopper des relations interpersonnelles bien fondes et enrichissantes dans un cadre tant professionnel que personnel.tes-vous prt faire progresser votre carrire et obtenir du succs dans vos relations interpersonnelles?Jai conu lchelle de RG qui permet didentifier le degr de proximit quon les gens avec tous les acteurs qui composent votre rseau. Cet outil vous permettra de raliser toute limportance de faire progresser vos relations jusqu ce quelles deviennent davantage lucratives pour vous.J'ai encadr de nombreuses personnes utilisant les concepts de ce cours et ils ont tous obtenu un succs incroyable dans la vie (je suis passionn d'aider les gens atteindre leur plein potentiel). Je vous garantis des rsultats concrets ds les premiers modules.Ce cours vous aidera obtenir des relations saines avec les gens qui vous entourent soient vos amis, les membres de vos familles, les collgues de travail, vos employs, vos employeurs, vos collaborateurs, vos fournisseurs etcIl n'y a pas de limites vous pouvez entrer en contact avec qui vous voulez du moment ou vous aurez compris la puissance du rseautage.Ce cours comprend sept modules pour un total de 78minutes de vidos, six exercices faire, 1 plan de cours, un livre en version PDF ainsi que le la version audio de ce cours.Rentabiliser le Rseau de contacts au maximum,Rapprochez-vous des gens influents, Tirez profit de vos sorties en public,Dvelopper vos techniques de rseautage en ligne sur LinkedIn,Maitrisez le discours initial de prsentation,Soyez un expert de la discussion un unDveloppez une coute attentive et productiveSachez reconnaitre les diffrents types de personnalitGarantie de remboursement de 30 jours.Bon succs!Rjean"
Price: 74.99 |
"Lerne Meditation - Erfllt und erfolgreich leben" |
"Lerne Meditation Erfllt und erfolgreich leben. Mehr Selbstbewusstsein, Selbstvertrauen und -sicherheit Mehr Leichtigkeit und Zufriedenheit im Alltag Mehr Ruhe und Entspannung, auch in stressigen Situationen Neue Handlungsmglichkeiten und WahlmglichkeitenGewinne einen neuen Zugang zur Meditation fr DichWir neigen dazu in der Zukunft oder der Vergangenheit zu leben. Wir rennen von einem zum nchsten Ziel und vergessen dabei, das eigentliche Leben. Gestresst vom Alltag oder Berufsleben, zieht das Leben nur noch an uns vorbei. Erst wenn wir unser Ziel erreicht haben, dann fangen wir an glcklich zu sein und das Leben zu genieen.Stress, Aggressionen oder Sinnlosigkeit begleitet immer mehr unser alltgliches Leben, damit darf nun endlich Schluss sein. In diesem Kurslernst Du, wie Du Meditation in Deinen Alltag und Berufsleben integrieren kannst umso Stress, Burnout, Depressionen oder anderen Krankheiten vorzubeugen. Der Kurs ist einsteigerfreundlich sowie praktisch gestaltet. Dieser Kurs fhrt Dich zu Deiner ganz eigenen Meditationspraxis, die Du mit leichtigkeit in allen Lebenssituationen einbringen kannst. Vorkenntnisse werden nicht bentigt. Ein Meditationskissen oder eine Meditationsbank wre von Vorteil ist aber nicht zwingend erforderlich."
Price: 49.99 |
"Formation Complte sur Git et GitHub: de Dbutant Expert" |
"Bonjour tous et bienvenue dans cette formation sur loutil git et la plateforme github, je m'appelle Arnaud Mercier et je seraivotre formateur tout au long de ce cours.Dans cette formation Git et GitHub, nous allons apprendre grer les versions de notre projetcomme un vrai pro laide de ces deux outils:Gitest totalementgratuitet GitHub possde une formule gratuite offrant la majorits des fonctionnalits.Gitest un logiciel de gestion de version parmi les plus populaires avec plus de12 000 000 dutilisateurs. Il est prsent dans la grande majoritdesentreprises de dveloppementet est clairementlincontournabledesprojets open source. Alors quattendez vous pourrejoindre le groupe?Githubest uneplateforme de collaborationpour les dveloppeurs base sur Git.Github va vous permettre non seulement d'hberger vos dpts Gitmais aussi vous fournir de nombreux outils qui vous aideront dans le dveloppement en quipe. Il faut savoir quune grande partie desprojets open sourceont leur dpt de rfrencehberg sur cette plateforme. Pour ne citer quun exemple:Vim, qui est un des diteur de texte le plus utilis sous Linux.Pour finir,GitHub trachet par Microsoft en 2018,plaant encore une fois l'outil Git et la plateforme GitHubcomme unincontournablepour tout bon dveloppeur qui se respecte.Au plaisir de partager cette formation avec vous !ArnaudQui je suis ?Je suis ingnieur informatique spcialis notamment dans les outils de dveloppement tel que git. Jai lors de mon parcours professionnel eu la chance dtre responsable des outils logicielle au sein du grand groupe SAFRAN. Pendant prs de 3 ans, jai donc eu l'occasion de mettre en place et d'administrer Git tout en formant mes collgues son utilisation.La philosophie de mes cours:Apprendre en pratiquant: Comme le dit Richard Branson La meilleure faon dapprendre cest de faire ! Et oui, il n'y a pas de secret, plus vous pratiquerez, plus vous progresserez ! Vous trouverez alors environs 20% de thorie pour 80% de pratique dans cette formation.Apprendre en samusant: Vous lavez surement remarqu, mais nous apprenons bien mieux quand les choses sont prsentes de manire ludique. Vous trouverez alors dans cette formation un fil rouge sous forme d'une page web que nous ferons voluer tout au longdes vidos. Cela permettra alors d'illustrer les commandes Git et servira de support pour les exercices que je vous ai prpar.Informations importantes savoir:Si cette formation ne vous satisfait pas alors vous pouvez obtenir un remboursement sous 30 jours.Une fois que vous avez rejoint la formation, vous y avez accs vie.Vous avez galement accs gratuitement toutes les mises jour que japporterai cette formation.Vous pouvez menvoyer des messages personnels avec toutes vos questions ou suggestions concernant la formation.Des extraits vidos sont votre disposition."
Price: 149.99 |
"Up-Level Your Life" |
"Throughout this course you will learn proven techniques to rid yourself of the limiting beliefs that are keeping you trapped and develop the success mindset needed to start designing a life that lights you up.I spent years working a job I didn't like, waiting around hoping one day things would change, and it wasn't until I learned these techniques that my life finally began to change in drastic ways. I can now say with full certainty that I am finally living true to my purpose.But enough about me... This course is designed for YOU!You deserve to live a life you are obsessed with and excited about. This course is your chance to let go of the mediocre and to start creating a future nothing short of amazing.Here's What's Inside:1. Mapping Your Desires // Creating a Vision2. Rewriting Your Mindset // Releasing Limiting Beliefs3. Adjusting to Your New Normal // Connecting Inward4. Finding Success // Activating Your Truth"
Price: 59.99 |
"Social Media and Online Safety for our Kids Parent Workshop" |
"Do you know how your kid uses their device? From social media to online gaming and everything else our teens have at their fingertips, knowing what they're exposed to might surprise you. In this workshop, we will breakdown the different apps out there and how to keep our kids safe from trolls, cyberbullying, FOMO, hashtags and cyber stranger danger. Instead of throwing in the towel, let me help you navigate the cyber world our teens are living in.Part 1: Favorites & what to watch forPart 2:Setting up privacy settings & safety toolsPart 3: Educating our teens to be safe & kind on their devicesWorksheetsExtensive list of Apps & what you need to knowSocial media & cyber safety health checklistSpringboard discussion questionsBonus MaterialsNow What & Action StepsIncluded with each section"
Price: 54.99 |
"Find Time to Write and Publish Short Stories" |
"I believe that you can take any dream, goal or task, and break it down into small steps, and achieve what you want bit by bit, day by day. This beginners course breaks down short story writing into small steps - all of them practical. Follow the activities throughout and you'll be writing short stories by the end of the course. I also take you through a tried and tested method to get your short stories published, that starts exactly where you are, and give you loads of resources to follow up."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn Intermediate Modern C++!" |
"This follows on from my free course ""Learn Modern C++ Fundamentals!"" This course will enhance your knowledge of the technically challenging but powerful and efficient C++ programming language.There are lots of downloadable exercises, so you can check your understanding as you learn, gaining familiarity and confidence with the material. These are also ideal preparation for exams or job interviews.I will be actively supporting the course and I will respond promptly if you have any questions or experience difficulties with the course content.The course is based around the modern version of the language. I teach the C++11, C++14 and C++17 standards, but also cover older variations which are still widely used.The course is designed to give you an intermediate level understanding of the language. After successfully completing this course, you should be able to apply for jobs and courses which require a good knowledge of C++.The course is thorough and goes into the material in depth. It assumes basic C++ knowledge, such as the material in my Fundamentals course."
Price: 29.99 |
"Quem nunca teve medo de falar em pblico? Quemnuncatremeu nas bases diante de uma platia? Quem comeou a falar e teve um ""branco""diante de sua audincia?Quem nose perdeu no seu roteiro planejado,por desejar falar tudo que vinha em sua mente?No existe LIDERANA sem INFLUNCIA!Um Lder deve ser capaz de influenciar as pessoas que ele lidera,envolve e desenvolve. Para tanto,COMUNICAR de forma assertiva para TODOS!Por isso, da Dona de Casa ao Palestrante fundamental falar bem para influenciar as pessoas asuavolta, levando elasa abraarem idias transformadoras. Isso Retrica, isso Persuaso, isso Oratria! Arte.Diferentemente do que parece, FALARBEMem qualquer situao, muito mais resultadodemtodo, prtica e repetio, do que de""talento nato"". Neste curso voc entender que a Retrica,que hoje praticadasobo termoOratria Persuasiva, uma arte queteveemseus primeiros tericos epraticantes da Grcia antiga(os sofistas)uma arquitetura bsica, montadapara persuadir as pessoas de forma eficaz.Com mais de 24 anos de experincia falando para mltiplas audinciase estudando sobre o neurocincia e PNL, o Adviser em Comunicao Assertiva FBIO S. VASCONCELOS, convida voc para uma JORNADAonde,com novos recursos e modelos aplicveis de comunicao,seus medos desapareceroe sua confiana se fortalecer a cada apresentao. Voc estar tocandoo corao das pessoas com sua nova maneira de se Comunicar.Voc terconhecimento de como as pessoas se conectam com o agente da FALA,dos apelos da RETRICA ARISTOTLICAque todo Orador precisa dominar, do entendimento deque ns no falamos com as pessoas, mas com o CREBRO das pessoas,bem como, poderformaraSEGURANA necessriapara no fazer feio diante das diversas situaes.Vamos l! Vamos transformar o mundo com nossas idias, falando bem sem frescura e em qualquer situao!"
Price: 399.99 |
"How To Rock Climb" |
"We're here to teach you the fundamentals to get started rock climbing!By the end of this course youll have the tools and knowledge to safely get outdoors and begin sport climbing - climbing single-pitch routes with pre-existing bolts.We'll share what it takes to experiencethe exhilaration of climbing with an incredible landscape below you, regardless of age, gender or body type. You'll learn how to get started, select the proper gear, and the proper skills and technique to do it safely and have fun!Audrey Sniezek, professional rock climber and sponsored athlete, brings her 20 years of experience to bring you expert guidance. She has climbed throughout the United States, Argentina, Europe, China and Vietnam.This class provides comprehensive, easy to follow videos on the following topics:Selecting the proper gearKnots and Safety FundamentalsHow to safely climb, belay and communicate with your climbing partnerTop-Rope,lead climbing, and fallingClimbing technique and drillsAdvanced Tips &TricksCome join us and let's get started!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Gerenciamento de Projetos, foco no PMI" |
"Detalhes sobre a carreira de Gerente de Projetos.Diferentes certificaes e a histria de projetos ao longo dos anos.Mais detalhes em definies, objetivos, papis de um gerente de projetos, sucesso e fracasso em projetos.PMBOK 6a edio, estrutura organizacionais, as 10 reas de conhecimentos para gerenciar projetos com as melhores prticas do PMI.Ao final de cada mdulo uma reflexo.Um questionrio para testar os conhecimentos."
Price: 99.99 |
"Como ser mais produtivo no trabalho e organizado nos estudos" |
"Aprenda comofunciona a anatomia da ateno em noes bsicas usando a Neurocincia e Psicologia, afetando os seusgatilhos mentais para ter mais foco em qualquer momento que precisar de ateno,especializando noque produtividade digital e como dominar conceitos bsicos digitais na Internet e nas redes sociais,para teruma mentalidade produtiva analisando os conceitos de tempo, qualidade de vida e equilbrio."
Price: 294.99 |
"Como falar em pblico usando PNL e tcnicas de oratria" |
"Aprenda como os gatilhos mentais podem chamar a ateno do seu pblico em qualquer apresentao estimulando seu potencial criativo para expressar seus sentimentos e suas emoes, usando a programao neurolingustica (PNL), o coachinge a neurocincia para reforar suas atitudes, vencendo sua timidez e sua vergonha em pblico e criando um condicionamento vencedor para encantar sua platia."
Price: 294.99 |
"CURSO DE MOTIVAO EM VENDAS usando PNL e Coaching" |
"Aprenda os gatilhos mentais para vender mais e ser mais corajoso em qualquer prospeco ou apresentao em vendas, como usar a programao neurolingustica (PNL), o coaching e a neurocincia para reforar suas atitudes, como aperfeioar o desempenho das vendas e dos vendedores, atravs de atitudes, habilidades de alta performancee conhecimentos referentes ao processo de vendas e atendimento voltado ao cliente, como se motivar como vendedor, motivar sua equipe de vendas ou fora de vendas e como Instigar os participantes melhoria contnua, devido ao novo cenrio provocado pela crise econmica, riscos de mercado e possibilidades de novos mercados."
Price: 294.99 |
"Finanas Pessoais Descomplicadas" |
"Aprenda gatilhos mentais para poupar mais e ser mais corajoso em qualquer relao com o dinheiro, fortalecendosua autoestima e sua confiana em termos financeiros,criandohbitos financeiros saudveis para aplicar na sua vida diretamente hoje e aperfeioandoo desempenho das suas receitas, atravs de atitudes, habilidades e conhecimentos referentes ao processo da liberdade financeira voltado a resilincia e consistncia no longo prazo."
Price: 189.99 |
"Curso - Finanzas Personales: Mejora Tu Vida y Obtn Libertad" |
"Quieres ser el dueo de tu propia empresa? Quiere ser financieramente libre?Este curso es acerca de tu libertad, para poder viajar, para crear tu propia empresa y transformar tu vida.Durante las diferentes clases compartiremos nuestra experiencia de cmo nos endeudamos en 2 aos de casados y cmo hicimos para salir de ellas.T quieres libertad financiera pero:Ests sumergido en deudasNo sabes por dnde empezarTienes problemas para ordenar tus pagosCrees que no es posible ser financieramente libreEN ESTE CURSO TE MOSTRAREMOS CMO:Manejar tus finanzas personales sin tantas matemticasEntender los problemas con el dinero y tu propsitoLa importancia del orden y un plan para tu vidaLos procesos te pueden ayudar a lograr resultados rpidamenteEntender cul es tu rol en las finanzas personales o de parejasCmo trabaja el dineroLa importancia del carcter y el comportamientoVencer el miedo y el deseo diariamenteEl inters compuesto como funciona a mi favor y encontraLa regla del 72: En cuanto tiempo se multiplicar el dineroEl feudalismo del siglo XXI como los bancos son dueos de las propiedadesCrear un plan para reducir los riesgosCrear un presupuesto mensualCrear una hoja de balance para saber cmo est tu salud financieraEliminar las deudas y por dnde debes empezarCrear un programa para consolidar y cmo cancelar las deudas de tarjetas de crditoPreguntas frecuentesTambin junto con los videos de este curso tendrs contenido extra.CONTENIDO EXTRA:Recursos descargables y guasUn versin de audio para que puedas escuchar este curso en cualquier lugarPreguntas Frecuentes: Videos con respuestas a preguntas especficasTareas para que logres tus objetivos durante el cursoDos instructores que realmente desean tu xitoCOMPARTIREMOS TODOS NUESTROS SECRETOS EN ESTE CURSOUn consejo es mejor que ningn, pero que peligroso es no saber diferenciar entre un mal consejo de uno buenoEste curso cubre nuestra historia y el aprendizaje que hemos adquirido durante ms de 10 aos siendo financieramente libres. Te mostraremos nuestras dudas y compartiremos las herramientas que usamos para salir de ellas. Tambin te motivaremos con pensamientos y enseanzas que te ayudarn a educarte en el rea de las finanzas personales.POR QU ESTAMOS HACIENDO ESTO?Porque sabemos que tener una vida llena de deudas es el peor escenario para construir un matrimonio y una familia. Para nosotros ensear es un propsito de vida y ahora queremos compartir nuestra historia para que tu tambin escribas la tuya.Durante los ltimos aos hemos podido fundar empresas para generar nuestro propios ingresos, compartir con nuestros hijos una vez llegan del colegio, viajar por el mundo y ayudar a familias financieramente.Nuestro objetivo es ayudar a miles de personas para que puedan eliminar sus deudas y empiecena construir su libertad financiera, para levantar familias ms unidas y un mejor estilo de vida.Tres razones por las cuales debes registrarte ahora mismo en este curso:Porque recuperars la inversin de este curso con los muchos consejos y herramientas para eliminar deudas. Nosotros con este programa pudimos eliminar ms de US$750,000 en deudas y este curso no te costar ni el 10% de las deudas que vayas a eliminarHemos reducido el valor de este curso para que ms personas se beneficien y logren alcanzar su libertad financiera sin que aumente sus deudasEste es un curso prctico y no terico. Solo hemos incluido el material necesario para llevarte a la libertad financiera y generar un cambio en tu vida.ESTAMOS ENTUSIASMADOS POR VER TU XITOEn la primera seccin te daremos 3 consejos que puedes aplicar ahora mismo para empezar la transformacin de tus finanzas personales y puedas eliminar deudas rpidamente.Te esperamos a dentro del curso!Marcela y Jonathan"
Price: 159.99 |
"Blog to Book Writting" |
"I have been a writer for over 20 years and have written and published 4 books, and so Iam able to show you how to write articles on nearly any subject, then create your own blog on the Internet and post them, and then, after you've written a few articles, how to format them and put them into a book form so you can publish your own book."
Price: 19.99 |
"Augmented Consciousness - Tailor made methods for you!" |
"Learn secrets and tools that will help you gain greater consciousness, starting today!Learn how to precisely determine the state of your current consciousness, and the level you want to get to, and learn 8 methods (plus, a bonus!) that will help you reach your goals of augmented consciousness.Reap the benefits of breaking down those old and un-useful barriers that are holding you back, and come into your own personal power by the application of the right method for you!"
Price: 29.99 |
"O curso visa dar um panorama bblico das doutrinas constantes nos cinco primeiros livros chamados o Pentateuco usando as bases da Teologia Bblica. Com linguagem acessvel porm combastante contedo, pode ser acompanhado por qualquer aluno iniciante e tambm pessoas que tenham formao teolgica. Cada aula composta de quatro vdeos de 20 minutos, uma material em PDF para baixar e estudar e um questionrio mltipla escolha sobre o assunto do vdeo."
Price: 69.99 |
"Learn Structural Design Patterns in Java" |
"In this course, we will discuss what are structural design patterns. We will get a high level overview of what are these patterns and we will see why it is important to have these patterns. Later on, we will do a deep dive in these patterns and go through all the design patterns which are part of these categories.AdapterBridgeCompositeDecoratorProxyFacadeFlyweightWe will discuss all these patterns mentioned above in a great detail, and we will code along and understand what problems they are solving.Links to source code is provided at the bottom of the introduction section.Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Marketing Business Online Free With Digital Platforms 2020" |
"Setup your online identity for business with no cost We teach you how to setup your Digital & Social media platforms for any business to appear in organic search results & market it very easy to promote your business or service.5 Star reviews By Students: 1) I am very much satisfied with the course. It is really helpful to those who are having their start-up and want to create a presence on Social Media. It's strongly recommended. The instructor is really to the point and engaging. ~ Hiren Kakkad 2) It was an eye-opening course for me and have gotten new and adequate knowledge about digital marketing ~ Ayodeji Oluwasegun 3) Very helpful, love this Zkshiekh khursheedDo not enroll if you are at intermediate level with your social media skills. This part contains knowledge and skills from top platforms of social media, you can use these skills to get any business started from scratch or update changes into any existing business to get higher results.What you will learn : 1) Google My Business - Get Find On Google Map & get organic traffic along with a free website to showcase your business.2) Facebook Marketing - Setting up your facebook page with optimized keywords, automate page & engage with the audience..3) Instagram Marketing - Easy was to make a business profile in minutes & sharing about your business with the right hashtags.Course details : You'll go from beginner to extremely high-level with each part of the series. This is the basic & in future, we will create courses for people at intermediate & advance level and your instructor will take you through each step of each part of the career development series.By the end of the course, you will be confident with your skill and would know exactly what you need to have to do in setting up or handling social media for your own business, at work or for your own clients.All the strategies, tips, techniques and tools recommended are either free or very cost-effective & result oriented.You'll also get:* Chance to join our intermediate & Expert level courses to update your skill.* Personal coaching for individuals and teams.* Lifetime Access to The Course* Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section* Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download* A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!This offer won't last forever.Enroll today & take your first step in becoming a Social Media, Online Marketing & Video Marketing Expert!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Digital Marketing Business With Google My Business - 2020" |
"Learn to create your presence on Google Maps & Google searches. (Take this course so your business can appear on Google Map) Googles search engine will ensure highest visibility for your business and will help you get customers when they are looking for you!5 Star Ratings by Students :Excellent information.. Gold mine stuff.. Thank you!! ~ Lavanya JayavantIt is useful, simple and easy to understand. ~ Aleema khanVery useful information and very well presented. I am glad I found this course. I will be using this information in my web development and SEO business. ~ Robert DeansIt is very convenient and easy to grasp ~ Vanshika ThakurOne of the finest knowledge one can gain with an opportunity to explore and learn.. would recommend other friends to definitely enroll in the course ~ Faizan AhmedWow, I have been working for such a long time but had no idea about this service. I will implement this right now. My business never appeared on the map before. Thank you very much. I want more customers to know about my repair shop. ~ James WelshI was wonderful experience I have never seen that kind of experience one of the best professional course its help me a lot to understand and clear my point. Thanks for the instructor and udemy this is one of the best course. ~ Adnan HussainBenefitsWe design this course for anyone seeking to launch a career in online marketing, Or anyone seeking to add a digital component to their existing marketing skill set.Build online visibility in Google Maps and Google Search & Showcase business location for those trying to find you.You can open your doors to people by taking them on a 360-degree virtual tourPhone number and website address you list are click able. It takes just a click to contact you.With online reviews, you can interact with customers when they rate your business.If you are new to digital then with this first step to market your business online you will also be able earn good money on freelance sitesHow You Would LearnWe will be teaching you how to create a your business listing form scratch.Not only would cover the details of the section but also show you with real life example.Together will talk you through the entire process step by stepTake This Course If If you want to launch a career in Online marketing & attract local companies to earn good money If you want to do their own marketing.Learn most important aspects of business marketingStay connected to learn Social Media, Digital Marketing & Video Marketing!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Scrum Master Certification Pre-Assessment" |
"ABOUT THIS COURSEWhen I prepared for my PSM1 assessment, I wanted to pass, first time round, to secure my financial investment. I compiled a list ofquestions I thought weremost likely to be asked, and studied these questions thoroughly. Ialso made sure Ihad a hard copy of the Scrum Guide handy, and used post-its to help me find specificcontent easily. My intention was to treat the assessment as an open book exam. While I think the hard copy may have helped with one or two questions, Iquickly realized that it was not feasible due to the fast pace of the assessment - so use that tip with caution.You should consider this test if:You are an individualintending to obtaina Scrum Master certification, such as the Scrum.Org PSM 1 Certification, and want to ensure you are well prepared for the exam.You are acting as (or plan to act as)a Scrum Master and wantto validate your knowledge of the Scrum Framework.You are part of a team that is learning about Scrum, and the team want's to validate it's knowledge and application of the Scrum Framework."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Colored Pencil Drawing Techniques Course" |
"The goal of this course is to get familiar with the principlesof coloring. You can learn different techniques of coloring in the least time and cost as well as creatingbeautiful models. Actually your skills will be increased gradually in this course and in the next courses by following this teachings. At the beginning of this course, you will understandthe techniques and different tools that are suitable for drawing and coloring which are drawing techniques with colored pencil, colored ballpoint pen, drawing pencils and you'll know necessary tools. In the following of this course, you will learn about Tonality subject that is about knowing the shadows and how to use them to make volume, Also you will learn about Chromatics which is about introducing the basic colors, learn how to combine the colors to reach the secondary and combination colors on the Itten color circle. We have two designs for the main project that taughtcompletely. First one is an eye that will be taught with colored pencil technique and the next one is a bird which most of the basic and important techniques will taught in this educational design. At the end of this course, you'll know and learn colored pencil technique and you'll learn how to create beautiful designs with colored pencil. In the next course that is the professional course of colored pencil technique, you will learn more complete and comprehensive information of this technique. I hope you increase your skills unbelievably by using this points in the coloring with colored pencil technique. I will be so happy if you help us make these courses with your comments and suggestions. I also give you the guarantee that you can refund your money if you do not like our course during the first thirty days."
Price: 144.99 |
"Bigdata and Hadoop [Scalebyte]" |
"Become a Hadoop Expert by mastering MapReduce, Yarn, Pig, Hive, HBase, Oozie, Flume and Sqoop while working on industry based Use-cases and Projects. Big Data and Hadoop training course is designed to provide knowledge and skills to become a successful Hadoop Developer. In-depth knowledge of core concepts will be covered in the course along with implementation on varied industry use-cases."
Price: 19.99 |
"Amazon Kindle Publishing Course: Become a Bestselling Author" |
"Looking for proven, expert tips for how to make money with AmazonKindle Publishing and startearningpassive income this year? Learn how I successfully earned a six figuresonline publishing business with my Kindle marketingsecrets!There is a reason why you landed here today to read this. We both understand how precious time is, and I assure you I am not here to wasteyour time or have you waste mine. Ifincreasing your incomewhile decreasing your work time is one of them, then look no further this course is your ticket!So i reveal you a secret..the EASIEST way to make passive income onlineis through Kindle publishing. I also released some news about a new product that I'm launching,teaching my entire method step-by-step to making money with Kindle.I had my grandma follow the step-by-step tutorials and she gave it a big thumbs up for easy-to-use instructions. The playing field has been leveled with ebook publishing, and if my grandma can do it, you can too!Kindle publishing is the perfect passive income stream for the budding entrepreneur to get his/her feet wet in making REAL money online. You'll learn all the steps to get books published onto Amazon, even if you have no prior skills in writing, so you can make a passive income stream even while you sleep!Now imagine..The REAL MAGIC happens when you scale up this process, by publishing 5-10 books per week. If you publish only 5 books per week, that's 20 books per month. If those 20 books make you $50/month passive income each month, that's a $1000/month passive income.Do you see how powerful this is?That's why great marketing doesn't require having a huge marketing budget or publisher behind you, but you still need exposure and a great offer. This Kindle Coursewill help you get more exposure with Amazon search, Google search, word of mouth, and other free but effective marketing strategies.You have to make buying your book an irresistible offer so that when browsers get done reading your book description they say, ""I have to buy this book!"" You can't do that without a strategic plan and a well-written book description.I have already helped thousands of students from all over the world do this and receive messages daily from them with their success stories and sales with their Amazon Kindle Publishing business!If you're coach-able with a good attitude, a willingness to work, and you follow my system you will earn income. Even after your first 90 daysthe profits can be awesome.In thisComprehensive and Easy Kindle Money MasteryCourse With 10 In-Deepth Lessions wherenothing is left out!Here you'll find the truth about what to write and how to get it finished. You'll learn theGolden Rules for Successful Amazon Authors even if you are a beginner. You'll be shown the important things that must be done correctly, and the other stuff which just slows you down.This Step-by-Step Course I will teach you how to build and explode your Kindle Publishing Business,infact you will learn:How topick the correct unsaturated nichesthat will help your books succeed long term. Inside you will learn exactly which niches to go into and which ones to stay away from!Where to find your first willing customers who'll kick-off your salesThe importance of Reviews and how to get genuine customers to write themUsing the right Keyword tactics to get your book onto Page 1 in Amazon's Category SearchHow to create and Kindle formatting books that stand out from your competitors and want to make customersBUY your books first!How toGet your Kindle ebook written bytop notch English writersHow to price, track, and promote your book, and when to write the next oneHow to build your business up the right way and ensure that you are profitable long termHow to automate thebusiness 100%, so all you have to do is find abook topic for the next book, the rest iswill be done for you 100%...And much more!So as you follow these step-by-step instructions you'll quickly learn everything you need to know in order to start a new career as an Independent Amazon Kindle Self-Published Author.I'll be frank this course is NOT a get rich quick scheme. This course outlines a simple proven way to earn a part time, or even significant full time income. Your earnings will be based on your ability to learn, take action andEXECUTE.The first secret to make succesfull any business is getting action and not procrastinating,Are you ready to startcreating that first passive income snowball and roll it down the hill?Simply scroll up, click theTake This Coursebutton andget started to build your dream withyour first Kindle book today!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Affiliate Marketing For Beginners: Home-Business Made Simple" |
"*** JOIN OVER 20,000 HAPPY STUDENTS TO EXPERIENCE THE EXCITEMENT OF GETTING YOUR FIRST SALES FROM AFFILIATE MARKETING USING THE SIMPLE TECHNIQUES THAT I TEACH YOU IN THIS COURSE! ***Welcome to The Best Affiliate Marketing Course For Beginners! Here You will Find the Fast-Track on How to Generate Profits Like the Top Brands Using Affiliate Marketing With & Without a Website!Are you looking how to make money with affiliate marketing and how getting started with affiliate marketing today? By now......you may have heard of internet bloggers, marketers and influencers talking about how much they earn income promoting networks products (CPA, Amazon, affiliate marketing platforms like Clickbank and many more) monetizing worldwide (infact no matter where you are: USA, Canada, UK, India, Germany, France, anywhere) doing affiliate marketing also without a website.You've probably heard of stories of people who will tell you that their bank account had more money it after they returned from vacation than they left a week prior. But, is it really possible?Using affiliate marketing, this is something that anyone can do extremely easily and that can potentially result in huge profits. Weve all seen the pictures of marketers standing in front of private planes!Affiliate marketing, simply put, means that you are selling a product online that belongs to someone else.You are going to earn commission on that sale, which in some cases means earning more than the actually product creator!If you're new to online marketing, Affiliate Marketing is one of the best and easiest ways to grow your income.Why? Because you don't have to go through the headache of any of product research, surveying the market, merchandise, storage or product shipment.This is the ideal business model, because you can simply find something that is already selling really well for another seller, copy and paste their business model, and then start earning money yourself! There is no risk involved, there is no need for any technical skill, and its almost fool proof.Is it really THAT easy to earn money online? Can you really get rich just by recommending other peoples products?Nevertheless, making such extreme life changes is a great challenge, and not everyone has the guts to chase their dreams to this degree. Not everyone can flip their life upside down like that. Especially, when you turn thirty and it hits you that youll never be younger.Some Online Entrepreneurs have been earning affiliate marketing commission for years and the best part is, it's never too late to jump on board and start earning with it.So, to achieve affiliate marketing success, you need to stop doing random acts of marketing and start following a reliable plan for rapid business growth. In this affiliate marketing training, we'll discuss how it all started and evolved to the multi-billion dollar industry that it is today and how you can get your slice of the affiliate marketing pie. You'll learn how to choose the affiliate marketing niches, develop content and drive massive amounts of traffic to them through organic (free) and paid methods .Lastly, we'll talk in depth about the different promotional strategies on how you can become successful as an Internet marketer. In this Affiliate Marketing Guide, complete, laid out in clear, step-by-step and easy to understand, you will discover:what is affiliate marketing and how it workshow you can start affiliate marketing from scratch without any experience how to choose the right affiliate marketing niche to be inthe Top Affiliate Marketing programs (Clickbank, JVZoo, etc..) and how being approvedhow to effectively build an affiliate marketing email listhow to use Social Media Platforms For Affiliate Marketingthe difference between Low Ticket vs High Ticketthe common Affiliate Marketing mistakes people make and how to avoid themtop secret Affiliate Marketing Strategies that can double or triple your earningsproven ways to improve your Affiliate Marketing website traffic (if you decide to have a website)If you correctly implement the advise in this Affiliate Marketing Course, you can make commissions potentially of up to $10,000 (or more) per month in extra income.WITHOUT creating your own productsWITHOUT any business or management experienceWITHOUT too much start up capital or investorsWITHOUT dealing with customers, returns, or fulfillmentWITHOUT building websitesWITHOUT selling anything over the phone or in personWITHOUT any computer skills at allWITHOUT leaving the comfort of your own homeYou'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download 30 day money-back guarantee, there's no risk to get startedYour satisfaction is my top priority therefore, You have also a 30 Days NO QUESTIONS ASKED, MONEY BACK GUARANTEE on this Course if it does not meet your need. And upon becoming a student of this course, you will receive 24/7 support from me help that comes with no expiry! I will be here to share my advice and answers to all your questions whenever you need help from me.Whether you're just starting out or are an experienced entrepreneur, I will teach you all about affiliate marketing and youll be set up with your own passive income stream by the end. Everything is done for you here. Sounds good? Now the question is this: are you going to procrastinate or start slow, and fade away from there?Or are you ready for a launch that will change the future of your business and your life?Who wouldnt want to make a living from passive income? Thats the dream, right?Don't Miss Out, every second you wait is costing you valuable time and health.So, if you're intrigued to learn more about what affiliate marketing, scroll up this page and hit the ""Buy Now"" button to start building your affiliate marketing empire today!#affiliatemarketingsuccess #affiliatemarketingstrategy #affiliatemarketingexplained"
Price: 99.99 |
"Smart Passive Income Online: From Zero To Hero" |
"*** JOIN OVER 10,000 HAPPY STUDENTS TO EXPERIENCE THE EXCITEMENT OF GETTING YOUR FIRST PASSIVE INCOME ONLINE SOURCE USING THE SIMPLE TECHNIQUES THAT I TEACH YOU IN THIS COURSE! ***Are you unhappy with your current financial status? Are you looking for a a proven, step-by-step system that allows you to make multiple sources of income on autopilot without any experience? Are you ready to start making real passive income, but don't know where to begin?I understand how you feel...and i will show you exactly how I broke through fear, frustration, and self-doubt to make a consistent passive income over the past 2 years (over $20,000). That is why I want to reveal you the secrets I used to profitably grow my income and watch the money and sales roll into my bank account, like clockwork. Just imagine...What it would be like if you easily saw money rolling into your bank account?How it would feel to be able to wake up whenever you want and to do ANYTHING that you desire?Instead...imagine now working 8 hours daily, Monday to Friday until you are at the age of 65. It does not sound very appealing, am I right? Do not waste your time being a slave. Working constantly and barely having time to do anything else is not living. That is merely existing.I am sure that you want to be able to escape your 9/5 job for good and create multiple sources of income over the long-term. And having multiple passive income streams is the Number #1 Key to wealth accumulation.Why?Passive income has long been the Holy Grail for entrepreneurs and business owners looking to free up their time.It gives you safety and allows you to earn in one month what other people earn in 6 months or an entire year. And once you master this process, you'll be able to work from anywhere in the world.This passive income course, however, guides you through proven methods that simply worked for me and for thousands of my students.You will learn proven passive income business ideas or work from home jobs and get the possibility to create wealth and eventually achieve financial freedom! Discover all what you NEED to know about online making money with these powerful money making strategies and ideas including some unknown ones. In this complete passive income course, you'll learn:What is passive income, what does passive income mean REALLYExactly how you can build passive income streams, in the next 30 days and how to make consistent, long-term profit The most overrated ways to generate passive income - and why I don't recommend themThe FASTEST way to get started, even if you have no experienceInsider tricks people like you are using to earn thousands and thousands of dollars per month in passive incomeThe best passive income ideas and ways that you can use to get started todayHow to make money from your personal story and experiences (even if you don't think you're an expert)And much, much more!You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download 30 day money-back guarantee, there's no risk to get startedYour satisfaction is my top priority therefore, You have also a 30 Days NO QUESTIONS ASKED, MONEY BACK GUARANTEE on this Course if it does not meet your need. Whether you're just starting out or if you have a full-time job, at the end of this course you'll understand new online business models, how they work, and how to make them work for you. And if you ever get stuck, you can always reach out to me with a message, a 24/7 support. What if you will procrastinate again?I'm sorry to tell you but you will waste just your time, energy and money and very soon you can also lose the hope of being able to change your life..that is the worst thing that can happen to you, believe me...Would you rather wait a few years, be miserable during that time and regret the decision you made or take action now and thank yourself in the future? The choice is yours...Simply you have today a low-cost, high-value resource, a one-time investment that could potentially make you a fortune. Today, it's time to stop gambling with your hard-earned money and be treated as a slave by your boss. Others have done it, now it is your turn! Are you ready to quit your boring day job learning how to make passive income? Scroll up this page and hit the ""Buy Now"" button to join today the thousands of smart business owners that learned how to make money working from home and make consistent passive income!#passiveincomeideas #passiveincomebusiness #homebusiness"
Price: 199.99 |