"Intro to Industrial Maintenance Updated" |
"This is the first in several courses that I will be teaching in Industrial maintenance, this is a huge subject I am going to cover the basics to give you what you need to get an entry level Postion. These are high paying jobs that often don't require a degree.I am a retired Maintenance Manager with over thirty years experiance in Industrial maintenance.I have designed complete lines of industrial machinery for some of the biggest companies in the US.Opportunities in Industrial MaintenanceThis is a very broad field it can take you anywhere you could start out doing basic preventive maintenance and end up designing and creating machinery thatchanges the world. You don't have to have a college degree or technical degree you have to have the willingness to learn and curiosity. This field can range from the robots at McDonald's filling your glass of Coke to the boilers your local hospital to the CNC robots welding cars together with the injection molding machines molding highly engineered parts the extruders extruding medical tubing the list goes on and on and on it never ends. If you drive around your town wherever you live you're to find places that will need your skills the skills that you'll learn in this course you will find that your needed. I can't emphasize enough that this course is only taught to give you the basics so you can interview and get an entry-level job. Please don't start troubleshooting working with electricity or hydraulics or pneumatics alone the downside to learning something like this over the Internet we can't have a one-on-one lab so I can't be there to teach you hands-on. I can teach you the terminology I can show you how to do it. I can show you what the equipment looks like I can teach you lockout tag out. The actual practical application I can't what you need to do is learn everything you can from this course create a resume and go out and get an entry-level job and build yourself up from there. After taking this course,"
Price: 19.99 |
"Financial Planning For College" |
"Going to college remains the best investment a student can make in his or her future. This is why nearly 20 million Americans pursue some kind of post-secondary education each year.But college student families also face many challenges. Many colleges are too expensive. Merit scholarships are rare and difficult to get. It takes too long to graduate. The debt burden is too high. Attending a mismatched college or pursuing a field with limited growth opportunities compounds the problem.This course helps families in making college become more affordable. It uses basic principles of finance to emphasize that lowering costs of attendance and improving returns on college investment are essential to successful college financial planning. It systematically shows families how to save money for college, get free money, borrow money and repay, all with these two important considerations in mind. The instructor, Rajkamal Rao, is an expert on higher education and a professional college counselor. His online course, ""School to College"", an innovative credit elective for high school students, is live in the state of Washington and other western states. He is an active public speaker conducting seminars on college education and student camps. He has written a book on college selection. His college blog has attracted nearly 60,000 hits from users worldwide.All references in the course are sourced only from government agencies or reputed organizations."
Price: 49.99 |
"Desarrolla Aplicacin Android para Gestionar tu Pgina Web" |
"Deseas conectar tu aplicacin en Android a MySql? Aprende a desarrollar un catlogo de productos en Android con visualizacin en Pgina Web. A travs de un Web Services aprenders a implementar la insercin, edicin, eliminacin y consulta de datos. Qu Es Un Web Service?La mayora de los sitios webs grandes como Facebook usan aplicaciones que utilizan servicios webs (web services). Unweb servicees un conjunto de protocolos y estndares que sirven para intercambiar datos entre aplicaciones. Distintas aplicaciones de software desarrolladas en lenguajes de programacin diferentes, y ejecutadas sobre cualquier plataforma, pueden utilizar los servicios web para intercambiar datos enredesde ordenadores comointernet. En este curso vamos a crear un catlogo de productos con sistema de pedidos, en el procesoaprenders lo siguiente:-Haceraltas, bajas y consultas desde una aplicacin androidcon informacin alojada en un servidor web.- Desarrollartu propio protocolo, enun formato de texto ligero para el intercambio de datos (web services) con php.- Implementar un sistema de autenticacin para administradores y clientes.- Permitir el registro de usuarios desde tu aplicacin.- Visualizar un catlogo de productos.-Proveer al administrador de un sistema de control de informacin dentro de la misma app."
Price: 2670.00 |
"Learn to program 3D Graphics" |
"This course is great to start learning how to program, if you are interested in learninghow3D Graphics applications are developedlike videogames, robotics,animation software for visual effects, orlearn object oriented programming to uselanguages like Python, Java, Swift orC#this is the friendliestway to start! We'll use Carnegie Mellon University Alice environment to ease the learning curve.All exercises providedare independent, gradually covering different topics,they aresimple to followand very descriptive."
Price: 270.00 |
"Despertando o Empreendedor - Tire sua Ideia do Papel" |
"O Curso Despertando o Empreendedor ganha sua verso online para que voc possa tirar sua ideia do papel ou melhorar o negcio que j iniciou.No curso presencial j foram formados mais de 300 Empreendedores e mais de 130 negcios j foram criados, os negcios que j existiam, aumentaram seu faturamento em 105% em um perodo de 5 meses aps concluir o curso.Neste curso teremos 22 aulas com os seguintes focos:Introduo ao Empreendedorismo;Autoconhecimento;IdeaoModelagem de negcios;Sobre os Instrutores:Luis Henrique CoelhoAdministrador de Empresas, de So Paulo, graduado pela UniversidadeAnhembi Morumbi. Com experincia como empreendedor, trabalhou comintraempreendedorismo e scio-fundador do Empreende A, negcio deimpacto social que capacita empreendedores de territrios populares a teremseus prprios negcios. Vencedor do Concurso de Projetos da Arymax/2017;Premiado pela Prefeitura de So Paulo atravs do Vai Tec/2016; Contempladopelo Instituto Lojas Renner e ONU Mulheres/2016 para empoderarAfroempreendedoras a terem seus prprios negcios no ramo txtil e deModa; pr-acelerado pelo CHOICE UP da Artemisia/2015; finalista da Maratonade Negcios de Impacto Social do SEBRAE RJ/2015, criador do Curso Despertando Empreendedor (presencial e online) e idealizador do primeirocurso online para empreendedores populares do Brasil.Jennifer RodriguesPsicloga, de So Paulo, graduada pela Universidade Anhembi Morumbi.Possui experincia no terceiro setor, especialmente em reas relacionadas empregabilidade juvenil e scia-fundadora e do negcio social Empreende A,negcio de impacto social que capacita empreendedores de territriospopulares a terem seus prprios negcios. Vencedora do Concurso de Projetosda Arymax/2017; Premiada pela Prefeitura de So Paulo atravs do VaiTec/2016; Contemplada pelo Instituto Lojas Renner e ONU Mulheres/2016 paraempoderar Afroempreendedoras a terem seus prprios negcios no ramotxtil e de Moda; pr-acelerada pelo CHOICE UP da Artemisia/2015; finalista daMaratona de Negcios de Impacto Social do SEBRAE RJ/2015, criadora doCurso Despertando Empreendedor (presencial e online) e idealizadora doprimeiro curso online para empreendedores populares do Brasil."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn Forex Trading In Two Weeks" |
"Learn to trade forex on the live global financial markets and start earning money part-time or full-time.Become one of the worlds best forexmarket traders with this comprehensive course that teaches you most of what you need to know to trade forex successfully. This course is for anyone who wants to learnabout forex trading and how to make money and open profitableforex trades.In here you'l learn how to manage risk (minimise losses and maximise profits), you'l learn how to plan trades anduse strategies to trade. How to grow your portforlio using different tools such as indicators, analysing chart patterns, with supply and demand. You will alsolearn how to trade on the demo account and graduate tolive accounts to make real money. What currencies can be paired together and which ones are dangerous to pair together asyou can wipe out profits.So imagine if you could start viewing the financial world from a different angle. Where you could invest in USA, the UK, Japan, Australia, Europe, Switzerland and many more countries why would you not do it?Forex trading gives you access to investing in the worlds best currencies among the best investors, from right where you are.Gone are the days when you have to visit trading floors. Now you can do everything online from the comfort of your own home and make lots of money.Checkout the forex trading video course and learn how to trade forex in two weeks. Best of all there's money to be made."
Price: 99.99 |
"Business Start-up for Entrepreneurs" |
"Does this sound like you?Are you a parent looking at getting back into the workforce?Are you concerned about having lost your place in the workforce?Feeling like you dont have current / relevant experience or skills? Wondering what employers/investors are looking for . and if you have it? Lacking confidence in your own abilities? What you may not realise is ... You may already have a competitive advantage!This course takes you through the 7 steps in the path to market in as little as 8 weeks.This businessstartup Skills course is specifically designed to show how the core skills you have learned in other areas of life,like as a parent, are relevant to the skills that many employers look for in their staff. And if you don't believe you could get a job, you are likely to not believe you can start a business.You can gain the confidence back in your abilities as you see that you are practising many skills relevant to the workforce on a daily basis. You will also learn about technology used by small businesses, which will help you apply for a jobs, and know how the skills listed relate to a prospective employers requirements. In some cases, we can help you get back into the workforce to a better-paying and more flexible job than you had before taking time out to raise a family ... Sounds good doesnt it?If you want formal skills recognition...This course can be used to work towards unitsfromBSB50215 Diploma of Business, including:BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing opportunitiesBSBMKG502 Establish and adjust the marketing mixBSBINN501 Establish systems that support innovationBSBMGT517 Manage operational plan This course does not include assessing orissuing the units, and only provides training. Upon completion of this course, you may choose to apply to an issuing Registered Training Organisation (RTO) directlyto get formal skills recognition (of Prior Learning). While we do not have any affiliations with an RTO, we do have access to advice from qualified assessors who can advise you on the requirements and what you could provide as evidence as a result of this course.Let us help you make being a parent or a volunteer for a charity an ADVANTAGE in the workplace. Even if you are not a parent, you can learn how to apply thinking parents naturally do to identify the needs of others that any business needs for long term success.or, are you already working in the training industry?If you are a trainer and assessor working for an RTO looking to update your vocational industry currency for business and marketing units, this course maps to the performance requirements for the e-commerces skill set developed by TrainerPD websitethrough engagement with small business owners and the start-up ecosystem in Brisbane (Australia).The activities undertaken at hack-a-thon weekends have been observed andmapped to the following units (below) for participants to provide evidence for RPL if they can create an MVP on the weekend.However, to issue the units,an assessor would have to demonstrate they have industryexperience and updated their industry currency (specifically for small business technology)in the last year due to the high amount of early adopter technology commonlyused on at the Hack-a-thon weekends."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn how to build a customized Startup Website" |
"Are you wanting to have a website, but don't want to pay $1000's to get it up and running?Worried about what to put on your website, if it matches your brand, or will you have to start again when you get professional help?What if it doesn't work, and don't know what ""Coding"" is let alone how to do it?How would you feel all the above were no longer an issue; would you have a website?Well, now you can.This course take youstep by stepthrough building content for your websitewith advice from professionals on what you can do now for yourself, and why you need to do it right from the start to save you time and money later on.Then, we'll show you how to customize a website theme using templates already set up for you to copy and paste, ordrag and drop,content onto your websitewithout needing to do any coding.Whether it is for a business, to promote your expertise and services, or even just a local community group, this course gives you an affordable option to turn your dreams into a reality.Includes a certificate of completion. Professional development for:BSBEBU501 Investigate and design e-business solutionsBSBMGT519 Incorporate digital solutions into plans and practicesBSBLDR503 Communicate with influenceThis course does not include assessing orissuing the units, and only provides training. Upon completion of this course, you may choose to apply to an issuing Registered Training Organisation (RTO) directlyto get formal skills recognition (of Prior Learning). While we do not have any affiliations with an RTO, we do have access to advice from qualified assessors who can advise you on the requirements and what you could provide as evidence as a result of this course."
Price: 49.99 |
"Complete Guide to Image Processing with MATLAB" |
"This course focuses on delivering the basics of Image Processing in MATLAB.The course also provides explanations to the theories. You'll learn various tutorials, including:Image OperationsImage HistogramsImage FilteringImage ThresholdingEdge Detection in MATLABImage MorphologyLocal Binary PatternsPractical ExamplesAt the end, all what you have learned and more will be compiled and we you learn how to interfacethemin a Graphical User Interface (GUI) in MATLAB------------------------------------------------------------------------------You will also get access to files that explain some theoretical concepts in a friendly-manner that will make you grasp the idea very quick!Finally, there will be some practices after some of the lectures to test yourunderstanding and see how good you can apply the concepts you learned to come up with new ideas!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Improve Your Investing & Trading Results - Myths to Avoid!" |
"Are you:An investor who wants to avoid the pitfalls of investing?An investor who desires to make more discerning and strategic decisions in your investments? Are you seeking reasons as to why you are not maximising your profits, or realising you are hitting roadblocks in your investments?An investor who wants to learn new insights and strategies to add to your investing skills toolbox?Then you will benefit from this short beginners course.In this course, I will show you 6 of the most deceptive and misleading myths in investing. Many investors fall into the pitfall of these 6 myths, because they truly sound seemingly correct! In todays investing arena, these myths are all too common. In this succinct but powerful course, I will explain 6 myths of investing, and why they are unsuccessful investing strategies in the long run. Using examples, I will demonstrate why these misleading and shallow mindsets may seem right initially, but why they may NOT maximise your money and potentially cost you thousands of dollars in the long run! This course will stop incorrect mindsets in their tracks, and equip you with the correct foundation and knowledge when investing. In less than an hour, you will learn valuable mindsets that experienced investors have taken years to learn, in order for you to establish more effective, discerning and wise strategies when investing. Investing is never straightforward, but this course will set you on the right path for having the correct foundation, in order to make more successful investment decisions.Curriculum OutlineMyth 1 - It doesnt matter when I buy or sell, as long as I hold my investment for a long timeWe teach: Why timing is actually MORE important than how LONG and investment is held.Myth 2 - All diversification is good, as long as I am diversifying my stocks.We teach: Why diversification for the sake of diversifying is wrong. The right way to diversify.Myth 3 - Investing in Blue-Chip is risk free and always the safest option.We teach: Why investing in blue chip is not always risk free, and why you cant just assume your blue-chip investments will always be fine.Myth 4 - As long as I keep taking profit from trades, I wont go broke. In fact, this is a great strategy to prevent going broke.We teach: This is a subtle reason why many investors do not maximize the profit in their portfolio. Those who keep taking small profits also tend to hold onto the losing position longer than they should.Myth 5 - As a long as a stock is cheap, its a worthy investment.We teach: Not all cheap stocks are a valuable investment that are worth your money.Myth 6 - Trading is gambling.We teach: Without research, trading is gambling, but with proper research, investing has been proven to beone of the best wealth generatingendeavors."
Price: 129.99 |
"Byzantine Iconography Series 1: Drawing the Face" |
"Anyone wanting to learn Byzantine Iconography needs to lay the right foundation. Simply tracing old icons or jumping straight into painting (""by numbers"") only builds a house of cards that will collapse. The foundation for being able to paint iconsis learning to draw according to the Byzantine system. Once the foundation is laid (and practiced continually) it allows us to create within the iconographictradition of the Orthodox Church and not simply ""photocopy"" old icons ( a practice that appeared in the 20th century and was never part of the tradition of the Church). In this first course on drawing icons we will start by learning the importance of line and how line is used to create the rhythm that brings icons to life. From there we will progress to drawing the face in several poses:The frontal pose ( and we will see why it is not used in Byzantine iconography)The dynamic frontal poseThe dynamic frontal pose on curved axesAscetic Faces and beardsThe reverential 3/4 poseThe upward facing 3/4 poseand the face of the Infant ChristWe will study different types of faces in each pose (young face, woman's face, ascetic or elderly face) so we can see how each type of face is drawn in each pose."
Price: 59.99 |
"AdWords, corso pratico per promuovere online la tua attivit" |
"Corso base per chi vuole affacciarsi alla pubblicit online.Il fruitore potr inserireun proprio spazio pubblicitario all'interno delle paginevisualizzate da Google a seguito delle ricerche degli utenti.L'annuncio sar visualizzato nelle primissime posizioni di chi ha cercato proprio quanto promosso dall'utente che utilizza Adwords.Le campagne promozionali supportate da un accorto utilizzo di Adwords hanno una incredibile visibilit, proprio agli occhi di chi interessato a quanto si desidera promuovere."
Price: 139.99 |
"Disegno a mano libera: dai forma alla tua creativit" |
"In questo corso verrai guidato da Linda Paoli, artista professionista e laureata all'Accademia Delle Belle Arti di Firenze, alla scoperta di sei tecniche di disegno a mano libera.Le tecniche esaminate saranno:La matitaLa sanguignaIl carboncinoI pastelliL'acquerelloLa chinaOgni lezione illustrer la tecnica attraverso le immagini e le parole della docente, che accompagner le linee su carta con semplici e chiari richiami alla storia dell'arte ed a curiosit sugli artisti citati.Le riprese sono particolarmente curate e nitide, al fine di permettere una chiara visione dei dettagli al fruitore."
Price: 149.99 |
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Price: 19.99 |
"Object-Oriented Software Engineering with Java" |
"Course UpdatesSep 5: Adding ArrayList lecture (Section II) and one programming assignment on files and ArrayListOverviewThe course provides a comprehensive coverage of object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts using Java programming language.OOP is the key paradigm that allows software reuseand thatfacilitates the development of complex and large-scale software. The course first starts with providing a clear understanding why OOP is important. We then dive into the main OOP concepts includingencapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. We also present generic classes and design patterns which further demonstrate an additional softwareabstraction. All along the course, we show how OOP allows software engineers to develop complex software by making high-level abstractions starting from very general classes down to more concrete classes.To better illustrate the concepts, each chapter contains several hands-on activities, namely: (1) Quizzes which help reviewing the main theoretical concepts presented in the lectures, (2) short coding exercises where the student can apply the concepts he learned on simple use cases, (3) programming assignments, whichprovide more thorough activities aiming at consolidating the understanding of the learner and guide him to master the concepts presented in the lectures. All hands-on activities have written and video solutions.In addition, during the course, the student will work on one application which he will improve from one chapter to another so that he can observe how programming concepts he learned can be applied to improve a certain application. In this course, we consider an application to process images for the programming assignment. There is no pre-requisite needed about images to do the exercises, as it is just a simple application context for the programming assignment.The course was designed to provide the learners with a solid background on software engineering using object-oriented programming concepts!Iwish youan excellent learning experience!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Fit Interview Course for Management Consulting" |
"There is a lot of material out there for case interviews and most candidates applying to consultingspend most of their time preparing for cases. However, the Fit Interivew is as important; agood performance can land an offer while a below average one can mean rejection.A team of former McKinsey consultants put together a straightforward, complete noBScourse to ace the fit interview. We start from the beginning and go all the way to the end, with solved examples and step by step instructions on how to tell your story in a compelling and convincing way.Start now with our course to ace the fit interview and get that job in consulting."
Price: 34.99 |
"AWS - Mastering Boto3 & Lambda Functions Using Python" |
"This Course is focused on concepts of Boto3 And Lambda,Covers how to use Boto3 Module &AWSLambda to buildrealtime tasks withLots of Step by StepExamples.This course also teaches how to refer toBoto3Documentation to Develop Code For automatingany kind of tasksin AWS."
Price: 109.99 |
"Mastering AWS CloudFormation Templates Using JSON" |
"AWS CloudFormation provides a common language for you to describe and provision all the infrastructure resources in your cloud environment. Cloud Formation allows you to use a simple text file to model and provision, in an automated and secure manner, all the resources needed for your applications across all regions and accounts.This course is designed to understand and master the techniques of writing CloudFormation templates using JSON,This course emphasizes the usage of all cloud-formation features like.ResourcesParametersMappingsConditionsMetaDataAnd Many MoreThis course Includes details examples over various advanced concepts using.VPCSubnetsRoute 53Internet GatewaysRoute TablesSecurity GroupsEC2 InstancesUseddata ScriptsCloud InitAutoscaling GroupsLaunch ConfigurationsElastic Load balancer (ELB)And More...."
Price: 44.99 |
"Tarot Card Readings by Sen Elias" |
"My name is Sen Elias and I am a Professional Tarot Reader. I have been reading tarot cards since I was 12 years old. Since then, I have built a company named Crescent City Conjure where I've had the pleasure of reading tarot professionally for my clients on a daily basis. During my career, I had the privilege to read tarot at vending events and festivals between Salem MA, New Orleans LA and Washington D.C. My experience makes me uniquely qualified to teach a method of tarot that works for those seeking someone they can relate to. Everyone is born with the ability to be intuitive and just like a muscle it will get stronger the more you use it. Ever tried to learn tarot from books and found yourself more confused than when you began?My aim with this course is to make learning the tarot as easy as possible.This course is designed for the complete beginner but also beneficial to those with some experience. In this training, were going to go from the most basic understanding of these infamous cards to the more advanced techniques that all good tarot readers should know how to implement before, during and after a reading. The course teaches you the skills to become a professional tarot reader but it's really up to you how far you want to take it.The Tarot can be used as a tool of self-transformation as well, as you follow the Fool in his journey through each card you will grow and explore these symbols and how they relate to you in depth.What Will I Learn? Use the tarot to rapidly improve your love life Use the tarot to rapidly improve your business, career and finances Consult the tarot for quick questions or more detailed readings up to 1 hour Identify what spiritual lessons you need to master to improve your life Know the best way to consult the tarot for important decisions Understand how to use the tarot to heal any challenge in your life Give accurate psychic readings with the tarot as a professional tarot readerCourse Content :20 Interactive VideosVery easy to understand instructions and guidance"
Price: 149.99 |
"Desenvolvimento de Liderana" |
"Este curso aborda assuntos relacionados ao ambiente de trabalho na relao de equipes e liderana. Busca sensibilizar e conhecer estratgias em Gesto de Pessoas e Liderana com Inteligncia emocional, utilizando de tcnicas para planejar, estimular, treinar e desenvolver talentos, com foco na Liderana eficaz. Falaremos sobre inteligncia emocional, gesto de talentos, comunicao eficaz, treinamento e desenvolvimento, avaliao do desempenho, feedback e estilos de liderana. O curso destinado a pessoas que esto sendo preparadas para assumir a posio de liderana. Este curso no formato didtico em slides e udio."
Price: 39.99 |
"Diabetes Nutrition: Overcoming diabetes naturally" |
"If youve been struggling with your diabetes, you dont have to any longer! In this course, Ill explain the root causes of diabetes, the ways in which fatty foods can keep you ill, why milk could be harming you, and so much more!Youll learn how to develop the best diet possible to control all different types of diabetes, why the foods you think are healthy might actually be making you sick, and how easy it is to create a healthy diet that will leave you brimming with energy, and ready to take on the world.Learning from home will help you to make changes in your lifestyle at your own pace, and as you discover more, I know youll be as thrilled as I was when you realize that it is possible to live a healthy life, free from sickness as a diabetic."
Price: 19.99 |
"Forecasting with Microsoft Excel" |
"This short course will equip you with simple tools that we use to make forecasts. Also, you will also learn more complicated a range forecast. This forecast requires a predicted single-point and estimated deviations from this point compared to simple single-point forecasts in Excel. The range forecast provides more accurate predictions, and it is more valuable for decision making in business. I will show you how to do it in MS Excel in 60 minutes."
Price: 199.99 |
"The art and business of writing erotica" |
"Learn how to bring fantasy to life, write and publish eroticaFinally, youll have a step by step plan for writing engaging and satisfying sensual books.With books such as ""50 Shades of Grey"", erotic books have now gone mainstream. More people are buying erotica books than ever before because of ebooks.Ebooks have changed the way readers find and consume erotica.No longer do people have to go into bookshops; now, they can download and enjoy sexy stories in private.There is no better time to become an erotic author or to enter this market if you are already a writer.Fact: There is demand for Erotic Books from an author who know what theyre doing.And what we mean by that is someone who can tell a story.If you are thinking of building a business as an author, you will need a plan and processes in place to: Emotionally engage your readers from page one Create sexually charged stories, i.e. understand the erotic arc of storytelling Write books that the market place want to buyGone are the days of poorly written stories passing for erotica. And that is good news for you.As you go through the Art and Business of Writing Erotica, youll learn each of the steps needed to write a sound and marketable story.More specifically, youll learn: The art of seduction framework, using this 12 step plan you can build characters that youre your readers will be emotionally drawn too. Bring fantasy to life Create a never-ending flow of ideas for your books Have a step by step template for creating consistently great stories that build in tension so that your readers will beg you for more books The business of building a professional author brand Cut through the hype of marketing and know what to do so that you can sell your booksIn short, the Art and Business of Writing Erotica takes you through the process of coming up with an idea to publishing and marketing your book.You will know the difference between romance, erotic romance and erotic stories, and why emotions are so crucial to the story.The course is a balance of the art of writing good erotic fiction and the business of creating a personal author brand (this can be done under a pen name)So if you are interested in writing stories that are: Full of imagination Satisfying to the author and reader Bring fantasy to life That weave in the art of seduction through your books That follows the erotic story arcAnd Know where to find fresh ideas Have a template for your stories Build a premise for your narratives like a proAnd Understand the business of selling books Build author brands Access free author pages on one of the most successful websites in the world Know if your book cover sends the right message Want to sell your book on a site that has 80% of the market share Position your books so that your readers find you Use a technique that is missed by most authors that helps your writing be discovered by more readers And know the one thing to do that will build your publishing more than anything else you could doThen this is the course for you.Take action today and buy this course knowing you have a full 100% money back guarantee.Join us today, write books have fun and fulfil fantasies"
Price: 99.99 |
"Introduccin al Sistema Penal Acusatorio" |
"Este es un curso de introduccin al Sistema Penal Acusatorio dictado por el profesor Armando Fuentes quien es un experto en la materia.Se tratan temas como los Fundamentos del Sistema Penal Acusatorio, las Estructuras y las Tcnicas. Este curso busca realizar una introduccin al mismo en orden de preparar a los estudiantes para futuras formaciones."
Price: 34.99 |
"AutoCAD - Projeto Executivo Completo" |
"Curso Completo de AutoCAD. Do Bsico ao intermedirio.Aprenda de forma simples, prtica e eficiente a fazer Planta Baixa, Corte, Fachada, Impresso em Escala e demais comandos. Faa a Projeto Executivo (para entregar na sua Prefeitura) completo.Forma Didtica e com vrias Atividades !!Tudo passo a passo ! Aprenda com exemplos reais !!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Lottery Success Strategies With Google Sheets" |
"This course is about using Google Sheets to analyze and understand systems around you. In this case, the lottery system.Google Sheets is a free spreadsheet program from Google that allows you to analyze, calculate, and visualize data.Once students begin to see the power and capabilities of a spreadsheet,the topic of ""how do I crack the lottery code"" with spreadsheet power always comes up.We'll use lottery data to demonstrate some of the features available in Google Sheets that may be helpful in your work, life, or studies. You will also learn how to gain insights into your state lottery games, while learning a few tips, tricks and shortcuts about them as well.What do you need for this course:You will need continuous access to the internet.A laptop or desktop computer. Although a handheld device is fine for viewing content, you'll need a desktop or laptop computer to perform some of the exercises A Google Account.I realize why this topic continues to remain popular. We all want the 4 Gets: Get FIT, Get Rich, Get Love, Get Lifestyle. Keep in mind. Life is not all about money. You are not trulyrich, until you have something money cannot buy. Getting Fit, finding love, living your ideal lifestyle, andgetting smarter are always good things. On that note, let's get started!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Glitch Text Animation In Adobe After Effects" |
"This training course consists of 11 lectures. It is divided into 5 sections, each section - it's a few lessons doing that you learn to use animation tools in practice.In this course, we're going through one specific case from importing files to rendering.The videos are made as clear as possible, so that even a person who has never worked in After Effects could make a project. You create the project, do A, do B, do B - ready.You can practice at a comfortable pace and communicate directly with the instructor.By the end of the training in your portfolio will be 1 self-created work.All lessons are recorded on professional equipment."
Price: 34.99 |
"HUD Interface Animation in After Effects" |
"This training course consists of 12 lectures. It is divided into 3 sections:In the first section, we animate a ready-made example. Human Water InterfacIn the second section, we create HUD elements from the scratchIn the third section, we integrate into footage graphic from first sectionThe videos are made as clear as possible, so that even a person who has never worked in After Effects could make a project. You create the project, do A, do B, do B - ready.You can practice at a comfortable pace and communicate directly with the instructorAll lessons are recorded on professional equipment."
Price: 49.99 |
"CH 19 WAVES AND SOUND IIT-JEE & Medical Physics" |
"This course is basically a topic taught in physics for IIT-JEE, Course is giving basic understanding & mathematical aspect of transverse wave, wave equation,by phase concept, by general approach, wave speed in string, speed of particle,slope on wave relating wave speed and particle speed, acceleration of particle,kinetic energy of particles, potential energy, power propagation of wave in string."
Price: 19.99 |
"CH 14 TEMPERATURE AND HEAT IIT-JEE & Medical Physics" |
"In this course we are going to study different measuring scale of temperature, centigrade, Fahrenheit, kelvin etc. In section 2 I have discussed thermal expansion, And its relation with Moment of inertia ,Time period. apart from this in section 3 i have discused Heat and Calorimetry, About calorimeter, Heat capacity of calorimeter , Water equivalent, , Many example on mixing of ice, Water and steam,"
Price: 19.99 |