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"Ben's Advanced English Grammar Course"
"The advanced grammar course will cover a variety of topics to get you on the path to becoming highly proficient with the most difficult concepts in English grammar. Some of the topics covered in this online course will include the active voice, the passive voice, auxiliary verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, etc.If you want to master English grammar at the advanced level, give this course a try. Included in the course will be over 5+ hours of video lessons with Ben, the founder of 'English from A to Z' as well as about 200 questions, including a final exam, designed to test you on your newfound knowledge regarding the advanced grammar topics covered in this course."
Price: 99.99

"Programao para Leigos - informtica do bsico ao avanado"
"O mundo est cada vez mais tecnolgico e a demanda por profissionais qualificados est cada vez mais alta.A quantidade de pessoas que se qualificam todos os anos no supre a demanda e a necessidade de nossas empresas efaz com que sobrem oportunidades para pessoas de todas as reas.Uma das principais dificuldades para os que iniciam na rea a insuficincia de conhecimentos bsicos em informtica.Este conhecimento bsico essencial para que o profissional consiga resolver problemas que so corriqueiros ou situaesque podem paralisar ou fazer perder vrias horas de trabalho.Este curso oferece a voc a oportunidade de comear da forma certa, com conhecimentos slidos e bem definidos sobre osprincipais conceitos envolvidos na profisso de um programador de sistemas.Aprenda sobre:- Fundamentos da informtica;- Sistemas Operacionais (Windows, Linux e Mac);- Redes de Computadores e Internet;- Linguagens de Programao;- Fundamentos de Bancos de Dados;- Fundamentos de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas;- Fundamentos de Publicao e Hospedagem de Sistemas;- Introduo Linguagem de Programao Python;- Introduo Linguagem de Programao Java;- Fundamentos de Programao Web (HTML, CSS e JavaScript);- E muito mais!Faa este curso e seja um profissional feliz."
Price: 199.99

"Algoritmos e Lgica de Programao - do bsico ao avanado"
"Todo desenvolvedor de sistema sabe da importncia que um bom aprendizado de Algoritmos e Lgica de Programao. A Geek University preparou um curso essencial para que todos os iniciantes na rea possam compreender de uma vezpor todas os conceitos envolvidos e possa escrever seus algoritmos.Durante o curso iremos escrever vrios os algoritmos utilizando Pseudocdigo e ao final implementar 29 desses algoritmosutilizando 3 das principais linguagens de programao do mercado: C, Java e Python!Isso mesmo! Alm de aprendermos o essencial sobre algoritmos e lgica de programao, ainda vamos implementar passo-a-passo29 programas em 3 linguagens de programao diferentes (C, Java e Python).Se isso tudo j no fosse legal o suficiente, acabei de acrescentar mais 3 sees ao curso:- Resolvendo todos os exerccios com pseudocdigo: Onde eu explico passo a passo como resolver cada um dos exerccios do curso;- Resolvendo todos os exerccios com Scratch: Onde a gente implementa todos os algoritmos utilizando a ferramenta Scratch to MIT;- Resolvendo todos os exerccios com Potigol: Onde a gente implementa todos os algoritmos utilizando a linguagem Potigol desenvolvida pelo pessoal do IFRN;So mais de 33 horas de curso!Aprenda sobre:- Lgica de Programao;- Algoritmos;- Constantes, variveis e Tipos de Dados;- Operadores;- Estruturas de Deciso e de Repetio;- Variveis Compostas;- Implemente passo-a-passo 29 algoritmos estudados durante o curso em 3 diferentes linguagens de programao: C, Java e Python;- Implemente passo-a-passo 29 algoritmos estudados durante o curso com a ferramenta Scratch;- Implemente passo-a-passo 29 algoritmos estudados durante o curso em Potigol;- E muito mais! Pare de sofrer com algoritmos e aprenda com a Geek University!"
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Programao em C - do bsico ao avanado"
"A linguagem de programao C de extrema importncia para a computao.Ela no somente responsvel pela criao de excelentes projetos como o Unix, Linux, Git e muitos outros mas tambm serviu de base para uma grande quantidade de linguagens de programao.Certamente um programador que aprende a linguagem C alm de trabalhar com esta linguagem poder ainda estudar e aprender muito mais facilmenteoutras linguagens, sejam elas Java, PHP ou vrias outras.Neste curso, alm dos programas criados durante as aulas que so em torno de 100, temos mais de 500 exerccios espalhados pelas sees para que voc possa praticar tudo que vai aprender!Aprenda sobre:- Estruturas de Deciso e de Controle;- Tipos de Dados;- Vetores e Matrizes;- Trabalhar com Nmeros Binrios;- Funes;- Ponteiros;- Entrada e Sada;- Structs;- Recursividade;- Diretivas de Compilao;- Alocao Dinmica de Memria;- Ordenao de Vetores;- Busca Binria e Busca Linear;- E muito mais! A Geek University apresenta um curso essencial para quem quer aprender a programar com a linguagem C de uma vez por todas."
Price: 199.99

"Are you a musician in a band, or working towards being one? Are you wondering how you can turn all that hard work into hard cash?There are literally millions of amateur and semi-professional musicians around the world, many of whom think that for them, making money from their music is out of reach. Its just a distant dream. However, if youre good enough to play in public, youre good enough to be PAID to play in public. Despite the global economy making life difficult (especially for those determined souls playing their own material), the reality is that there is still a vibrant and enthusiastic market for bands playing covers. Its also a marketplace with some significant growth areas which are very rewarding for cover bands, probably the ONLY musical environment which is enjoying solid growth in 2018. This is a truly comprehensive course, which will guide you all the way from recruiting your first bandmates (if thats what you need) to performing professionally, with a busy and well-organised career. Along the way, youll find upbeat, engaging lectures on all the subjects you would expect, plus a lot more besides. There is a huge amount of material here, but Ive deliberately kept everything as light and easily-absorbed as possible. Ive also used some of my favourites anecdotes and Tales from the Road to help put things in perspective for you, and hopefully raise a smile. Heres a snapshot of some of the topics youll be covering on the course; Getting it all off the ground, from scratch. Addressing the age-old question; Old band or new? Auditions, and how to make them work for you ( from both sides of the room ). The all-important human elements; The Group Dynamic and People Skills. Finding your bands unique voice. Strategies for solo practice and band rehearsal. Developing your own repertoire. The trauma of agreeing on band names! What on earth do you look like? The right look for the role. Iconography Ensuring your logo and presentation is a professional reflection of YOU. Marketing tools in all their forms, and how to maximise their effectiveness. Getting those gigs. Pitching your price right; Being paid what youre worth. Free gigs and how to deal with them. Gigging successfully, at every stage, on every level. Before, during and after. Gigging practicalities; Dealing with other people, venues and equipment. Moving on up; Consolidation and building your reputation. Sound and lighting. Promoting your own gigs. Upping the ante; Stepping up to the BIG money. Weddings. Corporate Events. Cruise Ships. Professionalism, in every sense; What you need to do, to command those big fees. Presentation. Agencies, management and representation. Do you need them? Contracts, riders and quotations. Constantly reinventing yourselves, and offering alternatives. Summing up, with the Top Ten ( or 11! ) must-do hacks for professional musicians. There is of course a 30-day, no quibble money-back guarantee, and you can also check out the free preview video which will give you a flavour of the course before you commit to enrolling. So if youre already in a band and want to make it pay, or youre thinking that could be the way forward for you, this course has you in mind. It will equip, empower and hopefully inspire you, while answering all the questions you didnt even know you had!"
Price: 49.99

"Lgica de Programao e Algoritmos com VisualG"
"Neste curso o aluno aprender os seguintes tpicos:Conceitos Iniciais para a rea de programao (operadores, algoritmos, linguagens, etc);Conhecer a linguagem de programao e/ou representao de algoritmos VISUALG;Aprender a representar qualquer tipo de programa de computador por meio de algoritmos utilizando as estruturas existentes em todas as linguagens de programao;Estruturas de SeleoEstruturas de Repetio VetoresMatrizesTestes de softwareCriar FunesConverter algoritmos em outras linguagensDiferenciar Erro lgico de Erro de SintaxeResolver problemas por meio de algoritmos"
Price: 39.99

"Genealogy and Family History Research"
"Did you know that genealogy was ranked as the #2 hobby enjoyed most by Americans, right behind gardening? Over 40% of participants surveyed said they participate in family history research on a regular basis!Have you ever been curious about your roots?This course is a comprehensive guide to creating your family tree and finding your ancestors using genealogical databases (such as Ancestry, Family Search, and American Ancestors), as well as gathering important family documents and records through offline research. We will cover the different genealogical databases that are out there and how to use them, how to create a family tree,how to submit names to the temple for ordinances if you're LDS, how to locate and use important records containing family information, how to find famous ancestors (such as European royalty, Mayflower passengers, American Revolution ancestors, religious figures,or celebrities), how to join lineage societies (such as the DARor Mayflower Society), how to useDNA kitsto guide your research, how to preserve your own family history documents,and how to write and publish your family history, among other topics. Helpful step-by-step video tutorials will show you the ropes and have you finding your ancestors in no time!You may feel hesitant, but I can assure you that anyone can learn how to do genealogy.The only pre-requisite skills are knowing how to use a computer and the internet.I went from having only three names on my family tree to nearly 1,200 in just 30 days. With the tools and techniques in this course, you can do the same! THIS IS THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE GENEALOGY COURSE AVAILABLE ON UDEMY.It helps to have subscription to Ancestry prior to beginning this course. While you won't need it to complete the course, I've found this site the most helpful in finding records and gathering information, which you'll no doubt want to do after you complete the course.By the end of this course, you will be able to effectively utilize several different research methods and databases, as well as create a family tree and understand more of your cultural and ethnic heritage. Join me on this journey tofamily discovery!"
Price: 19.99

"WordPress WordPressWordPressWordPress1. WordPress ()WordPressWordPressWordPress2. cPanelWordPress3. WordPress/4. //5. ElementorWP BackupContact Form 7CF7 Google Sheet ConnectorEasy Table of ContentsSimple Author BoxPost Type Switcher 6. 7. WordPressstyle.css8."
Price: 199.99

"Journey to Freedom"
"NO MORE SPINNING YOUR WHEELS TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO LEAVE YOUR ABUSIVE SPOUSEHave you ever wished you had the perfect guide containingstep-by-step information to help you carefully plan a swift and safe departure from your emotionally abusive husband and help you prepare for getting a divorce at the same time? Here it is!In Journey to Freedom, relationship coach and author Jodi Schuelke combines detailed practical information with her personal experiences, and the lessons she learned from strategically planning an exit (along with her children) from her emotionally abusive first marriage.Journey to Freedom walks you throughproviding pre-departure and pre-divorce planningwith details about what to do, when to do it, how to do it, why it's important, and what to avoid. You will also learn how toprotect yourself financiallyso you don't have to walk away feelingpenniless or with onlythe clothes on your back,Jodi will support you and travel beside you on your journey to liberation using her practical 7-step FREEDOM Framework process.You'llgo from feeling trapped and frozen in fear to feeling empowered and able to take careful and effective action to change your future and your kids future for the better!By the end of this course you will have the tools you need to plan your safe, smart, and swift departure, andnavigate throughthe divorce process."
Price: 49.99

"Mikeo's Holistic, Practical, and Complete Excel: Beginner"
"Mikeo is Michael ONeill, a professional Microsoft trainer who has been teaching the Microsoft suite of applications and technologies for over 27 years. His deep understanding of the complex technologies, mixed with is incredible and easy goingcommunication style provide students with the best and most engaging way to learn the Microsoft Excel product. Mike believes in learning by doing, so in this course we will be working to build forms and daily planners while we learn the Excel system.Microsoft Excel has been in existence as a product for over 30 years! It is a complex but powerful spreadsheet program that has evolved from a financial tool that accountants once used almost exclusively, to a common business and home tool that can make forms, calendars, lists, databases, reports, analysis, data analytics, charts, simulations, and more.Even though many students have used Excel and consider themselves Intermediate to Advanced users, they never received formal Excel training in the past, so they have missed out on many of the core essentials of the program. This training is one of four trainings that are a part of Mikeos Holistic, Practical, and Complete Excel Training. The others are Intermediate, Advanced, and Visual Basic for Applications training and they are all sold separately; however, they were all designed as one continual curriculum. Taking the Beginner course will set you up perfectly for continuing on to Intermediate, Advanced, and VBA as the subjects build upon each other."
Price: 159.99

"Mikeo's Holistic Practical & Complete Excel: Intermediate"
"Beyond basic Excel use, intermediate Excel introduces us into the world of complex formulas and equation solving. We will explore the top rated functions that power users use to build financial models as well as automated tools. In this course we will build a golf course reservation system using only formulas (no coding macros) as well and build a large statistical model for distribution of funds for a huge lottery payout."
Price: 159.99

"Become an Expert in Reputational Risk in Banking and Finance"
"""All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them""- Galileo GalileiGot a name?Everything in this world with a name needs to deal with Reputational risk to avoid earning a bad name.Be it individuals like us or big brand like Apple, onus is always on the name owner to protect itwith all hermight.We all feel theurge to ensure that we are perceived by the world exactly how we want them to!But its easier said than done!Asthe verydifference between who we are and how the world perceives us; leads to a massive risk to our image.Maintain it!Although,it is totally acceptable to see an entity engaged in damage control while facing image crisis. Yet, when we see a company or even politicians; actively trying to manage peoples perception about themselves; we ironically tag them as manipulative or fake.Thus, managing reputation is not an easy task as one needs to maintain a fine balance between being manipulative to being reactive after earning bad rap.If managing reputation is such a challenging task, then what happens when its a bank in question struggling with its deteriorating image in public?Be Bankable..While, we heavily rely on these institutions to keep our money safe & secure however, what if they lose our trust?Wondering if it ever happened in the history of banking when people lost trust on their bank and rushed towards its branches to withdraw all their money?Well, it happened and not just once but many times. Nations across the globe have seen banks falling due to Reputational crisis and bank run (a phenomenon when a considerable part of the banks customers withdraw their money at the same time due to the fear that the bank wont fulfilits obligations).If a bank run takes place, it doesnt really matter whether the fear is well-founded or only based on rumours, the result will always be the same, bank failure. No bank can survive if allits customers withdraw their money at the same time. Thus, a bank run is a self-fulfilling prophecy, itincreases the likelihood of bank failures and destabilisation ofentire economy.This also explains why it is so important for a bank to maintain its image of a trustworthy and sound institute as they are the flag bearers of a functional economy.Because Reputation is EverythingIts not an easy task to characterize Reputation risk. We all know about it and have our own understanding on how to manage it.For some, it is a specific risk with clear drivers and tangible business consequences, even if these are hard to quantify.For others, it is a risk of risks that does not exist on a standalone basis.A third perspective is that reputation risk is not a risk at all, simply an outcome of other risks.While, these three views capture the 'essence of reputation risk' yet a lot is left unsaid about it.Therefore, I decided to capture all the aspects of Reputational Risk in this course and you will find that there is much more to this risk than meets the naked eyes.Why Enroll?This course will take you through a journey of interestingreal world stories entangled within the Reputational risk concepts to ensure that everytopicis covered in an engaging and non-imposing manner..........................................................................................................................................................................................Overview of ClassWe will cover the following topics in detail:Why Study Reputational Risk?Hypothesis Reputation is Everything. Stories:Northern Rock BankICICI BankHypothesis Reputation is Everything. Stories:3 Major DefinitionsBasel Committee on Reputational RiskWhat is at Stake?Valuing IntangiblesGoodwill vs ReputationStory of Royal Bank of ScotlandQualitative & Quantitative MethodologiesManaging Reputational Risk5 Steps ProcessWhy Manage ReputationWho Should ManageStory of SunTrust BanksAdvantages & DisadvantagesReputation Management vs Crisis ManagementRightful place of Reputational Risk in Building StrategiesEssence of Reputational RiskSummary"
Price: 24.99

"Google Sheets from Beginner to Advanced"
"This course will lead you from Basic to Advanced level. You will be able to manage your data, task, analysis, reports, queries, and other activities easily. You will learn great tools as a Pivot Tables and Vlookup Functions. By mastering the Queries you can see how Google Sheets can be better than Excel. You will also learn how to work with Adds-on templates.The course contains practical training assignments so you can develop your knowledge by practice.Links to the Data, Assignments & Results are available in Bonus Section #7. **Include Google Sheets May 2018 Updates**"
Price: 104.99

"Basculer votre site Wordpress en HTTPS"
"Cetteformationvous permettra de passer votre siteWordPressdu protocole classique HTTP au protocole scuris HTTPS etcela en moins de 30 minutes!Quest que HTTPS et SSL ?Lorsque vous naviguez sur un site au protocole HTTP, lintgralit des donnes que vous changez sont transmises en clair, cest--dire que nimporte quel internaute peut les intercepter, les lire, les analyser et ventuellement les utiliser contre vous ou son propre profit.Lhistorique de la navigation mais aussi et surtout lintgralit desdonnes personnelles(emails, mots de passe, nom, adresse, dplacements, coordonnes bancaires)peuvent tre interceptes.Leprotocole HTTPSa t mis en place afin de lutter contre ces possibles interceptions. Il permet en effet dechiffrer les donnesqui transitent entre le serveur du site consult et le navigateur de linternaute.Afin de mettre en uvre leprotocole HTTPSsur un site, son webmaster doit rcuprer uncertificat SSLauprs dorganismes certifis.Pourquoi passer un site WordPress en HTTPS?Plusieurs raisons rendent dsormais obligatoire de passer sont site WordPress en HTTPS.La premire consiste donner confiance aux internautes. Ceux-ci sont en effet de plus en plus conscients des risques dune navigation non-scurise surInternetet fuiront les sites qui seront rests en HTTP. Le cadenas vert plac ct de lURL du site sur la barre dadresse du navigateur sera le gage pour linternaute dun site lui offrant uneexprience de navigation totalement scurise.La deuxime raison a t impose parGoogle. La firme de Mountain View favorise les sites en HTTPS dans les rsultats de son moteur de recherche. Autrement dit, tous les sites qui resteront au protocole HTTP perdront leur position et par consquent leur trafic. Google sattaque donc au portefeuille des webmasters pour les obliger faire la bascule.Basculez votre site WordPress en HTTPS en moins de 30 minutesBasculer un site WordPress en HTTPSne se rsume pas activer un certificat SSL. Bien que cela ne soit pas compliqu, plusieurs tapes sont ncessaires pour faire cette bascule dans les rgles de lart, notamment pourne pas perdre le rfrencement du sitesur les moteurs de recherche.Dans cette formation, vous serez guid pas pas travers les6 tapes ncessairespour passer votre site WordPress du protocole non scuris HTTP au protocole scuris HTTPS en moins de 30 minutes!"
Price: 19.99

"Ezy Thai Survival"
"Hello everyone. Welcome to Ezy Thai with Pro Language School. If you are interested in travelling and have fun with lots of activities and culture in Thailand. You probably need a good tool to help you to learn to speak Thai.This is Ezy Thai for survival Course It is a right tool to help you to communicate with Thai people with some basics Thai confidently and effectively. It consists of essential topics which are very useful for you.Please let us help you explore Thailand with more fun and understanding.What will you get after you finish/ go through this course?You will enjoy learning Thai with 2 ways communications.In every lesson, I will let you practice your pronunciations and also do some exercises. You will be able to speak some basic Thai with Thai people confidently.Your daily life while you are traveling in Thailand will be easier and more interesting."
Price: 1000.00

"Reinforcement Learning with Pytorch"
"UPDATE:All the code and installation instructions have been updated and verified to work with Pytorch 1.3 !!Artificial Intelligence is dynamically edging its way into our lives. It is already broadly available and we use it - sometimes even not knowing it  - on daily basis. Soon it will be our permanent, every day companion.And where can we place Reinforcement Learning in AI world? Definitely this is one of the most promising and fastest growing technologies that can eventually lead us to General Artificial Intelligence! We can see multiple examples where AI can achieve amazing results - from reaching super human level while playing games to solving real life problems (robotics, healthcare, etc).Without a doubt it's worth to know and understand it!And that's why this course has been created.We will go through multiple topics, focusing on most important and practical details. We will start from very basic information, gradually building our understanding, and finally reaching the point where we will make our agent learn in human-like way - only from video input!What's important - of course we need to cover some theory - but we will mainly focus on practical part. Goal is to understand WHY and HOW.In order to evaluate our algorithms we will use environments from - very popular - OpenAI Gym. We will start from basic text games, through more complex ones, up to challenging Atari gamesWhat will be covered during the course ? - Introduction to Reinforcement Learning- Markov Decision Process- Deterministic and stochastic environments- Bellman Equation- Q Learning- Exploration vs Exploitation- Scaling up- Neural Networks as function approximators- Deep Reinforcement Learning- DQN- Improvements to DQN- Learning from video input- Reproducing some of most popular RL solutions- Tuning parameters and  general recommendationsSee you in the class!"
Price: 149.99

"Unity Programming Fundamentals"
"Do you:Use Unity but are uncomfortable with C# scripting?Have a game idea want to learn to code it effectively?Work with programmers and want to understand the scripts they write?Want to learn programming in a fun and game-oriented environment?This course is for you!In Unity Programming Fundamentals, instructor Benjamin Marshalkowski (from Board To Bits YouTube tutorials) takes you through the basics of programming, C# as a language and writing custom scripts to work within the Unity Engine. You'll learn about:Course IntroductionThis section of the course outlines the rest of the course material and introduces you to the tools with which you'll be working -- including how to get everything installed and running so you can write your first custom C# script.Programming BasicsBecome familiar with the foundational concepts of programming, including working with data in variables, calling methods, evaluating conditional statements and working with collections of data.C# SpecificsDive into object-oriented programming (the basis of C#), including how things like inheritance and polymorphism make classes more versatile. We'll also cover how to declare and define custom classes, and best practices when writing code in C#Unity-Specific ObjectsThis section is a primer on the most commonly used objects that are unique to Unity's environment. It's an essential stepping stone to working with more complex features and classes in UnityHow Scripts CommunicateA program -- particularly one built in Unity -- is a network of various scripts communicating with each other to create an engaging system. Here, we'll cover all the ways that scripts can interact, using explicit commands, manual assignments or relying on events in Unity to connect essential componentsGoing From Script to SceneBring your scripts to life as we go in detail on how the classes we write interact with and inform the GameObjects they attach to in the game Scene. We'll also cover non-component elements like data classes and ScriptableObjects to expand our scripting toolkits.Course features:Learn at your own pace: Every video is under 15 minutes long, and most are less than 10 minutes, so you can make progress at any timeIllustrated concepts: In addition to hands-on exercises in most sections, lectures include visual aids to help describe advanced conceptsAdaptable content: These core fundamentals will help you across all programming, not just a specific feature or project"
Price: 59.99

"A-Z Shopify Dropshipping Eitimi"
"Kendi finansal zgrlnz elde etmenizi salayacak admlardan ilki olan shopify ile online olarak ticaret yapmay reneceksiniz.ABD'de kurduunuz irketiniz ve banka hesabnz size daha bir ok imkan aama olarak shopify platformu zerinden inli Veya ABD'li tedarikilerden sat yapmay facebook & google adwords zerinden reklam almalar yapmay renecek. rendiiniz bu bilgiler ile kendi e-ticaret hayatnza balangc yapacaksnz.nemli Not : Deerli kursiyerlerim kendim de bilfiil yaptm bu i KESNLKLE ""UMUT TACRL"" DELDR.Kimseye ksa yoldan zenginlik vaad etmiyorum. Yada pahal hayat standartlarm insanlarn gzne sokmadan sadece hayatlarnza ufak bir dokunula sizleri finansal olarak daha zgr bireyler yapmak iin bu eitim programn hazrladm. Kayt olacak arkadalarmzn bu durumu gz nnde bulundurmasn nemle rica ederim."
Price: 59.99

"Curso completo W3.CSS framework prtico e visual"
"W3.CSS um moderno framework responsivo e com foco em ""mobile first""; sem dvida o mais fcil de ser utilizado e de menor curva de aprendizado. A melhor maneira de aprender algo novo, sem dvida alguma, fazendo. Voc vai aprender a estilizar todos os elementos (imagens, textos, menus, formulrios, etc...) sem a necessidade de longas e exaustivas folhas de estilo. Alm disso QUEM TERMINAR O CURSO vai receber uma pronta referncia com TODAS as classes do framework com a descrio das funcionalidades de cada uma, todo material abordado nas aulas do curso no formato HTML, temas de cores prontos com seus arquivos CSS necessrios, um gerador de temas personalizados pronto tambm em HTML e tem mais !!! 20 templates de pginas, todas com layout moderno, responsivo e DENTRO DOS PADRES DA W3C para reutilizao LIVRE."
Price: 39.99

"IT Contracting Academy - Professional IT Contractor Training"
"I created this course to help IT professionals learn all there is to know about IT contracting based on more than 22 years experience as a successful ITcontractor all over the UK, Europe, Asia & Australia.So many ITprofessionals Iknow get stuck in their permanent jobs, either expecting or hoping things will improve, waiting for that non-existent pay rise, that elusive bonus, or that great opportunity. The things we're hoping for often don't materialise and then you realise years have literally flown by.Iknow, because Iwas exactly the same back in 1994. Ifelt underpaid, undervalued, unhappy, restricted by the work Iwas forced to do, the lack of holidays, the lack of control, and I knew the company didn't care about me. It all culminated in me taking themto court (you can hear why on the course!).I created this content to help those of you that are maybe only a few steps behind me (in the contracting sense), so you can learn everything I know about contracting and about being a successful ITcontractor. You'll learn everything I've picked up along the way, the mistakes I've made, the highs and the lows, I've included it all, nothing is held back.The course is professionally shot and live edited, with full professional sound facilities. It's an interview style, fast-paced course covering a lot of crucial content, where my colleague Theo attempts to ask all the questions you (as the viewer)might want to ask. Theo is a former professional TVpresenter who now runs his own video production company.Itruly believe that if you're interested in becoming an ITcontractor then this course can help to change your life. I've already helped many people transform their lives, providing them with more money, more freedom, more time and more confidence.I look forward to seeing you on the inside! Dave GerrishIT Contracting Academy** BONUS **Ihave also included the AUDIOfiles (.m4a) for each of the modules, so you can download them to your devices and listen again and again, whenever and wherever you like. Perfect for the commute to work, in the car, or down the gym. Enjoy."
Price: 99.99

"Moroccan Secret Cooking: How to Cook a Tanjia at Home"
"Yes all people around the world knows about Moroccan kitchen, but every city in morocco has a traditional secret meal only local people knows about it and few tourist, but in my course no more secret.our recipe secret today Is The Tanjia not Tajine there is a big difference.Magic recipe for the magical city of Marrakech.Tanjia??? yes it is The Tanjia.Tanjia it was an old recipe mostly prepared by men, it is a dish of meat cooked in a pot of earth (called Tanjia) during two hours, in the embers of the oven with wood of a traditional Hammam.In this cours you will take a great idea about this recipe and a very nice adventure makes you touch the sweetness of the magical Marrakech culture.Have fun, and i'm here ready for all your questions."
Price: 19.99

"Genera contenidos para tu BLOG -2020-"
"Si Deseas Aumentar el Nmero de Lectores y de Seguidores para TuBlog, Este Curso es Para Ti, Porque AprendersCmo Ampliar Tu Audiencia de Lectores, de una Forma Sencilla y con Menos Esfuerzo para Destacarte como una Autoridad en Tu Especialidad.Este Curso est dirigido a las personas que cuentan con un Blog, o que estn por comenzar uno, y que desean generarContenidosque tengan un mayorValoreImpactoen sus lectores y seguidores, de una Manera Estructurada, Rpida y Efectiva.Con un Enfoque de Marketing.Este curso para ti: Si an no te consideras escritorSi no tienes mucho tiempo disponibleSi quieres tener las mejores habilidades"
Price: 19.99

"Creating Minecraft Plugins with Java!"
"Delve in to the world of Spigot plugin development with Java and learn to make complex mini game plugins like the ever so popular kit pvp plugins that have stormed the market in recent times! In this course, I'll be going over the basics of the Java programming language, as well as Spigot's API for creating server plugins. There is also a multiple lecture series on making a mini game plugin like the kit pvp plugins you see so you will be able to see the applications of the things you have learned in the course!"
Price: 44.99

"Manifesting to Your True Heart's Desires MASTER COURSE..."
"Are You READY for Really Great CHANGE in Your Life? Meaning, Are You Now Ready to STEP UP and Into Who Your REALLY Want to Be; in Accordance to Whom You Really ARE, from Deep Inside of You.. and Not in Accordance to Who Someone Else Wants for You to Be here Now, for Them? And if You ARE...then just,How Do You Suppose that You Will Begin in the Doing of JUST THAT?Well, I can simply SHOW you the Ways to Your True Heart's Desires and to Whom You REALLY Are from Deep Inside of You; in Accordance to Who You Once WERE, but Not Only that... but that, WE Can then ACCESS All that Much More from Within this Series here Now (DOing ""AS"" this); which just Means,(to Step Up and Into)ALL of this... And You Will Begin to See, BIGCHANGES Come Into Your Life and Into Your BEing here Now too!So What We are going to be Doing is some Actual ""Regressive Therapy"", in which We Take You to a TIME/PLACE/SPACE in which you then (ARE Able to ACCESS Yourself); just So Much More than You ARE Now Able to...So SEEK within this COURSE, if You ARE Looking for New Ways or NEW AVENUES to Go Down from within Your Spiritual BEing's and Knowing's... and Simply Access there, Soooo Much More from within this Time/SpaceDimensionality and We, the Angels and (Myself)CAN Bring You to a Much BETTER Understanding of Yourself;and In ALLthat You both Desire and Deserve!!These Course Studies INCLUDE: A Look into Your Past Programming's and INTO Why You ARE the Way You ARE,And Why You DO the Things You DO...and So Much More...So Join Us Nowfor this SPECTACULAR Event in Processing You ALL, for here today and Always then! ~ The Angels from Within the Angelic Realms/Your Spiritual Guides of Love and Light, via Our Spiritual Channel/Processor, Shannon Lynn (Yung)"
Price: 54.99

"Unbeatable Quality [2 PMI-ACP exam papers-60 questions each]"
"This PMI-ACP practice test paper has been cautiously designed to give you a very fulfilling and rewarding experience in your quest to obtain ACP certification. Get ready for an incredible journey with me and taking the next big leap in your career .The questions that you will be answering shortly are the result of a lot of thinking, hard work and commitment.All the best!"
Price: 24.99

"Kotlin Programming Language: Beginner to Advanced Level"
">> Develop skills in Kotlin from scratch, become apro developer and explore the world of software development.>> Expand your expertise as a JVM/Android/Browser/Native Developer and improve the quality of your code!>> Write less number of code and get more output.>> No more null pointer Exceptions and Boilerplate code.We will begin with very basics and step into intermediate and advanced level so that the beginners get a good grab over the language.The course goes on as:Software Installation on windows and mac.Understanding how program flow works in Kotlin.Kotlin Tour: Basics and Syntax.Kotlin Data Types: Variables and Constants.Ranges and String Templates.Conditional Statements and Expressions.Kotlin Loops.Functions.Object Oriented Programming(OOP) in Kotlin.Interoperability and NULL Pointer Exception.Packages and Imports.Object Oriented Programming(OOP) Continues.Objects and Companion ObjectsHigher-Order Functions and Lambdas: Kotlin as a Functional Programming Language.Collections: Arrays, List, Set, and Map.Practical Usage of Lambdas in Collections.Generics.Enum, Nested, Inner, and Sealed Classes.Properties and Fields.Delegation: Zero Boilerplate Code. CoroutinesGive us the review and feedback to improve the course.Once you understand the concept ofOOPs explained here for Kotlin, this basic paradigm being same for all other languages, you can master others too! (Java, PHP, C#, C++)This course will be shaped as you want it to be. There will be more contents based on your reviews and feedback. Help this start reach heights with your valuable opinions."
Price: 199.99

"F1: Beginners Guide to Speaking Better English"
"Want to learn English but can't seem to get started or you drop out quickly? Your English lessons not interesting enough? Can't find a regular time to study and learn English? Don't have a native English speaker to learn English from and study with?If this is you, then This Learn English course is excellent for you.Short, quick, interesting learn English lessons from a well known ESLteacher and expert Ajarn Ken will keep your attention long enough, No need to have a regular time to study, with these lessons you can learn on the go, just listen and speak along with a native English speaker speaking British English.You learn as you speak!!It's an excellent way that Ken has taught thousands of students to be confident, clear and calm when speaking English. ____________________________________________________Ratings and Reviews - 88.8%31 Oct 2018 >>>>>> 39 Reviews - 32 - 4/5 Star Reviews""thank you , my pronunciation has improved as well as my listening . "" ***** - Mostafa""Great course for beginners. Thank you very much. "" ***** Gabriella""lecture one was really very practical hope 2nd will same like this "" ****Shubham_______________________________________________________________________________________________This F1: Beginners Guide to Speaking Better British English course will improve and practice:your British English speaking skills by speaking along with Ken during the lessonyour British English reading skills by following the lesson bookletyour British English listening skills by listening along with Ken during the lessonyour British English pronunciation skills by following the lesson and copying KenYou will listen to Native British English speaker Ken give short English lessons. Your job is to follow and speak along with Ken. You will learn English as you speakYou will learn:basic vocabulary and sentence structures you can use in the present simple to speak British English smoother, clearer and have better pronunciation when speaking how to improve your confidence and fluency speaking British Englishhow to link words together to speak smoother and faster and correctly with learn English pronunciation lesssonshow to listen and write better British English with short English dictations from a native English speaker with British EnglishWho can use this course?Beginner English students who want to get confident speaking basic British EnglishEnglish students who want to improve their British English pronunciation and get good habits learning and speaking British EnglishWhat are the lessons?There are British English pronunciation lessons and practice lessons which I give you tips and advice how to speak British English as a native British English speaker does. We follow the lesson booklet you can download, in addition to using presentation slides, images and subtitles, you can speak along with me and follow and copy how I speak and pronounce British English correctly, smoothly and with confidence.The British English lessons are quite short but fast, I give you keywords as British English vocabulary in useful sentences you can use every day. There is a lesson booklet giving you a complete dialogue for each lesson that you can follow to improve your English readingThe British English lesson gives you time and space to speak along with Ken and this will help you learn, speak and understand British English better____________________Who gives the lectures?I'm Ken and I'm from the UKand speak British English although I've lived in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Thailand in the last 15 years and have been able to learn some conversational French, Portuguese, Spanish and Ican understand some Thai also. I've visited around 50 countries around the world so I am very well aware of cultural differences and have adapted myself over time to understand languages and what's important culturally.So you have a teacher who understands what it is to learn a language, how challenging and difficult it can be. This is why these courses maybe perfect for you as it comes from real experiences from myself and also my many, many students I've helped in Europe, South America and Asia over the last 10+ years.All of this experience goes into my course in many ways and these dictations are part of that.________What is Kens background?I've been a business trainer organising training workshops for companies and also I've been involved in language learning ever since I left the UK - both teaching and learning. Over the last few years, I've taught thousands of students in Europe, South America and more recently Asia where I've coached and taught newly graduated Asian students how to improve their English, confidence and give great career advice for those wanting to work in the aviation industry as cabin crew.___________ What is the Course Outline?Heres an overview of the topics from each lesson.Lesson 1An Introduction to the House, Basic numbers and How Many, Basic household Verbs Hints, Tips and Advice how to speak English betterPractice English Lesson to improve your English speakingLesson 2Basic people, Using Is and Are, How to use WhoLesson 3How to use Name, Basic household vocabulary, Basic household Verbs Lesson 4Basic numbers, Questions using Doing, How to use Thing Lesson 5The days of the week, Using today, tomorrow and Yesterday, How to use First, Second, Third etc, Using Before and After Lesson 6Basic colours, The use of Standing and Sitting, The use of Reading and WritingLesson 7Basic mens clothes, How to use In Front Of and Behind, How to use Next To and Beside, The use of That OneLesson 8How to use long and short, longer than and shorter than, Using The longest and the Shortest, Basic family members Lesson 9How to talk about the ages of people and how old they are, How to use Young and Old and Younger and Older Than, Towns, Citys and Villages, How to use Large and Small, Larger and Smaller than and The Largest and Smallest Lesson 10The difference between Going to and Coming from, The difference between Taking From and Putting On, Using Opening and Closing, Basic parts of the body__________________________________Tips for learningMost importantly - do this course inwhichever way works best for you,as with any form of learning, find out what works best for you and your strengths.Read, speak, copy as often as you likeas only doing this, will you truly learn how to use English correctly.Get into a rhythm when you speak,and when you practice like this, you will become smooth and fluent quicker.Don't be scared to open your mouth to speak,English can be very different from your language with different sounds and vocals.Don't be scared to change howyou speak,copying not just what the words are but how they are spoken will improve your English much quicker.Why Learn English Like this?By speaking the lessonyou will learn English 4 times fasteras you will be learning with your eyes, your ears and your voice. It really is a great way to improve your language skills, perhaps the best way.Speaking out loudis where most students fall as they maybe don't have anyone to practice with and feel shy speaking with themselves. Do this and get into the habit of doing it and you will see your English speaking skills improve dramatically."
Price: 49.99

"F2: Beginners Guide to Speaking Better English"
"Want to learn English but can't seem to get started or you drop out quickly? Your English lessons not interesting enough? Can't find a regular time to study and learn English? Don't have a native English speaker to learn English from and study with?If this is you, then This Learn English course is excellent for you.Short, quick, interesting learn English lessons from a well known ESLteacher and expert Ajarn Ken will keep your attention long enough, No need to have a regular time to study, with these lessons you can learn on the go, just listen and speak along with a native English speaker speaking British English.You learn as you speak!!It's an excellent way that Ken has taught thousands of students to be confident, clear and calm when speaking English. ____________________________________________________Ratings and Reviews - 85,4%31 Oct 2018 >>>>>> 38 Reviews - 33 - 4/5 Star Reviews""Really good to make my English better "" ***** - Hutani""I liked it, mainly because it makes us repeat the words and phrases. "" ***** Ana""I really enjoy. I hope if watching, listening and practicing every day I will get improving my self English speaking. "" ****MDGolam_______________________________________________________________________________________________If you want to know more, read on!!.........This F2: Beginners Guide to Speaking Better English course is the second course in the series and you will improve and practice:your English speaking skills by speaking along with Ken during the lessonyour English reading skills by following the lesson bookletyour listening skills by listening along with Ken during the lessonyour pronunciation skills by following the lesson and copying KenYou will listen to Native British English speaker Ken give short English lessons. Your job is to follow and speak along with Ken. You will learn:basic vocabulary and sentence structures you can use in the present simple to speak smoother, clearer and have better pronunciation when speaking how to improve your confidence and fluency speaking Englishhow to link words together to speak smoother and faster and correctlyhow to listen and write better English with short English dictations from a native English speaker with British English##UPDATED13 September 2018 - New Quizzes and lessons added ##Who can use this course?Beginner English students who want to get confident speaking basic EnglishEnglish students who want to improve their pronunciation and get good habits speaking EnglishWhat are the lessons?The lessons are quite short but fast, I give you keywords as English vocabulary in useful sentences you can use every day. There is a lesson booklet giving you a complete dialogue for each lesson that you can follow to improve your English readingThe lesson gives you time and space to speak along with Ken and this will help you speak better English.## Already there are a few thousand students in the first month - some reviews are excellent too.________Who gives the lectures?I'm Ken and I'm from the UKand speak British English although I've lived in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Thailand in the last 15 years and have been able to learn some conversational French, Portuguese, Spanish and Ican understand some Thai also. I've visited around 50 countries around the world so I am very well aware of cultural differences and have adapted myself over time to understand languages and what's important culturally.So you have a teacher who understands what it is to learn a language, how challenging and difficult it can be. This is why these courses maybe perfect for you as it comes from real experiences from myself and also my many, many students. All of this experience goes into my course in many ways and these dictations are part of that.________What is Kens background?I've been a business trainer organising training workshops for companies and also I've been involved in language learning ever since I left the UK - both teaching and learning. Over the last few years, I've taught thousands of students in Europe, South America and more recently Asia where I've coached and taught newly graduated Asian students how to improve their English, confidence and give great career advice for those wanting to work in the aviation industry as cabin crew.___________"
Price: 49.99

"Foundation Singing Course"
"The Foundation Singing Course is aimed at the beginnerto beginner intermediate singer, who wants to learn and apply the fundamentals of singing. These include detailed work on warming up, breathing, support, vowel placement, relaxing tone, stabilising the voice, consonant formation, resonance and learning to sing in a variety of styes.All this is carried out in a relaxed and easy to digest format, with tons of hands on practical resources for you to work on as well as snappy yet detailed video lectures.The only way to improve your voice is to understand how it works and be taught specific techniques and exercises that help you achieve that improvement. If you want to improve your singing and find you're getting stuck on your own at homethen the Foundation Singing Course is for you!"
Price: 49.99

"DECODE WILLPOWER: How to develop a stronger willpower!"
"I have designed this short one hour course for you, who is committed for his or her best - but sometimes fail to live up to your own expectations. This course is for you If you are someone who promises to go for exercise but do not go for exercise, if you are someone who promises not to have sweets but end up having them, if you are someone who promises to maintain a diet but end up binging on food, if you are someone who promises not to work from home after you have come from office in the evening but find it difficult to switch off from office. If you identify yourself with any of the above scenarios then I promise this course will help you deal with willpower failure. As a life coach, my job is to help you manage and design your lives. So many of you struggle to change your thoughts, emotions and habits and keep going through the cycle of willpower failures. So In this course, HOWDOIPLANto make you exercise your willpower? We first take a deep dive into the world of our minds to recognize our mind patterns. Then we also discuss the willpower enemies that directly impact our positive actions and you will learn how to tackle the willpower enemies. We further discuss traps of that aspect of mind that causes willpower failures. After learning this, you will be alert and careful of the traps of the mind when exercising your willpower. You will also learn the self-mastery techniques wherein you use the power of internal surfing to become more aware of yourself, which helps building a stronger willpower. I promise you that this course is going to work for you are committed to your willpower and learn to apply the few things that are taught in the course. Building willpower is a skill and one needs to be practice it to build it. I wish you the very best and hope you get the most from this course. Happy learning !"
Price: 19.99