"Holistic Health: BEYOND Diet & Exercise" |
"You want to be healthy. You want your clients to be healthy.Then look BEYOND diet & exercise.Its more than the shape of your body or what we see on the outside that makes us healthy.See the bigger picture: A healthy lifestyle with sustainable changes that fit each individual!Health is inside and out. It's the physical, mental & social.Knowing not only what to do and how to do it, but WHY you even do it in the first place!You want confidence, self-value, joy, desire.You want to be able to DO things & have energy so you can enjoy life.All of this comes from taking a holistic view of health, and working on all areas to create successful changes that actually stick!It requires getting to know yourself and putting in some work to practice & adjust, but you are definitely worth the effort!This is why I share my struggles, research & answers with you through the BEDMAS of Wellness formula.It puts the pieces together in an ""order of operations"" style approach to guide you along your specific wellness journey."
Price: 149.99 |
"Master Course for Python Network Programming" |
"It focuses onnetwork programming using Python script and code at Python prompt.Course will mapa picture how network clients,network servers and network tools can be built from tools provided by the language.Course is framed withSoftware development and operationperspectiveCourse guides developerdeploying the application and managing various aspects of it,such as remote server administration, monitoring, scaling-up, and optimizing.It introduces you to a bunch of open-source, third-party Python libraries, which are ideal to be used in various use cases.The Courseelaborate in detail the configurations of complex networking systems with helpful hints as needed inreal world task"
Price: 24.99 |
"Comprehensive bundle:Mi-Services,Istio,Lab,Docker,Kubernetes" |
"Kubernetes is one of the largest open source projects in the world,according to data from GitHub. Its so big that the tools to manage thedevelopment and deployment of Kubernetes are constantly catching upto the momentum behind the open source technology.This continual evolution makes Kubernetes deployment a bit of anunsteady, fast-moving target. Still, the Kubernetes movement is the centerof attention for organizations at the leading edge of technology innovationand adoption. Container technologies remain of great importance, butnow the deepest issues are about scaling containers in orchestrationenvironments. Containers are considered in context with Kubernetes.There is no other standard to speak of that can support the market scalethat will be needed for containers to be used in production. The onlystandard is Kubernetes. Others are supporters of the technology, but onlyKubernetes has enough wind behind it to steer the cloud-nativetechnology market.From this context, I present my courseaboutKubernetes. The market is now beyond the wonder of containers. Itsbeyond the early fascination with distributed architectures that may beused across multiple cloud platforms. Even the Kubernetes technologyitself is getting boring, despite the fast pace of change. Thats a welcomesign for an early market primed for its next big test. The big question isnow about the technologys maturity: How well does Kubernetes work inproduction? We still dont know. Its a question that cannot be resolvedquickly. And until its resolved, we wont know how much of an impactKubernetes will truly have.Containerization is the most important and useful technique in todays world.People along with business and organisations are looking for an easy way to manage their apps.No one needs to do so much work when managing business applications.There is a great need for organizations to scale up to growing number of applications.The best way is to automatethis. Kubernetes is the best answer for the same.This container is very flexible ,highly reliable and can be automated in the most efficient way.This course would Completely guide you on how to use Kubernetes and get the best out !This course will help you to gain understanding how to deploy, use, and maintain your applications on Kubernetes. If you are into DevOps, this is a technology you need to master. Kubernetes has gained a lot of popularity lately and it is a well sought skill by companies.This Course focusses only on LAB and Commands with no theory at all.Looking forward for your participation !"
Price: 24.99 |
"Breaking Grounds in Vipassana Meditation" |
"This course is intended as a preparation course for students who have or will consider completing a10-daymeditation retreat in the tradition of S.N.Goenka. These secularretreats can be completed in more than 90 countriesworldwide (still counting)and do not require any prior meditation experience, academic background, or training of any kind. Besides being highly accessible these unique retreats are as well free of cost and authentic to Buddhist standards.This course is also intended for people who have already completed the 10-day retreatand wish to refresh their understanding of the meditation techniques. Completing this course is thus as mucha preparatory step to takebefore registering for a retreat as a stepping stone to support you in establishing a daily practice of meditation in your life. All in all, the only prerequisite to this courseis to be convinced that meditation could be beneficial to you.The perspective adopted by this course sees meditation asa training of the mind.Sitting and carrying out a meditation task on a daily basis is nothing more than a training of one's mind and of the underlying neural networksand overall physiologicalbasis. As such meditating involves developing astable attention and a sensitive mind, the twoutmostcharacteristics of a mindful person. The first exercise (Anapana meditation) taught in this course and at the meditation retreatis aimed at this.The second main perspective conveyed by this course presents Vipassana meditation as a way to undo one'sconditioning from the past. Whether we want to be happier, more compassionate and present, or more productive and focused, we need to set ourselves free from the impact traumas and past events have had on us and how these had usso farbehave the way we have. So is the purpose of the second exercise(Vipassana meditation): to carry out a careful examination of one's own body in such a way as to let go of the imprint left on us by past events.This course is a condensed version of the teachings received during the 10-day meditation retreat. Itleaves aside lengthy comments about spirituality, philosophy, Buddhism, the cultural background to this tradition, the benefits ofmeditation practice, etc. These are left for you to learn duringthe retreat orto research on your own.The focus of this courseis ratherplaced on the instruction of the meditation techniques, explanations forwhy their regularpractice may have an impact on your life, and the overall structure and organisation of a 10-day Vipassana retreat."
Price: 29.99 |
"Impara ad Usare Illustrator Cs 6" |
"Con questo video corso imparerai ad utilizzare illustrator CS 6 in maniera tale da impadronirti di questo strumento nella quasi totalit, anche se le tue esperienze grafiche sono solo basilari. Passo a passo verrai guidato e e apprenderai come funzionano le varie strumentazioni che ti consentiranno di avviare una bellissima attivit di operatore grafico vettoriale."
Price: 29.99 |
"SUIT UP! How to Dress for Success!" |
"We all know that man who walks into the room and everyone can't help but take notice. He's calm, cool,confident and always looks sharp. This course is designedtomakeyouthat guy. Know how to dress for any situation with ease and always be on your game when it comes to clothing. The way we dress and present ourselves plays a huge part in what get in life, so you should always put your best foot forward. Learn how to dress for any occasion and how to turn just a few items into a complete wardrobe appropriate for any situation. Don't desire to be that guy that grabs everyone's attention, become him!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Catia V5 eitimini Tasarm Mhendisinden aln!" |
"Son derece kuvvetli tasarm aralarna sahip olan Catia program ile artk 3 boyutlu tasarmlar yapmak kolay ve zevkli! Her tr sorunuzu Udemy zerinden cevaplamaya hazrm, Catia eitimini tecrbeli bir tasarm mhendisinden almann farkn greceksiniz!Harika yzey modelleme komutlarna sahip olan Catia'nn kat model, montaj, teknik resim ve yzey modelleme modllerini sizlere aktarmaktan keyif aldm, umarm faydam olacaktr! Catia ile altrma yapp pekitirmeniz iin, birlikte onlarca paray modelleyeceiz. Catia programnn temellerini birlikte atacamz bu eimin, her seviyedeki Catia kullancsna bireyler katmasn mit ediyorum. Sayg ve sevgilerimle..@lp hocanz"
Price: 329.99 |
"Polyworks Modeler ile tersine mhendislie giri! 1.ksm" |
"Trkiye'de en sk kullanlan gltersine mhendislik programlarndan biri olan Modeler ile, bu datalar ilemeyi ve tersine mhendisliin mantn giri seviyesinde greceiz. Bu eitim 2 ksm haline olacaktr, bu 1. ksmda olayn mant, program arayz ve giri komutlar ile tanacaksnz. leri seviye isteyenler iin 2.ksm ekiyor olacam.Sorularnza en ksa zamanda Udemy'den cevap veriyor olacam. Polyworks program altnda alan modeler ile, tersine mhendislik yapmak kolay ve elencelidir."
Price: 59.99 |
"Build your deep learning portfolio: Meditations with LSTM" |
"In this deep learning course I'm going to teach you to create an LSTM model for generating text using Keras with Tensorflow backend. I am using Marcus Aurelius Meditations as my source text, hence the name of the course. This course is best suited for students, who are already familiar with Python and want to build their deep learning portfolio."
Price: 199.99 |
"Temel Diki Eitimi" |
"A'dan Z'ye diki eitimi ve retimi,Makine bilgisi,Kalp karma teknikleri,Teyel eitleri,Kuma seimi,Model seimi,Diki malzemeleri,Diki makinesi ve temel sorunlar,Kuma kesim teknikleri,Renk seimi,Renk bilgisi,Kiiye zel model seimi,Kuma nasl alnr?konularnda bilgi vermeyi hedeflemekteyiz. Diki dikmek beceri istedii gibi her eyde olduu gibi sevgi ve heves ister. Sadece azck isteyin ve bana geinyeter. Tecrbelerimi sizinle paylamaya hazrm"
Price: 99.99 |
"Matemtica Bsica Industrial" |
"Matemtica Bsica, direcionada para o setor industrial.Voc ir ver itens como: Adio,Subtrao, Multiplicao e Diviso de Nmeros Naturais,Nmeros Racionais, Conceito de Fraes, Reconhecimento e Leitura, Fraes Prprias, Imprprias, Aparentes e Equivalentes,Fraes de Nmeros Mistos, Transformao para Imprpria e Novamente em Mista e Simplificao de Fraes, Simplificao de Fraes usando o MMC,Operaes com Fraes Adio e Subtrao, Multiplicao e Diviso, Reconhecimento e Conceitos, Leitura, Tabela de Transformao de Unidades, Transformando Nmeros Decimais em Fraes e Vice-versa, Operaes com Nmeros Decimais, Adio, Subtrao, Multiplicao e Diviso.A Matemtica Bsica, mais especificamente chamada tambm de Matemtica Industrial (neste caso), traz conceitos e conhecimentos que ajudaro voc a tornar a sua vida profissional muito mais prazerosa e satisfatria. Voltada para conhecimentos normalmente e diretamente direcionados para a indstria, voc ser capaz de obter compreenso, que agregar muito mais valor quando envolvido com reas como a Metrologia, realizando medies com paqumetros centesimais e em polegadas, que podem ser fracionrias e milesimais. Tambm agregar valor na compreenso de conjuntos e controle de estoques, com divises e multiplicaes, adies e subtraes de produtos, entre outros, uma rpida formao para quem precisa de controle fracionrio, no esquecendo de envolver slidos conhecimentos da matemtica bsica em suas operaes mais simples."
Price: 39.99 |
"Healthy Boundaries with parents, partners and society." |
"you find it difficult to refuse a request, which is uncomfortable / unprofitable (that is, you do not know how to say ""no!"") friends, acquaintances, parents tell you how to live, how to educate children, how to build relationships with your husband / wife, what to wear, what to do, what not to do, etc. you use your personal time not as you would like other people allow themselves to open your phone, email, check your pockets, etc. you suffer regular humiliation and insults you suffer physical abuse you feel responsible for the feelings of others you experience a strong sense of guilt if you are unable to fulfill a request you are afraid to voice your opinion you are trying to be ""good"" Some of these points are applicable in the opposite direction. That is, if you behave this way in relation to other people, you are breaking other people's boundaries. More precisely, in the relationship with these people or a specific person, the boundaries are blurred. It's difficult to talk about a violation, because you cannot cross a line that does not exist."
Price: 19.99 |
"SEO for Photographers: The Complete Course" |
"The SEO for Photographers Course is the complete guide to understanding Search EngineOptimization, and how to use it to massively grow your website and make money withyour photography.These are proven techniques that simply work, and the information is given to you in aclear, descriptive, relatable and visual way. In this course, you will get the every level of detail necessary to understanding all thefundamental SEO principles. You will then get that critical next step that is offered nowhere else: how to put it all together to see the results that you are looking for. You willhave access to the secrets of: What is SEO in 2018and how does it work Setting realistic and achievable goals Pro-level SEO tips from an industry insider On-page, off-page, and technical SEO How to actually get your content to rank on the rst page of Google The nuances of how to use SEO as a photographer for maximum resultsAs your SEO improves, and you start to see real results, you will nd yourself referring tothe information in this course over and over again. No where else is all of this incrediblyvaluable information located all in one place. Trust us, we've looked.So what is this course? It is everything you need to understand and master SEO as aphotographer, wrapped up and delivered in a clear, relatable, and thorough way.It has all the information that you need in order to be successful. Without going intounnecessary technical detail about SEO that just leaves most people confused."
Price: 159.99 |
"Comment arrter de procrastiner et accomplir ses objectifs!" |
"Ce cours pourbut d'radiquer la procrastination dans ta vie! Elle te suit depuis des jours, des mois, peut-tre des annes, voici enfin la formation que tu attendais.Nous allons voir:- Le pourquoi de ta procrastination- La maitrise de ton environnement- Comment passer l'action en toute circonstance- L'art de l'efficience- La relation entre le psych et le corps- Les outils de productivit"
Price: 29.99 |
"Islamic Finance - A Brief Introduction" |
"Globally, there is a demand for a fair and just banking system that the Islamic banking and finance industry provides.As this demand continues to rise, so does the awareness of the timeless principles and values of Islamic finance.Built upon the foundation of Islamic law, which prohibits usurious and speculative activities, the Islamic finance industry prides itself on engaging in business and financial dealings in an ethical manner. The sentiment of this industry is not one of greed, but one of mutual cooperation and partnership through a fair and equitable financial system. The Islamic finance industry has achieved such growth that it is now an astounding 2 trillion-dollar global industry. Not only is this the fastest growing segment of the financial industry, but it is also socially responsible and sustainable as well.Learning Objectives:To understand Islamic finance in contemporary society.To understand the benefits of Islamic finance and banking.To understand the main principles of Islamic banking and finance.To understand how different Islamic modes of financing work.To understand the current market and future opportunities for the sector.Module Learning Outcomes & Summaries:Module 1. Introduction - Learning OutcomesIt is planed students will be able to:1.Define Islamic Finance.2.Define Shariah.3.Understand the Islamic perspective of wealth.4.Understand Islamic finance growth and future potential.Module 1. SummaryAt the end of Module 1 students will be able to:Define Islamic finance.Define Shariah.Define Islamic finance is set of rules that are Shariah compliant.Highlighting the Islamic perspective of wealth.Understand the history of modern Islamic finance and.Module 2. Islamic Law & Contracts - Learning OutcomesIt is planned students will be able to:1.Explain Sources of Islamic Law (Shariah)2.Learn the actions of Islam.3.Learn common elements of a contract.4.Learn of different ownership categories.5.Learn the classification of contracts.6.Learn key contract conditions.Module 2. SummaryAt the end of Module 2 students will be able to:Understand the key sources of Islamic Law is the Quran and the Sunnah.Define actions of Islam.Highlight common elements of a contract.Understand ownership categories.Understand the classification of contracts.Understand key contract conditions.Module 3. Modes of Finance - Learning OutcomesIt is planned students will be able to:1.Understand prohibition of Interest (Riba)2.Understand prohibition of uncertainty/risk (Gharar).3.Understand how Islamic insurance (Takaful) works.4.Understand debt and equity based finance.5.Understand different modes of finance.6.Understand the difference between Islamic and conventional banks.7.Understand key consideration when choosing an Islamic product.8.Understand how Islamic housing finance works.Module 3. SummaryAt the end of Module 3 students will be able to:Explain the prohibition of interest and uncertainty/risk.Explain how Islamic insurance (takaful) works.Explain difference between Debt and Equity based financing.Explain the difference between Islamic and Conventional banks.Explain the different modes of finance.Explain key consideration when choosing an Islamic product.Explain how Islamic housing finance works.Module 4. Regulatory Issues - Learning OutcomesIt is planned students will be able to:1.Understand the role of independent Shariah boards?2.Understand legal and regulatory environment.3.Understand Islamic finance potential.Module 4. SummaryAt the end of Module 4 students will be able to:Define the role of independent Shariah boards.Highlighting the link between Shariah, law and business opportunities.Contact the publisher to provide feedback on the course or ideas on how it can be promoted globally."
Price: 24.99 |
"Design a Parabolic Antenna Fom Scratch On ANSYS HFSS 18/19" |
"This cours will help you design a parabolic antenna on HFSS, you can modify the frequency and use yours also you can change the size of dipole, after seeingthis course you will add a new competance to your profil wich is the parabolic antenna design on HFSS and simulating wave propagationIf you have any question on this cours you can ask me on my email adress and i will be happy to helpAs a gift we will send you a PDF on how to calculate the dimension of your parabolic antenna"
Price: 19.99 |
"3 en 1: Langage VHDL + ecran VGA/FPGA + ALTERA QUARTUS II" |
"Ce cours va vous permettre de s'initier sur le langage VHDL, apprendre a programmer des cartes FPGA et utiliser tout types dcran VGA sans Aucun problme, et en fin utiliser le logiciel QUARTUS pour vos programmation et comment assign les pins de votre carte FPGA sous le logiciel.on commencera par une explication du langage VHDL ensuite on va parler des ecran VGA et leur principe et en fin on va utiliser le logiciel QUARTUSpour la ralisation de deux TP, la premiere c'est l'affichage simple d'un carr et je vous laisserai avec un petit exercice d'application ensuite on verra comment afficher une image prsente dans une mmoire ROM Dans notre cran VGA"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Personal Finance and Wealth Management Masterclass" |
"This course introduces you to the fundamental concepts of Wealth Management. We will begin by exploring the links between skills and wealth. We will develop Personal Balance Sheets and calculate Net Worth. We will examine the formula that is used to estimate Human Capital. Effective Financial Planning requires estimating Lifetime Expenditures. We will cover Time Value of Money concepts in general and the Lifetime Expenditures exercise in particular. The Lifetime Expenditures exercise is typically taught in Finance Courses at the Undergraduate and MBA Levels. We will examine Budgets for both high and low income households. Effective Wealth Accumulation requires prudent investing. We will examine how households invest money. We will examine historical returns for Equities, Bonds, Private Equity, Real Estate, Commodities and Hedge Funds. We will discuss why Geometric averages are appropriate for Portfolio Management. We will also examine the Short Selling Process. Short Selling is used to benefit from a downturn in stock prices. Effective Wealth Preservation requires robust risk management. We will identify risks individuals and households face and examine various risk management tools. We will examine the role of regulators in the United States and around the world. We will also examine the potential of Annuities to serve as a substitute for Pensions. We will examine the LIBOR Scandal which is often overlooked by some. Finally, we will examine Estate Planning."
Price: 199.99 |
"Making Men hair style" |
"In this course you will be learning how to make your hair styleand also how to be men hair dresser this will help you save time and money and look like a star with yournewlook it will not coast you money as every body think and also its not hard its very easy and every one can make it this video is useful for peaple who want to look like a model ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Adobe Illustrator" |
"Adobe Illustrator CCIllustratorIllustartorIllustratorIllustrator Adobe Illustrator CS5()Adobe Illustrator CCIllustratorIllustrator"
Price: 4800.00 |
"Adobe Illustrator" |
"Adobe Illustrator CCIllustrator Illustrator Illustrator Illustrator Illustrator IllustratorWEBDTPIllustratorIllustrator()Adobe Illustrator CCIllustratorIllustrator"
Price: 4800.00 |
"Healthy family meals on a budget" |
"This is much more than a cookery course and a collection of recipes. It's a way of using what you've already got to plan your meals, shop savvy and cook smart with the end result that you'll slash your family grocery spend.But don't think this means you'll be compromising on taste, quality or health. You and your family will enjoy delicious healthy meals on a budget.Just think what you'll be able to do with all the money you save. Save it for a trip you've always wanted? Pay off debt? Or even invest your savings in income generating assets?We all need to eat, and we're all spending money on food. This course will help you spend less on your groceries and you'll see the difference on your very first shopping trip when you take this course.A few small changes and tweaks can make a BIG difference to your supermarket spend, so take this course now so you can eat well while spending less."
Price: 29.99 |
engineering-drawing-course-level-1 |
"Engineering Drawing Course Level 1 () : () ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Best of SAP ABAP Beginners Course" |
"SAP System Overview SAP System Overview SAP System Architecture Environment For ProgramsDATA Dictionary DATA Dictionary Introduction Create Database Table Entering Data into Table Display Data from the TableABAP Editor Introduction Create First Program Select, Write and Chaining Statement Together Variables and Constants DeclarationPerforming Arithmetic Calculations Arithmetic - Addition Arithmetic - Subtraction Arithmetic - Multiplication Arithmetic - DivisionCharacter Strings Character String Data Types Concatenate Find The Length of the String Replace Search Shift Split Sub FieldsProgram Debugging Debugging Program Debugging and BreakpointsWorking with Other Data Types Date Calculations Time CalculationsOpen SQL Statement Open SQL Statement Introduction Insert Data Into Table Update Data in the Table Deleting Data From the Table Modify Data(Insert/Update) in TableProgram Flow Control and Logical Expressions Flow Control and Logical Expression - IF, CASE Select Loops Nested Loops Loop Termination Expression Loop Termination Check Loop Termination ExitUser Selection Screen Selection Screen Introduction At Selection Screen Parameters Initialization Block Select OptionInternal Tables Internal Table Introduction Types of internal Tables First Sample Program For All Entries Read Statement Internal Tables Describe ModifyModularizing Programs Modular Programming Introduction Function Module Include Subroutine"
Price: 104.99 |
"Scientific Understanding of Obesity" |
"Obesity is a global problem.This course is designed for everyone with an interest to understand this global problem in-depth and learn about individual and societal actions to deal with it. This course is a form of knowledge translation. There is a huge amount of scientific knowledge on obesity, but the general population does not have access to it.I am trying to simplify some important scientific lessons for you.If you want to know what obesity really is, this course is for you.If you want to know the causes of obesity and why so many people all over the world are facing this problem, this course is for you.And if you want to learn about high-level frameworks to uproot this problem, this course is for you.Again, this course is a thought-based course to create an in-depth understanding of Obesity."
Price: 19.99 |
"Master The Digital Electronics- Minimisation And Basic Gates" |
"Why Digital Electronics?In today's world, where the leading IT firms are repeatedly decreasing demand between the people, there a hidden treasure is gaining much love and appreciation. That's Electronics Industryand digital electronics is the heart of this industry. Without a strong basethe whole industry will fall down. So knowing and understanding Digital Electronics is very much important if you are willing to shine in this industry.What are the core ingredients?This course is all about boolean algebra, K-map and logic gates.I will provide a lot ofexercises, examples, tests, practices. Everything you need to know about this topic professionally.What is required?Only a basic knowledge of digital is enough.Even if you don't have I will help you.What you will get?You want to create your own course, or start your own electronics basedstartup or join any core company or even wantto do some electronicstraining like VLSI,FPGA,Systemverilog, Verilog, Embedded System, ARM etcthis course will help you a lot. And the topics this course covers including mcq and other interview questions, will help you alot.Any entrance exam or written test or even in interviews of Electronics based companies will askat least 75% questions from Digital. Why it is different from others?All the available courses explain the practical or the applications. For example how to light an LED.But before going into that you need to strengthen your base. You need to learn the components, the gates which make the circuits.This course will help you to understand from very basic. And one thing is this is professional one. So it will not stop at the base level only. Rather will upgrade you to pro level.Who should take this course?College students, to brush up the base and to learn the professional oneat the same time.People, willing to do training on VLSI,FPGA,Systemverilog, Embedded system, Arm etc.Electronics entrepreneurPeople, wishing to start their own course on digital.You love electronics you are welcome. You don't you are welcome. You know basics or don't you are welcome. Come and learn. Digital is all about exploring."
Price: 6720.00 |
"Mindfulness Made Easy! A Complete Guide to Mindfulness" |
"What are people saying about this course?""I really loved this course. This isn't just sitting and mediating, it's learning how to make meditation a part of your everyday life. Highly recommended!"" Adam Domine""Im happier now than Ive ever been before because I use the mindfulness tools taught to me by Jeremy every day."" Donna Seagle""Jeremy is an excellent meditation teacher. His patient, open-minded, and enthusiastic teaching style are grounded in everyday life, and really help make the practice accessible and relatable."" Emily DuThis course provides an in-depth introduction to the foundations of mindfulness meditation practice, in an easy-to-follow, 14-day training guide. With the power of mindfulness meditation, you will learn how to manage your stress and anxiety, and cultivate more joy, happiness, and gratitude! This course focuses specifically on the practical implementation of mindfulness meditation, rather than just a conceptual understanding. Whether you're a beginner just starting out, or already an advanced practitioner, if you're ainterested in building a strong foundation of HOW to practice mindfulness meditation, using an approach that is based on science and reason, then this is the course for you! The instructions and lectures in this course are clear, concise, and easy to understand, allowing you to master the basics of meditation without having to learn any spiritual jargon, travel to any foreign countries, or even leave the comfort of your own home. In just 2 weeks, you will be able to master the basics of mindfulness, and you will have begun building the foundation of a daily habit that sticks! This science based training in mindfulness practice will help take you from complete beginner, to experienced meditation practitioner in no time at all! Upon completion of the course, you will be able to: Confidently practice mindfulness in any situation.Master the key concepts and practices of mindfulness meditation.Identify and overcome the 5 most common obstacles in meditation.Release stress and anxiety from the body using the mindful body-scan technique.Feel more at peace, even in high stress situations.Easily sit in meditation for long periods without feeling anxiety or restlessness.Feel connected to the present moment more frequently throughout the day.Have an increased sense of self-worth and self-confidence.Finish meditation sessions feeling more calm and relaxed.Bounce back from anxiety attacks and emotional difficulties more quickly than before.Develop a consistent meditation habit that feels joyful and is sustainable. Course Contents and Overview: This course begins with the essential mindfulness meditation techniques, such as mindful breathing, mindful body awareness, and mindful listening, and then moves on to slightly more advanced techniques such as mindfulness of thoughts and emotions. The second half of the course goes into how to identify and overcome some of the most common obstacles you will face in mindfulness meditation practice, such as distraction, restlessness, self doubt, and judgement. Finally, the course ends with a loving-kindness practice, designed to help you learn the practice of cultivating loving-kindness for yourself and others, an integral aspect of any well-rounded mindfulness meditation practice. Cultivating the SKILL and SCIENCE of mindfulness: Throughout the course there are guided mindfulness meditations at each step of the way. Rather than merely approaching mindfulness as an intellectual concept, this course gives you first-hand experience in order to tap directly into the state of mindful awareness, so you will be actively cultivating the skills of mindfulness as the course progresses. Each step of the way, you will be reducing stress and anxiety, and cultivating more happiness, gratitude, and contentment all you need to do is follow along with the guided meditations! In meditation, and particularly with mindfulness, an experiential understanding is much more important than a conceptual one, which is why this course focuses on the practical foundations. All of the lessons are based on a science of the mind, so there is no need to adopt a new belief system, take on any gurus, or learn how to chant things you don't understand. Mindfulness is much more of a science, or direct investigation, of the mind, than a belief system. By the end of the course, you will have the tools for investigating your own mind on a daily basis, which will allow you to let go of negative habits of the mind like stress, anxiety, and anger, and instead live with more joy, gratitude, and happiness!"
Price: 124.99 |
"Linux Technical interview questions and answers" |
"========================= TESTIMONIALS ===============================""Very very useful Thanks "" ----- Ambadas Bhagat ""I enrolled in this course having some familiarity with Linux but not much. Content was very well presented and documented for beginners and for those who are little bit familiar with the Linux.It covers almost all aspects of Linux. I am fully satisfied. "" ----- Peter Lucic ""Great. This course gives me a lot of knowledge on Linux. It helps my work a lot. Thank you"". ----- Le Hoang Son ----- Michele Berardi ----- Bo Liu ----- Gail Edmondson ----- Pooja Babu ----- Latenis Dent There is no reason for you to study Linux for months and years and not succeed in securing a job because of a Technical Interview.Welcome to the Linux Technical interview questions and answers 2019 where you are going to dominate the Linux Technical job interview. Take the course, learn the material and go into technical interview with a confidence that you are prepared!Get an edge over other candidates that did not take the time to learn technical interview skills.Become one of my dozens of students that successfully took the course and secured a job.This course has been expertly crafted to make sure that you rapidly improve your Linux interview skills, Turbocharge your productivity and Boost your career with no time wasting and no useless fluff.My name is Kashif Ali and I have worked as a Linux administrator, IT Manager, infrastructure and security consultant for many Fortune 500 companies in the the toughest market in the world ...... New York. It's often quoted that if you can survive as an IT professional in New York and the Wall street you can survive any IT environment in the world. So Learn from my experience/expertise and take your career to the next level.Linux system Troubleshooting - Part 11- How to view all messages generated by the system since the last reboot on RHEL7/CentOS 7?2- How to check log messages related to kernel?3- How can you continuously monitor logs as they come in?4- Where can you find messages related to the installation of Linux?5- Where are most of the log files located?Linux system Troubleshooting - Part 2Kernel Parameters - Ulimit6- To improve performance, how can you safely set the limit of processes for the super-user root to be unlimited?7- Where can you set the resource limits for users logged in via PAM?8- How to check ulimit for a user?9- How to check and increase the limit of opened files in Linux?10- How to view run time kernel parameters?11- How to change runtime kernel parameter for maximum shared segment size in bytes?12- How to view Boot time parameters and which file is modified to change these parameters?Linux system Troubleshooting - Part 3Troubleshooting with uptime lsof pidof sar and more13- How to check system load without top command?14- By default load average is shown in how many intervals?15- How can you get the physical and virtual memory statistics?16- How to check cpu utilization and other statistics?17- How to find process id of a process and kill it immediatley?18- How to list all open files by specified user?19- How to list all open files by specified command?20- How can you list all network connections by port 22?Advanced Linux system administrations questions and answers:1- Run a command that shows all lines except any lines starting with the a character ""#"" in a file?2- How can you continuously monitor log files for errors?3- How to automatically remove files older than 7 days by creating a cron job to run every night?4- How to list/print all created users on the system and send(redirect) them to a file?5- How would you list only the 2nd column from a file?6- How to broadcast a message to all logged -in users?7- How to create a user with no login access?8- How to schedule a server reboot in 15 minutes?9- How to find disk usage by the largest directories?10- How to prevent users from deleting other users files in a directory?11- How to display 10th line of a file only?12- Your server got hacked. Due to the amount of damage, the whole server needs to be restored. How would you go about doing that?13- What necessary steps should be taken to enhance the security of a server after the initial install?14- Which file is the most commonly known to check for log messages?15- How and why to disable ping?16- Explain the different fields in /etc/passwd?17- Which cammand can tell how long the system has been running?18- How to check if a port is listening?19- You got a ticket stating server is down, how would you troubleshoot?20- How to find all files in /bin with specified(755) permissions?Part 2: 1- What is the default port & configuration file of SSH Server ?2- How to change the default ssh port in linux ?3- How to change Maximum allowed sessions through SSH?4- What is the configuration file of ssh client ?5- How to disable SSH root login in linux server ?6- How to allow only specific users to ssh your linux server ?7- SCP and how its used?8- How to check SSH servers Version ?9- How to setup password less ssh authentication in Linux?Part 3: 1- How to extend SWAP space?2- How to extend a logical volume?3- How to create a logical volume?4- How to create a volume group?5- How to create a physical volume after the disk space has been added?6- Is it possible to increase the logical volume on the fly?7- How to reduce the logical volume and is it possible to reduce it on the fly?8-9- How to scan disks for existing volume group and how to scan a logical volume from existing volume group?10-11-12-13- How to activate, deactivate, disable/enable a logical volume and a volume group? How to activated the logical volume which in deactivated state? How to disable the volume group ? or Deactivate the volume group? How to enable the volume group ? or Activate the volume group?14- What is the default size of a physical extent in LVM?15-16-17- How to list the available logical, physical volumes and see detailed volume group info on the system?How to list the available physical volumes in LVM?How to see the detailed volume group information?Part 4: 1- How to find files that are over 10MB in size?2- How would would you run a command that shows all lines containing a character # in a file?3- How would you display all lines of a file with line numbers?4- How to find current system information such as the version or release info of your server?5- Where are the files located for network interfaces?6- Which command can you run to find if a certain package has been installed?7- How to find out total lines in a file without opening that file?8- How to find disk usage by the largest directories?9- How to find all directories named conf under root?10- How to find files not accessed in over 3 days?11- How to view difference between 2 files?12- What is the location of system configuration files that should be backed up regularly?13- What is the command to view all the currently logged in users?Linux system administration Q&A1- Which 2 files contain default values when creating a user with useradd command?Questions 2-8 covered in one lecture: 2- What is the command to create a user with a pre defined uid, shell and home directory?3- How to delete a user with his home directory?4- How to create a user specifying a primary/Secondary grp?5- How to change primary group for any user?6- How can you give a normal user all the root level privileges?7- How can you give sudo access to any user without asking him to provide password every time he runs a command?7- How to view the User's login and logout details?8- How to lock & unlock the User Account ?Questions 9-14 covered in one lecture: 9- What is the command to view and change the expiry date for any user?10- What are the fields of /etc/passwd file?11- What is the difference between .bash_profile and .bashrc?12- What are the details you get with finger command?13- Name 3 files which are automatically created inside any user's home directory when a user is added?14- What is the command to view all the currently logged in users?Linux basic system administration questions and answers: 1- Which 2 files contain the default values when creating a user with useradd command?Questions 2-8 covered in part 2: 2- What is the command to create a user with a pre defined uid, shell and home directory?3- How to delete a user with his home directory?4- How to create a user specifying a primary/Secondary grp?5- How to change primary group for any user?6- How can you give a normal user all the root level privileges?7- How can you give sudo access to any user without asking him to provide password every time he runs a command?7- How to view the User's login and logout details?8- How to lock & unlock the User Account ?Questions 9-14 covered in part 3: 9- What is the command to view and change the expiry date for any user?10- What are the fields of /etc/passwd file?11- What is the difference between .bash_profile and .bashrc?12- What are the details you get with finger command?13- Name 3 files which are automatically created inside any user's home directory when a user is added?14- What is the command to view all the currently logged in users?Linux Basic Technical questions and answers How to display hidden files?Whats the difference between $ and # prompts on CLI?How to find an error in a file?How to make a directory?How to remove a directory?How to create a file?How to move a file?How to delete a file?What is the default port # for DNSWhat is the DNS package name?what is the configuration file for DNS and its location?List 3 types of file system?List any 4 Linux flavors?How to log off from Linux system?How to check if a package is installed?How to check your previously typed in commands?Where are zone files located for DNS?What is the command to find your current directory?How to check file permissions?How to find file type of a file?How to find where passwd command is located?what command is used for changing file permissions?What command is used to read top/bottom part of a file?How to check mtu, ip and MAC address?How to get help on certain commands?How to find your host name?How to count total lines of a file?What is the command to create a group?How to reboot a Linux machine with init command?Where are the user passwords saved?How to find running processes on your system?where is the network time configuration file located?When is the last command used?Student suggested Videos19 new Lectures added to student suggested videos Section: Boot Process RHEL/CentOS 6 and 7 19:35 minutesRun Levels 5:41 minutesTargets 9:05 minutesNIC Bonding 10:00 minutesWhat are Linux Distributions? 6:47 minutesWhat are the advantages of using Linux? 7:14 minutesWhat is Linux? 7:18 minutesWhat is a virtual environment or virtualization? 10:09 minutesHow to download and install Oracle Virtual Box? 3:04 minutesHow to download and install Redhat Linux? 17:17 minutesHow to download, install and connect through putty? 7:28 minutesWhat are different ways of accessing a Linux Server? 5:44 minutesWhat is absolute vs relative Path? 9:53 minutesHow to Count Words, Lines and Characters in a file? 6:44 minutesHow to display and set the server's Hostname? 7:04 minutesExplain vi editor basics? 12:20 minutesHow to list and modify System Timezone? 3:55 minutesHow to find help within Linux? 12:50 minutesHow to compress and archive files? 16:59 minutesNew Section added: ""Directory structure, Files, directories, permissions and more"" 14 new lectures added:Explain Linux Directory Structure 27:35 minutesWhat are the common file types used in Linux? 13:01 minutesHow to create files and directories? 10:19 minutesHow to list files and directories? 7:25 minutesHow to display File Contents with cat, less, more and tail? 12:04 minutesHow to copy directories and files? 5:31 minutesHow to move or rename directories and files? 4:31 minutesHow to remove directories and files? 10:11 minutesWhat are the file and directory control Attributes? 13:34 minutesBasics of File and Directory Permissions 8:07 minutesHow to modify file permissions? 13:12 minutesExplain default permissions and umask? 10:50 minutesHow to modify file ownership and group membership? 9:14 minutesWhat are special permissions: setuid, setgid and sticky bit? 30:03 minutes"
Price: 199.99 |
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"Meditasyon Yapmay renin" |
"Stres, endie, fke hepimizin farkl dzeylerde de olsa yaad rahatsz eden duygular ve durumlardr. stelik bunlaruzun sreli ya da skyaamak kiilerin mutluluk dzeyini etkiler vezamanilerledike hastalklara neden olabilir.Dier yandan sevgi, paylamak, alakgnlllk, sabr, nezaket, sayg, empati, nee, efkat, anlaml eyler yapmak, yine hepimiz yaadmzda, bizi mutlu ve huzurlu hissettiren duygu ve durumlardr.Meditasyon yapmay alkanlk haline getirdiimizde, gnde sadece 10-15 dakika ayrarak bile, daha berrak ve odaklanm bir zihin durumu yaratmak,rahatsz eden duygu ve durumlarn zihindekietkisini zayflatmak ve mutluluk verenlerinkini glendirmek mmkndr.Bu sayede salkl bir beden ve mutlu bir zihinleyaamn iinde daha kolay akar, daha retken ve verimli olur ve hayattan daha fazla keyif alabiliriz.Meditasyon renerek zihin konforunun artmasnn yan sra bu rahatsz eden duygularn neden olduu salk sorunu risklerini de azaltarak beden saln uzun vadede koruyabiliriz. Hatta hcresel dzeyde gen ve salkl kalabiliriz.MEDTASYONUN KANITLANMI ETKLER NELER?Beyinde renme, karar verme ve hatrlamay salayan blmde gri maddede art (gri madde bulunduu blgenin ilevini artrr)lkel beyin olarak bilinen, Sava ya da Ka komutunun verildii Amigdalada gri madde azalAmigdalann boyutunda klmeTelomeraz (hcresel yalanmay geciktirme) aktivitesinde art (%43)*Yalanmaya bal beyinde oluan fiziksel deiimde azalma / yalanmaya bal beynin fiziksel boyutunda oluan klmeyi nlemeKalp krizi riskinde azalma (1.6 kat daha az kalp krizi ve lm)Yksek tansiyonda iyileme (%66 orannda iyileme)Genel mutluluk dzeyinde artlikilerde dzelmeEmpati ve efkat duygularnda artOdaklanma ve dikkatte artStres ve anksiyetede azalmaDepresyonda azalmafkede ve panik atakta azalmaUyku sorunlarnda azalmaAr ikayetlerinde azalmaBaklk fonksiyonlarnda olumlu etki * Hcresel yalanmada etkisi bulunan Telomerler ve Telomeraz konusundaki almasyla Nobel dll kazanan Elizabeth Blackburnn de sonularn kulland aratrma, sadece 8 hafta boyunca gnde 12 dakika meditasyon yapmann hcresel yalanmay geciktirme enzimi olan telomeraz enzimini %43 artrdn kantlad. Yani meditasyon hcresel dzeyde gen kalmamza yardmc oluyor.MEDTASYON NEDR?Meditasyon, binlerce yllk gemie sahip, etkisi bilimsel olarak da kantlanm bir pratiktir.Temeli 2500 yllk Dou felsefelerine dayanan meditasyon zamanla bat dnyasnda da yaygnlamaya balad.1970lerden itibaren meditasyonun salk ve psikoloji zerindeki etkileri ile ilgili Harvard niversitesi gibi saygn birok niversitede bilim insanlar tarafndan aratrmalar yaplyor. Yine dnyaca nl niversitelerde, tp fakltelerinde meditasyon temelli Mindfulness uygulamalarnn yapld merkezler kuruluyor.Doktorlar hastalarna kalp, tansiyon, strese bal hastalklar ve hatta kanser tedavisinde bile ek olarak meditasyon yapmalarn neriyor.Meditasyon kurumsal hayatta da yaygnlamaya devam ediyor. Apple, facebook, Google, IBM, Yahoo, Twitter, Deutche Bank, Starbucks ve Nike gibi irketler alanlarna meditasyon eitimi veriyor. Artk daha ok irketin ofislerinde meditasyon odalar bulunuyor.SEKLER MEDTASYON NEDR?Meditasyon Douda Budizm, Hinduizm, Zen gibi dini-felsefi retilerde youn uygulanmaktadr. Bu nedenle ieriinde dini geler barndrabilir.Sekler Meditasyon, dini geler iermeyen, herkes tarafndan uygulanabilir teknikler sunar. Sekler meditasyonda mantra/szck tekrarlama, akralara/enerji akna younlama, dini objelerin imgelenmesi gibi uygulamalar kapsam dndadr.Bu kursta reneceiniz teknikler sekler temellidir. Yani dini geler iermez.Bu anlamda herkes iin basit, kolay ve uygulanabilir meditasyon teknikleri sunar.KURSTA HANG MEDTASYON TEKNKLER RETLECEK?Bu kurs kapsamnda Konsantrasyon Meditasyonu ve Analitik Meditasyon tekniklerini reneceiz.Ayrca kurs srasnda, meditasyon nedir/ne deildir, sekler meditasyon nedir, meditasyonun faydalar nelerdir,meditasyonla ilgili doru bilinen yanllar neler,meditasyonla duygular ve durumlar zerinde nasl allr, meditasyonda oturu/duru nasl olmal, beden ve zihin meditasyona nasl hazrlanmal, pratik srasnda karlalacak zorluklar ve bunlara yaklam nasl olmal, nerede ne zaman ne kadar srede meditasyon yapmal, gnlk hayata meditasyon nasl entegre edilmeli gibi dier sorularn yantlarn da bulacaksnz.Teknikleri reneceimiz blmlerde, nce teorik bilgi aktarlacak. Daha sonra aada detaylar bulunan 15 adet uygulama ynlendirmeliolarak yaplacak.1 adet nefes uygulamas5 adet konsantrasyon meditasyonu uygulamas8 adet analitik meditasyon uygulamas1 adet ksa rahatlama egzersiziBu kursa kayt olduunuzda, kursa mr boyu eriim hakknz olaca iin, isterseniz uygulama blmlerini tekrar tekrar dinleyerek de gnlk pratiinizi yapabilirsiniz.Konsantrasyon MeditasyonuNefes, zihin ve farkndalgn izlenmesi ile dikkat ve odaklanmann artrlmas saglanr. Bu ekilde zihnin unutmama/mindfulness kas glenir. Kurs kapsamnda aadaki konsantrasyon meditasyonlar retilecek ve uygulamalar yaplacaktr.Nefesin izlenmesi - AbdomenNefesin izlenmesi - Burun DelikleriNefesin zlenmesi - Tm BedenZihnin zlenmesiFarkndaln zlenmesiAnalitik MeditasyonBir Duygu/Durum/Dnce/Davrann derinlemesine analiz edildii, avantaj/dezavantajlarnn incelendii meditasyonlardr. Analitik meditasyonla kii meditasyon yapt konuda zamanla bilgelik ve farkndalk kazanmaya balar. Zihinsel olarak bildii ancak hayata geirmekte zorland davranlarn, dzenli meditasyonla zaman iinde doal olarak gelitiini grr. Kurs kapsamnda aadaki analitik meditasyonlar uygulanacaktr.Zihnin DoasGeicilikKymetli HayatNezaketefkatMutlulukEndiefkeAyrca kurs kapsamnda nefes uygulamas ve ksa bir rahatlama egzersizi reneceksiniz."
Price: 249.99 |