"Videokurs Aquarell fr Anfnger" |
"Ich erklre alle Grundtechniken und Materialen die man zum Aquarellieren bentigt. Im Anschluss werden alle Grundtechniken erklrt und vier komplette Aquarelle erstellt!Um die bungen durchfhren zu knnen bentigst du folgende Materialien:AquarellpapierAquarellfarbenRundpinsel in Strke 0 und 6Flachpinsel in Strke 122 Glser Wasserein weiches Tuch oder KchenrolleBleistift und RadiergummiIm Vergleich zum Workshop-Termin bietet der Videokurs die Mglichkeit Aquarell zu lernen ohne an Zeit und Ort gebunden zu sein. Du kannst auerdem jederzeit das Video anhalten oder von vorne beginnen!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Fundamentos y tcnicas de la meditacin" |
"Este curso es una profundizacin en meditacin, para personas con una mnima experiencia, que le permitir ampliar su prctica y destrabar nudos.Trabajaremos aspectos fundamentales y algunos conceptos confusos que pueden bloquear a la persona que intenta meditar.Trabajaremos aspectos comunmente malinterpretados, como por ejemplo que el objetivo de la meditacin es tener paz mental, que se busca tener la mente en blanco, que la meditacin debe ser de una manera especfica."
Price: 24.99 |
abaojiaoyu |
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Price: 19.99 |
"Comment Raliser un module Odoo de A Z ?" |
"Cette formation est ddie auxdveloppeurs qui souhaitent approfondir leur connaissance du processus de dveloppement de modules de l'ERP opensourcel Odoo. Cette formation s'adresse aux nouveaux dveloppeurs et aux professionnels de l'IT qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur les aspects techniques d'Odoo.Aprs avoir suivi cette formation, les participants seront capables de:Comprendre les concepts de dveloppement et l'architecture du logiciel;Installer et administrer Odoo;Dvelopper un nouveau module dans Odoo v10 et v11Ce cours vous permettras d'acqurir les bases de la programmation de modules ou de la modification de modules existant en vous guidant pas pas .De l'installation de l'environnement de dveloppement, la cration des diffrentes vues, des wizards, des tats d'impressions et l'utilisation des web services.Ralisation de ce cours en Collaboration detoute l'quipe deconsultants de la Socitde Service en Logiciel Libre HORIYASOFT:Ramzimsiyah. Elkabil amina, Jacques Coulibaly etOumaima Abouzaid"
Price: 129.99 |
"Upwork Freelancing Guide On How To Stand Out&Work on Upwork" |
"Learn how to win your favorite jobs on Upwork, live your life, travel and work at the same time and eliminate the disadvantages of a normal 9-5 job!This course is for you if you don`t like normal 9-5 jobs that are:-stressful-time consuming leaving you very little time to do what you want-boring-waking you in the morning&wasting time going to work-keeping you at the same office all the time,not letting you travel while working"
Price: 19.99 |
"Performance Testing using LoadRunner 12.5 (Advanced+Basics)" |
"Welcome to ""Isha Training Solutions""**************UPDATED THE COURSE ON 2nd Sept 2018**************Modified the installation files <Both 12.53 and 12.50> and provided more clarity on the mode of installation*******************************************************************************UPDATED THE COURSE ON 26 JULY 2018****************ADDED FOLLOWINGQuiz for each sectionAdded a new section called ""Miscellaneous section"" and added a video demonstrating a script to ""Merge 2 arrays"" *****************************************************************I am able to Record, Replay back, Add transactions & Add Check Points, then why should I take this course?This course is much deeper than just record and playback. Students reported that they were able to troubleshoot the issues by themselves after attending the course. Also, reported that the course helped them to break the interviews confidently. Lots of C functions, LR functions, conversions etc...will be discussed. If you are lead, you will understand which NFR's to collect from client and exact process to follow during project implementation. (PTLC).*****************************************************************Here is our allnew and improvedPerformance testing with LoadRunner training course of 33+ hours conducted by the LoadRunner expert having 14+years of practical industry experience!Learn all the basic and advanced performance testing concepts with hands-on practical examples. The course syllabus is designed by considering the current job market trends and industry requirements.Performance Tester is in high Demand!!!! At the end of the course be ready tohandle any performance testing project using LoadRunner tool. Even if you are using any other performance testing tool, this course will provide you core guidelines for utilizing it for maximum benefits in less time.Best rated performance testing course on Udemy!!!!Pls email me on kgupta.testingtraining@gmail.comfor any questions / concerns. For immediate response, pls Whatsapp me on +91-8019952427.A real time project is also added to this course. Once, you have completed the course, you can check your knowledgeon theLoadRunner tool by completing this project"
Price: 199.99 |
"Cours de mdecine naturelle certifi pour tous. Cours #1" |
"Se tourner vers les mdecines naturellesAvant de vous tourner vers la mdecine naturelle, Il est prfrable de savoir pour quelles raisons vous le faites. La mdecine naturelle n'est pas un effet de mode, elle a toujours exist. Mais aujourdhui, elle est une solution efficace reconnue par la science. De plus, bien souvent elle rpond aux carences des mdecines allopathiques. Face la rsistance croissante des bactries et des virus, face la dshumanisation du patient dans les pratiques mdicales de masse, la mdecine naturelle apparat comme un vritable atout pour crer une symphonie des thrapies aujourd'hui. Grce l'implication de nombreux chercheurs et mdecins travers le monde, la mdecine naturelle est entre dans l're de la science. Elle n'est plus simplement le remde de grand-mre, elle est aujourd'hui une mdecine dont les rsultats sont valids par des tudes et des protocoles universitaires. avec le Pr. Roch DomeregoLe Pr Roch Domerego fait partie de ces scientifiques qui ont uvr tout au long de leur vie pour asseoir la mdecine naturelle. Professeur invit permanent de la facult de Mdecine Calixto Garcia de La Havane, il y a supervis plusieurs tudes cliniques qui ont permis de mettre en pratique ces techniques. Il a ainsi pu tablir des protocoles garantissant la reproductibilit des rsultats sur les patients. Directeur du laboratoire API-AR International Bruxelles pendant 11 ans, il a poursuivi ses travaux sur les mdicaments dorigines naturels afin de renforcer leur efficacit et systmatiser leur fabrication. Aujourdhui, dans de nombreux pays, les protocoles scientifiques appliqus la mdecine naturelle rendent cette dernire efficace et reproductible. Mais, les recherches du Pr Roch Domerego sont alles plus loin. Elles ont mis en vidences la supriorit des substances naturelles faces aux mdicaments allopathiques dans diffrentes pathologies. Dans bien des domaines, la mdecine naturelle montre ainsi ses avantages. Le Pr Roch Domerego a enseign dans de nombreuses universits ou fait des confrences dans plus de 20 pays travers le monde. Il est lauteur ou le co-auteur de 14 ouvrages dont certains font rfrences Pourquoi la Pr. Roch Domerego Academy ?Sous limpulsion de ces proches collaborateurs, mais aussi du monde scientifique, le Pr. Roch Domerego, a dcid de mettre en place une vritable formation en mdecine naturelle. Elle est base sur son exprience de thrapeute en mdecine verte et de scientifique uvrant la fabrication des mdicaments naturels et de leurs utilisations. La formation est dispense par le Pr. Roch Domerego, ainsi que par des scientifiques internationaux slectionns pour leur expertise et leur aptitude transmettre. Lexprience de chacun permettra dlaborer un programme denseignement volutif en lien avec les dernires publications scientifiques et les dernires avances de laboratoire et cliniques. Cette formation, labore partir denseignements raliss dans des universits, est la premire du genre voir le jour sur Internet. Lobjectif de la Pr. Roch Domerego Academy est de mettre disposition du plus grand nombre, une formation de haut niveau qui dispense la fois un enseignement de savoirs thoriques pour obtenir de vraies cls de russite des thrapies naturelles et un enseignement de protocoles thrapeutiques valids pour lobtention de rsultats cliniques. Les contenus de la formation ont t labors de manire tre accessible tous. Les cours conviennent aussi bien des praticiens qui dsirent intgrer les mdecines naturelles leurs pratiques, qu toute personne souhaitant utiliser ces thrapies dans la vie de tous les jours. La formation permet une progression adapte tous et dans laquelle chacun trouvera les cls de connaissances quil recherche. Le prix des cours a t tudi de manire permettre au plus grand nombre daccder cette formation. Le contenu de la formation sur les mdecines naturellesCette formation sur les mdecines naturelles est organise en deux cycles denseignements: Le cycle 1 qui dispense un enseignement gnral donnant des cls thrapeutiques thoriques et pratiques applicables immdiatement Le cycle 2 qui permet un approfondissement des acquis et des pratiques cliniques afin de mieux les intgrer dans la symphonie des thrapies actuelles Dans chacun des cycles seront abords les thmes suivants:Thme 1 : Les fondements de la Mdecine naturelleThme 2 : La mdecine des abeilles Thme 3: Utilisation thrapeutique des Huiles Essentielles Thme 4 : Les antioxydants et la rgnration de votre organisme Thme 5 : La sant, un tat dtre Thme 6 : Le stress chronique et l'environnement motionnel Thme 7 : Les principaux mcanismes polluants Thme 8 : Les nergies subtiles dans notre quotidien Les thmes sont devritables grands chapitres quicomprennent plusieurs cours (sauf le premier qui chapeaute les autres).Le premier thme sur les fondements de la mdecine naturelle est abord sous la forme dun seul cours, trait uniquement dans le cycle 1. Il confre une base indispensable au suivi de la formation complte (thmes 1 8). A lissu de cette formation, ds le cycle 1, vous serez en mesure danimer une consultation. Obtention dune certificationA la fin de chaque cycle vous pourrez obtenir soit un certificat de suivi, soit un Certificat de connaissance dlivr lissu de la russite dun examen sous la forme dun QCM gnral (Questionnaire Choix Multiple). Ds la fin du premier cycle, le certificat de connaissance, valid par lAcademy, attestera de vos comptences acquises et de votre niveau professionnel de thrapeute. Un QCM vous sera propos la fin de chacun des cours, il vous permettra de tester vos connaissances avant daborder le cours suivant. Via la plateforme de formation, il vous sera possible dchanger avec le Pr. Roch Domerego sur toutes les questions qui tournent autour de ce programme sur les Mdecines Naturelles. Les ressources documentaires utilises et les rfrences bibliographiques seront mises disposition par lien de tlchargement."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn IP addressing and basic Routing" |
"This course gives a comprehensive introduction to IP addressing.This course teaches you to know the various classes of IP addressThis course teaches you to be able to subnet any class of IP addressAt the end of this course, you will be able to send packets across different devices using cisco packet tracer simulator"
Price: 19.99 |
"Instagram Secrets for Small Business Owners" |
"Do you feel like you've watched so many videos and read so many articles about how to be successful on Instagram, and you just can't help but feel like they're hiding something from you? Like there's just something they're not telling you? Yeah, that's because there is something they're not telling you! Until now.In this Instagram Masterclass, you'll learn everything you need to know to be amazing on Instagram: Branding and why it's important on Instagram Creating an enticing name, bio, and profile The best free software to easily create beautiful images Hashtagging and audience strategies AND SO MUCH MORE!So what are you waiting for? Let's jump in to the last Instagram course you'll ever need!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Google AdWords Course for Beginners" |
"Google is the most used search engine so the presence of a brand on Google AdWords is mandatory if you want to be where your customers are.Google AdWords is a complex online promotion system that a Pay Per Click specialist can successfully use to increase sales or site traffic, optimise conversion rates, or lower the acquisition cost. Once the operating algorithm and optimisation techniques are understood, the specialist can easily determine the issues and opportunities that occurred during the campaigns. This course is for you, both if youre already managing AdWords campaigns and want to get better results for your money, or if youre new to AdWords campaigning."
Price: 49.99 |
"Docker - Hands On for Java Developers" |
"A great course if you're a Java developerlooking togetstarted with Docker. On this course, you'll be working with a real Microservice architecture built using Spring Boot. Your job will be to deploy the application as a set of Docker Containers.Optionally, you'll be able to run the final system in a real cloud environment (AWS), using Docker Swarm."
Price: 24.99 |
"Nurture Your Energy Field" |
"Develop familiarity with your own body energy field. Learn simple physical awareness techniques - physical meditations. Improve your relationship with water, food and your environment. Practice skills that make your every day lighter and more peaceful. Do simple, easy and quick mindfulness practices anywhere and any time.Course purposeThe purpose of creating this course is to offer in-depth training and the opportunity tolearn some easy, simple, energy-raising techniques anyone can learn and do. Practicing these skills will help you improve your life experience and feel more peaceful.How to take this courseThe best way to use this course is to watch the whole thing through one time without practicing anything. Once youve watched the whole course presentationreturen to Section 2 Lecture 1 so you can begin play with your own Energy Ball.There is no time-frame for completion of this course. Learning about ourselves is a continuous growth process. Make this course a playful exploration for yourself. Practice one Lecture at a time until you feel ready to go on to the next layer of understanding.As to how long you will need to practice one phase before you are ready to move on to another will depend on: How new you are to energy work or meditation How often you practice Your gut feeling telling you youve reached a healthy plateau (in other words, being at peace with where you are, and excited to move on)Review Section 3 Lectures any time as you practice Section 2 Lectures, as these are all beneficial additions.Its all goodThe beauty of meditation and loving, positive energy work is that you cant get it wrong. It is totally safe to do any and all of these, and share what you are learning with others if you like. Children are especially open and quick to learn energy work. Remember to practice every day, be patient with yourself and have fun.Your guides in this classOver the course of 30-plus years Kim Victoria has explored, trained-in, and practiced numerous energy modalities, many of these skills she practices every day.There are several modalities that were so compelling to Kim that she did all the training to receive certification. While with other practices she reached a level of understanding and personal competence that didnt require anything more than that. In this course Kim shares her own fusion of all that shes learned, and how she uses that fusion in her every day life. I humbly offer my expertise, as it is, as a springboard for your own exploration.Kim is joined by Cindy Belz who practices some of these modalities and is here to add to the discussion.The mandatory disclaimerFrom Kim Victoria: I am not a physician. I am certified to practice and teach the energy modalities of Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Directed Breath, Feng Shui, and Strategic Attraction. Therefore, do not stop any therapies your doctor prescribes, or consider any of this as medical advice, for it is not. These ideas are shared as information only.Your successChanges are usually subtle over time, and it is often in retrospect that you perceive the difference. By watching any or all of these videos more than once, review is always beneficial, you will anchor into your consciousness how to do the practices as well as what shifts in your awareness you are realizing. We do wish you much success and enjoyment."
Price: 29.99 |
"Excel e LibreOffice Calc para engenheiros e administradores." |
"E a pessoal. Falem comigo, tranquilo?Sejam todos bem vindos ao nosso curso bsico de Microsoft Excel e LibreOffice Calc para engenheiros e administradores.Todos ns sabemos que as planilhas eletrnicas so ferramentas indispensveis para qualquer tipo de profissional, independente de sua formao,devido as suas inmeras funcionalidades que variam desde um simples organizador de informaes at uma complexa folha de clculo.Devido a essa funcionalidade de folhas de clculo que engenheiros, administradores e financistas usambastante esse tipo de softwares.Dentre as vantagens que as planilhas apresentam, quando comparado a outrossistemas modernos,temos:Controle total das informaes que so postas nela.Funcionam online, offline e so portteis.Tirando o valor de compra do software, no tem custo de implementao.No tem custo de treinamento, ou se tiver, bastante barato.Mais baratas a longo prazo. Os sistemas mais modernos trabalham com o modelo de assinatura mensal.Se interagem com vrios sistemas como:Sistemas operacionais edispositivos mveis.Portteis.Na internet, existe uma gama de cursos, professores, apostilas e livros que tratam de ensinar planilhas eletrnicas, ento foi-se a poca que voc podiausar a desculpa que no se qualificou por falta de meios educativos. Omeu objetivo como professorno jogar informaes para vocs, estruturar toda uma matriz de conhecimento obedecendo uma ordem lgica de maneira que, no final, vocs tenham total aptido de conseguir desenvolver sozinhos maneiras adequadas de desenvolvimento de planilhas e dashboards.Minha metodologia de ensino se fundamenta basicamente em apresentao da teoria em conjunto com os exemplos e exerccios simulados.Dois sistemas iro ser usados neste curso: O Microsoft Excel 2010 (A planilha eletrnica mais popular entre as proprietrias) e o LibreOffice Calc 6 (A planilha eletrnica mais popular entre asgratuitas). A ideia no mostrar que um sistema melhor que o outro, e sim que voc poder alcanar resultados iguais em ambos os sistemas com muito pouca diferena de conhecimento.Ento se voc quer aprender mais profundamente essas timas ferramentasenquantose certifica, esse curso para voc.Espero que vocs aproveitem bastante e bons estudos."
Price: 99.99 |
"Alemn A1 - comenzando desde cero-un curso para principantes" |
"Aprende alemn desde cero al nivel A1 con una profesora alemna muy experimentada!El curso comenzar con la introduccin al alfabeto alemn y continuar enseando gramtica, vocabulario y conversacin en alemn. Con ms de los 31 captulos de gramtica, este curso tambin incluye 17 videos animados que te facilitarn el aprendizaje de conversaciones bsicas en alemn as como el vocabulario. Es un curso interactivo con muchos aportes variados y una profesora de alemn muy experimentada y motivada que te guiar a travs de todo el curso.METAS / APRENDIZAJES: Ser plenamente competente en el nivel A1 de alemnDominar los fundamentos de la lengua alemana Aprende la gramtica y el vocabulario de la lengua alemana Aprende los fundamentos de la conversacin en alemn Aprender la pronunciacin alemn, expresin oral y escritura de frases Ser capaz de presentarse con confianza en alemn Ser capaz de hacer una cita en alemn Ser capaz de pedir comida en un restaurante en alemn Aprende a contar y decir nmeros en alemn Aprende a leer y escribir en alemnInformaciones sobre la cultura alemanaVocabulario importante para principantesAprenders lo siguiente:Gramtica: El alfabeto Conjugacin de verbos regulares El nominativo Nmeros Reglas de gnero Plural Verbos irregulares Consejos sobre cmo aprender un idioma de manera ms eficiente Palabras compuestas La Palabra ""es"" Saludo formal El acusativo Orden de palabras en oraciones principales Verbos separables e inseparables Verbos modales El dativo Negacin Cmo formular preguntas Conjunciones El imperativo Determinante posesivo Pronombres demostrativos Pronombres indefinidos Adverbios Temporales Tiempo Perfecto (Perfekt) Introduccin al pasado simple (Prteritum) Introduccin al comparativoConversacin: Reglas de pronunciacin Cmo presentarse Cmo hacer citas Uso del transporte pblico Buscando Apartamentos Pidiendo / Dando direcciones Cmo decir la hora y la fecha Visita del doctor Cmo pedir comida en un restaurante Vocabulario: Colores Familia Cuerpo Ropa En casa Alimentos y Bebidas Animales Profesiones El Tiempo Actividades de ocio Emociones y Adjetivos Pases y NacionesSi no ests familiarizado con Marco Comn Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas; Aqu hay una breve descripcin: A1 - Principiante completo A2 - Conocimientos principalesB1 - Intermedio B2 - Intermedio alto C1 - Usuario competente C2 - Maestra / NativosEspero que te inscribas a ese curso y tenerte como uno de mis alumnos(as). Inscrbete a mi curso ahora! :)"
Price: 79.99 |
"AWS Solutions Architect - Sample Questions" |
"Practicing sample questions and attempting mock tests is an essential part of your exam preparation.Practicing sample questions helps you solidify your concepts and practicing mock tests lets you check your readiness for the exam and identify your weaknesses and knowledge gaps.Therefore, to help you prepare effectively for the exam, Weprovide you with a list of high-quality exam sample questions and mock tests.We keep adding questions to this course as on when theyare ready."
Price: 19.99 |
"Married to Autism? Find Connection and Ease" |
"Welcome! This course is for typically developing people (aka""neurotypicals"") married to peopleon the autism spectrum (and those who aren't married yet or were married before).If you have autism yourself, come back soon for a course about marriage and relationshipsgearedspecifically to you. It's coming!If you're typically developing and your partner or spouse is on the autism spectrum, you're probably more than aware that there are very few resources available for you. This course is different. It was built with youin mind.I address autism within the context of what autism means for youconsideringthat you are now and always will be typically developing --with typically developing needs and typically developingdesires. You are who you are.You can't end your ""typically-developingness"" any more than your partner can change the autism.That is neurodiversity. Both partners are different and both partners areequally important.This courseis designed to give you, the typically developing member of a mixed-neurological relationship, theeducationandtools you need to getresults in yourlife. As you already know, I can'tmake impossible promises. You will always have a typically developing brain and your partner will always have a brain with autism. That isn't going to change. I can't ""fix""the communication difficulties you and your partner inherently facebecause nobody can jump in and magically change the functioning of either of your brains.""Techniques"" only go so far. They're hard on the typically developing partner and they're hard on the partner with autism.Sothis course doesn't focus on ""techniques."" Instead, it does something more:it focuses on what you do have control over -- you.I'm looking forward to seeing you around!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Corel Draw Extremo" |
"Foque apenas no que importae comece a ganhar dinheiro como Design Grfico utilizando o Corel Draw com ametodologia de retirar o ""excesso""de informao intil e focar apenas no que 95% dos Desing Grficos de sucessoutilizam na hora de criar suas artes.Em pouco tempovoc dominaro Corel Drawe vai perceber como uma ferramente simples epoderosa.Se voc estudante, gosta de design ou quer ganhar um dinheiro extra como freelancer, com este curso voc estar habito a utilizar o Corel para criao de logotipos, panfletos, banner, capa para o Facebook e muito mais."
Price: 89.99 |
"Las Reglas de Oro de Atencin a Clientes" |
"Curso Intensivo que te comparte Cinco Tcnicas para incrementar tus competencias como Ejecutivo de Atencin a Clientes.Incluye Ejemplos y Sugerencias especficas para ayudarte a la comprensin y ejecucin de las Tcnicas.Dirigido a Profesionales de la Atencin a Clientes y a todos aquellos interesados en incrementar sus conocimientos en el tema, o bien en incursionar en el rea de Atencin a Clientes."
Price: 570.00 |
"OnMind: Arquitetura do pensamento!" |
"Voc est satisfeito com a sua vida?A Programao Neurolnguistica, ou simplesmente PNL, tem a misso de te ajudar a ser uma pessoa mais feliz, reestruturando pensamentos limitantes e influenciando em comportamentos mais positivos.Acrsio de Medeiros,Trainer e Master Practitioner em PNL h 10 anos, convida voc a conhecer os princpios dessa prticatransformadora, de forma simples e didtica.Dividido em mdulos para a sua melhor compreenso, o OnMind - A Arquitetura do Pensamento, poder ser o incio de uma nova jornada de autoconhecimento e a aceitao da felicidade da qual voc merecedor."
Price: 69.99 |
"Publier un Ebook rentable ! [Crer et Vendre son Ebook]" |
"Dans ce programme, nous allons voir comment crer un Ebook rentable en partant de zro grce des outils permettant d'tre beaucoup plus rapide et productif, tout a simplement et sans aucune comptence particulire.Du choix de la thmatique la publication, en passant par un bon rfrencement et des conseils pour la promotion.Nous allons voir comment rdiger un Ebook et mme comment crer une couverture professionnellefacilement.Diffrents outils sont propos tout le long du programme pour augmenter la pertinence de votre Ebook afin quil puisse offrir un maximum de valeur."
Price: 149.99 |
"Speak Better English - Vowel Pronunciation" |
"Learn to identify and pronounce the vowel sounds used in English as well as the schwa and the sound of 'th'. Understand which letter combinations produce which English vowel sound and then practice making those sounds.Take your English pronunciation to the next level. Accent reduction and good pronunciation are the keys to speaking English clearly in a conversation and improve your listening ability.Produced by a native British English speaker. This ""How To Speak Better English"" course teaches you how to speak English clearly, improve your pronunciation and understand speakers of English regardless of their accent.We also cover intonation, sentence stress, word stress, and linking words to allow you to speak better English quickly.Suitable for all learners of English regardless of level. You should, however, have a basic understanding of English. The sections on intonation and word and sentence stress patterns will improve your oral fluency in English and your English reading skill.Boost your English speaking ability with this course and improve your IELTS, TOEFL, SAT or even your Pearson PTE exam score."
Price: 19.99 |
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Price: 22000.00 |
"UI & Design Thinking - Design Theory & Sketch Tutorials" |
"Looking to improve your basic visualdesign skills with few simple tricks and rules of thumb? Want to learn more about Sketch or InVision Studio?Then this course is for you. The course focuses on web and application design, but the theories we teach can also be applied to print design.In this course, I'll teach you crucialdesign lessons:Learn to solve and design for the right problemHow to use design softwares (like Sketch &InVision Studio) like a proLeverage color theory to communicate with your userDesign solid alignment and spacing techniquesSelect the perfect typography for your needsDesign better buttons and linksCreate professional mockups to showcase your designsBuild your own icons and logosConvert your designs into code (for those that already know development"
Price: 19.99 |
felicaspico_naturallight_basic |
Price: 7200.00 |
"Best Beginner Guitar Course For EVERYONE" |
"Wanting to learn the basics of how to play guitar? Tired of being indecisive and trying to find out which coursewould be the best for you?Well, you've come to the right place.Welcome to the Best Beginner Guitar Course For EVERYONE.Yes Everyone. I mean even those beginners that are on a trainer guitar from Walmart (which is totally okay, a guitar is a guitar!)You will learn the basics of guitar with short, engaging videos that keep you awake and not falling asleep. When learningto play guitar,you need the right lessons, but you also need the rightMENTOR/TEACHER!If you have ever attended a class in school, ever, you know about those teachers that just read from the book, a powerpoint, or some boring piece of paper and by the first word you are already falling asleep. In this course, keeping you engaged and attentive is the main goal (besides learning how to shred of course.)This course will contain short videos that are very engaging. All videos will be less than 5 Minutes. Guaranteed.Are you ready to shred like a god?"
Price: 19.99 |
"Arduino Sfrdan Projelerle leri Seviye Kursu" |
"Herkese MerhabaArduino kursumuza ho geldiniz. Kursumuz balang seviyesi ile balayarak ileri seviye projelere kadar devam edecek.lk olarak bilgisayar ortammz Arduino yazlm gelitirmek iin hazr hale getireceiz.Arduino ile uygulamalar gelitirebilmek iin temel yazlm bilgisine sahip olmanz gerekiyor. Bilgisayarmz hazr hale geldikten sonra sfrdan gerekli yazlm bilgisi anlatlacak daha sonra Arduino ile uygulamalar gelitirmeye balacaz.Arduino ile uygulama gelitirmek iin sadece bilgisayar yeterli olmayacak Arduino kart ile birlikte sensrler ve gerekli componentlere ihtiyacmz olacak. Ama siz u an iin almak istemiyorsanz elinizde herhangi bir kart veya component olmadanda kursu izleyerek Arduino eitimini tamamlayabilirsiniz. Benim tavsiyem bu kursun amac sonu olarak robotik uygulamalar gelitirmek olaca iin kursla birlikte gerekli componentleri temin ederek kurs eliinde uygulamalarnz deneyip kendiniz bizzat yapmanz tavsiye ederim.Arduino eitimi ierisinde projeler anlatlrken projenin kodlarn video ierisinde grebilirsiniz ayrca Github zerinden de projenin kodlarn eriebileceksiniz. Devre emasnn gsteriminde daha iyi anlalmas iin uygulama zerinde sanal ortamda devre emamz izeceiz ayrca devre emasnn kurulumunun kamera kaydnda videolarn sonunda izleyebileceksiniz. Bylece oluabilecek herhangi bir anlalmazl ortadan kaldrmaya ynelik olarak eitli imkanlarnz bulunacak.Kursu aldnz zaman bu kurs sabit bir kurs olmayacak srekli bir ekilde projeler ve robotik uygulamalar eklenecek. Srekli bir ekilde kendini yenileyen ve gelitiren canl bir kurs olacak. O yzden kursu bitirdiinizde en az haftada bir kursu kontrol etmenizi tavsiye ederim.Ayrca istediiniz bir uygulama olursa bana mesaj atarak uygulamay yapmam isteyebilirsiniz. Kapasitemin ve imkanlarmn elverdii lde istediiniz uygulamay yapacama emin olabilirsiniz.Ve son olarak eer bir videonun ok hzl ve anlalr olmadn veya o konuyu yeterince anlatmadn dnyorsanz yine bana mesaj atarak videonun yeniden ekilmesini talep edebilirsiniz ama ncelikle sorular ksmna anlamadnz ksmlar sorarak zm aramanz tavsiye ederim."
Price: 69.99 |
"Proxmox VE 5" |
"In this course you learn how to create a high available data center using Proxmox VE 5,high availability and shared storage solutions, in this course you will learn how to manage firewall, users and permissions and how to configure networking and bonding, all the following topics will be covered in this course:Introduction and InstallationInstalling Proxmox VE from ISOInstalling Proxmox VE on Debian 9 (Stretch)Web InterfaceWeb Interface GUICreating Your First VMVirtual Machine OptionsQEMU/KVM and LXC ContainersVirtual Machines and ContainersCreating Your First ContainerRAM and Disk Advanced ConfigurationsAdvanced RAM ConfigurationsAdvanced Disk Options and Caching TypesEmulated and Paravirtualized Devices Network Concepts and ManagementNetwork ConfigurationsNetwork BondingStorage ManagementEditing Storage Contents and Uploading ISOsAdding New StorgaesProxmox VE FirewallEnabling Firewall and Creating RulesSecurity GroupsIP AliasesIP SetsFirewall LoggingFirewall Services and CommandsFTP RulesIntegration with Suricata IPSCommon Ports Backup and RestoreBackup Schedule and ModesSnapshots, Cloning and TemplatesUsers AdministrationUsers and Authentication RealmsPermission ManagementPrivilegesObjects and PathsPools, VM Permissions and Groups Proxmox ClusterCreating 3 Nodes ClusterQuorumCluster Filesystem High AvailabilityIntroduction to HA and Shared StorageCeph Installation and ConfigurationsActivating High AvailabilityAdding and Removing OSDsGlusterFS Shared StorageStorage for ISO and TemplatesConfiguring GlusterFSGlusterFS Replication and Ceph Proxmox VE ServicesCommand Line InterfaceCommon CommandsConfiguring PVE From FilesProxmox VE API and Billing Automation (brief)Eventually, this will be a continuous course I am going to add any additional topics I think they are important, and any topics requested by students.So, if you think that this course can be improved by adding any topics, then please let me know."
Price: 19.99 |
"Android Programming Fundamentals" |
"This is the course in which you will learn the very strong fundamentals of Android programming in Android SDK. You will learn about activities, resources, fragments, MVC architecture, various views, layouts, RecyclerView, action bars, databases, ViewPager, dialog window and so more! If you have basic Java knowledge you can boldly take up this course and have fun when learning."
Price: 64.99 |
"Introduction to User Experience Design" |
"The course is perfect for anyone who is either looking for an introduction to user experience design or simply wishing to add to their existing skillset.Well talk you through the process used by designers around the world, covering initial strategy and research all the way through to mapping customer journeys, creating wireframes and testing a prototype. Well cover the concepts, but also demonstrate the exercises and methods designers use daily to push products forward to make sure theyll succeed and stand out.After going through the course, youll be equipped with both the tools and the mindset needed to create an enjoyable, end-to-end user experience for your customer.The course is a mixture of short video lectures, downloadable PDFs and exercises you can do at home in your own time and at your own pace. There are 33 lectures and each lecture has a corresponding set of notes. Try your hand at doing each method we cover - it will help you with your understanding of the design process.Although there are no pre-requisites to take the course, having a keen interest in design definitely helps. There is no need to have any knowledge of particular software or concepts you will be taught everything you will need to learn along the way."
Price: 19.99 |
"Oracle EBS Workflow Complete Tutorial - 23+ hrs" |
"Course Name : Oracle Work Flow Duration : 23 Hrs + Course Content : Class1 - Introduction and Resource DocumentClass2 - Introduction and workflow componentsClass3 - workflow builder componentsClass4 - Prerequisites for developing Ap hold release workflowClass5 - Sending AP Invoice Hold notification to ManagerClass6 - Running Workflow from Front EndClass7 - Running Workflow From Back end using API - WF_ENGINEClass8 - Lookup Types-uses in messages and notificationClass9 - Item Attributes(Text) - WF_ENGINE.SetItemAttrTextClass10- Attributes(Number,Date)-SetItemAttrNumber and SetItemAttrDateClass11- Attributes with lookup - part 1Class12- Attribute with Lookup -Part2Class13- Attribute with Lookup part2Class14- Item Attribute (Role) and Expand Role and Global application RoleClass15- Data Base Adhoc Role - CreateAdHocRole,AddUsersToAdHocRoleClass16- Database Adhoc Roles tablesClass17- Working with WF_DIRECTORY API -adduserstoadhocrole, removeusersfromadhocrole,GetRoleUsers,UserActiveClass18- Item Attribute type -FORMClass19- Item Attribute type - URLClass20- Working With HTML TagsClass21- ActualWorkflowDevelopement-From Scratch Class22- Testing of workflowClass23- Functions mandatory parametersClass24- Mandatory parameters modesClass25- Resultout -COMPLETEClass26- Resultout -DEFERREDClass27- Threshold - WF_ENGINE.THRESHOLDClass28- Threshold - Part2Class29- Deferred activity with standard function - DIFFERED THREDClass30- Scheduling workflow for Differed activitiesClass31- Funcmodes for Funtion ActivitiesClass32- Funcmodes-Run,Validate,RespondClass33- Funmodes(FORWARD and TRANSFER)Class34- Funcmodes(QUESTION,ANSWER)Class35- Funcmodes(RETRY,SKIP)Class36- Funcmodes(TIMEOUT)Class37- Funcmodes(TIMEOUT)-PART2Class38- Standard functions - ASSIGNClass39- Standard functions - COMPAREDATEClass40- Standard functions - COMPARENUMBERclass41- Standard Functions -COMPARETEXTClass42- Standard Functions - LOOP COUNTERclass43- Standard function - ANDclass44- Standard function - ORClass45- standardfuntion-waitforflow,contiueflowclass46- Standard functions -WAITclass47- Standard Functions - Launch processclass48- Standard Functions - WAIT Example requirementclass49- Standard Functions - WAIT Example executionClass50- Exception Handing in oracle workflow procedureclass51- Document type attribute-PLSQL Documentclass52- Document type attribute-PLSQL Document example 1class53- Document type attribute-Dynamic HTML Message bodyclass54- Document Type attribute-BLOB and CLOB with single attachmentclass55- Document Type attribute-BLOB and CLOB with multiple attachmentclass56- BLOB and Clob -Working with single file from serverclass57- Businessevents and subscriptions introductionclass58- Businessevents and subscriptions -Raising PLSQL Packageclass59- Businessevents and subscriptions -custom business eventsclass60- Businessevents raising using wf_event.raiseclass61- Subprocess and runnable checkboxclass62- Subprocess With Result Type class63- Workflow Access Level "
Price: 6080.00 |