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"Applied Marketing Strategy and Decision Making Tools"
"This course will teach you how to create a marketing strategy including the key components andcritical success factors. You will learn about foundational andadvanced decision making tools to use in the process. You will also learn about risk management, marketing execution plans and how to rollout the strategy once complete. The exercises will produce anoutline for your custommarketing strategy so that you are ready to begin upon completion of the course."
Price: 144.99

"speed reading incrementa hasta 5 veces tu velocidad lectora"
"Este curso esta diseado en 4 bloques, con ejercicios semanales, y con una duracin de 15 minutos al da, con este curso potenciaras tu velocidad lectora hasta 5 veces, realizando ejercicios visuales y de lectura que nos permitirn corregir malos hbitos que causan, sueo, aburrimiento, falta de comprensin, cansancio visual etc.., te imaginas leer hasta 1000 palabras por minuto, con este curso puedes alcanzar esta meta o ms."
Price: 1995.00

"Forensic Healing Essentials Energy Healing Course"
"The Essentials introductory online course helps you get started developing investigative and intuitive skill sets using the Forensic Healing system. You'll be guided through the process to solving physical, emotional and spiritual issues.You will be shown the basic techniques of the Forensic Healing system to dig deep, get to the core of any issue and clear it, fast.""Today we have all the knowledge and techniques to live pain and stress free. All we need to do is apply them.""Marisa RussoFinding the real cause behind your own (or client's) condition is a deep and rewarding achievement. Its a path to a new state of being, a whole new world.Learn a systematic approach to go direct to the cause of a conditionDiscover and practice how to read the bodyLearn new forensic healing methodsSuits people new to holistic healing and advanced complementary therapistsSolve physical, emotional and spiritual issuesYoull achieve the best client results bycombining logic and intuition left and right brain.That means you setup your client sessions with an expectation, system and technique.Your confidence will growas you apply this model.By the end of the course you willRead the body to analyze the cause behind a persons conditionHave a new forensic approach to your healingFeel balanced and revitalizedHave the makings of solving physical, emotional and spiritual issues in a methodical wayBe more prepared for a successful healing careerThis course has been extracted from the Full Forensic Healing 6 Module Course (Principles Module).The Forensic Healing System has different levels of healing;you are registering forthe Essentials course level of Forensic Healing.Forensic Healing is like an energy detective system that identifies your past stresses, traumas, conditioning, energetic damage, that causes your pain, stress and suffering.The Forensic Healing system then uses one of the advanced, specific healing pathways to release the blocks from your energy field, which frees you from your condition.The TRUTH sets you free!"
Price: 29.99

"Get the Universe Working For You Complete Course Modules 1-4"
"Get the Universe Working for Youwilluncover your blocks andobstacles tomanifestabundance, relationships, health, career and happiness.You will discoverthe secretlanguage of the Universeandhow tocommunicate with the Universeto get exactly what you want! When you change your inner being you change your outer world, thereforethe things you attract. This course is for those who want to dig deep and remove the negative conditioning once and for allthat holds you back.Even if you are a newbie to understanding how your life is influenced, or well-versed in universal conceptsor self-development, there is something new you'll discover about yourself and the Universe.Guaranteed a life-changing experience as you becomeempowered, awakened, released, free and more spiritually aligned. Time to stop living groundhog day,get off the rat-wheel and disconnectfrom theMatrix.Please note: this course isspecifically designed for women.These essential life skillsrevealtechniques to access your innate healing powers, discernment, intuitive abilities, and personal guidance system.Analysethe Messages Life is Giving YouUse Your Body and Science to Read the Universal MessagesRemoveNegative Cords, Curses and Imprints from Past Stresses/TraumasTapInto Spiritual Guidance to Awaken Your Souls PurposeRestoreYour Vitality by Removing Connections that Siphon Your EnergyReversethe Negative Patterns and Beliefs that Control Your LifeConvertProblems into Your Power to Rebuilding A New Foundation"
Price: 59.99

"Installing software : ( Samsung phones )"
"This course talks about Android phones and the problems that happen to these phones and the way to fix those problems very easily The course also talks about the software and what is the types of software and how to download and install it to your phone and talks also about recovery and the way to install it and what is the second type of android system and why should i try it on my phone"
Price: 19.99

"Life's A Pitch - The Movie"
"Welcome to Life's A Pitch -The Movie! IDology's first online Docu-film course.,Written and presented by Katie Casey, Director and partner at IDology, the course is split over 10 chapters. Each one incorporating elements of the collective communication experience IDology have forged out of a reputation delivering outstanding communication, Impact and authentic leadership training for over 20 years.Directed by Award Winning Director Matt Taylor, the content is delivered in a fun, creative,warm and engaging way, with interviews from some of the most respected players in Brand and Communication, Jackie Cooper, Phil Dobson and Sue Appelby. Specialist chapters on PowerPoint, Body Language and Voice help compliment key structural ideas, and a downloadable accompanying handbook makes sure all your learning stays in one place.This practical andtruly uniquefilm will take new presenters from blank page to finished product, helping them find the confidence they need to take centre stage, and supporting them as they go.So whether you are brushing up on communication skills or starting from scratch, sit back, grab the popcorn and enjoy the experience of Life's A Pitch -The Movie!"
Price: 24.99

"Curso bsico de CYPECAD"
"Nesse curso de CYPECAD bsico ns abordaremos os principais passos do projeto estrutural de um sobrado em concreto armado pautados nas NBRs regulamentadoras. Veremos alocao de pilares, vigas retangulares, vigas no estruturais, lajes pr-fabricadas e macias. Referente aos elementos de fundao o curso trar sapatas retangulares, quadradas, piramidais quadradas, piramidais retangulares e as excentricidades dos pilares em relao as sapatas. Aps o dimensionamento de todos os elementos estruturais ser realizada a anlise da armadura para que haja, caso necessite, alguma alterao na dimenso ou na armadura para otimizao da estrutura. O nosso curso bsico, mas como foi dito na apresentao, no apenas um curso de ""aperta botes"". Adquira j o nosso curso e d os primeiros passos para adentrar no ramo da engenharia estrutural por um custo simblico.Requisito:ter instalado no seu computadoro software CYPECAD 2016 ou versesmais recentes.Instrutor: Eng. CivilRafael Bragagnolo LimaEditor e revisor: Eng. Civil Renan Arajo Carvalho"
Price: 54.99

"O Antigo Testamento, na tica da interpretao literal, com alguns aprofundamentos em determinados textos, mas com o voo panormico normalmente mantido a grande altitude, na maioria dos casos.A nossa inteno nesse curso dar uma viso geral abrangente e, ao mesmo tempo, trabalhar alguns conceitos que se perderam com o tempo e com as tradues das tradues, normalmente encharcadas de teologismos e/ou doutrinas que preconcebem o entendimento de conceitos fundamentais no Antigo Testamento, os quais interagem diretamente com o entendimento do Novo Testamento.Enfim, essa apenas mais uma voz que clama. A todos os interessados, fica a minha motivao a no buscarem o entendimento daquilo que DEUS expressa alm do que est escrito, recorrendo sempre ao texto e ao contexto e, somente depois, buscar uma aplicao no seu dia-a-dia daquilo que a Palavra expe.Um Curso totalmente interativo e com animaes detalhadas de cada assunto. CONTEDOPROGRAMTICOContedo da Aula 01 - Tempo: 29min 53s :: O que Panorama? :: Buscando Respostas :: Igreja e Israel :: Leis , Estatutos e Ordenanas :: Nao diante doSenhor :: Entendendo alguns versculos ( Jeremias e Isaas ) :: Rolos encontrados em QUMRAN :: Entendo em parte da escrita em Hebraico :: A Bblia que Jesus lia :: Torah - Neviim - KetuvimContedo da Aula 02 - Tempo: 31min 50s :: A Lei noAntigo Testamento :: Conceitos Hebraicos ( Instruo - Mandamentos - Estatutos - Ordenanas - Lei ) :: Entendendo a Aliana :: Atos e Jeremias ( Alguns versculos e sua explicao noContexto Original ) :: Pecado :: O que SHALOM? Contedo da Aula 03- Tempo: 30min 56s :: A Torah preexiste aos escritos de Moiss? :: Curiosidades ( Gn 7:2 - Gn 14 - Gn 26:5 ) :: O que GRAA a luz do ContextoOriginal? :: Entendendo o FIMDALEI - Que Fim esse? :: Histria do Antigo Testamento :: Geografia Panormica :: Ado e Eva - Dilvio - Torre de Babel - Chamado de Abrao - Ur - Patriarcas - O Exdo - Perodo dos ReisContedo da Aula 04- GNESIS -Tempo:28min40s :: Introduo a GNESIS ( Relato Histrico ):: Criao,Queda e Redeno ( Cap 1 - 3 ):: Caim e Abel (Cap 4 ):: Geraes de Caim e Set ( Cap 4-5 ):: No ( Cap 6-10 ):: Abrao,isaque e Israel ( Cap 12-36 ):: Jos ( Cap 37-50 )Contedo da Aula 05- GNESIS -Tempo:30min44s:: Introduo a GNESIS ( Relato Histrico ):: Criao,Queda e Redeno ( Cap 1 - 3 ):: Caim e Abel (Cap 4 ):: Geraes de Caim e Set ( Cap 4-5 ):: No ( Cap 6-10 ):: Abrao,isaque e Israel ( Cap 12-36 ):: Jos ( Cap 37-50 )Contedo da Aula 06- GNESIS -Tempo:23min04s:: Introduo a GNESIS ( Relato Histrico ):: Criao,Queda e Redeno ( Cap 1 - 3 ):: Caim e Abel (Cap 4 ):: Geraes de Caim e Set ( Cap 4-5 ):: No ( Cap 6-10 ):: Abrao,isaque e Israel ( Cap 12-36 ):: Jos ( Cap 37-50 )Contedo da Aula 07- GNESIS -Tempo:26min51s:: Introduo a GNESIS ( Relato Histrico ):: Criao,Queda e Redeno ( Cap 1 - 3 ):: Caim e Abel (Cap 4 ):: Geraes de Caim e Set ( Cap 4-5 ):: No ( Cap 6-10 ):: Abrao,isaque e Israel ( Cap 12-36 ):: Jos ( Cap 37-50 )Contedo da Aula 08- GNESIS -Tempo:23min37s:: Introduo a GNESIS ( Relato Histrico ):: Criao,Queda e Redeno ( Cap 1 - 3 ):: Caim e Abel (Cap 4 ):: Geraes de Caim e Set ( Cap 4-5 ):: No ( Cap 6-10 ):: Abrao,isaque e Israel ( Cap 12-36 ):: Jos ( Cap 37-50 )Contedo da Aula 09- GNESIS -Tempo:33min25s:: Introduo a GNESIS ( Relato Histrico ):: Criao,Queda e Redeno ( Cap 1 - 3 ):: Caim e Abel (Cap 4 ):: Geraes de Caim e Set ( Cap 4-5 ):: No ( Cap 6-10 ):: Abrao,isaque e Israel ( Cap 12-36 ):: Jos ( Cap 37-50 )Contedo da Aula 10- GNESIS -Tempo: 22min 32s:: Introduo a GNESIS ( Relato Histrico ):: Criao,Queda e Redeno ( Cap 1 - 3 ):: Caim e Abel (Cap 4 ):: Geraes de Caim e Set ( Cap 4-5 ):: No ( Cap 6-10 ):: Abrao,isaque e Israel ( Cap 12-36 ):: Jos ( Cap 37-50 )Contedo da Aula 11- GNESIS -Tempo: 21min 10s:: Introduo a GNESIS ( Relato Histrico ):: Criao,Queda e Redeno ( Cap 1 - 3 ):: Caim e Abel (Cap 4 ):: Geraes de Caim e Set ( Cap 4-5 ):: No ( Cap 6-10 ):: Abrao,isaque e Israel ( Cap 12-36 ):: Jos ( Cap 37-50 )Contedo da Aula 12 - Panorama do Antigo Testamento - xodo - Tempo: 31 m 51 s:: Escravido - Egito:: Peregrinao de Israel - Deserto:: Adorao ao Senhor - Tabernculo:: Israel Perseguido - x 1:: Moiss Prncipe do Egito - x 2:1-15:: Moiss Pastor de Ovelhas - x 2:16 - 4:31:: Moiss Legislador - x 5-17:: O Monte Sinai - x 18-40Contedo da Aula 13 - Panorama do Antigo Testamento - Levtico - Tempo: 23 m 23 s:: Sacrifcios - Lv 1-7:: Sacerdcio - Lv 8 - 10:: Purificao - Lv 11 - 16:: Santidade - Lv 17 - 27:: As Festas do Senhor Contedo da Aula 14 - Panorama do Antigo Testamento - Levtico - Tempo: 23 m 13 s:: Sacrifcios - Lv 1-7:: Sacerdcio - Lv 8 - 10:: Purificao - Lv 11 - 16:: Santidade - Lv 17 - 27:: As Festas do Senhor Contedo da Aula 15 - Panorama do Antigo Testamento - Nmeros - Tempo: 33m 56 sVELHAGERAO:: Organizao - Nm 1-10:: Descontentamento - Nm 11-14:: Disciplina - Nm 15-21:: Transio - Nm 22-25VELHAGERAO:: Organizao - Nm 26-36Contedo da Aula 16 - Panorama do Antigo Testamento - Deuteronmio - Tempo: 31m 27 s:: Olhando para Trs - Dt 1-4:: Olhando para o Alto - Dt 5-26:: Olhando para a Frente - Dt 27-33"
Price: 34.99

"Dein erster Report mit Cognos 10.2.2 Report Studio"
"Du hast Daten, die du zu einem fertigen Report aufbereiten mchtest? Du mchtest schnell und einfach lernen, wie du mit Hilfe von Cognos Report Studio eigene Reports erstellst? Du hast eine Reporting Anforderung bekommen und weisst nicht welche Schritte es braucht bis zum fertigen Report?In diesem Kurs bekommst du eine Einfhrung in den Reporting Entwicklungsprozess basierend auf das IBM Cognos 10.2.2 Report Studio, du lernst nicht nur den Umgang mit dem Tool, sondern vielmehr die Methodik und den Ansatz wie du ausgehend von einer Reporting Anforderung bis zum finalen Report kommst, alle diese Schritte lernst du anhand eines konkreten Report Beispiels kennen.Worauf wartest du noch?Kauf dir jetzt diesen Online Kurs und fang an deinen ersten Report zu entwickeln!"
Price: 79.99

"25 Questions To Ask When You Write Your Novel"
"Do you want to take your writing to the next level?This course is designed to guide you in consciously developing strong characters, less predictable plots, and vivid worlds for your story. Whether you are starting with an idea you want to turn into a finish novel, or a novel you want to revise to perfection, Beth Revis asks the key questions you need to consider to hone your work into a manuscript that will sell.Beth has experience in both teaching and publishing, and this course is the perfect blend of both. With real examples and experience backing up each lecture, by the end of the course you will have a clear direction for your work, and a completed journal full of insight into your fictional world.A free digital copy of the Paper Hearts Journal is included with this course. This journal is a part of the popularPaper Hearts series byNYTimes bestselling author Beth Revis. Each lecture is paired with journal entries for students to complete, broken into sections directly from the Paper Hearts Journal. If you would prefer to use a print journal for the course, they are readily available at any book retailer.All story is made of plot, characters, and world--but only you can add the heart and make it your own."
Price: 49.99

"AIWAKE UP90%90%109PDF3"
Price: 9600.00

"English Grammar Crash Course"
"Dont just guess and check your way through an important exam. This is a course for procrastinators, serious test-takers, and all English students seeking to rapidly improve their English skills and proofreading capabilities. In just 10 lessons, you will review common sentence errors, learn to identify these issues systematically, and gain a solid understanding for the reasoning behind each grammar error.Instead of over-analyzing senseless patterns about test ratios, we focus on the real reasons behind common error types in standardized tests. From pronouns, to comparisons, to subject-verb agreement, this course offers the basic facts minus all the unnecessary fluff. As a private tutor of the ACT, SAT, GRE, and GMAT for over 10 years, the instructor presents a concise overview of common sentence errors with a framework for analyzing difficult grammatical situations. This English Crash Course will teach you the real grammar rules behind common sentence errors. Standardized tests often do their best to play tricks and mind-games that rely on your inexperience with English grammar and composition. Many standardized test preparatory courses convince you to memorize a series of hacks and tricks to make you think youre learning something, when in reality you make it through the test with a bunch of loopholes, learning as little as possible and often making yourself feel less confident about your understanding. On the other hand, there are other courses that explaintoo many grammar rules, doing so in such a complex and ridiculously detailed way that makes the language even more confusing. Learning the full set of grammar rules in an efficient and palatable way also helps to build confidence in your test performance. In this accelerated course for test-takers, you will learn to recognize and correct common English errors and improve your scores in English grammar and writing exams. Through sentence error identification and correction, you will experience a comprehensive overview of English grammar rules. Whether or not you are taking an exam, you will find that this material is universally useful in English conversation, writing, and exam preparation. In this English Crash Course, we will review the 10 most common English grammar error types found on typical standardized tests."
Price: 34.99

"How to Make the Most Delicious coconut or Pumpkin Beignets"
"Hi and welcome to my snack course; do you sometimes just want to eat finger food, nothing heavy and complicated?I do. That's why I'm creative in my kitchen. This is my first class and I'm going to show you how to make this wonderful French snack called beignetBeignet is the French word for apastry made from deep-frying chouxpastry, you can add few ingredient like pumpkin, coconut, or banana, for your favoritetaste. Beignets can be served as a dessert, breakfast or afternoon snack that you can enjoy with tea, coffee or milk"
Price: 24.99

"Jump Off the Hamster Wheel of Anxiety"
"This 5 step system will teach you an approach to manage your daily, overwhelming anxiety. Chances are, if you are feeling a lot of anxiety, you're an empath or highly sensitive person. The world can be a lot to take in. Not only will you discover the 5-step system to working through your anxiety, you'll also get BONUS content to take a deeper look at tips and tools for empaths to manage life in public."
Price: 19.99

"Presentation Skills for Maximum Impact"
"The Brain -The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak.What It Is-There are a few who are born presenters. We polish them. The rest we trainBenefits to ParticipantsPersuade decision makers - customers, seniors, colleagues, team membersOrganise and express your facts and thoughts in a convincing manner.Earn respect - Because of the well thought out points and logical approach to the presentation.Stand up and stand out! Prepare and deliver legible, audible, elegant and effective presentations few do! Learn how to add substance to your words.Leverage knowledge and experience.Learn to project it appropriately.Project a savvy image. Put your best foot forward when on display. Understanding and playing to an audience.Raise pertinent issues, problems and solutions. Bringing clarity and speedy resolutionHave fun Enjoy an activity that most people dread. Build your popularity quotient.Benefits to the OrganisationBetter results wherever decisions depend upon presentations. As key points get crystallised and information clustered around it.Poor presentations lead to a loss of revenue. If your audience doesnt get it your knowledge and experience has no value.Good presenters secure new and better deals. Confidence sells products.Shorter, more effective meetings. Presenting it around an objective completes the preparation.No sleepy meeting attendees. An attentive audience that actually responds!"
Price: 19.99

Price: 15000.00

"Learn Software Testing in Hindi"
"HRDDesk is the Biggest platform to create best Videos and Audio Presentations and Tutorials. This Course is mainly useful to Beginners and working Professionals.  Exclusive course Series Specially developed for those candidates who are not comfortable with English. Hindi is the most used language specifically for Indian Learners. In India there are about 55% of candidates who lacks understanding foreign languages and which apparently leads to improper understandings to book and media in English. So we decided to come-up in Hindi.  What you will get here?Brief Description about the Software Testing.Explanations about various Methodologies.Best Part Defect Life CycleIntroduction to RTM. Test Case Design Techniques and many more. Write us on for any suggestions and queries. "
Price: 1280.00

"Communication skills, personal development and negotiation"
"This communication course has been build through years of working in a competitive corporate environment where you need to be able to communicate clearly and get your point across to multiple parties that may have contradicting interests. I have successfully applied the methods and tools described in order to achieve the objectives I had. Experience together with soft skills courses and trainings have developed my skills and the capacity to see past conflict in order to achieve my goals.My work as both a project manager and a corporate trainer have helped me refine my techniques and skills while also confirming that there is added value brought in the life of the participants through the topics discussed. Teams which have participated in this course have reported an increase in efficiency, the ability to formulate clear ideas and to understand the people that they are in conflict with. Project managers and delivery leads have also confirmed and increase in client satisfaction and a decrease in team turnover while fostering a collaborative environment where experience is shared and new joiners are helped by seniors. I will guide you through all you need to know in order to improve your communication skills and conflict resolution skills. During our time together you will learn about verbal communication, how to resolve conflicts, how to manage conflicts and how to communicate effectively.After you have enrolled to the course you will learn about identifying the root cause of the conflict and how to deal with the different conflicts that may arise. We will be talking about multiple subjects and also deep diving into them for a more profound experience and also in order to provide examples and give you a better understanding. After this you will be able to better define communications, to communicate effectively and to apply various resolution techniques based on your goals and situational context. After you finish this course you will gain valuable skills that will show you how to resolve conflicts, help you mitigate conflicts and reach a resolution much faster than before. You will also be able to use the skills gained here in interview questions about teamwork before hiring someone, you will be able to see why people are behaving like they are and also know exactly what needs to be said in order to mitigate the conflict. I would recommend this course for anyone who is interested in solving conflicts in a meaningful and timely manner. Enroll now in order to start working on your personal development and move towards a more calm and peaceful life."
Price: 49.99

"Msica; consejos y Escalas. (desde cero)"
"El curso se divide en tressecciones; la primera ensea al alumno las tres cosas mas importantes para ser un gran msico, Se estructura la msica para tener un estudio ms especfico y algunos otros segunda parte del video ensea con detalle cmo se forman las escalas mayores (que son las que dan sentido tonal a cualquier cancin) finalizando con dos breves frmulas para recordar todo muy fcil.Por ltimo se conocer la relacin que tienen las escalas mayores con las escalas menores y as poder ubicarlas todas."
Price: 19.99

"Quero Vender Certo"
"O conceitode vendas estmudando a cada dia. Hoje cada vez mais precisamos moldar o atendimento ao perfil de cada cliente. Est cada vez mais claro e perceptvel quecada um de ns pensae agede uma forma diferente. Isso verdade, mas o interessante que sem perceber levamos isso para atomada de deciso.Na hora de fazer uma escolha trazemos conosconossas experinciase a forma como enxergamos a vida.Assim como cada pessoa nesse mundo.Ora somos vendedores e ora clientes... compradores, decisores...Cada pessoa temsua educao familiar, sua crena, sua opo sexual... experincias positivas e negativas ao longo da vida.... e por ai vai.Percebe como ntido que a mente decada cliente diferente uma da outra? O papel mais importante de um vendedor, antes de oferecer seu produto ou servio, entender os critrios do cliente, sua necessidades, o que ele espera daquilo. A partirdapodemos oferecer algo realmente moldado suanecessidade.Essa a forma certa de enxerg-los. Todos ns queremos ser enxergados de maneira individual...como somos de verdade, no como uma pessoa que s est ali para passar o carto e pagar. No verdade?O que um mapa mental?Como entender seus critrios, como estabelecer uma relao de confiana? A importncia do rapport na hora do antedimento. O cliente gostou e quer comprar, como passar o preo com segurana? O produto caro, e agora? De forma muito prtica vamos levar tudo isso para voc.A maioria dos clientes apresentaobjees na hora da compra. Como identific-las e fazer delas a chave para falar o que o cliente quer escutar?Te convido para conversarmos sobre esses pontos,aprendermos juntos e de forma prtica, muito prtica.Nosso curso tem enfoqueprtico e voc pode aplicar de imediatoo que aprendeuao final de cada aula.Atuo hdez anos no setor de relacionamento com o cliente.Tudo que tragoaqui aplicadodiariamente nasminhas reunies evendas.Quero levar para voca forma como eu exergo meus clientes, gerando resultados e fidelizao.Se voc quer,no simplesmente oferecer de qualquer jeitoe sim, ajudar seu cliente a tomar uma deciso. Esse curso para voc.Vamos nessa juntos!"
Price: 279.99

"L'art d'engager une conversation avec n'importe qui!"
"Ce cours est destine aux personnes timides ou aux personnes ayant des difficults a aborder des inconnus, des suprieurs hirarchiques, ou des collgues. Le cours est compose d'une section pratique et rapide, d'une section plus approfondie et dtaille, soulignant des techniques de communication prouves, ainsi que d'exercices pratiques visant a aiguiser les nouvelles competences acquises durant le cours. Ces competences peuvent tre utilises aussi pour amliorer votre communication familiale, sociale, ou professionnelle au quotidien."
Price: 19.99

"Msica no Computador com o Finale 2014-Arte de criar msica."
"IMPORTANTE: As vdeo aulas de ensino e aprendizagem deste curso, aplica-se tambm integralmente as verses mais atuais do software como o Finale NotePad FINALE 25 e 26. Atualmente com a disponibilizao de novas tecnologias o campo musical ganhou diversas ferramentas que facilitam a sua criao. No s ferramentas fsicas como instrumentos, mesas de som, mas tambm softwares que ajudam em gravaes profissionais ou amadoras, na equalizao de mdias, na construo de playbacks, e na editorao de partituras. Dentre os muitos programas de editorao podemos destacar o FINALE. Este software de notao musical libera toda a sua criatividade, pois inclui ferramentas revolucionrias para ensinar os alunos de msica e tambm profissionais da msica como criar, avaliar, trabalhar em estdios e criar composies, arranjos e elaborao de msicas. O FINALE um poderoso software de editor de partituras, composio e arranjo. Utilizados pelas melhores Universidades de msica do Brasil e demais pases. Sua interface proporciona a seu usurio iniciante ou profissional uma apresentao grfica de altssima qualidade profissional. Esse software considerado o melhor do mercado, pois com ele voc pode aprender e ensinar msica, passar para o Finale uma partitura j um pouco ilegvel devido ao tempo. Enfim, voc consegue registrar suas ideias sem nenhum obstculo como tambm criar sem limites. Este curso foi criadopara facilitar o aprendizado nos diversos nveis seja principiantes ou profissionais. Ela tambm engloba possibilidades de uso para as verses anteriores do software. So abordados mais de cinquenta ferramentas organizados emtpicos sendo que, os mesmosso independentes atendendo assim as necessidades especficas do usurio. Foram vrios anos de pesquisa, teoria e prtica at a confeco final deste trabalho salientando que, devido as constantes mudanas e atualizao do software, poder ocorrer mudanas em alguns itens. A vontade de aprender e descobrir novos horizontes principalmente quando precede a curiosidade o ponto chave para que voc desvende a tecnologia e atualidade desta fascinante arte que a Msica."
Price: 39.99

"The Art of Belly Dance 1 - A Course for Beginners"
"If you'reinterested in Belly Dance or simply looking for a fun way to exercise then this is the course for you!In this introductory course Ana-Lisa will teach you 10 basic bellydancing moves, 4 shimmies and combinations. The moves are broken down into manageable components, making them easier to learn.Belly Dance is an art, and just like any other dance form, it takes time, patience and lots of practice to learn to do it correctly.It has many benefits including improved self confidence, increased mobility and flexibility, better posture, pain relief (especially lower back pain and menstrual pain) and it's lots of fun!"
Price: 300.00

", , , , , ... ! ! ! , , . ! ! , , ! !"
Price: 99.99

"Note Taking - The beginners guide"
"Do you find it difficult to locate particular items of information?Do you find it burdensome to recallinformation from memory?Do you have trouble to co-ordinate information to a friend or colleague?Note Taking - The beginners guide takes you through the basics of taking notes. Improve your productivity in your study, workplace or in general.By the end of thiscourse, you will:Understand the reasons for taking notesKnow the advantages & disadvantages of using different note taking toolsKnow how to prepare to take good notesLearn thedifferent approaches you can taketo take yournotesWith a instant access and a30 money-back Guarantee on this course, you have nothing to lose.I hope you find this course helpful, see you on the other side!Akram"
Price: 29.99

"Increase Your Academic Research Ranking on Springer Nature"
"90% of this information is no where on the internet nor in books. Nature Index ranking has only been around since 2012, but has greatly impacted institutionaland governmentfunding worldwide.A comprehensive action plan that you can start implementing immediately. This increases your department ranking which in turn helps your department and university get more attention from funders. This information focuses details. From ranking calculationsto the actions you need to take from your department and oruniversity.Achieve the highest possible ranking your research department can receive in the shortest amount of time.RECOMMENDED BEFORE PEER REVIEW SUBMISSIONS."
Price: 39.99

"How to write a lesson plan to teach anything!"
"You want to teach what you love and have a passion for, but don't know where to start. This course takes you step by step through creating engaging and clear lesson plans to maximize student learning. At the end of the course you will have a completed lesson plan and the knowledge to make many more."
Price: 29.99

"Goal Setting fr Digitale Nomaden, Founders & Entrepreneurs"
"In diesem Kurs lernst Du, Dir Schritt fr Schritt Ziele zu setzen, die Dich begeistern, herauszuarbeiten, was Dein idealer Lebensstil ist & einen Fahrplan dafr zu entwickeln, wie Du die Dinge erreichst, die Dir wichtig sind im Leben. Der Kurs ist vor allem fr Digitale Nomaden, Entrepreneurs & Change Maker entwickelt worden. Aber letztendlich kann jeder mit Hilfe dieses Vorgehens Ziele setzen, die inspirieren und Prozesse bestimmen, die dazu fhren, dass Du Deine Ziele erreichst, auch ohne Stress & Qulerei.Mache Dir die Prinzipien und Strategien zunutze, die ich in den letzten Jahren als Unternehmer genutzt habe, um meine eigenen Ziele zu erreichen, mich weiterzuentwickeln und meinen idealen Lebensstil zu kreieren, egal ob es war drei erfolgreiche Unternehmen zu starten und aufzubauen, oder mit dem Fahrrad von Berlin nach Indien zu radeln, um dort Hilfsprojekte zu untersttzen. Ob es war einen Co-Working Space zu grnden und dort inspirierende Menschen zu treffen, u.a. die Macher der internationalen Digitalen Nomaden Konferenz Marcus & Feli, oder mich als Dokumentarfilmer zu versuchen und Filme ins deutsche Fernsehen zu bringen. Egal ob ich meine physischen Grenzen getestet habe, bei einem 100 km Ultramarathon Lauf oder ob ich 5 Sprachen gelernt habe, aus Spa am lernen und um die Welt zu bereisen. Ich bin immer wieder zurck gegangen auf genau die Prinzipien und Strategien, die ich Dir in diesem Kurs vorstelle und die mir geholfen haben, einen Weg zu gehen, den ich Tag fr Tag voll geniee."
Price: 179.99

"CMM, Teknik Resim Okuma, Yorumlama ve ISO standartlar"
"Dnyada gelien teknoloji sebebiyle kaliteli ve uluslar aras kalite standartlarna uygun rn retme ihtiyac giderek artmtr. lkemizinde bu sistemde hak ettii pay alabilmesi iin kaliteli bilgili ve eitimli alan ihtiyacnn karlanmas ihtiyac domutur. Online ve/veya yerinde zel eitimler ile bu ihtiyac karlamak ve lkemizi hak ettii refah dzeyine kartmak zere eitli faaliyetlerde bulunmaktayz.Teknik resim toleranslandrma ve okuma eitimi ile siz de teknik resim toleranslarn rahatlkla yorumlayabilirsiniz. CMM operatrleri, makina, endstri ve imalatmhendisleri, imalatlar ve kalite kontrol mhendisleri bu setten yararlanabilir. Bu eitim setimize ye olarak kendinizi gelitirdiiniz gibiTrk mhendislik eitimine dekatkda bulunabilirsiniz. Trk halk alkandr, zekidir. Gelien lke sanayisinde ve global ekonomide uluslar aras dil olarak kabul grm iso standartlar eitimiz ile ile siz de teknik resim toleranslandrma ve CMM (Koordinat lm cihazlar) makinalar hakknda detayl bilgiye sahip olabilirsiniz. Hayellerinizi tam da istediiniz gibi tanmlayabilmeniz iin ISO standartlar dilini renebilirsiniz. ISO standartlar bir uluslar aras mhendislik dilidir.Gnmzde teknik resim ve ISO standartlar tm uluslar aras camia tarafndan bir mhendislik dili olarak kabl grmtr. mal edeceiniz veya edilmesini istediiniz rnleri en iyi ekilde tarif edilmesi olduka nemlidir. Bu sayede en uygun maliyette amacna uygun kaliteli rn elde edebilirsiniz. Aksi durumda maliyetler artar ve rn amacna istediiniz gibi hizmet edemez. Bu eitim setimizde sizlere ncelikli olarak ISO standartlar dilini okumay, yazmay ve yorumlamay renebileceksiniz.CMM ve ISO standartlar eitim setimiz ile teknik resim okuma becerinizi gelitirerek kalite kontrol alannda kendinizi gelitirebilirsiniz. CMM lme makinalar gnmzde Makina kalip, Savunma, medikal vb. pekok sektrde kalite kontrol ekipman olarak kullanlmaktadr. CMM makinalar ile cad datal veya cad datasz olarak manuel veya CNC program yaplarak lm yaplabilmektedir. Yaplan bu lmler referansnda imalat hatalar nceden tespit edilerek gerekli nlemler alnabilmektedir.Gnmzde pekok sanayi rn CMM raporu olmadan tedariki tarafnda kabul edilmemektedir. Zorunluluk olarak bu rapor istenmektedir. CMM operatr olarak lmlerin yapld zel ortamlarda uygun artlar ile alabilirsiniz.CMM tezgahlarnda kullanlan yazlm DMIS yazlm dilidir, hava yastklar zerinde hareket eden bir konstrksiyon vardr ve haberleme RS232 veya Lan kablolar aral ile yaplr. Tezgah ile kontrol nitesi arsndaki haberleme ok hzl olduundan tezgah ak olduunda ekranda gzken prob pozisyonu binde mertebede srekli deimektedir. Bu durum ok olaandr. ncelikle kullanlan yazlm yardm ile (Bu yazlm Capps, Arco vb. olabilir.) i parasnn dorulamas yaplr. Tezgah ierisine herhengi bir pozisyonda sabitlenen i parasnn uzayda olduu tahayyl edilir. Ve bu dorultuda 3-2-1 kural uygulanarak dorulama yaplarak aktuel(gerek) ve nominal (sanal) veriler bir birlerine aktrlrlar. Dorulama esnasnda kullanlan referans elemanlar ok nemlidir bu referans elemanlarna gre alnan sfrlamalar zerinden dier elemanlar llr. 3-2-1 dorualama mant hangi yazlm kullanrsak kullanalm deimez. 3 nokta dzlemi temsil eder. Paranz bir dzleme oturtursunuz ardndan 2 nokta gelir 2 noktada line yani izgiyi temsil eder i paranz bir dzlem ve bir izgi ile sabitlersiniz fakat bir noktaya daha ihtiyacnz vardr ki paranz uzayda sabitlenebilsin bu da 1 (nokta) olarak tanmlanabilir. 3-2-1 dorulama mantnda sizinde grdnz gibi 6 nokta vardr. Bu 3 boyutlu bir geometriyi uzayda sabitleyebilmeniz iin size gerekli olan asgari noktadr. Elbette daha fazla olabilir ama daha az olmaz. 3 noktay temsil eden dzlem demitik geometrik olarak en az 3 noktadan bir dzlem geer bu mkemmel, hatasz dzlemdir. 2 noktay temsil eden izgi demitik yine geometrik olarak 2 noktadan bir izgi geer ve bu izgi mkemmel izgidir ve son olarakta 1 nokta dedik yine bu da mkemmel noktay temsil eder. imdi elinize herhangi bir para aln ve bir masa zerine koyun veya hayal edin para hala hareket edebilir deil mi? evet ite 3 nokta ile dzlem tanmlam olduk ama paramz sabitlemek iin hala yetersiz, imdi bir kitap aln ve bu kitabn iltli ksmn kullanarak paranzna temas ettirin evet imdide 2 noktay yani izgiyi tanmlam olduk elbette bunuda bir dzlem olarak dnebilirisiniz ama asgari lde izgi olmas yeterlidir. Bakn i paranz bir masann ztinede ve bir yzeyi kitabnza paralel ama hala ak u var ve i paranz hala hareket edebilir. imdi son olarak 1 noktaya ihtiyacnz var bunuda verdiinizde artk i paranz uzayda sabitlemi oluyorsunuz ve istediiniz gibi 3d bilgisayar datas ile gerek paranz aligment komutu ile birletirebilirsiniz ve isterseniz cad-data kullann isterseniz kullanmayn i paranz zerinden geometrik ekiller oluturarak sizden istenen lleri alabilirisiniz.Sayglarmla."
Price: 199.99

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Price: 7800.00