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"Learn Piano for Beatmakers and Producers"
"There are tons of videos on the internet in regards to learning the piano, but over my years of producing beats, I've realized we as beatmakers play the piano differently than someone trying to learn classical piano.So why do we have to learn the piano from a classical standpoint when we're wanting to create awesome beats - whether that be beautiful piano beats, or just have a better understanding of chords and improvisation?Cause here's the thing:As a beatmaker, we create repetition.We create loops which are on repeat over and over, and our goal is for these loops to be extremely catchy. (Also keeping in mind for our other instruments in terms of mixing for clarity.)So in this course I cover with you:The basics of a piano to get everyone on the same pageHow keys, scales, and chords workFiguring out powerful chord progressions (and sharing some of my own personal favorites!)Thinking in terms of melodies and improvisationHow to bounce around with your right handLeft hand techniques to add fullness to your compositionPlaying with both handsPopular note placement, counting beats, and different rhythms in the industry.How to stay motivated to practice piano as a beatmakerI have been practicing piano almost every day for the past 5 years, and these are the things that I have discovered and want to share with youwithin this course.By the end of the course you will have an in-depth understanding of chords/scales, and be able to improvise on the piano.From here on out, it's up to you to practice with this knowledge to take your productions to the next level!Hope this course is the tipping point in your productions!:)#GratuiTous"
Price: 199.99

"Fibonacci Trading in Forex, Stock & Financial Markets"
"Latest News:Indian Insight Founder & Instructor of this course, Yash Utmani was ranked 8th in Position Stock Trading &12th in Day Trading in Equities Segment in the last concludededition ofProAdvisoryChampionship Competition, India2016.Fibonacci Trading is based on Fibonacci Ratios. Fibonacci Ratios are one of the most popular toolused by forex &stocktraders all over the world. However very few people know how to use these tools for professional trading. Through this course Iwill teach you how professional traders use these tools for analysis and how they construct trading strategies around the price levels determined using Fibonacci analyisisThis course will cover:1. Basics of Fibonacci Ratios2. Different methods of Fibonacci Price Analysis3. How to determine importantFibonacci Price Levels for trading4. Creating Strategies around these prices (Entry &Exit Strategies)5. Live Trading Examples- Stock &ForexBy taking this course you will learn how to use Fibonacci Ratios for trading the financial markets. The strategies you learn as part of this course are applicable to all time frames. So these trading strategies can be used to trade stock &forex for day trading, position trading or even for long term purposes.By the end of these course you will know how to analyze different markets using fibonacci retracements / projections. You will also learn how toconstruct trading strategies usingthese tools.About the InstructorThis course is created by Yash Utmani, Founder Indian Insighta stock advisory &education website. He has been a professional FX trader with leading banks in India where he managed billion dollar flows on the trading desk. He has close to 10 year experience in trading the stock market in personal capacity. He specializes in technical analysis, elliott wave theory &value investing.He was recently ranked 8th for Position Trading in Stock Market by Pro-Advisory Championship India."
Price: 99.99

"Introduction to Data Warehouse and SSIS for Beginners"
"This course is a beginners course that will show you how to implement enterprise data warehouse solution using Microsoft SQL Server ,Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services SSIS and Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools -SSDT.You will learn how to implement ETL ( Extract,Transform, Load) process using SQL Server Integration services .Students will learn how to :Deploy and Configure SSIS packages.Download and installing SQL Server 2014Download and attaching Adventureworks2014 databaseDownload and installing SSDTDownload and installing Visual studioDescribe data warehouse concepts and architecture considerations.Select an appropriate hardware platform for a data warehouse.Design and implement a data warehouse.Implement Data Flow in an SSIS Package.Implement Control Flow in an SSIS Package.Debug and Troubleshoot SSIS packages.Implement an ETL solution that supports incremental data extraction.Implement an ETL solution that supports incremental data loading.Implement data cleansing by using Microsoft Data Quality Services.Implement Master Data Services to enforce data integrity.Extend SSIS with custom scripts and components.Databases vs. Data warehousesChoose between star and snowflake design schemasExplore source dataImplement data flowDebug an SSIS packageExtract and load modified dataEnforce data qualityConsume data in a data warehouseAfter completing this course you will be able to :Understand the components of a data warehousing solutionImplement a logical and physical design to create a data warehouseImplement a physical design for a data warehouseUnderstand SSIS for implementing data flowsCreate dynamic packages using parameters and variablesImplement Data Quality Services and Master Data ServicesImplement custom components for extending SSIS"
Price: 129.99

"(Python + PyQt)"
".. .. .. ... ... :1 - 2 - 3 - OOP 4 - Modules 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - Qt Designer 9 - 10- 11-"
Price: 19.99

"SQL Server - Modyfikacja danych, transakcje i bdy. 70-762"
"To ju czwarty kurs powicony SQL i przygotowujcy do egzaminw Microsoft.1. 70-761 Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2. 70-762 Developing SQL DatabasesTym razem skupiamy si na temacie modyfikacji danych oraz na transakcjach i obsudze bdw. Jeli dopiero  zaczynasz przygod z SQL to polecam najpierw kurs pierwszy wprowadzajcy do SQL i drugi opowiadajcy o zapytaniach. Za to do zrozumienia tego materiau wcale nie musisz zna treci kursu trzeciego o programowaniu i XML. Ten kurs jest znacznie prostszy.  Ten kurs jest wany, bo wstawianie rekordw to nie tylko polecenie INSERT a kasowanie to nie tylko DELETE. Dokoa podstawowych polece manipulujcych danymi dzieje si wiele ciekawych rzeczy. Generuj si automatycznie numerowane wartoci IDENTITY, ktre czasami trzeba naprawi, wieo wstawiane rekordy chcesz z kolei niekiedy od razu pobra i wykorzysta gdzie dalej w skrypcie.  Modyfikacja lub usuwanie rekordw moe zalee niekiedy od tego co znajduje si w innych tabelach i wtedy trzeba ze sob poczy te tabele przez JOIN, a aktualizowane informacje naley czasami zapisa i przetworzy dalej.   Na ile to moliwe kade z zagadnie tego kursu jest tu omwione od A do Z tak aby nie trzeba byo na ich temat szuka wicej informacji gdzie na zewntrz. Po prostu kawa porzdnej i solidnej wiedzy.  Podobnie sprawa ma si z transakcjami. Kady raczej mniej wicej wie co to transakcja. Ale szczegy wiedzy na ten temat lubi zaskakiwa. Czy wystpienie bdu automatycznie zerwie kad transakcje?  Czy transakcje mona zagnieda a jeli tak to ile razy i czy wycofanie wewntrznej transakcji wycofa tylko t wewntrzn czy wszystkie? Po tym kursie nie powiniene mie problemu z odpowiedziami  Kurs koczymy informacjami o bdach. Co to jest bd czym si charakteryzuje, jak go obsuy. Jak go zgosi, co jest now metod a co przestarza?  Ucz si we wasnym tempie i absolutnie nie pomijaj przygotowanych wicze i testw, a sam bdziesz zaskoczony jak duo rzeczy mona opowiedzie na ten temat.  Wybierz waciwe dla siebie szkolenie i do zobaczenia na  kursie!"
Price: 189.99

"Data Science: Analiza danych w Python i PANDAS"
"Dlaczego ten kurs?Bo podstaw do stosowania Pythona w Data Science jest wanie modu PANDAS. W pierwszym lepszym przykadzie Machine Learning znajdziesz obiekty, ktre s omawiane tu na tym kursieBo dane, ktre wczytujesz i chcesz analizowa trzeba najpierw oczyci i przetworzy i  w tym rwnie wykorzystuje si PANDASBo kada lekcja ma quiz i praktyczne zadania do samodzielnego rozwizania - zdaniem autora samo patrzenie nie wystarcza eby si nauczy - praktyka jest koniecznaBo kurs jest do szczegowy - ma ponad 13 godzin nagra a i tak porusza tylko te najwaniejsze aspekty pracy z danymiBo do kursu masz doczone materiay do wykonywania wicze - specjalnie dobrane zbiory pozwalaj praktycznie stosowa moliwoci poznawanych poleceBo tylko na takim praktycznym kursie masz szans rzeczywicie czego si nauczy - a sdz, e to wanie Twj cel!Nauk moesz kontynuowa na innych kursach tego samego autoraTo nie jest kurs dla zupenie pocztkujcych. Wrd wymogw znajdziesz przynajmniej podstawow znajomo Pythona oraz chocia ogln wiedz o analizie danych. Ale bez obaw! Jeli chodzi o wiedz z zakresu programowania w Pythonie moesz j zdoby na kursie Python dla pocztkujcych. Jeli ju uywasz Pythona, moesz przejrze sam spis treci tego kursu i zweryfikowa, czy znasz te tematy.Jeli chodzi o podstawow znajomo analizy danych, mam na myli typowe czynnoci, jakie wykonujemy np. w Excelu. Tam te dane si importuje, przetwarza i analizuje. W tym kursie generalnie robimy to samo, ale w zupenie inny sposb. Dlatego znajomo np. Excela bdzie bardzo mile widziana.Po tym kursie moesz kontynuowa nauk na kursie tego samego autora ""Python dla rednio zaawansowanych""Kurs do dokadnie omawia wszystkie tematy i waciwie nie ma w nim teorii. Praktycznie tylko video, quizy i zadania do samodzielnego rozwizania.Kurs jest do intensywny. Kade nagranie skupia si na innym temacie i nie tracimy czasu. Gwna zaleta kursu online jest taka, e jeli chcesz aby Ci co powtrzy, to nie musisz o to specjalnie prosi wystarczy skorzysta z przycisku cofnij 15 sekund wstecz. Z kolei jeli materia ju znasz i chcesz go tylko przesucha, moesz zwikszy lub zmniejszy jego prdko. O ile tylko nie denerwuje Ci zmiana gosu na bardziej piskliwy, to czemu nie korzystaj!Zaczynamy od skonfigurowania rodowiska. Tutaj jest to zrobione w oparciu o system Windows. Jeeli korzystasz z Linux lub MacOS, to kroki do wykonania s podobne, ale w materiaach ich nie znajdziesz. Jeli masz ju zainstalowane rodowisko u siebie to oczywicie ten blok moesz przerobi pobienie. Chc eby pracowao Ci si wygodnie, dlatego nie tylko instalujemy Jupyter Notebook, ale jeszcze dodatkowo omawiamy jak pracowa z nim wydajnie. Jak go konfigurowa, dodawa do niego pakiety, jak korzysta ze skrtw klawiaturowych itp. Wiem, e kiedy palisz si do analizy danych ten wstp moe Ci si wydawa przydugawy. Moesz w takim przypadku przeskoczy cz tematw i kontynuowa lekcje powicone PANDAS, a tu wrcisz pniej. Zdecydowaem si doda te lekcje po to, eby uatwi Ci prac z PANDAS na wasn rk. Zwaszcza te kilka lekcji powicone tematyce zaawansowanej konfiguracji  rodowiska z linii komend przydadz si, kiedy napotkasz jakie problemy, a znajdowane na forach odpowiedzi bd mwiy o instalacji pakietu przez condaeby dane analizowa, trzeba je mie. Wszystkie pliki prezentowane na kursie jak i potrzebne do rozwizywania zada s doczone do kursu. W wikszoci przypadkw podaj te skd te materiay pochodz i moim zdaniem ich dystrybucja nie jest zabroniona korzystaj do woli, albo szukaj innych na wasn rk. W Internecie jest naprawd mnstwo ciekawych i darmowych zbiorw.Potem waciwie zaczynamy najwaniejsz cz kursu opowiadajc o PANDAS. Pena nazwa PANDAS to Python and data analysis i logo tego pakietu to kilka wykresikw, ale sam powiedz z czym si graficznie kojarzy nazwa PANDASKluczowa w PANDAS i analizie danych jest kolumna danych tutaj zwana Data Series. Ten obiekt trzeba bardzo dobrze pozna, bo inne obiekty i polecenia bardzo mocno go wykorzystuj. Kiedy sam uczyem si PANDAS bardzo mnie to denerwowao, e tyle czasu uczyem si tylko o przetwarzaniu pojedynczej kolumny, ale uwierz mi to nie bdzie stracony czas.Potem przechodzimy do zbioru kolumn, co w PANDAS nazywa si Data Frame. Tu bdzie ju ciekawiej, bo da si obserwowa na raz wicej kolumn a wic i wicej danych. Na tym etapie moesz ju pomyle o budowaniu analiz wasnych zbiorw danych.Dalej opowiemy o modyfikacji danych. Mona by myle, e przy analizie danych, nie trzeba ich modyfikowa i oglnie chyba rzeczywicie tak jest. Ale warto wiedzie jak doda wiersz, kolumn, przebudowa indeks, bo to te metody na przygotowanie danych do analizy.W nastpnym etapie jestemy gotowi do pierwszych analiz. Indeksy bd mogy ju skada si z wielu poziomw, bdziemy je przerzuca z wierszy do kolumn i odwrotnie, zbudujemy tabele przestawne, albo wanie przeksztacimy dane z postaci tabeli danych do normalnej tabeli. Kolejny krok to grupowanie danych i agregacja danych. Posiadajc zagregowane dane moesz analizowa je w mniejszych fragmentach, a dziki temu moesz wykrywa zalenoci w tych danych i ich charakterystyczne dane. Bez tego wszystkie wyniki byyby urednione na cay zbir danych i przez to najprawdopodobniej zupenie bez wartoci, a tak moesz zobaczy charakterystyczne cechy  zakupw w poszczeglnych regionach czy inne zainteresowania w zalenoci od wieku i pci itp. Rzadko kiedy wszystko to, co jest potrzebne jest w jednym miejscu, czsto jedna sytuacja jest opisywana przez kilka zbiorw danych. Dlatego wanie mamy specjaln sekcj dotyczc czenia danych z rnych rde. Myl o tym jak o czeniu tabel w bazie danych lub czeniu arkuszy w skoroszycie.Kolejny temat to wykresy. Przedstawiamy tu kilka rnych rodzajw wykresw i zmieniamy ich wygld modyfikujc ich mniej i bardziej zaawansowane parametry, ale nie ma co ukrywa za wykresy w PANDAS odpowiadaj funkcje z matplotlib. Informacje z tego kursu bd wystarczajce do samodzielnego zbudowania wykresw i zaprezentowania na nich analizowanych danych, ale modu matplotlib nie jest tutaj omawiany to duy temat na osobny kurs.Nauk koczymy dodatkowymi materiaami dotyczcymi pobierania i zapisywania danych na zewntrz PANDAS, wczajc w to dane pobierane z Internetu lub wczytywane i zapisywane w plikach excel.Zapraszam do nauki. Otwrz sobie drzwi do Data Science!"
Price: 149.99

"An introduction to Hatha Yoga & Pranayama"
"Discover depths of peace and tranquillity you never knew existed!Pranayama has a profound effect on health and wellbeing, reducing stress, anxiety and depression, reducing high blood pressure, improving the respiratory and immune systems, aiding better sleep and increasing energy levels to name but a few of the many benefits. Whether you are a new yoga teacher wanting to deepen your understanding of pranayama or taking your first steps towards becoming a yoga teacher, this course will provide all the knowledge you need to pass on the amazing benefits of yoga breathing techniques to your clients. This course is also ideal for anyone wanting to simply improve their quality of life.You will learn10 pranayama techniques, some with more advanced levels2 yoga asana sequences to open the hips, improve your posture, stretch your hamstrings and strengthen your abdominals, all of which will improve your health and make your pranayama practice safe and effectiveHatha yoga Surya Namaskar: a bit of a workout which will prepare you for your practice and again, improve your postureThe profoundly effective Pawanmuktasana series of 3 sequences to remove energy blockages - probably the most important asanas you will ever learnAn overview of Patanjali's 8 limbs of yoga so that you can better understand where pranayama fits into yoga as a wholeWhere, when and how to practice pranayamaSeated asanas for pranayama and meditation practice, together with the mudras requiredAn introduction to yogic anatomy, physiology and philosophyAnd best of all: Yoga Nidra - 2 practices, one short, one long, which will leave you feeling at peace with the universe.There is something for everyone: old, young, novice, experienced yogi, mobile, disabled. Join me on this journey of self discovery and come to understand bliss."
Price: 124.99

"Barre Workout: 31 Day Barre Challenge & Teacher Training"
"Barre workouts are extremely popular, with new studios popping up all over the place. The reason is quite simply that they are extremely effective at toning the entire body from head to toe. The workouts consist of ballet barre inspired exercises, Pilates, body resistance and yoga stretching to sculpt and tone the body.So get ready to take the Barre Belle 31 day challenge and see great results! The first part of the course breaks down the 4 challenge workouts into 4 sections:Upper bodyThighsGlutesAbdominalsEach of these mini workouts are accompanied by a technique training video to keep you safe and ensure your workout is efficient. Once you have mastered each section, you get the opportunity to attempt the full workout before moving on to the next. Once you have completed the training section, you are ready for the 31 Day Challenge. The results will speak for themselves.The final section is aimed at teachers who want to incorporate Barre exercises into their repertoire or add Barre classes to their timetable. There are lots of practical assignments, together with resources to help you construct your own workouts. Some training/licensing organisations in the US and Canada are accepting my courses as evidence of further education and awarding CEU points. Please check with yours."
Price: 124.99

"Turkish Made Simple: A Comprehensive Course for Beginners"
"Learn the vocabulary, grammar and communication skills you need to become a confident Turkish speaker.There are many good reasons for wanting to learn Turkish:Are you planning a trip or a move to Turkey?Do you want to master everyday situations with Turkish speakers?Do you wish that you were able to speak with your Turkish family and friends?Would you like to better honor your Turkish heritage?Are you curious about the Turkish language?Do you want to develop or improve your Turkish reading, writing, speaking and listening skills?No matter your reasons for wanting to learn Turkish, this course is the perfect starting point. It covers all four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing, and you can enjoy the freedom and flexibility to learn in your own home or on the go.Course Structure:Learning a language takes commitment and exposure, but it doesn't have to be hard and tedious work. However, it does require a structured approach and consistency.I have kept the grammatical explanations as simple and user-friendly as possible to allow you to progress at a steady pace but at the same time build up a sound understanding of how the language works and so build up your confidence.This is what you can expect:Professional, fun and easy-to-understand lessonsCaptivating exercises that let you test your comprehension.Guided speaking lessons to build your conversational skillsExceptional support and prompt answers to your questionsConsiderable vocabulary training and grammar instruction to build your conversational skills.A 30-day full refund guarantee, no questions askedAnd last but not least to learn Turkish in no time!Are you ready? Enroll in this course and start your Turkish journey today!"
Price: 34.99

"WordPress Gutenberg: Intro to the WordPress Editor for 2019"
"Updated December 15, 2018New videos added.Gutenberg is the name for the new WordPress editor which is now part of WordPress core. It's a major change incorporating a more intuitive user experience andthe design features of a page-builder style interface.This course will be invaluable to anyone who has a WordPress website, or is thinking about creating their own online presence.WordPress is constantly being improved and revised and therefore some of what you see in these videos may be slightly different to what you see on your own website. This is to be expected. Please be patient with me as I try to keep up with the changes.Over 30% of allwebsites on the internet are using WordPress. And over 60% of websites that usea content management system are usingWordPress. That's a lot of websites.WordPress 5, incorporating the Gutenberg editor, will help you stay ahead of the game with its new design concepts and intuitive interface.This course will help you transition from WordPress 4.9.x to WordPress 5.Learn how the new editor works in short,easy to digest videos.Please check out the free preview and Ill see you inside the course."
Price: 44.99

"Curso Bsico de Francs - Curso completo para iniciantes"
"A proposta deste curso ensinar o bsico da lngua francesa de uma maneira rpida e sem frescuras. O curso aborda sem cerimnias a estrutura da lngua francesa, desta maneira voc obtm resultados imediatos.O curso foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de ensinar francs para todos os tipos de pessoa, seja o seu motivo de aprendizado trabalho, turismo ou desenvolvimento pessoal. Como se trata de um curso bsico, ele bastante abrangente porm sem ser superficial pois o contedo foi bem selecionado.O curso ensina claramente o que necessrio e importante para garantir o seu sucesso na lngua de Molire.As aulas que ensinam ler em francs e as que ensinam a conjugar verbos so aulas-chaves essenciais para se tornar autodidata. O seu contedo proporciona conhecimento alm deste curso. Alm de ter aulas, o curso conta com exerccios que visam fixar a matria e verificar a compreenso desta."
Price: 24.99

"Are you Ready to Start Importing from Alibaba Test"
"Please note - This is a practice test and not a course. Although information is taught in the test via the suggested responses someone who is looking to learn about the importation businesswould be best suited taking a course.This test will help you to determine if you are ready to start in the importation business and tests your essential knowledge of the industry"
Price: 99.99

"How To Start A Business Making Lyric Videos For Artists"
"LAST UPDATED AUGUST 2019. :) NOW WITH UPDATED INFO!I understand the importance of music video editing and the power of lyric videos. My most recent release is a lyric video I made myself and it's just about to hit 1 million views. It's called Rob Level - Way Up you can Google It really quick.I am a super successful self made music artist who has had numerous label deals, iTunes Top 100 Albums and over 30 million views across my music on YouTube alone. Millions of streams on Spotify and more. People ask me to make lyric videos for them 10-20 times a day. I own Smart Rapper and the Smart Rapper TV YouTube Channel and release a video a day on there. It's all upcoming artists who know the importance of lyric videos because I've made sure they understand that they need them. Imagine getting 50 to 100 bucks per video and 10 to 20 people a day needing them. I'll let you do the math but that is a serious business. I know there is a HEAVY market for lyric videos if you go and find the people who need them.*The great thing about learning this skill is that it is super easy to learn.But to people who don't have this skill it seems super complicated and tough to get the hang of.For that reason, you get to learn it fast and actually start making lyric videos for people who are willing to pay to get one. After you take this course you will be able to create full out lyric videos in 30 minutes to 2 hours and then make $50-$200 every time.This Course Will Teach You How To:1) Do everything from A-Z creating lyric videos within 30 minutes to 1 hour2) I teach you how to go out and find people who actually NEED your lyric videos3) I give you scripts you can copy and paste into an e-mail or direct message and send to a new potential client that will convince them they need your services4) I teach you how to further convince people of why they need you in case they don't quite understand the importance of a lyric video and what it will do to help their music career.5) I show you how to properly exchange and receive your money so you never get screwed6) I show you how to set up shop for your new Media Company / Lyric Video creation service Even if you don't want to learn this skill to make videos for other people you can learn this skill to make lyric videos for your own music. Maybe you're a music artist and don't want to have to pay other people to make your lyric videos. Well, here you go! As usual the courses come with a 100% Money Back Guarantee so if you don't like it there is no problem. You will be intrigued and have a lot of fun watching this process though because it is exciting and super easy to learn. So I don't think that will be an issue ;)Go ahead and hit that ""Take This Course"" button so we can get you started on building additional income using an easy to learn skill.- Rob Level"
Price: 49.99

"Udemy - Crea tu Curso en 1 Semana Paso a Paso - Unofficial"
"Bienvenidos al Curso Completo de Udemy para Nuevos Instructores. Donde aprenders desde cero a crear tu propio curso virtual y ponerlo en venta en la plataforma, adems de los mejores mtodos para grabacin y edicin de video y audio.En la primer parte del curso te explicar los conceptos bsicos de Udemy, las polticas de pago de la plataforma y un poco de mis resultados en ella. Seguiremos con tres mtodos para generar ideas y a su vez planificar tu curso virtual para esta plataforma. Continuaremos con las mejores estrategias y herramientas para la grabacin de video, de audio, la iluminacin y estabilidad de tu grabacin, adems de un software gratuito para mejorar el audio de tus videos y una herramienta gratis para crear imgenes para tu curso en Udemy. Continuaremos con la planificacin del curso, la creacin de tu estilo de grabacin, de las diapositivas del curso, del video de prueba, de la grabacin de los videos, la edicin del video, del audio y la exportacin de los archivos de video de forma optimizada para posicionar mejor tu curso en Udemy. Despus, aprenders a crear tu curso completo en la plataforma, con estrategias para escribir el ttulo, el subttulo y las descripciones de tus videos de forma acertada. Como crear la imagen del curso, los objetivos del curso, establecer el precio adecuado, los mensajes automticos para nuevos estudiantes, el perfil ideal como instructor, el seguimiento de los resultados de tu curso por medio de Google Analytics, como ser co-instructor y los estudiantes como pueden obtener certificado de terminacin de cada uno de tus cursos. Finalmente, te mostrar las mejores formas de promover y vender tu curso, por medio de ventas a tus estudiantes, embudos de ventas, las mejores plataformas para obtener estudiantes, como hacer el SEO adecuado de tu curso, el mercado de afiliados de Udemy, las fechas de ms ventas y como usar la ltima clase para promover ms cursos. As que espero disfrutes del curso completo de Udemy y crees t primer curso en esta plataforma. Tendrs acceso de por vida a todas las actualizaciones Nos vemos all"
Price: 79.99

"Portafolio de Negocios en Internet: Trabaja, Vende, Invierte"
"Bienvenidos al Curso Completo de Portafolio de Negocios en Internet. Donde aprenders desde cero como crear diferentes fuentes de ingresos en internet, por medio de diversas plataformas virtuales. Con el objetivo de que logres crear varios negocios online rentablesEn la primer parte del curso te explicar los conceptos bsicos de un portafolio de negocios en internet, las diferentes fuentes de ingreso que puedes tener, diferentes ideas de negocio rentables y como crear un portafolio diversificado. Despus seguiremos con diferentes ideas de negocio para trabajar en internet en varias plataformas, la forma correcta de obtener este tipo de trabajos y descubrirs porque es tan rentables este tipo de fuente de ingreso en internet. Continuaremos con mtodos para generar ingresos y crear un negocio vendiendo productos propios, productos de otras personas, productos fsicos o virtuales, los que t quieras. Adems de 7 plataformas para vender productos virtuales de forma rentables y 6 para vender productos fsicos. Finalmente, 4 mtodos para generar ingresos invirtiendo en internet, el cual es otra muy buena alternativa para crear un negocio en internet. As, al terminar el curso tendrs diferentes ideas para crear un portafolio de negocios con diferentes fuentes de ingresos. Espero disfrutes el curso. Tendrs acceso ilimitado a l y a todas las futuras actualizaciones"
Price: 89.99

"Marketing en YouTube: Instructor con 37.000+ Suscriptores"
"Aprenders a Generar Miles de Vistas, de Suscriptores, y Trfico Web con Diferentes Estrategias de Marketing en YouTube, con los mejores mtodos de posicionamiento de tus videos en la plataforma, con el objetivo de generar ingresos por vistas, por ventas y muchos ms mtodos que conocers en este curso.Al inicio del curso podrs ver diferentes estadsticas y resultados que he logrado por medio de YouTube, un canal que crece a un 200% mensual en trminos de vistas, suscriptores, ingresos, etc. Te ensear como usar YouTube para lograr muy buenos resultados. Lo ms importante es que al finalizar el curso tomes accin y apliques lo aprendido en el curso, el cual contiene informacin muy valiosa.As que conocers tambin la tcnica esencial para hacer crecer un canal de YouTube rpidamente y la forma como lo hago para lograr dichos resultados.Continuaremos con los diferentes mtodos de generar ingresos con un canal de YouTube, hay mtodos conocidos como otros que no lo son tanto y con lo cual podrs volver tu canal de YouTube en una mquina de generacin de ingresos. Te explicar como generar ingresos con tu canal, con el uso de otras pginas web de apoyo, con diferentes pginas que te ayudarn de forma gratuita a generar ingresos con tu canal.Seguiremos con las mejores tcnicas de posicionamiento de tus videos en YouTube, con el objetivo de generar miles de vistas, mejores posicionamientos en la plataforma y por ende, ms suscriptores e ingresos. Har esto por medio de un ejemplo real en mi propio canal, con lo cual podrs replicar todo esto y lograr los mismos o mejores resultados.Finalmente, las mejores estrategias para dirigir visitantes a tus videos de YouTube, directamente a tus enlaces, ya sea a tu pgina web, a tus otras redes sociales o directamente a productos que quieras vender o promover. Estas tcnicas mehan permitido generar miles de visitantes a mi pgina webpor medio de YouTube en muy poco tiempo.As que espero disfrutes del curso, tendrs acceso de por vida a l y a todas las actualizaciones futuras."
Price: 79.99

"Copywriting: Aumenta las Ventas Escribiendo Textos Perfectos"
"Aumenta tus Ventas hasta un 200% con este Curso de Copywriting. Una Estrategia de Ventas muy efectiva en Internet y con la cual podrs generar muy buenos resultados.En este curso completo de Copywriting aprenders desde cero como aplicar esta poderosa herramienta, con el objetivo de aumentar tus ventas drsticamente, las tcnicas ms efectivas para escribir pginas de ventas, embudos de ventas, tambin se aplica a la escritura correcta de correos electrnicos con el objetivo de promover productos o servicios.Asque si estas buscando aumentar las ventas de productos o servicios por medio de internet, aumentar la conexin con tus clientes, disminuir la cantidad de devoluciones, este curso es para ti, aprendersdesde lo mas bsico hasta lo mas avanzado del Copywriting, con ejemplos reales y paso a paso.Lo primero que vers en el curso son los conceptos bsicos de Copywriting, con lo cual tendrsdiferentes ejemplos de ventas por medio de Copywriting, que es, para qu sirve, y como podrs obtener resultados con esta estrategia.Seguiremos con 7 leyes fundamentales de ventas aplicadas al Copywriting, buscando conectar mejor con los visitantes y generandoventas ms fcilmente. Son leyes puras de ventas que veremos aplicadas a lo largo del curso. Continuaremos con aspectos fundamentales del Copywriting, como es entender y conocer el cliente, el objetivo principal de tu venta para asegurar mejores resultados, escribir bien tu pgina de ventas, la forma correcta de conectar con tus clientes, el tamao de escrito adecuado, destacar los puntos principales de tu venta y en general como lograr aumentar tus ventas en gran proporcin por medio del Copywriting.Finalmente, te mostrar ejemplos reales en donde se aplica el Copywriting y como se obtienen grandes resultados con ello, son ejemplos tanto para vender productos y servicios como para generar suscriptores a tus listas de contactos.En este curso encontrars todo, desde la parte terica hasta la parte prctica del Copywriting.As que nos vemos en el curso y aprendas a aumentar las ventas de tus productos y servicios en Internet."
Price: 89.99

"Marketing en Facebook: Facebook Ads, Messenger,Eventos y Ms"
"Facebook es una de las redes sociales con ms usuarios, una de las de mayor uso cotidiano y especialmente una de las mejores para marketing digital, generacin de clientes, ventas y construccin de marcas.En este curso de Marketing en Facebook aprenders desde cero, desde lo ms bsico sobre el marketing en Facebook, llegando a los aspectos ms complejos de este. Como crear una pgina de Facebook, como optimizarla para obtener ms seguidores, investigaciones de mercado por medio de Facebook, como generar ms ventas con tu pgina, generacin de trfico web por medio de tu pgina en Facebook y de anuncios. Mi nombre es Daniel y tengo ms de 5 aos de experiencia en Marketing Digital, he manejado pginas en Facebook con miles de seguidores y puedo ensearte que funciona y como funciona. Todo esto lo aprenders en este curso. Empezaremos con conocer a tu pblico objetivo en Facebook, sus gustos, sus nacionalidades y los trminos ms buscados por ellos, con lo cual podrs crear una pgina de Facebook de la mejor manera. En la creacin de la pgina en Facebook aprenders a crearla paso a paso, optimizarla para tener mejores resultados, como usar Facebook Messenger como plataforma de marketing, como crear tu tienda virtual en Facebook y los mejores mtodos para monetizar tu pgina. Tambin aprenders a obtener seguidores, a crear posts virales, a automatizar tu pgina y volverla una mquina de generacin de trfico web, seguidores y ventas de tus productos o servicios. Seguiremos con la creacin de embudos de ventas como la mejor tcnica de generacin de ventas con tu pgina en Facebook. A continuacin veremos todo lo relacionado a Facebook ads o anuncios en Facebook, desde la creacin de audiencias y pblicos optimizados para tus campaas en Facebook, la creacin de imgenes para tus anuncios y finalmente como crear anuncios efectivos en Facebook paso a paso. Al final, veremos el poder los eventos en Facebook para generar seguidores y ventas en tus estrategias de marketing. As que es un curso muy completo, tendrs acceso de por vida y apoyo constante de parte ma. Nos vemos en el curso para que aprendas a usar Facebook como una gran herramienta de marketing digital."
Price: 99.99

"YouTube SEO: Posiciona Videos en la 1 Pgina de YouTube"
"Aprenders a optimizar tu canal, tus videos, de tal manera que te permita posicionar mucho mejor tu canal de YouTube, obteniendo muchas ms vistas, suscriptores, interaccin y trfico web de calidad.Todo lo que aprenders en este curso se basa en resultados reales que he obtenido en mi canal de YouTube, en el cual he podido posicionar ms de 20 videos en la primera pgina de YouTube, en trminos muy buscados, puedes ver los primeros videos, donde muestro los resultados obtenidos.En este curso aprenders paso a paso y en orden como organizar tus videos de YouTube de tal manera que estn completamente optimizados en tu canal, obteniendo muy buenos resultados. El SEO es simplemente la optimizacin de los motores de bsqueda, con lo cual logras posicionar muy bien ya sea un video o un texto, en este curso nos basaremos en el SEO aplicado a YouTube completamente.En la primera seccin aprenders diferentes tcnicas para obtener las mejores palabras clave, que te permitan optimizar y posicionar muy fcilmente tus videos en YouTube. Las palabras clave es la base principal de lo que explicaremos en el curso.En la segunda parte veremos como debes crear los videos de tal manera que se posicionen mucho mejor en YouTube, vers tcnicas y trucos que te permitirn lograrlo muy fcilmente.En la tercera parte veremos como se deben crear las miniaturas o thumbnails de nuestros videos en YouTube, con el objetivo de que ayuden a mejorar el posicionamiento de cada de nuestros videos.En la cuarta parte te explicar cual es la mejor forma de cargar tus videos a YouTube, de tal manera que el algoritmo lo procese ms fcilmente y lo ubique mucho mejor en la plataforma.En la quinta parte veremos todos los pasos adicionales que debes hacer una vez cargues el video a YouTube, adems de la mejor tcnica para obtener vistas rpidamente en tus videos.Es un curso muy completo, tendrs acceso de por vida a l y futuras actualizaciones.Nos vemos en el curso"
Price: 89.99

"Theres Big Muscle Gains in Bags, Bands, Bells & Bodyweight"
"Belter's Bags, Bands, Bells, and Bodyweight workouts come from a lot of experience and education.With this program Ihave put together a plethora of workouts and exercises that you can use to build strength, power and hardcore conditioning. Here is some of what you getExercises and workouts using all the modalities listed in the titleA walk through of the exercises with a seasoned fitness professional and former college athleteAcommentary during the workouts and exercisesA focus on short workouts so you get more bang for the buckFull body workouts and specific body part workoutsChallenges that you might not have thought ofIdeas on how to improve in different work capacities for physical testsAdvanced training for high level fitness and strengthThis has been a combination of different programs put together for you. Using different modalities to train is a key concept for changing things up. This will help from becoming bored and many times could possibly help you get through a plateau. Please note that you assume all risks when training."
Price: 199.99

"The Simple Beginner Chair Workouts for You"
"This fitnessprogram is designed for anyone over 50 or a beginner that wants to start working out:Are you someone who is afraid of fitnessclasses?Are you scared of exercising at thegym?Do you want to workout from home?Are you a beginner and feel overwhelmed with all the fitnesschoices out there?If you answered yesto any of these you can check out this program.Here is what you will get:Exercises done without weight on a chairFitness workouts with weight if you want to advanceWall exercises if you are ableExercises on a mat if you are more advancedA way to get fitness and health results in just 10 minute workouts a few days a weekWorkout with a 59 year old female and hear the instructions given at the same timeIn the end you will learn from a fitness entrepreneur and personal trainer who has trained 20,000 sessions including older adults all the way to 90 years of age!"
Price: 199.99

"100 Lectures and 8 Hours of Fitness/Weight Loss Blueprint"
"Warning: You might not find a coursewith more lectures, workouts, fitness tips, weight loss ideas and more... This is a bundled program with over 100 lectures and 8 hours of content.Here is what is includedExercises and workouts for the beginner to the advanced.Workouts that can be done at home, at the gym, or even at the office.Complete programs by an instructor with over 30 programs on udemy and 60 plus five star ratings.The mentality needed to do well and how use the workouts.Demonstration of exercises and how to do them and much more.Finishers at the gym to take strength to a new levelThe Ultimate Weight Management ProgramThe 27 Day Wellness Transformation Challenge5 Minute Workout ProgramFinisher exercisesBand ExercisesSandbag ExercisesKettlebell ExercisesBonus Materials and so much moreIn the end you will have something for the beginner to the advanced client. Do you want better wellness, fitness, weight loss, or stronger mentality. The 8 hour course will have something for you!Over 60Five StarTestimonials From Udemy Satisfied Students""I have been looking for this information for a very long time. I was put on a diet pill and was given no direction on how to control my weight loss or how to maintain it once I started losing. Once I stopped the diet pills my doctor prescribed me I started to slowly put the weight back on."" Gale""I think that this is one of the best nutrition courses. It's not only because of being very well structure and presented. But mostly because of the main idea of the program: Find your own way to organize your eating process according to YOUR goals, priorities and preferences."" Five Star Creation Nutrition Testimonial""I have been looking for this information for a very long time. I was put on a diet pill and was given no direction on how to control my weight loss or how to maintain it once I started losing. Once I stopped the diet pills my doctor prescribed me I started to slowly put the weight back on."" Five StarUltimate Weight Management Testimonial""Nice sequence of exercises. These short period burst type exercise routines are excellent for athletics prep. First course I have seen that focuses on this."" Five Star 5Minute WorkoutTestimonial""Overall, great course and recommend any one who wants to spend less time browsing what exercises to do and wasting time and money on different plans. You should give this a try."" Five StarFit in 30 Minutes a Week Testimonial"
Price: 199.99

"10 Timeless Transformation Truths"
"10 Timeless Transformation Truths looks at how we transform our lives. Each truth goes through examples and questions to help you transform. Do you want to transform your health, business, physical body or life in general? You can use this to help you.After watching and observing people transform for many years there are some very important details to remember. The goal is not a short term, fix but rather a long term actionable program for you to use."
Price: 199.99

"The Psychology and Mindset of Weight Loss and Fitness"
"This program takes a look at the psychology and the actions of the fit and healthy. You will learnRecognize the mindset of those that are fit, healthy, and for those that lose weight and keep it offUncover 5 of the biggest reasons Ihave seen in helping countless people lose weightDiscern ways you might possibly be able to change your thinking to lose weight or become more fitInstantly take action on ways you can improve your strategiesDiscover what might be holding you back based on these ideasIt has been said that all change starts with your mindset and your psychology. Get started today with this program about the psychology of the fit.One of over 70 five star reviews!""This was a very interesting and enlightening course! I consider it a complete course for understanding how you can be healthier. It helped me to understand habits I need to change and explained important concepts related to health and weight loss. Different aspects to rest, stress management, nutrition and fitness are presented. Thanks a lot for the effort you put in this course, Jeremy!!!"""
Price: 199.99

"Cmo Acompaar tus Canciones con la Guitarra"
"Te gusta hacer canciones o cantar canciones de tus artistas preferidos?Acompaarte de un instrumento siempre te resultar ms atractivo a la hora de presentar esas canciones a las personas que deseas que las oigan. La guitarra o el piano son los instrumentos idneos para acompaarte mientras lascantas.Yeste curso va precisamente de esto, de cmo acompaar tus canciones con la guitarra.Aprenders, des de cero,todo sobreel instrumento. Desde los diferentes tipos que hay, un poco de historia, hasta las diferentes formas de tocarlo. Acordes, cifrados, diagramas y tablaturas, tocar con pa o dedos,rasgueo o Fingerstyle... en fin, todo lo que necesitas, a nivel bsico, para defenderte correctamente a la hora de acompaar tus canciones con la guitarra."
Price: 19.99

"LOCATIONZ : landscape lessons on location & post-processing"
"About this course:This masterclass has been created for the Intermediate-level photographer who wants to improve their Landscape Photos.Each location shoot has been deconstructed into 4 topics:Chasing The Light: planning, scouting, light quality, and dozens of tips specific to scenic photography.Composition: how to frame your shots, using techniques to create balanced and interesting images.Camera Settings: aperture, shutter speed, I.S.O., how and where to focus, plus the use of filters and accessories.Computer Workflow: how to develop and enhance a digital negative (RAW) file. From basic exposure tweaks, to complex Luminosity Masking.What will I learn?By the end of this course, you will understand how to plan and implement your location shoots.You will become more confident in using industry-standard software to edit and enhance your RAW photos.Features:10 lessons on location (in the field) - from a qualified teacher10 post-processing lessons in Adobe Camera Raw & Photoshop - from an experienced pro photo editorRAW files from the location shoots, so you can follow along with the tutorialsTranscripts of all Photoshop tutorials. Download & print them off for reference12 x Behind The Scenes movies showing the photographer's road-trips across New ZealandBonuses:30-day, 100% money-back guarantee on all Udemy coursesPreview some of the content - try before you buy!Manually download all the videos and RAW files to your computer -if you are going to be ""off the radar.""What you need:Owning a decent DSLR camera would certainly be helpful.Having a copy of Adobe Photoshop loaded onto your PC (or Mac) is vital if you wanna follow the post-processing tutorials, which form the bulk of the course content. You will need enough disk space to download Ray's RAW image files, and sufficient RAM to run Photoshop.Adobe Camera Raw is the app bundled with Photoshop, and is a cut-down version of Lightroom. This is free, and part of Adobe's Creative Cloud Photography plan subscription. (Older, stand-alone versions of Photoshop also include Camera Raw, though this must be up-to-date).What students are saying:Pawel Czerwinski: ""A great course! I definitely recommend it. It covers topics like setting up your DSLR right for the scene, composition and such.The workflow is quite demanding but it gives really impressive results (for example section 9 on Hooker Lake; amazing!)""Peter George: ""The composition lessons helped me understand why some of my photos work and others don't, and helped me be more deliberate in my composition.""About the tutor:Ray Salisbury has been shooting landscapes for over 45 years, specializing in mountain and coastal scenery. His work has been featured in calendars and magazines and sold on stock image libraries. For 12 years Ray taught art, design and computing at high school, and brings his passion for teaching to Udemy. His favourite program is Adobe Photoshop, which he has been using since 1992.Comprehensive Course Curriculum (what's covered in this course):Chasing The Light: Planning / Timing /Scouting / Shooting on the coast / Framing / Sunstar effects / Lens Flare / Colour temperature / Reflections / The Photographer's Ephemeris / PhotoPills appComposition: Colour Theory /Symmetry & balance / Perspective / Rule of Thirds / Rule of Odds / Lead-in Lines / Focal Points / Foreground Interest / Abstracts / Mood / Getting fresh angles / Striving for originalityCamera Settings: Aperture / Shutter Speed / I.S.O. / Exposure Compensation / Exposure Bracketing / High Dynamic Range / Focusing in Live View / Hyperfocal Distance / Depth of Field / Bulb Mode / Polarising filter / Neutral Density Filters / Graduated Neutral Density Filters / Tripods / Leveling the horizon, etc.Computer Workflow: Intro to Adobe Camera Raw features & tools / Histogram / Dehaze Filter / Graduated ND Filter / Straighten Tool / Adobe Photoshop basics / Metadata / Image Resolution / Image compression for web / Moving around the screen / Keyboard shortcuts (Mac & PC) / Clone Stamp Tool / Healing Brush Tool / Dodge & Burn Tools / Unsharpen Mask / High Pass Filter / Adjustments Layers: curves, level, contrast, saturation, etc. / Layer palette / Layer Masks / Channels palette / Stacking images / Panoramic Stitching / Luminosity Masks, etc.Plus: a video will be added soon on Photography Gear for landscape photography.>>> See the Available Resources section to download your FREE PDF - it's titled 18 Bits of Kit for Landscapers."
Price: 199.99

"Spring 5,Programacin Reactiva Flux, MVC Thymeleaf Reactivo"
"El presente Curso para principiantes e intermedios, contiene la tecnologa mas reciente para el desarrollo de Servicios Web, aplicando Spring 5 con Programacin Reactiva Flux y Thymeleaf Reactivo para aplicaciones MVC, trabajaremos con Tecnologas como Spring Boot, MongoDB, Oracle , y frameworks como JPA y Hibernate. El Curso te sumerge rpidamente en la creacin de Servicios RestFul ya que es bastante prctico, con la teora explicada mientras se construye los servicios web. Cabe resaltar que estamos generando dos proyectos uno con una base de datos Nosql como MongoDB y el otro proyecto con una base de datos relacional como Oracle, en ambos proyectos hacemos uso de clases Spring y otras libreras asociadas con la programacin reactiva, Si deseas aprender de manera rpida y  programando directamente tus Servicios Web de forma Profesional y de una forma sencilla, este curso es para ti."
Price: 74.99

"Continuous Deployments using Spinnaker on AWS and Kubernetes"
"Deploy your software just like thebig tech companies. Spinnaker is a multi-cloudContinuous Delivery platform that enables you to release your software often,with high confidence.Spinnaker is open sourced by Netflix and is now used by small andbig tech companies to release their software on the cloud. Google is also a major contributor to Spinnaker.If you are looking howto deploy your software to AWS, or Kubernetes, then this course is for you.In this course we explain step-by-step how to:Setup Spinnaker locally, orusing any virtual machine in the cloudDeploy your software on AWS using deployments pipelines in SpinnakerIntegrate Spinnaker with JenkinsDeploy software using Spinnaker on Kubernetes (using the kubernetes v2 provider)You get a $10 DigitalOcean coupon to be able to install Spinnaker on DigitalOcean."
Price: 24.99

"Learn DevOps: On-Prem or Cloud Agnostic Kubernetes"
"On-Prem or Cloud Agnostic Kubernetesis the third Kubernetes course in the ""LearnDevOps: Kubernetes"" series.If you don't have basic Kubernetes experience, make sure you follow first the course""LearnDevOps:The Complete Kubernetes Course"".This course covers:*Installing Kubernetes on-prem or on any cloud using kubeadm*Use storage using Rook with Ceph*Kubernetes Operators*Use TLScertificates for your applications using let's encrypt and cert-manager*Authenticate your users using LDAP or Github using Dex and OIDC* Create a service mesh using Istio and Envoy*Use advanced networking features using Calico* Manage secrets using Vault*Setup and use PaaSwith Kubernetes using Openshift Origin"
Price: 39.99

"Monitoring and Alerting with Prometheus"
"If you're in a DevOps, Cloud or SRErole, you'll understand how important monitoring &alerting is. You cannot build a successful application, or run a company without having a system that monitors your systems and applications and reports when something goes wrong. You need instrumentation in order to be successful. Prometheus is the leading open-source monitoring system that can collect metrics from all your systems, including Linux servers, Windows Servers, Database Servers and any application you have written. It's inspired on Google's Borgmon, which uses time-series data as a datasource, to then send alerts based on this data. This course will show you how to install and configure Prometheus on a Linux server. This course will use a VMon DigitalOcean, but you can install Prometheus on any modern Linux OS. We'll show you how to make visualizations (graphs) using Grafana. When building these graphs, you'll get to know PromQL, the language to query Prometheus and get meaningful data displayed. You'll also learn how to setup alerts to receive notifications when something goes wrong. Lastly, we have a section on use-cases to showcase you some real world examples.You get a$10 DigitalOcean couponto be able to install Prometheuson DigitalOcean.We have both worked in the Tech/Finance industry in San Fransisco, New York City and London. We now run a consultancy business where we help our clients implementtheir Cloud &DevOps strategy. Using our expertise, we can deliver you this great training with real world examples and guide you when you have questions.Enroll in this course now and install, configure and use Prometheus. Become great at monitoring your infrastructure!"
Price: 24.99