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"28 Gnde ngilizceAkc ve Etkin ekilde ngilizce Konuun"
"Hep uratnz ama bugne kadar bir trl ngilizce renemediniz mi ? Belki de ihtiyacnz olan biliyorsunuz ama bunu sunan bir eitim bulamadnz ? stediiniz hep konumak olduu halde sizi gramerle isteinizin ok uzana m gtrdler ? Bunlarn hepsi ok olas ama artk bu eitim sayesinde zm olan sorunlar ! zme de sadece 28 gnde ulaacaksnz!Yllarca sren deneyimin, dil eitiminde grlen eksik noktalarn hepsinin belirlenip, zm stne srekli aratrma yaplmasyla karnzdaki eitim ortaya kt. lkemizde ngilizce eitimine neredeyse her yerde 1. snfta balanlmasna ramen byk ounluun kendini ya gerekten ngilizce olarak ifade edemiyor ya da ifade etmeye ekiniyor olmas hepimizin bildii byk bir gerek. Neden diye dndnz m hi ? Bir ipucu vereyim size bu soruya cevap verebilmek iin, Trke konumaya, okumaya, yazmaya nasl baladnz hatrlayn. Biz kendi ana dilimizi renmeye bu sfat uraya koymalyz, arkasndan isim buraya gelmeli, bunu dolayl tmle ve fiil takip etmeli eklinde renmedik ki ! "" Ali ata bak"" diyerek cmle kurduk, ""pek ipi tut"" diyerek bunu gelitirmeye altk, daha en bata okumaya, konumaya, yazmaya byle balamken niye bildiimiz her eye ters ekilde ngilizce'yi gramer stnden renmeye alyoruz ki ? Bu yanl artk doruya evirmeye hazr olun !28 Gnde ngilizce eitimi ile en basit selam vermeyle balayp, en son artk yurt dnda bile rahatlkla ngilizce konuuyor olabilecek bir noktaya ulaacak bir yolculua dahil olacaksnz. Gerek hayattan alnan rneklerle, deneyimlenen ve aratrlarak en ok kullanld belirlenen kalplarla bolca pratik yapacak ve en sonunda o yllardr zlemini duyduunuz ""Ben ngilizce konuabiliyorum."" cmlesini gnl rahatlyla kurabiliyor olacaksnz.Bu kurstan en verimli sonucu olabilmek iin ve hedefe ulaabilmek iin ne mi lazm ?Gnde sadece ortalama 30 dakikanz ayrmanz ve bunu sadece 28 gn boyunca yapyor olmanz yeterli !Her gnn konusu farkl bir ierikte size direk kalplar ve ifadelerle katkda bulunuyor olacaktr. Tek yapmanz gereken her farkl balkta yaklak 30 dakika boyunca dnyayla balantnz kesip benimle beraber pratik yapp ngilizce konumanz.Size gereken szck daarcna da hi farknda bile olmadan bu srede rahatlkla sahip olacaksnz. Her dersin sonunda da ufak quizler ile kendinizi test etme ans bulacak, bylece bir eksik kalmadna da srekli emin olarak ilerleyeceksiniz.O zaman daha fazla beklemeyin, yeterince konuabilmek iin beklediniz, artk sonu almaya hazrsanz, balayalm m ?"
Price: 389.99

"Drawing Comic Master Class Volume 1"
"In this Course I will Teach you how to make comics from start to finish, I will focused more in ""BLACK AND WHITE"" since even if it's black and white you can still publish your comics. I created these simple system that will guide you to make your production more easier and will save you more time.  I will talk about some of the technique that pros doesn't want you to know and reveal some of my tricks to make your process more easier and utilize your time to do more work. I've been in comic industry for quite some time now and I actually look for some tutorial and course about making comics. But unfortunately I seen none, comics is hard to do and it will take most of your time. You'll see bunch of tutorial about ""how to draw body figure, face, head, proportion, how to draw hands and feet."" But you will be surprise that you will not see a how to draw comics that will provide you an extensive amount information. I put my heart and soul in this course giving you most of the important detail as well as my process of making my own comics make sure to not just skip and rush the whole process have the ability to sit back and relax while absorbing all information. One of the problem now a days is people want to rush everything and just skip all, let me walk you through MY WHOLE PROCESS. Its like watching me making my own comics and learn from what I do cuz in reality  if you go apprenticeship its gonna be the same. I hope that you'll like this course and you will enjoy the process. I'm hoping that you already have Prior knowledge in anatomy perspective and such. to get better understanding. This Course is Beginner friendly but more suitable to people with advance or intermediate knowledge making regardsPlan Fenellere"
Price: 199.99

"AHA-VTS: Cisco CCNA Lab F.L.I.C."
"Welcome to AHA-VTS dot com CCNA Lab F.L.I.C.. This lab is designed to provide assistance in your understanding for Cisco routers and switches. The lab is geared toward Beginners to the world of networking to Intermediate Technicians who have worked in the IT/Networking field for a minimum of 2 to 2 years with hands on experience.The topics covered are what you might except on the CCNA exam. Although Ciscos CCNA exam is not Lab orientated; some questions assume that you have been on actual devices whether virtually, remotely, or physically.This CCNA Lab F.L.I.C. consists of 5 to 6 sections, each varies in time from about 30 45mins, based on your knowledge of the subject and how fast you can type. Ultimately, the lab is designed to take between 5 to 8 hours in total time.The syllabus consists of:- Pre-Lab- Layer 2 Switching- Layer 3 IP addressing and Routing- Security- MiscellaneousIn an effort to make the CCNA Lab F.L.I.C. available for immediate use it is designed to be used in GNS3. The design consists of 6 routers and 3 switches[1]:- 4 2691 routers- 2 7200vxr router- 3 3725 router with ESM moduleRefer to the accompanied diagram; AHA-VTS dot com CCNA Lab F.L.I.C. diagram, for physical connectivity, Layer 2, and Layer 3 schemes.NOTE: A valid Cisco CCO is required to download IOS used in this lab.Of course the CCNA Lab F.L.I.C. can also be implemented on real cisco hardware. Some cost effective routers and switches that can be used with this lab are:- Cisco 815W- Cisco 2500 series- Cisco 3600 series- Cisco 2621XM- Cisco 3725- Cisco 1900 series- Cat 3560- Cat 3550 EMI- Cisco 3570- Cisco 2950/2960You can also search the Internet on websites, such as eBay, to find great deals on Cisco routers, switches, and/or fully equipped racks.I truly hope you enjoy this lab and I look forward to assisting you in your future Cisco endeavors.Happy Configuring!!AHA-VTS dot com"
Price: 54.99

"Teaching ELL newcomers"
"This course breaks down the many components of a great lesson for language learners.Writing objectivesCreating dialoguesTeaching the alphabetWorking with sight wordsTeaching the best vocabularyExploring a guided reading lessonThe forgotten component of writing.Each of these separate components will help your language learners be successful in the classroom and help you, the teacher, be more confident with creating proper instruction to help them develop their language and academic skills in English."
Price: 24.99

"React Native Foundation With Firebase & Redux"
"In less than 5 hours not only will you have a solid foundation in react native but you'll also be able to :1. Create a robust navigation flow with react navigation2. Integrate firebase for authentication, database management and uploading images3. Integrate redux to for app wide state managementAll while building a practical cross platform application from scratch without having any prior knowledge in mobile app development."
Price: 19.99

"Take your Forex Trading & Investment skill to the next level"
"Dear Traders and Investors, Have you ever struggled to become a successful Trader or Investor in any of the financial markets? Forex, Options, Stocks... If you are looking to master trading and change your life forever, look no-where else than here.During this course you will learn my most important tips and tools in order to eventually become an independent and profitable Technical analyzer of any of the financial markets especially FOREX!Everyone can benefit from this course, however it will be most suitable for the Beginner to Intermediate level who have some prior basic knowledge of Financial markets and Technical analysis."
Price: 69.99

"PERL Programming"
"The Perl Programming course is a comprehensive course that explains the Perl programming language, from basic through advanced syntax. This course is aimed at a wide range of job roles, including Programmers, System Administrators, Web Authors, and Operators. The course provides the fundamentals needed to use the Perl programming language to write quick yet powerful scripts for a range of purposes, as well as provides an overview of Common Gateway Interface Programming, Object-Oriented Perl and Perl Debugging.The course is taught on the CentOS, Solaris and WindowsOperating System. However, the material is suitable for any operating system, including Linux, UNIX, and Windows.Learn To:Describe the Perl Programming Language.Implement Scalars.List Control Structures.Implement Arrays.Describe Hashes.Implement Basic I/O and Regular Expressions.Describe Subroutines and Modules.Manipulate Files and Directories.Implement Perl.Benefits To YouThe Perl Programming course provides students with the fundamentals to create functional Perl scripts. The course introduces students to data structures, flow control mechanisms, regular expressions, and subroutines and modules in the form of example scripts and lab scripts. The course concludes with an overview of implementing Perl with regard to Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Programming, Object-Oriented Perl and Perl Debugging. This course however, does not cover the construct of the Perl Programming Language itself or complex Perl functions used for high-level programming. Rather, it focuses mainly on the implementation of the language to create simple and functional Perl scripts."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Metas e Objetivos - SejaMelhor"
"Voc j estabeleceu pra si alguma meta ou objetivo e no conseguiu alcanar?Voc j tentou aplicar estratgias de produtividade que no deram certo?Voc entra ano e sai ano sem conseguir atingir as metas de ano novo que criou?E se voc descobrisse uma metodologia cientificamente baseada que aumentasse significativamente suas chances de alcanar essas metas?Este curso foi criado com base num compilado de estratgias e conceitos que possuem algum embasamento cientifico para que funcionem. So coisas retiradas dos estudo do professor Richard Wiseman, coisas retiradas do trabalho de coaches renomados e estudiosos no campo do aperfeioamento pessoal.Este curso resultado de anos de estudos e pesquisas no assunto e foi o primeiro curso criado pelo Sejamelhor.Colocando em prtica estes ensinamentos consegui realizar meu sonho de comprar meu carro conversvel e o sonho de conhecer a Disney. Espero sinceramente que essas dicas e ensinamentos te faam chegar mais perto da vida que voc almeja."
Price: 99.99

"1- introduction to win 71- Computer Component 2- Entry to Computer 3- New Folder,Copy, Paste 4 -Desktop, Start menu 5 - Windows Features 6 -Pictures , Background 7- Paint , Print Screen 8- Shutdown, Restart, Lock, Log off 9- Games, Control Panel ,Notepad , Wordpad 10- Speed computer, defragment , startup , visualization 2- Microsoft office11- Download Install Office 201012- Microsoft Word 113- Microsoft Word 214- Microsoft Power Point 115- Microsoft power point 216- Microsoft power point 317- Microsoft Excel 118- Microsoft Excel 23- Programs19- Web Browsers , IDM 20- Videos Programs 21- Adobe Reader PDF 22- Winrar , Format Factor 23- AntiVirus Program Avira 24- Avast Kaspersky 25- Last Anti Virus 26- Power Iso 27- Install Win 7 728- Partition Master 29- Typing Master 30- Windows Movie Maker 4- Security31- Hide , Encrypt Folders and Partitions 32- Folder Lock Programs 33- BitLocker 34- Create User Account , Parent Control 35- User Account , Password reset disk 36- properties Security Permissions 37- Group Policy I 38- Group Policy II 39- Group Policy III 40- system restore point 5- Internet41- Sites , Search Engine 42- Firefox ,Chrome 43- Safari , Opera 44- Google 45- Google Picture , Translation 46 - Download Books,Sound files 47- Wikipedia , Newspapers 48- Create Email 49- Send ,Receive Email 50- Mediafire ,OneDrive,GoogleDrive 51- - YouTube IDM 52- - youtube idm 53 - Free youtube Download 54 - Torrent Download 55- Drivers 56 - Google Earth , Google Maps 57- Remote Connection and Wireless 58- Online Learning"
Price: 19.99

"El Mtodo de Guitarra Acstica Percusiva"
"No importa cual sea tu nivel o tu estilo preferido, disfrutars de tu guitarra como nunca antes lo habas hecho. Basado en canciones de dificultad progresiva, es un mtodo imprescindible para guitarristas principiantes y avanzados. En este mtodo, el reconocido guitarrista y profesor Miguel Rivera te guiar paso a paso por algunas de las tcnicas ms vanguardistas: slap, golpe de caja, golpe de bombo, golpe en la tapa, armnicos naturales, armnicos de arpa. No importa cual sea tu nivel o estilo preferido, este mtodo abrir nuevos horizontes para que disfrutes al mximo del apasionante mundo de la guitarra."
Price: 24.99

"Python OpenCV Based GUI Application Development using PyQt5"
"In this course, we will learn how to develop Graphical User Interface (GUI) for processing images as well as processing real-time webcam video feeds or video files. You will learn how to quickly acquire an image from your camera using OpenCV and then use PyQt5 to build the user interface.You may find many instructional videos about how to use Python for everyday tasks, but actually finding a detailed guide about how to build a desktop application using Python is quite difficult. Building GUI's isn't complicated, what actually makes them complex are the factors you need to decide that will let your user to interact with the program randomly.Upon completion, this course will provide a better comprehensive overview on how to design a GUI-application framework, splitting important elements into modules. You'll also learn building applications completely from scratch and also learn about making it a a professional look using PyQt5 library. Every steps will be provided with detail instructions in this course. So get ready to build your image processing GUI application."
Price: 24.99

"The Ultimate Sales Course: How To Sell Anything To Anyone"
"If you've been searching for the best, high quality course on sales, that will teach YOU all of the little secret techniques of persuasion...Then you've come to the right place.Hi, my name is Daniel and I'm the founder of 2 digital marketing companies. We've always gotten our clients through cold calling and sales. But in the beginning I worked by myself. I had to grow the company and was doing this every single day.I know what it feels like to cold call all day and not get a single sale.On the flip side, I now know the feeling of making a call and then closing a client for $5000.It definitely wasn't easy to find these strategies, but once I did...My whole life changed.Did you know that you don't have to be a MASTER at selling to make a LOT of money?I definitely wasn't in the beginning...But the strategies I have outlined in this course, are so POWERFUL...Even a complete beginner can use them to build a HUGE company and make more money than he has ever dreamed of...Here's only some of the things you'll learn once you purchase this course:How To Cold Call And Make Sales In 5-10 MinutesThe Ultimate Strategy On Selling In Face To Face Meetings (This One Is Amazing)A Little Improvement In Your Cold Calls That Can Change Your Whole Life How To Handle ALLObjections In 10 SECONDSMy $100,000 Sales Script (You Also Get ATemplate In AMicrosoft Word File)And A LOT more...So look...Ican't guarantee you'll become the most successful entrepreneur the world has ever seen...But I can say this:After you learn these strategies...You'll have no problem whatsoever in sales.So, purchase NOW because I'll be increasing the price soon!"
Price: 19.99

"Payment Basics"
"Payment Basics covers the history and evolution of money and how challenges changed the payment methods for products and services.This course covers card types and usage, card schemes, loyalty schemes, payment mediums from ATMs through to Mobile EFTPOS, EMV, and payments security.Payment Basics targets everyone with an interest in payments. It has been developed for a wide range of audiences including business, management and technical people."
Price: 194.99

"Full Stack Web Development with Python and Django Course"
"Do you want to learn how to create websites and web apps? Do you have an idea for a web app that you want to create, but don't know where to start?Maybe you just want to learn a new skill.This class will cover everything you need to know to start creating functional websites and web apps. Although this course is focused for beginners, it will culminate in creating a blog from scratch. You do not need to have any programming knowledge in order to complete this class.Some of the topics we will cover include:HTMLCSSResponsive Web DesignBootstrapPythonDjangoFront End vs. Back End DevelopmentDatabasesModel, View, Template (MVT) structureSelf described as the ""The Web Framework for Perfectionists with Deadlines,""Django is one of the most widely used frameworks for building websites and web apps. It is built using Python, which is also one of the most popular programming languages today. It has a wide variety of applications, including web development, data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence.This course focuses only on the topics you need to know in order to get a web app up and running."
Price: 19.99

"* * * * *"
Price: 19.99

"Web Accessibility Testing - Selenium,BDD,Axe,Pa11y,JAWS,NVDA"
"Web Accessibility Testing is an emerging field in I.T industry and both front end engineers and quality engineers need to know how to build and test applications defect free? Many jobs across USA,UK,Australia are listed with accessibility as a 'required skillset' in job applications hence learning web accessibility testing is important for manual,automation testers!What is Web Accessibility?Users with disabilities such as visually impaired or physically challenged (term used in this section as special users) are required accessible web applications for ease of use. This has been suggested as part of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (known as WCAG)/General Services Administration Section 508 Standards(known as Section 508) in detail. Providing proper text for each section of the page and facilitating best user experience on the web pages are very important while providing accessibility features to web applications.Note: Visually impaired has classification specified by Centers of Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) and it is not the only reason for performing accessibility tests. Accessibility ensures the special users with disabilities can access the same web pages what normal users access. In this course, selenium based BDD scripts are explained using Javascript as a programming language hence knowing Javascript is essential for this section; This is not a automation or selenium focused training but purely focusing on accessibility testing. This is an amazing course to learn and perform web accessibility verification through manual and automation tests using selenium,pa11y,axe,zoomtext and web accessibility toolbar!Trainer: Endorsed by TechNation as 'Exceptional Talent of UK' in Digital TechnologyCourse Photo Credits:Photo by Vanilla Bear Films on UnsplashCourse Language: English (Indian Accent)Requirements: Computer with Windows Operating System and Internet Explorer/Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Browsers (Reason: Tools such as NVDA and JAWS can be installed in Windows OS only)"
Price: 199.99

"Learn American English Online"
"Welcome to English on the Street!This 8-week onlineclass is designed to help you understand how American English speakers talk. In this course, you will:1.) Understand common phrases by native English speakers.2.) Learn how to say words and phrases when you go places.3.) Increase your English vocabulary and word usage.WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?Words and Phrases in American English that are NOT in your typical textbook, but are frequently used by native English speakers.English to help you understand American English speakers.A few cultural tips and practical advice for living in the U.S.WHAT WILL YOU BE ABLE TO DO AFTER THIS CLASS?Understand and use some shopping vocabulary.Order Food at Restaurants and How to Order at a Subway.Banking Words and How to Open a Bank Account Online.How to express feelings and emotions in English.Order Coffee at a Starbucks.How to use the Post Office.How to book a hotel and plan for travel in the U.S. (Yellowstone National Park)How to read and understand road signs and some travel directions.I look forward to serving you and helping you improve your English language skills!Kind Regards,Alex BrickerESL With Purpose, LLC"
Price: 34.99

"Kizomba-Online Part 2 of 4 Beginners with Adi U"
"This course is part of a series that offers a structured progressive syllabus course designed to give you a three-year professional training program so as to take you from 'Day 1 to Mastery' in Kizomba (fusion). Kizomba-OnlineDay 1 to MasteryPart 2 of 4:  This is the part two of the four-part 1 year Beginners course for Kizomba and this part 2 of the course has 9 videos that should last 3 months.This sequel to the part 1 course is mainly dedicated to more technical steps viz. the different types of Saidas.It is recommended that you learn one step per week for the first three weeks of the month and practise all the steps in the fourth week.Practising is the way to go for this course and it helps to go back a few steps and take a break from learning more steps, instead, you should spend more time revising the steps you have already learnt.Have fun with the course and never stop learning."
Price: 49.99

"Strategic Planning Simplified"
"Confused or uncertain about strategic planning? Not sure where to begin? Strategic planning is an essential process for leaders and managers to implement, but it can often be challenging and overwhelming. This course is designed to simplify the strategic planning process by providing you with a framework for developing a clear and concise strategic plan based on seven key questions. Answering these essential questions will help you build your own strategic roadmap for success, which will serve as a guide for your priorities, decisions, and resource allocation.The following key areas will be covered in this course:Purpose, Mission, ValuesDeveloping a VisionConducting a Situation AnalysisCreating Strategic ThemesEstablishing Goals &ObjectivesIdentifying Success IndicatorsCreating an Action PlanThrough a series of short and engaging lectures, Dr. Jeremy Couch will walk you through each component of the strategic roadmap process and explain how to develop a plan that is practical and actionable. After completing this course, you will be more confident about engaging in the strategic planning process."
Price: 19.99

"Dominando Realidade Aumentada com Unity"
"Com esse curso voc vai aprender desenvolver aplicativos com realidade aumentada utilizando as mais variadas tcnicas e para os mais diferentes setores da economia.A realidade aumentada um dos campos da computao que mais tem crescido nos ltimos anos e tem potencial para crescer muito mais. uma tecnologia que surpreende a todos a cada instante, surgindo novos usos, novas aplicaes num mercado que movimenta Bilhes de dlares por ano.Voc no pode ficar fora dessa, perdendo a oportunidade de atuar num mercado com tanto potencial de expanso e faturamento.Atravs desse curso, eu compartilharei com voc o aprendizado que tive ao longo de 10 anos trabalhando com Realidade Aumentada usando o Unity, criando dezenas aplicativos para grandes empresas do Brasil, Estados Unidos, Alemanha, Frana, Itlia e Inglaterra. Eu passei pela grande fase de revoluo e popularizao da realidade aumentada no mundo e, agora vou ensinar todos os segredos e truques que envolvem essa tecnologia ao longo desse curso.O curso foi feito a partir de aulas prticas, simulando projetos reais, onde, a cada aula um novo projeto ser desenvolvido do incio ao fim, abordando diversos recursos disponveis na realidade aumentada. Os arquivos utilizados nas aulas so disponibilizados como arquivos de suporte s aulas,  alm disso, o acesso ao curso vitalcio. Voc pode ver, rever e consultar a qualquer momento.No fique fora desse mundo fantstico que no para de crescer, aproveite essa oportunidade de ingressar agora no desenvolvimento de realidade aumentada!"
Price: 579.99

"Blue Prism foundation course"
"Blue Prism is a leading Robotics Process Automation software with a high demand in the market. In this course you will learn Blue Prism which is a Robotics Process Automation software. You will not only learn how to develop RPAsolution using Blue Prism but also will understand advanced concepts like multi BOTarchitecture and how Blue Prism is deployed in large enterprises."
Price: 19.99

"Meditation Success with Singing Bowls!"
"Make meditation easy, fast and FUN! Learn 22 creative and effective ways to calm the MIND by using a singing bowl in meditation. This video focuses on how to stop the mind chatter that is characteristic of the  modern mind, and bring the the brain to a place of peace. Sound and vibration from metal or quartz crystal singing bowls is the quickest way to connecting with pure consciousness. When you discover meditation with singing bowls, you also unlock and tune-in to whole-body healing, including stress reduction, release of negative feelings, and improved immunityTheres actually science that proves this!And as renowned sound energy practitioner Ann Martin teaches, you can also connect with creativity, sacredness, and meaning for your life. Ann is a global instructor, teaching modern singing bowl techniques to cancer patients, corporate employees, women's empowerment groups, school children, veterans, and hundreds of others. The format for this training is unique. For each of the 22 meditations demonstrated, you are provided with an intention for the meditation, instructions on how to play the bowl and the position you should be in, as well as an affirmation to takeaway and contemplate throughout your day. Once you have experimented with all of the different ways to meditate, pick and choose the ones that resonate with you and practice them during a longer meditation session. You'll be coming back to this video again and again to broaden your exploration of paths to ""No-Mind."" Even if you dont have a singing bowl, you can follow along with Ann's meditative vibrations and soothing sounds with a good headphones. Anyone can learn to use sound tools for meditation success and find healing, personal transformation, and even FUN! In addition, the more you use a singing bowl in meditation, the more you train your brain to stop wrangling with the distractions of the world and focus on just one thing...The Present Moment! Let's get started and learn to focus and center with a singing bowl; you'll have guaranteed meditation success in the palm of your hand!"
Price: 49.99

"Spring Boot REST API and Microservices - Spring Cloud"
"""Spring Boot  REST API and Microservices - Spring Cloud"" is comprehensive course aimed for starting your journey towards spring boot and Microservices. It covers most important fundamentals. The course gets updated with time so that you can keep pace with new offerings from spring and give an edge to your career. Start understanding the basics of Spring boot and REST API and master Microservices which are the latest and hottest topic in market.We have grown with strong 5000 + students in 3 months , Look at few of the comments from our student.""The very good knowledge of the spring boot and REST API. it was a good presentation skill. The easiest way to explain microservice and other stuff too related microservice. I feel happy with this course completed."" -Vimal Gangadiya""Content and explanation provided is really nice along with the practical examples.""- Vishal MendekarStart the course and learn.Introduction to Spring Boot: Understand why Spring boot is required.Creating first Spring Boot ApplicationCRUD Operations via Spring Boot HTTP verbs and RESTful Maturity via Richandson maturity levelError and Exception HandlingRandom numbers and values generation via SpringProfiles and externalising configurations.Microservices IntroductionFeign Declarative REST ClientService Discovery in  MicroservicesUse of Config ServerZuul API gatewayDistributed Tracing Zipkins UI to view tracesHystrix Fault tolerance Spring Cloud bus to update automatic configurations"
Price: 199.99

"Algorithmic Trading & Quantitative Analysis Using Python"
"Build a fully automated trading bot on a shoestring budget. Learn quantitative analysis of financial data using python. Automate steps like extracting data, performing technical and fundamental analysis, generating signals, backtesting, API integration etc. You will learn how to code and back test trading strategies using python. The course will also give an introduction to relevant python libraries required to perform quantitative analysis. The USP of this course is delving into API trading and familiarizing students with how to fully automate their trading strategies.You can expect to gain the following skills from this courseExtracting daily and intraday data for free using APIs and web-scrapingWorking with JSON dataIncorporating technical indicators using pythonPerforming thorough quantitative analysis of fundamental dataValue investing using quantitative methodsVisualization of time series dataMeasuring the performance of your trading strategiesIncorporating and backtesting your strategies using pythonAPI integration of your trading scriptFXCM and OANDA APISentiment Analysis"
Price: 49.99

"Como fazer apresentaes de impacto?"
"Voc j sentiu medo enquanto estava se preparando para uma apresentao na faculdade ou trabalho?No sabia por onde comear e como garantir um bom resultado?A ideia desse curso ajud-lo a entender como criar apresentaes mais eficientes e que geram resultados com a aplicao de estratgias e dicas simples."
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft Word 2016"
Price: 7800.00

"Data Science - Python for Machine Learning Crash Course"
"How to use this course: A short and sweet course which is not meant to be merely observed, it is a practical lesson which requires you to open your Jupyter notebook and type the code as you see it on the screen. This way you will understand how the code works. Feel free to experiment with the code by entering your own values.A hands-on approach to learning Data Science using Jupyter Notebooks. All explanations are present on the screen so that you can pause the video and read them at your own pace. Installation instructions have been provided for Python as well as it's libraries."
Price: 19.99

"How to Travel Around The World with Low Budget"
"This course consist of my 3 years experience of travelling around 40 countries. I traveled alot in Europe. And just one month ago I returned back from Asia. For that trip I was in 12 new countries and I really fall in love in Asia. I did my best to gain all the tips in this course to help you to travel alot and very cheap around the World. I tried to put only practical information that Me and My friends got through. In the course you're gonna learn how to:- find low-price airline tickets;- hitchhike safe and smart;- apply for almost any tourist visa by yourself;- find place to sleep wherever you are(even without money)-travel cheap with Volunteering and live there for a while;- travel free on the trains;- live Around The World for Free;- get on any event for free;- save your money while you're travelling;- travel around the world with low budget."
Price: 69.99

"6 tapes pour acclrer la russite de vos projets"
"Profitez de l't pour acclrer la russite de vos projets professionnels et personnels !Ce programme est pour vous si :Vous aspirez avoir une vie professionnelle en accord avec vos valeurs, vos qualits et vos aspirations pour vous raliser pleinementVous avez besoin de trouver un sens votre vie professionnelleVous voulez passer laction et concrtiser vos projets pour dvelopper votre plein potentielVous tes une personne qui aime se dpasser et atteindre ses objectifsVous voulez dvelopper votre confiance et renforcer votre motivationVous voulez augmenter votre productivit pour augmenter vos revenusActuellement, dans votre vie professionnelle, vous vous sentez :Limit(e) dans vos capacits ou dans votre situation de travail Perdu(e) dans ce que vous voulez faire et dans la stratgie pour y parvenirEn dcalage par rapport ce que vous avez prvu de raliser dans votre vie professionnelleVous aspirez   :Une plus grande motivation dans votre vie professionnelle car elle serait en accord avec vos aspirations, vos valeurs et votre personnalitPlus de plaisir et de libert car vous savez pourquoi vous travaillez et votre vie professionnelle a plus de sensUne plus grande confiance en vous et en la vie car vous suivez une ligne directrice et des objectifs qui orienteraient vos actions et canaliseraient votre nergiePour cela, vous avez besoin :D'avoir une vision claire de ce que vous voulez pour trouver un sens vos actionsD'tre soutenu(e) et guid(e) pour persvrer et poursuivre une discipline de vie qui vous permet datteindre vos objectifsDvoluer pour dvelopper votre plein potentiel et passer au niveau suprieur dans votre vieAujourdhui, il est temps de prendre votre vie en main et daccomplir vos projets professionnels.La vrit est que vous ne pouvez pas y arriver tout(e) seul(e).a ne signifie pas que vous tes une personne moins intelligente ou moins forte. Au contraire. En prendre conscience est la premire tape vers la concrtisation et la russite de vos projets.Ce programme de coaching vous permet de :Prendre confiance en vous pour sortir des blocages inconscients qui vous limitent dans votre dveloppement professionnelGagner en efficacit et en performance dans la concrtisation de vos projetsTrouver votre voix, votre vocation, votre mission de vieVous fixer des objectifs ralistes et atteignables court, moyen et long termeConstruire un plan daction structur pour grer votre temps et vos prioritsFaire le bilan des premiers objectifs atteints et en planifier de nouveauxCe programme est pour vous si :Vous voulez avoir une vie professionnelle en accord avec vos valeurs, vos qualits et vos aspirations pour vous raliser pleinementVous avez besoin de trouver un sens votre vie professionnelleVous voulez passer laction et concrtiser vos projets pour dvelopper votre plein potentielVous tes une personne qui aime se dpasser et atteindre ses objectifsVous voulez dvelopper votre confiance et renforcer votre motivationVous voulez augmenter votre productivit pour augmenter vos revenusVoici, les rsultats possibles :Trouver un emploi qui vous correspond vritablementPropulser votre volution professionnelleRorienter votre carrire vers un mtier en accord avec vos aspirationsLancer votre entrepriseDvelopper et prenniser votre entrepriseA lissue des Masterclass, vous vous sentirez :Motiv(e) par votre vision et vos projetsConfiant(e) en vos capacits et votre stratgie pour atteindre vos objectifsSerein(e) car vous tes plus en accord avec vous-mmepanoui(e) par rapport votre volution et la connaissance que vous aviez de vous au dpartSatisfait(e) du travail accompli et fier(e) de votre persvrance pour suivre votre nouvelle discipline de vieEst-ce le temps pour vous de concrtiser vos projets professionnels ?Oui, je suis prt(e) connatre les prochaines tapes du programme pour passer laction et concrtiser mes projets professionnelsOui, je suis prt(e) tre accompagn(e) par une coach qui maide structurer et mettre en place mes projets au lieu dessayer de tout apprendre par moi-mme.Oui, je suis prt(e) me sentir confiant(e) face moi-mme, les autres et mon environnement afin de mettre en application ce que japprends dans mon coachingOui, je suis prt(e) attirer les opportunits professionnelles idales, en tant stratgique et authentique.Oui, je suis prte(e) me positionner comme un(e) leader et prendre ma place dans ma vie professionnellePassez l'action pour transformer votre vie professionnelle !Durant ce programme, vous apprendrez :Tout ce que vous devez mettre en place pour acclrer la russite de vos projetsComment aligner vos valeurs, vos qualits et vos aspirations dans votre vie professionnelleComment matriser votre fonctionnement mental et motionnel pour renforcer votre confianceComment dprogrammer vos croyances limitantes et transformer vos peurs en moteurs l'action pour dvelopper votre motivationComment trouver votre vocation et les besoins la source de votre panouissement dans votre vie professionnelleComment atteindre vos objectifs travers un plan d'action pour les 12 prochains moisLes connaissances que vous allez acqurir vous serviront tout au long de votre vie professionnelle.Jai construit ce programme pour que vous appreniez toutes les tapes de A Z pour acclrer la russite de vos projets. Vous pourrez les mettre en place ds le premier jour. Vous apprendrez pas seulement ce que vous devez faire, vous apprendrez COMMENT le faire et on passera l'action ensemble. Vous serez accompagn, tout au long de ce programme, dans la dure pendant 6 semaines. Module 1 : Formuler un objectifAligner vos dsirs avec la ralit pour acclrer la russite de vos projetsAdopter une attitude qui renforce votre confiance et votre motivationAtteindre une russite en accord avec vos valeurs, vos qualits et vos aspirations Module 2 : Matriser votre dynamique intrieureApprivoiser vos motions pour mieux vivre au quotidienRenforcer votre mental pour accueillir le changement avec confiancePrendre soin de votre corps physique pour augmenter votre niveau d'nergie Module 3 : Identifier vos croyances limitantesIdentifier limpact de vos croyances pour dprogrammer ce qui vous limiteS'apprcier tel que vous tes pour vous librer du regard des autresvacuer les penses ngatives pour maintenir le cap de vos projets Module 4 : Transformer vos croyances limitantes en croyances positivesUtiliser vos peurs comme motivation et moteur lactionSavoir passer autre chose et non ruminer le passChanger de regard sur ses erreurs passes pour en tirer une exprience utile pour l'avenir Module 5 : Trouver votre vocation, votre voie, votre mission de vieAvoir une vision claire et prcise de vos projets en adquation avec vous Faire un mtier en accord avec vos valeurs, vos qualits et vos aspirationsDvelopper vos talents pour continuer dvoluer dans votre vie professionnelle Module 6 : Construire son futurDfinir une vision et des objectifs clairs de vos projets 1 an, 3 ans et 5 ansMettre en place un plan dactions prcis et chelonn dans le tempsSavoir grer votre temps et vos priorits"
Price: 24.99

"Create Virtual Reality Apps using React VR & React 360"
"In-depth & Hands-On practical course on React VR and React 360.Virtual Reality is a form of interactive computer-generated environment that immerses users in a three-dimensional environment. Are you guys fascinated in learning a technology that grow wider than our imaginations? If yes, welcome to this course Create Virtual Reality Apps using React VR and React 360. This course is very rare of its kind and includes even a very thin detail of React VR and React 360.In this course you will get to understand a step by step learning of building virtual reality (VR) apps in the technology from where it all started i.e., Facebooks React VR and its latest version React 360.Every lecture in this course is explained in 2 Steps. Step 1 : Explanation of the concepts theoretically. Step 2 : Practicals Implementing its full code practically on web.The overall inclusions and benefits of this course: Complete React VR and React 360 explained from SCRATCH to its Real-time implementation. Each and every concept is explained by a HANDS-ON working example. To give a virtual look of concepts we used, this course is crafted with Presentations to make the understanding effective and easy. Codes and assets used in lectures are attached in the course for your convenience.After learning the basics of ReactVR and React 360, this course is attached with following three big projects that showcase each and every concept of ReactVR and React 360 at paper-thin level. Solar System Hide and Seek Game Art Gallery"
Price: 29.99