"Curso bsico Francs en Francs 1: aprende el idioma online" |
"Aprender Francs fcilmente!Buscando un curso de Francs en lnea? Empiezas de aprender Francs? Aqu, estas en la direccin correcta! En este curso, vamos a aprender Francs desde cero ... en Francs.Quin puede aprender?Cualquier principiante. Ya conoces algo de Francs o Franca? De una escuela de idiomas o de una academia de Francs? Perfecto! Esto te ayudar a hablar y estudiar Francs. No sabes nada de Francs? No te preocupes, comenzamos desde cero.Que vas a aprender?Estas clases de Francs te ensearan a tener conversaciones bsicas en Francs. Comenzamos con la presentacin: cmo presentarte. Entonces, aprendemos de los pases, el negativo, verbos,y ms cosas generales para mejorar tu Francs, y tambin hablar y tu pronunciacin para aprender frases.Cmo vamos a aprender?Vamos a hacer un montn de ejercicios. Cada seccin una prueba (o un examen). Y todo esto ... en Francs! Francs en Francs?S, el curso es exclusivamente en Francs. Eso puede ser impresionante, pero probas los primeros videos que estn gratis. Despus de unas lecciones, olvidaras que es en Francs. Iras ms rpido.Te garantizo:El pleno accesoTodas las futuras clases adicionales y actualizaciones se incluyen libre.Udemy garanta de devolucin de 30 dasListo para empezar de aprender Francs, el idioma de Francia? Vamos!Tu profesor de Francs,Alain"
Price: 29.99 |
"Leer Frans in het Frans 1: cursus voor absolute beginners" |
"Verbeter je Frans met deze cursus!Zoek je naar een online cursus om Frans beginnen te leren? Wil je beginnen of ben je pas begonnen? Dan is deze opleiding ideaal om ermee te beginnen! We gaan Frans leren in het Frans.Voor wie is deze cursus?Deze taalcursus is voor beginners. Heb je nog nooit Frans geleerd? Of in een heel ver verleden? Of geen tijd om de taal te oefenen? Gebruik dan deze cursus om eraan te beginnen. Je moet geen woord Frans kennen, we beginnen vanaf nul.Wat gaan we leren?In deze opleiding Frans gaan we de basis leren. We beginnen bij de basis: hoe jezelf voorstellen. Daarna volgen landen, de negatieve wijs, talen, interessante Franse woordenen nog veel meer. Hier en daar is er wat grammatica maar het belangrijkste is dat we de taal oefenen. Ook de uitspraak komt aan bod.Hoe gaan we Frans leren?Van het begin tot het einde van de cursus leren we in het Frans. Klinkt moeilijk, maar probeer de gratis videos. Het klinkt veel moeilijker dan het werkelijk is. Zo zal jouw Frans snel verbeteren en wordt de Franse les n en al oefening. De vertaling nl fra zal niet meer nodig zijn.Ik garandeer:Altijd toegang, levenslangAlle verbeteringen en updates gratisVerzekerde terugbetaling binnen de 30 dagenKlaar voor de Franse les? Dan beginnen we eraan met jouw eerste Franse zinnen!Ik kijk uit naar jouw vorderingen,Alain"
Price: 29.99 |
"Learn French... in French 1: start to learn the language" |
"Learn French - with this online language course!Are you willing to learn French? Is French school a challenge?Do you prefer to learn languages online?You're at the right spot! You're about to learn French... in French!For whom is this course?The course is for beginners. So no previous knowledge needed.You're going to learn basic French. We'll see everything from 0: French pronunciation to learn how to speak French andbasic French grammar for the starting language learner.What are you about to learn?All the aspects of the basic French language. The French lessons will coverFrench verbs, how to form French phrases, questions, French words fortransport,French vocabulary, drinks, and many more subjects. You'll blend in the 'France culture.'How will you learn the French language?The French language isn't the easiest language to learn.So a good question is: how to learn French?The answer: completelyin French. You'll learn all your new words in the French language - yes. Feel free to try the previews.The level is French A1 to French A2.I guarantee:Full, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guaranteeReady look learn French online?Looking forward to your progression!Alain"
Price: 29.99 |
"Make 5 Free Awesome Augmented Reality Experiences Today" |
"Youve heard about, seen, or experienced Augmented Reality (AR). Now you want to create your own AR experiences, but how? In this introductory course, youll learn how to use Human Centered Design (Design Thinking) methodology to create 5 engaging AR experiences that you can build today! Well use a free trial of the Zappar/ZapWorks suite of online authoring tools (Widget, Designer, and Studio) to create an AR enhanced 1) business card, 2) thank you note, 3) photo, 4) sign/poster, 5) and interactive 360 photo experiences. When youre finished with this course, youll have the foundation to modify these and create AR experiences of your own design."
Price: 49.99 |
"Veri Ambar Modelleme" |
"Veri ambar- Zekasprojelerinde en nemli konularn banda phesiz modelleme yer almaktadr.yi kurgulanacak bir model projenizin baars ile dorudan orantldr.Dimensional modelleme ise modelleme tekniklerinden en etkili olan yntemlerden bir tanesidir. Bu eitimde dimensional modelleme kavramlar ve onlarn zelliklerinden ayrntl olarak bahsedeceiz. Dimension, Fact yaplar, bunlarn zellikleri, eitleri, modelleme iin ipular, modellemede yaplmas gerekenler, yaplmamas gerekenler vb. konular inceleyeceiz. Ve eitimin sonunda sizlerin de bu konuda alma yapabilmesi iin ilgili tablo rneklerine nasl ulaabileceinizi anlatacaz."
Price: 199.99 |
angelicreadingsnov |
"12 Readings, 1 , Reading! Bonus , ! , Reading :) ,) ,) , , , ) Readings ! Reading 13 , Readings! 11 , 2 , Deck! Reading, kehagia@hotmail.com You Tube, 111 Readings, 8 , 33 Readings ! 144 Readings! , : thehumanangels Fotini Kechagia ! ! !"
Price: 119.99 |
angelicreadingsdec17 |
"12 Readings! 12 Bonus ! Reading :) ,) ,) , , , ) Readings ! Reading 13 , Readings! 11 , 2 , Deck! Reading, kehagia@hotmail.com You Tube, 111 Readings, 8 , 33 Readings ! 144 Readings! , : thehumanangels Fotini Kechagia ! ! !"
Price: 119.99 |
symbolaia-aspida |
", , , . , , , , . , . , , , , , ! , , ! ! ! !"
Price: 99.99 |
"- Reading 11-17.12.17!" |
":1) ,2) - ,3) Reading ,4) ,5) : , , , , ! ! !"
Price: 99.99 |
"- Reading 18-24.12.17!" |
":1) ,2) - ,3) Reading , 4) ,5) : , , , ! ! !"
Price: 99.99 |
"- Reading 25-31.12.17!" |
":1) ,2) - ,3) Reading , 4) ,5) : , , , ! ! !"
Price: 99.99 |
didimesfloges |
":1) ,2) ,3) 1 : 4) 2 : 5) 3 : 6) 4 : -4 7) 5 : Wesak- 8) , , !* , , 4 , . 5 : Wesak- . , . ! !"
Price: 99.99 |
"Gesto Financeira e Estratgia para Empresas de Servios" |
"Neste curso, vamos tratar sobre estratgia de negcios e gesto financeira para empresasprestadoras de servios em um nvel bsico para intermedirio.***OBS: Este curso est sendo melhorado, novas aulas ainda sero includas! ltima atualizao 15/11/2018.Se voc um empreendedor ou pretende abrir uma empresa prestadora de servios, este curso ser um direcionador para suas aes, pois voc ser guiado desde a concepo da empresa, definio da estratgia, posicionamento, segmentao, anlise dos ambientes externo e interno at entrar no tema gesto financeira, onde conhecer os principais conceitos, ferramentas e como aplicar cada uma delas no seu dia a dia.Lembrando que, empresas prestadoras de servios precisam buscar constantemente a satisfao e fidelizao de seus clientes, mas no podem, de forma alguma, esquecer de algo primordial, que a estratgia do negcio e a correta gesto dos custos e receitas.Desta forma, o curso contempla os seguintes tpicos principais:- O que gesto estratgica- Quais os passos para um correto planejamento de negcios- Quais os passos para fazer uma boa gesto de negcios- O que servio e quais suas caractersticas- Conceitos financeiros e como aplic-los: regimes financeiros, custos, despesas etc.- Como calcular o pro labore dos scios- Fluxo de caixa eDRE, como montar cada um deles e como explorar os indicadores para tomada de decises mais assertivas- Conciliao bancria- Como a gesto de vendas pode ajudar a melhorar a gesto financeira- Formao de preos e muito mais...Alm de contar com uma srie de exerccios e leituras extras para enriquecer seu conhecimento!O curso pretende focar nos aspectos funcionais da estratgia e gesto financeira, portanto todas as aulas so direcionadas para a prtica no dia a dia."
Price: 384.99 |
"Practical Beginners JavaScript: Build Six Projects" |
"JavaScript is the most popular scripting language in the world. It is responsible for the interactivity like games, online forms or surveys and other activities users can engage with on a website. Most dynamic if not all website contains some element of JavaScript.JavaScript programming language drives millions of interactive web sites, powers fast web servers and can even be used to build desktop and mobile applicationsThis beginners course is a practical hands-on course that will enable you to gain some useful JavaScript Script through building six useful projects in JavaScript.The course will teach you topics like:VariablesData TypesFunctionsConditional StatementsThe projects we will create include:Loan CalculatorBMI calculatorEvent countdown timerBalloon popping web appLight bulb effectTip calculatorBy the end of this course you will be confident to build more useful projects ."
Price: 109.99 |
"Aprende a Desarrollar Tiendas Online Profesionales" |
"Curso pensado para quienes quierenaprender a crear tiendas online con WordPress ya seapara proyectos personales u ofrecerlo a terceros.Comenzaremos desde la compra de un dominio hasta finalizar una tienda totalmente Profesional y Autoadministrable de manera tal que cada clase te ir entregando toda la informacin necesaria de manera integral y acadmica, de esta forma el conocimiento y aprendizaje se irn dando de manera fluida te dejar preparado / preparada para seguir aprendiendo de este gran mundo del Desarrollo WordPress."
Price: 199.99 |
"Automatyzacja procesw - od workflow do RPA" |
"Gdziekolwiek spojrzysz widzisz przejawy nowego podejcia do biznesu. Kupujesz bilety - czeka na Ciebie biletomat. Lecisz na wakacje - widzisz kiosk, w ktrym moesz kupi ubezpieczenie. Wpadasz co zje do popularnego fast-fooda - moesz zoy zamwienie bez kontaktu z pracownikiem.Automatyzacja jest na ustach wszystkich. Wynika to z wielu przesanek: nowych moliwoci technicznych, zmian demograficznych, oczekiwa klientw.Czy Twojej organizacji procesy s ju cyfrowe, czy nadal pracownicy staraj si wykonywa swoj prac przesyajc sobie Excele przez e-mail albo zanoszc sobie teczki z papierami na biurka?Jeli chcesz skorzysta z nowych moliwoci, ale nie wiesz, gdzie zacz, a terminy takie jak BPMS, czy RPA niewiele Ci mwi, to ten kurs jest dla Ciebie!Dowiesz si jak w chwili obecnej podchodzi si do automatyzacji procesw, od ktrych procesw zacz, jakich narzdzi uy i na jakie bdy uwaa."
Price: 69.99 |
"Essential Elements of A Good Business Plan" |
"This course, Essential Elements of a Good Business Plan, provides a foundation to help students design and develop their business plan. It identifies core areas that they must address in theirplan to make it a viable working document.It is designed primarily to give new business owners a better understanding of what is expected and should be included in theirplan."
Price: 99.99 |
"How to Improve Your Personal Credit" |
"Developing a greatpersonal credit profile is essential to your financial success. Too often, individuals, especially those seeking to start a business are not prepared for the rigorous process of financing or credit analysis.This course, 'How to Improve Your PersonalCredit:7 Credit Strategies You Should Use', was developed to help the individualstruggling with credit learn learn key management strategies. Depending on your level of knowledge on personal credit, this course will provide a foundation to help improve and manage your credit.It will present seven key management strategies you need to implement to better aid your personal financial success."
Price: 29.99 |
"Write Every Day" |
"Create a regular writing habit that builds your confidence, creates solid, sustainable progress, and enables you to reach your biggest writing-related goalsDiscover how to start and maintain a regular writing practiceSet yourself up for success with the right mindset and environmentCreate a writing habit that supports your health and happiness, as well as your goalsLearn how to overcome procrastination, resistance, and other common challengesregular writers encounterHarness the power of a daily writing practice and watch your skill and confidence growThe difference between aspiring writers and actualwritersiswriting.Writers write. Whether you want to write a book, start a blog, finish your dissertation, or complete client projects, a regular writing practice will help you do so in an efficient and sustainable way. Its the best and arguably only way to create a body of work without giving up on your writing goals and dreams or, at the other end of the spectrum, experiencing burnout.Contents and overviewThis course contains 32lessons and 2hours of content.Its designed for new writers who want to make the most of the time they have and start their writing career with good habits in place. Its also for more experienced writers who are struggling to maintain a regular practice and want to learn how to create a writing habit, as well as support themselves with the emotional ups and downs of the writing journey.To start, youll discover a simple writing practice that works with any schedule and will help you kickstart your new writing habit. Youll also learn how to grow your practice and dig deep into your identity as a writer, looking at what motivates you, what your ideal writing life looks like, and how writing fits with the other important areas and elements of your life. With a strong foundation in place, the course also covers how to deal with the most common challenges and obstacleswriters face, including procrastination, struggling to finish projects, self-criticism, and more. Whether youre writing purely for personal pleasure, to further your career, or as a side project, having a regular writing practice is a hugely rewarding and fulfilling habit that will enrich your life across the board. This course will give you the tools to get writing and stay writing, whatever else is on your plate."
Price: 19.99 |
"HOT & NEW : Build a Full Platform Game With Construct 2 or 3" |
"Take a journey with me while we build a complete video game using the Construct 2 platform. The game is called Cave Slayer and includes a hero, enemy, boss, artificial intelligence, hot lava, and multiple levels. Learn the process from start to finish while you have fun learning the logic behind video games. This is a beginner to intermediate course. Enjoy!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Piano Rhythms Vol.1: Rockn Roll" |
"Do you like Rockn Roll? Do you want to learn to play piano accompaniments? If you answer is yes, this course is for you!! This course is dedicated to those piano students that want to learn to play piano rhythms, this course is the number 1 in the Piano Rhythms Series and is dedicated to Rockn Roll. In this course you will learn how to play 5 piano compings, this course has:Video tutorials where you can watch the instructor playing each comping and giving you advices at the moment so you can take the most of your practice.DownloadablePDF so you can practice offline.Downloadable drumsbacking tracks, so you can practice these compings while you play along with the drums.Theorical explanations of how and what you need to play.This course has 1200 students already enrolled, it has been rated with an average of 4 stars from 5 possible in Udemy, this is what students are saying about the course in their reviews:""Great for beginners to start jamming "" (5 stars) ""This is an awesome course. Beautifully demonstrated. Thank you. "" (5 stars) Enroll in this course and start playing Rockn Roll today! Remember that you can ask the instructor questions about the course and how you can really get the most of it, so you are not alone in this musicaljourney."
Price: 69.99 |
"Curso de ejercicios tcnicos al piano Vol.3" |
"Eres estudiante de piano y quieres mejorar tu tcnica?Batallas con el control del sonido y tocas golpeado?Se cansa tu mano al tocar arpegios y acompaar?Este curso esta diseado para todo pianista, amateur, principiante o avanzado que desee perfeccionar su tcnica, especficamente al tocar arpegios y acompaamientos ligadosEn este curso adquirirs habilidades que te permitirn:Tocar un ligado (legato) con ms control y balance.Relajar tu mano al acompaar, especialmente al tocar arpegios.Combinar toques como staccato y legato en ambas manos.Ampliar la extensin de tu mano con ejerciciosen arpegios a 3 y 4 notas.Tomar consciencia del sonido y balance que produces de acuerdo al ritmo natural de las figuras. A travs de videos 100% prcticos podrs seguir estos ejercicios haciendo nfasis en los principios bsicos de una buena tcnica.Este curso es el Vol.3 de una serie dedicada al desarrollo de una buena tcnica en el piano, aunque es recomendable tomar los otros cursos no es indispensable.Esto es lo que estan diciendo los estudiantes en sus reseas sobre este curso:""Claro y prctico, son pocos conceptos pero muy bien explicados. Es lo que necesito"" (5 estrellas) Inscrbete a este curso hoy y comienza a desarrollar y mejorar una mejor tcnica pianstica controlando tu sonido y embelleciendo tu expresin a travs de dinmicas.Recuerda que este curso tiene una garanta de satisfaccin, as que no tienes nada que perder.Bienvenido!!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Piano Technique Exercises Vol.3" |
"Are you a piano student and want to improve your technique?Are you strugglingwith sound control and playing too loud like hammering the keys?Does your hand get tired when playing arpeggios and accompaniments?This course is dedicatedtoany pianist, amateur, beginner or advanced who wants to improvehistechnique, specifically when playing arpeggios and legatoaccompaniments.In this course you will acquire skills that will allow you to:Play legatowith more control and balance.Relax your hand when you play accompaniments,especially when playing arpeggios.Combine touches like staccato and legato in both hands.Expand the extension of your hand with exercises in 3 and 4 notes arpeggios.Get control of the sound and balance that you produce according to the natural rhythm of the figures.Through 100% practical videos you can follow these exercises emphasizing the basic principles of a good technique.This course is the Vol.3 and isdedicated to the development of a good technique in the piano, although it is advisable to take the other courses is not essential, there are more than 600 students already enrolled in this course.Enrollthis course and start developing and improving yourpiano technique todayby controlling your sound and embellishing yourdynamics.Welcome!!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Cartoon Plasticine Figures Vol.1" |
"Do you love plasticine figures but you think is so difficult?Do you want to enhance your creativity on making plasticine figures?Are you looking for more activities for your kids or your students?This course is for you! Through 100 % practical videos you will learn how to make cartoon figures on plasticine. Animals, robots and much more.All the videos are very wasy to follow, you will learn step by step how to make and model these fun figures, you will be able to share this with your kids or at school through amusing workshops or extra curricular activities.In this course you will learn how to make:A catA pantherRobotsIf you have any question please let me know and I will be very happy to help you.Enroll in this course today and start developing all the creativity that has been given to you."
Price: 39.99 |
"Aprende escalas Vol.3: Pentatnicas y escala de BLUES" |
"Deseas aprender a tocar ESCALAS PENTATONICAS MAYORES Y MENORES?Te gusta improvisar y quieres aprender a tocar la ESCALA DE BLUES?Este curso esta dirigido a estudiantes que tienen conocimiento al piano sobre escalas mayores ymenores que desean aprender a tocar escalas pentatnicas as como la muy utilizada y popular escala de Blues.A travs de videos 100% prcticos aprenders a tocar a partir de cualquier nota estas escalas que son tan utilizadas en la improvisacin y desde luego, en el gnero del Blues y Rock.Este curso contiene:12 videos tutoriales de las escalas pentatnicas mayores12 videos tutoriales de las escalas pentatnicas menores12 videos tutoriales de las escalas de BluesCada video cubre:Digitacin de cada escala, siendo tocada por el instructor.Referencia visual de la partitura de la escala en cada video.Consejos tcnicos para una mejor ejecucin.Este curso contiene un total de 36 videos tutoriales + consejos sobre cmo estudiar estas escalas.Da ese paso para poder tocar las escalas pentatnicas y escala de Blues, si tienes alguna duda puedes mandar un mensaje y con todo gusto te asesorar para saber si este curso es para t, recuerda que este curso tiene una garanta de satisfaccin de 30 das as que no tienes nada que perder, nete a los ms de 130 alumnos inscritos en este curso!Inscrbete a este curso ahora y da ese paso en tu desarrollo tcnico musical!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Playing Piano -Scales - Vol.3: Pentatonics and Blues Scales" |
"Do you like to play Blues or Rockn Roll?Do you want to play pentatonic scales but you simply cannot play them all?----------------This course is for you!! -------------------------Major and minor pentatonic scales are key if you want to improvise, specially if you like Blues or Rockn Roll, thiscourse is not about how to improvise BUT it will teach you how to play these scales following the correct fingering and this will help you to improvise with more ideas.This course has 100% practical video tutorials, you will see the instructor playing each scalewith the correct fingering, plus you will see the image of the notes of each scale so you will be able to follow the written notes and the fingering.You will learn how to play:Major PentatonicsMinor PentatonicsBlues ScalesRemember that if you have any question about how to play this scales you can ask the instructor, so you are not alone in your learning journey.There are more than 270 students already enrolled in this course, it has been rated with an average of 4.94 of 5 possible in Udemy.Join this course today and improve your piano technique and improvising resources by learning this scales."
Price: 49.99 |
"Piano Rhythms Vol.2: Ballade Style" |
"Would you like to learn to accompany simple songs in ballad style? Knowing how to play chords on the piano but want to improve your accompaniments? ------------------------ This course for you!! ------------------------------ Through 100% practical videos I will show you how you can learn to play simple accompaniments in ballad style on the piano, I will teach you how to play these practical patterns on the piano in a fluid way. This course is dedicated to beginners, however if you have been playing piano for a while and you want to venture into the world of accompaniments, outside of the mere reading of notes, you will find the exercises presented in this course quite useful. This course contains: 100% practical tutorial videos where it is shown on the piano how to play the accompaniments. Theorical complementary lessons where the characteristics of each accompaniment are analyzed. Downloadable PDF material. Downloadable audios with drums backing track .There are more than 580 students already enrolled in this course, it has been rated with an average of 5 stars from 5 possible in Udemy. Also once you are enrolled in this course you can post all your questions through in the disscussion board or send me many comment about your piano work to the instructor, so you are not alone in your learning path! Enroll in this course today and begin developing your piano creativity in the fun world of rhythms on the piano."
Price: 69.99 |
"Marte y Venus salen juntos: cmo construir relaciones" |
"Cmo encontrar un alma gemela? Cmo relacionarse con hombres / mujeres? Cules son las etapas comunes por las que hombres y mujeres transitan al salir juntos en citas?Este curso, basado en el trabajo del libro ms vendido de relacionamiento entre hombres y mujeres, Marte y Venus Salen Juntos de John Gray, PhD llevar a los participantes ms all de la comprensin intelectual de los principios a una aplicacin prctica. Cada sesin est diseada para proporcionar experiencias prcticas y positivas de los conceptos.Este curso est divido en seis secciones que cubrirn tpicos como:Generalidades de Marte y Venus: necesidades de hombres y mujeres Encontrando a tu alma gemela Las etapas del proceso de salir juntos Los secretos de atraccin El poder del compromiso Creciendo en amor e intimidad Pidiendo y recibiendo perdnEste curso te preparar para encontrar el amor en una pareja y vivir plena y satisfactoriamente el proceso."
Price: 94.99 |
"Marte y Venus comienzan de nuevo: cmo superar una prdida" |
"Cmo superar una prdida? Cmo volver a empezar luego de una separacin o divorcio? Cmo volver a encontrar gozo y felicidad luego de la prdida?Este curso, basado en el trabajo del libro ms vendido de superacin de prdidas, Marte y Venus Comienzan de Nuevo de John Gray, PhD llevar a los participantes ms all de la comprensin intelectual de los principios a una aplicacin prctica. Cada sesin est diseada para proporcionar experiencias prcticas y positivas de los conceptos. Este curso est divido en cinco secciones que cubrirn tpicos como:Marte y Venus comenzando de nuevo: diferencias y similitudes Las tres etapas de sanidad Los retos de Marte y Venus al comenzar de nuevo Sanidad del pasado para disfrutar del presente.Este curso te preparar para superar una prdida y encontrar gozo y felicidad luego del dolor."
Price: 94.99 |
"Los nios vienen del cielo: cmo criar hijos felices" |
"Cmo criar hijos plenos y felices? Cul es el rol de los padres y madres para lograr este objetivo?Este curso, basado en el trabajo del libro ms vendido de paternidad y maternidad, Los Nios Vienen del Cielo de John Gray, PhD llevar a los participantes ms all de la comprensin intelectual de los principios a una aplicacin prctica. Cada sesin est diseada para proporcionar experiencias prcticas y positivas de los conceptos.Este curso est divido en cinco secciones que cubrirn tpicos como:El cambio de la paternidad / maternidad basada en el miedo y los castigos a la paternidad / maternidad positiva. Los nios vienen de Marte, las nias de Venus: diferencias entre las necesidades de nios y nias. Los estilos de aprendizaje de nios y nias. Las 5 destrezas de paternidad / maternidad positiva. Las necesidades especficas de 0-9 aos, 9-18 aos, 18-27 aos. Los cinco mensajes positivos hacia los nios y nias.Este curso te preparar para desarrollar relaciones con tus hijos o hijas ms profundas y satisfactorias y te ayudar a ser un mejor padre o madre."
Price: 94.99 |