"Prenatal Yoga: Balancing and Energizing" |
"Balancing and Energizing This prenatal yoga practice incorporates breath and yoga postures to balance and energize body and mind. It includes a standing, balancing and back bending postures, along with a challenging arm strengthening sequence. The practice is designed to help maintain and or build strength as you move through your pregnancy. A strong and fit body is important for optimal health for both mama and baby! The breathing practices as well as the balance postures help with focus, aid concentration and have a calming effect on the mind. They can have a stress reducing effect. A calm mama is good for babe! The back bend postures are invigorating and energizing. They can often give a pregnant women a much needed boost. The class is broken up into 5 sections, these can be done on there own or together as an entire 1 hour and 12 minute yoga class. This is a strong practice, best suited for those mamas with some yoga experience."
Price: 19.99 |
"Travel Journaling: How to Write Extraordinary Travel Diaries" |
"Taught by a bestselling travel author, professional writing coach, and former website editor for Rick Steves' Europe! The stories we collect when we travel are some of the biggest tales of our lives. We get to keep those stories for a lifetime if we can remember the details. Journaling about them in a travel diary, helps keep our memories vivid. Most travel diaries fizzle, however. By day six of a big trip, people struggle to recall what happened on days three, four, and five. They return home with mostly blank pages, or bland writing that fails to capture the full spirit of their travel adventures.Whats the tool most people use to document their travels? A camera. Nearly everyone brings a camera of some sort on their vacations. Yet there is so much we can't frame in a photograph that we can capture in a well-written travel journal all of our senses, the unique emotions we experience in unfamiliar places, the tales we hear from people we meet, challenges we overcome, that sense of wonder we feel as we travel through foreign environments, and so much more. You can also journal in tandem with your travel photography to tell the stories behind the photos. So if travel journaling is such a powerful tool for remembering our trips, why is it a struggle for so many people? There are two common frustrations many travel journalers express:Its hard to find time to write in the middle of an exciting vacation.Their writing falls flat. They are having some of the biggest adventures of their lives, yet their words are merely step-by-step accounts of their days. Their writing fails to capture the full scope of their adventures.This course will help fix both of those problems. Youll learn how to splash bold and vivid details into your travel journals quickly so you maximize your time for exploring and your writing wont gobble up precious vacation time. Youll also discover writing techniques that enhance your experiences, making you more aware of your surroundings as you travel. And youll learn fun and efficient ways to write, so that travel journaling doesnt feel like a chore in the middle of an exciting trip.This lively and informative workshop includes 75 minutes of video lessons and set of supplementary readings. Best-selling travel author and humorist Dave Fox teaches you how to write boldly and adventurously as you explore the world. You'll write vivid accounts of your trips, gain a deeper awareness of your surroundings, and keep your memories alive and bright for years to come.This course is for you if:You've tried writing a travel journal in the past but you want to do it betterYou've never journaled about your travels before and want to do it right the first timeYou haven't managed to get much written on previous trips and want to write more in ways that bring you deeper in touch with your surroundings and make your journeys more excitingYou haven't journaled about past journeys and you wish you had. (There's still time to write about trips you've already taken even if you think you can't remember the details. This course will show you how!)You're an aspiring travel writer who needs help spotting and collecting the ""raw footage"" that will make for great travel tales later. (My follow-up course, Travel Writing: Explore the World and Publish Your Stories, teaches you how to transform your on-the-road travel journals into tales for others to read.)So sign up today and get ready to write, and travel, like you never have before with an enhanced awareness of your journeys and an ability to write about those trips in ways that will keep your memories bright for years to come. Dave Fox understands how journaling can help that great trip become a candy jar of memories that you can dip into for the rest of your life.""-- Rick Steves, PBS TV host and author of Europe Through the Back DoorAlso check out my othercourses on Udemy:Travel Writing: Explore the World and Publish Your StoriesDeep Travel: Have Adventures No Guidebook Can Tell You AboutProfessional Humor Tricks for Writers, Speakers, and Other MisfitsThe Writing Mind 1:Defeat Writer's Block & Write ConfidentlyThe Writing Mind 2:Overcome Distractions & Get More Written"
Price: 39.99 |
"The Neuroscience of Habits" |
"The Neuroscience of Habits Learn the latest research coming out of neuroscience about how to rewire our brains for lasting habit change and creation. If New Years resolutions havent worked for you in the past, and they dont for most, its likely that the real problem is not you, rather the approach or thinking patterns you are using. Our habits are real cornerstones for our happiness in ways that most people dont realise : 40% of the actions/behaviours we perform each day arent actual decisions but habits this is something research shows and a huge proportion of our brain activity is actually unconscious brain activity (95%). Is there something in your life you are trying to change or stop? Neuroscience provides the answer. Scientific research proves that brain training rewires the brain. The Hard-Wiring in your brain is your current level of programming or conditioning. You may not like it, but its the truth. You cant achieve more in your life without adding new and better programming. Heres the good news: Using the latest in brain research we now have brand new ways to get inside your head to help you make the mental shifts you must make first, in order to see the changes in your life on the outside. People have been using the wrong tools for making change and that is why its so frustrating when we cant stick to our resolutions or create change in our lives. Understanding the practical neuroscience behind making and keeping habits and resolutions is your key to success. Its simply not enough to state an intention and believe that the change will miraculously occur. This is why most people fail. In this course we delve into the neuroscience of our behaviors, the habit loop and how cravings are created. The real insight here is that habits are not broken, rather they are transformed. If you make your resolutions into habits then they become a part of your life It has been scientifically shown that the brain is structurally altered by changes in your behavior patterns. You can conquer toxic thinking patterns and old limiting beliefs by conscious shifts in your views, having a new vision, reframing problems. You get to consciously choose what you will create or change. The main objective for this course is to review the latest research coming out of neuroplasticity that relates to habits and behaviour, teach you how to develop your own positive, new habits and teach you the secrets of making New Years resolutions that stick. Through our understanding of the neuroscience of habits, we can transform detrimental patterns and thereby develop healthier, more productive patterns of behavior that become new habits! This is just some of what Ill cover in this course: -Brain Training 101: the science of the brain. -What neuroplasticity is, how it impacts habit formation and our behavior and how to change our brains using this knowledge. Scientific research proves that brain training rewires the brain. -We can create and change neural pathways by altering them or establishing new ones. Well look at what neural pathways are and how to change the neural associations in your brain. -Brain plasticity and the mechanisms of behavior change: taking on new patterns of behavior means overriding existing neural circuits. -The foundations of habit: the anchor, the routine and the reward and how to build a habit. -The practical steps involved in getting your brain on auto-pilot. -How task avoidance is a habit, how it is created and reinforced and how we break the procrastination habit. -What bad habits are, how to change our relationship to them and how we can rewire our brains to change bad habits. -How to develop new positive habits without willpower and how to identify triggers of bad habits. -How to focus on new behaviors to form new neural networks that will result in new habits. -How to respond positively to change, turning potential stressors into opportunities for growth and success. -The effects of negative self-talk and patterns of faulty thinking. -The key role of dopamine (the reward molecule) in compulsive behavior. -How a positive attitude affects our mind and health and tips to develop one. -How compulsive behaviors are just habits. -Internal and external motivation. -The types of motivation that set high achievers apart and their 6 core beliefs. -How awareness (mindfulness) relates to procrastination and how it affects self-regulatory behavior. -The 5 facets of mindfulness that help us to break out of bad habits and create new ones. -Get clear about why youre pursuing a resolution what is motivating you to make this lasting change? -Well be thinking in terms of good habits rather than quitting something. -What does your new habit look like and what behaviors are involved? -Well look at how to identify the answers to these questions and many more in determining the right resolution. -How focusing our mind on developing new skills, habits or insights, imprints new neural pathways to support the new habit. -Preparation activities that help us break from our usual patterns of thought. -The Five factors that can make or break the deal in terms of setting the stage for your brain to adapt to learning new ideas or behaviors. -We learn to identify and replace reactive thinking patterns. -How learning depends on your attitude toward the behaviour you want to change. -The key habit breaking tips to take back control of your eating and spending. -I discuss proven methods of rewiring the brain by altering current thought-response patterns -How current patterns and problem behaviors can be learned and unlearned. -How creating habits leads to goal achievement. -Strategies to keep resolutions. -How to shift away from bad habits of rumination and worry. -Instead of relying on willpower we create the right environment and eliminate the distractions and cues that facilitated your bad habit. -How mindful motivation for goals and willpower moves you step by step towards your goals. -Mindfulness techniques and surfing the urge. -Habit intentions and how to create positive statements to help build them. -Changing negative thought patterns to relieve daily stress which undermines habit formation. -Why are we so impulsive? -How can we deal with unwanted thoughts more successfully. -How our brains evolved to have a negativity bias that was essential for survival. -The vagus nerve is, how it functions in our bodies and mind and how we can stimulate it to our benefit. -The neurochemical effects of toxic thinking patterns. -What neuroscientists have discovered about goal setting and why some of our best intentions fail. -How the music we listen to engages the neurobiological systems that affect our psychology. -Improve how we pursue our goals and ultimately increase our chances at success. -Procrastination as an intention-action gap. We look at how task avoidance is a habit, how it is created and reinforced and how we break the procrastination habit."
Price: 49.99 |
"Excel Formulas & Functions - In depth" |
"In this Excel Formulas and Functions - In depth video course, Nurture Tech Academy introduces you to the most simplest and logical way to understand most of the Excel functions. In this Excel training course, you will learn by watching the author actually perform the operation he is instructing on, as he explains step by step how to perform these functions. The training starts with how to write a Formula in Excel and starts with basic formulas like Sum and Count then gradually move to the complex one like IF, IF with And, IF with OR, Nested IF. Then it will cover the whole Lookup Functionality. Financial Functions will be covered there after with Date & Time Functions. By the completion of this online training course, you will be fully versed, and capable of using most of the Formulas & Functions in Microsoft Excel 2007/2010/2013 in a commercial Environment."
Price: 24.99 |
"Java EE 7 A Practical Training Course From Infinite Skills" |
"This Java EE 7 training course from Infinite Skills teaches you the concepts, tools, and functions you will need to know in order to build websites using Oracles popular Java Enterprise Edition programming language. You will start with an introduction to the Web and Java HTTPServlets, then move into learning more about HTTPServlets and parameters. You will learn about Java Server Pages (JSP), such as including directive and comments, page directive import and scripting, and declarations and page directive sessions. This video tutorial will also teach you about Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL), including how to download, install, import, and setup core tags, set and remove variables, among other JSTL functions. Brian will also teach you about custom tag libraries, filters and wrappers, and web security. Finally, you will learn how to build a themed website and web frameworks. By the completion of this video based training course, you will have the knowledge and skills needed to create fully functional Java EE programs. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99 |
"Easy Piano Basics" |
"In the Easy Piano Basics course, you will learn the basics of piano playing in the easiest way possible using the PianoWithWillie method which is based on over 25-years of professional experience.This courseteaches all levels, even absolute beginners how to play the piano.The easy-to-follow video lessons, along with the on-screen virtual keyboard and step-by-step written music make it easy for everyone to learn. Some of what you'll learn: How to speed up your fingers and gain more dexterity How to hear differences like legato and staccato Learn the circle of fifths and how to use it Learn your Major scales and scale patterns Learn important fingering tricks so you don't get ""jammed up"" at the piano After learning these free piano lessons, you'll be able to impress yourself and your friends with your piano skills! Of course, this takes work. To really learn how to play an instrument, it takes equal amounts of practice, patience and a good teacher. Don't worry though...I will walk you through each step. We will begin with the basics of piano playing like understanding half steps, rhythm, piano fingering, chords and other essential piano skills that all pianists must learn to get to the next level in their playing. This course will take students on average about 2-4 weeks to complete and assimilate the information. If it takes you less time, congratulations. If it takes you longer, don't fret, you'll learn at your own pace. Printed materials are available for download to supplement the over 90-minutes of video lessons."
Price: 34.99 |
"Biomimtica. Aprende a innovar inspirndote en la Naturaleza" |
"La biomimtica es la ciencia que se fija en la naturaleza para resolver nuestros retos emulando las formas, procesos y sistemas naturales. Utiliza la naturaleza como fuente de ideas creativas y soluciones innovadoras, que han pasado un proceso de prueba y error de 3800 millones de aos. Con ms de una hora de vdeo, materiales adicionales, tareas prcticas y cuestionarios, este curso te permitir descubrir qu es la biomimtica, para qu se puede utilizar, las ventajas que proporciona y cmo podemos llevarla a la prctica. Todo ello basado en la identificacin y traduccin de las funciones de la naturaleza con el objetivo de poder aplicarlas a diferentes proyectos de ingeniera, diseo, organizaciones, etc. El curso est estructurado en cinco secciones: Introduccin a la biomimtica: conocers su historia y las diferentes escalas en las que se aplica. Niveles de analoga: descubrirs cada uno de los tres niveles junto con un ejemplo. Identificar y traducir funciones: aprenders a trasladar las soluciones de la naturaleza a campos tcnolgicos. La biomimtica en la prctica: Descubrirs las diferentes metodologas y conceptos para poder llevarla a prctica. Conclusiones: Repasaremos lo aprendido y te propondremos un cuestionario final para afianzar tus conocimientos Para empezar el curso, haz clic en el botn "Toma este curso" en la parte superior de esta pgina. El equipo de Biomimetiks estaremos a tu disposicin para ayudarte con cualquier duda que te surja en el foro del curso."
Price: 199.99 |
"What is Clinical Depression?" |
"Join our community of over 1700 students learning about the nature of depression! Depression, by some estimates, is the leading cause of disability in the developed world. Millions of people experience it each year. Yet many people who have depression have never been told much about it. This course describes the nature of the most common mood disorders - including major depression, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder. We review the symptoms used in making the diagnosis, and the challenges in properly diagnosing a problem for which there is no simple blood test. The course provides a model - the Floating Diamond - for breaking down and understanding the various elements of the depressive experience. Using it, we discover that depression is not, in fact, a mood disorder. It is a disorder of virtually everything: physiology, thoughts, behaviour, and, yes, emotion. We explore a central problem in depression: the fact that symptoms (such as sleep disruption) tend to feed back and intensify the disorder. Depression is not simply a vicious circle - it is a COLLECTION of vicious circles, all working at once. We move beyond the diagnostic criteria to discuss the additional symptoms and aspects of the depressive experience, exploring factors such as brain fog, memory disruption, sexual problems, and more. CAUTIONS: Depression is an enormous topic, and in this course we are mainly focussed on the experience of the problem. We do not go into detail about either causes or treatment approaches - these will be covered in other courses. As well, this course is not a substitute for treatment, which should be carried out with the help of a qualified healthcare professional. We also caution against any attempt at self-diagnosis. 30 Day Guarantee: Not sure? You don't have to be. We have a 30-day complete money back guarantee, no questions asked. Some of the lectures are also available as free previews, so you can get a sense of the course before you buy."
Price: 29.99 |
"Product Management: Product Market Strategy" |
"Product success rate in the market is less than 60%. Are you putting together your product plan your product market strategy to increase your odds for success? Want to build a well thought out plan quickly and effectively? Then this course is for you! This course is for anyone in an organization that has any responsibility for a product or service. Agile Market Strategy for Products"" teaches you how to think through the critical elements that make for a strategic market plan for a product. This course gives you a template for organizing your thinking and quickly developing a well thought out and a successful plan. One that you will make you proud, successful and your boss very happy. Even if you are the boss. Eighteen key lessons are covered with 80 minutes of fast-paced video lectures accompanied by examples and exercises. Each video lecture can be completed in less than 10 minutes, enabling you to pace out your training over the approximately three hours it will take to complete the entire course. The course includes two bonus features not found anywhere else:First, if you make a commitment to finish the course and its exercises by any date of your choosing, I will review your plan and give you feedback. Such an effort will enable you to create your plan and help refine it based upon my experience. I say any date of your choosing to help motivate you to ""get it done"" but at your own pace.Second, if you do a good job by clearly demonstrating in your plan that you know how to pull the plan together. Which is, by the way, the purpose of this course, for you to learn not only what should be done but how to do it. I will give you a personal recommendation that you can use to help get a job or for any other purpose like posting on your Linkedin profile.This is in addition to getting a course completion certificate provided by Udemy to prove you have the skills to get the job done. It is the first course covering product market strategy that incorporates: Organized in self-paced modules Agile principles and methodologies Easy to follow and well structured Workbook Verified increase in your competency When you have completed Agile Market Strategy for Business to Business Products"" you will: Understand the components that define a Product Market Strategy Learn how to build & critique your own Apply it to your business: To achieve organizational alignment Build better products Drive a faster market success Beat your competition Each of the eighteen lessons has a: Pre-Assessment Video Lecture Real world examples Exercises Post-Assessment The primary focus is on business-to-business but it can also be used for business to consumer. The course includes a downloadable PowerPoint Workbook template for you to do your exercises and build your plan."
Price: 194.99 |
"Aprende a tocar Guitarra RAPIDO y FACIL con Guitarsimple" |
"El Curso Guitarsimple Nivel Principiante está diseñado especialmente para quienes quieren aprender a tocar guitarra comenzando desde CERO. O también para quienes aprendieron algo de guitarra sin guía y quieran llenar todas las 'lagunas',completando así, todos los conocimientos y habilidades BASICAS que necesitas para tocar guitarra. El sistema Guitarsimple son videos instructivos donde te voy dando instrucciones SIMPLES y CLARAS. Muchos cursos complicados lo que logran es retrasarte o desmotivarte. Guitarsimple te enseña en forma FACIL como tocar guitarra, lo que hará que aprendas más RAPIDO y de una forma PRACTICA. Si luego de terminar este curso deseas seguir aprendiendo, podrás continuar con el Curso Guitarsimple Nivel Intermedio. Además estará disponible este mismo Curso Principiante para guitarra eléctrica, el cual es muy parecido pero con algunas diferencias importantes en cuanto a técnicas de ejecución."
Price: 39.99 |
"POWERPOINT - Aprender a ser un POWERPOINT NINJA!" |
"El vídeo de introducción que acaba de ver fue hecha enteramente en PowerPoint! ¿Quieres crear vídeos interesantes y dinámicas , presentaciones, cursos en línea y presentaciones de video? ¿Quieres llevar tus habilidades de PowerPoint AL SIGUIENTE NIVEL? PowerPoint es un paquete de vídeo y gráficos de gran alcance y completa. Desafortunadamente, muchas personas que lo utilizan no saben cómo sacar el máximo provecho de ella . Cuando se aprende "CÓMO SER en NINJA de POWERPOINT", su viaje a dominar el ARTE de POWERPOINT NO será largo, duro y lleno de peligro PowerPoint aburrido! En este curso, vamos a enseñarle los trucos y consejos que le ayudarán a DOMINAR POWERPOINT! - No más aburrido de bala puntos, un-inspiradores deslizantes cubiertas! - No más "Muerte por PowerPoint" - Sorprenda a sus estudiantes, colegas y clientes! - y ganar su PowerPoint CINTURON NEGRO! Haremos que su formación Cinturón Negro interesante y divertido! NO hay screencasts en este curso! El único programa de vídeo utilizado en este curso es POWERPOINT! Todos los videos y lecciones en este curso se han creado en su totalidad en POWERPOINT!"
Price: 19.99 |
"As coisas de que mais gosto na vida no custam dinheiro. Est claro que o recurso mais preciosodo qual dispomos o tempo Steve JobsEsse curso vai ajudar voc a produzir mais com menos esforo.O cursooferece tcnicas comprovadas de organizao, controle e definio de prioridades que multiplicarosua produtividade e seu tempo livre, fazendo com que tenha mais tempo para aproveitar melhora vida.Alm disso, ao se perceber mais eficiente e eficaz, seu nvel de estresse ir se reduzir, aumentando assim sua qualidade e expectativa de vida."
Price: 189.99 |
"How to 'get' people: Practical psychology" |
"Do you want to: Be able to spot different personalities? Understand why you click with some people but not others? Get along better with people by understanding the differences between personality types? Learn what you are like in a relationship? Manage conflict effectively. Some people dislike and avoid conflict, whereas others use it to solve problems and get things done? Find out how to motivate and get the best out of different personality types? This intensely practical course will show you how deal with different personalities and show you how to maximize your own impact and potential using real life scenarios. By the end of this course you will be better able to Know what makes people tick Know yourself and how to better adapt"
Price: 44.99 |
"Curso de Excel 2013 Bsico e Intermedio" |
"Un Certificado de Cumplimiento Verificable ser entregado a todos los estudiantes que finalicen este Curso. Aprende a utilizar Excel 2013 de forma fcil, eficiente y rpidamente. Excel es la hoja de clculo ms utilizada en el mundo de los negocios y en la oficina. Con este Curso aprenders a manejarlo de forma cmoda. En la versin 2013 de Excel, el fabricante ha presentado muchas e interesantes novedades, aadiendo herramientas y funciones que incrementan las posibilidades de gestin de la informacin. Nuestros videotutoriales se basan en ejemplos prcticos y guiados paso a paso.Para tomar este curso no necesitas conocimientos previos; puedes empezar desde cero. Este curso se basa en ejemplos prcticos y cotidianos y los presenta utilizando las herramientas y funciones de Excel. El Curso est basado en la versin 2013, pero tambin lo puedes aplicar perfectamente a la versin 2010 y 2016."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn Character Animation for Games using Maya" |
"In this course, instructor Justin Harrison walks through the process of creating various animations commonly found within a game environment. Here he shows us how to create a walk cycle, run cycle, hit reaction animation, and a simple traversal animation while either animating from scratch, using reference, or a combination of both. The pre-rigged character is also available as part of the course for you to practice with! (Students - please look under Section 1 / Lecture 1 downloads for the character to use with the lesson.) More about the Instructor: Justin Harrison is a Character and Technical Animator with more than 7 years experience in the game development industry. Currently, he is working for Molten Games in Del Mar, CA on an unannounced title. Previously he has worked for for both Activision and Sony on titles such as The Bourne Conspiracy, Ghostbusters: The Game, as well as Transformers: War for Cybertron to name a few. Justin holds a BFA in Digital Art and Animation from the College for Creative Studies, and has a generalist skill set that ranges from artistic modeling and asset creation, to motion capture and keyframe animation, to technical rigging and character setup."
Price: 19.99 |
"Projects in iOS" |
"This is a course for all programmers who will like to build on their iOS knowledge and create actual apps for the App store. This course assumes basic iOS programming knowledge but is still ideal for beginners as we are covering the APIs in detail before using them to build the projects. This course covers the most popular APIs for iOS7 and you will be able to understand the core concepts behind the popular apps. This is the course which will help you bring your ideas to life. This is a practical and step by step guide for mastering apps development in iOS and it uses the latest Xcode 5 and iOS7 SDK for all its content. The course with the help of practical projects will teach you the following Xcode 5 iOS7 APIs App Design and development process App Debugging UI Design iAd Framework Storyboards Mapkit Framework Parse Framework Facebook SDK integration Camera and Photo Gallery Implementation iOS Sensors In App Purchase and much more... After this course you will be able to build any app you can think of plus you will get royalty free access to the source code of all the projects which you can modify and publish.."
Price: 29.99 |
"Projects in Android" |
"Android is the hottest mobile technology today. With Google investing heavily in taking Android to every nook and corner of the globe it is set to enter the next big phase of growth. This versatile technology is also powering wearable devices and cameras . With its exceptional growth rate it provides ample options for developers with Android skills to cash on this opportunity of a lifetime. We here at Eduonix always work hard to create the most advance and best in its class training material. We have now put together a course which will teach you Android Development by creating 10 different Android Apps and covering most of the important technologies and APIs you will ever need to build any Android App. The course covers the following Apps Test Framework Application Technology: Grade build tool, Roboelectric testing framework , Junit testing framework. Description: Introduction to Android native application. Introduction to Gradle plugin for Android. How to setup and configure Gradle project. You will learn to incorporate Junit tests within a Android application projects source code. Eduonix Android News Reader application Technology: Maven build tool, Spring Framework for Android: Spring RestTemplate, Google rome xml feed parser Description: Introduction to Maven plugin for Android. How to setup and configure Maven project. Learn to incorporate Spring Framework and how to use the Spring RestTemplate for rest calls. Eduonix Trivia Game Technology: Android Soundpool, Media Player, SQLite database Description: How to access Android services and native libraries. Learn to incorporate SQLite database as a persistence layer. Also learn to write simple Object Relational mapping for Android in native Java and Sql. Google Directions Application Technology: Google Maps Android API v2, Google play services, Google Directions api for Android. Description: How to access the Google Maps and Google Directions Android API v2. How to register the application. How to setup and configure the api credentials for access via a rest call. How to setup and configure the Google play services, how to use the Android Google Maps view. How to display routes. Selfie Application Technology: Parse, startActuvityForResult, onActivityResult, GooglePlayServices, Android Supportv4. Description: How to access the Parse API. How to register the application. How to setup and configure the api credentials for access via a rest call. How to setup and configure the Parse user service, how to use the Parse user service. How to create Android Activities for a callback flow. Fitness App Technology: Eclipse ADT plugin, GooglePlayServices, Android Supportv4. Description: How to set up complex fragment views using the Android Supportv4 library. How to create custom listeners type for fragment navigation callbacks. How to create pagers and adapters for Fragment view schemes. Drawing Activity Technology: Android Graphics. Canvas and Drawables types. Description: Introduction to Android Graphics, how to create bitmaps with Androids Drawables types and display them in a canvas. How to set up complex graphical rich views in a navigation scheme. YouTube application Technology: YouTube api, Memory and File Cache, GooglePlayServices, Android Supportv4. Description: How to setup and access the YouTube api. How to deal with YouTube streams and objects News Application Technology: Action Bar Sherlock Framework Description: How to setup and access the Sherlock extension of the Android Supportv4 library. How to use the base Sherlock Framework types, SherlockFragment, SherlockFragmentActivity and SherlockFragmentListActivity. How to create pagers, adapters and navigation schemes using the Sherlock Framework types. Company Profile Application Technology: Application Template for a portfolio item, GooglePlayServices, Android Supportv4. Description: This is an application template for the student to extend with any of the technologies or skills acquired in the course. It is suggested that the application be used as a portfolio item for accessing employment or further educational opportunities. So come and build these apps with us and being the next great Android developer.."
Price: 59.99 |
"Learning Ubuntu Linux. A Training Video From Infinite Skills" |
"This Ubuntu Linux training course from Infinite Skills will take you through this free operating system, teaching you valuable knowledge to help transform this operating system into a useful working tool. You will start out by learning how to obtain and successfully install Ubuntu Linux. You will then take a tour of the desktop, looking closely at the panel, dock, running graphical programs, and using the display manager, among others. The courses will then teach you about file and system management, showing you how to copy, move, and rename, locate and edit files, as well as adding and changing users. This video tutorial will teach you about networking and security, such as troubleshooting, changing name servers, and using Netcat. Finally, there is a chapter on advanced tasks, which include Bash, Perl, Python, and Ruby scripting, and how to write C programs. By the conclusion of this computer based training course, you will have the necessary knowledge and skills needed to navigate your way through this operating system and be able to take full advantage of the powerful features available in Ubuntu Linux."
Price: 49.99 |
"Wedding Videography" |
"This course takes you through the entire process of what it takes to be a wedding videographer. Ideal for those wanting to shoot a wedding like D.P. Weddings. You can used this training to learn everything that I use to create the highlight videos from dpweddings.com"
Price: 24.99 |
"Comunica con xito para Lograr tus Objetivos" |
"An te pones nervioso cuando tienes que expresarte pblicamente?, Sientes inseguridad cuando has de hablar ante personas que no conoces?, Tienes la experiencia de no lograr conectar con clientes, o con tus colaboradores..? Comunicar bien y de forma eficaz consiste en CONECTAR. Mucho ms que hablar, mucho ms que un contenido adecuado. TRANSMITIR, ese es tu objetivo. Puedes lograrlo!. Est en tu mano y slo necesitas un Curso como ste para descubrir toda tu capacidad comunicativa practicando tcnicas tan sencillas como tiles. Y consigue DISFRUTAR HABLANDO EN PBLICO, y LOGRAR TUS OBJETIVOS comunicativos. El Curso se encuentra estructurado en los siguientes mdulos: Mdulo 1 - Comunicacin Verbal. Mdulo 2 - Comunicacin No Verbal. Mdulo 3 - El Discurso. Mdulo 4 - Imagen Pblica. Mdulo 5 - Miedo Escnico."
Price: 34.99 |
"Design The Life You Want. Learn How To Build A Dream Board" |
"This course is designed to assist you to find clarity in creating your dreams and focus in attaining your goal. This course is 60 minutes long with hideouts, visualization excesses and video and audio presentation. My intention at the end of this course is to guide you to realize your passion and focus in the creation of the life you want. There is a free Ebook handout at the end of this programme."
Price: 49.99 |
"Learn Text Mining using R" |
"What is Text mining? As simple as it may sound, text mining involves deriving important, high quality information from text. What do we get from this high quality information? Pretty much anything; text categorization, sentiment analysis, document summarization to name a few. Weve made sure you dont get lost in the programming and technical details by providing you with our pre-coded open-source software."
Price: 24.99 |
"Aprende a venderte en 30 segundos (ELEVATOR PITCH)" |
"Quieres trabajar en Microsoft y coincides en un ascensor con Bill Gates. Charlas con unos amigos y te presentan un posible inversor que est a punto de marcharse. En este curso aprenders a dominar el arte de convencer en el menor tiempo posible. Sinopsis: El elevator pitch es la presentacin de tu negocio, proyecto o empresa o tu propia presentacin personal a un potencial inversor, socio o cliente en un brevsimo espacio de tiempo. En este curso los participantes aprendern a elaborar su propio elevator pitch de forma prctica, adquiriendo las claves y elementos que les permitan ser directos, concretos, transmitir pasin y todo ello en menos de 30 segundos. Autor: ""Jary"" Juan Antonio Ramos-Yzquierdo (Chief Operations Officer &YPD Captain) Objetivos: Aprender a construir tu elevator pitch para venderte en 30 segundos. Consejos: Sigue los pasos propuestos para elaborar tu elevator pitch utilizando el material descargable. Ensaya la puesta en escena de tu elevator pitch hasta conseguir naturalidad."
Price: 19.99 |
"Desarrolla tu marca personal (LA MARCA)" |
"Imagina que fueras capaz de potenciar tus mejores cualidades como lo hacen las grandes marcas Cul es el impacto que esto tendra en tu trabajo? qu papel juega tu marca personal dentro de tu comunidad? y en tu vida? Sinopsis: El valor de la marca de una empresa es directamente proporcional al impacto que tengan las acciones e inversiones que realiza esa empresa a lo largo del tiempo. Nuestros nombres, nuestras firmas como personas, son una marca. Cunto invertimos en crear nuestra marca? Y en pensar qu atributos estn relacionados con ella? Y en desarrollar un plan de marketing? Autor: Franco Soldi (CEO Founder & YPD Captain) Objetivos: Crear conciencia de que al igual que una empresa tiene marca, nosotros tambin tenemos nuestra propia marca personal, su valor es responsabilidad nuestra y est relacionado con nuestras acciones. Identificar los atributos de nuestra marca personal. Consejos: Esta dinmica plantea preguntas para la reflexin del alumno. Para llevar a cabo el reto se recomienda utilizar el material descargable."
Price: 19.99 |
"Diseo grfico con GIMP. La alternativa gratis a Photoshop!" |
"Bienvenido al curso definitivo de Gimp donde aprenderás los conceptos y herramientas esenciales para el diseño gráfico y el retoque fotográfico con Gimp. Estudiaremos las herramientas, capas, máscaras y selecciones que nos ofrece este programa de edición de imágenes. También dedicaremos una parte del curso a retocar y a ajustar fotografías. Trabajaremos con textos, rutas y un abanico amplio de herramientas de pintura. Exploraremos unos cuantos filtros interesantes y útiles. También veremos como preparar imágenes para ser impresas y exportadas a diferentes formatos. Durante todo el curso realizaremos variados e interesantes ejercicios para que afiances tus conocimientos y practiques todas las técnicas. La meta: dominar Gimp y que asientes las bases para realizar trabajos más avanzados y complejos. Este curso está impartido por Jesús David Navarro (alias jEsuSDa), experto conocedor de la herramienta GIMP desde hace ya muchos años. Jesús David, es diseñador gráfico con años de experiencia en diseño gráfico y web, colaborador activo en proyectos relacionados con el Software Libre, ha impartido numerosos cursos y talleres de Diseño Gráfico, Desarrollo web y Software Libre en diferentes eventos y Universidades, adquiriendo así reconocimiento en el mundo del diseño gráfico con GIMP."
Price: 194.99 |
"Desarrolla tu liderazgo con Viktor Frankl (LA VIDA ES BELLA)" |
"El liderazgo efectivo se consigue a travs del propio autoliderazgo. En este curso te proponemos un viaje, una experiencia de transformacin que te llevar a conocerte mejor y ser capaz de desarrollar las destrezas del autntico liderazgo. Sinopsis: Desde la experiencia de Viktor Frankl en campos de concentracin y mediante roleplays se profundiza en el autoliderazgo (autoconocimiento, autocontrol, autoconfianza, autodependencia) como fundamento para la gestin de personas, el compromiso y el desarrollo de un autntico liderazgo. Autor: ""Jary"" Juan Antonio Ramos-Yzquierdo (Chief Operations Officer &YPD Captain) Objetivos: Reflexionar y tomar conciencia del sentido de nuestra vida, como fundamento para: Desarrollar el autoliderazgo. Aprender a gestionar a los dems. Desarrollar la gestin del compromiso. Consejos: Esta dinmica plantea preguntas para la reflexin del alumno. Para llevar a cabo los 2 retos planteados se recomienda utilizar el material descargable."
Price: 19.99 |
"Descubre tu poder para influir y empatizar (CLIC)" |
"Cul es la llave que abre todas las puertas? La Comunicacin es la clave del xito en tu vida profesional y personal. Descubre cmo conectar con los dems y desarrolla las tcnicas para empatizar en un solo clic. Sinopsis: Los participantes aprendern tcnicas para empatizar con los dems. Descubriendo el poder del lenguaje no verbal aprenderemos a hacer clic con nuestros interlocutores. Este curso incluye el Videojuego CLIC! (descargable para MAC y para PC) Autor: Franco Soldi (CEO Founder & YPD Captain) Objetivos: Entender cmo funciona el proceso de comunicacin. Aprender a utilizar nuevas herramientas de comunicacin para influir y empatizar (lenguajes corporal y paraverbal). Consejos: Destacar la importancia de la presencia fsica y del lenguaje corporal positivo, as como del lenguaje paraverbal para impactar e influir. Tener en cuenta siempre la coherencia entre lo que decimos y cmo lo decimos. Salir del yo. Juega y diviertete mientras aprendes a empatizar con el videojuego CLIC."
Price: 19.99 |
"Start a Business Dropshipping Topps Baseball Cards" |
"Hi, my name is Matt Bernstein, successful Udemy instructor with over 175,000+ students across 198countries.From an eBay selling standpoint, during college, I was profiting $24,000 a year selling on eBay, drop shipping baseball cards..Now, youre thinking, thats great for you, how am I going to succeed?Learn from someone who is doing what they are teaching!This is not theory, everything you will learn in this course I have done and continue to do so you can be assured it works.See how I make money selling on eBay and then duplicate the same steps to create a successful eBay side business.Based on my successes, I let you look over my shoulder as I explore my own eBay account, showing you precisely what I do.Replicate my success and learn how to sell on eBay, gain access to retail products at wholesale prices and spend no money upfront.It doesn't cost anything to open wholesale accounts, to work with legitimate wholesalers. You don't need to buy any inventory upfront.You'll learn how to gain access to any product at wholesale prices. You'll be able to list wholesalers inventory, for free.Only after you make a sale the wholesaler will ship your order to your customer. You never need to keep an inventory and you only buy the customers order after you make a sale.You make a profit.At the end of the course you'll learn how toProduct source baseball card cases and see exactly how to profit passive income every month.Learn the basics of selling on eBay as well as leveraging it to increase profits by using specific selling practices.Leverage an eCommerce store in order to increase sales (beginner lectures).Avoid mistakes to save a few years of work and thousands of dollars (using case studies)."
Price: 149.99 |
"Pixlr Power: How to use the Pixlr Editor" |
"Create your digital masterpiece using Pixlr Editor It has never been easier to take a picture. As well as printing your pictures, you can share them, tweak them, and create photographic masterpieces. Editing images and photos is an important part of that process. Most photo editing software packages are either too expensive or your computer is not available at the time you want to edit your photo. Pixlr is a free online image editor. It isnt Photoshop but for a tool that works entirely within your browser, it replicates a remarkable percentage of Photoshops most important image-editing tools, and does it very, very well. Pixlr combines paint tools with image design and works in your browser. You can also use it for several different purposes, including creating an image from scratch, as well as layering images over each other. You can also make use of a variety of effects, filters and level adjustments, define your own brushes, utilities such as resizing and cropping, drawing right onto a blank canvas and a host of other features. All this will help you to radically transform all your photographs. Pixlr responds to practically the exact same keyboard shortcuts as Photoshop, and is very easy to use. You can use Pixlr to: Edit photos uploaded from a computer. Start with a blank canvas or upload from the Cloud (all you need is to paste in an image URL). No matter where your images are stored, you'll be able to edit them in Pixlr. Pixlr comes with complex layer support that allows for several blending modes and layer styles. If you don't have Photoshop handy and need to do some image editing in your browser, Pixlr is a really fantastic alternative. What equipment do you need for this course? Pixlr Editor is built in Flash and you need to have the Flash plug-in to get it to work, however, 98% of all computers have flash so you are probably set and it will work on any computer, MAC or Windows as long as the computer is running the Flash plugin. Since the Pixlr editor is Flash-based, how it runs depends on what kind of computer you have. If it is lagging you can try to shut down other web pages that might be running Flash ads or close other software on your computer that is taking a lot of CPU. You also need an internet connection, and a browser - Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or Safari. Course Structure Section 1:An exploration of the Pixlr menus, tools and user interface. A look, also at the diverse ways of getting images into the editor, saving them locally and to Cloud services like Facebook and Flickr. Section 2:How to make adjustments to an image. This covers resizing, cropping, rotating images, using the menu options like colour balance, curves, levels to improve and edit an image. An introduction to layers in Pixlr and how to use layers and layer masks to manage, edit and composite an image. Section 3:An exploration of Pixlr's selection tools. How to use the Lasso, Marquee, Magic Wand selection tools to edit an image. Section 4:An exploration of Pixlr's editing tools. How to use the Pencil, Paint Bucket, Clone Stamp, Brush and Gradient tools to edit an image. Section 5:An exploration of Pixlr's blending tools. How to use the Dodge, Burn, Smudge, Pinch and Bloat, Sharpen, Spot heal and Red Eye Reduction tools to edit an image. Section 6: How to use special filters and effects to edit and enhance an image. Section 7:All the rest of the tools - How to use text, text styles, drawing shapes and lines, Colour Replacement tool and how to remove the background from an image to make it transparent. Section 8: Projects to test your skills. Each section has a number of projects and exercises to consolidate the skills covered in that section. Projects such as creating a banner for a website using layers, blending images together, creating an artistic double exposure, creating custom brushes, restoring and retouching photographs - common tasks you need to do in editing photos and creating your own images. Section 9: Pixlr and the Cloud A look at the other Pixlr apps: Pixlr Express and Pixlr-O-Matic and how to connect Pixlr to Google Drive. Materials included in the course 53 Lessons. Each lesson covers a tool or combination of tools and shows you how to use those tools to edit, enhance or create an image. The images used in the videos are provided as a Download so you can follow along with the video and reproduce the same result. The majority of lessons also have worksheets to assist in reproducing the task in the video. There are also projects to test your understanding of the tools and processes explored in that section."
Price: 49.99 |
"Russian Made Easy - Accelerated Learning for Russian - VOL 2" |
"Volume II of 'Russian Made Easy' picks up where Volume 1 left off. It continues to use modern techniques like contextual learning for vocabulary acquisition, construction branching for fluency, and pattern recognition for grammar. The 'Russian Made Easy' series teaches beginner's Russian in a fun, efficient style. With thirty episodes in all, each episode approximately 20 mins long, both volumes of the course could be finished in a week, but it's best to study only one episode per day. This course is ideal for absolute beginners to Russian, as well as those with some experience but who just haven't been able to find the right course. Along with learning approximately 300 words and phrases, when you finish the course you'll also understand: * All six Russian verb conjugations * All six Russian cases The course lays a rock-solid foundation for those who seek to master the Russian language."
Price: 19.99 |