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"Iniciando com Javascript"
"Aprenda a trabalhar com Javascript nesse curso bsico. Os principais conceitos da linguagem colocados em prtica para voc dar os primeiros passos no JS. Uma das principais linguagens de desenvolvimento do Mundo. Alm dos conhecimentos bsicos esse curso vai mostrar como validar formulrios, persistir dados de forma local e a configurar um framework de CSS na aplicao."
Price: 144.99

"SQL Beginner to Guru: MySQL Edition - Master SQL with MySQL"
"SQLis the programming language used to get data in and out of databases.Relational Databases are extremely popular with companies of all sizes.Employers are searching for people with SQL skills. Go to any popular jobs site, and search for the keyword 'SQL'. You will see 10's of THOUSANDSof job postings. Right now these positions are going unfilled - because companies cannot find enough people with SQLskills.In this course, you will learn how to use SQLusing the MySQLrelational database - the most popular database in the world. No previous SQLexperience is needed. This course is perfect for beginners.In this course, you will:Learn how to install MySQL on your computer.Learn how to install MySQL Workbench on your computer.See how to import the famous MySQL employee database into your MySQL database.Get hands on experience generating SQLreports.Master SQL join statements.Create table joins using database tables with MILLIONS of records!See how easy it is to use SQL to update one record or many records in the database.Learn to use SQLSub-Selects.Write advanced SQL reports against a ecommerce database.Understand what database transactions are, and the tools you have to control them with MySQL.Use SQL to createtables in your MySQL database.Learn the MySQL syntax to alter existing database tables.Tacklechallenging real world like assignments for SQLreporting and database maintenance tasks.Leverage SQLviews for common reports.Course ExtrasSlack Community - Join the instructor, teacher's assistants, and other students in a Slack Community exclusive to this course!All Source Code in GitHub - Get access to all source code used in course via GitHub (no experience with GitHub necessary)All Lecture Slides Downloadable as PDFs - Download lecture slides for study and future reference!Other Databases?This course is focused on using SQLwith the MySQL database.SQLis a standard, which which is supported by many other databases. The SQLskills you learn in this course can be applied to other databases such as Postgres, Oracle, and MSSQL Server. There is a ton of demand for people with SQL skills. In the US, there are over 100,000 job openings for people with SQLskills.Through this course, you will master SQL.Open the door tonew opportunities and enroll today!"
Price: 199.99

"Inteligncia Artificial: Algoritmos Genticos com Python"
"Que tal aprender na prtica uma tcnica poderosa para resolver problemas complexos?Algoritmo Gentico uma tcnica que se inspira na natureza para encontrar solues para problemas difceis de serem resolvidos por tcnicas tradicionais. Nesse curso voc ir aprender sobre Algoritmos Genticos na teoria e prtica atravs de aulas dinmicas e didticas!Algoritmos Genticos uma ferramenta fundamental para que voc possa atacar problemas difceis de serem resolvidos. Esse curso destinado para quem quer aprender mais sobre a rea da Computao Inteligente e Inteligncia Artificial, mais precisamente Computao Bio-Inspirada.Em vrias reas os Algoritmos Genticos esto sendo utilizados tais como:petrleo e gs, msica, telecomunicaes, rea mdica e muito mais! AlgoritmoGenticopossuiuma grande aplicabilidade tornando-o uma ferramenta poderosa para atacar problemas complexos de otimizao.Nesse curso utilizaremos a linguagem Python para implementar Algoritmos Genticos. A linguagem Python de fcil aprendizado e possui recursos poderosos que iro facilitar a nossa implementao.O curso 100%em vdeo-aulas, possui direito a certificado e oinstrutor Marcos Castroestar a sua disposio para tirar quaisquer dvidas caso voc precise! O que est esperando? Cadastre-se agora mesmo no curso e faa um upgrade do seu conhecimento!"
Price: 69.99

"Inteligncia Artificial: Busca Tabu com Python"
"Que tal aprender uma tcnica poderosa para resolver problemas complexos? A Busca Tabu foi proposta por Fred Glover e trata-se de um mtodo de busca que explora o espao de solues movendo-se de uma soluo para outra que seja o melhor vizinho.A Busca Tabu proporciona solues de boa qualidade para o seu problema, permite escapar de timos locais, robusta e fcil deimplementar.Explicaremos na teoria e prtica utilizando a linguagem Python!O que est esperando?O curso 100% em vdeo-aulas, tem direito a certificado e oprofessor Marcos Castro estar a sua disposio para quaisquer dvidas. Adquira agora mesmo o curso Inteligncia Artificial:Busca Tabu com Python e faa um upgrade do seu conhecimento! Aguardo voc no curso!"
Price: 69.99

"Django y Flask - Desarrollo Web Profesional con Python"
"DJANGO 2.0 HA SIDO LANZADO!!!Siempre has querido hacer una aplicacin con Django?Siempre has querido aplicar tus conocimientos de Python para laweb?Buscas un curso prctico que te ensee todo lo necesario y completamente en espaol?Si respondiste si a cualquiera de estas preguntas... ESTE CURSO ES PARA TI :DEn este nuevo curso de Desarrollo web con Django aprenders todo lo necesario para crear tus primeras aplicaciones web con Python y Django desde cero.Algunos de los temas que abordaremos:Bases de DatosSQLPython y Bases de DatosIntroduccin al Desarrollo Web con PythonDesarrollo Web con Python y FlaskCreacin de una red socialcon Flask y PythonIntroduccin al Desarrollo Web con DjangoVistas en DjangoModelos en DjangoTemplates en DjangoURLs en DjangoFiltros y Tags en DjangoCreacin de Filtros en DjangoCreacin de Tags en DjangoMucho ms :DEspero que disfruten este curso tanto como yo disfrut crendolo.No lo pienses ms e inscrbete :D"
Price: 199.99

"IT Networking Basics: n00b to Ninja"
"n00b To NinjaThink You Understand The Basics?One of the questions we often see goes like this: ""Do I need to pass the CompTIA Network+ exam before taking the Security+?""Now this is an excellent question because, although the Security+ exam doesn't have any prerequisites it is still highly recommended that all students have a firm understanding of basic networking technologies.The n00b to Ninja course is a great prep tool to get you mentally and psychologically ready to tackle the Security+ exam (but you can also use it to simply gain a better understanding of how networks work)What You Will LearnNetworking Basics from the ground up (everything everyone already THINKS you know but youknowyou don't)Routers and Switches - what they really do and why we need themAll about DHCP - it's not just about automatically getting an IP addressBONUS: DHCP penetration testing attacks to show you how an attacker might abuse DHCP on a local area networkDNS from A to Z. After this lecture you will finally completely understand what DNS is, why we have it and how it really works. All secrets revealed.ARP: Have you ever wondered why we have both MAC addresses and IP Addresses? Have you been confused about this? After this lecture you'll know why we need both (Hint: 90% of IT professionals don't even know the answer to this basic question - butyou willafter completing this lecture)You'll learn all about IP addresses - we'll break it down to the binary level and show you how to convert between binary and decimal and back againYou'll learn the purpose of the Subnet Mask and how (and why) to Subnet Networks - it's a lot easier than you thinkAll about NAT - the greatest inhibitor to innovation but also the reason the internet hasn't collapsed on itself! IT people like to throw this term around but you'll finally GET it - it'll just make sense after you finish this lecture.All about ports - what are ephemeral ports, well known ports - why we have ports - all that jazzWAN technologies - we'll take a step back and look at the internet at large and how routing protocols work.Here's what this course will do for youThe purpose of this course is really simple: to give you the confidence you need to pass the Security+ exam.Sure you're going to have fun along the way, and sure you can use these skills to stay in your current job and be a more competent employee but we designed this course to spring-board your entry into the exam.Once you know the fundamentals taught in this course you'll not only be better prepared but also eager to begin your studies for the Security+ exam. So what are you waiting for? Jump in now!"
Price: 149.99

"Diagnostic marketing et commercial pour vendre plus et vite1"
"Vous lancez un nouveau produit, vous cherchez amliorer votre produit ou service lancer sa commercialisation.Bienvenue dans cette formation pratique. Vous comprendrez ce que le diagnostic vous apportera et surtout, vous raliserez le votre de trois manires diffrentes.A la fin de la formation vous saurez quelle rubrique des six de la relation client amliorer pour acclrer vos ventes.A tout de suite dans la formation."
Price: 49.99

"Gloves-Off Keto Diet for Health & Extraordinary Weight-Loss"
"Whether youve tried lots of diets before or are just frustrated about being overweight, Mark brings his experience as a therapist and coach to help you get it sorted. Much more than that he speaks from his own personal experience with the challenges of being overweight and shares what he has done to get it under control and keep it long term. He stresses the need for any long-term solution to be simple and easy to follow and provides easy to follow answers to challenges of the future. In this course Mark teaches about why weve lost our way in regards to eating. He also explains some of the main contributors to the mushrooming crisis faced today by obesity, type 2 diabetes and other life threatening conditions related to being overweight. He reveals his own long term struggles with being overweight and why he thinks its important to adopt the ketogenic way of eating as a way of life rather than a diet. Mark believes that the reason for our rapidly expanding waistlines is much more cynical than us simply not getting enough exercise and how the powers that be are, far from providing a solution, actually exacerbating the problem. He explains how abandoning the idea of eating real food for ready-prepared processed foods has led us to a situation where being sick will be the norm and where parents will actually be out-living their offspring. A therapist and coach with over twenty five years experience in helping clients achieve their weight-loss and healthy living goals he stresses the need for taking personal responsibility for taking back control of our lives amidst the fog of conflicting trends, dubious information and downright lies. Discover how you can lose weight easily, quickly, healthily and all without feeling hungry or tired. Understand how what youve understood to be healthy has actually been working against you and frustrating your efforts. Challenge the status quo thinking when you listen to current medical and dietary advise and become a more informed customer when shopping for food. See the dieting and fitness magazines for what they are and wise up to all their fads. Wake up to the fact that all this obesity and type 2 diabetes disaster is a recent challenge and that the solution isnt to be found in a powder, pill or gym. Learn how your body is telling you about your weight challenges and how to finally succeed long term. Contents and Overview Youll learn how modern life and eating trends are causing an explosion of obesity, type 2 diabetes and many other related diseases. Youll realise that the powers that be dont necessarily have your best interests at heart and how greed, profit and shareholder demands are coming way ahead of your dietary requirements. Youll understand how many people, even though they may be severely overweight, are undernourished and indeed malnourished. Discover why many people, even though they succeed with this diet, just dont manage to keep to it long term because of the outside influences of the vested interests. Youll also discover that knowledge is all and that being wise and discerning can keep you permanently on this way of eating. Youll gain confidence with every pound you lose and know what to do to blast through any plateau to maintain your body as a fat burning furnace. Youll learn how the information we consume is controlled by only a few corporations and what that means for the state of a free press. Lastly youll have access to a therapist and coach whos not only helped thousands of clients over the last 25 years but has also gone through the same weight and losing the fat challenges that youre probably experiencing right now. He is successfully maintaining that weight loss, going from a 36 inch waist to 32 waist and finding that even the 32 inch waist is now baggy and loose!"
Price: 44.99

"Certified Stress Management Professional Diploma (Level 1)"
"In this professional certificated diploma course you will be guided through the best practices and required knowledge to be a stress management consultant and to offer paid for services to clients, groups and within organisations.This is the first level of a three level diploma course. Each level will build on the previous one. Each level is individually certificated and the diploma is awarded on successful completion of all three levels.In addition, on completion of all 3 levels you will receive one year's free membership of the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH), with one year's free directory listing.In this course youll learn to identify, quantify and evaluate and quantify stress in the individual and in the workplace. You will discover what stress is, how we respond, psychologically and physiologically and how that affects our behaviour. You'll learn how that affects our ability to adapt and assimilate new information. Find out how stress impacts us and how our personal defence mechanisms may not be working in our best interests when were under severe stress. This first level covers what stress is all about and the ramifications that it can have, not only for our long term for our health and wellbeing, but also the potential implications for organisations, and ultimately their bottom line. It will give you plenty of materials to understand, guide and help people who are suffering with stress related problems and provide the necessary foundations for what we will build on in the next levels."
Price: 189.99

"Certified Stress Management Professional Diploma (Level 2)"
"Why take the course?This is level 2 in a three level diploma course in becoming a certified stress management consultant.What's covered in the course?General Adaptation SyndromeAssertiveness trainingStress outside the workplaceIdentifying Type A behaviourGoal planningTime managementRelaxation techniquesSelf hypnosisCognitive skillsHow is the course structured?The course is divided into modules and short lectures. This level of the stress management course is practical with many exercises and activities for both student and client. All the lectures are available to download in audio form for listening on the go. A printable workbook can also be downloaded.What if I complete this level?If you complete this level you will be eligible for certification at level 2 of the Diploma certification."
Price: 189.99

"Curso de WordPress Intermedio"
"Hola! te presento mi nuevoCurso de WordPress Intermedio para Novatos.Ao 2018!!Este curso deWordPress est diseadopara todas laspersonas que ya tienen un sitio web en marcha o poseen los conocimientos bsicos de WordPress para iniciar uno. Te explicar paso a paso cmo utilizar una serie de tiles herramientas que disponemos en WordPress que harn mucho ms profesional nuestro sitio web. Adems te entregar consejos avanzados sobre cmo tener una seguridad potente que resista ataques maliciosos.Te invito a que sigas conmigoeste curso de WordPress nivel Intermedio. **********************************************Qu vas a aprender en este curso?Aumentar las funcionalidades de WordPress Tener el control total de tu webMejorar la seguridad de tu sitio webMejorar el posicionamiento de tu webMaquetar tu sitio con PageBuilder (arrastrando y soltando)Conseguir y manejar tus suscriptores y redes socialesPerfeccionar tus habilidades de programacin y desarrollo web en Wordpress**********************************************Beneficios:Ahorrar tiempo buscando infinidad de tutorialesWeb profesional, atractiva e intuitiva para tus visitantesSitio web totalmente seguro contra amenazasEspero que te guste. Nos vemos en el curso...Saludos !!"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Google Analytics - Desde 0 - Principiantes"
"Hola!, bienvenidos a un nuevo curso, en esta ocasinte presento Curso de Google Analytics para Novatos.Este fantstico y prcticocurso deGoogle Analyticsest diseadopara todas laspersonas que se desenvuelven en el rea digital,marketing, community manager, analytics ogestores de contenidos, pero tambin para todos quienes sean dueos de una empresa, directivos de unemprendimiento o miembros de alguna iniciativa digital y que estn deseosos por conocer quines son los usuarios quevisitan sus sitios web, as como tambin entender cmo es lainteraccincon la misma. Adems, te explicar paso a pasocmo utilizar la plataforma de Google Analyticsy cmo enlazarla a nuestroWordPress .Te invito a que sigas conmigoeste curso de Google Analytics para novatos.**********************************************Qu vas a aprender en este curso?Entender qu es y para qu sirve Google AnalyticsCmo implementar Google Analytics en WordPress Cules son las funcionalidades bsicas y ms importantes para configurar Google AnalyticsSabrs cmo medir el impacto de tu sitio web o campaas en medios online**********************************************Beneficios:Conocers y entenders a tu audienciaGenerars contenido de acuerdo a las necesidades que ellos demandan en tu sitio webTendrs total control sobre el comportamiento de tu web con sus usuariosObtendrs resultados medibles e informes que te permitan tener un seguimiento de tus avancesEspero que te guste. Nos vemos en el curso...Saludos !!David Ibiza 2018"
Price: 29.99

"Yoast SEO para novatos 2019"
"Hola!, bienvenidos a un nuevo curso, en esta ocasinte presento elCurso de Yoast SEO para novatos.Este prctico curso deYoast SEOte servirpara aprender a posicionar tu web con el mejor plugin del mercado. Conocerslos mejores consejos y estrategias para llegar a las primeras posiciones de Google. Adems, te explicar paso a pasocmo instalarlo, configurarlo y usarlo junto a wordpress.Te invito a que sigas conmigoeste curso de Yoast SEOpara novatos.**********************************************Qu vas a aprender en este curso?Entender qu es y para qu sirve Google AnalyticsCmo implementar Google Analytics en WordpressCules son las funcionalidades bsicas y ms importantes para configurar Google AnalyticsSabrs cmo medir el impacto de tu sitio web o campaas en medios online**********************************************Beneficios:Tener un conocimiento global sobre SEOTcnicas claves para mejorar el posicionamiento de un sitio webMultiplicar las visitas de algn sitio webIdentificar los aspectos claves de un sitio web, internos y externosUtilizar el plugin Yoast SEO con WordpressVincular Google Search Console con Yoast SEOEspero que te guste. Nos vemos en el curso...Saludos !!--David Ibiza 2018"
Price: 19.99

"Xamarin Forms 2018 - Apps para Android, iOS e UWP - 8 Apps"
"Certificado:Ao final deste curso ser emitido um certificado pelaUdemy.Sobre o curso:Voc aprender a desenvolver aplicativos com Xamarin Forms, a plataforma que te permite desenvolver para Android, iOS, UWP de uma nica vez. Com o Xamarin voc no precisa aprender Java/Kotlin para programar no Android, Swift ou Objective-C para iOS, voc s precisa saber C# e conseguir desenvolver para qualquer plataforma.Eu te mostrarei como utilizar os componentes para criao de interface grfica, os tipos de pginas, os Layouts, Controles e como interagir com banco de dados SQLite. Tudo isso em um s curso.O Xamarin a melhor plataforma de desenvolvimento multiplataforma do mercado, com ele voc economiza tempo e dinheiro(de aprendizado e de desenvolvimento de aplicativo).No incio do ano 2016 a Microsoft comprou a Xamarin por aproximadamente 400 milhes e disponibilizou totalmente gratuito para fortalecer sua ferramenta Visual Studio. Assim todos podem utilizar essa incrvel plataforma sem custo.Porque fazer esse curso?Se voc deseja lanar um produto, tempo o fator mais importante. A plataforma Xamarin trouxe uma grande inovao, com ela voc consegue diminuir o tempo de desenvolvimento do seu app.Economizadinheiro pois a ferramentas so gratuitas e sua equipe de desenvolvimento 50% a33% menor que equipes tradicionais. Ento porque voc deve fazer o curso? Porque aprendendo Xamarin voc tem mais chance de ter sucesso em seus projetos."
Price: 99.99

"Microsoft Windows 10 - Do bsico ao intermedirio"
"Conhea todos os recursos essenciais do Windows 10. Este curso aborda tudo o que voc precisa saber sobre o Windows, personaliz-lo ao seu gosto e comear a trabalhar com arquivos e aplicativos. Voc vai aprender como gerenciar pastas, usar a Cortana para pesquisar e navegar, navegar na web com o novo navegador Microsoft Edge e trabalhar com Mail, Calendrioe Pessoas (tambm conhecidos como contatos).Alm disso, saiba mais sobre compartilhamento por meio de uma rede domestica, configuraes de vrios usurios, segurana e privacidade e soluo de problemas do Windows."
Price: 39.99

"C# Advanced Topics - The Next Logical Step"
"The course will lay out the founding ideas of some of the more advanced C#topics for you in a way that makes them easier to understand.The course is aimed at students that have some coding experience in general and with C#in particular, as well as some Object Oriented Programming experience. Not all topics require OOPknowledge, but it will be easier for you to understand those that do.The topics that we are covering are:LINQ - LINQ is kind of a language within the C# language, it has its own syntax, but its very easy and very enjoyable to use. LINQ is used to work on collections like arrays and lists, either to order them, or to extract information from them in many many many different ways. You will learn how apply LINQ filters on base type collections like integers and strings aswell as on collections of custom types that you have created.Lambda Expressions with LINQmethods - you will finally learn what a Lambda Expression is and how to apply it, in particular we will use it to perform LINQ operations with even less code, and later we will use it with Delegates and EventsExtension Methods - this isone of the coolest features of C#, they allow you to extend built in types and classes that you have no access to. For example the int[] has no built in method for sorting or reversing, we will learn how to do this!Generic Methods and Classes - this is where things start to get tricky and a little bit complicated, but you should not be scared as I have prepared a couple of well explained examples that will answer all of the questionmarks in your head about Generics. Spoiler alert:we will create our very own List class!:)Delegates - the simplest way in which a delegate can be described is, methods as variables, and that is just incredible. How? Well, you will understand soon enough!Events - events are the next piece of the puzzle after Delegates, Events help us keep our code decoupled by creating non-coupled connections between classesAsynchronous Programming - asynchronous programming is a complex and frustrating topic, here we will learn how to make code that takes a lot of time to execute run on the background, while our main code continues executingThere are tons and tons of tutorials on Youtube and other websites, so why would you have to pay for this course?The answer is very simple, in this course you will getevery single lecturesystemizedin such way, that it ensuressmooth transitionbetween the previous and the following topic. Guaranteeing great learning experience.There are no stones left unturned,everything is explained in great detail(but not too much, that would be boring :))The video lectures in the course are produced with thehighest possible audio and video quality. No static noises to disturb you while you watch the videos, no blurry images, everything is crystal clear with crisp audio!"
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate LINQ with C# Masterclass - Basics to Advanced"
"In this course you will learn everything you need to know about LINQOperations and how to perform them.We start off from the most basic operations and build towards more complex ones.Both Query and Method syntax is covered in the course.And of course, all the source code will be provided for each of the sections in the course, in a nicely ordered and structured fashion, so that you can use the code to practice and learn.The course is aimed at students thathave some coding experiencein general and with C#in particular, a little bit of OOPknowledgeis required, for some of the lectures.The topics that we are covering are:LINQ BasicswithQuerysyntax we will start with the most basic operations with query syntax and build towards more complex ones Grouping OperationswithQuerysyntaxgrouping allows you to group the items in a collection by a given common key, for example to group a list of people by their age. You will learn 5 different types of group operations Joining OperationswithQuerysyntax joining allows you to join two different collections by a common key, so its similar to grouping, but it just does it on two collections and not on one. You will learn the 3 major types of join operations and a few of their derivations TheLet keyword that allows you to create internal variables inside your queries LINQPad short introduction to this nice piece of software that you can use while you study LINQ to better visualize the results of the operations LINQ Basicswith Method syntax here we will reiterate what we have already learned about LINQ but this time you will leran how to perform these operations with Method Syntax. Method syntax makes some of the operations easier to implement than Query syntax Grouping withMethodsyntaxJoiningwithMethodsyntaxFiltering, Converting and OrderingwithMethodsyntax while by this point you will already be familiar with the basics of these operations, there are things that need to be considered while performing these operations with Method Syntax. You will learn what are the common pitfalls. Cool Stuff in LINQ Finally we will end with some cool operations that we can easily perform by using the LINQ Methods, how we can generate different sequences of numbers, characters, random numbers and many other things. More interesting things like Set, quantify, partition, concatenation and aggregation operations will also be explainedThere are tons and tons of tutorials on Youtube and other websites, so why would you have to pay for this course?The answer is very simple, in this course you will getevery single lecturesystemizedin such way, that it ensuressmooth transitionbetween the previous and the following topic. Guaranteeing great learning experience.There are no stones left unturned,everything is explained in great detail(but not too much, that would be boring :))The video lectures in the course are produced with thehighest possible audio and video quality. No static noises to disturb you while you watch the videos, no blurry images, everything is crystal clear with crisp audio!"
Price: 199.99

"Visual Studio Mastery with C# - Double Your Productivity"
"In this course you will learn tips and tricks to increase your productivity and double yourcoding speed with Visual Studio!Throughout the course, in the bottom right part of the screen you will be able to see my keyboard at all times and see exactly what and how Iam pressing when I show you shortcuts or tricks. So not only am I going to explain them to you, you will actually beable to see exactly what I am doing. Since my keyboard is RGB, whenever Ipress a key it will light up and you will see exactly what is going on!Over 60 shortcuts and tips compiled in a PDF cheatsheet that you can download, print and have it by your side at all times to quickly find a shortcut that you are not yet used to use.Before you proceed, Iwant you to have the right expectations from the course! The course will not magically transform you in a speed coding guru!You have to practice and implement the shortcuts that you feel would be helpful to you into your coding habits (this is where the cheatsheet comes into play). Only then the full effect of the discussed material will be allowed to shine and increase your productivity and speed.The course is aimed at students that want to get more familiar with the Visual Studio Software and/or want to become more productive and write code faster.The only coding in the course is when we create our snippets (which is done in XML and thats extremely easy!), so even coding beginners will manage to complete the course!The topics that we are covering are:Navigating and Selecting - you will learn various ways and shortcuts that will help you quickly navigate through your code in your current file, find code in other files, select portions of code quickly and so much moreCode Editing - different ways to efficiently cut or copy your code, undo mistakes, correctly format the spacings in your code (automatically), quickly rename a variable with just 2 clicks and moreDifferent Ways to Comment Code - you will learn a cool trick to turn on/off parts of your code with commentsor alternate between two versions of code,with just 1 clickManaging Your Workspace - distraction free mode, multiple coding windows and moreDebugging Efficiently - correctly run your code without the need of ""Console.ReadLine();""at the end to hold the Console window, debug your code efficiently with breakpoints and their special derivatives like Conditional Breakpoints and Actions BreakpointsSnippets - this is the one single thing that will let you highly customize Visual Studio to your specific needs and marginally increase your productivity and speedStylecop - a tool developed by Microsoft for developers to easily check your code for any styling mistakes, increases the quality of your codeFor me the highlight of the course is the Snippets section, as this is one of the things that let you highly customize your coding experience and tailor it to your specific needs.There are tons and tons of tutorials on Youtube and other websites, so why would you have to pay for this course?The answer is very simple, in this course you will getevery single lecturesystemizedin such way, that it ensuressmooth transitionbetween the previous and the following topic. Guaranteeing great learning experience.There are no stones left unturned,everything is explained in great detail(but not too much, that would be boring :))The video lectures in the course are produced with thehighest possible audio and video quality. No static noises to disturb you while you watch the videos, no blurry images, everything is crystal clear with crisp audio!"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete MATLAB Mastery - From a Beginner to an Expert"
"This course will transform you from a MATLAB Novice into a MATLAB Master. The course was developed under the strict oversight of Hristo Zhivomirov who is one of the top 50 MATLAB contributors Worldwide (search for his name in Google). The course is structured in a way that is suitable for both beginners and thosethat already have some experience with MATLAB, there is a lot of information for everyone. Everything in our world today can be viewed as some kind of a matrix, and Im not talking about the Matrix Trilogy. For exampleMeasuring the temperature of a patient every 2 hours, can be represented with a one dimensional matrix, which is also called a vector Monochromatic (black and white) image is a two dimensional matrix, the values in each cell in the matrix is representing the gradation of the gray color Measuring temperature in a room for example, rooms are 3D, so we need x, y, z to describe the position at which we take our measurements, and the value is the temperature, that is a three dimensional matrix Measure now the change of that temperature over a period of time and the temperature becomes a fourth dimensionNow add time in the mix and you get a fifth dimension!Actually MATLAB has no restrictions on dimensions, you can work with 4, 5, 6 and more dimensions in a single matrix!How to handle The Matrix: It is not necessary to look for the red pill, like Neo had to what you actually need is MATLAB, which means MATrix LABoratory contrary to popular belief. MATLAB is a programming language of high level and interactive programming environment thatletsyou easily implement numeric experiments and methods, allowing you to design algorithms, analyze data and visualize that data in a very, very powerful way. You will learn: Variables, everything you need to know about variables in matlab, their types or lack of types, converting between different types, naming conventions, the semicolon operator and more Basic Arithmetic Operations in MATLAB, the most important thing in this section of the course are the Brackets and the Order of operations, many beginners get lost when they encounter complex expressions, and you will become a master of thoseRight after that we are diving into deep waters starting with Vectors, you will learn how to think in vectors and perform a variety of different operations on and with vectors. Concatenating vectors, extracting or selecting subvectors, and more Matrices are next on the line, but you wont need any pills, because I have you covered, you will learn everything you need to know about working with Matrices in MATLAB and you will also learn a trick in this section that will help you optimize your code and make it run up to 100 times faster! Data visualization, because, well, whats the point of working with Data if you cant understand it or share it with other people, visualizing data is key in any area of work And finally we get to the actual MATLAB Programming by utilizing conditional statements, loops and functions to control the flow of your code, write less code, and make your code modular.Each section contains a source code file at the end so that you can download and review the code that I have written in the lectures!I hope that you will enjoy this course, as much as I did creating it, so lets dive right into it!I welcome you to the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Amazon DynamoDB: Build out NoSQL Databases in the AWS Cloud"
"Learn to leverage Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon AWS's NoSQL database in the Cloud. We'll take you from the basics all the way to building out your own Cloud-Based Storage Note-Taking App with DynamoDB.In this course, you'll learn about:SQL vs. NoSQL DatabasesKey-Value NoSQL DatabasesDocument Store NoSQL DatabasesDynamoDBDesign FeaturesAccessing DynamoDB through the:AWSConsoleAWSCLISDKsKey Security features for DynamoDBHow to control DynamoDBCostsPrimary Keys (including partition keys and sort keys)Basic operations (Creating, updating, reading from, and deleting tables)QueryingExpressions, including conditional expressionsDynamoDBapplications for the real worldA case study of how a company leverages DynamoDBfor Big DataHow to build out a note-taking app with Cloud-Based storage"
Price: 104.99

"Big Data in the AWS (Amazon Web Services) Cloud"
"Amazon Web Services (AWS) offer a unique opportunity to build out scalable, robust, and highly-available systems in the cloud. This course will give you an overview of all of the different services that you can leverage within AWSto build out a Big Data solution. We'll not only detail the use cases and limitations of each of the services, but also highlight particular cases where services may integrate to solve particular Big Data problems. Sections include real-world case studies that show how companies are actually using AWStoday to solve their Big Data problems.We will cover Big Dataservices in the following areas:Storage and DatabasesBig Data Analytic FrameworksData WarehousingReal-Time AnalyticsArtificial Intelligence/Machine LearningBusiness IntelligenceBig Data Compute InstancesData MovementServerless ArchitecturesIn-depth case studies cover how real companies have leveraged the AWScloud to build out Big Data solutions, such as:PinterestNetflixShellYelpC-SPANLearn more about how to solve Big Data problems using the world's biggest cloud computing platform!"
Price: 109.99

"ISO 45001 Occupational Safety & Health Management System"
"Course Outlines:Number of Sections: 9Number of Lectures: 37Number of Quizzes: 1Number of Additional Resources: 24Lectures Duration: 2.8HoursCourse Approach: Thorough Analysis of ISO45001:2018, Practical Approach, Industries Best Practices Elaboration andAccelerated Learning Technique (ALT).What you will learn when you take this onlinecourse (Learning Objectives):Clause by Clause detailed explanations of ISO45001:2018Purpose of ISO45001:2018 standardSpecific differences between OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO45001:2018Understanding transition timelines from OHSAS 18001:2007 to ISO45001:2018The Annex SL for all Management SystemsThe new ISO45001:2018 standard - clause by clause reviewRole of top managementContext of your organizationsExpectation of interested partiesISO45001:2018 PDCADetailed explanations of every single clause from clause1 to clause 10NOTE: Please note that this ISO 45001:2018 and OHSAS 18001:2007standards are copyright protected. A copy of these standards will NOT be provided as a part of this course.30 Day Money Back GuaranteeDon't forget, all my Courses have an unconditional, 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. This means you have absolutely no risk when signing up to one of my great Courses. I never ask questions and always refund 100% in full.Click on the RedBuy Now"" Button at the Top Right Hand Side of the Page Then follow the instructions to register and pay for the course."
Price: 124.99

"The Complete Guide to learn Arabic"
"This course is your first steps towards learning the Arabic language .It will give you ability to learn Arabic Language with a lot of features that makes learning easier and more efficient .This course includes Power Point videos and English translation in order to make sure that I can deliver perfect way of teaching to you.Introducing:-Alphabet.-Grammar.-Vocabulary.-PDF files for more exercise."
Price: 169.99

"Aprende a llevar la contabilidad con el ContaPlus"
"Con el desarrollo de los contenidos programados en este curso se pretende que el estudiante aprenda a manejar una aplicacin de contabilidad informatizada. La aplicacin que se explica es el ContaPlus. Se trata de una aplicacin muy extendidaque permite la llevanza de la contabilidad. Fundamentalmente me centrar en los siguientes aspectos de la aplicacin:- Introduccin de asientos y su modificacin.- Gestin del impuesto sobre el valor aadido.- Gestin de la tesorera de la empresa: vencimientos, cobros, pagos...- Gestin del inmovilizado: altas, bajas, amortizacin...- Consultas de documentos contables.- Creacin de copias deseguridad o derespaldo.- Cierre y apertura de un nuevo ejercicioEn definitiva, se pretende familiarizar a los estudiantes con el uso de la informtica tanto desde el punto de vista del registro de las operaciones diarias como en la consulta de documentos contables, apoyndonos en una de las aplicaciones informticas de uso mas generalizado en la actualidad, como es el ContaPlus.Este curso, es especialmente idneo para el pblico en general con una formacin bsica en contabilidad."
Price: 24.99

"Divine Healing Academy"
"Our Lord Jesus christ not only died and rose again for oeases, afflictions and pains. We are told all the redemptive works of our Lord Jesus ChristinIsaiah 53, and we have redemptive rights not only to the salvation of our souls but also to the healing of our bodies.This course was created to help people suffering from diseases that are chronic to try spiritual healing through faith in Jesus Christ. What is impossible withmen is possible with God, it is a course based on simple faith in the word of God. No matter your health challenges, you were already healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ, all I'm doing here is to inspire you to rise up and take what is already yours. Healing is surely your birth right as a child of God, even if you are not yet a child of God, you have the liberty to become one during this course.Pastor's and ministers of the Gospel will find this course helpful and handy in helping the sick people in their churches. No one is expected to be sick in the church, hence James asked, ""Is anyone sick among you?"" James 5:14? This simply means that there should be none sick among us, but if ever there is any, there is always asolution.God wants you well, He provided a way of escape from any sickness but you have a part to play. God has healed you, but it is your responsibility to receive your healing, and the only way to do that is by Faith, bible faith. Enrol now to find out how...Every lecture in this course is downloadable, meaning you can download and study offline, it comes with 30 days money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the course. You have absolutely nothing to loose, enrol now with this token fee and be healed and go out there to heal others."
Price: 44.99

"Christ Healing Power"
"Christ Healing Power is a course that was designed to help multitudes of people who are dying of incurable diseases, trying out your faith in Jesus Christ can make a difference. What medical doctors cannot do Jesus can, he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Jesus Christ is alive, he is seated at the right hand of God pleading and interceding for the saints. Most of those who reach out to him gets their healing by faith, you too may get your healing by faith.From the biblical perspective every disease is curableif only anyone can believe and receive his healing by faith. The principlestaught in this course can heal any type of sickness and disease, if you can only believe. This is a spiritual healing course that is based on the faith of the individual, getting healed depends on two things, namely your faith and your ability to see your healing even before it is physically manifested. No guarantee is given here.Although I cannot guarantee your healing but I know that many people who follow these bible principles are healed of various sicknesses and diseases. God have supernaturally and miraculously intervened in my health issues and healed me of serious irreversible disease called glaucoma. In this course, I want to share with you the bible faith that set me free from the incurable, irreversible diseases called glaucoma.The truth does not change from age to age, but facts change. Your diseases is a fact, the word of God is the truth, remember Jesus Christ said, ""heaven and earth will pass away, but not a jot of my word will..."" When you follow the principles of faith, you will always win in every battle. This course not only show you the principles of faith for healing but also to win in every situation in life. Enrol now and enjoy."
Price: 124.99

"Making Your Marriage Work"
"Marriage was instituted by God as a lasting relationship between two people, a man and a woman, called husband and wife. A marriage relationship is the beginning of a new family, it is one of the most beautiful things in the world when marriage is built on genuine love and selfless service to one another. Every marriage start with ""love"" but the reason why many fail from inception is the lack of understanding of what marriage really is and what true love is.In this course, Making Your Marriage Work by Pastor Joseph Adenuga, you will understand God's purpose in instituting or creating marriage, you will know that many of the marriages were actually planned by God and there is no reason why you should not make it work. If you understand that every leader in the society started as a child from a family which came from marriage, everyone you meet came from the product of marriage, this will help us to treat marriage with more seriousness that it deserves.Your marriage is your home where you are expected to give and receive love, care and emotional stability. It is a place to relax and be yourself, a place of highest freedom of expression, a place to laugh, and a place to cry or weep, a place to correct and be corrected with love. A place of constructive criticism and a place to take some knocks, it is the most beautiful place on earth. These and other good reasons are the why you need to make your marriage work. Your marriage is the best place to run to when you are beaten down, it is the best place to go for support and help, it is a place of healing when infested by societal rejection. Your marriage is very important and can make or Mar your destiny.This course was designed to help rescue falling and disintegrating families and marriages, to strengthen both the man and the wife to become the best they were created to be in other to make their marriage work. Go through each of the sections with open and teachable mind. Critical and made up minds cannot profit from this course, prayerfully consider each points and set out to achieve the goals of restoring your marriage or makenit works better than ever before."
Price: 74.99

"Introduction To Healing Meditation And Confession."
"Healing Meditation And Confession is a practical healing session where you will be healed through guided meditation. You will be required tofollowsimple instructions that will help your faith to skyrocket to the point where you can receive your healing.It is a kind of angelic healing practice that takes place in your space as you follow the guided meditation and confess the words of God that is given in the course.Many people have received their healing through this method and many more are daily receiving. Spiritual healing is based on your faith in God and His word, and it is very effective,the good part is that you will not need to stop your medication or stop visiting your doctor until it is clear to you that you are healed.Healing Meditation And Confession is very easy and simple method to follow, there is no complications, all you need is your faith and willingness to use your imagination. It is a very beautiful experience, although, no guarantee is made that you will be healed because personal faith and responses to spiritual forces differ from one person to another. It is however worth giving a trial as this is having great potential to terminate your sickness or disease permanently. Enrol now and feel the power of God, see you on the inside."
Price: 19.99

"Practical Class For Bodily Healing Meditation And Confession"
"Healing Meditation And Confession is a practical healing session where you will be healed through guided meditation. You will be required tofollowsimple instructions that will help your faith to skyrocket to the point where you can receive your healing.It is a kind of angelic healing practice that takes place in your space as you follow the guided meditation and confess the words of God that is given in the course.Many people have received their healing through this method and many more are daily receiving. Spiritual healing is based on your faith in God and His word, and it is very effective,the good part is that you will not need to stop your medication or stop visiting your doctor until it is clear to you that you are healed. This course focuses on the healing of your physical body, it touches every area of our physical life's. You will be guided to meditate and encouraged to confess the word of God while you lay hands on yourself. The healing exercises that are done in this course is practical seeking your cooperation with the course creator.Healing Meditation And Confession is very easy and simple method to follow, there is no complications, all you need is your faith and willingness to use your imagination. It is a very beautiful experience, although, no guarantee is made that you will be healed because personal faith and responses to spiritual forces differ from one person to another. It is however worth giving a trial as this is having great potential to terminate your sickness or disease permanently. Enrol now and feel the power of God, see you on the inside."
Price: 124.99

"Learn To Use The Immeasurable Power Within You"
"This course, ""Learn To Use The Immeasurable Power Within You"" is for anyone who want to go the extra mile in accomplishing great things in this world. Everyone of us is born with great immeasurable power that can do anything. In human programming, there is no impossibility, there are difficulties and undiscovered solutions to problems but the truth is, anything is possible for anyone that believes.In this course, you will Learn How To Change Fact And Reality With The Ctreative Power Imbedded In You And Become Successful In Anything You Do. We are all born with this power, it is not out there that you have to go looking for it, it is inside of you waiting to be tapped into. It is not an external power or influence but an inner force that can change anything and everything around your world. All human being has got a mighty power to do incredible things, change the present realities to the ones they desire. The good thing about this power within you is that it is very easy and takes simple steps to activate and begin to use it to dominate and rule your world.People fail when they discover this power and want to use it to control others, note that this power is not to be used to control people but things and events of your own life. This course is developed for Christians and people who are not offended by the teachings of the Bible. In this course you will learn that there is incredible power on the inside of you, and you will be shown how to activate the power.In this course you will learn about the two types of knowledge, the sensual knowledge and the revelation knowledge. You will understand that all the knowledge we get from nursery schools to universities are all sensual knowledge, all courses of study in our schools are based on our five senses of seeing, tasting, touching, smelling and hearing. Revelation knowledge goes beyond the five senses, it explore the third eye, it goes into the realm of the spirit, it goes beyond what others see or feel, it is the real source of power.Enrol for this course and learn how to turn impossible situations around, be a miracle to your world, become the person you so passionately desired to be."
Price: 124.99