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"Recruiting und Bewerbungsmanagement im 21. Jahrhundert"
"Da drauen tobt ein unsichtbarer Krieg der Krieg um die besten Talente.Der ""war for talent"" (ein Begriff aus USA aus den 90er Jahren)der beschreibt die Tatsache, dass es in der Wissensgesellschaft des 21. Jahrhundertsimmer schwieriger wird, talentierte Bewerber zu finden und im eigenen Unternehmen zu halten.Denn erstens steigt derBedarf nach qualifizierten Mitarbeiternstndig an und zweitens splt derdemographische Wandel immerweniger Nachwuchs auf den Arbeitsmarkt.Es ist daher kein Wunder, dass drei Viertelder Chefs weltweit die Talent-Knappheit als grte Bedrohung fr ihr Geschftsehen .Dieser Kurs hilft Fhrungskrften dabei, diesen Krieg um die besten Talente erfolgreich zu fhren.Die 6 Kerninhalte diesesKurses sind:1.Die 5 groen Fehler beim Recruiting2.Wie sich Recruiting im 21. Jahrhundertverndert hat3. Wie man den Bewerber von der Firma berzeugt4. Wie man den Bewerber richtig prft, ob er zum Unternehmenpasst5. Wie man den Bewerber langfristig behlt6. Spannende Einsichten in Themen wie E-Recruiting, Assessment-Center, die Zukunft des Arbeitslebens und Vieles mehr!ber Deinen Trainer:Wlad (Wladislaw Jachtchenko) ist mehrfach ausgezeichneter Experte, TOP10-Speaker in Europa und gefragter Business Coach.Auf Udemy hat er bereits ber 20 Kurse mit ber 20.000 zufriedenen Online-Studenten. In der Offline-Welt hlt er Vortrge, trainiert und coacht seit 2007 Politiker, Fhrungskrfte und Mitarbeiter namhafter Unternehmen wie Allianz, BMW, Pro7, Westwing, 3M und viele andere. Er vermittelt seinen Kunden nicht nur Tools professioneller Rhetorik, sondern auch effektive berzeugungstechniken, Methoden fr erfolgreiches Verhandeln, professionelles Konfliktmanagement und natrlich Techniken fr effektives Leadership. Lerne vom Recruiting-ProfiWladislaw Jachtchenko, der als Business CoachManager und Personaler darin schult, die Bewerber richtig zu lesen!Also: Gleich anmelden und die besten Recruiting-Techniken erlernen! Es lohnt sich!!"
Price: 149.99

"Tricks of Trump: His best Manipulation Techniques"
"""How does Trump get away with alternative facts?""""Why did so many people elect him?""""What techniques did he use to win over his opponents?""One thing is clear:Donald Trump is a master manipulator. And if you want to win in life, even if you don't like that man, you should use some of his brilliant manipulation techniques. And also be able to counter them if you face people like Trump.In this online course, Wlad isgoing to reveal Trump's best manipulation and domination tricks. And every lecture contains video footage of the President, so you can easily see and unterstand each of the techniques.---TESTIMONIAL: ""Dear Wlad,I completed your ""Tricks of Trump"" course. What a unique course! Enjoyed your presentations. Well done! Insightful, inspiring and true. Best regards, Ettienne""---TESTIMONIAL:""I am enjoying your course so much. Like him or not he is a remarkable man at 72 years. My goal is to passionately study him. Also, you are a very good and effective teacher and speaker. Don.""Course content:1. How does Trump get away withalternative facts?2. What 3types of manipulation tricks are there?3. Trump's psychological tricks4. Trump's logical tricks5. Trump's rhetorical tricks6. FAQ on Donald Trump's success from enrolledstudentsThe trainer, Wlad, is a professional communication trainer in Germany. He is one of the most successful debaters in the world (TOP10 speaker in Europe, World Championship Quarter Finalist). He worked as a lawyer in Munich and as a political scientist at the United Nations Head Quarters in NYCand now shares his knowledge on rhetoric and argumentation via online courses. He strongly believes in the benefits of online education --- and invites to test the course right now!Wlad offers a 30 day money back warranty. So just try out a few lectures -- and be blown away by the sophisticated manipulation techniques of Donald J. Trump!!"
Price: 149.99

"20 Best Communication Hacks: Influence and Persuade People"
"The way you communicate with others and with yourself ultimately determines the quality of your life!This course helps you to be a great 1:1 communicator. You will learn from the best ancient and contemporary communicators. Each of the 20 communication hacks is easily adaptable in your everyday life. Short and entertaining lectures are easy to unterstand and your trainer Wlad comes directly to the most important point. After 1,5 hours you will influence and persuade people like a Pro.Course content:1. Why you should alwaysbe soft to the person?2. Why you should first listen?3. How to qiocklyestablish a connection between you and your discussion partner?4. How to capture attention in a dialogue?5. Why you should use ""reciprocity"" in a conversation?6. ...and 15 other brilliant communication hacks from the bestThe trainer, Wlad, is a professional communication trainer in Germany. He is one of the most successful debaters in the world (TOP10 speaker in Europe, World Championship Quarter Finalist). He worked as a lawyer in Munich and as a political scientist at the United Nations Head Quarters in NYCand now shares his knowledge on rhetoric and argumentation via online courses. He strongly believes in the benefits of online education --- and invites you to test the course right now!Wlad offers a 30 day money back warranty. So just try out a few lectures -- and be blown away by the sophisticated communication hacks from the best communicators in the world!!"
Price: 74.99

"Der komplette Flirtkurs: fr Mnner & Frauen, online+offline"
"Flirten ist eine Wissenschaft fr sich. Und wer die Tipps in diesem Kurs beherzigt, bekommt mehr Dates, bessere Dates und findet so mit hherer Wahrscheinlichkeit seinen/ihren Traumpartner!7 Kerninhalte des Kurses:1. Online-Profil erstellen2. Richtigber Dating-Plattformen kommunizieren,3. Erfolgreich das ersteDate ausmachen undSympathie aufbauen4. Beim zweiten und dritten Date in Erinnerung bleiben5. Aus der Friendzone rauskommen, Persnlichkeit ausbauen und ein spannenderer Gesprchspartner werden6. Tipps fr das Speeddating7. FAQs rund ums Thema Flirten im 21. Jahrhundertber Deinen Trainer Wlad:Seit ber 10Jahren gibt Wlad (Wladislaw Jachtchenko) ber ""Talk2Girls"" und ""Talk2Men""Flirtkurse in Mnchen. Er hatdas wichtigste Wissen aus seinen Live-Flirtkursen in diesem Online-Kurs zusammengefasst.Wlad ist mehrfach ausgezeichneter Experte, TOP10-Speaker in Europa und gefragter Business Coach.Auf Udemy hat er bereits ber 20 Kurse mit ber 20.000 zufriedenen Online-Studenten. In der Offline-Welt hlt er Vortrge, trainiert und coacht seit 2007 Politiker, Fhrungskrfte und Mitarbeiter namhafter Unternehmen wie Allianz, BMW, Pro7, Westwing, 3M und viele andere. Er vermittelt seinen Kunden nicht nur Tools professioneller Rhetorik, sondern auch effektive berzeugungstechniken, Methoden fr erfolgreiches Verhandeln, professionelles Konfliktmanagement und natrlich Techniken fr effektives Leadership. Schreib Dich jetzt ein und lerne, besser zu flirten!!"
Price: 74.99

"berzeuge im Gesprch! Schnell zu Sympathie & Vertrauen"
"Die Art und Weise, wie wir kommunizieren, bestimmt die Qualitt unseres gesamtenLebens. Dieser Kurs hilft, in 1:1 Gesprchssituationen das Gegenber zu berzeugen und schnell Vertrauen aufzubauen.In diesem Kurs stelleich in kurzen und knackigen Lektionendie Tipps und Tricks der besten gegenwrtigen und frheren Kommunikatoren der Welt vor, einschlielich, aber nicht beschrnkt auf: Tony Robbins, Simon Sinek, Fischer / Ury, Stephen Covey, Marshal Rosenberg, aberauch von klassischen Denkern wie Plato, Aristoteles und Schopenhauer.Dein Trainer ist absoluter Kommunikations-Profi, gehrt zu den erfolgreichsten Turnier-Rednern Europas (TOP10-Speaker bei der Debattier-Europameisterschaft 2015;WM-Viertelfinalist 2010) - und ist der beliebteste Rhetorik-Dozent auf Udemy!Die 6 Kerninhalte diesesKurses sind:1. Warum hart in der Sache, aber weich zur Person?2. Warum ist das Zuhren wichtiger ist als das Reden?3. Wie kann ich schnell eine Connection zum Anderen aufbauen?4. Wie erzeuge ich Aufmerksamkeit beim Anderen?5. Wie bekomme ich mehr von meinem Gegenber zurck?6. Wie gehe ich mit negativen Emotionen um?... mit einem Lern-Quiz!und Vieles mehr!ber Deinen Trainer Wlad:Wlad (Wladislaw Jachtchenko) ist mehrfach ausgezeichneter Experte, TOP10-Speaker in Europa und gefragter Business Coach.Auf Udemy hat er bereits ber 20 Kurse mit ber 20.000 zufriedenen Online-Studenten. In der Offline-Welt hlt er Vortrge, trainiert und coacht seit 2007 Politiker, Fhrungskrfte und Mitarbeiter namhafter Unternehmen wie Allianz, BMW, Pro7, Westwing, 3M und viele andere. Er vermittelt seinen Kunden nicht nur Tools professioneller Rhetorik, sondern auch effektive berzeugungstechniken, Methoden fr erfolgreiches Verhandeln, professionelles Konfliktmanagement und natrlich Techniken fr effektives Leadership. Lerne von einem absoluten Rhetorik-Profi, der vielmals Publikumsliebling in Finals groer Rhetorik-Wettbewerbe stand - und daher genau wei, wie man sein Gegenber berzeugt. Das Schne an diesem Kurs: Die 20 Kommunikations-Toolssind in jeder Kommunikationssituation universell einsetzbar.Also: Gleich anmelden und die besten berzeugungs-Techniken erlernen! Es lohnt sich!!LGWlad"
Price: 74.99

"Crea sistemas POS Inventarios y ventas con PHP 7 y AdminLTE"
"Te gustara aprender a crear sistemas POSy venderlo a cualquier empresa que necesite administrar su inventario y facturacin?En este curso aprenders a crear un sistema POS(Point of Sale)desde cero utilizandoel lenguaje de programacin PHP en su versin 7 e integrandovarios recursos que te permiten proporcionar caractersticas tiles para cualquier empresa que desee crear un punto de venta.Este es un curso prctico donde te llevar de la mano paso a paso para que aprendas a crear sistemas complejos con PHP bajo el patrn Modelo-Vista-Controlador, el cual cuando lo termines, lo podrs vender entre tus clientes o tomar como base para realizar cualquier otro sistema complejo.Caractersticas del Sistema:La gestin del inventario.Gestin de ventas con diversos medios de pago.Impresin de facturas en PDF.Reportes de ventas en EXCEL.Informe de mejores clientes.Informe de los productos ms vendidos.Informe de los mejores vendedores.Control del Stock de productos.Reporte diario.Reporte mensual.Reporte por rangos de fechas.Adaptado para usar en cualquier pantalla y dispositivo.Impresin de Tickets.Lector de cdigo de barras.Facturacin electrnica en formato XML.Herramientas que aprenders a usar:Plantilla AdminLTE:Excelente plantilla ""open source"" para la creacin de software responsivos.jQuery DataTable: Plugin para la creacin de tablas dinmicas.MorrisJS: Plugin para realizar grficos dinmicosy estadsticas.ChartJS:Plugin para realizar grficos dinmicos.Date Range Picker:Plugin para realizar seleccin de rangos de fechas.Input Mask:Plugin para enmascarar entradas de formularios.TCPDF: Extensin creada en PHPpara la impresin en formato PDF.Muchas ms herramientas: jQuery Number, iCheck, SweetAlert2, Fast Click, Ionicons, entre otras.CMO ES EL CURSO?El curso se divide en varias secciones. En una primera seccin hablaremos de las herramientas que vamos a utilizar para la creacin del sistema POS.En las siguientes secciones comenzaremos a construir paso a paso desde cero cada uno de los mdulos que harn parte de nuestro sistema POS, desde el html, las hojas de estilo, la interaccin con javascript y jQuery, con la ayuda de algunos plugins y la conexin al servidor utilizando PHP en su versin 7bajo el patrn Modelo-Vista-Controlador con Programacin Orientada a Objetos utilizando bases de datos MySQL.CUNTO SE TARDA EN COMPLETAR EL CURSO?Depende de ti. Estimo que menos de tressemanas puedes completar el curso, pero depender de tu ritmo de trabajo y de tu disponibilidad.CULES SON LOS REQUISITOS?Descargar el material que se encuentra en los recursos de la primera clasedecada seccin. Tener principios en HTML5 y CSS3, curso gratuitoque puede realizar en UDEMY:""Aprende HTML5 y CSS3 desde cero"". No es indispensable pero sera bueno para la construccin del Proyecto tener bases en Javascript, jQuery y Maquetacin con Bootstrap."
Price: 199.99

"How to Hear God's Voice and Be Led by the Holy Spirit!"
"In this Bible-based course, you will learn how to hear God's voice and be led by the Holy Spirit. This course was recorded in front of a live audience, and includes a copy of my book, ""Hearing God's Voice"".Itcovers:God wants you to hear His voice!At what volume does Godspeak to us?Where does God speak to us?Hearing God through peaceTugs and impressions in your spiritWords bubbling up in your spiritSeeing visionsPerceiving in your spiritGod placing something into your spiritDistinguishing between the Holy Spirit and your imaginationHow to develop sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's voiceEnroll today! This can changeyour life!"
Price: 19.99

"Node Red From Scratch - In 1 Day"
"Node-Red From Scratch!Node-Red 101 Series From ScratchNode red 1O1 series from scratch is a course designed for beginners who have less or zero experience with Node-Red.What is Node-Red?Node-RED is a programming tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs, and online services in new and interesting ways.Node-RED provides a browser-based flow editor that makes it easy to wire together flows using the wide range of nodes in the palette. Flows can be then deployed to the run time in a single click.JavaScript functions can be created within the editor using a rich text editor. A built-in library allows you to save useful functions, templates or flows for re-use.Node-Red HistoryNode-RED is a flow-based programming tool, originally developed by IBMs Emerging Technology Services team and now a part of the JS Foundation.Flow-based programming Invented by J. Paul Morrison in the 1970s, flow-based programming is a way of describing an applications behavior as a network of black-boxes, or nodes as they are called in Node-RED. Each node has a well-defined purpose; it is given some data, it does something with that data and then it passes that data on. The network is responsible for the flow of data between the nodes.It is a model that lends itself very well to a visual representation and makes it more accessible to a wider range of users. If someone can break down a problem into discrete steps they can look at a flow and get a sense of what it is doing; without having to understand the individual lines of code within each node.Node-RED started life in early 2013 as a side-project by Nick OLeary and Dave Conway-Jones of IBMs Emerging Technology Services group.What began as a proof-of-concept for visualizing and manipulating mappings between MQTT topics, quickly became a much more general tool that could be easily extended in any direction.It was open-sourced in September 2013 and has been developed in the open ever since, culminating in it being one of the founding projects of the JS Foundation in October 2016.What is IoT?The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to billions of physical devices around the world that are now connected to the internet, collecting and sharing data. Thanks to cheap processors and wireless networks, it's possible to turn anything, from a pill to an airplane, as part of the IoT. This adds a level of digital intelligence to devices that would be otherwise dumb, enabling them to communicate without a human being involved, and merging the digital and physical worlds.Manufacturers are adding sensors to the components of their products so that they can transmit back data about how they are performing. This can help companies spot when a component is likely to fail and to swap it out before it causes damage. Companies can also use the data generated by these sensors to make their systems and their supply chains more efficient because they will have much more accurate data about what's really going on."
Price: 24.99

"Practical Body Language"
"Have youever wanted to understand body language so you can improve the quality of your interactions, both professionallyand personally?If you answered YES, then this 55 minute training course will give you all the info you need.This is straight talking, no fluff, no filler, just practical body language training that will serve you in your day to day life. I will cover the most common body language cues you will see (approx 40 different cues). I will then teach you a simple strategy so you can take what you see andgive it meaning.If you are after a course that goes in to detail on every body language cue, then this is not the course for you,If you are after learning body language, that you WILLactually use, and will actually make a difference in the way you interact and understand others, then dive on in, as you will find a lot of value in this short course."
Price: 29.99

"The DevOps Culture: Fire up your DevOps"
"It is an undeniable fact, confirmed by research, that DevOps implementations fail due to company culture. This course explains the company culture phenomenon in simple language, and with illustrative examples. It highlights the most common causes of DevOps failure, which is rooted in the company culture, and shows what the ""right"" DevOps compliant culture, should look like.Even if your DevOps is successful, you may still benefit from fine tuning your company culture and accelerating your DevOps even further."
Price: 19.99

"Irish Mythology"
"Learn about Ireland's rich mythical past from the characters and stories of its Four Cycles of Irish Mythology.From the mysterious Tatha D Danann and fairy-people of Irish folk-belief of the Mythological Cycle,we will travel north and witness the deeds of the boy warrior Cchullain as we go through the Ulster Cycle, before tasting the Salmon of Knowledge andsleeping under the stars of Leinster with the mighty Fianna in the Fenian Cycle, and finally take a tour through the courts of famous kings as webring our journey to a close with the Cycle of Kings. These tales have been told around fires and at bedsides for millennia, speaking of ancient times; tales about the extraordinary other-worldy places, triumphant feats of heroes, of mysterious creatures and evil phantoms, of gods and kings, of maidens and of monsters. From the dense forests of Ireland to its chilly mountain peaks and its rugged coastlines, ires entire landscape screams out with the tales of her legends of the heroic sagas. Chocked full of stories, analysis, and lots of useful resources this course will be your go-to reference archive for Irish Mythology.This course is aimed at those who have little or no information about the myths of old Ireland, but is also detailed enough to engage those who are already fans and offer some new insights and perspectives.There's also heaps of bonus materials and downloadable resources.So what are you waiting for?Begin your journey now..."
Price: 29.99

"Create a Game Character: Blender, Substance Painter, Unity"
"Inthis course you will learn how to create a game character using Blender, Substance Painter, Krita, and Unity.Model and UV Map a 3D character in Blender suitable for game engines Import Blender objects into Substance Painter Use Substance Painter to Texture a 3D objects created in BlenderRig a character in Blender that will work with the Humanoid Rig system in UnityUse the free animations provided with Unity for your own custom character We will begin by creating a low-poly version of our character in Blender suitable for game engines. From this Blender model we will create a high-resolution version to be used for baking our texture maps. We will UV map the character in Blender, and then import the models into Substance Painter where we will create PBR textures for the characters skin and costume. We will also cover how to best organize and prepare the character in Blender so that we can texture efficiently in Substance Painter.Once that is done, we will work on creating polygon hair in Blender and use Krita to hand-paint hair strands for the character.Well then go back to Blender to rig our character, based on what Unity needs to set-up its Humanoid Rig system. If we can fulfill the requirements of the Humanoid Rig then it opens up the possibility for using hundreds of animations available for free and for purchase on the Unity Asset store. In the end, we will bring our character and textures into Unity and set it up so that we can use the animations that come free with Unitys Standard Assets.Creating a game character in Blender can be a daunting task, but this course willprovide an organized and well-structured discussionof eachtopic, explaining not only the how, but the why, of everystep of the process."
Price: 19.99

"Blender Character Creation for Games and Animation"
"In this course you will create a 3D character for games and animation, from the first polygon to the final rigged character. You'll learn about:3D modeling a character in BlenderModeling clothes and accessories in BlenderUsing Blender's sculpt tools to create creases and folds in clothesUV mapping a character in BlenderTexturing in KritaPainting textures for hair, eyebrows, and eyelashesBaking a Normal map in BlenderRigging the body and face of a character in BlenderWell begin by creating a base mesh of the character in Blender, going over how to create the head, the body, the hands and feet. And then from this base mesh we will create the characters clothes, using Blenders sculpt tools to create creases and folds. Next, we will UV map the character in Blender, and go over how to create a unified UV map that can be used to create texture maps in external paint programs, like Krita. Youll learn how to bake a Normal map in Blender to capture the high resolution sculpt detail and apply it to a lower poly model. Finally, we will rig the character in Blender and adjust the weights so that it deforms believably during animation.This course uses only open-source software, Blender and Krita, to create a character that is ready for character animation in Blender, as well as for import into any 3D game engine, like Unity and Unreal.If you are interested in creating characters in Blender for games or animation, then join me for this comprehensive course that will take you step-by-step through Blender Character Creation."
Price: 19.99

"Architectural Photography - An Artistic Analysis"
"Inthis course we are going to cover artistic considerations that gointo creating beautiful architectural photographs.Wewont be covering technical aspects, we will be focusing more on theartistic areas.All examples shownare from iconic and renowned photographers.Sowho is this course for - ideally you already know how to use yourcamera but now you want to control the shot and improve the qualityof your photos. Its for people who want to take the next step andcreate some amzing images.Inthis course you will learn about presenting form, the effects oflight, portraying material qualities, composition and colour. Asyou progress you will develope an understanding of all these areasand how they will inform the decisions you make during setting upyour shots.Ineach section you will have a breakdown of the theory which will thenbe supported by examples. Whois this instructor and why is she the best person to be teaching thiscourseSomy name is James and I am going to be your tutor. Eversince I started working in this industry I have been looking intoways in which I can improve my photography work. This has led me intoresearching and sampling various artistic areas spaning from graphicart to clasical art as well as world famous architecturalphotographers. Elements from these areas will be discussed in thiscourse. Whatwill I be able to do by the end Bythe end of the course you will be well prepared to compose fantasticvisuals that will challenge the best out there !Ihope you enroll and enjoy the class!"
Price: 44.99

"Apache Zookeeper Tutorial from Scratch"
"Apache ZooKeeper is a distributed, open-source coordination service for distributed applicationsIn this Apache Zookeeper course, we will learn the complete Apache Zookeeper concepts likeOverview of Apache ZookeeperApache Zookeeper important terms likeWhat is QuorumWhat is znodeWhat is sessionWhat is watcherInstalling ZookeeperSystem requirementRemotely Connecting to ZookeeperHow Zookeeper WorksConfiguration ConsiderationsWhat is Apache ZookeeperWhy we need Apache ZookeeperWhat is Distributed SystemWhy Coordination is a challenge ?Apache ZooKeeper Back groundApache Zookeeper ArchitectureImportant Components of Apache ZookeeperApache Zookeeper Data ModelApache Zookeeper ZNodesApache Zookeeper Sessions & WatchesPopular Applications/Companies using Apache ZookeeperBasic Apache Zookeeper CLI or Command Line OperationsAdvanced usage of ZookeeperHow to use Apache Zookeeper with Java - codingThis coursewill explore the complete concepts of Apache Zookeeper system, introduction to Coordination system, Distribution system concepts,Zookeeper installation, operations and then it will walk youthroughthe deployment of Kafka cluster in single node and multi node mode. Finally, we will conclude with thereal-time applications.The target audience would be the people who are willing toknow aboutApacheZookeeper, Znodes, CLI's.All thematerial which is usedin this course is attached and also provided the Usefulexternal Documentations or links which is helpful further.You can complete this course in 2hours and please don't ignore any Quiz.We made this course such away that everyone can understand easily, we added the basic concepts in the beginning lectures ,then addedadvanced topics and finally taught how to use the Zkin real time with an example.Thanks,TutorialDrive"
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop for Beginners-First Step to Learn Image Editing"
"Photoshop for Beginners-First Step to Learn Image EditingLearn to use Photoshop for Professional Image Editing & Take your Images to the Next LevelStart Learning the Basics of Photoshop for Professional Image EditingDo you want to learn the Photo Editing?Do you want to learn Photoshop?Do you want to learn the Most Important Tools in Photoshop?Do you want to learn how to get started in Photoshop?If answer to any of the question is Yes, then you are at the right place.Welcome to the Photoshop for Beginners Mini Course.In this course, you will learn the Basics of the Photoshop which would help you get started with the Most Powerful Image Editing Tool in the World at the moment.This is a mini course so you will learn some of the Basics of the Photoshop.These Basics are enough for you to get started with the Photoshop Software.So, What are you waiting for Go ahead and Join the course.Be among my70,000+ Students in 175 countries who are learning and Growing everyday!Enroll Now!"
Price: 199.99

"Lightroom Master Class-Edit Images Like a Pro+Free Presets"
"Lightroom Master Class-Edit Images Like a Pro+ Free Premium-Cinematic Portrait Lightroom PresetsLearn Professional Image Retouching in Adobe Lightroom ClassicDo you want to Learn AdobeLightroom?Do you want to Learn Professional Image Retouching?Do you want to Learn Raw Image Processing?Do you want to Learn how to Organize Images Efficiently?Do you want to Learn Advanced Techniques to Add Metadata & Keywords to your Images?Do you want to Learn in-DepthLibrary Module and Develop Module in Adobe Lightroom Classic?If answer to any of the question is yes, then let me tell you that you are at the right place.Welcome to the course:-Adobe Lightroom Master Class-Edit Images Like a Pro!You definitive guide to Professional Image Retouching and Raw image Processing!After this course,You will be an expert in Adobe Lightroom Classic or Adobe LightroomYou will be an Expert in Raw Image Processingin Adobe Lightroom ClassicYou will be an Exert in Image Organisationin Adobe Lightroom ClassicYou will be an Expert in adding Metadata or Keywords to the Imagesin Adobe Lightroom ClassicYou will be an Expert in Importing and Exporting Images in Adobe Lightroom ClassicYou will be an Expert in Optimizing Images for Print, Web and Social Media in Adobe Lightroom ClassicYou will be able to use the Very Important Tools in Adobe Lightroom with full confidenceThis course comes with 30 Days full Money Back Guarantee which means you have Zero Risk Trying this Course!So, what are you waiting for?Go ahead and join this course now!"
Price: 199.99

"Fly Through English - Verb Tenses"
"Hello and welcome to ""Fly Through English - Verb Tenses"". The aim of this course is to help you to understand and master the sixteen different tenses in English.Every sentence must contain a verb and you can change the meaning of a simple sentence by changing the tense of the verb. For example:I speak to George.I spoke to George.I will speak to George.I am speaking to George.I would have spoken to George.Each sentence above is the same except for the tense of the verb. In this course you will learn about each tense in depth, have ample opportunity for practising what you've learnt and you'll also look at the irregular verbs in each tense.I've split the course into videos of just three minutes in length. This allows even the busiest student to watch a video at least once a day without having to make a huge commitment.Once you have purchased the course, it's yours forever so you can come back and review the tenses whenever you like."
Price: 199.99

"3 Minute Portuguese - Course 2"
"Hello and welcome to 3 Minute Portuguese - Course 2 The aim of this course is to make Portuguese accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or ""aptitude"" for learning. This course leads on from ""3 Minute Portuguese - Course 1"" and new language structures are introduced to enable you to communicate in more situations when on holiday abroad.My method for teaching Portuguese is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and Ive taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception.With this course, its almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study. You will start to learn the Portuguese language in a simple, logical and fun way.You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to Portugal, Brazil or any other Portuguese speaking country, and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.There is ample opportunity throughout the course to practise what you've learnt, and structured repetition ensures you'll never forget what you've learnt."
Price: 199.99

"Building Structures in German - Structure 2"
"The whole of the German language can be broken down into several different structures. If you take any sentence from any German book or any utterance, you will see that it fits into one of these structures.I remember one weekend, I was writing some lessons for the week ahead, when I suddenly realised this. I noticed that there are a certain number of structures in German, and that every sentence follows one of these structures. I spent the rest of the weekend working out all the structures, and I wrote them all down.Every structure you learn gives you the ability to say a huge amount. Some structures are used more than others, but all the structures together make up the whole German language. Once youve learnt how a structure works, all you have to do is insert different words into the slots and you have a sentence.This course introduces you to structure 2. Ive limited each course to one structure so as not to overburden you. By looking at just one structure at a time, you can really get to grips with it and understand its usage. It will help to clarify the German language and make it more like a reflex rather than something you have to think about as is it were a maths equation.Each structure can also help to propel you to fluency; if you can manipulate the structures at high speed, you can start to say anything you want without having to thing about how to say it.This course contains plenty of practice opportunities for you to revise what youve learnt and it also contains some hints and tips on how best to learn and memorise the structures and the vocabulary that goes with them. Youll learn how to make questions out of structure 2, how to make statements and how to turn positive statements negative.The Building Structures in German series is set out using the same learning techniques as the 3 Minute German courses. You can work through the course in three minute chunks, enabling anybody to learn German, no matter how little time you have."
Price: 199.99

"Building Structures in Spanish - Structure 2"
"The whole of the Spanish language can be broken down into several different structures. If you take any sentence from any Spanish book or any utterance, you will see that it fits into one of these structures.I remember one weekend, I was writing some lessons for the week ahead, when I suddenly realised this. I noticed that there are a certain number of structures in Spanish, and that every sentence follows one of these structures. I spent the rest of the weekend working out all the structures, and I wrote them all down.Every structure you learn gives you the ability to say a huge amount. Some structures are used more than others, but all the structures together make up the whole Spanish language. Once youve learnt how a structure works, all you have to do is insert different words into the slots and you have a sentence.This course introduces you to structure 2. Ive limited each course to one structure so as not to overburden you. By looking at just one structure at a time, you can really get to grips with it and understand its usage. It will help to clarify the Spanish language and make it more like a reflex rather than something you have to think about as is it were a maths equation.Each structure can also help to propel you to fluency; if you can manipulate the structures at high speed, you can start to say anything you want without having to thing about how to say it.This course contains plenty of practice opportunities for you to revise what youve learnt and it also contains some hints and tips on how best to learn and memorise the structures and the vocabulary that goes with them. Youll learn how to make questions out of structure 2, how to make statements and how to turn positive statements negative.The Building Structures in Spanish series is set out using the same learning techniques as the 3 Minute Spanish courses. You can work through the course in three minute chunks, enabling anybody to learn Spanish, no matter how little time you have."
Price: 199.99

"3 Minute Italian - Course 3"
"Hello and welcome to 3 Minute Italian - Course 3 The aim of this course is to make Italian accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or ""aptitude"" for learning. This course leads on from ""3 Minute Italian Courses 1 and 2"" and new language structures are introduced to enable you to communicate in more situations when on holiday abroad.My method for teaching Italian is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and Ive taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception.With this course, its almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study. You will start to learn the Italian language in a simple, logical and fun way.You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to Italy or any other Italian speaking country, and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.There is ample opportunity throughout the course to practise what you've learnt, and structured repetition ensures you'll never forget what you've learnt."
Price: 199.99

"3 Minute German - Course 3"
"Hello and welcome to 3 Minute German - Course 3 The aim of this course is to make German accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or ""aptitude"" for learning. This course leads on from ""3 Minute German Courses 1 and 2"" and new language structures are introduced to enable you to communicate in more situations when on holiday abroad.My method for teaching German is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and Ive taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception.With this course, its almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study. You will start to learn the German language in a simple, logical and fun way.You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to Germany or any other German speaking country, and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.There is ample opportunity throughout the course to practise what you've learnt, and structured repetition ensures you'll never forget what you've learnt."
Price: 199.99

"3 Minute French - Course 4 Language lessons for beginners"
"Hello and welcome to 3 Minute French - Course 4 The aim of this course is to make French accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or ""aptitude"" for learning. This course leads on from ""3 Minute French Courses 1, 2 and 3"" and new language structures are introduced to enable you to communicate in more situations when on holiday abroad.My method for teaching French is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and Ive taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception.With this course, its almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study. You will start to learn the French language in a simple, logical and fun way.You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to France or any other French speaking country, and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.There is ample opportunity throughout the course to practise what you've learnt, and structured repetition ensures you'll never forget what you've learnt."
Price: 199.99

"Building Structures in French - Structure 3"
"The whole of the French language can be broken down into several different structures. If you take any sentence from any French book or any utterance, you will see that it fits into one of these structures.I remember one weekend, I was writing some lessons for the week ahead, when I suddenly realised this. I noticed that there are a certain number of structures in French, and that every sentence follows one of these structures. I spent the rest of the weekend working out all the structures, and I wrote them all down.Every structure you learn gives you the ability to say a huge amount. Some structures are used more than others, but all the structures together make up the whole French language. Once youve learnt how a structure works, all you have to do is insert different words into the slots and you have a sentence.This course introduces you to structure 3. Ive limited each course to one structure so as not to overburden you. By looking at just one structure at a time, you can really get to grips with it and understand its usage. It will help to clarify the French language and make it more like a reflex rather than something you have to think about as is it were a maths equation.Each structure can also help to propel you to fluency; if you can manipulate the structures at high speed, you can start to say anything you want without having to thing about how to say it.This course contains plenty of practice opportunities for you to revise what youve learnt and it also contains some hints and tips on how best to learn and memorise the structures and the vocabulary that goes with them. Youll learn how to make questions out of structure 3, how to make statements and how to turn positive statements negative.The Building Structures in French series is set out using the same learning techniques as the 3 Minute French courses. You can work through the course in three minute chunks, enabling anybody to learn French, no matter how little time you have."
Price: 199.99

"Building Structures in Spanish - Structure 3"
"The whole of the Spanish language can be broken down into several different structures. If you take any sentence from any Spanishbook or any utterance, you will see that it fits into one of these structures.I remember one weekend, I was writing some lessons for the week ahead, when I suddenly realised this. I noticed that there are a certain number of structures in Spanish, and that every sentence follows one of these structures. I spent the rest of the weekend working out all the structures, and I wrote them all down.Every structure you learn gives you the ability to say a huge amount. Some structures are used more than others, but all the structures together make up the whole Spanish language. Once youve learnt how a structure works, all you have to do is insert different words into the slots and you have a sentence.This course introduces you to structure 3. Ive limited each course to one structure so as not to overburden you. By looking at just one structure at a time, you can really get to grips with it and understand its usage. It will help to clarify the Spanish language and make it more like a reflex rather than something you have to think about as is it were a maths equation.Each structure can also help to propel you to fluency; if you can manipulate the structures at high speed, you can start to say anything you want without having to thing about how to say it.This course contains plenty of practice opportunities for you to revise what youve learnt and it also contains some hints and tips on how best to learn and memorise the structures and the vocabulary that goes with them. Youll learn how to make questions out of structure 3, how to make statements and how to turn positive statements negative.The Building Structures in Spanish series is set out using the same learning techniques as the 3 Minute Spanish courses. You can work through the course in three minute chunks, enabling anybody to learn Spanish, no matter how little time you have."
Price: 199.99

"Building Structures in German - Structure 3"
"The whole of the German language can be broken down into several different structures. If you take any sentence from any German book or any utterance, you will see that it fits into one of these structures.I remember one weekend, I was writing some lessons for the week ahead, when I suddenly realised this. I noticed that there are a certain number of structures in German, and that every sentence follows one of these structures. I spent the rest of the weekend working out all the structures, and I wrote them all down.Every structure you learn gives you the ability to say a huge amount. Some structures are used more than others, but all the structures together make up the whole German language. Once youve learnt how a structure works, all you have to do is insert different words into the slots and you have a sentence.This course introduces you to structure 3. Ive limited each course to one structure so as not to overburden you. By looking at just one structure at a time, you can really get to grips with it and understand its usage. It will help to clarify the German language and make it more like a reflex rather than something you have to think about as is it were a maths equation.Each structure can also help to propel you to fluency; if you can manipulate the structures at high speed, you can start to say anything you want without having to thing about how to say it.This course contains plenty of practice opportunities for you to revise what youve learnt and it also contains some hints and tips on how best to learn and memorise the structures and the vocabulary that goes with them. Youll learn how to make questions out of structure 3, how to make statements and how to turn positive statements negative.The Building Structures in German series is set out using the same learning techniques as the 3 Minute German courses. You can work through the course in three minute chunks, enabling anybody to learn German, no matter how little time you have."
Price: 199.99

"French Grammar - Quick Guide - Verbs 1"
"This guide is perfect for students who need help learning about French verbs. You'll get an introduction to using and recognising French verbs in the following areas:infinitivesthe impersonal verb ""il faut""the ""going"" futurethe present perfect tensethe present tense""French Grammar - Quick Guide - Verbs 1"" is particularly useful for complete beginners in French grammar as everything is explained assuming no prior knowledge. The vocabulary used is limited so as to avoid over-complication. Each tense is explained, showing how to form the tense, how to negate it, and how to translate it to and from English.Each tense starts with a simple explanation followed by lots of practise sentences to build confidence and proficiency."
Price: 199.99

"Spanish Grammar - Quick Guide - Verbs 1"
"This guide is perfect for students who need help learning about Spanish verbs. You'll get an introduction to using and recognising Spanish verbs in the following areas:infinitivesthe impersonal verb ""se puede""the ""going"" futurethe present perfect tensethe present tense""Spanish Grammar - Quick Guide - Verbs 1"" is particularly useful for complete beginners in Spanish grammar as everything is explained assuming no prior knowledge. The vocabulary used is limited so as to avoid over-complication. Each tense is explained, showing how to form the tense, how to negate it, and how to translate it to and from English.Each tense starts with a simple explanation followed by lots of practise sentences to build confidence and proficiency."
Price: 199.99

"German Grammar - Quick Guide - Verbs 1"
"This guide is perfect for students who need help learning about German verbs. You'll get an introduction to using and recognising German verbs in the following areas:infinitivesthe special verb ""man kann""the future tensethe present perfect tensethe present tense""German Grammar - Quick Guide - Verbs 1"" is particularly useful for complete beginners in German grammar as everything is explained assuming no prior knowledge. The vocabulary used is limited so as to avoid over-complication. Each tense is explained, showing how to form the tense, how to negate it, and how to translate it to and from English.Each tense starts with a simple explanation followed by lots of practise sentences to build confidence and proficiency."
Price: 199.99