"Develop Android Apps using Python: Kivy" |
"This course of Kivy will help you to make Android Applications using Python .So all the ones who feel Python is easier than Java should go for this course for making your Android Applications .Also the ones who already know Python and want to work with some new tool of Python should also go for this course .So Kivy is basically when you make Android applications using Python instead of Java .The course is structured in such a way that it starts from the basics of Kivy, covers all the basic topics and then moves over to the Application development and Deployment .It will take 2hrs. approx. for this course .So this course should be taken by the students who want to make Android Application using Python .All the videos are included which will explain all the concepts first and then show the handson example code of it . Also all the program files of the programs that are discussed in the course are also provided . This course will give you a new insight towards the mobile application development ."
Price: 3200.00 |
"Learn Basic Data Visualization with R" |
"Data Visualization with R course provides basic as well as advance skills & knowledge required to become a Data visualization Analyst. This course provides you a better vision of Data visualization in order to train you excellently. Participants, at the end of the training, will be technically competent in essential concepts of Analysis such as why Data visualization is important and basic R, Graphical Parameters used in data visualization, various types of graphs such as Line Graph, Scatterplot, Bar plot, Histogram, Organizational chart and a brief introduction of ggplot2 package.This course contains lectures as videos along with the hands-on implementation of the concepts, additional assignments are also provided in the last section for your self-practice, working files are provided along with the every lectures."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Advance Data Visualization with R" |
"In Data visualization with R course you will learn about Advanced Data visualization using different packages in R. The course does not cover exploratory approaches to discover insights about data. Instead, the course focuses on how to visually encode and present data to an audience once an insight has been found. It starts with an introduction of course and various data visualization R packages that allows users to create interactive charts based on data frames.Also you learn advanced graphs like Heat Map, 3D Scatterplot etc.You will learn how to extract and mine live social media websites i.e. Twitter to perform Spatial Analysis.Also you will learn how to design and implement web application using shiny package and share your app online. This course contains lectures as videos along with the hands-on implementation of the concepts, additional assignments are also provided with every section for your self-practice, working files are provided along with the first lecture."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Predictive Analytics With R" |
"In this course you will learn about predictiveanalytics using R languageIt starts with an introduction to the predictive modelling along with its application.Also you learn about R and and how R is used for Predictive modellingYou will also design statistical experiments and analyze the results using modern methodsYou will also learn Data manipulation methods and predictive Modelling techniques in R.Collectively, this course will help you internalize a core set of practical and effective predictive analytics methods and concepts, and apply them to solve some real world problems.This course contains lectures as videos along with the hands-on implementation of the concepts, additional assignments are also provided in the last section for your self-practice."
Price: 3200.00 |
"Learn How to Analyse Big Data in Hadoop with R Analytic Tool" |
"This course will cover the whole data life cycle ranging from Data Acquisition and Data Storage using R-Hadoop concepts. Students, at the end of this training, will be technically competent in the basics and the fundamental concepts of R with Hadoop such as:Understand most common way to link R and Hadoop by introducing three packages rmr, rhdfs and rhbaseWork with Hadoop Mappers and Reducers to analyze data using R.Understand typical concepts such as RHIVE andHadoop streamingalong with practical implementation.Working on stock Market Data with the help of case study.This course contains lectures as videos along with the hands-on implementation of the concepts, additional assignments, and Installation Files are also provided in the last section for your self-practice, working files are provided along with the first lecture."
Price: 3200.00 |
"Selbstmanagement fr wichtige Aufgaben und Ziele" |
"Wollen Sie neben dem Beruf studieren, um Ihre Karriere nach vorne zu bringen?Haben Sie ein lang gehegtes Ziel, das endlich umgesetzt werden soll?Bentigen Sie Ihre volle Konzentration fr eine schwierige lngerfristige Aufgabe?Mssen Sie ein greres Projekt trotz wenig Zeit erfolgreich zum Abschluss bringen?Dann sind Sie in diesem Kurs richtig. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, wie Sie sich selbst erfolgreich managen, damit Sie wichtige Aufgaben motiviert und effektiv beenden und langfristige Ziele erfolgreich erreichen. Bringen Sie Ihre Produktivitt auf ein neues Niveau!Im Kurs betrachten wir die Bereiche Mindset, Strategie und Arbeitstechniken mit den Themen Motivation, Vision, Ziele setzen, Planung, Organisation, Erfolgskontrolle sowie Umgang mit Problemen und Schwierigkeiten. Wenige, leicht nachvollziehbare Schritte, damit der Erfolg nicht lnger auf sich warten lsst.Am Ende des Kurses werden Sie wissen, wie Siesich fr wichtige Aufgaben und Ziele erfolgreich motivierenVisionen entwickeln und daraus Ziele ableitenmit einem einfachen System eine konkrete Planung erstellensich und ihr Leben organisieren mssen, um die Planung in die Praxis umzusetzenIhren Tag produktiv gestalten und die anstehenden Aufgaben erledigenmit Ablenkungen, Abweichungen und Schwierigkeiten umgehenIhre Erfolge kontrollieren und auch feiern knnen :-)Der Kurs begleitet Sie auf Ihrem Weg zum exzellenten Selbstmanagement. Die erlernten Techniken und Kompetenzen knnen Sie auch in anderen Lebensbereichen einsetzen.Alle Arbeitsbltter und Checklisten knnen Sie herunterladen."
Price: 74.99 |
"Effektives Lernen" |
"Die nchste Klausur oder mndliche Prfung steht an oder die Abschlussprfung ist nicht mehr lange hin? Fast automatisch macht sich die Frage in uns breit: Wie soll das nur alles in meinen Kopf passen?Wenn es um Prfungen geht, fr die Sie lernen mssen, ist es egal, ob es sich um eine Klausur in der Oberstufe handelt, die Abiturprfungen, die Prfungen im Rahmen einer Ausbildung oder einer Fortbildung oder Klausuren und Prfungen im Studium. Das Gefhl ist das gleiche ebenso wie die Lerntechniken. Aber was sind Lerntechniken? Lerntechniken sind wissenschaftlich erforschte Methoden, um Fakten und Zusammenhnge kurz-, mittel oder langfristig zu erlernen, also abrufbereit zu speichern. Effektives Lernen besteht in der Regel aus einer Kombination verschiedener Lerntechniken, wobei nicht jede Lerntechnik fr jeden Lerntyp gleich effizient ist.Dieser Kurs wird Ihnen helfen, zu verstehen, welcher Lerntyp Sie sind und mit welchen Lerntechniken Sie am besten lernen und sich auf Ihre Prfungen vorbereiten.Ich zeige Ihnen die Grundlagen fr effektives Lernen, stelle Ihnen verschiedene Lerntechniken vor und wie Sie diese erfolgreich anwenden und gebe Ihnen wichtige Tipps und Tricks an die Hand, wie Sie mit Schwierigkeiten und Problemen beim Lernen am besten umgehen."
Price: 74.99 |
"Productivity Management Formula" |
"UPDATED Nov 10th, 2015!Productivity Management Formula - Do you need to answer Yes to any of these questions? Do you want to take the next step in your career? Yes? Do you have a goal youve wanted to achieve for a long time, and now you finally want to do it? Yes? Do you need your full concentration to accomplish a difficult or larger task which will occupy a longer span of time? Yes? Do you have to complete a large project now but youre short of time? Yes? When I was working on large projects in the banking area I had the same problem. I struggled like you but I did find a formula that works! When you take this course, you will discover how to: Manage yourself to complete important tasks effectively, Stay motivatedSuccessfully reach long-term goals. Raise your productivity to a new level! The benefits for you of taking this course are: Developing a powerful mindset, Being able to set up productivity enhancing strategies Using simple but effective working techniquesAvoiding typical mistakes and coping with problems and difficultiesAll worksheets and checklists are downloadable You will discover how easy this is to understand because it is presented in straight forward simple steps which are easy to follow. Let me share some of these steps with you: Motivate yourself for important tasks and goals Develop a vision and derive goals from your vision Formulate a plan with a simple system Implement your action plan Organize a productive day and finish all your tasks Deal with distractions, plan deviations and difficulties Measure and celebrate your success This course takes you on a journey to superior self-management and productivity. You can apply the techniques and competences you learn here to other areas of your life. Just stop and think. What is the cost for you and your business if you dont address these issues today? You will fall further behind. Your colleagues and competitors will outperform you with adverse consequences for your career and your future. Can you afford to let this happen? So you need to do something about this today! Enroll in this course NOW and start discovering how my Productivity Management Formula can revolutionize the way you work. What are you waiting for? Take some action: ENROLL TODAY"
Price: 39.99 |
"Karriere managen: Die besten Erfolgsstrategien" |
"Sie laufen und laufen im Job und kommen doch nicht von der Stelle? Viele Menschen erleben ihr Berufsleben genauso. Sie arbeiten quasi bis zum Umfallen und haben doch das Gefhl, dass ihr Einsatz und ihre Leistung nicht gesehen werden. Sie retten Projekte, aber die Befrderung bekommen andere angeboten. Die Frage nach einer Gehaltserhhung verhallt Jahr fr Jahr ohne konkrete Antwort. Wenn es Ihnen so geht, sind Sie in bester Gesellschaft. Viele meiner Kunden kommen genau mit diesen frustrierenden Erfahrungen zu mir. Die gute Nachricht ist: Sie knnen diese Situation verndern. Ihre berufliche Situation liegt in Ihrer Hand!Ich zeige Ihnen, wie es Ihnen gelingt, dass Ihre Leistung von Vorgesetzten gesehen wird, wie Sie sich positiv von Kollegen abheben ohne in eine Konkurrenzsituation zu gelangen, und wie Siefr das Unternehmen einen Mehrwert schaffen und sich fr die nchste Karrierestufe qualifizieren! In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie die acht wichtigsten Strategien, um Ihrer Karriere auf die Sprnge zu helfen. Zgern Sie nicht lnger, sondern geben Sie Ihrer Karriere den notwendigen Schub!"
Price: 74.99 |
"Karriere managen: Kompetenzen professionell darstellen" |
"Wollen Sie Ihre Karriere nach vorne bringen?Stehen Sie vor einer Bewerbung?Wollen Sie sich, Ihre Strken und Kompetenzen professionell darstellen? Dann sind Sie in diesem Kurs richtig. Hier erhalten Sie eine exakte und einfache Vorgehensweise, wie Sie Ihre Kompetenzen ermitteln und sie in Bewerbungen, in Jahres- und Bewertungsgesprche aber auch Unterhaltungen mit Vorgesetzten und der Unternehmensfhrung professionell darstellen. Das sind einige der Vorteile fr Sie: Sie gestalten Ihre Bewerbungen professioneller als bisher. Sie sind exzellent vorbereitet und knnen sich selbst sehr gut darstellen. Sie gehen mit einem guten Gefhl in Gesprche und haben weniger Stress dabei. Wer sich beruflich und geschftlich gut darstellen mchte, der sollte alle seine Kompetenzen kennen und auch in der Lage sein, diese je nach Situation und Anspruch nach auen positiv darzustellen: Fachliche Kompetenzen, durch Berufsausbildung, Studium oder Weiterbildung erworben. Methodische Kompetenzen wie Planen, Organisieren oder Delegieren. Soziale Kompetenzen wie das schnelle Aufbauen von erfolgreichen und produktiven Arbeitsbeziehungen sein, fr ein gutes Arbeitsklima zu sorgen, zu motivieren usw. Persnliche Kompetenzen reichen von hoher Belastbarkeit und mit Stress gut umgehen zu knnen bis hin zu Flexibilitt, Kreativitt oder Lernbereitschaft. Wenn Sie alle Aufgaben in diesem Kurs bearbeiten, erreichen Sie fr sich eine Menge: Sie haben Klarheit, was Ihren persnlichen Werdegang angehtEine Reflexion Ihrer Strken, Ihrer Werte und was Sie sonst ausmachtSie haben eine detaillierte Einsicht Ihrer FertigkeitenUnd eine Liste mit Ihren KernkompetenzenSie wissen, wie Sie diese Kompetenzen gut formulieren und belegen knnenSie haben Ihre Ziele definiertUnd nchste Schritte festgelegt. Der Kurs basiert auf dem Verfahren der Kompetenzenbilanz. Diese wurde 2003 von den Professoren Claas Triebel & Thomas Lang-von Wins in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Zukunftszentrum Tirol entwickelt. Die Kompetenzenbilanz haben inzwischen ber 8000 Menschen erfolgreich absolviert. Claas Triebel hat die Entwicklung dieses Kurses begleitet und Materialien zur Verfgung gestellt. Viele haben die Notwendigkeit schon erkannt, ihre Kompetenzen und damit sich selbst positiv zu verkaufen und ihre berufliche oder geschftliche Karriere so mageblich gefrdert. Knnen Sie es sich leisten noch zu warten, whrend die anderen an Ihnen vorbeiziehen, whrend Sie stehenbleiben und nicht recht vorwrtskommen? Also egal ob Sie sich beruflich umorientieren mchtenOder wieder ins Berufsleben einsteigen wollen Einen neuen Karriereschritt wagen wollen Ihnen eine konkrete Bewerbungssituation bevorsteht Oder einfach eine Bestandsaufnahme machen wollen: Dieser Kurs wird Ihnen dabei helfen. Also: werden Sie jetzt aktiv. Belegen Sie heute diesen Kurs und bringen Sie Ihre persnliche Karriere nach vorne."
Price: 74.99 |
"Sfrdan Matematik" |
"Kurs ile ilgili ""indirim kuponlar"" iin ltfen mesajla veya boramat@gmail.com dan iletiime geiniz.Kurs tamamen sfrdan, rakamlarn tantmndan, ritmik saymalardan balamaktadr, ama epey bir ilerlemektedir, kursun ilk derslerine aldanarak ok kolay olduu sanlmamaldr. lkokulu bitirmi olanlar 2. blmden balamaldr.Matematik renme problemine karn, herkese 2. bir ans vermek iin hazrlanmtr. Seviyeniz ne olursa olsun bu kurs ile 2 ay gibi bir srede matematiinizi olduka gelitirebilirsiniz.Sabrl olmal, dersleri dikkatle dinlemeli, gerekirse anlamadnz yerleri tekrar tekrar dinlemeli ve dzenli almalsnz.not 1: Kursun salkl ve daha hzl takibi iin ""sfrdan matematik kitab"" dijital veya basl edinmeniz tavsiye edilmektedir nette ""sfrdan matematik kitab satn alma"" olarak aratp bulabilirsiniz. Bylelikle videolar izlerken kitaptan zebilirsiniz.not 2: Kurs tamamen sfrdan balamaktadr ama ilerledike kapsam genilemekte ve sonlara doru zorlamaktadr. Bu nedenle seviyenize uygun yerden balaynz. Sfrdan balamasna ramen son derece detayl sl saylar, kkl saylar, 1 ve 2 bilinmeyenli denklemler, arpanlara ayrma, mutlak deer vb. konular orta ve hattaileri derecede ilenmekte ve olduka zor sorular da zlmektedir.Takldnz yerleri udemy zerinden veya facebooktaki sfrdan matematik grubumuzdan sorabilirsiniz.Kursun AmacMatematik renim zorluu problemini ortadan kaldrmak iin hazrland.Sfr seviye, zayf seviye ve orta seviye matematik bilenler kursun hedef kitlesi oldu.Sfr seviye olanlar;Gerekten sfrdan; say, sembol, ritmik sayma, ilemlerin hayatn paras olarak anlatm ile 1. blmden balayarak seviyenizi olduka iyi hale getirebilirsiniz. Bu kurs size matematii renmek iin yepyeni bir frsat sunuyor.Zayf seviye olanlar;2. blmden balamal, 4 ilemi bol bol altrma ile pekitirmeli, sonra kitapta temel matematik konularnda ilerlemelisiniz. Kursu bitirdiinizde, seviyenizin ok daha iyi olduunu, ok daha hzl soru zdnz greceksiniz.Orta seviye olanlar;lk blmleri atlayabilirsiniz. Konular bilseniz bile bol bol altrma ile hzlanacak, ne kadar temel bir kurs olsa da ierdii konularda piyasadaki soru trlerini iermesi ve ayn tip art arda sorular ile daha kalc hale getirmesi ile kitab bitirdiinizde, bilgilerinizin arttn, seviyenizin ykseldiini ve ok daha hzl soru zer hale geldiinizi greceksiniz"
Price: 409.99 |
"YKS denemeleri" |
"Kurs ile ilgili ""indirim kuponlar"" iin ltfen mesajla veya boramat@gmail.com dan iletiime geiniz.YGS de baar iin en nemli etkenleden biri denemelerdir.Denemeler ile eksik konular ortaya kar ve daha iyi performans salanr.Snav heyecann yenmede de son derece etkilidir denemeler.Ancak mutlaka yaplamayan sorular zlmelidir.Bu nedenle denemelerin zml olmas ok nemlidir.En etkili zm tarz da video zmdr.Denemelerimizde tm zmler video zmdr. Dolays ile snavdan hemen sonra takldnz yerleri rahatlkla anlayabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 |
"Wine Confidence - Enjoy Wine Without Being An Expert" |
"Are You Overwhelmed By the Subject Of Wine?Sure, wine can be a confusing and intimidating subject. But if your goal is to simply enjoy wine more, there's no reason you need to become an instant wine genius.My name is David Baer, and since the late 1990s, I've been pulling back the curtain on the world of wine for clients ranging from soccer moms to service professionals to corporate executives. And, today, I'd like to do the same for you.But instead of teaching you about grape varieties and growing regions, I think it's better to help you get past your wine fears and discomforts, and set you on a path to exploring and enjoying wine at your own pace.Over the years, I've worked with: A sales professional who failed to win a contract with a wine-loving prospective client at a business dinner, because he awkwardly tried to fake his own wine knowledge. A young woman who was embarrassed on a first date by a guy who spent the evening showing her how to hold her glass correctly, and how to taste wine properly. Dozens upon dozens of consumers who admitted to not ordering or buying wines simply because they couldn't pronounce the name or were not willing to ask questions about a wine that interested them.Do any of those situations sound familiar? If soI'd like to Introduce You to WINE CONFIDENCEWINE CONFIDENCE is an online video course designed to demystify wine and help you discover simple techniques for ordering and buying wine even if you don't know much about the subject.Why Did I Create This Course?You've already read about some of the stories from my clients above. But those are just a few of the many things people have shared with me about their wine encounters. Other questions have been about things like finding the perfect wine to go with a meal or confusion over what to do when a waiter hands you a cork.It's become clear to me that wine has caused a lot of people a great deal of anxiety. So I decided to do my part to help clear the air, bring clarity to the world of wine, and increase the wine confidence for those like you who are longing to get past the nonsense and just enjoy wine on your own terms.So after years of collective personal experience, hundreds of hours hosting consumer and corporate wine events, and countless discussions with wine professionals, I've compiled a simple-to-follow series of videos that will help bring you closer to wine.When you invest in WINE CONFIDENCE today not only will learn what got us in this mess in the first place, but you'll also discover exactly how to sit down at a restaurant, be handed one of those hundred-page wine lists, and dazzle your dining companions as you order with confidence and easePlus, you'll also receive a collection of BONUS INTERVIEWS I conducted with wine industry experts, filled with golden gems of wisdom for you to take with you on your next wine outing!So if you are ready to take control of your wine enjoyment, and confidently engage with your dinner guests, dates, and sommeliers about wine, then you owe it to yourself to invest in this course, and yourself, today."
Price: 94.99 |
"Sure-Fire Hashtag Strategies For Social Marketing Success" |
"Using social media to build awareness about you and your company is a given these days. But it's also important to understand how to enter people's online conversations in natural ways, without directly selling to them.In fact, if you try to hard-sell anyone on social media sites, it can actually backfire. It's all about making connections and building relationships... before a sale ever gets made.But how do you find the right ""conversations"" to enter in the first place?Hashtags...In this course, you'll learn how to find the right hashtags for your audience, and how to use them to strategically grow your social marketing influence. Choosing and using hashtags can be the difference between getting targeted and non-targeted traffic."
Price: 74.99 |
"Advanced Facebook Ads for Entrepreneurs & Coaches" |
"There are now over 2 million advertisers on Facebook reaching a continuously growing audience numbering in the billions. If you are already running Facebook ads for your coaching, consulting or online business, but not getting the results you've been looking for, this course is for you. Inside, you will learn how to use Facebook's more advanced advertising features, including:custom audienceslookalike audiencesconversion trackingreportingand more...Facebook Ads Are More Than Boosted PostsWhile most advertisers use Facebook to boost posts and encourage clicks to their websites, Facebook's ad platform enables you to do far more than you might imagine by developing better relationships with your target audience through advertising. This course will show you the tools to use, how to use them, and share some examples of how other advertisers are using them as well.Course Content and Your Ad GoalsThrough a series of video lectures, I demonstrate how to use Facebook's various ad platform tools, as well as how they can be leveraged in structuring successful ad campaigns. Upon completing this course, you will have the knowledge necessary to structure sophisticated, advanced-level ad campaigns using Facebook.NOTE: This is NOT an introductory course"
Price: 194.99 |
"Social Media Influence for Coaches, Leaders, and Mentors" |
"This course is designed to explain the importance of and strategies behind becoming influential using social media for your niche or industry. Why is this important?Social media matters in reaching your ideal audience:Nearly 2.1 Billion people have a social media account1.7 Billion of those people are currently active3.65 Billion people have access to social media through smartphones47% of all people are on FacebookTwitter has over 284 Million active users53% of people aged 18-29 have an Instagram accountInside this course you will learn through video and summary checklists, how to influence your audience to gain authority and to motivate people to take action, (and, ideally, to spend money with you)."
Price: 74.99 |
"Digital Course and Information Product Creation for Coaches" |
"In this course, you will learn how to stop limiting your income to one-on-one coaching and consulting clients. Through the tools and techniques shared in these lessons, you'll learn how to develop multiple products, how to position your coaching business for maximum impact, and how to develop passive-income generating programs.This course is taught through a combination of video lectures, written guides, workbooks, and checklists.The course is broken down into 4 major sections:Section One: Discover Your Winning IdeaEveryone has one. It's what your clients are begging you for, but since they don't always tell you in so many words, you might struggle to figure it out. In this section, we'll how to identify what your prospective clients are seeking, and how bets to position yourself to deliver it.Section Two: Designing and Creating Your ProgramYour signature program is going to be the thing you become known for, but it doesn't have to take weeks or months to create.Section Three: The Short and Sweet Product LaunchA simple, tasteful and timely launch will go far toward solidifying your brand and your signature product.Section Four: How to Generate Passive, Non-Coaching IncomeHow to take what you are already doing in your business and created automated tools and programs to make you more money and give you more time."
Price: 194.99 |
"Facebook Ad Design & Structure" |
"In this course, we cover the most effective ways to design and structure your Facebook ads for maximum profit. Facebook has become the clear leader in advertising online, but without an ad that is positioned to get people to click (and the right content on the other side of that ad), you are just throwing your money away.Through video lectures and plenty of great ad examples, you will learn how to create Facebook Ads that will get people to click.There are plenty of courses which will teach you how to run ads, how to target audiences, and how to get cheap clicks, but very few of them teach you how to create smart, compelling ads. Inside this course you will discover how to find and use the right images, right colors, and right ad copy for your ads - and how to create beautiful Facebook Ads even if you aren't a designer."
Price: 194.99 |
"People Skills - How People Tick" |
"People Skills - How People TickThis course could rocket your sales, find you a soul mate, or evenget you the job of your dreams. How?Every interaction inlife comes down to people skills and making people tick. If you can understand instantly what a person is thinking and feeling then you can make them feelrelaxed, welcome, and ultimately trust you. If you're working with people on a day to day basis, and want to portrayyour best sidethen this is the course for you.Andy Edwards is an international speaker and widely published author, who's been teaching business skills to companies for over 20 years. He's taught all over the world, as well as online, and has an entertaining and practical teaching style. This course is guaranteed to keep you engaged and amused, and teach you life changing skills to transform your business and personal life.Thousands of people like you are benefitting from APA (or Applied Psychometric Awareness).This simple, easy to learn yet POWERFUL technique allows you to understand what makes others tick almost instantaneously.The course overview includes:Human behaviour over the agesTheorists fromHippocrates to JungIntroduction to PsychometricsThe Jungian Attitudinal FunctionsApplying psychology to easily identified coloursUnderstanding theself, and buildingemotional intelligenceIdentifying those Not like meYour subconscious prejudicesGood day vs Bad day behaviourAdapting and connecting to all kinds of peopleThe golden ruleAnd lots lots more!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How does it work?Well, imagine meeting your next customer or client. Imagine your initial greeting of each other polite and perhaps even a bit formal Quickly, you mentally check three elements of their behaviour and immediately understand their type. You can now anticipate their decision-making process, their likely responses to your questions their wants, their needs, their motivations and their preferences.You consciously (but only slightly) adapt your behaviour and your own communication style to suit that interaction. They will walk away from that meeting with an unconscious (or perhaps even conscious) sense of connection with you. What a nice guy. She seems a trustworthy person. They made me feel really comfortable. It seems like I have know them for years!A great practical illustration is found at my dinner table let me explain my two sons are both left handed. It is a physical preference of theirs. Its not MY preference I am firmly on the right handed preference spectrum. But when they come over for a Sunday lunch, I set their places at the table with the knife and fork round the way THEY prefer. Not MY way round THEIR way round. Now, this takes little or no actual work almost no effort at all but it DOES rely on my being aware of their preference.In social and workplace situations, if we set the table psychologically, for another person according to THEIR preferences rather than our own, then we are connecting at a broader, deeper and more influencing level than ever before. I tell you now, if its better business results youre after, then APA is a sure route to success; why? Well, we all know that, people buy people first probably even more so in your area of business. Relationships not money are the true currency of business. So doesnt it make sense to understand how to help people get to know you, like you and trust you? With Applied Psychometric Awareness this becomes a simple yet incredibly powerful process.If you like the idea of finding out more about yourself and others and you want to know a few answers to the question What makes people tick? Then lets get started as soon as possible."
Price: 74.99 |
"Instant Confidence Course" |
"The Instant-Series Presents "Instant Confidence" How to Be Confidence Instantly!Are you somebody who simply lacks confidence and have no self-esteem, always worrying about what other people think of you, or how you're coming across to others?Confidence is the power to getting anything and accomplishing everything you want. Without it, you will find yourself in a lonely, dark depressive place that hinders you in life and whatever you do will be much more difficult than it should.You'll always question and doubt yourself, feel vulnerable as a victim, be uncomfortable around other people, fail to stand up for yourself or take initialize to go after what you want, whether job opportunities or that person you want to talk to...Making great connections who can help you professionally, real good friends who will support you no matter what, or the love of your life who you want to spend the rest of your life with...all because you are not confident to initiate the conversation, but instead freeze or act weird, having them reject you...causing you not to be outgoing.Yet, people always say all you have to do is stop being shy and believe yourself, but as you probably should know, it is not easy as it sounds.Do you want to know how you can be more confident now, and not talking about the same old "fake it til you make it" but actual real long-lasting permanent confidence fast?Become much more confident now!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Instant Energy Course" |
"The Instant-Series Presents "Instant Energy"How to Get More Energy Instantly!Are you feeling tired all the time? Do you find that you do not have enough energy to make it through your days, not to mention when was the last time you had a good night sleep?We are all busy, trying to get by in life and make a living to provide and support ourselves and families, so we have to be able to keep our energy and strength!Perhaps you have to work all the time, then manage your home life all requiring excessive energy, or you're always drained by all the studies you have to do, and, thus, never have enough energy to do all the things you want in life.You're just barely making it through your day, and by the time you're done, you're already crashed your bed, and it's a repeat...all over again.How about if you can recharge your energy level instantly whenever you need it and have abundance limitless energy anytime you want, and get more things done and to enjoy...without the aid of coffee, energy drink, or any sort of caffeine/supplements/drugs whatsoever...with minimum effort and times?All it takes are some practical handy-dandy, cool methods you could implement right now!There's no excuse for you to ever being tired and missing out on what you want to do again. Give yourself an instant jolt boost of energy whenever you need it at command.Recharge and command your energy! Get Instant Energy now!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Instant Memory Course" |
"The Instant-Series Presents "Instant Memory"How to Improve Memory Instantly!We all have those days...You know, when you forget...where you placed your keys; when is your spouse's anniversary and now he/she is mad at you; when is your doctor's appointment; when to send important documents to your boss or clients; what time is your meeting; what are you supposed to be looking for in a room you walked into; what is somebody's name you just meet and forget and are now perceived as rude...and the list goes on and on.To have a life of convenience without forgetfulness, you need to have a powerful memory.However, what if you don't?The good news is, no matter what, you can easily improve your memory now! There are simple memory exercises and strategies for which you can start remembering things better and clearly, so you won't forget anything ever again.You see, the normal way we remember things is all wrong and ineffective, and you weren't taught how...no wonder we have a lot of forgetful unreliable people in this world, and why late fees are so profitable and burning a hole through our pocket.Learn how to have a sharp memory!Develop your prestigious memory instantly now!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Instant Communication Skills Course" |
"The Instant-Series Presents "Instant Communication Skills" How to Improve Communications Skills Instantly!Tired of always never being heard or able to communicate your message, thoughts, ideas, or feelings to others? Instead, you go ignored, like you don't exist, and it frustrates you how people treat you so poorly all because you lack the proper communication skills needed to be a dynamic influential communicator.Nowadays, it's more mandatory than ever to have good communication skill!If you lack communication skills, you will have a hard time conveying your message, meeting people, and being taken seriously at work, home, and in life.Let that be a thing of the past! Don't let the handicap of poor communication skills hold you back in anything. Become a much more effective communicator now!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Instant Focus Course" |
"The Instant-Series Presents ""Instant Focus"" How to Get and Stay Focused at what You're Doing Instantly! How often do you have this happen? You are supposed to be doing something, yet are continuously getting distracted by every tiny thing that comes your way and never get anything done. You are supposed to be paying attention to something or someone, yet are drifting off to la la land and when you do return to reality, missed what just happened or said. You are supposed to be working or studying, yet are constantly logging onto Facebook checking status updates and see a funny YouTube video or interesting article, then click the links, and one thing leads to another, and before you know it, already wasted your entire day. Let's face it, we are living in a fast-pace world with ever-increasing multitude of distractions competing for our limited attention span. Being bombarded with insatiable entertainment crave and never-ending information overload, our ability to focus has dwindled...and are you already not able to go through your day without being a jittery coffee addict because of this? Should go without saying, now it's more important than ever to improve your concentration and get focused and stay focused if you ever want to get things done and achieve anything. Are you ready to give yourself laser-beam focus to stop being distracted but getting things done? Having Instant Focus will give you that!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Instant Goals Course" |
"The Instant-Series Presents ""Instant Goals""How to Set Goals and Achieve Them Instantly!When you die...what do you want people to remember you by? What do you want to leave with your families and friends? What do you want to be your legacy to the world?Let's be honest, you don't want to be unimportant as just another person who could have done more and live life to the fullest and given back to it.We all have dreams and aspirations we want to accomplish, rather that is to have the big house, fancy cars, huge cash in our bank account, land that dream job, or, more simple things like, send our kids to college.But to achieve anything in life...we must set goals!Goals are your purpose to live for guiding your focus, path to travel leading you where you want to go, and procedure to follow in how to achieve them. They are your map to success.Without setting goals, no matter how much you want to do something, you will lose your way when things get tough and distractions occur, taking you off your destination trail...lost without guidance in the chaotic jungle trying to stay above water in this ever fast-paced world.That's why setting firm solid goals is a must, yet many people don't do it, or do it wrong.Now you can set goals easily and the right way, and instantly achieve your goals with ""Instant Goals."""
Price: 24.99 |
"Play Modern Blues Now" |
"Play Modern Blues Now is an practical modern blues or fusion"" course taught by Steve Stine, Professor of Modern Guitar Studies at North Dakota State University.You'll learn everything you need to know to become a complete, well-rounded guitarist who canLearn techniques and tricks to create sounds you only hear in Fusion Blues Develop your own unique style and signature soundApply and play almost immediately using Steve Stine's fun and practical approach to teaching guitar.Start from the blues basics like the 12-bar blues and I-IV-V progression and move on to learn advance tricks and techniques like:Adding the 9th and 6th scale extension to spice up your soundThe hybrid and dominant pentatonic scaleShape bending technique and parallel key soloing to add a subtle ""kick"" to your solosThe altered dominant scale and half diminished scale to give your solos an edgy, moody feelChromatics and arpeggiosHow to always play with interesting rhythm elementsVocal techniques like slides, bends and vibratoGuitar elements (whammy bar, double stops, open strings, string skipping)and much much more...If you're an intermediate guitar player looking to build a fresh unique sound to your playing then this course is for you!"
Price: 49.99 |
"6 Must Know Tricks to Successful Solos" |
"It's very hard to play an awesome solo without the proper 'phrasing'...Imagine talking to someone who always spoke in the same tone, at the same pace and stopping at exactly the same spots. Would you believe anything they tell you? Probably not right? Because they don't sound genuine or even human. If you want your audience to feel something during your solo's, you're going to have to be believeable. To be believable your solo itself must have that extra human element"" to it. That's where phrasing comes in. Problem is, most people have no idea what phrasing even is or how to begin finding their own voice"" in their solos.Most people try to copy"" the style other guitarists.While it's great to learn from the masters, what most people end up doing is trying to become something they're not. Not everyone can tap like Eddie Van Halen. If you try to force it, you'll only become a subpar copyHere's What You Can DoSteve Stine, Professor of Modern Guitar Studies at North Dakota State University, decided to take his more than 25 years of teaching and playing guitar to make a short course aimed specifically at teaching people how to build their own explosive solos in their own style and strengths. The outcome was this course... 6 Secrets to Successful Solos will get you building your own phrases and melodies and ultimately solos, starting from the ground up so don't worry if you've never played a solo before in your life."
Price: 34.99 |
"Find Email Address: Magic tricks for Marketing & Freelancing" |
"This course is ONLY one of its kinds, not just on Udemy but on the Internet as well. Which covers each and every aspect of finding and locating an email.Useful strategies, tricks & techniques explained in detail with Live examples in an easy way to understand. This course is real and practically applicable course explained with example to prove what I am saying.This course is very important for -Small business owners wanting to connect with potential clients. (Marketing purpose) -Freelancers who want to take Web research projects"". There are lots of freelancing jobs available for Web research & finding email addresses"". You can learn this skill and earn good amount of money. -Students, finding Professor email-id of some university to contact directly -Young entrepreneur looking to get in touch with a CEO directly -Experienced salesman looking for leads -Every one, finding a person's email address via the pool of internet I will take you from the very basic to advanced level techniques for finding required email id. The quality of this course is that it covers all the available tricks & techniques and that too explained with live example, so that student gets confidence. This is a quick and straight to the point course, not only for finding emails but to learn how to refine your searches on google as well. You will learn techniques, how you can use google effectively for finding someone."
Price: 49.99 |
"Notability for Teachers & Students" |
"Learn how to use Notability for iPad - an amazing note taking app for students and teachers of all levels.If you are using an iPad in school you know how valuable a great note taking app can be. The right app has to be fast, flexible, and powerful, but most of all it has to help you learn.After researching dozens of apps for an Apple Distinguished 1:1 iPad school I discovered Notability.This amazing app transcends basic note taking to become a flexible tool for teachers and students of all levels.Course OverviewWith over 60 video lectures this step-by-step course will guide teachers and students through basic and advanced topics to get the most out of Notability on the iPad. Each unit includes in depth videos, sample handouts, and a practice activity.Getting Started - Learn what Notability can do and practice with the 'Welcome to Notability' note. Your homework for this section will help you brainstorm how you might use Notability.Take Basic Notes - Practice taking handwritten and typed notes. Use the highlighter, eraser, and scissor tools and make sure your notes are named correctly.Stay Organized - Setup binders and sections to keep your notes organized by course.Take Advanced Notes - Don't you wish you could take a picture of the board, or create an audio recording of a lecture? This unit will help you do all this and more.Annotate a PDF - If you are using other apps to mark up PDFs it's time to switch to Notability. This unit will cover moving PDF's into Notability, keeping them organized, and marking them up.Pass in Notes - At some point you will want to pass in homework from the iPad. This section will walk you through how to send notes to email, Google Drive, and other apps on your device.Settings - Learn how to back up your notes, sync your work to Google Drive and many more nuts and bolts topics in this unit.Sample Activities - Wondering how it all comes together? This section is the place for ideas, activities, and demo units.If you use Notability this course will help you become a master note taker!"
Price: 44.99 |
"OBS - How to Record and Stream Videos with Open Broadcaster" |
"Looking to start recording and streaming your own videos for internet sites like YouTube and Twitch but don't know how to get started? This courses purpose is to teach people like yourself Open Broadcaster Software, a video recording and streaming application for all major operating systems, so that they can do just that. Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is the program I personally use for all my recording and streaming purposes because it's the best app I've found.Be sure to pick the program up for Windows, Mac, or Linux before we get started.Record games, screencasts, presentations and more for your YouTube videos or school / work projects.Livestream on Twitch or YouTube with proper settings for a good connectionSetup OBS to get optimal video quality and output sizeMake your recording sessions easier by tweaking hotkeys and other settingsLearn about companion software that can help you record videos but also assist you when you are done recording and need to go to post productionFilter out backgrounds with Chroma Key technology and a green screenControl your audio with noise filters and gates for better qualitySeparate your audio into multiple output channels so that you can edit your microphone audio and desktop audio seperately in post productionLearn the workflow of doing recordings and livestreams so that you can get your videos finishedLearn the basics of OBS plugins for those who want to extend the app's functionalityThis guide will show you proper install, setup, and usage for OBS. We cover many of the most useful settings like how to change your FPS to 60, how to set hotkeys, and using chroma key in order to filter out the background. You will find what you need to set up a webcam talking head for doing livestreams, recording games, or creating a presentation. Learn how you can record audio to seperate audio tracks, how to set up filters and noise gates for your microphone audio, and how to find the correct upload bitrate for streaming.In addition to covering OBS alone, there's also a section in the course for related software that you can use to finish your video productions. This includes the audio editing tool Audacity, IP Webcam for recording your phone inside of OBS on your computer, and AirDroid - another tool for connecting your phone for file transfers and screen captures.OBS - How to Record and Stream Videos with Open Broadcaster is intended to be a complete guide for beginners leads into intermediate knowledge of the program, recording videos, and livestreaming. Using the course, you will be able to record videos, and stream to sites like YouTube and Twitch (though OBS also supports other sites that can be set up in largely the same way). If you need a video editor after your recordings, I'd recommend DaVinci Resolve (which has a free version but with the power comparable to Adobe Premiere). You can look for my other course on that just by searching DaVinci Resolve :)"
Price: 24.99 |