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"Handle difficult questions the bank manager will ask you"
"The biggest fear that banks and investors have when investing in your company is knowing how they will get their money back. When you know your business numbers, you will be able to answer confidently any difficult questions that they may throw at you. This course will teach you how to understand the financial language that finance professionals, banks and investors all use. Once demystified, this understanding and knowledge will stay with you for a lifetime, for you to apply in all business situations.Who is this course for?For owners and managers of small and medium-sized businesses, who want to be better prepared for those dreaded meetings with the bank manager or investors.Why might I need this course? It can be challenging running your own business, particularly when you need access to finance and you and your bank manager seem to be speaking a different language. This could be your only chance this year of securing that overdraft or raising finance why risk losing a golden opportunity? You wouldn't go into a sales meeting unprepared, without the right knowledge and language why should it be any different when meeting your bank manager? The course is 51 minutes long, over 10 videosAn exclusive feature is the study guide to download, ahead of the course, so that you can complete the guide as the programme unfoldsWhat am I going to get from this course?Learn about the 3 financial statements you must understand before meeting your bank managerGet to grips with cash flowKnow why profit isn't usually the same as cashLook out for the warning signs in your business and know what to check every dayGain the respect of your bank manager through demonstrating financial competencyKnow what to say to suppliers when times get toughBe prepared with 360 control over your financesGet started on budgetingMake it easier for yourself in managing finance on a daily basisFree training guide to follow with the course"
Price: 19.99

"Programacion Basica y Avanzada de On Controls"
"Queremos que usted se convierta en un experto en el software On-Controls el cual es una de las mejores herramentas del mercado para controlar todo un proyecto de automatizacin familiar o comercial desde cualquier Smartphone o Tablet.Hemos instalo cientos de proyectos con esta tecnologa y queremos ensearle como lo que hemos hecho paso a paso.Podremos analizar paso a paso proyectos diseados para hoteles, vivienda, salas de juntas y locales comerciales.Le ensenaremos como hacer como hacer un proyecto muy profesional y en un tiempo rcord.Al final entenderemos como programar proyectos que tienen mltiples zonas (Multi-room) de una forma practica y sencilla.No se requiere experiencia previa o saber de programacion, iremos paso a paso para que sea un proceso sencillo y practico."
Price: 49.99

"iOS app development for absolute beginners!"
"************************************************************************PLEASENOTE: I'm working on an updated version of this course!!! Get A BIG80% DISCOUNT - Entering in the following coupon code when purchasing the course: NOOB2018************************************************************************Learn how simple it is to build an iPhone application! You'll take your first steps in getting familiar with the basic building blocks for making an iPhone app, and you'll see just how easy it is to do it! Even without knowing how to code!Have FUN and build confidence in your own abilities to create iPhone apps through following this tutorial for beginners.Download & Install XCodeTour XCodeUI (User Inteface) Elements - Putting Buttons, Labels & More on the screen.Connecting Actions to Buttons and make things happen on the screenGetting familiar with If-else (Also known as conditional) statementsBuilding your FIRST iPhone App!A Powerful tool to help you create ANYTHING! (Well ... almost anything ;)XCode is the tool we'll use to work with when creating iPhone Apps, but the even MORE important tool is YOU and your creative powers!Content and OverviewKids are some of the most creative people in the World, right!?! We learn by doing, and in this course, you will DO! Lets dive in and start getting our hands dirty!Mainly suitable for Kids aged between 7 through 11 and/or any beginners in iPhone app development, through the course of 12 lectures you'll learn how to download and use XCode, the basic tool for creating iPhone applications, as well as learning some of the fundamental building blocks that you'll use to build apps. And hey, how do you feel about bananas? Great! Mee too! Cuz we're gonna make our very first ""Hello Banana App""!Beginning with the download and installation of XCode, the course will take you through a basic tour of it's different areas, and what you can do with it. You'll learn how to add labels and buttons to your screen, and explore other types of UI (User Interface) elements that you can work with and customize. You'll see how you can add ""Actions"" to buttons, and start seeing how easy it is to ""make things happen"" and make your app ""do stuff"". At the end of the course, we'll also begin touching a bit on simple coding concepts.The course will take about 1 hour to complete, and at the end of the course I'll take you through building your very first Hello Banana! iPhone app, and you will get a feel for yourself of how simple it is to create your own amazing apps! You'll be able to work alongside with the tutorials. You'll begin to feel comfortable getting your way around XCode and have the confidence you need in order to break through to your next level of creating even more complex and advanced apps.What am I going to get from this course?Learn to make an iPhone app in less than 2 hours!Suitable for Kids and beginner programmers who learn by doing.Focused on learning things one step at a time.The understanding that having FUN and ENJOYING what you do is just as important as the knowledge of how to do it."
Price: 19.99

"Audio Production for Screencasts, Voice Over & Audiobooks"
"LATEST COURSE UPDATE: SEPT 2017Are you struggling with your Voice-Over recording? This is the course for you... its actually two courses in one why?Because this course offers a two way approach. FastpathIf you need great results fast you can follow the Fast Path. This part alsoincludes a ONE CLICK SOLTUION to batchprocess all your files by drag and drop.This Fast Path is like painting by numbers. You get all the figures and settings and you are ready to go. If you can follow all the mentioned steps and equipment recommendations exactly then you are ready and start working on your courses while you sound is polished already.Knowledge PathThe second path the Knowledge Path is intended for those of you who want to finetune und understandthesettings exactly. You can even tailor it exactly to yourspecific equipment or or special needs.The Knowledge Path enables you to troubleshoot your audio equipment, adapt software settings to your needs and suggests changes to your recording environment to achieve the intended results.You will get:Fast-Path: OneClick Solution, Batch Processing,Exact Settings, Hardware recommendations, Tips & TricksLearn how to record and process great soundTroubleshoot and know exactly where to look when things go wrongGet confidence in sound recording and processingMaster Loudness!Learn how to exactly measure your audio for correct loudness and eliminate guesswork!Tipps & Trickse.g. for Noise Reduction, greatAudio Programs and how to save money when you buy pluginsThis course will also enable you to make informed decisions about your equipment like software, plugins, microphones, amplifiers or audio interfaces and not to forget your recording room settings.See you in the course.Cheers Rene"
Price: 194.99

"Mind MappingKreative Effektive Mindmaps Schritt fr Schritt"
"Mind Mapping Meisterkurs > Effektive Mind Maps > Schritt fr SchrittDas CLEVERE Werkzeug um KLARER zu DENKEN, zu ORGANISIEREN und PLANEN. STUDIEREN, LERNEN und besser ERINNERN.Der Komplettkurs: Sie erhalten eine professionelle Mindmapping Software, die wir im Kurs installieren & optimal einrichten und im Anschluss zeige ich Ihnen wie Sie mit meinen Mindmapping Tricks und Beispielen Ihre Produktivitt dramatisch steigern. Im Kurs starten wir ganz am Anfang und erstellen einfache Mind Maps und gehen dann Schritt fr Schritt zum Fortgeschrittenen Level ber. In den bungen knnen Sie gleich prfen ob alle Punkte bereits sitzen.Als Fortgeschrittener haben Sie die Mglichkeit gleich in die weiterfhrenden Videos zu springen und lernen dabei die Anwendung von Mindmapping in Verbindung mit der 6 Hut Denkmethode, KANBAN und anderen praxisnahen Beispielen kennen. Am Ende des Kurses erhalten Sie noch Tipps und Tricks und werden selbst zum Mindmapping Profi - und damit produktiver und kreativer als jemals zuvor. Damit Sie alles gleich umsetzen knnen beinhaltet dieser Kurs Beispiele, Erklrung und bungen:Start mit einfachen MindmapsMethoden und Nutzung von Mindmapsverschiedene Mindmaps fr:  Brainstorming, Projektmanagement, Programmierung, Planung, Befehlsreferenz Cheat-Sheet zum Ausdrucken (wichtige Tastaturbefehle)bungsdateien zum DurchstartenSchriften, Icons und Formatvorlagen die Sie gleich einsetzen knnenLinks zu weiteren Lerninhalten, Infos & weiteren Ressourcen Das CLEVERE Werkzeug um KLARER zu DENKEN, zu ORGANISIEREN und PLANEN. STUDIEREN, LERNEN und besser ERINNERN.Starten Sie durch und bestellen den Kurs jetzt. Sie haben eine 30 Tage Rckgabe Garantie und knnen sofort loslegen. Wir sehen uns im nchsten Video. Bis gleich..."
Price: 194.99

"Audio fr Video & Screencast Richtig Aufnehmen & Bearbeiten"
"Teil II: Der Kurs fr Video, Camtasia, Screenflow, Podcasts & Audiobooks Bitte auch meinen Anfngerkurs anschauen Anfngerkurs (Teil I)  Suche mit: ""screencast-audio-workflow-sound-professionell-bearbeiten""Der Kurs dreht sich komplett um das Thema: - wie Du professionelle Audio und Sprachaufnahmen erstellst ob am Computer oder mit Smartphone- geeignet fr Anfnger (schnelle Erfolge mit One-Klick Lsung) und Fortgeschrittene (z.B. Realtime-Setup ...)Was andere Teinehmer zum Kurs sagten:Toller Kurs! Endlich verstehe ich, um was es bei der Tonbearbeitung wirklich geht.Das ist mit Abstand der Beste Kurs den Ich hier bei Udemy bisher absolviert habe.Danke. Es gibt sehr gute Informationen in diesem Kurs.Dein eigener Ton Ren ist beispielgebendGute Tipps! Insbesondere zu Software & Mikrofonenber den Inhalt:Wie Du Sprache professionell aufnehmen kannstIch zeige Dir die richtigen Mikrophone fr Video Aufnahmen (Talking Head) und fr Screenrecordings (Bildschirmaufzeichnungen). Das vorgestellte Setup eignet sich hervorragend fr die Aufzeichnung von Audiobooks oder generell Voice-Over.Wir schauen uns die typischen Audio Probleme und deren Lsungen an.In den bungen lernst Du mit einem Equalizer umzugehen um zB Brummen zu entfernen. Alles ganz easy - auch wenn Du Dir das jetzt vielleicht noch gar nicht vorstellen kannst. Ich helfe Dir bei jedem Schritt.Im Teil Audioeinstellungen/Nachbeareitung werde ich konkrete Aufnahme Einstellungen darstellen und deren Zweck mit Dir durchsprechen. Neben einer sehr schnellen One-Klick Lsung werde ich auch flexiblere Workflows vorstellen, die eine volle Kontrolle und Unabhngigkeit von spezieller Software garantieren und auf Mac oder Windows eingesetzt werden knnen.Schwierigkeitsgrad:Geeignet fr Anfnger und FortgeschritteneAlle Lektionen sind so aufgebaut, dass Einsteiger einen guten Start in die Thematik finden und mit z.B. der One-Klick Lsung sofortige Erfolgserlebnisse erreichen.Darber hinaus hlt der Kurs auch fr Fortgeschritte jede Menge interessante Themen bereit um das Know-How zu vertiefen z.B. Hardware Setup, Realtime-Workflow oder auch Lautheitsmessung.Wenn Du diesen Kurs durchgearbeitet hast, dann hast Du alle notwendigen Schritte kennengelernt, mit denen Du Sprache und Audio auf sehr hohem Niveau selbst produzieren kannst. Gleichzeitig bist Du in der Lage die im Kurs vorgenommenen Einstellungen auf Deine speziellen Bedrfnisse anzupassen.Ich wnsche Dir viel Spass & Erfolg.Herzliche Grsse von Deinem ReiseleiterRen was andere Teinehmer zum Kurs sagten:Toller Kurs! Endlich verstehe ich, um was es bei der Tonbearbeitung wirklich geht.Das ist mit Abstand der Beste Kurs den Ich hier bei Udemy bisher absolviert habe.Danke. Es gibt sehr gute Informationen in diesem Kurs.Dein eigener Ton Ren ist beispielgebendGute Tipps! Insbesondere zu Software & Mikrofonen Kursinhalte:- Audio Grundlagen fr Sprache, VoiceOver, Audiobooks etc.- warum muss Ton nachbearbeitet werden- Hardware: Mikrofonauswahl und Vorschlge fr Video, Vor-Ort Aufnahmen und Screenrecordings- Richtige Lautstrke fr Aufnahmen (Lautheit der Aufnahme, nicht die Lautstrke der Wiedergabe!)- Besprechung von Soundproblemen und deren Lsung- Sound Bearbeitung... von der One-Klick Lsung bis zur individuellen Profi Bearbeitung- Sound Beispiele und bungen damit fllt der Einstieg leichtBis gleich, wir sehen uns im Kurs"
Price: 194.99

"Fundamentals of Joomla Arabic !"
Price: 199.99

"Getting Started: Learning to Write Creative Non Fiction"
"The material for this course was created by Misty Keith. She has nearly 20 years of writing experience in several fields: article writing, newsletter writing, blog writing, and many more. She is the founder of Butterfly Ink Media, which is an organization that helps others in several niche categories(Copywriting, Ebooks, Proofreading, Web Content, & much more). Misty is also a Top Rated freelancer and manager of the Custom Writing Services Agency on Upwork, which dedicates their efforts to giving writing consultation and professional writing services to others. Misty is very passionate about her writing ventures and it is evident in every word of every sentence in this course.Upon completion of this course, students will have learned the basic skills and gained the necessary tools to begin mastering the craft of creating compelling non-fiction works. If the goal is to gain long-term benefits, the curriculum guarantees non-fiction writers will find new avenues to pursue, just by discovering the more evasive secrets for developing non-fiction articles, short-stories, journalistic pieces, opinionated blurbs and even more. The entire aim of this course curriculum is to advise and guide students to discover their own authentic voice as beginning non-fiction writers. Students should keep in mind; this is just the start to building a great career as a professional non-fiction writer.Preparations A Basic Understanding Of The English Language Active Participation A Passion For Learning The Craft Of Creative Non-FictionObjectives Discover how to create engaging non-fiction pieces Discover your own authentic writing voice Learn what wordage works and what doesn't Create meatier work without bogus material Learn better grammar and editing tactics Write non-fiction as colorful as fiction pieces Improve upon your non-fiction blog Take your non-fiction to the webThis course is geared toward any individual who wants to enhance their writing ability within the non-fiction genre. For those who are already active writersthis course provides new and inspiring ways to curate non-fiction works. The target audience can be for those who are currently web writers, editors, bloggers, and even perfect for those who design and create popular EBooks. As long as you have a desire to expand on your current skills, you can and will excel in this course."
Price: 19.99

"Train the trainer, complete A-Z guide both online and class"
"This course is a complete guide in how to create your own training business from scratch.Since launch in September 2015, we have enjoyed many 5 star reviews.So if you are looking for a new career, or want to reach your full potential in 2018, this course is for you.Does your role include presenting information, sharing strategies, getting sales? We think this course will be invaluable in learning new information about how adultslearn, how to present information and how to deliver great presentations. Or are you considering a change of career and believe a training business might be a good option.At the end of the course you will feel confident in opening your own training business and starting a new career.We include a personal goal setting lecture to get you started with your professional and personal goals.We include:Build your own training business from scratch is just one of the outcomes of the course.Where to find your own clients and develop your unique brand, know how to negotiate and how to develop your unique trainingselling points.Learn the principles of how adults learn and how to create inspiring learning packages, what to charge and what contracts to get repeat business from.Find the secret sauce that makes training enjoyable and effective, be confident in discussing clients needs, available solutions and walk the talkChoose between e learning and face to face options, offer a blended approach to potential clients.Share your expertise online and join the growing number of teachers, trainers and facilitators who have joined this growing industry.Benefit from our 20 years plus experience in creating and delivering training, we are sharing our stories with you.Start delivering training today with our off the shelf productsBecome an authority on adult learning by studying our 50 plus lecturesOver four and a half hours of film and a wide variety of films, presentations, quizzes. cartoons, ebooks, work books and a project that takes you through the whole process.We share everything we know about creating great training and how to deliver content both face to face and online!If you have skills and knowledge of a niche area or wish to share your expereince, this course will show you how to gain an income from becoming a proessional trainer.WE LOOK FORWARD TO WORKING WITH YOU, TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS!"
Price: 199.99

"Start Your Own Business From Scratch"
"PLATFORM ONE VIRTUAL SERVICES, are pleased to launch this inspiring new course, exclusively on the UDEMY platform.Updated October 2015.We create unique, inspiring courses that we would love to share with you. Our learning materials are not available elsewhere and our staff believe in the power of great learning opportunities. We create courses that challenge and open new directions.This course has already attracted over 800 students. on Udemy we have over 2000, unique students.So if you are seeking new opportunities, new challenges or just wish to run your own show, lets get started.This short course takes you through the inception to mobilisation phase of opening your own business, with lots of tips and guidance along the way.We know change can be daunting so we include all of the information you need to get started.Lynda our course presenter has extensive experience in working for both blue chip companies as well as public services within the UK. Lynda has provided training and support for lean start ups and social enterprises since 2001.Lynda is part of our team at Platform One Virtual Services, a leading UK, training and communication company,We include a project plan for you to follow to support you in growing your confidence along the way. We show you all of the steps needed to get started and cover all of the practicalities and choices available.Each film takes you one step further on your entrepreneurial path. This course will take you over an hour to complete, with ongoing assignements to embed the learning.This course provides generic content so whether you wish to start selling goat wool jumpers in Japan or fine china in the USA, you will find this course relevant to you.Everyone has to start somewhere and we are delighted to be launching this course on the Udemy Platform to reach potential students all over the world.We take you through the essential steps to becoming a great leader and finding work that challenges and inspires. We cover business planning, strategy and business modelling so there are no more excuses about getting going in a new inspirational direction.Work with us and find the work you love to do"
Price: 144.99

"Become a social entrepreneur"
"This course offers you the support and knowledge to become a Social Entrepreneur. With over 2 hours of lectures we look at identifying aims and values, what great leaders know and do and what it takes to get started in thinking strategically.We take you through a learning pathway, examining and analysing your options and planning your launch and business model. We share some of the most powerful strategic thinking tools and support you in moving on to think strategically.We share information on successful Social Enterprises across the globe.Platform One Virtual Services staff have extensive experience in supplying training to aspiring social entrepreneurs, we understand the doubt and difficulties in getting started. Lynda our presenter has many years experience in providing one to one coaching to entrepreneurs at the start of their journey and knows the questions they have.We consider all available legal structures and models and view, including the good and bad globally. Social Entrepreneurs tap into social value and their motivation to achieve, our course offers you an action planning approach to getting your own start up launched.With over 2 hours of lectures as well as useful tools to download you will soon start feeling confident in your ability to think strategically. If you are tempted to provide a service or product that achieves social good,improves communities and supports the most vulnerable in Society or you are moved to consider our environment, our wildlife and others we share a planet with this course provides an insight into how to get started.Becoming a Social Entrepreneur is mostly a value based decision, if you are considering changing career pathways, looking for new opportunities or have a really great commercial business idea that could be used to generate income to improve the world then this course will challenge and provoke you into making that first step.We look forward to working with you!"
Price: 189.99

"Create your own Video Game easy without Coding"
"Learn how to make/developed your own games easy and without coding.Build a strong foundation in Game Development with this tutorial for beginners.Game DesignBuilding Game LogicTrouble ShootingSquashing BugsGame CreationPrototypingContent and OverviewI welcome you all here to learn easy game development without coding/programming.In this course I will be teaching you the basics of 001 Game Creator(the game engine we will be using) and in the second section of the course we will be making a 2D Infinite runner type of game. Also in this course I will be teaching you on how to make your own graphic assets so that you will be able to sell your own original game on PC and on Android.Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create full games for PC and/or Android easy and without coding. I estimate that this course will have more than 5 hours of content since section 2 will have no less than 2 hours of lessons and that will be the same as section 3.Even with the unique scripting method here you will be able to use the things you learned here in learning other general game engine like Unity/Unreal Engine, you will just have to learn extensively since Unity/Unreal Engine are far more complex.If you start here you will be able to understand the general structure of game development.Complete with the Scripts used on the Lectures.Please check the first video of Section 2 for some more info."
Price: 49.99

"Learn to Read baby to preschool. Kids as young as 2 can read"
"The first five years matter and last a lifetime. The development of our brain determines who we become and how we behave. By the time a child is three years old, 90% of their brain has developed, and it is now understood that early experiences have a greater influence on development than heredity. Not only that, the literacy skills of a child at age 4 to 5 are a good indication of academic success in primary or elementary school.This course contains the ""Read Before School"" reading program - a proven phonics program that has been designed to help parents teach their 0 to 6 years-olds, to Learn to Read. Interested inhomeschool for kindergarten?In this course I provide the tools and knowledge to help you implement fun and creative learning in your home environment, helping you to unlock your infant, toddler or pre-k / preschooler's potential in a number of areas.I designed this course for my own children, who were able both able to read before they started school. I wanted to give my children a solid reading foundation. If you have been researching thehomeschool kindergarten curriculum, this course will help you understand how to developthe building blocks for reading using phonics.One of my childrenwas reading chapter books independently at age 3, the other was reading simple texts at age 4. Each child is different, and in this course, I help you to teach your child at his or her own individual pace. Each step of the program includes an instructional video, along with a video of parent and child demonstrating fun and engaging activities and learning games. Phonics worksheets, flashcards, educational games and wall charts are included as PDFs. All you need to do is download the PDFs, print them off, and immediately start the activity with your child! These practical literacy activities will help your child develop excellent reading and spelling skills, to speak well and be a good listener.Read Before School Feature List: Covers the topics of letter recognition, phonics, blending, reading short vowel words, reading simple sentencesInstructional videos explaining the how and why Practical videos demonstrating more than 30 games and activities designed to implement and reinforce learningPrintable flashcards, preschool / kindergarten worksheets, educational games and wall charts provided Phonemic awareness activities, reading comprehension strategies, teaching strategiesFully customisable:the program can be implemented at a pace suitable for each individual childCan be started at any age, depending on the individual child's readiness; whether that be 5 months or 5 yearsResearch based, proven techniques children as young as 2 can learn to readIf you have a baby, toddler or pre-schooler and want to understand what it takes to give children a solid foundation in the first 5 years of life, then this course is for you. If you want to learn how to use fun activities and develop a love of reading and a passion for learning in your child, then this course is for you. You will have lifetime access to this living, evolving course. So what are you waiting for? Get it now and put your child on the path to reaching his or her full potential, in the most important years of their development. ****************************Disclaimer: The key message of this course for parents is to include children in everyday, nurturing life, where they are loved, talked with, played with and are well nourished; where they can socialize and explore and are kept safe. The course provides instruction in skill areas which can be applied during the early childhood years. In the course, I provide guidance to parents to check their child's readiness to engage in the activities and monitor the child's interest and engagement. Each child learns at their own individual pace. Some children may learn to read at 2, others at 5, and others later. Your level of success, and you child's level of success in attaining results from using our products and information depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques used and various skills, as well as your child's innate potential. Since the factors differ among each individual, we cannot guarantee your child's success. Many factors will be important in determining your child's actual learning outcomes and we make no guarantees that you will achieve results similar to ours or anyone else's. In fact, we make no guarantees that you will achieve any results from the ideas and techniques contained on our website or in our products. To the extent that we included any case studies or testimonials on this site or in our advertising materials, you can assume that none of these stories represent the ""average"" or ""typical"" customer experience. As with any product or service, some people will purchase our products and never actually use them - therefore you should assume that you will obtain no results from this program. Despite making no guarantees that our product will make any particular result for you, you are still entitled to utilize our return policy according to the conditions stated within, if you are not completely satisfied. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of this site for further information."
Price: 34.99

"Teach on Udemy: Get Traffic to Your Site, Course - Unofficial"
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.See how to generate potentially more traffic than ever to your Udemy Course landing page or your website for FREE.In this course I will share some tried and tested FREE traffic resources as well as some relatively undiscovered Traffic Secrets to get traffic to your Udemy Course landing page or your website. This is a course that will continue to grow and grow.Not only do I deliver the top traffic channels from which you can potentially generate a deluge of traffic to your course, but I explain the methods to generate this traffic, relevant to each channel. Some of the topics included in this course include:Forum Marketing: which forums are right for your business, which ones to avoid, how to get the traffic to your landing page and what to include on your landing page.Social Media: the platforms explained, the unique ways of talking to your audience and how to drive traffic from the platformsTutorial based Learning Communities: What they are, and how they go hand in hand with marketing your Udemy courseYouTube: How to Use Google KeyWord Planner maximize your chances to rank your Udemy course promo videos on BOTH YouTube and Page 1 of GoogleAnd that's just the beginning there is so much more packed into this course, that as well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, I personally promise you that you will be energized and excited by what you'll learn... whether you are an experienced Udemy teacher or new Udemy, I can guarantee you will finish this course with an arsenal of knowledge that you can immediately put to work to commence your journey in driving traffic to you course.If you want to know how to market your Udemy Course, but don't know where to start, then this course is for you. Not only will it give you countless channels through which to bring traffic to your course, but this course also explains HOW to do it. You need to get this course now ... right this minute, because every minute you delay is COSTING you money ....Enrol now!Earnings & Results DisclaimerThank you for visiting a Skillsmosis product page. The products and services sold on this web site are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings.Your level of success in attaining the results from using our products and information depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques used, your , knowledge and various skills.Since these factors differ for each individual, we are not responsible for any of your actions, nor can we guarantee your success or income level.Any and all forward-looking statements of our products are intended to express our opinion of the earnings potential or measurement of success that some people may achieve.Many factors will be important in determining your actual results, therefore we make no guarantees that you will achieve results similar to ours or anyone elses. In fact, we make no guarantees that you will achieve any results from the ideas and techniques contained in our products.Where any case studies or testimonials have been presented in any of our products, you can assume that none of these stories in any way represent the ""average"" or ""typical"" customer experience.As with any product, e know that some people will purchase or download our products but never use them at all, or in the case of audio and video, watch or listen to our products but never apply the suggested actions in part or in full, and therefore will get no results whatsoever. You should therefore assume that you will obtain no results with this program.Athough we make no guarantees that our product will produce any particular result for you, you can still take advantage of the return policy if you are not completely satisfied. Please refer to the refund policy described in the Terms and Conditions section on this site.YOU FULLY AGREE AND UNDERSTAND Skillsmosis IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SUCCESS OR FAILURE AND MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER THAT OUR PRODUCTS OR SERVICES WILL PRODUCE ANY PARTICULAR RESULT FOR YOU."
Price: 59.99

"Introduction to Website Survey Sampling"
"The course is about website survey sampling.The terminology my target student would expect to find in my course is elementary technical statistical concepts like the mean, standard deviation, variance and standard error. The generic statistical business process model. The Statistics Canada Survey Methods and Practices.The survey methodology part of the course is composed material from the Statistics Canada Survey Methods and Practices (2013 publication)-chapter one, chapter six: section 6.1, section 6.2.1, section 6.2.2, section 6.2.3, section 6.2.5, and section 6.2.6. The survey methodology part of the course is also composed of material from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Generic Statistical Business Process Model (Version 5) Word Document under the Creative Commons License. The R programming part of the course is composed of material from the Introduction to R manual. The website survey sampling software part of the course is composed of material from the KwikSurveys Free Software and Google Forms.The course will take one hour and forty four minutes to complete.The course gives students an introduction to website survey sampling. The course has a theoretical component composed of probability sampling, non-probability sampling, sample survey theory, website survey sampling software, introduction to R programming and statistical business process modeling. The applied component is composed of website survey sampling software.Students have the option to register for the SAS OnDemandfor Academics program to access free SAS software educational bundle. The SASsoftware educational bundle is closely related to the course material.Registration for the SAS OnDemand for Academics program is required in order toaccess the SAS software educational bundle."
Price: 24.99

"Sensu - Intermediate"
"Sensu is a powerful Next-Generation monitoring framework that is quicklyreplacing traditional monitoring systems like Zabbix, Icinga, and Nagios.More than just a beginner Sensu user? Ready to learn more?This intermediate course will teach you the things youneed to setup Sensu in Production.ContentsRealtime whiteboard interaction - learn like you would if I was right in front of youIn-depth architecture overview and recapDeploy and configure Sensu with Configuration Management - I fully cover Chef / Puppet / Ansible / SaltTune and Filter noisy alerts, keep your pager under controlWrite your own Sensu Check and Handlers - Live code demonstrationSecurity walkthrough - deploying SSL, hardening API endpointsAdvanced Sensu-cli usage and examplesBonus: Dynamically monitoring infrastructure by pushing your own custom eventsExtensive show-notes, vagrant images, and source code is open-source and on GithubWhen you are finished with the course, you will be ready to deploy aperformant, secure, and tuned Sensu installation for your organization.Let Me Make The Mistakes For YouIt's one thing to read docs and get perfect copy-paste command line examplesthat work. It is another thing to be in real life watching a real engineerfight a live system and try to get it working! I purposely make mistakesjust to demonstrate what happens when things go wrong. That gives me anexcuse to troubleshoot the problem and then solve it. Then, when you encounterthat same mistake in your infrastructure, you will know exactly what to do!For Dev and Ops AlikeSysadmins, Devops Practitioners, Infrastructure engineers, SREs, and simplycurious software engineers should take this course to better their craft andlearn more about what makes Sensu special. It is not yourgrandfather's monitoring system. It is a modern, scalable, flexiblemonitoring system with a great API to integrate with your infrastructure.This course is a must for engineers who are currently, or consideringdeploying Sensu intro production. Increasing the scope of your DevOpstoolbox, enroll today and check it out!"
Price: 99.99

"Dbuter avec Adwords"
"Durant ce programme de 2 heures et demi de vido, vous apprendrez crer des campagnes Google AdWords qui boostent votre trafic, augmentent vos ventes et permettent de toucher n'importe quel prospect en l'espace de 10 minutes.Vous y dcouvrirez le vocabulaire d'Adwords et ses bases, mais aussi tous les lments indispensables la cration de campagnes profitables ds le 1er euro investi.A l'issu de cette formation Adwords, vous serez mme de crer votre premire campagne en 5 minutes chrono. J'ai inclus dans mes vidos des exemples dtaills et des stratgies prouves que j'ai personnellement utilises pour faire des centaines de compagnes d'AdWords russies. Ce programme de 40 vidos inclus 25 vidos live o je vous montre depuis mon compte Adwords les manipulations raliser. Vous aurez ainsi une premire vue sur les fonctionnalits caches d'Adwords, leurs configurations, la manire d'organiser les campagnes, les lments vitaux mettre en place avant de commencer annoncer.Ce programme vous permettra enfin d'conomiser des heures tenter de comprendre Adwords et ses multitudes d'options. Vous aurez ainsi la garantie de ne pas dpenser d'argent inutilement en vous lanant dans de couteuses campagnes mais apprendrez vous concentrer sur des campagnes rentables.Ce cours est rgulirement mise jour pour y inclure les nouvelles fonctionnalits et les changements de Google, pour que vous soyez jour avec tous les outils prsents dans AdWords. ***Le cours a t mis jour en aot 2015***"
Price: 49.99

"Structurer et Optimiser son compte AdWords"
"Dans cette formation vous allez apprendre configurer et optimiser votre compte AdWords. Dans moins de 3 heures, vous aurez dj restructur votre compte et vos campagnes pour facilement dtecter l ou vous perdrez de largent. Vous pourrez ensuite suivre ma liste doptimisation pour maximiser vos profits sur chaque campagne. Vous ne perdrez plus jamais d'argent inutilementVous connatrez les paramtres (par dfaut) modifierVous saurez identifier pourquoi les gens cliquent (ou ne cliquent pas) sur vos publicitsVous aurez accs ma liste de mots cls ngatifs, ceux qui vous cotent de l'argent inutilementVous aurez un plan d'action en 28 points pour vous assurer que vos campagnes sont optimises"
Price: 49.99

"Publicit Vido : lancer vos campagnes Adwords sur Youtube"
"La publicit sur Youtube n'en est qu' ses dbuts et il n'a jamais t aussi peu cher de diffuser un spot publicitaire en vido. Imaginez que vous puissiez diffuser une publicit pour 0,02...A l'issu de cette formation, vous saurez comment crer votre 1re campagne publicitaire en vido.Vous connatrez les petits secrets du ciblage sur Youtube et vous saurez exactement quel type de publicit diffuser, et quel prix.Enfin grce mon script fourni en bonus, vous pourrez crire facilement le pitch de votre 1er spot et avant demain soir, vous pourrez enregistrer vos premires ventes si vous appliquez ma mthode."
Price: 49.99

"SEO : Rfrencement Local, tout ce que vous devez savoir"
"Savez-vous que 82% des gens font une recherche sur Google avant de visiter un point de vente ?Ce cours va vous permettre de comprendre comment Google classe les rsultats de recherche locaux.Vous apprendrez exactement ce quil faut faire pour que votre entreprise apparaisse en 1re position des rsultats de recherche locale et rcolte des milliers de visiteurs gratuits en optimisant votre rfrencement local.Si vous tes commerant, de profession librale ou que vous recevez du public, vous allez dcouvrir au travers de cette formation vido comment dominer le SEO Local de Google en quelques heures de travail. Ainsi en vous plaant dans les 3 premiers rsultats de recherche, vous allez recevoir des dizaines de prospects chaque jour, sans investir en publicit ni en vous ruinant avec une agence web."
Price: 49.99

"Google Analytics : Analysez le trafic de votre site"
"Sans donnes, vous naviguez laveugle : impossible de savoir ce qui marche et e qui ne marche pas sur votre site...impossible donc de perfectionner son fonctionnement, de perfectionner vos mthodes de capture de leads ou d'augmenter vos ventes.Connaissez-vous votre principal source de trafic ? Quel mot cl vous apporte 50% de vos visiteurs ? Combien de temps reste en moyenne vos viseurs sur votre site ? Combien pages y consultent-ils ?Savez-vous mesurez vos taux de conversion ? Pouvez-vous les identifier par canaux ?Voici quelques une des questions auxquelles Analytics vous permettra de rpondre !Si vous avez un site internet, ou un site d'ecommerce, vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre de passer cot de donnes vitales pour vos pourtant c'est malheureusement l'erreur la plus rpandue.Au travers de cette formation de 2 heures de vido, vous serez mme de prendre en main Google Analytics et de l'installer vous mme sur votre site sans devoir passer par ne coteuse agence web"
Price: 49.99

"""Gestionar y superar el TDHA"" (tdh)"
"Es un programa completo de 16 mdulos de duracin donde aprenders las herramientas necesarias para superar el TDHA, tanto a nivel corporal como de tu conducta En cada mdulo, compartir contigo todos los pasos y secretos de una forma sencilla y divertida para que te sea til y fcil de aplicar.Tambin dispondrs de los pdf de ejercicios y de la clase, para que puedas practicar de inmediato.Acceso a enlaces de audio de meditacin y tcnicas de respiracinMe pondrs enviar consultas y dudas directamente y te las contestar en un plazo de 48 horas a : aurora.renalias@bemoregroup.esEspero que disfrutes en este camino hacia el interior.Un abrazoAurora"
Price: 19.99

"Creating Icons with Adobe Illustrator"
"Adobe Illustrator software is quite possibly the best vector-drawing environment that allows you to make graphics that scale across media. You could create and resize logos, icons, website buttons and more without worrying about a blurry end result.This class, taught by Adobe Illustrator pro Max Burnside will teach you how to create amazing icons with Illustrator.By the end of this class you will have all the skills to start making beautiful icons that will make your website or project stand out."
Price: 29.99

"Boxing Mastery: Learn from a Trainer of Champions"
"Boxing Mastery: is the best video boxing training on the planet. Over the last ten years more than one million people have viewed and learned from Kerry Pharr's online boxing training videos. Men and women, young and old, can learn self defense and how to box with this simple step by step, boxing training. If you want to learn how to box, get in the best shape of your life, lose weight or turn your body into a lean, mean, fighting machine - then this course is just right for you. Kerry Pharr is the author of the Amazon Best Selling book, How to Box - Training for Boxing. Pharr has trained a multitude of amateur and professional boxing champions during his 30 years in the sport of boxing. In this course you will learn their secrets.You will Learn: how to guard your body the proper boxer's stancehow to correctly throw punches the left jab the right crossthe left hook the uppercut combinations counter punching how to fight from the orthodox and southpaw boxing stances defensive techniques how to slip a jabhow to roll under a right hand how to parry a punch, how to block punches the shoulder roll how to bob and weave how to ""float like a butterfly and sting like a bee."" boxing drills to improve your boxing skills many lessons demonstrated by former boxing champions and contendershow to build championship, washboard absand so much moreSo don't be afraid, join our team now, come inside and we'll show you ""How to Box Like a Pro."" You can't lose with the stuff we use, especially with our 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 49.99

"Product Launch - Setting up your automated business"
"This course is fully updated for August 2015_______________________________________________________A strategy and a plan are both necessary to successfully launch a digital product and create an income streamAnd it's essential that you do everything right in order to trump the massive competition and finish on top..But why do some people make millions in just a few days, but your product launch fell flat, or even worse, you didn't take action yet ?It's actually quite simple - there's a few simple, easy things to do .. but - and let's be honest here Rich gurus don't seem to trip over to spill the beans about their success, do they ?I spent the last 6 months testing, tweaking, re-testing, improving and eventually succeeding at product launches and have now put this course together for you - to which you have full lifetime access including all the updates for free.See exactly as I take you by the hand, why I'm so successful on JVZOO and Warriorplus, and how you can do, doing exactly what I did.This course covers :(1) Creating Amazing Sales Pages & JV pages -easily(2) JV attraction and finding 5 figures partners(3) Following up with email marketing, and FREE traffic generation Nothing is left out - you see everything... and my help and assistance to Udemy students is well-knownStudents of this course get full, free, instant lifetime access to my " Product Launch - Setting up your automated business " Udemy course, which has over x very happy students.Don't forget ! You are backed up by an unconditional 30 days money back guarantee -my personal promise that you will succeed.So click the Take This Course button now and let's get started. Every minute you delay is an advantage for your competitors.To your success,Steven Yeo"
Price: 19.99

"Curso Facebook Marketing, Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads"
"Um curso completo sobre Facebook Marketing. Dos conceitos mais bsicos at as estratgias e tcnicas mais avanadas de Facebook, voc vai conhecer cada recurso disponvel no FB para tornar sua marca mais rentvel, mais reconhecida e mais competitiva! O curso tambm te habilita a criar anncios diretamente no Instagram e aproveitar uma das redes sociais mais adoradas pelos brasileiros.Por que fazer o curso?Se voc deseja obter melhores resultados com o Facebook ou quer dar um upgrade nos seus conhecimentos sobre a plataforma de publicidade, este o curso ideal para voc. O curso tem uma abordagem prtica que te permite assistir as aulas ao mesmo tempo que j tem insights sobre estratgias para seu prprio negcio/projeto."
Price: 59.99

"Crie 15 Aplicativos Completos com Android Studio e Java"
"Curso Completo do Bsico at o nvel mais Avanado!J pensou em se especializar em desenvolvimento Android? Que tal ser um dos profissionais mais cobiados do mercado?O curso todo desenvolvido baseado em projetos reais. Vamos construir aplicativos clones de grandes apps famosos. Comearemos baixando o Android Studio e configurando o nosso emulador. Em seguida, vamos entender como funcionam as views, os layouts, a linguagem java e como utilizar a lgica de programao em seus projetos.Criaremos um clone do Twitter utilizando o Parse e em seguida, faremos o 7 Minutes Workout integrado com o Youtube. Vamos criar nosso clone do Tinder e descobrir como utilizar o sistema de login do Facebook. Em seguida, voc vai criar um clone do Trip Advisor e aprender como trabalhar com o Google Maps e o banco de dados SQLite. E finalmente vamos criar o FlappyBird, utilizando a engine de games GDX e sprites.Tudo isso para depois aprender a publicar seu App na Google Play.Se voc tiver dvidas ao longo do curso, no se preocupe. Estaremos nos fruns respondendo as suas perguntas!E a? O que t esperando pra comear a criar seus aplicativos? Inscreva-se agora mesmo e comece a criar aplicativos incrveis com o Android Studio!Principais assuntos que aprenderemos neste curso:Android Studio 3.2.1 - Download e InstalaoLgica de Programao com JavaArrays, Arraylist e Classes de ObjetosTrabalhar com arquivos JSONMaterial DesignRecyclerViewYouTubeAPI e PicassoBanco de Dados Firebase e SQLComo Publicar o app na Google Play15 Aplicativos Completos que criaremos passo a passo:Contador de pessoasAlfndegaJo Kem PoCalculadoraQuizzLista de Cartes do FelpudoImagens dos PersonagensLista de TarefasAgenda de ContatosShow do MilhoTreino (7 Minutes Workout)Trip AdvisorTwitterTinderFlappyBirdVantagens de se tornar um alunoAcesso vitalcio ao curso: assista quando e quantas vezes quiser.Download dos vdeos: atravs dos Apps Udemy para Android/iOS voc pode fazer download dos vdeos e assist-los offline.Certificado reconhecido: a Udemy oferece certificao de concluso do curso, especificando o curso e a carga horria realizada."
Price: 39.99

"Fat Loss Blueprint: Lose Weight Starting This Week"
"Course DescriptionThis course is for those who are interested in making their weight loss goals a reality but have no idea where to begin.If you need to lose weight, and don't have any experience of doing this challenging task, you'll learn by understanding the fundamental concepts of fat loss, and then putting together the only plan you'll need to lose fat in the easy-to-follow lessons in this course.Create A Plan, Set A Due Date, No Exercise Is NecessaryLearn The Why Behind Fat Loss Success StoriesSet Up A Comprehensive Plan You Can FollowMake Fat Loss Easy By Creating HabitsWeight Loss Will Change Your Life ForeverYou'll jump right into this course by learning the fat fundamentals, bonus tricks to attack fat, and get your fat burning to fall off before you know it.Too many people make the mistake of jumping into weight loss expecting that they can rough through on will power alone. There's a reason why most diets are broken at night. In this course you'll learn methods to leverage your body and your mind to work for you. If your body could take more calories to metabolize and digest a food, why would you eat that food?Contents and OverviewAfter a brief introduction to energy's important role in fat loss, you'll learn what makes a good calorie so you can choose the right food to eat to keep you full while losing fat at the same time.You'll then tackle energy management by means of freestlying, or skeleton planning. You'll get to know the value of using calories and kinds of calories, as well as how easy they are to work with.Once your RMR and lifestyle energy are calculated, you'll add tricks used from the megabooster section to provide a strong parachute to your goal weight. Example plans, and set up are spread throughout the course along with the choice to stick to a freestyle plan where you can choose to lose fat by understanding the fundamentals I will teach you.I back up what I say with facts, studies, and results that have been gaining traction in the fitness community as fat loss needs become greater in the industry with more people desiring weight loss.By the time you complete this course, you'll have gone from a complete novice on fat loss, energy, and their relationship to a results-based informed train on its track to a weight loss goal with a plan to keep them on track along with a habit creation schedule.You'll be getting additional content as I continue to add to this course, and answer any questions that you may message me with, or post in the discussion section of this course."
Price: 19.99

"Zbrush Power Workshops (deutsch)"
"In diesem Tutorial wird Ihnen der Umgang mit Zbrush nher gebracht. Von der Oberflche ber die verschiedenen Werkzeuge bis zum Rendering. Nach dieser Schulung sollten Sie in der Lage sein, selbststndig mit Zbrush zu arbeiten und 3d-Modelle erstellen zu knnen.Inhalt:1 Oberflche 2 EditModus und Lightbox 3 Toolbox 4 Symetrie und Radialcount 5 Standardbrush und Masken 6 Polygonmodelling 7 Zpheres 8 Zsketch 9 Mesh Extraction 10 Subtools 11 Shadowbox 12 Shadowboxvorlage erstellen 13 Vorlage in Shadowbox verwenden 14 Dynamesh 15 Dynamesh und Clipbrush 16 Dynamesh Booloperations 17 Movetool Erweiterungen 18 3D Objekt aus Alphamap 19 Insert Multibrushes 20 Insert Mesh erstellen 21 Insert Mesh eigenes Objekt 22 Insert Mesh Verbindung 23 Polygroups und Deformation 24 Diverse Brushes 25 Lazy Mouse 26 Matchmaker 27 Curve Brush 28 Alphabrush 29 Projection Master 30 Eigenen Alphabrush erstellen 31 Noisemaker und Layer 32 UV Map erstellen 33 Micromesh 34 Fibermesh 35 Topology mit Zpheres 36 Topology Brush 37 Qremesher 38 Transpose Master 39 Polypainting 40 Spotlight 41 BPR und Lightcap"
Price: 149.99

"Illustrator CC Power Workshops (Deutsch)"
"Wollen Sie Illustrator CC erlernen oder sich verbessern?Dann sollte Sie diese Lern-Videosmit abwechslungsreichen Themen kennen lernen.Anhand interessanter Videos wird ihnen diese Grafiksoftware nher gebracht.kein umstndliches Gelabber. Knallhart und Effektiv an super Beispielen !8 Kapitel plus 1 BONUS Kapitel:Isometrisches BildSprache: Deutsch.Inhalt:Kapitel 1 Eule 1 Dokument anlegen 2 Krper zeichnen 3 Ebenen 4 Kopf erstellen 5 Ohren einbauen 6 Augen erstellen 7 Pupillen erstellen 8 Nase 9 Flgel 10 KrallenKapitel 2 Dino 1 Vorlage erstellen 2 Grafikstil definieren 3 Kopf zeichnen mit Zeichenstift 4 Ohren erstellen 5 Nase 6 Konturen definieren 7 Einfrben mit Flchenfarbe 8 Interaktiv Malen 9 Dino fertig einfrben 10 Verlaufswerkzeug 11 Licht und Schatten einbauen 12 Boden und Schatten einfgenKapitel 3 Mandala 1 Mandala mit Dreh Werkzeug 2 Mandala mit Transformieren Filter 3 Mandala mit Angleichen FunktionKapitel 4 Muster 1 T Shirt erstellen 2 Muster zuweisen 3 Eigenes Muster erstellenKapitel 5 Low Poly 1 Vorbereitung 2 Polygone erstellen 3 Polygone einfrben 4 Fertiges BildKapitel 6 Symbole 1 Was ist ein Symbol 2 Haus bauen 3 SprhdoseKapitel 7 Game Background 1 Hgel erstellen 2 Himmel einbauen 3 Baum erstellen 4 Gras und Bume einfgen 5 Bild fertig stellenKapitel 8 Totenkopf 1 Bild vorbereiten 2 Buntstiftwerkzeug 3 Zeichenstift 4 Pinsel Werkzeug 5 Tropfenpinsel 6 Bild einfrbenBONUS-Kapitel 9Isometrie 1 Isometrisches Bild 2 Musterpinsel Strasse 3 Zaun erstellen 4 Fertiges Isometrie Bild"
Price: 149.99