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"Swift for Absolute Beginners"
"This course takes you from 0 knowledge of Swift to a complete understanding of programming in Swift. After this course you will be able to explore Swift on your own and begin to write your own apps. In this course we will start by writing the most basic code as we explain each concept. No stone unturned. Each idea will be related to some knowledge that you already posses. We assume nothing. This course is a full fledged version of our ""Swift for Absolute Beginners"" course on YouTube. Due to the success of those videos and the demand for more, we created this course.We will start by opening a text editor and typing our first code in Swift. From there we will take you through the different programming ideas while we make little programs that perform little tasks. Through the 55 videos you will learn: How to store dataWhere data goes when it's storedHow to create listsHow to make your life easier with codeHow to create loopsWhat classes areWhat protocols areWhen to use themMany many more thingsThis course will guide you through all the very important concepts of programming and describe those concepts using metaphors and ideas that you are already familiar with in the real world so that you will have deepest understanding of Swift.This course is structured into three sections. The first section goes gets you started with the most primitive concepts of programming, like storing variables. The second section goes through the basics of programming like arrays, dictionaries, looping and more. The third section will go into the core of object oriented programming with classes, inheritance and protocols. Through each section you will be taught each idea in it's entirety. We go over each idea multiple times in multiple different ways to make sure the concept sticks and you are left with the knowhow. Even though the later sections are technically more ""advanced"" you will see the natural progression towards those more advanced topics. In the end the more advanced stuff won't feel advanced at all. This course in it's entirety is 3 hours in 55 videos. Each video packs a punch of information so it's best to take it slow."
Price: 24.99

"Spring MVC: Un enfoque prctico"
"Hola amig@s:Spring MVC es una framework de desarrollo de aplicaciones Web con Java con grandes posibilidades pero que no siempre es fcil de configurar.Durante este curso, te acompaar durante la configuracin de Spring MVC en aquellas partes de especial dificultad.Durante las prximas semanas:Aprenders a integrar la Spring Security Framework en tus aplicaciones Spring MVC. Descubrirs las flexibilidad que proporciona Spring Data JPA. Conocers las numerosas ventajas que se derivan del uso de la API Hibernate Validator (JSR-303) a la hora de validar formularios. Configurars los diferentes componente con anotaciones, la evolucin natural del XML. Implementaras AOP (Aspect Oriented Programing) en un caso prctico. Ampliars tus conocimientos de la capa View con Thymeleaf, que sustituye a la obsoleta tecnologa JSP/JSTLAprenders a integrar jQuery, FullCalendar y Bootstrap.Experimentars con llamadas AJAX a controladores.Vers cmo es un servicio de hospedaje por dentro y cmo subir aplicaciones a tu dominio.Y mucho ms ..."
Price: 99.99

"Git: un enfoque prctico"
"El curso est inspirado en el libro'Git Pro' de Scott Chacon y estestructurado en tres secciones y variosapndices. Cada seccin contiene lecciones terico-practicas, un video explicativo,un ejercicio de repaso y un test que pretende evaluar los conocimientos adquiridos en cada seccin.Este curso marcarun antes y un despus en tu vida laboral, como me pas a mi hace algunos aos cuando decid incorporar Git en mis proyectos.El curso 'Git: un enfoque prctico', est diseado para todo tipo de desarrolladores, no tiene requerimientos previos y tiene una duracin estimada de una semana a razn de una hora diaria.Durante el curso: Aprenders todo lo necesario para sentirte cmodo a la hora de utilizar Git en tus proyectos de desarrollo. Descubrirs cmo integran Git los entornos de desarrollo modernos basados en Eclipse, como Spring Tool Suite. En definitiva, profundizars en el uso de Sistemas de Control de Versiones."
Price: 34.99

"Oracle Certification Associate (No Oficial)"
"Este curso es un curso dirigido a programadores Java que quieran conocer en profundidad detalles del lenguaje Java que probablemente ignoran.Consta de 6 secciones e incluye el cdigo fuente as como varios tests ampliamente comentados al final de cada seccin.Sigue la estructura del Curso de certificacin Oracle Certification Associate por lo que al terminar el curso estars en condiciones de superar el examen oficial.En funcin de tus conocimientos actuales y experencia el curso puede ocuparte entre unas pocas semanas o varios meses.Este curso, no es una curso de iniciacin a Java sino un curso de certificacin (no oficial) diseado para ayudar a aquellos programadores Java que quieran dar un importante paso adelante en su vida profesional."
Price: 74.99

"Oracle Certification Professional (No Oficial)"
"Este curso es un curso dirigido a programadores Java que dominen los contenidos del curso OCA y que quieran conocer en profundidad detalles del lenguaje Java que probablemente ignoran. Consta de 10 secciones e incluye el cdigo fuente as como varios tests ampliamente comentados al final de cada seccin. Sigue la estructura del Curso de certificacin Oracle Certification Professional por lo que al terminar el curso estars en condiciones de superar el examen oficial. En funcin de tus conocimientos actuales y experiencia el curso puede ocuparte entre unas pocas semanas o varios meses. Este curso, no es una curso de iniciacin a Java sino un curso de certificacin (no oficial) diseado para ayudar a aquellos programadores Java que quieran dar un importante paso adelante en su vida profesional. Durante las prximas semanas: Revisaremos todos y cada uno de los objetivos del examen oficial 1Z0-809. Descubrirs detalles que seguramente desconocas y que te harn sentir un excelente programador. En definitiva, profundizars en el uso de uno de los lenguajes de programacin ms solicitados actualmente. Cuando superes el examen oficial, formars parte de un selecto grupo de programadores certificados."
Price: 99.99

"Online Affiliate Marketing: Guide to Posting Classified Ads"
"Classified Ads Income System will teach you how you can make money in Less than 48 hours with step by step manner and CASE STUDY.Affiliate Offer + Targeted Traffic = Hundreds of Dollars Per MonthClassified Ads Income System will help you to learn everything in order easily and effectively to position and create your own affiliate marketing business .You will be able to start using this amazing affiliate marketing techniques in order to make money online with clickbank,jvzoo,zaxaa,warrior plus or any major affiliate network.These strategies can be started in the next couple of hours and money will come soon.Money keeps motivation levels up and will provide the desire to progress every single day.Your INCOME is VERY IMPORTANT because it dictates you what you can and can't do tomorrow and years from now.Classified Ads Income System will show you:-How to pick the most profitable niche -How to do research-Present you the tools we are working with-How to choose the right offer-How to find Out The right spots to promote-How to create high quality bonus -How to convert your affiliate offer-How to rank on the first page of google with minimum efforts-How to find out the earnings possibilitiesIt's unlimited scalable and very easy to follow, you are going to promote product as an affiliate on high quality traffic source for very very cheap prices this is the best thing! By the end of this course, you will have all the knowledge and skills necessary to build and grow a successful affiliate marketing business.I always appreciate people that supports me and respond with feedback. Click the green button that says ""Take This Course"" and We will see you."
Price: 19.99

"Learn C# By Building Applications"
"But why learn C# (C Sharp)?Well, there are a couple of great reasons - C# (C Sharp)will allow you to develop games, mobile apps, desktop apps and web apps. This means that if you know C#(C Sharp) well and can build desktop or web applicationsusing it then you will always be in demand..NET (and more specifically C# (C Sharp))developers make anywhere from 80K - 100K+ (obviously the range would depend on where you reside), but the point is that C#(C Sharp) is not only a valuable skill but a profitable one as well.However, before going anywhereyou first need to learn the fundamentals. Now, there are numerous courses, blogs and videos about the basics of C# (C Sharp) -so that begs a question:Why take THIS course?That is a very good question and the answer is quality. What do I mean by that? Well, simply put this course is not just going to teach you the basics such as what is an if statement or how to write a for loop that type of information is not worth paying money for in my opinion. If you want to learn the bare bone basics, then you can get that information for free. But that is not going to teach you how to put those basics and fundamentals together in order to build something that works. Thats where my course comes in I will be going over the same basics and fundamentals of C# (C Sharp) but I will be doing that in a context of an application which we will be building from scratch. Essentially the course is divided up into sections and each section is a console application that we will be developingfrom beginning to end. A console application is acomputer program that is developed to be used via command line interface - meaning that we will not be focusing onthe graphical aspects of our program but rather on the logic, readability and elegance of our code.At the end,when we have built our application, we are going to go ahead and write unit tests in order to verify the functionality we have just created. Unit tests are heavily utilized in the industry and if you can talk about unit tests, write good unit tests and know what should be unit tested and what should be ignored then you will be way ahead of your competition when it comes to getting a new job or opportunity with a client who understands about technology. Obviously, all of these are going to be shown and taught to you throughout the course - remember we will be unit testing each and every application so you will see the patterns and that way learn how to do it yourself instead of memorizing and forgetting shortly after.I think that writing applications in C#(C Sharp) isthe best way to show you howthings fit together, you will see the dos and donts of programming, you will understand and internalize concepts in a way in which you can use them freely in your own projects or products, instead of simply copying and pasting things without having a proper structural and foundational understanding.Once you are finished with this course - keep checking back since I will always be adding new applications, quizzes, online coding exercises and much more. Just like my motto of never stop improving - this course is going to follow the same and constantly get better based on your and other people's feedback.The best part about all of this is that the course is always going to stay updated and once new versions of Visual Studio or C# come up I will be making updates and examples to show you how the new features, syntax and tools are working. The most recent update has been made for C# 7 and Visual Studio Community 2017. However, once more updates come through the course will add those updates as well so you are not missing out on any of the newest features.I look forward to having you as my student and sharing with youall that I have gathered along the years of practice, hard work and listening to my own mentors."
Price: 199.99

"Digital Marketing: The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Success"
"All your competitors out there are making best possible use of digital marketing. Then why not you? Here is a guide for you to get you started. This course is divided into two sections. First section is about leveraging the power of digital marketing: In an extremely fast paced competitive environment what we are experiencing today is a paradigm shift in customer engagement model based on new digital technologies. These digital technologies have not only helped companies reach their customers faster but have also led to manifold increase in the reach itself. And the second section we have is on Creating Viral Ads: We have all heard the phrase, it went viral. But what does this actually mean? Just as virus is some kind of insect that multiplies on its own, viral ads refers to creating ad campaigns that spreads rapidly. Creating a marketing campaign that goes viral is the goal of every marketer, but what is the secret to creating a campaign that is going to go viral? This course will help you learn all the ABC of viral marketing - what are they? why are they created? how they are created? how can we make people share them, and much more! By the end of the course, users can take a shot at creating their very own viral ads."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Youtube Affiliate Marketing Course for Newbies"
"Are You Tired of Information Overload? There's so many courses on affiliate marketing. Aren't You tired of being left disappointed after buying course after course?This new method is SIMPLE. EASY. You can work on it in less than 30 min. per day and its SO simple a 10 year old can do it! People are making 4 and 5 figures per month using this method to have their Youtube videos ranking in the ""related"" section.How is it possible?..... by piggybacking off of other people's Youtube video traffic!Have you noticed when you're on Youtube..... all those Youtube videos in the right sidebar? I'll show you how to rank in the top videos for all of those in videos with millions of views!!!! This is for the newbies... its so easy.. you'll be pulling in hundreds of views within 5 days if you follow my method.Buy now..This Course will be removed within 3-4 weeks. so get it now because this is the last time it's being offered."
Price: 19.99

"Lightroom: Un flujo de trabajo para todas las necesidades"
"En este curso aprenders a trabajar con un gran nmero de fotografas, desde que las copies al ordenador hasta que las uses. Ahorrars tiempo en cada paso siguiendo el flujo que te propongo y lo podrs personalizar segn tu forma de trabajar e introducirlo en tu da a da.Se divide en varios bloques:Importacin/organizacin de las fotografasSeleccin y revelados bsicosRevelados complejos, retoquesExportacin en varios supuestosTodo ello siguiendo un proceso para aumentar tu productividad y simplificando al mximo los procesos repetitivos que hacemos continuamente.Si necesitas trabajar con fotografas de frecuentemente, si eres fotgrafo, diseador o simplemente te gusta mantener tus fotografas organizadas. Este es tu curso.Aclaracin: Si bien el curso sirve para la versin Windows y Mac OS, est preparado en Mac Os y puede que en algn caso no se mencione laequivalencia de un atajo de teclado o cmo algo se vera en Windows por descuido."
Price: 19.99

"Beginner Photography - From Start to Finish!"
"Learning digital photography can be overwhelming! There is an entire world around just waiting to be seen and experienced. Knowing how to use your camera will enable you to take pictures as you see it with your own eyes!Learn and Master Your DSLR Camera So You Can Capture the Beautiful World Around You. Recognize the core of what goes into making a great photo. Become confident in taking control of your camera settings.Learn different types of blur and how to remove them.Find inspiration to take photos you never thought you could take. Understanding Basic Fundamentals is a Major Step in Defining Your Style as a Photographer.After having taught thousands of people online and in person on how to improve their photography, I have learned the steps needed to rapidly increase your understanding and build upon it. I have taken 2 years of photography training and knowledge and condensed it down into an easy to follow and easy to understand format. You will have more confidence in the photos you take by the end of the course as we cover topics such as lighting, exposure modes and settings for specific environments. We'll even address popular questions about buying new camera gear. And as bonus, I've even got some tips for you when you're working with clients. Course Overview Throughout this course, there are 48 different lessons covering every thing from lighting to working with clients. At the end of each section you'll find a short quiz. The quizzes are intended to reinforce key principles that you should have learned by watching the videos. Photography is a subjective art, but there are core fundamentals of what makes a great photo no matter the creative twist and personal style you apply to it. Understanding these basics will transcend through the work you do making your photos stronger and truly stand out against the sea of photos readily available online. While it might be one thing to understand what goes into making a great photo, it's another thing entirely to actually capture the moment we're seeing with our own eyes. A fair amount of this course is dedicated to helping you understand how the camera works, the function of different settings, and when to use them.To strengthen your learning, there are various Photo Challenges attached to certain lessons that you can practice with. You're strongly encouraged to take the time to complete these challenges because it's the fastest way to build upon each new concept you will learn in these classes. As you practice with your own camera, things will suddenly start to click and make better sense, leaving you with more confidence and experience.This course is for all new photographers with any DSLR camera. Each camera, however, does function and operate slightly different between brands and models. For specific function, turn to your owners manual for exact directions. As you complete this course, you will have more knowledge, stronger confidence, and better pictures. You will feel good with the work you are doing as you are finally able to share with others the world as you see it. Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"The Identity Issue"
"Discover Your True Identity to Make a Difference in the WorldBefore you can make a real impact in the lives of others, you must first discover who you are - your true identity. In this online course, we give you a practical starting point for discovering your identity and the tools to unleash the power of who you really are! About the CourseOur goal in this course is to give you the tools to remove the false beliefs you have about yourself to unleash the power of who you really are. In each section of the course, you'll find videos and several reflection and homework questions to guide you along the way! It's time to uncover your unique identity!What do I get? A guide to help develop a personal plan and goal setting program100% Self-paced - Take this course anywhere on any deviceExclusive video lectures featuring course instructor, Trista Sue KraghPrivate Student Workbook with reflection questions included!"
Price: 99.99

"Power of Potential & Pinpointing Your Purpose"
"If you desire more than living a life of mediocrity, then this online course will give you 12 key questions to help you discover the greatness trapped in you. In each lecture you'll find videos from Trista Sue Kragh, and an accompanying workbook.It's time to discover your unique purpose!What do I get? The concepts and principles of unleashing your true potential 100% Self-paced - Take this course anywhere, anytime, on any deviceExclusive video lectures featuring course instructor, Trista Sue KraghPrivate Student Workbook with reflection questions included! Regardless of your age, career, or location, you have a specific purpose to fulfill. It's time to initiate the change you want to see in your life!"
Price: 59.99

"Power & Process of Vision"
"Find your purpose, document your vision, and live confidently in who you are!About the Course:Vision is the driving force behind every invention, achievement, and advancement in history. This online course helps you understand the principles of vision as well as the skills necessary to bring your vision to reality. In each lecture you'll find videos from Trista Sue Kragh, international leadership and business speaker, and a workbook to help guide the way!What do I get?A guide to help develop a personal plan and goal setting program100% Self-paced - Take this course anywhere, anytime, on any deviceExclusive video lectures featuring course instructor, Trista Sue KraghPrivate Student Workbook with reflection questions included!If you're ready to realize and live out the vision for your life, this course will help you take the first step."
Price: 99.99

"Keys to True Personal Success"
"Everyone has a desire to be successful in life. Yet for so many, the idea of success seems elusive or far away.In this online course, we pinpoint the time-tested principles necessary to achieve true success coupled with lasting fulfillment. Stop toiling and progress toward your destiny!About the CourseYou may have read books or watched lectures about success, but many of them are missing vital Kingdom principles that are often overlooked.The goal of this course is to lay the proper foundation with time-tested principles to build your vision on and discover true success. In each lecture, you'll find videos from Trista Sue Kragh, international business and leadership speaker, and a workbook with reflective questions to help guide the way!It's time for true, lasting success!What do I get?The key element for activating success in your personal life100% Self-paced - Take this course anywhere, anytime, on any deviceExclusive video lectures featuring course instructor, Trista Sue KraghPrivate Student Workbook with reflection questions included!The idea of success means something entirely different in the Kingdom of God. Learn what that missing piece is and finally find lasting success."
Price: 79.99

"Kingdom Economics & Business Principles"
"Without the proper understanding of how the economy system of the Kingdom of God works, you may be experiencing frustration with your current business ventures.In this online course, we cover the most important principles to help you break free from the rat race of life and experience true freedom and success.About the CourseUnderstand God's economy system and learn to operate successfully inside it while learning how to use Kingdom resources for your business. In each lecture, you'll find videos from Trista Sue Kragh, international leader and businesswoman, and a workbook to guide the way!It's time to bring yourself and/or your business to the next level!What do I get? The secret to acquiring resources in the Kingdom and maximizing your faith 100% Self-paced - Take this course anywhere, anytime, on any deviceExclusive video lectures featuring course instructor, Trista Sue KraghPrivate Student Workbook with reflection questions included! Whether you're a struggling or successful entrepreneur or thinking about starting a business, we provide you with the principles and insight to help build a strong business."
Price: 99.99

"An In-Depth Approach to Debate and Critical Discussion"
"COURSE DESCRIPTIONLearn how to become an all-around better speaker and conversationalist with this course offered by the International Speech and Debate Academy (ISDA)!About ISDAWe are a public speaking and debate tutoring company founded by gold medalist Speech and Debate collegiate competitors. Our companys goal is to reach out to people of all ages and walks of life and help them to become better and more effective debaters. We understand the importance of being a skilled debater, and wish to pass on our knowledge to you!Our Motto and Mission StatementPractical skills for practical people.Communication is Key to Success!In our program, we distill all the aspects of formal debating and break it down for you so you can learn how to become a master conversationalist from the ground up! We feel that while most programs will teach you basic surface level ways to become better at debating, we want to help you understand the science behind communication and show you how you can shape your world by simply using your voice.Application is Important!Part of the process of becoming a better debater, is to actually apply the knowledge gained. If you just sit through all of the lessons and dont apply any of the information, its likely you will not be benefited. The best way to learn is by doing, so it is important that while enrolled in this course you apply the knowledge gained to your everyday life. There will be something we call Critical Thinking Exercises which will be suggested assignments that are fun and easy ways to apply the knowledge you have gained through our course.FREE Live Practice Session!Upon completion of the course and 30 days after purchase, message us to schedule a free group practice session. No other course offers this! Get real practice and feedback from a seasoned professional. This offer will not last forever!Continue Your EducationIf you really enjoy this program, and wish to further your education and training, check out International Speech and Debate Academy and discover our tutoring programs, where you can receive live online tutoring with one of our many highly qualified instructors!"
Price: 49.99

"An In-Depth Approach to Presentations and Public Speaking"
"COURSE DESCRIPTIONLearn how to become an all-around better speaker with this course offered by the International Speech and Debate Academy (ISDA)!About International Speech and Debate AcademyWe are a public speaking and debate tutoring company founded by gold medalist Speech and Debate collegiate competitors. Our companys goal is to reach out to people of all ages and walks of life and help them to become better and more effective speakers. We understand the importance of being a skilled speaker, and wish to pass on our knowledge to you!The ISDA Motto:Practical Skills for Practical PeopleCommunication is Key to Success!In our program, we take a microscope to the science and psychology of public speaking and break it down for you so you can learn how to be a successful public speaker from the ground up! We feel that while most programs will teach you basic surface level ways to become better at speaking, we want to help you understand the science behind communication and show you how you can shape your world by simply using your voice.Application is Important!Part of the process of becoming a better speaker, is to actually apply the knowledge gained. If you just sit through all of the lessons and dont apply any of the information, its likely you will not be benefited. The best way to learn is by doing, so it is important that while enrolled in this course you apply the knowledge gained to your everyday life. There will be something we call Awareness Exercises which will be suggested assignments that are fun and easy ways to apply the knowledge you have gained through our course.FREE Live Practice Session!Upon completion of the course and 30 days after purchase, message us to schedule a free group practice session. No other course offers this! Get real practice and feedback from a seasoned professional. This offer will not last forever!Continue Your EducationIf you really enjoy this program, and wish to further your education and training, check out International Speech and Debate Academy and discover our tutoring programs, where you can receive live online tutoring with one of our many highly qualified instructors!"
Price: 49.99

"Moroccan Arabic Grammar in Brief"
"This course was created with Moroccan Arabic learners in mind; it should befairly easy for anyone interested in learning Moroccan Arabic grammar, so ifyoure interested in grasping Moroccan Arabic then welcome aboard!In this course, you will learn about the very basic components that make upthe sentence in Moroccan Arabic: nouns and pronouns, adjectives and adverbs. It should take less than two hours to complete with the accompanyingexercises included; It is divided into the components that make up grammar ofthe language."
Price: 39.99

"Project Based Salesforce Admin & Adv Admin Hands-On Training"
"Welcome to ""Project Based Salesforce Admin and Advanced Admin Hands on Training"" from Archana Rajendran. This course is over 15 hours in length and is probably one of the most complete and comprehensive online courses you will ever get to see covering Salesforce Admin and Advanced Admin concepts from end to end. The main goal of the course is to make you a successful SOLO Salesforce Administrator capable of handling a Salesforce org all by yourself!!!(even if you have never worked with any CRM before). And no doubts, at the end of course you can very easily take up the Salesforce certifications ADM 201 for the basic Admin.The course covers all the following topics necessary for an Admin -> Basics of CRM and Cloud Computing> Organization Administration> Designing the Data Model> Building the Data Model> Implementing Business Logics> Setting up User Interface> Customizing Standard Salesforce Application> Salesforce Security Model> Data Management> SFDC Audit> Automate Business Process> Reports and Dashboards> Salesforce Service Cloud> Portals and Sites> AppExchange> Key SFDC Admin Tasks> Interview Prep & Certification GuidanceIn addition to all these, you can also access all the Salesforce materials that is uploaded for each and every section. And, there are quizzes at the end of most of the sections to spice up your learning!!For whatsoever reason, if you are not satisfied with the course, you get 100% money back guarantee within first 30 days. No questions asked!!Happy Learning!!"
Price: 199.99

"Salesforce Change and Release Management - A complete guide"
"Make 2016 a Great New Year with Salesforce!!!!Welcome to ""Salesforce Change and Release Management - A complete guide"" from Archana Rajendran. This course is over 2 hours in length and is probably one of the most complete and comprehensive online courses you will ever get to see covering Salesforce Change and Release management concepts from end to end. And no doubts, at the end of course you will become an expert in handling change and release management activities in Salesforce. The course covers all the following topics necessary for a Release Manager -> Explain the benefits of change management> Discuss the key processes of change management> Understand the tools/processes to be successful> Develop a change management strategy> Handle metadata effectively> Change sets> ForceDotcom IDE> SnapshotIn addition to all these, you can also access all the Salesforce materials that is uploaded in the last section. Happy Learning!!"
Price: 99.99

"Managing Your Time and Become Happier"
"Bad Time Management can make you UNHAPPY FRUSTRATED and MISERABLEBut with a little thought, time and planning you can create space for YOU and help yourself work more efficiently and more efficiently and as a consequence you will be able to spend more time on the things you enjoy that make you 'HAPPY'.This course helps you understand your needs, what you do on a day to day basis and where you waste valuable time you will be able to implement a simple strategy that will help you organize, prioritize and save time.Whether a student, sole trader, businessman, entrepeneur and someone who just needs more time! This course will help you."
Price: 19.99

"Start & Grow Your Staffing & Recruiting Business"
"***UPDATED with 2 brand new sections for 2019***Get ready to make $12,000 or more per month from Staffing & Recruitment. You can turn your interests into a niche Human Resources lifestyle recruiting business.Learn the Step-by-Step Formula I Used for Building a $2.6M Revenue Staffing Agency & Recruiting Service in One Year ($1.5M in 7 Months).Learn how to start-up with no moneyLearn how to follow your passions as a recruiterLearn how to attract amazing customers extremely quicklyLearn how to charge a premium priceLearn how to fund your payroll without creditLearn how to outsource your payroll and administrationLearn how to create systems to free up your timeLearn how to collect your money the easy wayLearn how to manage your business while you travelLearn how to build a business you can sellThis course is for people who are interested in a fantastic entrepreneurial venture that they can start with extremely little start-up money. Anywhere from the completely inexperienced who have never been in recruiting, to people who have 20 years+ of staffing & recruitment experience.This course is also for Staffing, Recruitment & HR professionals & entrepreneurs who have thought about starting a staffing agency or a recruitment business. If you already work in this industry, you probably want more control over how you do things. You want to explore ways to get a bigger piece of the profit pie. You want to escape micromanagement and rigid methodology.Also, you want to put the pieces of the day together your way and decide how many hours you work. You want to put systems in place that help you work less and earn more.The Problem with Starting a Staffing Service or Recruiting Business if You Have Never Done it? It Can be Complicated and Disastrous if You dont Know What to Do. If you are someone who is totally new to recruiting or recruiting business or recruiting business development--  or if you are an internal employee of an employment agency, or a virtual recruiter, or even someone who specializes in digital and online recruitment, the questions are many. How do you start your recruitment business without money?     What section of the staffing market will you service? How will you build an immediate book of recruitment business? How will you finance your payroll for temporary and contract employees? How will you ensure companies actually pay your staffing agency? How do you stay in staffing agency compliance and cover yourself legally? How do you not get eaten alive by agency payroll burdens and workers compensation costs? How do you advertise your recruiting services cheaply and keep the flow of candidates coming in? How do you automate your recruitment sales and service? How do you hire other recruiting specialists extremely cheaply?Perhaps the biggest questions are these:How do you build freedom into the equation? How do you work less and earn more? How do you free up your time and start removing yourself from the daily operations?Start & Grow Your Staffing & Recruitment Lifestyle Business answers these questions as well as others. My team and I have packaged up into step-by-step simplified content the lessons, tools, strategies and problem-solving systems borne out of my own journey from Zero to $1.5M in 7 months when I first started my own business and set out as a Staffingpreneur. This course reveals the potential catastrophes of starting your own recruitment business or staffing agency and it provides the solutions before you encounter them. It sets out a practical and achievable easy-to-follow program for reaching the stated goals. The course is designed to help staffing and recruitment service entrepreneurs build their business foundation in order to develop it into a sellable asset that can be converted to a lifestyle business or eventually sold."
Price: 199.99

"Recruiting & Business Development Hacks"
"Get ready to rack up more client billings than you ever thought possible.The strategies in this course are by far the #1 reasonfor my success in the last 5 years.In that time period, I have gone from new grad entry level recruiter, to staffing & recruitment business owner, to serial entrepreneur, to now having sold my staffing & recruiting business just 2 years after its founding and after5 total years in the business.How did I do it?I became a sponge andsoaked absolutely everything up.I was mentored bysome of the best in the business and I very quickly became a hybrid version of my mentors. The owner of the first firm I worked at told me that I amlike a sponge-- I soak up and use everything that anyone ever tells me.Little did he know, that was just the beginning.I have taken those best practices and cutting edge strategies and have since added my own twist. Actually-- much more than just a twist. The contentof this course is the result of staffing and recruiting salesinnovation,trial and error, experimentation, long hours and extremely motivating 'Why Power' (ie: supportingmy family of 6).A breakdown of my 5 year journey:Started at a small boutique staffing firm in2011 and stayed for a year-- billed $250K, 61 permanent placementsMoved on to a large multinational IT recruitment firm-- was awarded top permanent recruiter honors 3 out of my 6 months. Was fastest person in company history to opt for full commission, discontinuing salary draw.Became an independent recruiter under the umbrella of a larger network and built my own small office of 5 recruiters working under me.In 2014 I founded LyrGroup, a staffing agency specializing in Engineering, Labor, and Administration.Sold LyrGroup in 2016.Have worked remotely since 2015 while travelling with my family."
Price: 109.99

"The Business Bootstrap Guide"
"Get the inside scoop on what it takes to start-up a newbusiness from scratch for minimal investment!Do you need a realistic business idea you can start-up for very little investment?Do you wish you could hit the ground running with the step-by-step launch strategy?Are you trying to create ongoing passive income that can support a flexible (and adventurous) lifestyle?Do you want the step-by-step action plan for launching and making money right away?Do you want to know the inside scoop on costs, what to invest in, market timing, possible downside and how to avoid risk?If you answered yes to any of those questions, this is the perfect course for you.This course will help you develop an action plan for launching your business. It will help you tofeel more confident about where to investyour time. Most of all, it gives you the opportunity to learn from the experience of an instructor who has bootstrapped and sold multiple 7 figure companies.Learn from a seasoned entrepreneur!Ryan Lecour started his entrepreneurial journey instaffing & recruiting byfoundingmultiple staffing & recruiting businesses. He founded LyrGroup Staffing and grew the business to $2.6 Million in the first year. He's learned many tips and tricks over the years that have helped him be successful. Since then, he has also bootstrapped multiple successful ventures directly related to the content of this course. The wisdom and lessons from those experiences are introduced here!Enroll now to access bootstrapped business profits!"
Price: 19.99

"Create, Launch & Sell Your Premium Online Course"
"You already have the EXPERTISE required to make serious $$$ from the $107 Billion online course industry.If you have been living on Planet Earth for a while now, chances are good that you've gone to school, worked in various industries, andhave developed passions and interests of all kinds.Congratulations! You are qualified to teach online courses right now.You have insight and knowledge into fields of interest that other people want to learn about. We just have to get all of that great stuffout of your head (or from your research) and into an easily consumable,marketable and scalable online learning package.Wait, slow down. Before we go hitting record with all that excitement, there are a few things you'll want to know.Not everyone does amazingly well in the online course game. It's like that old 80/20 principle-- 20% of online course creators tend to get 80% of the results. The reason of course is that online consumers these days are smart. They will not buy just anything from you simply because you have put it on the internet. They will sniff you out. They want to feel super comfortable before buying.That is, if a PREMIUM course is what you're after, your leads and prospects will have to trust you enough to purchase a BIG TICKET online item.This is the critical part. When you sell your course as a big ticket item, the number of sales conversions required to generate 6 and 7 figures goes WAY DOWN. In fact, the top mediapreneurs and infopreneurs out there are routinely holding 6 and 7 figure launches and generating all of that delicious profit from ONE SINGLE COURSE.How the heck do they do that?First, they make the choice to play in a 'bigger sandbox'. In other words, they decide to not settle for selling their course below a premium price point. Second, they have a marketing system that kicks butt.That's the part I'm here to show you.By the end of this course, you will know how to do the following:Choose course ideas that sellTest your topic to ensure your audience will pay you for itPresell your course and make money before the course existsDevelop a name and personal brand that is optimized for your audiencePlan your course to make the creation process a breezeCreate your course without typing or writing anything downRecord your course without headaches, hassles orwasted timeHost your course and get all the technical stuff out of the way quicklyBuild a sales funnel to sell your courseDevelop a nurture sequence and a launch marketing sequenceGet testimonials and other forms of social proofOptimize your sales page, sales video and learn how to open and close your cartPromote your course beyond the launch with Joint Ventures and Affiliates"
Price: 199.99

"Bite-Sized Data Science with Python and Pandas: Introduction"
"Learn the basics of data science with Python, with this short course designed for students to follow along, and built around a concrete, real-world dataset.Listening to theoretical examples is never fun, and I've always liked actually applying what I learn to concrete examples, so this course is built around us analyzing a real-life dataset together. The dataset we'll be using is the ""Parkinson's Disease Telemedicine dataset"", and our goal will be to see if we can predict the severity of Parkinson's Disease in patients from just a dozen simple measurements, which would be a vast improvement over the current time consuming process that doctors and patients have to go through.This course will provide a good introduction to several different aspects of data science, and all in Python, one of the most popular and powerful languages used by data scientists today.You'll learn how to: - Set up your data analysis research environment (in an iPython notebook) - Visualize the data to understand it better - Manipulate and transform data to prepare it for modeling - Apply a statistical model to the dataThe course is comprised of short lectures which walk you through the data analysis, as you follow along. There are also several coding exercises throughout to test your knowledge!Check out the course to learn data science with Python today!"
Price: 19.99

"Create photorealistic videos & images using REVIT+Twinmotion"
"Creating photo-realistic images and animation videoshave been always difficult for every architect and artist, until the real-time visualization software appeared.There is a plenty of those real-time visualization softwares now in our field, however not all of them are focusing on the architectural visualization part. Except from Twinmotion!After more than 4 years of using Twinmotion, I decided to create this course in order to teach you the basics of the software and also my workflow in how to work between REVIT and Twinmotion.Having the knowledge of a software like that, will give you a big push in your career path (believe me in that :) )By using the skill of rendering using Twinmotion;you can save a lot of money for your firm, yourproject or even you can make a lot of money if you decided to work as a freelancer! (I have done it already ;) )With Twinmotion you manipulate your model directly in 3D, as in a game. Choose how to move, the speed and mode: walking, driving, flying or a step-by-step immersive walkthrough.The interface with chronological tabs continuously guides you. The logic behind Twinmotion allows you to progress step-by-step in the construction of the scene. From the perspective to orthographic views, you can observe your project from any angle. For even more precision, access the Object manager and its advanced features to customize your workspace."
Price: 74.99

"Budgets for the Un-budgetable!"
"Epic fail when it comes to your finances? Budgets are terrible, horrible, painful things that suck all the life and fun out of you. Until now. Why aren't you good at managing your money? Is it your math skills? Nope. Is it what you do for a living? Definitely not. Is how much you make? No. It all comes down to one thing:Your financial habits stink. Use this course to fix them. First, you'll learn how the brain works and how habits run your life. Next you'll take a look at spending to formulate a plan for what's ahead, learning money tips along the way. Then, you'll build an awesome routine to set yourself up for success and integrate it into your life. Each lesson is bite-sized -- between 1 and 9 minutes -- so you can watch intently or listen while you walk the dog. The worksheets are designed to be done in 15 minutes. This was designed for the financial train wrecks, the clueless, and the I've-tried-it-all-and-failed, not the over-achievers or the people that like math. Go at your own pace and transform yourself from a money-zero to a money-hero."
Price: 24.99

"Business Plan through investors' eyes"
"Let me guess what brings you here: you have an idea, and you need an investment for a startup company. Or you work for a large company and want to get budget for your new project. Or you want to start a small business and you need a small business loan from the bank. You are here because you are afraid to fail when you present your business plan. Most people do.Am I close?If so--you came to the right place.I founded several startup companies, wrote many business plans that raised tens of millions of dollars in investments, and got projects funded in large companies. I sold a company, and even bought a company. I wrote books about it, and taught this in universities.But more important, I am an investor, and was part of several angel investor networks from Silicon Valley to Texas and Israel, where I made personal investments in startups. I also evaluated business plans for the State of Texas, and the State of Israel, and made project funding decisions in large and public companies.As such, I only have a few minutes to snap-judge a business plan that comes across my desk. I will share with you what makes me (and other investors) stop, and decide whether to invest in a new business or not.In this course you will learn the four rules of a successful business plan:Create something fundamentally different,Find the unique value to a specific market segment,Establish and maintain competitive advantage, and-Calculate the return on investment for your customer, your company, and your investor.I will teach you how to assess your business, create the business plan, and present it to investors. I will do that with:33 lectures (over 4 hours);22 worksheets that will allow you to build your own business plan, step by step;6 quizzes that will help you internalize the content;Personal examples; and-An Israeli accent...At the end of this course, you will have an inside track on how investors and budget managers think, what are they looking for in a business plan, and what will make them invest in you!I will teach you what I know now, but wish I knew when I created and presented my first business plan.Are you ready to learn this? Enroll in this class, or try the free preview. Now, lets get you funded!"
Price: 49.99