"Common Slang and Idioms" |
"This course will teach you many common slang and idioms English speaker use. Some are used socially, and some can be used at work or in a more formal setting. Why not learn to speak like a native English and learn many common slang and idioms. There are over ten videos in this course to help you learn some of the many common slang and idioms we use. You will hear how they are used with many examples to learn from. This course is approximately 1 hour in length. It is fun and educational. No need to bore yourself while learning. Have fun while doing it.All you need is your headset and be able to see the video. Anyone who takes this course will undoubtedly learn to speak like a native English speaker and understand what a native English speaker is saying when they use them."
Price: 19.99 |
"Jamaican Language Made Easy L1" |
"This Jamaican Creole course will teachyou vocabulary, sentences and questions you need to know to be able to communicate at a basic level. You will learn how to greet someone, introduce yourself, ask questions and understand what the locals are saying and even begin to understand reggae music and Jamaican Proverbs. How you will learn: You will learn with a number of video contentsYou will learn with the 8 parts of speech in the Jamaican languageYou will begin by learning simple sentences with lots of repetitionYou will get a chance to repeat each sentence orally, so that you get comfortable with the accent.You will learn how to respond to questions and ask questionsYou will learn how words are pluralisein this language.You will improve your listening skill and improve your understanding.What are the requirements? A working headset to listen to the audioA screen on your device to be able to see the sentences and the words that are spokenBeing able to pronounce the words and sentencesA willingness to have fun while you learn!This course is for: People who already have little or no knowledge of the language and would like to learn it.People who are going to Jamaica on holiday and need to learn the basics.People who have Jamaican partners/family/friends and would like to be able to speak with them and understand when they hear Jamaicanwhen others speak it.People who would love to understand reggae musicPeople who would like to learn Jamaican creole for fun.People who learn from repetitionAnyone who would like to learn Jamaican Creole/Patwah/PatoisWhat am I going to get from this course:GREETINGS AND RESPONDINGASKING HOW SOMEONE ISINTRODUCING YOURSELFINTRODUCING YOUR FAMILYSAYING WHERE YOU'RE FROMMAKING SURE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT'S BEING SAIDPLURALIZATION WITH EXAMPLESVOCABULARYSAYING GOODBYEAND MORE...."
Price: 19.99 |
"Applied ISO14971 Medical Device Risk Management" |
"The internationally accepted standard guideline for medical device risk management is the ISO 14971 standard. This 2.4-hour long course is based on the current ISO 14971:2007 edition. It has been designed to provide a concise but complete knowledge of medical device risk management to supplement readings of the 80-page standard and to initiate those who are new to the medical device industry. More focus has been given to explaining the use of key tools such as the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and the Fault-Tree Analysis (FTA) to enable immediate application in ISO 14971 projects. This course offers a systematic methodology to comprehend medical device risk management and connects the vital elements of risk management methodologies for a more efficient application of principles. It also provides guidelines on how to conduct productive meetings to construct medical device risk profiles.Why is this course essential to take?Performing risk management is a regulatory obligation and is the underpinning tool for assessing medical device safety. Risk management is part of the design input requirements during product design & development. This means that risk control and hazard reduction measures must be included as key considerations in the final medical device design, as well as in verification and validation studies. Risk evaluation should occur continuously throughout the production and post-production processes.An organised and methodical approach to understanding and applying the ISO14971 principlesThis ISO 14971 course takes a business approach to medical device risk management. Business tools such as project management techniques are recommended to establish risk management team structures. This ensures an organisation-wide support and commitment to comply with the ISO 14971 requirements. The Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and the Fault-Tree Analysis are discussed in greater detail to clearly explain their applicability to medical device risk management.Course materials and resources provided7 practice workshopsRisk management plan templateQuantitative risk/benefit analysis technical reportFMEA worksheet in MS Excel formatAAMI White Paper: Risk Principles and Medical Devices</li>"
Price: 149.99 |
"DotNetNuke Development Made Easy For ASP.NET Developers!" |
"Hello there!, thanks for stopping by. This course is about DotNetNukedevelopment (DNNwebsite development). In this course, you will learn in details how to create a DNN Module and how to create a Data Access Layer (DAL) to save and retrieve data. Also, you will learn how to add Web API to your site so you can allow data exchange. Also, creating Scheduled Tasks inside the DNN so you can create a recurring tasks.This course will have captions so you can understand the talking well. Also, if you want a translation for your language please let me know and I will try to provide a decent one."
Price: 199.99 |
"How To Submit Really Great Grant Funding Applications" |
"Writing and submitting grant applications can so often be both daunting or simply frustrating Putting together what might be a good grant application is no longer enough! Similarly, a good project that may help a lot of people is also no longer enough!From experience we know that frustration usually comes in one of three ways:1. Lots of effort put in, only to receive a friendly rejection letter that tries to convey that you were almost there, it's just that they were over subscribed.2. ""Not quite what they were looking for..."" but as far as YOU can see, your project matches exactly what they stated they were looking for!3. This grant looks good and looks a great fit for what you want to do. You have a strong intention to apply but somehow just never get around to it, and then... it's too late.Once you go through this course, there'll be no guessing. You'll know that you've covered all the bases and submitted a great bid. You'll know that you've spelt out in no uncertain terms that this is the project they want and need to fund. You'll be so prepared for any grant application that comes your way that you definitely won't be leaving money on the table.Through this course you'll get access to video tutorials, downloadable course materials and resources you can use for practice, or adapt for your real-life applications, or even use in-house to teach your own colleagues. Not only that, but you'll have complete access to all the new materials as the course get's updated or if we ever add new modules.This is one of our most popular courses that we've taken all over the UK. In doing so we've had many multi-million pound fundraisers as well as countless fundraising newbies in attendance at this and some of our other courses, and EVERYONE leaves a better fundraiser than when they came. Once you go through this course it will be the same for you. In this course that has been painstakingly designed, tested and delivered by Amal Douglas and his team. You will get to know about the importance of a team and how to build one. You will learn to construct brilliant answers to the key questions. You will learn how to avoid all the hidden traps that lead to so many rejections. You will learn about constructing budgets and building a great case for support. You will even learn how to see if there are other suitable funding options before going down the road of grant funding.This course is ideal for you if you simply want to get down to business, submit better grant applications, become a better overall fundraiser, stay up to date and be sure that you are definitely not leaving money on the table.This course is also an add-on module for those studying for the Foundation Certificate in Fundraising."
Price: 29.99 |
"Cmo ganar dinero SIN dinero con Facebook?" |
"Este es un curso completamente nuevo PARA QUIENES QUIEREN GENERAR INGRESOS DESDE LA COMODIDAD DE SU CASA CON POCO O NADA DE DINERO.Al finalizar el curso sers capaz de crear tu negocio con Facebook y tener tus primeros ingresos en cuestin de das. ADVERTENCIA: Para lograr resultados requieres tomar accin y aplicar la metodologa del curso, este no es un curso para ganar dinero fcil y sin trabajo, como todo negocio autenticorequieretrabajo y compromiso.Vas a aprender como adquirir inventario para vender sin tener que hacer ningn desembolso inicial lo cual es realmente bueno porque pocos negocios se pueden empezar sin dinero y lo mejor de todo vas a comprobar que si es posible ganar dinero aplicando correctamente las tcnicas que vas a aprender en el curso.No requieres tener ninguna experiencia previa para empezar, si te gusta Facebook y quieres usarlo como una herramienta de trabajo ms que slo una distraccin este curso es para ti.Es una excelente oportunidad para quienes empiezan en los negocios por Internet.Crea un negocio que puedes operar desde la comodidad de tu casa y en tu tiempo libre sin tener que hacer ninguna inversin inicial.No importa en qu lugar del mundo vivas puedes sacar provecho de este curso que es simple, prctico y efectivo. Inscrbete ahora y comprubalo t mismo."
Price: 29.99 |
"Finanzas Personales para Vivir Libre de Deudas" |
"Este es un curso completamente nuevo PARA QUIENES QUIEREN INVERTIR EN TENER UNA EDUCACIN FINANCIERA que mejore su situacin econmica. Nadie le da importancia a este tema de finanzas personaleshasta que tieneserios problemas de dinero. ESTE ES UN CURSO EDUCATIVO YPREVENTIVO para evitar que tengas problemas de dinero y comiences a construir tu patrimonio familiar desde ya.Generalmente tenemos dinero para GASTAR pero no para INVERTIR, adicional de muy malos hbitos de uso del dineroque son sntomas inequvocos de malas finanzas personales. Invierte en ti, en tu familia y en tu patrimonio. Este curso te dar lo necesario para mejorar tus finanzas personales.Invertir en este curso te permitir tener una mejor situacin econmica de la que tienes ahora pero sobretodo vas a desarrollar los hbitos y mentalidad adecuada para hacer que el dinero siga llegando a tu vida. Vas a conocer principios esenciales para tener finanzas saludables y evitar la dolorosa cada a labancarrota.Este es un curso preventivo para evitar que tengas problemas de dinero pero tambin es correctivo si ya vives con problemas de dinero, sigue las recomendaciones mostradas y comienza a mejorar tu situacin econmica.Descubre como tener una vida prospera sin problemas de dinero, aplica los principios mostrados en este curso para construir un patrimonio familiar solido. Aprende a ahorrar e invertir efectivamente para lograr los mejores rendimientos con tu dinero.Desarrolla la mentalidad yhbitos de finanzas saludables que van a permitir que tengas mucho mas dinero del que tienes actualmente. Utiliza las herramientas simples y adecuadas recomendadas en el curso para tener un adecuado manejo de tu dinero. Toma el control de tu vida controlando efectivamente tus finanzas personales.Evita caer en las trampas que te pueden llevar directo a bancarrota. Si ya tienes problemas de dinero descubre como puedes comenzar a generar mas ingresos incluso sin utilizar tu dinero. Resuelve tu problema de bancarrota aplicando los principios recomendados en este curso."
Price: 149.99 |
"Diseo Web Profesional Para No Programadores" |
"Quieres aprender a crear paginas web profesionales desde cero y desde el primer da? Solo inscrbete al curso y comprueba lo fcil que es hacer diseno web profesional en cuestin de horas y sin ninguna experiencia.Al finalizar el curso habrs creado tu primera pagina web completamente funcional en computadoras ydispositivos mviles.Desde ya hace mas de 5 aos emprend una agencia de Marketing Online en la que ofrecemos diferentes servicios que mejoranla presencia online e incrementan las ventas de nuestros clientes, sobresaliendo el servicio de creacin de sitios web profesionales para pequeas y medianas empresas, puedes conocer mas en Giberzone.Al tomar este curso vas a tener una perspectiva de un negocio real pero sobre todo vas a conocer la metodologa que utilizamos para crear paginas web profesionales en cuestin de horas y que es el resultado de muchos clientes felices y muy buenas ganancias, porque crear paginas web es realmente un negocio bastante lucrativo.Ya sea que quieras aprender a crear paginas web desde cero para tus proyectos personales o para crear un negocio de desarrollo de paginas web, este curso es para ti porque te guo completamente desde cero hasta tener tu primera pagina web profesional incluso desde el primer da si vas aplicando la metodologa del curso.El curso es totalmente prctico y resume mas de 5 aos de experiencia, as que tienes mucho que ganar al tomar este curso, adicional que tu inversin est protegida con garanta de satisfaccin o se te devuelve tu dinero.Nos vemos del otro lado del curso!Gibran Snchez"
Price: 149.99 |
"The Complete Guide to Quilting for the Beginner" |
"Ok you guys this is it! If you've been like, I would love to make a quilt, but I don't know if could do it- guess what?!? You can! I'm going to walk you through it......piece by piece. I really do think that anyone can learn to do this.I fell in love with quilting about 8 years ago, and have been obsessed with it ever since. It's one of my favorite ways to unwind after a long day. It's so rewarding and comforting to do these kinds of homey, cozy thingsIn this course, we will take you through the steps from start to finish on creating a quilt. From choosing the fabrics, to cutting, piecing and finally quilting and binding. By the end of this course, you will know the basics and you will have a completed quilt. I'm sure you will already be planning your next quilt by the time you finish! :)Once you purchase the course, you will have instant, lifetime access to all the materials.Required tools and equipment:Sewing machineRotary cutterCutting matLong quilting ruler (6""wide)Iron & ironing boardScissorsSafety pinsFabric & battingThreadI designed this course for anyone who has ever told me they wished they could make a quilt. Basic sewing knowledge is helpful, but not necessary. This is a step by step video tutorial that will walk you through the entire process of making a beautiful quilt, from start to finish.At the end of this course, you will have your first ever, handmade-by-you Quilt.I hope you enjoy this course and truly enjoy the process of quilting, as I do."
Price: 49.99 |
"Master presentation with powerpoint 2013" |
"This course is a practical training to learn tips and techniques to build amazing presentation in powerpoint with a 500 SLIDESTEMPLATE!the course is design in 4 parts that are :-creative techniques (90+ creative techniques )-design techniques (200 + design techniques )-communication techniques ( 100 + communication techniques )-neuroscience techniques (40 + neuroscience techniques )Those techniques are important to build any type of presentation either for marketing client of students or any possible audience .After you understand and apply those techniques you will be able to build presentation that are :-beautifully designed ( design part )- Creative (creativity part )- social and enjoyable (communication part )-convincing ( neuroscience part )If you look for a way to master presentation in powerpoint 2013 ,build the best presentations ,or if you wish to improve dramatically your presentation skills in powerpoint 2013 , and be more successful in your presentation than this training is for you!"
Price: 199.99 |
"CV Design interactif" |
"Cr un CV design Interactif rapidement ,sans experience ,et facilement .C 'est un cour pour debutant pour realis un super Cv interactif rapidement pour bien se differenci de tous !Dans se cour vous allez apprendre a faire un CV a partir de template et de l'anim a partir de powerpoint . et facilement"
Price: 199.99 |
"Core Spatial Data Analysis: Introductory GIS with R and QGIS" |
"MASTER SPATIAL DATA ANALYSIS IN R & QGIS: HANDS ON TRAINING WITH A REAL SPATIAL DATA PROJECT!Do you find GIS & Spatial Data books & manuals too vague, expensive & not practical and looking for a course that takes you by hand, teaches you all the concepts, and get you started on a real life project?Or perhaps you wantto save time and learn how toautomate some of the most common GIS tasks?I'm very excited you found my spatial data analysis course.My course provides a foundation to carry out PRACTICAL, real-life spatial data analysis tasks in popular and FREE software frameworks.My name isMINERVA SINGHand i am an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I amcurrently pursuing a PhD at Cambridge University (Tropical Ecology and Conservation). I have several yearsofexperience in analyzing real life spatial data from different sources and producing publications for international peer reviewed journals.In this course, actual spatial data from the Tam Dao National Park in Vietnam will be used to give a practical hands-on experience of working with real life spatial data and understanding what kind of questions spatial data can help us answer. The underlying motivation for the course is to ensure you can put spatial data analysis into practice today. Start analyzing spatial data for your own projects, whatever your skill level and IMPRESS your potential employers with an actual example of your spatial data analysis abilities.This is a core course in spatial data analysis, i.e. we will focus on learning the most important and widely encountered spatial data analysis tasks in both R and QGISIt is a practical, hands-on course, i.e. we will spend a tiny amount of time dealing with some of the theoretical concepts related to spatial data analysis. However, majority of the course will focus on working with the spatial data from the Tam Dao National Park, Vietnam. After each video you will learn a new concept or technique which you mayapply to your own projects.TAKE ACTION TODAY! I will personally support you and ensure your experience with thiscourse is a success."
Price: 199.99 |
"Star Wars Effects! Lightsabers and Force Lightning!" |
"In this class we will be discussing how to use Adobe After Effects to create special effects like those you have seen in the Star Wars film. This might be seem like a daunting task, but if you have the adobe creative cloud package and some patience and can imitate what I show you in the videos it should be fairly simple to create the effect. Seeing myself holding a lightsaber like what I saw in the films was always sort of childhood fantasy for me and now I can actually get pretty close to what we see in movies.By watching these videos you will understand how After Effects uses masks, built in effects and colors, along with the process of adjusting videos frame by frame. For me as I was learning these things I started to understand the process of after effects and how the same tools are used for different visual effects. Once I created a simple 3 second video of a lightsaber I was motivated and stimulated to keep making different movies with these effects. My goal is that this information is digestable and you can begin to see the potential of the program combined with your own vision and creativity."
Price: 19.99 |
"Guitar Improvisation and Soloing: started with simple Solos" |
"The purpose of this class is to teach you the basics of improvising on the guitar in the styles of blues/pop/rock. Playing the guitar is an ocean of infinite possibilities depending on what style you are playing and who you are playing with.I have taught professionally for many years and usually when people see me play solos and riffs they want to know how they can expand their own playing and improvise guitar solos. My goal is to teach you the concept of implementing tools of simple scales, root notes, and basic intuitive tricks to apply solos to your guitar playing. If you enjoy music, you can do this! I have included videos of myself jamming along with some backing tracks that I have made. This class does not have much to memorize, but once you digest the material you will use it in some form or another the rest of your life as you play guitar. For me once I learned some of these concepts as a teenager I started to combine this knowledge as I watched and imitated my heroes. Suddenly playing like Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix was possible and I was able to create my own unique style of improvising. This is my goal for the students of this class. Those that will get the most benefit from the course have probably played a little guitar already and know how to make some chords, jam some riffs, or play some songs. This is the level most hobbyist players achieve. My hope is that this class opens the door on how to use certain basic tools to add a new dimension to your playing. Enjoy!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Get A* in GCSE Maths (Quadratic equations and graph)" |
"This course is a exam oriented course,which mean it will focus on the type of questions within GCSE syllabus.You will feel maths is easy and build your confidence to face the examinations.We will focus on the topic of quadratic graph and equations, here we will learn different methods to solve the quadratic equations, we will also show you how to use your calculator correctly and some mistakes that you should beware of. More importantly, we will show you the technique to solve the equations with steps and know the how the quadratic graph look like fast.Transformation of graph may make you feel frustrated, especially with sine curve and cosine curve. Just to remember some main point will make your life easy."
Price: 19.99 |
"New SAT Math Practice Test Explain" |
"Course Summary In this new SAT math explain course, youll learn and practice the methods in doing the new SAT math by solving the math with me. Youll learn how to do it fast, accurate and without wasting time to write redundant steps to solve the same problems.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why Take This Course? Youll learn the new questions of the NEW SAT maths. Most importantly, youll start thinking with direction by observing how I tackle the problem step by step This course is a first step into the new SAT maths, and whether you want to pass the new SAT, or even have high score in the new SAT, this course is for you. Youll be prepared for examination when youve mastered the skill covered in this course. Welcome to leave any questions to discuss. Enroll now and get high score in the NEW SAT Math. Lets get started ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prerequisites and Requirements Please go to the exam board to download a copy of the practice test."
Price: 199.99 |
"New SAT Math Course" |
"Course Summary In this Complete New SAT Math Course, youll learn and practice the methods in doing the new SAT math by solving the math with me. Youll learn how to do it fast, accurate and without wasting time to write redundant steps to solve the same problems.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why Take This Course? Youll learn the new questions of the NEW SAT maths. Most importantly, youll start thinking with direction by observing how I tackle the problem step by step This course is a first step into the new SAT maths, and whether you want to pass the new SAT, or even have high score in the new SAT, this course is for you. Youll be prepared for examination when youve mastered the skill covered in this course. I hope you're as excited as I am if you're ready to learn more and sign up for the course and go ahead and click on that enroll button!!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 164.99 |
"How To Build Private Blog Network and Rank Websites In 2016" |
"The main objective of this course is to equip you with adequate knowledge and information about owning and building an effective Private Blog Network (PBN) that can adequately that can rank websites in key search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. The course is a step by step process of building a PBN that is tailored to enable you to build a good network that can easily rank and classify keywords. More and more search engine optimization professionals are increasingly employing the use of PBNs to rank clients keywords and in the process, earn a lot of money from this exercise.There are several basic components of this course that must be covered and they include: A brief introduction on SEO and PBNs, a section that will delve deeper on issues to do with domain and hosting, how to set up and optimize a website, a section covering mini sites including their description and application, a section on the application of back-linking techniques as an SEO tool and finally, a section on the safety issues surrounding PBN.The course will be delivered in over 40 lectures and around two hours will be required for content delivery. Upon completion of this course, one is expected to be in a position to create his or her own PBN network. In addition to the ability to create a PBN network, the successful trainees should also be able to personally rank their keywords in a more effective fashion than most average seo's. Thirdly, the successful completion of the course will qualify one as a Search Engine Optimizer possessing all the necessary skills including the ability to purchase the right domain, implementing their own hosting services and correctly optimize websites.Finally, this course is meant for anyone with basic SEO skills and also someone who is willing to invest in the pursuit of knowledge and skills."
Price: 199.99 |
"Avaliao DISC - Perfil Comportamental" |
"Nesse curso voc vai conhecer uma ferramenta de Coaching chamada DISC para entender melhor o seu perfil comportamental e o dos membros da sua equipe, e assim melhorar a sua comunicao e relacionamento, desenvolvendo a sua Liderana.Como identificar o seu perfil comportamental e dos membros de sua equipe para atingir alta perfomance"
Price: 39.99 |
"UAV Drone Photos to Google Street Contributor" |
"This course is for drone pilots (or soon to be drone pilots) that want to learn how to take photos that will be stitched together into one, near 360 degree panoramic shot that can be shared with the world through Google Streets. I fumbled through the process when I first started and I wanted to share what I learned in the process. This process will be demonstrated using a DJI Phantom 3 Professional, a Samsung S6 phone, and a PC laptop, but almost all of what will be discussed can be applied to any photo-taking UAV and devices. Learn how to share unique locations with the world in stunning detail! Adding photos (contributing) to Google Maps is easier with the Android App, but can be done without the app with some restrictions."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn how to Bake using Natural Yeast!" |
"Learn how to bake nutritional, delicious whole wheat bread using Natural Yeast Starter! As well as several other recipes including cake, cookies, tortilla shells and more. You will need a standing mixer, hand mixer, and the desire to provide the best, most nutritional foods for you and your loved ones. Within a little over an hour of lecture time you will learn many different skills including making bread and other amazing foods, you will learn about Natural Yeast and its Benefits, and you will learn a little about some of the other ingredients used in these recipes, like honey and coconut oil. I am of the opinion that everyone can learn to make bread and reap the benefits of having extremely nutritional bread that you can feel good about putting in your body. You can't buy it from the store so lets learn how to make it!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Limitless: How Nootropics Can Enhance Your Brain Function" |
"Limitless: How Nootropics Can Enhance Your Brain FunctionImagine living in a state where you experience limitless energy throughout the day,Imagine possessing laser sharp focus and the ability to concentrate at will,Imagine experiencing twice the productivity in half the time,Imagine remaining ten steps ahead of everyone else and your decision-making is instant, clear, and free of doubt or second-guessing,Imagine a state where creativity expands allowing you to see things from a limitless perspectiveSound too good to be true? Well, its not.Youve probably seen or at least heard of the movie Limitless. It's not just a movie...it's a real possibility. You can expand your potential infinitely and essentially become limitless. And Ill show you how. In this course, you will learn about Nootropics--supplements, functional foods and drugs that can enhance your brain function in ways that you cannot even imagine. Join me to explore this exciting world of nootropics where you will discovers ways to optimize your brains performance, expand your capacity to focus, increase your creativity and create an epic, supercharged life!Intro""Not wired, wasnt high, just clear. I knew what I needed to do and how to do it."" Eddie Morra, from the movie LimitlessWho wouldnt want this? Clarity of thought, clear direction and, laser focus, flawless memory, pre- cognition and reasoning without cognitive dissonance.Most of us have used, or currently use, supplements to enhance or manipulate brain performance; caffeine, energy drinks, fish oil, green tea, melatonin, and L-theanine to name a few. We explore ways to help the brain become smarter, acquire more focus, enhance cognition and experience flawless decision-making. The brain is an enigmatic masterpiece of natures creation. It starts working even before we draw our first breath and has a staggering capacity that is still yet to be fully realized. What if you could bend the brain and take advantage of, or expand its current capacity? What if you could go far beyond what the average human is currently capable of from a cognitive perspective? Sounds like something from the science fiction realm but its not, it is currently being achieved by utilizing substances referred to as nootropics. The word nootropic means to bend the mind (nous = mind, trepein = to bend). In scientific terms, nootropics are drugs that protect and boost functions of the brain such as learning, memory and cognition through the enhancement or suppression of existing processes. Put simply, nootropics are chemicals, supplements, or herbs that change the way the brain works. They improve function by increasing energy production and blood flow, altering neurotransmitter levels and even make structural modifications to the brain hardware.Nootropics is what this course is all about. You will learn: The benefits, side effects, dosage and properties of over 25 nootropicsSpecific adaptogenic uses of certain nootropicsHow nootropics can improve the working efficacy of different parts of the brain by improving the blood supply or neurotransmitter mix in those areas How to improve how different brain areas inter-link to enhance learningWhich nootropics possess neuroplasticity and neuroprotective functions, boosting NGF (nerve-growth factor) and BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), which aid in healing and slowing the degenerative aging of neuronsWhat racetams are and how they workWhich racetams have a greater affect on focus, memory, and concentration, while others will have a greater affect on mood and anxiety Which racetams enhance the senses to boost visual, sound, or other sensory qualities About target areas in the brain and their communication pathways How to stack nootropics for better resultsAbout herbal nootropics and which ones to stack for specific results The concept of enhancing the brain is nothing new; it has been a common theme across many cultures for centuries. The ancient Chinese used herbal compounds such as ginkgo biloba, ginseng, and gotu kola to enhance mental focus and learning. The Indian culture also focused on cognitive enhancement in Ayurvedic medicine through the use of Medhya Rasayanas. Medha means intellect or retention and Rasayana means therapeutic treatment/preparation. These medicinal preparations were used to boost or enhance memory, intellect, health, and longevity. Even the U.S. military were using something called go pills (adrafinil and modafinil) since WWII.Now you will have access to the exciting possibilities that nootropics can offer. Please keep in mind, this course is more than a quick overview of these substances. Rather I offer in-depth and comprehensive information that allows you to make intelligent choices for your health and well-being.Remember that this course is for all levels of knowledge regarding this special topic. I put this course together to help people better understand nootropics. This course is designed for all levels of knowledge of this topic. If you are a biohacker, or just a person who is interested in enhancing your abilities with being more creative, or to be more focused, this is the course for you.I will take you through those processes to help you better understand the world of nootropics. You are also going to find some in-depth stuff on brain neurotransmitters and some neurochemistry. This course will satisfy those biohackers out there who are interested in knowing the actual science behind all of this, but you dont necessarily have to have a science background to understand the boots on the ground stuff that we are going to talk about in this course.Disclaimer While they are available and marketed in the U.S. as supplements, food products, or even as research chemicals, for research purposes only. Many are considered prescription medications in some countries and are banned in others. This makes it important to have an understanding of what you are trying to achieve and how the nootropics might affect your brains function. It is not advisable to take a haphazard approach and think that because you can buy them on the Internet, that they are safe. I highly recommend that you speak with a knowledgeable physician before trying these out. This course is for purely educational purposes and is not in any way intended to be a substitute for medical advice."
Price: 49.99 |
"Acumen Presents: Seth Godin's Leadership Workshop" |
"Leadership is a choice. It happens when someone steps up and causes a change to happen. It happens when someone enrolls other people to help them make that change.In this interactive online workshop, Seth Godin will walk you through the steps to make the choice to lead. Youll explore what the leadership choice is capable of accomplishing, what it means, and how to get there. Youll learn to distinguish between leaders and managers, paint a picture of where you want your leadership journey to go, and motivate people to join you in your cause. Perhaps most importantly, youll learn that you can lead even when you dont have formal authority.The course is built around 9 surprising leadership principles that challenge conventional wisdom. Through a series of videos and interactive exercises, Seth will introduce you to ideas that will help you lead people to dance on the edge of possibility. Youll learn why authority is different than responsibility, why future change makers need to master leadership rather than management, and why new types of work demand new types of leadership. This course is an active journey of self-reflection. You should be prepared to roll up your sleeves and reflect on your priorities and the type of change you want to make, regardless of where you sit in an organization. Youll leave the experience with a Leadership Notebook documenting your ideas for getting started."
Price: 179.99 |
"Acumen Presents: Al Pittampalli on Open-Mindedness" |
"As a leader, changing your mind has always been perceived as a weakness. Not anymore. In a world thats changing faster than ever, successful leaders realize that a genuine willingness to change their own minds is the ultimate competitive advantage. Todays leaders need to bepersuadable.In this course, business consultant AlPittampalli will draw on evidence from social science and cognitive psychology to show you how humility and radical open-mindedness can become powerful leadership assets. Youll learn why the traditional leadership paradigm that prioritizes confidence, consistency and conviction might no longer work in todays fast-moving world.Having worked for organizations ranging from NASA to Hertz to IBM, Al has hands-on experience coaching leaders to become more persuadable. In this course, hell teach you about 3 clear advantages that persuadable leaders possess. Then hell walk you through 5 specific power practices that you can adopt in your own daily life and work to become a more agile, accurate and growth-minded leader. Finally, youll learn how persuadability is a critical element of social change. Hell share examples of how a willingness to change ones mind has been an essential part of social movements ranging from gay marriage to civil rights to womens rights to Indian independence. Distilling cutting edge research, Al will give you actionable advice to become a more results-oriented leader who moves quickly to let the best ideas prevail."
Price: 179.99 |
"Acumen Presents: Elizabeth Gilbert's Creativity Workshop" |
"A creative life is any life governed more by curiosity than by fear. In this course Elizabeth Gilbert, the best-selling author of books includingEat Pray Love, Committed,The Signature of All ThingsandBig Magicwill equip you with the practical tools and inspiration to jumpstart your own creative journey. Shell bring the key lessons from her latest book, Big Magic, to life and offer coaching and insights that expand on her chapters. Youll learn why perfectionism, originality, and passion are overrated and why we should instead strive to be authentic doers who follow our curiosity. In addition to building upon the insights from Big Magic, Elizabeth will respond to three brand new case studies of changemakers struggling to get started, and offer tips to help push your own creative projects into the next gear.Each of the 5 sections will be accompanied by Creativity Notebooks &practical exercises that enable you to put concepts from Big Magic into practice in your own life. Through a self-paced journey of reflection, youll pinpoint your creative blockages; mine your sources of curiosity; corral your ideas on paper; and unlock your own capacity to get something done.Whether you are an entrepreneur or an artist, youll learn about how to pursue a life driven more by curiosity than fear.You should be prepared to roll up your sleeves and think hard about your own sources of curiosity and authenticity. Youll leavethe learning experience with a Creativity Notebook documenting your ideas.This is a course created by +Acumen, an organization committed to creating social change. We think creativity is a vital component of tackling the worlds toughest problems and are thrilled to present Elizabeth Gilberts exclusive Creativity Workshop. This is one in a series of +Acumen master classes built with incredible instructors and experts including Seth Godin, Krista Tippett, and Chris Anderson to bring the most cutting edge ideas to the social sector."
Price: 179.99 |
"Acumen Presents: Krista Tippett on the Art of Conversation" |
"Our political debates, newspaper headlines, and internet comments are all toooften stripped of nuance and a sense of shared humanity. Too many public conversations are stuck in polarized language of confrontation and certainty.We need new ways to foster dialogue with people across lines of religion, politics, ethnicity, and experience.Since 2001 Krista Tippett has hosted conversations on the big questions of meaning forOn Being, a radio program and podcastdistributed to 400 public radio stations across the country. A Peabody Award-winning broadcaster and author of the recently published Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living,she models a conversational style that elicits wisdom and cultivates generous listening. In 2014, she received the National Humanities Medal at the White House. Her conversation partners have ranged from clergy to social activists to poets and civil rights leaders.In this breakthrough course, she challenges each of us toslow down and to listen. To embrace ambiguity. To find the difficult momentswhere real wisdom lies. This is a different kind of course, a master's take onreaching a deeper level of understanding. There are no quick answers here, nosimple exercises. Instead, Krista will open youreyes (and ears) to a different way of engaging in the important conversationsthat can change everything.Through a series of short video lessons, you'll learn about Krista'spractices for becoming a generous listener and she'll impartlessons from some of the most skillful conversationalists of our time.Krista willteach you how to identify bad or confrontational questions and move to a style of inquiry that elicits more wisdom. Shell uncover why moving towards common ground or getting on the same page should not actually be thegoal of mostconversations, and help you shift from caring only about issues to caring about the people you are conversing with. Youll leave the course with an understanding of how you can approach your next conversation with a renewed sense of wonder and humility, rather than certainty or absolutism. Her collected wisdom will galvanize anyone looking to spark meaningful dialogue across lines of difference in the service of social change.Note that this course consists of a set of short video lessons taught by Krista. The course materials also includeexercises andlinks to relevant freepodcast interviews that she has conducted for her On Being radio program."
Price: 179.99 |
"Acumen Presents: Chris Anderson on Public Speaking" |
"A carefully crafted talk can be the key to unlocking empathy, stirring excitement, spreading knowledge, and promoting a shared dream. As the Head of TED, Chris Anderson knows this firsthand. Hes had a ringside seat listening to many hundreds of amazing TED speakers including people like Sir Ken Robinson, Amy Cuddy, Bill Gates, Elizabeth Gilbert, Salman Khan, Amanda Palmer, and Monica Lewinsky whose talks have been viewed millions of times. Hes learned that a talk done right can electrify a room and transform an audiences worldview.In this course, youll get a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to use public speaking to share powerful ideas. Chris will walk you through real life examples of TED Talks that worked and also share firsthand stories of mistakes to avoid. Youll get a series of worksheets and exercises to plan your own talk that draw from Chris latest book TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking. Whether you are an entrepreneur pitching a company, a nonprofit professional making a fundraising request, or teacher looking to captivate your students, this course will help you become a powerful public speaker capable of leaving a lastingimpression. After completing this course, youll be ready to structure your own talk and deliver it memorablyto an audience."
Price: 179.99 |
"Acumen Presents: Dan Ariely on Changing Customer Behavior" |
"Many innovations deployed to solve social problems never reach their full potential. Sometimes they fail because people resist changing their behavior even when they know they should do things like stop smoking,show up to a job training course, start using solar power, take a daily pill,or wash their hands. Knowledge alone wont cause them to make the switch. There are other motivations, other drivers, and other factors about how their environments are set up that need to be accounted for and potentially redesigned. This is where social science research can inform the work of social entrepreneurs. In this course, Dan Ariely, a professor at Duke University and the author of the New York Times bestseller Predictably Irrational,will help social entrepreneurs apply insights from behavioral economics and psychology to understand how people make decisions.His research showsthat when people make small adjustments to their environment or their daily routines, they can generate new use patterns and trigger better decisions that improve health, education, financial wellbeing, environmental preservation and other forms of social good. By drilling down to specific behaviors that your customers need to perform to use your product or service in the intended way, youll uncover new opportunities to redesign elements of the experience or motivate people to take required steps.In addition to video tutorials from Dan, you'll also gain access to 4 Behavior Change Design Guides (totaling over 90 pages)that will include step-by-step exercises to apply these principles to your product, along with examples from other social enterprises.Once you start seeing these principles in everyday life, you wont be able to resist redesigning elements of your own life and business to help you and the people around you."
Price: 179.99 |
"Master The Grammar of Any Language" |
"If grammar appears to be an insurmountable wall blocking you from language proficiency, this course is for you! Whether you are learning Spanish or Japanese, this course will take you through grammar terminology and simplify difficult concepts, all to bring you one step closer to language fluency.Important topics include:Parts of Speech (The Building Blocks)The Case SystemParticles Postpositions Verb tenses, aspect and moodAnd much more!There will be quizzes, worksheets and other goodies. Together we'll start at the basic elements of language, and proceed into more difficult concepts such as the case system.Don't let jargon get in the way of your language learning. Learn to use grammar to your advantage, and accelerate the learning process."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn and Master C Programming For Absolute Beginners!" |
"THE ONLYCPROGRAMMINGCOURSEYOUWILLEVERNEED!The CompleteC Course with over 50 easy to followprojects built using C on Visual StudioThe easiest and most comprehensiveway to learn and master C programming at your own pace.This course will not onlyteach you to masterC language from the ground up, but it will also make you understand why we do things the way we do them in our code and what's the best way to write efficient, simple and elegant code!.You will learn everything from programming fundamentals all the wayto the mostcomplex parts likepointers, memory management, string manipulation,File IO and much more!C is one of the most important of all programming languages. It is used to program desktop applications, compilers, tools and utilities and even hardware devices. The C language is fast and efficient but it can be hard to learn. Unless you use this course. This course begins with a gentle introduction to C but quickly moves on to explain some of its most confusing features: everything from C's 'scoping' rules to the curious connection between arrays and memory addresses. By the end of the course you will have a deep understanding both of the C language itself and also of the underlying 'architecture' of your computer.In this course, we'll explore the C programming language from the ground up.We'll begin with a brief section on computer basics followed by a Hello world program in C and a walk-throughto understand its elements and to dissect it.You will be introduced to the main elements of C like data types, operators, arrays, strings, pointers...etc. We will cover ALLCKEYWORDS in this course, whenand how to use them with coding examples!I have dedicated entiresections for pointers, arrays and strings. This course has the most extensive details on how an why we need pointers and how to avid pointer related gotchas. Iguarantee you will not find any other course that covers pointers in this depth with easy to understand and follow examples like this course.There is even a full section on mastering Visual Studioincluded here for free so you can master using it for C/C++ and even C# as well as Visual Basic.This course will help you learn and master C language and become a professional programmer on your own pace by watching me as I introduce you to the concepts and fundamentalsofprogramming and writing efficient code in Cwith easy to follow lectures that are full ofhands-on practices and coding!During this course I will share with you the tips and tricks of the trade that I learned throughout my 20+ years of professional career as a software engineer! I will teach you C language and programmingfrom the ground up as I assume you have no prior programming experience. I have included sections for people who have never programmed before, but for those who are already programming, they can either watch them to refresh on some fundamentals or simply chose to skip them altogether.If you want to become a professional software developer then search no more, you have found the right course!Why learn C?C has been around for over 30 years and it is not going anywhere. Chances are you're going to run into code already written in C or you may need to interface with code that was written in C whether you're programming in C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Javascript, C# or VB.NET C Knowledge is important as it exposes you more to the hardware and you learn how memory works which helps you write more efficient and more optimized code C makes you a better Java, Python, Ruby or even C# programmer. C is also good for game development for performance reasons as well as OS level programming C code is portable, so you can write cross-platform applications once you master it Even though I chose Visual Studio on Windows to teach you C programming, the concepts and ideas you learn here are portable and can be applied to any other platform, IDE or OS with little or no effort at all. Why Visual Studio? I think Visual Studio is one of the best IDEs for programmers and I have dedicated several lectures especially to mastering Visual Studio and I share many tips and tricks that will help you customize it and get comfortable with it in no time! If you are serious about becoming a professional software engineer or programmer, then this you MUST consider this course! What you will learn: Over 13 hours of information and knowledge gathered throughout 20+ years of experienceC programming for beginners with 50hands-on projectsComputer Basics and Programming Fundamentals Mastering Visual Studio on Windows for C/C++ programming Mastering C Programming by introducing/explaining the concepts followed by hands on coding to see them in action How to become a good problem solver How to write efficient code How to avoid pitfalls of programming with pointers like memory leaks, access violations and many more How to debug and troubleshoot issues with your code How to work with variable arguments in C How to work with files Recursion Arrays, pointers and memory management String manipulation Dynamic memory allocation and much more Who should take the course? Everyone!This course is structured in a way that ANYONE can simply benefit from it! Do you want to learn how to program but not sure how to start or where to start? Do you want to start a successful career as a computer programmer? Do you want to be able to look at code and quickly understand what it does? Do you want to become a better programmer? Do you want to build Desktop applications, Mobile Apps or Games? Do you want to be able to read and modify C code with confidence? Do you want to become a world-class software engineer? Do you want to earn top dollars? Do you want to take your career to the next level? Do you want to become a better C++, Objective-C, Java, Python, Ruby, Javascript, and PHP, C # or VB.NET developer? If you answered YES to ANY of these questions then this course is for you! What are the requirements? A computer with Windows installed (Windows 7 or higher is preferred) Willingness to learn! Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition (Free) or newer (you can use any other compiler and/or editor, but to get the most out of this course, I highly recommend Visual Studio) What am I going to get from this course? Mastery of C programming including advanced as well as complex parts Mastery of Visual Studio on Windows for C/C++ programmers Source Code Examples Tons of hands on practice Help and support with Q&A Test your understanding with end-of-section quizzes Over 50 projects and solutions in C using Visual StudioSo go ahead and ENROLL INTHIS COURSE!!!""THE MORE YOU LEARN THE MORE YOU EARN!""THISCOURSEISVALUEDAT$2,497 WHENINORMALLY TEACHITINPERSONOver 13 hours of information and knowledge gathered throughout 20+ years of experience all at your disposal with a click of a button!SO TAKE THIS COURSE NOW AND LET'S GET STARTED!!!See you inside soon!"
Price: 199.99 |