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"Learn Python - Data Analysis From Beginner To Advanced"
"Python Data Analysis all in One PackageThis Python Programming course combines 3 different courses.Python Programming 101 - An Introduction to PythonPython Programming 102 - Intermediate Level Python: Data ManipulationPython Programming 103 - Advanced Level Python: Advanced AnalysisMaster Python Programming - Automated Data AnalysisTaught by HSBC Global Wealth & Insurance Analyst.Material recorded in most updated Python 3!Enroll now to go through a deep dive of the most popular statistical analysis tool in the market, Pandas.  You can get a Python Data Analysis Certification.Multiple real-work projects will help you practice what you learn in the course!---------------------------------------------------------------Students Love This CourseThis course is taught by an HSBC Wealth & Insurance Analyst  on Python Data Analysis and will equip you with skills to become an senior Data Analyst.This is the most comprehensive, yet straightforward, course for Python Data Analysis on Udemy! Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, or want to learn about the advanced features of Python, this course is for you! We will teach you the Python syntax and practice your skills in real-world case studies!==> Become a Data scientist!==> Make astonishing graphics!"
Price: 169.99

"Produktive Meetings: Geheimnisse effektiver Besprechungen"
"""Entweder du bist im Meeting oder du arbeitest"", sagte der Management-Guru Peter Drucker ganz zynisch.Weltweit haben Meetings keinen guten Ruf. Sie sind zeitraubend, unangenehm und hufig ergebnislos, weshalb sie sowohl von vielen Mitarbeitern als auch von vielen Fhrungskrften innerlich abgelehnt werden. Wir verbringen im Schnitt 6-8 Stunden in Meetings; Fhrungskrfte sogar je nach Hierarchie-Ebene 50-90% ihrer Arbeitszeit.Meetings produktiver zu gestalten ist also im Interesse von uns allen. Egal, welche Funktion Du im Unternehmen hast. Dieser Kurs hilft Dir, in Deinen Meetings einen kleinen Kulturwandel im UN anzustoen und alle werde es Dir danken, wenn Meetings produktiver werden.In diesem Kurs erfhrst Du 1) die 10 praktische Regeln, wie das Meeting zum Erfolg wird 2) die 3 grundlegenden Meeting-Typen und wie du das beste aus ihnen machst3) Psychologische Tipps: wie Du die unterschiedlichen Charaktere aktivierstber Deinen Trainer Wlad:Wlad (Wladislaw Jachtchenko) ist mehrfach ausgezeichneter Experte, TOP10-Speaker in Europa und gefragter Business Coach.Auf Udemy hat er bereits ber 20 Kurse mit ber 20.000 zufriedenen Online-Studenten. In der Offline-Welt hlt er Vortrge, trainiert und coacht seit 2007 Politiker, Fhrungskrfte und Mitarbeiter namhafter Unternehmen wie Allianz, BMW, Pro7, Westwing, 3M und viele andere. Er vermittelt seinen Kunden nicht nur Tools professioneller Rhetorik, sondern auch effektive berzeugungstechniken, Methoden fr erfolgreiches Verhandeln, professionelles Konfliktmanagement und natrlich Techniken fr effektives Leadership. Die Vorteile produktiver Meetings sind klar: wir sparen Zeit, wir sparen Geld und produktive Meetings machen gute Laune. Daher: Beginne den Kurs und sorge fr produktive Meetings!"
Price: 74.99

"Aktives Zuhren: Empathie in der Kommunikation"
"Alle Sprechen von Kommunikationsfhigkeit: wir wollen alle besser reden, schneller berzeugen, geschickter verhandeln und enthusiastischer vortragen mit glnzender Rhetorik. Doch mit einer leisen Fhigkeit kommen wir viel schneller ans Ziel: mit dem aktiven Zuhren!Aktives Zuhren lernen hat fr Dich im Alltag gleich drei Riesenvorteile : 1)Du kannst viel zielgerichteter kommunizieren, denn Du weit durch das richtige Zuhren genau, was der Andere will 2) Du verstehst andere Leute besser, weil Du empathischer wirst 3) Du kannst tiefere Beziehungen zu Deinen Mitmenschen aufbauenNicht umsonst hat man schon in der Antike gesagt: Der Mensch hat 2 Ohren und eine Zunge, damit er doppelt so viel hren kann, wie er spricht!brigens: 96% aller Erwachsenen geben in Umfragen an, dass sie sich selbst fr gute Zuhrer halten.Gleichzeitig halten wir ber 50% unserer Mitmenschen fr schlechte Zuhrer irgendwas kann da nicht ganz stimmen! Dieser Kurs hilft Dir dabei, besser zuzuhren, empathischer zu werden und dadurch an Dein Ziel zu kommen! In diesem Kurs erfhrst Du: 1) in Abschnitt 1 die wesentlichen Grundlagen des Aktiven Zuhrens2) in Abschnitt 2 die 10 Tools, um besser zuzuhren3) in Abschnitt 3 die 7 Alltagsprobleme beim Zuhren und wie Du sie lstber Deinen Trainer Wlad:Wlad (Wladislaw Jachtchenko) ist mehrfach ausgezeichneter Experte, TOP10-Speaker in Europa und gefragter Business Coach.Auf Udemy hat er bereits ber 20 Kurse mit ber 20.000 zufriedenen Online-Studenten. In der Offline-Welt hlt er Vortrge, trainiert und coacht seit 2007 Politiker, Fhrungskrfte und Mitarbeiter namhafter Unternehmen wie Allianz, BMW, Pro7, Westwing, 3M und viele andere. Er vermittelt seinen Kunden nicht nur Tools professioneller Rhetorik, sondern auch effektive berzeugungstechniken, Methoden fr erfolgreiches Verhandeln, professionelles Konfliktmanagement und Techniken fr effektives Leadership. Du hast, wie bei allen Kursen von Wlad, die 30 Tage Geld-zurck-Garantie. Starte also gleich und lerne das aktive Zuhren!Dein Wlad"
Price: 74.99

"Effektive 1:1 Meetings: Produktivitt & Loyalitt steigern"
"Beim Wort ""Meeting"" denken die meisten am Zeitverschwendung und an eine Gruppe von Menschen, von denen die Hlfte geistig abwesend ist. In meinem Online-Kurs ""Produktive Meetings"" habe ich bereits ber Prinzipien und Regeln fr Gruppenmeetings gesprochen.In diesem Kurs geht es um einen unterschtzten Meeting-Typ:Das 1:1 Meeting. Es hat im Vergleich zum Gruppenmeeting gleich 7 Vorteile, die ich in diesem Kurs darstelle und die Du sofort in Deinem Berufsalltag nutzen kannst! Es gibt auch Extra-Tipps fr Arbeitnehmer, Arbeitgeber und Selbststndige!In diesem Kurs erfhrst Du 1) die 7 Vorteile des 1:1 Meetings im Vergleich zum Gruppenmeeting 2) das psychologische 4-Farben-Modell, mit dem Du mit den 4 unterschiedlichen Menschentype besser kommunizieren wirst3) Fr Arbeitnehmer:Tipps fr die Gehaltsverhandlung4) Fr Arbeitgeber:Tipps fr das Mitarbeitergesprch5) Fr Selbststndige:Tipps fr das Kundengesprchber Deinen Trainer Wlad:Wlad (Wladislaw Jachtchenko) ist mehrfach ausgezeichneter Experte, TOP10-Speaker in Europa und gefragter Business Coach.Auf Udemy hat er bereits ber 20 Kurse mit ber 20.000 zufriedenen Online-Studenten. In der Offline-Welt hlt er Vortrge, trainiert und coacht seit 2007 Politiker, Fhrungskrfte und Mitarbeiter namhafter Unternehmen wie Allianz, BMW, Pro7, Westwing, 3M und viele andere. Er vermittelt seinen Kunden nicht nur Tools professioneller Rhetorik, sondern auch effektive berzeugungstechniken, Methoden fr erfolgreiches Verhandeln, professionelles Konfliktmanagement und natrlich Techniken fr effektives Leadership. Die Vorteile effektiver 1:1 Meetings werden Dir durch diesen Kurs so richtig bewusst! Lerne, wie Du mehr Loyalitt und besser Gesprchsergebnisse durch das 1:1 Meeting herausholst! Daher: Beginne den Kurs und sorge fr effektive 1:1 Meetings !"
Price: 74.99

"44 Fragetechniken: Effektiver kommunizieren mit guten Fragen"
"Die Qualitt Deiner Fragen bestimmt die Qualitt Deiner Kommunikation. Oder in den Worten von Goethe: Wenn Du eine weise Antwort verlangst, musst Du vernnftig fragenDas Herzstck dieses Kurses bilden die 44 Fragetechniken, mit deren Hilfe Du Deine Gesprche erfolgreicher fhren kannst. Daneben lernst Du, was Fragen beim Gegenber bewirken, wann, welche und wie viele Fragen Du stellen in einem wichtigen Gesprch sollst und Vieles mehr!Egal, ob Du Fhrungskraft, Selbststndig, Angestellter oder Gromutter bist: richtig fragen macht Dich empathischer und bringt Dich nher an Dein Ziel!!Mein Name ist Wlad, ich habe bereits mehrere 10.000 Studenten und bin Grnder der Argumentorik-Akademie in Mnchen. Und bei mir hast Du 30-Tage-Geld-zurck-Garantie!!Man sagt so schn: Fragen ffnen den Geist, Aussagen schlieen ihn. -> Mchtest Du die Kunst des richtigen Fragens erlernen und ein besserer Gesprchspartner werden? Dann legen wir gleich los!!"
Price: 74.99

"Charisma: Mehr Ausstrahlung mit dem Charisma-Code!"
"In der Welt herrscht dieser Irrglaube: Einige Menschen sind charismatisch geboren, andere nicht. Charisma sei naturgegeben. Und auf gar keinen Fall liee sich charismatisches Auftreten antrainieren. Dieser Irrglaube ist falsch. Denn wenn man die charismatischen Menschen der Geschichte analysiert, stellt man fest, dass diese immer die gleichen Charaktereigenschaften haben. Es gibt also eine Art Charisma-Code, den man entschlsseln und fr sich nutzen kann.Charisma macht Menschen erfolgreicher. Doch wie kannst Du charismatischer werden? In diesem Online-Kurs verrate ich Dir den Charisma-Code, also 8 konkrete Schritte, wie Du charismatischer werden kannst und dadurch mehr erreichst!Ich habe fr Dich die charismatischsten Menschen analysiert und bin auf diesen Charisma-Code gekommen. Du lernst von Gren wie Jesus, Obama, Steve Jobs, JFK, Marilyn Monroe, Mutter Theresa, Churchill und kannst Eigenschaften & Verhalten in Dein Leben sofort integrierenber Deinen Trainer Wlad:Wlad (Wladislaw Jachtchenko) ist mehrfach ausgezeichneter Experte, TOP10-Speaker in Europa und gefragter Business Coach. Auf Udemy hat er bereits ber 20 Kurse mit ber 20.000 zufriedenen Online-Studenten. In der Offline-Welt hlt er Vortrge, trainiert und coacht seit 2007 Politiker, Fhrungskrfte und Mitarbeiter namhafter Unternehmen wie Allianz, BMW, Pro7, Westwing, 3M und viele andere. Er vermittelt seinen Kunden nicht nur Tools professioneller Rhetorik, sondern auch effektive berzeugungstechniken, Methoden fr erfolgreiches Verhandeln, professionelles Konfliktmanagement und Techniken fr effektives Leadership.  Du hast, wie bei allen Kursen von Wlad, die 30 Tage Geld-zurck-Garantie. Starte also gleich und lerne den Charisma-Code kennen!Dein Wlad"
Price: 74.99

"StudiGuide 2: The California Criminal Justice System"
"Welcome to theStudiGuide 2: TheCriminal Justice System in California courseThisStudiGuidecourse ispresented in a manner that readily allows you to identify the POST goals and learning objectives as you follow along in your POST workbooks to help you better understandthe material.After review and study of this StudiGuide:IDENTIFY the freedoms and rights afforded to individuals under the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and later amendments and how the U.S. Constitution amendments apply to the actions and conduct of peace officers (only the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and 14th Amendments)IDENTIFY the differences between Parole and ProbationRECALL the definitions of parole and probationDISCUSS (these are usually done in the classroom and not on the written tests): The components and primary goals of the criminal justice system The objectives of the judicial component of the criminal justice system The organization of the California court system, including positions commonly recognized as part of the judicial system The judicial process in criminal cases The objectives and responsibilities of the corrections component of the criminal justice systemLIST the primary federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies within the criminal justice systemInformation from this POST written examination will also appear on your Mid-Course (Midterm) and End-of-Course (Final) Proficiency Tests.This StudiGuidecourse will allow you to understand the material presentedin preparation for your POSTwritten examinations through our lectures and review questions."
Price: 19.99

"The Gut Summit Microbiome Health & Science Series"
"Do you feel overwhelmed with the whole gut health thing at the moment? We do, too. Sometimes, you dont know who to listen to, which magazine or blog to trust & finally which foods to eat to look after yourself! It can be a nightmare.The Gut Summit Online Series promises to clear away the confusion.With an emphasis on comprehensive, entertaining & actionableinformation, The Gut Summit brings Australias greatest gut health experts to the screen for a one-time only event to give you the real deal on every day gut health."
Price: 99.99

"Hormonal Mastery with Dr. Andrea Huddleston (save 50%!)"
"Welcome to Hormonal Mastery (TM) with Dr Andrea Huddleston! This course is for ALL women and will cover every aspect of women's cycles, hormones and how to have balance for life. Hormonal Mastery will cover: Normal cycles (and what's NOT normal - it will surprise you!) Contraceptive optionsEndometriosisPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)PMS/PMDDThyroid DysfunctionHow stress impacts our hormonal balanceHormonal Balancing foods, nutrients, supplementation, lifestyle medicine and more! "
Price: 99.99

"Logic Pro X for Beginners"
"The course is focused on audio production and postproduction for audiovisual media showing the essential processes and tools that allow recording, editing, processing and mixing audio signals through short videos and practical exercises, empower the student to understand how to process digital audio, the emulation of spaces, the movement of the object, listening point, etc., the course offers direct interaction with the instructor the student can clarify concepts and difficulties that may arise during the training process.How do you acquire the knowledge in the course? Theoretical strengthening The course has explanatory videos that describe the software interface, processes and tools step by step, enabling the student to learn the beginning and end of a process. Strengthening through practice Practical exercises at the end of each module in order to strengthen the knowledge acquired and strengthen the management of the software.HOW LONG DOES THE COURSE TAKE TO BE COMPLETE?It depends directly on you, I estimate that the course could be finished in two weeks, watching the explanatory videos and doing the practical exercises consciouslyWHICH ARE THE REQUIREMENTS?A working Macbook or MacHave Logic Pro X InstalledWHO IS THIS COURSE AIMED AT?Sound designer who wish to improve their skills in audio production and postproduction for audiovisual mediaAudiovisual media producers who wish to improve their skills in digital audio Experienced and new user who want to improve their knowledge in sound design in Logic Pro as a tool for production and postproduction for audiovisual media"
Price: 199.99

"Produccin de Criaturas Cartoon 3D en Blender 2.8"
"Este curso les ensear lo necesario para producir personajes orientados a la animacin, incluyendo, escultura, modelado, rigging, materiales y acabado final. Aprenderemos el uso de la interfaz y los modos de trabajo, enfocado en un modelo de produccin para un personaje comercial.Iniciaremos entendiendo la filosofa y modo de trabajo que nos ofrece Blender en su ltima versin, aprenderemos a integrar imgenes de referencia para realizar estructuras, crearemos nuestro personaje desde 0, utilizando los recursos de escultura , retopologa y modelado que se encuentra en nuestro arsenal de herramientas de Blender.Aprenderemos a texturizar directamente sobre nuestro modelo, utilizaremos tcnicas de iluminacin con una agradable e interesante esttica visual, realizaremos materiales compatibles con el nuevo motor de Render en Tiempo Real EEVEE.Desarrollaremos un esqueleto automatizado el cual modificaremos para crear controles personalizados que nos permitir manipular y realizar la pose de nuestro personaje. Crearemos un sistema de controles para nuestra cmara, la cual animaremos para generar la secuencia final de nuestro proyecto.Generaremos la composicin de nuestra escena aplicando diferentes tcnicas, involucrando efectos de cmara y opciones del motor de render que nos permitir mostrar de una manera asombrosa nuestro personaje."
Price: 199.99

"Crea sistemas de Reservas y Alquiler con PHP 7 y MercadoPago"
"En este curso aprenders a crear un sistema de reservas y alquiler desde cero utilizando el lenguaje de programacin PHP en su versin 7 e integrando varios recursos que permiten proporcionar caractersticas tiles para cualquier empresa que desee automatizar el proceso de renta: Reservas de hoteles, renta de autos, alquiler de productos o servicios, agendar citas mdicas etcEste es un curso prctico donde te llevar de la mano paso a paso para que aprendas a crear sistemas complejos con PHP bajo el patrn Modelo-Vista-Controlador, el cual cuando lo termines, lo podrs vender entre tus clientes o tomar como base para realizar cualquier otro sistema complejo.Tomaremos como ejemplo la pgina web de un hotel para aprender a realizar los siguientes procesos:Reserva de habitaciones (puede ser reemplazado por autos u otro tipo de producto o servicio)Consultar disponibilidad cruzando fechas desde la base de datosProceso Checkout con la pasarela de pagos Mercado PagoAutomatizacin de reservasGestin de perfil de usuarioAdministracin de plantilla webReportes en PDF y EXCELInforme de mejores clientesInforme de los productos o servicios ms vendidosAdaptado para usar en cualquier pantalla y dispositivo.Herramientas que aprenders a usar:Plantilla AdminLTE: Excelente plantilla ""open source"" para la creacin de software responsivos.Full Calendar: Plugin para control de eventos, agendas y calendario.jQuery DataTable: Plugin para la creacin de tablas dinmicas.MorrisJS: Plugin para realizar grficos dinmicos y estadsticas.ChartJS: Plugin para realizar grficos dinmicos.Date Range Picker: Plugin para realizar seleccin de rangos de fechas.TCPDF: Extensin creada en PHP para la impresin en formato PDF.PHPMailer: Extensin para envo de correos electrnicosCMO ES EL CURSO?El curso se divide en varias secciones. En una primera seccin hablaremos de las herramientas que vamos a utilizar para la creacin del sistema de Reservas.En las siguientes secciones comenzaremos a construir paso a paso desde cero cada uno de los mdulos que harn parte de nuestro sistema de Reservas, desde el html, las hojas de estilo, la interaccin con javascript y jQuery, con la ayuda de algunos plugins y la conexin al servidor utilizando PHP en su versin 7 bajo el patrn Modelo-Vista-Controlador con Programacin Orientada a Objetos utilizando bases de datos MySQL.CUNTO SE TARDA EN COMPLETAR EL CURSO?Depende de ti. Estimo que menos de tres semanas puedes completar el curso, pero depender de tu ritmo de trabajo y de tu disponibilidad.CULES SON LOS REQUISITOS?Descargar el material que se encuentra en los recursos de la primera clase de cada seccin. Tener principios en HTML5 y CSS3, curso gratuito que puede realizar en UDEMY: ""Aprende HTML5 y CSS3 desde cero"". No es indispensable pero sera bueno para la construccin del Proyecto tener bases en Javascript, jQuery y Maquetacin con Bootstrap 4."
Price: 199.99

"Crea sistemas de ventas por suscripcin y MLM con PHP-PayPal"
"En este curso aprenders a crear un sistema de ventas por suscripcin desde cero similar a NETFLIX utilizando el lenguaje de programacin PHP en su versin 7 e integrando varios recursos que permiten proporcionar caractersticas tiles para cualquier empresa que desee implementar este modelo de negocio de ventas por suscripcin:Educacin: cursos, conferencias, capacitaciones etcSoftware: Alquilar sistemas pos, ecommerce, seo, marketing etcEntretenimiento: Juegos en lnea, pelculas, series, msica etcSalud: Entrenamientos, asesoras, consultora etcServicios: Energa, internet, acueducto, telefona etcEste es un curso prctico donde te llevar de la mano paso a paso para que aprendas a crear sistemas complejos con PHP bajo el patrn Modelo-Vista-Controlador, el cual cuando lo termines, lo podrs vender entre tus clientes o tomar como base para realizar cualquier otro sistema complejo.Tomaremos como ejemplo un sitio web que ofrece educacin por suscripcin con vdeos en streaming para aprender a realizar los siguientes procesos:Pago peridico de suscripcin a travs de la API de PayPal.Integrar programa de afiliados.Integrar diferentes tipos de redes multinivel.Validar el pago de la renovacin de la suscripcin automticamente.Generar pagos de comisiones a travs de la API de PayPal automticamente.Integrar plataforma de videos con formato streaming para evitar su descarga.Integrar una pgina de soporte interno estilo bandeja de entrada de correos electrnicos para las personas que se suscriban al sistema.Herramientas que aprenders a usar:Plantilla AdminLTE: Excelente plantilla ""open source"" para la creacin de software responsivos.Bootstrap 4.PHP 7 y Bases de datos relacionadas MySQL.API de PayPal con Postman.JDSlider: Potente deslizador de diapositivas e imgenes con jQuerySelect 2: Selector dinmico con buscador interno de listas en etiquetas <select>jQuery DataTable: Plugin para la creacin de tablas dinmicas.InputMask: Enmascarar entradas de formularios con datos personalizados.ChartJS: Plugin para realizar grficos dinmicos.JSignature: Plugin para realizar firmas con el mouse.HLS: Plugin para integrar videos tipo Streaming.TCPDF: Extensin creada en PHP para la impresin en formato PDF.CMO ES EL CURSO?El curso se divide en varias secciones. En una primera seccin hablaremos de las herramientas que vamos a utilizar para la creacin del sistema de Suscripcin.En las siguientes secciones comenzaremos a construir paso a paso desde cero cada uno de los mdulos que harn parte de nuestro sistema de Suscripcin, desde el html, las hojas de estilo, la interaccin con javascript y jQuery, con la ayuda de algunos plugins y la conexin al servidor utilizando PHP en su versin 7 bajo el patrn Modelo-Vista-Controlador con Programacin Orientada a Objetos utilizando bases de datos MySQL.CUNTO SE TARDA EN COMPLETAR EL CURSO?Depende de ti. Estimo que menos de tres semanas puedes completar el curso, pero depender de tu ritmo de trabajo y de tu disponibilidad.CULES SON LOS REQUISITOS?Descargar el material que se encuentra en los recursos de la primera clase de cada seccin. Tener principios en HTML5 y CSS3, curso gratuito que puede realizar en UDEMY: ""Aprende HTML5 y CSS3 desde cero"". No es indispensable pero sera bueno para la construccin del Proyecto tener bases en Javascript, jQuery y Maquetacin con Bootstrap 4.A QUIN VA DIRIGIDO ESTE CURSO?Este curso va dirigido a personas que buscan crear sistemas complejos con PHP y MySQL y venderlos a clientes o empresas en su entorno de trabajo."
Price: 199.99

"Knowing the Holy Spirit, His Power and His Anointing!"
"This Bible-based course equips you to know the Holy Spirit more, and to operate in His power!Here's what is covered: who the Holy Spirit is; what the Holy Spirit does; the indwelling of the Holy Spirit; the baptism in the Holy Spirit; how to receive the baptism in the Spirit; what the anointing of the Holy Spirit is; the General Anointing; Ministry Anointings; Special Anointings; Imparted Anointings; Inherited Anointings; Corporate Anointings; what the power of the Holy Spirit feels like; and how to release the tangible power of the Holy Spirit to minister to others.This exciting course also includes an electronic copy of the instructor's book: The Anointing!By taking this course, you will receive sound Bible-based teaching that will enrich your understanding of the Holy Spirit and will equip to His supernatural power at work through you!"
Price: 19.99

"Getting Back In The Game."
"In this course men will be educated on the many psychological and health issues that could be causing issues with their sexual performance. You will be given the tools to regain control and performance in your life. This course is a combination of video lessons and hypnotic methods to strengthen your sexual performance. All issues from erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and poor self image or self esteem are addressed. This course is not a substitute for medical care. If you feel there may be a psychical, psychiatric, or disease present please seek medical advice before proceeding."
Price: 29.99

"Vida sustentable simplificada"
"Una vida sostenible simplificada: los conceptos bsicos del diseo de permacultura proporcionan un esquema general para vivir de la tierra. Este curso presenta docenas de estrategias sobre cmo podemos ser responsables de la custodia de la tierra. En dos horas y media de contenido, los participantes pueden obtener una comprensin completa de los principios y prcticas de la vida sostenible. Este curso sigue un libro, El Manual de Permaville: Estrategias de Diseo de Permacultura y se basa en el Curso de Diseo de Permacultura certificado (PDC). Aprenda estrategias de diseo a partir de ejemplos de la vida real de proyectos sostenibles en todo el mundo. CURSO DE INGLS PUBLICADO EN FEBRERO DE 2016: Curso publicado originalmente en Udemy, que incluye enlaces al Manual de Permaville. Algunas reseas de este best-seller (en ingls): El mejor curso de permacultura que he visitado en lnea de cuatro ... Ahmed Alalawi Entiende lo que est pasando en nuestro mundo hoy y presenta una solucin de plan maestro ... Bill Halford Muy simple y no amenazante ... excelente, relevante, utilizable y repleto ... Clarence Garay Realmente disfruto su perspectiva, no la encuentro tan utpica como esperaba. Ms bien siento que es realmente una perspectiva realista. ... Peter Stuart Turner Tengo Permacultura Uno. Este es un mejor estimulador de puntos de discusin. .... Joseph Van Wyck Perfecto para prepararse para asistir a un curso de Diseo de Permacultura en persona ... Patrick Kniesler Einfach gut geklrt (Simplemente bien aclarado) ... Petra Panglisch-BreuerEn este curso puedes aprender a:Construir con materiales naturalesFiltro de aguaHacer compostCrecer plantasCriar peces, insectos y animales.Pasos rpidos para comenzar una granjaAprende a vivir de la tierra con estrategias de diseo de permacultura.Quin es el pblico objetivo de este curso?Este curso es para personas interesadas en aprender lo bsico de una vida sostenible. No se necesita experiencia.El curso de Permaville cuenta como un certificado de curso de diseo de permacultura?Este curso cumple con los requisitos para un Curso de Diseo de Permacultura (PDC) certificado y puede ayudar a prepararse para un taller en persona.SilabaVisin generalQu es la permacultura?Historia de la permaculturaHistoria de los humanosLa nubeObjetivos generalesPrincipios y eticaEstrategiasSitio de anlisisMapas del sitioZonas y sectoresClimas y microclimasPatrones en la naturalezaDiseo urbanoTierra y estructurasMovimientos de tierraConstruccin naturalCaminos y accesosAgua y sueloAguaSueloCompostMicroorganismos de hongos y gusanos.Plantas y criaturasGuarderaJardnArbolesPezInsectos y animalesCasaCocinaSaneamientoTecnologa apropiadaCiencias econmicasCampo (NUEVO MATERIAL AADIDO MARZO 2019)InvernaderoT de compostHidroponiaPreparacin de campoMapa de campo y registro de campoCultivos (NUEVO MATERIAL AADIDO MARZO 2019)Cultivos de primavera y verano.Cultivos de otoo e inviernoRegistro de semillasGranja (NUEVO MATERIAL AADIDO MARZO 2019)Pos-cosechaRegistro de ventas y cosechasPara quin es este curso:Para gente interesada en vivir de la tierraPara gente interesada en comenzar una granja"
Price: 19.99

"No Fear Public Speaking and Presentations"
"Whether you are required to speak publicly for your job, or have always wanted to become confident in front of a crowd, No Fear Public Speaking is the course that will help you get there! Taught by 25 year public speaking veteran Abraham LaVoi, this course will take you through the entire process of preparing, rehearsing, and presenting a dynamic public talk. Some of the topics covered in this course include:Approaching public speaking with the proper perspectiveDeveloping a concise objective for your talkResearching and composing your notesRehearsing your talk for maximum effectivenessCreating dynamic visuals to enhance your talk using free online toolsStepping to the stage and confidently delivering your talkThroughout the course, Abraham creates the notes for a public talk that you can see in the final session. This gives you a step-by-step example of the No Fear Public Speaking process in action. Several courses have downloadable templates and examples to guide you on your public speaking path."
Price: 24.99

"Blender 2.8 Game Character Creation"
"In this course well create a game character using Blender 2.8, and we'll export it to Unity and configure it so we can control it in the game engine. Throughout the course, you will learn:3D Modeling in Blender 2.8UVMapping Texturing and SculptingBaking a Normal Map Rigging a Character in Blender 2.8Animating a 2D Face with Grease PencilCreating Animation Cycles for a Video GameExporting a Character and Animations from Blender 2.8 to UnityCreating a C# Script in Unity to Control a Game Character Beginning with the modeling, well use Blender 2.8 to build all the individual pieces of a Lego character. And then youll learn how to UV map each of the parts, and then create an efficient, unified UV map of the entire character. We will use Blenders texture painting tools to create the clothes of the character, and well use the sculpt tools to create the high res details of the hair. Youll then learn how to bake a normal map in Blender and apply the textures to the character model.Next, well work on rigging the character. We will begin with a single bone, and create the rig manually, so you can see how a character rig is built from the ground up. Youll learn how to create a Foot Roll Rig and how to use Blender 2.8s new process for creating Custom Shapes to control the character.Once the rig is done, Ill show you a cool technique, using Blender 2.8s new Grease Pencil tools, to animate both a 2D drawn face and a 3D body at the same time. With this technique, we will create the characters Idle, Run, and Jump animations, ready to be used in a game engine.You will then learn how to export the character, animations, and textures out of Blender and bring them into the Unity game engine. And here you will learn how to set-up the character in the game and even how to retarget third-party animations onto our character, using Unitys Humanoid Rig system.Finally, we will write a simple C# script to incorporate our 2D and 3D animations, and get the character running around the level.If youve ever wanted to create a game character, and are interested in getting up to speed in Blender 2.8, then this course is for you. So join me as we create a game character in Blender 2.8."
Price: 19.99

"Blender 2.8 UV Mapping"
"UV Mapping is an essential skill for applying textures to 3D objects in Blender 2.8 for animation and games. In this course we will look at what UV Mapping is, why it is needed, as well as the tools and techniques to help you efficiently map your 3D objects in Blender 2.8. We begin the course with an overview of the UV Mapping fundamentals in Blender 2.8. And then we will work on 5 different UV Mapping projects, each of increasing complexity, to help you get comfortable with UV mapping and the workflows involved.You will learn about:Avoiding Stretching in Your UV IslandsHiding SeamsThe Importance of Uniform ScaleBlender 2.8's Smart UV Project ToolBlender 2.8's Live Unwrap ToolBlender 2.8's Align ToolBlender 2.8's Stitch ToolOptimizing a UV Map for a Game Character in Blender 2.8Texturing in KritaApplying Textures in Blender 2.8We will also export our UV maps out of Blender 2.8 and take them into Krita to texture, so that you can see how UV maps are used in a standard pipeline and how your UV mapping decisions can affect your texturing. In the end, youll have a better understanding of why and how UV maps are used in Blender 2.8 as well as tools and techniques you can use in your own projects. So, if youre new to UV Mapping, or maybe it all hasnt quite clicked yet, then join me, for this introduction to UV Mapping in Blender 2.8."
Price: 19.99

"Marketer workshop"
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Price: 94.99

"Intro to Financial Analysis and Managerial Accounting!"
"The purpose of this course is to teach you how to perform detailed financial analysis of a business (or your companys) financial situation. This is Intro to Financial Analysis but covers the main topics of Cost / Managerial Accounting.This course will show you where to focus your analysis and energy but will require you to dig into the financial--both the actual transactions and budget--to come up with the reason why things are happening.We will work through this Google Sheet together (see course for link).What You Will LearnUnderstanding costs and profitThe difference between variable costs and fixed costsContribution/Unit Margin, Total Margin or ProfitUnderstanding break-evenHow many units do I need to sell to make sure Im not losing money?Difference between profit and cashWhy is cash king?Basics of budgeting and forecasting for a businessShould I start this business?Basics of variance analysisWhy didnt I make as much money as I thought I would have?"
Price: 19.99

"Space Explorer-Photo Composite Photo Manipulation Photoshop"
"Space Explorer-Photo Composite Photo Manipulation in PhotoshopA Step-By-Step Photo Composite or Photo Manipulation in Photoshop TutorialDo you want to learn Amazing Photo Composite or Photo manipulation Techniques in Photoshop?Do you want to learn How I created this Stunning Space Explorer Photo Composite or Photo manipulation in Photoshop?If answer to any of the questions yes!Then let me tell you that you are at the right place.In this Course, you will learn Professional Techniques to Create Stunning Conceptual Photo Composite or Photo Manipulation in Photoshop.This is a no fluff, short precise and to the point course.Which means I have not included any time waster lectures just to increase the length of the course.So that you can learn what you want to learn form this course.What is included in the Course?A STEP-BY STEP VIDEO TUTORIALBEGINNER FRIENDLYSOURCE FILES OR STOCK IMAGES INCLUDEDFULL HD ON DEMAND VIDEO LECTURESAVAILABLE EVERYWHERE ANYTIMEFULL EXPORT SUPPORTNO FLUFF SHORT AND PRECISE COURSEThis course gives you 30 days full money back guarantee.Which mean during the first 30 days of you joining this course, somehow for any reason you dont like the course.Then you can get your 100% money back with no questions asked.Which mean you have Zero Risk trying this course.Let me give you one more reason to join this course.With this course you get the full Expert support.Which means if during or after the course you have any question related to the course, I will be there to help you out.I am sure after this course you would be able to create stunning Photo Composites or photo manipulation using the professional techniques taught in this course.So, what are you waiting for go ahead and join this course.Click the Enroll Now button.See you in the course."
Price: 199.99

"Find Your Purpose; Transform Your Career"
"Identify elements of your purpose to understand what makes a career satisfying for you. We find the elements of your purpose through the study of the 8 Characteristics of Purpose.Find your ideal career through understanding your purpose.Figure out what skills come naturally to youResearch what you could do for hours without tiringIdentify what you're good at and love doingRemember activities that trump fatigue, illness and bad moodsA Career That Fits YouThis course is meant to create an ideal career for you by researching your purpose. Whether you transform your current career or launch into a new one, you will do so by understanding yourself better. Your purpose is not meant for just one type of career. Once you understand your purpose, you can apply it to a variety of careers and volunteer opportunities.People who take this course are able to utilize skills at work they never knew they had. By displaying a wider range of their skills, one of two things happen: either their current supervisor or boss allows them to move into a better job or new opportunities come from a different company. The heightened self-esteem that naturally results from this course has caused some employees to start their own business.Content and OverviewWe find your purpose through research. I ask you to delve into personal recollections from both your past and present to view yourself through the filters of the 8 characteristics of purpose.To help you with this process, the video segments not only include my description of each of the 8 characteristics, but you'll also see interviews of 8 of my clients who've discovered these characteristics in their lives. They will each explain how they found at least one of their elements of purpose through one of the characteristics. The 8 Characteristics of Purpose are built around practical definitions that are simple to identify. With my explanation as well as the 8 interviews, you'll be able to make the connection to examples in your life. Once you've identified your 13 Elements of Purpose, you can apply them to your career so that those who matter the most can see you at your best."
Price: 34.99

"3 Minute French - Course 5 French lessons for beginners"
"Hello and welcome to 3 Minute French - Course 5 The aim of this course is to make French accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or ""aptitude"" for learning. This course leads on from ""3 Minute French Courses 1, 2, 3 and 4"" and new language structures are introduced to enable you to communicate in more situations when on holiday abroad.My method for teaching French is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and Ive taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception.With this course, its almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study. You will start to learn the French language in a simple, logical and fun way.You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to France or any other French speaking country, and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.There is ample opportunity throughout the course to practise what you've learnt, and structured repetition ensures you'll never forget what you've learnt."
Price: 199.99

"3 Minute Spanish - Course 5"
"Hello and welcome to 3 Minute Spanish - Course 5 The aim of this course is to make Spanish accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or ""aptitude"" for learning. This course leads on from ""3 Minute Spanish Courses 1, 2, 3 and 4"" and new language structures are introduced to enable you to communicate in more situations when on holiday abroad.My method for teaching Spanish is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and Ive taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception.With this course, its almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study.You will start to learn the Spanish language in a simple, logical and fun way.You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to Spain or any other Spanish speaking country,and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.There is ample opportunity throughout the courseto practise what you've learnt, and structured repetition ensures you'll never forget what you've learnt."
Price: 199.99

"Italian Grammar - Quick Guide - Verbs 1"
"This guide is perfect for students who need help learning about Italian verbs. You'll get an introduction to using and recognising Italian verbs in the following areas:infinitivesthe impersonal verb ""si pu""the ""going"" futurethe past tensethe present tense""Italian Grammar - Quick Guide - Verbs 1"" is particularly useful for complete beginners in Italian grammar as everything is explained assuming no prior knowledge. The vocabulary used is limited so as to avoid over-complication. Each tense is explained, showing how to form the tense, how to negate it, and how to translate it to and from English.Each tense starts with a simple explanation followed by lots of practise sentences to build confidence and proficiency."
Price: 199.99

"3 Minute French - Course 6 Language lessons for beginners"
"Hello and welcome to 3 Minute French - Course 6 The aim of this course is to make French accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or ""aptitude"" for learning. This course leads on from ""3 Minute French Courses 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5"" and new language structures are introduced to enable you to communicate in more situations when on holiday abroad. My method for teaching French is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and Ive taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception. With this course, its almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study. You will start to learn the French language in a simple, logical and fun way.  You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to France or any other French speaking country, and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.There is ample opportunity throughout the course to practise what you've learnt, and structured repetition ensures you'll never forget what you've learnt."
Price: 199.99

"Learn English with sentences - If clauses"
"In English, there are three types of if-clause, and if you can get to grips with them, they are very useful.In this course, youll find hundreds of example sentences written by native speakers to help you to understand these features of the English language. As well as the example sentences, Ill show you how to form each of the if-clauses and youll also learn a little trick to make your sentences sound fancier.Ive split up the sentences into small groups so you can spend just a few minutes each day revising them. The more you see this sort of a structure, the more comfortable you will become with using it. Feel free to write down any sentences you like and use them in your own conversations."
Price: 199.99

"Blender 2.8 The Basics Of Blender"
"Welcome to Blender, the open source 3D modelling suite used by millions of 3D artists, animators and aspiring game designers around the world. And welcome to Blender 2.8 The Basics Of Blender, your first step into the world of blender. This course acts as an introduction to what blender is all about and how you can use it for any task you are looking to complete."
Price: 49.99

"Niagara~ HorseShoe Falls in Watercolour"
"Learn how to bring colour, composition and techniques together to create a watercolour work of art!This course was especially made for novicestudents or seasoned artists to encourage them to try a new techniques such as creating dramatic waterfalls, moving water, rugged cliffs, background landscapes and have fun by 'doing'. For those students 'terrified' to draw, an easy transfer method is explained early in the course.Students will begin developing theirown personal skills and will receive ""Simple steps for Painting Waterfalls in Watercolour"" for future paintings.Teacher available for any questions during and after this course. She would love to see your original paintings from this course.Students will receive2.5 hoursof video supported with photo references, transfer sheets, written and verbal step-by-step instructions.At the end of this course, you will have a beautiful, final masterpiece ""Niagara - HorseShoe Falls"" to be proud of!"
Price: 49.99