"DC Machines" |
"- 2007"
Price: 19.99 |
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Price: 19.99 |
"Digital Marketing" |
"This course gives you a broad overview and insights into the world of Digital Marketing. It covers the benefits of Digital Marketing, the different types of Digital Marketing, strategies and framework of Digital Marketing and more! Come join us and learn how technology can work for your marketing needs.Definitely a relevant course for the digital age!"
Price: 49.99 |
"A day in the life of a christian entrepreneur" |
"This course talks about the life in a day of an entrepreneur, the 14 daily activities and goals an entrepreneur does each single day of his lifeThis course is good for online entrepreneurs as for individuals who wants to know what are the task to do in a single daystudents will get in this course A down to earth christian based lifestyle of an online entreprenuer No fluffs or boasting as in some youtube videos of a internet entrepreneur Insights and experience in christian living of an individual of an ideal chrstian life style Students will become wiser and a better person after listening to the insights and experiences. Clear and concise lessons ( The deepest concept and knowledge is simple and easy to understand) It is christianed based, true christian living of an entreprenuerJesus says, do not worry for tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself, each day has troubles of its own. live today, live one day at a time."
Price: 199.99 |
"Inovao para todos" |
"Se voc se interessa por design e tem vontade de entender mais sobre como exercitar o pensamento inovador, este o seu curso.Gisela Schulzinger, scia, Chief Branding Officer e Head de Inovao da Pande, traz uma reflexo sobre o impacto da nova era de compartilhamento nos modelos de negcios, nas relaes pessoais e na busca de solues para os problemas da sociedade, das empresas e do nosso dia a dia.O curso dividido em 17 aulas online que iro contextualizar as implicaes do novo cenrio econmico em nossas formas de pensar, de trabalhar, de nos relacionar e de criar.- Entenda como o surgimento de um novo modelo econmico vem impactando profundamente a maneira como vivemos e gerimos negcios;- Conhea 3 fortes tendncias que esto se estabelecendo no mundo de trabalho e criao na era do compartilhamento; - Saiba como os conceitos de T-shaped person e Mind Map podem ajudar no processo de estmulo da criatividade; - Descubra porque os processos de ressignificao so essenciais para quem busca desenvolver um pensamento inovador e um olhar mais criativo;"
Price: 129.99 |
"Professional Video Editing" |
"Welcome to the Professional Video Editing Course.I put together this course because I know there are a lot of people who are interested in the field of video editing, and curious about the techniques used to produce high quality video sequences. The course discusses what professional video editing is all about.COURSE LAYOUTThe course begins with an introduction to editing, proceeds to outline the steps involved, provides an analysis of professional techniques, discusses image and audio editing, and concludes with issues relating to file management. The course also includes information on editing technique, editing theory and the art of editing."
Price: 24.99 |
"Windows 10 version 1809 (Oct 2018 Update) Guide complet" |
"Votre ordinateur fonctionne sous Windows 10 et vous avez fait la dernire mise jour 1809 (October Update) ?Cette formation vido est faite pour vous : elle passe en revue tout ce que vous devez savoir pour bien utiliser votre systme.Pas de jargon dans cette formation : nous utilisons des mots simples et nous allons directement l'essentiel. Il vous suffit de reproduire ce que vous voyez pour obtenir les mmes rsultats.De l'assistante vocale Cortana au renforcement de la scurit en passant par la personnalisation des diffrentes composantes logicielles et matrielles de l'ordinateur, le stockage des fichiers, les applications Internet et multimdia, vous dcouvrirez des facettes insouponnes de votre systme. Et bien entendu, vous saurez utiliser les dernires nouveauts telles que l'application ""Votre tlphone"" ou encore l'historique du presse-papiers.Peu importe si vous tes dbutant ou si vous avez dj utilis Winedows : vous trouverez dans cette formation un ensemble de pratiques qui deviendront vite une seconde nature pour vous."
Price: 99.99 |
"L'API JavaScript dans Excel" |
"L'API JavaScript pour Office permet dajouter des fonctionnalits dans un document Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote et Visio), et dy incorporer des objets (graphiques, visuels, Power BI, etc.). Ici, nous nous concentrerons sur les possibilits de cette API dans Microsoft Excel pour les suites Office 365, 2019 et 2016. Le code TypeScript (ou JavaScript) sera excut partir dinterfaces construites en HTML et en CSS. Si vous savez utiliser ces deux langages, vous pourrez construire des interfaces aussi sophistiques et aussi personnalises que vous le souhaitez.Pourquoi devriez-vous vous intresser lAPI JavaScript pour Excel ? Et apprendre une nouvelle faon de coder ? Eh bien, ... trois raisons pourraient vous y pousser :Microsoft met en avant l'utilisation de JavaScript pour crer des complments pour Excel depuis la version 2013 (les complments taient alors appels Apps for Office).Le code que vous crivez fonctionne indiffremment sur Excel en version PC ou Mac, sur Office Online et sur iOS. C'est mon sens la vraie rvolution de cette nouvelle approche.Vous connaissez dj JavaScript ? La cration de code pour Excel en sera d'autant facilite.Jespre vous avoir mis leau la bouche !Ce cours va vous guider pas pas dans la cration de scripts de tous types. Les codes sont abondamment comments et sont librement tlchargeables sur GitHub."
Price: 144.99 |
"Storytelling for Persuasion and Transformation" |
"Are you looking to help people become better versions of themselves? Do you want to help your team or colleagues perform and improve? Do you wish to have an impact on our audience every time you walk on stage?If so, then youve come to the right place. Storytelling is the best way to connect with your audience, engage them emotionally and help them change their behavior for the better. Stories break barriers, open people up and help us discover new ways of doing things. And that is what I want to teach today.My name is Alex Glod. When I started off my career as a trainer, I never thought I would have something original to offer my students, I always relied on material and inspiration from others. But in time I learned to integrate my personal stories into my classes and they became the most valuable asset I had to offer. Thanks to my personal stories I grew a strong personal brand, I stood out from the crowd and Ive had the chance to speak at 3 TEDx events, train thousands of people across Europe and Asia and teach over 15.000 students on Udemy.During this course I would like to teach you all that Ive learned about Storytelling and help you make a difference in the lives of the people around you, whether they are your colleagues, customers or students. You will get to learn more about:How Stories can persuade and impact your audienceHow to deal with your own anxiety and fears on stageHow to craft short persuasive storiesHow to tell stories with passion and convictionAnd how to help your customers or colleagues transform into better versions of themselvesYou will have access to over 3 hours of video content and several useful resources. You will experience the course as a live training participant, you will see other students taking part in the experience and you will also get to share your stories in the Q&A section.Storytelling is a powerful method to impact, persuade and transform people and your personal stories are your most precious treasure. Join me now on this learning adventure and lets share that treasure with the world!"
Price: 124.99 |
"FileMaker Audit Log" |
"Audit logs track field and record modifications so changes can be rolled-back or forward. In FileMaker, changes can be tracked many ways, each with it's own advantages and disadvantages. We'll walk you through every technique out there in the FileMaker world and talk about when to use each solution. By the time you're done, you'll have learned tons about scripting, calculations and relational design. Before starting this course, make sure you are at an intermediate programming level for FileMaker which includes familiarity with scripting, calculations and relational design."
Price: 54.99 |
"Complex Calculations in FileMaker" |
"Dive deep into the FileMaker calculation engine with this course designed for intermediate or aspiring developers. Topics include live calculation fields, auto-enter formulas, validation calculations, Hide Object, Conditional Formatting, Tooltips, Placeholder Text, Scripting (as it applies to calculations), custom functions, parsing and much more. Includes a free copy of $29.95 Complex Calculations solution."
Price: 79.99 |
"Bluegrass Guitarpeggios" |
"Hello, current/aspiring flat-picking Bluegrass guitarist. Consider the following:Have you ever been stuck in your guitar playing progress?Do you wish you could just get out of the musical rut you're in?Are you ready to take on the next level of mastering the fretboard?Then Bluegrass Guitarpeggios by Eric Beaty is here to help.In this all new, full-length, 40+ lecture coursethe second Bluegrass Guitar course by Ericyou'll learn everything he knows about how to incorporate arpeggios to take your playing to new heights.Eric covers such concepts as:The Definition and Application of ArpeggiosHow to Incorporate Arpeggios into your Bluegrass Flat-Picking solosUsing the CAGEDMethod to create ArpeggiosHow to use Octave Arpeggio Shapes for better Fretboard MemorizationHow to Easily Connect Arpeggio Shapes for faster Fretboard NavigationVarious Exercises for Practicing Arpeggios for developing Muscle MemoryHow legendary Bluegrass players such as Tony Rice use arpeggios in their own real-world songsFirst-hand examples of Using Arpeggios in Popular Bluegrass Fiddle TunesMaterials and resources included in this course:Over 40 High Quality, 1080p mp4 video lectures (stream or download at your leisure)Various Fretboard Diagrams for better visualization and understanding of arpeggiosLinks to helpful resources such as Free Bluegrass Backing Tracks for use in practicing arpeggiosLinks to example videos further explaining the concepts covered in the lecturesTablature PDF files of various arpeggios, licks, and solos. (Also includes Guitar Pro 7 files for those who wish to make the most of their learning experience.)Audio mp3 files of Tablature examples for a better understanding of various arpeggio conceptsAll this and more!Important note from the author:If you're more of a beginner Bluegrass guitarist, I highly recommend checking out my previous ""webisode"" courses, Bluegrass Guitar Essentials (BGE), here on Udemy before diving into Bluegrass Guitarpeggios, which is targeted toward more Intermediate/Advanced players. If, however, you already own BGE, I recommend brushing up on some of the concepts it presents before tackling those presented in this course. Eric"
Price: 94.99 |
"Introduction au Cloud Computing sur Azure" |
"Ce cours est une simple introduction au cloud computing Azure, qui est le cloud professionnel le plus utilis au monde.De plus en plus d'entreprises passent maintenant sur le cloud, non seulement sur des machines virtuelles, mais aussi sur des services manags de type base de donnes, ou containers.Dans ce cours, vous dcouvrirez comment dployer une machine virtuelle dans un rseau priv, mais aussi comment dployer une base de donnes et la requter, mais aussi un site web et comment le maintenir jour, et enfin, comment grer vos conteneurs sur Kubernetes.A la fin de chaque section, un exercice pratique de mise en situation vous aidera appliquer les notions apprises dans le cours.Il est important de connaitre toutes les subtilits du cloud, qui diffre des datacenters traditionnels, afin d'en tirer le meilleur parti.Certifi Azure et MVP Microsoft, je pratique le cloud depuis maintenant plus de 5 ans et j'ai transmis dans ce cours les notions de base connaitre pour comprendre et maitriser le cloud Azure."
Price: 19.99 |
"Assertive Communication Skills Masterclass" |
"You CAN tell people what you truly think and feel, and you can set boundaries when you need to. You just need to learn how to communicate assertively to do it effectively. Assertive communication is a critical skill for emerging leaders, new managers, and people who are more introverted in social situations. When you know how to communicate assertively, you can say no without feeling guilty, set boundaries to protect your time, priorities and goals, articulate requests clearly and confidently, and deal with awkward situations with ease.Imagine being able to lift the frustration, stress and anxiety you normally feel when you have to stand up for yourself. Imagine life without people walking over you because they respect the boundaries you have set. Imagine people looking at you as a strong, confident person.All of this is possible and learning how to communicate assertively will help you achieve it.Im Kara Ronin and Im a Best-Selling Udemy Instructor, leadership coach and trainer. I specialise in helping people develop their leadership presence, communication, reputation and relationships.Ive helped many of my in-person clients transform their communication and become more assertive, and Im dedicated to helping you do the same in this video course. Kara, Thank you for a very interesting, informative and inspiring Masterclass! Jeanette, LawyerAssertive communication is not about being bossy. Its about taking control of your communication and your life. It allows you to communicate clearly and honestly to people around you. This in turn helps you to come across as more authentic.In this course, you will:become more reflective of your communication style and break bad communication habitsovercome your fears about being assertive and speaking up honestlyknow how to get heard in chaotic group situationsbe able to connect and engage in one-on-one conversationsknow what body language to use to support your assertive messagelearn how to set boundaries and say no without feeling guiltyexpress your feelings, opinions and wants honestly and clearlymake clear requests with your friends, family and work colleaguesbetter manage conflict and difficult conversationsbecome more confident in your decision-makingmake your job and life less stressful because you know how to protect your time, priorities and goalsYou will not be alone on your journey to becoming more assertive. This 3-hour course not only includes 44 high-quality videos where I walk you through practical strategies that I use with my coaching clients. It also includes six coaching worksheets, a case study, quizzes, and conversation transcripts to help you move your assertive communication skills forward. Assertive communication is a skill that will absolutely help you in your life. Learning how to communicate assertively has helped me immensely in my personal and business life, I know it can help you too. When you know how to communicate assertively, you will finally be able to start living your life exactly the way you want. Youll no longer be allowing other people to direct your life or force you into decisions because you dont know how to say no. This course will empower you to live your life on your terms. Id be honoured if you joined me on this journey.A well organised course delivered in a concise and engaging way. Thank you Kara for breaking down the basic skills and providing a practical guide in how to achieve success. Kate, Udemy studentWell delivered with high-energy, fun and clear examples. Thank you Kara! Vijayasekar, Udemy studentThis course was excellent. There were lots of extra handouts to go along with the narrative. Rick, Udemy student"
Price: 199.99 |
"Retrospektive - Das SCRUM-Event verstehen und anleiten" |
"""Erfahrung ist nur in der Rckschau wahrnehmbar. Wer keine hat, kann ihr Fehlen nicht erkennen."" (Peter Hohl)Die Retrospektive ist das wichtigste agile Meeting. Teams, die regelmig Retrospektiven abhalten, sind nicht nur produktiver - sondern haben auch ein besseres Arbeitsklima. Die Retrospektive hilft, eine der Kernideen von Scrum und agilem Arbeiten konsequent zu leben:Das kontinuierliche Verbessern der eigenen Fhigkeiten und der Produktivitt des Teams.Was ist eine Retrospektive und wieso ist sie so effektiv?In einer Retrospektive analysiert ein Team die letzte Iteration. Aus diesen Erkentnissen werden konkrete Manahmen ergriffen, um in Zukunft noch besser und effektiver zu arbeiten.Der Blick gilt hierbei genauso den konkreten Arbeitstechniken und angewendeten agilen Methoden, wie auch dem Teamwork und der Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und anderen Stakeholdern.Die Retrospektive ist ganzheitlich. Die Idee dahinter ist, dass es egal ist, ob ein Streit im Team, eine schlechte Arbeitsbedingung oder ein Missverstndnis mit einem Kunden die Arbeit behindert... so oder so muss eine Lsung gefunden werden.Warum dieser Kurs?Ich habe, als Teilnehmer wie auch als Trainer fr agiles Arbeiten und agiler Coach, festgestellt, dass das Potential der Retrospektive hufig nicht erkannt - und daher nicht ausgeschpft wird.Daher mchte ich mit diesem Kurs die Wichtigkeit der Retrospektive unterstreichen. Ich mchte dir Werkzeuge und Konzepte aufzeigen, die aus einem einfachen ""Pflicht""-Event, etwas enorm tolles und Effektives machen.Die Retrospektive ist enorm wichtig - habe ich das schon erwhnt?Fr wen ist dieser Kurs?Der Kurs ist sowohl fr Teilnehmer von Retrospektiven, wie auch fr Moterator, wie Scrum Masterrinnen oder agile Coaches. Ich habe versucht, den Kurs so zu gestalten, dass er sowohl Anfngern an das Thema heranfhrt, wie auch fr Fortgeschrittene ""Agilisten"" genug Input und Toole enthlt, um spannend zu sein.ACHTUNG:Es wird keine aktiven bungen geben. Gebt wird allgemein und in der realen Retrospektive. ;)Was beinhaltet der Kurs?SCRUMAuffrischungKernkonzepte einer RetrospektiveGrundaufbauDie 5 Phasen einer RetrospektiveKennenlernenDaten sammelnAnalysierenLsungen findenAbschlussTimeboxVegas-RegelDie goldene RegelRemote Teams und Retrospektiveber 20 konkrete Tools und MethodenLean CoffeeMad,Sad,GladZurck aus der ZukunftUrsuppeGut und berraschendund viele weitere mehr..."
Price: 74.99 |
"10+ Casino betting systems and strategies" |
"Casino betting systems - explained easilyYou like playing games in a casino, be it online or in a landbased casino. And you like to maximise your time at the tables, with a minimum of losses. And besides that, it is also not your intention to hand over all your hard-earned money at the casino door, right? Welcome to Casino betting systems - explained easily!This course will give you valuable insight in a variety of betting strategies that you can exploit. To tell you that ""you can beat the house on every hand"", or ""how to win at every spin in roulette"" would a false claim and we won't promise that you walk away with only winnings. But we can tell you how to play smart, how to maximise your time at the table and how to minimise your losses. This way, a weekend in the casino actually can become a really cheap way of entertainment. Learn about how to vary your bets, how to play positive or negative progression systems and discover what type of player you are. This is definitely not a ""one size fits all"" course!This course covers the following topics:Welcome and introductionSome theory - mathematics, playing smart and the house edgeSystems on even-money bets for blackjack, roulette, baccarat and crapsSystems specific to playing rouletteWhere to find more information onlineOther tips and tricks"
Price: 29.99 |
"Learn VueJS in Short Bites - #2 Advanced Components" |
"Learn Vue.js in Short Bites - #2 Advanced ComponentsYou already know the basics on VueJS development (hey, maybe you've even followed the first course in this series, which is completely FREE) and you are ready for the next step. Welcome to course number #2 in this series, on VueJS Advanced Components!This course covers the following topics:Computed PropertiesUsing directives like v-if, and v-model (on all kinds of form fields)Lifecycle hooksCreating and using filtersGlobal styles and Scoped stylesBinding CSS-classes dynamically and conditionallyBinding to inline stylesIntercomponent communication with props and eventsUsing props, prop validationCreating and listening to custom events Using slots: named slots and the v-slot directiveDo you know all about Vue JS after following this training? No, of course not. We guarantee however that you can work with VueJS applications of substantial size, or understand what colleagues have created if you enroll in their team, or gets handed over a piece of code.On the series 'in Short Bites'The previous title of this series used to be ""Learn Vue.js in under 6 minutes"". Well, this might be overpromising. You're not actually going to learn the complete Vue.js framework in under 6 minutes. But every video in this course is short and consise and under 6 minutes. We know your time is valuable. So we won't bother you with long theoretical stories. Instead we teach you exactly what you need to know to. This course focuses solely on the more advanced topics that you encouter when you start working with a VueJS application of some size. It talks about creating multiple components, having components communicate with each other and how to dynamically bind to CSS classes or inline styles.Before starting this course we expect that you have some basic knowledge of creating VueJS applications (follow the first installment of this series for free!) and that you have some knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You don't have to be a web guru (at least, *we* are not) but you probably won't get the most out of this course being a web development virgin.The seriesThis course is the second in a series of courses. Again, probably you don't want to spent too much time or money on topics you don't need, or that you already know. So each of the courses in this series is short, concise and can be purchased separately for a friendly price. However, we hope of course that you like it and that you are curious for the other courses in this series. Currently we have these installments available:#1 - Vue JS Essentials - FREE#2 - Advanced components - this course#3 - Vue-router, Vuex and deployment - In development, available fall 2019#4 - Vue additions (Nuxt, Vuetify, Vue Bootstrap and more) - available spring 2020"
Price: 24.99 |
"Lucid Dreaming" |
"Lucid Dreaming is a most ancient and sacred art. One that Shamans and spiritual adherents from ancient times to the present use to gain insight into the inner mechanizations of the subconscious mind. Lucid Dreaming is a wonderful skill to have not only for occultists but for everyone. You can slip the boundaries of your body and do and be pretty much anything you want.Lucid Dreaming is defined as being in a dream state and knowing that you are in one. You are cognizant of your cognition in your dream. The fancy term for that is metacognition. This is usually not the case in regular dream states.This course has over 4 hours of high-quality video and audio content. Aside from the videos, you will receive a transcript of each lesson, and MP3 audios of each lesson so you can listen to it on the go. As a bonus, I have included Brainwave Entrainment audios and Hypnosis audios that you can use to help you Lucid Dream.Here is what you will learn:Section 1: The foundationsWhat is a Dream?What is Lucid Dreaming?The History of Lucid DreamingSleep and Sleep CyclesThe Science of Lucid DreamingThe Different Levels of LucidityThe Key Function of the Subconscious Mind that Helps with Lucid DreamingMisconceptions About Lucid DreamingThe Benefits of Lucid DreamingThe Dangers of Lucid DreamingKey Terms You Should KnowThe Difference Between Lucid Dreaming and Astral ProjectionThings That Can Derail Your First Lucid Dreaming AttemptsHow to Remember Your DreamsThe Dream and The DreamerSection 2: Lucid Dreaming Beyond the BasicsHow to Handle Sleep ParalysisHow and Why You Should Keep Track of Your Lucid DreamsFalse AwakeningsReality ChecksBrainwave Entrainment and Lucid DreamingSection 3: The Methods & TechniquesOpening RemarksDream IncubationMeditation and Lucid DreamingHypnosis and Lucid DreamingHow to induce Lucid Dreaming Using Several Methods: Including some that use Tarot cards and Runes and many moreHow to Control Your DreamsCreating Dream Figures and Interacting With ThemHow to Remain LucidSection 4: Practical Applications of Lucid DreamingUsing Lucid Dreams for HealingUsing Lucid Dreams to Help with Emotional WoundsHow to Use Lucid Dreaming to Stop NightmaresHow to Use Lucid Dreaming to Solve ProblemsHow to Enhance Creativity with Lucid DreamingHow to Practice and Improve any Skill In a Lucid DreamLucid Dreaming to Improve Your MagickHow to Have Lucid Dream SexHow To Time Travel In a Lucid DreamSection 5: Tools You Can Use to Enhance Your Lucid Dreaming"
Price: 69.99 |
"Marketing Unplugged: 3 Steps to Attract More Dream Clients" |
"Marketing Unplugged: 3 Steps to Attract More Dream Clients Discover the three essential steps to attract more dream clients to your business, so that you no longer have to compete for price, projects, and clients. This course embraces some of the most important foundations of any successful business. If you dont put these in place, your marketing may be hit and miss, and youll end up wasting a lot of time, effort, and money. How to get clear on your values so that you can have a business that supports your lifes purpose. What you need to know about boundaries and why they can make or break your business. How boundaries facilitate respect from your clients, friends and family. Why knowing your market (tribe) is important if you want consistent sales. How to be the change maker in your industry and demand more money. Start making the money and living the life you want for yourself and your business. Sign Up for this Course Today!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Java Programming: Master Basic Java Concepts" |
"If you beginner in IT and want to become developer, one of most popular programming languages is Java. If you are software tester and want to expand your skills and make you more marketable and valuable on IT market and to your employer, this course is for you.Java doesnt need to be difficult, and with little practice each day, you can master it.With this course you can maximise your programming potential in just a few minutes per day watching a lecture and praticing."
Price: 34.99 |
"Algebra 2 - The Complete Course" |
"This course will give you complete hands on knowledge of Algebra 2, along with a lot of practical examples, practice problems and assignments. Topics you will learn are:- Mathematical operations and their sequence- Like Terms- Exponents, indices and surds- Functions, their types and graphs- Inequalities and how to graph them- Solving systems of equations- Polynomials and factorization and much more!You will also get:- Lifetime access to the course- Premium Support in the Q/A section- Udemy Certificate of Completion- 30-day money back guaranteeEnroll now, and lets get started with Algebra :)Kashif"
Price: 199.99 |
"Pre-Calculus from Beginner to Advanced" |
"This course is about building the mathematical foundation to study Calculus. You will be taught concepts from scratch, and we will work our way up to the fundamental concepts of Matrices and Equations Systems. The course is equipped with lots of examples, practice problems and assignments so that you can get your hands dirty with actual problems.The topics discussed are:- What are Matrices- Types of Matrices - Systems of Linear Equations- Using Matrices to tackle Linear Equations- Examples and Exercisesand much more!The course is also backed with 30-day money back, no questions asked, guarantee! So there is no risk to take the course right now!See you inside!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Complete Color Grading & Color Correction in DaVinci Resolve" |
"Start Color Correction and Color Grading of your videos professionally with Blackmagic Design's DaVinci Resolve!If you are looking for a free application that will allow you to color grade videos however you want them, DaVinci is the best answer. DaVinci Resolve is used by amateur and professional video makers across the world for every type of production from business & marketing videos, music videos to documentaries and feature films. This course is the best way to jump right in and start color correcting and grading.Color Correct and Color Grade videos the way you imagine them!Practice color correction and grading while you learn. This course includes practice files so you can follow along and actually learn by doing.I'll be teaching the course using the DaVinci Resolve 16 application, but if you have a previous version, or even a newer version, you can still learn to color correct and grade with this course.What makes me qualified to teach you?I put together this DaVinci Resolve color grading course. I am a best-selling instructor of top-rated courses that get great reviews such as:An incredible learning experience. The instructor is very clear and easily understood. - Walter SimmonsTeaching by an expert teacher. - Abdulkadir CabuaExcellent! I couldn't ask for a better tutorial on whiteboard animations. The course is very thorough, and provides enough practice activities to apply the skills. - ShamuelMy Promise to YouI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message. What is this DaVinci Resolve Color Grading course all about?In this complete guide on Color Correction and Grading using DaVinci Resolve, you'll not only learn all of the color correction and grading tools available in DaVinci Resolve, but also how to color grade videos with the mindset of an expert in color grading.This course will cover everything you need to know to start color correction and grading, including:Interface of the Color page in DaVinci ResolveStarting a ProjectImporting Videos to ResolveThe Workflow for Color Correction and GradingThe Concept of NodesTypes of Nodes and how to use themScopesColor WheelsCurvesQualifiersTrackerPower WindowsColor Correcting and Grading your Video to give it a great styleEditing Green Screen (chroma key) FootageExporting your video for high-quality playback on any deviceSo much more!BONUS: As a bonus, you'll receive supplemental video clips to practice with while I teach you with.By the end of this course, your confidence in color correction and grading videos will soar, and you'll have a thorough understanding of how to use DaVinci Resolve for fun or as a career opportunity.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Kashif"
Price: 199.99 |
jahlvpwn |
". - - . ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Character Design Course - Create Amazing Character Art" |
"Welcome to my course, ""Character Design Class - The Power of the Silhouette."" This course is designed to help students become more effective at creating Character Design concepts from their imagination. You will start with the basic silhouette and learn why that is so impactful to the creation process. With a strong definable silhouette our character designs will be more memorable. This also allows for a great creative spark in the imaginative process. You will then learn how to take that silhouette and draw in the inner details for the character concept. Then you will learn how to create depth and dimension to this character by adding values. Finally we will add color to the character design to bring it to life.In this course, I will be explaining the Character Design process while using Clip Studio Paint. You are welcome to use whichever method you choose. Many of these techniques will translate to various art applications and even traditional methods.I am here to answer any questions you have concerning this course and Ihope you find this to be a valuable learning experience.Thank you for considering my course!Sincerely,Robert A. MarzulloRam Studios Comics"
Price: 199.99 |
"Digital Inking for Comics - Create Amazing Line Art" |
"Welcome to my Course, Digital Inking for Comics - Create Amazing Line Art!In this course you will learn how to create clean line work for your illustrations. I will be explaining these lessons while using Clip Studio Paint. Many of these techniques will apply to various art programs and even traditional art. This course is designed to teach you the step by step process that I use to ink my comic style artwork every day.Section 1 - Starting with the HeadYou will learn how to ink 3 Different face types. I will supply you with the pencil sketch to work along with me. By inking 3 different characters you will understand why the lines are used different within these concepts. This is important so that you realize that there are many subtle differences when inking various characters and their faces. It ultimately allows you to tell better stories with your comic artwork.Section 2 - Practice Activities In this section you will learn some practice activities to enhance your skills. These can be a great way to warm up before inking a complex scene. Practice these often and feel free to share your studies in the Q+A Section of this course.Section 3 - Inking a Comic PanelIn this section you will ink an entire scene with me from start to finish. This is a futuristic scene using a 1-Point Perspective. You will learn how to spot in shadows, where to implement various line weights, how to cross hatch, how to adjust perspective, and how to clean up the work by using powerful editing features in Clip Studio Paint.By the end of this course you will have a better understanding on how to create beautiful line work for your illustrations quickly and effectively. Digital art programs will not make you a better artist but used properly can make you much more efficient!Main Points Covered in this entire course -Line WeightLine ClarityCross-hatchingTexturingFocal PointsLayers and SelectionsEditing the WorkYou have a Full 30 Day Money Back Guarantee if you are not satisfied with this course!Thank you and Ilook forward to helping you improve your ART!Sincerely,Robert A. MarzulloRam Studios Comics"
Price: 199.99 |
"How to Draw Comic Style Artwork - From Sketch to Rendering" |
"In this course you will learn how to draw comic style art from the basic sketch to the final rendering. You will gain a better understanding on how to create illustrations with depth and dimension. By using line, shape, and forms we can construct anything. I will teach you how to simplify the things around you and then draw them with your own creative filter.For this course you will need a pencil and paper or a drawing tablet. I will be using Traditional Comic Art tools such as 2h and HB lead. Bristol board smooth and various erasers. You will learn more about these tools as I am using them to create the work. You can still create and follow along with a regular pencil and paper.This course is broken up into 3 main sections. Section 1 - Understanding Line - Shape - FormSection 2 - Drawing Comic Book Style FacesSection 3 - Shading and RenderingSection 4 - Drawing Poses for Comic Book CharactersYou will work through a variety of practice activities that you can share in the Q+A Section of this course. Make sure to be specific with any questions or trouble areas you may have. I will do my best to offer any insight that I can.In this course you will learn -Understanding Line - Shape and FormConstructing Your Designs with Primitive ShapesWorking with Light and ShadowCross hatching or Rendering TechniquesLine Weight and Line ClarityFocal PointsContrast within the workAnd Rendering a Variety of MaterialsDrawing and Rendering a Comic Book CharacterThis course is designed for aspiring comic artists that want to create more impact in their illustrations but I feel a lot of these lessons can apply to a variety of art styles.By the end of these lessons you will have learned how to add more depth and dimension to your art. I am here to help you with any questions you might have and I look forward to seeing your artwork in the Q+A Section of this courseThank you for considering my course and good luck with your studies!Sincerely,Robert A. MarzulloRam Studios Comics"
Price: 199.99 |
"Electric Bass Guitar : Right From The Start : All you need" |
"If you want to learn electric bass guitar from the beginning then this course is for you.With no prior knowledge of the instrument and through these lectures, you will learn some basic techniques, the beginnings of musical terminology and by the end of the course you will have enough skillsto play a few simple bass lines with open strings.Have fun playing along with each exercise which builds upto anactual bass line. Each lecture comes with downloadable resourceswhen needed. You will find this in the form of pdfs for the notated exercises and tunes and an mp3 for the playalong pieces.Playalong is a very easy way to learn. Just listen to the explanation and then put on the mp3 and join in. Play each exercise or piece as many times as you need until it becomes easy. Then move on.So, the beginnings of playing electric bass playing are covered in this series of videos. Along the way basic music theory has been introduced when appropriate to the area of technique being discussed or to get a musical idea across. Bass tablature is explained and used in pdf examples for you to practise. Dont forget the downloadable recordings to play along to.Finally, remember you can always get your money back if you wish but otherwise you have lifetime access to the course."
Price: 29.99 |
"Ukulele Fingerstyle Super Course" |
"Do you have very little musical experience but have always wanted to learn to play an instrument? Have you struggled to learn the guitar, banjo or violin but still want to play a stringed musical instrument? Are you a singer and want a simple instrument that you can play along with your singing? Then the ukulele is for you! The ukulele is a great entry instrument for beginners. A decent beginner ukulele is a cheap option compared to other musical instruments. It can also be a great instrument for singers as it is easy to learn, small and portable. And it is a simple instrument to learn the basic techniques needed if you want to advance onto other stringed instruments - like the guitar, banjo or violin.This course combines the best fingerstyle elements of our other courses allowing you to learn to playboth left hand and right hand techniques on the ukulele.This course brings together all the elements you need to get you started: - getting started showing the basics of your ukulele;- theory basics showing you the basic elements of theory related to your ukulele; and - technique basics showing you the basic techniques of the fingerstyle method. The course also includes a workout section which will encourage you to incorporate practice elements into your daily routine. And finally, the course includes three songs using the fingerstyle method: Ode To Joy, Happy Birthday and Silent Night. This course is appropriate for all levels. If you are an absolute beginner, then this course will show the basics. If you are more advanced then you can use this course to improve your technique and/or as part of your daily warm-up/practice.There is no need to be able to read music or even have picked up a ukulele. All youneed is a ukulele, access to a tuner and a desire to learn.Resources at each stage will include easy-to-read diagrams, tablature (TAB), chartsand mp3playalongs for your own practice."
Price: 149.99 |
"Ukulele Strumming Super Course" |
"Do you have very little musical experience but have always wanted to learn to play an instrument? Have you struggled to learn the guitar, banjo or violin but still want to play a stringed musical instrument? Are you a singer and want a simple instrument that you can play along with your singing? Then the ukulele is for you! The ukulele is a great entry instrument for beginners. A decent beginner ukulele is a cheap option compared to other musical instruments. It can also be a great instrument for singers as it is easy to learn, small and portable. And it is a simple instrument to learn the basic techniques needed if you want to advance onto other stringed instruments - like the guitar, banjo or violin.This course combines the best strumming elements of our other courses allowing you to learn to playboth left hand and right hand techniques on the ukulele.This course brings together all the elements you need to get you started: - getting started showing the basics of your ukulele;- theory basics showing you the basic elements of theory related to your ukulele; and - technique basics showing you the basic techniques of the strumming method. The course also includes a workout section which will encourage you to incorporate practice elements into your daily routine. And finally, the course includes three songs using the chord and strumming method: Twinkle Twinkle, Old MacDonald and Auld Lang Syne. This course is appropriate for all levels. If you are an absolute beginner, then this course will show the basics. If you are more advanced then you can use this course to improve your technique and/or as part of your daily warm-up/practice.There is no need to be able to read music or even have picked up a ukulele. All youneed is a ukulele, access to a tuner and a desire to learn.Resources at each stage will include easy-to-read diagrams, tablature (TAB), chartsand mp3playalongs for your own practice."
Price: 149.99 |