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"Making A Music Video"
"Music videos are a fun and necessary part of the modern music industry; the great ones blow up bands and singles like no other media airplay can. They also can be simple and effective while being highly creative, and in this course we explore a simple way of crafting music videos for beginners. We cover concepts, shooting performances, and editing the footage in Adobe Premiere."
Price: 34.99

"Low poly game assets using Blender 2.8 & Substance Painter"
"For games polygon count is important and the lesser it is, the better. But we need to have game assets that look detailed in terms of textures without having high polygon count.In this course, together we'll learn how to achieve the look of high poly game assets using Substance Painter while we'll build low poly game assets in Blender 2.8.In Blender 2.8, we'll:Learn to use Blender 2.8 and common keyboard shortcutsModel low poly game assets using different modeling techniques i.e. inset, extrude, bevelMake use of Blender modifiers to make modeling process easyUv-unwrap low poly game assetsTransfer uv-map between similar 3d modelsWe'll spend a lot of time in Substance Painter to create:Base texture detailsRoughness, normal and height information Scratches, edge wear, dirt and rustTogether, we'll model & texture three game assets:Wooden SkidBarrelTraffic coneBy the end of this, you'll be able to use Blender 2.8 and Substance Painter to create your own low poly game assets.While in terms of modeling, course is targeted at beginners, training on substance painter is useful for artists of all levels."
Price: 19.99

"How to Draw Cartoon Characters In Procreate"
"If you can draw a stick figure you can learn to draw cartoon characters. Most cartoons are made up of simple shapes and understanding how to put them all together to make something fun and interesting is easier than you think. This course gets you drawing. I don't just want to explain the skills I want to to practice and learn the skills. We start with basic shapes and build upon that foundation. Creating different shape combinations to build our characters and then we talk about how to create clean line work so our characters look professional. Then we talk about how artist choose colors and how to enhance those colors to really make your character pop.Why Procreate? The best drawing app for the iPad is Procreate. procreate has been listed in the iPads top selling apps month after month and for good reason. It rivals many desktops apps for power and features. In this class we tackle Procreate to start drawing on the iPad.Who is this for:People who want to improve their art but aren't sure where to startIllustrators looking to learn some tips and trick using ProcreatePeople who love drawing and sketching and want to start doing it digitally"
Price: 19.99

"Jazz Piano - Ultimate Beginners Course for Piano & Keyboard"
"Jazz Piano - The Ultimate Beginners Course for Piano & Keyboard will get you playing some cool jazz sounds in no time at all! Most methods of learning Jazz piano don't cater for beginners. This course takes a fresh look at learning jazz by following simple steps that anyone can use. It starts with the basics, and so you don't need any previous knowledge on the  to be able to follow along. Even if you have learnt piano previously but would be considered a beginner in Jazz, this course is also suitable, as lot's of the methods throughout the course aren't taught in traditional/classical learning environments.Want to be able to improvise Jazz on the piano? Throughout the course you will learn specific scales and arpeggio's, and I have designed special exercises that build in difficulty as you progress, ultimately giving you the skills to be able to improvise over the top of classic jazz chord progressions.Wouldn't it also be cool to be able to understand and play all those complicated jazzy chord symbols on lead/chord sheets?Using simple and understandable methods, you'll learn all about jazz piano chords, chord extentions, quartal harmony, chord voicings and much more. We even take a look at some lead sheets (sometimes known as fake sheets) so you can see how you can make rich jazz piano sounds by just following chord symbols. You'll also learn about comping, exploring using different rhythms that you'll eventually be able to use with songs of your own choice.What else?One of the best ways to truly take on board what you are learning, is to apply it properly, and so throughout the course you will get the chance to learn excerpts from famous jazz songs such as Autumn Leaves (famously covered by Bill Evans), Fly Me to the Moon, Herbie Hancocks Cantaloupe Island and So What by Miles Davis.I have transcribed the scales/exercises and songs into piano notation for anyone who can read music, but again you don't need to be able to read piano sheet music to take the course as I have written out the names of the notes for those who can't.Extra help with your learning!The course comes with supplementary material in the form of PDF's that you can download and print off to have handy at your piano or keyboard. This way it makes it easier to practise the songs/exercises etc by being able to have them up on your music stand, as well as having the lesson info/chord finding methods easily accessible so you can continue to learn jazz piano outside of the course.So why not enroll today, and learn jazz piano the easy way?!"
Price: 99.99

"New Home Construction - 1 of 8"
"Design to take you through the planning phase prior to construction. We'll give you a basic understanding of the types of homes and building terminology. We'll cover fundamental CODEs and design criteria required. This is the first of eight courses that will take you through the construction of your dream home and to know more about what you should expect from your builder or contractor.Planning For The BuildTYPES OF HOMES & BUILDING TERMINOLOGYBasic CODEDesign Criteria"
Price: 19.99

"New Home Construction - 2 of 8"
"Design to take you through architectural plans, understanding the importance of the building site, excavating and understanding the importance of compacted soil, proper footings, foundations and how waterproofing should be installed. You will learn the importance of a will build home depends on a well-designed and installed foundation. Each of the six lectures Cover this most important phases of construction."
Price: 19.99

"New Home Construction - 3 of 8"
"We are going to take you through the three phases of framing. Phase 1 floor frame, phase 2 wall framing anf phase 3 roof framing. This is the third of eight courses that will take you through the construction of your dream home and to know more about what you should expect from your builder or contractor."
Price: 19.99

"New Home Construction - 4 of 8"
"We're going to show you various types of roofing and how asphalt shingles should be installed, flashing details and what can go wrong. What it takes to have a safe fireplace. What's the proper chimney heights. Proper installation of exterior decks and and why it's so important. The proper installation of concrete flat work."
Price: 19.99

"New Home Construction 5 of 8"
"We're going to cover most exterior coverings of a home you might want to consider, important methods and their proper installation. Materials such as brick, hard coat stucco, exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS), wood siding, vinyl siding and fiber cement siding. Of these materials have advantages and disadvantages. Price is always something to consider. Some materials cost plus but I have a greater degree of maintenance. These are just a few of the many materials you might want to consider."
Price: 19.99

"New Home Construction 6 of 8"
"This course will cover the garage, each interior room on the main floor, second floor, attic, basement and attic. Each area of the house has it specific requirements that must be met. For instance the garage needs special attention due to the possibilities of fire. Bedrooms need hey secondary means of egress. Basements need special consideration when finishing."
Price: 19.99

"New Home Construction 7 of 8"
"In this seventh of eight classes we will take you through the different types of systems plumbing, electrical and heating and air-conditioning. We will cover the water distribution system, waste water distribution system, water heater, electrical including new codes, heating ventilation and air condition. We will teach each section on how it works, new materials, new codes and safety concerns."
Price: 19.99

"New Home Construction 8 of 8"
"In this eighth of eight classes your final class we will do a final walk-through. Starting on the exterior we will look at drainage concrete flat work exterior wall covering Windows doors and roof. Will cover the main and second level looking for any items which have not been completed and suggesting other safety considerations. In the attic who will be looking at the framing, insulation and furnace. In the basement we will be checking the framing insulation and garage. This would be considered the last walk-through prior to closing."
Price: 19.99

"New GST e-learning certification by ClearTax"
"The present GST return system had a manual process of fetching the sales invoice data for the purpose of matching with the ITC reported by taxpayers. Whereas the New GST return system automates the process to greater extent giving visibility of the process to both the parties -suppliers and the recipients.At present, GST returns requires details of sales and exports to be reported in GSTR-1 return, as well as the summary ITC and tax to be declared in GSTR-3B for regular taxpayers.The ITC amount is claimed on a provisional basis and involves reconciliation with GSTR-2A. The reconciliation results in either excess credit claims or short of claims. The taxpayer can adjust this difference in subsequent returns earlier of two dates for a given financial year. 1) Due date of filing GSTR-3B for September of the next year or 2) Due date of Annual returns for that financial year.New GST return is aimed to simplify the current return filing process which has multiple returns. The new system and format of the GST returns was initially introduced in the 28th GST Council meeting meeting held on 21 July, 2018.The return prototype gave a concrete picture of how the returns look like in actual and the detailed process of filing too.Below are some of the benefits of simplified returns which makes its introduction a necessary move:Simplified returns are profile based returns. A lot of supplies come under the ambit of GST. However, most of the dealers deal with only a few supplies. Thus, a profiling questionnaire will enable the GST return format to display only those information fields that are relevant to the taxpayers profile.Invoices can be uploaded by the supplier on a continuous and real-time basis, which will be available for action to be taken by the recipient.The simplification in forms and filing procedure will lead to lower compliance costs.Taxpayers will be able to amend their returns once filed, and file up to two amendment returns for a tax period."
Price: 4800.00

"Souffrance et bien-tre au travail"
"Jai dcid dtre heureux parce que cest bon pour la sant, disait Voltaire qui buvait nanmoins soixante-dix tasses de caf par jour. Le bien-tre et la souffrance au travail constituent certes un sujet humaniste puisquil est bienvenu moralement dviter la souffrance inutile. Cest aussi un sujet conomique en ce sens que le bien-tre et la souffrance au travail ont un impact direct sur la performance. Le docteur Lgeron explore le sujet dans trois directions: comprendre, dtecter, prvenir.Comprendre les facteurs les six facteurs qui sont lorigine du stress professionnel et conduisent aux risques psychosociaux. Bref expliciter ce qui fait souffrir.Dtecter les personnes en situation dhyperstress et de fragilit. Les signes avant-coureurs dun burn-out sont visibles.Prvenir. Plus on intervient tt sur les causes et les effets dun stress lev, plus on vite de souffrance et de dgts humains.Mme si les risques psychosociaux, le bien-tre et la souffrance au travail sinscrivent dans cette pte minemment imprvisible quest ltre humain, le docteur Lgeron nous montre avec sa clart habituelle que le sujet relve dune mthodologie explicitable et assez prcise.Prsentation de lauteur:Psychiatre, attach de consultation au service hospitalo-universitaire du Centre Hospitalier Sainte-Anne. Fondateur de STIMULUS en 1989,cabinet de conseil sur le stress et le bien-tre au travail. Enseignantaux Universits de Paris V et Genve, Charg du module Stress, sant et bien-tre au travail de lExecutive Master Ressources Humaines de Sciences Po Paris. Charg par le Ministre du travailet auteur du rapport sur la dtermination, la mesure et le suivi des risques psychosociaux au travail. Co-auteur du rapport de lAcadmie de mdecine sur le burn-out. Commission Europenne: intervenant sur les risques psychosociaux et la sant mentale au travail. Auteurs de plusieurs ouvragesdontLe stress au travail, un enjeu de sant (Ed. Odile Jacob),Quel travail voulons-nous?(Ed. Les Arnes),Les risques psychosociaux au travail(Ed. De Boeck)."
Price: 79.99

"La confiance en soi"
"Do nous vient la confiance en soi, comment lamliorer et en faire un atout? Rien ne se fait, ne se construit, ne grandit, ne se partage sans confiance. Mais hlas, elle ne se dcrte pas, elle se gagne au quotidien ou se perd loccasion. Lionel BELLENGER nous propose un check-up lucide et stimulant pour devenir son meilleur alli en toutes circonstances. Avec en ketchup du check-up quelques rgles pratiques de mise en uvre. propos de lauteurLionel BellengerLionel BELLENGER a t directeur gnral du GROUPE CENTOR IDEPConsultant, confrencier, il intervient lcole Polytechnique et est membre de lAFACE (Acadmie Franaise des auteurs et confrenciers dentreprise).Intervenant HEC, il est directeur acadmique responsable des programmes courts de ngociation HEC Executive Education.Il a cr en 2007 la socit IBEL spcialise dans les confrences et le coaching. Lionel BELLENGER dirige la collection Formation Permanente chez ESF Editeur- Sciences Humaines (deux millions douvrages vendus et plus de deux cents titres).Plusieurs de ses livres font lobjet de rditions rgulires, notamment La ngociation en Que-Sais-Je aux PUF (40000 exemplaires) et La confiance en soi chez ESF-Sciences Humaines (25000 exemplaires). la demande de la Direction Technique Nationale du Football (D.T.N.) il participe Clairefontaine la formation des entraneurs de llite (B.E.P.F.) depuis 2006."
Price: 49.99

"Le management et le sport: une longue affinit"
"Le sport de haut niveau partage quelques points commun avec le fonctionnement de lentreprise : souci de la performance collective et individuelle, soumission au ralisme du rsultat, courage, sens stratgique, organisation, projets, rsilience Jean-Pierre Doly qui a un pied de chaque ct explicite ce que lon peut apprendre du sport de haut niveau pour le management des hommes, des quipes et de soi. Et rciproquement, ce que certaines mthodes ayant russies dans la dure en entreprise peuvent apporter au monde du sport ! Tout en marquant dans un esprit sportif les limites de lanalogie.Car lentreprise, mme performante, manque parfois dme, de sens, dhumanit, de ractivit, de rapidit, dhumilit, de plaisir. Le sport, discipline purement physique en premire apparence, vhicule certes des valeurs thiques ou presque spirituelles, il est nanmoins est confront des difficults dorganisation, de gestion des ressources, danticipation, de dveloppement dans la dure, de gestion de crises. propos de lauteurJean-Pierre DolyJean-Pierre Doly fait du conseil en Management et Ressources Humaines. Enseignant en conduite du changement et de projets (Celsa Staps) ainsi quen Management des RH (ESCP Europe) o il prne les bienfaits et les richesses de la diversit qui abolissent les frontires entre les personnes.Rel accordeur de talents , cest--dire capable de dtecter, rvler, dvelopper et accorder les talents dhommes et femmes afin quils russissent des projets personnels et professionnels par la force de leurs atouts et la puissance du travail de groupe et dquipe.Ex DRH et Directeur Gnral France, Argentine et Espagne chez BSN / Danone. Membre du comit stratgique du CERALE (Centre dtudes et de recherches sur lAmrique Latine). Prsident du fonds de dotation Les Amis dArtistes en mouvement cr avec le chef dorchestre et de chur Michel Podolak.Il est lauteur de Lentreprise entre contrainte et libert (1995) et Laccordeur de talents (2012)."
Price: 49.99

"Dtecter les menteurs"
"Le mensonge est peut-tre un lubrifiant social indispensable et ternel, il nen demeure pas moins que nombreux sont les inconvnients tre tromp. Dans la vie personnelle comme dans la vie professionnelle.Peut-on de faon fiable dtecter les mensonges et les menteurs ? Oui, nous dit sans barguigner Arnaud Blavier. En cette affaire, la fiabilit est tout : si je me doute que lon me ment, le point important et difficile est den tre sr. lincertitude, Arnaud Blavier oppose la mthode, le savoir constitu. Oui on peut dtecter les menteurs avec du savoir et beaucoup dattention.Entrez dans un savoir vrai sur le faux. propos de lauteurArnaud BlavierArnaud Blavier, spcialiste de la lecture des motions et de lvaluation de la vrit, de la crdibilit et de la tromperie est certifi Paul Ekman International (PEI).Il a plus de 20 ans dexprience dans des fonctions de top management avec des quipes allant jusqu plus de 1000 personnes. Il occupa des positions importantes dans le secteur de laviation que ce soit dans des entreprises Europennes ou Amricaines. Il est galement certifi par IATA (International Air Transport Association) en Techniques dEnqute Accident, possde une certification en Profilage Prventif et travaille troitement avec la Police belge (coles de police, cellule personnes disparues, peloton anti-banditisme, contre-terrorisme).Il tient des ateliers, des formations et des confrences auprs dun grand nombre de professionnels travers le monde. Ceci lamne collaborer avec des dirigeants dentreprise, responsable ressources humaines, oprationnel et de la sret ainsi que des agences gouvernementales dans divers pays."
Price: 99.99

"La ngociation: dsaccord et compromis"
"La ngociation est l'uvre dans tous les champs de la vie : sociale, politique, commerciale, diplomatique. Elle n'est pas le domaine rserv des seuls experts mais concerne tout le monde dans l'entreprise, la vie quotidienne, le rapport aux autres. Comme elle ne s'enseigne pas l'cole, chacun s'y confronte au quotidien avec plus ou moins de bonheur et de savoir.Lionel BELLENGER dtaille les pratiques et les comptences du ngociateur. Il dmonte les mcanismes de la ngociation, montre les cls d'une ngociation constructive et alerte sur les facteurs qui peuvent la conduire l'chec. Un propos bien ngoci. propos de lauteurLionel BellengerLionel BELLENGER a t directeur gnral du GROUPE CENTOR IDEPConsultant, confrencier, il intervient lcole Polytechnique et est membre de lAFACE (Acadmie Franaise des auteurs et confrenciers dentreprise).Intervenant HEC, il est directeur acadmique responsable des programmes courts de ngociation HEC Executive Education.Il a cr en 2007 la socit IBEL spcialise dans les confrences et le coaching. Lionel BELLENGER dirige la collection Formation Permanente chez ESF Editeur- Sciences Humaines (deux millions douvrages vendus et plus de deux cents titres).Plusieurs de ses livres font lobjet de rditions rgulires, notamment La ngociation en Que-Sais-Je aux PUF (40 000 exemplaires) et La confiance en soi chez ESF-Sciences Humaines (25 000 exemplaires). la demande de la Direction Technique Nationale du Football (D.T.N.) il participe Clairefontaine la formation des entraneurs de llite (B.E.P.F.) depuis 2006."
Price: 99.99

"Mditation pleine conscience"
"Jai dcid dtre de bonne humeur parce que cest bon pour la sant , disait Voltaire. La mditation pleine conscience aussi est favorable la sant : psychique et physique. Dans la ligne du conseil de Tolsto : Si vous voulez tre heureux, soyez-le ! . La mditation pleine conscience donne accs un regard extrieur sur nos motions qui conditionnent notre humeur et mme nos humeurs. Mais au fait, comment fait-on ? O est lentre ? Que peut-on en attendre ?Cline Tran nous initie sans chichi quelques pratiques qui ouvrent le chemin dune meilleure sagesse personnelle. Vers une pleine proprit de nos vies. propos de lauteurCline TranCline Tran est mdecin psychiatre et psychothrapeute et pratique les thrapies cognitives et comportementales, la thrapie ACT, la thrapie des schmas.Mditante depuis sa jeunesse, elle est aussi instructrice de mditation du protocole MBCT quelle propose dans son cabinet Paris. Elle enseigne galement la mditation des professionnels de sant lhpital et luniversit. Par ailleurs, elle est aussi auteure du livre : Le cahier de Mditation pour les nuls (ditions First) et co auteure de Votre meilleur ami, cest vous (ditions lIconoclaste). Elle a galement co crit le programme de mditation Prvenir lpuisement professionnel pour lapplication Petit Bambou."
Price: 49.99

"Pleine conscience et auto compassion"
"La bienveillance nous aide aller plus loin, accepter les virages quon na pas prvus, les changements de direction avec du calme intrieur et plus de libert. Cest en ces termes que Claire MIZZI explicite le rle de lauto compassion qui conduit la compassion envers le monde. Ce parcours de la bienveillance qui nest pas spontan mais peut sapprendre pousse les portes de plus de srnit. Cette qute jamais acheve mais toujours renouvele. voir et pratiquer sans angoisse. propos de lauteurClaire MizziClaire MIZZI est psychologue et psychothrapeute. Forme aux courants qui intgrent la mditation en psychothrapie et linstruction des protocoles de groupe MBSR et MBCT, elle encadre des groupes au sein de son cabinet Paris depuis 2006 et enseigne la mditation des professionnels de sant lhpital et luniversit. Claire MIZZI est co auteure de Votre meilleur ami, cest vous (ditions lIconoclaste) qui prsente une mthode simple la croise de la psychologie, de la mditation et des psychothrapies les plus rcentes pour trouver lapaisement."
Price: 49.99

"Nutrition et nergie"
"Retrouver son nergie, booster son immunit, bichonner ses intestins, nettoyer ses cellules la dittique et la nutrition ne concernent pas que la perte de poids. Nos choix alimentaires sont les garants dune bonne sant physique et mentale.La micronutrition tablit un lien entre lalimentation, la sant physique et psychique pour apporter une solution de nombreux problmes : fatigue chronique, troubles de lhumeur, problmes digestifs, douleurs articulaires, maux de tte, obsitElle sintresse la densit micronutritionnelle des aliments, cest--dire leur teneur en vitamines, minraux, oligolments, antioxydants ou encore en acides gras essentiels dont les fameux Omga 3, mais aussi la faon dont lorganisme les utiliseLa micronutrition, par un rquilibrage alimentaire et/ou une complmentation permet de conserver son bien-tre ou de le retrouver. propos de lauteurCatherine ChedhommeDitticienne spcialise en micronutrition, installe depuis 2008 Libourne en Gironde, Catherine CHEDHOMME accompagne ses clients dans leur changement de vie, quil sagisse de perdre du poids ou damliorer ses comportements alimentaires au quotidien en grant ses motions, en reprenant confiance en soi et en trouvant sa motivation."
Price: 49.99

"Git & GitHub - The Complete Git & GitHub Course"
"THE BRAND NEW COURSE ON UDEMYThe Complete Git & GitHub CourseIf you create websites, web applications or mobile apps, or in general, if you write any type of code, then, it's always good to use a version control system. This course will teach about one of the most popular and widely used version control systems today.    Nowadays any of the professional developer or designer needs to know how to work with Git and GitHub. Git allows you to record different versions of your project and lets you go back in time and check previous states of the project. As for the GitHub, it's an online service where you can share your code to the world and also it allows us to collaborate with different developers. so you if you want to learn those things then this is the right course for you. The course consists of lots of different topics. We will start from Git basics, where you can learn about how to install Git. We will go through the basics of the terminal, we will create our first local repository, and you will see how to save different versions of the project, as the snapshots, using commits.  Next, we will move on and learn about how to go back in time and check the previous states of the project, update them or even delete with help of git checkout, git revert and git reset. Once we get some solid knowledge about Git, then we will start learning about the basics of GitHub. We will go through the topics, such as creating the repository on GitHub, connecting the local repository to a remote one, making commits and much more.Next, we will move on and see how to work with one of the greatest features of Git, which is branching. You will learn about how to deal with branches locally and also, remotely. After that, we will refer to kinda complex stuff. We will show you how to merge branches with different methods, and also, how to deal with merge conflicts.  Next, it should be followed by forking and contributing. You will learn about how to copy someone else's remote repository on your GitHub account, how to clone it to your local computer and how to contribute to the original project. Finally, we will discuss how to collaborate on GitHub. We will go through some really important topics, such as, how to set up a collaboration team, how to define different rules for collaborators and much other stuff.  Throughout the course, if you have any questions, then you can feel free and post them in Q/A section, you will get fast and helpful support.     JOIN US!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Front End Web Development Bootcamp - Build a Twitter Clone"
"THE BRAND NEW COURSE FROM CODEANDCREATE.Front End Web Development Bootcamp - Build a Twitter Clone.Welcome to the brand new course created by the CodeAndCreate team. If you want to learn how the most popular and widely-used websites are created, then this is the right course for you.Throughout the course, we are going to build a clone of Twitter. The project will be created based on:1. HTML2. CSS3. CSS Flexbox4. CSS Grid5. JavaScript6. DOMBefore building the project, you will be able to go through the crash courses of all the mentioned technologies. We will start with HTML and CSS. After completing the following sections:HTML Crash CourseCSS Crash CourseCSS FlexboxCSS GridWe will build three different pages of Twitter - Main Page, Login Page and News Feed Page based on HTML and CSS. After that, comes:JavaScript Crash CourseDOM Crash CourseOnce we are familiar with JavaScript and DOM, we will add some functionality to our project. We will create some validation in order to navigate between different pages, also, you will be able to build different modal boxes, sidebar and dark mode.Finally, we will make our project fully responsive on different screen sizes, so, you'll be able to master the Responsive Web Design.If you have any questions throughout the course, then feel free and post them in the Q&A section, you will get fast and helpful answers.JOIN US!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Von Null auf Lead Magnet - digitale Infoprodukt vermarkten"
"Digitales Infoprodukt erfolgreich vermarkten und automatisiert online verkaufen.Alle reden ber die Lead-Magnete Konzepte, aber wie setzt man wirklich einen um?Dieser Kurs beantwortet genau das!Mit diesem Kurs werden Sie zum Umsetzungsexperten fr Lead-Magneten.Sie lernen:Wie Sie einen Lead-Magnet praktisch erstellen als PDF (Infografik, Broschre, etc)Wie Sie die Arbeit an Infografiken und anderen auslagern knnen und somit Zeit sparenWie Sie kostenfreie Tools einsetzen knnen und diese auch verbindenWie Sie ein Werbe- und Erklrungsvideo fr Ihr Lead-Magnet, bzw digitales Infoprodukt erstellenE-Mail Adressen mit Ihrem Lead-Magneten einsammelnDateien (Ihr Lead-Magnet) kostenfrei ausliefern knnenSie erleben einmal die Konzepte und erfahren alles was Sie brauchen, um sofort ein Lead-Magnet zu erstellen und zu verteilen.Zum anderen nehme ich Sie mit. Sie schauen ber meine Schulter, wie ich in 2 Projekte ein Lead-Magnet neu erstelle, die Tools einrichte, Werbung schalte und den Lead-Magnet verteile.Mit diesem Kurs werden Sie in der Lage sein, selbst ein Lead-Magnet zu erstellen, oder die Erstellung professionell zu delegieren."
Price: 19.99

"Animal Communication made EASY"
"This course is for ALL animal lovers who wish to learn the art of animal communication. Easy to follow exercises and clear explanations will lead you step by step to great results in a very short time. If you know how it works you can do it straight away and build the relationship to your best friends you've always dreamed of. You will study how animal communication works, how to receive precise information, how animals think and about their souls and origins. You will also know, why kids are such amazing animal communicators.This course is fun combined with a lot of information and many examples. Simply start and enjoy!"
Price: 59.99

"Pack: Initiation au comics et le logiciel MotionArtist"
"Vous voudriez crer des cases de BD dans le style comics et en plus rajouter des effets d'animation? Ce cours est fait pour vous! Dans un premier temps, vous allez apprendre les bases du dessin de comics: L'anatomie, les proportions, les visages, la couleur, tout ce qui est ncessaire pour bien dbuter dans le dessin.Une fois cela acquis, vous apprendrez dans la deuxime partie du cours utiliser le logiciel MotionArtist qui est d'une grande simplicit. Apprenez intgrer vos dessins et rajouter des animations ceux-ci.En apprenant cela, vous pourrez obtenir un super rsultat et crer de vraies BD dynamiques."
Price: 54.99

"Comic book Creation"
"You want to draw? You want to draw comic books? To learn how to draw anatomy? To know what softwares to use for digital creation, or how to create a comic book from A to B?THIS COURSE IS DONE FOR YOU ! We are going to learn a LOT of things. First, we are going to speak about the history of comic books, where this come from as it will allow you to know where you go. Then we are going to see plenty of technics from the basics with the Anatomy, the frames, the creation of pages, the colors and the movements of the characters.There will be a lot of examples given for every subjects discussed during this course. Assigments will also be provided to incite you to train yourself as the more important point to remind is that regular drill is the key of success and skill improvement. Doing exercices over, and over again will make you more able to draw rapidly and in quality.We are also going to speak about digital creation, especially for colors, as currently all the studio of creation (Marvel, DC, Darkhorse...) are working with softwares and digital techniques. This course is also the opportunity to discuss about graphic tablet and softwares.Get ready for this course and to become the comic book artist you ever wanted to be!"
Price: 199.99

"How to use MotionArtist"
"Have you ever dream to make your comic books pages more alive? The software MOTIONARTIST is done for you ! Get it and start animating your pages. You can do very simple animation, with slides effects, to more complex animations by adding animated texts, add motion to your characters and also add sounds and musics.This software is very easy to use and will help you to get your comic books more alive! Learn how to use MotionArtist and become a ""comic book animator""!"
Price: 34.99

"How to draw ANATOMY"
"Have you ever tried to draw human anatomy? This course is going to show you very simple techniques and tips to do so.The anatomy is the basics of the drawing of human character. No matter if you work for video games, for yourself or for any kind of art, you will need to know these fundamentals. Learn how to improve your skill in drawing anatomy.Several exercices will be presented to you, from the more simple things to draw, to more complexe anatomy drawings."
Price: 54.99

"Comic book creation with Clip Studio paint"
"Have you ever dreamed to find a drawing software that could help your workflow as a comic book artist? Clip Studio Paint has ben designed for you!This software is proposing amazing stuff to help you in your creations. Find very useful and precise tools, like the 3D models, the textures, or the several brushes and comic book options that are easy and friendly to use.You will learn in first place the main options of Clip Studio Paint, with where is located what options. Then, we will see how to create a simple document, a simple page, to the creation of a full story with plenty of pages dedicated to your comic book project.Then we will see the use of the tools of the software to draw and create as you like.You will find in the end of that course, plenty of examples of creations done, step by steps, with Clip Studio Paint.Enjoy !"
Price: 84.99