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"7 Frmulas Lgicas para Excel Utilizadas por Experts"
"Neste curso, voc ir aprender as 7 principais frmulas lgicas utilizadas por Expert segundo a Microsoft. O curso abrangente e pode ser utilizado nas mais diversas reas empresariais e pessoal.O curso apresentar as principais frmulas para poder resolver os maiores problemas e agilizar seu trabalho com essa incrvel ferramenta.Junte-se agora mesmo a mais de 100 pessoas que j fizeram esse curso conosco!Tem mais!!!Alm disso voc receber inteiramente Grtis nosso Super Ebook Um Guia de Ideias para Empreendedores que j ajudou mais de 500 pessoas a ter insights para seus negcios ou comear um.Algumas dvidas pertinentes que costumam perguntar. Caso ainda remanesa qualquer dvida nos informe.Qual o prazo que poderei acessar o curso?Para sempre, voc poder acessar sempre que desejar, inclusive para acompanhar as atualizaes e informaes atualizadas.Ao final do curso terei certificado?Sim, voc efetuar as aulas e completar os exerccios propostos, e assim que concluir o certificado ficar disponvel pela prpria plataforma.Para a emisso do certificado ter alguma valor adicional?No cobramos nenhuma taxa adicional.Tenho um tempo muito escasso para assistir as aulasEssa a ideia de ser um curso 100% online, pois ele ficar disponvel para voc acessar a qualquer tempo, qualquer horrio e lugar. No importa qual dia da semana seja, sbado, domingo, feriados, ou em qualquer horrio que realmente tenha disponvel, como por exemplo em uma fila de banco. Por isso preparamos videos curtos para que sempre tenha disponibilidade para assistir.Como saber se esse curso pra mimQuero que saiba que o Excel a ferramenta em planilha mais utilizada no mundo, por isso, se voc atua em qualquer segmento, seja empresrio, colaborador, autnomo, com toda certeza esse curso para voc. Alm disso, se voc precisa controlar afazeres pessoais, como controles financeiros, listas de tarefas ou qualquer outra atividade que necessite de controle tambm poder utilizar facilmente essa ferramenta. Caso voc seja relacionado alguma dessas reas ou tem interesse em atuar nessa rea este CURSO realmente para voc.Alm disso, esse curso serve como horas complementares para sua faculdade."
Price: 54.99

"SPED ECF Aprenda do Zero e Esteja Atualizado!"
"Aproveite a oportunidade de participar deste curso pois ele ir lhe fornecer informaes de suma importncia para aqueles que so responsveis pela rea fiscal, contbil ou de tecnologia, como tambm aqueles responsveis por todo o setor Administrativo, Financeiro e Recursos Humanos das empresas. Atravs da anlise do Layout bem como da legislao relativa a essa obrigao, com os seus respectivos detalhamentos e nuances, temos a finalidade de demonstrar todas as regras que envolvem a Escriturao Contbil Fiscal (ECF) e quais informaes devem ser maior observncia por parte da empresa, alm dos devidos tratamentos fiscais, o que possibilitar ao participante deste curso a sua total preveno contra eventuais falhas e desvios de informaes no processo de elaborao da obrigao, com vistas a mitigar para futuras autuaes da entrada em vigor desta obrigao, o que para muitos j uma realidade.Com tantas mudanas voc no pode deixar de se atualizar e saber quais sero os impactos em sua rotina de trabalho.Alm disso, esse curso serve como horas complementares para sua faculdade.Tem mais!!!Alm disso voc receber inteiramente Grtis nosso Super Ebook Um Guia de Ideias para Empreendedores que j ajudou mais de 500 pessoas a ter insights para seus negcios ou comear um.Algumas dvidas pertinentes que costumam perguntar. Caso ainda remanesa qualquer dvida nos informe.Quem so as pessoas responsveis por este curso ?O Curso ministrado por Felipe Miranda, scio da Trescon Treinamento e Execuo de Servios Contbeis Ltda., CNPJ 00.328.296/0001-74, com mais de 25 anos de existncia, alm disso, possumos uma metodologia nica de acompanhamento e reviso das informaes contidas para quaisquer reviso e dvidas.Qual o prazo que poderei acessar o curso?Para sempre, voc poder acessar sempre que desejar, inclusive para acompanhar as atualizaes e informaes atualizadas.Ao final do curso terei certificado?Sim, voc efetuar as aulas e completar os exerccios propostos, e assim que concluir o certificado ficar disponvel pela prpria plataforma.Para a emisso do certificado ter alguma valor adicional?No cobramos nenhuma taxa adicional.Que garantia esse curso tem?Elaboramos um curso atualizado com as ltimas alteraes da legislao pertinente e trazemos o contedo da forma mais didtica e dinmica possvel, por isso a confiana na qualidade do treinamento que ir efetuar. Mesmo assim, caso entenda que o contedo no serviu para voc, sem dvida alguma voc poder solicitar o reembolso em at 30 dias aps a confirmao da compra, e te devolverei 100% do valor investido. Significa que te damos atravs da maior plataforma do mundo de cursos e treinamentos online garantia incondicional por qualquer motivo. Mas a verdade simples, ningum pede reembolso, pois o contedo realmente muito bom.Tenho um tempo muito escasso para assistir as aulasEssa a ideia de ser um curso 100% online, pois ele ficar disponvel para voc acessar a qualquer tempo, qualquer horrio e lugar. No importa qual dia da semana seja, sbado, domingo, feriados, ou em qualquer horrio que realmente tenha disponvel, como por exemplo em uma fila de banco. Por isso preparamos videos curtos para que sempre tenha disponibilidade para assistir.Como saber se esse curso pra mimQuero que saiba que a ECF uma nova obrigao tributria acessria que destinada s empresas de todo o Brasil. Caso voc seja relacionado alguma dessas reas ou tem interesse em atuar nessa rea este CURSO realmente para voc."
Price: 159.99

"DCTFWeb Aprenda do Zero e Fique Atualizado"
"Aproveite a oportunidade de participar deste curso pois ele ir lhe fornecer informaes de suma importncia para aqueles que so responsveis pela rea fiscal ou de tecnologia, como tambm aqueles responsveis por todo o setor Administrativo, Financeiro e Recursos Humanos das empresas. Atravs da anlise do Layout por eventos/registro, com os seus respectivos detalhamentos e nuances, temos a finalidade de demonstrar todas as regras que envolvem a Declarao de Dbitos e Crditos Tributrios Federais Previdencirios e de Outras Entidades e Fundos (DCTFWeb) e quais informaes devem ser maior observncia por parte da empresa, alm dos devidos tratamentos fiscais, o que possibilitar ao participante deste curso a sua total preveno contra eventuais falhas e desvios de informaes no processo de elaborao da obrigao, com vistas a mitigar para futuras autuaes da entrada em vigor desta obrigao, o que para muitos j uma realidade.Muitas informaes sero substitudas atravs das solicitaes que forem feitas pelo EFD-REINF bem como ao e-Social, sendo que obrigaes acessrias como DIRF e GFIP j esto em plena substituio, e todas essas informaes estaro constantes na DCTFWeb. Com tantas mudanas voc no pode deixar de se atualizar e saber quais sero os impactos em sua rotina de trabalho.Alm disso, esse curso serve como horas complementares para sua faculdade.Tem mais!!!Alm disso voc receber inteiramente Grtis nosso Super Ebook Um Guia de Ideias para Empreendedores que j ajudou mais de 500 pessoas a ter insights para seus negcios ou comear um.Algumas dvidas pertinentes que costumam perguntar. Caso ainda remanesa qualquer dvida nos informe.Quem so as pessoas responsveis por este curso ?O Curso ministrado por Felipe Miranda, scio da Trescon Treinamento e Execuo de Servios Contbeis Ltda., CNPJ 00.328.296/0001-74, com mais de 25 anos de existncia, alm disso, possumos uma metodologia nica de acompanhamento e reviso das informaes contidas para quaisquer reviso e dvidas.Qual o prazo que poderei acessar o curso?Para sempre, voc poder acessar sempre que desejar, inclusive para acompanhar as atualizaes e informaes atualizadas.Ao final do curso terei certificado?Sim, voc efetuar as aulas e completar os exerccios propostos, e assim que concluir o certificado ficar disponvel pela prpria plataforma.Para a emisso do certificado ter alguma valor adicional?No cobramos nenhuma taxa adicional.Que garantia esse curso tem?Elaboramos um curso atualizado com as ltimas alteraes da legislao pertinente e trazemos o contedo da forma mais didtica e dinmica possvel, por isso a confiana na qualidade do treinamento que ir efetuar. Mesmo assim, caso entenda que o contedo no serviu para voc, sem dvida alguma voc poder solicitar o reembolso em at 30 dias aps a confirmao da compra, e te devolverei 100% do valor investido. Significa que te damos atravs da maior plataforma do mundo de cursos e treinamentos online garantia incondicional por qualquer motivo. Mas a verdade simples, ningum pede reembolso, pois o contedo realmente muito bom.Tenho um tempo muito escasso para assistir as aulasEssa a ideia de ser um curso 100% online, pois ele ficar disponvel para voc acessar a qualquer tempo, qualquer horrio e lugar. No importa qual dia da semana seja, sbado, domingo, feriados, ou em qualquer horrio que realmente tenha disponvel, como por exemplo em uma fila de banco. Por isso preparamos videos curtos para que sempre tenha disponibilidade para assistir.Como saber se esse curso pra mimQuero que saiba que a DCTFWeb uma nova obrigao tributria que destinada s empresas de todo o Brasil. Em um futuro muito breve a DCTFWeb ir substituir a DCTF padro. Caso voc seja relacionado alguma dessas reas ou tem interesse em atuar nessa rea este CURSO realmente para voc."
Price: 144.99

"Mindset of Champion's; Become A Top Performer"
"Our aim is to provide you with the skills and confidence to make a real difference to your performance levels at work and home. We teach you to use the same mental techniques as the world's most successful people, including championship athletes.This course will help you to excel and become the best versions of yourself. From dealing with negative emotions to increase your mental and physical energy levels, we teach you fundamental skills and regularly updated material.The course is designed for those who are looking to increase their own mental performance and want to really excel - as well as for those who (like all of us) sometimes find it difficult to cope with everyday stresses and strains while trying to do their best.The course is divided into three sections which take you through three very important aspects of performance coaching"
Price: 89.99

"(Emoticon Design)"
". , , . . ."
Price: 49.99

"JAVA Android 9.0(Pie) APP 3"
"Kotlin . Kotlin . . Kotlin   . . . , .  . ."
Price: 69.99

"Vue js"
"AngularJS, VueJS, React . VueJS .VueJS . VueJS . . . ."
Price: 49.99

"Javascript Greatest Hits"
"Javascript is a tough language. It's easy to start with, easy to get going, but on the other hand - it has a lot of strange behaviours that makes it one of the most difficult languages to master and code.In the last years, JS had became the leading technology in the web, so a vast amount of coding aids had been developed to make our life as JS programmer easier.Those aids are mostly libraries. Nowadays, there exist libraries for any imaginable task. Libraries can make weird JS constructs to be more reasonable, they can perform tedious tasks and help to manipulate the DOM, dates, AJAX and actually anything else.In this course I'm going to teach you some of the most effective JS libraries out there, which Icall - the greatest hits. If you are a programmer who loves to program - you'd love those.In addition, Itried to choose those libraries which give additional benefit, is it a technique or methodology, so as programmers we'll learn something new. Some of the things we'll learn in this course:1. Functions throttling and debouncing.2. Prototyping.3. Functions curryingand more.This is really a must for any programmer who wants to leverage his/her skills."
Price: 59.99

"2D Animations with Javascript and the Anime.js Library"
"Animations are welcome guests in our applications. They are fun, entertain and visually aesthetic to look at. They make applications more accessible and eye catching. The traditional method of creating animation is using timers, clocks and frames, and projecting images in constant time intervals. However, if all you want to do is add some movement to your site, this method may be overkill. This is where Anime.js steps in. Anime.js is a light-weight Javascript library that aims to do just that - to create beautiful animations with ease and minimum code. With Anime.js you can animate anything on the screen - html elements, dom attributes, svg graphics, just about anything. In this course you will learn about Anime.js library. I'll show you this library's essentials and a lot of code examples. There are six projects in this course, that will keep you busy and help you practice this library.If you want to add animations to your site and didn't know how to do it - welcome, this course is perfect for you!"
Price: 124.99

"Far Beyond Modern Psychology - Part 1"
"Everything that you'll learn in this course has an immediate, practical, life-transforming application.The wisdom contained in the course is a synthesis of traditional wisdom teachings from around the world, contemporary insights into Psychology, and a deeper analysis of what makes humans human.I've always been fascinated by how things work and that led me to a career in engineering, but my greatest achievement, thus far, has been the creation of a BEnome Map describing, in detail, how our psyches function.BEnome Maps can be used to understand:depression, addiction, emotional reactions, the difference between men and woman, why it's so difficult to find love and to keep loving, the specific reasons behind a particular child or adult's struggles, and how to bring Joy, Healthy-Attachment, Loving our Shadows, Trauma-Informed Mindfulness, and the Practice of Unconditional-Loving into our lives, permanently.Your assignment is to use this knowledge to improve your life, and to enjoy the ripple effect on your social environment."
Price: 194.99

"Far Beyond Modern Psychology - Part 2"
"Everything that you'll learn in this course has an immediate, practical, life-transforming application.The wisdom contained in the course is a synthesis of traditional wisdom teachings from around the world, contemporary insights into Psychology, and a deeper analysis of what makes humans human.I've always been fascinated by how things work and that led me to a career in engineering, but my greatest achievement, thus far, has been the creation of a BEnome Map describing, in detail, how our psyches function.BEnome Maps can be used to understand:depression, addiction, emotional reactions, the difference between men and woman, why it's so difficult to find love and to keep loving, the specific reasons behind a particular child or adult's struggles, and how to bring Joy, Healthy-Attachment, Loving our Shadows, Trauma-Informed Mindfulness, and the Practice of Unconditional-Loving into our lives, permanently.Your assignment is to use this knowledge to improve your life, and to enjoy the ripple effect on your social environment."
Price: 189.99

"2020Udemy unofficial"
"UdemyYouTubeUdemyYouTubeYouTubeUdemySectionLecture////UdemyYouTube////YouTubeYouTubeUdemyUdemyYouTubeUdemy////////Udemy//// ////Udemy200UdemyUdemy2017512UdemyUdemyUdemy////////..."
Price: 4800.00

Price: 2400.00

Price: 4800.00

"Microsoft Power BI - Power BI Desktop"
"Power BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopQ. Power BI Desktop A. YesPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopBIPower BI Desktop5020%80%YouTubePower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BIPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI Desktop30Power BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI Desktop..."
Price: 10200.00

"Microsoft Power BI Desktop - Power Query Editor"
"Power BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower Query EditorPower Query EditorPower Query EditorPower Query EditorPower BIExcelWhy Power Query EditorPower Query EditorPower Query EditorPower BIExcelPower Query EditorPower Query EditorPower Query EditorExcelVlookup201720181Power Query EditorQuickGOQuick & GO2QuickPower Query EditorWebYouTubeNO RISK HIGH RETURN30Power BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopBig WavePower Query Editor"
Price: 9000.00

"Microsoft Power BI Desktop - Data Visualization"
"Power BI DesktopData VisualizationPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopVisualizationVisualizationPower BIVisualizationVisualizationVisualPower BI DesktopVisualVisualvisualizationVisualVisualPower BI DesktopVisualQUICK GOQuick & GOVisualVisualVisualPower BIPower BI Desktop30Power BI DesktopPower BI DesktopPower BI DesktopBig Wave"
Price: 9000.00

"Microsoft Excel - Power Pivot, Power Query, DAX"
"Power Query, Power Pivot and DAX...Power Query Power Pivot DAX...""THE BEST THING TO HAPPEN TO EXCEL IN 20 YEARS"" 20Excel...Power PivotPower QueryPower QueryPower PivotVlookupPower PivotDAX...ITVBAPower QueryPower PivotDAXPower QueryPower PivotDAXPivot TablePower QueryPower PivotDAXPower QueryPower PivotDAX...30"
Price: 10200.00

"Microsoft Power BI Desktop - DAX-CALCULATE"
Price: 9000.00

"Time management for business owners, directors & managers"
"Do you want to be more efficient, effective and productive at work and in business?Do you want to learn more about time management?Do you want to understand your own time management challenges and how you are currently spending and managing your time?This course is a practical action oriented course designed to give you the time management and productivity tools and strategies to be more efficient, effective and productive at work and in business now and going forward.The course aims to give you an insight into time management and the challenges of managing your time and being productive. You will understand your own time management challenges and how you are currently spending and managing your time. The course will give you a wealth of time management and productivity tips, tools and strategies to put in place and to use at work or in your business to manage your time so that you are more efficient, effective and productive. As you go through the course you will develop your own personalised time management action plan and put in place time management strategies so that you can manage your time in the best way now and going forward.The course is designed to be practical and relevant to real life. It is not a theoretical or academic course on time management and productivity.Who is this course designed for?This course is designed for you if you are a business owner, entrepreneur, director, executive, manager or professional:* Who is currently finding it difficult to manage your time efficiently and effectively at work and in business.* Who wants to learn more about time management and how to manage your time efficiently and effectively and be more productive at work and in business.What are the course aims?The course aims to:* Give you an insight into time management and the challenges of managing your time and being productive.* Look at your own time management challenges and how you are currently spending and managing your time.* Provide you with a wealth of practical time management and productivity tools, tips and strategies to put in place and to use at work or in your business to manage your time so that you are more efficient, effective and productive.* Enable you to develop your own personalised time management action plan and to put in place time management strategies so that you manage your time in the best way now and going forward.What is included in the course?The course has the following sections:* Introduction: including an introduction to the course and the tutor* Time management challenges: including the costs of poor time management, the challenges of managing your time and looking at time management from a different perspective* How is your time management? including looking at your own time management challenges and how you are currently spending your time* Time management tips and strategies:  including 50+ practical time management tools, tips and strategies to help you manage your own time by managing yourself, the business and your team and that you can use to be more efficient, effective and productive at work or in your business.* Your time management plan: including your own time management challenges, how you currently spend your time and the strategies you are going to put in place to be more efficient, effective and productive at work or in your business.* Course summary: including a short summary of the course* Bonus lecture: including links to further resources and offers on other coursesWe have also included introductions and summaries throughout the course to help with learning.The course is in short bite sized lectures and you can see the detailed course content in the course curriculum.Developing your own time management planThere are exercises to complete as you go through the course to develop your own personalised time management action plan. These include understanding your own time management challenges, how you are currently spending your time and what actions you are going to take and what strategies you will follow to manage your time to be more efficient, effective and productive at work or in your business. You will need to allow additional time in addition to the duration of the videos to complete the exercises.What will you cover on the course and what will you learn?As you go through the course you will be looking at your own time management, how you are spending your time, the impact on you, your work and your business of your current time management practices, how to manage your time to be more efficient, effective and productive at work or in your business and time management tools, tips and strategies.By the end of the course you will have a better understanding of time management, know what your time management challenges are, have an action plan for managing your time better now and going forward and have time management strategies in place to manage your time to be more efficient, effective and productive at work or in your business.Even if you are not finding it difficult to manage your time at the moment you will have the opportunity to review you, your work and your business and to decide on actions to take to support you in managing your time efficiently, effectively and productively going forward.Important notes and more about the courseIf you are already very knowledgeable about time management and productivity, this course may not be for you. It includes an insight into time management and the challenges of managing your time and being productive, practical time management tools, tips and strategies that you can use to be more efficient, effective and productive at work or in your business and an opportunity to develop your own time management plan, some or all of which you may already know a lot about.  By signing up for this course you gain lifetime access so you can watch the lectures at your convenience on your computer, tablet or smart phone.You can choose to complete the whole course or just watch the lectures that are most relevant to you, whichever you prefer. You can watch each lecture in full or just the elements you want to watch and you can stop a lecture at any point if you want to study the content in more detail.You can watch the lectures at the pre assigned speed or you can choose to speed up or slow down the lectures to suit your own preference.There are English text captions available on this course which you can choose to see or turn off.Student feedback on this course""Lots of ideas for improving my time management and productivity at work. Highly recommended.""""This course is exactly what I was looking for. It is hard to find time management courses specific to business owners/leaders but Liz clearly knows her stuff and has thought carefully about the course content. Useful advice on areas such as avoiding multi-tasking and chunking up your day will hopefully make a positive impact on my working life and those around me.""""Another of Liz's courses is a hit! Having completed Liz's courses previously, I thought I would give this one a try and it didn't disappoint. It has really opened my eyes on how I can be more productive and time efficient at work. Hopefully I can put some of these strategies into place in the near future.""Good luckGood luck with the course and I hope you find it invaluable."
Price: 49.99

"Practice Business Architecture Skills with Tested Techniques"
"Hi Everyone, In this course we will work through business architecture techniques to arrive at a Build of Materials for a training business.  My business!  Starting with a Business Motivation Model (BMM) then Value Proposition Canvas (VPC) then Business Model Canvas to arrive at a Business Capability Model (BCM).  Why go through this level of discipline, I hear you ask?  Well in a word ""Alignment"".  Our business environments, ecosystems and customers  are dynamic and unless we are clear the products we launch risk being out of alignment with our target customer.So if you would like to know more to ensure success,  Lets get started.Kind RegardsKarl"
Price: 104.99

"Geld im Internet verdienen: In 24 Stunden zum Unternehmen"
"Wrdest du gerne dein eigenes Online Unternehmen starten, weit aber nicht wo du beginnen sollst?Keine Sorge, in diesem Kurs zeige ich dir Schritt fr Schritt wie man ein Unternehmen mit mehreren Einkommensstrmen aufbaut - und das in 24 Stunden. Wir werden uns zuerst mit dem theoretischen Hintergrund eines Gewerbes befassen und die Anmeldung deines Gewerbes beim Bezirksamt und Finanzamt vornehmen, sprechen ber Gewerbeformen wie das Einzelunternehmen, UG, GmbH, OHG, KG, Ltd. und viele mehr und finden gemeinsam einen geeigneten Steuerberater fr dich, wenn gewnscht. Sobald wir damit fertig sind, sprechen wir dann ber online Geschftsmodelle wie das Dropshipping Modell, das Marktplatz Modell, FlippingModell und viele andere. Wir lernen wie man von ihnen profitiert und sie profitabel anwendet. Am Ende des Kurses kommt dann der Teil auf den viele von euch sicherlich gewartet haben. In diesem Kapitel gebe ich dir 25 fertige Geschftskonzepte die du 1 zu 1 fr dich umsetzen kannst. Ich gebe dir Schritt fr Schritt Anleitungen zumBeispiel zu folgenden Geschftsmodellen:T-Shirt Unternehmen Online Kurse & digitale InfoprodukteSocialMedia Marketing AgenturStock FotografieFreelancing FlippingAffiliate Marketing Blogging und vieles mehr!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ZIELEFRDIESENKURSNachdem du diesenKurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du fhig sein dir innerhalb von 24 Stunden ein profitables Unternehmen aufzubauen und wirst fr dich herausgefunden haben, welcher Einkommensstrom am Besten zu dir passt. Folgende Dinge wirst du knnen wenn du diesenKurs abgeschlossen hast:Baue dir mehrere profitable online Einkommensstrme in 24 Stunden auf Entdecke 25+ Online Einkommensstrme und erhalte Schritt fr Schritt Aufbau Anleitungen fr diese EinkommensstrmeGewinne Ortsunabhngigkeit durch ein korrekt aufgesetztes Online UnternehmenGrnde ein Einzelunternehmen, eine UG oder GmbH und nehme die Anmeldung beim Finanzamt vorLerne zwischen 10+ unterschiedlichen Geschftsmodellen zu differenzieren und diese fr dich einzusetzenMeistere digitale online Infoprodukte & baue dir eine eigene finanzielle Infrastruktur aufLerne ein T-Shirt Unternehmen, Icon Unternehmen oder Flipping Unternehmen zu starten------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Schreibe dich noch heute in den Kurs ein. Ich freue mich auf dich! dein Dozent, LeonChaudhari Akademie"
Price: 199.99

"Social Media Marketing Agentur aufbauen: Der Komplette Kurs"
"Wrdest du gerne deine eigene SocialMedia Marketing Agentur (SMMA) aufbauen, mchtest aber nichtGeld fr ein berteuerstes Online Programm rausschmeien?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich.In diesem Kurs lernen wir Schritt fr Schritt wie man eine SocialMedia Marketing Agentur aufbaut und lernen den unternehmerischen Hintergrund kennen - von Gewerbeanmeldung, ber Steuern, bis hin zu Rechnungen schreiben und Grundlagen effektiver Buchhaltung. Und nicht nur das, sondern auch wie du Kunden akquirierst, Preise festlegst und vieles mehr. Was genau wird dich im Detail hier im Kurs erwarten?Gewerbeanmeldung - Am Anfang des Kurses werden wir lernen wie man ein Unternehmen anmeldet, wir sprechen ber Gewerbeformen wie das Einzelunternehmen, UG, OHG, KG, GmbHund viele mehr.Auerdem lernen wir wie man das Gewerbeformular korrekt ausfllt und wie man einen Steuerberater findet. Leistungsaufwand definieren - In diesem Teil des Kurses werden wir uns anschauen wie man den Leistungsaufwand der eigenen Agentur definiert, KPIs bewerten und vieles mehr. Rechnungen schreiben - Wir werden uns nun damit befassen wie man eigentlich Rechnungen schreibt. Wir sprechen ber Themen wie Umsatzsteuer und Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung, Reverse Charge, Rechnungsnummern und die Kleinunternehmerregelung. Website erstellen - Wir werden nun deine Website gemeinsam erstellen. Wir lernen wie man eine Website hostet, erstellt und gestaltet. Nachdem du dieses Kapitel abgeschlossen hast, wirst du deine eigene funktionsfhige Website haben. Kundengewinnung - Wir werden nun darber sprechen wie du schnell mehr Kunden generieren kannst, wir sprechen dabei ber Facebook Werbeanzeigen, Cold Calling, Cold Email und vieles mehr. Folgende Dinge wirst du knnen wenn du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast:Grnde und skaliere deine eigene Social Media Marketing Agentur (SMMA)Lerne mit KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) zu arbeiten und diese zu berprfenMeistere die Kundenakquise fr deine Social Media Marketing AgenturVerstehe wie man Rechnungen schreibt, die Grundlagen effizienter Buchhaltung und wie man einen Steuerberater findetErstelle deine eigene professionelle Agentur WebsiteSchreibe dich noch heute in den Kurs ein. Ich freue mich auf dich! dein Dozent, LeonChaudhari Akademie"
Price: 199.99

"Digitale Infoprodukte: Erstelle Kurse, Ebooks & Audio Bcher"
"Wrdest du dir gerne ein ortsunabhngiges Online Unternehmen mit mehreren Einkommensstrmen durch den Verkauf von digitalen Produkten aufbauen? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das richtige fr dich.In diesem Kurse mchte ich dir zeigen wie du mit Online Kurse, E-Bcher und Audiobchern dir verlssliche Einnahmequelle aufbauen und diese skalieren kannst. Wir sprechen ber Themen wie Amazon Kindle, ACX, Udemy und vieles mehr.Was genau wirst du hier in diesem Kurs lernen? Online Kurse erstellen und vermarkten - Wie baut man sich ein Home Studio auf? Welche Bearbeitungs- und Aufnahmesoftwares sind effizient nutzbar und wie genau strukturiert man einen Kurs von Anfang bis Ende. In diesem Teil des Kurses lernst du alles ber Online Kurs Erstellung und wie du ein profitables Kursthema findest. Anschlieend kmmern wir uns um die Vermarktung deines Kurses. Ich verrate dir meine beste Launch und Post-Launch Strategien die dir helfen werden schnell aber auch langfristig Kunden fr deinen Kurs zu finden. E-Bcher erstellen und vermarkten - Wir lernen in diesem Teil des Kurses wie man ein Buch schreibt, von der Planung des Inhaltsverzeichnis ber die Einteilung in Kapitel bis hin zum formatieren und fertigstellen des Buches. Du lernst auerdem wie man Bcher outsourced und sich dadurch schnell online Einkommensstrme aufbaut sowie alles ber Amazon Kindle. Wir sprechen diesbezglich ber Keywords, Buchtitel, Copyright, rechtliche Grundlagen, Steuern, Marketing, SEO und einiges mehr. Audiobcher - Wir werden in diesem Teil des Kurses lernen wie man ein Audiobuch produziert und effektiv vermarktet. Wir sprechen ber die Vertriebsplattform ACX und ich geben dir meine besten Tipps die dir dabei helfen werden dein Audiobuch zum Erfolg werden zu lassen. Self-Hosting - Wir werden nun lernen wo und wie du deine Produkte selbst hosten und vermarkten kannst. Wir werden diesbezglich eingehend ber Hosting Plattformen, digitales Marketing und effektive Vertriebsprozesse sprechen. Nachdem du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du folgende Dinge knnen: Erstelle, vermarkte und verkaufe professionelle Online Video KurseNehme professionelle Audio Bcher auf und verkaufe sie gewinnbringend ber ACXSchreibe E-Bcher und verkaufe diese effektiv ber Amazon KindleBaue dir ein ortsunabhngiges Online Unternehmen auf, das du von deinem Computer aus leiten kannstWorauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich noch heute in diesen Kurs ein und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im ersten Video. Beste Gre, Leon Chaudhari Akademie - Dozent -"
Price: 199.99

"Online Kurse Meisterkurs: Erstelle & vermarkte Online Kurse"
"Wrdest du gerne Geld mit online Kursen verdienen? Oder mchtest du einfach ortsunabhngig werden und dir passive Einkommensstrme durch den Verkauf von Kursen aufbauen? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich. In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir Schritt fr Schritt wie du professionelle Online Kurse erstellst und diese gewinnbringend vermarktest. Du lernst alles ber Kurserstellung, Kursmarketing, Akademie Aufbau, Kurs SEO, Private Label Rights, Self-Hosting und vieles mehr. Was genau wirst du aber im Detail hier in diesem Kurs lernen? Gewerbeanmeldung und steuerliche Grundlagen - Wie genau startet man eigentlich sein eigenes Gewerbe oder ist sogar ein Freiberufler Status mglich? In diesem Teil des Kurses zeige ich dir Schritt fr Schritt wie du ein Einzelunternehmen und eine UG startest, wir sprechen ber alle gngigen Gewerbeformen und du lernst wie du den Freiberufler Status beantragen kannst. Auerdem sprechen wir ber das Thema Steuern und du lernst mehr ber Themen wie Umsatzsteuer, MOSS Verfahren, Rechnungen schreiben und vieles mehr. Online Kurse erstellen und vermarkten - In diesem Teil des Kurses lernen wir mehr ber Produktionstechniken, Videoarten, Kurs SEO, und die effektive Vermarktung von deinen Kursen. Du wirst lernen wie du deinen Kurs strukturierst und deine Schler animierst sich im Kurs zu beteiligen.Online Akademie aufbauen - Wir lernen nun wie du deine Kurse auch ber deine eigene Online Akademie anbieten kannst. Du erhltst von mir ein komplettes Tutorial zum Thema Akademie Aufbau - von DNS Einstellungen, bis hin zu Hosting Provider, ber Kursmanagement bis hin zu E-Mail Marketing, kein Thema wird ausgelassen. Self-Hosting - Deine Produkte auerdem ber Self-Hosting Websites oder deine eigene Website anzubieten kann sehr gewinnbringend sein, bringt jedoch auch einige Aufgaben mit sich, von steuerlichen Grundlagen bis hin zu Online Marketing Kenntnissen - in diesem Teil des Kurses erhltst du meine besten Strategien wie du dir mit Self-Hosting Produkten eine weitere Einnahmequelle aufbauen kannst. Private Label Rights - Du kannst deine Produkte natrlich auch jederzeit nicht nur fr Online Marktpltze oder deine eigene Website produzieren, du kannst jederzeit natrlich auch deine Produkte exklusiv fr einzelne Kunden oder Firmen produzieren. Wie man solche B2B oder B2C Kunden akquiriert und sie dazu bringt von dir hochpreisige Produktionen zu kaufen, das zeige ich dir in diesem Teil des Kurses. Nachdem du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du fhig sein folgende Dinge zu tun: Erstelle, vermarkte und verkaufe professionelle online Video KurseVerwandle deine Udemy Videokurse in BestsellerBaue deine eigene Online Akademie auf und vermarkte sie effektivGestalte deinen eigenen Mitgliederbereich und gewinne Mitglieder fr ihnSelf-Hoste deine Produkte und verkaufe sie internationalKenne dich mit den steuerlichen Grundlagen zum Verkauf von online Kursen ausWorauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich noch heute in diesen Kurs ein und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im ersten Video. Beste Gre, Leon Chaudhari Akademie - Dozent -"
Price: 199.99

"Fundamentals of Change and Change Management 2019"
"The course is primarily focused on the IT Change Management principles and guidelines, however to make it little different from other similar courses it is designed in a way to correlate change management with other IT disciplines such as Project Management, other service management aspects such as Incident, Problem, Configuration Management and so on."
Price: 49.99

"Apple macOS fr neue Mac-Besitzer: 12 Schritte zum Erfolg"
"Haben Sie sich krzlich ein neues MacBook gekauft oder einen stationren Mac-Computer? Vielleicht ist das ihr erster Computer oder Sie steigen um, da Sie zuvor einen Computer mit Microsoft Windows verwendet haben. Damit Sie unmittelbar und schnell Kompetenzen im Umgang mit dem Mac aufbauen knnen, habe ich den Kurs sorgfltig mit den wichtigsten Inhalten fr Sie vorbereitet. Ich freue mich auf Ihre Teilnahme!"
Price: 49.99

"Zeitmanagement-Techniken: Mehr vom Leben in 6 Schritten"
"Dieser Kurs deckt eine Vielzahl sorgfltig ausgewhlter Methoden aus dem Bereich des Zeitmanagements ab und fhrt Schritt fr Schritt vor, welche Konzepte hinter den Methoden stehen und was getan werden muss, damit Sie diese Methode fr sich einsetzen knnen. Wissen zu psychologischen Effekten, zum Bio-Rhythmus, sowie zum Begegnen von Motivationslchern (oder dem inneren Schweinehund) ergnzen das Methodentraining ideal. Zu Beginn schafft der Bezug des Zeitmanagements zum Selbstmanagement das richtige Mindset, damit der sptere Einsatz der Methoden nicht zum Selbstzweck wird und am Ende mehr Zeit kostet statt Zeit zu sparen. Nach Hinten hin runden Empfehlungen zum Einsatz verschiedener Softwareanwendungen fr Computer und Smartphone zur Untersttzung beim Zeitmanagement den Kurs ab. Wichtiger Pluspunkt: Es geht nicht nur isoliert um die unterschiedlichen Methoden des Zeitmanagements, sondern auch um das Ineinandergreifen der Methoden fr ein ganzheitliches Selbst- und Zeitmanagement allein sowie im Team."
Price: 149.99

"CCNA to CCNP Transition: Working with Passwords and Telnet"
"*** Part of the Complete Course: Cisco CCNA to CCNP Transition ***Whenever I taught  CCNP in the class-room, I found that Students were confused about some topics or commands that they have studied in the CCNA course (with someone else!), and I had to clarify or re-explain these topics or commands to them. This is because these topics or commands are confusing by their nature, or because the way that they are typically explained to the students. Therefore, the idea of this course came in my mind, which intend to clarify those confusing topics or commands.This course contains two sections:Working with Passwords: which contains thoughts on passwords, understand the meaning of the no service-encryption command, and how to break the type 7 encryption.Working with Telnet: which contains how to work with telnet as source or destination, and how to telnet to a specific port.For example, when working with passwords: why do we have two ways to configure the enable password? and why both passwords used in these two ways must be different? Also how can we use the question mark as part of the password? Did you ever try to configure a password like that one?Another thing is does the no service password-encryption command disable encryption for current or future passwords? or may be both? And how can we break the type 7 encryption, so the encryption configured by the service password-encryption command? And for Telnet, we will see multiple ways of working with telnet as both the source and the destination, so how to return back to the original host without disconnecting the connection, how to show incoming connections on the destination and the outgoing connections on the source , and also the multiple ways of clearing these connections on either the source or the destination. Finally, we will see how to telnet to a specific port, so to check if BGP or HTTP are working on the remote host for example."
Price: 19.99

"CCNA Cyber Ops: Malware analysis using ELSA and PCAP Files"
"It is estimated that there will be about 1.5 million unfilled jobs in cyber security by the year 2020. A more recent statistic increased this number for cyber security unfilled jobs to be 3.5 million by the year 2021. In addition, recent article highlights Cisco Systems intention to become a cyber security force. For these reasons, Cisco created the CCNA Cyber Ops certification, which can become one of the most certifications in demand in the near future. Furthermore, Cisco created a scholarship program for this certification, which emphasis its importance. In this course you will learn about the tools that you can use for your study of the CCNA Cyber Ops certification. Learning the theory side is important, but the hands on side is more important, since  the main purpose of your study is to apply your knowledge in production, and since your hands on will enforce your theory knowledge. You can not teach someone how to drive a car by showing him or her how to do it, but you have to let him try and practice how to do that. Furthermore, showing you hands on labs and how to use tools without teaching you how to create these labs and install these tools, might not give you the ultimate benefit from your study . For this reason, I have created this course to teach you how to create your own home labs, and to understand the core usage and important features of the tools used in them. I believe in the saying: ""Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"". If you have access to online labs, such as that offered by Cisco through their scholarship, you still need to know how to create your own home labs to continue practicing and experimenting, which is what this course will help you to achieve. On the other hand, this course will prepare you to go through these online labs quickly, and with confidence, since you will be familiar with the tools used in them.  And not just online labs, but any other hands on Cyber Ops courses, like what I intend to publish in the near future.In this course you will learn about how to use the tcpreplay command, and where to download PCAP files that can be used with this command to recreate network packets in order to practice with malware analysis using ELSA. You will go through the steps of log normalization,log summarization, and log aggregation.I hope that you will join me in this course and start your Cyber security journey. Happy learning!"
Price: 19.99