"[English Subtitle] Make music with GarageBand! For beginners" |
"-Course Introduction- Let's make cool music on computer with GarageBand! While playing sounds including drums, basses and pianos with your computer, you will learn about the characteristics of each instrument. A professional composer will explain you the techniques of making music, from how to adjust the sound range, sound intensity and tempo, to record, play and edit your musics. In this course you will learn the basics of computer music in three chapters and acquire the skills to create your own BGM (Background Music). Do not worry if you dont have any musical knowledge neither if you are using GarageBand for the first time. We will explain you everything from the beginning clearly and carefully. Even you have some experience using GarageBand, we also recommend this course if you want to step up your skills by reviewing the basics and solidifying your foundations. So, why not join this course and make some noise together, as your first step towards a bigger stage!-Introduction of the speaker- The speaker of this course is composer Mr. Mikawa Kawahara ( ), who is also the representative of KAY PRODUCTION CO., LTD. He started playing music at the age of 17, and went to a professional school when he was 18 years old. At the age of 20, he made his debut as a music composer for TV dramas. In 2011, an AKB 48's ""Wind is blowing ()"" hit the third place on the Oricon Chart of the year. Moreover, he was also composing for Nogizaka 46 (46) and the animation Inazuma Eleven GO etc. He also composed music in China for famous programs, game music, animation music. He is also an active music composer and producer mainly working in Japan and China.-Description of each Section- In this course, you will learn how to create basic music with a computer using GarageBand from a professional famous composer. With a in-detail explanation of each instrument used in our sample music, you should be able to compose a full music track after this course. Have you ever thought that you would like to create some background music yourself as you usually hear in movies or television programs? Even if you can not play real instruments, with a computer you can easily produce music composed of a various type of sounds, using common instruments, or some very specific traditional instruments! This course will allow you to learn the basics of making computer music in three steps, and you will be able to create cool music right away even as a beginner.In the first section, we will explain in details the basic functions of GarageBand and the characteristics of some instruments while play them live. Please consider this as an introduction to GarageBand.In the second section, we will not only teach you how to master variety of virtual instruments, including drums, bass and piano. And we will also provide you some tips to practice and create music cleverly with instrument not limited to those listed above using your own computer.In the third section, we will teach you how to record, play, and edit the notes. You will learn various techniques like adjusting the range of pitch, setting the dynamic, copying the notes and exporting your music. Even if you are not able to play any instruments, or if you dont have much musical knowledge, but still you are interested in making cool music on computer, this course will definitely help! By using the skill and techniques mastered through this course, you will be able to compose your original music, and share it to the world in the future."
Price: 134.99 |
"Revit architecture complete training" |
"Revit Architecture is a robust architectural design and documentation software application created by Autodesk for architects and building professionals. The tools and features that make up Revit Architecture are specifically designed to support building information modeling (BIM) workflows. By utilizing BIM as opposed to computer-aided drafting (CAD), Revit Architecture is able to leverage dynamic information in intelligent models allowing complex building structures to be accurately designed and documented in a short amount of time. Each intelligent model created with Revit Architecture represents an entire project and is stored in a single database file. This allows changes made in one part of the model to be automatically propagated to other parts of the model, thus enhancing the workflow for Revit Architecture users.Why Revit?Design skills that make you more valuablePresentation skills that get your work noticedGain valuable exposure to BIM`Prepare for your internshipMaximize your design possibilitiesPreview the Future Home in 3D BIM ModelingQuick Changes to Design, No Repetitive TasksVast Library of Parametric Building ComponentsHigh-Quality Construction DocumentsAccurate Estimation of Quantities and CostImproved CoordinationHigh Level of FlexibilityAutodesk Revit for Architects, Structural Engineers, MEP Engineers, DesignersSS eAcademy Provide step by step guide to learn Revit."
Price: 29.99 |
"A arte do time lapse, stop motion e hyperlapse." |
"Esse um curso onde voc vai aprender a criar vdeos em time lapse, stop motion e hyperlapse. Perfeito para iniciantes que gostam de registrar trabalhos desenhando ou trabalhos fotogrficos de uma forma bem criativa. No curso ser feito alguns desenhos onde ser fotografado todo processo de criao e posteriormente ser feita a edio misturando todas as tcnicas de time lapse, stop motion e hyperlapse no mesmo vdeo.O curso estdividido em sees:Seo 1 ''Introduo''- Onde voc vai ver um vdeo introdutivo, mostrando a sequncia de aulas e atividades do curso, vai aprender o que um time lapse, um stop motion e um hyperlapse.Seo 2 ""Desenvolvimento"" - Aqui voc vai aprender como preparar a rea de trabalho, configurar a cmera, montar o time lapse, montar o stop motion, fazer um hyperlapse, importar arquivos, controlar a velocidade, editar o vdeo, colocar efeitos, exportar o vdeo, usar app no celular, cmera DSLR.Seo 3 ""Concluso"" - Aqui teremos a demonstrao de trabalhos que utilizam as tcnicas de time lapse, stop motion, hyperlapse e encerramento do curso!OBS.: - O curso tem como foco a edio do trabalho no adobe premiere, no uso das ferramentas necessrias para desenvolver os vdeos ensinados no curso e no na explicao detalhada de todos os recursos e ferramentas que compem o software adobe premiere.- As aulas tem durao mxima de at 10 minutos (nem sempre chegando a esse valor), visando um processo de aprendizagem agradvel e menos cansativo!"
Price: 489.99 |
"Aprenda fazer fotos para sua loja virtual" |
"Hoje em dia para se atrair clientes no ""e-commerce"" preciso ter uma imagem profissional do produto, uma imagem que transmita credibilidade, confiana, para assim aumentar significativamente as vendas e oferecer uma melhor experincia para todos os clientes! E exatamente isso que voc vai aprender nesse curso, fazer fotos profissionais para a sua loja virtual, e tudo de uma forma simples, sem precisar investir muito dinheiro! Voc vai aprender tudo que precisa para comear, tipos de cmeras, iluminao adequada, iluminao natural e artificial, vai aprender sobre tenda difusora (mini estdio fotogrfico) tipos de fundos para usar, fundo infinito, configurao e dicas de cmera, dicas de celular, como fotografar roupas e produtos diferenciados (brinquedos, perfumes, jias, artesanato e outros), o que evitar, como se diferenciar, dicas de sites, edio das fotos (sincronizao, exportao, como tirar fundos de fotos, configurar tamanhos, tipos de arquivos, colocar sombras, tirar imperfeies, fazer um efeito manequim fantasma), como montar suas fotos pra vender num marketplace internacional como a Wish por exemplo.No curso usaremos algumas fotos de produtos diferenciados, onde voc vai poder baixar e acompanhar as aulas para praticar e compreender todo processo.O curso est dividido em sees:Seo 1 ''Introduo'' - Onde voc vai conhecer um pouco do curso e a sequncia de aulas.Seo 2 ""O que voc precisa para comear?"" - Aqui vamos falar sobre tipos de cmeras, iluminao adequada, iluminao natural e artificial, vamos falar sobre tenda difusora (mini estdio fotogrfico) tipos de fundos para usar, fundo infinito.Seo 3 ""Configurando a cmera"" - Aqui voc vai aprender a configurar a cmera pra conseguir boas fotos, ter dicas da cmera, dicas de celular.Seo 4 ""Fotos de roupas e produtos"" - Nessa parte vamos falar como fazer fotos de roupas, como fotografar em superfcies planas, fazer fotos de produtos diferenciados, como ter imagens consistentes, cuidados a se tomar, o que evitar nas fotos, vamos comentar sobre sites e tipos de lojas virtuais comparando alguns tipos de fotografia, entre outras dicas.Seo 5 ""Edio"" - Aqui vamos fazer a edio das fotos usando o Lightroom e Photoshop, voc vai aprender a fazer uma sincronizao de fotos, exportao, tirar fundos de fotos, configurar tamanhos, tipos de arquivos, colocar sombras, tirar imperfeies, fazer um efeito manequim fantasma, e tambm vamos mostrar e dar dicas de sites pra montar uma loja virtual grtis, fazer transaes na internet.Seo 6 ""Marketplace internacional"" - Aqui vamos mostrar como fazer uma montagem de fotos para aqueles lojistas brasileiros que gostariam de vender seus produtos em um marketplace internacional, onde usaremos como exemplo a Wish.Seo 7 ""Concluso"" - Encerramento do curso."
Price: 489.99 |
"Ilustrando e colorindo no Photoshop" |
"Ol, quer aprender a ilustrar e colorir seus desenhos de uma forma simples e prtica no Photoshop? Ento se inscreva j nesse curso! Aqui faremos uma ilustrao do incio ao fim, desde os traos iniciais, contorno, pintura, luzes, sombras, efeitos, at a concluso do projeto!O curso estdividido em sees:Seo 1 ''Introduo''- Aquivoc vai ver uma aula introdutria falando sobre a sequncia de aulas do curso, tambm vai aprender a baixar uma verso grtis do photoshop pra testar o programa caso no tenha o mesmo instalado no computador, vamos falar tambm sobre a mesa digitalizadora que muito til pra fazer esse tipo de ilustrao e pintura, cuidados a se tomar pra quem trabalha muitas horas no computador, interface do photoshop e ferramentas que vamos usar no trabalho!Seo 2 ""Desenhando"" - Aqui vamos comear o processo de desenho, traos, contorno, ajustes, at concluir todo contorno!Seo 3 ""Pintura"" - Aqui comearemos a fazer a pintura base do desenho, separando tudo em camadas pra conseguir um timo resultado, tudo de forma simples e organizada!Seo 4 ""Sombras, luzes e efeitos"" - Nessa seo onde a mgica acontece, onde o desenho comea a ganhar vida, volume, aqui colocaremos toda parte de sombras, luzes e efeitos nas camadas do desenho deixando tudo mais bonito.Seo 5 ""Ajustes do desenho"" - Aqui faremos os ajustes necessrios aps ter colocado as sombras, luzes e efeitos, enfim, sero feitas correes do desenho.Seo 6 ""Contorno colorido"" - Aqui vou te mostrar uma opo de contorno colorida, ensinando passo a passo como colorir.Seo 7 ""Ajustes finais"" - Como o diz o nome da seo, aqui sero feitos os ajustes finais do desenho, vamos falar sobre o crculo cromtico, ajustar o plano de fundo, mesclar camadas, salvar arquivos, colocar logotipo ou assinatura no desenho, comentar sobre algum problema na hora de salvar o arquivo e finalizar o plano de fundo e desenho!Seo 8 ""Encerramento"" - Por fim aqui teremos a aula de encerramento do curso, trazendo dicas, mensagens positivas e motivaes para o artista, nessa aula voc tambm poder baixar todo material do curso pra conferir toda criao da ilustrao.OBS. O curso focado no desenvolvimento de uma ilustrao e pintura digital, mostrando passo a passocomo desenvolver e concluire NO na explicao tcnica de todos os recursos, botese funes do software Photoshop.Todo material utilizado no curso de autoria exclusiva do autor (desenhos, imagens, vdeos, edio, msicas). Tudo feito detalhadamente com carinho pra voc desfrutar e aprender, seja bem vindo!"
Price: 579.99 |
"ABA - Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager- Practice Test" |
"The Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager CRCM certification demonstrates your expertise in the regulatory compliance field.This Certification exam is having two different sets + Bonus Set and each having 100 different questions. I made this practice test little tougher so that you can feel the real exam easier if you can clear this exam easily.Time for the exam is 90 mins per set and you need to get 80% of mark to pass the exam."
Price: 19.99 |
"Aprendendo Domain Driven Design (DDD) do zero" |
"Domain Driven Design mais que cdigo! uma abordagem que muda a forma que voc desenvolve um software, se relaciona com o cliente e com os analista de negcio.Nesse curso voc vai aprender do zero a como criar uma soluo utilizando DDD e vai entender de uma vez por todas o que isso."
Price: 39.99 |
"Git Grundlagen (mit GitHub)" |
"Lerne mit diesem Kurs, wie du Git schnell und effektiv einsetzen kannst!Git zu lernen ist einer der schnellsten Wege, um deine Entwicklungsprozesse (nicht nur Programmierung) zu verbessern und optimieren. Es ist eine unterschtze Fhigkeit, die aber fast immer gebraucht wird! Egal ob du Software- oder Web-Entwickler, Data Scientist, Business Analyst, IT Manager oder Grafik oder Web-Designer bist. In diesem Kurs lernst du schnell und erhltst auf dem Weg dorthin Challenges und Tests, um dein Verstndnis zu verbessern!Lerne Git beim praxisnahen AnwendenDieser Kurs soll dich so schnell wie mglich dazu bringen, mit Git und Github zu arbeiten. Am Ende des Kurses wirst du praktische Erfahrungen mit Git und Github sammeln und in der Lage sein, die Versionskontrolle fr jedes Projekt zu verwenden. Im Kurs werden echte Projekte verwendet bei denen die Git Befehle angewandt werden. Da Git fr die Kommandozeile entwickelt wurde geht der Kurs auch durch die Befehle. Damit verstehst du die Konzepte von Git besser und weit auch was im Hintergrund passiert. Das ""komplexe"" Thema des Branching, Merging und Rebasing wird dir entlang eines Praxisbeispiels erklrt. Dabei werden dir mit einfachen und anschaulichen Diagrammen die Ablufe aufgezeigt, damit du das warum auch verstehst.SchnellstartDu wirst so schnell wie mglich den Basis Workflow von Git anwenden knnen. Das heit ein echtes Projekt von GitHub herunterladen, nderungen machen und diese wieder nach GitHub hochladen. Schritt fr SchrittDanach wirst du Schritt fr Schritt erfahren wie du Repos erstellst, Dateien hinzufgst, einfach neue Branches oder und Codeversionen erstellst, Quelldateien auf den Remote-Server verschiebst und vieles mehr:Git Basis WorkflowArbeiten mit echten GitHub ProjektenReset und Revert: Wie mache ich Fehler am besten RckgngigErstellen und Wechseln von BranchesMerge und Rebase: Wie funktioniert es? Wann setzte ich es ein?Lsen von VersionskonfliktenVerwenden des StashErstellen und verwenden von TagsVerwenden der Historie und Hilfen beim DebuggenFr all das gilt eine 30-tgige Geld-zurck-Garantie. Worauf wartest du noch? Melde dich gleich an und wir sehen uns im Kurs!Schau dir die kostenlosen Vorschau-Videos an, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Team Building - Hands-on Tools To Build A Cohesive Team" |
"Team Building is a mystery to those who don't understand the context and the incredible business advantage in having a cohesive team!Did you know that 90% of employee turnover is due to lack of soft skills and teamwork and only 10% due to domain skills?Yet, organizations invest 90% in domain skills and barely 10% in soft skill training!Quite strange - right?Understanding the fundamentals of team building is not only a basic necessity in every organization but also can be the best ROI (Return On Investment) for you and your team.In order to achieve better employee retention and productivity you need to know how to build a team with the right foundations, which means to use strategic thinking, because the best strategy there is building a cohesive team. In this course you will be introduced to the 5 main dysfunctions of a team, what they are, how to identify them and how to remedy them so to create a strong, happy, productive team, leading to great profitability for your organization (and for yourself).Points to consider:1. Do you have trust within the team members in your organization?2. Are you able to have ideological conflicts? (not back biting, personal conflicts)3. Are you and your team members truly committed to the organization and its goals?4. Can you be counted and accountable to what you have committed?5. Are you part of a truly result orientated team, which never takes its eye off the mark?These key questions are addressed in a practical and meaningful way with steps showing how to remove these dysfunctions. This is where this Team Building MasterClass For All comes in and takes you step by step to show and teach you how to REALLY build a strong, effective & productive team.Some of the extra benefits: learn to better communicate better time management become more reliable & trustworthy getting to see the ""big picture"" clearly become truly goal orientated learn to think strategically about your team enjoy the immense benefits of teamworkWho is this course for: Leaders Team leaders Managers Executive Management Team members EntrepreneursThis course is suitable for anyone who wishes to increase the collective productivity of their organization as well as their personal career path.So don't tarry around wondering if this is for you! Time to move on and develop teambuilding skills that can make a huge difference for your career.Join me on this short but potent journey!If you need moreIam here for you!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Build a No-Code Chatbot with Smartloop" |
"Billions of people around the world use conversational interface of Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Whatsapp, Viber etc to to communicate with their family, friends, and now businesses. Whether you're a CEO, CMO, or a marketing agency serving clients, launching a chatbot will help you produce meaningful business results and crush your competitors along the way. Our top clients have generated millions of dollars in sales, saved tens of thousands in operational costs, and improved satisfaction by reducing customer support wait times. Start building your Messenger bot today no coding required!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso Mac Os Completo bsico medio y avanzado." |
"Es un curso completo y un excelente manual multimedia en el que mostrar paso a paso, cada una de las funciones del usuario de MAC OS. Te permitir realizar ms acciones en el escritorio, personalizarlo segn tus gustos, incluso completar tus tareas sin ni siquiera tener que abrir una app.Curso muy estructurado, consulta el temario y notars lo fcil y til que es como material de apoyo o consulta.Este curso est enfocado para todo tipo de pblico ya que empezaremos desde cero, hasta avanzado.Realizar un curso de Mac es un desafo, ya que hay que mantenerse constantemente actualizado, y esa es la intencin y el motivo por el cual he realizado este curso. En cada una de las siguientes actualizaciones estars a la ltima ya que revelar todos los secretos de sta y las futuras versiones de este fabuloso sistema operativo. Objetivo: Entregarte solamente lo til y mas importante, sin relleno sin palabras de ms y muy visual para que en apenas 3 minutos ya entiendas cada concepto o funcin o tema. Lo lograr? Aprenders desde las nociones bsicas, hasta las ms avanzadas. No te pierdas todo lo que tengo para entregarte, trabajars ms eficientemente y a tu ritmo. Sesiones cortitas y prcticas.Ya no estars sin atencin soy tcnico programador analista en informtica y usuario avanzado en MacOs.Me puedes consultar, estar aqu y me puedes escribir cuando quieras.Nos vemos en el curso.Tu instructor Dani."
Price: 199.99 |
"Introduction to ASP.Net Core MVC Pattern" |
"This course is a practical introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC Pattern, which is a way to structure your application to make it loosely coupled and easy to maintain. In this course, we will be using the latest stable version of .NET Core as of the time of production which is .NET Core 2.2Also covered in this course is the concept of Serialization (converting an object into a stream of bytes in order to store the object in a file) and Deserialization (the reverse process of serialization).Covered in this course :- Model- View- Controller- Serialization-Deserialization"
Price: 29.99 |
"Building an Enterprise Application with ASP.NET Core MVC" |
"Building an Enterprise Application with ASP.NET Core MVCFor those with basic OOP knowledge & new ASP.NET Core , this course will use a project-based approach to teach ASP.NET Core full-stack web application development, Using the latest .net core SDK as of the time of production."".NET Core is an open-source, general-purpose development platform maintained by Microsoft and the .NET community on GitHub. It's cross-platform (supporting Windows, macOS, and Linux) and can be used to build device, cloud, and IoT applications."" - Microsoft.In this course, we will be developing a web-based, modular Enterprise Payroll Software using the popular ASP.NET Core Framework. We will use a multi-layered architecture and it will be hosted on Azure Cloud.Project Technology Stack & Tools used- C# Programming language- .NET Core 2.2 & 3.0 SDK Covered- MVC- Entity Framework Core- LINQ- Visual Studio 2019- Bootstrap 4- SQL Server, Server Management Studio- GIT Version Control System (VCS), Version 2.22.0- RotativaCore (NuGet Library for PDF)- Cmder (Console Emulator for Windows)- Azure Cloud Portal"
Price: 189.99 |
"BOOTSTRAP 4 : la formation ULTIME" |
"Ce cours va littralement vous faire passer de l'ignorance au niveau de matre de Bootstrap. Vous allez crer avec moi 3 VRAIS projets du monde moderne sur Tinder, Tesla et Harry Potter. Les classes utilitaires, les composants et les animations n'auront plus aucun secret pour vous. Vous pourrez mme, si vous avez des bases en Sass, apprendre modifier Bootstrap pour le rendre unique !Seul des bases en HTML et en CSS sont ncessaires pour suivre cette formation.Dans chacune des sessions que nous allons passer ensemble, je vais vous accompagner par la main pour vous montrer tout le potentiel de Bootstrap ! Puis, je vous laisserai vous entraner.Vous disposerez de TOUS LES CODES de la formation, en temps rel ! Une session = une page de code pouvoir consulter quand vous le souhaitez.Cette formation faisant parti de la Collection Ultime, label de qualit que j'ai cr, vous pouvez tre sr que vous ne serez pas du !Alors, je vous attends ?"
Price: 194.99 |
"Mettez votre site internet en ligne" |
"Avoir un site internet ? Cest super ! En faire profiter le monde entier, cest dj mieux... Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez tout ce quil faut savoir pour russir mettre son site internet en ligne :Comment avoir son propre nom de domaineComment avoir son propre serveurComment lier son nom de domaine son serveurComment mettre ses fichiers en ligneCe cours est vraiment trs important et cest pour cette raison que jai pris la dcision de le proposer gratuitement tout le monde, sans contrepartie. Jespre que vous lapprcierez !On se retrouve dans la suite du cours !"
Price: 194.99 |
"The Top B2B Sales Performer's Guide To A Successful Career" |
"The fastest growing Sales Training Series on Udemy CONTINUES...The Top Performer's Guide To Building a Successful B2B Sales Career!*****What factors determine long term sales success?You taken sales courses, read the sales books, gone to the sales seminars...but is that enough?Have you heard the phrase, ""slow down, so you can speed up?""*****How do you know if you're doing the right things?How do you know if your actions from today will help you tomorrow?How do you know if you're making mistakes today that will result in you burning out?*****Do you want to know how top sales reps always maximize their commissions and bonuses every part of the year? Do you want to know how top sales reps always end up being steps ahead of everyone else?Do you want to know how top sales reps are the best with time management and have incredible focus?*****Enough with the sales training out there that will help you put bandaids on your skill sets... NOW you can finally learn what you need to set up your foundation for your sales future! We've got everything you need to BECOME a top sales professional inside of this course.This 46 lecture sales guide is filled with sales tips, techniques, and systems from a proven successful Fortune 500 Director of Sales Training designed to not just teach you skills, but to lay the roots for a long term successful career. *****What is inside of The Top Performer's Guide To Building A Successful B2B Sales Career:Section 1: Building A FOUNDATION For SuccessSection 2: Having The DISCIPLINE of a Top PerformerSection 3: The Key ACTIVITIES of Great Sales PeopleSection 4: Time Management - Plan For ROADBLOCKSSection 5: How To FOCUS Amidst The ChaosSection 6: BELIEVE In Your FutureLet's Go! Your Future Is Waiting! *****In the Modern Sales Training courses you will Learn directly from an actual Sales Director of Training for a Fortune 500 Company! **********Peter, VP of Sales said: ""Derek's series on Sales are great on their own, but when taken together they make for a rounded experience covering the sales cycle in great detail. Derek is highly competent as a sales trainer, and while I've taken a lot of sales courses on Udemy, the courses by Derek stands head and shoulders above the rest.""Scott says: The instructor has a way of making the overwhelming task of handling objections seem achievable. He is very motivating!Barbara says: Another great course by Derek Shebby.**********"
Price: 199.99 |
"Website Design Essentials" |
"Learn how to execute HTML5, CSS, bootstrap and PHP coding to design awesome websites, and solve coding errors on other people's sites.Be your own boss, and eliminate the need to hire a 'professional designer' to help you build your Blogs or Websites. Lessons are made with a dummy-friendly approach, and success is inevitable"
Price: 79.99 |
"PHP Compressed" |
"This training will get you from the beginning stages up to a point where you can understand PHP functions and write your own scripts. It is a summarized training that will put you on your way, so you can know what PHP entails, especially for those who do not have the time for a long stretched course, or for beginners who just want to have an idea and not go really deep into it yet."
Price: 19.99 |
"Backpacker's Kickstarter" |
"When you search for information online what you need to do before a backpacking adventure, you probably go on dozens of blogs and you'll find a variety of conflicting information. Why? Because everyone will share their own and only perspective. If they found something useful, they'll recommend it, if they found something a drag, they won't recommend it.But just because someone said it's okay, or not okay, you might find yourself having a very different experience. So this course chose to show you 2 widely different backpacker experience from 2 widely different people, who met in Colombia on a year-long backpacking trip and became friends.Most of the time soon-to-be-travelers ask only practical questions.- What should I bring?- What about insurance and bank cards?- How fast should I travel?- How much money will I need?...etc.But what no one asks - and backpacking is really about are:- How will this change me?- Will I feel lonely and if so, how to deal with it?- What if other the trip I won't want to go back to my old life?- How will I integrate with my old friends who never went through what I did?- How will I feel about my society once I experienced the world?...and you'll find yourself being on the road thinking ""daaaaamn, I wish someone would have told me about this...""The true adventure during a few months to few years backpacking is the inner journey. It wouldn't matter what you'll have in your bag when you find yourself becoming a different person. A trip like this is not for everyone, because it is extremely mentally demanding. Every day, week, months new stimulation, new people, a new language, new place to stay...and it will affect you profoundly.Leaving is not easy, being on the road is not easier and going back home is probably the hardest. But what life teaches a backpacker can't be taught in school. Backpacking is the most honest personal development tool tailor-made for you.So this video series is showing you 2 backpacker experiences without filters. Backpacker's Kickstarter will cover a ton of practical and even more mental preparation, so you won't have to find yourself thinking ""daaaaamn, I wish someone would have told me about this...""The reason why this course came to life was that Ines and I had done year-long backpacking in Latin America in 2016 and we both felt that the information we found online about backpacking just wasn't touching all the topics. Whatever you read online is always only one perspective and only one experience. I wanted to create something that covers more angles and also talks about the difficult topics that are considered taboo or censored in everyday life. Just because we don't talk about them, they are happening and I would argue they are even more important. If it's difficult to talk about it, it is worth talking about it, because I'm sure there is a lack of information and understanding around it. And if you are going to go out on the biggest adventure of your life, you should be prepared, but at least aware.So we are covering practical, emotional, mental topics because backpacking is mostly about the last two. The least of your concern will be about the practical, so we thought we'll prepare you for what backpacking is really about. We both visited the most beautiful nature, the most exciting culture and met the most interesting people, but what none of us expected was just how much we grew as individuals.As I said we traveled to Latin America. Ines planned and booked most things in advance, I hitchhiked and had no plans what so ever, so you will hear 2 completely different stories within the same experience. Hoping this way we'll give you a better understanding of what you are about to embark. Enjoy the journey!"
Price: 39.99 |
"How to Build an Instagram Clone w/ React Native & Firebase" |
"In this course we will learn how to build our own Instagram clone with React Native,Expo, Firebase, Redux & React Navigation. This will be the first part in a multi-part series to learn every detail along the way. Associated code files and explanation will be added for each video as well to get a closer look at how everything is built."
Price: 149.99 |
"Woocommerce Interview Questions and answers" |
"Woocommerce Interview Questions and answers from beginner to experienced covering all topics needed from installing woocommerce online shop to adding products, administration of products, selling the products, setting shipment methods, setting payment methods, tracking order, making website multi-vendor website, plugins that come handy with administration of woocommerce shop and lots more have been discussed in full detail"
Price: 19.99 |
"H4 Visa Interview Questions" |
"H4 Visa Interview Questions and Answer Preparation offers unique opportunity for H4 visa interview candidates to get to know all the topics from which they can expect interview questions. We cover from basics starting with list of documents that you need to carry to attend the interview, how to face the interviewer, tips on cracking difficult H4 visa interview questions and lots more"
Price: 19.99 |
"Wordpress Interview Questions" |
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"1z0-060 Practice Test" |
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Price: 19.99 |
"Lgica de Programao e Algoritmos com Python e exerccios!" |
"Aprender a programar algo muito interessante para qualquer pessoa hoje em dia, e o objetivo deste curso justamente guiar voc nesta caminhada.Com a programao, voc pode resolver diversos problemas do dia a dia que poderiam ser muito trabalhosos em poucos minutos, como fazer determinadas contas (aquelas chatas que voc faz todo dia no escritrio), algumas solues para seu trabalho (eu, por exemplo, fiz um pequeno programa para gerenciar as tarefas do pequeno escritrio onde trabalho), bem como diversas outras coisas.Python deixa muita coisa mais fcil para quem est comeando. Eu comecei a programar com o C/C++, e confesso que achava que programar no era pra qualquer um (e no vale falar ""Portugol"", pois apesar de intuitivo pra muitos, costuma deixar de ser utilizado pois no tem implementaes prticas) at eu conhecer o Python. A simplicidade da linguagem destri muitas barreiras que os iniciantes poderiam ter ao comear a programar.ATENO: Este no um curso de Python! um curso de como aprender a programar. Python a ferramenta.Enfim, o objetivo deste curso dar a base de programao para aqueles que so novos nesse mundo e querem poder se maravilhar com ele. Bons estudos! =D"
Price: 234.99 |
"Lgica de Programao e Algoritmos com C/C++ e exerccios!" |
"Aprender a programar algo muito interessante para qualquer pessoa hoje em dia, e o objetivo deste curso justamente guiar voc nesta caminhada.Com a programao, voc pode resolver diversos problemas do dia a dia que poderiam ser muito trabalhosos em poucos minutos, como fazer determinadas contas (aquelas chatas que voc faz todo dia no escritrio), algumas solues para seu trabalho (eu, por exemplo, fiz um pequeno programa para gerenciar as tarefas do pequeno escritrio onde trabalho), bem como diversas outras coisas.C/C++ so linguagens no to fceis de serem aprendidas como Python, por exemplo, mas tambm no so exatamente muito mais difceis. Eu, por exemplo, aprendi a programar em C++. S um pouco pior do que algumas outras pois uma linguagem de mdio nvel, mas se voc nunca programou na vida, no deve sentir dificuldade em comear por aqui, e, quando for aprender uma nova linguagem, muito provavelmente ser muito mais fcil j sabendo C ou C++. Alm disso, so linguagens muito utilizadas em diversas situaes at hoje, sendo as preferidas para sistemas embarcados e indispensveis nos desenvolvimentos de jogos, devido a seu mdio nvel e sua impressionante performance.ATENO: Este no um curso de C/C++! um curso de como aprender a programar. C e C++ so as ferramentas.Enfim, o objetivo deste curso dar a base de programao para aqueles que so novos nesse mundo e querem poder se maravilhar com ele. Bons estudos! =D"
Price: 234.99 |
"Lgica de Programao e Algoritmos com Lua e exerccios!" |
"Aprender a programar algo muito interessante para qualquer pessoa hoje em dia, e o objetivo deste curso justamente guiar voc nesta caminhada.Com a programao, voc pode resolver diversos problemas do dia a dia que poderiam ser muito trabalhosos em poucos minutos, como fazer determinadas contas (aquelas chatas que voc faz todo dia no escritrio), algumas solues para seu trabalho (eu, por exemplo, fiz um pequeno programa para gerenciar as tarefas do pequeno escritrio onde trabalho), bem como diversas outras coisas.Lua uma linguagem bem diferente das que costumo ver por a. Para comear, brasileira, interpretada e bem leve. D para fazer muitas coisas com ela, inclusive muito utilizada, juntamente com C, na criao de jogos. Possui funcionalidades bastante peculiares e, creio eu, que ao compreender bem Lua voc muito provavelmente poder aprender com facilidade grande parte das outras linguagens comumente usadas.ATENO: Este no um curso de Lua! um curso de como aprender a programar. Lua a ferramenta.Enfim, o objetivo deste curso dar a base de programao para aqueles que so novos nesse mundo e querem poder se maravilhar com ele. Bons estudos! =D"
Price: 234.99 |
"Programao Orientada a Objetos com Python e exerccios!" |
"O curso visa explicar na prtica os conceitos fundamentais da programao orientada a objetos utilizando a linguagem Python. A POO muito importante para o desenvolvedor criar cdigos de alto nvel de abstrao (mais prximos do nvel humano que o de mquina) e que so facilmente reutilizveis em comparao com os do paradigma procedual.J Python uma linguagem famosa por sua simplicidade e facilidade, sendo adorada pelos iniciantes, e sendo praticamente toda desenvolvida no paradigma POO.A ideia no focar muito em explicaes tericas maantes, mas utilizar exemplos prticos para demonstrar os conceitos e atividades para fix-los."
Price: 249.99 |