"AWS SysOps Administrator Practice Tests" |
"AWS SysOps Administrator is an associate certification which is crafted for the prospects motivated for administration to impart their role in system operations. The certification enables the students to management, deploy and operate the highly available, scalable systems with fault tolerance in system on AWS. Furthermore, the preparation of this certification will also enable the students to control and implement the data flow from and to AWS. Students will be able to take better decisions while making selection of AWS services such as computation, data, and the requirements of security. The practice tests included in this course will help you to understand the basic concepts and help you to nourish your skills to appear in real practice test exam. However, you have to be motivated and disciplined to stick to the practice tests. But, only going through these practice tests will not be enough. You will also have to consult books and as much literature as you can to fully grasp the underlying concepts of AWS SysOps Administrator Certification. Best of Luck :)"
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Draw Birds Vol 4 - Sea Eagle, Kookaburras and Parrots" |
"Have you ever wished you could draw?Would you love to be able to draw AMAZING pictures you never thought possible?With this course you'll learn to draw 3 stunning bird pictures by following our easy step by step videos.Pick up and LearnIn my 30+ Years of Experience I have found that Pastel Pencils is the by far the easiest art medium to pick up and learn.In this course you will learn how to draw 3 stunning wild animals:Steller's Sea EagleKookaburrasParrotsWhen you have finished this course not only will you walk away with 3 incredible paintings but you will also be able to apply what you have learnt to draw your own pictures.MaterialsFor all pictures I use Sand Coloured Fabriano Ingres Paper, this is a great neutral tone and works so well for all kinds of subjects. It is ideal for someone fairly new to pastel pencil work as you can erase so easily on the paper. I also use Faber-Castell Pitt Pastel Pencils and refer to these throughout the course. You can of course use any materials that you wish to use.I would recommend this course for intermediate level artists. Perhaps you have tried my free courses and want to venture into the next level up or have already used Pastel Pencils before. If you are just starting out with pastel pencils let me not discourage you from giving this subject a go, you will certainly learn a lot from the lessons and hopefully enjoy it as you do!I provide you with an outline drawing for each subject so that you do not have to draw free hand. Trace this through to your paper or print it straight out using your printer. I walk you through step by step with Video instruction how to draw each stage. You'll learn techniques behind drawing beautiful birds and create pictures you can be proud of.I have broken the course down into bitesize chunks that you can follow and return to with ease.If you love drawing and want to discover easy techniques to create stunning art that you can transfer to your own pictures then this course is for you."
Price: 29.99 |
"How To Draw Wild Animals Vol 6 - Panda, Orangutan & Meerkat" |
"Have you ever wished you could draw?Would you love to be able to draw AMAZING pictures you never thought possible?With this course you'll learn to draw 3 amazing wild animals by following our easy step by step videos.Pick up and LearnIn my 30+ Years of Experience I have found that Pastel Pencils is the by far the easiest art medium to pick up and learn.In this course you will learn how to draw 3 stunning wild animals:Red PandaBaby OrangutanMeerkatWhen you have finished this course not only will you walk away with 3 incredible paintings but you will also be able to apply what you have learnt to draw your own pictures.MaterialsFor all pictures I use Sand Coloured Fabriano Ingres Paper, this is a great neutral tone and works so well for all kinds of subjects. It is ideal for someone fairly new to pastel pencil work as you can erase so easily on the paper. I also use Faber-Castell Pitt Pastel Pencils and refer to these throughout the course. You can of course use any materials that you wish to use.I would recommend this course for intermediate level artists. Perhaps you have tried my free courses and want to venture into the next level up or have already used Pastel Pencils before. If you are just starting out with pastel pencils let me not discourage you from giving this subject a go, you will certainly learn a lot from the lessons and hopefully enjoy it as you do!I provide you with an outline drawing for each subject so that you do not have to draw free hand. Trace this through to your paper or print it straight out using your printer. I walk you through step by step with Video instruction how to draw each stage. You'll learn techniques behind drawing beautiful wild animals and create pictures you can be proud of.I have broken the course down into bitesize chunks that you can follow and return to with ease.If you love drawing and want to discover easy techniques to create stunning art that you can transfer to your own pictures then this course is for you."
Price: 29.99 |
"Laravel 6 Full Project Course - Job HR Management Portal" |
"Laravel 6 comes with so many new powerful features such as: 1. Lazy collections2. Laravel Vapor compatibility3. Job middleware In this course, one topic per section, we'll get you up to speed in no time.This Laravel 6 tutorial follows laracast video tutorials to create the first laravel 6 video tutorial course. This laravel 6 video tutorial also contains articles, resources and recommendations that all laravel 6 video tutorial students can enjoy and gain from.Laravel was built by Taylor Ortwell to cover all the basic needs of any web developer. If you are searching for a comprehensive laravel 6 video tutorial that covers all the core laravel 6 topics while using laravel 6 to build a full project, here is it. In this laravel 6 video tutorial full project course, I covered all the important basic to advanced topics such as:AuthenticationGenerationArchitecture ConceptsThe BasicsFrontendSecurityDigging DeeperDatabaseEloquent ORMTestingThere are more detailed topics such as Laravel 6 Lazy CollectionsThe first stop on our Laravel 6 tour is lazy collections, contributed by Joseph Silber. This is easily one of my favorite additions to Laravel 6. While a traditional Collection wraps an array, a LazyCollection leverages generators to significantly reduce memory consumption issues, while still offering the same elegant chaining that you've become accustomed to.Laravel 6 Ignition is Laravel's Amazing New Error PageThe new default error page in Laravel 6 is something special. Contributed by the teams behind Spatie and Beyond Code, Ignition is a gorgeous and extensible error screen.Laravel 6 Frontend Scaffolding Has Been Moved to Laravel UIWhen installing a fresh Laravel 6 application, you'll notice that the login and registration scaffolding, as well as the Vue/jQuery/Bootstrap boilerplate in your app.js file have been extracted to a new Composer package: laravel/ui. This helps to clean up the default install while allowing the package to be versioned separately from the framework.Laravel 6 Eloquent Subquery AdditionsLaravel 6 ships with improved support for Eloquent subqueries, thanks to a few PRs from Jonathan Reinink. You may now add subqueries by using the new addSelect() method, or by passing a closure to the orderBy() and from() methods of the query builder. I'll show you how in this lesson."
Price: 199.99 |
"Curso Completo de Alemn Bsico - A1" |
"En ste Curso de Alemn daremos nuestros primeros pasos en la lengua germana, por lo que no necesitas tener conocimientos previos.Se trata de un curso muy dinmico. Tras el curso, adquirirs el nivel A1, o lo que es lo mismo, cuando acabes el curso tendrs un nivel bsico de lengua germana, lo que te permitir desenvolverte en tu da a da.En el curso, iremos aprendiendo poco a poco a presentarnos, a preguntar, a quedar para ir al cine, los nmeros, los pronombres personales y posesivos, los das de la semana, los meses del ao, unidades de tiempo, los colores, los adjetivos, los artculos, vocabulario, los verbos separables e inseparables, los verbos modales... es decir, todo lo necesario para expresarte y comprender el idioma.El curso va acompaado de videos que facilitarn tu pronunciacin desde el primer da, multitud de tests, ejercicios, dictados y audios que facilitarn enormemente tu aprendizaje de la lengua germana.Si quieres saber ms en detalle todo lo que veremos en el curso:- Presentacin, me llamo...- Pronombres personales en nominativo y acusativo.- Verbos sein y haben.- Conjugacin de los verbos.- Nominativo y acusativo del artculo determinado e indeterminado.- Nmeros cardinales.- Imperativo.- Los colores.- Oraciones interrogativas en alemn.- Oraciones si/no.- Preguntar y decir la hora (horario formal e informal).- Verbos separables e inseparables.- Verbos transitivos e intransitivos.- Adjetivos determinativos en nominativo y acusativo.- Verbos modales.- Dilogos para el da a da.- Intercambiar E-Mails con un amigo.- Momentos del da, das de la semana, meses y las estaciones del ao con su correspondiente preposicin.- Pronombres posesivos en nominativo y acusativo.- Coloquialismos.- Vocabulario (nombres o sustantivos, adjetivos, adverbios, verbos, frases hechas, etc.).- Formacin del gnero femenino en los nombres o sustantivos derivados de un sustantivo masculino.- Negacin (tres formas distintas de negar en alemn) en nominativo y acusativo.- Mi fiesta de cumpleaos (felicitacin, regalo, tomar algo).- Qu tipo de verbo es? Como realizar bsquedas especficas de verbos transitivos e intransitivos. - Preguntar y decir el precio de algo (en Euros, etc.).- Preguntar donde podemos encontrar un cajero, o cambiar dinero.- Dar indicaciones para llegar a un sitio.- Pedir la cuenta, pedir un recibo y preguntar si aceptan el pago con tarjeta de crdito.- Preguntar el horario de apertura y cierre de un establecimiento.- Planificar unas vacaciones por E-Mail con un amigo.- Nmeros ordinales en nominativo.- Cmo preguntar/decir la fecha en nominativo.- Qu he de preguntar cuando viajo en autobs?- Expresar sueos, deseos, anhelos...- Hacer peticiones corteses.- Etc."
Price: 199.99 |
"Coloring your comic books" |
"You want to learn how you can add colors to your comic book pages? Learn in this course how to do with a software and a graphic tablet. I'm going to show you very simple things that will allow you to add rapidly and efficiently colors to your comic book pages and illustrations. This course is also providing you plenty of examples and demonstrations to help you to have a better understanding of the techniques you can use."
Price: 29.99 |
"How to draw faces and heads" |
"Have you ever dreamed to know how to draw faces? This course is done for you! in this course, you will find many tips and advises that will help you you to improve your drawing skills. These videos you are about to see are providing many explanations, step by step, and will allow you to learn precisely how to draw faces for comic books or any illustrations. Get ready to learn more and to be more efficient."
Price: 29.99 |
"Comic book creation: examples step by step" |
"You want plenty of explanations, demonstrations and advices to help you to create your own comic books? This course is done for you! Find in this course several hours of tips I'm giving you while creating pages of comic book. In black and white or in color, this course will give you the tools to use while using Clip Studio Paint, or any other creative softwares."
Price: 29.99 |
"How to draw arms and legs" |
"This course is done to teach you how to improve your skill in drawing arms, muscles and poses of characters. These are not easy things to do and these lessons will give you tips to get this done easier. You will get some advises and tips to be more confortable in drawing these body parts, as usually, most of the artists are failing at this point. So get ready, set your paper or graphic tablet, and start watching these videos and to draw."
Price: 29.99 |
"Digital drawing: How to create landscapes" |
"If you want to learn easy and simple ways to draw landscapes, this course is done for you. You will find in these examples, plenty of tips and advises to draw your landscapes. These videos are presenting you several examples, like how to draw montain, rocks, water or the sky and ice. All these elements need some specifics techniques to be draw, and I will make sure you get some of them. Get ready to learn very interesting stuff!"
Price: 29.99 |
"COMIPO: Create your manga without drawing skills" |
"Have you ever dreamed to create your own Manga? You have stories to tell? You don't have much skill in drawing? No problem, the COMIPO software is done for you. In this course, you are going to learn how to use this very simple software that is allowing you to create your own stories of manga without being a talented illustrator."
Price: 29.99 |
"How to use the free software STORYBOARDER" |
"You want to create your own storyboards for movies, advertising, or any kind of projects? The free software STORYBOARDER is done for you. With this course, you will learn all the use of this powerful and simple software. In the end, you will be able to understand and to use all the tools proposed and be very efficient in your production of storyboards."
Price: 24.99 |
"Teach to children how to draw step by step" |
"If you want to teach to children how to draw, you can use this course. I'm going to show, step by step, how to draw very funny and simple characters and animals. By following the steps I'm giving you, you will rapidly be able to draw yourself these characters, but your child are also going to learn very fast."
Price: 24.99 |
"VOXEDIT: Create and animate with 3D pixels" |
"If you want to create your own characters in 3D in the style of Minecraft, Voxedit is done for you! VOXEDIT is a software where you use voxels to create your 3D characters. A ""Voxel"" is a word composed of the word ""volumes"" and ""pixels"", this is a very simple technique to create such Minecraft designs. This is like doing pixel-art by using the 3D. Enjoy this course and have fun in creating your own voxel characters."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to draw faces with KRITA" |
"If you want to know how to use the drawing software Krita, and how to draw heads and faces with it, this course is done for you. I'm presenting you in this course several techniques and examples about drawing faces, by using different tools of the Krita software.In the end of this course, you will know more about Krita and about drawing anatomy of the head."
Price: 19.99 |
"Excel 2019 senza segreti" |
"Partendo dalle basi apprenderemo tutto quanto necessario per utilizzare il programma. Dalla gestione dei file alle formule e funzioni, dalle stampe ai grafici. E per concludere approfondiremo argomenti meno noti che vi consentiranno di ottimizzare il vostro lavoro, vedremo le tabelle, l'analisi di simulazione e tanti trucchi per procedere spediti."
Price: 79.99 |
"Office 365 Introduction to Flow" |
"This course gives students a comprehensive overview of Flow, an office 365 app which allows users to create automated workflows between apps in order to receive notifications, and synchronize files, collect data. In this course, students will review the various types of Flows, learn how to build a Flow, and how to work with actions. They will also learn how to use approvals as well as how to share, import, and export a Flow."
Price: 39.99 |
"Mastering Outlook 2019 - Advanced" |
"From Time-Waster To Productivity Booster: Change The Way You Use Microsoft OutlookFew things have greater impact on your productivity than the way you employ Outlook. Too many people waste time on unnecessary tasks that could be either managed automatically or handled in a fraction of the time if the Outlook user just knew how to use the proper tools.This Course Teaches How To Make The Leap From Being A Mere User To Being An Outlook Master"
Price: 39.99 |
"Create an 8-bit website" |
"Welcome to: Create an 8-bit website!We'll be creating a retro-style 8-bit website that looks like it fits in with 90's Nintendo games. This style website is great for sharing portfolio pieces, hobby sites, and resume-style web pages.In this course you'll follow me as I build a resume-style website, but feel free to adapt it to your vision.*You should be somewhat familiar with basic HTML and CSS to get the most out of this course. Beginners knowledge of HTML is OK!"
Price: 79.99 |
"Richard Stibbard's ""Ultimate Web Development Course""" |
"""This has been one of the best web courses ever. It should be used as a model by almost anyone thinking of teaching on the web. It has cleared out nearly a decade of web programming cobwebs. The fact you have made a course which is complete end-to-end is impressive. The fact that code examples all work puts nearly every programming book and most web courses to shame.""Paul Wolfson, Principal Investigator, Dallas Legal Technology---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""The Ultimate Web Development course is the most user friendly course I have encountered to date. Additionally, the lecturer, Dr. Richard Stibbard is extremely committed and accessible. Oh! If only all the on-line lecturers could take a page from his book."" Urich Wilmot-Hoyte----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ""Solid Full Stack Development course - I have been through numerous other books and courses trying to get up to speed on CSS, JQuery, Ajax, and PHP, and so far this is the most effective. I think there are two keys to it's success. First, the app developed throughout the course is reasonably complex and whether its a particular look in CSS or behaviour in jQuery, it accurately reflects what modern apps really look like. Next, there is enough hands on coding in all the tools that it really begins to stick. HIghly recommended for anyone wanting broad introduction to modern web development that really touches almost all the bases."" Donald Brummel----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taught by freelance developer and experienced online educator Dr. Richard Stibbard, this course takes you in easy steps through the entire process of building an up-to-date web interface which updates its database and HTML on the fly without the need for page refreshes, rather like the 'Add to Favourites' function on Youtube or Trivago's hotel search. You will learn how to: structure a website using HTML5 apply styling with cascading stylesheets (CSS) convert a static site to a dynamic one using PHP remove inefficient duplicate code use PHP functions to isolate variables use MySQLi and prepared statements for secure database queries manipulate page content immediately with jQuery update the database silently with AJAX upload the project to a web host and deal with important security considerations. PDF version of the course allows full-text search The course is equally suitable for beginners or more advanced students. For beginners there are step-by-step instructions which take you through every step of the project until all the principles have been covered, and then hand over to assignments which allow you to put into practice what you have learned before you see the solutions. For learners already familiar with some aspects of web design and development who want to move onto specific points more quickly, incremental working files and clear guidance are provided at every stage, allowing you to skip lessons you do not need and rejoin the course at any point without losing track of the necessary code. With studio quality audio, widescreen HD video, and incremental versions of the source code, this efficiently organized course teaches up-to-date coding techniques and gives comprehensive coverage of an important aspect of modern web development."
Price: 34.99 |
"Hands-On Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents" |
"This course is for all mischievous Raspberry Pi owners whod like to see their computer transform into a neat spy gadget to be used in a series of practical projects. No previous skills are required to follow along, and if youre completely new to Linux, youll pick up much of the basics for free.Well help you build and set up your Raspberry Pi Zero or Raspberry Pi 3 (B+ and A+) into a number of secret agent gadgets that we think any shadow-dwelling undercover operatives would be thankful to have on their next mission.Youll learn how to configure your operating system for maximum mischief and start exploring audio/video or Wi-Fi techniques to implement in your projects.About the AuthorConstantin Adam is a 25-year-old IT technician/content creator. He is a Raspberry Pi enthusiast and undertakes all types of projects. He also has a YouTube channel under the name Adam Builds for which he has received great responses from the community.He has been experimenting professionally with this for a living since 2015 by selling gaming consoles, cameras, and home automation services to people who dont necessarily have the knowledge or the time to do it themselves. He is extremely innovative and is excited to share his knowledge and expertise with you."
Price: 124.99 |
"Predictive Analytics using R 3.5" |
"Predictive modeling uses statistics to predict outcomes of events. It can be applied to any type of unknown event, regardless of when it occurred. This course will introduce you to the most widely used predictive modeling techniques and their core principles.This course will help you to perform key predictive analytics tasks, such as training and testing predictive models for classification and regression tasks, and scoring new data sets. The course covers the most common data mining tools, such as k-means, hierarchical regression, linear regression, association rules, principal component analysis, multilevel modeling, k-NN, Nave Bayes, decision trees, and text mining. It also describes visualization techniques using core tools to visualize patterns in data organized into groups.About the AuthorMihir Mohite is a big data and predictive analytics practitioner and data scientist at the UK Data Service (UKDS, University of Essex), the largest European socio-economic data repository. Mihir has extensive experience in processing and managing large-scale datasets and has worked in the fields of decision sciences, statistical modeling and descriptive/predictive analytics across technology and e-commerce domains. He is also skilled in the fields of time series analysis/Prediction, data analysis and modeling, big data, data wrangling, statistical modeling, data visualization, deep learning, and other machine learning and AI domains."
Price: 124.99 |
"Stop Panic Attacks Today with EFT" |
"Panic attacks effect so many people today resulting in sickness and lost days at work and can effect people from all walks of life from business men who head up huge corporations to their workers both male and female housewives and children attending school.The good news is it is only a reaction to a past experience where your mind is continuously working looking out to protect you from what frightened you in the past.Like I said its protecting you from experiencing whatever happened in the past the only difficulty it has is only that the exact specific circumstances could never happen again so your subconscious mind looks out for anything similar and this is where the panic attacks arise when there is no imminent danger causing you to feel like you are having a melt down.With EFT you can work on the disturbance in your body, by one bringing up in your mind situations that would or may case you to panic and tapping on the points I will teach you in this course. Now each EFT point is connected to the invisible energy system in the body, Acupuncture or acupressure points that are connected to major organs in the body and it is these organs that get stimulated through this energy system when negative thinking either consciously what you know you are thinking about or subconsciously below conscious awareness.And it is these subconscious thoughts you will be bringing to mind and bring about balance to your energy system so that your natural alarm system is not necessary anymore because whatever happened in the past you survived from or you would not be reading this today, and by doing this you will not have anymore panic attacks triggered for what could or might happen now or in the future. What you will get from this Course:EFT Tapping Points and Where to TapStop Panic Attacks Today with EFTDownloadable ResourcesDiscover Where Your Panic Attacks Come FromTriangular Breathing for Stress ReductionWave Breathing for Stress ReliefDownloadable ResourcesEmotional First Aid on Tap .pdfEFT Tapping Points Instructions. pdfEFT anxiety session. mp3Anxiety relief Hypnosis. mp3"
Price: 34.99 |
"Krita Digital Painting Beginner To Advanced In 4 Easy Steps" |
"COURSE OBJECTIVE The primary goal of this course is to teach students how to paint digitally on a computer and/or drawing tablet. The course is also designed to help traditional painters transition from using traditional media like canvases, sketchbooks, etc. to using the digital medium and digital techniques to create beautiful digital art.The course is for anyone interested in creating digital paintings & sketches. Both beginners and traditional painters are welcome to join the class and learn.Students will learn how to use the free open-source Krita software effectively and what the basic functions of this tool are.The knowledge of digital painting and digital painting techniques students will gain from this course is directly transferrable to the other big-name software that is used in the digital art industry. YOU WILL LEARN:All you need to become a digital artist using the free open-source digital sketching tool KritaHow to transition from using traditional media and techniques to using the digital medium and digital techniques to create digital artThe fundamental functionality of Krita How to choose the right drawing tablet (digitizer)How to use photos to create texture overlaysHow to use layer masksHow to use different layer modesMuch more...The course will take you by the hand with small exercises for you to practice your new skills.When you are finished with this course, you will have laid the foundation for your future career & hobby as a digital painter.I look forward to meeting you in the course forum where I'll be available to help you along the way and answer questions that you might have.WHAT IS DIGITAL PAINTING & KRITA?Digital painting is painting using a drawing tablet that is connected to a pc and drawing on this tablet using a stylus. You use a drawing/painting program such as Krita to create digital artwork. It is very similar to traditional painting fundamentally with a few unique aspects such as blending.Krita is a free open source digital painting software. It's used primarily for digital painting and animation.It contains digital brushes that mimic and replicate traditional media when you create brush strokes, by drawing on a graphics tablet.TOP 3 BENEFITS OF LEARNING DIGITAL PAINTING WITH KRITA1: There is a high demand for high-quality artwork that is produced quickly2: Digital art is the standard art form for many creative industries such as video games3: Being able to use both traditional and digital art mediums. The digital medium makes you a very employable artist as well as opening up more opportunities over the general spectrum of art that is needed by potential clients/employers.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSCan I just use traditional art for an art career? Yes, but you will be limiting yourself to creating work generally for galleries and exhibitions, whereas gaining the ability to create art digitally will open up many more avenues of potential income and employment.Does it take a long time to transition from traditional art to digital art? If you have a solid understanding of art fundamentals then it shouldnt take long, it will just be a case of getting used to using a stylus and drawing tablet and the intricacies of the digital software that we go through in the course.GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that it's not for you, please get a Udemy-backed refund. No questions asked just press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to your credit card. ARE YOU READY TO LEARN DIGITAL PAINTING WITH KRITA?Please press the ""Take This Course"" button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 189.99 |
"Freelancing on Upwork" |
"February 2013 is when it happened. Upwork was still Elance-oDesk, Id been on it a few months, I hadnt had much luck and was ready to move on. But, I stumbled across a blog post (now since deleted) from the company, itself, where they explained their client-to-freelancer matching algorithms. The keys to how their entire search and matching system worked.It changed everything.I immediately changed my profile and landed my first project.And then another.And another and another and another on and on it went.Until, eventually, I had to turn off my availability because I was getting so many job invites I couldnt keep up.So, this course is simpleI show you what I learned that day and the changes I made that turned everything around for me. If youre ready to make Upwork actually work for you, then enroll and lets get started.STUDENT REVIEW FROM OTHER PLATFORMS""I starting this course 3 days ago, following John's suggestions, and I gained the Upwork Rising Talent badge in less than 2 days. I have a call with my first potential client tomorrow. This class is super helpful if you follow the steps and instructions. Thanks, John!"" -- Stephanie Korski--""This guy is the man! I followed his steps and I am flooded with interviews in a week. I got into two Talent clouds after taking this course. Even I got appreciated for the proposals I sent. Well the interesting part is the very next day I got invitation from Talent specialists from upwork and lot more. I strongly recommend John morris upwork course and wish he could review my upwork profile. I wanna shout out, he is the best in this. Thanks John for helping me out!!!"" -- Jithin Thadathil Veedu--""This class made me just jump into Upwork and land my first job right away!! Thanks!"" -- Lucre Garino--""Awesome details of every aspect of your Upwork Profile. I got immediate results from a client the first day i changed a few things applying the tips he gives . i suggest changing your profile as you go thru the course with him and not wait till you watch the whole thing.. step by step... ty for a great course."" -- Lona Taylor--""The course is clear, informative and easy to understand, very impressive."" -- Philip Ferri"
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn To Read and Speak English Fast With New Proven Model" |
"A new method of learning English (UK) fast, easy and accurately will introduce you to the sounds and enable you to read 53% of all written material within a week. There is no padding, no bluff and no difficulties. Hear the sounds and the see the letters matched with simple examples."
Price: 49.99 |
"Professional Scrum Master Exam (PSM I) - Practice Exams" |
"Validate your Scrum framework knowledge and demonstrate your fundamental level of Scrum mastery by earning the Professional Scrum Master (PSM 1) certification!The Scrum Master is one of the most important roles in the Agile Scrum team. And, as it goes, the higher the level of importance, the higher the earning potential.And that certainly applies to the Scrum Master as they make over $90,000 (USD) per year!I think it is fair to say you could live on that wage.So what does the Scrum Master do?In short, the Scrum Master is responsible for promoting and supporting Agile Scrum. They do this by helping everyone understand Scrum theory, practices, ceremonies, rules, and values, while also removing project roadblocks, assisting with backlog management, practicing agility, and facilitating events and ceremonies as needed.So, with the position being well compensated, having interesting responsibilities, and being a key part of the Agile team, I have a question for you...Have you considered becoming a Scrum Master?Well, just like a Scrum Master helps the team achieve their goals, we want to help you achieve yours! We proudly introduce you to our Professional Scrum Master Practice Exams!And even if playing the role of a Scrum Master isn't of interest to you, having that level of in-depth knowledge of Scrum would significantly elevate the value you can bring to your Agile Scrum team and your organization.Enrollment into our practice test course provides you access to two simulated practice exams. The contained 150 questions will not only prepare you to pass the PSM but our detailed explanations on each question will also greatly enhance your Scrum Guide knowledge.So regardless of whether you want to become a certified Scrum Master, gain notoriety for having a coveted certification, or you want to increase and validate your knowledge of Agile Scrum, these practice exams are exactly what you are looking for!Get ready to achieve certified status.Enroll and Prepare to Pass!Let's hear what our students had to say: Clear and concise! Incredibly easy to adapt the mindset and apply to the test. - Adam The course is awesome and comprehensive if you want to effectively prepare for the PSM1 level. Questions have been compiled very nice, very easy to understand and explanations after answers are very useful! Thank you, Jeremy and Vivek for the great course! - Aykhan This practice exam is well written and the questions are easy to understand. Though I have not achieved a passing score, it is a great resource to practice and study for the real exam. I also like the fact that I can retake the test as many times I want and hit the pause button to resume later. Other great features of the exam are the ability to stop and start anytime and skip questions and come back later to it. Lastly, once the test is submitted I can see the results and explanation for those questions I got wrong. Overall, it is a great way to test my knowledge, practice, and prepare for the big day. - GemberBut wait, why should you become certified? Enhanced credibility - Shows you possess the skills needed to be successful in the role and as a member of the teamAn increased salary - Those who have achieved a level of certification often earn more than their uncertified counterpartsA boost over other candidates - When applying for positions, earned certifications help to differentiate you and help you stand above other job applicantsCome join more than 85% of technology professionals and get certified today!For best results, we encourage you to keep practicing until you can consistently achieve above 92% on both practice examsThese practice exams are not endorsed by, in partnership with, nor affiliated with Scrum(dot)Org"
Price: 54.99 |
"Course 8: PowerShell- Advanced Administration of Server 2019" |
"Course DescriptionThis course provides students with the advanced knowledge and skills to create production-quality scripts by using Windows PowerShell. It teaches students how to automate administrative tasks by using Windows PowerShell. Students learn core scripting skills, such as creating advanced functions, writing controller scripts, and handling script errors. Students learn how to work with Windows PowerShell workflows, the REST API, XML-formatted data files, and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)-formatted data files. Students also learn how to use new administration tools, such as Desired State Configuration (DSC) and Just Enough Administration (JEA), to configure and help secure servers.The course outline is as followsModule 1, Creating advanced functionsLearn how to parameter a command and create an advanced function, convert a script and function into a script module, define parameter attributes and input validation for a function, enumerate objects by using scripting constructs, modify a function to accept pipeline input, produce complex pipeline output in a function, document a function by using comment-based Help, and create functions that support -WhatIf and -Confirm to parameter a command into an advanced function.Module 2, Using Microsoft .NET Framework and REST API in Windows PowerShellThis module explains how to use Microsoft .NET Framework and REST API to supplement functionality that Windows PowerShell commands provide.Module 3, Writing controller scriptsLearn how to describe the difference between tools and controller scripts, write controller scripts that present a user interface, and write controller scripts that automate a business process.Module 4, Handling script errorsLearn how to perform basic error handling in scripts. The module focuses on adding error handling to existing tools, primarily as a time-saving mechanism (as opposed to having students write new tools). A side benefit of this approach is that it helps build the skills needed to analyze and reuse existing code written by someone else. Topics include describing the shells default error responsemechanisms and adding error handling code to existing tools.Module 5, Using XML, JSON, and custom-formatted dataLearn how to read, manipulate, and write data in the XML and JSON formats.Module 6, Enhancing server management with Desired State Configuration and Just Enough AdministrationExplains how to write Desired State Configuration (DSC) configuration files, deploy those files to servers, and monitor servers configurations. This module also explains how to restrict administrative access by using Just Enough Administration (JEA).Module 7, Analyzing and debugging scriptsLearn how to use native Windows PowerShell features to analyse and debug existing scripts. Additionally, students analyse and debug an existing script.Module 8, ""Understanding Windows PowerShell WorkflowLearn about the features of the Windows PowerShell Workflow technology."
Price: 149.99 |
"Secrets of the Three Treasures - Qi, Jing & Shen" |
"Qigong is an ancient Chinese health and healing practice based on coordinating body movement and breath to improve blood flow, organ function, joint and bone health. Qigong has a profound depth that is often lost in translation and turned into something mystical rather than as a practical toolbox to aid us in reconnecting with our ability to become still. Qigong allows the individual to become aware of the body and breath moving together, an uncommon practice in our modern, fast-paced society. Once learned you can practice anywhere.A primary benefit of Qigong is the immediate impact on the entire body and nervous system through its ability to move both blood and lymphatic fluid simultaneously. Qigong practices move the blood and lymphatic fluids differently depending on whether you are doing a moving set such as the 8 Pieces of Brocade (Baduanjin), or doing a non moving set such as Standing Stake (Zhan Zhuang) or martial art like Taijiquan or Baguazhang. Qigong uses neuro-differentiation by engaging the nervous system in much the same way that we learn other motor patterns, the way babies learn to crawl and walk. The conditioned reactions of fight or flight give way to a third option of calm observation and stress becomes non-existent with regular practice. With Qigong a person can rewire themselves, body, heart and mind and learn to be present as a physical experience and not a limited series of mental exercises.This course will cover the basics of movement and structural mechanics within the 8 Pieces of Brocade (Baduanjin), Standing Stake (Zhan Zhuang) and Eight Trigram Palm Boxing (Baguazhang) so that you can begin to develop the Six Harmonies and the Three Treasures, which form the foundation of all aspects of the movement arts.Six HarmoniesExternal: Feet and Hands - Elbows and Knees - Hips and shouldersInternal: Qi Jing ShenThe Three Treasures.Qi vital energy, blood feeling the blood move and the body open and close to be physically presentJing essence refined refinement of tissue and structural alignment to feel the QiThe Baduanjin is famous for strengthening the kidneys which in turn strengthens a persons Jing. Jing is stored in the kidneys - kidney health is essential for a healthy body and long life.Shen spirit; soul, mind refined intention, being present and aware of all things in your body as you open and close the joints and align the body and move so you can refine deeper awareness"
Price: 39.99 |
"Blockchain Interview Questions" |
"In this course we cover broad range of questions that will help you prepare for your upcoming blockchain interview with full confidence. With changing trends, economy it becomes mandatory to equip with latest next generation concepts, technologies, skills that will help us retain our current job role, find best new jobs, get a better salary and promotion. That being said blockchain is the next form of currency exchange that is to dominate the scene in near future. This interview question set covers range of questions to help you face the upcoming interview with full confidence and pass the interview"
Price: 19.99 |