"Advanced Marketing for Advanced Marketers" |
"Learn the most advanced marketing strategies & tactics. I'll dispel commonly held myths such as the 4Ps and teach you advanced techniques such as segmentation using machine learning. I'll teach you how to execute at the global level and how to revise your strategy to align with the latest marketing theory. I'll also teach you nitty-gritty tactics such as how to acquire customers cost-effectively and how to write copy that sells. I've worked for companies large and small, including Sony PlayStation and the Google-backed startup Rocket Lawyer. I have an MBA from the #1 ranked marketing school, the Kellogg School of Management."
Price: 34.99 |
"Ensinando Online - Como criar seu curso EaD" |
"Todos ns temos algo para ensinar, mas nem sempre estamos prximos de quem gostaria de aprender. A internet, porm, facilitou muito o processo. Com ela, instrutores e alunos podem cruzar as fronteiras do tempo e espao e compartilhar conhecimento uns com os outros.Para voc, isso significa liberdade, renda residual, disseminao de conhecimento, criao de autoridade e muito sucesso!Entenda o Modelo ADDIE e o Modelo JORNADA e estruture seu conhecimento para ensinar pela internet. Neste curso, vamos conversar sobre Design Instrucional/Educacional, trilhas de aprendizado, contedos complementares e como colocar sua experincia em um contedo organizado e funcional!"
Price: 249.99 |
"Gamificao para desenvolvimento e anlise comportamental" |
"Seguindo a linha de contedos sobre gamificao, a Universidade Andarilho aborda desta vez a anlise de comportamento e o planejamento de desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional atravs da gamificao e, tambm, da autogamificao. Mas ser que possvel utilizar a gamificao em si mesmo?Vem subir de nvel com a gente e aprender novas formas de aplicar mecnicas de jogos, ideias de RPG e motivao ldica para alinhar produtividade e realizao!"
Price: 249.99 |
"Certificao Mestre das Vendas - Nvel 2" |
"Voc no precisa ter feito o primeiro nvel para aprender aqui.4 habilidades do bom vendedor? 5 tcnicas para vender mais e melhor? Desafios dirios e gamificao para vendedores ou equipes de venda?Melhore a performance da sua equipe e/ou aumente seus indicadores atravs do desenvolvimento de uma competncia/habilidade crucial para o mundo moderno!Venha evoluir como vendedor!"
Price: 219.99 |
"Habilidades de vendas profissionais - Negocie como um Lobo" |
"A verso PRO do primeiro curso gratuito da Universidade Andarilho traz muito contedo adicional para os profissionais de vendas.Seja voc um vendedor, um consultor, um lder de time de vendas ou mesmo um entusiasta das negociaes, todos ns precisamos negociar. Quanto melhor trabalharmos essa competncia, melhores sero os nossos resultados na vida, pois tudo gira em torno de dilogos, comunicao e confiana.Neste curso, vamos conversar brevemente sobre O Lobo de Wall Street e, na sequncia, vamos mergulhar em habilidades de vendas e tcnicas de negociao. Conversaremos sobre perguntas abertas, domnio de conversao, sistema linha reta (de Jordan Belfort), sondagem com foco emocional, enfrentamento de objees, construo de roteiro de vendas e muito mais.Vem subir de nvel!"
Price: 309.99 |
"Retoque fotogrfico de belleza, Piel Perfecta con Photoshop" |
"Domina el retoque de piel con separacin de frecuencia en Adobe Photoshop, la tcnica profesional preferida por todos los profesionales del diseo y la fotografa. Aprende a separar las frecuencias altas y bajas de cualquier imagen desde cero para suavizar la piel, eliminar arrugas y retocar profesionalmente retratos de belleza.Qu es la separacin de frecuencia?La separacin de frecuencia es una tcnica que nos permite tener control sobre los detalles mas delicados de las textura y el color de una imagen, con adobe photoshop podemos separar las frecuencia y tratar los detalles finos por separado.Al finalizar este curso estars completamente capacitado con las herramientas y tcnicas para dominar el retoque de piel con separacin de frecuencia. iniciaremos con lo bsico hasta llevarte a lo mas avanzado con imgenes y ejemplos de fotografas que podras usar para tus practicas."
Price: 44.99 |
"Strke deine Mnnlichkeit" |
"Wie wre es, wenn du ab heute mehr Erfolg im Leben, mit Frauen und berhaupt viel mehr Spa und Abenteuer httest?Das Geheimnis, warum manche Mnner scheinbar ein Ziel nach dem anderen Erreichen und andere ziellos und frustriert hin und her dmpeln ist einfach.Sie haben keinen Kontakt zu ihrer Mnnlichkeit.Das ist nicht ihre Schuld.Denn es gibt kaum Informationen dazu, was du als Mann tun kannst, um Zugang zu deiner Essenz zu gewinnen und dich so richtig wohl und selbstsicher in deiner Haut zu fhlen. Dieser Kurs gibt eine Einfhrung in das Thema und gibt erste, einfache und sofort umsetzbare bungen, mit denen du sofort mnnlicher wirst."
Price: 54.99 |
"Stakeholder Management & Engagement" |
"People can just as easily grease a project's wheels as stop it in its tracksStakeholder Analysis is about identifying all persons, groups and institutions who may have an interest in a project and taking steps to manage their interests and expectations so that the project runs as smoothly as possibleStakeholder Analysis is the technique used to identify the key people who have to be won overThe benefits of using a stakeholder-based approach are that:You can use the opinions of the most powerful stakeholders to shape your projects at an early stage their support matters and their inputs can helpSupport from powerful stakeholders helps your project to be successfulBy communicating with stakeholders early and frequently, you can ensure that they fully understand what you are doing and understand the benefits of your project this means they can support you actively when necessaryYou can anticipate what people's reaction to your project may be, and build into your plan the actions that will win people's supportIn five downloadable videos I will walk you through the steps of identifying and understanding your stakeholders, identifying win-win outcomes and developing a stakeholder communication plan. (A template in Excel is included.) We wrap up by exploring the topic of Stakeholder Engagement, an area rarely covered but essential to understand if we are to use our resources both efficiently and effectively.This is extracted from a longer course on Results-Based Management (details at our web site) and no assignments are required. A certificate will be issued once all units are marked complete."
Price: 199.99 |
"Master Foundation 6.5 and code 3 projects with 9 pages" |
"ABOUTFoundation - one of the world's most popular front-end frameworks!This course covers all the different parts of the latest version of one of the world's most popular front-end framework, Foundation 6.5.3. Foundation has been used by thousands of people around the world and have been carefully developed to cover a wide range of typical user interfaces. Web pages built with Foundation 6.5 works across all kinds of devices, browsers and screen sizes while also taking care of accessibility and a clean and modern design.This course is for the beginner who want to learn Foundation 6.5 from the bottom up. It goes through all the different parts, but each lecture can be watched independently.In addition to just learning about the different parts of Foundation 6.5 you will find a detailed walk-through of how to build three different responsive and modern complete projects using only Foundation 6.5.PROJECTSLearn to build the following projects using Foundation 6.5:Project 1: Resume and CV PageProject 2: Small Business WebsiteProject 3: Knowledge BaseLEARNING STYLEMore than just video lecturesIn addition to the video lectures this course contains the following kinds of learning materials:Foundation 6.5 Learning Kit:Downloadable ZIP file that works offlineA custom built learning kit with source code for all parts of Foundation 6.5. Features a reference section with many examples and a practice section, which you can use while learning about Foundation 6.5. More than 100 source files included in this learning kit.UPDATESUpcoming future updates for this course will include the following:New projects will be added: online shop, social network, portfolio, CMS admin, dashboard and more...New components, utilities and other features in future versions of Foundation 6.5 will be addedAdvanced section on how to customize Foundation 6.5 with SassCoding exercises, quizzes and assignments"
Price: 199.99 |
"Assembler - Ein einfacher Crashkurs" |
"In diesem Kurs werden eure C Kenntnisse auf ein tieferes Level gefhrt. Ihr werdet die CPUdirekt betrachten, wie sie arbeitet und wie man sie direkt ansprechen kann.Das machen wir in der primitiven Sprache Assembler, deren Code wir aus C Code generieren knnen. Wir nutzen in diesem Tutorial AT&T Syntax.All das ermglicht uns dann ein besseres Verstndnis fr unseren Code, aber auch praktischen Nutzen fr Reverse Engineering oder Code Optimierungen."
Price: 19.99 |
"Sichere Passwrter - Schtze dich gegen Hacker" |
"In diesem Kurs geht es um einen praktischenTeil des Pentestings:Passwortsicherheit und wie man Passwrter crackt.Heutzutage ist kein Angriff ein einfacher Brute-Force Angriff mehr. So viel Zeit haben wir schlichtweg nicht.Lerne hier wie du intelligent Passwrter crackst und wie du dich und deine Nutzer schtzen kannst.Im Detail behandelt der Kurs:Umgang mit verschiedenen Tools, darunter Hashcat und THC Hydra, die wohl bekanntesten Tools der SzeneTheorie, Wissen und Psychologie fr das Passwortcrackingviele Praxisbeispiele und bungen, darunter Word, PDF, Zip, Rar und viele mehrIntelligente Nutzung von Maskenangriffen und RegelnBereitstellung meiner Passwortlisten, Tools und Scripte, um deine Angriffe noch effizienter zu machen"
Price: 199.99 |
"Investieren in Kryptowhrungen - Der Kryptotrading Kurs" |
"Du mchtest reich werden mit Kryptowhrungen?Was sich wie eine schlechte Werbeemail anhrt, ist zwar nicht mehr so einfach wie vor 10 Jahren, aber durchaus noch mglich. Alles, was man heute dazu bentigt, ist die Zeit und das Wissen, um mit dem Trading loszulegen. Den zweiten Teil kann ich dir hier bieten.Dieser Kurs soll zunchst Grundwissen vermitteln und ber Risiken aufklren, um anschlieend Exchanges zu vergleichen und dort aktiv Whrungen zu tauschen. Danach beschftigen wir uns mit den Indikatoren, die Aussagen ber gute oder schlechte Trades geben sowie den wichtigsten Kryptowhrungen auf dem aktuellen Markt. Zuletzt soll natrlich auch das Kapitel des automatisierten Tradings nicht fehlen. Wir verwenden hierzu Gunbot, einen der marktfhrenden Trading-Bots. Dies ist zwar nicht zwingend ntig, erleichtert aber die Schlaf-Thematik sehr.Dieser Kurs vermittelt NICHT die Konzepte vonKryptowhrungen. Sie werden als bekannt vorausgesetzt, auch wenn sie zum verstehen der Inhalte nicht zwingend ntig sind."
Price: 149.99 |
"Blockchain & Kryptowhrungen - Bitcoin und Co durchleuchtet" |
"In diesem Kurs steigen wir tief in Kryptowhrungen ein. Es soll alles geklrt werden - vom einfachen Konzept der Blockchain bis hin zu technischen Verfahren, die den Dezentralismus der Blockchain ermglichen.Dieser Kurs erklrt die Basis aller Kryptowhrungen, orientiert sich aber am Beispiel von Bitcoin, da sie die erste der Kryptowhrungen ist.Also hol dir schnell das Zertifikat, um dir einen Job im innovativen Feld der Kryptowhrungen zu sichern.Wir werden in diesem Kurs die wichtigsten Fragen erklren, darunterWas ist die Blockchain?Was ist Bitcoin?Wie funktioniert es?Wie kann Bitcoin verbessert werden?und viele mehr!Dazu gehren viele hilfreiche Hands-On-Aufgaben, lebenslanger Zugriff auf den Kurs, eine 30-Tage Rckgabegarantie.Viel Spa beim Lernen!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Docker Bootcamp - vom Anfnger zum Profi" |
"Du hast einen Server, der langsam berquillt mit Anwendungen, die alle ihre eigenen Abhngigkeiten haben?Du mchtest ganz einfach und ohne Aufwand Software ausfhren?Du hast ein Open-Source Projekt, das jeder einfach nutzen knnen soll?Du mchtest Continuous Integration effizient gestalten?Oder mchtest du vielleicht sogar mehrere Server fr eine Anwendung kombinieren?Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Docker kann all das out of the box und dazu noch einfach.Dies ist kein berladener Kurs, der nur Verwirrung und Unmut stiftet, hier bekommst du alles, aber so, dass du es auch anwenden kannst, ohne dich zu berfordern.Einige dieser Dinge sind:Bereits fertige Images verwenden und ausfhrenPerfekt fr Open-Source Projekte, die du schnell starten mchtestEigene Images erstellen und mit Dockerfiles definierenUm das eigene Projekt nutzen zu knnenIn 5 Minuten einen Mail Server installierenIn 5 Minuten einen Cloud Server installierenDocker-Compose nutzenCluster und Swarms nutzen, um deine Anwendungen skalieren zu lassenund vieles mehr...Dazu gehren hilfreiche Hands-On-Aufgaben, lebenslanger Zugriff auf den Kurs, eine 30-Tage Rckgabegarantie.Viel Spa beim Lernen!"
Price: 99.99 |
"OviOS Linux Iniciante Storage SAN/NAS com NFS/SMB/iSCSI" |
"Neste curso ser visto como:- Instalar o OviOSLinux- Configurar Rede e interface bond- Configurar Pools e Volumes ZFS- Configurar e compartilhar um volume ZFS via NFS, para clientes na redeCom o OviOSLinux possvel, de forma rpida e simples, implentar servidor iSCSI, NFSe SAMBA, para redes mistas com Linux, Windows e MacOS.Alm disso, OviOS Linux permite criar redundncia de servidores e cluster, garantindo continuidade do negcio da sua empresa e permitindo disaster recovery rapidamente.O OviOS Linux uma distribuio especializada em Linux destinada a criar o servidor de armazenamento unificado Linux mais rpido e fcil. No requer nenhum conhecimento dos protocolos Linux, NFS, SMB ou iSCSI para criar um servidor de armazenamento totalmente funcional em menos de 10 minutos, simplesmente seguindo as 4 etapas do Guia de Administrao. Ele se baseia nesses princpios: Personalizvel: O OviOS altamente personalizvel, pois novos pacotes podem ser adicionados facilmente construindo a partir da origem. A funcionalidade do SO personalizvel atravs da ferramenta de opes. Independente: O OviOS Linux no baseado ou derivado de qualquer outro Linux Distro e totalmente compatvel com o Linux Standard Base. Simples: A simplicidade do OviOS no significa software, configuraes e sofisticaes extras. O OviOS usa a quantidade mnima de aplicativos necessria para permitir que ele funcione como um sistema operacional de armazenamento. As modificaes no software includas so mnimas e apenas distro-especficas. Leve: O kernel do Linux removido de todos os drivers e mdulos no necessrios para uma distribuio de servidor. Leve tambm significa sem interface grfica. Uma GUI apenas simplifica tarefas simples, e tarefas complexas so impossveis. Uma GUI tambm exigiria uma quantidade considervel de recursos, que podem ser melhor usados para fornecer dados."
Price: 39.99 |
"Gluster FS - Storage Distribudo" |
"Aprenda como construir um sistema de Storage Distribudo em Rede, utilizando GlusterFS.Com GlusterFS possvel criar um Storage unindo 2 ou mais servidores, de modo a promover redundncia e alta disponibilidade, garantindo uma maior confiabilidade ao sistema de armazenamento da sua rede.Durante o curso, iremos criar Volumes GlusterFS utilizando 1, 2 e 4 Servidores.Ainda iremos acessar os dados nos servidores, utilizando NFS e SMB/CIFS, tanto em mquinas Linux como Windows.No deixe de conferir esse importanto sistema para a sua Rede.O que ?GlusterFS um sistema de arquivo escalvel, distribudo, qhe agraga recursos de disco de multiplos servidores, em um nico sistema global.Vantagens?- Escalvel a muitos petabytes- Suporte manipulao de milhares de conexes clientes- Compativel com padro POSIX- Pode usar hardware commodity- Pode usar qualquer sistame de arquivo que suporte atributos extendidos- Acessvel por NFS e SMB por exemplo- Permite replicao, cotas, geo-replicao, snapshots e deteco de degradao de dados"
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso bsico de VDI com Proxmox VE" |
"Ol! Bem vindo ao curso bsico de VDI com Proxmox VE.Aqui iremos aprender como ativar o SPICE e acess-lo tanto dentro do Proxmox VE como por fora, ou seja sem estar logado na interface web de administrao.Tambm iremos trabalhar com Apache Guacamole, uma maneira fcil, rpida e prtica de ter um desktop dentro de um navegador web.Espero que seja de grande proveito.Abraos.GilbertoP.S.: A utilizao do VDI ensinada aqui no tem relao nenhuma com o VMWare Horizon View ou MS RemoteApp! uma abordagem bem diferente! Portanto, considere isto antes de se inscrever no curso!"
Price: 39.99 |
"OviOS Linux Avanado Replicao Cluster e HA de Storage" |
"Este curso uma continuao do Curso OviOS Linux - Storage de Rede.Neste curso iremos utilizar o OviOS Linux em um ambiente que necessita de alta disponibilidade de dados.Iremos trabalhar com:- Criao de Pool ZFS utilizando ZRAID- Criao de Lun e Volumes- Criao de target iscsi- Configurao e ativao de Replicao de Storage com ZFS, com 2 servidores- Disaster Recovery com 2 servidores- Configurao e ativao de soluo de Alta Disponibilidade para continuidade de servio de dados."
Price: 39.99 |
"Marvelous Designer Fundamentals" |
"welcome to my course, Marvelous Designer Fundamentals. In this course, Marvelous Designer Fundamentals, you'll learn the very basics, getting familiar to the interface with new way of thinking.First, you'll dive into understanding the fundamentals of the pattern-based approach in Marvelous Designer.Some of the major topics that we will cover include pattern creation, creating accessories, materials, posing and animation.Next, you'll explore the different tools that can be utilized, and learn how to create accessories and materials. Finally, you'll discover posing and animation, and uncover ways to improve the final outcome of your garment. By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of the interface and most of the tools found in MD.Software required: Marvelous Designer."
Price: 24.99 |
"The Laravel essential guide." |
"Do you want to learn the whole process of building an App with Laravel ?.This is the course for you.We will start from the very beginning, from ""I don't even know how to install it....and why should I to actually understanding how Laravel communicates with the front and backend.You will learn all the logic and practice behind Laravel in different modules and as we advance through the course we will be increasing the difficulty.Since I believe that the best way to fully learn is by coding, after the getting to know laravel sections we will put everything in practice with a practice project.To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:The very basics of Laravel. How to install and set up everything( Mac and Windows )We will talk basics with templates, controllers, migration and models.Once we are done with the basics, we will learn about Eloquent.We will connect our Laravel app with mysql.Perform crud operations.Will use plugins like WYSIWYG, Filemanager, slugs, etc.Put everything into practice with a practice project.What about the instructor experience ?Well I've been around for 10 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies like Citi, Fox, Disney and a lot more.Today I work as developer for a major company developing applications in React or Angular mostly, but I like to teach in my spare time.How about the target audience?This course is for almost everyone, a little bit of Javascript, css and HTML is required.If you want to take your coding to the next level, this is the course for you."
Price: 99.99 |
"Server side rendering with Next + React" |
"Do you want to learn the whole process of building a server side React App ?. This is the course for you.We will start from the very beginning, from ""I don't even know how to use it..and why should I? to actually understand how Server side with Next + React works and make it communicate with other technologies like Auth0 and Express.You will learn all the logic and practice behind Server side Next + React in different modules and as we advance through the course we will be increasing the difficulty.Since I believe that the best way to fully learn is by coding, after the most important section we will put everything in practice with a course project and deploy the app to production.We will use Next of course, and react to make the front end work.Dont know how to use React ?Dont worry, there is an optional full min course where we will show you how to use plain React, so once you have a strong base of React you can start with Next Js.To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:The very basics of Next. How to install and the logic behind it.Create Layouts, using Links and all the power of Initial props.We will understand how CSS, Sass, Less work with Next.How to use routes properly and make it work with React.Everybody is using Redux, so we will learn how to use redux with our Next.Since our app will need a database, you will learn how to use it with MongoDB and mongoose.Apply security, authentication with Auth0, restricting routes,etc.We will create a practice project using React, Redux, Next and MongoDB.Of course, we will learn the whole process of publishing you app using Heroku.If you want to refresh your React abilities you also get a Full React course.What about the instructor experience ?Well I've been around for 10 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies like Citi,Fox, Disney and a lot more.Today I work as developer for a major company developing applications in React or Angular mostly, but I like to teach in my spare time.How about the target audience?This course is for almost everyone, a little bit of Javascript is required.We will use ES6 but you can learn as we go.If you want to take your coding to the next level, this is the course for you."
Price: 89.99 |
"Getting Started with TypeScript" |
"Do you want to take your application to the next level with Typescript ?. This is the course for you.We will start from the very beginning, from ""I don't even know what it is..and why should I? to actually understand how Typescript works and make it work on a real application.You will learn all the logic and practice behind Typescript in different modules and as we advance through the course we will be increasing the difficulty.We will use ES6 syntax to code our scripts.Dont know how to use ES6 ?Dont worry, there is an optional full ES6 min course at the end where you will learn all the basics of ES6 so you don't miss out on anything.To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:The very basics of Typescript. How to install and the logic behind it.Understand how type annotation and inference work.Learn how objects, classes , arrays and functions work around TS.Use Namespaces and modules.Make an application work with JS, HTML and a bit of CSS.Use external libraries and definition files.Build you app using a build tool like Webpack.Create a React application with typescript.If you want to refresh your ES6 abilities you also get a Full ES6 course.What about the instructor experience ?Well I've been around for 10 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies like Citi,Fox, Disney and a lot more.Today I work as a developer for a major company developing applications in React or Angular mostly, but I like to teach in my spare time.How about the target audience?This course is for almost everyone, a little bit of Javascript is required.We will use ES6 but you can learn as we go.If you want to take your coding to the next level, this is the course for you."
Price: 74.99 |
"The complete Angular Course , Typescript included." |
"Do you want to take your application to the next level with Angular ?. This is the course for you.We will start from the very beginning, from ""I don't even know how to install it.and why should I? to actually understand how Angular works and make a real application.You will learn all the logic and practice behind Angular in different modules and as we advance through the course we will be increasing the difficulty.Angular was built on top of Typescript.Dont know how to use Typescript ?Dont worry, there is an optional full Typescript course at the end where you will learn all the basics of Typescript so you don't miss out on anything.To sum everything up, you will learn in this course:We will learn how to install Angular app.Understand how use the most basic tools to create a simple App.Handle mor complex code with services and directives.Apply authentication and route preventing.How to use typescript with or without Angular.Use external libraries like RXJS, Angular Material and NGX Bootstrap.Create two practice projects and also an authentication template..What about the instructor experience ?Well I've been around for 10 years now, built lots of applications for small projects and big companies like Citi, Fox, Disney and a lot more.Today I work as a developer for a major company developing applications in React or Angular mostly, but I like to teach in my spare time.How about the target audience?This course is for almost everyone, a little bit of Javascript is required.We will use ES6 but you can learn as we go.If you want to take your coding to the next level, this is the course for you."
Price: 99.99 |
"Reverse Engineering with Radare 2" |
"In this course we will learn about the Radare 2 reverse engineering framework. It is an open source free alternative to IDA Pro. I started to work with it because I think nobody will buy IDA Pro unless it is paid by your employer. Radare 2 is a perfect free alternative, its only disadvantage is that it could be hard to start using it. This is where this course comes in. My goal was to get you over the hard part as fast as possible. So that you can get comfortable with Radare 2.These are the things you will learn in this course:Setting up RadareUnderstanding its syntaxUnderstanding its configInformation gathering about the binaryNavigation in the binaryCross referencesRun-time debuggingPatching the binaryHowever there are a few things that are not goals of this course:We are going to focus on the tool and not on assembly, so this is not an assembly course. You can follow along without understanding everything in assembly and that is fine, but dont expect that you can learn assembly in a few hours.We will learn some reverse engineering techniques but it is not our goal to learn everything.However what you are definitely will learn is how to use Radare 2, and after this course if you need to analyse a binary you will be able to pull out radare from your sleeves anytime you need it.All exercises are hand-on, so you are expected to repeat the exercises yourself. I have done quite a lot of trainings myself, live or online, and I can tell you that without practicing they won't stick. This is a really practical training so I encourage you to try everything yourself, because just watching the videos will only give you the illusion that you learnt something, 80% of the learning happens when you do the exercises."
Price: 99.99 |
"Disea anuncios efectivos en poco tiempo para redes sociales" |
"Te tardas mucho diseando tus anuncios? Tienes poco presupuesto para mandar a hacer banners? o Cuentas con poco tiempo para aprender programas de diseo como CorelDraw, Photoshop o Ilustrator?An cuando sub-contrataras a un diseador grfico, debes ajustarte a sus tiempos de entrega. Y si tu presupuesto es pequeo, solo mandas a hacer uno y lo usas en todos los medios digitales disponibles.Es posible disear tus anuncios (o banners) modernos, prcticos y de diferentes tamaos en muy poco tiempo y fcilmente para promocionar tus productos y servicios en distintos medios digitales (incluso tradicionales). Dndote ms tiempo para tus otras actividades de negocio. Y hay ms, te ayudar a:Elaborar piezas publicitarias de tus productosLlamar la atencinCrear recordatoriosConstruir la imagen de tu empresaEclipsar a tu competenciaHacer una inversin estratgica en contenido visualCrear buena voluntad al ganar la confianza de la gente con banners frescos y modernosAcortar tiempos de diseoReducir el tiempo de comercializacin con diseos frescos y prcticosPromocionar tu empresa de manera atractiva y profesional sin ser diseador grficoEn solo un par de horas descubre cmo usar una herramienta que te ayudar a disear rpido sus banners, incluso compartiendo tus diseos con otras personas para mejorarlos esto ya es posible con internet!"
Price: 49.99 |
"7 Pasos para tener Presencia en Internet" |
"Este curso te ayudar a posicionar tu empresa en 7 lugares estratgicos de Internet para que tu empresa sea encontrada. Diseamos este curso para emprendedores, profesionistas y empresarios que tienen su marca o empresa registrada en muy pocos lugares de interent o an no est. Si no tienes experiencia previa y es tu primera vez que muestras tu empresa en internet, debes tomar este curso, que asume nunca has registrado tu empresa en algn sitio en internet, te mostrar desde cmo disear un logotipo hasta registrarte en 7 lugares de internet, paso a paso y sin asumir conocimiento alguno.No importa si solo sabes navegar en internet, te llevamos de la mano para que puedas darte de alta en esos 7 lugares en internet. Si ya tienes experiencia, aprenders cules son las redes sociales favoritas y por qu, en las que crearemos de la mano tu presencia en internet y a vincularlas con tu oficina virtual.En este curso aprenders lo bsico de cada tecnologa y despus vincularemos todo, es decir: crearemos presencia en 7 lugares distintos y luego veremos como vincularlos sin duda lo que considero la mejor forma de aprender e implementar.Cada lugar es un paso por lo que en 7 pasos estaremos configurando una estrategia para que tus clientes presentes y futuros puedan encontrarte en internet y te contacten.Que te encuentren en internet es considerado una prioridad para todo negocio que desea ser rentable (es decir lograr ventas), porque los usuarios cada vez se apoyan ms en internet para tomar decisiones de compra.Permite que tu empresa sea encontrada, investigada y conocida por internet incluso antes de que te contacten. Dales todas las opciones para contactarte: llamando, enviando un mensaje o visitando tu empresa.Estar en internet nunca fue tan fcil, pero estar en los lugares estratgicos, eso es trabajar inteligentemente. Aqu te decimos y te enseamos cmo poner una oficina virtual que muestre dnde ests, qu vendes y cmo contactarte.Este curso est lleno de tips y recomendaciones para sacar el mximo provecho al momento de que te registras en internet.Qu esperas para empezar? Nos vemos dentro del curso!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Maya 2019 Beginners Course" |
"Hi everyone welcome to Maya 2019 beginners course my name is Vito and im going to be your instructor throughout this course.This course is for those with no prior experience in Maya or 3D Modeling in general. Not only youll learn Maya but youll be introduced to fundamentals of 3D Modeling which will help you work with any 3D Modeling application. This in-depth Maya course is designed to help you get a solid understanding of the core features found in Maya, and help you to ease your transition into this very powerful program. During the course of these lessons, you'll have a chance to learn about different aspects of Maya. In the first portion of this course, you'll get familiar with the fundamental skills that you'll need in order to begin moving around and working in Maya. From there, you'll move into exploring some of the modeling features found in Maya, From there, you go through the entire process of creating materials and textures. Then, you'll see the process of uv unwrapping. Finally, you'll discover how to add lights, shadows, and how to render your final animated sequence. This course is designed for new Maya users, so its goal is to help you form some really good habits and workflows, allowing you to see the entire start-to-finish pipeline, and by the end of this Maya course, you'll be at a point where you can feel very comfortable using the software. So let's go ahead and get started"
Price: 39.99 |
"Maya 2019 Beginners Course in Hindi/Urdu" |
"Hi Everyone! may hu aap ka instructor iVito and welcome to Maya 2019 Beginners Course. Ye In depth Maya Course designed kia gaya hain un k lia jin ka pass Maya ya 3D Modeling ka koi experience nahi hani. App sirf Maya nahi seeky gay balke aap ko introduce karwaya jay ga 3D ke fundamental sy. jis sy aap kisi b 3D Modeling Application may kam kar saky gay. Ye in depth Maya course designed kia gaya hain aap ko ek solid understanding danay k lia jo core features hain Maya may. Aur aap ka jo ek transition hota hain ess powerful application may us ko easy banay k lia. Ess Course may aap ko chance mila ga Maya ko different aspect sy seeknay ka. Ess Course k first portion may aap ko familiarize karwaya jay ga fundamental skills sy jo aap ko zaroorat hotay hain moving around or basic work ka lia Maya may. From there aap ko Advanced Modeling tools sakay jay gay. Per app yaha sy ek entire progress sy jay gay jis may aap Create karay gay Materials, Textures per aap UV unwrap karay gay, Aur next aap discover karay gay k Lights, Shadows kasay add kartay hain. Aur finally aap ek Animated Sequence ko Render karay gay.Ye Course Maya k new users k lia designed kia gaya hain so ess course ka goal hain k aap ko kuch really good habits sakay jay. Aur aap ek pura start to finish pipeline daky. Aur by the end of this course aap ek asy point per hoin gay jaha aap very comfortable feel karay gay ess application ko use kartay huay so let go ahead and get started :)EnglishHi Everyone! i'm your instructor iVito and welcome to Maya 2019 beginners Course.This course is for those with no prior experience in Maya or 3D Modeling in general. Not only youll learn Maya but youll be introduced to fundamentals of 3D Modeling which will help you work with any 3D Modeling application. This in-depth Maya course is designed to help you get a solid understanding of the core features found in Maya, and help you to ease your transition into this very powerful program. During the course of these lessons, you'll have a chance to learn about different aspects of Maya. In the first portion of this course, you'll get familiar with the fundamental skills that you'll need in order to begin moving around and working in Maya. From there, you'll move into exploring some of the modeling features found in Maya, From there, you go through the entire process of creating materials and textures. Then, you'll see the process of uv unwrapping. Finally, you'll discover how to add lights, shadows, and how to render your final animated sequence. This course is designed for new Maya users, so its goal is to help you form some really good habits and workflows, allowing you to see the entire start-to-finish pipeline, and by the end of this Maya course, you'll be at a point where you can feel very comfortable using the software. So let's go ahead and get started"
Price: 39.99 |
"Basics of Project Management" |
"This course has been designed as a simple introduction to Project Management and is also very useful for students who's first language is not English. It covers all the principles of Project Management and is a great start for people new to project management or who just want to understand how project management can help with them in their daily lives."
Price: 24.99 |
"Android : Making a Quiz app using Fragments and API(poi)." |
"In this course we make a Quiz App using Fragments and poi API.Fragments have been used to display changing UIs(Screens) for different buttons.API-poi has been used to read data from an excel sheet present in the assets of the app.Students will learn how to deal with fragments and how can they use poi API to read data from their excel.It is great class for students who are looking forward to making Android App projects and want to learn advanced techniques in Android SDK."
Price: 19.99 |