"Amazon Dropshipping FBM Titans Product Research Formula" |
"More than 25,000 students from 153 countries enrolled in Our Courses Subscribe and Enjoy the Content of This Course FOREVER!This Is The Plan To Say Goodbye To Your Work From 9 To 5...To Work From Home Having Your Own Schedule And Being Able To Enjoy Your Time With Your Loved Ones.Or There Are Others Like Us, Who Prefer To Work Online While Traveling Around The World As Digital Nomads.Whatever Is Your Purpose, We Are Together With You To Achieve It.There are 2 Approaches that Could Match With Your Interests Here:1. You Would Like To Learn How To Source Profitable Hot Selling Products To Sell On Your Amazon Shop As Dropshipper.2. You Would Like To Give This High Valued Course And Its Information To Your Virtual Assistant, So He Can Be Working Finding Products For Your Amazon Shop, In A Way That Every Single Product Added To Your Shop Will Have A Great Chance To Get Sales.If you are Dropshipping on Amazon and You Would Like to Hire the Proper Virtual Assistant Team to Help You Finding Profitable Products and Boost Your Sales, Contact Us, My Team of Virtual Assistants Could be Able to Help you.Sign up and Let's Start NOW!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Amazon Dropshipping FBM - Cmo Buscar Productos Super Ventas" |
"Ms de 25,000 estudiantes de 153 pases inscritos en nuestros cursos Suscrbete y disfruta el contenido de este curso PARA SIEMPRE!En este curso, le mostraremos cmo Encontrar productos super ventas para vender en tu tienda de Amazon como Dropshipper. TENGA EN CUENTA, este curso es para Amazon Dropshipping FBM, no para vendedores de FBA. Los vendedores de FBA tambin podran aprender buenas formas de encontrar productos con nuestro contenido, pero este no es el enfoque principal de este curso.Hay 2 razones principales por las que te podra interesar adquirir este curso:1. Te gustara aprender cmo buscar y encontrar productos super ventas para venderlos en tu tienda de Amazon, mientras los distribuyes como Dropshipper (sin tener inventario).2. Te gustara dar este curso de gran valor y su informacin a Tu Asistente Virtual, para que pueda trabajar en la Bsqueda de Productos para tu tienda de Amazon, de manera que cada producto agregado a tu tienda tenga una gran oportunidad de obtener ventas.Este es el plan para decir adis a tu trabajo de 9 a 5 ...Para trabajar desde casa con su propio horario y poder disfrutar de su tiempo con sus seres queridos.O hay otros como nosotros, que prefieren trabajar en lnea mientras viajan alrededor del mundo como nmadas digitales.Cualquiera que sea su propsito, estamos junto a usted para lograrlo.Regstrate y comencemos AHORA!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Market Analyzer with 96 Trading Systems for NinjaTrader" |
"Hello!My name is Yuri and I have built over 1000+ trading systems for NinjaTrader, WealthLab and other algorithmic trading stock, futures and FOREX trading software.In this course I will share one of my approaches on how to build systems for any market. We will look into techniques I use when you are looking at a new symbol that you would like to base your trading on.We will build a special analyzer that will let you understand what trading technique is currently most appropriate to use for a particular symbol you apply it on. Prior that, we will also classify and the market movements into several different trading approaches that can be used in order to describe these momentums. By the end of this course you will find yourself:- understanding much more about the markets- you will have a tool which will help you test any market for specific trends- you will have a tool that is based on 96 trading systems that you can modify- you will feel like you can trade anythingJoin in and feel free to get in touch with any questions or suggestions!P.S. Course is based on NinjaTrader 8"
Price: 59.99 |
"Creating Powerfull Add-Ons for NinjaTrader" |
"Hello and welcome to the course!Analysis is a big part of the trading game. We want to analyse trades, data, decisions, anything really...NinjaTrader provides a very powerfull opportunity for us where we can develop Add-Ons, pass any information to our Add-On and analyse it. In this course I invented a scenario where we analyze data from our strategy inside the Add-On and build some beautifull charts that demonstrate some statistics on how the data behaves. This can be found quite usefull before building strategies. After you pass this course you will be able to understand how to work with data that you can gather inside your strategy and pass it into the add on for analysis. That can be absolutely anything. The course shows how to create windows, tabs and work with NinjaTrader on the next level from just using it for creating strategies or indicators.The course truly uncovers NinjaTrader as a very powerfull tool for deep market research.Hope to see you all on the course and feel free to use the forum for posting questions. Good luck!"
Price: 59.99 |
"NinjaTrader 8 Strategy Design Essentials" |
"Hello!!!This course is a quintessence of the other 120 lecture course on NinjaTrader and is completely dedicated to strategy development. It is a quick way to get up and running with the code and demonstrates the most essential techniques I use to develop strategies demonstrating common scenarios.In the course we buid everything together in a modular approach and I provide all the code that is used in the resources. The course is very hands and provides a very usefull framework that you can use in the future to build your own strategies for NinjaTrader."
Price: 59.99 |
"Validating Algorithmic Trade Systems with NinjaTrader" |
"Welcome to my course on trade system validation! I have been planning it for years and finally I put all my ideas and experience together to share with you the most essential parts of them that can be widely used in your own trading and investing.Everything that you will hear about in this course I personally use myself for trade system validation. In this course I will be using NinjaTrader but the information I provide is applicable to use with any trading platforms and is not dependent upon the platform.The course explores my approach on how to estimate what to expect from a trade system that you are about to put into the live market. We look into optimization techniques and methods, montecarlo analysis, walf forward tests and much more in great and practical way.The course focuses on a practical view of things and does not require any knowledge of high mathematics, computer science or programming. The course is designed to better understand the underlying risks of a trade system and its potential gains.I really hope you find this course usefull in your own trading. Feel free to explore the syllabus and use the forum for questions. Thank you and good luck!"
Price: 59.99 |
"The Essentials of ATM Strategies in NinjaTrader 8" |
"NinjaTrader is truly an amazing platform! When I started exploring ATM strategies they looked very mysterious to me because because no other platform has anything like this. The ATM strategy allows you to:a) build half automated set ups really quickly b) increase your trading systematization and stick to the rulesc) automate set ups without the need to coded) combine strategy code for calculations and triggering entriesIn this course I explore ATMs in two parts. The first part is fully dedicated to initializaing ATM from strategy code. The bonus here is that in this section I also show how to use the UI in NinjaTrader, create your own buttons and subscribe to keyboard or mouse click events. We create an interesting system together where an entry is triggred by crossing over a drawing object, in our case a line. Once an entry is triggered an ATM is fired up and you are free to take over the position management with your manual techniques.In the second part of the course we explore the ATM functionallity which is quite widely presented by NinjaTrader. We look into AutoTrail and AutoBreakEven set ups, explore Stop Strategies and Simulated Orders, check out what Chase is and go through all the settings the ATM has. After this course, even if you skip the coding part you should be able to build your own ATM strategies quite quickly. If you also explore the coding part you will understand how to start your ATM from your strategy code and control its stop and profit orders.I was personally very positevely surprised with the functionallity that ATM brings and I really hope you will find this course usefull in your won trading. Good luck, thank you for reading and feel free to enroll and ask any questions in the forum!"
Price: 59.99 |
"Forex Estrategia Ganadora" |
"Este gran curso te enseara cual es la estrategia ganadora para que cada da tu dinero tenga mejores rendimientos aprenders cuales son los conceptos que todo trader profesional maneja y de sobra tendrs el conocimiento para empezar a operar con dinero real, descargar una cuenta demo y luego empezaras a invertir tu dinero real.Con este conocimiento tambien podrs ayudar a otros par que ellos tambien tengan una vida mas prospera."
Price: 19.99 |
"Freelancismo - Gua para trabajar por tu cuenta" |
"Hay una tendencia mundial a dejar de tener un empleo y trabajar por cuenta propia. Vivimos en una era que lo hace posible.Freelancismo es una gua que te ayudar a independizarte para trabajar en lo que amas y hacer dinero.Si ya trabajas por tu cuenta, este curso te servir para poner en orden tus procesos para que logres convertir tus servicios en productos (y puedas generar dinero mientras duermes).Con este curso aprenders de estos temas:Cmo convertirte en freelancer.Mitos y Realidades de trabajar por tu cuenta.Lnea de tiempo tpica de la vida de un freelancer.Cmo conocer tu pasin y si no tienes una, no importa.Cmo adquirir experiencia.Ser freelancer o empresario? Pros y Cons.Eres una marca, comprtate como tal.Definir tu producto.Detecta a tu cliente ideal.Cmo especializarte.Cmo promocionarte, vender es como ligar.Marketing digital personal.Buscar alianzas y gente que venda tus servicios.Pasos para tener una vida digital sana.Cmo hacer el primer contacto con los clientes.La regla 2 de 3: Bueno, rpido o barato.Aprende a decir dame mi dinero.Cmo cotizar.Condiciones y polticas al cotizar.Competir con calidad, no precio.Quitate la pena de cobrar.Saca tu lado cobrador.Manifiesto del Freelancer. No somos esclavos.Karma en el freelanceo.La relacin legal con tu cliente.Ruta crtica de un proyecto.Gua para acordar Igualas.Cobranza.Gua para saber cunto cobrar por tus servicios.Cmo ser un buen cobrador.Qu hacer con los clientes que no pagan.Finanzas y legalidad.Consejos sobre contabilidad y contadores.Bajo qu rgimen darte de alta en Hacienda.No pidas un crdito, es el diablo.Gastos fijos: la perdicin.Contrata servicios freelance.Cuntas chambas aceptar al mismo tiempo.Cuando crecer y cmo.Tu ta Gladys, la previsora.Prestaciones? Tu trabajo.La ley del 20% de colchn.El da a da en la vida de un freelancer.Qu hacer con el tiempo libre y no volverte loco.Cmo ser tu propio productor.Gua para conseguir mejores proyectos.Cmo ser tu propio cliente.No postergar lo esencial.Cmo mantenerte actualizado.Cmo defendernos de los robots.No trabajes por dinero, sino para aprender.De dnde sacar la automotivacin.Antdotos para tu mente parlanchina.Obsesionarte con los procesos.Arma tu equipo de gente.Simplificar tu vida.La ley 80/20 de dnde poner tu energa.Qu hacer con los altibajos econmicos.Tenemos miedo, ocio y ansiedad.Espiritualidad.Est ruda la presin. Lo s.Haz lo que decas que haras con tu vida.No fumes mota todo el da.Tomar un descanso de la freelanceada es vlido.El futuro del freelancismo.Cmo evolucionar como freelancer.Buscar un socio?No hagas empresas, haz proyectos.Automatizar tus procesos.No tengas clientes sino compradores.Cmo convertir tus servicios en productos.Cmo crear un producto.Cmo perfilarte hacia ser empresario.Escoger qu tipo de empresario sers.Haz dinero por ensear a los dems.Deja de crear. Ponte a vender.Eres un rockstar, creelo.Une a tu industria.Deja tu legado al mundo.Toma el curso y convirtete en un freelancer exitoso!"
Price: 1545.00 |
illustratorCC |
Price: 7800.00 |
"Strategies to Market your Mobile App Effectively" |
"Do you want your mobile application to grow in popularity?Do you want to get thousands of installs?Are you lost in your marketing?Did you try several methods and none seemed to be working?Did you hire freelancers and got no results? Not sure what to do next?Apply the most effective marketing strategies that will surely get the growth you've been dreaming of!This course will put you on the right path, help you choose the most effective marketing strategies, and show you how to implement them for your mobile app.After taking this course you will never be lost again. You will have plenty of marketing strategies and methods to choose from and apply for your mobile app.WHAT MAKES THIS COURSE UNIQUEThis course provides you with the most effective marketing strategies optimized for mobile applications that you can apply immediately and to get the best possible results.First, you will learn about free traffic sources & how to implement them to optimize your app, increase its popularity and installs.Next, you will be taken to a trip to to get to to know the paid traffic sources and how to implement them. This way, you will get branding, installs, in-app-purchases and traffic growth in all the best ways.The main sources of traffic.Free traffic sources and how to apply them to your app.Paid traffic sources and how to apply them to your app.Store optimization.How to promote your app through social media.Email marketing & email list.MainChimp & and how to use it to create an email list.Guest blogging & forumsAdmob campaigns and how to create them.Facebook campaigns for your app.Influencer marketing.Solo ads what are they and how to increase your app installs through them.Tips & tricks to succeed in promoting your app.As always, if you're not 100% satisfied you can get a full refund through Udemy within 30 days."
Price: 99.99 |
"Git and GitHub Essentials" |
"This course works you step by step through the process of learning Git and Github. Version control (which is also known as a Revision Control System) is a system that records changes to a file or set off files over time so that you can recall specific versions of the file or files later. With version control you can keep track of changes made to a file, who made those changes or even chose to discard those changes.Git on the other hand is an open source distributed version control system which is designed to handle from small to large scale projects with speed and efficiency. In other word git is tool used for version control.GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere.Developing any software today without any form of version control is very risky, its like working on a project with no backup a total disaster.Some of the benefits of Version Control includes:A complete long-term change history of every file. This means every change made by any individuals over the years. This includes created, edited and deleted files are all tracked and recoverable.Facilitates Collaboration - Team members can work concurrently on the same project using branching and merging feature of version control system.Ability to trace all changes that has been made to the project"
Price: 34.99 |
"Object Oriented PHP & TDD with PHPUnit from Scratch" |
"As a PHP developer it won't take long to realize that there are dozens of outdated tutorials and articles on the internet, if you want to learn how to write better code with fewer bugs, you will need to know how to write clean object oriented code and unit tests.This course is designed to get you up and running as fast as possible with Test Driven Development with object oriented PHP and PHPUnit without any dependencies. We'll quickly cover OOP basics, then dive into some of the more advanced features of the language. Don't be tricked by other courses that only teach you basic and outdated stuff! This is the only course on Udemy that will teach you Test Driven Development in Object Oriented PHP and PHPUnit. This course will give you ample opportunities to strike out on your own and start working on your own programs.In this course you will:Understand Object Oriented PHP Learn test-driven development (TDD)Learn how and why you should use dependency inversion principle and dependency injection Implement some common design patterns using PHPBuild a database wrapper with support for PDO and MySQLiGain a sense of when to use basic language featuresPHP is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages. Get job-ready with PHP today by enrolling now!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Deflections of Beams" |
"Structural Analysis:Deflections of BeamsThe course covers determination of deflections (i.e. Slopes and Displacements) of determinate beams by using three methods.Those three methods are:1. Double Integration method2. Moment Area method3. Conjugate Beam methodDeflections of indeterminate beams can also be found by this course in case if you know all reactions of indeterminate beams.If you need any discount then you can shoot me a message and I will provide this course to you at discounted price.With Best WishesRegards,Engr. Muhammad Shafique"
Price: 124.99 |
"Determinate Structures: Beams and Frames" |
"The course is all about determinate beams and frames and how to solve determinate structures.Part I of the course is basics.. what are equilibrium equations and how we can use them to solve determinate structures. Then is concept of determinacy and stability.. how we can classify the structures as stable or unstable and/or determinate or indeterminate and how we find degree of indeterminacy.Part II is practice of part I.. A number of sample beams and frames are classified as determinate or indeterminate (with degree of indeterminacy) and stable or unstable.. then some problems with their solutions.Part III is practice of solving determinate beams and frames i.e. calculation of support reactions and then are some problems with solution."
Price: 124.99 |
"Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals" |
"Hi, and welcome to Object Oriented Programming Fundamentals where youll learn all the major Object Oriented Programming concepts in simple language. My name is Sandip and Ill be leading you through the course.I began learning programming way back in 2002 when I was in college. My first OOP language that I learned was C++. Then I learned Java. Since then OOP is my favorite topic. Object oriented concepts helped me writing better and more complex code and Ill help you understand these concepts more easily for you. If youre passionate about making complex applications and games in a modern OOP language then youre going to need these.I designed this course for anyone interested in learning the foundations of object oriented programming. If you don't really know or understand the terminology of Object Oriented Programming then this is the right course for you. Now we won't be writing any code in this course. And you'll see, we won't have to. By the end of the course, youll be able to understand the major concepts or ideas behind OOP effectively.I have covered: Why we use object-orientation What is Object What is Class Abstraction Encapsulation Inheritance PolymorphismThe ideal student for this course is a beginner programmer who wants to quickly explore object oriented programming concepts before learning a new Object Oriented Programming like C++, Java, C# or Python. Feel free to take a look through the course description and I look forward to see you inside."
Price: 49.99 |
"Intro to Flutter For iOS & Android" |
"In this course you will learn how to build iOS and Android apps with the Flutter framework by Google.Flutter is a framework that lets developers quickly build responsive apps for iOS and Android -- having only to write the code once.The Flutter Framework:Is VERYfastWritten in the Dart programming languageDoes NOTuse JavascriptEmploys re-useable widgetsWrite code once, deploy to iOS and AndroidHas instant hot reload (No more 10 minute Xcode builds!)Supports native Kotlin and native SwiftIs the BEST framework for cross platform developmentThis course is designed for existing programmers or iOS and Android developers who want to learn Flutter.The course was designed to get you up and running FAST. That means we focus on the core concepts (the hard parts) instead of covering every single aspect of a major framework.What you'll learn:Installation and setupPrepping your development environmentBuilding re-useable widgetsImportant layout widgetsWorking with data and listsMaking HTTP requests with APIsParsing JSONHot reloadingBuilding native features on AndroidBuilding native features on iOSFlutter will help you quickly reduce build time and help you build AMAZING mobile apps very fast. With Google behind the wheel Flutter is a wonderful experience and is growing rapidly."
Price: 149.99 |
"Unreal Engine 4: For Absolute Beginners" |
"Welcome to Intro to Unreal Engine 4 (UE4)!This course is designed for absolute beginners and will teach you the basics of Unreal Engine.This course was built to teach you UE4 in the funnest and fastest way possible.NO CODING EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED All gameplay logic is through Unreal Blueprints!This course is packed with the basics and core features of the Unreal Engine.Some Things You'll Learn:Unreal Geometry editing tools (build your own levels)Unreal MaterialsThird person shooter mechanicsCreating and working with camerasSetting up GameModes and LevelBlueprintsHandling player input for both keyboard and game padsWorking with Vectors and RotationsAnimationBlueprints and BlendSpacesCreating simple particle systemsRaycasting and shooting bulletsSimple AI and enemy attackCreating game logic in BlueprintsUser interface with UMGBuilding mobile gamesPost processingAnd A LOT moreThis course teaches Unreal Blueprints and does NOT cover C++Unreal Blueprints are a powerful visual node-based coding tool that let's you build games WITHOUT WRITING CODE!If you want to make awesome games in Unreal Engine 4, then enroll now and we'll see you in class!"
Price: 149.99 |
"CRUD com ASP.NET Core MVC, Dapper e Injeo de Dependncias" |
"Este curso visa ensinar a voc como implementar os patterns mais utilizados no desenvolvimento de um sistema atualmente. Nele, iremos utilizar de: DDD, Base de Dados MSSQL (Externa), Bootstrap 4.3, Arquitetura MVC, .NET Core, Dapper e muito mais.Hoje, a plataforma .NET representa uma grande parte do mercado de tecnologia e desde a apario da arquitetura MVC, muitas empresas andam adotando o uso desta framework. No fique fora do mercado, atravs deste curso voc ter fundamento para desenvolver uma aplicao funcional baseada em .NET Core."
Price: 39.99 |
"Amazon Web Services is a subsidiary of Amazon that provide on demand cloud computing platforms to individuals , companies and governments , on a metered pay-as-you-go basis.This will be helpful to students who want to build their career in cloud computing.AMAZON WEB SERVICES (AWS) is a secure cloud services platform,offering compute power,database storage,content delivery and other functionality to help business scale and grow.It is beneficial to students alot."
Price: 34.99 |
"Basics of R for Data Science" |
"Hi all this course is designed for Data Science Concepts with R , The back ground knowledge for data science is given using R Language. This course is designed with simple examples for intermediate learners and its created with my young research team who has mastered on the concepts. you will get here :Introduction to ROverview of RData types in RBasic Data management in RBasic Flow control in RBasic Graphs in RBasic of Statistics Linear Regression"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Complete Firebase And Amazon S3 With JavaFX Course" |
"Learn How To Develop Commercial & Advanced JavaFX Apps With Firebase And Amazon S3 In Complete AppliicationJavaFX is a fantastic GUI-Framework for Java, byOracle. JavaFX lets you realise and publish your software dream very quickly. The software can easily be exported for Mac OS, Windows or Linux.Firebase is a Backend-as-a-ServiceBaaSthat started as aYC11 startup and grew up into a next-generation app-development platform on Google Cloud Platform. Firebase frees developers to focus crafting fantastic user experiences. You dont need to manage servers. You dont need to write APIs. Firebase is your server, your API and your data store, all written so generically that you can modify it to suit most needs. Yeah, youll occasionally need to use other bits of the Google Cloud for your advanced applications. Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. This means customers of all sizes and industries can use it to store and protect any amount of data for a range of use cases, such as websites, mobile applications, backup and restore, archive, enterprise applications, IoT devices, and big data analytics. Amazon S3 provides easy-to-use management features so you can organize your data and configure finely-tuned access controls to meet your specific business, organizational, and compliance requirements. Amazon S3 is designed for 99.999999999% (11 9's) of durability, and stores data for millions of applications for companies all around the world. What will you learn?:* Create real-world native apps using JavaFX* Build commercial Applications * Learn how to develop complete application* Learn how to user Firebase with javafx* learn how to user Amazon S3 with javafx* Design modern and advanced UI* learn how to make installation file for your application"
Price: 199.99 |
"Standup Comedy, Humorous Public Speaking, & Becoming Funnier" |
"Do you want to incorporate humor into your speeches so that your performance is entertaining, memorable, and influential? Why not learn from people whose job it is to give funny speeches? From comedians.This course breaks down the tools and techniques used in standup comedy so that you too can be funny when giving speeches. By the end of this course, youll learn how you can create jokes, humorous public speaking tips, and how to build a comedy act from scratch.This is a standup comedy theory coursehow exactly does comedy and being funny work? But its a practical course because everything I teach you I use in my own standup comedy act myself, and you can use these tools right away in your own performances.This course is different from other courses on public speaking because its focused-on performing comedic material, and the information is broken down into the absolute bare bone essentials. Everything here is practical and to the point.Learning how to do standup comedy will teach you how to come up with jokes that make people laugh onstage, make you an entertaining humorous public speaker, and give you a sense of confidence."
Price: 99.99 |
"Flirten lernen als Mann - Flirt Mastery fr Mnner" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst Du, in nur 30 Tagen jede Frau Deiner Wahl auf ganz natrliche Art und Weise ansprechen zu knnen, ohne Dich dabei verstellen zu mssen, oder Angst zu haben.Herzlichen Glckwunsch!Du hast den ersten Schritt in ein neues Leben gemacht! Ein Leben, in dem Du Dein Liebesleben voll und ganz selbst in den Griff nehmen wirst. Du wirst in der Lage sein, die Frauen Deiner Trume kennenlernen zu knnen und die Beziehungen Deiner Wnsche aufzubauen.Be in love with your life. Every minute of it.- Jack Kerouac(D: Liebe Dein Leben. Jede Minute, die Du lebst.)Dabei ist es vllig egal, ob Du auf der Suche nach der EINEN bist oder lieber erst mal ein paar Erfahrungen mit verschiedenen Frauen machen und Dich ausleben mchtest. Oder vielleicht kommt Monogamie fr Dich sowieso nicht infrage und Du suchst nach mehreren polyamoren Beziehungen.Egal, was Dein Ziel in Deinem Liebesleben ist, die Voraussetzung dafr ist, dass Du das Selbstvertrauen und die Fhigkeit aufbaust, in jeder Situation die Frauen Deiner Trume kennenzulernen. Es geht nicht darum, immer und berall Frauen kennenzulernen, sondern darum, dass Du jederzeit jede Frau ansprechen und kennenlernen kannst, die Dich interessiert. Egal wo, egal in welcher Situation.Ich will Dir hier keinen Druck aufbauen. Darum geht es nicht. Dies ist keiner dieser Kurse, wo Du 1000 Frauen ansprechen und ihre Telefonnummern holen musst. Das ist uneffektiv. Damit verschwendest Du nur Deine Zeit.Hier geht es darum, dass Du locker und entspannt genau die Frauen kennenlernen kannst, die Du kennenlernen mchtest. Genau die Frauen, die zu Dir passen. Es geht darum, dass Du dies in Deinem echten Leben machst, in Deinem Alltag.Du musst Dich nicht zwingen, in Clubs oder Bars zu gehen, wenn Du das nicht magst, Du musst auch nicht 3 Stunden jeden Tag durch Shoppingcenter laufen, um jede beliebige Frau anzusprechen.Sondern es geht darum, dass Du in Deinem Alltag, in den Situationen, in denen Du sowieso bist, an den Orten, an denen Du Dich sowieso aufhltst, genau die Frauen kennenlernst, die auch wirklich zu Dir passen!Wenn Du Dich zufllig 3 Tage die Woche in Clubs und Bars aufhltst, dann machst Du es dort. Wenn Du in der Bank arbeitest, dann dort und wenn Du im Tennisverein oder Fitnessstudio bist, dann dort.Denn, wo auch immer Du Dich aufhltst im Laufe Deines Tages, sei es im Beruf oder in Deiner Freizeit, dies sind schlielich die Orte, an denen auch die Wahrscheinlichkeit am hchsten ist, dass Du Frauen triffst, die die gleichen Interessen haben wie Du.Auerdem kommt hinzu, dass es darum geht, dass Du das Flirten und die soziale Kompetenz, die damit einhergeht, die Kunst der Kommunikation, in Deinen Alltag einbaust und es somit zu Deinem Wesen machst. Pltzlich musst Du gar nicht mehr darber nachdenken, ob Du jetzt flirtest oder nicht, ob Du jetzt Frauen ansprichst oder nicht. Du machst es einfach. Es ist Teil Deines Lebens.Genau darum geht es in diesem Kurs, das wirst Du in den kommenden 30 Tagen lernen.Und nicht zuletzt wird Dir das auch in allen anderen Lebensbereichen helfen. Pltzlich kannst Du auch besser mit Deinen Kollegen oder Geschftspartnern kommunizieren, Deine Freundschaften werden sich vertiefen und Du kannst in allen Bereichen Deines Lebens tiefere und intensivere Verbindungen aufbauen. In Liebe, Leben und Business.Ich werde Dir in den nchsten 30 Tagen dabei helfen, dieses Potenzial zu entfalten!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Besserer Sex - von Frust zu Lust" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst Du ganz konkrete und einfach anwendbare Techniken, um Dein Sexleben neu zu entfachen.Du hast manchmal Hemmungen, Blockaden oder schlichtweg keine Lust, wenn es um Sex geht?Dein Partner schafft es nicht, Dich fr Sex zu begeistern - oder noch schlimmer, ist selber genauso lustlos wie Du?In diesem Kurs lernst Du Tricks und Techniken, wie Du Deine Lustlosigkeit, Hemmungen, Blockaden, Scham, oder was auch immer Dich aufhlt, auflsen und Dein Sexleben in neue ungekannte Hhen katapultieren kannst.Bist Du bereit fr ein erflltes Sexleben fr den Rest Deines Lebens?Oder willst Du es auf Deinem Sterbebett bereuen, nie Dein volles Potenzial beim Sex und in der sexuellen Extase entfaltet zu haben?Wenn Du es jetzt nicht angehst, dann machst Du es wahrscheinlich nie. Willst Du wirklich weiter unerfllten Sex haben?Jetzt eintragen ->"
Price: 24.99 |
"Ingls Bsico 1 (A1)" |
"ES - clases de Ingls se enorgullese en presentarte los cursos que estar presentando en breve. Cada uno de ellos con una duracin de 10 a 11 horas de excelente trabajo para que puedas aprender ingls y a continuacin te los describir.Ingls Bsico 1 (A1) estar formado de 10 lecciones (aproximadamente), despus vendr ingls bsico 2 (A1) que ser de 10 lecciones (aproximadamente), despus de ese vendr Ingls intermedio 1 (A2) de 11 lecciones (aproximadamente) Y al final tendremos ingls avanzado 1 (B1) de (aproximadamente) 10 lecciones e ingls avanzado 2 (B2) de 10 lecciones (aproximadamente) Vamos a aprender ingls de una manera cmoda y sencilla. De tal manera que sientas que estas en una escuela con un profesor presencial y adems de eso, puedas responder todas las dudas que te surjan sobre esta materia.Mi nombre es Luis David Hernndez Snchez y yo ser el encargado de apoyarte en todo lo que este a mi alcance para que puedas aprender ingls. Ya no hay excusas, toma un lpiz y papel, toma asiento en un lugar tranquilo y empecemos a estudiar. Tambin puedes seguirme en mi pgina de Facebook (ES - Clases de ingls) para saber cuando subir un nuevo vdeo."
Price: 570.00 |
"Back Pain Relief Hypnosis System - Healing the deep roots" |
"The back pain relief hypnosis system is for you to manage pain and start to heal and release the emotional and spiritual factors that create back pain in your life.At the age of 30 while working in the stock market I suddenly developed kidney failure. When the doctors told me they did not know what to do save my life, I faced powerlessness over losing my life., As I surrendered to my circumstances I had a heavenly timeless experience come over me and I heard avoice say""find a spiritual solution"".The doctors managed to stabilise my condition, but I was left withkidney failure and suffered painful gout attacks, muscle pain, cramps and intermittent pains in different parts of my body.The spiritual experience I hadresulted in my looking for a spiritual solution to my problems and so Itrained in Rei-Ki, spiritual healing, hypnotherapy, NLP, A Course in Miracles and studied under enlightened teachers such as Dr David R Hawkins and Mooji.Using the techniques I learned and consistently applying them,my gout attacks, cramps and muscle pains eventually became less and then stopped,I have now been free for many years from these pains. I am alsoable to deal with acute pains and accidents when they happen effectively with the tools in this course.My wish is for you to gain relief, healing and freedom from back pain in your life."
Price: 159.99 |
"12 step alcohol addiction recovery program for beginners." |
"This course is for you if you would like to use a 12 step addiction recovery program to stop drinking.In this course I will go over the basics of how to find a 12 step group to stop drinking such as alcoholics annoymous, narcotics annoymous and cocaine annoymous. I will discuss how to get a sponsor or mentor to give you lots of one to one support through the program so you can stop drinking. ( The experience and tools within the 12 step groups can also applied to stopping drug addcition.)If you feel this basic beginners program is for you, then hit the enrol button. You are covered by the Udemy 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 89.99 |
"Mindfulness meditation & spiritual healing for mind & body" |
"The mindfulness meditation & spiritual healing for mind & body is for you to develop emotional peace and heal at the level of mind and body.At the age of 30 while working in the stock market I suddenly developed kidney failure. When the doctors told me they did not know what to do save my life, I faced powerlessness over losing my life., As I surrendered to my circumstances I had a heavenly timeless experience come over me and I heard avoice say""find a spiritual solution"".The doctors managed to stabilise my condition, but I was left withkidney failure and suffered painful gout attacks, asthma and intermittent pains in different parts of my body.The spiritual experience I hadresulted in my looking for a spiritual solution to my problems and so Itrained in Rei-Ki, spiritual healing, hypnotherapy, NLP, A Course in Miracles and studied under enlightened teachers such as Dr David R Hawkins and Mooji.Using the techniques I learned and consistently applying them,my gout attacks and asthma attacks eventually became less and then stopped,I have now been free for many years from these illnesses. I am alsoable to deal with negative emotions like fear, anger, anxiety and grief when they happen effectively with the tools in this course.My wish is for you to gain relief, healing and freedom in your life.Enrol today to get started in this course, and remember you are covered by the Udemy 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 94.99 |
"The Power of The Eternal Now - Attract Miracles & Abundance" |
"The The Power of The Eternal Now - Attract Miracles & Abundance is for you if you want to experience presence, flow, joy, miracles and abundance in your life. In this course you will learn how to release negative emotions like fear and stress . You will be releasing the blocks to experiencing the eternal now and spirtual flow and synchonisty in your life.At the age of 30 while working in the stock market I suddenly developed kidney failure. When the doctors told me they did not know what to do save my life, I faced powerlessness over losing my life., As I surrendered to my circumstances I had a heavenly timeless experience come over me and I heard a voice say ""find a spiritual solution"". The doctors managed to stabilise my condition, but I was left with kidney failure health problem, fear stress and negativity,The spiritual experience I had resulted in my looking for a spiritual solution to my problems and so I trained in Rei-Ki, spiritual healing, hypnotherapy, NLP, A Course in Miracles and studied under enlightened teachers such as Dr David R Hawkins.Using the techniques I learned and consistently applying them, my my health improved and my deep feels and emotions of fear and negativity left me.In this course I show the tools I used to achieve good levels of peace, presence and abundance in life.My wish is for you to gain the freedom and flow that comes from being in the eternal now.Hit the enrol button to get started and remember you are covered by Udemy 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 124.99 |