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"Farsi ascoltare in 9 semplici passi"
"In questo corso imparerai a presentare un progetto, un'idea, un servizio, o anche a fare un discorso ai tuoi colleghi e amici, che sia persuasivo ed efficace. Ti insegner ad applicare uno schema a 9 punti che potrai utilizzare in ogni situazione nella quale ti troverai a dover parlare a delle persone."
Price: 19.99

"React Js: Pruebas Unitarias con Jest + Enzyme + Redux"
"En este curso vas a aprender cmo asegurar la calidad de tus componentes de React.js escribiendo pruebas unitarias utilizando la herramienta ms poderosa; desarrollada y utilizada por el equipo ingenieros de Facebook:  Jest. El contenido de este curso esta enfocado en aplicar pruebas unitarias a la estructura mas importante de nuestros proyectos de frontend con React.Js: Componentes (Stateless / Stateful) , Redux (Actions, Sagas, Reducers), Llamadas a la API (Utilizando Axios) y Funciones de Javascript. Ademas utilizaremos Enzyme, una utileria de testing creada por el equipo de Airb&b para facilitar las pruebas de los componentes aplicando diferentes tecnicas de rendereo.En este curso vamos a crear un proyecto llamado Proyectos de Github, que consiste en iniciar sesin con Github, despus vamos a solicitar los repositorios del usuario logeado para mostrarlos en un listado. Para los estilos del proyecto nos apoyaremos en Material.UI.El curso incluye ejercicios para que pongas en practica los conocimientos adquiridos en cada seccin."
Price: 49.99

"A beginners course on how to create and care for lawns."
"DescriptionThis course is ideal if you want to learn about how to create a good lawn, and how to look after it in your own garden or clients gardens.Learn how to create and maintain lawns Show how to care for and maintain lawns for optimum growth. Show the different types of basic lawn machinery and how to use and maintain them correctly.Demonstrate how to create a lawn by hydro seeding.Demonstrate how tocreate a lawn by laying turf.Demonstrate how to create a lawn by no mow lawns.Demonstrate how to lay artificial turf correctly. OverviewThis course offers a simple,easy way to understand the correct conditions to create and care for your lawns.Once you have obtained this information you can apply it to home lawns or professional lawns so you get the best result."
Price: 19.99

"PMP 6th Exam Preperation Course-Simplified-Step by Step"
"Navigate & understand the 5 Process Groups and 10 Knowledge Areas of the PMBOK Guide 6th Edition. Simplify & understand the 49 Project Management processes as described in the PMBOK Guide. Identify and implement the inputs, tools and techniques and outputs of the 49 PMBOK Guide processes. Align your project management knowledge with PMBOK Guide terminology and definitions. Learn and understand the PM know-how required for the PMP exam certification according to the standards of the PMBOK Guide 6th Edition. How to be an effective and successful Project Manager. Gain an ever-lasting competitive advantage as a Project Manager. It is an important step in your career path giving you the opportunity to be PMP certified and advance your career further. To emphasize on real world practice and experience regarding Project Management based on the experience and lessons learned by professionals and experts. The impact of applying PM processes on our projects and the lessons learned."
Price: 19.99

"Mditation guide , mditation pleine conscience"
"Bonjour je vous proposes des mditations guides pour vous aider a vous relaxer , grer votre stress et aussi pour mieux dormir. Je vous propose des mthodes de motivations et des phrases positives pour mieux avancer dans votre vie. Si vous tes motiver commencer des maintenant a mon cours pour vous aider au quotidien C'est pour a que j'ai cre des vidos , des fiches de solutions et dexercices afin de tout vous expliquer, mais surtout, comment faire pour la mettre facilement et rapidement en place sur vous dans mes formations.Peu de personnes le font, et trs peu en parlent. Selon mon exprience personnel et professionnel Des stratgie de PNL et psychologique Je me suis dit que ce serait intressant de partager avec vous comment j'ai fait concrtement pour atteindre ces Rsultats. + les techniques PNL pour que a marche.Vos objectifs ne doivent pas rester des rves, vous vous devez de les atteindre pour vous panouir !Que se passerait-il si vous tiez Heureux(se) vritablement, authentiquement, heureux(se) jusquau plus profond de vous-mme ? N'tes-vous pas fatigu de dfinir des objectifs et de dcouvrir que vous devez le faire de nouveau tous les ans ?Un coaching de vie pour changer ce qui ne vous convient pas ou plus dans votre vie partir des principes scientifiques qui rgissent lUnivers. panouissez-vous, Retrouvez votre Bien-tre, Corps et Ame Le nombre de sances est variable aussi. Je propose en moyenne 6 10 sances, selon les objectifs. Soit une vingtaine d'heures. Il peut y avoir 12 15 sances, rarement plus. C'est trs court un coaching. Pas de dpendance donc !!! La dure totale, selon les objectifs dfinis au cours de la 1re sance, l'accompagnement durera entre 2 mois (le plus courant) et 6 mois maximum selon le besoin du client (objectif / plan d'action / rsultat). Vous dsirez librer rellement votre potentiel ? Vous souhaitez vivre une vie que vous dsirez ? Donnez-vous l'opportunit de vous raliser, de librer le potentiel que vous avez en vous ! Peut-tre que vous avez parfois des doutes , peut-tre que vous grez vos motions de la mauvaise manire. Un manque d'estime pour vous-mme ? Augmentez votre confiance et votre estime de soi Transformer les croyances limitantes et devenir autonome Gain de libert motionnelle face aux traumatismes non rsolus / problmes de lenfance Matrisez votre anxit Surmontez vos peurs et vos phobies Changer les comportements indsirables Eradiquer les habitudes Rduire le stress Parler avec confiance et loquence en public Reprendre le contrle des attaques de panique Contrler et liminer la colreVous tes-vous dj demand Que dois-je faire de ma vie? , Quel est mon rle? ou encore Qui ai-je envie de devenir? La cl, ce nest pas dessayer dimiter les talents de quelquun dautre mais de trouver ses propres talents, dtre authentique et vrai. La premire tape est de dcouvrir quelle est cette chose pour laquelle VOUS avez du talent!Vous avez la phobies sociales ? peur de l'avenir ? Peur de manquer d'argent et d'amour ?Peur de l' inscurit ?Le regard et les jugements des autres ?Peur de l'echec?Problemes pour faire des choix?Au bout des 90 jours vous aurez des rsultats pour mieux grer votre anxit, oui si vous etes motiver.Imaginez vous changer , vous devenez une meilleur version de vous meme .Vous allez canaliser ces problemes avec srnits"
Price: 39.99

"Exercices pour grer lanxit"
"Afin de pouvoir grer lanxit nous devons apprendre la reconnatre. Au moment o nous commencerons ressentir les premiers symptmes, nous essayerons daller nous promener dans la rue pour nous changer les ides.Lanxit est un tat motionnel qui se manifeste chez les personnes souffrant dinquitude, dangoisse et de peur."
Price: 29.99

"Growth Hacking : Booster votre visibilit"
"Cest quoi exactement le Growth Hacking ?Le Growth Hacking est lensemble des techniques innovantes qui permettent une croissance rapide en utilisant de faon intelligente des ressources. Afin de comprendre le Growth Hacking, dcomposons lexpression :Growth= croissance : Le Growth Hacker cre des Hacks, cest--dire des actions marketing innovantes qui ont comme principal objectif une croissance rapide.Hacking= piratage : Non ne vous inquitez pas cela na rien voir avec les virus et piratages ! On doit ici comprendre piratage dans le sens du marketing de rupture. Les hacks cassent lapproche traditionnelle. Ce terme renvoie aussi au Life Hacker , un individu qui se sert de son imagination pour amliorer sa vie."
Price: 24.99

"Simulados para Certificado Profissional Scrum Foundation"
"O Agile Scrum Foundation (ASF) uma certificao fornecida pelo EXIN, que um rgo de acreditao internacional de profissionais na rea de TI. Esta certificao valida o conhecimento combinado de um profissional em metodologias geis e prticas do Scrum.Simulados preparatrio para tirar certificao e se tornar um ScrumMaster.**** Prepare-se neste simulado para tirar sua certificao em Scrum com a gente! *****Mais algumas timas razes para estudar conosco na Udemy:Voc ter acesso vitalcio ao curso, embora seja recomendvel que voc o termine antes disso...Voc no perder aquele captulo especial da novela ou daquela srie fantstica, j que poder estudar a hora que quiser...Voc no precisar enlouquecer ou criar vagas para estacionar o seu carro...Voc no precisar se entupir de salgados ou refrigerantes na lanchonete da escola...Voc poder assistir s aulas de pijama (ou at sem...)...Voc no se afundar em dvidas astronmicas para se matricular no curso ou fazer a prova de certificao...E se, alm disso, chegar concluso de que no gostou do curso, seu investimento ser devolvido em at 30 dias da matrcula sem complicaes.Professional Scrum , Professional Scrum Master, PSM, PSM I Bons estudos!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Python Tkinter Masterclass - Learn Python GUI Programming"
"Have you done some Python programming but want to take your skills to the next level? Maybe you just want to add GUIprogramming to your box of tricks.Or take your Python scripts to a new level by introducing a graphical user interface to your boring console applications.I am sure if you are reading this you already know that Python rocks. It's got some serious horsepower and putting applications together takes less code compared to traditional languages like Java and C#.By not having the skills to build GUIapps, you are seriously limiting your potential.This course is designed to help remove that limitation.If you are looking to learn Python GUIprogramming, quickly and efficiently then you are in the right place.Volkan At, your instructor is a very experienced developer, and knows Python GUIapplication development inside out. And is now here to pass on those skills to you.Whats covered in the course?Python GUIProgramming using TkInter (which is Pythons default de facto standard for building GUIApps).Not only will you learn how to use Python to build Desktop applications, but Volkan will take you on a journey where you will also explore advanced GUIprogramming, creating actual Python applications, using Sqlite advanced database queries and loads more!Why is this course different?This is a comprehensive course on TkInter - no details about the Tkinter Module & GUI Programming is skipped.You will build real life projects to see TkInter in action in a realistic scenario.What you will learn in this course?You will learn how to build real GUIPython programs using TkInter and by the end of the course will be a super productive and skilled Python TkInter programmer. Volkan At, your instructor is an expert Python developer so you can be assured you are learning from a true professional and learning the real-world skills you need to know to succeed.If you are ready to get started, click on that enroll button and start taking your Python GUI skills to new levels"
Price: 79.99

"The Java Design Patterns Course"
"So you have some Java experience under your belt, but are trying to figure out what to do next to make it easier to get that next job or consulting gig, and to stand out from the crowd.Maybe you have heard of design patterns before and have seen programmers who know them and are able to implement them are held in very high regard.One thing is clear, Java programmers with design pattern experience are in high demand. Design patterns are heavily used in the real world, so it's essential that Java programmers learn how to identify design patterns and implement them.And that's what you are going to learn in this course!Perhaps you tried to learn about design patterns in the past, but struggled to understand them. This course is going to give you the core design patterns experience you need!This course is unique in comparison to other design patterns courses.Why? It not only teaches how to use design patterns, but perhaps more importantly, it teaches why you should use them! Why they are the best approach and how using them can make you a super productive and awesome Java Programmer.The reality is that Java developers who truly understand how to use design patterns are in high demand. So what specifically is included in this course?This course focuses on the details and a thorough understanding of all design patterns from the Gang of four.Who are the Gang of four?Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides released a book in 1994 that was and is still considered a classic. The concepts are still very relevant in 2019!This course is all about showing you how to use their design patterns in todays software development environment.You will learn detailed aspects of common design patterns (23 from the Gang of four) using the Java programming language.Why shouldI bother with Design Patterns?In programming terms, a design pattern is a solution to a common problem that occurs when writing software. Think of it as more like a template than actual code - its a how-to to solve a problem that can be re-used in many different situations.Using design patterns gives you a way to solve common problems with a proven solution! So learning java design patterns and architecture and being able to use and implement them are critical to take your Java programming to new levels.What you will learn in this course.You will learn how to implement specific design patterns in addition to learning why they are the best approach and how they make you a super productive and awesome Java programmer. Many, many examples and challenges are provided to test your understanding of every pattern that you have learned. This course is unique to other courses here at Udemy in that the details and the why are explained. We do not just go through projects and provide a how-to. You will learn WHY you should be using a particular design pattern and the benefits to doing so.Jason Fedin, you instructor is an expert Java developer, and has one of the most popular C programming languages on Udemy(published on this channel).As a professional programmer, with over 18 years of commercial experience, you can be assured you are learning from a true professional and learning the real-world skills you need to know to succeed.If you are ready to get started, click on that enroll button and start taking your Java skills to new levels!"
Price: 99.99

"Mastering Intellij IDEA and Android Studio"
"Have you used JetBrain's fantastic IntelliJIDEAIDE(Integrated Development Environment) and been amazed at the power but wondered how to take advantage of the incredible range of functionality and speed enhancements?Maybe you are an Android Studio developer and want to get the most out of the IDEwhich, in case you didn't know is IntelliJ IDEA under the hood (in other words, Android Studio IS IntelliJ IDEA, but with Android capability added by Google).Others IDEA's such as Pycharm also use IntelliJIDEA.If you used any of these IDE's then I am sure you already know how great the product is. But what if you could learn all the shortcuts and features designed to really accelerate your productivity?That's where this course comes in. It's designed to do just that - to teach you all the advanced features of the product. While you can check the syllabus on this page for a full list of what the course includes, here is a summary of what you will learn from the course.Speed up your coding workflow - Learn keyboard shortcuts and menu option navigation that will make your coding quicker and more effective.Master the debugger and profiler - Understand how to debug and profile code using the profiler and debugger. Find and fix errors in your code quicker and easier.Gain Android Development knowledge, techniques, and workflows. Understand how to use Android Studio to build and optimize your own Android Apps.Editor customisation - Learn editor customization to change the ordering of menu items, look and feel of the editor, create your own custom UI elements, etc This will give you the ability to MAXIMIZE the potential of these two powerful development tools.IntelliJ IDEA's GUI Designer - Learn how to build custom GUI dialogs and windows within the editor. This course comes with two full examples of building custom GUI elements and an entire section teaching the process and the different Swing GUI components you can use to build and customize editor UI.Work with Git and Github - Learn to directly interface with GitHub (or other version control systems) directly in the editor. No need for a command line or GUI source control program, you can commit, push, and pull code directly from within IntelliJ IDEA.Master keyboard shortcuts and menu options - Gain a complete understanding to the tools at your disposal. An entire section of the course is dedicated to keyboard shortcuts and another section is dedicated to teaching all of the different main menu options in the 13 main menus found in IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio: File, Edit, View, Navigate, Code, Analyze, Refactor, Build, Run, Tools, VCS, Window and Help.Master the terminal / command line - Become proficient using the terminal / command line. Learn about IntelliJ IDEA's built-in terminal, Git Terminal, and Android Studio command line tools ADB and Logcat.Why you need this course.If you want to become a more productive programmer and learn how to use the advanced features of IntelliJ and Android Studio then this course is perfect for you!If you have no programming experience, or have never used Android Studio or IntelliJIDEA before then it's suggested to invest first in a course that uses these tools - This channel has a Java Masterclass and Android Kotlin course that would help. Then come back here and go through this course - or do both concurrently.Ready to get started?If you are ready to get started, click on that enroll button and start becoming even more productive with IntelliJIDEA and Android Studio."
Price: 79.99

"Git & GitHub Masterclass"
"Git is the most used version control system for programmers in the world. GitHub, with 57 million repositories (projects) and 28 million users is the largest host of source code in the world.The reality is, developers of all levels need to have a mastery of these tools. Why?Firstly, because employers are demanding these skills. Developers who don't know Git and GitHub have less opportunities available to them because so many companies are using one or both of these technologies.Secondly, if you don't know how to use this technology you literally won't be able to function as a programmer anywhere that version control is used. And thats most companies! Don't get left behind!This course was designed to get you back in the race - by giving you a mastery of both Git and GitHub!You will learn all the basics of Git and GitHub, everything from what a repository is, to adding your code to one.Commits, Pull Requests, Forks, Cloning a repository, Branches, Handling Merge conflicts, Continuous Integration and Delivery, Markdown, GitHub Pages and Google Colab - It's all here.But in addition to that you will learn how to use Git and GitHub in real life development situations, rather than learning theory only - So you will know how to use Git and GitHub the right way, and be ready to apply it to your professional development career.Eduardo, your course instructor has structured this course in such a way that you will be able to follow the videos step by step and apply each concept as you go and finally build up to the final section on Continuous Integration / ContinuousDelivery (a topic which is not covered by other Git and GitHub courses).You truly will be a master of Git and GitHub by the end of the course.I could go on and on about what's in the course, but all you really need to know is that this is a comprehensive course on the topic and Eduardo as the instructor, and Learn Programming Academy as the publisher have a great track record of producing high quality courses. So you can be assured that its the right training you need to master Git and GitHub. This course is ready for you now.Are you ready to start? Click the Enroll button to get started. Note that you can also check out some of the course content by using the free preview feature on this page."
Price: 79.99

"Python GUI Programming Using PyQt5"
"Python programmers are among the highest paid developers on the planet.  Lots of programmers are trying to build an edge as Python developers in order to stand out of the crowd.One of the best ways for you to do this is by being able to create applications in Python that are cross-platform, and have a graphical user interface (GUI).This course will allow you to add GUI programming using PYQT5 to your box of tricks.  PYQT is a set of bindings that enable you to use the QT toolkit.    QT was created nearly 25 years ago and is continually improved, and is one of the most popular toolkits of it's type available.   Many companies have turned to QT to bring cross platform capabilities to their applications.  Programmers who are experienced with QT, and by extension PYQT are in high demand.The latest version of PYQT is 5, so this course focuses on that version - PYQT5.If you are looking to learn Python GUI programming and specifically QT and PYQT5 then this is the course for you.Volkan At, your instructor is a very experienced developer, and knows Python GUI application development inside out.  He is here to pass on those skills to you.Whats covered in the course?Python GUI Programming using PYQT5.Not only will you learn how to use Python to build Desktop applications, but Volkan will take you on a journey where you will also explore advanced GUI programming, creating actual Python applications, using Sqlite advanced database queries and loads more!Key topics in the course include:-PyQt5.Python GUI programming (beginner and advanced).Python advanced GUI programming.Python PyQt5 widgets.Creating real Python applications.Sqlite advanced database queries.Python PyQt5 module widgets.What you will learn in this course?You will learn how to build real GUI Python programs using PYQT5 and by the end of the course will be a super productive and skilled Python PYQT5 programmer. Volkan At, your instructor is an expert Python developer so you can be assured you are learning from a true professional and learning the real-world skills you need to know to succeed.If you are ready to get started, click on that enroll button and start taking your Python GUI skills to new levels with PYQT5."
Price: 79.99

"Master CI/CD for Xamarin"
"What you will learn in this course?In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of CI/CD which is short for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery and be able to apply these fundamentals in your Xamarin development process.The word Deployment is often used in place of Delivery but effectively means the same thing.These skills are essential to maximize your career potential in 2019 and beyond, because more and more companies are adopting these development practices requiring new employees or freelancers to be well versed in these concepts.What is Continuous Integration (CI) ?CI is the practice of merging all programmers current working copies to a shared mainline on a regular basis (usually several times a day).A developer checks out a working copy of the code base prior to making a change.  Over time as other developers check out and make changes, this checked out working copy of the source code base gets out of date, potentially requiring more and more work by developers to actually  check their completed changes back in to the main repository.Without using CI it can become really difficult to merge all these changes and can lead to it taking more time to  merge changes back into the main source code base than it took to make the the change itself.CI seeks to eliminate this problem by making sure all developers integrate early and often with the goal to reduce rework and ultimately save cost and time.  This involves all developers merging their code back into the main repository multiple times a day.An added bonus is that each programmer who is merging changes needs to build and run (and pass) all unit tests which usually run automatically meaning the code base is easier to work with and merge changes into and is potentially more stable as a result.What is Continuous Delivery or Deployment (CD) ?This extends CI to ensure that new changes to software can be released to clients quicker, but in a more sustainable way.  It takes the advantages of CI from a development perspective (automated testing, on code check-in, etc) allowing the actual code base to be built and new releases to be automatically released to the client, effectively meaning a new version can be deployed to the client by a click of a button.CI/CD concepts.By adhering to a CI/CD development process, the code base can be built and released more quickly, and is in a more stable state overall.  These are some of the reasons why more and more companies are adopting a CI/CD development process in 2019 and beyond.Key topics in this course.1. Continuous Integration2. Continuous Delivery3. App Center4. GitHub Pull Requests5. Branch protection6. UI Tests7. App Diagnostics8. App AnalyticsWhat will you learn? Learn how to track errors and crashes in your apps. Learn how to track any event triggered within your apps. Apply complete CI/CD flows in your app development process. Use GitHub to trigger code checks and app distribution to users. Use App Center to automate checks and protect important branches. Leverage App Center to automatically create builds on every merge. Automate the distribution of a new build to beta testers. Automate the distribution of new releases to the Apple and Google app stores. Learn to create UI tests for your Xamarin Forms apps. Focus on the development of features, leave the build and distribution to App Center. Improve teamwork with automatic builds and checks that improve the quality of your merges. Enable product discovery with the help of Analytics in the App Center. Test your app in a wide array of cloud-hosted physical devices.Differences with other CI/CD courses.While there are other CI/CD courses out there, most of them are too general. This course is completely tailored to Xamarin developers, this way you can immediately start applying what you learn in your app development process. Because of this, the course also covers topics not normally found on other CI/CD courses, such as UI Tests for Xamarin apps.Who is the course aimed at?The course does not require any previous CI/CD or DevOps experience, although some basic Git & GitHub experience is desirable.While this is a CI/CD course, it is oriented to Xamarin students, so some basic Xamarin experience is required.Getting startedIf you are ready to get started, click on the Enroll or Add to Cart button on this page and start taking your CI/CD skills with Xamarin to the next level."
Price: 99.99

"Master CI/CD for Android Developers"
"What you will learn in this course?In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of CI/CD which is short for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery and be able to apply these fundamentals in your Android app development process.The word Deployment is often used in place of Delivery but effectively means the same thing.These skills are essential to maximize your career potential in 2019 and beyond, because more and more companies are adopting these development practices requiring new employees or freelancers to be well versed in these concepts.What is Continuous Integration (CI) ?CI is the practice of merging all programmers current working copies to a shared mainline on a regular basis (usually several times a day).A developer checks out a working copy of the code base prior to making a change.  Over time as other developers check out and make changes, this checked out working copy of the source code base gets out of date, potentially requiring more and more work by developers to actually  check their completed changes back in to the main repository.Without using CI it can become really difficult to merge all these changes and can lead to it taking more time to  merge changes back into the main source code base than it took to make the the change itself.CI seeks to eliminate this problem by making sure all developers integrate early and often with the goal to reduce rework and ultimately save cost and time.  This involves all developers merging their code back into the main repository multiple times a day.An added bonus is that each programmer who is merging changes needs to build and run (and pass) all unit tests which usually run automatically meaning the code base is easier to work with and merge changes into and is potentially more stable as a result.What is Continuous Delivery or Deployment (CD) ?This extends CI to ensure that new changes to software can be released to clients quicker, but in a more sustainable way.  It takes the advantages of CI from a development perspective (automated testing, on code check-in, etc) allowing the actual code base to be built and new releases to be automatically released to the client, effectively meaning a new version can be deployed to the client by a click of a button.CI/CD concepts.By adhering to a CI/CD development process, the code base can be built and released more quickly, and is in a more stable state overall.  These are some of the reasons why more and more companies are adopting a CI/CD development process in 2019 and beyond.Key topics in this course.1. Continuous Integration2. Continuous Delivery3. App Center4. GitHub Pull Requests5. Branch protection6. UI Tests7. App Diagnostics8. App AnalyticsWhat will you learn? Learn how to track errors and crashes in your apps. Learn how to track any event triggered within your apps. Apply complete CI/CD flows in your app development process. Use GitHub to trigger code checks and app distribution to users. Use App Center to automate checks and protect important branches. Leverage App Center to automatically create builds on every merge. Automate the distribution of a new build to beta testers. Automate the distribution of new releases to the Google app store. Focus on the development of features, leave the build and distribution to App Center. Improve teamwork with automatic builds and checks that improve the quality of your merges. Enable product discovery with the help of Analytics in the App Center. Test your app in a wide array of cloud-hosted physical devices.Differences with other CI/CD courses.While there are other CI/CD courses out there, most of them are too general. This course is completely tailored to Android developers, this way you can immediately start applying what you learn in your app development process. Because of this, the course also covers topics not normally found on other CI/CD courses, such as UI Testing for Android app development.Who is the course aimed at?The course does not require any previous CI/CD or DevOps experience, although some basic Git & GitHub experience is desirable.While this is a CI/CD course, it is oriented to Android app developers, so some basic Android app development experience is required.Getting startedIf you are ready to get started, click on the Enroll or Add to Cart button on this page and start taking your CI/CD skills with Android to the next level."
Price: 99.99

"Android Firebase Masterclass - Master Google Firebase"
"What you will learn in this course?In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Firebase and all of its benefits, and then apply that knowledge to your Android applications.Specifically, you will be able to create Android Applications that use Firebase Features and learn how to use Firebase's full drop-in Authentication Solution which includes Google Sign-in, Facebook sign-in, Twitter sign in and many more!You will also become proficient in all core Firebase features such as Cloud Firestore, Cloud Storage, Cloud Messaging to name some. You'll master the art of problem-solving in programming using an efficient, proven method and learn how to write high-quality Kotlin code.In addition, you will learn detailed aspects of the Firebase Android SDK using the Kotlin programming language and how to write Advanced Android applications.Although the courses focus is primarily on Kotlin, there is a section dedicated to Java developers. If you want to become an expert in Android using the Firebase Platform, then this is the course to enroll in.Throughout the course, you can always contact your instructor Jason Fedin personally to get help when you're stuck. He regularly checks the discussions to help you in every step along the way.Also, this course will be extended and refined in the future based on student feedback as Jason places a lot of value on the feedback of his students.Who is the course aimed at?This is not a beginners course.  It's assumed you have Kotlin and/or Java experience either by taking a course like the  Learn Programming Academy's Kotlin for Java developers or Java Masterclass courses on Udemy, or equivalent courses.Additionally, because the course is Android focused, it's assumed that you have an understanding of how to build Android applications. Either by taking one of both of the Learn Programming Academy's Kotlin or Java Android courses, here on Udemy, or equivalent.Students and or commercial developers with knowledge of Kotlin and/or Java and Android who want to learn how to apply Firebase into their applications will get a lot from this course.Getting startedIf you are ready to get started, click on the enroll or Add to Cart button on this page and start taking your Firebase skills with Android to the next level."
Price: 99.99

"Master CI/CD for iOS Developers"
"What you will learn in this course?In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of CI/CD which is short for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery and be able to apply these fundamentals in your iOS app development process.The word Deployment is often used in place of Delivery but effectively means the same thing.These skills are essential to maximize your career potential in 2019 and beyond, because more and more companies are adopting these development practices requiring new employees or freelancers to be well versed in these concepts.What is Continuous Integration (CI) ?CI is the practice of merging all programmers current working copies to a shared mainline on a regular basis (usually several times a day).A developer checks out a working copy of the code base prior to making a change.  Over time as other developers check out and make changes, this checked out working copy of the source code base gets out of date, potentially requiring more and more work by developers to actually  check their completed changes back in to the main repository.Without using CI it can become really difficult to merge all these changes and can lead to it taking more time to  merge changes back into the main source code base than it took to make the the change itself.CI seeks to eliminate this problem by making sure all developers integrate early and often with the goal to reduce rework and ultimately save cost and time.  This involves all developers merging their code back into the main repository multiple times a day.An added bonus is that each programmer who is merging changes needs to build and run (and pass) all unit tests which usually run automatically meaning the code base is easier to work with and merge changes into and is potentially more stable as a result.What is Continuous Delivery or Deployment (CD) ?This extends CI to ensure that new changes to software can be released to clients quicker, but in a more sustainable way.  It takes the advantages of CI from a development perspective (automated testing, on code check-in, etc) allowing the actual code base to be built and new releases to be automatically released to the client, effectively meaning a new version can be deployed to the client by a click of a button.CI/CD concepts.By adhering to a CI/CD development process, the code base can be built and released more quickly, and is in a more stable state overall.  These are some of the reasons why more and more companies are adopting a CI/CD development process in 2019 and beyond.Key topics in this course.1. Continuous Integration2. Continuous Delivery3. App Center4. GitHub Pull Requests5. Branch protection6. UI Tests7. App Diagnostics8. App AnalyticsWhat will you learn? Learn how to track errors and crashes in your apps. Learn how to track any event triggered within your apps. Apply complete CI/CD flows in your app development process. Use GitHub to trigger code checks and app distribution to users. Use App Center to automate checks and protect important branches. Leverage App Center to automatically create builds on every merge. Automate the distribution of a new build to beta testers. Automate the distribution of new releases to the Google app store. Focus on the development of features, leave the build and distribution to App Center. Improve teamwork with automatic builds and checks that improve the quality of your merges. Enable product discovery with the help of Analytics in the App Center. Test your app in a wide array of cloud-hosted physical devices.Differences with other CI/CD courses.While there are other CI/CD courses out there, most of them are too general. This course is completely tailored to iOS developers, this way you can immediately start applying what you learn in your app development process. Because of this, the course also covers topics not normally found on other CI/CD courses, such as UI Testing for iOS app development.Who is the course aimed at?The course does not require any previous CI/CD or DevOps experience, although some basic Git & GitHub experience is desirable.While this is a CI/CD course, it is oriented to iOS app developers, so some basic iOS app development experience is required.Getting startedIf you are ready to get started, click on the Enroll or Add to Cart button on this page and start taking your CI/CD skills with iOS to the next level."
Price: 99.99

"Master CI/CD for React Native"
"What you will learn in this course?In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of CI/CD which is short for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery and be able to apply these fundamentals in your React Native app development process.The word Deployment is often used in place of Delivery but effectively means the same thing.These skills are essential to maximize your career potential in 2019 and beyond, because more and more companies are adopting these development practices requiring new employees or freelancers to be well versed in these concepts.What is Continuous Integration (CI) ?CI is the practice of merging all programmers current working copies to a shared mainline on a regular basis (usually several times a day).A developer checks out a working copy of the code base prior to making a change.  Over time as other developers check out and make changes, this checked out working copy of the source code base gets out of date, potentially requiring more and more work by developers to actually  check their completed changes back in to the main repository.Without using CI it can become really difficult to merge all these changes and can lead to it taking more time to  merge changes back into the main source code base than it took to make the the change itself.CI seeks to eliminate this problem by making sure all developers integrate early and often with the goal to reduce rework and ultimately save cost and time.  This involves all developers merging their code back into the main repository multiple times a day.An added bonus is that each programmer who is merging changes needs to build and run (and pass) all unit tests which usually run automatically meaning the code base is easier to work with and merge changes into and is potentially more stable as a result.What is Continuous Delivery or Deployment (CD) ?This extends CI to ensure that new changes to software can be released to clients quicker, but in a more sustainable way.  It takes the advantages of CI from a development perspective (automated testing, on code check-in, etc) allowing the actual code base to be built and new releases to be automatically released to the client, effectively meaning a new version can be deployed to the client by a click of a button.CI/CD concepts.By adhering to a CI/CD development process, the code base can be built and released more quickly, and is in a more stable state overall.  These are some of the reasons why more and more companies are adopting a CI/CD development process in 2019 and beyond.Key topics in this course.1. Continuous Integration2. Continuous Delivery3. App Center4. GitHub Pull Requests5. Branch protection6. UI Tests7. App Diagnostics8. App AnalyticsWhat will you learn? Learn how to track errors and crashes in your apps. Learn how to track any event triggered within your apps. Apply complete CI/CD flows in your app development process. Use GitHub to trigger code checks and app distribution to users. Use App Center to automate checks and protect important branches. Leverage App Center to automatically create builds on every merge. Automate the distribution of a new build to beta testers. Automate the distribution of new releases to the Google app store. Focus on the development of features, leave the build and distribution to App Center. Improve teamwork with automatic builds and checks that improve the quality of your merges. Enable product discovery with the help of Analytics in the App Center. Test your app in a wide array of cloud-hosted physical devices.Differences with other CI/CD courses.While there are other CI/CD courses out there, most of them are too general. This course is completely tailored to React Native developers, this way you can immediately start applying what you learn in your app development process. Because of this, the course also covers topics not normally found on other CI/CD courses, such as UI Testing for React Native app development.Who is the course aimed at?The course does not require any previous CI/CD or DevOps experience, although some basic Git & GitHub experience is desirable.While this is a CI/CD course, it is oriented to React Native app developers, so some basic React Native app development experience is required.Getting startedIf you are ready to get started, click on the Enroll or Add to Cart button on this page and start taking your CI/CD skills with React Native to the next level."
Price: 99.99

"Master Audio Editing In Premiere Pro"
"Master Video Editing School, the home of successful, indie Video Makers.The only real online guide for Audio Editing In Premiere Pro!I have put in quite some time into this course and I proudly present you the game-changing and the most unique ""Audio Editing Guide for Premiere Pro"".This course doesn't demand any high audio engineer type education, which means that anyone can understand and work the same way using our technique. That's right, you don't have to dissect ""Beethovens"" masterpieces in order to have the same professional audio as mine.Learn in 1.5-hour what Audio Engineers learn in years of schooling...This course is so easy-to-follow, understand and apply that ANYONE can do exactly what I'm doing. I will easily teach you how to get crispy-clean audio and no it's not just ""drag and drop this effect...""It's not ""get this 887$ microphone which is on sale...""And it's definitely not ""you just need this 495$ Plug-in...""We start from scratch and learn stuff that top performers use to edit their audio! Simply follow these lessons and become a pro in no time!Is there a chance to fail?Sure, we are not even promised to be alive tomorrow,But one thing is for sure: 94% of my students who used this method are using it till this day. This is so easy that you will never edit your audio the same way again.And don't make me mention the BREAKING ""30-day money back guaranteed"" promotion...So ask yourself, do you really want to miss out on this opportunity cause only 1.5-hour of learning is separating you from professional sounding audio as in the favorite podcasts from studios that you listen to in the morning.Your audio will compete with TOP TV-news overnight...It's easier than any other course out there.It's faster than any 300$ Studio Guide that you will find.Not to mention the discount.Is this course for you?Do you want to never hear AC or your PC noise in your video again?Do you want to be appealing to the spectators' ears?Do you want the audio from your room to sound like it was recorded in a Hollywood studio?What if this course would teach you the most used effects in film and music industries?What if you never had to spend more money on your audio equipment again in your life?What if I told you that anyone can understand these easy explanations and become a pro?There's your answer...So you better take action while this discount offer is going. Missing out would be a bummer...You won't find anything like this out there. The only thing that's left for me is to make you a promise that you won't recognize your audio after you finish this course. If not I will, of course, give you your money back.My BIG PROOF to you is my audio which you can hear in the promotional video in the ""before and after"" example at the beginning. So act now!This Easy & Unique course is not something that you want to miss out on.Especially since I will be there 24/7 answering your messages and helping you if needed.With the ""30-day money back guaranteed"" rule, you want to purchase this course now and start learning right away!Enroll now and let's fix your audio the right way!Let's Create. We Can Do It."
Price: 199.99

"Artificial Neural Networks(ANN) Made Easy"
"Course Covers below topics in detailQuick recap of model building and validationIntroduction to ANNHidden Layers in ANNBack Propagation in ANNANNmodel building on PythonTensorFlow Introduction BuildingANNmodels in TensorFlowKeras IntroductionANNhyper-parameters Regularization in ANNActivation functionsLearning Rate and MomentumOptimization AlgorithmsBasics of Deep Learning Pre-requite for the course. You need to know basics of python coding You should have working experience on python packages like Pandas, Sk-learnYou need to have basic knowledge on Regression and Logistic RegressionYou must know model validation metrics like accuracy, confusion matrix You must know concepts like over-fitting and under-fitting In simple terms, Our Machine Learning Made Easy course on Python is the pre-requite. Other DetailsDatasets, Code and PPT are available in the resources section within the first lecture video of each session. Code has been written and tested with latest and stable version of python and tensor-flow as of Sep2018"
Price: 69.99

"Photographie avec l'iPhone"
"Vous avez un iPhone et vous souhaitez prendre de meilleures photos ?Ou bien vous souhaitez amliorer vos photos et les diter manuellement avant de les publier sur les rseaux sociaux ?Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre comment tre prt prendre la bonne photo avec votre iPhone, et comment la sublimer pour obtenir un rendu professionnel avant de la publier.Vous apprendrez galement quels sont les lments qui influencent vos photos, et comment, avec quelques rgles et astuces, vous saurez produire des photos de qualit professionnelle.Le tout avec les apps gratuites et intgres votre iPhone. Et si vous souhaitez aller plus loin, vous dcouvrirez galement comment sauvegarder vos photos, ou comment passer au niveau suprieur en installant d'autres apps parmi une slection que je vous introduirai.Inscrivez-vous ds maintenant pour devenir un as de la photographie sur iPhone !Ce cours est pour vous si :- vous avez un niveau dbutant, et vous souhaitez connatre les bases de la photo sur iPhone- vous avez un niveau intermdiaire, et vous souhaitez dcouvrir / redcouvrir certaines astuces qui vous feront gagner du temps ou de la crativit Ce cours n'est pas pour vous si :- vous tes un professionnel. Il est prfrable que vous vous concentriez sur des apps plus avances, mais plus complexes prendre en main- vous souhaitez transformer vos photos. Ce cours concerne la prise et l'amlioration de photosNB : les vidos ont t ralises sous iOS 12. La plupart des fonctionnalits sont les mmes sous iOS 13, mais l'interface peut parfois tre diffrente."
Price: 29.99

"The Complete ARKit and iOS13 Developer Course"
"Do you want to create a handful of Augmented Reality apps?Do you want to learn the apps you want to create?If you do, then youre in the right place. This is The Complete iOS 11 ARKit Developer Course, and in this course youll learn how to create a handful of meaningful iOS apps using ARKit. Together we start from the very beginning covering the basics of Augmented Reality and ARKit. We dive in and create a handful of meaningful Augmented Reality apps. What do you mean by meaningful?By meaningful, the apps we create have meaning to you, you have the opportunity in suggesting what we create. Theres no limits to what we can learn in this course. Limits stop people from fun. I want you to have fun. Learn to:Run your first Augmented Reality appTest your basketball skills by shooting at a moving net (AR BasketBall)Launch a Space Shuttle and Flying Saucer into Space(AR Shuttle Launch)Learn the apps you want to create, you suggest what we doWhy should you take this course? We dont just write code, we explain it We only learn the apps you want to create, every student has the opportunity in suggesting what we learn.This course is constantly growing with new appsOver $400 Dollars has been spent on the amazing 3D models, models which are all yours All the required source codes are available to download.With this course youll have life-time access to all the materials and apps we create, theres also a 30-day satisfaction guarantee which comes as standard. And so were now in a position in which we have nothing to lose but everything to gain. And if you want to dive in and get started in the world of Augmented Reality, what are you waiting for? Take this course and get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn English Grammar Online - English Tenses 101"
"Learn English Online with this English Grammar 101 Boot Camp! Complete with 100+ page PDF book. Master the English tenses today.Hey everyone!This course isn't just a video course, it's a COMPLETE, 100+ PAGE DIGITAL BOOK that comes with video instruction. My goal was to create the most value-for-money you can imagine. This is a serious, in-depth course with one goal: to help you get better at English.I divided this course into two sections: THE BASICS - I cover the fundamentals of English Grammar tenses.ADVANCED GRAMMAR - The trickiest parts of grammar tenses that you've been avoiding.With a special bonus section for fun :)This course wasn't made to be something you do in a weekend. It was made to be a permanent resource for you - a guide to serve you for years!A little background about me:When I first moved to Europe, I taught English for many years at a prestigious language institute.I taught hundreds of students from all backgrounds - from CEOs of billion-dollar companies to rockstars to teenagers just starting in life.After about 5 years, I noticed that many intermediate non-native speakers all had the same problem:They could understand YouTube...They could understand Game of Thrones...They could talk well.But they made SO many mistakes with their grammar!Vocabulary is a great thing, but if your grammar is wrong, *everything* you say will be wrong.I have actually been formulating this course for years, and now I can finally share it with you.So why English Grammar?Why something so unsexy?Because I believe in the power of bringing people together around the world using the internet. And I believe that so many of my students want to communicate better in their life.Grammar may be ""boring"", but it is the foundation on which ALL other elements of language are based.In short, if your grammar skills are great, you WILL BE A FAR BETTER SPEAKER OF ENGLISH THAN YOU WERE BEFORE.And the 100+ page digital book is YOURS TO KEEP, FOREVER.Be well,Ross"
Price: 74.99

"EFT Tapping - Meridian Meditation Program"
"EFT Tapping - Meridian Meditation ProgramThis EFT Tapping Meridian Meditation course is designed to open you up to this fascinating combination of these two effective and powerful complimentary therapies - EFT Tapping and Meditation.Combining the power of aligning the Meridian Energy systems with EFT Tapping with the alignment of mind and thoughts through meditation allows you to uncover a strategy for mind and body alignment, all within a short period of practice each day.More and more studies are proving the effectiveness of both Meditation and EFT Tapping on many common issues affecting millions of people around the world today. Anxiety, Depression and Stress related conditions have a debilitating effect on the world and cost billions in medical bills. It's truly amazing how just 15 minutes per day can have a massively beneficial and transformational effect on such conditions.Whether you want to use EFT Meridian Meditation for yourself to help with one of these conditions or simply to align yourself each day so that you can be effective in your life, this course will take you through a process and program that will help you achieve that.""EFT is at the forefront of the new healing movement"" - Dr. Candace Pert Maybe you are part of the Helping industry and want to add a new strategy to your toolbox that will help your clients, if that is the case then, again, this course will allow you to do this. In these day, having multiple strategies and modalities to call on as a Helping Practitioner is critical to being effective.Whether you want to help yourself, help others.... or a bit of both..... this EFT Meridian Meditation course will give you everything you need. As with all my courses, I've included 'experience' videos which are designed to immerse you within the program and give you the greatest benefit from learning this cutting edge information. PLUS - There is a full audio version of the course available to download so that you can learn on the go and take the 7 day program with you anywhere on your phone or tablet.""Put away your skepticism, this really works.... I've had great results with tapping in my own life"" - Dr. Wayne DyerWhatever your reason for viewing this course, there are a huge range of benefits that both EFT Tapping and Meditation can bring and when combined effectively they can help with:- Self alignment- Relaxation- Anxiety- Depression- Stress and stress related conditions- Clarity of thought- Pain relief- Concentrationand much, much more!To take advantage of this cutting edge information and the effective tools that I've included into this EFT Meridian Meditation course, all you have to do is click ""Buy Now"" or ""Enrol Now"" and you get started learning straight away. With Lifetime Access included and a Full 30 Day Money Back Guarantee if you are not satisfied, you have every reason to dive in and discover the benefits that this course will bring you.I look forward to seeing you within this EFT Meridian Meditation Course.My Best RegardsGraham"
Price: 99.99

"Relationship Marketing for your Coaching Business"
"Relationship Marketing for your Coaching BusinessIn this thorough and comprehensive Coaching Business course you will delve deep into how you can get your coaching business started, grow the business and ensure that it is fully sustainable.Coaching is currently a $2 Billion industry globally and is growing at an amazing rate..... BUT.... this course is not just for coaches. If you are part of, or want to be part of the Helping Industry then you have come to the right place. The Helping Industry is currently a $9.9 Billion industry in the USAalone and is predicted to reach over $13 Billion by 2022! What does that growth mean? It means that there is plenty of space for you to join in, to start helping people and to make a living from it! ""Success doesn't just come and find you, you have to go out and get it"" - Tony RobbinsLet's be honest here, the reason you are reading this is probably because you either want to be part of the Coaching / Helping Industry or you are already part of it and want to know how to grow your business. You know that you want to help people, it quite possibly feels like your calling in life and you want to be able to be doing that full-time. You've taken a few courses and you are ready to get started but you are not sure of the best route to take...... you really have come to the right place, this is the course for you!Within this Coaching Business Success course you will.....Discover how to get clientsFind out how to value your clientsUncover the steps to creating trust with potential clientsKnow how to step into a business mindsetLearn the 3 key questions to starting & growing your Coaching / Practitioner businessGet an Ebook with 99 ways to answer those 3 questions (that's 99 ways to grow your business!!)Discover the number 1 most powerful strategy you need to use to grow your businessIdentify your brandLearn how to position, promote and market yourself effectivelyPLUSloads more!=> Are you serious about wanting to help others, whether as a Coach or Helping Practitioner?=> Are you serious about making Coaching or Helping your full-time role?=> Do you want to help make a difference in this world through Coaching / Helping?Then you need to know how to do that effectively, how to start, grow and run your own Coaching / Helping Practitioner business.... and that is exactly what this Coaching Business Success course provides. All you have to do now is hit the ""Buy Now"" or ""Enroll Now"" button and get started! PLUS......All the resources we talk about in the course are available for you to download.All of the presentation slides are available for you to download and use.The whole course is also available as a downloadable audio version so you can learn on the go.""Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today"" - Tim FargoIt's over to you, will you choose to follow your dreams?We look forward to seeing you within the course!Our Best RegardsGraham & Jason"
Price: 199.99

"Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Practitioner Cert (ACCREDITED)"
"This Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Practitioner Certification course gets right to the heart of Emotional Intelligence, examines and explains it's importance and provides powerful tools and strategies for improving Emotional Intelligence in yourself and others.Take a fully comprehensive journey into the world of Emotional Intelligence and you will find a framework that is extremely adept at helping to not only improve your life and the lives of your clients (if you are within the Helping Industry or want to be), you will also find that improving levels of Emotional Intelligence helps with conditions such as:AnxietyDepressionOverwhelmFearStressAngerFrustrationand much, much more!** Please Note: This Emotional Intelligence Practitioner Course is FULYY ACCREDITED with the Complimentary Therapists Accredited Association (CTAA) and The Priority Academy is Fully Accredited as a Quality Distance Learning Provider, also with the CTAA - Membership Number: 10662322. On completion of this course you will be able to claim your Emotional Intelligence Practitioner Certificate of Accreditation from The Priority Academy and a Practitioner Accreditation Membership from the CTAA (details contained within the course).""It is very important to understand that emotional intelligence is not the opposite of intelligence, it is not the triumph of heart over head - it is the unique intersection of both"" - David Caruso.Throughout this Emotional Intelligence course you will be guided through the five stage emotional intelligence framework along with activities, exercises and worksheets that will help you to understand where you are now and how to improve. All of this is also easily transferable to help you work with others with the aim of improving their lives.==> Ready to jump in? Hit the ""Buy Now"" or ""Enroll Now"" button and let's get started!What are other students saying about this course?Student PS - 4.5 Stars""I'm enjoying the course very much. The facilitator is very engaging and makes me excited to watch the other videos""Student CW - 5 Stars""Easy to understand, complete concept delivered by a master facilitator""Student RP - 5 Stars""I really enjoyed this course. Everything was broken down very clearly, the instructor was very personable and relatable""Student ND - 5 Stars""This is an excellent course. Really well structured and presented well throughout""Emotions sometimes sweep over us like a wave, they can flood us and take over us in that moment or we can get to a point where we shut emotions out and refuse to rise to them. Both of these are damaging to us as human beings, we require balance within us to live a life that we can enjoy and thrive in and improving our Emotional Intelligence levels offers us that balance.Daniel Goleman, who wrote one of the most popular books on the subject of Emotional Intelligence, believes that recognising and increasing our understanding and levels of Emotional Intelligence may be more important to our lives than that of our general intelligence. Learning how to heighten our awareness and improve our understanding of emotions, when they are appropriate and how to change them when they are not leads to a more fulfilled life. A life where we feel every emotion yet do not live in any one emotion, where we know how to be more effective with our emotional states and how to develop each area of our lives to ensure we are never ""over-run"" by emotions.That is exactly what you will learn within this Emotional Intelligence Practitioner Certification course!""As much as 80% of adult 'success' comes from Emotional Intelligence"" - Daniel GolemanYou may want to increase your own levels of Emotional Intelligence, you may want to help others to do the same or it may be a bit of both. You've probably heard of the phrase 'Emotional Intelligence' and you want to learn more about it or you may have even read a book and you want to increase your knowledge further. Whatever your reason, you have come to the right course as it is packed with the information that you need!Do you want to......Learn how to assess your current state, or your clients current state, of Emotional Intelligence?Understand how to take your 'Emotional Temperature'?Discover the framework that, when used, leads to greater levels of Emotional Intelligence and a more fulfilled life?Uncover powerful tools, strategies, workbooks and questionnaires to help increase your and your clients Emotional Intelligence?PLUS; get a fully downloadable audio version of this Emotional Intelligence Practitioner Certification course so that you can learn on the go!Do you want all of that? Yes, that's what you are here for!All you have to do is hit the ""Buy Now"" or ""Enroll Now"" button and you will be into this amazing and fascinating journey. As with all my courses, this isn't just about talking AT you - I included 'experience videos' so that you can fully immerse yourself into the Emotional Intelligence process which increases the learnings you will take away from this course.""Our feelings are not there to be cast out or conquered. They're there to be engaged and expressed with imagination and intelligence"" - T. K. ColemanOf course, you also have lifetime access to this Emotional Intelligence course so you can go back and re-visit any pert of the course any time you choose to and there is the Udemy 30-Day Money Back Guarantee...... what have you got to lose? or should I ask, what have you got to gain?Sign up now and I look forward to seeing you within the course!My Best RegardsGrahamEmotional Intelligence Practitioner Certification Emotional Intelligence Certification Emotional Intelligence EQ"
Price: 199.99

"Stress Busters - 77 Stress Busting Tools & Strategies"
"This Stress Busters course is a fully comprehensive Stress Management course containing 77 Stress Busting exercises, tools and techniques to help you manage your stress more effectively on a daily basis.More than that though, you'll learn the truth about stress, how it is caused, what it does to your body and why you need to manage your stress levels more effectively as soon as possible. It is time to take a stand against stress and learn how to manage it effectively so that you live a happier, healthier and more relaxed life..... your life, your terms.I've been there, I know exactly how it feels to be stress out on a daily basis and how it effects your body and mind. Many years ago I was diagnosed with stress, anxiety and depression all at the same time and was prescribed medication..... medication that I never took. Instead I decided to find out as much as I could about these issues so that I could help myself, which I did! I now help others with these conditions (and many more) to improve their lives, to live their lives on their terms, to manage their stress levels effectively.""The day you let go of the things that are weighing you down is the day that you will shine brightest"" - Katrina MayerI know you have probably been suffering with stress for a while, you've probably been worrying about the effects it has on your health and possibly even your relationships, there's every chance you've been wondering how you can improve the situation and how you can manage your stress levels more effectively. The good news is that you have found the right course for you.Once you've signed up you'll discover the truth about stress, what it is and where it comes from so that you understand it..... this was key to me in my recovery and can be in yours as well! You'll find out what stress does to your body and a key thing that doctors don't tell you about how they use stress hormones with damaging effects! Then you will move on to the 77 Stress Busters and as week talk through each one you can extract the ones that look right to you, the ones that sound like they will be effective in your life, the ones that just feel right.You don't have to use all 77 Stress Busters, you take the ones that you want and use them with the knowledge that there are plenty of others to use should you wish to. Most people will use between 5 to 10 of these Stress Busters so why have I included 77 I hear you ask? Well, not everyone is the same so I wanted to make sure I covered ALL the bases for you so that you will find exactly what you need inside the course.""A diamond is simply a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well"" - Anon It's time to start handling stress exceptionally well and become the diamond you were meant to be, it's time to discover how to manage your stress and live the life you want to......... your life, your terms!So hit that ""Buy Now"" or ""Enroll Now"" button and allow me to take you through the 77 Stress Busters so that you can discover the ones that work for you and you can start reducing the levels of stress in your life............. will you let me do that for you?Remember that if, for any reason, you do not like the course you are covered by Udemy's 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.It's time to come and join me on this journey to a less stressed life, it's time to get started!I look forward to seeing you inside the course!Best RegardsGraham"
Price: 99.99

"Law of Attraction Coach Practitioner Cert (ACCREDITED)"
"This Law of Attraction Coach Practitioner Certification is a fully comprehensive course that will guide you through the simple 3 step Law of Attraction process, allowing you to create the life you want while also helping and coaching others to do exactly the same.Whether you want to learn, understand and use the law of attraction process for yourself, or you want to coach others through that law of attraction process.... or maybe both.... everything you need to know about the law of attraction and how to use it is contained within this course.""See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it"" - Rhonda Byrne (writer of the book ""The Secret"" which is all about the Law of Attraction)** Please Note: This Law of Attraction Coach Practitioner course is FULYY ACCREDITED with the Complimentary Therapists Accredited Association (CTAA) and The Priority Academy is Fully Accredited as a Quality Distance Learning Provider, also with the CTAA - Membership Number: 10662322. On completion of this course you will be able to claim your Law of Attraction Coach Practitioner Certificate of Accreditation from The Priority Academy and a Practitioner Accreditation Membership from the CTAA (details contained within the course).Whatever you want to have or achieve in your life, or whatever you want to help others to have or achieve in their lives the law of attraction gives you the keys to unlock the door. The simple 3 step law of attraction process is like turning the key to the door of your ideal life, all you have to do is push the door open. Together we will follow the process through as I guide you every step of the way so that you know exactly what you need to do to help yourself and others. As with all of my courses I have added in some 'experience videos' into the Law of Attraction Coach Practitioner course - these are videos that you can completely immerse yourself within so that the learning goes in at a deeper level. When you fully experience something your knowledge retention multiplies many times. Together we will go through each and every step as you follow through the experiences and exercises so that you have, in detail, every step spelled out.""Whatever we think about and thank about, we bring about""There is every chance that you have heard of the law of attraction before, you've maybe researched it, read about it or even taken a course on it. Maybe you have been looking for something that explains the process in detail and takes you through each step and you've checked out a couple of courses up until now. You are clearly curious about the law of attraction and want to know how to use it for yourself and possibly how to help others use it. Let me assure you that you have found the right course and that I will be honoured when you allow me to be your instructor, your guide, mentor and coach through the fascinating law of attraction process.This is something that I am incredibly passionate about, I've seen it work in my own life and I've seen it work in the lives of others..... now it's your turn!All you have to do now is click on the ""Buy Now"" or ""Enroll Now"" button and come and join me in the course, let me take you into this amazing world.... the world of the law of attraction.""Opportunities are like sunrises, if you wait too long you miss them"" - William Arthur WardRemember, if you are not satisfied with the course for any reason you are able to claim a full refund any time within 30 days of purchase!So, come on in and join my on this amazing journey and see the power of the law of attraction for yourself and learn how to help others to do exactly the same.I look forward to seeing you inside the course.My Best RegardsGrahamLaw of Attraction Coach Practitioner Certification Attraction"
Price: 179.99

"CBT Coach Practitioner Certification (ACCREDITED)"
"This CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) Coach Practitioner Certification Course is a fully comprehensive and accredited course that takes you from beginner to expert level in the world of CBT and a CBT Coach Practitioner.Within this CBT Course you'll discover everything from the basics of CBT and the CBT framework, to a CBT Coaching framework and through to the tools, worksheets and strategies that will help you to become proficient in the world of a CBT Coach Practitioner. Over the last 20 years, CBT has become one the best known and widely used Psychotherapy sectors due to its simple to use framework and its powerful processes. Whether it be to help with emotional issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, overwhelm, anger and frustration, or to overcome unwanted behavioural issues, CBT is an effective method of helping people to create real change in their lives.** Please Note: This CBT Coach Practitioner Course is FULYY ACCREDITED with the Complimentary Therapists Accredited Association (CTAA) and The Priority Academy is Fully Accredited as a Quality Distance Learning Provider, also with the CTAA - Membership Number: 10662322. On completion of this course you will be able to claim your CBT Coach Certificate of Accreditation from The Priority Academy and a Practitioner Accreditation Membership from the CTAA (details contained within the course).That's right......... you will become an Accredited CBT Coach Practitioner!""There are a variety of techniques to help people change...... these techniques are called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT"" - Irving KirschWhether you want to learn and use CBT to help other people, or you want to help yourself with the tools that CBT has to offer..... or maybe a bit of both, this course contains everything you need to know to do exactly that. Not only will you learn all of the tools, strategies and techniques that CBT has to offer, you will also be able to work alongside me within the videos as I incorporate ""experience videos"" in to all of my courses. This allows you to take the learning deeper in and retain more of the knowledge so that you can be effective with it right from the outset.Once you have followed the course through to it's conclusion you will be able to:Follow the simple to use CBT framework for helping others and yourselfUse all of the tools and worksheets provided within the course to help create change in peoples lives (and I've added a whole section of additional tools / worksheets at the end of the course)Understand how emotions and behaviours are formed and how to help people change them to improve their life.Be an effective part of the ever growing helping industry and be a conduit of change for your clients.""The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts"" - Marcus AureliusThere's a good chance that you are interested in learning more about CBT, otherwise you wouldn't be looking at and reading this right now. You've maybe heard about CBT, read about it or even done some work on it in the past and you've probably looked at a few other CBT based courses. You are looking to take your learning on the subject of CBT to the next level so let me assure you that you have found the right course for you. It's time to say yes and get involved, it's time to say yes and get started on this journey towards being a Certified CBT Coach Practitioner.I would like to extend to you my personal invitation to join me in this course and I would be hugely grateful if you would allow me to be your instructor, your guide, your coach on this exciting journey into the world of CBT. Will you join me?All you have to do is say yes to my invitation and hit the ""Buy Now"" or ""Enrol Now"" button and we can start our journey together...... the fascinating journey into the world of the CBT Coach Practitioner...... come one, say yes now!""It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is formed"" - Tony RobbinsOf course, you are completely covered by Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee and if you have any questions you can get hold of me via the private messaging function, I'm only to happy to say yes and help!I'm looking forward to sharing all of this information with you, CBT and helping others to improve their lives are passions of mine and I can't wait to share that passion with you. So hit the Buy Now or Enrol Now button and let's get started.I look forward to seeing you inside the course.My Best RegardsGrahamCBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Psychotherapy  Practitioner Certification"
Price: 199.99

"Parenting with EFT Tapping Practitioner Cert (ACCREDITED)"
"Parenting with EFT Tapping Practitioner Certification (ACCREDITED)This Parenting with EFT course is a fully comprehensive guide on how to be a great parent and incorporate EFT Tapping into the parenting role. Whether you are a parent, and expectant parent, planning to be a parent or a Coach / Practitioner who wants to work with parents..... this is the course for you!Let's be honest here for a second, parenting is one of the most joyful, exciting, loving and fulfilling things to do in the world today...... Parenting can also be one of the most stressful things to do in the world today, can't it! It really doesn't matter where you are on your parenting journey, or your clients are on their parenting journey, there will be some tough times ahead.This Parenting with EFT course is designed to take you through every step of the parenting journey from expectant parent through to the empty nesting stage! What you'll discover is that EFT has a part to play at every single developmental stage throughout the parenting process. However, this isn't a course just about EFT....... the focus here is on parenting!""Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work."" - C.S. LewisThis course will take you on a Parenting journey from before the child is born, including working on the parents relationships, through each developmental and psychological stage of the child's and parents life and into early adulthood. You will discover some of the key challenges that parents face with practical ways to overcome them, including the use of EFT Tapping. That's right we make sure to focus on both the child AND parent throughout the process!Wherever you are on your parenting journey (even if it's as a parenting coach / practitioner), there's a reason you are looking for a parenting course. You might be looking for a practical guide to parenting, some problem solving strategies and techniques, a guide that you can refer back to at each stage of the Childs life or just something to set you on the right path of this journey. Whichever it is you have found the right course for you!""The sign of great parenting is not the child's behaviour. The sign of truly great parenting is the parent's behaviour."" - Andy SmithsonLet this course be your guide into the world of being a parent or into the world of being a Parenting Coach / Practitioner - or maybe even both. Of course, you also get the added bonus of having EFT included within the course and how to effectively use EFT along the journey.If you want to be an effective parent or Parenting Coach / Practitioner then this course is designed exactly for you, and of you want a set of skills, knowledge, tools and strategies to help you along the way...... you've got it right here!Does that sound like something you want? Yes! Fantastic let's jump right in and make the decision!""It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is formed."" - Tony RobbinsOk, it's time to make that decision and hit the Buy Now or Enroll Now button and come and join us in the course, come and join us on the journey of a lifetime...... a parenting lifetime! Are you ready? Great, let's go!We look forward to seeing you in the course.Graham & Donnie - Your Parenting with EFT Instructor TeamP.S. Remember that you are completely covered by Udemy's Full Money Back Guarantee that you can claim any time within the first 30 days of purchase!Parenting EFT Parent Tapping Coach Practitioner Certification"
Price: 199.99