"Aprenda Unity - Idle City - Gerenciamento e Coleta" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a desenvolver um jogo com as mecnicas inspiradas no idle City Empire. A ideia aqui lhe ensinar os recursos para que voc possa desenvolver seus prprios jogos neste estilo de gerenciamento e coleta de recursos bem como aplicar um sistema de recompensas, cartas e upgrades.O que voc ir aprender neste curso poder ser utilizado em outros tipos de jogos, no s neste gnero.Dentre as coisas que voc ir aprender, destaco o uso dos Scriptable Objects que um recurso essencial para a criao de todo e qualquer tipo de jogo"
Price: 99.99 |
"Google Analytics Certification Exam practice test" |
"About the Google Analytics Certification ExamTaking the Google Analytics exam gives you an industry recognised Certification proving your skills in Digital Analytics and Google Analytics. The exam is free to take, 90 mins long and contains multiple choice questions (a detailed overview of the exam is provided in the course)Is the Google Analytics Certification Worth It?The value is not only a bullet point on your resume.Once youve achieved certification, you will have gained a really great understanding of how to use Google Analytics professionally, inquisitively and intellectually. And not only for content websites but also for ecommerce websites and mobile apps as well.Now that's a valuable bargaining chip to attach to your personal package!Why Now is the Perfect Time to Earn This QualificationThe Exam isnowFREE. Unbelievable value for an Industry Recognized Qualification. You can Add this Certification to your Resume with 1 day of dedicated study-not months! ""Data Culture"", ""Data Driven Decision Making"" & ""Marketing Analytics"" are the Top of Mind now - take advantage of this to secure your next interview, promotion or client.You Don't Need to Be Technical to Take The Google Analytics Certification ExamAll of the study materials and sample questions are designed to bring absolute beginners from zero knowledge about analytics to certified individuals. Of course, you will need to study to get there but there's no prerequisites or work experience required to earn the Qualification.CourseContent & OverviewAll Possible QuestionsThe file contains All possiblequestions from Google Analytics certification test generated after passing the exam multiple times.A practice test based on the official Google Analytics Certification examMust-have Google Analytics ResourcesTips to Reduce Your Study Time by 50% or MorePromote your certificate on Linkedin & Freelancing platformsAccess to Active Discussion Forums and a Helpful InstructorGuarantee To PassNo more exam stress. Get certified on the first attempt.Make This Investment in YourselfSign up today to becomeGoogle Analytics Certified in just 1 Day!"
Price: 189.99 |
"A'dan Z'ye Dijital Pazarlama Eitimi [30 Saat Uygulamal]" |
"Yalnzca dijital kanallar kullanarak yaplan tm pazarlama faaliyetlerine, dijital pazarlama denir. Bu da demektir ki dijital pazarlama sayesinde; internet eriiminiz olan her yerde mterilerinize kolayca ulaabilir ve markanz/rnnz anlatabilirsiniz.Yaplan aratrmalarda Trkiye nfusunun %50si aktif nternet kullancs. Yaklak 15 senedir hayatmzda olan bu yntem ile rn veya markanzn pazar alann geniletebilirsiniz. Ayrca dijital pazarlama lmlenebilir olduu iin stratejinin hedefe ulap ulamadn grebilir, nokta at pazarlama hedefleri oluturabilirsiniz.Dijital pazarlama kanallar; SEO, ierik yazarl, mailing, PR gibi gibi alanlara ayrlr. Dijital pazarlamann bu kanallarn kullanarak rnnz veya markanz en doru hedef kitleye tantmak, artk ok daha kolay.Bu eitim ile dijital pazarlamann temel hedefini, nasl lmlenebilir olduunu, btelemeyi, markanza gre mecra seiminin nemini ve mecralarda dijital pazarlama stratejisi hazrlama gibi bilgileri edinmi olacaksnz.Bu dersi HEMEN almanz iin 4 neden: Her hafta dijital pazarlama ile ilgili ipularn ieren yeni videolar eklenecek! Eitim setini alan herkes bu videolara cretsiz eriebilecek.Eitim seti kapsamnda aklnza gelebilecek btn sorular bana iletebilirsiniz! Bu sorular dzenli olarak cevaplayacam.Bu eitim setinin ierisindeki btn bilgiler orijinal, test edilmi ve yeteri kadar ayrntldr. Bu kurs sayesinde tm platformlarda marka deerinizi ve kazancnz hemen artrn. Bu kursun renim hedefleri neler?FacebookFacebookhesap ynetimi.erik retimi.Reklamcla dair terimler.Facebookreklam ynetimi.Facebookreklam yatrmlarnzn geri dnn nasl optimize edilir.Facebook reklamclna dair taktik ve stratejiler.Facebook raporlarn analiz etmek.ROI ve Dnm optimizasyonu gerekletirmek.Facebook Blueprint eitimleri sayesinde sertifika alabilecek seviyeye gelmek.Reklam yneticisi hesab oluturmak.Reklam yneticisi hesabnda demeleri, snrllklar ve faturalandrmay ayarlamak. Reklam Yneticisi aralar ve zelliklerine hakim olmak. Facebook Reklamlarnn yapsn anlamak. Facebook kampanyas pazarlama hedeflerini anlamak. Hedeflemeden, reklam alanlarna ve btelemeye kadar detayl bir ekilde reklam setinin seviyesini nasl dzenlendiini bilmek. Yeni balayanlarn tecrbe edebilecei olumsuz deneyimleri ve para kaybn engellemek. Kaydedilen hedef kitleler sayesinde zaman kazanmak. Grnt, karusel, slayt gsterisi veya video gibi farkl reklam trlerini kullanmak. Facebook Slayt Gsterisi zelliini kullanarak slayt oluturmak. Sayfa gnderisiyle etkileim reklamlar oluturmak. Web sitesi dnm reklamlar oluturmak. Sayfa beeni reklamlar oluturmak. Video grntlenmeleri reklam oluturmak. Dinamik rn katalog satlar reklam oluturmak. Birka basit basamakla reklam metni gelitirmek. Baz kolay dzenlemelerle hedeflemeleri gelitirmek. Facebook Pixel nedir, ne ie yarar, neden nemlidir. Yeni bir Facebook Pixel oluturmak. Bir Facebook Pixel'i bir Shopify Store'a yklemek. Bir Facebook reklamnda Pixel kullanmak. zel hedef kitle oluturmak. zel hedef kitle oluturmak iin Web sitesi trafiinizden yararlanmak. En iyi mterilerinizin gelimi hedef kitlelerini oluturmak. Facebook sayfalarndan benzer hedef kitleler oluturmak.zel hedef kitlelerinden benzer hedef kitleleri oluturmak. Video zlenimlerinde benzer hedef kitleler oluturmak. Daha iyi analiz elde etmek iin zelletirilmi rapor oluturmak. Facebook Reklam performansn analiz etmek. A/B testi nedir, ne ie yarar, nasl yaplr ve neden nemlidir. Analiz sonucunda elde edilen verileri bilgi grafiklerine dntrmek. InstagramInstagramda hesap nasl alr?Instagram hesap ynetimi nasl yaplr?Instagram hesap gvenlii nasl salanr?Markay yanstacak ierik retimi nasl yaplr?Popler, viral ierik nasl oluturulur?Instagramda hashtag kullanm,Instagram Mavi Tik ( Onay) nasl alnr?Instagramda gnderi zamanlama,Instagramda kuvvetli etkileim nasl yaratlr?Instagramda kitle oluturma,Etkili Instagram Hikaye ( story) kullanm,Instagram Hikayeye (Story) link verme,Instagram Hikaye Anket oluturm,Reklamcla dair terimler nelerdir?Instagram reklam ynetimi nasl yaplr?Instagram Hikaye (Story) reklam ynetimi nasl yaplr?Instagram reklam yatrmlarnzn geri dnn nasl optimize edilir?Instagram reklamclna dair taktik ve stratejiler nelerdir?Instagram raporlar nasl analiz edilir?Instagramda zel hedef kitle nasl oluturulur?letmeniz iin gl bir Instagram hesab nasl oluturulur?Instagram bir i arac olarak kullanmak ve buradan gelir elde etmek.Yeni Instagram takipilerinizi, uzun vadeli mterilere dntrmek.Instagram ieriklerinin kalitesi nasl arttrlr?5 dakikada Instagram reklam nasl oluturulur?Zaman kazanmak ve verileri analiz etmek iin kullanlan pratik Instagram aralar nelerdir?Instagrama zel ierik oluturmann nem,eriin yaratl sreci,Photoshopa giriPhotoshopun temel kavramlar,Klavye ksayollar,Photoshop Arayz,Katman temelleri,Seim ilemleri,Transform ilemleri,Dekupe yapmak,Yaz Eklemek,Renklerin durumu,Fotoraf Dzeltme Temelleri,Maskeler ve Kanallar,Fotoraflar Dzeltmek ve Zenginletirmek,Tipografik Tasarm,Photoshop Photoshopa giriPhotoshopun temel kavramlar,Klavye ksayollar,Photoshop Arayz,Katman temelleri,Seim ilemleri,Transform ilemleri,Dekupe yapmak,Yaz Eklemek,Renklerin durumu,Fotoraf Dzeltme Temelleri,Maskeler ve Kanallar,Fotoraflar Dzeltmek ve Zenginletirmek,Tipografik TasarmImages (Resim) Grntleme ve KontrolPhotoshop Layers PaneliPhotoshop ve Modes BlendingPhotoshop ve VectorRenk'ten Grayscale'aPhotoshop Filtreleri ile almakSEOSEO nedir?SEO neden nemlidir?Arama motorlarnn alma mant nedir?Gelimi Arama Parametreleri nelerdir Etkili Arama nasl yaplr?SEO ve SEM arasndaki farklar nelerdir?Arama motoru optimizasyonu nasl yaplr?SEO aralar nelerdir?Temel SEO teknikleri nelerdir?Meta Datalarn Optimize EdilmesiBalklarEtiketlerAklamalarKelime AratrmasAnahtar Kelime Analizi Aralarnn KullanlmasSEO dostu siteler iin doru ierik planlamas nasl yaplr?Link Oluturma Stratejileri nelerdir?Site Yaps nasl olmal?Mobil SEOSosyal Medya ve SEOtibar YnetimiWordPress in SEOYerel SEOAdwordsGoogle Adwords Nedir?Neden Google Adwords Reklamlar Alarn kullanmalym ?Nasl Adwords Hesab Oluturabilirim?Google Adwords Reklam Trleri nelerdir? ( Metin, Resim,Video ve Rich Media)Google Reklamlar Hangi Kriterlere Gre Gsterilir? oklu Reklam Setleri ve Reklamlar Oluturma Google Adwords Kampanyas Oluturma ( Arama A Kampanyas) Kampanya Hedef Kitle Belirleme ve Hedefleme Yntemleri nelerdir?Yer , Cihaz , Dil Hedeflemesinde En yi Uygulamalar Teklif Stratejileri ve Bteleme Teklif Stratejisi Trleri ve Seimi Reklam Grubu Oluturma ve Reklam Grubu Tekliflerini YnetmeAnahtar Kelime Planlayc ve KullanmAnahtar Kelime Belirleme ve Reklam Gruplarna EklemeReklam Sralamas ve Anahtar Kelime Kalite Puan Negatif Anahtar Kelime Ekleme ve Negatif Listesi OluturmaEtkili Google Adwords Metin Reklamlar Oluturma En ok Kullanlan Reklam Uzantlar ve Etkin Kullanm Arama Terimleri Raporu ile Anahtar Kelime BelirlemeAk Artrma Raporu ve Anahtar Kelimede Rakip Takibi Google Adwords Arayz TantmGrntl Reklam A Kampanya Kurgusu GerekletirmeGrntl Reklam A Kampanyas Oluturma ( GDN)Grntl Reklam A Hedefleme SeenekleriGrntl Reklam A Kampanya Optimizasyonu UygulamalarEtkili Reklam Oluturma ve En yi Uygulamalar Grntl Reklam A Reklam Trleri Konu, lgi Alan ,Anahtar Kelime ve Yerleim Hedeflemesi"
Price: 409.99 |
"Temel ve Orta Dzey Google Ads 2019 (Adwords) Eitimi" |
"Gnmzn dijital dnyasnda, potansiyel mteriler artk birer aktif katlmcdr. Google reklam dnyasnda nemli bir role sahiptir. Google sahip olduu Google Ads sistemi ile reklamlarnz milyonlarca hatta milyarlarca kiiye ulatrmay hedeflemektedir.Google Ads sistemi kiisel veya iletme sahibi reklam verenlerin reklamlarn ok fazla kiiye hzlca ulatrmay salamaktadr. Doru yerde, doru zamanda, doru kiilere hazrlanan reklam kampanyalar ile hedefe daha hzl ulalr.Bu dersi HEMEN almanz iin 4 neden:Her hafta Google Ads Reklamcl hakknda ipular ieren yeni videolar eklenecek! Eitim setini alan herkes bu videolara cretsiz eriebilecek.Eitim seti kapsamnda aklnza gelebilecek btn sorular bana iletebilirsiniz! Bu sorular dzenli olarak cevaplayacam.Bu eitim setinin ierisindeki btn bilgiler orijinal, test edilmi ve yeteri kadar ayrntldr.Bu kurs sayesinde Markanzn ve letmenizin marka deerini ve kazancnz hemen artrn. Minimum bte ile maksimum sonular elde edin!Bu kursun renim hedefleri neler?Google Ads Nedir?Neden Google Ads Reklamlar Alarn kullanmalym ?Nasl Google Ads Hesab Oluturabilirim?Google Ads Reklam Trleri nelerdir? ( Metin, Resim,Video ve Rich Media)Google Reklamlar Hangi Kriterlere Gre Gsterilir?oklu Reklam Setleri ve Reklamlar OluturmaGoogle Ads Kampanyas Oluturma ( Arama A Kampanyas)Kampanya Hedef Kitle Belirleme ve Hedefleme Yntemleri nelerdir?Yer , Cihaz , Dil Hedeflemesinde En yi UygulamalarTeklif Stratejileri ve BtelemeTeklif Stratejisi Trleri ve SeimiReklam Grubu Oluturma ve Reklam Grubu Tekliflerini YnetmeAnahtar Kelime Planlayc ve KullanmAnahtar Kelime Belirleme ve Reklam Gruplarna EklemeReklam Sralamas ve Anahtar Kelime Kalite PuanNegatif Anahtar Kelime Ekleme ve Negatif Listesi OluturmaEtkili Google Ads Metin Reklamlar OluturmaEn ok Kullanlan Reklam Uzantlar ve Etkin KullanmArama Terimleri Raporu ile Anahtar Kelime BelirlemeAk Artrma Raporu ve Anahtar Kelimede Rakip TakibiGoogle Ads Arayz TantmGrntl Reklam A Kampanya Kurgusu GerekletirmeGrntl Reklam A Kampanyas Oluturma ( GDN)Grntl Reklam A Hedefleme SeenekleriGrntl Reklam A Kampanya Optimizasyonu UygulamalarEtkili Reklam Oluturma ve En yi UygulamalarGrntl Reklam A Reklam TrleriKonu, lgi Alan ,Anahtar Kelime ve Yerleim Hedeflemesi"
Price: 199.99 |
"HTML and CSS Fundamentals For Absolute Beginners" |
"In this course you will learn the fundamentals of HTMLand CSS , after completing this course you'll have good knowledge to start your next step in mastering HTMLand CSS .These fundamentals are very important for all beginners who want to start their career in Web Development Field.You will start by Learning HTML basics and how to prepare your HTML document to be used in the Browser . Then you'll have a closer look on how HTMLelements are structured . After that you'll know how to style your Web Page ."
Price: 19.99 |
"SQL Crash Course for beginners - Learn SQL with MySQL" |
"Big databases are everywhere these days. Facebook, Netflix, Uber, Airbnb use SQL-driven databases - to name just a few.So, to be a successful developer or data scientist you need to know SQL inside-out.But - SQL can seem complicated. Especially if youre a beginner or more familiar with other programming languages. Dont worry - theres some good newsSQL isnt complicated - or at least it doesnt need to be, so long as you learn it the right way.Problem is - too many other courses out there jump around, skipping important concepts or simply teaching things badly.Thats why this course goes further than most. Youll get in-depth knowledge and skills that are built-up sequentially to make sure you dont have any gaps."
Price: 104.99 |
kintoneWeb |
"kintone kintoneWeb"
Price: 2400.00 |
"Scratch 3" |
Price: 2400.00 |
"Power Analysis in AC Circuits" |
"This course is meant to eliminate the mysticism of electrical power system calculation. Including real, reactive and complex power in the analysis of AC circuits. Clear easy to understand derived formulas using only algebra and a minimum of trigonometry. The slides are clear and crisp using sequential animation to gently guide the student through the logic."
Price: 24.99 |
"Engineering Calculus Made Simple (Derivatives)" |
"This course is designed as the basics review of derivatives as they apply to electrical functions. It is designed for the student of electrical engineering who comes across theoretical formulas that reference derivatives. A detailed understanding of derivatives is not required in order to continue the electrical topic and this course will provide the basic amount required."
Price: 89.99 |
"Electrical 3 Phase Power Transformers Fundamentals" |
"Electromagnetic forces interact with electrically charged particles and electromagnetic fields; this course will study how these forces lead to voltage & current transformation. Ratios and polarity is also studied leading to the introduction of potential transformers & current transformers, and their use in conjunction with the relevant instruments such as ammeters, voltmeters, watt meters and energy meters. Transformer core construction along with losses & cooling mitigation techniques. 3 phase transformer configurations are studied along with harmonic distortion, CT saturation and on-load tap-changer problems and how these problems are dealt with. Over-current and restraint differential transformer protection is developed along with a look at some examples of "" Old School relays"" as well as modern IDE (intelligent Electrical Devices) relays.Transformer Connections: (Y Y; Delta - Delta; Y - Delta; Delta - Y & Y - Zag Zig) are examined along with Transformer Clock System Vector Nomenclature.Oil Analysis and the Buchholz Relay are also studied."
Price: 79.99 |
"Digital Electric Circuits & Intelligent Electrical Devices" |
"There are lots of reasons to learn digital logic which is the foundation for digital computers and IEDs (Intelligent Electrical Devices). Various numbering systems will be looked at along with binary numbers as they lead into Binary Arithmetic.From there Logic Gates & Switches will form the basis of further study with Combinational Logic Functions.Electromechanical Relays are first used to demonstrate logical functions as they will then lead to more complex circuitry of Sequential Circuits, Shift Registers and solid state components."
Price: 59.99 |
"Protection and Control of High Voltage Power Circuits" |
"Here we deal with the protection & control principles of high voltage stations. HV Bus Differential Protection is studied along with restrictions due to CT saturation & mis-match and its solution, Restraint Differential Protection.Starting with System Faults and how they affect Switchyard Configuration & Elements simple Differential Protection is examined along with the mal-operation due to CT saturation and mis-match. High Voltage Circuit Breakers are examined as to the various Types (Oil, Vacuum, Air Blast, SF6), their Controls (Closing/Tripping/anti-pumping) Reclosure Syncrocheck relay CUH 90 VG as well as Breakers Failure Protection is part of this module along with a quick look at Dynamic Monitoring Equipment. Transfer & remote tripping along with the need to provide immunity from ground rise potential and open circuit situations."
Price: 149.99 |
"Trigonometry for Electrical Engineering" |
"This course takes you from the fundamentals of trigonometry to the more sophisticated required in electrical engineering. As you work and study in electrical engineering you are going to run int proofs and equations that are based on trigonometry. Over my engineering experience, I have noted and gathered what I believe are the most significant."
Price: 89.99 |
"Wholesome Nutrition: Genetic Individuality" |
"This is step 1 of the comprehensive 12 Steps to Wholesome Nutrition course by Ian Craig and Rachel Jesson, based on their book Wholesome Nutrition. Each 'step' is available for purchase as an individual class, so you can pick and choose the content that is of particular interest to you.In terms of health and nutrition choices, we are all completely unique in our requirements, but yet we seem to be chasing one-size-fits-all ideals. In addition to a main presentation, we speak to two industry experts in nutrigenomics, who explain the term 'genetic expression' - the important interplay between our genes and all of our lifestyle choices, including nutrition, exercise, stress levels, sleep patterns and toxicity."
Price: 19.99 |
"Wholesome Nutrition: Beyond Calories" |
"This is step 2 of the comprehensive 12 Steps to Wholesome Nutrition course by Ian Craig and Rachel Jesson, based on their book Wholesome Nutrition. Each 'step' is available for purchase as an individual class, so you can pick and choose the content that is of particular interest to you.Calories are a 20th century phenomenon which were based on water pumps! Since we are not machines, it is rare that this calorie in vs calorie out model actually works effectively. We actually need to focus on a number of aspects of our health to achieve a happy body composition. Within this course, in addition to a main presentation, I speak to a quest client who healed himself from autoimmunity, plus my Chinese Medicine colleague adds another 'spin' on the whole weight management picture."
Price: 19.99 |
"Wholesome Nutrition: The Facts About Fats" |
"This is step 3 of the comprehensive 12 Steps to Wholesome Nutrition course by Ian Craig and Rachel Jesson, based on their book Wholesome Nutrition. Each 'step' is available for purchase as an individual class, so you can pick and choose the content that is of particular interest to you.We've gone through the low-fat era and have now moved onto the high-fat paradigm, but is that actually good for us? This class considers the good, bad and the ugly of dietary fat choices, the effects that each may have on your body and how to differentiate between them."
Price: 19.99 |
"Wholesome Nutrition: Powerful Protein" |
"This is step 5 of the comprehensive 12 Steps to Wholesome Nutrition course by Ian Craig and Rachel Jesson, based on their book Wholesome Nutrition. Each 'step' is available for purchase as an individual class, so you can pick and choose the content that is of particular interest to you.Protein is a vital human building block that can only be obtained from our diet, yet there are wide variations in the dietary intake of it. In this course, we explore the qualities of both animal and plant sources of protein and also ask the question: how much do we need?"
Price: 19.99 |
"Wholesome Nutrition: The Cut on Carbs" |
"This is step 4 of the comprehensive 12 Steps to Wholesome Nutrition course by Ian Craig and Rachel Jesson, based on their book Wholesome Nutrition. Each 'step' is available for purchase as an individual class, so you can pick and choose the content that is of particular interest to you.In recent years, carbs have been demonised as a food to avoid. This is fair enough for refined sugars and man-made refined products, but what about fruit, starchy vegetables and wholegrains, which are all strongly backed by science as nourishing foods? Surely there is a middle ground that we could consider, with a large amount of carb quality discernment thrown in?!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Wholesome Nutrition: From Soil to Plate" |
"This is step 7 of the comprehensive 12 Steps to Wholesome Nutrition course by Ian Craig and Rachel Jesson, based on their book Wholesome Nutrition. Each 'step' is available for purchase as an individual class, so you can pick and choose the content that is of particular interest to you.We can make a fundamental shift in our health simply by upgrading our food sourcing and food preparation - in this course, two real experts tell you how to source ethically and healthily, taking care to understand the farmers that you're buying from, the farming practices, and how to prepare food in a wholesome way."
Price: 19.99 |
"Wholesome Nutrition: A Review of Popular Diets" |
"This is step 8 of the comprehensive 12 Steps to Wholesome Nutrition course by Ian Craig and Rachel Jesson, based on their book Wholesome Nutrition. Each 'step' is available for purchase as an individual class, so you can pick and choose the content that is of particular interest to you.In many ways the word 'diet' is a four letter word, but we can actually learn something from most diets, as long as we don't buy into them 100% - in this course, we look at some older dietary practices that may indeed be healthy for most of us, including Ian's favourite two food-based lifestyles."
Price: 19.99 |
"Wholesome Nutrition: Lifestyle and Exercise" |
"This is step 9 of the comprehensive 12 Steps to Wholesome Nutrition course by Ian Craig and Rachel Jesson, based on their book Wholesome Nutrition. Each 'step' is available for purchase as an individual class, so you can pick and choose the content that is of particular interest to you.We all know that exercise is good for us, but how much of it do we need and of what type? In this course we discuss the heath benefits of exercise, plus the detrimental effects of doing too much. The presentations are centred around the yin and yang balance concepts of wholesomely exercising for health as opposed to blindly following a non-personalised training plan."
Price: 19.99 |
"Wholesome Nutrition: Mindful Eating" |
"This is step 10 of the comprehensive 12 Steps to Wholesome Nutrition course by Ian Craig and Rachel Jesson, based on their book Wholesome Nutrition. Each 'step' is available for purchase as an individual class, so you can pick and choose the content that is of particular interest to you.The focus of this course is mindful eating and mindful actions in your life. Instead of taking all of our nutrition knowledge from so-called nutrition gurus, we can actually figure out our own optimal nutrition inputs by 'feeling' from within and getting in touch with our food."
Price: 19.99 |
"Wholesome Nutrition: Nutrition Supplements" |
"This is step 11 of the comprehensive 12 Steps to Wholesome Nutrition course by Ian Craig and Rachel Jesson, based on their book Wholesome Nutrition. Each 'step' is available for purchase as an individual class, so you can pick and choose the content that is of particular interest to you.This course is focussed on supplement quality and careful small scale personalised use of them. Supplements are often termed as 'good' or 'bad', but what if we only source a small number of high quality natural products that fit well with our unique individual health needs - not that of your neighbour who suggests that you try vitamins a, b or c?"
Price: 19.99 |
"Conhecendo as Mirrorless" |
"Tem curiosidade em saber o que so cmeras Mirrorless (sem espelho) e como elas funcionam?Nesse curso vamos abordar seu mecanismo em alguns modelos disponveis no mercado das quais fazem parte do meu acervo:- Sony A6000 (APS)- Sony A7 (Full Frame)- Leica DLux Typ 109 (Micro 4/3)- Fuji Film XT100 (APS)Nesse curso vamos mostrar algunas funces das cmeras, onde ficam os botes que mais usamos, como elas se comportam, comparativos, e claro, fotografias de exemplo com essas cmeras. Se voc est em dvida se compra ou no uma dessas cmeras (ou modelo semelhante) e se tem vontade de ver na prtica, esse curso para voc. A idia mostrar um pouco de cada cmera e no lhe convencer se esse sistema melhor ou pior que Dslr. Quero ajudar voc compartilhando um pouco do que sei baseado em minha experincia de 5 anos fotografando apenas com Mirrorless. Observao: importante que voc saiba os conceitos bsicos de fotografia (abertura, velocidade, iso, foco, raw), pois vamos falar sobre esses botes tambm. Observao 2: Esse curso NO UM REVIEW OU VDEOMANUAL dessas cmeras. Quero aqui mostrar a vocs na prtica como so seus corpos, botes, clicks, foco, etc...Preparado (a)?Ento vamos l!"
Price: 119.99 |
"Punishment-Free Dog Training: 30 Day Perfect Dog Blueprint" |
"Designed by popular demand - today, you'll gain access to the most impactful dog training games on the planet so that you can quickly (and enjoyably) create a calm, confident dog who is tuned in to your every word...Without having to resort to punishment.Unlike many trainings out there which rely on force to stop bad behavior... In these games you will learn how to proactively change the way that your dog thinks, so that you can instead create good behavior from the inside out. Iknow, sounds kind of crazy... But here's the thing.Chasing your dog around the house, worrying about your belongings, or getting pulled around on the leash - they're all symptoms... In this training, we will show you how to use games to fundamentally change the way that your dog thinks and lives in your home, so that these issues and more will go away. Whether you are brand new to training dogs, or have been doing this a long time - my goal is for you to leave with a brand new dog... And a brand new way of teaching your dog what you want. We break down dog behavior to its most simple form, and help you to change the way that you think about pet training forever. This course is perfect for anyone who wants to create a calm and confident dog -- and who want a step-by-step gameplan to get them there. Anyone who believes that relying on punishment to change a dog's behavior seems a little bit outdated...Here's a small sample of what will be included in this dog behavior masterclass:You RECEIVE meticulously designed training games tailor-made to teach your dog the most important lessons ~89% of owners miss You FOLLOW along step-by-step as your dog's confidence and desire to learn grows with every gameYou LEARNthe secret principles used by some of the world's best dog trainers, and apply them in a fun 5 minute sessionsYou SAVE thousands of dollars on dog training lessons, mentoring and consultations that may or may not workYou GAIN access to tested, proven dog training methods that have already worked on dogs all around the worldYou SKIP the thousands of hours of research, testing, tweaking and retesting required to create your perfect dog in 30 daysYou SEE fully transparently how to apply these games on BRANDNEWDOGSYou BOOST your dog's confidence and the quality of their day to day lifeYou GROW a relationship with your dog that you never thought possibleYou WIN every game, every single day, creating brand new habits that will last a lifetimeThis course leaves NOTHINGto chance, and sets you up for lifelong success with your dog. Dog training no longer has to take months, or worse, years to accomplish...YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO Make training the most fun thing in the world for your dogTeach your dog to always wait for your permission to eat anythingShow your dog that walking on a loose leash is funCreate a dog who is calm in the houseMake your dog's alone time fun for them, so that you don't have to watch them 24/7Show your dog that you are the most amazing thing in the worldCalm your dog down in any situationGet your dog to come back to you every single time you callGive your dog an amazing feeling every time you say their nameMake pet training easy by focusing on addressing the root cause of dog behaviorTraining a dog can be tricky. Because of all of the conflicting, and often misleading information in the world, it can be very difficult to find the things that actually work for your (or your clients')dog. In this training you'll gain instant access to 12 years of research into dog behavior and pet training, testing tweaking and refining - and play dozens of games that actually work right before your eyes. Want to know more?Here are just a few of the step-by-step lectures that you'll be following in Punishment-Free Dog Training:The cause of 90% of Behavioral Issues in DogsHow to Train Your Dog to LOVEAlone Time1 FREEMealtime Hack ThatWillCreate A Dog That CAN'T WAIT To ListenHow to Train Your Puppy Using 1 Game So You Can Trust It Around AnythingHow To Get ADog To Come To You Every TimeHow To Teach Your Dog ToLOVE Walking With ALoose LeashHow To Calm Down An Excited Dog - No Matter Where You AreGetting Your Dog To Respond To Its Name With ENTHUSIASM1 Simple Game To Ensure Your Dog Waits Patiently For Everything They WantTeaching Your Dog 1 Skill That Will Teach Them to Sit, Lie Down, Come, Spin, And Dozens More CommandsA Little Game To Create A Dog That Is Calm And Behaved In The HouseOne Little Sound To Make Sure Your DogCAN'T WAIT to Obey YouHow To Have Your House Do 90% Of Your Dog Training For YouWhat Makes Dogs Spoiled And Bratty - ANDHow To Avoid ItThis Simple Mistake That Causes Selective Hearing In Dogs, And How To Fix ItHow To Get Rid Of Separation Anxiety FORGOOD, ANDHave Your Dog Still Love YouThe Cause of Almost All Dog Behavior Issues - And How To Solve The Core Rather Than The SymptomsThe Simple Mistake That Causes Selective Hearing In Dogs, And How Pet Trainers Can Fix ItDog Not Doing Your Commands?Here's Why. ...And Many More!If you're ready to create your perfect dog, and ready to do so without punishment - allow me to unlock that opportunity for you with Punishment-Free Dog Training - Your 30 Day Perfect Dog Blueprint. Enroll now."
Price: 199.99 |
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Price: 34.99 |
"Tableau Prep Bootcamp" |
"Tableau Prep is a data preparation tool which can help you prepare your data for analysis with Tableau Desktop or other Business Intelligence tools. You transform your data by building a sequence of events called a flow, to clean, combine, filter and modify your data to suit your needs. In this Udemy Bootcamp course, you'll learn everything you need to know to get up and running with Tableau Prep in just one hour of your time. This course is created to suit all learners, whether you are a novice in the realm of data preparation, or veteran Business Intelligence Analyst. Each short video explains a key core concept. Combined, the videos provide you with a solid foundation that I am confident will allow you to start using Tableau Prep in your workplace immediately."
Price: 99.99 |
"Surface Modelling with Rhino 3D V6 ( or V5 ) Level 1 & 2" |
"In this course, I will create 3 bottle designs , each example increasing in complexity. The purpose is to show how to surface properly on a typical project. In this case I will use a Jerry can , a detergent bottle and a motor oil bottle as subjects for my demos. This tutorial is more intended for those who have some basic familiarity with the Rhino environment as I will delve more on the surfacing and design aspect rather than understanding Rhino's basic commands. After this course who will have an understanding on how to surface and get your model ready for prototyping."
Price: 199.99 |
"Rhino 3D tutorials with Rhino V6 ( updated version )" |
"This course is the updated version of the best seller Rhino 3D v5 &v6 Beginner Level to Advanced Level.I wanted to keep make an updated version with some new insights about Rhino 3D V6 version. Since Rhino V6 came out for Mac and Windows this learning tool should prove useful for new Rhino users. If you happen to be a v5 user, you will have no problems following along as well."
Price: 199.99 |