"Docker e Kubernetes da zero a cento" |
"Kubernetes dalle basi al livello avanzato per rilasciare e scalare in modo performante ed efficace applicazioni containerizzate con Kubernetes.Corso intensivo, sia teorico che pratico per imparare dalle basi i concetti di container, immagine, orchestrazione ed utilizzare al meglio gli strumenti pi usati e pi famosi sul mercato: Docker come strumento per containerizzare gli applicativi e Kubernetes come orchestratore dei container. Questi due strumenti ormai sono diventati degli standard di fatto per gli applicativi enterprise.Nel corso si impareranno ad utilizzare questi strumenti prima in locale, utilizzando la distribuzione leggera di Kubernetes con minikube, sia nel cloud attraverso Amazon Web Service (AWS).Cosa impareremo in questo corso su Kubernetes:Kubernetes la tecnologia di punta per rilasciare e scalare app di grandi dimensioni, e garantisce alle compagnie di maggior successo di effettuare rilasci in sicurezza ed affidabilit, in ogni genere di situazione. Kubernetes permette ai DevOpsengineers di tutto il mondo di avere uno strumento efficace.Dopo essere stato rilasciato come open-source da Google,Kubernetes rimasto ""l'ingrediente segreto"" che permette la grandissima capacit di Google di scalare i propri prodotti e servizi, da almeno una decade,Kubernetes+Docker diventato lo standard de-facto e lo strumento dominante con cui le applicazioni sono containerizzate, gestite, scalate e rilasciate.Se considerassimo i container di Dockerdi uno stesso applicativo come i singoli membri di un'orchestra, ciascuno con il proprio ruolo e ciascuno con la specifica responsabilit di coordinarsi con gli altri e mantenere il tempo per garantire una bella performance, potremmo pensare a Kubernetescome il direttore d'orchestra. Non importa se si tratti di piccole start-up o grosse aziende, di fattoKubernetes divenuto uno standard a livello mondiale nell'area emergente dell'orchestrazione dei container.In this course, you'll useKubernetesto deploy real-world applications, and by doing so you'll learn the concepts necessary to not just have a rote memorization of the individual tasks needed to operateKubernetes, but a fundamental understanding of how you can useKubernetesto build and deploy robust applications.Dal nostro primo deploy di un container Tomcar sulla nostra macchina locale, passeremo a implementare cluster resilienti e affidabili con WordPress e MySQL che possano gestire fallimenti di macchine, reti o dichi. Nel processo capiremo non solo il come, ma anche il perch di certe scelte architetturali, scopriremo i trucchi pratici che la documentazione non fornisce.Sia che tu sia un'amministratore di sistema alle prime armi o uno sviluppatore avanzato o un CTO, tramite il corso LearnKubernetes from aDevOpsguru comprenderai le tecnologie che architettano la maggior parte delle applicazioni di successo diponibili oggigiorno.(Questo corso di Kubernetes comprende anche un corso intensivo su Docker affinch se non avessi la conoscenza di questo strumento potresti comunque acquisirla ed imparare Kubernetes!)Perch le abilit da DevOps?Oggigiorno iDevOpssono molto richiesti dall'industria del IT. Varie aziende richiedono profili in grado di sviluppare e rilasciare in produzione gli applicativi.Il salario medio di un DevOpsengineerin Silicon Valley circa $140,000all'anno, ovvero il 20%superiore del salario di uno sviluppatore.Possedere abilitDevOpsvuol dire essere molto competitivi sul mercato!L'autore:Basit Mustafa il fondatore & CEO di Voltaire, Inc e precendetemente dirigente di IBM nel dipartimento di sviluppo. La carriera di Basit ha visto l'applicazione massiva di queste tecnologie per la risoluzione di problemi complessi, e la direzione per insegnare ad altri come fare lo stesso.Oggi, Basitinsegna per professione le ultimissime tecnologie in ambito DevOps.Rimborso garantito in 30 giorni!Se il corso non rispetta le tue aspettative Udemy garantisce un rimborso per 30 giorni dopo l'acquisto.Se vuoi incrementare le tue abilit come DevOps e portare la tua carriera ad un livello superiore, segui il corso!Passerai a conoscere Kubernetes e Docker da zero a cento in 5 ore!Cosa impareraiDeploy di applicazioni in produzione con Docker e KubernetesDeploy di cluster resilienti in AWS con KubernetesAd amministrare, comprendere e rilasciare app su KubernetesRendere le applicazioni resilienti e affidabili con Kubernetes utilizzando il Load BalancingEsistono dei requisiti o dei prerequisiti per il corso?Un minimo di utilizzo del terminale con Linux, MacOS, o WindowsComprensione dei concetti di base del webA chi rivolto questo corso:A chi sviluppa applicazioni o rilascia applicazioni per ambienti di produzioneIngegneri, amministratori di sistema, sviluppatori, DevOpsProject Managers, Functional Managers, CTOs, e architetti che vogliono comprendere meglio il deploy degli applicativi complessiCredit to bensound per le musiche."
Price: 139.99 |
whiteboard-animations |
"Doodly . (Drag & Drop) . Doodly ."
Price: 19.99 |
structures |
"1) reaction forces SFD ,BMD the maximum deflection.2) the indeterminate structures boundary conditions .3) : ; ."
Price: 29.99 |
control-system |
Price: 29.99 |
digital-signal-processing-course |
" . 1. causality of a system2. linearity of a system3. Linear system and differential equations4. Time invarience / time variant systems and differential equations5. Sampling 6. Types of systems7. Z transform 8. Convolution9. DFT Fourier transform 10. Fast Fourier transform FFT11. Designing finite impulse response filter FIR 12. Designing infinite impulse response filter IIR"
Price: 49.99 |
accounting-basic |
". ."
Price: 19.99 |
engineering-economics-course |
": , , , , . ."
Price: 19.99 |
pharmacology-course |
Price: 19.99 |
signals-and-systems |
" 51 - Signals and Systems - time domain and frequency domainFourier Series Fourier TransformLaplace Transform"
Price: 49.99 |
differential-equations-course |
"this course illustrates differential equations with many examples.the course is presented in Arabic"
Price: 24.99 |
"The Complete Android App Development Course Urdu Hindi" |
"actual ( )"
Price: 19.99 |
"Performance-Training: Life-Design mit Job-Crafting" |
"In diesem Videokurs erhltst Du eine Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung der Job-Crafting-MethodeLife-Design bedeutet unter Anwendung von Kreativittstechniken die eigenverantwortliche Gestaltung des Lebens voranzutreiben. Job-Crafting ist eine etablierte Methode, die den ""Job-Crafter"" dabei untersttzt einerseits mehr Klarheit ber die Anforderungen an den eigenen Job zu erhalten und andererseits sich mit der selbstverantwortlichen Gestaltung des eigenen Arbeitsumfelds zu beschftigen. Ziel ist es, eine bessere Passung zwischen der eigenen Person und der aktuellen beruflichen Ttigkeit herzustellen. Die Forschung belegt, dass wir auf diese Weise bessere Gesundheit, Zufriedenheit und Arbeitsergebnisse erzielen. Unternehmen profitieren von weniger Fluktuation und Fehlzeiten und Leistung und Erfolg gehen nicht mehr auf Kosten der Gesundheit. Grundlage ist die Auseinandersetzung mit eigenen Strken und Motiven, die eine wichtige Bedeutung fr den ""Job-Crafter"" haben und deshalb einen wichtigen Stellenwert in der Berufsttigkeit einnehmen sollen. Dieser Online-Videokurs fhrt in Schritt-fr-Schritt-Erluterungen durch die Job-Crafting bung. Dabei folgt der Kursaufbau der Logik: ""Erklren-Illustrieren-Anwenden"". Folglich wird die Theorie erlutert, bevor Beispiele der Veranschaulichung dienen und schlielich der eigene Job auf neue Weise interpretiert wird."
Price: 99.99 |
"Design and Build a Custom Responsive Website with STUDIO 2.0" |
"STUDIO is for designers who want more control, STUDIO is centered around our pioneering code generation technology. With every stroke you make, code is populated real-time for you behind the scenes. So your design works automatically on every device and browser. Gain back the creativity compromised in pre-existing templates, and the time lost in the back and forth with developers in design handoffs. Save them for designing your next best website.This course will teach you how to master responsive design and publishing using STUDIO. We'll start off with how to begin your first project, an introduction to the interface, and we'll finish with steps you need to master your designs and publish your website in just a few clicks."
Price: 119.99 |
"Icon Design in Adobe XD - From Sketching to Flat Icon Sets" |
"Learn how to design visually engaging and cohesive icon sets in any program. I'll teach best practices on brainstorming icons, finding the right metaphors, sketching your ideas, and finally designing high resolution icons and simple icon versions that will work on smaller screens.Although I'll be teaching you in Adobe XD (because it is free), I'm going to cover tools that are also found in your favorite design programs including:Adobe IllustratorSketchFigmaAffinity DesignInvision Studioand many moreThe concepts you learn here can be put into practice for web graphics, web design, interaction design, graphic illustration and much more.Things you will learn in this course include:Overview of Adobe XDUnderstanding types of icons and when to use themCreating a design brief and planning your icons to have a consistent style and colors.Researching icon metaphors and sketching your ideasSetting up your workspace for icon designCreating and merging shapes to create complex iconsUsing TransparencyBalancing icon sizes and positionsCreating a simple icon setConverting a filled icon set to outlinesExporting iconsand more."
Price: 119.99 |
"SALAH Concentration Course - Best Solution To Focus In Namaz" |
"Learn Namaz And Understand Word to Word Translation Of QURAN In English To Bring Concentration In Salah, Khushu In Salah.When we pray sometimes in can be hard to concentrate. subhanallah, during prayer a lot goes through our minds. What did my mum make for lunch?, Did I lock my car?, I might have snack pack after prayer.But it is important to have Concentration In Salah, And Khushu In Salah. Because while you are praying you are facing Allah and communicating, and thanking him. However, it can be very difficult at times to do so.Due to the fact the Shaytaan (satan) is trying to divert your mind away from the remembrance of Allah.Major Solution Is Focusing on what you are reciting to improve your concentration, while you are reading focus on the meanings of the words, and if you dont understand Arabic, this course is a MUST for you.Amazing Benefits Of This Course:Learn Word to Word Translation Of QURAN In English (Last Ten Surahs Of Quran) To Start Understanding QURAN And Basic Arabic. In Each Lesson Of This Course Attached Are Handouts And Images To Follow While Watching The Lessons And Also Learn From Them After Completing The Lessons. This Course Will Improve Your Salaah(Prayers) For Rest Of Your Life As The Last Ten Surahs Of Quran Are Normally Recited By Most Muslims In Their Salaah.In This Learn Namaz Course You Will Also Learn Word To Word Translation Of Supplications And Recitations In Salaah That Will Further Bring Focus In Your Salaah And Will Bring Basic Understanding Of Arabic As Well.Prophet (s.a.w) Sayings Regarding Concentration in Salah, Khushu In Salah Uqbah ibn Amir al-Juhani reported the Messenger of Allah as saying, Any one performs ablution and performs the ablution perfectly and then offers two rakahs of prayers concentrating on them with his heart and face but paradise will necessarily fall to his lot.Sunan Abu Dawud "
Price: 19.99 |
"Behtreen NAMAZ Course - Complete Namaz With Urdu Translation" |
"Behtreen Namaz Course - Complete Namaz With Urdu TranslationWhen we pray sometimes it can be hard to concentrate. subhanallah, during prayer a lot goes through our minds. What did my mum make for lunch?, Did I lock my car?, I might have snack pack after prayer.But it is important to have Concentration In Salah, And Khushu In Salah. Because while you are praying you are facing Allah and communicating, and thanking him. However, it can be very difficult at times to do so.Due to the fact the Shaytaan (satan) is trying to divert your mind away from the remembrance of Allah.Seekhen Mukammal Namaz Ka Tarjuma, Quran Lafzi Tarjuma Aakhri10 Soorton Ka ,Surah Fatiha Tarjuma, Attahiyat Ka TarjumaMajor Solution Is Focusing on what you are reciting to improve your concentration, while you are reading focus on the meanings of the words. If you dont understand Arabic, this course Behtreen Namaz Course - Complete Namaz With Urdu Translation is a MUST for you.Amazing Benefits Of This Behtreen Namaz Course - Complete Namaz With Urdu Translation:Learn Word to Word Translation Of QURAN In English (Last Ten Surahs Of Quran) To Start Understanding QURAN And Basic Arabic. In Each Lesson Of This Course Attached Are Handouts And Images To Follow While Watching The Lessons And Also Learn From Them After Completing The Lessons. This Course Will Improve Your Salaah(Prayers) For Rest Of Your Life As The Last Ten Surahs Of Quran Are Normally Recited By Most Muslims In Their Salaah.In This Learn Namaz Course You Will Also Learn Word To Word Translation Of Supplications And Recitations In Salaah That Will Further Bring Focus In Your Salaah And Will Bring Basic Understanding Of Arabic As Well.Seekhen Mukammal Namaz Ka Tarjuma, Quran Lafzi Tarjuma Aakhri10 Soorton Ka ,Surah Fatiha Tarjuma, Attahiyat Ka TarjumaProphet (s.a.w) Sayings Regarding Concentration in Salah, Khushu In Salah Uqbah ibn Amir al-Juhani reported the Messenger of Allah as saying, Any one performs ablution and performs the ablution perfectly and then offers two rakahs of prayers concentrating on them with his heart and face but paradise will necessarily fall to his lot.Sunan Abu Dawud Seekhen Mukammal Namaz Ka Tarjuma, Quran Lafzi Tarjuma Aakhri10 Soorton Ka ,Surah Fatiha Tarjuma, Attahiyat Ka Tarjuma"
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Perform Umrah - Learn Complete UMRAH In 1 Course" |
"How To Perform Umrah Video Course Umrah is one of the most blessed and life changing , peace for soul journey of a muslims life. It is a great blessing from ALLAH to get to visit MAKKAH and MADINA. And to make your umrah acceptable to ALLAH and to receive all the virtues and rewards promised by ALLAH, you definitely need to learn how to perform umrah step by step because many people keep on making mistakes when they go for umrah because they do not learn it.This course has short duration lessons topic wise and step by step. It contains videos and photos with instructions to teach you the followingHow To Perform Umrah Video Course:Compulsory acts of umrah,Sunnah acts of umrah,What is meeqat ,How to Wear ihram For MenIhram For WomenRestrictions Of Ihram,How to do TawwafHow To Do Saee, ,What is Istilam,How to perform umrah for ladiesEach lesson has pdf files and images attached to get more understanding.how to perform umrah step by step reminder lessonLot MoreGreat Benefit:You can watch these video lessons of How To Perform Umrah Video Course on your cell phones whenever you need it in any step while doing umrah as lessons are made stepwise and topic wise and this way you can avoid making any mistakes while doing umrah.The course also has a special reminder pdf file attached that you can print , and keep it in your hand while doing umrah that reminds you all the steps.Lastly my introduction, my name is shahzeb Hussain, I have completed my Islamic education from university named Jamia Saeedia and I have been teaching Quran, Hadith, and umrah since 14 years and have thousands of students throughout the world. My passion is to share the Islamic knowledge ALLAH has given me with my brothers and sisters.I have other courses on udemy, and I would definitely recommend my current students and all Muslims who plan to go for umrah to definitely take this new course How To Perform Umrah Video Course , so dont wait just enrol and start learning."
Price: 19.99 |
"Teoria Musical para Cantantes!" |
"En este curso a prenderas los conceptos de la Msica. Es un curso completamente explicado, desmenuzado, muy bien grabado con alta calidad en imagenes, explicaciones, contenido multimedia y todos los recursos necesarios para el inicio de la teoria musical... 1. SOLFEO2.METRICAS3.RITMO4.MARCACIN5.ESCALAS MAYORES6.ENTRENAMIENTO AUDITIVO7. EJERCICIOS EN TIEMPO REAL8. EJERCICIOS PARA ESTUDIO EN CASA9.TUTORIA CON EL MAESTRO10.MATERIAL DESCARGABLE"
Price: 39.99 |
"JAVA Programming- Bootcamp 2020" |
"This course is all about learning Java Programming language. Here we would start right from the beginner level exploring fundamentals like JVM (Java Virtual Machine), JDK (Java Development Kit), JRE (Java Runtime Environment). We would be realising strengths and weakness of java as a programming language.We would then learn the core java programming including conditionals- if else, switch case, loops- for, while, do while, identifiers, datatypes, operators, etc. And later we would be learning OOP (Object Oriented Programming) covering- class, object, constructor, inheritance, polymorphism, overriding, etc.We would learn theoretical concepts in lectures and perform practical with practical excercises."
Price: 34.99 |
"Hands-on JAVA Object Oriented Programming" |
"This course is all about learning Java Programming language. We would then learn the core java programming including OOP (Object Oriented Programming) covering- class, object, constructor, inheritance, polymorphism, overriding, etc. Starting with OOP Introduction and key components like type of inheritances- multilevel, single, hybrid, overriding vs overloading, specific keywords like super, final, etc. We would be performing Code Analysis to understand OOP Programs and would be implementing each and every OOP concept by writing and executing java programs. We would be learning theoretical concepts in lectures and perform practical with practical excercises."
Price: 34.99 |
"Complete AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification" |
"In this course, we would explore Amazon Cloud- Amazon Web Services. Learn various services available under catalog, and what we can do with each service provided with platform and Infrastructure categories. We would be preparing for AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam by first learning about certification exam itself and various learning path that we can choose from. As Cloud Practitioner is a beginner level exam we would learn various services with some projects and practical examples as well. After qualifying this exam we can pursue any associate or professional level exam for Developer, System Operations, DevOps, Speciality or Solution Architect. This course covers wide range of AWSservices including-STORAGE Services- S3, Glacier, EBS, EFS, Storage GatewayCOMPUTE Services- EC2, Beanstalk, Lambda, Container, Lightsail, VPCDATABASE Services- DynamoDB, Elasticache, RDS, RedshiftMOBILE Services- Mobile Hub, AppSync, DeviceFarm, PinpointACCESS MANAGEMENT- IAM, Cognito, CloudWatchand will learn more including Developer tools, Integration, Security, Management."
Price: 39.99 |
"COMPLETE- AWS Solution Architect Certification" |
"In this course, we would explore Amazon Cloud- Amazon Web Services. We would explore AWS Solution Architect Certification that one can take, exploring the learning path.We would also explore how we can prepare for this aws certification, what are the services covered, exam pattern, weight-age, syllabus, etcThis course is generally for aws certification aspirants providing them all the necessary information regarding various certifications in different domains before taking actual exam, in a manner to maximise the benefits of certification and chances of being certified."
Price: 34.99 |
"COMPLETE- AWS Developer Certification" |
"In this course, we would explore Amazon Cloud- Amazon Web Services. We would explore AWS Developer Certification that one can take, exploring the learning path.We would also explore how we can prepare for this aws certification, what are the services covered, exam pattern, weight-age, syllabus, etcThis course is generally for aws certification aspirants providing them all the necessary information regarding developer certification useful in different domains before taking actual exam, in a manner to maximise the benefits of certification and chances of being certified."
Price: 34.99 |
"COMPLETE- AWS Security Speciality Certification" |
"In this course, we would explore Amazon Cloud- Amazon Web Services. Learn all the available Identity and Security tools and services under catalog, and what we can do with each service provided with platform. This course covers wide range of AWSservices with theoretical lectures and practical demonstration including-Artifact, CloudHSM, Certificate Manager, Secrets Manager, Directory Service, Guard Duty, Inspector, Single Sign-On, WAF and Shield, etc.We would explore AWS Security Speciality Certification that one can take, exploring all the security services and options to wisely implement cloud security.We would explore how we can prepare for an aws ceritfication, what are the services covered, exam pattern, weightage, syllabus, etcThis course is generally for aws certification aspirants providing them all the necessary information regarding certification before taking actual exam, in a manner to maximise the benefits of certification and chances of being certified."
Price: 34.99 |
"AWS Certification Exams- A complete guide" |
"In this course, we would explore Amazon Cloud- Amazon Web Services. We would explore various AWS certifications that one can take, exploring all the learning paths in different domains such as development, operations, testing, solution architect, and speciality domains such as big data, cloud security.We would explore how we can prepare for an aws ceritfication, what are the services covered, exam pattern, weightage, syllabus, etcThis course is generally for aws certification aspirants providing them all the necessary information regarding various certifications in different domains before taking actual exam, in a manner to maximise the benefits of certification and chances of being certified."
Price: 34.99 |
"AWS SysOps Administration" |
"In this course, we would explore Amazon Cloud- Amazon Web Services. We would explore AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Exam that one can take, exploring the learning path.We would also explore how we can prepare for this aws certification, what are the services covered, exam pattern, weight-age, syllabus, etcThis course is generally for aws certification aspirants providing them all the necessary information regarding developer certification useful in different domains before taking actual exam, in a manner to maximise the benefits of certification and chances of being certified.We would explore wide range of AWSservices with theoretical lectures and practical demonstration including following Developer tools useful for DevOps-Cloud9, CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, CodeStar, CodeBuild, CodePipeline, etc.We would be learning how we can provision various services on AWS and learn to manage instances and resources with various management tools.In the later sections of the course we have 2 projects for development and operations based on AWS Lambda, Cloudwatch, API Gateway, IAM and DynamoDB."
Price: 34.99 |
"AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Exam- Guide" |
"In this course, we would explore Amazon Cloud- Amazon Web Services. We would explore AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Exam that one can take, exploring the learning path.We would also explore how we can prepare for this aws certification, what are the services covered, exam pattern, weight-age, syllabus, etcThis course is generally for aws certification aspirants providing them all the necessary information regarding developer certification useful in different domains before taking actual exam, in a manner to maximise the benefits of certification and chances of being certified.We would explore wide range of AWSservices with theoretical lectures and practical demonstration including following Developer tools useful for DevOps-Cloud9, CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, CodeStar, CodeBuild, CodePipeline, etc."
Price: 34.99 |
"Complete AWS Big Data and Analytics Certification" |
"In this course, we would explore Amazon Cloud- Amazon Web Services. We would explore AWS Big Data and Analytics Certification that one can take, exploring the learning path in the domain of big data and analytics .We would also explore how we can prepare for this aws certification, what are the services covered, exam pattern, weight-age, syllabus, etcIn this course we will learn and practice all the tools of AWS Analytics which is being offered by AWS Cloud. There will be both theoretical and practical section of each AWS Analytics tools.This course is for those who wanted to groom their analytics skills .Analytics plays very important role in the world of big data. There is no use of big data if we can not extract proper or meaningful insights from that. In short more data means better analysis, better analysis means better decision which makes organisation profitable.Analytics tools likeAmazon Athena (Querying data instantly and get results in seconds)Amazon CloudSearch (Makes it simple and cost-effective to set up, manage, and scale a search solution for your website or application)Amazon ElasticSearch (Search, Analyse, and Visualise data in real-time.)Amazon Kinesis (Easily collecting, processing, and analysing video and data streams in real time)Amazon QuickSight (Fast, Cloud-powered BI service that makes it easy to build visualisations and quickly get business insights from your data.)Amazon Glue (Simple, flexible, and cost-effective ETL)This course also contains many practicals to groom your analytics skills.And also COMPUTE Services(EC2, Beanstalk, Lambda, Container, Lightsail, VPC), AWS CLI and many more topicsThis course is generally for aws certification aspirants providing them all the necessary information regarding various certifications in different domains before taking actual exam, in a manner to maximise the benefits of certification and chances of being certified."
Price: 34.99 |
"AWS vs Microsoft Azure: Cloud Storage services" |
"This course is all about learning various cloud storage options available on Microsoft AZURE and Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platforms. We will explore following storage services on Microsoft Azure in the begining-BloB, StorSimple, Disk, File, Table, Backup, Data Lake, Queue, and Archive. We would be creating resources for BloB and File storage. Each storage option is suitable for certain domain and we can decide what to choose based on price, availability, reliability, application, SLA (Service Level Agreement) provided, elasticity, retention period, hot/cold or archive option, etc In the later section, we would explore AWS Storage services available on Amazon Cloud. We would begin our journey be learning few basic requirements and fundamental tools like AWS-CLI (Command line interface) that can be integrated with various cloud services.After that we would be learning all of the Storage services- S3 (Simple Storage Services), Glacier, EFS (Elastic File System), Storage Gateway, etc. We would be creating instances for each services with practical examples."
Price: 19.99 |
"Cloud Migration on Microsoft AZURE" |
"In this course, we would explore various Cloud Migration tools and services available on Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform. We will learn what are the various kinds of Migrations including Database Migration, Physical Migration from On-Premise Data Centre to the Cloud, from Cloud to On-Premise, between different cloud vendors such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), IBM Bluemix , etc.We would also explore Recovery and Backup options with Site Recovery. Throughout the course we would cover following Migration services offered by Microsoft Azure- Site Recovery, Database Migration, Azure Migrate, DataBox, Data Box edge and Data Gateway.We would be learning concepts and methodologies with practical exercises."
Price: 19.99 |