"Scoliose ade und tschss..." |
"KursbeschreibungScoliose ade und tschss...Erlerne Selbsthilfebungen die jederzeit einfach und effizient anwendbar sindFr wen ist dieser Online-Kurs erstellt?Fr alle Menschen, die muskulre Spannungs-Schmerzen im Becken-, Ischias-, Kreuz-, Lenden-, Brustwirbel- und Gesssbereich haben. Fehlhaltung in der Wirbelsule ""Scoliose"". Diese gehren durch gezielte Griffe und Anwendungen der Vergangenheit an.Was bekommst du!Durch Kniffs und Tricks erlernst du die bungen zur Selbstanwendung und wendest diese ohne zustzliches Hilfsmittel, berall und jederzeit, wo du bist an.Video-Clips mit bungen!In einem Clip zeige ich dir genau den Ablauf und die wichtigsten Punkte, um deine Schmerzen im Becken-, Lenden-, Brustwirbel- und Gesssbereich zu lsen.Zusatzunterlagen als PDF!In einem mehrseitigen PDF erhltst du den genauen Ablauf zu den Selbsthilfebung mit Foto und Text.Professionelle Erfahrung!Alle meine Erfahrungen von unzhligen schmerzgeplagten Patienten, habe ich fr dich zusammengefasst.Direktkontakt bei Fragen!Wenn etwas unklar sein sollte oder du Fragen hast, kannst du dich gerne bei mir melden.Warum entsteht diese Scoliose?Durch eine Fehlhaltung und einem Beckenschiefstand sind die Muskeln verhrtet und bleiben angespannt. Durch das viele Sitzen und wenig Bewegung wird dies gefrdert. Die Muskeln sind unter Dauerspannung und lsen Schmerzen im Nervensystem aus. Es entstehen Spannungen im Becken, Gesss, Hfte, Kreuz, Lenden und Brustraumbereich.Lsung!Mit diesen Selbsthilfebungen richtest du alle Gelenke und Wirbel neu aus und lockerst so deine Gesssmuskeln. Das Fazit ist Schmerzfreiheit. Ein lockeres und entspanntes Wohlgefhl tritt nach wenigen Wiederholungen ein. Dabei entlastest du deine eigene Wirbelsule, deine Gelenke und lockerst deine Muskeln.Zahlreiche bungen!Durch die bungen werden deine Sprunggelenke, Kniegelenke, Hftgelenke, Beckenbereich mit dem Kreuzbein und mit dem Iliosakralgelenk (ISG), Lendenwirbel und Brustwirbel neu ausgerichtet.Anwendbar bei folgenden Schmerzbildern!- Muskelverspannungen im Gesssbereich- Schmerzen und Ausstrahlungen bis in die Beine- KreuzSchmerzen- IschiasSchmerzen- Schmerzen im Lendenbereich - Schmerzen im Brustwirbelbereich- ScolioseBei allen Schmerzen die Muskulr durch Verspannung festzustellen sind.Informationen!Als Therapeut mache ich die Erfahrung, dass Patienten oftmals zulange warten, bis sie etwas unternehmen und in die Therapie oder zum Arzt gehen. Sie halten den Schmerz eine Zeit lang aus. Wenn es nicht mehr geht, qulen sie sich dann zu mir und erhoffen eine Besserung. Das muss nicht sein.Beim Akut-Fall oder auch prventiv knnen diese Selbstbungen bedenkenlos angewendet werden. Wenn bei den Selbsthilfebungen der Schmerz zunehmen sollte, suche bitte deinen Therapeuten oder Arzt auf. Dies passiert sehr selten, ist aber wichtig zu wissen.Danke fr das Bestellen meines Online-Kurses.Wir sehen uns ;-)"
Price: 34.99 |
"Beinlngendifferenz ade und tschss..." |
"KursbeschreibungBeinlngendifferenz ade und tschss...Erlerne Selbsthilfebungen die jederzeit einfach und effizient anwendbar sindFr wen ist dieser Online-Kurs erstellt?Fr alle Menschen, die muskulre Spannungs-Schmerzen im Becken-, Ischias-, Kreuz,- und Gesssbereich haben. Fr alle die ungleichlange Beine haben. Diese gehren durch gezielte Griffe und Anwendungen der Vergangenheit an.Was bekommst du!Durch Kniffs und Tricks erlernst du die bungen zur Selbstanwendung und wendest diese ohne zustzliches Hilfsmittel, berall und jederzeit, wo du bist an.Video-Clips mit bungen!In einem Clip zeige ich dir genau den Ablauf und die wichtigsten Punkte, um deine Schmerzen im Becken- und Gesssbereich zu lsen und ein Ausgleich der Beine zu erhalten.Zusatzunterlagen als PDF!In einem mehrseitigen PDF erhltst du den genauen Ablauf zu den Selbsthilfebung mit Foto und Text.Professionelle Erfahrung!Alle meine Erfahrungen von unzhligen schmerzgeplagten Patienten, habe ich fr dich zusammengefasst.Direktkontakt bei Fragen!Wenn etwas unklar sein sollte oder du Fragen hast, kannst du dich gerne bei mir melden.Warum entstehen diese Schmerzen im Gesssbereich?Durch eine Fehlhaltung und einem Beckenschiefstand sind die Muskeln verhrtet und bleiben angespannt. Durch das viele Sitzen und wenig Bewegung wird dies gefrdert. Die Muskeln sind unter Dauerspannung und lsen Schmerzen im Nervensystem aus. Es entstehen Spannungen im Becken, Gesss, Hfte, Kreuz mit Ausstrahlungen bis in die Beine.Lsung!Mit diesen Selbsthilfebungen richtest du alle Gelenke und Wirbel neu aus und lockerst so deine Gesssmuskeln. Das Fazit ist Schmerzfreiheit. Ein lockeres und entspanntes Wohlgefhl tritt nach wenigen Wiederholungen ein. Dabei entlastest du deine eigene Wirbelsule, deine Gelenke und lockerst deine Muskeln.Zahlreiche bungen!Durch die bungen werden deine Sprunggelenke, Kniegelenke, Hftgelenke, Beckenbereich mit dem Kreuzbein und mit dem Iliosakralgelenk (ISG) und Lendenwirbel neu ausgerichtet.Anwendbar bei folgenden Schmerzbildern!- Muskelverspannungen im Gesssbereich- Schmerzen und Ausstrahlungen bis in die Beine- KreuzSchmerzen- IschiasSchmerzen- Schmerzen im Lendenbereich - Beckenschiefstand- BeinlngendifferenzBei allen Schmerzen die Muskulr durch Verspannung festzustellen sind.Informationen!Als Therapeut mache ich die Erfahrung, dass Patienten oftmals zulange warten, bis sie etwas unternehmen und in die Therapie oder zum Arzt gehen. Sie halten den Schmerz eine Zeit lang aus. Wenn es nicht mehr geht, qulen sie sich dann zu mir und erhoffen eine Besserung. Das muss nicht sein.Beim Akut-Fall oder auch prventiv knnen diese Selbstbungen bedenkenlos angewendet werden. Wenn bei den Selbsthilfebungen der Schmerz zunehmen sollte, suche bitte deinen Therapeuten oder Arzt auf. Dies passiert sehr selten, ist aber wichtig zu wissen.Danke fr das Bestellen meines Online-Kurses.Wir sehen uns ;-)"
Price: 34.99 |
"Hftschmerzen ade und tschss..." |
"KursbeschreibungHftschmerzen ade und tschss...Erlerne Selbsthilfebungen die jederzeit einfach und effizient anwendbar sindFr wen ist dieser Online-Kurs erstellt?Fr alle Menschen, die muskulre Spannungs-Schmerzen in Hfte, im Becken-, Ischias-, Kreuz,- und Gesssbereich haben. Fr alle die ungleichlange Beine haben. Diese gehren durch gezielte Griffe und Anwendungen der Vergangenheit an.Was bekommst du!Durch Kniffs und Tricks erlernst du die bungen zur Selbstanwendung und wendest diese ohne zustzliches Hilfsmittel, berall und jederzeit, wo du bist an.Video-Clips mit bungen!In einem Clip zeige ich dir genau den Ablauf und die wichtigsten Punkte, um deine Schmerzen in der Hfte, im Becken- und Gesssbereich zu lsen und ein Ausgleich der Beine zu erhalten.Zusatzunterlagen als PDF!In einem mehrseitigen PDF erhltst du den genauen Ablauf zu den Selbsthilfebung mit Foto und Text.Professionelle Erfahrung!Alle meine Erfahrungen von unzhligen schmerzgeplagten Patienten, habe ich fr dich zusammengefasst.Direktkontakt bei Fragen!Wenn etwas unklar sein sollte oder du Fragen hast, kannst du dich gerne bei mir melden.Warum entstehen diese Schmerzen im Gesssbereich und Hfte?Durch eine Fehlhaltung und einem Beckenschiefstand sind die Muskeln verhrtet und bleiben angespannt. Durch das viele Sitzen und wenig Bewegung wird dies gefrdert. Die Muskeln sind unter Dauerspannung und lsen Schmerzen im Nervensystem aus. Es entstehen Spannungen im Becken, Gesss, Hfte, Kreuz mit Ausstrahlungen bis in die Beine.Lsung!Mit diesen Selbsthilfebungen richtest du alle Gelenke und Wirbel neu aus und lockerst so deine Gesssmuskeln. Das Fazit ist Schmerzfreiheit. Ein lockeres und entspanntes Wohlgefhl tritt nach wenigen Wiederholungen ein. Dabei entlastest du deine eigene Wirbelsule, deine Gelenke und lockerst deine Muskeln.Zahlreiche bungen!Durch die bungen werden deine Sprunggelenke, Kniegelenke, Hftgelenke, Beckenbereich mit dem Kreuzbein und mit dem Iliosakralgelenk (ISG) und Lendenwirbel neu ausgerichtet.Anwendbar bei folgenden Schmerzbildern!- Muskelverspannungen im Gesssbereich- Schmerzen und Ausstrahlungen bis in die Beine- KreuzSchmerzen- IschiasSchmerzen- Schmerzen im Lendenbereich - Beckenschiefstand- Beinlngendifferenz- HftschmerzenBei allen Schmerzen die Muskulr durch Verspannung festzustellen sind.Informationen!Als Therapeut mache ich die Erfahrung, dass Patienten oftmals zulange warten, bis sie etwas unternehmen und in die Therapie oder zum Arzt gehen. Sie halten den Schmerz eine Zeit lang aus. Wenn es nicht mehr geht, qulen sie sich dann zu mir und erhoffen eine Besserung. Das muss nicht sein.Beim Akut-Fall oder auch prventiv knnen diese Selbstbungen bedenkenlos angewendet werden. Wenn bei den Selbsthilfebungen der Schmerz zunehmen sollte, suche bitte deinen Therapeuten oder Arzt auf. Dies passiert sehr selten, ist aber wichtig zu wissen.Danke fr das Bestellen meines Online-Kurses.Wir sehen uns ;-)"
Price: 34.99 |
"Hexenschuss ade und tschss..." |
"KursbeschreibungHexenschuss ade und tschss...Erlerne Selbsthilfebungen die jederzeit einfach und effizient anwendbar sindFr wen ist dieser Online-Kurs erstellt?Fr alle Menschen, die muskulre Spannungs-Schmerzen im Becken-, Ischias-, Kreuz,- Gesssbereich und Rcken haben. Diese gehren durch gezielte Griffe und Anwendungen der Vergangenheit an.Was bekommst du!Durch Kniffs und Tricks erlernst du die bungen zur Selbstanwendung und wendest diese ohne zustzliches Hilfsmittel, berall und jederzeit, wo du bist an.Video-Clips mit bungen!In einem Clip zeige ich dir genau den Ablauf und die wichtigsten Punkte, um deine Schmerzen im Becken- und Gesssbereich und Rcken zu lsen.Zusatzunterlagen als PDF!In einem mehrseitigen PDF erhltst du den genauen Ablauf zu den Selbsthilfebung mit Foto und Text.Professionelle Erfahrung!Alle meine Erfahrungen von unzhligen schmerzgeplagten Patienten, habe ich fr dich zusammengefasst.Direktkontakt bei Fragen!Wenn etwas unklar sein sollte oder du Fragen hast, kannst du dich gerne bei mir melden.Warum entstehen diese Schmerzen im Gesssbereich?Durch eine Fehlhaltung und einem Beckenschiefstand sind die Muskeln verhrtet und bleiben angespannt. Durch das viele Sitzen und wenig Bewegung wird dies gefrdert. Die Muskeln sind unter Dauerspannung und lsen Schmerzen im Nervensystem aus. Es entstehen Spannungen im Becken, Gesss, Hfte, Rcken und Kreuz mit Ausstrahlungen bis in die Beine.Lsung!Mit diesen Selbsthilfebungen richtest du alle Gelenke und Wirbel neu aus und lockerst so deine Gesssmuskeln. Das Fazit ist Schmerzfreiheit. Ein lockeres und entspanntes Wohlgefhl tritt nach wenigen Wiederholungen ein. Dabei entlastest du deine eigene Wirbelsule, deine Gelenke und lockerst deine Muskeln.Zahlreiche bungen!Durch die bungen werden deine Sprunggelenke, Kniegelenke, Hftgelenke, Beckenbereich mit dem Kreuzbein, dem Iliosakralgelenk (ISG) Lendenwirbel und Brustwirbel neu ausgerichtet.Anwendbar bei folgenden Schmerzbildern!- Muskelverspannungen im Gesssbereich- Schmerzen und Ausstrahlungen bis in die Beine- KreuzSchmerzen- IschiasSchmerzen- Schmerzen im Lendenwirbelbereich- Schmerzen im Brustwirbelbereich - und als Hexenschuss bekanntBei allen Schmerzen die Muskulr durch Verspannung festzustellen sind.Informationen!Als Therapeut mache ich die Erfahrung, dass Patienten oftmals zulange warten, bis sie etwas unternehmen und in die Therapie oder zum Arzt gehen. Sie halten den Schmerz eine Zeit lang aus. Wenn es nicht mehr geht, qulen sie sich dann zu mir und erhoffen eine Besserung. Das muss nicht sein.Beim Akut-Fall oder auch prventiv knnen diese Selbstbungen bedenkenlos angewendet werden. Wenn bei den Selbsthilfebungen der Schmerz zunehmen sollte, suche bitte deinen Therapeuten oder Arzt auf. Dies passiert sehr selten, ist aber wichtig zu wissen.Danke fr das Bestellen meines Online-Kurses.Wir sehen uns ;-)"
Price: 34.99 |
"Learn the basics of Spanish in 10 lessons" |
"In this course you can start learning Spanish from scratch or refresh it if you have learned it long ago and you have forgotten a lot. The course is divided in two:1)The first part is very basic and it advances slow, so that you can learn the very basics. 2)The second part has a faster speed. It aims to give you a basic overview of the Spanish language to help you become an autodidact learner. If you want to make the most of this course, it is very important for you to use the extra material. Every lesson includes autocorrective PDFmaterial, and some lessons also include a quiz or extra audio material. Some learners might need repeating some parts of the course, others might advance faster. This depends on several factors, such as your start level, the other languages that you speak or the type of learner you are. I wish you a lot of fun with this course! If you have any questions, just send me a message!Laura"
Price: 49.99 |
bahasaindonesia |
Price: 6000.00 |
"Spring und Hibernate fr Anfnger (mit Spring Boot 2)" |
"Wie kaum eine andere Java Technologie haben sich Spring und Hibernate die Bezeichnung Framework verdient. Mit einem riesigen und sehr einfachen Baukastensystem lsst sich jede Webanwendung bauen. Alles ist fr den sofortigen Start vorkonfiguriert und ruck zuck ist die erste Anwendung fertig gestellt. Und da sich alles beliebig anpassen lsst, kann man ber die Zeit auch professionelle Lsungen integrieren und groe Enterprise Systeme entwickeln.Dieser Kurs hat den Anspruch dir die Grundlagen zu vermitteln mit denen du verstehst wie das Framework arbeitet und dich damit in die Lage versetzt in Zukunft auch komplexe Aufgaben allein zu bewltigen. Du brauchst keine Vorkenntnisse. Der Kurs startet bei Null und fhrt dich Schritt fr Schritt an die Themen Spring und Hibernate heran. Lediglich Java solltest du knnen.Ziel dieses Kurses ist es auch Grundlagen ber die Entwicklung moderner Webanwendungen und wichtige Architekturprinzipien zu vermitteln. Dazu gibt es unter anderem einen Exkurs in das Thema Thymeleaf, dass dir die neueste und modernste Variante vorstellt, MVC Webseiten mit Spring zu erstellen. Hierfr wren minimale HTML Kenntnisse ntzlich.Um Hibernate zu lernen wirst du die meiste Zeit mit einer In-Memory Datenbank arbeiten. Das spart unntige Installationen und einen Kampf mit lstigen Fehlermeldungen. Dennoch zeige ich dir natrlich, wie man eine echte Datenbank anbindet. Ich werde das mit Hilfe von PostgreSQL demonstrieren.Ich selbst baue alle meine Anwendungen mit Spring und Hibernate. Sowohl privat, als auch in meinem beruflichen Alltag und das schon seit 15 Jahren . Ich ruhe mich aber nicht auf meinem Wissen aus. Als Lead Developer sitze ich regelmig mit meinem Team zusammen und wir evaluieren die neuesten Erweiterungen und bleiben gemeinsam auf dem Laufenden. Mit Spring Boot sind vllig neue Mglichkeiten entstanden, um noch komfortabler und zugleich professioneller zu entwickeln. Und diese haben auch wieder Einfluss auf alte Spring Anwendungen, die einmal ohne Spring Boot entstanden sind. Auch darauf gehe ich in diesem Kurs ein."
Price: 44.99 |
"Music Production Mastery - Produce Top Quality Music Faster" |
"Drake, Skrillex, DJ Snake, Justin Bieber, Halsey, Khalid, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, The Chainsmokers...If you're anything like me when I first started music production... You're probably wondering how all these artists consistently produce top charted music...And manage to hit #1 all the time. You're wondering this because quite simply...You want to make GREAT music.You want to build a fan base.You want to become a successful artist.You want to make FULL SONGS from start to finish.But you just don't know how, and right now...You're lost on how to make beautiful compositions.You're lost on how to make complex sounds.You're lost on how to attract people to listen to your music.You're lost on how to consistently create songs within a day.In other words... you're lost.Now I'll tell you what 99% of people do to try to fix this problem.Most people try watching tutorials without understanding why things work...And ""brute-force"" their way into production by learning every technique they can possibly find.Then they'll try to apply these techniques they learned to their music...And then end up frustrated because they can't complete a song.According to Digital Music News, 1.4% of producers actually ""make it"" producing music...Do you want to know why?It's because 98.6% (basically 99%) of people are focusing on learning the wrong things.They try to learn how to make melodies, without understanding the basics of composition.They try to learn how to make specific sounds, without understand fundamentals of sound design.They try to create full songs, without understanding the structure and foundation to creating complete tracks.They try to make music, without understanding the fundamental systems to creating music.And this is why literally 99% of people end up giving up music production.Now let me ask you a simple question.If you had a system...or blueprint that teaches you how to make music like a TOP 40 producer...How would your music change?Do you think you could get music on the Top 100 Charts? Probably.Do you think you could get tons of followers? Most likely.Do you think you could become part of the 1.4% of people ""crushing it"" in music? Well... the chances are pretty high... right?This is exactly why I create the Music Production System.This is a course that doesn't just teach you how to make top quality songs faster...It shows you exactly how to understand every single fundamental, technique, and theory in music production...So you know exactly what to do in music production, from the perspective of a industry producer.In fact the content in this system is used by myself and other industry experts to produce charted songs.Which means you'll literally be learning how to produce music like a Top 40 Producer.However...DO NOT take this course if you're not ready to apply what you're going to learn.Why?Because you're going to be wasting your time.I can teach you all the secrets I know to get you quality results.But you actually have to put in the work to apply it.Contrary to what some courses say, there's no secret pill to make music production easy.But there is a way to make it way more efficient and systematic...ONLY if you start from the fundamentals and work your way up,Which is exactly what I aim to help you achieve.My goal is for you to able to make calculated decisions in music production So you can control you musical quality, efficiency, and styleInstead of leaving everything up to guess work.So if you want to master music production more efficiently...Enroll in the Music Production System.And forget about being part of the 99% of people failing...Let's turn your ideas into masterpieces And make you part of the 1.4%.P.S. While I believe you'll get a ton of value from this music system, it's still a work in progress so some accessory material may be left out.We will continue to notify you when the system is updated as we move forward."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn to Cook Low Sodium Desserts with an Air Fryer!" |
"Are you struggling to find ways to cook low sodium Desserts to serve your family? If you answered yes, then this is the course for you!I created this course for people just like you. Why?Because when my husband was diagnosed with congestive heart disease I was DESPERATEfor an answer to ""How can Icook for him?"". After months of research, tweaking recipes with low-sodium ingredients, and testing the results on my family (some great... some not so great) Ihave a enough heart healthy, low sodium recipes to fill a cook book!!I'm so excited to share what I've learned with you!!My goal is to make your journey to cooking low sodium desserts easier, and to provide you with recipes that will be your family's new favorites!In this course, l provide the recipes you'll need to create delicious low sodium desserts, and the information to start your journey to becoming a low sodiumchef for your family and friends!I'm Judy, The Sodium Attacker, and I'm always looking for ways to reduce sodium and keep the flavor! Iam constantly testing new recipes for my family, and I add them to my existing courses when they pass the family taste test. This course provides recipes for desserts that range from NO SODIUM to less than 14 mg sodium per serving! YOU will become the sodium attacker for your family!Enroll today to receive immediate help in lowering the sodium for your loved ones!Upon completion of this course, you will learnHow to prepare truly great desserts that can be used as snacks or appetizers using an Air FryerWhere sodium hidesWhy it is critical to read food labels, and what you can learnThe importance of knowing sodium content of every ingredient in every recipeLow sodium cooking DOESNOT have to be blandWhere to buy no sodium or low sodium productsItems to banish from your kitchenThere are a lot of low sodium items we can take advantage ofHow to interpret the Nutrition Fact Labels that are on our foodPans to use in an Air FryerFor those of you who like to know the details of what this course provides... please see the sodium counts of all of the recipes in this course below:Recipe for NOSODIUM Air Fried pie crust & tea cookies - Freezes greatRecipe for Low Sodium Air Fried Pecan Pie - Less than 24 mg sodium per servingRecipe for Low Sodium Lemon Pie - Crust is Air Fried - Very flavorful lemon filling. Whole pie has 24 mg sodium Recipe for NOSODIUM Air Fryer Fruit Hand PiesRecipe for NO SODIUM Air Fryer Blackberry PieVariations for many other Air Fried NOSODIUM pies included in recipe. Recipe for Low Sodium Air Fried Oatmeal Cookies - Less than 3 mg sodium per cookieKeep cookie balls in freezer for very quick hot fresh cookiesRecipe for Low Sodium Air Fried Toffee Bars - Only 8 mg sodium for the whole pan.Recipe for Low Sodium Air Fryer Blueberry Muffins - Less than 14 mg sodium per muffinRecipe for Low Sodium Air Fried Apricot Muffins - Less than 14 mg sodium per muffinRecipe for Low Sodium Air Fryer Date Nut Bread - Makes 2 loaves - 35 mg per loafLess than 9 mg sodium per servingRecipe for Low Sodium Air Fried Banana Nut Bread - Less than 12 mg per servingRecipe for Low Sodium Air Fried Apple Crisp - Medium size apples have 2 mg eachNone of the other ingredients have any sodium per serving. 6 mg served 4 adults.Recipe for Low Sodium Air Fryer Coffee Cake - Less than 19 mg sodium per servingRecipe for Low Sodium Air Fryer Chocolate Cake - Less than 12 mg sodium per serving when cut in 6 slices.Recipe for Low Sodium Air Fried Pound Cake - Whole cake = 140 mg6 slices = 23.34 each and 8 slices = 17.5 m sodiumRecipe for Low Sodium Air Fried Churros - 140 mg sodium for the whole crispy batch"
Price: 79.99 |
"Create Low Sodium Cheddar Cheese Sides, Snacks, & Entrees" |
"Are you struggling to find ways to cook low sodium snacks, sides, and entrees to serve your family? If you answered yes, then this is the course for you!I created this course for people just like you. Why? Because when my husband was diagnosed with congestive heart disease I was DESPERATE for an answer to ""How can I cook for him?"". After months of research, tweaking recipes with low-sodium ingredients, and testing the results on my family (some great... some not so great) I have a enough heart healthy, low sodium recipes to fill a cook book!!I'm so excited to share what I've learned with you!! My goal is to make your journey to cooking low sodium easier, and to provide you with recipes that will be your family's new favorites!In this course, l provide the recipes you'll need to create delicious low sodium meals, and the information to start your journey to becoming a low sodium chef for your family and friends! I'm Judy, The Sodium Attacker, and I'm always looking for ways to reduce sodium and keep the flavor! I am constantly testing new recipes for my family, and I add them to my existing courses when they pass the family taste test. This course provides recipes that are all low sodium! YOU will become the sodium attacker for your family!Enroll today to receive immediate help in lowering the sodium for your loved ones!Upon completion of this course, you will learnHow to prepare truly great cheesy meals, sides, and appetizersWhere sodium hidesWhy it is critical to read food labels, and what you can learnThe importance of knowing sodium content of every ingredient in every recipeLow sodium cooking DOES NOT have to be blandWhere to buy low sodium Cheddar CheeseThere are a lot of low sodium items we can take advantage ofWhich sour cream has the lowest amount of sodiumFor those of you who like to know the details of what this course provides... please see the sodium counts of all of the recipes in this course below:Recipe for NO SODIUM green chilies - A 4.5 ounce can has 480 mg sodium Recipe for Cheese Chips - less than 2 mg sodium eachRecipe for Cheddar, Beef, & Macaroni Bake - Has only 125 mg sodium per large serving - Freezes greatLow Sodium Garlic Cheddar Biscuit Recipe- 10 mg sodium per biscuitRecipe for Low Sodium Egg Noodle Casserole - Less than 92 mg sodium per servingRecipe for Low Sodium Green Chile Cheddar Rice - Less than 21 mg sodium per cup - Great side dish to go with dinner.Recipe for Low Sodium Nachos- Sauce has 12 mg sodium per tablespoon - store bought is 135 to 140 mg per tablespoonRecipe for Low Sodium Cheddar Crisps - Less than 1 mg sodium per crispGreat as a Low Sodium Crouton on a green saladRecipe for Low Sodium Cheddar Cookies - NOT SWEET - Less than 2 mg sodium eachIs a substitute for Low Sodium Bread RecipeLow Sodium Cheeseburger Soup Recipe - 62 mg sodium per cupRecipe for Fake Cheez-Its - Only .88 mg sodium each - Cheez-Its at the store have 6.19 mg eachRecipe for Low Sodium Cheddar Scalloped Potatoes. 26 mg sodium per cup!!Recipe for Low Sodium Cheese Sauce - Less than 6 mg sodium per TablespoonLow Sodium Brocolli Salad Recipe - Less than 28 mg sodium per cupContains variation to choose fromLow Sodium Brocolli Cheddar Soup Recipe - 140 mg sodium in 2 3/4 cups soup. Easy Low Sodium Chicken Enchilada Recipe - Less than 84 mg for a good size servingRecipes for Cheese Crisps, Egg Rollups, & Strawberry Shortcake- Made with Egg Thins described in 3rd lectureEgg Thin recipes are very low sodium"
Price: 79.99 |
"How to Eat Low Sodium on a Road Trip" |
"Do you struggle with finding low-sodium food options when you're on a road trip?!?! If you answered yes, then this is the course for you!Enroll today to receive immediate help in lowering the sodium for your loved ones!This course is full of tips on foods you can buy at convenience stores and fast food restaurants, 18 downloads (recipes & tip sheets), and more tips on ways to lower your sodium intake on vacation.I'll let you in on a secret... when Johnie told me that he wanted to take off on a road trip... I DIDN'T WANT TO GO! The trip sounded fabulous, but I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to make meals and provide snacks that would keep him on his low sodium regimen. What's a wife to do?? Well, I spent hours researching, documenting easy to prepare low-sodium meals, and gathering the ingredients I needed to pack. We had a fabulous time on our road trip, and Johnie stayed below his ""magic number"" (with the exception of breakfast one morning). When the days are spent on the road, the key to success is to have all items needed to prepare tasty quick meals, and a good supply of snacks. LOW SODIUM WATCHERS - It's dangerous to take even a day off of watching your sodium! This course will teach you how to stay on your low sodium food program even while on vacation!!! In this course, I'll share everything you need to know to enjoy low sodium meals and snacks on your next road trip!!!I created this course for people just like you. Why? Because when my husband was diagnosed with congestive heart disease I was DESPERATE for an answer to ""How can I cook for him?"". After months of research, tweaking recipes with low-sodium ingredients, and testing the results on my family (some great... some not so great) I have a enough heart healthy, low sodium recipes to fill a cook book!!I'm so excited to share what I've learned with you!! My goal is to make your journey to cooking low sodium easier, and to provide you with information that will enable you to have food that may become your family's new favorites!In this course, l provide the background you'll need to create delicious low sodium meals, and the information to start your journey to becoming a low sodium chef for your family and friends! I'm Judy, The Sodium Attacker, and I'm always looking for ways to reduce sodium and keep the flavor! YOU will become the sodium attacker for your family!Upon completion of this course, you will learnHow to prepare truly great meals, sides, and appetizersWhere sodium hidesWhy it is critical to read food labels, and what you can learnThe importance of knowing sodium content of every ingredient in every recipeLow sodium cooking DOES NOT have to be blandWhere to buy low sodium tasty snacks for home or a tripThere are a lot of low sodium items we can take advantage ofWhich sour cream has the lowest amount of sodiumWhat to take on a road trip, one day outing, or vacationTo have confidence in ability to eat low sodiumWhere to purchase Unsalted Cheddar CheeseWhy bottled water has replaced our tap waterHow to spend daily sodium allowance Our peanut butter & jelly sandwiches only have the sodium that is in our bread choiceDownloads available to help with your low sodium journey: Recipe for Pork Sausage - 65 mg sodium in 4 ounces Recipe for Salsbury Steak having 106 mg per 4 ounces List of Mrs Dash packets and where to get them Spreadsheet - Outstanding low sodium items to cook with and some to munch Spreadsheet - Items to banish from your kitchen List of no sodium per serving cold cereals we enjoy Low sodium bars and trail mix we purchase at Costco List of NO SODIUM hot cereals we enjoy Recipe for Low Sodium Eggs In A Nest Recipe for Chicken Fried Steak Recipe for Steak and Burger Rub Recipe for Sour Cream Salad Dressing with less than 5 mg sodium per Tablespoon Low sodium treasures found in Convenience Stores Fast food we avoid Fast food to choose Bacon recipe - 155 mg sodium for the whole pound"
Price: 79.99 |
"Content Writing Secrets: Complete Guide to Content Marketing" |
"Welcome to the complete content writing course, where youll become a master at content marketing in no time.** Published Dec 2018 **Remarkable content is the key to getting more traffic to your website, so you can get more leads and increase your salesOr you can start working as a freelance content writer after taking this course.This is the most comprehensive and effective course for content writing on Udemy. Here's why:This is the only course taught by a professional content writer and marketerThe techniques and principles taught in this course were developed after years of working in the real world, driving real results and revenue for myself and my clientsI already have extensive experience teaching on Udemy, with over 14k students and 2k reviewsEverything covered is up-to-date and relevant to the marketing landscape in 2019This is the only complete beginner-advanced course that covers EVERYTHING you need to know about content writingInside the course, you'll learn:The critical marketing principles that you NEED to know before you write a single wordHow to write engaging, shareable posts by focusing on tone, voice, and flowThe secret to editing posts efficiently and saving hours of wasted timeEverything you need to know about on-page SEOHow to set up a website and blogWriting books and ebooks, copywriting, audience research, guest posting, list building and more.The ideal student for this course is:Somebody who is interested in web content writing and wants to grow their business with effective content marketing.Somebody who wants to start working as a freelance writer.Even if youre completely new to this and have never written before, thats fine - we cover everything. You just need a computer or laptop to get started!And if you already have a blog, but want to increase your traffic and reach more people, this course is also for you. Or perhaps you already work for a company who has asked you to write content for them. Youll learn everything you need to know inside.So if youre ready to take this shortcut by learning from somebody with experienceAnd you want to become a content writing expert in just a few hoursJoin the course today.If you dont absolutely love it, you can request a full refund within 30 days (no questions asked).Not ready to sign up just yet? Start by watching some of the free lectures, then join the course when youre ready.See you inside!- Lottie"
Price: 199.99 |
"Biochemistry (CHO, Lipid, Ptn, Enz. and vit. chemistry)" |
"( - - - - ) 2- 3- .....................................................Dr. Mahmoud Ettaweel - Medical biochemistry course and book== Course content: - CHO chemistry. - Lipid chemistry. - Ptn chemistry. - Enzymes. - Vitamins.Wait for other parts of course - Part II : Metabolism - Part III:Molecular biology and DNA"
Price: 19.99 |
"Biochemistry - Metabolism (CHO, Lipids, Ptn)" |
"( - - ) 2- 3- .....................................................Dr. Mahmoud Ettaweel - Medical biochemistry course and book== Course content: - CHO Metabolism. - Lipid Metabolism. - Ptn Metabolism.Wait for other parts of course - Part III:Molecular biology and DNA"
Price: 19.99 |
"Sfrdan Balayarak spanyolca Eitim Seti" |
"Hi kursa gitmeden spanyolca bilmek ister misiniz?Daha nce bir ka kez farkl yntemlerle spanyolca renmeyi denediniz ve olmadysanz, sorun sizde bulunuyor. imdi bu kurs ile SIFIRDAN balayarak, ileri seviye spanyolca renebilirsiniz. renmeniz gereken ey ite burada. Peki bir kursa gitmektense, neden bu eitim setini semelisiniz?ncelikle zaman kazanacaksnz . 20 saatten fazla video kursu demek, 3 kat yani 60 saat bir kursa gitmeniz anlamna gelir. Biliyorsunuz ki, 1 saatlik derste sadece 45 dk sre ile bir eitim oluyor. stelik bu kalan 45 dk srenin sadece 20 dk olan boyutu size zel konu anlatm. Geri kalan sre, baka ilem sorular ve tahtay okumanz ile geen sre. Udemy'de ders videolarn, dilediiniz kadar geri alarak, tekrar ederek renebilirsiniz. Daha iyi renebilmeniz iin;Her gn dzenli olarak gnde 2 saat aln ve aksatmamaya zen gsterin.Mutlakabir nceki gn rendiklerinizi tekrar ederek yeni bir konuyu renmeye balayn.Yeni bir deftere balayn ona rendiiniz yeni kelimeleri ekleyiniz .Konuma gelitirmek iin, egzersiz ve arkada bulun.Bu kurs ile sadece birka ayda spanyolca konuma ve anlamay reteceimize gveniyoruz!"
Price: 249.99 |
"Adobe Photoshop CC 2019'u Temelden leri Seviyeye renin!" |
"2009 ylndan beri Adobe Photoshopu aktif ekilde kullanan eitmenimiz, bu eitim araclyla deneyimlerini size aktaryor!Nereden balayacanz ya da nasl ilerleyeceinizi bilmiyor musunuz? Grsel tasarm hazrlamay renmi binlerce rencimizden oluan Video Eitim ailesine siz de katln! lk bir ay koulsuz iade hakk ile kaybedecek hibir eyiniz yok!renmeniz gereken bilgiler, nasl pratik yapacanz, anlamadnz konular iin danabileceiniz donanml ve gler yzl eitmen ile ihtiyacnz olan her ey ite burada. Program kullanmay hi bilmediinizi varsayarak en temelden balayp, st dzey grsel almalar hazrlayacak dzeye kadar birlikte ilerleyeceiz.Peki, neden kursa gitmek yerine bu eitim seti?ncelikle zaman kazanacaksnz. 10 saatten fazla video kurs demek, 3 kat yani 30 saat bir kursa gitmeniz demektir. Biliyorsunuz ki; 1 saatlik fiziksel kurs aldnzda dersin 45 dakikas snf ortamnda 15 dakikas mola olarak geirilir. stelik bu kalan 45 dk srenin sadece 20 dk olan ksm konu anlatm. Geri kalan sre ise, bakalarnn sorularnn yantlanmas, uygulamann tamamlamas iin geen sredir.Ek olarak; sizin ya da eitmeninizin kendinizi iyi hissetmedii durumlarda dersin verimliliinin dmesi kanlmazdr. Udemy platformunda yaynladmz eitimde ise; Dilediiniz zaman dilediiniz dersi tekrar tekrar izleme ansnz bulunuyor. Her konuda danabileceiniz uzman eitmenden destek alabiliyor olacaksnz. Ders srasnda dikkatinizin dalmamas iin zel teknikler kullanlmtr ve videolarn sreleri en ideal ekilde hazrlanmtr.Birlikte geireceimiz kurs srecinin sonunda rendiklerinizi uygulayp kendi almalarnz hazrlamanz durumunda tasarmc olmanz kanlmazdr.Takldnz hususlar ilgili dersin soru/cevap blmnden bize ulatrn!Hazrsanz balayalm :)"
Price: 399.99 |
"Temel ve ileri seviye ngilizce eitimi" |
"zel ders, ngilizce kursu veya yurt d eitimine zaman ve para harcamadan, akll cihaznz kullanacabileceiniz herhangi bir yerde iyi seviyede ngilizce renmeniz mmkn. Bu kurs ile sfrdan balayp ngilizce dzeyinizi ileri seviyeye tayabilirsiniz. Online ve offline olarak eriebileceiniz eitim setimizde sfrdan ileri seviyeye ngilizce ders anlatmlar aklamalar ve rnek altrmalaryla birlikte mevcut. Sadece gramer kurallarna deil, kelime bilgisi ve telaffuzuna da odaklandmz kursumuz size ngilizce o kadar da zor deilmi dedirtecek. Kursun sonunda ngilizce dizi veya filmleri altyazsz izleyebilecek, ngilizce cmleler kurup kendinizi ngilizce olarak ifade edebileceksiniz.Kursumuzda ngilizce zamanlarn tamam ayrntl ve rnek altrmalaryla, zenle gruplandrlm olarak kelimeler (saylar, saatler, hava durumu, evin blmleri, meslekler vb), Pratik ngilizce cmleler ve deyimler dzenli ve sistematik olarak kolaydan zora doru dizilmi bir biimde mevcut.Bu kurs iin herhangi bir ngilizce bilgisine ihtiyacnz yok.Kurs sonunda anlama, dinleme, konuma, yazma becerilerinizin ok gelitiini greceksiniz.Yurt d seyahatlerinize korkusuzca kabilecek, yabanc arkadalarnzla rahata sohbet edebileceksiniz.Dilediiniz zaman dilediiniz dersi tekrar tekrar izleme ansnz bulunuyor.Kursun kolay ulam zaman kaybn ortadan kaldrm oluyor.24 saat her konuda danabileceiniz uzman eitmenlerden destek alabiliyor olacaksnz."
Price: 409.99 |
"Photoshop CC 2019: A'dan Z'ye Uygulamalar zerinden renin" |
"Bu kurs Trke olarakhazrlanm ieriinde A'dan Z'ye tm teknik konular ieren ve birokuygulamaya sahip en geni kapsaml kurslardandr.Adobe Photoshop, gnmzn en ok tercih edilen profesyonelgrafik tasarmprogramlar ierisinde ilk sralarda yer almaktadr.Adobe firmas tarafndan hazrlanan, vektrel izim yapma imkan sunan, fotoraf maniplasyon ilemleri yapabilen, reklamlar ve grsel dzenlemeler yapmanza imkan salayan gelimi bir grafik tasarm programdr.Photoshop sayesinde gnmz reklamcl ve web tasarm sektr ok daha iyi bir noktaya geldi ve bu neden dolays ile artk sektrlerde ortaya kan almalar ok daha kaliteli oldu.Adobe Photoshop program sayesinde yapabileceiniz ilemlerin kesin bir snr sz konusu deildir. Grafiksel anlamda hayal edebileceiniz tm almalar yapmanza imkan tanyor. Genel olarak yapabilecekleriniz u ekilde sralanabilir;Logo TasarmWeb TasarmMaskot TasarmFotoraf Maniplasyonzel izimlerReklam HazrlamaAfi HazrlamaFotomontaj"
Price: 399.99 |
"HTML 5 VE CSS 3 ile sfrdan web sitesi yapm" |
"HTML Neler Sunuyor?- Grsel, yaz ve video gibi ieriklerin web sayfasna konumlandrlmasn salamaktadr.- Oluturulan bu ieriklerin doru ekilde internet sitelerinde grntlenmesini salar.- Arama motorlarna web siteleri hakknda bilgi verir.Html kodu yazmak iin bilgisayarlara bir program yklemek gerekmez. Wordpad, not defteri ya da word gibi ortalarda bir metin editr html sayfalar oluturabilir. Kod yazmay daha kolay hale getirmek iin dreamwear, sublime Text ve notepad++ gibi aralar kullanlabilir. Yazlan html kodlar kaydedilirken htm, xhtml ve html gibi tarayclarn anlayaca ekilde kaydedilmesi gerekir.CSS, Cascading Style Sheets kelimelerinin ksaltlmasndan olutur ve trke anlam Basamakl Stil ablonlar ya da Basamakl Biim Sayfalar eklindedir.CSS en temel haliyle HTML etiketlerimizin grsel andan biimlendirilmesini (Renk, yaz ekli, arka plan rengi, genilik, ykseklik, pozisyon durumu vs) salar."
Price: 359.99 |
"Temel ve ileri seviye javascript eitimi" |
"JavaScript olduka hzl ve kolay bir ekilde renilebilir ve web sitelerinin ilevini arttrmaktan oyunlar altrmaya kadar ou ama iin kullanlabilir.JavaScriptin en popular yazlm dillerinden birisi olmasnn sebebi, olduka ok amal olmasdr. ou gelitirici ilk olarak JavaScripte bavurur ve sadece belirli farkl bir zellie ihtiya duyulmas durumunda dier dillerden yardm alr.ilmeniz gerekenler:JavaScript renmesi nispeten kolaydr;Netscape tarafndan gelitirilmitir ve web sitelerinin %92sinde kullanlr;JS belirli web sayfas elerine veya tklama gibi hareketlere atanabilir;Farkl tarayc ve cihazlarda alr;Dier yazlm dillerinden daha hzl ve hafiftir;Poplerliinden dolay dier seeneklerden daha az gvenli olabilir;JavaScriptI dorudan HTMLe ekleyebilir veya farkl dosyalarda tutarak sadece ihtiya olduunda almasn salayabilirsiniz."
Price: 199.99 |
"Metasploit framework" |
"Metasploit . HD Moore 2003 Perl. 2007 Ruby. 2009 Rapid7"
Price: 29.99 |
"Android App Development Course Build TDS App Using Firebase" |
"Welcome to this (Android App Development Course Build TDS App Using Firebase) Project Base App Development Course. In This Android Course Students Will Learn How to complete a Real World Android App Using Firebase Database.You Will Learn Many Android Feature When you will develop this Android App.Here is Some List That You Are Going To Learn When you will Complete This CourseAndroid Firebase CRUD OperationAndroid RecyclerViewAndroid Complex UI Layout Design Android Firebase AuthenticationAndroid Firebase QueryAndroid Material DesignAndroid Custom Alert DialogYou Will learn how to work with android Card View.Sign Up Today And You Will Learn: How To Become an Android App Developer.How To Develop A Complete Android App.You Will Have A Good Project On your Profile that you can add on your CV When you Will Apply For Your Dream Job.After Complete This Course You Can Upload This App On Google Play store.You Will Learn About Android Firebase From Basics To Advanced.You Will Build A Complex Android App.Here is Some Feedback about my courses from my Students: ""I wanted an app development course that would show what is really important and that is what I got. I learned all features of Android for becoming Android developer. Certainly would recommend the course. """"Best android apps development course so far. First I learn basic of all android components. After that I learn how to develop real world android apps for client and App Store. I mostly like all firebase sections of this course. Instructor shows how to develop real world apps using firebase. After complete this section I learn a lot about firebase and I build many real world android apps. Thanks for your course.""""Best Android development course I have taken so far. The teacher has amazing teaching skills. He has the ability to describe all parts very clearly on a step-by-step basis. Highly recommended! """"Very well made course about Android Development. Will continue and hope to learn a lot more. I am very happy with what I have learned so far!"""
Price: 199.99 |
"Flutter Blog app Using Firestore Build ios & Android App" |
"Welcome to this (Flutter Blog app Using Firestore Build ios & Android App)App Development Course. In This Flutter Course Students Will Learn How to complete a Real World ios and Android App Using Cloud Firestore.When you will develop this Flutter App.Here is Some List That You Are Going To Learn When you will Complete This CourseFlutter Navigation DrawerFlutter AppBarFlutter Material DesignFlutter Card ViewFlutter WidgetFlutter Row and ColumnFlutter ListView BuilderYou Will Learn Firebase Cloud FirestoreYou Will Build a Complete Blog App Using Firestoreios and Android App Development Using FlutterSign Up Today And You Will Learn:How To Become a Flutter DeveloperHow To Develop A Complete ios and Android AppHow To Work With Cloud Firestore"
Price: 199.99 |
"Flutter ios&Android App With Firebase Backend (Project Base)" |
"Welcome to this (Flutter ios&Android App With Firebase Backend (Project Base))App Development Course. In This Flutter Course Students Will Learn How to complete a Real World ios and Android App Using Cloud Firestore.When you will develop this Flutter App.Here is Some List That You Are Going To Learn When you will Complete This CourseFlutter Navigation DrawerFlutter AppBarFlutter Material DesignFlutter Card ViewFlutter WidgetFlutter Row and ColumnFlutter ListView BuilderYou Will Learn Firebase Cloud Firestoreios and Android App Development Using FlutterYou Will Build Real World Flutter Application.You Will Learn Flutter Horizontal ListviewYou Will Learn Flutter Vertical ListViewSign Up Today And You Will Learn:How To Become a Flutter DeveloperHow To Develop A Complete ios and Android AppHow To Work With Cloud FirestoreHow To Work With Firestore StreamSubscriptionHow To Work With Cloud Firestore Advanced QueryHow To Work With Firestore CollectionsHere is Some Feedback about my courses from my Students: ""I wanted an app development course that would show what is really important and that is what I got. I learned all features of Android for becoming Android developer. Certainly would recommend the course. """"Best android apps development course so far. First I learn basic of all android components. After that I learn how to develop real world android apps for client and App Store. I mostly like all firebase sections of this course. Instructor shows how to develop real world apps using firebase. After complete this section I learn a lot about firebase and I build many real world android apps. Thanks for your course.""""Best Android development course I have taken so far. The teacher has amazing teaching skills. He has the ability to describe all parts very clearly on a step-by-step basis. Highly recommended! """"Very well made course about Android Development. Will continue and hope to learn a lot more. I am very happy with what I have learned so far!"""
Price: 199.99 |
"Android project base app development course build (Real App)" |
"Welcome to this Android project base app development course build (Real App). If you want to learn Android Apps development from scratch, then this is the course for you.In This Course First You Will Learn Basics of Android. After that you will learn how to develop a complete Project. This course is designed for create real World Android Apps.Here is Some List That You Are Going To Learn In This Android App Development Course:Android Layout Design XML/UIAndroid Date Picker DialogAndroid Bottom Navigation BarAndroid Menu barAndroid Fragment, Develop an App Using Android FragmentDevelop Android Project Show Case AppWork With Android Firebase DatabaseWork With Firebase AuthenticationAndroid Custom ToolbarAndroid Card ViewAndroid Firebase Insert OperationAndroid Firebase Update OperationAndroid Firebase Delete OperationAndroid FirebaseRecyclerAdapterSign Up To This Course and You Will Get:Project Base Android App Development Video LecturesReal World Example of Android ProjectBecome Master With Android Firebase DatabaseDevelop Complex Android App Using Firebase DatabaseHow To Become an Android App Developer? Step by Step Guide For Android App Development.Here is Some Feedback about this course from my Students:""This course is enough good for start android apps development.This course cover all basic features of android and then real world android apps.I Mostly like Expense Manager App section using firebase. Best course so far.this course contain a lot of information about android development.""""I wanted an app development course that would show what is really important and that is what I got. I learned all features of Android for becoming Android developer. Certainly would recommend the course. """"Best android apps development course so far. First I learn basic of all android components. After that I learn how to develop real world android apps for client and App Store. I mostly like all firebase sections of this course. Instructor shows how to develop real world apps using firebase. After complete this section I learn a lot about firebase and I build many real world android apps. Thanks for your course.""""Best Android development course I have taken so far. The teacher has amazing teaching skills. He has the ability to describe all parts very clearly on a step-by-step basis. Highly recommended! """"Very well made course about Android Development. Will continue and hope to learn a lot more. I am very happy with what I have learned so far!"""
Price: 24.99 |
"Android Development Course Build TopNote App Using Firebase" |
"Welcome to this (Android Development Course Build TopNote App Using Firebase ) Project Base App Development Course. In This Android Course Students Will Learn How to complete a Real World Android App Using Firebase Database.You Will Learn Many Android Feature When you will develop this Android App.Here is Some List That You Are Going To Learn When you will Complete This CourseAndroid Firebase CRUD OperationAndroid RecyclerViewAndroid Complex UI Layout DesignAndroid Firebase AuthenticationAndroid Firebase QueryAndroid Material DesignAndroid Custom Alert DialogYou Will learn how to work with android Card View.Sign Up Today And You Will Learn:How To Become an Android App Developer.How To Develop A Complete Android App.You Will Have A Good Project On your Profile that you can add on your CV When you Will Apply For Your Dream Job.After Complete This Course You Can Upload This App On Google Play store.You Will Learn About Android Firebase From Basics To Advanced.You Will Build A Complex Android App.You Will become master with Firebase QueryHere is Some Feedback about my courses from my Students:""I wanted an app development course that would show what is really important and that is what I got. I learned all features of Android for becoming Android developer. Certainly would recommend the course. """"Best android apps development course so far. First I learn basic of all android components. After that I learn how to develop real world android apps for client and App Store. I mostly like all firebase sections of this course. Instructor shows how to develop real world apps using firebase. After complete this section I learn a lot about firebase and I build many real world android apps. Thanks for your course.""""Best Android development course I have taken so far. The teacher has amazing teaching skills. He has the ability to describe all parts very clearly on a step-by-step basis. Highly recommended! """"Very well made course about Android Development. Will continue and hope to learn a lot more. I am very happy with what I have learned so far!"""
Price: 199.99 |
"Flutter Web Development Course Build Complete FlutterWeb App" |
"Welcome to this (Flutter Web Development Course Build Complete FlutterWeb App )Flutter Web App Development Course. In This Flutter Web Course Students Will Learn How to complete a Real World Flutter Web App.When you will develop this Flutter Web App. Here is Some List That You Are Going To Learn When you will Complete This CourseFlutter Web Navigation BarFlutter Material DesignFlutter Card ViewFlutter WidgetFlutter Row and ColumnFlutter ListView BuilderYou Will Build Real World Flutter Web Application.You Will Learn Flutter Horizontal ListviewYou Will Learn Flutter Vertical ListViewSign Up Today And You Will Learn:How To Become a Flutter Web DeveloperFlutter Single Page Web AppFlutter Web Material DesignFlutter Web AppFlutter Web App Column and Row StructureHere is Some Feedback about my courses from my Students:""I wanted an app development course that would show what is really important and that is what I got. I learned all features of Android for becoming Android developer. Certainly would recommend the course. """"Best android apps development course so far. First I learn basic of all android components. After that I learn how to develop real world android apps for client and App Store. I mostly like all firebase sections of this course. Instructor shows how to develop real world apps using firebase. After complete this section I learn a lot about firebase and I build many real world android apps. Thanks for your course.""""Best Android development course I have taken so far. The teacher has amazing teaching skills. He has the ability to describe all parts very clearly on a step-by-step basis. Highly recommended! """"Very well made course about Android Development. Will continue and hope to learn a lot more. I am very happy with what I have learned so far!"""
Price: 199.99 |
"Flutter API & JSON Course Build Real ios&Android(4 Real App)" |
"Welcome to this (Flutter API & JSON Course Build Real ios&Android(4 Real App))App Development Course. In This Flutter Course Students Will Learn How to complete a Real World ios and Android App Using JSON Data and API.When you will develop this Flutter App.Here is Some List That You Are Going To Learn When you will Complete This CourseFlutter Weather AppFlutter Sunrise and Sunset Time Finder AppHow to get Json Array DataHow to get Json Map DataHow to get Complex QueryFlutter Navigation DrawerFlutter AppBarFlutter Material DesignFlutter Card ViewFlutter WidgetFlutter Row and ColumnFlutter ListView Builderios and Android App Development Using FlutterYou Will Build Real World Flutter Application.You Will Learn Flutter Horizontal ListviewYou Will Learn Flutter Vertical ListViewSign Up Today And You Will Learn:How To Become a Flutter DeveloperHow To Work With JSON DataHow To Work With APIHow To Work With Complex API DataHow To Develop A Complete ios and Android AppHow To Develop Weather AppHow To Develop Sunrise Find Timer AppHere is Some Feedback about my courses from my Students:""I wanted an app development course that would show what is really important and that is what I got. I learned all features of Android for becoming Android developer. Certainly would recommend the course. """"Best android apps development course so far. First I learn basic of all android components. After that I learn how to develop real world android apps for client and App Store. I mostly like all firebase sections of this course. Instructor shows how to develop real world apps using firebase. After complete this section I learn a lot about firebase and I build many real world android apps. Thanks for your course.""""Best Android development course I have taken so far. The teacher has amazing teaching skills. He has the ability to describe all parts very clearly on a step-by-step basis. Highly recommended! """"Very well made course about Android Development. Will continue and hope to learn a lot more. I am very happy with what I have learned so far!"""
Price: 199.99 |
"- Understanding Functions & Differentiation" |
"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
Price: 99.99 |
"Fortnite Masterclass: Building and Pro Strategies (Console)" |
"Welcome to the Ultimate Console Fortnite Course to help you learn how to build and aim like a pro gamer. My name is DWrecked and I have over 1,200 wins, rank in the top few 3,000 players for total kills and have had seasonal bests of an 8 K/D and 34% win rate. This course will teach you pro strategies to win more build battles, improve your aim, and win more games. At the end of this course, youll be able to take high ground faster than other players with 90s, use pro moves like the TFue classic and Ghost Aydans aim assist to dominate your opponents, counter enemy moves in build battles before they think of them, play with high ground or low ground, and aim more consistently than ever before. This course is designed to teach you the core mechanics of the game, then learn advanced moves to dominate. Youll learn how to find your best sensitivity, the best aiming and shotgun tips, how to peek shot and anticipate enemy movements when sniping and the best strategies for ramping at an enemy. Youll learn how to retake high ground, counter enemy builds, kill players that keep spraying down your walls, and edit quicker. After taking this course, youll be able to outbuild your opponents, kills enemies more quickly, take less damage, and win more games. This course is designed to be active and engaging so youll not only learn the best tips from my instructions but youll also be able to practice and use them in game. Well be covering how you can find your personal, best sensitivity, the best aiming and shotgun tips, how to have more consistent aim, sniping tips and strategy, the best ways to ramp rush an enemy, how to retake high ground and counter enemy moves, win gunfights from low ground, use and counter cone pieces and pro ways to edit quicker.I put this course together to take you from your current skill level all the way up to an advanced player. Youll learn how to improve the three biggest parts of becoming an elite player by improving your building, aiming, and positioning.There arent any advanced strategies that you need to know to understand this course. You really only need to know basic concepts like how to shoot your gun or build a simple ramp and wall.After taking this course youll know:How to find the perfect controller bindings and sensitivity that works best for you, individually,How to aim and use aim assist betterThe best tips for pushing an enemy, taking high ground, and retaking high ground quicklyAdvanced strategies for shooting while staying safeWhat to do in the middle of a build fightHow to position yourself better than your enemyHow to counter your enemies buildsAnd how to edit quickly for some insane kills."
Price: 149.99 |