"Deploying Hadoop Cluster on AWS using Cloudera Director" |
"This course is for experienced Hadoop administrators who want to learn Cloudera Altus Director . This course will help you understand cloudera director starting from installation and deploying cloudera hadoop cluster and then terminating cluster.I recommend you to practice this tool a lot and try with Azure and GCP cloud platform as well."
Price: 19.99 |
"[2020] Le guide COMPLET du Growth Hacking pour cartonner" |
"Dcouvrez ce qu'est VRAIMENT le Growth Hacking : D'abord une mthodologie de travail prcise, rigoureuse et surtout applicable n'importe quel projet avant d'tre une liste de techniques pour embarquer des utilisateurs. Je vous propose ici un guide complet, tous mes conseils pour atteindre la croissance et faire de vos utilisateurs de rels ambassadeurs de votre marque.------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------JEU CONCOURS AVEC DES TAS DE LOTS A GAGNER :Pour vous remercier d'avoir suivi ce cours, je vous propose de vous envoyer, chez vous, un p'tit colis avec tous les goodies de diffrents projets prsents pendant ce cours (Pleins de trucs cool!). Conditions : Pour TOUTES les personnes ayant suivi mon cours depuis sa cration jusqu'au 31/01/2020 je ferai un tirage au sort pour proposer 3 gagnant(e)s diffrents lots :) Tirage au sort dbut Fvrier! Let's gooo------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------Transformez vos visiteurs en utilisateurs actifs et en ambassadeurs de votre marque. Cette mthodologie qui a fait ses preuves travers de nombreuses entreprises tout autour du globe va vous permettre d'analyser correctement votre produit, d'en amliorer l'efficacit et surtout de mettre le doigt sur ce qui fonctionne vraiment en rapport avec votre cible. Dcouvrez les concepts du Growth hacking : De l'ide la croissance :Quel profil pour tre un top growth hacker et comment le devenirLes rgles du Growth hacking : Pourquoi elles sont rvolutionnaires ?Les meilleurs exemples de hacks et comment les appliquer votre projetDcouvrez les secrets bien gards du Growth hacking :Comment tudier sa cible et crer des persona efficacesComment atteindre le Product Market Fit : La clef des projets qui cartonnentMon retour d'exprience chez Allopneus et les succs et checs du lancement de ma start-up !Entrez dans le vif du sujet : Les tapes pour faire dcoller votre projet :Acquisition : Embarquez des milliers de nouveaux visiteurs sur votre site ou votre appActivation : Transformez ces visiteurs en utilisateursRtention : Faites de ces personnes des utilisateurs actifs & fidlesReferral : Poussez vos utilisateurs en inviter d'autres pour encore plus d'acquisitionRevenue : Gagnez de l'argent avec votre produit en imaginant sa montisationBonus : Apprenez grer vos premiers utilisateurs et faites en vos ""chouchous""Apprenez analyser votre produit et dcouvrir ce qui intresse vraiment votre cible :Apprenez analyser votre app mobile comme un pro avec une prsentation et une dmo COMPLETE de l'outil MixpanelApprenez analyser votre site comme un un pro avec une prsentation et une dmo COMPLETE de l'outil HotjarDcouvrez l'outil Geckoboard, et apprenez faire des tableaux de bord pour grer vos projetsEtudiez les ""hacks"" qui peuvent aider votre projet via des dmonstrations concrtesApprenez acqurir du trafic sans dpenser 1 via dmos compltes sur :Facebook : Dtournez du trafic qualifi pour votre site ou votre appTwitter : Donnez de la visibilit votre compteInstagram : Gagnez des followers et de la visibilitLinkedIn : Rendez votre profil visible et faites vous remarquerYoutube : Faites dcoller votre chaineEt tous les outils techniques et de gestion pour dcoller !Zoom sur le web et les e-Commerce. Les secrets des plus grands marchands Franais :Grez vos prix efficacement et devenez comptitif face aux mastodontes du secteurApprenez la technique FOMO et vendez plus !Trucs & astuces pour mieux grer sa communaut et ses clientsLes points clefs du rfrencement naturelZoom sur les apps mobile. Mes astuces appliquer votre app :Toutes les erreurs viter sur l'AppStore et le PlaystoreGrez les avis ngatif et mettez vos utilisateurs contribution pour grer vos bugsCrez des campagnes de notification efficace (et faites exploser votre activation / rtention)Toutes les astuces de Facebook Ads pour votre appDcouvrez la fonctionnalit cache de TwitterAu terme de ce cours, vous aurez une connaissance approfondie de ce qu'est le Growth hacking et disposerez de comptences en en growth marketing dont peu de personnes en poste peuvent actuellement se prvaloir. Vous aurez alors les talents ncessaires et suffisants pour lancer votre propre projet et faire dcoller votre marque (App, site web, compte Instagram, chaine youtube ou mme magasin physique), prtendre un poste de Growth hacker dans de nombreuses start-up qui recrutent ici et ailleurs ou encore proposer vos services de consultant expert pour accompagner des entreprises partout dans le monde.Je vous souhaite une bonne formation ! :) Retrouvez moi sur Twitter ou ici pour changer avant, pendant ou aprs ce cours !Bon courageA tout de suite ;)Yannick"
Price: 199.99 |
"Deep Learning & Neural Nets Mathematical Derivations-Part-1" |
"Deep Learning is surely one of the hottest topics nowadays, with a tremendous amount of practical applications in many many fields.Those applications include, without being limited to, image classification, object detection, action recognition in videos, motion synthesis, machine translation, self-driving cars, speech recognition, speech and video generation, natural language processing and understanding, robotics, and many many more. Now you might be wondering : There is a very large number of courses well-explaining deep learning, why should I prefer this specific course over them ? The answer is : You shouldn't ! Most of the other courses heavily focus on ""Programming"" deep learning applications as fast as possible, without giving detailed explanations on the underlying mathematical foundations that the field of deep learning was built upon. And this is exactly the gap that my course is designed to cover. It is designed to be used hand in hand with other programming courses, not to replace them.Since this series is heavily mathematical, I will refer many many times during my explanations to sections from my own college level linear algebra course. In general, being quite familiar with linear algebra is a real prerequisite for this course. Please have a look at the course syllables, and remember : This is only part (I) of the deep learning series!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Outlook 2019 3-Course Bundle (Intro, Adv, & Email Etiquette)" |
"Save 20% by purchasing this 3-course bundle; which teaches you all you need to know about Microsoft Outlook 2019. An email etiquette course designed to help with formatting and editing email messages is also included in this great bundle!This bundle includes: Microsoft Outlook 2019 BeginnerMicrosoft Outlook 2019 AdvancedBusiness Skills: Email EtiquetteEmail is in an important tool in today's business world. With its prevalence, it is imperative this tool is used professionally and properly.In the beginner course of Microsoft Outlook 2019; students will learn the basics of Microsoft Outlook 2019 and help them gain familiarity with the Outlook environment and basic functionality. Students will learn the basics of email, how to use the Help feature, how to create and send messages, and how to work with attachments. Students will also learn organizational techniques through the use of folders, views, categories, flags, and searching. Additionally, students will review printing options, automatic replies, contact creation and management, calendar use and management, task and note creation and management, message options, and email signatures.In the advanced course of Microsoft Outlook 2019; students will expand upon their existing knowledge and learn and use advanced features of Microsoft Outlook 2019. Students will modify and manage message options, track and delivery options, voting options, contact options, calendar options, and other advanced Outlook features. Students will also review rules and automation, cleanup commands, sharing options, advanced graphic options, junk mail options, import and export features, and how to back up their Outlook data.In the email etiquette course within this bundle; students will understand best practices for setting up and composing email, and responding to messages, formatting messages, proofing messages and offers tips to minimize common mistakes like missing attachments, wrong addressing and more. "
Price: 89.99 |
"PowerPoint 365 2-Course Bundle (Introduction & Advanced)" |
"Save 20% on our PowerPoint 365 courses by purchasing this bundle!This bundle includes:PowerPoint 365 BeginnerPowerPoint 365 AdvancedIn the beginner portion of this course, students will get started with PowerPoint 365 and become familiar with the Ribbon, interface, and navigation options. Additionally, students will create a presentation and work with various features and commands to make it easier to work in PowerPoint. Students will also review presentation editing options, text formatting options, various graphic options and insertion methods, how to add, edit, and format tables and charts in a presentation, and various presentation preparation and delivery options.In the advanced portion of this course, students will learn the various collaboration tools in Microsoft PowerPoint 365 such as reusing slides, creating slides from Word, and working with Excel. Students will learn to utilize the power of Slide Masters, create custom themes, and design custom templates. In addition, students will learn to create exciting presentations by animating text and objects, add slide transitions, and use advanced graphic features including SmartArt, and audio and video. Finally, students will present like a pro by using advanced presentation features including annotations, hyperlinks and action buttons, timings, recordings, and creating videos, and review additional advanced slideshow options."
Price: 64.99 |
"Front End & Fullstack - React 16.8 +" |
"React provides the perfect solution for creating JavaScript-based interfaces, with a huge range of uses for it including building native mobile apps and web apps. This class will teach you to build dynamic website components and real-time applications with React.js.React is a Javascript library, developed in 2013 by Jordan Walke of Facebook. Youll find React is both very popular (its the 5th most starred JS library on GitHub) and used on major sites including on Facebook, Netflix, and Khan Academy. Youll love the flexibility of using React with your favorite web technologies (except for jQuery!), and this path will take you from the fundamentals all the way up to building full apps with custom styling. With this class, learn the A-Z of React : the basics and fundamentals with snack-bite size video lessons. From simple to complex, tutorials and exercises will help you get up to speed fast with the main concepts of web development with react.jsUnderstanding React Components (stateless and stateful components)writing and displaying data with JSX Networking with asynchronous HTTP requests & RESTFul APIsMaintain your Application's StatePassing dynamic data with props objectsComponent lifecycle (componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate)Communication between componentsEvents and event bindingWorking with State and HTML5 LocalStorageCreating maintainable code with JavaScript ModulesData Persistence with ReduxRouting with React Router 4Taking advantage of new ES6 FeaturesThe React Hooks (useState, useEffect)+ So much more What we will be building together? A real-time and single page application - Countdown Timer - stating how many days, hours and minutes are left until this awesome event you look forward to.The classic Todo List example to get up to speed with the basics and main concepts in a short amount of time An interactive - checklist - developed with the Bootstrap Library, Font Awesome icons & HTML5 LocalstorageA front to back example with MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js & Node.js)a weather widget with the Restful API openweathermap(dot)org+ So much more Who is this class for?Anyone willing to learn and build solid frontend skillsDevelopers who wish to grow and sharpen their javascript skills"
Price: 189.99 |
"Basics of Financial Markets A Complete Study" |
"Welcome to this course on Basics of Financial Markets A Complete StudyBy enrolling in this course, you will learna) Meaning of Financial Marketb) Scope of Financial Marketc) Types of Financial Marketsd) Role of Financial Marketse) Functions of Financial MarketsThis course is structured in self paced learning style. Please use your head set for effective listening and have a note pad and pen with you to practice along with the lecture.See you inside the course."
Price: 109.99 |
"Corporate Accounting for Beginners" |
"Welcome to your course Corporate Accounting for BeginnersIf Corporate Accounting is your complex area to understand in accounting, then worry not - This course will make it simple and easier for you!By taking this course, you will learn abouta) What is Companyb) Characteristics of Companyc) Meaning and Types of Sharesd) Divisions of Share Capitale) Issue of Equity Sharesf) Process of Issue of Equity Sharesg) Accounting for Issue of Equity SharesThis course is structured in self paced learning style. Please use your head set for effective listening and have a note pad and pen with you to practice along with the lecture.See you inside the course."
Price: 99.99 |
"Certified Authentic Living Coach - Specialist training" |
"Isn't it just so easy to follow the crowd? It seems it takes guts sometimes to be yourself.. This course is for the people that want to stand out and be themselves regardless of what the 'norm' is. Your power is in your uniqueness and being authentic is a part of that. If you cant be true to yourself who can you be true to right? This course shows you how to pull your true self back to the forefront of your mind and helps you coaches to do the same. This is a unique course that draws on decades of experience from one of the worlds leading online coaches/ instructors."
Price: 159.99 |
"facebook marketplace: Selling Stuff, Organize Mind ZeroWaste" |
"I am sharing my real example of how I helped my friend 4 bedrooms house to clear within 4 weeks. We even sold the house within 2 weeks. This class is a masterclass of facebook marketplace to sell your Clutter into cash. This class all in one from Part 1 to 3.- Tips to list and sell quicker- How to turn inquiries into a buyer- How to hire someone to DeClutter- How to get hired as DeClutter Helper"
Price: 34.99 |
"AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty 2020 - Hands On!" |
"[ v2020: The course was recorded in October 2019 and will be kept up-to-date all of 2020. Happy learning! ]Nervous about passing the AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty exam (MLS-C01)? You should be! There's no doubt it's one of the most difficult and coveted AWS certifications. A deep knowledge of AWS and SageMaker isn't enough to pass this one - you also need deep knowledge of machine learning, and the nuances of feature engineering and model tuning that generally aren't taught in books or classrooms. You just can't prepare enough for this one.This certification prep course is taught by Frank Kane, who spent nine years working at Amazon itself in the field of machine learning. Frank took and passed this exam on the first try, and knows exactly what it takes for you to pass it yourself. Joining Frank in this course is Stephane Maarek, an AWS expert and popular AWS certification instructor on Udemy.In addition to the 9-hour video course, a 30-minute quick assessment practice exam is included that consists of the same topics and style as the real exam. You'll also get four hands-on labs that allow you to practice what you've learned, and gain valuable experience in model tuning, feature engineering, and data engineering.This course is structured into the four domains tested by this exam: data engineering, exploratory data analysis, modeling, and machine learning implementation and operations. Just some of the topics we'll cover include:S3 data lakesAWS Glue and Glue ETLKinesis data streams, firehose, and video streamsDynamoDBData Pipelines, AWS Batch, and Step FunctionsUsing scikit_learnData science basicsAthena and QuicksightElastic MapReduce (EMR)Apache Spark and MLLibFeature engineering (imputation, outliers, binning, transforms, encoding, and normalization)Ground TruthDeep Learning basicsTuning neural networks and avoiding overfittingAmazon SageMaker, in depthRegularization techniquesEvaluating machine learning models (precision, recall, F1, confusion matrix, etc.)High-level ML services: Comprehend, Translate, Polly, Transcribe, Lex, Rekognition, and moreSecurity best practices with machine learning on AWSMachine learning is an advanced certification, and it's best tackled by students who have already obtained associate-level certification in AWS and have some real-world industry experience. This exam is not intended for AWS beginners.If there's a more comprehensive prep course for the AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty exam, we haven't seen it. Enroll now, and gain confidence as you walk into that testing center."
Price: 199.99 |
"Kubernetes para Desarrolladores" |
"Kubernetes es un sistema de cdigo abierto para automatizar la implementacin, el escalado y la administracin de aplicaciones en contenedores. Originalmente fue diseado por Google y ahora es mantenido por la Cloud Native Computing Foundation.Kubernetes se ha convertido en un standard de cmo ejecutar aplicaciones en el cloud. Todas las grandes empresas soportan kubernetes: AMAZON, GOOGLE, IBM, etc.Kubernetes est a la vanguardia de la implementacin de aplicaciones. La mejor manera de comenzar tu carrera en DevOps es aprender cmo implementar Kubernetes de manera efectiva.Este curso est orientado principalmente para DESARROLLADORES.Nosotros como desarrolladores nos vamos a centrar en los conceptos ms comunes y en la optimizacin de todos los procesos de desarrollo en kunernetes.Despus de cada concepto que presentemos haremos un ejercicio para validar los conocimientos adquiridos."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn To Create A Roguelike Game In Unity 2019" |
"Learn how to create and program your very own Roguelike Dungeon Crawling game using Unity, an industry-standard game development program used by large gaming studios and indie developers across the world. In this course you wont just be learning programming concepts, but tying these concepts to real game development uses. You will have access to a course forum where you can discuss the topics covered in the course as well as the next steps to take once the course is complete.This course has been designed to be easily understandable to everyone, so whether youre a complete beginner, an artist looking to expand their game development range or a programmer interested in understanding game design, this course will help you gain a greater understanding of development.At the end of this course you will have developed the ability to create such game elements as:Full top-down character movement with DashingGenerating Procedural LevelsFull Weapon Collection & Switching SystemEnemies with different movement and firing patternsMultiple Characters & Character SwitchingShooting SystemComplete Health SystemCreating tile-based maps in UnityShop systemIn-Game MapsBoss BattlesAnd more!...Start learning today and let me help you become a game developer!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Interpersonal Skills for Elite Leaders and Project Managers" |
"Want to join the league of Elite Leaders and Project Managers? If so, you've come to the right place!This course, Interpersonal Skills for Elite Leaders and Project Managers, is a specialization program that provides you a practical perspective of enhancing your Interpersonal Skills and being an excellent Leader and/or Project Manager. This is one of the best Interpersonal Skills programs dedicated for senior leaders and project managers that not only helps you understand how to interact with your peers, colleagues, superiors and subordinates but also helps you absorb the content through interesting examples in a step-by-step manner. The structure of this this Interpersonal Skills course allows you to understand how to easily apply your knowledge and skills in your personal as well as work environment. This in-turn helps you get the desired visibility in your organization resulting in career growth and a positive impact on your salary. This Interpersonal Skills course not only adds the effective interaction skills to your communication style but also provides you an opportunity to enhance your personality, harness your charisma, increase your impact, influence and income.Whether you are in the business world or a social scene you have to master the impact you have on the world.My goal is to make you memorable, influential and charismatic.How this Course will change your life?When you walk into a room, people will remember you for your interpersonal skillsWhen you introduce yourself, people will want to know your nameWhen you meet someone, they will want to do business with youWho this course is for?Corporate EmployeesSenior LeadersMid-Level ManagersTeam LeadersProject ManagersYOU!What will you gain by doing this course?By the end of the course, you will harness the little tricks to get into the league of Elite Leaders and Project ManagersYou will learn the skills of handling othersYou will understand the subtle adjustments you need to make within you to win peopleYou will learn incredible techniques for telephonic conversationsWhat makes this course a Bestseller?Like you, thousands of others were frustrated and fed up with fragmented online know-it-all tutorials which assumed you can understand the complex process of Interpersonal Skills and left you without having practice what you have learnt.Like you, they were tired of low-quality lessons, poorly explained topics and all-round confusing info presented in a wrong way. That's why so many find success in this Interpersonal Skills program. It's designed with simplicity and seamless progression in mind through its HD, comprehensive tutorials.The course is very well structured:The course length is over 1 hourYou enhance your Interpersonal Skills to handle others, self and also telephonic conversationsThese concepts are explained in 3 sections; each section is dedicated to a specific type of Interpersonal SkillThese concepts are taught in 20+ lecturesEach lecture covers bite-sized information; easy to grasp and applyEach lecture consists of a video screencastEach section is well rounded with:A section objective at the beginningThen the concept is discussed at lengthThen examples are discussed to review concepts from a practical perspectiveThis is followed by an activity Each section ends with an apt summaryThe training presentation used in every lecture is provided as a downloadable pdfSome students prefer to get a consolidated pack of training presentation. That is provided too in the last lecture of this course. There are 20+ downloadable files****Are you a Business Leader or Project Manager****This Interpersonal Skills Program assumes that you are a business leader or project manager. With over 1 hour of on-demand video, over 20 lectures, over 20 supplemental resources and several activities, these comprehensive tutorials cover everything you'll ever need to learn effective Interpersonal Skills.Whether you want to:Impress Your ManagementWalk in the room with immense confidenceDrive your team members crazy about youHave impeccable sales impactOR Simply bring your own ideas to life ....this complete Interpersonal Skills program is exactly what you need, and more. (You'll even get a certificate of completion to add to your arsenal).This course is backed by Udemy's 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason, you will get the money back. In addition to that you will keep all the downloadable reference documents of the course as a thank you for trying out our course!What are you waiting for? Enroll today and join the elite league of Leaders and Project Managers!!!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Aprende SWMM para ""SIMULAR drenajes"" desde cero" |
"Te invito a APRENDER como Simular sistemas de drenajes con SWMM. El curso est concebido tanto para estudiantes que se enfrentan por primera vez al programa, as como para aqullos que disponen de un conocimiento bsico del funcionamiento del mismo. APRENDERS a evaluar y DISEAR sistemas de drenaje urbano y alcantarillado sanitario y a adaptar tus SOLUCIONES a tus normas locales (Velocidades y Tirantes maximos)ANIMATE....las Clases son muy PRCTICAS para que aprendas rpido, adems los contenidos se pueden adaptar al nivel de conocimientos previos del alumno, relativos a conceptos hidrolgicos e hidrulicos, pues el curso cuenta con informacin, datos claves y descargas opcionales de informacin que les permitirn la asimilacin de conceptos a aquellos usuarios menos expertos.Incluso en una de las CLASES podrs descargar y usar MATLAB para analizar la capacidad de una RED de DRENAJE automticamente.Tendrs ACCESO TOTAL a los archivos de trabajo que sirven de ejemplos resueltos y por supuesto a los videos explicativos para una asimilacin rpida de las clases."
Price: 34.99 |
"Course 9:Implementing PowerShell Security Best Practice 2019" |
"Course DescriptionThe primary objective of Windows PowerShell was to help IT professionals and power users control and automate the administration of the Windows operating system and applications that run on Windows.To take advantage of the benefits that Windows PowerShell has to offer, while at the same time, minimise security-related risks, it is essential to understand the primary aspects of Windows PowerShell operational security. Another aspect that is critical to consider in the context of this course is the role of Windows PowerShell in security exploits.You will then explore the most common Windows PowerShell-based techniques employed by hackers in order to leverage existing access to a Windows operating system to facilitate installation of malicious software, carry out reconnaissance tasks, establish its persistence on the target computer, and promote lateral movement. You will also review some of Windows PowerShell-based security tools that facilitate penetration testing, forensics, and reverse engineering of Windows PowerShell exploits. To conclude the course, you will provide a summary of technologies recommended by the Blue Team that are geared towards implementing comprehensive, defense-in-depth security against Windows PowerShell-based attacks.Course OutlineModule 1, PowerShell Fundamentals"", In this module, you will learn about PowerShell fundamentals, including its architectural design, its editions and versions, and basics of interacting with PowerShell, you will learn in practical the difference between FullCLR and CoreCLR, how to install PowerShell core on Windows, Linux and MAC, and how to deal with PowerShell profiles.Module 2, PowerShell Operational Security"", In this module, you will learn about enhancing operating system security by leveraging built-in Windows PowerShell features and technologies that are part of the Windows PowerShell operational environment.In practical side of this module you will learn to deal with below: 1. Upgrade execution policy level to increase security level in your network. 2. Deal with code signing certificate. 3. Authenticate script file with authorized certificate.Module 3, Implementing PowerShell-based Security"", The purpose of this module is to present the most common and effective methods of leveraging Windows PowerShell to enhance operating system security. These methods include:Protecting from unintended configuration changes by relying on PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC)Implementing the principle of least privilege in remote administration scenarios by using Just Enough Administration (JEA)Tracking and auditing events that might indicate exploit attempts by using Windows PowerShell logging.Module 4, Windows PowerShell-based Exploits and their Mitigation "", In this module, we will first approach the Windows PowerShell-based security from the Red Teams perspective. We will explore the most common Windows PowerShell-based techniques employed by hackers in order to leverage existing access to a Windows operating system to facilitate installation of malicious software, carry out reconnaissance tasks, establish its persistence on the target computer, and promote lateral movement. We will also review some of Windows PowerShell-based security tools that facilitate penetration testing, forensics, and reverse engineering of Windows PowerShell exploits. To conclude the module and the course, we will provide a summary of technologies recommended by the Blue Team that are geared towards implementing comprehensive, defense-in-depth security against Windows PowerShell-based attacks.Module 5, Network & Firewall"", In this practical module, you will learn how to write ports scanner script, test network servers, and use 4 different methods to secure ports using firewall.Module 6, Domain inventory"", In this practical module, you will learn how to detect suspected profile in any domain PCs, deploy your code for profile detection, write other inventory codes to create reports of AD groups, users, GPOs ..etc, write script to manage registry key and values .Module 7, Domain shares"", In this module, you will learn how to deal with network shares, you will write a script to manage following scenarios:Domain servers sharesShared Directory security infoNetwork sharesBy end of this course you have necessary skills to enroll into course 10: Hack windows Server 2019 using PowerShell & WMI, and you will be able to write the main tool script with 3500+ code lines in that course."
Price: 149.99 |
"Crer une boutique ecommerce professionnelle avec prestashop" |
"Dans cette formation vous dcouvrirez comment crer de belles boutiques en ligne et qui fonctionnent merveille grce prestashop. Un systme moins populaire que shopify ou woocommerce mais qui est rellement adapt au e-commerce, et plus puissant que ces deux autres.Dans quelques heures, vous pourrez commencer mettre vos produits en ligne, et faire des ventes sur internet, et vous transformer en e-commerant.Qu'allez-vous gagner en apprenant utiliser Prestashop au lieu d'un autre systme de boutique en ligne?Les systmes comme shopify ou woocommerce bien qu'ils soient centrs sur la vente ont de nombreux inconvnients (abonnements payants, designs trop carrs, plugins payants, processus de paiement trop long). Pour faire bref, oui, ils sont trs populaires, mais ils ont aussi d'normes dfauts qui nuisent aux ventes.Ce qui n'arrive pas avec Prestashop car il n'a pas t conu l'origine pour une autre utilisation (comme woocommerce qui est un plugin wordpres), ou Shopify qui lui a t conu un peu comme wix pour que n'importe qui puisse faire une boutique e-commerce rapidement au lieu d'un site.Mme si ces deux systmes sont sympas et accessible. Prestashop lui est vritablement ddi aux e-commerants purs et durs. Il est ddi aux commerants en ligne qui veulent sinscrivent dans la dure, et qui dsirent avoir une boutique populaire et qui compte sur internet (on va aussi travailler l'optimisation des fiches produits ensemble) . Prestashop est donc un outil pour les gens srieux qui ne vont pas arrter leur boutique en ligne au bout de 3 mois, mais qui vont vouloir l'inscrire sur internet pendant des annes (et en faire quelque chose qui va amener des ventes et revenus automatiquement grce au bon travail effectu). Est-ce le genre de boutique que vous avez envie de crer?Si oui, allez hop en route avec moi!Est-ce une formation pour vous?Si vous voulez apprendre comment crer votre propre boutique en ligne de A Z, et dcouvrir un systme moins connu que woocommerce ou shopify, mais plus performant, et spcialement conu en pensant aux e-commerant, alors cette formation est faite pour vous. Si vous ne vous fiez qu'aux chiffres, aux tendances, et au modes pour les systmes de vente utiliser, alors cette formation n'est pas faite pour vous. Dans cette formation, on va avoir une rflexion et stratgie globale sur votre boutique ensemble, l'installer, crer les produits, les modalits de livraisons, grer les commandes, optimiser le rfrencement. En bref, on va poser ensemble toutes les bases dont vous avez besoin pour lancer votre propre boutique en ligne. Et plus globalement dcortiquer ensemble toutes les fonctionnalits de Prestashop ensemble pour que vous soyez totalement autonome dans son utilisation.Une info importante et mconnue : En France Prestashop reprsente 30% des systmes de boutiques en ligne. C'est donc une valeur sure, et comme vous allez le voir dans cette formation, c'est simplement l'outil qu'il vous faut pour vous lancer dans la vente en ligne, quoi que vous vendiez. Il est fait pour a..."
Price: 19.99 |
"LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 (6 Practice Exams)" |
"** Dion Training Solutions is an Platinum Publishing Partner for the LPI Linux Essentials (010-160) certification **Do you need to earn your LPI Linux Essentials (010-160) certification? If so, you've come to the right place! I have personally trained over 100,000 people just like you in how to pass their exams on the first attempt!With 6 practice exams containing 40 questions each, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test. After passing these exams, you will be fully prepared for what it is like to take the LPI Linux Essentials (010-160) Certification Exam.This practice exam course is designed around the official exam objectives for the LPI Linux Essentials (010-160) certification, weighting the 19 Knowledge Areas properly, so you can pass the actual LPI Linux Essentials (010-160) Certification Exam with confidence! You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to pass the exam, saving you time and money. After practicing these tests and scoring an 80% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS your certification on the first attempt and avoid costly re-scheduling fees. After each practice exam attempt, you will receive your total final score, along with feedback on each and every question -- telling you exactly why each answer is correct so that you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and perform some additional studying. These LPI Linux Essentials (010-160) Practice Exams have the timed test taking capability and provides you with interactive, question-level feedback. I have the best-selling LPI Linux Essentials (010-160) training courses on the Udemy platform and I invite you to visit my instructor profile to learn more about me, the certifications that I hold, and read the reviews of my courses. You won't be disappointed!This course is constantly updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the LPI Linux Essentials (010-160) exams, and also provides you with a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked!What Other Students Are Saying About Our Practice Certification Exam courses:Very effective tool for preparing to take the exam! (Evon, 5 stars)Thank you for the practice exams! Passed on the first try. Thanks again!!!!!! (Desmond, 5 stars)These exams give the student a very good idea about how difficult the real exam questions will be. I was prepared, and passed the exam this morning. Well worth the cost. (Steve, 5 stars)The LPI Linux Essentials (010-160) course on this page are offered by Dion Training Solutions, LLC, a platinum publishing partner of the Linux Professional Institute (LPI)."
Price: 99.99 |
"Manufacturing Process - Laser Cutting for Product Designers" |
"In this course you will learn how to make use of laser cutting process for prototyping for manufacturing our products. What are materials we can and cannot use? What are the CAD considerations a designer must keep in his mind while making the CAD model? How to make use of joints to assemble product?We have taught from the very basic level to a professional level. Concepts such as laser generation, difference between laser cutting, laser marking and laser engraving are taught in such a way that any individual can make use of laser cutting process to make his/her idea real"
Price: 19.99 |
"General Educational Development (GED) tests" |
"The General Educational Development (GED) exam is a group of four tests that assess an individual's knowledge of academic subjects typically taught in high school. Test takers who pass all four sections earn a certificate of completion from the state where the test was held. This certificate is regarded by many employers, colleges, and post-secondary schools as an equivalent of a high school diploma.Possible scores on an individual test within the GED battery range from a minimum of 100 to a maximum of 200. A score of 200 on an individual test puts the student in the top 1% of graduating high school seniors. ACE issues recommendations for what constitutes a minimum passing score for any given sub-test (currently 145) and for the test as a whole (currently 580i.e., an average of 145 per test across all four sub-tests). Although most GED-issuing jurisdictions (for the most part, Boards of Education of U.S. states) adopt these minimum standards as their own, a jurisdiction may establish higher standards for issuance of the certificate if it chooses. Many jurisdictions award honors-level equivalency diplomas to students meeting certain criteria higher than those for a standard diploma in a given jurisdiction. Some districts hold graduation ceremonies for GED Tests passers and/or award scholarships to the highest scorers."
Price: 89.99 |
"LFCS: Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator" |
"Who Should Take This CourseLinux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) certification candidatesAnyone interested in learning about Linux from the ground upJunior system administrators who want to deepen their skillsAdministrators currently administering UNIX systems and developers who write software for LinuxDevops Engineers that want to build their Linux skillsCourse RequirementsThe ideal target student wants to learn Linux from the ground up, and carry through to the LFCS exam. They will start with the Linux Fundamentals portion of the course, and then get into the details for LFCS exam prep.Topics include the following:Module 1: Essential CommandsModule 2: User and Group Management and PermissionsModule 3: NetworkingModule 4: Operating Running SystemsModule 5: Storage ManagementModule 6: Service ConfigurationModule 7: Managing Virtualization"
Price: 99.99 |
"Ultimate Guide To PHP IDEs" |
"""If you know your tool good, probably you know your job good."" There are a lot of PHP IDEs available for PHP developers, both free and commercial. Having a good understanding and experience of different tools help you better decide which IDE is right for you, without spending too much money. In the meantime, this knowledge gives you a deeper insight into the different tasks performed by these IDEs. This course is for people who are curious about different PHP IDEs, but simply cannot risk their workflow by changing their current IDE as well as those who are just getting started and wonder which IDE is better. The course will try to tell you what you need to know about different IDEs including PhpStorm, NetBeans, Eclipse, Atom, and VS Code in a summarized and efficient fashion. Along the way, you will learn about the features available in different IDEs, pricing, and basic usage and decide for yourself which tool is right for you. In this course, I will gladly share with you my years of experience and knowledge of working with different tools and technologies to help you get started easily and quickly. The course comes with a 30-day guarantee, during which you can take your money back if you didn't find the course meeting your expectations, thus, there is absolutely zero risk in taking this course. So, if you want to become a better PHP programmer, do not hesitate to buy the course and join me in this amazing path. Note: PhpStorm, Eclipse, NetBeans, Atom and VS Code and other trademarks used in the course are the properties of their respective owners."
Price: 99.99 |
"Become a Mac Power User with HomeBrew" |
"It is hard to find a professional or power user in the world of computing that is not familiar with terminals. Everyone a little bit hacky and nerdy loves them. One of the reasons that have historically made terminals attractive to such people is the ability to manager their software right from their terminal via simple commands rather than going through sophisticated wizards and installer files. HomeBrew is a fabulous package manager that makes your life as a Mac power user easier as it brings the world of terminal package management to the macOS operating system. Using HomeBrew you will be able to install tons of free open source software on your mac without leaving the comfort of your terminal. If you are a system admin, web developer, system developer, or simply a nerd who wants to get more possibilities realized with his system and achieve more efficiency and creativity with their Mac, this course is for you. The course is quick and dirty, but I assure you'll find valuable information in it found nowhere else. By the way, the course comes with 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, so rest assured if you didn't like the course for any reason whatsoever, you will be able to get your money back in full within 30 days of purchase. Talk is cheap, let's dive in the course and familiarize ourselves with HomeBrew! I look forward to seeing you in the course. "
Price: 49.99 |
"Adobe Photoshop CC Essential Training For Beginners 2019" |
"The course goes thru the fundamental aspects of Photoshop which helps with editing and enhancing photos. My students will learn to efficiently customize their workspace and toolbar in order to start editing in an effective manner to improve layering, masking and imageenhancing. if you are looking to learn more about Photoshop and want to learn about the several masking and layering tactics then this is the right course for you!This course will come alongside many techniques that will allow you to add clipping mask effect and create a sharpening portrait effect alongside a high dynamic range portrait I have several years of experience with Photoshop including designing web, creating advertisements and even designed a few newspaper ads. I have also been doing freelance work for over a decade now. I have also taken classes the range from digital production to designing artwork.This course is broken down into the following way, which will allow for a linear growth in learning InterferenceTools for Everyday ProjectsStart Adding LayersBegin Playing With MaskingStart Using The Selection ToolUsing TypographyMasking Out With The Pen ToolCovering Colors And Swatches Creating An Optimized Work Flow And Much More!With all that being said if this course matches your needs then enroll today and let's start exploring the capabilities of Photoshop!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Fundamentos da Linguagem R com RStudio" |
"O R uma das mais importantes linguagens na rea de Estatstica, Machine Learning e Inteligncia Artificial, alm de ser um projeto totalmente Open Source. Neste curso voc vai aprender os fundamentos desta linguagem para que possa aplica-la em casos prticos.Neste curso voc vai aprender:Os fundamentos da LinguagemO RStudioGesto de PacotesAspectos Diversos do RTipos de Dados e OperadoresEstruturas de DadosFunes Utilizando a Ajuda do RImportando DadosProgramao no R"
Price: 39.99 |
"Python para Iniciantes: Aprenda do Zero!" |
"O Python vem se tornando cada vez mais uma das mais importantes linguagens de programao do mundo. Neste curso, voc vai aprender seus principais fundamentos usando uma ferramenta leve e fcil de instalar, o IDLE. Neste curso voc vai aprender:FundamentosVariveis e ObjetosEstruturas de DecisoEstruturas de RepetioListasModulos e PacotesFunesE muito mais!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Mathematik (1) - (Aussagen-) Logik" |
"Herzlich Willkommen und Guten Tag!Die Reihe ""Mathematik (auch fr Informatiker)"" umfasst viele Themenbereiche der Mathematik, die im Umfeld von Schule und Studium relevant, vor allem klausurrelevant, sind. Die Reihe besteht aus insgesamt acht Teilen:(Aussagen-) Logik (dieser Kurs)Relationen und AbbildungenMatrizenrechnungLineare GleichungssystemeGraphentheorie(Binre) BumeVektorrumeLineare AbbildungenDie einzelnen Kursteile bauen z.T. aufeinander auf, so dass behandelter Stoff aus vorausgegangenen Kursteilen als bekannt vorausgesetzt wird.Welche Themen werden in diesem Kursteil behandelt?Wir werden uns im Kursteil ""(1) Aussagen-Logik"" mit folgenden Themen beschftigen:Logische AussagenLogische AusdrckeVerknpfung logischer Ausdrckequivalenz und ImplikationIm Verlauf des Kurses werden verschiedene Beispiele und auch Aufgaben zur eigenen Bearbeitung angeboten. Zu jeder Aufgabe wird ein schrittweiser Lsungsweg aufgezeigt, so dass Du diese Aufgaben als Lernkontrolle und Klausurvorbereitung nutzen kannst.Was bringt Dir dieser Kurs?Kurz und knackig: Dieser Kurs bereitet Dich auf Deine Klausur vor. Natrlich ist jede Klausur anders (und meistens auch neu), aber das Grundprinzip ist doch immer gleich, oder? Weil sich weder die Mathematik noch die Informatik dahinter ndert. Und die lernst Du hier!Auch kurz und knackig, was dieser Kurs NICHT ist: Eine Garantie, dass Du die Klausur bestehen wirst. Lernen ist etwas sehr individuelles, das muss jeder selbst erledigen; so, wie es fr sie oder ihn am besten ist. Aber dieser Kurs kann Dir dabei helfen! Also, was meinst Du?Ich denke, wir sehen uns im Kurs! Bis dahin!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Mathematik (4) - Lineare Gleichungssysteme" |
"Herzlich Willkommen und Guten Tag!Die Reihe ""Mathematik (auch fr Informatiker)"" umfasst viele Themenbereiche der Mathematik, die im Umfeld von Schule und Studium relevant, vor allem klausurrelevant, sind. Die Reihe besteht aus insgesamt acht Teilen:(Aussagen-) LogikRelationen und AbbildungenMatrizenrechnung Lineare Gleichungssysteme (dieser Kurs)Graphentheorie(Binre) BumeVektorrumeLineare AbbildungenDie einzelnen Kursteile bauen z.T. aufeinander auf, so dass behandelter Stoff aus vorausgegangenen Kursteilen als bekannt vorausgesetzt wird.Welche Themen werden in diesem Kursteil behandelt?Wir werden uns im Kursteil ""(4) Lineare Gleichungssysteme"" mit folgenden Themen beschftigen:Lineare GleichungssystemeGau-AlgorithmusGau-Jordan-AlgorithmusLU-ZerlegungDeterminanten einer MatrixIm Verlauf des Kurses werden verschiedene Beispiele und auch Aufgaben zur eigenen Bearbeitung angeboten. Zu jeder Aufgabe wird ein schrittweiser Lsungsweg aufgezeigt, so dass Du diese Aufgaben als Lernkontrolle und Klausurvorbereitung nutzen kannst.Was bringt Dir dieser Kurs?Kurz und knackig: Dieser Kurs bereitet Dich auf Deine Klausur vor. Natrlich ist jede Klausur anders (und meistens auch neu), aber das Grundprinzip ist doch immer gleich, oder? Weil sich weder die Mathematik noch die Informatik dahinter ndert. Und die lernst Du hier!Auch kurz und knackig, was dieser Kurs NICHT ist: Eine Garantie, dass Du die Klausur bestehen wirst. Lernen ist etwas sehr individuelles, das muss jeder selbst erledigen; so, wie es fr sie oder ihn am besten ist. Aber dieser Kurs kann Dir dabei helfen! Also, was meinst Du?Ich denke, wir sehen uns im Kurs! Bis dahin!"
Price: 19.99 |
"[ 6 Full Exam Tests ] AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2020" |
"The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner examination is intended for individuals who have the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively demonstrate an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud, independent of specific technical roles addressed by other AWS Certifications. The exam can be taken at a testing center or from the comfort and convenience of a home or office location as an online proctored exam.6 complete high-quality practice tests of 65 questions each will help you master your AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam (CLF-C01):These practice exams will help you assess and ensure that you are fully prepared for the final examination.Any question you might fail will contain first an explanation and then a link to the AWS Official documentation explaining the concepts in depth.I recommend you re-watch video lectures in the main course to go over again AWS services you don't feel confident about.Are you ready to assess yourself and practice the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam?See you on the course!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Amazon Dropshipping FBM Vendedor Premium Servicio al Cliente" |
"Ms de 25,000 estudiantes de 153 pases inscritos en Nuestros Cursos! Suscrbete y disfruta el contenido de este curso PARA SIEMPRE!En este curso, te mostraremos Cmo Ofrecer un Servicio al Cliente ptimo al Hacer Dropshipping en Amazon, algo que no es tan sencillo como puede sonar... Te Contaremos Cmo Cuidar de Tus Mtricas de Vendedor, Cmo Evitar o Resolver Suspensiones en tu Cuenta, Cmo Procesar Adecuadamente Tus Pedidos y Cmo Convertirte en un Vendedor Premium. TENGA EN CUENTA, este curso es para Amazon Dropshipping FBM, no para vendedores FBA.Hay 2 razones principales por las que te podra interesar adquirir este curso:1. Te Gustara Aprender Cmo Gestionar tu Tienda de Vendedor en Amazon, Ofreciendo un Servicio al Cliente Excelente y Convirtindote en un Vendedor Premium.2. Te gustara dar este curso de gran valor y su informacin a Tu Asistente Virtual, para que l pueda encargarse de Gestionar Tu Tienda Mientras tu Asumes el Rol de Supervisor, Ayudndote de toda la Informacin Suministrada en este curso.Este es el plan para decir adis a tu trabajo de 9 a 5 ...Para trabajar desde casa con su propio horario y poder disfrutar de su tiempo con sus seres queridos.O hay otros como nosotros, que prefieren trabajar en lnea mientras viajan alrededor del mundo como nmadas digitales.Cualquiera que sea su propsito, estamos junto a usted para lograrlo.Con la Informacin contenida en este curso, Podrs Manejar tu Tienda de Amazon y Hacer Dropshipping por muchos aos, Ganando Muchsimo Dinero con ello!!Regstrate y comencemos AHORA!"
Price: 199.99 |