"Prayer 101" |
"Would you like a clear and concise method to pray to the God of the Universe? Do you desire to begin to grow in your prayer life? Well have no fear because prayer 101 is designed as an introduction to help you pray with ease like talking with your best friend! "
Price: 19.99 |
"Azure Deep Dive: Complete Virtual Machine (VM) Course" |
"BRAND NEW COURSE - JUST LAUNCHEDWhen companies are looking to migrate from servers in their own environment - on premises or hosted - into the cloud, one of the first platforms they look at is the virtual machine (VM) in the cloud. VMs are the easiest way to migrate from on prem to Azure, which is called lift and shift.In this course, we will look at the following topics:How to create Windows and Linux virtual machinesUsing the Portal, Powershell and CLIHow to choose the VM instance sizeHow to configure disk and networking optionsHow to increase the availability of that machineConnecting to the network and the InternetVirtual Machine SecurityBackup and recoveryReducing costThe course is a mix of conceptual topics (what is availability), and live demonstrations of creating and managing virtual machine resources in Azure.Who is this course for?Youre just getting started with Azure, and want to go deep in one particular topicYou already know a bit about virtual machines and want to know much moreYou have a specific task you need to accomplish and you need a quick way to learn how to do itYou are just starting to think about migration from another cloud vendor or from a hosted solutionSo sign up today to learn more about Azure Virtual Machines."
Price: 39.99 |
"The CFA Level 1 Bootcamp: CFA 2020 (Part 1/2)" |
"We will help you prepare for the CFA Level 1 Exam.Become a CFA Charterholder one of the most reputed professional designations in the finance world.In June 2019, a record number of candidates registered to take the CFA exams. Pursuing the credential is a rigorous process, which requires a lot of time and effort. And yet, many people around the world sign up for the CFA exams. The reason is that a CFA designation can move your resume to the top of the pile in a competitive job market.We are proud to present you our CFA Level 1 BootcampThe five topics from the CFA curriculum we will cover here are: Ethical and Professional Standards Quantitative methods Economics Corporate Finance Alternative InvestmentsThis Bootcamp has been designed as a supplement to the official study materials provided by the CFA Institute and should not be seen as a substitute for these materials. Our goal is to make your life a bit easier. The lessons we have prepared are consistent with the current CFA Level 1 curriculum and exam structure (and will continue to be updated to ensure consistency over time). We cover all Learning Outcome Statements (LOS), and we have dedicated a separate video to each LOS. This ensures that together we will study the concepts that are likely to be tested on the exam.Why take our CFA Level 1 bootcamp? A successful track record on Udemy over 570,000 students have enrolled in our trainings Experienced team the authors of this course are finance professionals who have acquired significant practical experience (they have worked for companies like HSBC, Morgan Stanley, PwC, Coca Cola, etc.) Carefully scripted and animated tutorials with plenty of real-world examples A variety of practice questions at the end of each Reading to test your progress Extensive case studies that will help you reinforce what you have learned Excellent support: If you dont understand a concept or you simply want to drop us a line, youll receive an answer in one or two business days Dynamic: We dont want to waste your time! The instructors keep up a very good pace throughout the whole course.We will cover a wide variety of topics, including:EthicsEthics and trust in the investment profession, Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)Quantitative MethodsThe time value of money, Discounted cash flow applications, Statistical concepts and market returns, Probability concepts, Common probability distributions, Sampling and estimation, Hypothesis testing, Technical analysisCorporate FinanceCorporate governance, Capital budgeting, Cost of capital, Measures of leverage, Working capital managementEconomicsDemand and supply analysis, The firm and market structures, Aggregate output and economic growth, Understanding business cycles, Monetary and fiscal policy, International trade and capital flows, Currency exchange ratesAlternative InvestmentsCategories of alternative investments, Potential benefits of alternative investments, Issues in valuing and calculating returns on alternative investmentsEach of these topics builds on the previous ones. And this is one of the considerable benefits you will gain by taking our Bootcamp. You will acquire valuable theoretical and practical skills that are necessary for a successful career in the world of investment management, investment banking, and corporate finance.Moreover, our focus is to teach topics that flow smoothly and complement each other. The course covers exam concepts at a fraction of the cost of traditional programs (not to mention the amount of time you will save).We are happy to offer an unconditional 30-day money-back in full guarantee. No risk for you. The content of the course is excellent, and this is a no-brainer for us, as we are certain you will love it.Why wait? Every day is a missed opportunity.Click the Buy Now button and become a part of our CFA program today.*CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, review or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by 365 Careers or Udemy. The CFA Institute Logo, CFA, and Chartered Financial Analyst are just a few of the trademarks owned by CFA Institute.** *Please note that the Bootcamp will be split into two courses on Udemy. The reason is that the sheer length of topics we have covered does not allow us to have a single course;"
Price: 199.99 |
"Complete Guide to GIMP 2019 Photo Editing" |
"Learn how to use GIMP, the free graphic and image editing program, to create high quality graphics and edit images for free. This video focuses on a solid foundation of understanding the program in and out and then guides you on learning many of the tools and filters that can help you achieve results.Here's a look at some of what you will learn in the courseLearning how to create cool titles with glow effects and online fontsRemoving objects from photos with little to no remaining traceAdding in objects that look more like they belong the scene with a combination of perspective tool and color composite modes.Using masking tools in order to make effects more realisticSome tool explanations for beginners as well such as the paintbrush tool and using layers in GIMP"
Price: 29.99 |
"The Ultimate Character Design School - Beginner to Advanced" |
"Join over 260,000 achieving student and start making your art dreams a reality.NOW YOU CAN FIT ART SCHOOL IN YOUR POCKET.This course combines a simple effective teaching system with easy to follow videos and tons of projects to work on. And a mind-blowing 24 hours of video content straight to your fingertips. This will take you from beginner to advanced in how ever long you want it to take because its completely self guided. Take it at your own pace. PREVIEW SECTION 12 OF THE COURSE.If you scroll to section 12 you can watch the entire character design process through a two part film that demos a character design form start to finish. This course will teach you everything you need to know to design unbelievable characters. YOU'LL GAIN INSTANT ACCESS TO:12 sections - 95 lectures New and improved character design skills Access to The Artist Inner Family Facebook GroupQ&A Support through out the entire courseDownloadable resourcesStudent discounts to future courses100% absolutely no questions asked money back guarantee (for 30 Day) All future updates to the courseCAN YOU GIVE ME A QUCK RUN DOWN?Yes! Here's what you'll learn:Drawing fundamentalsStory tellingPencil controlDynamic posesStyle developmentBody proportions Drawing body formsDrawing facesDrawing handsForeshorteningGesture & PosesFacial expressionsHair & Costume Anime Disney animationComicPixar styleCharacter design demoFacebook groupTAKE A CLOSER LOOK.Section 2 You'll dive right into your first character drawings. It's never fun to listen to a bunch of lectures on theory for the first few hours of a course. It's much more fun to actually do. So you'll already be drawing characters by lecture 3. You'll get to draw a male and female character in this section. You can preview this section for free if you want to get a taste of the course. Section 3This section is called Learning The Fundamentals of Character Design because you will be learning everything you need to know in order to build a strong foundation. You'll learn everything from the drawing hierarchy to how line, shapes, and form are used in stages to create character designs.Section 4Welcome to drawing boot camp. This sections name comes form the fact that you will go through exercises that will strengthen you drawing ability. This includes pencil control, muscle memory, speed control, and pressure control. All of which are extremely important to character design. We call this section drawing boot camp because you'll change after going through it. Section 5Next your going to receive some extremely useful training. This whole section is on drawing the human body. You'll need the ability to draw the human form if your going to create good character designs. Through out this training you will learn how to draw every individual part of the human body from different angles and in different poses. This section breaks down the human body into simple to understand shapes and forms that you can replicate over and over again. And don't worry, you'll learn how to draw the male and the female forms.Section 6This section is all about how to pose that body that you're now an expert at drawing. In order to create exceptional character designs you need to know how to draw poses that are dynamic and have attitude. You'll learn all the different ways to make a pose dynamic and how to express a characters attitude, emotion, and just give them that appealing look. Trust me. By the end of this section you'll get it like a professional. Section 7The most important part of character design is always telling a story. Here you'll learn how to tell a story through your characters expression. First you need to know how to draw certain expression. Once you've mastered your character expressions you can start mixing and matching eye and mouth expressions to get a wide variety of emotions. Creating good expressions is the secret of the pros. Section 8You probably don't want your characters to be naked and bald so in this section you'll learn all about hair & costume design. Hairstyles and costumes are really what make characters iconic and memorable. So you'll learn all about how to give your character their ""Thing"" that will distinguish them form other characters. Section 9This section of the course will give you some very practical knowledge and skills in drawing characters in different genres. Character design is broken up into different genres. You'll be taught in-depth how to draw anime, Disney animation, comic, and Pixar cartoon styled characters over the course of 5 lectures. You won't want to miss this section!Section 10At this point you have acquired all the necessary skills and knowledge to design your own characters from start to finish. So now its time to put it all together. You'll get to watch a two part video of me designing a dragon slayer character from start to finish. This section demonstrates a character being imagined and developed right before your eyes. Theres no better way to learn than to watch others. WHY THIS IS THE BEST COURSE TO BUY.As an instructor I have always worked hard to build courses that are simple for students to understand and implement. I wanted to build a course that could take a student with little or no drawing skills and shape them up into a decent character designer in a short period of time. My company Jaysen Batchelor Education is committed to developing courses that exceed expectations and provide value above and beyond what is payed for. If you're not happy with the course you can always get a 100% money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course. The refund process is hassle free and you won't be asked why. But I have a feeling you won't want to refund this course. This all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message. I will be here for you every step of the way! So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and lets change your art world today! "
Price: 199.99 |
"Gesto de Projetos para Pequenas Equipes + 3 Cursos EXTRAS" |
"Voc empresrio, gerente, coordenador ou lder de equipe?Sim?! Ento ATENO: voc nunca viu um curso como este.A maioria esmagadora dos projetos em todas as empresas so muito simples de se gerenciar. Por isso, para ser bem sucedido em seus projetos, basta que sejam aplicadas um conjunto menor de tcnicas de gesto de projetos. Estas tcnicas so extremamente simples e intuitivas, de modo que qualquer equipe pode aplic-las e ter resultados seguros em todos os seus projetos.Quer aprender estas tcnicas e aplic-las na sua equipe hoje mesmo? Ento comece quebrando um paradigma e repetindo comigo: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""Eu NO preciso SER ou CONTRATAR um especialista para planejar profissionalmente e ter sucesso nos projetos da minha empresa"".---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Neste curso eu vou te dizer EXATAMENTE qual o menor esforo que voc precisa fazer para ter os melhores resultados nos projetos na empresa da qual voc dono ou lder.Eu vou, literalmente, pegar na sua mo e dizer o que voc tem que aplicar l hoje, caso contrrio voc estar perdendo dinheiro e tendo mais problemas do que precisaria ter.Pode se motivar ao mximo desde agora e, SEM DVIDAS, assumir que este curso ser realmente uma ""consultoria"" de mim para voc, pois eu estou ensinando nele aquilo que eu transmiti em inmeras consultorias que j dei para empresas de T.I., Arquitetura, Engenharia, Marketing, Advocacia, Carsharing e outras.Ento voc poder simplesmente pegar tudo mastigadinho e aplicar na sua empresa de imediato. EU PESSOALMENTE LHE GARANTO que voc ter resultados expressivos e imediatos na sua equipe/empresa a partir do que eu lhe falarei aqui.--- FAA ESTE CURSO SE NA SUA EMPRESA OCORRER AO MENOS UM DOS SINTOMAS ABAIXO:. Falta capacidade para fazer bons planejamentos que sincronizem as demandas existentes;. No existe um fluxo de trabalho (processos) bem definido para cada tipo de projeto que desenvolvido;. No se tem uma viso clara da capacidade de produo da sua equipe e no se consegue extrair o melhor dela;. Falta de viso clara e exata do andamento dos projetos da empresa e de quem est fazendo o qu;. No se consegue cumprir com os prazos prometidos aos clientes (quando consegue na correria e horas extras);. Os projetos so entregues e no se sabe quantas horas a equipe realmente trabalhou nele ou se valeu pena o preo cobrado ao cliente;. Os colaboradores no focam, no se engajam e no entram com mxima motivao a cada novo projeto;. A equipe poderia ser muito mais produtiva, mas ningum sabe como fazer isto acontecer;. H uma dificuldade em compartilhar com o cliente o progresso exato do projeto que ele contratou;. Os mesmos erros se repetem projeto aps projeto;. No se consegue mensurar o desempenho da equipe com clareza e ser justo nas decises avaliativas (demisses, bonificaes, promoes);--- FAA ESTE CURSO SE OS OBJETIVOS NA SUA EMPRESA SO:. Projetizar a empresa: tratar os projetos de todos os setores realmente como projetos e obter melhores resultados em todos eles.. Implantar uma gesto de projetos fcil, intuitiva e acessvel, que no exija a contratao de consultoria ou treinamento e que possa comear de imediato.. Conseguir ter uma viso clara dos projetos e tarefas que esto em andamento em toda a empresa (quem est fazendo o qu e como est indo);. Cumprir com os prazos prometidos aos clientes (e aprender a como calcular prazos seguros);. Passar confiana e credibilidade ao cliente permitindo que ele acompanhe em tempo real o progresso do projeto que ele contratou;. Reduzir consideravelmente ou (provavelmente) eliminar o tempo gasto com a elaborao de relatrios de status para os clientes;. Conseguir ter o mximo de produtividade da sua equipe (sem sacrific-la);. Ter uma equipe altamente comprometida, motivada, eficaz e feliz;. Criar modelos de projetos, gastar pouco tempo planejamento e conseguir ter as atividades de sua empresa organizadas de forma simples e prtica; . Implementar de imediato solues simples e prticas para gerenciar projetos, sem burocratizar o negcio.. Mensurar o desempenho da sua equipe com clareza e ser justo nas decises avaliativas (demisses, bonificaes, promoes); . Realizar avaliao de desempenho da sua equipe e dar feedbacks para gerar crescimento, confiana e engajamento; . Eliminar erros recorrentes em projetos semelhantes (ou no);. Gerenciar minimamente os riscos de cada projeto; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ALERTA.: se voc gosta de muita teoria, decoreba e ""bl bl bl"" difcil at mesmo de entender, cuidado. Este curso extremamente simples e prtico, onde voc entender tudo rpido e facilmente, receber modelos prontos para aplicar nos seus projetos e gerenciar um projeto simulado do incio ao fim utilizando um sistema online de gesto de projetos.Este um curso extremamente inovador, prtico e 100% online que vai ensinar passo a passo como planejar e gerenciar projetos de forma gil, profissional e bem sucedida. ainda o nico curso que vai alm do tcnico e oferece gratuitamente vrios cursos extras para sua formao complementar em habilidades interpessoais que potencializao seus resultados (confira mais abaixo).Nveis acima dos cursos (superficiais e tericos, feitos para quem busca mais um certificado pro currculo) que encontramos hoje pela internet, este curso foca na aplicao de tcnicas geis para solucionar as principais deficincias das empresas, ensinando o passo-a-passo para planejar e gerenciar projetos com preciso, aumentar a produtividade, reduzir custos, eliminar horas extras e, como resultado natural, aumentar o lucro dos negcios.Resultado de anos de consultorias em empresas de diversas reas que apresentam problemas e dificuldades comuns e que, facilmente, podem ser solucionadas atravs da aplicao de tcnicas de gerenciamento de projetos, mesmo que voc no saiba nada sobre o assunto hoje.---> ""O que me levou a reconhecimentos e trabalhos internacionais e o que aplico nos grandes projetos foram EXATAMENTE estas mesmas tcnicas de gesto de projetos que voc aprender neste curso. Se voc realmente se dedicar, SEM DVIDA, no h como ter um resultado diferente.Inovando e trazendo uma formao realmente completa ao aluno, o curso traz vrios benefcios complementares:[Curso Extra 01] Curso Intensivo de Liderana: para ter sucesso nos projetos, voc precisar fazer a sua equipe ""vestir a camisa"" com voc.[Curso Extra 02] Curso intensivo de Negociao: para negociaes mais objetivas e produtivas.[Curso Extra 03] Curso completo de Produtividade com a melhor tcnica de produtividade pessoal do mundo.[CONTE COMIGO] Eu respondo 100% dos meus alunos em no mximo 24 horas."
Price: 579.99 |
"English Grammar Masterclass!" |
"Stop wasting your time trying to understand English grammar from books; in this course, you learn the grammar you need in short, easy-to-understand video lessons!This course includes:Short video lessons; great for busy people just like you.Video quizzes; test your learning, check your answers, and learn why each answer is correct.Get help from a professional English teacher; ask questions and/or message me whenever you need additional help!Lifetime access; come back and review grammar points whenever you need to.Future updates to the course.Improve your English with the guidance of a qualified and experienced English language teacher from the UK!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Complete Electricity for Electronics, Electrical Engineering" |
"Start understanding and Solving basic Electric Circuits easily and confidently!If you are looking for a course that will help with your understanding of Electric Circuits and basic Electrical Engineering concepts, this course is for you. Electric Circuit are the fundamental building blocks of all Electrical and Electronic Systems, and you definitely need a solid understanding of these concepts to advance in anything Electrical in nature. This full course is the best way to jump right in and start understanding/solving Electric Circuits confidently, like never before.What makes me qualified to teach you Electric Circuits?I graduated from one of the top-5 Electrical Engineering programs in the US, and I have 10+ years of teaching Electrical Engineering courses as a University Professor, and I have put together this Electric Circuits class. I am a best-selling instructor of top-rated courses that get great reviews such as:An incredible learning experience. The instructor is very clear and easily understood. - Walter SimmonsTeaching by an expert teacher. - Abdulkadir CabuaExcellent! I couldn't ask for a better tutorial on whiteboard animations. The course is very thorough, and provides enough practice activities to apply the skills. - ShamuelMy Promise to You:I'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to Electric Circuits, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.This course will cover everything you need to know about Electric Circuits:The SI Units and Electric QuantitiesElectric Circuits and Circuit Analysis Passive Sign ConventionPower And EnergyIndependent and Dependent SourcesOhm's LawKirchoff's Current & Voltage LawsPower CalculationsNodes, Branches, Loops and MeshesSeries and Parallel ConnectionsSolving Circuits with Dependent SourcesSolving Linear Equations for Electric CircuitsSo much more!BONUS: As a bonus, you'll receive supplemental video lessons about solving Simultaneous Algebraic Equations, Matrices, etc.By the end of this course, your confidence in dealing with Electric Circuits will soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of how to solve basic Electric Circuits.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Kashif"
Price: 199.99 |
"SMS Marketing Automation For Shopify - 2019 Updated" |
"SMS marketing is perhaps one of the little-known tips that you can use for increased conversions. As an eCommerce merchant, utilizing every marketing tool available is one way to guarantee a high ROI. With SMS marketing, you can reach your customers and subscribers wherever they are by sending different kinds of promotional messages directly to their phones.In other words, SMS marketing is like email marketing but by way of text messaging. Besides, it is one of the most effective marketing methods because 94% of all sent messages are read within 5 minutes with a guaranteed open rate of up to 99%. However, it is essential to take into consideration the different ways in which SMS marketing can be best applied. More importantly, know how to use the unique features of SMS and take advantage of them in your next marketing campaign."
Price: 79.99 |
"Advanced Instagram Marketing Course : 4 Courses in 1" |
"Advanced Instagram Marketing Course : 4 Courses in 1In this Advanced Instagram Marketing course You will learn how to:Marketing strategies to increase engagement of your pageHow to convert engagement to followersHow to convert followers to email subscribersHow to convert subscribers to paying customersIn addition as a gift you will also learn:Email marketingList buildingCreating signup formsCreating landing pagesSales funnelsFacebook ads manager21 Marketing strategies to increase sales (cognitive biases)This Instagram marketing course is in the advanced level and if you do not know the Instagram basics, it is better to learn the basics first. Here we will mostly focus on how to increase engagement and from there sell our product with different strategies.Some of the strategies inside the course is used by ads to increase the followers and subscribers. We will also mention some tools that may be paid but cheap.It is strongly suggested to take a look at the Instagram marketing course content to prepare yourself for what we will learn. These strategies are advanced and proven, so there is no doubt about them.This Instagram marketing course also include premium support for all students, meaning you get the answer of your questions maximum in 12 hours (usually less).You can contact Pouya Eti anytime on Udemy to get advice on Instagram strategies or 1 on 1 mentoring.If you are ready to grow your page, increase engagement and sell your product online or on local stores, JOIN this course ""Advanced Instagram Marketing Course : 4 Courses in 1""now and start today. Before you know it, you will be able to increase the sales of your products.Advanced Instagram Marketing Course : 4 Courses in 1 by Pouya Eti "
Price: 199.99 |
"Liferay DXP 7.1 Certified Professional Developer" |
"Demonstrate your Liferay knowledge as a member of our community by taking a certification exam. Our exams give you official, valuable recognition among customers and employers alike in a competitive market.Developers create and maintain solutions for the platform. They can develop and customize in Liferay, working with the back-end and front-end, developing applications, and delivering on projects."
Price: 84.99 |
"CBBF: Certified Blockchain Business Foundations" |
"The Certified Blockchain Business Foundations (CBBF) exam is an elite way to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in this emerging space. This exam is designed for non-technical business professionals who require basic knowledge about Blockchain and how it will be executed within an organization.The guide helps to cover the four sections of the exam:General Blockchain KnowledgeWhy Use BlockchainHow Blockchain WorksUsing Blockchain for Business"
Price: 79.99 |
"Create Android UIs with Jetpack Compose" |
"As an Android developer it is very important to stay up to date with the latest tools and technologies in the industry. Android Dev Summit 2019 had an important announcement for Android developers. A new technology was announced by Google called Jetpack Compose that allows creating application UIs with a declarative approach that is very fast and easy for UI creation. In this course you will get familiar with Jetpack Compose and learn the basics of using it for creating UIs in your Android apps. This API has just been announced by Google and is very powerful and is the potential way of creating Android app UIs in the future. So, take the course now and get yourself equipped with one of the latest technologies in the software world. The course outline follows a clear and easy path to teach you the basics of UI design and development with Compose. There is a 30-day money-back guarantee. So, buy the course, learn the material, and you have absolutely nothing to lose.Looking forward to seeing you in the course.Course cover notice:""The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License."""
Price: 49.99 |
"FL Studio 20 Course From Zero to Upper Level" |
"Welcome to the FL Studio course. In this course we will first learn the interface of FL Studio, then we will learn the techniques to produce music. Theoretical and practical videos are available within the training. If you want to produce music from scratch or learn a sound program for your career, FL Studio is for you!We'll Create These Tracks : GTA , PUBG, Reggae Beat Production, Deep House Original Mix Production ...What can be done with FL Studio?You can produce music from scratch.You can mix mastering a track.You can get sound effects for mobile or desktop computer software.You can produce effects for the game or music for the gameYou can get soundtracks for short films, series or movies.You can record sound and give different effects to the sound.You can produce beat in every style. It's kind of reggae, oldschool, trap beat.About Me :I have been using FL Studio since 2007. I used almost every version of FL Studio. If you're curious about my tracks, you can write my name on Youtube or SoundCloud.Let's Start!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Amazon Dropshipping Customer Service Guide by Premium Seller" |
"More than 25,000 students from 153 countries enrolled in Our Courses! Subscribe and enjoy the content of this course FOREVER!In This Course, We Will Show You How To Offer An Optimal Customer Service When Doing Dropshipping FBM On Amazon, Something That Is Not As Simple As It May Sound ... We Will Tell You How To Take Care Of Your Seller Metrics, How To Avoid Or Resolve Suspensions In Your Account, How To Process Your Orders Properly And How To Become A Premium Seller to be Making a Lot of Money Selling on Amazon During Many Years. PLEASE NOTE, this course is for Amazon Dropshipping FBM, not for FBA sellers.There are 2 main reasons why you are interested in subscribing to this course:1. You would like to Learn How to Manage Your Amazon Seller Store, Offering Excellent Customer Service and Becoming a Premium Seller.2. You would like to give this course of great value and its information to Your Virtual Assistant, so that he can take charge of Managing Your Store While you Assume the Supervisor Role, Helping you to be Your Own Boss With all the Information Provided in this course.This is the plan to say goodbye to your 9 to 5 Job...To Work from Home with your own schedule and enjoy your time with your loved ones.Or there are others like us, who prefer to work online while Traveling Around the World as Digital Nomads.Whatever your purpose is, we are with you to achieve it.With the information contained in this course, you can manage your Amazon Store and do Dropshipping for many years, earning a lot of money with it!Sign up and let's start NOW!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Curso de Excel Avanado Grficos - Medidas de Desempenho" |
"O Curso de Excel Avanado Grficos - Medidas de Desempenho vai lhe ensinar a criar grficos para medir o desempenho de acordo com os valores da sua planilha. Crie grficos para analisar mtricas e KPIs, usando modelos de grficos circulares e de barras, grfico de Bullet, Velocmetro, Semforo, entre outros.Combine os recursos de visualizao de dados e as ferramentas do Excel e crie grficos fantsticos, que fogem do padro comum."
Price: 99.99 |
"GUI Development with Python and Tkinter" |
"Welcome to the highest-rated course on Udemy for learning to create desktop apps using Python GUIs with Tkinter!If you're bored of creating console and text apps, you've come to the right place. We will help you take your apps to the next level by introducing Graphical User Interfaces that make your applications interesting and easy to use.While everyone's talking about using Python for machine learning, data science, or web development, they're forgetting one massive use case: custom, specialized business tools.There are so many companies, large and small, that do things for which there is no software. From manufacturing to small shops, medical practices, stores, film and movie studios... all of these struggle with a lack of technology in their industries. And for many of them, their in-house developers are often tasked with developing specific tools for specific use cases. GUIs help make their non-technical users more effective.Here are a few more reasons to learn Tkinter:Developing Python GUI applications using Tkinter will make your life much easier as a developer as the taught app structure is simple and straightforwardTkinter applications can run almost anywhere and can be shared with others without requiring them to install PythonPython GUI apps made with Tkinter can look fully native to the Operating System, so they look and feel just like traditional desktop appsTkinter apps have full access to the user's computer, which means you can store data locally, safely and securelySo what's covered in the course?This is the most comprehensive Tkinter course available on Udemy. We'll look at how you can:Layout your Tkinter apps using the two most popular methods: grid and packUse Tkinter frames for more complex layoutsAdd shortcuts and keybindings to your Python GUI appsUse Object-Oriented Programming with Tkinter, and create your own custom widgetsAdd styles to Tkinter apps using the new Themed Tkinter WidgetsUse fonts extensively in Tkinter, including named fontsSplit Tkinter apps into multiple files so working with them becomes much easierConnect to web APIs to send and receive data, stored in the cloudBuild games using Tkinter and the super-powerful Canvas widgetPackage and distribute your applications so your users don't need to install PythonWe've also included a complete Python refresher for those of you new to Python (you'll still need some programming experience, otherwise this course may be a bit advanced!)And also a full reference of many Tkinter widgets that you can come back to whenever you need to use any of them, even after finishing the courseIn addition, Tkinter is a great way to take your Python to the next level. It allows you to put your app ideas and make them a reality.Other students are loving this course!> The course is straightforward and logically introduces new concepts. I am enjoying it so far!> This course was perfect for no-frills refresher - and then some! The instructor is very engaging, is full of great suggestions and insight, and delivers his material perfectly.> Excellent course! A lot of details explained well.My name is Jose Salvatierra, and I'll be your instructor! I'm an experienced software developer turned instructor. Now a best-seller in Udemy, I've helped over 100,000 students in their programming journey.Join us!So if you've been wanting to create and distribute Python GUI applications, and you want to provide your users with intuitive, usable interfaces, this is the course for you!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Become a SpeedDemon 2: Productivity Tricks to Have More Time" |
"32,600 Students Later, Become A Speed Demon Has Been Updated From The Ground Up!This course will teach you the most cutting-edge tips and tricks for productivity, automation, and efficiency, so that you can do more work in less time and have more time for the things that matter in life.Contrary to popular belief, productivity isnt always about doing things faster.If you...Dont have enough timeHave tried becoming ""more productive"" without much success... chances are youre actually working too much.How could that be?Its simple.As a student or professional looking to get the most out of your time, you know that there is a HUGE difference between:Doing deep work on high-level tasks that help you accomplish your goalsSitting at your desk for 8+ hours hopping from task to task... getting nowhereSo...If youre putting in the hours and not seeing proportional, or rather exponential results, you dont have a productivity problem.You have an attention management problem.But what is attention management?And, more importantly, how can you make it work for you rather than against you?Im glad you asked!Become a Speed Demon 2.0 will answer that exact question.The sad truth is that most of us simply don't have enough time in our daily lives to get through everything we need to do. Much less the things we want to do.In this course from best-selling instructor Jonathan Levi, author of the blockbuster course ""Become a SuperLearner,"" you will learn how to reclaim enough time to do just that - and so much more.For the last 10 years, your instructor Jonathan Levi has developed a series of techniques, tips, tricks, and strategies to overcome a near superhuman workload.From juggling a multimillion dollar business while engaged as a full time student, to running multiple companies at the same time, to leading a jam-packed travel, social, and educational calendar that would make some people's heads spin.How Is This Possible, And How Can You, Too, Learn To Become A Speed Demon?The course starts out with a great foundation in theory, training you on the philosophies behind efficiency, productivity, and ""speeding up.""Armed with these theories and strategies, the course then dives into more nuts-and-bolts recommendations on how to speed up some of the most time-intensive activities we each do every day: Working at the computerCooking and fitnessInteractions with othersOther general inefficienciesThe course takes a holistic approach to productivity and efficiency, arming you with the mindset to kick butt and speed up every aspect of your productive and creative life, in order to make time for the things that really matter.So if you...Could use an extra 1-3 hours in your dayCurrently spend the LITTLE free time you have worrying about the endless pile of work waiting on your deskWould like more time to spend with friends and family... this course is for you.How Is It Different From Speed Demon 1.0?Over the last 3 years and 32,000+ students, weve had tens of thousands of data points and pieces of feedback, helping us improve both our methodology and our teaching practices. This new course has more (and better) content than ever before, including:Completely re-written lectures emphasizing clarity and engagement!All-new lectures on topics never before covered!Hands-on demonstration videos for every major conceptDramatically improved video and audio qualityInteractive worksheets to print and completeEven MORE supplemental resources!We can confidently say that this is the best, most comprehensive productivity course weve ever released on Udemy."
Price: 149.99 |
"Overcome FEAR and Build Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem" |
"Most of us struggle with the F word... the FEAR. Our fears often prevent us from taking important actions that could literally change our lives for the better. We are often paralysed by them and don't know what to do. In this course, you will learn not only about managing your fears, but also about building confidence and self esteem.You will discover some of the most powerful tools for increasing your self-esteem, boosting your confidence and dealing with the feeling of rejection. This course is designed to be as actionable as possible. You will shift your mindset, cultivate self-belief and become more positive. However, you will also obtain tools you can use on a daily basis to appear and feel more confident."
Price: 149.99 |
"Simulado AZ-300 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies 2020" |
"Provas sempre trazem uma presso para nossas vidas! Especialmente se for um exame que poder mudar a nossa vida profissional.Pensando nisso os simulados foram criados!OBS: As Questes que foram totalmente atualizadas em 10/2019Simulados so nada mais do que um grupo de questes, relacionadas e bem parecidas com o exame original, com a funo de testar o seu conhecimento, sua velocidade de raciocnio e claro, agilidade nas respostas. Este simulado para o exame Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies AZ-300 vai te ajudar muito!Alm disso os simulados acabam ensinando! Ao final de cada questo voc ter acesso a um link relacionado a pergunta! Assim voc conseguir testar o seu conhecimento e aprender ao mesmo tempo!Ser que a Certificao Azure AZ-300 importante? A Certificao Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies AZ-300 ajuda os alunos a criarem credibilidade e confiana, validando sua experincia na nuvem com uma credencial reconhecida pelo setor e ajuda as organizaes a identificar profissionais qualificados para liderar iniciativas de nuvem usando a Azure.A mdia salarial de um profissional Certificado Microsoft Azure de R$5.000 a R$6.500 reais.Finalizando....Se voc est a procura de um simulado completo para sua preparao, este o seu simulado!OBS. Este simulado no um ""brain dump"" onde todas as questes so iguais ao exame. Este simulado uma fonte de estudo e prtica para melhorar em muito as suas chances de aprovao. Se voc est procurando por um simulado que tem as mesmas questes do exame onde vc simplesmente decora, esse no !No mais.... Adquira o simulado e vamos estudar rumo a sua Certificao Azure!!!"
Price: 249.99 |
"Tally ERP 9 A Complete Study" |
"Are you aspiring to become an Accountant? orAre you already an accountant but facing difficulty in manual accounting? orAre you an accountant already working on accounting software but planning to work on Tally? orAre you an accountant aready working on Tally but need to develop working knowledge in Tally?Then this course is for you!Tally ERP 9 A Complete Study. A brand New Tally.ERP 9 (Version 6.5.4) GST enabled course for you to stay ahead!This course is formulated in such a manner that, both an absolute beginner to an advanced tally operator will equally benefit from learning it. All the fundamentals and basics have been explained in detail, coupled with a lot of shortcuts and hack, along with advanced TDS and GST Accounting.This course will take you on a journey to becoming a HERO in tally after finishing off the study. The contents of the study are as follows:Basics of tallyEverything about company creation to generating reports, where in you will be covering the following items1. Introduction to gateway2. Company Creation3. Features in tally accounting, inventory and statutory4. Enabling GST and other tax details5. Accounting information6. Ledger Creation all types7. Ledger display and alter8. Stock Informantion9. Group Creation, display and alter10. Transactions11. Vouchers - Accounting and inventory12. Utility13. Importing Data14. Banking features15. Reports16. Trial balance and day book17. Balance sheet18. Profit and loss Account19. Ratio Analysis20. Stock summary22. GST AccountingHere is our invitation to all you upcoming HEROES of Tally, come on board and embark on this journey with us!! See you inside."
Price: 149.99 |
"Rust Programming Recipes" |
"This video course features application-specific recipes to boost your development of real-world apps by integrating Rust units into your existing applications, even those written in another language. Geared towards those already familiar with the basics of Rust, this course will take you through solutions that will allow you to use Rust code samples right away in your existing applications.You will learn key techniques that Rust uses to write scalable code, including advanced-level concepts such as error handling, macros, fearless concurrency, and zero cost abstractions such as futures, and create an HTTP server that reads from a database. We'll cover some of the many benefits of working in Rust as you write systems-level software. We'll move on to add our Rust code into existing C and Python applications so that you can learn how to integrate our new fast and safe code into other environments.By the end of the course, you will have a strong foundational knowledge in server-side programming, enabling you to deliver solutions to build high-performance web applications and services using Rust.About the AuthorMatthew Stoodley is a programming expert and enthusiast and was drawn to learn about Rust and master its features initially due to its low power usage and memory safety capabilities. He primarily uses Rust to build board games. In addition, he also possesses several years of experience in Go, PHP, and JavaScript among many others.Other courses authored by Matt at Packt include:Hands-on Serverless Computing with GoLearn Rust in 7 DaysRust Projects"
Price: 124.99 |
"Enhancing Data Visualization Models in Power BI with DAX" |
"Microsoft's Power BI is one of the most powerful business intelligence tools on the market. It provides actionable information about your company's data through appealing dashboards and visualizations. To present insightful visualizations, you need to perform statistical operations and data-crunching. That's how DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) boosts Power BI functionalities. Through its library of functions and operators, you can build formulas and expressions to simplify that task.In this course, you will use Power BI with DAX to transform your company's data into a visualization to better understand and interpret your data. You will begin by understanding the limitations of your data, then clean it to make it available for the right dataset. You will be creating required workspaces on the web and learning new (and updating existing) development skills using DAX. Enhance your data models for normal and advanced calculations to create interactive reports using the large set of visualizations that are available.Toward the end of the course, you will monitor your business data to get rapid answers via rich dashboards and visualizations available on every device.About the AuthorAshish Jagdale is a Power BI Lead developer with over 4 years of Power BI experience. He has worked in business intelligence for over 7 years. Currently, he is working at Zinfra as a Senior Business Analyst and Stakeholder Partner. He holds considerable experience in the BI space and has worked with the biggest multinational businesses in the industry. He believes in using his skills with Excel and data management to move beyond the number-crunching to optimize the commercial performance of the companies he works with maximize profitability."
Price: 124.99 |
"Metasploit Penetration Testing Recipes" |
"Metasploit is a Ruby-based platform for performing advanced penetration testing. It enables you to write, test, and execute exploit code. The Metasploit framework contains a suite of tools that you can use to test security vulnerabilities, enumerate networks, execute attacks, and evade detection.In this course, you'll go through some great recipes that will allow you to build on your existing Metasploit knowledge and start using it effectively. You'll improve your skills with some best practices and techniques and implement some troubleshooting issues you'll encounter using Metasploit. You'll learn to perform intelligence gathering, threat modeling, vulnerability analysis, exploitation, and post-exploitationall inside Metasploit.You'll learn to create and customize payloads to evade antivirus software, bypass an organization's defenses, exploit server vulnerabilities, attack client systems, compromise mobile phones, automate post exploitation, install backdoors, run keyloggers, highjack webcams, port public exploits to the Metasploit framework, create your own modules, and much more.By the end of this course, you'll be proficient with many tools and techniques and will have mastered everything you need to perform penetration testing using Metasploit and virtual machines.About the AuthorLawrence Amer is an Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), Certified Penetration Testing Engineer (CPTE), and Vulnerability Researcher; he has reported medium- to severe-level vulnerabilities in eBay, Adobe, Facebook, Sony, Microsoft, Yahoo, and many more. He actively monitors multiple intelligence sources to identify and investigate potential risks and threats. He has been mentioned in various magazines for his zero-days findings.He's also experienced at bypassing most endpoint security solutions, and is especially familiar with malware techniques."
Price: 124.99 |
"Power BI for Business Professionals" |
"Knowing how to type does not make someone an author, and being able to cook is not enough to be a restaurateur. It's easy to get started with Power BI, but a range of additional skills is necessary to take full advantage of its potential. This course will show you how to get the best out of Power BI so you can make reliable business decisions from the data you have.Data is a business resource, just like display space in a retail store or machine tools in a factory. Factories must make full use of their machinery, warehouses must make full use of their storage space, and your business must make full use of its data. Your competitors know this, and are not hesitating. While some business tools require specialized skills, Power BI is the Microsoft Excel of the new world of advanced data visualizations, data mining, and machine learning; that is, it's a powerful tool that anyone can use. Importing data is not enough, you must mold it into structures that are ideal for business analysis. You no longer have to rely on the IT department for everything you need. Despite its great power, Power BI brings analytic and business intelligence to the desktops and smartphones of business people, not just IT professionals.If you are not satisfied with just being a Power BI beginner and want to become a Power BI master, this course will provide the knowledge and insights you will need.About the AuthorDaniel Buskirk has a Bachelor's degree in mathematics and a PhD in neuroscience. He spends most of his time consulting and teaching, showing clients how to take advantage of the latest techniques in business analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. He has been a consultant and trainer in database technology and data analytics for 30 years and has worked with the tabular data model since it was introduced 9 years ago.He has worked with corporations and government agencies in both the United States and Canada on Power BI projects for three years, and has also contributed to developing techniques for collecting Internet of Things (IoT) data into Power BI for monitoring and analysis."
Price: 124.99 |
"Fundamentals of Apache Flink" |
"Have you heard of Apache Flink, but don't know how to use it to get on top of big data? Have you used Flink, but want to learn how to set it up and use it properly? Either way, this course is for you.This course first introduces Flink concepts and terminology, and then moves on to building a Flink instance, collecting data, and using that data to generate output that can be used as processed data input into other systems. You will also use the Flink APIs to process data in batch and streaming modes.By the end of the course, you will be capable of using the Apache Flink ecosystem to achieve complex tasks such as event processing and machine learning.About the AuthorSridhar Alla is the co-founder and CTO of Blue Whale Consulting and is expert at helping companies (big and small) define their vision for systems and capabilities that will allow them to establish a strategic execution plan to deal with the ever-growing data collected to support analytics and product teams. He has very experienced at dealing with all aspects of data collection, security, governance, and processing as part of end-to-end big data analytics and machine learning initiatives (including predictive modeling, deep learning, and ML automation).Sridhar is a published book author and an avid presenter at numerous conferences, including Strata, Hadoop World, and Spark Summit. He also has several patents filed with the US PTO on large-scale computing and distributed systems.He has over 18 years' experience writing code in Scala, Java, C, C++, Python, R, and Go, and has extensive hands-on knowledge of Spark, Flink, TensorFlow, Keras, Hadoop, Cassandra, HBase, MongoDB, Riak, Redis, Zeppelin, Mesos, Docker, Kafka, ElasticSearch, Solr, H2O, machine learning, text analytics, distributed computing, and high-performance computing.Sridhar lives with his wife and daughter in New Jersey and in his spare time loves blogging and coaching organizations on next-generation advancements in technology and their alignment with business goals."
Price: 124.99 |
"WordPress Front-End Development with Elementor" |
"Elementor is a powerful & free page builder for WordPress. With it, you can drag and drop your way to a powerful website design. Elementor works a little differently from most page builders. For a start, you design live on the front-end of your site, not in the back-end Dashboard.The free version is a page-builder that comes with dozens of beautiful widgets and templates that you can use to build your web page content with pixel perfect precision. It's an impressive and well-established page-builder. The Pro version of Elementor will blow you away! If you have ever been frustrated trying to make your WordPress theme look like the demo you saw on the theme's homepage, you are not alone. Most themes require extra plugins and an in-depth knowledge of the support documentation to make it look anything like the one that drew you to it in the first place. With Elementor Pro, you don't need to ever feel that frustration again. Elementor Pro gives you the same drag and drop page builder, but also allows you to create your own WordPress theme, designed exactly as you want it.This course covers both the free and paid versions of Elementor. After a discussion of why you should use Elementor, you'll install the plugin and a theme. We'll then cover:How to borrow inspiration from other websites, to craft your own unique design. That includes choosing the right fonts and colours for your site.We'll look at the box model and you'll learn how padding and margin can affect placement of elements on the page. We'll take a look at Hex colour codes.We'll go through all of the back-end settings, including how to install custom fonts and icons (for Pro users).You'll become familiar with the front-end Elementor interface as we go through all of the menu and settings.You'll get to know how an Elementor page is structured using sections, columns and elements. At this stage, I'll set you a few design tasks and then go over the solutions in detail.You'll learn how to use templates so that you can create a design element once, and re-use it as many times as you want. You can even export your templates from one site and import them into another.You'll see why global widgets are a powerful asset in your toolbox.For Pro users, we'll look at building an entire theme with Elementor, based on the inspiration we got earlier in the course. We'll see how different templates can be created and used in different areas of the site design. We'll create templates for the site header, footer, blog page, 404 page, single post template & archive page template. Will design the homepage. We'll design a landing page. We'll even design a popup and set the trigger conditions to define when it shows on your site.Elementor offers you some great tools, including motion effects. These can be used to bring movement to your pages, so we'll look at those.And finally, we'll look at mobile optimization. This powerful set of tools will allow you to check (and fix) your site design so that it looks great on a desktop, tablet AND mobile phone.Elementor was created for every site owner that wants to create beautiful web content. It was created to allow you to design the site YOU want. This course teaches you how to use it!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Business Analysis and Solution Evaluation (IIBA - ECBA)" |
"The Business Analysis and Solution Evaluation course is part of the Business Analysis Certification Program and is aligned with the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge Guide (BABOK3).In this course, we will look at all the tasks that make up the final knowledge area Solution Evaluation. It involves measuring and analysing solution performance as well as identifying limitations within the solution and the enterprise that may be keeping the solution from reaching its full value potential. The final task is to recommend actions to remove the limitations and thereby increase the value of the solution.Solution Evaluation1. Overview of Solution Evaluation2. Solution Evaluation and the BACCM TM3. Exercise: Understanding Solution EvaluationMeasure and Analyze Solution Performance1. Measure Solution Performance: Inputs and Elements2. Measure Solution Performance: Guidelines and Techniques 3. Analyze Performance Measures: Inputs and Elements4. Analyze Performance Measures: Stakeholders5. Exercise: Assessing Solution PerformanceAssess Solution and Enterprise Limitations1. Solution Limitations: Elements and Guidelines2. Solution Limitations: Techniques and Stakeholders 3. Enterprise Limitations: Inputs and Elements4. Enterprise Limitations: Techniques and Stakeholders 5. Exercise: Assessing LimitationsIncreasing Solution Value1. Recommend Actions: Elements2. Recommend Actions: Guidelines and Techniques 3. Exercise: Increasing Solution ValueYou can use this course to improve your business analysis knowledge and abilities and to obtain the certifications provided by the International Institute of Business Analysis. Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button and see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Lei da Atrao - Como Atrair Prosperidade e Riqueza" |
"Tudo em sua vida e nas vidas dos que esto ao seu redor afectado pela Lei da Atrao. Ela a base de tudo que voc v manifestado. Ela a base de tudo que acontece em sua experincia...A conscincia sobre a Lei da Atrao e um entendimento de como ela funciona essencial para viver a vida com propsito. Na realidade, essencial para viver a vida de alegria que voc veio aqui para viver.Durante o curso vou dar informaes importantes para voc desbloquear a sua abundncia usando, a lei da atrao a seu favor."
Price: 84.99 |
"Learn IELTS Writing Task 2" |
"This course gives you the tools you need to succeed in five different situations for your IELT task 2 essay. We look at a comparison essay, two thesis-based essays, an advantages versus disadvantages essay and the two point essay (in which two statements are given for you to comment on). These video give you a fly-on-the-wall perspective of what it's like to write these kinds of essays for IELTS. You'll learn how to quickly jot down your notes before beginning your final draft in under 5 minutes. You'll learn about cohesion in your essay and proper grammar. I offer tips for improving your essay writing as well. You'll get to see a special template style of writing IELTS essays which saves you time and money. You'll be able to write about any subject afterwards. I teach you how to brainstorm and bring your ideas to the page."
Price: 19.99 |