"le PACK: ""Kid Cartoon Maker"" et ""Le dessin pour enfants""" |
"Si vous voulez apprendre des enfants les bases du dessin numrique ainsi qu'un peu d'animation, ce pack de cours est fait pour vous. Il comporte les cours:""Cours Apprendre le dessin pour enfants"" et ""kids Cartoon Maker"". Vous avez ainsi tous les outils pour bien dbuter dans cet apprentissage et avoir les bases pour apprendre des enfants comment dessiner. Bon courage vous!"
Price: 54.99 |
"Dessin la main: Les bases pour dessiner des visages" |
"Vous voulez apprendre dessiner, mais ne savez pas par quoi commencer? Et bien, si vous commenciez par ce cours? Vous allez y apprendre les choses fondamentales connaitre lorsque on dbute dans le dessin. Dans un premier temps, vous allez apprendre comment utiliser des crayons, c'est dire l'utilisation la plus simple quelque chose de plus efficace (comment faire des dgrads, pourquoi utiliser diffrents types de crayons etc..) Ensuite nous allons parler du dessin des visages et quelles sont les rgles de bases pour bien dbuter dans ce sujet. Au final, vous aurez les outils en main pour travailler par vous mme et vous amliorer dans la ralisation de vos dessins de visages."
Price: 44.99 |
"PHOTOSHOP: Drawing an illustration based on a picture" |
"In this course, you are going to learn how to create a comicbook illustration based on a real picture. This technique is going to teach you how you can use layers, brushes and other options to help you in your creations.You will also learn plenty of tips to improve your use of the colors and how to improve the way you can draw in black and white before the use of the color."
Price: 19.99 |
"MANGA les bases du dessin a la main" |
"Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre les bases du dessin la main pour bien dbuter dans le manga. Qu'il s'agisse de l'anatomie, du dessin des yeux, du corps et des personnages en mouvement, l'essentiel est enseign ici dans une srie de vidos o je vous montre tape par tape comment crer vos premier croquis de personnages manga."
Price: 44.99 |
"Illustration with by-hand techniques and Photoshop" |
"In this course, you are going to see the creation of an illustration, from the first step to the last one. We are going to work out a sketch, then we are going to see the inking technique with pens, brushes and china ink, and then we are going to scan and complete the illustration by using Photoshop for the color. In the end of this course, you will know more about creating an illustration by using both by-hand and photoshop techniques."
Price: 19.99 |
"SPRG Studio: Initiation pour crer votre propre Jeux de rle" |
"SRPG Studio est un logiciel qui va vous permettre de crer vos propres RPG (Role Playing Game). Ce cours va vous apprendre comprendre les fondamentaux de ce logiciel. Il s'agit d'un cours d'initiation qui n'aborde pas les options avances disponibles, mais bien les options de base pour vous permettre de bien dbuter dans la cration de votre RPG."
Price: 19.99 |
"The PACK ""teach to children how to draw""" |
"Do you want to teach to children how to draw? This course is composed of three parts: 1) some tips to draw and color drawings, 2) How to use the software KIDS CARTOON MAKER, and 3) Some additional tips with plenty of examples about drawing. This course will give many advises about drawing and any children following this course could learn easy ways to improve their drawing skills."
Price: 114.99 |
"Teach the most important Soft Skill to kids - communication" |
"First let me say that I am passionate about clear speech. I truly believe that it is one of the most important skills we can teach not only our children but any adult who has social anxiety. I have been teaching children (and adults) how to speak clearly since 1994 and I have entered hundreds of pupils for exams in spoken English, speaking verse and prose, interview technique, acting, Shakespeare, reading aloud for performance and public speaking to name a few. I am qualified to the highest level - Fellowship, and I have written for magazines world wide and also taught people from over 30 countries.This course teaches you how to teach mainly young children to speak with more confidence and clarity. With this knowledge you could start lessons up yourself either in your own home, or a local hall. I have created the lesson plans so that the parents stay with the children, this makes it less stressful for you and the parent can then practise with the child at home. However you may find that you would like to teach these sessions at a playschool, nursery or child daycare centre and that is possible as well.You may already be a teacher or teaching assistant and these lesson plans and the knowledge learned in this course will help make you a much better teacher.Downloads included with this course: Training Manual - ebookLesson plans (for young children) for the first year, 35 lessons to be split over 3 terms.22 pictures to be used with the lesson plans.Lesson plans (for older children) - 9 lessons.A list of 40 topics suitable for giving a talkSpeak Up SyllabusMark sheetPoems which can be used - copyright free, with childrenQuestions to be answered at the end of each module, to qualify for the 'Speak Up Academy' certificate 75% pass rate is needed in each module. You can however do the course without the modules and you will receive a certificate of completion from Udemy but NOT one from the Speak Up Academy..Basic ideas of how to set up, run the sessions and how to enrol pupilsDetails of the courseThis course starts by teaching you the technicalities of speaking well, articulation, vowel sounds, consonant sounds. This is followed by the methods used for expressive speech, pace, power, pausing, pitch, inflection and stress. Breathing for speaking is then covered in module 8. There is a section that explains how to judge an elocution contest or how to examine/assess your pupils. There are also a couple of ideas for certificates to give to your pupils.We go through the lesson plans and I explain how to teach the different topics covered in the lessons and how to run the lessons. At the end of the the first 9 modules you will find downloaded as a resourse the questions connected with that module. Most of the answers can be found in the module but some of the questions will require you to take the knowledge you have learnt and use it to form your own opinions and answers.There is a facebook group for this course where you can share ideas and help other students taking this course. If you would like the Speak Up Academy certificate please make sure that you answer the module questions. 30 Day no questions asked money back guarantee.This course does not qualify you to become a speech therapist or a speech language pathologist although it does touch briefly on some of the same topics."
Price: 49.99 |
"VIRAL - ottieni il massimo dai tuoi contenuti digitali" |
"Creare contenuti virali il sogno inconfessato di tutti.... ma per fortuna non ci sono trucchi magici che assicurano il successo al 100%Esistono per ricerche e studi approfonditi sulle condizioni di base della condivisibilit dei nostri post. In questo corso vedremo insieme come utilizzare al massimo queste informazioni per dare forza e sviluppo alla nostra presenza, sia attraverso tecniche specifiche, sia attraverso una valutazione strategica del rapporto tra quello che siamo e quello che raccontiamo online.E' un corso breve, che non ha la pretesa di esaurire l'argomento, ma ho cercato di condensare tutte le informazioni che ritenevo pi utili ad entrare in una logica di viralit: l'obiettivo quello di fornire una mappa per cominciare a sviluppare contenuti costruiti per il pubblico, o meglio per il ""nostro"" pubblico.E' un inizio. Ma un inizio a tutta velocit :) Pronto a partire ?"
Price: 19.99 |
"Cour Complet d'Entranement Vocal selon la mthodologie TVS" |
"Apprenez une mthode qui vous permettra d'exceller en tant que chanteur! En suivant la mthodologie de ce cours, vous aurez les outils ncessaires pour y arriver.Augmentez votre puissance vocale et chantez des notes aigus sans forcerExercices spcifiques pour renforcer la voix Respiration diaphragmatique, Rsonance Vocale, RegistresEffets Vocaux (Distortion, Growl, Yarl etc)Mthodologie complte pour comprendre le fonctionnement de la voix Les outils ncessaires pour dvelopper et renforcer la voixAvoir des connaissances sur la technique vocale vous permettra de mieux contrler votre voix et de la rendre plus forte! Mais cela n'est pas suffisant. L'entranement est indispensable pour la coordination et le renforcement vocal.Ce cours vous offre une panoplie d'exercices et de techniques pour chanter comme jamais auparavant. Contenu et vue d'ensembleCe cours contient plus de 90 vidos et il est adapt pour les chanteurs dbutants ainsi que pour les plus expriments voulant apprendre une approche innovative et remettre ainsi en question les ides prconues sur le chant. Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre une technique de respiration qui vous permettra de mieux chanter. Un module est galement consacr au Registres de la voix: qu'est-ce qu'on entend exactement par voix de tte et voix de poitrine?Vous apprendrez chanter plus haut et plus fort mais sans forcer.Apprenez connatre diffrentes facettes de votre voix en dcouvrant 8 diffrentes configuration de la voix. Certaines d'entres elles sont indispensables pour chanter, d'autres uniquement utilises pour l'entranement vocal et certaines ne doivent jamais tre utilises en chant.Ensuite vous apprendrez faire rsonner votre voix, avoir plus de projection. Cela vous permettra de garder votre voix en quilibre et puissante galement.Les effets vocaux ne seront plus un mystre pour vous. Et vous aurez les outils ncessaires pour les faire SANS VOUS FAIRE MAL!Et, sans doute le plus important, vous allez apprendre entraner votre voix pour corriger ou amliorer certains aspects de votre technique vocale. Vous aurez galement accs une page d'entranement avec des dmonstrations et des pistes audio avec lesquelles vous pourrez vous entraner.Un E-BOOK sera galement mis votre disposition avec les 10 meilleures astuces pour devenir un meilleur chanteur."
Price: 199.99 |
"Recreating Famous Music Video Effects" |
"WARNING: THESE LESSONS ARE NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL. I'M OFFERING THEM ONLY AS A COURSE NOW.Enis here, founder of Reverse Cuts ~ Master Video Editing SchoolThese lessons are just a simple project which I gathered from my tutorials into one big class!I went and explained all of the effects that I recreated from famous Music Videos using softwares like Premiere Pro, Photoshop, etc.These effects can also be used in animations, documentaries, montages, basically whatever you imagine. They are so cool and trendy that you can use them in any genre of a video!Big and Famous Directors and Editors won't reveal their secrets, so I gave it my best shot at explaining how they created these effects by these easy to follow, step by step tutorials.After this class, your edits will get a new, trendy look and it will for sure stand out from the crowd because these effects are from top-tier industry producers!Don't have the footage to follow along? No worries. I got you covered. I will be giving you the MAXIMUM amount that Udemy approves of Free To Use footage which you use to practice and follow along with our lessons! Awesome, right?!Not only that you will learn all these effects but you will finally understand how to analyze, dissect and recreate any effect that you find interesting, after following my procedure and thought process of these copies that I made!Stop learning all the basic and boring stuff. Let's break down some top-tier content! Together!I even have a class project for you which will test your skills and you will be able to share it with our community for some feedback and help! That means that you can practice whenever you want!Join our Master Video Editing School now and let's get your video editing game to the next level!Let's Create. We Can Do It.Enis, Reverse Cuts."
Price: 199.99 |
"Rhino 3D V6 ( or V5 ) Level 2 Ship Surfacing" |
"This video tutorial is intended for those who wish to expand their surfacing knowledge using Rhino 3D. A step by step video showing the many tools that are at your disposal to create a complex assembly using an X bow ship as the subject of studies. After surfacing the ship s hull we will learn about using blocks and how to update them and finally we will spend time doing a rendering using Vray for Rhino."
Price: 199.99 |
"Learn Photoshop for iPad" |
"Learn how to use Photoshop on the iPad while having fun with exercise files!In this course, I'm going to cover the photoshop interface and key essentials like how layers work, masking images, blending layers together, and much more. After covering the essentials, we're going to jump into some advanced photoshop techniques I use to take my designs to the next level. We'll be repairing and coloring an aged photograph, creating 3D mockups you can use for your designs, painting a galaxy together using digital brushes and layers, and much more!In the final sections I will share my resources for design inspiration and show you where I go for my royalty free images and graphics. I'll also teach you how you can build your portfolio and find your first potential clients to get started as a freelancer.Just a few things you will learn:Customizing photoshop to suit youCreating new projects and templatesMaster layers including adjustment and mask layersHow to mask layers to remove backgrounds and create compelling photo compositionsRetouching portraitsUsing the touch shortcut to speed up your processManually editing an HDR imageand much much more!What choose this course?This course covers everything from the essentials to advanced designing. I include tons of exercise files to follow along. We start off slow so you can grasp the concepts but we dive into many creative applications once you have a handle on the tools. Learn in this course by doing! Don't get bored sitting in front of videos hoping you grasp the concepts.By the end of this course, you will have a great understanding of photoshop and have the competence to be able to begin your journey as a designer or freelancer using Photoshop on the iPad as a go to resource when you're on the go!Who is this course for?Beginner level designersDesigners coming from photoshop on the desktopStudents that want to learn how to begin their journey as a freelance designer"
Price: 129.99 |
"Despus del Exito del Canal de Youtube como Vocal Coach, he decidido recopilar todas mis clases en este curso de Canto, y proveerte de forma facil y dinamica lo que serian los primeros pasos del canto. Este un curso para Aficionados, estudiantes primerizos y todo aquel que quiera cantar, aprendiendo conceptos prcticos y sencillos!!!Durante todo el curso te acompao en el proceso del CALENTAMIENTO VOCAL... y aado a este curso unos audios que te ayudarn a calentar desde casa."
Price: 19.99 |
"Top Coding Bundle! Learn Python, Ruby, PHP, Javascript" |
"In this course we'll learn the Python 3 programming language, the Ruby Programming language, the PHP programming language, and the Javascript programming language from an absolute Beginner level all the way to Advanced in no time at all!This course is aimed at the absolute beginner, you don't need any coding experience at all!We'll start out by setting downloading and installing Python, Ruby, PHP and the Sublime Text Editor - all for free. This will give you all the tools you need to start writing and running code. For each language, we'll use the free Sublime Text Editor and a Web Browser so that we can learn the basic Javascript concepts.Then, we'll dive into very basic computer science concepts. Things like:String ManipulationPrinting to the ScreenSimple MathVariablesData Types (lists, tuples, dictionaries and more)Assignment OperatorsComparison OperatorsAfter that, we'll move into more intermediate topics like: While LoopsFor LoopsConditional If/Else StatementsFizzbuzzFinally we'll finish up with more advanced topics like:ModulesFunctionsClassesAnd More...We'll learn all of those things for Python, Ruby, PHP, and Javascript. We'll start with Python, and then move over to Ruby, then hit PHP before finishing up with Javascript. This is a bundle course of four of my other popular courses.These programming languages are four of the greatest programming languages to learn, and learning has never been this easy! They're the most popular and in demand for a reason! Let's learn to code!I'll see you on the inside!-John Elder"
Price: 199.99 |
"Molding and Casting for Sculptors : Level 1" |
"If you are a sculptor or crafter wanting to make your own molds and casts on a small scale, this class is just what you've been looking for. This course is presented in two parts so that artists can pick and choose how much information they need. This Level 1 portion is aimed at complete beginners with no prior molding and casting experience. For those who have some previous experience and are looking for more complex techniques, starting with the Level 2 portion is a great choice. Together, the two parts form a comprehensive look at the sculpture reproduction process.Learn with Easy-to-Follow InstructionsIn Molding and Casting for Sculptors, I demonstrate how to make several different types of molds over the course of three different projects. We will discuss the materials needed for molding and casting, how to cut and sculptures, mold box building techniques, cutting open silicone molds, creating two part molds, the benefits of pressure casting, cast clean up, and more. At the end of the class, you will have the knowledge to start building your own molds and making your own casts.No Previous Experience NeededStudents will need to purchase materials in order to complete this class. Materials list with recommended brands and buying locations will be provided. Previous molding and casting experience is not necessary. Beginner and experienced mold makers alike will learn plenty of new concepts, tips, and techniques in this class.Created with the artist in mind, Molding and Casting for Sculptors : Level 1 contains over 1 hour of video content with 10 total videos highlight sculpture-specific techniques throughout the entire mold making and casting process."
Price: 34.99 |
"Easier Practical Use of R for Data Science" |
"This course will teach you how to use different machine learning algorithms in the context of data science. In order to learn how to use these algorithms, the course will show how to implement them using the R statistical programming language in the R Studio environment. Additional topics addressed include data preparation, data visualization, and model improvement."
Price: 19.99 |
"Group Chakra Healing Practitioner Professional Course" |
"Step into your power as a Professional Group Chakra Healing Practitioner, in this wonderful information-packed course you will learn.What and where are the Chakra Energy CentresAbout the Energy BodyWhy balance the ChakrasThe history of Chakra HealingAbout the Chakras of the EarthHow to run a Chakra Healing from a Breath Meditation to 7 Meditations for each of the 7 internal Chakras.About the power of Chakra Music and its relevance to the Universal SpheresHow to use Chakra Mats to enhance a healing event.How to use Chakra Crystals and their relationship to the light spectrum.About Chakra Incenses.How Chakra Mandalas bring powerful spiritual energy into a session, and the space. I will show you how to run an event from set-up, creating a sacred space, running a healing and grounding and clearing after an event. I have provided extensive resources that you can download and use yourself. There are also some unique perspectives on this subject as I bring through information from other times to support you, and we touch on my favourite topic Atlantis again.Blessings in the lightTania x"
Price: 184.99 |
"Python 3 Programming A Step By Step Guide for Beginners" |
"Python has been one of the premier, flexible, and powerful open-source language that is easy to learn, easy to use, and has powerful libraries for data manipulation and analysis. For over a decade, Python has been used in scientific computing and highly quantitative domains such as Data Science, Machine Learning, AI, IOT etc.Python Programming Step by Step Guide consists of currently 13 modules and later will add some more additional modules to help the students interested in learning Data Science. First we shall start with the Introduction to Python Programming language then we shall learn how to install Python on your machines and get started with Python Programming, then we shall start understanding the fundamentals of Python by understanding how to define the variables and the expressions that are supported by the Python language, then we shall learn how to write the conditional statements and we shall learn how to work with the loops and how to perform iterations in Python language, then we shall learn how to work with the functions, we shall learn how to define the classes and objects in python, then we shall learn how to handle the exceptions in Python language, we shall learn how to handle and manipulate the strings using Python, we shall learn how to handle the files, we shall learn various data structures such as Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, Sets etc. and also we shall learn how to use the comprehensions support provided by the Python language for writing maintainable and efficient code. Later in this course I will add additional modules such as Regular Expressions, Decorators, Packing and Modules Dynamic Loading, Python Essentials for Data Science and many more.Once you have subscribed all the future updates will be free only."
Price: 24.99 |
"Banish Worry and Stress and Live a Panic Free Life" |
"Do any of these statements sound familiar?You worry too much.You must drag yourself out of the bed every morning and often wake up feeling sad for no obvious reason.Youre always making negative predictions.You worry about the worst that could happen in any situation.You take negative feedback very personally.Youre your biggest critic.You avoid people more than you should.Anything less than perfection feels like failure.If they do, then theres a chance that youre experiencing some degree of anxiety and/or depression. Unpleasant feelings are a part of our daily lives. They are there to teach us a lesson. Once weve learned our lesson, they often move on, but might come back with another lesson later.As a result of these experiences, youre likely to feel sad and stressed. These are perfectly normal emotions to go through from time to time. Everyone feels low and apprehensive about something or other at some point in our lives. But when these unpleasant emotions begin to consume you, then you must act before its too late.Fortunately, these feelings can be healed. You will learn how in this course."
Price: 69.99 |
"Asynchronous JavaScript Deep Dive" |
"Effectively working with asynchronous code in JavaScript is an essential skill for anyone working with JavaScript. This course will take you from a beginner or intermediate level to mastering asynchronous JavaScript.I start with a discussion of asynchronous code in JavaScript and how it compares with synchronous code. We take a look at the event loop and the role it plays in asynchronous JavaScript. We then look at and work with the original asynchronous pattern, the callback. We dive into Promises, and tackle this subject in depth. We then add the async await pattern to the discussion. In the last section we cover generators and how and when they can be used in your code.I've built the instruction with numerous examples. I also provide all the code files so you can follow along and experiment on your own. The course includes 10 exercise and one quiz in order to give you plenty of opportunities to apply the concepts taught.By taking this course you will be able to:Use callbacks throughout your code.Incorporate and work with promises no matter the source.Use the async await pattern to make your asynchronous code easier to reason about.Incorporate generators when needed.This is one of the best courses I've produced, and I feel is unmatched in its coverage of asynchronous JavaScript. If you are looking to learn this very important topic, I would love to take this journey with you."
Price: 109.99 |
"Advanced Revit Architecture 2019" |
"In this course you will learn all the commands required from architectural point of view. Commands from systems tab are not taught as they are for MEP engineers. Other than that we have not covered commands from steel tab and analyse tab as they are related to structural part. Since students use softwares such as Staad pro and etabs for structural analysis so we are leaving these topics as there is no point of learning these here in revit.Whatever is there in Revit from architectural point of view is being covered. "
Price: 19.99 |
"Coiling and Wrapping Methodology in Baguazhang" |
"Baguazhang specializes in zero to short range power. In order to develop this kind of skill, there are basic elements that a person needs to practice and refine. This course provides simple drills to build the awareness with the body using transitions between palm structures, drills in horse stance as well as in a single line, and practicing precision with stepping and rooting with the lower half of the body."
Price: 39.99 |
"Il corso di Canto Moderno con il Metodo TVS in italiano" |
"""Tecniche innovative e uniche"" Robert Lunte, fondatore del metodo TVS""Sergio ha preso i miei pregi, li ha vantati e li ha messi da parte. Successivamente ha preso i miei difetti, li ha evidenziati, affrontati e battuti. Tutt'ora, per quanto possa essere difficile, ci piace prendere ed affrontare i miei difetti e migliorare i miei pregi, con tecniche che solo un Vocal Coach come Sergio pu conoscere. Esercizi che mettono in seria discussione le tue potenzialit, ma una volta eseguiti danno tutti gli stimoli necessari per poter dire ""ce la posso fare, ce la devo fare"". Ed in questo passaggio Sergio un'icona: sa essere allo stesso tempo il tuo insegnante, vocal coach ed amico sincero. Mi ha sempre sostenuto, ed ora che gli ho espresso il mio desiderio di voler uscire ha affermato ""FINALMENTE"". Maestro motivatore."" Fabio Pisano - Cantante popLa prima volta che sentii parlare di Sergio Calafiura, insegnante di canto moderno di un certo prestigio, mi chiesi subito se il suo metodo potesse funzionare anche con me, ma sopratutto mi domandai in cosa differisse il suo metodo dagli insegnanti che frequentai prima: lirica e moderno, jazz o metodo da performer di Musical Theatre. Mi documentai attingendo da internet, qualche brano qua e la ( anche perch credo non possa esistere nulla di peggiore di un insegnante di canto che non sa cantare). Mi decisi, presi coraggio e mi iscrissi. I miglioramenti, ma sopratutto la sensazione di come vivevo la mia voce cambiata radicalmente. Grazie a Sergio e al suo metodo, tutti possono e potranno sfruttare al 100% le potenzialit naturali individuali. Sergio, non solo un semplice insegnante ma un amico, grazie! La tua passione nel passato ha dato modo di creare il nostro futuro! Alessio Carta Salis - Cantante e Musicista""Sono innumerevoli i motivi per cui sono felice di studiare canto con Sergio. Innanzitutto per la professionalit, legata sia alla sua grandissima preparazione che a un atteggiamento di umilt e disponibilit. l'insegnante ideale per chi non ha paura di migliorarsi e di affrontare i propri limiti (a volte supposti e altre volte reali). Studiare con Sergio sicuramente per i coraggiosi, per chi ha il desiderio vero di migliorare il controllo della propria voce e capire ci che necessario correggere per poter crescere."" Raffy Enis - Cantante popLo studio del canto un mondo dentro se stessi, in tutto. un lavoro interno, dedicato a sciogliere barriere autoimposte dalla nostra mente che comanda il corpo, dedicato a sciogliere blocchi emozionali, ma anche un lavoro fisico: scoprirete come si muove la voce anche da un punto di vista meccanico, il motivo e la causa di quel suono sono determinati anche da un movimento meccanico che non si abituati a fare. La consapevolezza velocizza il processo di miglioramento e superamento dei propri limiti. Come il controllo nel cambio tra i registri o passaggi, le gestioni dei colori della voce, il miglioramento estensivo e non meno importante il NON affaticamento vocale. Il tutto pu migliorare il nostro canto verso l'esterno. Una volta raccolto il nostro canto, questo dev'essere pronto a uscire fuori esattamente con i contorni delle parole che ne danno significato e come noi lo abbiamo immaginato, come noi lo abbiamo conosciuto e preparato dall'interno. Quindi riuscire a cantare la nostra canzone o il nostro repertorio come desideriamo! Perch quando sai che cantare un'emozione unica e riesci a vivere la vibrazione dentro di te, allora questa arriver anche a chi avrai davanti o a chi ti ascolter! Questa sar la differenza. Enjoy the voice! Enjoy the music!Sergio Calafiura Pi di 50 video per la tua voceMetodo per tutti i livelliSergio CalafiuraCantante, insegnante di canto moderno.Diplomato presso CPM (Centro Professione Musica a Milano) in canto moderno.E' considerato dagli stessi colleghi Vocal Coach uno tra i migliori in Italia. Specializzato in Canto moderno, tra gli studi:Estill Voicecraft (certificato CFP),SLS,Vocal ki,Vocal power,TVS (2 certificazioni)Indirizzo rock pop e le sue derivazioni pi estreme (metal, hard-rock), soul e bluesInsegna: corsi base corsi avanzati corsi professionali corsi formazione insegnanti corsi di tirocinio allinsegnamentoRisultati: Resistenza vocale Estensione I suoni della voce Stile Consapevolezza meccanica/anatomica dello strumento voce Raggiungimento degli obiettivi2003 partecipazione presso Nuoro Jazz2004 Diploma presso CPM (Centro Professione Musica a Milano) in canto moderno.2005 Corso di Counseling2006 Vocal Coach per Brunella, cantante solista di Domenica In; nello stesso periodo, insegna presso lAccademia di Musica di Tivoli (Roma)2007 Co-Fondatore della Scuola Di Musica New Music Voice Power a Cagliari2008 ospite al Festival Jazz MUSICA SULLE BOCCHE con il gruppo ACOUSTICHERIEdal 2009 organizzatore e docente presso il SUMMER CAMP (una settimana intensiva di studio della musica e della voce)2010/2011 Certificazione C.F.P. in EVTS (Voice Craft) e conseguimento della prima certificazione con il metodo americano TVS: CI2010 Attestato di Coach Professionista presso PNL (MI)[In questi anni viene scelto per rappresentare la canzone per LA MISTICA, la casa famiglia di Capitano Ultimo. Il brano LAMORE DI ULTIMO uscir un anno dopo sotto la produzione di Cesare Chiodo (Sony) con un video girato dal regista Michele Soavi e trasmesso nelle reti Mediaset: il brano presente su iTunes.]2012 esce il metodo Voice Power ST, conseguimento della certificazione pi alta del metodo2012 Viene pubblicato il nuovo libro di del TVS dove ci sar una citazione per un argomento che diventer una parte fondamentale della tecnica di insegnamento del The Vocalist Studio: La Massa Leggera, chiamata dal metodo CRY.TVS: MCI; nello stesso anno, assegnazione di una cattedra da insegnante a Seattle presso il centro TVS per lestate del 20132013 attivit di coaching a Seattle presso la sede del TVS (luglio-agosto)2014 uscita dellalbum Il falso centro con la band Entity: il disco raggiunge sempre le massime valutazioni nelle recensioni di tutto il mondo (Italia, Australia, USA, Inghilterra, ecc)dal 2009 a oggi svolge attivit seminaristiche, presentando i workshop del LA VOCE UNICA in diverse citt italiane: Amalfi, Pescara, Pianella, Imola, Cagliari, Fluminimaggiore, Olbia, Roma, Milano.Numerose le lezioni Skype con studenti da diverse parti dellItalia e del mondo (Brasile, Nuova Zelanda, Australia, Canada, Spagna, Germania, Francia, Londra, Olanda).2015 Seminario Cantare coi bimbi Elisabetta Rosa, Renata Chiappino2016 Completa il percorso didattico Voice to Teach2016 Aprile presso la Scuola Di Musica della Citt Di Pianella (PE), lavora come Vocal Coach per la realizzazione della registrazione in studio del brano Let It Be2016 Novembre cattedra presso la Feltrinelli di Pescara per il dibattito OLTRE LA VOCE insieme ai Maestri Michele Luppi e Vincenzo Di Nicolantonio2016 Dicembre presenta il workshop La Voix Unique a Montpellier (Francia), organizzato da Le Gam (Groupement Artistique Montpellierain)2017 Diventa Endorser per Zoom e Samson Technology2017 Invitato al congresso sulla voce: OLTRE LA VOCE a Penne (Pescara). Ospiti relatori: oltre a Sergio Calafiura, il dottor Franco Fussi ed i cantanti Luca Velletri e Michele Luppi.2017 Presenta il workshop La Voce Unica presso lassociazione Ali Musicali di Faenza2017 Laboratorio di Canto Moderno organizzato dal TeddyStudio di Osteria Grande (Bologna)2017 Presenta il workshop La Voce Unica presso New Music Voice Power2018 Inizio Vocal coaching a Milano presso struttura privata (SOLDOUT)2019 Esce il libro Mix & Belting: Emissioni a confronto con una sua citazione2019 Traduce, esegue e pubblica il video metodo TVS di Robert Lunte per la versione italianaE molto attivo anche il canale youtube con diverse dimostrazioni e lezioni-video."
Price: 199.99 |
"Agile Leadership" |
"Have you ever read the Charles Dickens classic A Tale of Two Cities? This timeless novel begins with the famous statement It was the best of times, it was the worst of times and tells the story of a French doctors experience in two cities: Paris and London.The culture in one city was one of wisdom, belief, light, and hope. The culture in the second was one of incredulity, darkness and despair. In the first city, the people believed things were headed in the right direction. In the other city, the citizens felt that things were headed the other way.Hi! Dr. Kaliym Islam, the TrainingPro here. I spent the last 20 years of my career leading international teams and teaching leaders how to use techniques that helped them empower and energize their teams, quickly and easily respond to changing priorities and demands, and exceed client expectations.The Dickens story always reminds of an experience I had working with two different organizations. The first organization was experiencing the worst of times. The employees were in despair. They didnt feel empowered. The programs they developed took months and sometimes up to a year to complete. The rework associated with developing those programs seemed to never end. The satisfaction with their products was pedestrian. And, the costs associated with developing said programs were through the roof.The second organization was experiencing the best of times. The employees felt empowered. They could develop and deliver their products quickly. Rework was almost non-existent.Customer satisfaction with their services was at world-class levels, and the cost to develop these programs was less than the cost of off-shoring or outsourcing.Now this story has a plot twist..... those two organizations were actually the same organization.What made the difference was that after experiencing the worst of times the first organization abandoned antiquated leadership techniques of the past and adopted an Agile approach to leading teams.I know this story is hard to believe, but the results speak for themselves.After adopting Agile, the department experienced a 75% increase in production.Client perception changed dramatically. Customers began commenting about the increase in professionalism , the helpfulness of the team, the quick turn around time and the high quality of work.Perhaps the most profound impact that Agile had was its impact on the organization. We experienced double digit increases in employee engagement and leadership.Our leadership index scores increased by 18 points, and our employee engagement increased by 12 points.We scored nearly 24 points higher than the entire company.Ladies and gentleman, the difference that agile leadership can make is mind altering. This is not just a philosophy. Ive seen it work, and Ive experienced the results.I want each of you to have a similar experience.So, if youre ready to improve your teams customer satisfaction, increase employee engagement and reduce risk, just click the button below to start learning how to use Agile Leadership."
Price: 29.99 |
"Deploy NodeJs Apps to Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF)" |
"In this course you will learn Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) which is an open source platform as a service (PaaS) cloud provider.Do you want to learn cloud ? If YES, then this course is for you. If you have no knowledge about Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) then do not worry because in this course you will learn Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) in detail.You will get idea of Cloud Service Models - IaaS - Infrastructure As A ServicePaaS - Platform As A ServiceSaaS - Software As A ServiceYou will also learn to deploy your NodeJs Apps to Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) along with MySQL Database.If you want to showcase your skills OR want to share your work your friends/colleagues then you can deploy your Node Js Apps to Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) and share URL with your friends/colleagues.Having knowledge of cloud is an advantage now a days. So having knowledge of cloud will also help you in your current Job also it will help you to get your new job.In This Course You will Learn...What is Cloud Computing ?Why We Need Cloud Computing ?Cloud Service Models - IaaS, PaaS and SaaSNode Js App Deployment To Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Along With MySQL"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Use Video Maker FX Software Tutorial" |
"With Video Maker FX you can create numerous videos and not be in them! Now that's certain relief isn't it, right? Create marketing videos to promote your message with ease. Personalize them to capture your visual style.All that's required is replacing the text, the colors, the font. The professional slides are created for you.Have fun with this because there's no sweat, no headache just choose your slides and, voila!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Molding and Casting for Sculptors : Level 2" |
"If you are a sculptor or crafter wanting to make your own molds and casts on a small scale, this class is just what you've been looking for. This course is presented in two parts so that artists can pick and choose how much information they need. This Level 2 portion is aimed at those who have some previous molding and casting experience and are looking to learn more complex techniques. If you need a lesson in the basics of molding and casting, including materials, I highly recommend completing the Level 1 portion of this course beforehand. Together, the two parts form a comprehensive look at the sculpture reproduction process.Learn with Easy-to-Follow InstructionsIn Molding and Casting for Sculptors, I demonstrate how to make several different types of molds over the course of three different projects. We will discuss the materials needed for molding and casting, how to cut and sculptures, mold box building techniques, cutting open silicone molds, creating two part molds, the benefits of pressure casting, cast clean up, and more. At the end of the class, you will have the knowledge to start building your own molds and making your own casts.Students will need to purchase materials in order to complete this class. Materials list with recommended brands and buying locations will be provided. Previous molding and casting experience is not necessary. Beginner and experienced mold makers alike will learn plenty of new concepts, tips, and techniques in this class.Created with the artist in mind, Molding and Casting for Sculptors : Level 2 contains over 1.5 hours of video content with 9 total videos highlight sculpture-specific techniques throughout the entire mold making and casting process."
Price: 39.99 |
"Learn Spring 5, Boot 2, JPA, Thymeleaf, AOP, Web MVC, REST" |
"LAST UPDATED: JAN 2020Why Spring?Spring is, by far, the most popular framework for application development in the Java ecosystem. Nothing else even comes close. Why? Because it makes software development so much easier in Java. You can build webapps, mobile apps, desktop apps, batch and big data apps and services in a record time using Spring. Spring does a lot of things right, and it's getting better and better with each release. There aren't a lot of technologies with the kind of wide reach, stability and maturity of Spring, that still move fast and innovate. That's a really tough balance to hit, and Spring has been a leader in that space for over a decade.Today, Spring, along with Boot, is a polished, modern and highly expressive framework that makes building apps like twitter almost trivial (easily passes the twitter test). So, the popularity of the Spring ecosystem is well deserved. If you're working in Java, you're very likely doing work with Spring because 90% of all Java projects use Spring!This course will prepare you to become an expert on the Spring Framework. Together, we will build an industry standard Spring Web Application which will transition you from a beginner to an experienced and employable Spring Developer. We will build a real world application in which we will cover topics and practices that are used throughout the industry. You will type every line of code along with me, as I explain, to ensure that you fully comprehend the subject matter. I will be available to answer any questions that you may have, so you will never be stuck on a section, or have confused on any topic.Dont just take it from me, take it from other students that have taken this course. Heres reviews from real students that took this course Can't thank enough for this course! It's helping me a ton at my job! Great instructor! The course material is very organized and to the point. Imtiaz is a very good instructor and he makes complex ideas very easy to grasp with to-the-point examples. Really liking the course so far. Worth it, covers so many topics, beginner or expert you will learn new things or new vision! Simple and precise. Best course for Spring beyond Udemy and Yt if you want to see how to develop real time application, not just some surfaced examples. Teacher is thorough, slowly shows every step very clearly. Very professional. Bravo. Absolutely has to be the best Spring web development course on Udemy! Excellent course so far! The instructor does a fantastic job introducing small pieces at a time, and then slowly building upon the previous piece. At each step, we get to see the effects of the code we are writing. First thing first, can I just say how captivating your voice is? Your voice is like music to human ears and the way you explain things is just captivating/soothing? Your style seems to be thorough, to the point and patient. I have just finished section 1 and so far the content has also been really good. I have not forgotten anything you've said so far and whatever code you've shown so far, I can write from the scratch without looking it up. So I have to say, I rate this course 5 out of 5. The instructor tries his best to explain each action he is doing while coding. He tries his best to focus on what is important. His voice is very clear. He repeats the important points to set the focus on what you need to remember. He doesnt make you lose time with non essentials concepts which is good because you can see where you need to spend your learning time.Topics covered in this course include:Spring Framework 5Spring Boot 2Spring MVCMavenSpring Data CRUD RepositoriesTymeleafHibernateSpring AnnotationsUsing the Command Line to run Spring Boot AppsCore Spring ConceptsProperty ConfigurationsPostgreSQL DatabaseIntegration TestingDeploying our Spring Application to the AWS EC2 ServerContainerization using DockerSpring AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)Spring SecurityRESTFul Web Services APIEnroll today to learn how to build modern applications using the Spring Framework!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Adobe Illustrator Advanced Pattern Techniques - Masterclass" |
"Adobe Illustrator Advanced Pattern Techniques - Masterclass - extend your Illustrator knowledge by making useful designsAre you ready to make more advanced and complex patterns in Illustrator? Do you want to extend your knowledge of Illustrator? Do you want to expand your graphic design skills?Great! Welcome! This course is for you. It's a fun and a practical way of becoming more competent in using Illustrator. Here you'll ""learn by doing"" as you make a range of advanced and more complex seamless repeating patterns. You can use these patterns for saleable creative assets, scrapbook papers, stock imagery, backgrounds, and for your own projects. Upload them to Spoonflower to make fabric and wallpaper, and print them on book covers and mugs. There are literally hundreds of ways to make use of the patterns you'll make in this course and you'll be so proud when you say ""I made that"".Who is your trainer?Helen Bradley has taught thousands of students to use Illustrator and Photoshop. She doesn't fluff about and is focused on helping you learn to use Illustrator in a practical and smart way. Her workflows are carefully structured for maximum success and she explains everything so you know the 'why' as well as the 'how' of any process. Helen has a huge commitment to her students' learning - she answers all student questions and often adds extra videos to a course to help students with questions that others might also benefit from learning from.What will you learn?When you complete this course, you'll: - be able to create a range of advanced types and styles of patterns in Illustrator- have extended your knowledge of Illustrator tools - have learned new tips and techniques that you can use every day Do I hear you say ""...I struggle a bit when using Illustrator (frankly, I'm even a bit scared of it)""?I understand! I've been there.Illustrator can be really scary and a bit intimidating to use. but I've created a better way to learn Illustrator. One that makes it a lot less scary and a lot more fun. You see, you'll learn to make patterns you can sell, give away on your blog, and use yourself. So you'll be making designs that you can do something with at the same time that you are extending your Illustrator knowledge. There's no waiting! There's no hours of learning before you can get started doing something. In fact you can start today. Complete the first few lessons and you'll have your first patterns made! Do I hear you say ""... but I hate the Pen tool!""?I understand! Most people hate the pen tool. You are not alone! I believe that Illustrator is so much more than its (dreaded) Pen tool so we'll use the pen tool only when we have to (which is practically never) and you'll see just how much you can achieve without it. Do I hear you say ""... but I can't draw""?No problem! If you can use a mouse you can complete this course. Quite simply, you don't need to be able to draw. In fact many designers can't draw and yet they make fantastic designs and great products. If you can draw great! If you can't draw don't worry, you'll be able to do succeed in this course even if drawing isn't a skill you have mastered. Are you ready to extend your Illustrator skills?I'm assuming you already know the basics of using Illustrator. So, in taking this class you will elevate your skills to a new level. You'll learn to use tools and techniques in a practical situation so you use what you're learning instantly. You'll reinforce your existing knowledge as you apply it to real world designs. And if we use tools you've never used before - great! You'll learn to use them fast and easily so you understand how you can put them to work in your daily workflow. Do I hear you say ""Please don't waste my time""?If there is one thing I hate its wasting time and you probably do too. So, I don't say ""um"", I don't fluff about, I don't make mistakes, I know my stuff and I show you how to do things efficiently and effectively. I speed up the videos where appropriate so you don't get bored or distracted. I'm 100% focused on helping you learn. In short, I'll get straight to the point and Ill maximize what you learn in every lecture. Will I just learn to make patterns?Well Yes, and No! Yes, you'll learn to make patterns lots of wonderful seamless repeating patterns. Each pattern has been chosen for a reason. There are the plaid and Ikat patterns which mimic the look of fabric effects, and there are geometric, and organic patterns. Each uses different techniques so you extend your knowledge of Illustrator as you complete your designs. But along the way you'll also learn to use tools and effects like Filters, the Wrinkle and the Pencil tools and how to join elements together to make seamless repeats. You'll also learn to recolor your patterns and I'm willing to bet that you'll fall in love with the recolor tool as you use it to explore wonderful color schemes for your art.In short, you'll learn techniques and tips that you can use everyday as you work in Illustrator and you'll grow in confidence with every completed lecture.How will I learn?This course is made up 100% of video content. You'll watch my screen as I show you how each pattern is made. I'll explain what I am doing and why so you can learn as you watch. In one lecture you'll make a pattern from lots of small objects. Because making those objects isn't an important part of the class, we'll use some free to download vectors so you can get to work straight away. That way you can focus on the pattern and not the bits that go to making it. Join me... I hope you will join me in this Illustrator class. I look forward to meeting you and I invite you to contact me if you have any questions as you work through the lectures. cheers!Helen"
Price: 19.99 |