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"Aprende DevOps. Fundamentos de Terraform."
"Terraform es una herramienta para construir, combinar y poner en marcha de manera segura y eficiente la infraestructura. Servidores fsicos,  contenedores, hasta productos SaaS (Software como un Servicio), Terraform es capaz de crear y orquestar todos los componentes necesarios para ejecutar cualquier servicio o aplicacin.Describe su infraestructura completa como cdigo y permite conectarse a mltiples proveedores de servicios. Sus servidores pueden estar Azure, su DNS en AWS, y la base de datos en Digital Ocean. Terraform construir todos estos recursos a travs de todos estos proveedores en paralelo.Terraform codifica su infraestructura,proporciona el flujo de trabajo, herramientas para cambiar y actualizar la infraestructura con seguridad.Esta herramienta le permite crear, cambiar, mejorar de manera segura y previsible la infraestructura de produccin. Es una herramienta de cdigo abierto que codifica configuraciones de infraestructra en archivos que pueden ser compartidos entre miembros del equipo, tratados como cdigo, editados, revisados y versionados.Teniendo claro que hace en este curso aprenders a usar Terraform para automatizar tu infraestructura.Primero te mostrar los conceptos bsicos de Terraform y luego te explicar a modo de ejemplo cmo automatizar infraestructura en una nube como AWS. Tambin el curso contar con un paquete de ejemplos de cdigo que puedes descargar para usar de inmediato y automatizar tu propia infraestructura.Cuando hayas terminado este curso, tendrs las habilidades y conocimientos de Terraform necesarios para escribir, planificar y crear tus primeras implementaciones de infraestructura automatizadas.Ten presente que puedes abrir una cuenta de AWS de forma gratuita para realizar algunos laboratorios."
Price: 79.99

"Mindfulness in Daily Life and At Work"
"Paying attention to your experience in the present moment brings control of thoughts and feelings and improves mental health and physical wellbeingWithin minutes of starting this course, you'll begin to understand the essential simplicity of mindfulness and how to be more in touch with what's going on inside you and around you.Through the simple and accessible exercises, you'll acquire techniques to gain mastery over your thoughts and feelings. You'll see why mindfulness is now recommended as a route to improved mental health, quality of life, and personal productivity.Mindfulness is the antidote to our highly-charged lifestyles. In order to keep on keeping up, we also need to take time for ourselves, to rest, recover and renew our energies.Though many people are curious, there is also a lot of confusion about how to be mindful. This course will clarify things and show you how to quickly reap the life-changing benefits of mindfulness.Mindfulness gives you control of areas of your life you've probably thought you couldn't influence. You'll begin to enjoy the benefits almost as soon as you start to practice. Try it, and judge for yourself."
Price: 49.99

"Python Complete Course"
"Welcome to the Complete Python Course! This course is all about getting you writing code Python Programming, rather than sitting back learn. This is the most comprehensive course for the Python programming language on Udemy and we will continue to update this lesson for new examples and according to student requests. You have never programmed before in this course we will teach you. If you know but want to learn about the advanced features of this language, this course is for you! This course includes quizzes, tests, and homework and more examples. Learn and Understand Python! Start from the basics, Object Oriented Programming and more. Build your own applications.Firstly we'll learn basically programming with setup  IDE, learn data structures: variables, lists, dictionaries, sets, tuples, statements, functions, conditionals, loops and more tips in Python Programming. Second step we'll learn object oriented programming with more examples. Learn and Understand Object Oriented programming in Python Development with attributes, classes, encapsulation, inheritance, override, abstract classes, polymorphism. And more Python tutorial. Next step we'll learn intermediate and advanced lessons in this course. Also you'll learn how to create awesome GUI's in Python programming. This course is aimed toward full newcomers who've by no means programmed earlier than, in addition to present programmers who wish to enhance their profession choices by learning this language. The actual fact is, This language is likely one of the hottest programming languages on the earth. Huge companies use this language like Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, Mitsubishi, IBM and more companies. This language is the primary language selection for machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence. To get these excessive paying jobs you want an professional data of Python, and thats what you're going to get from this course. By the end of the course youll be capable of apply in confidence for Python programming jobs. As such you'll not solely be studying this language, however you'll be studying trade greatest practices for Python programming that actual employers demand.This course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. You both find yourself with Python expertise, go on to develop nice applications and probably make an superior profession for your self, otherwise you attempt the course and easily get all of your a refund in case you dont prefer it. Let's Start to learn..."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Rpido de I Ching - Tome sempre as melhores decises"
"Tome as melhores decises baseado nas orientaes deste orculo milenar. No curso so ensinados dois mtodos diferentes de como chegar ao hexagrama, o mtodo das moedas e o mtodo matemtico. Tambm ensinado como interpretar as respostas nos diversos livros disponveis no mercado. No necessrio nenhum conhecimento anterior para fazer o curso."
Price: 84.99

"Cradle to Grave R - Absolute Beginners Guide"
"What makes learning R, a quirky language worthwhile? Let's start with a list:Its free, open-source, and available on every platform. If you do your analysis in R, anyone can easily replicate it.A diverse and welcoming communityA massive set of packages. Whatever youre trying to do, chances are that someone has already tried to do it and you can learn from their efforts.RMarkdown makes it easy to turn your results into HTML files, PDFs, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, dashboards and more. R does not have to be hard to learn. In fact, it should be easy. It's a high-level programming language that enables a casual user to do powerful things with little effort. In this course, I show you how to get started on that journey. This course is an iterative, step-by-step guide. In most videos, I am a talking head (the little head on the bottom right of the screen). I believe interacting and talking through the problems helps you learn more in the long term. You learn the solution-oriented process as we go. The videos are broken up into bite-size chunks. This way, you can take a concept and run with it before learning something entirely new. I expect you to follow along, typing the code. It's much easier to cut/paste code, but when you are forced to use muscle memory, you will appreciate it in the long run more. This is not an in-depth programming course or a statistics course. Instead, this course is meant for the casual business user or analyst to get started on a much larger journey in R. You must learn these concepts before learning the statistics, big data concepts, and machine learning algorithms. This course is a foundation for all of that. That being said, you can apply what you learn from this course to your daily business life immediately. In summary, this course has been designed for all skill levels and even if you have no programming or statistical background you will be successful in this course!See you in the class!Mark Gingrass"
Price: 19.99

"Escape the City: StartUp School - Launch Your Business Idea!"
"Want to launch an idea but not sure where to start?Our Online Startup School follows 10 crucial steps to help you avoid the common startup pitfalls and accelerates you to being your own boss.This is a learning by doing experience that will teach you how to build a startup. This is your entrepreneurial apprenticeship. Its not about building a rocket ship overnight, its about developing a powerful new toolkit, network and mindset to help you identify and execute exciting opportunities over the next few years as you transition into entrepreneurship.This complete course includes:- 23 instructional videos- 12 downloadable PDF documents & templates- 6 projects and exercises to complete- an easy to use financial template- a curated selection of further external reading and viewingLets launch your idea into the world.AS FEATURED IN: Fast Company, Time, The New York Times, WIRED, Forbes & Financial TimesLife is too short to do work that doesn't matter to you.Since 2010, we've helped thousands of people Escape into starting businesses through our Escape School in London. We've gathered knowledge from our 250,000+ Escape community members around the world to learn what works. We've dissected tried-and-tested lessons from entrepreneurs, psychologists, philosophers, adventurers, investors and other successful Escapees to distill a set of principles that work.We've distilled our best Startup lessons into this easy to follow online course."
Price: 149.99

"Crie um Servio de Backup em Nuvem com Bacula Community"
"O que o bacula community?Bacula um sistema open-source que permite gerenciar o backup, a restauraao e a verificao dos dados em uma rede de computadores de diferentes tipos.De acordo com as estatsticas do Source Forge (classificao e downloads), o Bacula de longe o programa de backup de cdigo aberto mais popular. Possui 2.5 milhes de downloads e milhares de colaboradores em todo o mundo.Sobre este curso?Este curso tem a proposta de ensinar passo-a-passo a instalar e configurar o Bacula na verso community, focando exclusivamente em implementar a soluo em provedores de Cloud que suportem a API do S3, tais como: Amazon Web Service S3, Wasabi, Ceph e muitos outros. No final do curso voc ser capaz de entregar a soluo em seu ambiente de produo ou de seus clientes, agregando valor e profissionalismo ao seu negcio e clientes."
Price: 39.99

"Desarrollo web profesional en PHP con Laravel 6"
"Laravel es el framework PHP con mayor proyeccin en la actualidad, posiblemente el ms avanzado y con mayor comunidad de desarrolladores. Un aliado indispensable si queremos hacer aplicaciones web con PHP altamente profesionales.En este curso aprenders a desarrollar aplicaciones en Laravel 6 LTS, la ltima versin del framework. Alistaremos nuestro entorno de trabajo, conoceremos la estructura de una aplicacin Laravel, rutas, controladores, vistas, form requests, validaciones, base de datos, modelos, migraciones, seeders, autenticacin, middlewares, policies, gates y ms. Crearemos un proyecto de ejemplo en el cual aplicaremos los conceptos aprendidos hasta la autenticacin y proteccin de rutas, incluiremos tambin los videos que muestren como desplegar nuestro proyecto de laravel.Aprende a desarrollar en el framework de PHP de mayor crecimiento en la actualidad!"
Price: 199.99

"How To Budget Your Way To Financial Freedom"
"Do you wonder where your money goes each month and why you cant seem to see the end of the road when it comes to your personal debt? Do you want to stop making excuses and take total control of your finances?The first step to changing your financial position is to know how much money you are making, how much money you are spending, what you own, and how much you owe and to whom. Once these questions have been answered, you are 50% closer to your dream of financial freedom.This class will show you step-by-step how to calculate your net worth, create your income and expense budget, and you will learn two techniques you can use to start paying off your debt so that you can become financially debt-free."
Price: 49.99

"Learn to draw Mechs: Photoshop"
"You open up Photoshop and decide that you want to try and draw some mechs. You get started only to find that they're not turning out the way you wanted, and you really wish it just looked more professional. How should I get started? What brushes should I use? All of these questions run through your head as you try to figure out why it just isn't looking like how you imagined. Having the ability to watch someone go through each step of the process and explain why they are doing each step would be great. It would help to eliminate some of your major questions that have been holding you back. You just want to have someone show you how to get started, and what steps should be taken to get great results. This course will take you step by step through the process of designing and creating your own mech concepts from scratch. By the end of the course you will have a professional level understanding of the core concepts and techniques used in creating mech concept art. If you want to improve as an artist and really take your art to the next level, this course will teach you the skills to get there. So lets get down to the dirty work and start learning how to draw mechs inside of Photoshop. //Also included in the conclusion chapter is the final PSD photoshop document so you can destruct and look at things at your own pace."
Price: 19.99

"3D Modeling for Video Games : Beginners Guide"
"Learning how to create 3dmodels can be hard. There are many places where things can go wrong. Trying to follow multiple tutorials about modelingcan result inleavingout the most important details or, in the worst case,give you the wrong information. This can leave you feeling confused about how to modeland asking yourselfhow to even get started.What you want is an industry professional to walk you through the process of creating 3dmodels inside of Maya. You wouldhavesomeone to answer your questions about how to create thehighest quality results possible. Your art and knowledgewouldjump in quality, leaving youwith beautiful art for your portfolio or project.This course is designed to give you all the skills you need to create beautiful 3Dmodels for games, movies or vfx. You will be walked through each step of the learning process from the most simple concepts to more advanced things to be considered when modeling. All the steps have been recorded and narratedto give you the skills to not only build the 3Dmodels in this course but to buildany typeof 3D modelat the highest quality. By the end of this course you will have the skills to create 3D models for games, movies and vfx.Now is the time to increase your art ability and really let your true skills come through. So sign up for the course now and have yourself wondering why you ever let yourself struggle at creating 3D modelsfor your artportfolio or project."
Price: 19.99

"Dominando Elementor La gua definitiva paso a paso 2020"
"En la actualidad, nunca haba sido tan fcil la forma en que puedes crear sitios web para ti, para tus conocidos o hacerlo de manera profesional con clientes. Este constructor de pginas te va a permitir crear sitios de diferentes estilos como sitios comerciales, pginas de aterrizaje, cartas de ventas, etc, sin necesidad de saber o usar cdigo de programacin, html y css.Regstrate hoy mismo y descubre cmo:Eliminar la barrera del cdigo html, css o la programacinNo tienes que volver a depender de un diseador o desarrollador y crea hoy mismo tu negocio en Internet creando tu pgina web gracias a nuestro curso prctico y desde ceroHoy en da las personas estn aprendiendo a crear diferentes tipos de sitios web gracias a la nueva era del diseo y desarrollo web y ahora tu tambin vas a lograrlo en poco tiempoPreguntas frecuentes:Es esto para mi? Si eres diseador, programador, freelance, emprendedor o si tienes un producto o servicio y quieres llegar a ms personas, lo principal es tener una pgina web que se convierte en tu carta de presentacin.Por qu lo necesito? Hasta el momento, si necesitas crear un proyecto web a la medida de tus necesidades debes saber o contratar a alguien que sepa html, css, javascript, programacin y otras tecnologas. Si tratas de aprenderlo por tu cuenta te va a tomar meses o incluso aos de ensayo, prueba y error. Contratar a alguien que haga el trabajo por ti te va a costar miles de dlares. Aqu vas a aprender lo necesario para crear slo lo que necesitas para tu negocio en Internet, no ser 100% a la medida de tus necesidades pero te aseguro que a un 90% si te saldr.De qu trata? Veremos cada una de las opciones de Elementor, este constructor trata de arrastrar y soltar elementos que ya estn hechos por el sistema y tu slo tienes que llenar los datos ms simples. Si necesitas insertar texto, imgenes, videos entre un sin fin de elementos adicionales, tu solo le dices donde lo quieres colocar, llenas la informacin y listo. Ms fcil? imposible.Cmo lo adquiero? Slo tienes que ir al botn de inscribirme ahora para pasar a las opciones de pago y tener acceso inmediato al curso. Al finalizar el curso vas a poder crear:Sitios web comercialesPginas de aterrizaje o one sectionTiendas virtuales en combinacin con WoocomercePginas de ventasOlvdate de aprender cdigo complicado, pagar a terceros, usar plantillas pre-hechas o hacer pginas web mediocres. Aprende hoy mismo y crea tu primera pgina web en poco tiempo. Garantizado."
Price: 59.99

"WIN MORE GRANTS Like the Pros in 4 Steps"
"Write down this number: $1.2 BILLION! Thats how much students won in grant funding in just 2 years when they applied the proven system youll find inside this course. No more overwhelm! No more confusion! No more failure! Students success rates soared through the roof! Your success rate will skyrocket, too! In fact, you can triple your success rate by simply conducting a ""pre-proposal contact"" (secret 8) and ""mock review"" (secret 28).Inside this course, you will learn all 30 time-tested secrets (outlined below)! Imagine how many more grants will get approved when you apply winning techniques from not-just-one but 80 expert grant professionals, using a simple, yet powerful 4-step process with checklists and worksheets to make your job easier, faster and more effective. Enroll today! This is what you will learn:STEP 1: Develop Your Idea83% of top grant writers we studied agree get clear on what you want, first. In Step 1 (Secrets 4-13), youll discover how to develop your idea for funding into a fundable plan including this vital topicsDream BigTap Into Your Passion2 Ways to Be Original & Attract FundersTimely Ideas that Attract Funders3 Ways to Solve Problems & Attract Funders3 Aspects of Compelling Ideas that Attract Funders21 Strategies for a Killer Sustainability PlanHave Your 15-Second Elevator Pitch ReadyAssess The Needs Of Community First8 Basic Sections of a Winning ProposalSTEP 2: Research FundersOnce you get clear on your idea for funding, Step 2 (Secrets 14-22) focuses on finding funders whose ideas match yours. You will learn the best ways to find funders whose ideas match yours, as well as the 4 funder types (i.e., corporations, foundations, government agencies, and individual donors), and the best way to contact funders. You will learn how toLower Your Risk of Failure In Getting a GrantFind the Perfect Keywords for Your SearchApproach Corporations StrategicallyApproach Foundations StrategicallyApproach Government Agencies StrategicallyApproach Individual Donors StrategicallyUse Linear & Nonlinear Approaches To FundingTriple Your Chances with Pre-Proposal ContactsSave Time By Scanning Application Forms And GuidelinesSTEP 3: Customize Your ProposalOnce you know what you want and have identified funders interested in funding you, 100% of the top grant writing experts ALL agree that you must customize your proposal to funder specifications if you want to be successful. Step 3 (Secrets 23-28) shows you how to customize your proposal based on funder guidelines including ways to make your proposal stand out. You will learn how toCreate A Timeline for SuccessAdopt The Right Winning AttitudeAssemble Support DataUse World-Class Writing TipsDress Up Your ProposalTriple Your Chances with Mock ReviewsThen, you submit your proposal! Done! Right? Wrong! Most people stop here. But, you wont!STEP 4: Respond to the Funders DecisionIn Step 4 (Secrets 29-30), youll learn how to reframe a rejection into a success, as well as the most important lesson of all (and it comes from my mom!). Topics in this section includeCelebrate or Transform Your Failure Into SuccessIf My Mom Can Do It, So Can You"
Price: 29.99

"Photoshop CC 2019 od podstaw"
"Witam w kursie powiconym programowi Photoshop CC 2019. Kurs ten postanowiem stworzy na angielskiej wersji Photoshopa, poniewa wiele osb chce si nauczy nowych umiejtnoci i wykorzysta je potem w pracy.Kurs jest prowadzony bardzo systematycznie i spokojnie, w jzyku polskim. Wszystkie pojcia s omawiane tak, eby mg/moga zastosowa te umiejtnoci rwnie w polskiej wersji Photoshopa 2019. Uczysz si niejako dwch wersji jzykowych za jednym razem!Kurs jest prowadzony na najnowszej wersji Photoshopa, z roku 2019, co oznacza, e nauczysz si wielu najnowszych narzdzi a take spor ilo narzdzi istniejcych w Photoshopie we wczeniejszych wersjach.Czego moesz si spodziewa w kursie? Omwimy:wspprac z aplikacjami Lightroom oraz Bridgeprac z plikamirozumienie rnic midzy formatami plikwmodu Camera RAWinterfejs Photoshopakonfiguracj interfejsu do wasnych potrzebprac na warstwachmaskowanie warstwkadrowanie i obracanie zdjgrupowanie warstwzaznaczanie fragmentu obrazkaprzeksztacanie warstw oraz zaznaczenakadanie filtrw oraz filtrw inteligentnychpodstawy retuszugradientywarstwy dopasowaniakonwersj kolorw obrazui wiele innych.Kurs peen jest wskazwek i trickw, ktre s przydatne w pracy z programem. Nauczysz si te sporo przydatnych skrtw klawiszowych.Serdecznie zapraszam do nauki :)"
Price: 69.99

"Introduction to Fallacies: How to spot poor reasoning"
"A fallacy is a poorly reasoned argument and those are all around us and even unintentionally come out of our own mouths sometimes! Avoiding fallacies is a crucial skill, especially in the age of information we live in! The internet is full of debates. Full of arguments. And full of fallacies and tricks! After this short course you will no longer have to look up what people are talking about - after this course you will be explaining and pointing out what has been wrongly argued and why. In just 3 days, you will have a strong setting in the art of spotting and avoiding poor arguments. This will in turn make your arguments stronger! On Day 1 we will have a look at the most common and easy to understand fallacies. On Day 2 we will approach some of the more complex fallacies. On Day 3 we will be talk about some more implications of your new-found knowledge and where you can take things from here. You can naturally also pace the course however it fits your schedule: You get lifetime access to everything in this course! Of course, you will be provided both real life and abstract examples of the fallacies at hand, while fun quizzes will test and review the stuff you have learned so far! Complete transcripts and downloadable slides of all course lectures available in the supplemental materials of each video. I am always available to answer questions and contribute to discussions about the course material and beyond! And as a special bonus, further readings and media recommendations (books, movies, etc.) will be made for aspiring philosophers. Come join our group of students today!"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Power BI Practical Course 2020"
"Learn how to work with Power BI the practical way! This course is designed for students who like to learn by doing. Packed with real-life business scenarios along with quizzes and projects to build, this course will give you the solid understanding required to jump start your career as Power BI developer. We will not only teach you how to create stunning dashboards, but we will also introduce you to data modelling, data transformations, teach you how to write DAX, set up calculated columns and measures, generate roles, and of course share your dashboards with your team or clients. Power BI allows you to connect to hundreds of data sources and quickly analyse your data for free. And, although Power BI desktop may not be available for Mac, this course will show you an easy solution that allows you to use Power BI desktop on your Mac for free for the next 12 months! This course is suitable for complete beginners, intermediate and advanced users, as well guide you every step of your journey with easy to understand explanations.Click 'Buy now' and start your Power BI journey today!"
Price: 199.99

"Analytical Techniques for Business Analysis (IIBA - ECBA)"
"The Analytical Techniques Used for Business Analysis is the 9th course of the Business Analysis Certification Program which includes a total of 14 courses. One definition of analysis is to break down a problem or process into its elemental parts to identify solutions. It could also apply to breaking something down to identify problems or opportunities for change. Analytical techniques assist the business analyst to identify problems and to find solutions. This course will introduce Analysis Tools for Scoping and Planning, Models that Support Business Analysis and Analyses that Support Decision making. Some examples: Benchmarking and Market Analysis, Document Analysis, Scope Modeling and State Modeling. We are also going to discuss about: Process Modeling, Process Analysis, Organizational Modeling, Interface Analysis, Data Flow Diagrams, Data Mining, Data Modeling and Prototyping. Finally, some words about Risk Analysis and Management, Financial Analysis, Root Cause Analysis, SWOT Analysis and Decision Modeling and Decision Analysis.Analysis Tools for Scoping and Planning1. Benchmarking and Market Analysis 2. Document Analysis3. Scope Modeling4. State Modelling5. Exercise: Scoping and Planning ToolsModels that Support Business Analysis1. Process Modeling2. Process Analysis3. Organizational Modeling4. Interface Analysis5. Data Flow Diagrams6. Data Mining7. Data Modeling8. Prototyping9. Exercise: Business Analysis ModelsAnalyses that Support Decision making1. Risk Analysis and Management 2. Financial Analysis3. Root Cause Analysis4. SWOT Analysis5. Decision Modeling and Decision Analysis 6. Exercise: Decision-making Analysis ToolsYou can use this course to improve your business analysis knowledge and abilities and to obtain the certifications provided by the International Institute of Business Analysis. This course is part of the Business Analysis Certification Program which includes 14 courses. Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button and see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99

"Business Analysis Certification Program Exam Questions"
"The Business Analysis Certification Program - Exam Questions course is aligned with the (Business Analysis Body of Knowledge Guide) BABOK v3 and includes the exercises of the Business Analysis Certification Program, which includes a total of 14 courses:Introduction to Business AnalysisBusiness Analysis Planning and MonitoringBusiness Analysis Elicitation and CollaborationBusiness Analysis and Requirements Life Cycle ManagementBusiness Analysis and Strategy AnalysisBusiness Analysis and RADD: Requirements DefinitionRequirements Analysis and Design DefinitionBusiness Analysis and Solution EvaluationAnalytical Techniques Used for Business AnalysisActivities and Tools Used for Business AnalysisDocumentation and Criteria Used for Business AnalysisBusiness Analysis Competencies: Personal SkillsBusiness Analysis Competencies: Professional EffectivenessBusiness Analysis PerspectivesYou can use this course to improve your business analysis knowledge and abilities and to obtain the certifications provided by the International Institute of Business Analysis. Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button and see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99

"Bash - Create Scripts - for Beginners"
"Every developer or programmer out there at one point will need to use BASH, so learning how to make scripts is the next logical move. On this course, I will get you up and running with BASH quickly so you can start creating your scriptsHave you ever wondered if there was an easier way to do things with the Terminal? The answer to that is yes, ""BASH scripting"". With scripts, you can automate all the commands you have to constantly do in the terminal. For example: Let's check out the steps to create a script with bash so we can get an idea of how powerful it is.1. Find all the files containing the words Edwin Diaz tax2. Create a folder name TAXES and put those files in there3. Wait 5 minutes4. Change the name of those files to  edwin-diaz-tax-information5. Send an email to and also to me letting know it's done!This is just an example but there are many things you can do with bash that will just make your life easier."
Price: 99.99

"Gamification in Business for Marketing and B2C and B2B Sales"
"GAMIFICATION CERTIFICATION IMPORTANT NOTICETHIS COURSE IS ONLY FOR: People that want to learn the foundations in a couple hours to implement gamification strategies in their business without having to learn all the theory or taking an 8 hour course to understand how Zynga or other mega corporations are redefining what gamification is. With this gamification course, you will not become an expert that can travel around the world speaking about gamification. What you will do save hours and hours of research online and reading 2 or 3 different books to try to come up with ideas to implement gamification for your business. You will get a well organized information about the subject, examples of how it can be used in small businesses and a step-by-step cheat-sheet to implement gamification in your business in the next 30 days.                                                                                 *********************************OVER 30,000+ PEOPLE ENROLLED ON OUR COURSES AND OVER 1,800 POSITIVE REVIEWS... THERE MUST BE A REASON FOR THAT!If you have seen other companies using gamification for their business or to engage their employees in a more motivating way. or if you have just read a few articles or heard about it; and you are intrigued and want to learn more so that you can too implement gamification strategies in your business, then this course will help you achieve that goal.But, before you enroll in this gamification course, let's find out if it is really for you.What is Gamification in Business?Well it is when you implement game elements into your business, so that you can turn some mundane or common activities or behaviors into something more appealing to do. The idea of implementing these elements in your business is so that you can get customers to buy more, or to be more loyal, or employees to complete tasks that otherwise they might not do on time or at all. And these are just some examples of what you can achieve with gamification.  But the reality is that the possibilities are endless. Gamification for business is still a pretty new idea for most of the companies, so we are just at the beginning of an explosion of gamification ideas being implemented different industries, and different ways of using it. Is Gamification a Good Idea for your Business?Absolutely. Yes I know, how can we guarantee that without knowing anything about you? Well, easy, because every single business gan implement some aspects of gamification in one or another way. Yes! EVERY SINGLE BUSINESS. Some businesses might have more possibilities, some might be able to do more complex strategies, but every business can do some gamification:Gamification for small businesses and entrepreneurs: of course, not only they can use it, they must use it to be able to better compete for a market share in a world where social media marketing and big corporations are more and more relevant. With gamification, you can encourage customers to buy from you or hire you, and this without spending big amounts of money in marketing.Gamification for solopreneurs, coaches and consultants: If you are in this category, then you can (and should) learn how to implement gamification to increase your sales or to strengthen your customers' loyalty. With some easy techniques you can make a big difference for your business.Gamification for shops, restaurants, clinics, etc: This is the same as small businesses, but I wanted to add this paragraph, because often, after saying that it works for ""small businesses"" someone will ask us ""I have X kind of business, will it work for me?"" and I just wanted to insist that yes it will.Gamification for Employee Engagement Gamification is not just a way to increase sales, you can use it to motivate your employees, to get them to be more engaged in their job, and more importantly, to enjoy their jobs more than they do right now.YOU SHOULD ENROLL IN THIS COURSE TODAY ONLY IFYou want to learn more about gamification to implement it in your business.You are mostly a happy person (I am not a big fun of haters, but if you are I wish you the best! and I will recommend you another course and give you 100 imaginary points!).You are going to make things happen!YOU SHOULD  DEFINITELY SHOULD NOT TAKE THIS COURSE IF (SERIOUSLY, DON'T ENROLL HERE IF YOU ARE IN ANY OF THE NEXT CATEGORIES PLEASE):You are an expert in gamification and are looking to become a master. Well, this is not your course, here you will learn the basic understanding to implement it in your business, and if you are an expert, you already know that.You tend to complain a lot, all the time, if the sun shines you complain, and if it rains you complain as well. Then, let me tell you you won't enjoy this course :)Well, if you read all of this, that means that you can and should increase your status and become a VIP member:                                                                                                      ***ENROLL NOW***"
Price: 49.99

"The Art of Astral Projection & Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming"
"This is my level 2 Advanced training focusing on achieving Out of Body Experience (Astral Projection).Students will learn to use my own method based on Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming`s Direct technique, which is the conscious transition from meditation into the non-physical realm.My level 1 Beginner training is centered around Dream Induced Lucid Dreaming and Mindfulness, which also prepares the mind for advanced Dream Yoga practices. (Udemy Best seller)Welcome!Please check out the free previews!My name is Peter Torok and I would like to welcome you to my OBE / Astral Projection course. I have taught this skill one to one, online and on retreats. I am dedicating most of my time to researching psychology and consciousness.I personally think that we can learn so much about the nature of the mind through deep meditation! Moreover, the out of body state enables us to peek into the structure of reality, to look into our subconscious mind and to explore spirituality in a truly experiential way...My achievements in the field-Over 600 lucid dreams & OBEs since 2010-Received `permission to teach` from Kagyu Buddhist linage-Dream yoga practices, e.g.: meditation while being `out of body`-Author of three best-selling courses and one book-Dream control skills, e.g.: summoning personas, going through walls, flying, creation-Expertise of herbal supplements & dealing with nightmares and sleep paralysis-Expertise of dream interpretation and subconscious patternsThe benefits of Astral Projection and advanced lucid dreaming-The absence of physical boundaries is glorious bliss-People describe it as one of the most important experiences of their life-Spiritual exploration, e.g.: spirit guides, angels, psychic powers, akashic records, past lives-Learn the non-physical laws of the astral realm and the energy body-Explore worlds beyond the known; travel through space, walls and portals-In an advanced lucid dream, one may manifest anything and live out any fantasy-Deep relaxation and meditation exercises-Advanced skills so lengthen and stabilize altered states of consciousness-Eliminate nightmares and sleep paralysis; discover the root of any fears you may have-The fear of death may completely disappear for some people-Try or practice something in an advanced lucid dream that you would not dare in waking life-Self healing: access memories and tackle the source of emotional conflicts-Unleash your lucid creativity like Einstein and Leonardo Da VinciWhy choose my course?-You will learn from a qualified teacher (PGCE) and best-selling author-You will learn my step by step method, which allows me to enter the OBE state on demand-Abstract concepts are explained by custom made animations-You will receive guided meditations made by me-You gain access to my Facebook community, in which you may ask me questionsWhat does Astral Projection feel like?An out of body experience is somewhat similar to a lucid dream, except it is an even more spiritual and powerful experience. Imagine that you are lying in bed and meditating. You become really relaxed, so much so that you`re hardly feeling your body. Your mind is calmand open. Suddenly, you begin to sense a peculiar vibration all over your body, which doesn`t really feel like anything we`re used to. It`s like all of your cells are vibrating in union. If you are able to just observe and allow to be enveloped by the vibration, you can reach a point when you begin to sense a sort of duplicate of your physical body. Let`s call this the energy body. Then, you begin to move it slightly, or even see it. And that is when the mind-blowing thing happens: You will feel that your energy body literally pops out of your physical body and then youre suddenly seeing yourself from above! You are self-aware, there aren`t any dreamlike creations around you. You are standing beside your body, looking down at yourselfyou are free to do anything, free to go anywhere! This is how I experience my OBEs. Now, what you do once you have entered this state, is up to you. We can talk about psychological phenomena, like interacting with your subconscious mind in the form of dream projections, or if you like, you may begin your spiritual journey into the astral realms, past lives and clairvoyancy. I won`t tell you what to think. I strongly believe that it is best to experience these altered states of consciousness with an open mind. What I am here for, is to help you go through the door.Check out the free previews!I'm confident that you'll love the course and that once you take action, you will revolutionise your sleeping, dreaming and wakeful life!I hope to see you soon,Peter"
Price: 199.99

"Style Builder para SketchUp. Crea tu propio estilo grfico!"
"Con este curso te hars un autentico experto en el dominio de los estilos visuales de SketchUP.Por lo que sers capaz de sacar el mximo partido a tus diseos 3d, representando tus ideas y proyectos de una forma increblemente atractiva visualmente. Este es el curso ms completo y desarrollado sobre esta prctica y til funcionalidad de SketchUp. Ahorra tiempo y esfuerzo creando impresionantes vistas y escenas grficas de tu proyecto 3d. La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano del instructor lvaro Garca. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este curso te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que esta formacin incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 59.99

"Active Directory: Deploying and managing certificates"
"After designing and deploying the certification authority (CA) hierarchy, it is very important to design certificate templates properly, define certificate usage, and implement backup and recovery techniques for certificates.In this module, you will learn how to deploy and manage certificates, configure certificate templates, and manage the enrollment process. In addition, you will learn about using certificates in business environments and about deploying and managing smart cards.ObjectivesAfter completing this module, you will be able to: Deploy and manage certificate templates. Manage certificate deployment, revocation, and recovery. Use certificates in a business environment. Implement and manage smart cards."
Price: 134.99

"Ionic 4, React, GraphQL & Apollo: Consumindo API da SpaceX"
"O curso ter um total de 13 sees, as aulas j esto todas gravadas e sendo upadas gradativamenteO Ionic 4 j um grande sucesso, hoje um dos frameworks mais (se no o mais) usados para o desenvolvimento de Apps Hbridos para Android e iOS, Web, PWA's e at mesmo Desktop.Trouxe como grande novidade nesta ltima verso a aposta nas tecnologias da Web ao se basear agora em Web Components, permitindo assim que desenvolvedores o utilizem para criar Apps no mais somente com o Angular, mas tambm usando Vue, React, qualquer outro framework Front-end, ou mesmo nenhum usando JavaScript puro!Com grandes melhorias principalmente em relao performance por conta de trazer o recurso de Lazy Loading dos Components por padro, a V4 promete manter e ainda elevar o timo legado que as verses anteriores construram.Neste curso voc vai aprender a desenvolver uma aplicao focada na Web usando Ionic 4 e sua integrao oficial com o React, usar o Apollo React Hooks, consumir a API GraphQL da SpaceX (:o), trabalhar com os Hooks do React, Menus, Grid, Modais e muito mais!Ao final do curso voc ter conhecimento suficiente para construir seus prprios Apps com o Ionic e ainda usar boas prticas de projetos com o React."
Price: 219.99

"The Complete Guide To Mastering Tarot Cards Diploma Course"
"Study In Confidence with Dr Karen E Wells : Bestselling Instructor with over 71,000 Udemy students (over 43,000 students buying additional courses) in 177 countries!Join Over 70,000 Students already studying with Dr Karen E Wells.The Complete Guide To Mastering Tarot Cards Diploma CourseFully Accredited Diploma Course - Master The Art Of Tarot To Give Accurate Readings For Yourself And Others! This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association.Our Complete Guide To Mastering Tarot Cards Diploma course is designed to introduce you to the intricacies of the cards so that you can learn to interpret them for yourself or for others. The course is a combination of video modules and an in depth training manual which has self assessments for your own learning along the way.Tarot cards are a wonderful way in which to find out more about yourself and they help you to determine how to progress in life and how to eliminate any fears. Think of the Tarot cards as being a positive force for change and the process of reading these cards is intriguing but first, you must understand the meanings of the individual cards.When you are working with tarot cards, it is important to think in symbols or in images and to learn to interpret these. This often becomes quite an instinctive thing to do as we are surrounded by symbols and images. We often do not realize in a conscious way because our thinking is automatic but as we become more familiar with the tarot cards and adjust perspective, it can alter how you view the world around you and how you view yourself or how your clients view themselves.Our easy to learn modules include:Introduction to The Complete Guide To Mastering Tarot Cards Diploma CourseYour The Complete Guide To Mastering Tarot Cards Diploma Course Training Manual PDFTarot CardsThe Possibilities of the TarotMajor Arcana CardsIntroducing the Minor ArcanaThe Minor Arcana CardsThe Royal CardsTarot Card SpreadsFinal Summary & Bringing It All TogetherAccreditationFAQAnd Much More!This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association."
Price: 94.99

"Emprendimiento con Propsito; un Desarrollo Profesional"
"Quieres aclarar o confirmar tu propsito en la vida y ademas, crear un hermoso proyecto para hacerlo realidad? Tu propio emprendimiento en tus manos, un desarrollo profesional y personal.En este curso trabajamos de una forma practica en tu propsito como emprendedor, por medio de un desarrollo profesional y personal. Por medio de ejercicios prcticos logras mas claridad en cuanto a tu propsito en el emprendimiento, luego aprendes formas para iniciar a manifestarlo en el mercado y en el mundo. Quiz eres un coach, consejero, asesor, terapeuta y quieres iniciar tu propia practica. De pronto sueas con renunciar y dedicarte por completo a lo que te gusta hacer. O quiz necesites un cambio en la direccion de tu vida, pero no tienes aun claridad para donde...Buenas noticias; este curso te ayuda a descubrir, aclarar y empezar a poner en marcha!En la primera parte del curso exploras varias tecnicas que te ayudan a aclarar tu mision en la vida, proyecto de vida o pasion. Son tecnicas de desarrollo personal que te ayudan a definir tus obstaculos, explorar oportunidades y talentos, para que al final, tienes una idea clara a donde quieres ir y estas orientado sobre que camino tomar.Lo que dicen mis clientes:I am an experienced entrepreneur who has already achieved a record-breaking IPO. I am also a bestselling non-fiction author of 14 books/$3.8m+ sales and my work has been endorsed by many top business leaders. Inge is fantastic. I highly recommend her. Inge doesn't just have the brilliant professional knowledge to help you achieve your goals, she speaks the truth and has great intuition. Combine all these things and you can imagine how valuable her support is. I am certain you won't be disappointed. Thank you. Inge!J.B.Thank you so much for your help! Idk what it was about how you explained these concepts to me, but I had been struggling to understand them for two years and suddenly after talking to you it all made sense. I am forever grateful for your assistance and I will be coming to you for advisement in the future! Thank you so much again!B.Inge has taken the time to properly research my business and delivered an outstanding BMC along with very valuable suggestions that defiantly helped me in looking at my overall strategy & business model from a different prospective with highlighting the core activities that needs to be focused on. She's really professional and easy to communicate with. The work was delivered on time. REALLY recommended!!J.Provocative and out of the box approach to solving the problem. Not a rush job, but very thoughtful and insightful. Thanks for helping us out on this! Much appreciated.A.Inge is a great mentor, she helped me correct and refine my business plan and her expertise and advice were invaluable and vitally important in preparing my Business Model and Business Plan. Without her it would have been a mess. She is a highly skilled professional.S.We had a very good collaboration throughout the project. She is an expert in BM studies and I love to continue working with her. She delivered more than what we were expecting and really considering for long term cooperation. Thanks IngeA."
Price: 59.99

"California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) - Complete Course"
"The only CCPA course in the online environment - 4+ hours, GDPR side by side comparison - all explanations in one place.Take your step further to California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) compliance!The course starts with California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) generalities, what it is, who is protected and why, how to comply, what are penalties and some simple compliance strategies. Then we will draft a privacy policy under California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and we will debate also regarding transfers to 3rd parties.Response to consumers access requests are important under California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and we will treat them separately followed by the complete list of Consumer Rights.Data Security Breaches are inevitable so you need to be prepared to react and respond on them. You will understand security requirements, elements of a claim, statutory damages and impact on companies.And the best thing is yet to come. We will compare side by side GDPR and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) starting with different scopes and analysing each and every right, controllers/processors vs businesses and consumers also.Then on the implementation part, we will go and explain some real world case from different industries like Advertising, Retail, Healthcare, IoT, Financial, and different B2B cases. We will end up with some conclusions, how to operationalise California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the ammendments that were published to the law."
Price: 104.99

"The Ultimate Confidence Course: claim your inner power"
"Build natural confidence and self-esteem.Would you like to become more confident than you can imagine?Would you like to overcome self-doubt, low self-esteem, and lack of self-worth?In this 6.5-hour professionally recorded online training course, International best-selling training Steven Burns will take share with you the secrets of creating solid, sustainable confidence. He will take you through a wide range of tools, techniques & ideas designed to help you overcome low self-esteem, build rock-solid confidence, and cultivate strong self-belief.Become the person you know you can be!This programme is not just about telling you to puff your chest out, stand tall and make eye contact.It's a comprehensive deep-dive into the multi-layered nature of confidence, self-esteem, and self-belief.By utilising the power of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) & Hypnosis, Steven will teach you his step-by-step process for building a rich sense of self-confidence that lasts.By enrolling on the course, you will learn:How to be the person you know you can be.What confidence really is.How to develop a multi-layered, rich sense of confidence.How to build feelings of confidence.How to create a Positive Self-Image.The Self-Image Multiplier Technique.How to feel more secure in yourself.How to use ""Psychological Mentoring"" to boost your confidence.How to use ""Archetypes"" to become a more well-grounded & deeply resourceful person.How to overcome Low Self-Esteem and Self-Worth.How to develop a solid ""quiet"" confidence.The Success Tunnel Technique - used to boost Self-Belief.How to tap into your ""Best Self"".How to let go of Social Anxiety.How to boost Socially Confidence.Having a high level of confidence and self-esteem is important. It's one of the key ingredients we use when it comes to living a happy, successful and secure life.Join Steven today and become more confident than you can imagine."
Price: 199.99

"Starting, Developing and Sustaining a Therapy Practice"
"Are you thinking of starting a private therapy practice? Maybe you are struggling to know how to go about it? You are probably excited about using your skills to help those who need you, but, how do you get there from here?Like acquiring any role, becoming a self-employed practitioner is a multi-layered process. There is information you need to know, skills you need to learn, action you need to take, and of course, handling the emotional impact of all of that. Unlike qualifying as a therapist, there is no clear path, no syllabus or college course you can take that will lead you there. Each persons journey is unique to them, and there are many routes. There is a dizzying amount of information about small business out there, but much of it is irrelevant to the practice of counselling and psychotherapy.Who is this workshop for?This workshop provides information and support to therapists and counsellors who are starting a private therapy practice, whether part or full time, or have recently done so. It is designed to help you get started by identifying the essentials.Course content includes:We will explore the practicalities of starting a practice, and in being self employed. You will envision the practice you would like to create, and the services you will provide. You can begin to identify your preferred clients and the channels through which to attract them. We will also explore the financial issues you may need to address, such as how much do you hope to earn from your practice, and what will be your typical costs and expenses, pricing and charging for your work, and valuing your time and expertise. At each stage we will also look at the challenges and dilemmas you will meet along the way."
Price: 94.99

"CLINICAL SAS Programming The Simplest Guide *SAS Clinical"
"What is Clinical Data?Clinical data is a staple resource for most health and medical research. Clinical data is either collected during the course of ongoing patient care or as part of a formal clinical trial program. Clinical data falls into six major types:Electronic health records.Administrative DataClaims DataPatient/Disease RegistriesHealth SurveysClinical trials DataElectronic Health RecordThe purest type of electronic clinical data which is obtained at the point of care at amedical facility, hospital, clinic or practice.Often referred to as the electronic medical record (EMR), the EMR is generally not available to outside researchers. The data collected includes administrative and demographic information, diagnosis, treatment, prescription drugs, laboratory tests, physiologic monitoring data, hospitalization, patient insurance, etc.Administrative DataThese types of data are associated with electronic health records, which are primarily hospital discharge data reported to a government agency like AHRQ.Claims DataClaims data describe the billable interactions (insurance claims) between insured patients and the healthcare delivery system. Claims data falls into four general categories: inpatient, outpatient, pharmacy, and enrolment. The sources of claims data can be obtained from the government (e.g., Medicare) and/or commercial health firms (e.g., United HealthCare).Patient / Disease RegistriesDisease registries are clinical information systems that track a narrow range of key data forcertain chronic conditions such as Alzheimer's Disease, cancer, diabetes, heart disease,and asthma. Registries often provide critical information for managing patient conditions.Health SurveysIn order to provide an accurate evaluation of the population health, national surveys of themost common chronic conditions are generally conducted to provide prevalence estimates.National surveys are one of the few types of data collected specifically for research purposes,thus making it more widely accessible.Clinical Trials Registries and DatabasesWhat is Clinical Data Management?Clinical Data Management is the process of handling data from clinical trials. The inherent goal of any clinical data management system is to produce and maintain quality data. Clinical data management is a critical process in clinical research, which leads to the generation of high-quality, reliable, and statistically sound data from clinical trials. Clinical data management ensures the collection, integration, and availability of data at appropriate quality and cost."
Price: 189.99