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"170+ iOS 11 & Swift 4 Interview Questions"
"NB! This is NOT a course for complete beginners. You need to have worked with Swift and Xcode for a while, at least. Otherwise it will be difficult for you to relate the theory to real-words examples.Have you ever reached the moment, when on an iOS developer interviewthey start asking you theoretical questions you can't answer? Have you wondered whattheorystays behind the applications you create? Do you want all of the basicprincipleson one place, explained in a simple way? Then this course is forYOU! Withmore than 170iOS 11 & Swift 4 interview questions, the170+ iOS 11 & Swift 4 Interview Questionscourseis here to help you.The whole information is built is understandable way, waiting for you to take it now! Use it when you need to...examine yourselves;build your confidence before an interview up;get preparedfor a test;just revise what you have already learntIt will be always handy when you need a reference to one or another theoretical concept. Tired of reading through hundreds of pages with documentation? The170+ iOS 11 & Swift 4 Interview Questionsis there, designed for you!A junior developer? A job-seeker? A student? Do give it a try!"
Price: 24.99

"The Complete English Grammar Course 1 - from A1 to C1 level"
"Welcome to the uniqueComplete English Grammar Course - from A1 to C1 level course!This course is created to help you build your grammar skills. With the numerous lectures and exercises, its aim is to be the one of a kind solution to all doubts in terms of using English structures.NB! This is NOT a course for Native Speakers. The instructor is NOT a native speaker as well.The English Grammar Course is designed to suit your needs perfectly well. If you are a complete beginner, or if you just want to revise the basics, start from the very first lecture and follow the step-by-step approach. If you follow my instructions during the video lectures and practise on your own after each video, you will be able to achieve great results at the end of the course.When you've revised the basic structures, challenge yourself with the two advanced section - 150 FCE transformations and 150 CAE transformations. If you succeed in completing the exercises on your own, you may be really proud of the progress you've made!This course is idea for everyone! Choose your level, choose your problem areas -start revising, start studying. Do not skip the exercises. This is the time you can check what you have actually remembered from the theory.The one before thelast section of the course if of great importance too - ""Exercises that teach"". Here you will find 40 + more tests and assignments, with their answers and explanations. ADVICE: Do not go for them, until you finish the whole course. Once you complete it, then use the exercises for revision. Do them step by step and answer any questions that may arise.I'm so excited to have you here!Good luck!"
Price: 199.99

"CAE Multiple Choice Advanced English Grammar Practice Tests"
"Welcome to theCAE Multiple Choice Advanced English Grammar Practice Tests course!As the name goes, this course:1. Is for those of youwith advanced knowledge of the language2. Is a set of GrammarPractice Tests - 6 tests, 20 questions eachThis is a practice-tests based ONLY course, which means the course does not consist of video lectures, but of tests with pre-set timing, structure and explanations.What you should keep in mind when taking a test:1.You canpause the testat any time and resume later.2. You can retake the test as many times as you would like.3. The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.4. You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.5. You can also use Mark for Review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.6. If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.Once you complete the test, you will see a graph with your results. Here you can take a look at the overall score, as well as at the knowledge areas you have some gaps in.Press the REVIEW QUESTIONS button, to see where exactly your mistakes were.IMPORTANT!There is an explanatory note added for each and every question. Take a look at them, do not doubt taking notes, rewriting, or memorizing all the set phrases, collocations and idioms in the best for you way.Hope you will find this course useful!Good luck!"
Price: 49.99

"FCE Multiple Choice Advanced English Grammar Practice Tests"
"Welcome to the FCEMultiple Choice Advanced English Grammar Practice Tests course!As the name goes, this course:1. Is for those of youwith upper-intermediate toadvanced knowledgeof the language2. Is a set ofGrammarPractice Tests -5 tests, 20 questions eachThis is a practice-tests based ONLY course, which meansthe course does not consist of video lectures, but of tests with pre-set timing, structure and explanations.What you should keep in mind when taking a test:1.You canpause the testat any time and resume later.2. You canretake the testas many times as you would like.3. The progress bar at the top of the screen will showyour progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.4. You canskip a questionto come back to at the end of the exam.5. You can also useMark for Reviewto come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.6. If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press thestop button.Once you complete the test, you will see a graph with your results. Here you can take a look at theoverall score, as well as at theknowledge areasyou have some gaps in.Press theREVIEW QUESTIONSbutton, to see where exactly your mistakes were.IMPORTANT!There is anexplanatory noteadded for each and every question. Take a look at them, do not doubt taking notes, rewriting, or memorizing all theset phrases, collocations, idioms and phrasal verbsin the best for you way.Hope you will find this course useful!Good luck!"
Price: 39.99

"How To Become A Great Leader"
"Leadership is the difference between companies that achieve amazing results and those that go bust, for projects being delivered on-time, in-budget or being late and overspending. Great Leadership, simply put, is the difference between success and failure and for those that can master it, the world is their oyster. Great leaders are be in demand, get offered the exciting jobs, and are very well paid for their service. If you want to become a great leader, then you need to build influence, and the more influence you have, the more effective your leadership will be. On this course, you will learn the importance of Influence, its impact on leadership, and the practical steps you can take to increase yours.There are six components to great leadership. CharacterReputationKnowledgeNetworkActionPositionThis course will breakdown these first five components, explain why they are importantand help you improve all of them to help you land a great leadership position.You don't need to have any leadership background or experience. You just need a desire to lead and a willingness to take action.Here are someof the reviews received5 Stars""Gordon is an amazing Leader and has got that ability to coach people the same. He is very direct with his message and gives lots of real world examples which makes the course very interesting. I recommend this course to anyonewho is looking to grow as a leader and wants to be a team player"" . Deepak Madilla5 Stars ""Gordon Tredgold is a true leader. His course is comprehensive and delivered in a manner that is easy to understand. He is most certainly in touch with the ""real"" world of business and how it works. I will use this valuable information to improve my leadership skills and grow my business.""Dr Shelly Plumb5 Stars .""Extremely good course. There are plenty of leadership courses out there but too many add complexity and detail where it is not needed. Gordon gets straight to the point and uncovers success strategies that even the most experienced can learn from. Well done!Charles BennetThis course is ideal for people looking to move into leadership roles or who are looking to improve their leadership and land an even bigger role!"
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Fotografia - SEU PRIMEIRO PASSO"
"O curso bsico de fotografia da JooFelipe Fotografia, para voc que quer comear com o p direito no incrvel mundo da fotografia.A experincia profissional em Cinema e edio de imagens e vdeos de muitos anos, passada nesse curso desde o comeo. Garantindo o curso bsico voc tambm leva descontos exclusivos nos outros nveis."
Price: 39.99

"Primeiros Passos com o Raspberry Pi"
"Durante este curso iremos passar por todos os fundamentos da placa, entendendo sua estrutura fsica e navegando pelo mundo das distribuies Linux (sistemas operacionais). Vamos conhecer grande parte dos sistemas operacionais disponveis para o Raspberry e aprender a instalar o principal deles, o Raspbian.Durante a instalao do Raspbian iremos entender os modos de operao da placa e como realizar toda instalao e operao atravs de acesso remoto, conhecido como modo headless, no qual no necessrio a utilizao de perifricos externos como monitor, mouse e teclado. Alm disso vamos aprender como habilitar o SSH (secure shell) e o WiFi antes da inicializao do sistema que ir simplificar todo o processo de instalao e utilizao imediata da placa.Com o sistema completamente configurado e instalado iremos ligar o Raspberry Pi pela primeira vez e assim iniciar uma jornada no mundo da linha de comandos. A linha de comandos ser a nossa principal porta de entrada e comunicao com o Raspbian, e a partir dela poderemos criar pastas e arquivos alm de navegar por todo o sistema somente atravs de cdigos. Vamos aprender tambm as principais configuraes do sistema operacional e como utilizar pginas de manual (man-pages) para estudar cada comando com mais profundidade.Conhecendo toda esta parte mais textual do Raspbian vamos passar a trabalhar mais com a interface visual, porm no iremos abrir mo de cdigos, vamos comear a programar em Python! Iremos conhecer todos os tipos de variveis e operaes bsicas dessa linguagem de programao, alm de estudar as principais estruturas de controle que ela oferece, como if, while e for.Com toda esta base formada estaremos prontos para interagir com o mundo exterior utilizando o Python e os recursos de hardware do Raspberry para executar aes mistas entre mundo real e virtual! Iremos criar cdigos para receber aes do mundo fsico atravs de botes e sensores e tambm enviar aes do mundo virtual para o fsico atravs de atuadores, como LEDs e buzzers.Estando familiarizado com todos estes recursos de software e hardware iremos criar projetos teis e incrveis como um Theremin Ultrassnico e um Boto que Tweeta, te mostrando as inmeras possibilidades desta placa.A partir deste ponto sua criatividade ser o limite e voc poder se aventurar sozinho na criao de seus prprios projetos!O que voc vai aprender:O que o Raspberry Pi?;Sistemas operacionais no Raspberry;Linha de comandos e principais funes;Principais configuraes do sistema;A linguagem Python e suas estruturas;Primeiros passos na eletrnica;Comunicao entre mundo fsico e virtual;O que so GPIOs e como funcionam?Porque fazer este curso?O Raspberry Pi um pequeno computador do tamanho de um carto de crdito que alm de te proporcionar todas as caractersticas de um computador convencional, oferece tambm a possibilidade de interao com o mundo exterior. Com programas escritos em praticamente qualquer linguagem voc pode manipular o mundo fsico atravs do virtual e vice-versa.Por utilizar um sistema operacional como base, sua capacidade de realizar projetos complexos superior a capacidade de microcontroladores convencionais, podendo inclusive realizar mltiplas tarefas simultneas de forma muito simplificada. Projetos envolvendo inteligncia artificial, machine learning, reconhecimento de imagens e internet das coisas (IoT) se tornam muito mais simples de serem desenvolvidos nesta plataforma, com a vantagem do tamanho da placa e sua capacidade de interao com o ambiente real atravs de sua interface de portas de entradas e sadas (GPIOs).Se voc quer se aventurar futuramente em projetos complexos e que envolvam mltiplas interaes, tanto com o mundo fsico quanto com o virtual, o Raspberry Pi ideal para voc, e o seu aprendizado abre portas para muitas outras reas, que podem ser aprimoradas mais tarde com outros cursos e sries.Porm se voc s quer se divertir esta placa tambm para voc, j que foi construda para ensinar computao e eletrnica para alunos do ensino fundamental, tendo diversos recursos didticos que te auxiliaro na entrada neste mundo incrvel chamado tecnologia.Venha conhecer tudo sobre esta placa conosco!"
Price: 354.99

"A 10 hour C#.Net Core 2 Course in Korean"
"C#.Net Core( ) C# .C# ., . .MVC , . ., SQL Database Server Entity Framework Core OR-Mapping . , . , . , C#.Net Core .C#.Net Core . , ."
Price: 33000.00

"Entendendo o ES7 e ES8 (ES2016/2017)"
"Seja muito bem-vindo a uma nova era na histria do JavaScript!H muitos anos que a linguagem JavaScript no ganhava modificaes e funcionalidades novas relevantes, mas isso finalmente mudou quando o ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) chegou. Desde ento, o TC39 - comit responsvel por manter a especificao - est lanando uma nova verso a cada ano. Neste curso - baseado no livro ECMAScript 6 - Entre de Cabea no Futuro do JavaScript - te apresentaremos as principais mudanas trazidas para a linguagem com as novas verses da especificao. Aprenderemos no somente o conceito, mas principalmente como aplic-lo na prtica no dia-a-dia. E para fixar o conhecimento, o curso acompanha uma srie de exerccios prticos e resumos em PDF dos tpicos apresentados. Veremos muitas coisas novas, como:Array.includes()Operador Exponencial (**)Object.values e Object.entriespadStart e padEndObject.getOwnPropertyDescriptors()Trailing commas in function parameter lists and callsAsync/awaitConfira o currculo do curso, as aulas gratuitase no perca mais tempo! O JavaScript no para de evoluir!"
Price: 54.99

"Mastering Brushstrokes - Part 2"
"List price of $49.99 now $19.99Brushstrokes are at the core of being an artist, and an individual's brushwork is one of the things that sets them apart from other artists. Using her approachable, easy-to-understand teaching method and lots of hands-on activities, artist Jill Poyerd breaks down historic and contemporary brushwork into twenty-two unique brushstrokes from traditional to unconventional. This course is part two of a two-part series and covers ten of the twenty-two strokes. They are broken down by style of application and include a brief history, examples of how they're used in masterpieces, visual demonstrations, and student practice exercises. By combining technical learning with visual and hands-on examples, students gain a thorough understanding of each brushstroke variation. Part two covers broken strokes as well as alternative application methods and finishes with a five-stroke painting exercise."
Price: 19.99

"Developing an Eye for Landscape Composition"
"List price of $49.99 now $19.99A landscape composition design can mean the success or failure of a piece of art whether you paint in oils, watercolor, or acrylics; draw; or work in photography. In this course, professional landscape painter, Jill Poyerd, goes beyond teaching the rules - she teaches students how to ""see"" a landscape and then translate what they see into a successful design. Using her approachable, easy-to-understand teaching method and an easy pace, students of any experience level learn by watching visually appealing video instruction and working through over 22 student activities and quizzes. Topics discussed include what makes landscapes unique, the planes theory, focal points, compositional lines, design tools of the Masters, choosing a subject, conducting a photoshoot, reconstructing images, and then using value and notan sketches to check your designs. "
Price: 19.99

"Study the Bible (2); Freedom to Choose Your 'Starting Point'"
"It is Quality rather than Quantity that matters. [Seneca]""Freedom to Choose Your 'Starting Point' courseTakes the words written in the BibleAnd resurrect them from ""Wisdom"" [Quantity]To the Creator of the Universe ""Speech"" [Quality], Which appeals to every one of the people in our worldAnd guides us how we can bring better lifeBoth personally and internationally.Through examining a seemingly simple concept, such as 'Creation,' we can learn how to live a better lifeWe will begin reading the first verses of the BibleWhich describe the creation of light and darknessWe will understand how far the messages of the Biblefrom usSlowly, we'll bridge the gapAnd bring those insights closer to understandingGrant us Full life, Empowering, an explanation That will fill your life with enlightenment and fullness.Here you will takeyour first stepIn the series of courses that will 'Open the Gate' for youFor a broad and inspiring understandingWhich gives eternal lifeFor those who act by these messagesFor the avoidance of doubt, The oldHebrew Nation don't think that everyone should be Jewish!But yes, there are some 'Rules of Ethics'That if we knew how to adopt themThe world will become a better place.And who does not want to stopwars andInstead,To find us all humanity focuses on a joint struggleAgainst diseases and hunger in the world?Freedom to Choose Your 'Starting Point' is holding the key,The first step. And it begins with every one of usInside ourselves.As a student of essential rabbis who preserved the Ancient Hebrew tradition,And as an educator in the State of Israel who taught the Bible for more the 30 years,I got to ""crack"" the messages here,In a way that introduces you to 'Hidden Content' from the public throughout the generations,By explaining complex matters comprehensively and entertainingly.This is your chance to be exposed to these contents and to bring you to a full inner strength."
Price: 44.99

"Study the Bible (3); Torah Purpose in the 'Beginning.'"
"This course operates on two levels simultaneouslyRecognize and Release Negative Patterns of Guilt, Worrying, Anxiety, and Fear.From his open side [just listening to the content of the third part]You can get the latest knowledge science knownetoday,Dealing with Guilt, Worrying, Anxiety, and Fear.How to Identify those feeling, learn and understand better when these feelings may appear in your life, so you won't let them 'take over.', the Mindfulness side.Also, you will receive a tested method here, which does not require much effort, What to do when you feel one of those feeling [Guilt, Worrying, Anxiety, and Fear.] to improve your bad feelings.Uplift Yourself to your next level in lifeOn a deeper level, You will be able to see in depth, the difference between science, with all its greatness, and the fantastic achievements it brings to our world - And man, with his incredible ability to live in our world correctly.We will also learn what is the right step to promote our society to a better place.Our primary goal isTo treat the 'Human Code,';I mean: to develop and realize an individual'sEmotional, Intellectual and Behavioral potential.After all, this is the essential resource on our planet!In this course, we will learn the first step through the FIRST word of the Bible as the Hebrew nation preserved throughout are more than welcome to join me on this life journy"
Price: 79.99

"The Hebraic Conception of God, Morality and World History"
"In this course, Ph.D. Candidate Raphael BenLevi presents the Hebraic understanding of lifes most fundamental questions regarding the nature of the Creator and His relationship with a man, human reason, and divine revelation, the source of morality and the ultimate meaning of world history. The content is based on the writings of R. Eliezer Berkovits, particularly his classic book, God, Man, and History, and integrated with additional sources from the Jewish canon and from general philosophy. The course provides the building blocks of belief according to the Hebraic tradition. The Hebraic tradition is in some sense synonymous with the Jewish tradition but it emphasizes its more universal aspects that are relevant not only for someone coming from within that tradition but for all human beings.This course is unique in that it presents deep theological, moral and philosophical ideas in clear and rational language. In order to further elucidate the Hebraic viewpoint, the ideas put forth are often compared and contrasted with other traditions of thought such as mysticism, Christianity, and the great thinkers of Western philosophy. Finally, the building blocks of personal questions of faith and morality are put into the much broader context of national existence and human history. The student will come away with a strong foundation in the authentic Hebraic outlook on life, which is sure to inspire, enlighten and surprise. As well, one will find here insights into personal life, communal life, and national existence, applicable to all who desire to receive this ancient wisdom in contemporary and relevant language."
Price: 39.99

"GO VEGAN: How To Go Vegan Masterclass"
"Go Vegan in 5Simple Steps with the How To Go Vegan Masterclass.Go Vegan and join Lewis Hamilton, Venus Williams & SerenaWilliams, Novak Djokovic,Nick &Nate Diaz, andDavid Haye, who all enjoy the benefitsofa VeganlifestyleWould you like to Go Vegan for ethical, environmental, or health reasons?Have you researched how to go vegan online but been left with questions unanswered, or confused as to where you should actually start?Do you want to make a positive impact in the world whilst eating healthier food that leaves you feeling great?If your answer is YES... Then this is exactly the course you are looking for!While there are plenty of people out there telling you to go vegan, it's hard to find a comprehensive all in one course like this one, showing you HOW to do it.I meet people all the time who would like to go vegan, but theyre confused by all the information out there. They dont know where to startand theyre worried about how it will fit into their busy lifestyle. They say things like Id like to go vegan, but I could never give up cheese or it must be so difficult or I dont know where to start. They are left unhappy because they'd like to go vegan, butthink that if they dogo vegan, they'll be left with a miserable diet. Ultimately, they want the satisfaction of making a positive impact in the world, whilst eating delicious food that leaves them feeling great.There are many things you can do to successfully go vegan, but in my experience it all comes down to just 3 fundamentals.WHY - Getting clear on your reason for going veganHOW - Knowing how to make it work for you and your unique situationACTION - Taking action and not just waiting for One DayIve distilled these 3 fundamentals into an easy 5 step blueprint that makes going veganaccessible for anyone with a desire to make it happen.So what is the How To Go Vegan Masterclass?In the course, I walk you through my simple 5 step, How To Go Vegan strategy. It makes going vegan and making a positive impact in the world an easy and seamless experience. You will gain a complete understanding of how to go vegan, in a way that adds quality and value to your life. You will gain a thorough understanding of how to set yourself up for long term vegan success, even before you get started.The course is broken down into 5 easy steps, with each step covering a different aspect of going vegan, andbuilding upon the previous step.The course has been designed so that no matter what your situation andcurrent level of understanding, by the end of it, you will be clued up witheverything that you need to know, and ready to go vegan.The course is action oriented and contains real-world advice. It provides easy to follow tutorials, and simple exercises that have you building your own customised plan to going vegan, in a way that compliments your existing way of living.By the end of the How To Go Vegan Masterclass, your confidence will soar. You'll have:Developed a crystal clear WHY for going veganDeveloped a strategy and plan to make it work for your individual needs and circumstances (including meals and food preferences)Debunked all the vegan myths and misconceptions that stop everyone else from going veganDeveloped a real-world understanding of what its like to go vegan, and the benefits it providesTaken decisive action to make this essentialgoal a reality.Why You Need This Course For most people, going vegan without prior knowledge or guidance can be a difficult process. There are myths that need to be debunked, your new lifestyle may be called into question from those around you, and your willpower will be put to the test. Youre stepping into a whole new world of nutrition and well.. you are very much in the dark about what REALLY works.The truth though is that there are simple things that you can do today to get it right from day one. Rather than learning the hard way and trying to do it all on own, your best move right now is learning from somebody who knows veganism inside out and wants to see you succeed.There's never been a better time to go vegan than now.When you are finished with this course, you will be ready to go!With my30 day money back guarantee, you have nothing to risk but everything to gain! Go ahead and click the ""buy now"" button,and I look forward to seeing youin the course!"
Price: 59.99

"Become from Shy to super Confident in front of the camera"
"Do you want to create a deep connection with your viewers/students?Do you want to give to them this amazing gift - your unique personality?Do you want to feel pleasure when you are in front of the camera, and to feel that you are master of this game?This ""miracle"" can happen easier and faster than you think! Even if you are a super shy person or big introvert!Why can you believe this? Because I am shy and introvert too. And a time ago, to be in front of the camera was a nightmare for me! But now, I Love to be in front of the camera! I am my real ""ME"", and I feel so cool!Let me share with you ""the formula"" that will make this transformation for you too! You need only to want this really, and to be ready to take action!"
Price: 99.99

"A tabela Dinmica um dos melhores recursos do Excel sem dvidas, mas poucos sabem utiliza-l no seu extremo. Neste curso irei ensinar desde os conceitos mais bsicos at tcnicas avanadas para que voc se transforme em um mito nas tabelas dinmicas. Aps esse curso voc ir melhorar significativamente as suas anlises no Excel."
Price: 54.99

"The Roadmap to Feeling Full For Longer with Fewer Calories"
"This course is a roadmap to teach you how to make smart food choices, feel full and satisfied all day. By the end of the course you will own all the tools to help you feel your best all day long. You will not feel hungry at any time during the day."
Price: 99.99

"How To Make Simple Try it HTML Editor & Color Picker Fast!"
"In this Course you you will be introduced with two main things1-HTML Editor:Creating html editor is made easy for you here, you will be able within few minuts to create html editor just like w3schools or tutorialpoint. It will not only work for html even it supports css, javascript too.2- Color Code Picker:When you have been working as a web designer you thick which color is better for your area, in this course you just make your own color picker and to select a particular color and get code on the spot. it also help you to make customization for coloring."
Price: 19.99

"What is Gmail How to use it (A Complete Gmail Guide)"
"Gmail is so much more than sending and receiving emails. With an educated user at the controls, Gmail can help organize your messages (and your life)! You can customize the app to your personal style and have it perform tasks for you! First, learn the basics of composing, formatting and inserting attachments, links, photos and emoticons. Then, quickly master advanced features like stars, importance markers, labels, filters and labs. Discover little known features like last activity and other hidden gems! In the Contacts section, you will manage the people in your world and communicate more efficiently with groups. Finally, uncover the bonus apps: Hangouts expands Gmail to include text, voice and video! Tasks mange your to-dos and Keep is the place to create and store notes. All this in Master Gmail!"
Price: 19.99

"All In One Editor Like W3Schools or tutorialspoint"
"In this course I have started to teach html css, javascript editor. so I offered acourse by explaining different tags and some other things but at the same time it is very necessary for you me to make a html online editor there. So that I decided to do it, for this purpose I have searched many places to find out the best html reader, but I could not find it. Honestly I received some editors but did not work well as creating issues like coloring, no proper alignments and not sporting all tags even some necessary tags were being missed.Then I decided to try it myself with the help of codes what I had got from different places. Finally I got successes to create a very simple even it supports all tags and we can you it without internet connection. Moreover it sports html, JavaScript, css at the same time that is I decided to distribute with you.Under are some simple steps to used this try it editor for you self;Copy this all code and paste in your NotepadSave by giving name like myeditor.htmlOpen your save file with browser"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Free Keyword Research : For Advertisers & Bloggers"
"Keyword research is the first step to every successful campaign online.Whether it's for niche ormarket research, yourwebsite, product creation,planning acontent strategy, Pay-Per-Click advertising, asocial media strategy, or just about anything else - the first step before creating content or optimization is - KEYWORD RESEARCH!SEO has changed A LOT over the past few years and yes, it's MUCHharder to rank for keywords now.Thus it'smore important for us to focus on the right keywords. Meaning terms with low-medium organic competition that we actually have a chance of ranking for. Because after all, most of the search traffic comes from page 1 - so if you aren't on page 1 for your keywords - you aren't getting much traffic.Nowadays we must focus on ranking low-medium competition keywords so we can rank faster!It's time we work smarter - not harderin our SEO and marketingapproaches. If not, youll be stuck wasting a TON oftime and money.Enroll now and discover:What keyword research isHow to find the exact phrases and keywords customers are using to find services & productslike yoursHow to find profitable long tail keywords that are easy to rank forHow to choose your keywordsfor maximumoptimization,traffic & conversionsKeyword research tips for Google Keyword Planner & Long-Tail ProMy favorite FREEkeyword tools to gather hundreds of potentialKWterms!The Customer-Buying ProcessHow to sort keyword research like a professional in minutesHow to sort keyword research by user-intent like the prosWhere to place keywords on your websiteHow to Find Current& Seasonal Trends for Your ContentUsing Google Trendsa few BONUSES I know you'll love!Plus so MUCH MORE!THE COURSE CURRICULUM:I start the course with aquick keyword research demo inLecture 3and then break down the entire keyword research process from there.Lectures 4-10are all about sorting and organizing your researchLectures 11-22discuss how to use the best keyword research toolsLectures 23-28are keyword research basics (perfect for beginners)Lectures 29-32are some tips to help you rank higher in Google's organic search*If you have any questions throughout the course - feel free to message me anytime (I am very responsive to messages!)Sasha, How Do YouKnow So Much About Keyword Research?I've been in the SEO-game for about 8 years now. For those 8 years most of my income came from doing keyword research both through my own company and through Freelancing. And I kind of fell in love with it. It allowed me to get to learn about new industries and new products popping up in the marketplace.While I'm no longer a service provider, I still love keyword research(I'm anerd I know!)and Iuse Google's organic search engine every single day which means SEO and keywords are still very important for us to understand asonline business workers.Who Will Most Benefit From This Course?Whether you're a blogger, author, digital marketer, coach, consultant, or any other type of online professional looking to increase yourvisibility orwebsite traffic,you'll benefit greatlybylearning how to do keyword research properly and make the most of your keywords by utilizing them in specific ways throughout your website and marketing materials.Why Is Keyword Research So Important?I don't want to give everything away here but I will share the 3 most important reasons.#1) keyword research allows you to see whether your idea for a business, product, service, ect. will be profitable or not. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people skip keyword research then come back to me 6-12 months later asking for me to do keyword research for more traffic. If only they would have done niche research andkeyword research up front - they could have probably been rank page 1 in Google by now!#2) Keyword research allows you to find out your target customers exact pain-points.This allows you to custom-tailor your site language, products, services, and marketing all around your ideal prospect/customers which results in more sales &higher conversion rates.#3)Keyword research is the first step of every SEO, traffic, andlead-gen campaign.Without it - you're D.O.A.What are you waiting for?Enroll right nowand discover how to increase your SEO and traffic bydoingstrategickeyword research the easyway.By finding longtail keyword terms you can ACTUALLY RANK FOR you can gain more website visitors and sales.Still Need More Reasons to Take This Course?You getlifetime accessto course material.You canask me questionsandsee me respondto every single one of them thoughtfully!The techniques you will learn in this course aresimple, easyand effective!Master the art of finding easier-to-ranklong-tail keywords.The same strategies used for clients.This course will also layout how to best use your keywords for maximum SEOand build content around keywords that will drive organic traffic to your blog, squeeze page, website, store or social media profile!In this course, you will learnKeyword Researchfrom beginner level to advanced methods, including the use of Google Keyword Planner, Long-Tail Pro Platinum and a few special BONUSES I know you'll love! See you inside!"
Price: 19.99

"HTML & CSS Course: Basic Level (2018)"
"Learn about HTML and CSS and how they are used to create websites. HTML and CSS are 2 of the 3 main building blocks of websites on the internet today. The internet uses HTML & CSSas a set of instructions that can be then be used by browsers torender out the intended webpage. HTML is fun to write and easy to get started with. If you have ever considered creating your own website and wondered where to get started this is the course for you.HTML(HyperText Markup Language) is the most basic building block of the Web.It describes and defines the content of a webpage.ExploreHTML, how it works and how browsers use it to build webpages. HTML is created by web developers who use it to build websites. Learn how to create your own HTML boilerplate templates, that can be used and reused to make webpages. Explore HTML markup, creating headings, paragraphs, and more. See the different tags and what they do. Learn about grouping elements and how that is the first step to prepare to add styling. CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) are a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML. Its how your page looks, how your HTML elements can be designed to have colors, positions on the page, different dimensions, and more. Explore how to add color and background options to HTML elements. Find out about the Box model and how it is used to add more displayproperties to HTML elements.Putting HTML and CSS together to create webpages. We cover how to build a website from scratch.Hyperlinks how they workAdding images to webpagescreating a navbar using CSSHTML tablesHTML forms and creating a contact form for your websiteHTML structure and building your pageTweaking and updating your websiteAdding Google FontsExperienced instructor -creating websites since 1999! Learn to create a website from scratch, I'm here to help and ready to answer any questions you may have.Take the first step and learn to create your own website today."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering AT&T Vyatta (vRouter) Firewall"
"Students will learn to configure Vyatta Firewall by using examples. They will be taught on how to install a Virtualbox and enable networking on it. Later they will be showed how create virtual machines in the Virtualbox and then perform different tasks in the configuration of the firewall.All the software is free to download and therefor there is no need to purchase any software. The CLI for Vyatta is very similar to any linux based operating system. So, it will be very useful to have some background on a Linux operating system, but it is not mandatory.Students will learn how each of the feature of the Vyatta firewall functions in a networked environment and how you can restrict and allow traffic based on different criteria.Students will be able to follow the flow of traffic from one network to another and then restrict or allow it by matching IP addresses, MAC addresses and other perimeters.This course will provide a very good foundation from basics to almost intermediate level on how the firewall works and how to configure it."
Price: 19.99

"SELinux on Redhat (CentOS)"
"This course will take the students through the installation and configuration of SELinux.You will be able to perform basic to advanced level tasks to enhance the security and OS hardening of your server.While learning about how to configure and troubleshoot SELinux students will also learn how to do a lot of other preliminary tasks in Linux system administration.All the software used in the course is free and therefore should be accessible by all without any licensing issues."
Price: 19.99

"An introduction to IPTables and Firewalld in Linux"
"CentOS has an extremely powerful firewall built in, commonly referred to as iptables, but more accurately is iptables/netfilter. Iptables is the userspace module, the bit that you, the user, interact with at the command line to enter firewall rules into predefined tables. Netfilter is a kernel module, built into the kernel, that actually does the filtering. There are many GUI front ends for iptables that allow users to add or define rules based on a point and click user interface, but these often lack the flexibility of using the command line interface and limit the users understanding of what's really happening. We're going to learn the command line interface of iptables. In this course you will be introduced to the iptables concept and will gain enough knowledge to go further into the field of OS security. I have chosen CentOS as the OS flavor which is the free version of Redhat. Since it is the most commonly deployed Linux flavor, you will be in a good shape to put your newly learned skills to test right away.Although it will be good idea to some background on Linux for this course, but if you don't have it, don't worry about it. I will go over some basics at the beginning of the course."
Price: 19.99

"OSI Model Crash Course"
"This brief course will cover the OSImodel layer by layer and go through some practical applications of these layers in thenetworking field. Students will begin to understand what is the function of each of the layers and they will be able to connect the layer number to the layer name. For instance they will know that layer 3 is the same as network layer and what protocols are functional at each of the layers and what are the responsibilities of each layer.This will be a good foundational course for the students who want to further purse the networking career. The can further build on this basic knowledge to take it further."
Price: 19.99

"Crash course on Virtualization in Red Hat /CentOS (KVM)"
"Hello Students,This is a short and easy to follow course on CentOS/Red Hat KVM installation and configuration. It will teach you how virtualization works in Linux and how to create virtual machines. It will help you understand terms likehypervisor, virtual machines and guest operating systems.The course will go over network configuration for Ethernet as well as bridge network."
Price: 19.99

"Linux Tips and Tricks"
"This is a short and easy to follow crash course on Linux basics. Students who may never have cone across will be able to follow along through the dozen or so lessons which cover some of the mostused Linux commands by systems administrators.All the students will need in order to perform the basic tasks is to install a basic Linux operating system in a virtual environment if they don't have access to a Linux machine. Students can install something as small as Damn Small Linux (DSL) which is free and takes very little space in a virtualbox to install."
Price: 19.99

"Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS) -2019"
"With a combination of lectures, hands-on exercises, quizzes and demos the students will get a very good grip of the Linux operating system and will be confident enough to take the test by the end of the course. The LFCS certification exam is performance based and hence needs a lot of practice, not memorization or brain dumps. You will be required to perform tasks on a live system and your score will be based on the correctness of the tasks performed. It is a 2 hour test and requires a 74% passing score.LFCS is very high in-demand certification that is OS agnostic. Unlike some other certifications out there, you won't be required to stick to only one operating system. You will be given a choice to either pick up CentOS or Ubuntu as the operating system of your choice. Both of these operating systems are available for free and I will show you how to download and install them in a virtual environment in the first section of the course."
Price: 19.99